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Access to well-equipped and properly maintained facilities is effective in fostering a

conducive and enriching learning environment for students. The utilization of these facilities

goes beyond mere convenience; it directly impacts students' academic success and overall

growth. In the context of BatStateU Pablo Borbon Campus, where the emphasis is on providing

quality education and holistic development, the effective utilization of university facilities

becomes even more crucial. These facilities act as catalysts that amplify students' learning

experiences, allowing them to explore their potential, expand their knowledge, and cultivate

essential skills for their future endeavors. Nonetheless, it remains crucial to evaluate the efficacy

of university facility utilization among students at BatStateU Pablo Borbon Campus to fully state

their impact and effectiveness.

It was widely recognized that a significant advantage of university facilities is the

opportunity they offer for practical, hands-on experiences. By utilizing well-equipped

laboratories, students can apply their theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills. For

instance, at Batangas State University, science laboratories provide students with opportunities to

enhance their understanding in science-based programs. These laboratories are equipped with

necessary apparatus and supervised by instructors during experiments. In addition, the BatStateU

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Pablo Borbon Campus provides various laboratories such as the Computer Laboratory, Skills

Laboratory, Kitchen Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, and Biology Laboratory, each serving

unique functions and purposes to support student learning. Besides that, specialized facilities like

libraries also play a vital role in students' skill development. Batangas State University's libraries

offer a wide range of resources, such as books, journals, and research papers, facilitating

independent study and research. Access to these resources enables students to refine their

information literacy skills, enhance their research capabilities, and evaluate and synthesize

information effectively. Furthermore, university facilities create a collaborative learning

environment that encourages active engagement, collaboration, and discussions among students.

Purpose-designed spaces like classrooms and service areas promote the exchange of ideas and

knowledge through group assignments. Collaborative activities foster peer learning, allowing

students to draw on diverse perspectives and deepen their understanding. Communication skills,

teamwork, and appreciation for different viewpoints are honed through collaboration, fostering a

sense of cooperation and community. In addition, Batangas State University's facilities can

accommodate various events, including seminars, competitions, and guest lectures. The

Amphitheater, located on the 3rd floor of the CITE Building, can accommodate 600 to 800

participants, providing an ideal venue for large-scale gatherings. The CITE Training Room offers

a space for focused and interactive sessions, with a capacity of 100 to 150 participants. These
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facilities enable students to engage with industry experts, enhancing their learning experiences.

In general sense, utilizing university facilities at BatStateU Pablo Borbon Campus offers

a multitude of benefits that can positively impact students' academic journey. These facilities

provide a practical learning experience that complements their theoretical knowledge, enabling

them to acquire essential skills and competencies. Moreover, these facilities create a

collaborative learning environment where students can engage and discuss ideas, refining their

communication and teamwork skills. Despite the general benefits of these facilities, it is crucial

to evaluate the effectiveness of facility utilization from the perspective of BatStateU Pablo

Borbon students to gain valuable insights and further enhance the utilization of these resources.

Thus this research aims to delve into the benefits, challenges, and potential improvements,

providing a deeper understanding of how university facilities contribute to students' academic

growth and development.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


The main objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the utilization of

university facilities by BatStateU Pablo Borbon students.

Specifically, the research aims to investigate:

1. In terms of the facilities provided by the Batangas State University, which ones do

students utilize and how often?

2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?

3. What are the challenges or limitations that students may encounter when using the

university facilities?

4. Are there any recommendations for improving the university facilities? If so, what

specific measures or approaches would be suggested for enhancing them?

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


The gathering procedure plays a critical role in researching the effectiveness of

university facility utilization by students at BatStateU Pablo Borbon Campus. It enables direct

engagement between researchers and students, providing valuable insights into their experiences,

opinions, and suggestions related to the research topic. In particular, conducting interviews with

five participants from different colleges within the campus allows researchers to gather data that

is essential for evaluating facility effectiveness from diverse perspectives. By collecting students'

feedback and suggestions, researchers can identify areas in need of improvement and make

informed recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the facilities. Below are the

systematic approach that can be followed to collect data for the effectiveness of the utilization of

university facilities by students at Batangas State University (BatStateU) Pablo Borbon Campus:

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

1. Define the research objectives: Defining research objectives is important in the data

gathering process. They provide focus, ensuring that researchers collect the necessary data

and understand why it is needed. Objectives also ensure data relevance by determining

specific information and variables related to the study. They influence the choice of data

collection methods, aiding researchers in selecting appropriate techniques. Clear objectives

streamline data gathering, promoting efficiency and resource optimization. Objectives also

provide a framework for data analysis, facilitating organization and interpretation. In this

case, the objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the utilization of university

facilities by BatStateU Pablo Borbon students.

