Chemistry Mock

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CLASS: SS3 2023/2024 SESSION

{100 MARKS}
Answer Four question in all: One question in Section B.
All questions carry equal marks.
Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of materials.

Section A
Answer all the questions in this section
1. (a) What is standard hydrogen electrode?
________________________________________________________________ {4 marks)
(b) Give a reason why metals are generally good reducing agents.
________________________________________________________________ {2 marks)
(c) State the reason why diamond is:
(i) Used in jewellery;
(ii) used as an abrasive;
(iii) a non-conductor of electricity.
__________________________________________________________________{3 marks}
(d) (i) Arrange the following molecules in increasing order of their bond angles:
Give reasons for your answer
(ii) Give two examples of a chemical change.
___________________________________________________________________{4 marks}
(e) What are isotopes?
___________________________________________________________________ {2 marks)
Candidate Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(f) Differentiate between a weak acid and a dilute acid.

___________________________________________________________________ {2 marks)

(g) Define the term pH.

___________________________________________________________________ {2 marks)

(h) State two harmful effects that nitrogen (IV) oxide has on the environment.
___________________________________________________________________ {2 marks)

(i) Write an equation for the reaction of chlorine with hot sodium hychloride
___________________________________________________________________ {2 marks)

(j) (i) State the method used to obtain pure ethanol from the aqueous mixture.
(ii) State how the oxidation of ethanol can be prevented.
_____________________________________________________________ {2 marks}

Answer three questions in this section
2. (a) Explain why transition metals are paramagnetic.
(ii) Consider the following compound:

H 3C – C – O – C – C – H

State the:
I. Functional group; ___________________________________________________
II. Name of the Compound.____________________________________________ {4 marks)

(b) (i) Name the class of organic compound that could identified using each of the following
I. acidified tetraoxomanganate (VII) solution;.
II. ethanoic acid and conc. Tetraxosulphate (VI) acid;
_____________________________________________________________ {2 marks}
III. sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) solution

(ii) State what is observed in each of the tests in 2(b)(i).

___________________________________________________________________ {6 marks)

(c) (i) Consider the following reaction equation:

Cl2 (g) + 2NaOH (aq) → NaCIO (aq) + H2O (i)

State the oxidation number of chlorine:

I. Before the reaction:_______________________________________________

II. After the reaction_________________________________________________

(ii) A ring is to gold-plated by electrolysis using Au(NO3)3 solution

I. Write the reaction at the cathode.
II. Calculate the time required to deposit 0.50g gold on the ring when a current of 0.8 A
is passed through the electrolyte.
{Au = 197, 1F = 96500CJ

Candidate’s name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(d) Consider an ion with the symbol X2+ formed from its elemental state.
(i) Which group does X belong in the periodic table?

(ii) What is the formula of the compound formed from X2+ and a nitride ion?
___________________________________________________________________ {6 marks)

(iii) If X is in period 2, identify X.

______________________________________________________________ (5 marks)

3. (a) Explain each of the following observations:

(i) Sodium metal conducts electricity both in the solid and molten states but sodium
Chloride only conducts electricity when molden;
___________________________________________________________________{8 marks}

(b) Give the IUPAC name of each of the following compounds;

(i) CH3 C(CH3)2 OH;


(ii) C(CH3)4:

(iii) HCOOCH3.
________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
(e) Identify the function group in each of the following compounds:
(i) CH3CH2COOCH2CHS; __________________________________________
(II) CH3CH(OH)CH3;_______________________________________________
(III) HCOOH____________________________________________________ {3marks}

(d) When a given mass of CaCO3 was heated, 0.25 dm3 of a gas is collected at 250 C and at a
pressure of 120 kNm-2

(i) Write an equation for the reaction.


(ii) Calculate the mass of the:

I. Gaseous product obtained;

II. CaCO3 heated.

III. {C=12.0, O=16.), Ca= 40.0, R=8.314 Jk1 mol1}
_________________________________________________________________ {11 marks}
4. (a) Outline the producures for the treatment of water for town supply.
___________________________________________________________________ {4 marks}
(b) (i) State two main impurities usually present in bauxite.
(ii) Give one reason why bauxite is usually preferred as the ore for the extraction of

(iii) Outline the manufacture of alminium from purified bauxite.


(c) (i) Explain briefly the term chemical industry.


(ii) State two differences between a fine chemical and a heavy chemical.
(d) (i) Write a balance chemical equation for the combustion of coal.
(ii) If 5.4g of coal is burnt completely. Calculate the volume of oxygen measured at s.t.p.
That would be required for the combustion.
{C=12.0, O=16.0, Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p
(e) name two substances wich can be used as electrodes during the electrolysis of acidified
5 (a) (i) List two gasous pollutants that can be generated by burning coal.
(ii) Explain briefly why coal burns more easily when it is broken into pieces than when it is in lumps.
(iii) What gas is responsible for most of the explosions in coal mines?
(iv) Name the non-volatile residue left behind after the destructive distillation of coal.
(b) State one oxide in each case which:
(i) is used in bleaching:
(ii) oxidizes hot concentrated HCI to chlorine;
(iii) dissolves in water to give a solution with pH greater than 7;
(iv) reacts with NaOH and also with HCI;
(v) is a reddish- brown gas.
_______________________________________________________________ {5 marks}
(C) (i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between chlorine gas and iron (II)
chloride solution.

(i) State the type of reaction in 5(c)(i)

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in 5(c)(ii)
(d) Consider the following set-up:

(i) Identify A and B.

(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.
(iii) _____________________________________________________________________
(iv) Name the gas produced.
(v) Why was the flask titled downwards?
(vi) What is the:
(I) Function of B in the experiment;
_____________________________________________________________ (8 marks)
(II) Method of collection of the gas?
____________________________________________________________ {8 marks}
(e) Give one product obtained from refining petroleum that is solid. {1 mark}

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