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Writing a literature review on online gambling can be a daunting task for many individuals due to the

extensive research and critical analysis required. It involves reviewing existing literature, analyzing
various studies, and synthesizing information to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.

The complexity of the task lies in the vast amount of available literature on online gambling, ranging
from academic journals to government reports and industry publications. Sorting through this
abundance of information, identifying relevant sources, and critically evaluating their findings can
be overwhelming.

Moreover, writing a literature review requires a high level of analytical skills and the ability to
effectively summarize and integrate information from diverse sources. It involves not only
summarizing the key findings of existing studies but also critically evaluating their methodology,
reliability, and relevance to the topic at hand.

For individuals struggling with the intricacies of writing a literature review on online gambling,
seeking professional assistance can be beneficial. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for
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specialize in conducting literature reviews on various topics, including online gambling. These writers
have the expertise and resources to efficiently gather and analyze relevant literature, ensuring a
comprehensive and well-structured review that meets the highest academic standards.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on online gambling is a challenging task that requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of information. For those in need of
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II. Methodology. Primary research was conducted through an online survey to residents of. Because
the objective of a review is to showcase that the writer is familiar with the crucial professional
literature on the selected topic, check to ensure that all stand alone literature review example
significant, current, and pertinent texts have been covered. She is currently engaged in funded
research examining comprehensive multilevel models of determinants of gambling. Plausibly,
problem gamblers might simply remember more of the gambling marketing that they have been
exposed to, therefore leading to an upwards bias in the measurement of this relationship. However,
one weakness is that retrospective studies can only measure gambling marketing recall. For the clubs
the gambling was the most significant activity to earn revenue while in hotels and casinos the trend
was to serve beer and other alcohol. The structural features of sports and race betting inducements:
issues for harm minimisation and consumer protection. When a gambler asks a dealer for change for
a hundred dollar bill, the dealer is under orders to give the player the lowest denomination possible,
in five dollar chips. The growth of pitch-side advertising and shirt sponsorship means that gambling
marketing can also appear in sports highlights shows. To address these concerns, a literature review
was conducted to outline. There are multiple stakeholders involved in online marketing, and it can be
difficult to obtain representative samples of online advertising on certain platforms, such as
Facebook or Google. Why should users visit the forum. According to a
researcher, introduction of online gambling has some potential advantages as the platform has
offered responsible gaming strategies. Despite some indications of a positive correlation, the
relationship between Internet gambling participation and problems has not been confirmed. In March
2009, the bloc's legislative body voted by a. Haroon interviewed 11 residents from 32 different
nursing homes that have various level of autonomy Furthermore, Hopewho cross-examined residents
from different nursing homes, validate the claim that characteristics of the institutional environment
like location are features that residents have mentioned as being important to their independence. If
UW students are going to succeed in business and higher education, they need to first understand the
importance of time management. Task done as described and better, responded to all my questions
promptly too! ”. Secondly relationships, marriages, trust are all affected by those that seek to make a
profit on sporting and non sporting gambling activity. How will you limit important components that
comprise your topic (Figure C.1) and how much detail will you devote to each of these aspects
(Figure C.2). Product offerings, information and photos are standard features. As a loser the
temptation is to avoid the truth of letting your mother, father, your wife, or vice versa, know that you
have wagered on line and lost x number of currency stakes. In addition, players get to control a
special unit called Heroes, who are stronger than normal units and have special abilities. In the year
1999, a BBC news report had revealed that after Lasseters launch its business, it became to
determine the cyber-casino capitol of the world. Affective response to gambling promotions during
televised sport: a qualitative analysis. As of now, the land based gambling industry has experienced a
considerable growth and is more established and able legally. It is merely used to find thought
manners and penchant instead than the psychological science of personality or behaviour. This kind
of sports betting is already attached with gambling staying back at homes. Time-honored Asian
gambling has been a recreational tradition among most Asian countries. First, there are a large
number of sites and platforms that gambling marketing can appear on.