2. Identify the sampling method and target participant: It is crucial to identify the particular

group of students at BatStateU Pablo Borbon Campus that will be the primary focus of the

research. For this study, it is necessary for the participants in the interviews to be selected

from various colleges within the campus. The sampling that was used in this study is

purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a non-random sampling technique where

participants are selected intentionally based on specific characteristics or criteria that are

relevant to the research objectives. In this case, the researchers purposefully select

participants who are BatStateU Pablo Borbon students to gather data that represents the target

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population. The selection of participants may consider factors such as their college

affiliation, experiences with utilizing university facilities, and their perspectives on the

effectiveness of these facilities.

3. Develop research instruments: In the research study "Effectiveness of the Utilization of

University Facilities to BatStateU Pablo Borbon Students," interviews are conducted as part

of the data gathering procedure. The interviews aim to gather qualitative data directly from

the students to gain insights into their experiences, opinions, and suggestions regarding the

utilization of university facilities. The researchers select participants which are a BatStateU

Pablo Borbon student using the purposive sampling. The interviews are conducted with a

specific group of students who come from different colleges within the campus to ensure

diverse perspectives are represented. During the interviews, the researchers ask questions

related to the effectiveness of the facilities, any challenges or limitations students may face

when using them, and their feedback and suggestions for improvement. The interview

responses are recorded and transcribed for further analysis and to identify common themes

and patterns. The insights gathered from the interviews contribute to evaluating the

effectiveness of the university facilities from the students' point of view and provide valuable

information for making recommendations to enhance their utilization. The following

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interview questions are the ones that were presented to the participants:

1. How often do you use university facilities, what are those facilities?
2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?
3. Have you encountered any challenges or issues when using university facilities?
4. How do you think university facilities can be improved to better serve the students'
5. Do you think the university's facilities are sufficient for the number of students enrolled?
6. How important do you think it is for the university to provide access to quality facilities
for its students?
7. Are there any particular university facilities that you find most useful or effective?
8. How do you think the university can encourage more students to utilize its facilities?
9. What suggestions do you have for the university to improve its facilities for students'
10. Do you think there are any university facilities that need improvement or are
underutilized? If so, which ones and why?

4. Data collection: This involves ensuring that the data collection process is well-structured,

consistent, and properly documented. In this study, the fishbowl technique was used. It is a

structured interview format and it promotes an open and inclusive discussion, allowing for

diverse viewpoints to be heard. It encourages active participation, collaboration, and the

exploration of different ideas and perspectives. The participant with the fishbowl engages in

a discussion facilitated by the researcher. They share their experiences, opinions, and

suggestions regarding the utilization of university facilities. The researcher asks specific

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

questions related to the research topic, and the participants respond, building upon each

other's ideas and perspectives. After the interview session, the researcher transcribes the

recorded discussions and analyzes the data, identifying key themes, patterns, and insights.

The findings from the fishbowl interviews, along with other data collected, contribute to a

comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of the university facilities.

5. Data analysis: Once data collection is complete, it is when analyzing the gathered

information is needed. Here, it is important to use appropriate qualitative analysis techniques

based on the type of data collected.

6. Interpretation of results: After the analysis, it is important to interpret the analyzed data to

address the research objectives. The researchers need to identify patterns, trends, or

significant findings that emerge from the data and relate them to the effectiveness of the

utilization of university facilities.

7. Draw conclusions: Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, draw conclusions

regarding the effectiveness of the utilization of university facilities by BatStateU Pablo

Borbon students. It is important to discuss any implications, limitations, and

recommendations for improvement.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

8. Report writing: Lasly, it is important to create a thorough research report that encompasses

the complete research procedure, outcomes, deductions, and suggestions. Researchers must

be reminded to adhere to the appropriate format for a research report and ensure accurate

citation of all utilized sources.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation



Name: Patricia Mae Maranan

Program: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Year: Second Year

Department: College of Accountancy, Business, Economics

and International Hospitality Management

Age: 20 years old

Name: Vincent Federizo

Program: Bachelor of Science in Biology

Year: First Year

Department: College of Arts and Sciences

Age: 19 years old

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Name: Cristina Nolial

Program: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Year: Second Year

Department: College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

Age: 20 years old

Name: Patricia Arellano

Program: Bachelor of Physical Education

Year: First Year

Department: Career and technical education

Age: 19 years old

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Name: Savannah Amparo

Integrated School

Grade: Grade 8

Age: 15 years old

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


Uhm im Patricia Mae A. Maranan from BSA , Uh 2nd year, CABEIHM department

1. How often do you use university facilities, what are those facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm madalas kong ginagamit is itong library kasi uh gaya ngayon kapag need namin na

maaga kami magkikita kita ng mga classmate ko, ganun.


● Uh, I often use this library because, like now, when we need to meet early, my classmates

and I gather there.

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2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm kagaya nitong sa library syempre kagaya halimbawa na nagdodorm lang, usually

bawal mag stay dun sa mga apartments or dorm ng mga kaklase namin so itong library

ginagamit namin kapag need naman na mag group activity uh sa hindi classroom, yun.


● Uh, just like in the library, for example, when we're just dorming, usually it's not allowed

to stay in our classmates' apartments or dorms. So we use this library when we need to

have a group activity outside the classroom, you know.

