A Sustainable Livelihood Approach How To Facilitate Batangueños

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and
International Hospitality Management

Pablo Borbon Campus

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City





Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Submitted by:


Fajanilan, Piolo M.
Hernandez, Allysa Amor
Laurel, Crystal Jewel O.

Submitted to:


December 2022

The resurgence of conducting a thorough analysis on regulating a sustainable source of

income and researching the factors that influence peoples' sustainable sources of income could
significantly affect the economic stability that had occurred prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a
health emergency that aggravated preexisting socioeconomic problems. It has become more
crucial than ever in the current world to discover adaptable ways to manage money.

However, the majority of people in the world, particularly those who reside in a region
with few employment opportunities, struggled to find work to support their families, making it
difficult for them to maintain their source of income. The people in these countries had been
dealing with how to budget their limited financial resources to sustain their needs at a household
level, which had been a persistent source of challenges, leaving aside the aspect of the
government's response to national financial issues. The devastating effects of financial instability
were nothing new to the developing nation of the Philippines. Even before the pandemic, many
Filipino households struggled to live in accordance with their income because of growing needs
yet diminishing sources of income. This situation was reflected in the challenges in the economy
as unemployment, forced business bankruptcies, and lack of economic progress became evident.

People in urbanized cities had not been able to completely avoid the effects of
socioeconomic issues. For instance, the residents of Batangas City, considered as one of the
urbanized cities in Region IV-A, had also encountered financial difficulties. Many people in the
community have their own way to increase their living standards in order to maintain a
sustainable source of income in everyday lives, especially in Barangay Cuta, Batangas City; it is
the barangay in Batangas City wherein the residents or families are determined to increase their
source income in different ways. Despite the seriousness of long-term economic impacts and
urgency to improve financial status of the families in the society, there were only limited studies
which discussed these in the Philippine setting.

The general objective and purpose of this study is to figure out how to raise the standards
of living for Batangas City citizens. It attempts to help the locals, particularly the Batangueños
from Barangay Cuta, identify the corresponding issues they have in sustaining a stable source of
income to bring awareness of ways to improve their success and financial stability. It also
intends to educate Batangueños on how to improve their level of living by educating them on the
elements/ways that may influence their ability to maintain their source of income. It specifically
looks at what may be implemented to support the sustainability of the Batangueños. At the end of
this study, a livelihood project will be implemented by the researchers to facilitate the
Batangueños maintain a sustainable source of income.


1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age
1.2. Sex
1.3. Employment status; and
1.4. Monthly income?

2. What factors affect the Batangueños in sustaining their source of income in terms of: 2.1. Job
2.2. Educational attainment; and
2.3. Workplace Discrimination?
3. What are the strategies utilized by the Batangueños in increasing their living standards?

4. Are there significant relationship between the job opportunities, educational attainment, and
workplace discrimination which affects the Batangueños in sustaining their source of income?

5. What livelihood project can be done to help increase the living standards of the Batangueños
and maintain a sustainable source of income?


There is no significant relationship between the job opportunities, educational attainment,

and workplace discrimination which affects the Batangueños in sustaining their source of


According to Joshi U. (2016), Sustainability is the most important component to guarantee a

venture's success. A term sustainability, which is often used across several academic fields, has
entered our everyday lexicon. The continuance of project operations and maintenance of project
results after the initial/primary grant expires is all that sustainability of a project really means
from the standpoint of donors and NGOs. Most donors are concerned about a project's
sustainability and frequently sponsor initiatives that have a clear sustainability plan in place.
NGOs find it difficult to maintain a consistent flow of funding for the implementation of their
projects and programs. They can achieve long-term influence by incorporating sustainability
ideas into their ongoing projects.