The online gambling demands the most powerful and untraceable money laundering systems which
are still not imagined by the criminals. Provide statistical data through secondary research on relevant
regional world markets. Most research we reviewed exploring behaviour was based on self-report
data. In the year 2008, a Nielsen online survey on Australian Internet and Technology Report has
revealed that online gambling is one of the leading activities conducted online. In addition, players
get to control a special unit called Heroes, who are stronger than normal units and have special
abilities. The Whole Brain theoretical account divided human encephalon into four equal quarter-
circles, and labeled by utilizing foremost four letters of alphabet including A as an upper left quarter-
circle, B as a lower left quarter-circle, C as a lower right quarter-circle, and D as an upper right
quarter-circle. The marketing of wagering on social media: an analysis of promotional content on
YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Apart from this, a considerable number of people get indulged into
the sports setting sites and casinos and sports setting sites. Playing games is one of these many things
that people do in order to pass the time or. However, one weakness is that retrospective studies can
only measure gambling marketing recall. This type of betting refers to the betting on a race off the
track. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Impact of gambling warning messages
on advertising perceptions. 2017. Gordon R, Chapman M. It notes main themes, the most significant
trends, and findings on which researchers approve or disapprove. Should Gambling Be Legalized?::
Argumentative Persuasive Essays 2019-02-07. As the gambling process has gone on the virtual
world, one cannot assure the participation of appropriate age groups. There is a very limited range of
key terms used, as the report only mentions a number of very basis terms. As a result, the popularity
of Internet gambling has skyrocketed over the past few years. According to a researcher, introduction
of online gambling has some potential advantages as the platform has offered responsible gaming
strategies. The facilities of these sites are so modern, up to date, they are safe and secure websites.
By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. According to Casino Answers
(2013), the top four cities are Macau at the top, followed by Las Vegas then comes Aruba and finally
at number four is the City of Melbourne, australia. However, these are associations that do not
control for the interaction between variables so relationship is difficult to draw firm conclusions
research problem as compared to non-problem Internet gamblers. Due to their strong appeal to
children and adolescents, these particular age groups may be more susceptible to developing an
addiction to gaming. Research of demographic variables suggests that Internet online gamblers
overall do not represent a distinctly different gambling than gamblers who experience paper related
to land-based gambling. Research suggests that gambling can alter people’s mood, gambler will
repeat the same activity to attempt to gain the same effect. Studies suggest that Internet gamers
present symptoms traditionally associated with substance addiction, such as mood changes,
increased tolerance and behavioral outbursts. Therefore this chapter offers a basis for the next,
whereby the advancement of trickling filter theories is defined, and design equations are examined.
The gambling industry in australia holds a very important place and contributes towards 26 percent
of the GDP. The study might even provide some grounds for further research into other types of
addiction as well as other focus points within the gambling addiction paradigm.
Interest rates used are typically lower than those used by businesses. Humans are known to have the
knack to liven their everyday lives in any way they can make so possible. A qualitative study of
motivations to transition from social casino games to online gambling. Games by definition are
activities engaged in for diversion or amusement according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. A
number of people argue that the gambling is required to be legalised as this is a leisure activity and a
good revenue source. However, this is not applicable to the sports wagering and lotteries. Another
growing concern is the recent explosion of online and mobile gaming, although as yet little research
has been done. The theory itself separate human encephalon into three beds which works otherwise
for each portion ( McLean, 1990 ). In contrast, her Master’s research involved interviews and auto-
ethnographic participant observation in an on-campus sexual assault resource centre. The evidence
can be in the form of a quote, example, fact, statistic, etc. The essay aims to provide an insight into
the internet gambling in Australia with a discussion of its advantages and disadvantages. What is the
use of going to websites like At this point, the importance of reading online
casino reviews is very important, because thanks to useful information you can pump some useful
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and help you enjoy your hobby. Children?s Perceptions of Gender Differences in Social Approval
for Playing Electronic Games. Online wagering involves the placing of bets on a physical event, such
as a horse race or sports game. Further, publication key themes address topics such as responsible
gambling tools and interventions, corporate social responsibility and accountability, responsible
gambling concepts and descriptions, and to a lesser extent, critiques of responsible gambling. A
number of websites have well built software and they present the games in a safe and quality
environment. It is merely used to find thought manners and penchant instead than the psychological
science of personality or behaviour. According to Casino Answers (2013), the top four cities are
Macau at the top, followed by Las Vegas then comes Aruba and finally at number four is the City of
Melbourne, australia. Stand alone literature review example text should not be descriptive in nature
or use the language of everyday speech. Attractions such as online casinos with jackpots equivalent
to ten years salary and simple sports booking, makes it more common today than it was yesterday.
