урок 27

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bad-tempered [ˈbædˈtɛmpəd] раздражительный cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs] осторожный

judgmental [‘ʤʌʤə’mentl] осуждающий spontaneous [spɒnˈteɪniəs] произвольный

considerate [kənˈsɪdərɪt] деликатный stingy [ˈstɪnʤi] скупой
quick-witted [kwɪk]-[ˈwɪtɪd] сообразительный stubborn [ˈstʌbən] упертый
creative [kri(ː)ˈeɪtɪv] творческий vain [veɪn] показной
bossy [ˈbɒsi] властный untrustworthy [ʌnˈtrʌstˌwɜːði] ненадежный
cruel [krʊəl] жестокий eccentric [ɪkˈsɛntrɪk] эксцентричный
selfless [ˈsɛlflɪs] бескорыстный passionate [ˈpæʃənɪt] вспыльчивый
self-satisfied [sɛlf-ˈsætɪsfaɪd] самодовольный shrewd [ʃruːd] хитроумный
1. Listen to the video, answer the questions.
…cancer. We are talking about the sensitive sign. it's the crab, and if the crab gets sensitive it
will close down and run away, but they're also very much into their family and they're very
Aries sweet and loving people. You just have to win their trust when it comes to.
…libra. is the sign of the scales and they are all about beauty grace, refinement, the arts, their
interrelationship very much. You'll never ever hardly ever see a single sign.
…taurus.. or the Bull. It does not move as fast as Aries. Taurus is grounded, it’s patient but it
also can be very stubborn, so that's one of the qualities about Taurus is that they're fixed. Once
Gemini they make up their mind is hard to change it.
…virgo. is the virgin. We are talking about somebody who is interested in health nutrition,
who's very organized usually. Although the key word here is compulsive and so either than be
Cancer really neat or they could be very sloppy but the main thing about this sign is that they love to
serve other people, so if you have one in your life you're quite lucky.
scorpio….. is also the eagle. There're two different types of Scorpios. They say the ones that are
very high with moral standing and the other ones that go down. They take that road instead so
when you’re thinking about them though you are thinking about someone who's very intense
Leo who is very driven and who can very much want to be a part of your life and merge this is
somebody who doesn't take anything lightheartedly.
sagittarius…. is the goat, the mountain goat, highly ambitious. They want to climb the mountain.
It's an earth sign. They're very practical, really organized and they usually do very well in
Virgo business and
with any kind of structure because they're ruled by Saturn
aquarious…. is the friendship sign. It's also the Water Bearer and a carrier of liquids, but it's the
most friendly social sign of all. Very strong with humanitarians. They love to be around groups
Libra of people and they often make great doctors
…aries.. is represented by a ram. People have the qualities of being impulsive, of being leaders,
of being very impatient. They also aren't natural-born entrepreneurs. They want to do things.
They don't want to just sit here, they want to just go and do things
…leo… is the lion roar you've heard this before but it does mean that the person is a very loyal
person. They are very honorable, generally generous, gigerious. Those are other fine qualities
Sagittarius that can also be very talented
…pisces.. we're talking about another dual sign swimming in two different directions. So this
sign is often a very sensitive, very mystical and very misunderstood sign. They're highly
Capricorn sympathetic and as I said before this is a sign that kind of goes with the flow. It's a water sign.
gemini…. Is the sign of the twins. They're always changing their mind. It's a dual sign. It's an air
sign - so the qualities of Gemini's endlessly curious, very social, friendly people, intellectual -
Aquarius and they like a lot of stimulation
…capricorn…. is the happy-go-lucky sign of the archer and they always say that the symbol of
the archer pulling the bow back means that they are looking far into the future or a far distance
Pisces away. So these people often love to travel and love foreign cultures and they're very
2. Put the adjectives below in the correct columns. Which sign of zodiac possesses this quality
bad-tempered bossy considerate creative cruel outgoing
quick-witted selfless self-satisfied spontaneous stingy untrustworthy

