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A literature review on river pollution can be a daunting task for many students and researchers.

involves extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Navigating through numerous scholarly articles, books, and other sources can be time-consuming
and challenging. Additionally, evaluating the credibility and relevance of each source requires
expertise and attention to detail.

Writing a literature review requires not only summarizing the findings of various studies but also
identifying gaps in the existing research and proposing future directions for investigation. It demands
clarity, coherence, and precision in presenting the information to ensure that the reader can grasp the
significance of the research problem and its implications.

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Environmental pollution: causes, effects, and the remedies 21.1. Introduction Almost every human
activity that results in the degradation or depreciation of the quality of the natural environment is
regarded as pollution. How do we benefit from the activities that lead to water pollution. They are
non-bailable in order automatically each one common subject, but there should initiate programs are
the market. Emission estimates of organic and elemental carbon from household biomass fuel used
over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India. sample research paper on analysis of
type function model an. These alliances extend to scientists because access to scientific information
on pollution impacts has been important in spurring indigenous protests in many regions (Stetson
2012 ). Long- term air pollution exposure and diabetes in a population-based Swiss cohort. The
specific operation steps of our paper are as follows: select all the 3022 documents filtered in the core
collection of the Web of Science database and export them as TXT format files, save them in the
Data file and create a new Project file. Author links open overlay panel Rozi Sharma a Jan Vymazal
b Piyush Malaviya a. River as a transport route do not have technologically and. In fact, the
community credited with lighting the spark that started the environmental justice movement, Warren
County North Carolina, is still an overburdened and divested Black community. The people living
around the Amazon River also rely on it for water. About the same time, fish began to float in
Minamata Bay. Flights in and out of New Delhi International Airport are often canceled due to the
reduced visibility associated with air pollution. It is known that heavy metals such as aluminum are
noxious to wildlife and fishes. In plants, ozone penetrates through the stomata, inducing them to
close, which blocks CO 2 transfer and induces a reduction in photosynthesis ( 118 ). Without any
doubt, technological improvements makes our world easier and it seems difficult to reduce the
harmful impact caused by gas emissions, we could limit its use by seeking reliable approaches. The
Chambal River of India is considered as the cleanest river of India. Q.5 Which is the cleanest river in
the world? Ans. Air Quality Standards to the European Union and WHO. Nitrates come from
excessive human waste; this waste encounters the river wrought the ground when septic tanks
become overloaded. The use of fuels such as wood fuel or solid fuel for domestic needs due to low
incomes exposes people to bad-quality, polluted air at home. Acid rain, global warming, the
greenhouse effect, and climate changes have an important ecological impact on air pollution ( 53 ).
Ozone damages to mediterranean crops: physiological responses. They should fully leverage the
noncoercive constraints imposed by the public on businesses and local governments in environmental
development. Nile river has benefits many people for many decades. Environmental effects of
increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. In a lawsuit, the communities argued that contamination by
the sewage would undermine their belief systems and the cultural practices that depend on the
mountain's purity (Schlosberg and Carruthers 2010 ). China and India are countries notorious for
excessive water pollution. Pollutants have differences in physical and chemical properties, explaining
the discrepancy in their capacity for producing toxic effects. Polluting activities conducted by IPs
Such activities have been highlighted in the literature, particularly those activities related to the use
of fire.
Collaborative emissions reduction effect of environmental regulation is explored. First, it only
considers the macrolevel impact of public environmental concern on environmental pollution.
Gaseous compounds are eliminated more easily by our respiratory system ( 41 ). Yang and Chou
(2018) find that the shutdown of power plants located upwind of New Jersey reduced the likelihood
of having a low-birthweight or preterm infant by 15% and 28%, respectively. SOCIAL JUSTICE
Sample essay on the causes of the amazon river pollution 1. Total Volatile Organic Compounds
(TVOC) in Indoor Air Quality Investigations. Additionally, environmental pollution is caused by
natural events like volcanic eruptions. The Kyoto protocol and the subsequent ones were ratified by
many countries. River pollution also leads to decrease in freshwater resources because rivers are
among most important sources of freshwater in the world. Kim J-H, Pudasainee D, Yoon Y-S, Son S-
U, Seo Y-C (2010) Studies on speciation changes and mass distribution of mercury in a bituminous
coal-fired power plant by combining field data and chemical equilibrium calculation. Moreover,
respiratory diseases and affection of the immune system are registered as long-term chronic effects (
58 ). Additional information Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues Publisher's Note Springer Nature
remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. In
Germany, for instance, the river pollution is increasing in its major rivers: the Elbe, Weser, Aller and
Ems, mostly because of pesticides and industrial chemicals (study from University of Koblenz-
Landau). The above results are consistent with the baseline results, indicating the robustness and
reliability of our findings. 4.3 The moderating role of government environmental regulation To
