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Name: Nathan Peter R.

Course: BSN 1-5
Activity No.1

Directions: Find and Write at least three (3) words in the puzzle. Explain each word based on your own
understanding. Your explanation should consist at least two (2) sentences and a maximum of three (3)
sentences. (10 Points each)

First Word: INVESTIGATION – is the procedure for obtaining data, facts, and proof in
order to determine the truth and find a solution. An investigation involves careful
research and analysis, as well as the use of a variety of techniques such as forensic
examination, interviews, and research.

Second Word: EVIDENCE – is any facts, figures, or information used to back up a

statement, theory, or conclusion. It can be applied to prove a point or strengthen the
case for an argument.
Third Word: CRITICISM - entailsthe process of dissecting, assessing, and articulating
disagreement or displeasure with a particular item, be it a piece of literature, art,
concept, or behavior. It can be damaging, only expressing negativity without offering
useful insights, or constructive, offering suggestions for development.

NOTE: Those who will get their answers from Google, AUTOMARICALLY ZERO.

Name: Nathan Peter R. Mamon

Course: BSN 1-5
Assessment No.1

Directions: Read the following questions and refer to the rubrics below. (15 Points Each)

1. What is the relevance of studying the history to your chosen field or course?

- Studying history in nursing provides valuable insights into the evolution of healthcare, cultural contexts,
ethical considerations, and lessons from past experiences, all of which are essential for providing high-
quality, patient-centered care in the present and future.
2. As a Filipino, how will you preserve the history?
- By protecting historical sites and artifacts, promoting historical education, supporting research
and scholarship, and celebrating cultural events and traditions. By engaging in these activities, us
Filipinos can ensure the preservation and celebration of our rich cultural heritage for future

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