(sLGqTikbdlY) The Most Honest Advice About Succeeding in Life

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there's so many individuals out there

that are so talented in different things

that never accomplished anything okay

the world is filled with talented people

you know a lot of them yourselves

and they never accomplish anything with

talent has to come preparation has to

come action has to become development of

being able to take those talents take

those skills continue to develop them

continue to sharpen them physically

continue to sharpen them mentally

because at some point your physical

talent is going to diminish but what

keeps that competitive edge what keeps

you on top is the ability to think and

prepare mentally over and over

the body has limitations the mind does

not we focus so much on what goes on

from the neck down that we forget it all

starts from here

everything starts with it if you're not

mentally ready

you never really physically prepared

my transition came in when I said I'm

gonna stop playing basketball my career

is over with for most people that's the

end for me that was just the beginning

that's when my whole transformation

started into getting into the cleaner

mentality but people don't want to hear

the truth

because the truth hurts it's okay but

you grow from pain you really you really

do you can't know how to deal with

success you can't not deal with failures

you can't know how to deal with the

bumps in the road that if you haven't

had a taste of everything and once you

remember that bitter taste in your mouth

you never want to feel that again

there's a lot of people that are just a

something there's very few people that

are these something everyone talks about

when they're doing something when

they're nervous or something oh I get

butterflies I get butterflies in my

stomach okay and it happens to everybody

okay well guess what if you get the

butterflies all moving in the same

direction you've won the battle so now

from a mental standpoint if I can get

all the thoughts moving in towards one

direction instead of feeling sorry for

myself instead of putting the blame on

other individuals instead of feeling

guilty those are all emotions okay and

emotions make you weak okay I'm already

in a weakened state I don't need to be

weaker we all have that ability

we all have next level ability there's

not other people that aren't holding you

back your bosses and holding you back

your parents are holding you back those

are excuses to me there's no such thing

as luck okay all luck is preparation

meeting opportunity plain and simple you

have to be ready prepared for that

situation everybody runs from pressure

pressure is a privilege it transcends

whatever you're doing it's not a switch

you turn it on and off cleaner switches

don't need to be turning off there's no

such thing as beast mode

they're just beasts there is no mode

attack whatever you

doing attack that situation have that

attacking mentality and that that's what

that's that's the difference between

those individuals that like really

really make it and the other ones that

just make it everything matters if you

take any situation and just take the

word only and take the word just out of

it it changes the whole phrase it's just

a game it's a game it's only a job be

careful of those words trap words I'm

just gonna smoke one cigarette that

shows you their preparation from a

mental standpoint of how weak they

really are everyone sees the work that

you put in but it's what you don't see

it's going to determine how far you and

again I I hear stuff all the time people

say oh look in the mirror and you'll see

why you're not succeeding I don't

believe that okay it's what you don't

see in the mirror that's what's holding

you back it's what you're not willing to

see is why talent is not enough and when

you when you finally see it and accept

it and decide to work on it then you can

take that next level we're try so hard

in our lives to fit in we try to fit

into certain groups certain frats

certain sororities you know among

certain friends yet the people we

idolize our most are the ones that stand

out but when you're prepared there is no

fear there is no fear of failure okay

because even if you've walked out of

something and you feel like you've

failed at it your preparation is so

strong that you're gonna take that

failure and turn it into the outcome you

desire and most people stop at failure

we've all failed at things I'm going to

continue to fail it's

it's the most powerful tool you can use

but it all depends on how you use it you

know we talked about it in relentless

okay a scalpel okay in the hands of an

individual it can do unbelievable damage

in the hands of a professional of a

doctor it saves lives so it's the same

thing with failure it's how you use it

it's that drive inside of you

okay it's what we talk about the dark

side the dark side is filled with

failure but it's the fuel that burns you

like something that's never burned

inside you before you can't talk about

what you did five years ago you can't

talk about the deal that you closed last

week okay you can't talk about your

sales for last month okay those things

are expected of you don't expect to get

a pat on back for doing your job you're

supposed to do your job okay you have to

be prepared to take any and every

opportunity that's presented to you all

right nothing's just gonna happen you

know everybody say it's all on you it is

all on you there's other people that can

educate you and help you but you take

these different experiences that you

learn that stick with you I mean you may

not remember a whole lot when you were

four years old but there's certain

memories there's certain things you can

use them to either harness you to

greatness or you can use them to kind of

just keep you where you're at and most

people are just satisfied with that

there's always a next level your

definition of greatness and what you

want achieve could be totally different

than somebody else's you know we always

say no one wants to be first okay

because they're afraid of the

consequences that come with doing

something first we have tons of

information available to us okay but the

difficult part is we don't have a lot of

individuals who have the ability to

process information at a quick rate the

ones that can Excel and we call them

cleaners in the book they're so well


at their task no matter what variable is

thrown at them what circumstance they

can adjust and they can get that end

result so a cooler is a person that you

give a job to and you're gonna get the

desired result you're not gonna get

anything exceptional you're not gonna

get anything outstanding you're gonna

give them something to do they're gonna

deliver a result that's expected then

when we have closers closers are level

above that closers are people that you

give a task to you give an assignment

they're gonna deliver you that end

result majority of the time as long as

too many variables are not thrown at

them a cleaner is an individual what we

call a don't think person they're so

well prepared at what they do they spend

hours and hours of time years of getting

prepared that no matter what's thrown at

them they're going to deliver that end

result over and over again their

instincts are so dead on that no matter

what variable what problem they can

adjust on the fly and they'll have the

ability to get themselves in what we

call the zone the problem is in order to

be able to put yourself in the zone

preparation is the key and that's where

the preparation starts everybody on this

planet has a gift it's your job to

figure out what that gift is then it

becomes your job to decide whether

you're going to act on that or not



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