Sign of zodiac
Positive Sign of zodiac

3. Listen to four descriptions. Match the adjectives below with descriptions 1-4. There are two extra adjectives.
cruel judgmental spontaneous stingy stubborn vain
Speaker 1 …… judgemental……………………
Speaker 2 …… vain……………………
Speaker 3 …… spontaneous……………………
Speaker 4 …… spontaneous……………………
4. Listen again and choose the correct answers (a-c).
1 The speaker thinks that Kevin is …….A.
a untrustworthy b bossy c considerate
2 Olivia’s behaviour suggests she could be …C…..
a cruel b cautious c insecure
3 The speaker suggests that his grandmother is ……B..
a judgmental b sympathetic c shrewd
4 When people disagree with Max, he becomes ……A..
a bad-tempered b cautious c cruel
5. Replace the underlined words in the text with the adjectives below.
considerate eccentric passionate pushy quick-witted shrewd
My grandfather can seem 1a bit unusual in an amusing way at times …………………………., but he says he just think
differently. In fact, he’s very 2good at understanding people and judging situations …………………………. and 3able to
reply quickly to ideas that he doesn’t agree with in a clever way …………………………. . Sometimes he can
seem 4unpleasant when he really wants something …………………………., but really, he just 5showing his strong
feelings about things that he likes …………………………. . However, when people get to know him, they all agree that
he is a 6kind and helpful …………………………. man.
6. Complete the sentences with the words below.
hard open quick self thick well
1 The students are always ………………………….-behaved in their English class.
2 Amber isn’t very ………………………….-minded and she doesn’t like trying new things.
3 Sean is usually quite ………………………….-working, but he didn’t study a lot for these exams.
4 He’s ………………………….-witted and he gave fast answers to the questions in the test.
5 You need to be ………………………….-skinned to be a politician.
6 Max is ………………………….-confident, but he knows talent is not enough to succeed.
7. Complete the sentences with compound adjectives.
1 We went to a restaurant with Andy last night and he was rude and unpleasant to everyone! He’s always been
2 You’d have to be very t__________-s__________ not to be upset by his insensitive remarks.
3 She devotes all her time to her training. She’s very ambitious and s__________-m__________ when it comes to
achieving her goals.
4 We saw a romantic comedy at the theatre last weekend which was fun and quite l__________-h__________.
5 Lily was very s__________-c__________ before the exam because she’d studied a lot and knew she would do well.
6 I’ve met quite a few relaxed people in my life, but I’ve never known anyone as e__________-g__________ as Mark.
8. Writing
You had dinner with your friend’s family. Write a letter to your friend and express your feelings about the
dinner. In your letter, you should:
Say what you enjoyed about the dinner
Describe how you feel about his/her family
Invite your friend and his/her family to you place
Write 100—140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. You have 20 minutes to do this task.

1. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 Don’t you think it’s time you ………………………. (tell) Andrea the truth?
2 What if we ………………………. (rent) a villa by the sea for the summer?
3 I’d rather people ………………………. (send) me e-mails than ………………………. (phone) me.
4 Suppose you ………………………. (be going to) open a clothes shop. What kind of clothes would you stock?
5 It’s time to ………………………. (go) now.
6 If you ………………………. (have) a time machine, which era would you want to go back to?
7 Shelia would come with us if she ………………………. (not have to) work tomorrow.
8 We’d rather you ………………………. (not lend) Brenda any more money – she’s got to learn not to spend what she
doesn’t have.
9 It’s high time I ………………………. (leave).
10 What if we ………………………. (get) married? Would that make you happy?
2. Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.
1 I wish I know how to set the timer on this video. Where are the instructions? …………………………..
2 ‘If only I listened to Hilary,’ said Warren sadly. ‘Now it’s too late.’ …………………………..
3 I wish you did shut up for five minutes! …………………………..
4 If only Charlie can get tomorrow off work. …………………………..
5 Do you wish you went with Jack to the concert tomorrow night? …………………………..
6 Excuse me. I wish speaking with the manager of this establishment immediately. …………………………..
7 Albert wishes like anything that he was driving more slowly that night. …………………………..
8 I wish I would feel well enough to eat something. …………………………..
9 I wish I’ll get my exam results sooner rather than later. …………………………..
10 If only you to listen to what your teachers tell you! …………………………..
3. Choose the correct answer.
1 It’s about time you ………… thinking about setting up your own business.
A start B have started C started D to start
2 I’d really rather you ………… the kids drop bits of pizza all over my new sofa.
A don’t let B aren’t letting C won’t let D didn’t let
3 ………… anything particular in mind or are you just browsing?
A Did you have B Are you having C Can you have D Had you had
4 I wish Karen ………… that we’re not trying to interfere in her life.
A understands B would understand C has understood D is going to understand
5 I’d have been able to say goodbye to Trish if only ………… to the airport in time.
A I get B I got C I have got D I had got
6 Don’t you sometimes wish you ………… invisible?
A could be B would be C will be D are
7 Suppose we ………… we could go and live on another planet. Would you want to go?
A to hear B hearing C heard D having heard
8 Do you wish ………… an official complaint?
A making B to make C you made D you make
9 Adrian was ………… enough money to buy a new computer for the school.
A wishing to have raised B wishing he will raise
C hoping to have raised D hoping he will raise
10 Don’t you wish we ………… the exam a week on Monday and not tomorrow?
A take B will take C would take D were taking
4. Complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.
1 I don’t like your criticising me all the time. I wish ………………………………………………
2 It’s awful – Sam doesn’t know how I feel about him! If only ………………………………………………
3 I’d love to be with you in Switzerland right now. I wish ………………………………………………
4 Frank regrets not taking the job when he had the chance. Frank wishes ………………………………………………
5 Wouldn’t you like us to be standing in the middle of Times Square right now?
Don’t you wish ………………………………………………
6 It’s a shame I can’t play chess as well as Steve. I wish ………………………………………………
7 What would you do if you had a million euros? Suppose ………………………………………………
8 I don’t really want you to smoke in here. I’d rather ………………………………………………
9 It’s time for them to go to bed. It’s high time ………………………………………………


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