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To: Immigration and Customs Officer

Dear officer,

I do not speak English; I do speak Spanish.

My name is AURORA VILLAGRAN LILLO, I am travelling to Canada from Chile for leisure, and I
am visiting my daughter who is currently doing a fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children in
Toronto, ON. I am traveling with my friend who is also my grandson’s other grandmother.
We arrive today, the 12th of March 2023 and will leave on the 22nd of March 2023 back to Chile.
My return ticket has already been purchased.

I reside at the following address:

Avenida Escondida 2790, casa 6, Antofagasta 1271374, Chile.
My mobile phone is: +569 7833 9039

I will be staying with my daughter and her family for the duration of my trip at the following
118 Whitmore Avenue, TORONTO, ON, M6C 2H8.

My contacts in Canada are my daughter Daniela Castillo Villagran, living at the address
indicated above, and my son-in-law, Benjamin Clarke Arenas, also living at the above address.
They will both be picking us up from Toronto Pearson International Airport.
In case you need to contact them, their telephone numbers are:
Daniela Castillo Villagran +1 (416) 824 7930
Benjamin Clarke Arenas +1 (416) 825 7694

During my stay in Canada, I plan to visit what I can in Toronto and Ontario, and I will be going
on a short trip to Montreal from the 14th to the 17th of March.

Thank you,


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