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Intermediate - Airport Check-In Problems (C1757)

A: 你好,先生,有行李要托运吗?
nı̌hǎo, xiānsheng, yǒu xı́ngli yào tuōyùn ma?
Hello sir. Do you have luggage to check?

B: 有,一个箱子和一个包。
yǒu, yı̄ ge xiāngzi hé yı̄ ge bāo.
Yes. One suitcase and one bag.

A: 请放上来。对不起,你的行李超重了。
qı̌ng fàng shànglai. duı̀buqı̌, nı̌ de xı́ngli chāozhòng le.
Please put it on here. I’m sorry, your luggage is overweight.

B: 不会吧?我在家里称过,刚好二十公斤。
bùhuı̀ ba? wǒ zài jiālı̌ chēng guo, gānghǎo èrshı́ gōngjı̄n.
No way! I weighed them at home; they were exactly 20

A: 你的行李超重了两点五公斤,要罚款五百块。
nı̌ de xı́ngli chāozhòng le liǎng diǎn wǔ gōngjı̄n, yào fákuǎn
wǔbǎi kuài.
Your luggage is two and a half kilos overweight. We’ll have
to charge a fee of 500 RMB.

B: 这么贵?哎!算了算了!这是我的会员卡,帮我
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zhème guı̀? ài! suàn le suàn le! zhè shı̀ wǒ de huı̀yuán kǎ,
bāng wǒ jı̄ yı̄xià lı̌chéng.
That expensive? Argh! OK, OK, whatever! Here’s my mem-
bership card. Help me add my miles.

A: 你买的是打折机票,不能积里程。
nı̌ mǎi de shı̀ dǎzhé jı̄piào, bùnéng jı̄ lı̌chéng.
You bought a discounted ticket. You can’t add these miles.

B: 打折机票也是机票,凭什么不能积?
dǎzhé jı̄piào yě shı̀ jı̄piào, pı́ng shénme bùnéng jı̄?
A discounted ticket is still an airplane ticket. Why can’t I add
the miles?

C: 各位乘客,由于天气原因,从上海飞往哈尔滨的
gèwèi chéngkè, yóuyú tiānqı̀ yuányı̄n, cóng Shànghǎi fēi-
wǎng Hā’ěrbı̄n de hángbān yào qǔxiāo!
Attention travelers: Due to weather related reasons, the
flight from Shanghai to Ha’erbin is cancelled.

B: 今天是什么日子?怎么这么倒霉!
jı̄ntiān shı̀ shénme rı̀zi? zěnme zhème dǎoméi!
What is going on today? I’m having such terrible luck!

Key Vocabulary

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行李 xı́ngli luggage

托运 tuōyùn to check (baggage)

箱子 xiāngzi suitcase

包 bāo bag

上来 shànglai up (towards the


超重 chāozhòng overweight

称 chēng to weigh

刚好 gānghǎo just to be

公斤 gōngjı̄n kilogram

罚款 fákuǎn to pay a fine

会员卡 huı̀yuán kǎ membership card

积 jı̄ to add

里程 lı̌chéng mileage, miles

打折 dǎzhé to discount

凭 pı́ng to base on

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各位 gèwèi each

乘客 chéngkè passenger

由于 yóuyú because of

原因 yuányı̄n cause

飞往 fēiwǎng to fly to

哈尔滨 Hā’ěrbı̄n Harbin

航班 hángbān airline flight

取消 qǔxiāo to cancel

日子 rı̀zi day

倒霉 dǎoméi bad luck

Supplementary Vocabulary

行李箱 xı́nglı̌xiāng suitcase

顺利 shùnlı̀ smoothly, without a


积累 jı̄lěi to accumulate

健身房 jiànshēnfáng gym

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理发店 lı̌fàdiàn hair salon

扣工资 kòu gōngzı̄ to dock a wage

不公平 bù gōngpı́ng unfair

特殊 tèshū special

航空公司 hángkōng airline company


换登机牌 huàn dēngjı̄- to change boarding

pái passes

办理 bànlı̌ to handle, to deal with

登机 dēngjı̄ to board

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