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Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

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Design exploration and optimization of aerodynamics and radar cross

section for a fighter aircraft
Zia Ud Din Taj a,∗ , Ahmad Bilal a , Muhammad Awais b , Shuaib Salamat a , Messam Abbas a ,
Adnan Maqsood c
Air University Aerospace and Aviation Campus, Kamra, Pakistan
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The design for the conflicting requirements of low drag and low Radar Cross Section (RCS) causes
Received 7 April 2021 difficulty in achieving an aerodynamically superior stealth aircraft. To cater the issue, a multidisciplinary
Received in revised form 14 November 2022 design exploration and optimization framework is proposed. A shared parameterized aircraft geometry
Accepted 3 January 2023
is used for high fidelity aero-stealth analysis using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Shooting
Available online 9 January 2023
Communicated by Nikolaos Gatsonis
and Bouncing Rays (SBR) techniques. A surrogate model using a machine learning approach involving
Gaussian Process (GP) modelling is generated for efficient and rapid design space exploration. A gradient-
Keywords: free metaheuristic optimization scheme using multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (GA) is employed to
CFD minimize drag and RCS. The results show that the proposed framework provides a reliable environment
RCS for the multidisciplinary design exploration of an aerial vehicle.
Shooting and bouncing rays © 2023 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Gaussian process
Multidisciplinary optimization
Multi-objective genetic algorithm

1. Introduction Now-a-days, Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions are gaining

much attention for providing efficient and rapid solutions in de-
The key features for a fighter aircraft are high maneuverability termining complex relation of responses. These cheap to evaluate
and low detectability. Optimizing the aircraft for low observabil- surrogate models are created to replace the expensive evaluations
ity severely affects the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft. of the high-fidelity design problems. Most used surrogate models
In the past, many efforts have been made to evaluate the cou- are Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Kriging approximations
pled performance using low-fidelity tools and non-parameterized models, Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Radial Basis Func-
aircraft geometry [1–3]. Although Cheng, et al. [4] carried out the tions (RBF) [8]. However, the uncertainties of these models are
coupled analysis using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and controlled and compensated by generating efficient design of ex-
self-programmed RCS code, but the evaluation is done on a single periments [9]. Generally, space filling sampling plan such as Latin
non-parametrized geometry. Similarly, Su, et al. [5] performed sep- Hypercube Sampling (LHS) is used to ensure the uniform spread of
arate high fidelity aerodynamic and stealth analysis of Unmanned points throughout the design space. Much research has been done
Air Vehicle (UAV) with the lack of shared parametrized geometry. on the techniques to improve a surrogate model efficiency such as
In addition, aero-structure-stealth coupled exploration and opti- infill sampling based on prediction-based exploitation, error-based
mization is carried out by Di Wu, et al. [6] on a simple high aspect exploration, balanced exploitation and exploration, and conditional
ratio wing only. Furthermore, Ming Li, et al. [7] used a gradient- likelihood approaches [10]. Recently, supervised machine learning
based structural optimization scheme using aero-stealth analysis algorithms like Gaussian Process (GP) regression have been used by
for a simple geometry of a flying wing aircraft. Hence, there is a many researchers to save the calculations time and cost [11–15].
lack of high-fidelity multidisciplinary analysis on a complex pa- Jacobs, et al. [13] performed a multi-frequency analysis to pre-
rameterized fighter aircraft geometry. dict the RCS response of a missile at a single incident angle using
GP regression modelling. In addition, GP regression has been em-
ployed to model the aperture efficiency by using composite kernel
* Corresponding author. covariance function [14]. A multi-frequency analysis has been done
E-mail address: (Z.U.D. Taj). by Ahmad, et al. [15] using GP modelling to predict the aperiodic
1270-9638/© 2023 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