Waugh E. (2022) stated that Strong money habits like budgeting daily salary, saving
automatically, building an emergency fund, paying off debt, and keeping an eye on your credit
score will help you achieve financial security. You must save money and spend less than you
make in order to achieve financial stability. That's obviously easier said than done. By setting
aside money for housing and other expenses, selecting how much to spend on discretionary
items, and accumulating an emergency fund, you may begin establishing the groundwork for
financial stability. It all boils down to developing strategies for how you spend, save, and invest
your money. A budget is a strategy for allocating money to all aspects of your financial life, such
as essential costs, optional purchases, debt repayments, and personal savings. Increasing your
emergency fund can assist you avoid going into debt in order to weather a financial disaster like
a loss of income or a significant bill. Paying off high-interest debt as soon as possible will be
beneficial for your overall financial situation if you have credit card or personal loan debt.

Serrat (2017) stated that the sustainable livelihoods approach enhances knowledge about
the poor's subsistence sources. It arranges and demonstrates the relationships between the
variables that limit or improve livelihood opportunities. It can be used to design development
initiatives and evaluate how well already-existing activities have supported livelihoods.

According to the study of The World Bank (2018), since 2011, the Sustainable
Livelihood Program has been implemented by the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and
Development, taking the lead in the provision of possibilities for the development of livelihoods
and income-generating enterprises. This policy note outlines the program and considers how it
might enhance and supplement current social protection programs. The Sustainable Livelihood
Program's goal is to eliminate poverty and inequality by giving poor households access to work
opportunities and by helping extremely vulnerable households transition into sustainable
livelihoods and economic stability.

Since 2011, the Philippines’ Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
has focused on providing opportunities for income generating activities and livelihood
development through the implementation of the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP). The SLP
is linked to the country’s conditional cash transfer scheme, known locally as the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program, or 4Ps. The 4Ps has one of the most comprehensive poverty
targeting databases in the world and benefits about 20% of the population, catering to the
majority of the nation’s poor. The Pantawid Pamilyang is therefore central to the Philippine
government’s poverty reduction and social protection strategy. The micro-enterprise
development track provides participants with access to funds and training to set up their own
microenterprise. The employment facilitation track provides employable individuals access to
locally available jobs through public-private partnerships. The program has grown from serving
46,000 families in 2011 to 340,000 in 2015, and 166,000 families in 2017.Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps) conditional cash transfers beneficiaries are the target population, with
about 80% of participants in the program. Other beneficiaries are poor families identified by the
Listahanan national household targeting registry (Peres, 2018a).

According to Peres (2018b) the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and

Development has led in the provision of opportunities for income-generating activities and
livelihood development through the implementation of the Sustainable Livelihood Program since
2011. This policy note describes the program and reflects on opportunities the program has for
improving and complementing other social protection programs. Sustainable Livelihood Program
is to reduce poverty and inequality by generating employment among poor households and by
moving highly vulnerable households into sustainable livelihoods and toward economic stability.
Is a capability
building program for poor, vulnerable, and marginalized families and individuals focused on
generating employment among poor households and moving highly vulnerable households into
sustainable livelihoods and economic stability. By creating synergies between transfers and
productive inclusion interventions, the long-term goal of the SLP is to achieve socio-economic
well-being of participants through their engagement in
self- and wage employment. The program is implemented nationally, existing in all provinces
where the 4Ps cash transfer program is operational. It has supported 1.3 million households since
it was initiated. It is considered one of the most successful programs in Asia. As part of the
overall Social Protection budget, allocations for the SLP increased from U$ 1.7 million in 2011,
to U$ 182 million in 2017. Correspondingly, the number of families served by the SLP increased
from 46,000 families in 2011 to 166,000 in 2017.



The respondents of this study are fifty (50) chosen respondents from Barangay Cuta,
Batangas City. The respondent has to be someone who provides for their family or a
breadwinner. They will undergo answering of survey questionnaires.