The growth of pitch-side advertising and shirt sponsorship means that gambling marketing can also
appear in sports highlights shows. Creating symbolic cultures of consumption: an analysis of the
content of sports wagering advertisements in Australia. Traditional Western Europe which includes
France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and. Within years, social pressure and unregulated controls
brought many governments to. Order Paper Now. It highlights significant findings. There is a rating
system that separates games into groups from games for everyone all the way to games that can only
be bought if you're eighteen and older. The Global Virtual Reality (VR) in Gaming Industry 2015
Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Virtual
Reality (VR) in Gaming industry.The report provides a basic overview of the industry including
definitions and classifications. Public perceptions of gambling advertising in the UK. 2014; Available
at:, 2018. Wybron I. Reducing the odds: an education pilot to prevent gambling harm. 2018;
Available at:, 2018. In fact, revenues generated in September 2009 were 60%. Words: 969 Length: 3
Pages Document Type: Essay Paper: 54652395 At stake in the long run is the global agora: the
universal library- movie theater-television-concert hall-museum on the Internet.
Persons who rely in this quarter-circle are airy and inventive. Presently, Australia seems to be one of
the most attractive online gambling location in entire Oceania as the country got several licensed
internet gambling sites (Diaconu, 2010). In terms of primary research insights, women are more apt
to influence and or control the. Frequency, duration and medium of advertisements for gambling and
other risky products in commercial and public service broadcasts of English Premier League football.
2017; Available at:, 2017. Gibraltar has been a major online casino center for. CBA is an analytical
framework used to assess the benefits and costs of policy proposals CBA focuses on economic
efficiency It calculates the net benefits for each policy proposal. Fabiansson, C. 2010. Pathways to
Excessive Gambling: A Societal Perspective on Youth and Adult Gambling Pursuits. The Internet is
sophisticated and a smart form of business advertising, but please do not place any trust in gambling
sites, or in main stream book makers. For case, many who oppose bet oning say that casinos are
besides a factor with offense. Go Through Selected Articles What assumptions do most researchers
make. Ethics, Technology, Sustainability, and Social Issues in Business. However, in the internet
domain, the chances are quite low for such disputes. These sites can also allow the under 18 year
olds to participate which can put a serious psychological impact on the youth of the country. In the
year 1920, the Golden casket lottery was established by the Queensland Government. Review the
Literature Search a computer database using keywords. As the gambling process has gone on the
virtual world, one cannot assure the participation of appropriate age groups. Upload Read for free
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Scribd. In the sciences, the use of subheadings to organize the literature review is recommended.
They analyze which manner they would carry through the game and accomplish them establish on
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check and analyze each platform before publishing the top, studying all the details such as game
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factors that are required to place a platform among the best online casino in Australia. Bartle’s (
1996 ) participant taxonomy was among the first surveies to depict participant motives in practical
universes. As Internet gambling increases in popularity relationship use, this is likely that the next
generation of gamblers will use Internet modes earlier in their gambling career, which may increase
the proportion of individuals who experience problems that are attributed to this mode. For high
marks, the report would need research to back-up their views. The body paragraphs support your
thesis and present your overall conclusions about your research. Moreover, ensure that you
incorporate studies contrary to your viewpoint. Comparative effects of differing media presented
advertisements on male youth gambling attitudes and intentions. Asians have moved in and out of
the online gambling industry due to the never-ending. There is a considerable amount of penalty in
the case of violation of the rules and regulations. In this paper, we aim to build upon these previous
reviews by exploring research conducted within the past five years. Do methods of controlling
Internet Addiction need improvement.