RCS response with five geometric parameters as predictors. Hence, When the incident wave strikes the target, it behaves like an
GP based surrogate modelling using space filling LHS plan can be antenna and extracts power by using its capture area (σ ). The ex-
employed for efficient and rapid design space exploration. tracted power ( P ) is given by:
Much research has been employed to find the optimized geom-
etry in a modelling and simulation environment using numerous σ Y 0 | E i |2
P = σ Wi = (2)
optimization schemes [16,17]. These schemes are generally divided 2
into two main categories – gradient and non-gradient based opti- The scattered wave power density (W s ) at an observed distance
mization algorithms [18]. Gradient-based algorithms have the lim- (R) is given by Equation (3).
itation of getting stuck in local optimum solutions but are fast and
efficient. However, non-gradient based algorithms, like metaheuris- P σ Y 0 | E i |2
Ws = = (3)
tic optimization schemes, are used to explore the global optimum 4π R2 8π R 2
solution of a large design space with discrete variables but re- However, the scattered wave power density can also be ex-
quire excessive function calls [19]. Many metaheuristic schemes
pressed as:
have been applied by the researchers like Genetic Algorithm (GA),
simulated annealing optimization and particle swarm algorithms Es Hs Y 0 | E s |2
[20,21]. For example, Jun-xue Leng, et al. [22] used GA to improve Ws = = (4)
2 2
the aerodynamic performance of reusable launch vehicles based
Comparing Equations (3)–(4) yields the capture area or radar
on reverse design approach. Similarly, Tian-tian Zhang, et al. [23]
cross section of the target given by Equation (5).
optimized the aerodynamics of hypersonic-gliding vehicle config-
urations during conceptual design phase using multi-objective GA | E s |2
and presented the solutions using Pareto optimal front. In addi- σ = lim 4π R 2 (5)
R →∞ | E i |2
tion, Lyu, et al. [24] in a wing shape optimization study found
that the number of iterations for gradient free schemes increase There are numerous Computational Electromagnetic (CEM) al-
in a quadratic and cubic manner with increasing dimensionality as gorithms to simulate RCS of target objects, which involve solving
compared to gradient based schemes, which show linear behavior. differential or integral forms of Maxwell’s equations [27,28]. Phys-
However, Yang Shen, et al. [25] used GA optimization scheme cou- ical Optics (PO), Method of Moments (MOM) and Shooting and
pled with Kriging surrogate model for rapid function evaluations Bouncing Rays (SBR) are the commonly used CEM algorithms. PO
of increased number of iterations. Therefore, GA optimization cou- method is fast but has very low accuracy due to the inability to
pled with GP surrogate model can be employed in our proposed capture edge diffraction effects and multiple bounces reflection
environment. effects. Whereas MOM method is a high-fidelity method but re-
The present work is focused on proposing a multi-disciplinary quires high computational time. To overcome these limitations,
design exploration and optimization framework. The environ- SBR method is used to compute RCS of electrically large struc-
ment is used for optimizing the fighter aircrafts for high aero- tures yielding fast and reasonably accurate results [29–31]. The
dynamic performance and low radar signature using high fidelity technique efficiently caters edge diffraction, creeping waves and
aerodynamic-stealth analysis and a single parameterized geometry. multiple bounce effects. Ahmad, et al. [32] benchmarked the ac-
In order reduce the calculations cost, GP based surrogate model curacy of SBR technique by comparison with MOM and measured
is generated on which gradient free GA optimization algorithm is results.
employed. In order to simulate the incident electromagnetic (EM) wave,
The research is presented in following sections. Section 2 in- SBR algorithm uses a sequence of optical ray tubes. The ray tube
cludes a brief background of the employed high fidelity RCS com- obeys geometric optics principles during propagation. For a homo-
putation, aerodynamic evaluation, GP regression modelling and geneous isotropic medium, in geometric optics, Fermat’s principle
GA optimization techniques. The validation of electromagnetic and states a ray tube propagates on the straight line. Thus, its path of
aerodynamic solvers is done in Section 3. Section 4 outlines the propagation can be written as [33]:
proposed multidisciplinary design exploration and optimization  
environment. Section 5 includes the results and discussion of the r (x, y , z) = r0 (x0 , y 0 , z0 ) + s sx , s y , s z t (6)
obtained optimized aircraft geometries using GA based optimiza-
Here r0 represents the starting point, s represents the direction
tion scheme. Section 6 concludes the research.
and t depicts time for point r0 on the path followed by ray. If the
direction of incident ray is (θi , φi ), s can be written as follows:
2. Background
sx = − sin θi cos φi , s y = − sin θi sin φi , s z = − cos θi (7)
2.1. Stealth analysis
The ray will refract or reflect at the target’s surface when it in-
RCS of an aircraft is the measure of its stealth. Lower the radar tersects the target. The direction of refraction and reflection can be
signature means better the stealth, smaller the detection range and found using Snell’s law. If n̂ represents the normal at the point of
lesser the response time. RCS of a target is the projected area of an intersection, and î denotes the incident direction, then the reflec-
object, which would scatter the same power in the same direction tion direction ŝ is shown by:
as a metallic sphere [26]. It is measured in m2 or dBsm, and shows
ŝ = î − 2(î · n̂)n̂ (8)
the comparison between the incident wave power density at the
target and the scattered wave power density received at the radar. The above steps are repeated for a ray until it departs the tar-
The incident wave power density (W i ) is given by Equation (1). get and then shoot towards infinity to acquire a ray path. Then to
simulate multiple reflections of a ray tube on the surface of a tar-
Ei Hi Y 0 | E i |2
Wi = = (1) get, geometrical optics is utilized. During propagation, the phase
2 2 and field strength also change in the tube. Upon i + 1th intersec-
Where, E i = incident electric field strength, H i = incident mag- tion with target (r i +1 ), the field strength can be calculated from
netic field strength and Y 0 = admittance of free space. the last intersection i.e., the i th intersection (ri ):

Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

 ri +1 = (DF )i · G
E · ri · e − j (phase) (9) In order to model the turbulence, numerous turbulence mod-
  els are used including Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) model,
Where phase = k r i +1 − ri  represents the change in phase. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model and Reynolds-Averaged Navier-
G denotes the reflection coefficient, (DF )i represents the diver- Stokes (RANS) model. In this research, RANS model is used due
i to its inexpensive nature of obtaining good quality results with
gence factor at ri , and Ei (ri ) indicates the electric field incident at
sufficient accuracy. It solves the entire Navier-Stokes equations by
ri .
performing time averaging to extract mean flow properties from
The scattering of the object in far field is given by accretion of
the instantaneous ones. Among numerous types of RANS models,
the individual scattered fields of the tube, which result from re-
Shear Stress Transport (SST) k − ω turbulence model is used in
flections off the surface of target. Finally, after multiple reflections
this work as shown by Equation (16)–(17) [35]. It uses k − ε in the
the ray tube shoots at infinity and the method utilizes PO princi-
freestream and k − ω in the near wall region to capture the viscous
ples on the ray tube to accomplish the far field integration. Using
Stratton-Chu integral formula, the generic equation for scattered
field of target surface is written as [33]: ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ω
(ρω) + (ρω U i ) = (μ + 0.5μt ) + P ω − Dω
.    ∂t ∂ xi ∂ xi ∂ xi
  jk e −jkr
Es r , ω = r̂ ×  r , ω
Z 0 r̂ × n̂ × H 0.856ρ ∂ k ∂ ω
4π r + 2(1 − F ) (16)
s ω ∂ xi ∂ xi
 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂k
+  r , ω
E × n̂ e jkr̂ ·r (10) (ρ k) + (ρ kU i ) = (μ + μt ) + P k − Dk (17)
∂t ∂ xi ∂ xi ∂ xi
Here r̂ and r denote unit and position vector of point of obser-
Where, P w = rate of production of ω , D w = rate of dissipation
vation, n̂ represents unit normal vector of bin on target surface, r
of ω , P k = and rate of production of k, D k = rate of dissipation of
shows position vector
 of any surface,
 Z0 represents the free space k, F = blending function and μ = molecular viscosity coefficient.
 r , ω
impedance, and H  r , ω
and E represent total magnetic
and electric scattered fields respectively. 2.3. GP regression