The researchers used secondary sources such as theses and electronic publications to
collect information for the study. To be able to gather the relevant data and information, the
researcher will choose fifty (50) breadwinners in Barangay Cuta, Batangas City who will answer
the survey questionnaires that will be provided by the researcher. This study paper used survey
questionnaires as its key database. The researchers developed their own questionnaire to gather
all the data needed to facilitate Batangueños in increasing their living standards for them to
maintain a sustainable source of income.

The questionnaires consist of two parts: demographic profile and social variables. It was
decided according to the study objectives. To formulate all the questions, the researchers read
numerous papers and studies relevant to their statement of the research. The demographic profile
of the respondents in terms of age, sex, employment status, and monthly income is found in the
first part of the researchers’
questionnaire. The second component then comprises all the factors that affect Batangueños in
sustaining their source of income. The said section is in the form of a column questionnaire that
operates if respondents place the check in a column on a given scale of three accompanying sub-
category claims, such as job opportunities, educational attainment and workplace discrimination.


The researchers must acquire the data required for the study before they can properly
deploy the project for Cuta, Batangas City citizens. Survey questionnaires will be used as the
data collection technique.

A survey questionnaire is a list of inquiries or items used to elicit data regarding the
opinions, perspectives, or behaviors of responders. It is a method for gathering, analyzing, and
interpreting data from a large number of people. It seeks to ascertain knowledge about a
population. The collection of quantitative data can be accomplished via survey questionnaires. In
order to obtain information and thoughts about a number
of topics, a survey questionnaire is a type of data gathering instrument that involves collecting
data from a predefined sample of people.


Survey questionnaire was used as the main data gathering instrument to acquire
information needed for the study. The questionnaire was made by the researchers with the help
of some books and other reference materials concerning the study.

This survey questionnaire is composed of three parts. The first part contains questions regarding
the profile of the respondents where age, sex, employment status, and monthly income are
involved. The second part contains questions pertaining to the factors that affect the Batangueños
in sustaining their source of income in terms of job opportunities, educational attainment, and
workplace discrimination. The third part contains questions pertaining to the strategies utilized
by the Batangueños in increasing their living standards.

Likert Scale was used to determine the level of agreement of the respondents to the
statements in the questionnaire. The following verbal interpretations are utilized.

Options Range Verbal Interpretation 4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree 3 2.50-3.49 Agree 2

1.50-2.49 Moderately Agree 1 1-1.49 Disagree

This technique will be used by the researchers to compile data in order to identify the
greatest and lowest response. The researchers will collect the data with the use of the method that
can validate the research.


Researchers used secondary sources such as theses and electronic publications to gather
adequate evidence to help the said research. It was collected because the researchers needed to
know how to facilitate Batangueños in increasing their living standards for them to maintain a
sustainable source of income.

The researchers used a self-made questionnaire as the primary source of data in the study
paper. This research paper had 20 random families in Batangas City as their respondents in the
said study. The questionnaire will be drawn up using various types of papers as sources, which
the researchers have carefully reviewed to be suitable for this analysis. Various tests were carried
out on the questionnaire by the researchers' statistician and grammarian for confirmation. It shall
be allocated to the selected respondents. Respondents were told of the purpose of the analysis
with appropriate guidelines on the ethics and confidentiality of the data that will be obtained. The
researchers gave the respondents adequate time to react to the questionnaires. The data collected
will be compiled and streamlined by researchers with help from statistical tools such as
Microsoft Excel to analyze the findings and resolve the study question.

All the responses reflected on the questionnaire were recorded in a data sheet. To know the
accuracy and the effectiveness of the data, the researchers used the following statistical measures
to analyze the gathered data.

Percentage. This approach calculates the proportion of participants' responses to the total
sample population. In this study, it will be used to identify the respondents' demographics and
describe their profile.

Weighted Mean. This is calculated when certain values in a data set are more important than
the others; therefore, it can be referred as a type of averaging but there are data points which will
contribute more weights than other values. In this study, it was used to determine the factors that
affect the Batangueños in sustaining their source of income and the strategies utilized by the
Batangueños in increasing their living standards.

