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Human ingenuity

Gender selection, nanorobots, GM food and cloned humans students

Work on your own on the following activities:

1. Gender selection: (5:30 min) . Watch the

video and fill in the gaps with the words you need (1-4 words per gap).
a) In the genetic screening called PGD, embryos are tested for genetic ................................ and the
doctors can reveal the gender of the embryo if parents ................................ .
b) At first the witness assumed that the gender of her embryos was just ................................ .
When she found out there was a chance to choose the gender of her baby, it became
very ................................ .
c) A lawyer specializing in medical ethics says there is no consensus on what should or should not
be permissible when it comes to using genetic analysis to ................................ .
d) Gene selection is limited by the parents’ genes. If the parents don’t ................................ the
genes for blue eyes, doctors can’t create a blue-eyed kid.
e) Fertility treatments are expensive and usually ................................ .
f) Some people believe that Insurance companies will start to ................................ the cost of IVF
as eliminating genetic disease will save them money ................................ .
g) What makes people really excited about embryo editing is issues of ................................ . .

2. Nanorobots: page 118 ex 1.5 on track 7 (audio file has been posted to the platform)
3. Human cloning:
a. Page 120 text + ex 1.11 + 1.12
b. Page 119: Watch the video titled “Human Clones, Through the Wormhole”: and do ex 1.8
4. GM foods: Page 122 text+ ex 1.14 + 1.15 + 1.17

Peer assessment:

Once finished, gather in groups of 3 students and share your answers with your peers. Try to find the
correct answers. If needed, check with your teacher.

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