3. Have you encountered any challenges or issues when using university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm minsan kapag sobrang full nung mga tables dito edi syempre nahihirapan na kami

kung saan kami pupwesto kaya napipilitan kami na sa canteen na lang mag ano mag stay

or magaral or kaya dun sa may tawag dito, dun sa may tapat ng CTE.


● Uh, sometimes when the tables here are fully occupied, of course, we have a hard time
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finding a place to sit. So we're forced to stay in the canteen to study or in the area in front

of CTE.

4. How do you think university facilities can be improved to better serve the students'


Actual answer:

● Uhm siguro kung pag dating naman dito sa library siguro pwedeng dagdagan yung tables

ganun kasi lalo na kung maraming students yung gumagamit ng library kasi diba meron

din tayong uhm senior high schools na dito din sila gumagamit, so yun.


● Uhm, maybe when it comes to the library, maybe the tables can be increased because

that's especially true, if there are many students who use the library because we also have

uhm senior high schools who also use it, so that's it.

5. How important do you think it is for the university to provide access to quality facilities

for its students?

Actual answer:

● Uhm syempre kaakibat nung quality education is yung paggamit ng mga quality or

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magagandang facilities na meron kasi diba it affects yung kung paano mag-work yung

mga students or yung mga tao so kung mas maganda yung environment then mas

maganda or mas productive yung gagawin nila


● Uhm, of course quality education is associated with the use of quality or good facilities

because it affects how students or people work, so if the environment is better then what

they do will be better or more productive.

6. Are there any particular university facilities that you find most useful or effective?

Actual answer:

● Uhm itong library kasi kung makikita naman halos ng students dito nagwowork or dito

gumagawa ng school works


● Uhm, the library because you can almost see students working here or doing school work


7. Do you think there are any university facilities that need improvement or are

underutilized? If so, which ones and why?

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Actual answer:

● Uhm siguro yung ano- yung computer lab dito sa baba kasi diba bago lang siya pero hindi

siya ganun alam ng students na merong na palang ganun, kaya yun- kaya siyempre pag

pumupunta ka dito sa library saka mo lamang malalaman na may ganun computer lab



● Uh, perhaps the computer lab downstairs could be promoted more to the students because

it's relatively new, and not everyone is aware that it exists. So, when you come to the

library, you only discover that there is a computer lab here.

8. Describe BSU facilities in one word - okay

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Hi Im Vincent Federizo po, Uhm I’m currently a freshman, syempre fresh na fresh. Uh, I'm

currently studying bachelor of science in biology under the college of arts and sciences in Pablo

borbon campus.

1. How often do you use university facilities, what are those facilities?

Actual answer:

● Oh, ah, definitely as much as possible ngayon pa lang freshman ah ginagamit ko talaga

ang mga med facilities. I utilize facilities here in the university as much as possible

because ah at the end of the day naman ang pinaka aim naman nito is para maimprove

yung learning outcomes natin, yung mga learning opportunities natin ay mas maenhance

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and ah primarily I think the, the’s facility that I often use or utilize is I think here’s the

library talaga, yun.


● Oh, ah, definitely as much as possible now that I'm a freshman, I really use the med

facilities. I utilize facilities here in the university as much as possible because ah at the

end of the day the main aim is to improve our learning outcomes, our learning

opportunities are enhanced and ah primarily I think the, the's facility that I often use or

utilize is I think here's the library really, that's it.

2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uh, utilizing a university facilities is a top notch and kailangan talaga throughout time

time, throughout the time ang students mina-maximize talaga yung paggamit ng mga

university facilities because ah first and for most lahat ng yan, yung mga tinatayong

building, yung mga equipments na ginagamit natin, it’s, it’s for the betterment of the

learning opportunities that students have, yun.


● Uh, utilizing a university facilities is a top notch and it is really necessary throughout the

time, throughout the time the students really maximize the use of the university facilities
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because ah first and for most all that, the buildings that are being built, the equipments

that we use, it's, it's for the betterment of the learning opportunities that students have,

that's it.

3. Have you encountered any challenges or issues when using university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Ah, alin ba don? Ang pinaka issue ko talaga laang dito sa ah university facilities is more

ano wifi site because though merong, merong sufficient, though ang wifi natin is like

university wide you know, ah, syempre sa dami din naman siguro ng mga students, may

mga instances na di gumagana yung wifi kaya minsan dito sa, kapag nag oonline class

dito, kapag natripan, medyo nahihirapan. And hopefully sana yung university natin mas

maimprove pa yung ah facility regarding through wifi access dito sa university.


● Ah, which one is that? The biggest issue I really have here in ah university facilities is

more ano wifi site because although there is, there is sufficient, although our wifi is like

university wide you know, ah, of course maybe also with the number of students, there

are instances that The wifi doesn't work so sometimes here, when I take an online class

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here, when I trip, it's a bit difficult. And hopefully our university can improve the ah

facility regarding wifi access here at the university.