Composite Mean. This is a combination of two or more individual measures in a single

measure that results in a single score. In this study, It will be used to conduct an analysis of the
variables pertaining to factors that affect the Batangueños in sustaining their source of income
and the strategies utilized by the Batangueños in increasing their living standards and this was
obtained by getting the average of all computed weighted means.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This is a statistical technique is used to test equality

among several means by comparing variance among groups relative to variance within groups
(random error). In this study, it will be used to test the significant relationship between the
factors that the Batangueños in sustaining their source of income.



The problem regarding financial stability has been very common in the Philippines. Many
Filipinos are suffering due to their lack of income which is commonly caused by the lack of job
opportunities and educational attainment. By the end of this study, the researchers will
implement a livelihood program which will facilitate the Batangueños in finding alternative ways
on how to maintain their source of income. This program will help improve their lifestyle and
create a better place for everyone.

Source of income is very essential for everyone. Improving Living standards may help
people to maintain their financial stability. Lack of source of income may affect people
especially parents to provide the needs of their children that may also affect their children’s
academic performances. The significance of this project proposal is to enlighten and facilitate
each and every one to participate in the livelihood program to help them boost their standards of
living and to have a stable source of income.

Following the completion of the study's findings, Barangay Cuta's residents will participate in a
livelihood program to inform them of strategies to increase their success and income stability.
Inspirational messages from various business owners and rich from-rags people will be shared,
inspiring them to work harder to achieve financial
stability. The program will also cover the exchange of concepts for potential businesses and
other income sources. However, the implications will also be taken into account. The issue of
sharing solutions is another one. Additionally, it aims to inform or educate the locals on the
benefits of participating in the program. The final part of the program will educate and advise
everyone about what should and shouldn't be done when starting a business or the proper way to
execute the alternatives to earning money.

The Sustainable Livelihood Approach: How to Facilitate Batangueños In Increasing

Their Living Standards for them to Maintain a Sustainable Source of Income will be of great help
to the families of Barangay Cuta, Batangas City who are having a hard time to sustain their
income and needs. Sustainable livelihood is one of the most important things to increase the level
of the source income in everyday lives. It benefits to the people who needs a source income, it is
to curb and ultimately reduce poverty by giving jobs and training to people, as well as by moving
highly low-income households into a viable means of support. It builds on people’s strengths,
and in emergencies, people are assisted in becoming less vulnerable and more resilient to the
impact of disasters. This problem can address by giving a certain job to the people who needs
this. The findings and results of this study will undoubtedly benefit them; it will aid them in
sustaining their income with the help of the suggestions, opportunities, and ideas from the
livelihood program. It will also help not only those from Barangay Cuta, but also, other people
who are struggling to find ways on earning money for their family.


Joshi, U. (2016). How to ensure sustainability. Retrieved from:


Serrat, O. (2017). The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach. Retrieved from:


The World Bank. (2018). The Philippines Sustainable Livelihood Program: Providing and
Expanding Access to Employment and Livelihood Opportunities. Retrieved from:
https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/philippines/publication/the philippines-
sustainable-livelihood-program-providing-and-expanding-access-to employment-and-
Waugh, E. (2022). 7 Steps to Create Financial Stability. Retrieved from:

Peres, A. (2018a). The Philippines Sustainable Livelihood Programme: Performance,

opportunities and recommendations. Retrieved from:
https://socialprotection.org/discover/blog/philippines-sustainable-livelihood programme-
and#:~:text=Since%202011%2C%20the%20Philippines'%20Department,Sustain able
Peres, A. (2018b). The Philippines Sustainable Livelihood Programme: Performance,
opportunities and recommendations. Retrieved from:
https://socialprotection.org/discover/blog/philippines-sustainable-livelihood programme-
and#:~:text=Since%202011%2C%20the%20Philippines'%20Department,Sustain able

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