2.2. Aerodynamic analysis GP regression models use supervised machine learning tech-
nique to estimate the response based on the training data. How-
An aircraft design is an iterative process. The flight-testing and ever, the generated surrogate trained model acts as a black box
wind tunnel experiments are the industry standards for exact eval- and does not take a functional form hence it is non-parametric in
uation of aerodynamic performance. However, the associated high nature. In addition, the surrogate model is not deterministic but
cost and time makes it unfeasible for their integration in this iter- stochastic in nature i.e., it returns a value with a probability dis-
ative design cycle. As a result, CFD has gained confidence for the tribution instead of a fixed value every time. For a given data set
incorporation in aircraft design processes. In CFD, Navier-Stokes D of xn variables and f n responses, as shown in Equation (18), a
equations are solved which are a coupled system of nonlinear par- Gaussian process is defined as a stochastic process in which each
tial differential equations that represent the unsteady, compress- finite set of random variables in D is normally distributed or has a
ible, three-dimensional viscous flows. Equations (11)–(15) repre- multivariate Gaussian distribution [36], as shown by Equation (19).
sent complete set of Navier-Stokes equations including continuity,
momentum, and energy equations [34]. D = {(x1 , f 1 ) , (x2 , f 2 ) , . . . , (xn , f n )} (18)
Dρ f ∼ N (μ, K ) (19)
+ ρ∇ · V = 0 (11)
Du ∂P ∂ τxx ∂ τyx ∂ τzx Where, f is the prior and has a Gaussian distribution with
ρ + =− + + + ρ fx (12) mean μ and covariance K . For two variables, it is expressed as:
Dt ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z
Dv ∂P ∂ τxy ∂ τyy ∂ τzy      
ρ =− + + + + ρ fy (13) f1 μ1 K 11 K 12
Dt ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z ∼N , (20)
f2 μ2 K 21 K 22
Dw ∂P ∂ τxz ∂ τyz ∂ τzz
ρ =− + + + + ρ fz (14) The covariance defines the resemblance between the values of
Dt ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z
the data set as shown in Equation (21).
D V2 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ⎡ ⎤
e+ = ρ q̇ + k k + + k k (x1 , x1 ) k (x1 , x2 ) k (x1 , xn )
Dt 2 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
⎢ k (x2 , x1 ) ···
  ⎢ k (x2 , x2 ) k (x2 , xn ) ⎥

∂ (u τxx ) ∂ u τyx ∂ (u τzx ) K =⎢ .. .. .. ⎥ (21)
− ∇ · (P V ) + + + ⎣ . . . ⎦
∂x ∂y ∂z
      k (xn , x1 ) k (xn , x2 ) ··· k (xn , xn )
∂ v τxy ∂ v τyy ∂ v τzy ∂ ( w τxz )
+ + + + The covariance is modelled using a kernel function that is cho-
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x
  sen based on the periodic or aperiodic nature of the model re-
∂ w τyz ∂ ( w τzz ) sponse. RCS response evaluated for varying geometric parameters
+ + +ρ f ·V (15)
∂y ∂z is found to be aperiodic [15] and thus Matérn 5/2 covariance func-
Where, ρ = density of the fluid, V = velocity, P = pressure, tion, given by Equation (22), is used to model the covariance of the
τi j = normal stress for i = j and shear stress for i = j, f = body data.
force, e = internal energy, k = thermal conductivity, q̇ = volumet-   √ √ 5
ric heat addition per unit mass and T = temperature. k x, x∗ = σ f2 e − 5r
(1 + 5r + r2) (22)
Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

Fig. 1. Flow Chart of Genetic Algorithms [38].

Here σ f2 is the maximum allowable covariance and r is the dis- 2.4. GA metaheuristic optimization scheme
tance given by:
GA metaheuristic optimization scheme is based on the process