4. How do you think university facilities can be improved to better serve the students'


Actual answer:

● Uh, I think I understand naman na yung administration ah sets, sets and has processes in

terms of fiscal, administrative when it comes to, like those things, that syempre alam

naman natin may mga pinapagawang building like etong tent, yung tent sa may building,

meron pang med school na ginagawa, meron pang dormitory, so I understand that there is

some budget contains when it comes to other priorities and programs pero ang pinaka

mahalaga dito is, kailangan yung administration natin has an optimize and balance

prioritization when it comes to things, so kung, kung ano ba yung dapat na mas unahin,

na bilhin, nai equip, na ibuild, yun dapat yung anuhin kasi at the end of the day, ang

pinaka ang magbebenefit naman dito ay ang mga students natin.


● Uh, I think I understand that the administration ah sets, sets and has processes in terms of

fiscal, administrative when it comes to, like those things, that of course we know that

there are buildings being built like this tent, the tent in the building , there is still a med
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school being built, there is still a dormitory, so I understand that there is some budget

contains when it comes to other priorities and programs but the most important thing here

is that our administration needs to have an optimize and balance prioritization when it

comes to things, so if, what should be prioritized, to be bought, to be equipped, to be

built, that should be the priority because at the end of the day, the ones who will benefit

the most from this are our students.

5. How important do you think it is for the university to provide access to quality facilities

for its students?

Actual answer:

● Well definitely, quality university facilities means better chances to have uhm, more

quality education here in the university because uh, syempre, kapag maayos yung wifi

mas makakapag, mas magiging smooth yung ah pag reresearch, pag oonline class mas

magiging smooth yung ah pag-aaral natin at mas magiging comfortable, kung ba ga

parang magiging safe space, safe space and very comfortable space ang mga university

facilities primarily yung library, yung mga classrooms natin, sana mas maging student

friendly, student accommodating para ah mas mapabuti yung pag-aaral ng mga students

dito sa university.
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● Well definitely, quality university facilities means better chances to have uhm, more

quality education here in the university because uh, of course, when the wifi is good you

can do better, it will be smoother when you reresearch, when you take an online class it

will be smoother when you we will study and it will be more comfortable, if the

university facilities will become a safe space, a safe space and a very comfortable space,

primarily the library, our classrooms, I hope they will be more student friendly, student

accommodating so that the study will be better of students here at the university

6. Are there any particular university facilities that you find most useful or effective?

Actual Answer:

● Oh, coming ah almost like 10 months, 10 to 9 months here in the university, the most

useful for me i think is the library because as an acading person ah, ah, medyo nanibago

ako because ah nung high school ako hindi kami, ang ginagawa lang namin talaga sa

library is tumambay like you know, alam nyo naman nung high school, but definitely in

the university, yung library nila ay very top notch and yung mga ano kaya makipag

kompetensya sa mga ibang university, imagine ah in context dito sa pablo Borbon

campus, meron tayong cyberspace uh like yun talaga yung pinaka ginagamit ko dito,

yung cyberspace talaga na ah although one hour lang sya na paggamit sa ano, maganda
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pa din sya, kas- kase nakakatulong sya sa pagreresearch, sa pag oonline class and most

especially of course yung mga books dito talaga ah magagamit mo and syempre dagdag

na din yung lamig ng aircon dito kapag trip mo tumambay at yun matulog minsan but

anyway ah yung library talaga yung pinaka sa tingin ko dito yung ah yung tip ah sa mga

incoming freshman na sana mautilize nila ng ayos para sa kanilang pag-aaral.


● Oh, coming ah almost like 10 months, 10 to 9 months here in the university, the most

useful for me i think is the library because as an acading person ah, ah, I changed a bit

because ah when I was in high school we didn't, the The only thing we really do in the

library is hang out like you know, you know in high school, but definitely in the

university, their library is very top notch and what can compete with other universities,

imagine that in context here pablo Borbon campus, we have a cyberspace uh like that's

really what I use the most here, it's really the cyberspace ah although it's only used for

one hour for what, it's still beautiful, because it helps in researching, in taking online

classes and most especially of course the books here you can really use and of course the

air conditioner is extra cold here when you trip and hang out and sleep sometimes but

anyway the library is really what I think the most here is the tip for the incoming

freshman, I hope they will use it properly for their studies.

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7. Do you think there are any university facilities that need improvement or are

underutilized? If so, which ones and why?

Actual answer:

● Oh okay, uh definitely ang unang pumapasok talaga sa isip ko ay yung mga cr’s natin

because uh, talagang, well tip ko lang din sana yung mga cr’s ngayon sana may mga bidet

na talaga, dito sa library i think wala pang bidet pero sana magkameron na but ah

thinking much harder kung alam mo yung dito, parang sa tapat ng university library, yung

dating university library, yung parang some sort of museum , yung parang very 90’s vibe,

yung may mga windows na may mga cabin shells, uh feeling ko yung very hindi naman

sa very, yung underutilized na sana, kasi parang ang iniisip ko maging some sort of

Student building sya ng ub na sana may makita tayo ditong ah facility sa university na

student facilitated yung alam let’s say pwede dun maggawa ng mga tv sessions. Mga

kapehan sessions, yung alam, dun sa facility na yun maging very student vibe, very

tambayan,not only kasi although maganda sa library talaga, eto yung pinaka dabest pero

sana magkaroon tayo dito ng facilities na ah alam mo yun yung very student vibe na ah

lahat ng mga student activities as much as possible dun na gagawa, pwede dun na talaga

as in mag aral na parang 24/7 kung ba ga yung kahit gabi pwede sya dun mag aral tapos

iba pa rin talaga pag dito ka sa university nag aaral, nagrereview kasi mas nakakapag
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focus ka, and mas natutuon ang focus mo para magreview talaga at para mas maging

better ang learning outcomes mo.


