BermudAir Flight Operations Risk Register

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BermudAir Flight Operations Risk Register

Bermudair will capture its significant risks within the framework of the ‘Significant 8’, which are
described below. Each risk area will have associated risks and hazards identified within it, and all of
these will have mitigations to counter them.

Significant 8

1. Loss of Control
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Weather Conditions Comprehensive Weather
Briefing, Avoid Adverse
Weather, Real time weather
updates ( weather radar), In
flight decision making,
Compliance with Regulations
and collaborate with ATC.
Spatial Disorientation Avoid visual illusions,
Preflight preparation( review
NOTAMS, weather
forecasts), Cross check
instruments, Manage Stress
and Fatigue, Autopilot use (
can reduce workload).
PS: By integrating these strategies into their flight operations, pilots can significantly reduce the risk
of loss of control due to adverse weather conditions and spatial disorientation and ensure the safety
of the aircraft, crew and passengers.

2. Runway Excursion
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Collisions and Impact Pilots undergo extensive
Runway Overrun training to handle various
Weather conditions LDG and Takeoff scenarios.
Incorrect landing Calculate ePerf correctly.
configuration Airports implement safety
Braking malfunctions measures to maintain RWY
RWY Surface Conditions surfaces and ensure proper
Pilot Error signage and lighting.
Poor Visibility Additionally, airlines and
regulatory authorities
continually work to Improve
procedures and technologies
to enhance RWY safety and
prevent excursions.
3. Controlled Flight into Terrain
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Poor Visibility Follow the SOPs, good CRM,
Terrain Awareness and Enhanced training(
Warning Systems comprehensive training
Pilot Distraction programs that focus on
Navigation Errors situational awareness, flight
Flight Crew Fatigue path management and the
Non precision Approaches proper use of onboard safety
Inadequate training systems like EGPWS) and
Compliance with Regulations.

4. Runway Incursion
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Collisions Comprehensive training for
Loss of lifes and property pilots on RWY safety
Damage procedures and awareness.
Disrupted Airport Clear communication
Operations between ATC and pilots to
Increases Workload for ATC. ensure safe RWY crossings
Damage to Reputation of and clearances.
the airline Strict adherence to SOP and
Reduced Safety Margins guidelines related to RWY
operations and movement
on the airport surface.
A robust safety culture that
encourages reporting and
learning from near miss
events to prevent future

PS: By prioritising runway safety and maintaining vigilance on the airport surface, the
aviation industry can significantly reduce the risks associated with runway incursion and
enhance overall flight safety.
5. Airborne Conflict
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Reduced Reaction Time Follow ATC instructions, Use
Complexity of Airspace Vertical speed during climb
Lack of Visual Awareness in congested airspace ,TCAS,
Communication Errors Follow the SOP, monitorIng
Weather Conditions the weather conditions
Human Error allows pilots and ATC to plan
Congested Airspace routes and altitudes that
avoid areas with potential
weather related hazards.

PS: By Implementing these safety measures and maintaining a strong safety culture, the
aviation industry aims to reduce the risk of airborne conflicts and ensure the safe
coexistence of aircraft in the skies.

6. Ground Handling
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Personnel Safety Follow the SOP( help ensure a
Aircraft Damage systematic and safe approach to
Collision Hazards ground handling tasks) Safety
Jet Blast Culture ( encourages reporting
Foreign Object Debris(FOD) of incidents, near misses, and
Weather Conditions continuous improvement)
Aircraft loading errors Collaborative Communication
Communication errors between pilots, ATC, ground
Time pressure handling.

7. Airborne and Post-Crash Fire

Risk Hazard Mitigation
Loss of life Fire Suppression Systems (
Rapid Spread of fire engine and cargo
Toxic Smoke and Fumes compartments to extinguish
Obstructed Exits fires quickly)
Fuel Hazards Fire resistant materials ( the
Post Crash Rescue Challenges use of fire-resistant materials
Structural Damage in aircraft construction helps
Environmental Impact to limit the spread of fires)
Evacuation training,
Follow the SOP.
8. Onboard Fire
Risk Hazard Mitigation
Rapid Fire Spread Fire detection and
Smoke and Toxic Fumes suppression systems.
Electrical System Crew training(SEP)
Malfunction Emergency equipment,
Structural integrity Maintenance and
Emergency Evacuation inspections, emergency
Challenges response protocols ( airlines
Loss of Control and airports have
Fuel Hazards established emergency
response protocols to
handle onboard fires and
evacuate passengers safely).

PS: Adhering to these safety measures and conducting thorough emergency drills, the
aviation industry aims to minimize the risks of onboard fires and ensure the highest level of
safety for all passengers and crew members.

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