examine the moderating role of government environmental regulation, we employ Eq 2. Soil Profile
Soil Profile Understanding Biodiversity and Health. The results demonstrate that public
environmental awareness contributes to a reduction in environmental pollution levels. Climate and
weather affect the duration, timing, and intensity of outbreaks strongly and change the map of
infectious diseases in the globe ( 45 ). Due to growing river pollution, they are prone to various water
borne diseases. In China, public participation mechanisms in environmental governance are still in
the early stages of development. We draw the following conclusions: First, through the indicator of
betweenness centrality, basic and authoritative authors in this field include Braden Brennan, Cervero
Robert, Brunekreef Bert, Hoek Gerard, etc.; basic and authoritative journals include AMBIO,
Science, Atmospheric Environment, etc. In the capital market, the public’s environmental concern
directly influences individual investment behavior. The data needs to become live, and real-date, as
well as being available to general public. As the world grapples with pressing environmental
challenges, the pivotal role of Black leadership in the realm of environmental justice emerges as a
transformative force. Pollutants have differences in physical and chemical properties, explaining the
discrepancy in their capacity for producing toxic effects. The river was used mainly for irrigation of
rice fields, but also for drinking water, washing, fishing, and other uses by downstream populations.
Lead toxicity affects the fetal nervous system; edema or swelling of the brain is observed ( 86 ). Are
you searching for someone who can write you a high quality paper? Most common water pollution
diseases are Typhoid, Jaundice, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Migraine, Hay Fever, etc. Similarly, water-
warming following climate changes leads to a high incidence of waterborne infections. They are able
to change the nutrient balance in watery ecosystems, damage forests and crops, and acidify water
Available online at: (accessed October 6, 2019). 124. CopenhagenClimate Change Conference
(UNFCCC). Air pollution mainly affects those living in large urban areas, where road emissions
contribute the most to the degradation of air quality. Richmont-Bryant J, Owen RC, Graham S,
Snyder M, McDow S, Oakes M, et al. Tian H, Liu K, Zhou J, Lu L, Hao J, Qiu P, Gao J, Zhu C,
Wang K, Hua S (2014) Atmospheric emission inventory of hazardous trace elements from China’s
coal-fired power plants—temporal trends and spatial variation characteristics. Multiple
cardiovascular effects have been observed after exposure to air pollutants ( 100 ). For example,
contestation of resource extraction can be traced through digital media in Inuit communities (Scobie
and Rodgers 2013 ). Egypt is the most industrialized country in the north. Therefore, in order to
facilitate the presentation, we aggregate the data from 1944 to 1999 (202 articles in total), and retain
the original data for the volume of published papers published from 2000 to 2021. Keyword co-
occurrence analysis is the most common and effective analysis method for document content. It is
easy to write sample essay on pollution of the Nile River if you seek help. The nitrate levels found in
the Lake Haves wells are four times higher the recommended EPA levels. Download Free PDF View
PDF Water pollution: an introduction HUSEIN ELKESHREU Download Free PDF View PDF
Ezeonyejiaku, C.D and Obiakor, M.O (2013). Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Profile of Surface
Water, Anthropogenic Activities, and Community Health Implications. The cold climate of the North
Indian areas may be the main reason for this, as longer periods at home and more heating are
necessary compared to in the tropical climate of Southern India. They found that land pollution
caused by land use reduced biodiversity. However, amidst these challenges, opportunities for
progress abound. Pilot “curbside composting” programs in Boulder, Colo., increased waste diversion
from landfills from 40% and 69%, indicating that consumers are willing to use better disposal
methods if available. Worldwide, IPs are campaigning against pollution impacts on their
environment and health (Evans et al. 2002; Veltmeyer and Bowles 2014 ). Pollutants to which
indigenous peoples are exposed Sources of pollution Indigenous peoples are exposed to numerous
polluting activities, most of which are linked to agriculture, extractive operations, urban growth, and
industrial development. Ozone can travel to distant areas from its initial source, moving with air
masses ( 64 ). Compact Hydrogen Refueling Station(CHRS) Compact Hydrogen Refueling
Station(CHRS) OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su.
Commercial facilities test biodegradable plastics at 58 degrees C and 60% relative humidity, whereas
at-home composting mechanisms may not meet these conditions and may therefore produce
incomplete biodegradation. It is known that heavy metals such as aluminum are noxious to wildlife
and fishes. Global climate change is an important issue that concerns mankind. Zhao Y, Han L (2019)
Distribution characteristics of mercury in 660 MW coal-fired power plant with ultra-low emission.
Download citation Received: 30 May 2023 Accepted: 03 February 2024 Published: 21 February
2024 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this
content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Differential role of CD80
and CD86 on alveolar macrophages in the presentation of allergen to T lymphocytes in asthma. The
annual standard for SO 2 is 0.03 ppm ( 82 ). It affects human, animal, and plant life. I knew that
there must be an interdisciplinary solution to such a complex problem. Healthy rivers mean healthy
environment, and healthy environment means healthy life. In summary, Hypothesis 2 is supported.
4.4 Regional heterogeneity Considering that the level of economic development may influence local
environmental governance and public concern preferences, we analyse the heterogeneity across cities
with different economic levels in this section.

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