● Oh okay, uh definitely the first thing that really comes to my mind is our cr's because uh,

really, well I just wish that the cr's now really have bidets, here in the library I think there

are no bidets but I hope there will be Cameroon na but ah thinking much harder if you

know the one here, it's like in front of the university library, the old university library, the

one that looks like a some sort of museum, the one that looks like a very 90's vibe, the

one with windows with cabin shells, uh I feel that it's very It's not really, I hope it's

underutilized, because I think it's going to be a some sort of student building of the UB. I

hope we can see a facility here at the university that is student facilitated, let's say TV

sessions can be done there. Coffee sessions, you know, that facility has a very student

vibe, a very hangout, not only because although it's really nice in the library, this is the

best but I hope we have facilities here, you know that's the very student vibe ah, all the

student activities will be done as much as possible, it's really possible to study there like

24/7 if it's even at night he can study there but it's really different when you're here at the

university studying , you review because you can focus better, and your focus is more

focused to really review and to make your learning outcomes better.

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8. Describe BSU facilities in 1 word - okay

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Uhm my name is Cristina Nolial and I’m from BSN 2232, I am from Conahs Department

1. How often do you use university facilities, what are those facilities?

Actual answer:

● Ah, so as a nursing student it is very often for us to use those university facilities that are

incorporate with our ah career path that we are going to take, first of that facilities is in

the wellness center and also in the ah old CONAHS building as you can see there’s our

lab facilities in which we perform our a cl’s demonstration.


● Ah, so as a nursing student it is very often for us to use those university facilities that are

incorporate with our ah career path that we are going to take, first of that facilities is in

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the wellness center and also in the ah old CONAHS building as you can see there’s our

lab facilities in which we perform our a cl’s demonstration.

2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?

Actual answer:

● So, it is really important for the students not just for us the nursing student but also in the

other students from the other department because ah some of the students are not

academically smart so they are ah ah making their way to perform those skills and

enhance this to uh to to be prepared for the career they’re going to take.


● So, it is really important for the students not just for us the nursing student but also in the

other students from the other department because ah some of the students are not

academically smart so they are ah ah making their way to perform those skills and

enhance this to uh to to be prepared for the career they’re going to take.

3. Have you encountered any challenges or issues when using university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm, yes i do, because uh some of those facilities are not able to handle the majority of
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the students since uh i'm from the nursing department and uh and some of the students

are tripled in the past 2 years and and the facilities are not be able to comprehend and not

able to facilitate those students in order for them to use those facilities.


● Uhm, yes i do, because uh some of those facilities are not able to handle the majority of

the students since uh i'm from the nursing department and uh and some of the students

are tripled in the past 2 years and and the facilities are not be able to comprehend and not

able to facilitate those students in order for them to use those facilities.

4. How do you think university facilities can be improved to better serve the students'


Actual answer:

● Uhm, to improve this first is to have additional facilities that are able to comprehend with

the uhm multiple or the number of students in each department because uh for the, it is

important for the university to u, for the students to use those facilities equally so that

everyone has gained their skills in uh enhancing their uhm, enhancing their skills and

their career, career path they’re going to take.

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● Uhm, to improve this first is to have additional facilities that are able to comprehend with

the uhm multiple or the number of students in each department because uh for the, it is

important for the university to u, for the students to use those facilities equally so that

everyone has gained their skills in uh enhancing their uhm, enhancing their skills and

their career, career path they’re going to take.

5. How important do you think it is for the university to provide access to quality facilities

for its students?

Actual answer:

● So, it is important because it will improve the quality of education of each students and it

is also important for the students to uh, enhance their ability and their skills to be

prepared for their future careers.


● So, it is important because it will improve the quality of education of each students and it

is also important for the students to uh enhance their ability and their skills to be prepared

for their future careers.

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6. Are there any particular university facilities that you find most useful or effective?

Actual answer:

● Uhm, in our department it is really important uh, the facilities from the old conahs

building and in the wellness center because those facilities uh they have those equipments

that we are going to use especially in our intern demonstration.


● Uhm, in our department it is really important uh, the facilities from the old conahs

building and in the wellness center because those facilities uh they have those equipments

that we are going to use especially in our intern demonstration.

7. Do you think there are any university facilities that need improvement or are

underutilized? If so, which ones and why?