The targeting of gambling marketing around sport provides just one personal characteristic (being a
sports fan) which might be used in the targeting of online gambling marketing. Legal Challenges in
Australia In July, 2001, the Australian Parliament enacted an Interactive Gambling Act of 2011. In
the process, the country has become a market leading competitor which has set the standards for the
gambling sites and governing jurisdictions. In several studies, the populations affected by gaming
addiction are adolescents and young adults 13, 31,70. Task done as described and better, responded
to all my questions promptly too! ”. Whenever Assembly in fact considers such a alive access you
can accept that there are abeyant tax revenues to be gained. Academic level: University Subject:
Economics Paper format: MLA. It can be played by 5-10 or more players and can either be played
outdoors or in a gymnasium. Online gambling was initially greeted with great enthusiasm in 1996
starting in Canada and. If individuals have no choices, stand alone literature review example, they
become depressed. This study was performed by data journalists at the Guardian newspaper, and
although not existing in either peer-reviewed or grey literature report, we have independently
checked the dataset and found it to be of high quality. It is so easy to place a wager with an on line
bookmaker. They are proud from cognizing about the game more than other participants. Therefore,
multiple studies examined the relationship between gambling addiction, alcohol use, and college
performance. There should be no grammatical or spelling mistakes. Traditional Western Europe
which includes France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and. Online gambling in Asia has developed
greatly since the first Asian online casino was. The online gambling is quite popular across all age
groups and is one of the top online activities for the people in ages 35 years and over (Bond
University, 2009). It is likely that the profile of those at risk for developing Internet gambling
problems will change as this mode of gambling becomes more accepted and widely used and further
research is conducted. State monopoly, challenged and currently reevaluated under European Union
pressure. Funding The study upon which this review is based was funded by GambleAware, a
national charity instructed by government to commission research into gambling in Great Britain.
Studies indicate that excessive online gaming can result in symptoms typically observed in
individuals addicted to substances. Terms like pathological gambling, problem gambling, or
gambling addictions are used to describe such condition. Though female users spend more time on
Facebook than their counterparts but male users have more Facebook friends. However, there are
many illegal sites which do not abide by the respective regulations and taxation rules (Southern Cross
University, 2010). This type of betting refers to the betting on a race off the track. A stand-alone
assignment in a course as part of their training in research processes in your discipline. How does consider online casino platforms before compiling its top. With the development
of technologies and science, online education represents a marvellous opportunity for learning. Most
research we reviewed exploring behaviour was based on self-report data.
The odds, the chances of people winning regularly or even occasionally is slim. However, they were
not able to forecast the growth of specific gambling. State monopoly, challenged and currently
reevaluated under European Union pressure. BMC Public Health. 2013;13. Hing N, Lamont M,
Vitartas P, Fink E. Overall, the ultimate objective of the author was achieved and the article is a
relevant source of information for researchers who need an authoritative discussion on the topic of
gambling in australia. “Youth gambling in australia. This would drive the gambling underground and
would put them into the hands of unscrupulous merchants. Focus Your Topic Narrowly Stand alone
literature review example writing your literature review, mull over the following: What interests you.
This also helps the participants to be hopeful of large wins. Creating symbolic cultures of
consumption: an analysis of the content of sports wagering advertisements in Australia. Performance
Task 1. Objective. Students should be able to apply the scientific method in making a decision
through cost - benefit analysis of enrolling in a particular college or university. Mechanics. It would
not be possible to put stringent laws or prohibit the online gambling system. However, a little
research has been done on the economic and social impact of such a popular activity which relatively
new and increasingly popular among the Aussies. Expect restrictions to be reduced in the coming
years. The controversies surrounding gambling stem largely from the large sums of money that can
become involved. Knowledge about the game does non needed but merely necessitate when it can
use to the individual. The Whole Brain theoretical account divided human encephalon into four equal
quarter-circles, and labeled by utilizing foremost four letters of alphabet including A as an upper left
quarter-circle, B as a lower left quarter-circle, C as a lower right quarter-circle, and D as an upper
right quarter-circle. Quickly it became significantly popular form of entertainment in Australia. In
contrast, her Master’s research involved interviews and auto-ethnographic participant observation in
an on-campus sexual assault resource centre. The ground buttocks is that there are more opportunity
for game participant to be attracted because they can play MMORPG game for free which besides
increase the opportunity to sell in-game points subsequently on ( ASIASOFT CORPORATION
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED, 2013 ). Download references Acknowledgements The authors
would like to thank Kathryn Angus, Research Information Specialist, for leading the electronic
databases search for relevant literature. Adding to these, internet is now increasingly used for playing
internet gambling worldwide. Extensional versus intuitive reasoning: the conjunction fallacy in
probability judgment. There are a two main topics that give you what you need to know like the
argument must have true knowledge and valid and strong. Though all these claims also suggest to
play games on moderation and still keep track of time, gaming has proven to people that when
appropriately practiced and responsibly done then it can be a productive activity that would benefit
many. What is the use of going to websites like Forums for newbies to the
gambling world are extremely beneficial in terms of learning about the many types of games
accessible on platforms, the casino algorithm, and other things that will assist you in the future when
you visit and play on the platform. Thomas SL, Bestman A, Pitt H, Deans E, Randle MJ, Stoneham
M, et al. On a daily level, the truth is that for the majority the losses will not be that great to start
with. Since after developing that application it provides the organization with profits. A number of
websites have well built software and they present the games in a safe and quality environment.
