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I. Read the text and fill in gaps A – I with the given words.

River Mountain Animals

East Seas Fields
Summer Different Deep
Ukraine, a European Country.
Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. The village of Dilove (district of
Rakhiv, province of Transcarpathian) is considered to be the geographical centre of
Europe. Ukraine stretches from the mountains in the west to the steppes in the A)
………., and from the marshes in the north to the B) ………. In the south.
Ukraine’s longest C) ………. Is Dnipro. It ranks as Europe’s third longest
waterway. It divides the country into right-bank and left-bank Ukraine, and flows
south to the Black Sea. Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate
continental climate.
It has cold winter with snow and warm D)………. . The temperature ranges
between +25 and -8.
Ukraine is mostly a flat plain with extremely fertile black earth soil.
Mount Hoverla (2062m) in the Carpathians is the highest E) ………. in the
country. There are many treeless summits which are called polonynas.
Ukraine has 5% of the world’s mineral resources. There are 80 different types,
including coal, iron, ore, titanium, granite and marble.
Ukraine is famous for its F) ………. With plantations of pine, oak, beech and
birch. Most forests are in the Carpathians and Polissia.
Ukraine has more than 3000 lakes. In the Shatski lakes in the North-west there
are a lot of fish: perch, pike and carp.
The animal world of the Crimean Mountains is G) ………. From the other
zones. Here we can find rare birds and H)………. (carrion eagle, black griffon, red
The Black Sea is deep and has a wide range of animal life. However, there is no
life lower than 1500m I) ………. . The deepest point of the Black Sea is 2210 m.
II. Match the words with their definitions.

1. Temperate A. A river or a canal

2. Fertile B. Low flat land that is always
wet and soft
3. Summit C. Never very hot or cold
4. Marsh D. Produces good crops
5. Scenery E. The top of the mountain
6. Waterway F. Natural features of a country
7. Picturesque G. Nice and interesting

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