Actual answer:

● Yes there are, because i have said earlier that i have encountered some of the problems in

using those facilities and i think that some of the students from the differ- different

departments are also encountering those difficulties because if not of, uh not all are able

to use those facilities then uh they would not gain the equal amount of quality education
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that the some of other students have gained.


● Yes there are, because i have said earlier that i have encountered some of the problems in

using those facilities and i think that some of the students from the differ- different

departments are also encountering those difficulties because if not of, uh not all are able

to use those facilities then uh they would not gain the equal amount of quality education

that the some of other students have gained.

8. Describe BSU facilities in 1 word - satisfactory

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Thank you po, uhm my name is Arellano, Patricia ng BPed 1201 po

1. How often do you use university facilities, what are those facilities?

Actual answer:

● For me po, ang mga ginagamit kong facilities is this one po, li-library, canteen at tsaka po



● For me, the facilities I frequently use are the library, canteen, and classrooms.

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2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm tingin ko po ang benefits nito ay nakakaganda siya sa mga studyante lalo na sa mga

katulad namin na first year students pa lamang at i think na, uhm baguhan pa lang kami si

kailangan alam namin yung mga fasciitis na ginagamit namin.


● I think the benefits of this are that it improves students, especially those like us who are

only first-year students. I believe that as beginners, we need to know the facilities we use.

3. Have you encountered any challenges or issues when using university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Yes po, a lot pero more on wifi po kasi ang pagkakalam ko po ay kakaunti pa ang source

ng wifi dito so hindi po siya umaabot sa- minsan sa classroom po namin so nahihirapan

po kaming mga studyante


● Yes, a lot. There are indeed many benefits, but it primarily relies on Wi-Fi connectivity.

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From what I know, the availability of Wi-Fi sources here is still limited, so sometimes it

doesn't reach our classrooms. This makes it difficult for us students.

4. How do you think university facilities can be improved to better serve the students'


Actual answer:

● For me siguro kailangang more on wifi sa mga kada department ng ating school para

masakop lahat and then kailangang malakas yung sagap ng wifi natin


● For me, maybe there is a need to have wifi in each department of our school to cover

everyone and then our wifi needs to be strong.

5. How important do you think it is for the university to provide access to quality facilities

for its students?

Actual answer:

● It is very important po because ano kasi kalangan natin sa school yun bilang college

student na alam naman natin na sobrang hirap magaral lalo na kung- lalo na kung hindi

pa rin full face to face so kailangan natin ng mga- gaya ng nasabi ko kanina wifi.
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● It is indeed very important because as college students, we have certain needs in school,

especially considering the challenges of studying, particularly when face-to-face classes

are not fully resumed. That's why we need resources like the Wi-Fi I mentioned earlier.

6. Are there any particular university facilities that you find most useful or effective?

Actual answer:

● For me, syempre classroom and then eto pong library kasi minsan kapag wala kaming

klase dito kami pumupunta dito kami gumagawa ng mga assignment or projects


● For me, of course classroom and then this library because sometimes when we don't have

class here, we come here to do assignments or projects

7. Do you think there are any university facilities that need improvement or are

underutilized? If so, which ones and why?

Actual answer:

● For me, siguro yung ating canteen kasi nagkakasabay na ang highschool at college ng

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pagpunta so sobrang sikip kailangan siguro medyo ipalakihin pa siguro at lagyan ng mga

- ng mga way baga kung saan dapat pumunta at dapat kailangan pag nakakain na siguro

umalis na muna kasi may mga susunod pa. Yun po, siguro para sakin ayun, thank you.


● For me, maybe our canteen because the high school and college students go at the same

time so it's too crowded, maybe it needs to be a little bigger and put some - some signs on

where to go and it should be necessary when you're done eating, maybe leave first

because there are more people to come. That's it for me, thank you.

8. Describe BSU facilities in one word - Good

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Hello po ako po si Savannah Lyra Amparo from 8 Diamond

1. How often do you use university facilities, what are those facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm, madalas po uh kagaya po ng bathroom saka po yung library lalo na po ngayon na

malapit na po yung exam namin tapos yung bathroom naman po lagi naman po ginagamit

kapag po nandidito sa school


● Uhm, often, it's like the bathroom and the library, especially now that our exams are near,

and the bathroom is always used whenever we're here at school.

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2. What do you think are the benefits of utilizing university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm depende po kagaya po nitong library very.. Very uhm nag-gigive ng benefit po sa

aming mga students para po sa- makapagfocus po sa studies po namin, ayun po


● Uhm, it depends, like this library which very- very gives benefits to us students to be able

to focus on our studies, that's it.

3. Have you encountered any challenges or issues when using university facilities?

Actual answer:

● Uhm opo, sa banyo po ng bsu uh meron, minsan po pag napapadaan po sa mga bathroom

tapos yun sobrang init po, ay minsan po sobrang baho sa.. pag napapadaan tapos minsan

din po hindi siya nalilinis tas yung mga may nagsusulat po sa loob ng ah banyo kahit may

nakasignage na po mismo na bawal mag uhm sulat


● Uhm, yes, in the bathroom of BSU, there are some. Sometimes when passing by the

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bathrooms, it's very hot, and sometimes it smells really bad. When passing by, sometimes

it's not cleaned, and there are people who write inside the bathroom despite the signage

that prohibits it.

