TraditionalChineseMedicine Notes

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Intermediate - Traditional Chinese Medicine (C0120)

A: 我老看见你喝热水,有什么特别的原因吗?
wǒ lǎo kànjiàn nı̌ hē rèshuı̌, yǒu shénme tèbié de yuányı̄n
I always see you drinking hot water. Do you have any par-
ticular reason for this?

B: 喝热水能让我觉得暖和,尤其在冬天,我每天都
hē rèshuı̌ néng ràng wǒ juéde nuǎnhuo, yóuqı́ zài dōngtiān,
wǒ měitiān dōu hē rèshuı̌.
Drinking hot water makes me feel warm. Especially in the
winter, I drink hot water every day.

A: 还有其它好处吗?
háiyǒu qı́tā hǎochu ma?
Are there any other benefits?

B: 我听中医说喝热水可以润嗓子。
wǒ tı̄ng zhōngyı̄ shuō hē rèshuı̌ kěyı̌ rùn sǎngzi.
I heard from a doctor of Chinese medicine that drinking hot
water can soothe the throat.

A: 是吗?你觉得有用吗?
shı̀ ma? nı̌ juéde yǒuyòng ma?
Is that so? Do you think it’s useful?

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B: 我觉得很有用。每次我嗓子不舒服的时候,喝热
wǒ juéde hěn yǒuyòng. měi cı̀ wǒ sǎngzi bù shūfu de shı́-
hou, hē rèshuı̌ jiù hǎo duō le.
I think it’s very useful. Every time when my throat isn’t
comfortable, drinking hot water makes it feel much better.

A: 那我也试试。
nà wǒ yě shı̀shi.
I’ll also try it, then.

Key Vocabulary

老 lǎo always

暖和 nuǎnhuo warm

尤其 yóuqı́ especially

其它 qı́tā other

听说 tı̄ngshuō to have heard

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有用 yǒuyòng useful

好处 hǎochu benefits

试试 shı̀shi to have a try

Supplementary Vocabulary

调理 tiáolı̌ recuperate

养生 yǎngshēng nourish one’s vital


滋补 zı̄bǔ nourishing

药效 yàoxiào efficacy of a drug

缓慢 huǎnmàn slow

副作用 fù zuòyòng side-effect

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

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