RW Module 3

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1st Semester – Module 3

Comparing and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines:

Descriptive text

Definition Text

A single-sentence definition can clarify a term but there are times when it is
necessary to expand it into a paragraph or a text to make it more comprehensible for
the readers. A definition text is a kind of text that not only explains what a particular
word means but also what it does, what it is used for, what it looks like, etc. This text
requires the readers to perceive the dynamic meanings of a word and the concepts that
are associated with it.

How to Identify an Effective Definition Text?

A definition text can be identified as effective if it has the following features:

A. It focuses on one subject to highlight its distinction among others. This

also helps to avoid confusion and set direction to you writing.
B. It gives the multiple meanings of a word and concepts associated with it.
Remember that you have to focus on your subject while exploring its dynamic
range of meanings.
C. It uses the present tense of the verb for definitions are general truth which fall
under the rule of present tense.

What are Some Types of Definition?

A. Denotation - the primary, explicit or literal definition of a word. The meaning

of a word based on a dictionary.
Example: A father is a male parent.
B. Connotation - a definition based on the personal or consensual experiences
of a person. This is also known as the secondary meaning of a word.
Example: A daddy is a male parent. It also denotes that the family has a high
social status.
C. Extended definition - a definition based not on the literal meaning or the
personal experience of a person, but on different aspects such as etymology,
function, negation, comparison and contrast, etc. It also uses different techniques
in defining such as:
a) Analysis - breaking down a concept into its constituent parts to
learn what they do and how they are related.
Example: The Philippine government is equally divided into three
branches- the executive, legislative and judiciary.
b) Collocation - words or expressions that are usually almost
immediately associated with the concept being defined.
Example: Passion is associated with love and lust.
c) Comparison - uses simile or metaphor and analogy to show the
similarity of the concept being defined to the idea that is more
appealing to the sense of the readers.
Example: Love is like reading a book.
d) Contrast - understanding that two similar concepts are different.
Example: Being loyal and faithful are two different situations.
e) Etymology - history of a word.
Example: Biology comes from the Greek word Bio which means
f) Exemplification and Illustration - giving examples and focusing on
them to elaborate the concept being defined.
Example: Bread is a type of food made from baked flour like buns
and bagel.
g) Function - the purpose of the concept being defined.
Example: Thermometer is a device to measure temperature.
h) Negation - defines a word or concept by explaining what it is not.
Example: Love is not envious.
i) Synonyms - giving words that have similar meaning to the concept
being defined.
Example: Scrutinizing something is observing it closely.
j) Slang or Colloquial Language
e.g. Karen are those entitled white women in the US.

How to Write a Definition Text?

A definition text follows the structure of any academic text. It has an introduction, a
body, and a conclusion.

A. Introduction

This part must catch the reader’s interest. You can start with a denotation or the
connotation of the term you want to define. This must be brief and informative.

B. Body

This depends on the complexity of discussion you want to achieve or the teacher
requires. One thing must be achieved here, that is to provide all the facts about the term
you are defining.

Always remember that when you introduce a new idea it must be in a new
paragraph. If the term has multiple meanings, discuss each meaning and give examples
to support your claims.

C. Conclusion

This must summarize the claims you mentioned in the body and the relevance of
knowing the definition of the term you discussed.

Activity 1:

A. Define the following terms and use them in a sentence.

1. Lodi
2. Awit
3. Egul
4. Omcm
5. Naur

Sample Format:
Inch – a slang term commonly used in buy-and-sell accounts; interest check.

 Inch Hee Specs can PAYO saur much <3<3<3

 Sentence context: I’m really interested in buying your Heeseung photocard, and I
can pay immediately.

Note: You do not need to add sentence context 😊 This is only a guide.

Activity 2:

Directions: Read the texts from the links below and supply the following needed

What is AIDS?

A. Topic:

b. Type of Definition:
C. Supporting details:

What is Meritocracy?

A. Topic:

b. Type of Definition:

C. Supporting details:

Activity 3:

Directions: Choose a term that you would like to discuss from the box below. On a short
bond paper, create an outline of the concepts that are related to your chosen term. You
may use the outline below.

Pandemic Terrorism Famine

Unemployment Disparity
New Normal
Good Governance K-Pop
Academic freeze Federalism Clean energy
I. Introduction

Thesis statement: ________________________________________________________

II. Body

A. __________________________________________________________________

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

B. __________________________________________________________________

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

C. __________________________________________________________________

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

III. Conclusion:

Activity 4:

Directions: Write your definition text based on the outline you made. Follow the structure
of writing a definition text and use various types of definition techniques.

Completeness 5 points
Content 5 points
Accuracy 5 points
Total: 15 points


Completeness 5 points
Accuracy 10 points
Reasoning & Content 15 points
Total: 30 points


Completeness 5 points
Reasoning 10 points
Structure & Organization 10 points
Total: 25 points


Alignment 5 points
Cohesiveness 5 points
Grammar 5 points
Reasoning 5 points
Content 10 points
Total: 30 points



 The output can be HANDWRITTEN OR PRINTED. If you’re passing a PRINTED

output, the format we will be using is APA:
- Font size: 12
- Font: Arial
- Justified
- Double-space

 You can be creative with your output. I am giving you the leeway to do so.
However, make sure that the focus of your output is aligned with our scoring
rubrics, as that will be the basis in scoring your activities.

 Your Module 3 activities should be inserted in your Portfolio.

 Submission for Module 3 will be next Friday, March 1, 2024.

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