4. How do you think university facilities can be improved to better serve the students'


Actual answer:

● Uhm siguro po hindi pa po sapat yung uh dahil nga po sa mga signage po ay hindi pa din

nakikinig yung students, need na po nilang mag announce po mismo, ayun po, tapos…

uhm ayun po punlic announcement nga po, di kop- diko po alam pero siguro po ay uhm

makausap din po mismo yung mga studyante para po mas uhm mas maano po nila mismo

na galing po mismo sa bsu na nagsasabi na- naa, ano po ulit ung tanong? Opo opo


● Uhm, maybe the signage is not enough because some students are not following it. There

is a need for a public announcement, and maybe the school can talk to the students

directly to make them understand the importance of following the rules. I'm not sure, but

perhaps it would be better if the reminder comes directly from BSU. What was the

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question again? Yes, I understand.

5. How important do you think it is for the university to provide access to quality facilities

for its students?

Actual answer:

● may mga iba din po kasi na facilities po kasi dito sa bsu kagaya po dun sa higher

education building na hindi po kami pwedeng uhm makapasok and minsan din po kasi sa

ibang gantong sa library po ay minsan sikip po hindi na din po kami uhm kasya ganun po

medyo hindi makapagfocus pag madami, eh sana din po ay nakakaaccess din po kami uh

kahit ah lower grade po sa iba pa pong facilities po


● There are other facilities here in BSU, like in the Higher Education Building, where we

are not allowed to enter. Sometimes, in places like the library, it's also crowded, and we

cannot focus when there are too many people. It would be better if we could access other

facilities even if we’re from the lower grades.

6. Are there any particular university facilities that you find most useful or effective?

Actual answer:
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● Eto pong library uh.. ah pinaka useful sakin na facility kasi dito din po kami madalas

tumambay lalo na po kapag sa room po minsan super init tapos sobrang maingay dito po

sa library nakakahelp po na magfocus ang mga estudyante


● This library is the most useful facility for me because we often stay here, especially when

our room is very hot and noisy. Being in the library helps students focus.

Interviewer: tapos going back lang pala dun sa number 4, may issue ka ba sa wifi ng


Translation: Then, going back to number 4. Do you have an issue with the wifi in school?

Actual answer:

● opo, meron po, minsan po kapag syempre hindi naman po lahat nakakapag uhm load po,

nakakapag data dito sa school kahit po sobrang lapit na nung wifi na nainstall sa room ay

dahil nga din po madami ding gumagamit sa room namin kahit yung mga taga ibang

room nakiki-access ay sobrang hina na po


● I see. Yes, I have an issue with the wifi in school. Sometimes, it's hard to load websites or
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use data even when the wifi is installed in our room because there are many users,

including those from other rooms, accessing it, and it has become very slow.

7. Do you think there are any university facilities that need improvement or are

underutilized? If so, which ones and why?

Actual answer:

Hmmm, siguro po ay bathrooms po, feeling ko po ay hindi pa po siya sapat sa kung gaano kalaki

po itong university sobrang uh konti palang din po pati po yung mga stalls kasi minsan po

naghahalo halo yung mga college students, highscool students, elementary students po soo, yun



Hmm, I think the bathrooms are not sufficient for the size of the university. There are only a few

stalls and sometimes they get mixed up with college students, high school students, and

elementary students, so it's not enough for everyone.

8. Describe BSU facilities in one word - So-so

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This study aims to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the utilization of

university facilities by BatStateU Pablo Borbon students, as well as recommendations for

improving these facilities to better support student success and overall well-being. When

students have access to well-equipped and properly maintained facilities, they are more likely to

be motivated, engaged, and successful in their academic pursuits. Good facilities provide

students with a conducive and enriching learning environment, allowing them to explore their

potential, expand their knowledge, and cultivate essential skills for their future endeavors.

Moreover, the quality of facilities in an institution like Batangas State University can influence

the perception and reputation of the institution. Good facilities attract and retain high-quality

students and faculty, which in turn, can enhance the overall academic performance of the

institution and their students.

The findings from the interviews conducted show that facilities in BSU Pablo

Borbon Campus play an essential role in students' academic success and overall growth. The

study found that the library is the most useful facility for all departments in BSU, and its benefits
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go beyond its quiet surroundings. The library also provides a place for students to cool off during

hot weather, and its many air-conditioners make it an ideal spot for studying. The university

library is a vital resource for students, providing access to a wide range of resources, academic

support, a quiet study environment, and access to technology. These benefits ultimately

contribute to promoting academic success and overall growth among students in Batangas State

University. This supports previous research that highlights the importance of libraries in

promoting student success.

