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Topic: This house supports implementing a national program to provide free textbooks for all

students in Cambodia.
Opposition Team
Ⅰ. Speaker 1
Today, we are here to talk about an important topic that affects education in Cambodia. The
topic is about giving free textbooks to all students in the country. The idea behind this
proposal is to make sure that every student can easily get the books they need without any
cost. While this might seem like a good idea, we need to think carefully about what might
happen if we do this. In our team, we have concerns and reasons why we think there might
be better ways to improve education. We want to explore different ideas that can help all
students have a fair chance to learn and succeed. So, let's discuss the pros and cons, and find
the best solutions for our education system.
“We will bring you four points in support of our side. First, I am going to talk about the
harmful effects of implementing a national program to provide free textbooks on
government and publisher, and second, I am going to address why doing this can also affect
to educational system. My second speaker is going to focus on the addictive nature of
smoking, and why many people are pressured into smoking and are then unable to quit
smoking despite wanting to.” We, as the opposition team, strongly disagree with this idea.
Let me explain our reasons using simple words.
First, let's talk about money. Providing free textbooks for everyone would cost a lot of
money. But our government already has financial problems in many areas. If we spend so
much on textbooks, we might have to cut funding for important things like healthcare or
building roads. We need to think about what might happen if we use a lot of money for
Another problem is that giving out free textbooks could hurt private book publishers. These
publishers depend on selling textbooks to make money and keep their businesses going. If
we give textbooks for free, they might lose their jobs and there won't be as many new and
interesting books. We should be careful about hurting an important industry in our country.
Now, let's talk about education. One concern is that with a national program, we might not
have many choices or control over the quality of the textbooks. If we only use one set of free
textbooks, it might limit the different kinds of books available to students. We need a variety
of textbooks to suit different learning styles and give students a good education.
Also, in today's world, technology is changing how we learn. There are many online
resources and digital tools that can help students learn in a more interactive way. Traditional
textbooks are becoming less important. Instead of just using physical books, we should
embrace new technology to make learning more exciting and engaging.
In conclusion, offering free textbooks to all students raises concerns about how money is
spent and the impact on private publishers. It's important to find a balance where resources
are accessible and the education system can continue to work well. By using technology and
providing a variety of learning materials, we can create a strong and fair education system
that meets the needs of all students.
Speaker 2:
I’m the speaker 2 of the opposition team, and I will responsible for fairness and
Let’s begin with fairness. It might be hard to give free textbooks to all students, especially
those in remote or disadvantaged areas. Making sure every student gets a book might be
difficult. We don't want some students to miss out on the resources they need for a good
Additionally, we have to consider what we might be missing out on if we focus only on
textbooks. If we spend a lot of money on free textbooks, we might not have enough left for
other important things like training teachers or improving school buildings. We need to find
a balance and use our resources wisely to address all the different needs in education.
Next, It can affect to our environment. Producing a lot of textbooks can harm the
environment in different ways. One big problem is deforestation. Every year, millions of trees
are cut down to make the paper used in textbooks around the world. According to the
statistics, A study by environmental organizations found that just for textbooks, over 50
million trees are cut down every year. This shows how much it can harm our environment.
To make traditional textbooks, we need to cut down a lot of trees. This destroys forests,
which are important for animals and plants to live. It also makes climate change worse
because trees help absorb carbon dioxide. Making paper for textbooks also uses chemicals,
energy, and water, which can pollute the environment and use up important resources.
Transporting and delivering textbooks also creates pollution and adds to climate change.
Overall, making a lot of textbooks can cause serious harm to the environment. That's why it's
important to find more sustainable options like digital textbooks or open educational
To sum up, we believe that giving free textbooks to all students in Cambodia is not a good
idea. We have concerns about fairness and the impact on our environment. Instead, we
suggest looking at other options like digital resources and targeted support for students who
need it the most. Let's work together to create a fair and environment-friendly for all
Cambodian students.
Speaking 3:
Ladies and gentlemen, judges, and fellow audience members, today I am here as Speaker
Three from the Opposition team to present a persuasive response to the idea of providing
free textbooks to all students. I will summarize the arguments made by Speaker One and
Speaker Two, and present a strong case against the proposition team.
Summarizing Speaker One's Points:
Speaker One expressed concerns about the financial impact and the effect on private
publishers. Allocating significant funds for free textbooks may strain the government's
finances, especially considering other pressing needs like healthcare and infrastructure. We
need to carefully consider the consequences of diverting resources from these essential
Summarizing Speaker Two's Points:
Speaker Two highlighted fairness concerns and the environmental impact of providing free
textbooks. Instead of a blanket approach, we can focus on supporting students in remote or
disadvantaged areas who truly need help. Additionally, we can explore sustainable
alternatives such as digital textbooks and open educational resources, which are more
environmentally friendly while still ensuring access.
Reply Speech
After considering the points raised by Speaker One and Speaker Two, it is important to
evaluate the wider implications of providing free textbooks to all students. While the
intention is admirable, we must assess the feasibility and potential drawbacks.
Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we should concentrate on targeted support for
students who truly require assistance. Example: Instead of giving free textbooks to all
students, we can focus on helping families who can't afford educational resources. By
providing financial aid to those in need, we make sure that the assistance goes to those who
require it the most. By prioritizing resources for those in remote or disadvantaged areas, we
can ensure that no student is left behind. This approach allows for efficient resource
allocation and addresses the specific needs of students who need extra help.
Furthermore, using eco-friendly options like digital textbooks and free online learning
resources can help us protect the environment. Example: Technology has advanced, and
now we have digital textbooks and online resources that are easier on the environment. By
using digital platforms, we reduce the environmental impact of producing and disposing of
paper textbooks. This also saves resources and money. When we leverage technology, we
can provide students with a wide variety of materials for learning while reducing our need
for paper textbooks. This not only helps the environment but also teaches students
important digital skills they need in today's world.
In conclusion, while the idea of providing free textbooks to all students is well-intentioned,
we must consider the financial implications, the need for targeted support, and the potential
environmental impact. By adopting a balanced approach that focuses on targeted assistance
and sustainable alternatives, we can create a strong and fair education system that meets
the needs of all students while making efficient use of our resources. Let us ensure that our
efforts lead to the best outcomes for our students and society as a whole.

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