 D of natural selection and mimics natural genetics. It uses a popula-
 (xk − x∗ )2
r= k
(23) tion consisting of a set of design points and thus are less prone to
k =1
τk2 be trapped in local solutions. The variables are considered as chro-
mosomes or individuals that are represented by binary string of
Here τk is the kernel length scale for each predictor, which digits where each digit is considered as a gene or bit. Whereas a
is used to gauge the distance between the actual and predicted generation or population is the set of these chromosomes whose
values. In order to predict a function value f ∗ for a data point fitness values are evaluated at the end of each iteration. Fig. 1
x∗ , we assume that this new data has also a Gaussian distribu- shows the flow chart explaining the working and steps of the al-
tion with a mean μ∗ and covariance K ∗ as shown by Equation gorithm.
The algorithm is initiated by generation of μ individuals pop-
ulation and their fitness values are obtained using the objective
functions. The number of individuals is then selected for reproduc-
f ∗ ∼ N (μ∗ , K ∗ ) (24) tion based on the tournaments to be carried out between them.
The process works on the principle of random selection of μ indi-
In the matrix form, it is expressed as:
viduals, known as tournament size, and competing them for high-
⎡ ⎤ ⎛⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎞ est fitness function values.
f1 μ1 K 11 K 12 K 1∗ Next step is the reproduction which is further divided in two
⎣ f 2 ⎦ ∼ N ⎝⎣ μ2 ⎦ , ⎣ K 21 K 22 K 2∗ ⎦⎠ (25) steps – crossover and mutation. In crossover, the genetic shuffling
f∗ μ∗ K 1∗ T K 2∗ T K ∗∗ of μ parent individuals into λ offspring occurs, thus allowing GA
to search for global optimum solution. Every bit of a parent chro-
Where, K ∗ is the similarity between new data point with the mosome is assigned a probability to decide the swap with the cor-
remaining points, given by Equation (26), and K ∗∗ is the similarity responding bit of the other parent chromosome. In mutation, the
of new data point with itself or simply 1. genetic diversity of the process is preserved by randomly swap-
  ping certain bits in λ offspring. The fitness of λ offspring is then
K ∗ = k (x∗ , x1 ) k (x∗ , x2 ) . . . k (x∗ , xn ) (26) evaluated and compared with μ parents. The highest fit μ individ-
uals are finally replaced to pass on to next generation and entire
To check the accuracy of the surrogate models, Root Mean process is repeated in next iterations until the required global op-
Square Relative Error (RMSRE) is calculated using Equation (27) timum solution is not achieved.
3. Validation

 1   f p − f a 2

 (27) To validate the electromagnetic solver, SBR results are bench-
N a marked using MOM and experimental measurement of an aircraft
geometry [32]. The frequency is taken as 1 GHz and the polariza-
Where, f a = actual function response, f p = predicted function tion mode is vertical polarization. The comparison of SBR, MOM
response and N = number of runs. and experimental RCS shows a good agreement as shown in Fig. 2.

Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

Fig. 2. Comparison of RCS between simulated and experimental data [32] at 1 GHz frequency and VV polarization.

Fig. 3. Boxplots of relative error between simulated and experimental data (a) Electromagnetic solver (b) Aerodynamic solver.

Fig. 4. Comparison between CFD and experimental data [39] of generic UCAV configuration SACCON (a) Drag coefficient (b) Lift coefficient.

The boxplots of relative error between them are shown in Fig. 3(a). measured in anechoic chamber [30]. However, the same method-
Furthermore, the RMSRE between SBR and MOM is 1.47 and SBR ology can be extended to design and optimize a new and complex
and experimental result is 2.16, thus confirming that SBR technique fighter aircraft geometry with more stealth features like twin ver-
can be efficiently employed for RCS simulations. tical fins, variable wing sweep, etc. Table 1 shows geometric vari-
For validating the aerodynamics solver, simulation results are ables of the baseline aircraft geometry.
benchmarked using experimental data of generic UCAV configura- The parameterized geometry is then shared for the coupled
tion SACCON [39]. The flow conditions include Mach number of stealth and aerodynamic analysis to be carried out using SBR
0.149 and angle of attack from 0◦ to 18◦ at Reynold’s number of technique and CFD respectively. The analysis is performed in
1.6 million with reference to mean aerodynamic chord. The com- three steps: pre-processing, simulation, and post-processing. In
parison of CFD and experimental lift and drag coefficients shows pre-processing, geometry cleaning along with the formulation of
an excellent correlation as shown in Fig. 4. The boxplots of rela- physical problem, computational domain of interest and automatic
tive error between them are shown in Fig. 3(b). Furthermore, the scripted grid generation is done. In simulation, meshed geome-
RMSRE between experimental and CFD data of drag coefficient is try is used for the analysis by defining the boundary conditions
0.27 and lift coefficient is 0.21, thus confirming that CFD can be for the problem. The simulation parameters are listed in Table 2.
efficiently employed for aerodynamic simulations. The stealth analysis is performed only on one frequency and polar-
ization to keep the number of simulation variables tractable. The
4. Methodology frequency of 1 GHz is chosen because it is the typical operating
frequency of ground-based radars [15].
An automated multi-disciplinary design exploration and opti- The mesh settings for CFD analysis are shown in Table 3. Fig. 7
mization framework is proposed in this research, which is shown shows the grid of the employed aircraft model. The drag and lift
in Fig. 5. Firstly, a geometry of a fighter aircraft including eight were taken as converged to a tolerance of 1e-04 for 10 successive
parametric variables is created as shown in Fig. 6. The geometry iterations. In post-processing, the results in the form of RCS, drag
selection is driven by the availability of aircraft model and data and lift coefficients are extracted and visualized.

Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

Fig. 5. Flow chart of proposed framework.

Table 1
Baseline geometric parameters.

Fixed Parameters Value Parametric Variables Baseline Minimum Maximum

Length 14.86 m Wing sweep angle 43.4◦ 39◦ 55◦
Height 3.64 m Horizontal tail sweep angle 42◦ 40◦ 55◦
Wing span 9.42 m Vertical tail sweep angle 41.7◦ 40◦ 55◦
Wing tip chord 0.96 m Wing aspect ratio 3.14 2.51 3.76
Wing root chord 3.89 m Horizontal tail aspect ratio 2.93 2.34 3.51
Wing area 28.3 m2 Vertical tail aspect ratio 2.24 1.79 2.69
– – Wing dihedral angle 0◦ −1◦ 3◦
– – Horizontal tail dihedral angle 0◦ −1◦ 3◦

Table 2
Simulation parameters.

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Frequency 1 GHz Mach 0.8
Polarization VV Static pressure 22729.3 Pa
Scanning angle (azimuth) 0◦ ± 45◦ Temperature 216.8 K
Scanning angle (elevation) 90◦ Density 0.000709 slugs/ft3
Step size 1◦ CFD analysis Pressure based steady state
Angle of attack 4◦ CFD solution method Pressure-velocity coupled
Altitude 36000 ft Turbulence model SST k–ω (RANS)

Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

of additional variables such as those related to flight controls siz-

ing and deflection angles, thereby increasing the scope of paper
considerably. Therefore, current study is limited to find the opti-
mized geometry X (Equation (28)) which minimizes the objective
functions f 1 ( R C S ) , f 2 (C D ) subject to lift g (C L ) (Equation (29))
and geometric constraints g (x).
⎧ ⎫
⎪ x1 − Wing sweep ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ x2 − Horizontal tail sweep ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ x3 − Vertical tail sweep ⎪

⎨ ⎬
x4 − Wing aspect ratio
X= (28)

⎪ x5 − Horizontal tail aspect ratio ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ x6 − Vertical tail aspect ratio ⎪

⎪ x7 − Wing dihedral

Fig. 6. Baseline aircraft geometry. ⎪
⎩ ⎪

x8 − Horizontal tail dihedral
Table 3 g 1 (C L ) ≥ 0.339 (29)
CFD mesh settings.

Setting Value 5. Results and discussion

Mesh elements 4.5 million
Surface mesh All triangles patch independent 5.1. GP surrogate model results
Volume mesh Unstructured tetrahedral
Boundary layer height 0.04 m
Inflation layers 12 The generated 10-fold cross-validated GP surrogate models for
RCS, C D and C L responses are plotted with initial simulated data
in Fig. 8. The trained model is also tested on randomly generated
20 design points and the RMSRE for RCS, C D and C L responses are
found to be 0.284, 0.023 and 0.021 respectively, thus confirming
the good accuracy of the trained models. Furthermore, the boxplots
of relative error between actual and predicted values of responses
are shown in Fig. 9. The central mark of boxes represents the me-
dian of the relative error, and the upper and lower marks represent
the 25th and 75th percentiles respectively. Whereas the whiskers
are located at the extreme values and the outlier data points are
shown with symbol “+”.