The laboratories are also identified as useful for nursing students, especially

during their return demos. This finding emphasizes the importance of having specialized

facilities that cater to the specific needs of different departments. Laboratories are essential

facilities that provide a hands-on learning experience for students, especially in fields such as

nursing, science, and engineering. They allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in a

practical setting, enhancing their understanding of the subject matter. For nursing students,

laboratories provide an opportunity to practice and develop skills such as patient care,

medication administration, and vital sign monitoring. The availability of laboratories specifically

designed for nursing students ensures that they can acquire the necessary skills and experience

needed to succeed in their future nursing careers.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

While the university canteen may not immediately come to mind as a facility that

promotes academic success, it can actually play an important role in students' overall well-being

and learning experience. The university canteen provides students with a comfortable place to

take breaks and relax during their busy schedules. This can help alleviate stress and improve

their mental health, which can ultimately enhance their academic performance. Additionally, the

availability of healthy and nutritious food options in the university canteen can have a significant

impact on students' physical health, energy levels, and concentration. A well-stocked canteen can

also help prevent students from leaving campus in search of food, reducing the risk of tardiness

or absenteeism.

Despite the benefits of the facilities in BSU Pablo Borbon Campus, the study also

revealed some challenges and limitations that students encounter when using them. One

significant issue is the slow wifi connection. The slow wifi connection is a significant issue that

affects students' ability to access online resources. In the modern digital age, access to fast and

reliable internet is crucial for students to succeed in their academic pursuits. Slow wifi

connection not only hinders their ability to access online resources but also impacts their

productivity and overall learning experience.

Limited capacity in some facilities, such as the library, has also been identified as a

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

challenge. This forces some students to study in the canteen, which may not be a conducive

environment for learning. Furthermore, studying in the canteen may not be an ideal alternative as

it can be noisy and distracting, making it challenging to concentrate on studies. This environment

may not provide the same level of quietness, privacy, and comfort that students require to focus

on their academic work. This can have a significant impact on their academic success, as they

may not have access to the resources they need to complete their assignments and research. The

need to improve the canteen's capacity is essential to create a better learning environment for


Additionally, the study identified hygiene issues in comfort rooms. When comfort

rooms are not adequately maintained, students may be exposed to a range of health risks,

including infectious diseases. This finding emphasizes the importance of maintaining clean and

well-maintained facilities to promote student well-being. The university must take proactive

measures to address these hygiene issues by ensuring that the comfort rooms are cleaned and

maintained regularly. Providing access to basic hygiene amenities, such as soap and clean water,

can also go a long way in promoting hygiene and reducing the risk of illness.

Based on the issues identified in the study, several recommendations can be made

to improve facility utilization in Batangas State University, Pablo Borbon Campus:

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Firstly, the university should prioritize improving the campus's internet

connectivity. The university can also consider increasing the number of access points across the

campus to ensure that the internet is accessible in all areas. This can be achieved by installing

additional routers and repeaters in strategic locations to provide wider coverage. The university

wifi is efficient for students who have online classes. Moreover, the university can explore the

option of providing dedicated high-speed internet connections in certain facilities, such as the

library and classroom, to ensure that students have access to high-speed internet whenever they

need it.

Secondly, the university should consider expanding the capacity of facilities that

are frequently utilized, such as the library and the canteen, to accommodate more students.

Expanding the capacity of frequently utilized facilities such as the library and canteen is crucial

in ensuring that students have access to a conducive learning environment. The university can

explore the possibility of constructing new buildings or renovating existing ones to provide

additional space. This can involve adding more floors or wings to existing buildings, or

constructing new ones altogether. The university can also consider extending the operating hours

of the library and canteen to provide students with more time to access these facilities.

Thirdly, hygiene and cleanliness should be maintained in comfort rooms by

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implementing regular cleaning and maintenance schedules. This can involve assigning a team

responsible for cleaning the restrooms multiple times a day. The team can also ensure that there

are adequate supplies such as tissue paper, soap, and hand sanitizer available in the restrooms.

Additionally, the university can consider installing air fresheners to keep the restrooms smelling

fresh and clean. This should be done in old buildings which have the most outdated comfort

rooms. The university can also involve the students in maintaining the cleanliness of the

restrooms, specially in the Integrated School building. This can be done by educating them on

the importance of keeping the restrooms clean and providing a mechanism for reporting any

maintenance issues or violations. Moreover, the university can invest in upgrading the facilities

in the restrooms such as installing automatic faucets, soap dispensers, and air hand dryers to all

buildings, faculty, and departments.

Lastly, the university can also consider conducting surveys and focus group

discussions to gather feedback from students on the facilities and their utilization. This will

enable the university to identify areas that need improvement and develop solutions that cater to

the specific needs of students. Regular surveys and feedback mechanisms can provide valuable

insights into the effectiveness of current facility utilization and highlight areas that require

attention. These surveys can be conducted through various means, such as online questionnaires,

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

suggestion boxes, or focus group discussions. By gathering feedback from students, the

university can gain a better understanding of their needs and preferences, and prioritize

improvement efforts accordingly. Additionally, involving students in the decision-making

process can increase their sense of ownership and promote a culture of collaboration and

engagement within the university community.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


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