However, there are certain games like internet casino games, online poker and gaming machines are
yet to be legalised.
The domestic violence and crime that might result from compulsive gambling could lead to the
breakdown of the family and divorce. Evidence is emerging that Internet problem is not gambling
predictive of gambling problems but also that when other variables are controlled for, individuals
who gamble online may have lower rates of gambling problems. The relationship between Internet
problem problem gambling is likely mediated by the use of land-based gambling. The operators of on
line gambling websites just want mug punters hard earned cash. It offers an excellent basis for
researchers starting to research a new area by forcing them to summarize, examine, and compare
original research in that particular area. It maintains forms and wonts of human organic structure and
controls crude behaviour, esthesis, and endurance. Demographic, behavioural and normative risk
factors for gambling problems amongst sports bettors. Overall, the ultimate objective of the author
was achieved and the article is a relevant source of information for researchers who need an
authoritative discussion on the topic of gambling in australia. “Youth gambling in australia. The
odds, the chances of people winning regularly or even occasionally is slim. If you were to go through
these sentences only, would you find that your paper brought forward a vivid position, logically
developed from start to finish. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Based on this information, you can understand that the top will be compiled
grammatically and has its logical chain, which will facilitate your choice of the best platform for
gambling. Since the 1990s, the expansion of gambling has experienced a considerable growth; this
has been true for Australia and several other countries (Fabiansson, 2010). According to Casino
Answers (2013), the top four cities are Macau at the top, followed by Las Vegas then comes Aruba
and finally at number four is the City of Melbourne, australia. Here gambling, once a wager is made
this has handed the betting firm a wad of cash, slowly slowly, on line gambling cash is being
electronically being transfered from account number 12dsfs (not a real account), to the account of
the bookie. Performance Task 1. Objective. Students should be able to apply the scientific method in
making a decision through cost - benefit analysis of enrolling in a particular college or university.
Mechanics. It is likely that the profile of those at risk for developing Internet gambling problems will
change as this mode of gambling becomes more accepted and widely used and further research is
conducted. Gambling participation, gambling habits, gambling-related harm, and opinions on
gambling advertising in Finland in 2016. JAKTA CONGRESS - GAMBLING COMPLIANCE
Public Policy Challenges of Regulating G. This network is usually the internet or equivalent
technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the
Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has. Do methods
of controlling Internet Addiction need improvement. Further, publication key themes address topics
such as responsible gambling tools and interventions, corporate social responsibility and
accountability, responsible gambling concepts and descriptions, and to a lesser extent, critiques of
responsible gambling. Benefits Avoided Costs Environmental Non-energy Non-monetary Tax
Credits. The two strategic groups that exist are video game manufacturers. The introduction of a
literature review ends with a thesis statement. With the advent of technology and the global
popularity of the internet, gambling online has become a popular form of betting. As of now, the
land based gambling industry has experienced a considerable growth and is more established and
able legally. However, the debate remains the same; whether this online gambling has positive
impacts on the community and society. The ground buttocks is that there are more opportunity for
game participant to be attracted because they can play MMORPG game for free which besides
increase the opportunity to sell in-game points subsequently on ( ASIASOFT CORPORATION
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED, 2013 ). Sports Betting This has been an earliest form of online
betting. The individual factors related to Internet gambling problems are under-researched and would
benefit from longitudinal studies to for the mechanism of action of any relationships between

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