SnakeOnAPlane Notes

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Intermediate - Snake on a Plane(C2138)

A: 飞机马上就要起飞了,请大家系好安全带。

fēijī mǎshàng jiùyào qǐfēi le, qǐng dàjiā jì hǎo ānquándài。

The airplane is about to take off. Everyone please fasten your seat

B: 对不起,靠窗的是我的座位。

duìbuqǐ, kào chuāng de shì wǒ de zuòwèi。

I'm sorry, the seat by the window is mine.

C: 不好意思,这是我儿子,可以让他坐靠窗的座位吗?

bùhǎoyìsi, zhè shì wǒ érzi, kěyǐ ràng tā zuò kào chuāng de zuòwèi

Sorry, this is my son. Could you let him have the window seat?

B: 行。那这个包也是你们的吗?

xíng。 nà zhè gè bāo yě shì nǐmen de ma?

All right. So is this bag yours too?

C: 嗯。可以麻烦你帮我放到行李架上吗?

ng。 kěyǐ máfan nǐ bāng wǒ fàngdào xínglijià shàng ma?

Yeah. Could I trouble you to put it in the overhead compartment?

B: 没问题。


No problem.

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B: 行李架都满了,我整理一下。

xínglijià dōu mǎn le, wǒ zhěnglǐ yīxià。

The overhead compartment is full. I'll rearrange a bit.


( dōng, diàoxiàlai yī gè dōngxi)

THUD! Something falls to the ground.

D: 啊,蛇!

à, shé!

Ah, a snake!

B: 蛇?飞机上有蛇!空姐!空姐!

shé? fēijī shàng yǒu shé! kōngjiě! kōngjiě!

A snake? There's a snake on the plane! Flight attendant! Flight


D: 会不会有恐怖分子?

huì bu huì yǒu kǒngbù fènzǐ?

Could there be terrorists?

C: 哦,大家不要慌,是……

ò, dàjiā bù yào huāng, shì……

Oh! Don't panic, everyone. It's...

D: 是什么?

shì shénme?

It's what?

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C: 是我儿子的玩具蛇。

shì wǒ érzi de wánjù shé。

It's my son's toy snake.

D: 哎呀妈呀,吓死我了。

āiyā māyā, xiàsǐ wǒ le。

Mama mia, that scared me to death.

Key Vocabulary

起飞 qǐfēi to take off

就要 jiùyào to be about to
系 jì to fasten
安全带 ānquándài seat belt
靠窗 kào chuāng near the window
座位 zuòwèi seat
行李架 xínglijià luggage rack
满 mǎn full
整理 zhěnglǐ to arrange
掉下来 diào xiàlái to fall down
蛇 shé snake
空姐 kōngjiě flight attendant
恐怖分子 kǒngbù fènzǐ terrorist
慌 huāng to panic
玩具 wánjù toy
吓死 xiàsǐ to scare to death
妈呀 māyā mama mia

Supplementary Vocabulary
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手枪 shǒuqiāng handgun
我的妈呀 wǒ de māyā mama mia
乘客 chéngkè passenger
恐怖 kǒngbù terror
非法 fēifǎ against the law, illegal
感叹词 gǎntàncí interjection

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