5.2. GA optimization results

In GA optimization scheme, the population size was set to 200

and maximum generations were set to 2000. The algorithm adopts
a crossover possibility of 0.8 to generate the new populations. The
Fig. 7. Mesh of the employed aircraft model.
algorithm took 102 generations and 20401 function evaluations to
find the optimized geometries.
A Pareto optimal solution is a feasible solution X if there ex-
A mesh independence study was performed at 4◦ angle of at-
ists no other feasible solution Y such that f i (Y ) ≤ f i ( X ) for
tack using three mesh sizes. The finest mesh level (M 0 ) contained
i = 1, 2, . . . , n with f j (Y ) < f i ( X ) for at least one j [18]. The plot
7.1 million elements and was coarsened twice (M 1 and M 2 ), re-
containing these Pareto optimal solutions is a Pareto optimal front.
sulting in mesh levels of 4.5 and 3.6 million elements respectively.
As our problem involves multi-objective constrained optimization,
The corresponding lift and drag coefficients of all grids along with
hence it is difficult to obtain a single solution that will optimize
their percentage errors from M 0 are listed in Table 4. Keeping in
the conflicting objective functions of low drag and low RCS simul-
mind the computational time and resources for the current study,
taneously. Therefore, the Pareto optimal solutions are found using
M 1 mesh was selected as the final mesh size due to very low per-
GA to give the designers several feasible choices to choose from. In
centage error from M 0 (0.6%) as compared to M 2 mesh (6.2%).
Fig. 10, Pareto optimal solutions are plotted along with the base-
The simulations were done on Intel E5-2620 workstation with
line geometry.
16 Xeon processors of 2.1 GHz frequency. The time for CFD and
As evident from the Pareto optimal front, three types of opti-
SBR technique was 90 and 15 minutes per simulation respectively.
mized configurations are found using the employed metaheuris-
To reduce the computational cost and time, we employed GP mod-
tic scheme including stealth, aerodynamics, and aero-stealth op-
elling to create the surrogate models using the generated training
timized geometries. The obtained stealth optimized configuration
data of 336 runs created through space filling Latin Hypercube
gives the best possible stealth performance of 50.9% RCS reduction
Sampling (LHS) technique.
from the baseline geometry i.e., 1.784 m2 to 0.876 m2 . The cor-
Using these generated GP surrogate models, the geometry is fi- responding geometry is shown in Fig. 11. Similarly, the obtained
nally optimized by gradient-free multi-objective GA optimization aerodynamics optimized configuration gives the best possible aero-
scheme. The objective functions are to minimize drag and RCS, dynamic performance of 6.7% drag reduction from the baseline
while achieving the desired lift. Although, additional requirements geometry i.e., 0.0505 to 0.0471. The corresponding geometry is
of aircraft stability and performance parameters such as take-off shown in Fig. 12. Rest of the aero-stealth optimized configurations
distance, endurance, etc. can also be incorporated into the frame- give good combined aerodynamic and stealth performance as seen
work, but consideration of these parameters will require inclusion in Fig. 10.

Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

Table 4
Grid independence study.

Mesh level Mesh size CD Percentage error C D from M 0 CL Percentage error C L from M 0
M0 7,153,002 0.050838 – 0.35685 –
M1 4,502,804 0.050543 0.6% 0.35470 0.6%
M2 3,619,205 0.052635 3.0% 0.37906 6.2%

Fig. 8. GP surrogate trained models.

Fig. 11. Stealth optimized geometry.

Fig. 9. Boxplots of relative error between true and predicted responses using GP
surrogate models.

Fig. 10. Pareto optimal front. Fig. 12. Aerodynamics optimized geometry.

Z.U.D. Taj, A. Bilal, M. Awais et al. Aerospace Science and Technology 133 (2023) 108114

Table 5
Geometric parameters of baseline and optimized configurations.

Parameter Baseline Stealth optimized Aerodynamics optimized

Wing sweep angle 43.4◦ 49◦ 48.2◦
Horizontal tail sweep angle 42◦ 44.4◦ 54.9◦
Vertical tail sweep angle 41.7◦ 47.9◦ 45.6◦
Wing aspect ratio 3.14 3.39 3.76
Horizontal tail aspect ratio 2.93 2.85 2.35
Vertical tail aspect ratio 2.24 2.21 2.17
Wing dihedral angle 0◦ 1.1◦ 2.9◦
Horizontal tail dihedral angle 0◦ 0.8◦ 1.2◦

Table 6
Comparison of optimization results between baseline and optimized configurations.

Configuration Surrogate Model (Predicted) Simulation (Optimized)

CD RCS (m2 ) CL CD RCS (m2 ) CL
Baseline 0.049 1.783 0.352 0.0505 1.784 0.355
Stealth optimized 0.0489 0.883 0.369 0.0493 0.876 0.357
Aerodynamics optimized 0.0468 0.948 0.381 0.0471 0.958 0.389

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