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Atlas Keléstia

ISSN 1925-4679

9 771925 467001 >

ii Ivae-DX (Tâvu) Atlas Keléstia

Kèthîra: S. Ivínia Region

Kèthîra: N. Shôrkýnè Region

Atlas Keléstia is published by Keléstia Productions This issue of Atlas Keléstia details square DX (Tâvu)
Ltd. and is available in PDF form from the Keléstia on the Ivínia (IVAE) regional map, as shown in the map
Productions website at Each above. Credits: Cartography by N. Robin Crossby, Ken
issue of Atlas Keléstia maps and describes a piece of Snellings, and Robert B. Schmunk. Location notes and
the world of Kèthîra, also known as HârnWorld, the data by Robert B. Schmunk and Jeremy Baker.
intellectual creation of N. Robin Crossby, and its pub- Notes: In the data columns, ‘Holder’ indicates the
lication is authorised by his estate. Please address all clan or other group claiming a settlement or area, ‘HH’
correspondence to stands for households and ‘LQ’ is the average land
Copyright © 2012 Keléstia Productions Ltd. All quality. Listed acreages are split between land claimed
rights reserved. ISSN 1925-4679. and land in use (farmland, pasturage, urban area, etc.).
Notations of the form ‘Ivae M9’ refer to other Atlas
Keléstia map issues in the Ivínia region (in this example,
map square M9); in this issue, this may be shortened to
just ‘[M9]’. Similarly, the notation ‘Shkn G1’ would refer
to square G1 in the Shôrkýnè region, and ‘Harn N5’ to
square N5 in the Hârn region.

Atlas Keléstia: IVAE-DX Copyright © 2012 Keléstia Productions Ltd

Atlas Keléstia Ivae-DX (Tâvu) 1
Name Holder Acres HH
Type Class Locations & Jurisdiction (Used) LQ Notes

Blæsby Úhnen from Aálden Fishing hamlet (10 HH) much buffeted by
Satellite Village Ivae DX the prevailing winds off the Sea of Iváe.
Úlrin Thran Lands, Tâvu Tánalaâr Clan Úhnen abhor the site, but as thralls
to clan Aálden they are bound to remain.
Iváe Hav Hârn L1-L2, M1-M6, N1-N8; The Sea of Iváe is the great body of wa-
Sea Ivae A7-AX, B7-BX, C7-CX, D7-DX, ter bounded by Hârn to the southwest,
E7-EX, F8-FX, G8-GX+; Shôrkýnè to the southeast, Hârbáal to the
Shkn A1-AX, B1-BX, C1-CX, D1- east, and Ivínia to the northeast. Its open
D8, E1-E7, F1-F7, G1-G6 northwest connects to the Haónic Ocean
Between Ivínia, Hârbáal, Hârn and via the Sea of Ítikîr.
Rénskylby Aáldensen from Aálden Large village (38 HH) used by clan
Satellite Village Ivae DX Aáldensen, an offshoot of Tâvu’s ruling
Úlrin Thran Lands, Tâvu Tánalaâr clan, as their home base. If anything,
Aáldensen have a more blood-thirsty
reputation than do clan Aálden. Válhakâr
Húlarèn alrí Aáldensen is old and has
seven able sons and nephews contending
to succeed him.
Slægthem Øy Ivae DX 1.6 sq The second largest of the Tâvu Islands is
Island Tâvu Øyen, Iváe Hav leagues almost uninhabited except for seabirds
that nest in the stony heath. The isle’s
name commemorates a duel which oc-
curred here two centuries ago, but many
believe it references the ‘bloody hammer’
of the shoals along its eastern shore.
Tâvu Ivae DX Elev 208 The highest point on Tâvu Island is the
Peak Tâvu Øy, Tâvu Tánalaâr ft site of a wooden watch tower 10 feet tall.
From there, a keen-eyed sentinel might
spot a ship more than nine leagues away.
Tâvu Aálden 7.4 sq Ivínia’s smallest kingdom is little more
Tánalaâr (Kingdom) Ivae DX leagues than an oversize thran and a few outlying
Tâvu Øyen, Iváe Hav villages, but it has an outsized reputation
as a home to pirates and raiders. It has
been ruled by clan Aálden since they over-
ran Tâvu Island in tr638 and constructed
a stronghold at Úlrin. Now approaching
age 50, the wealthy King Ódrin alrí Aálden
still leads the occasional raid. (Population
of 1,200.)
Tâvu Øy Ivae DX 5.5 sq Chief island of the small Tâvu chain and
Island Tâvu Øyen, Iváe Hav leagues site of the ‘pirate kingdom’ of the same
name. In a good year, the island’s farmers
and fishermen can produce just enough
to feed the populace, but the isle’s procliv-
ity to storms and other inclement weather
makes such years the exception.
Tâvu Øyen Ivae DX Remote grouping of eight small islands in
Islands Iváe Hav the Sea of Iváe. The isles lie 75 leagues
west of Cape Lýgon [GX], the closest point
on the great Ivínian island of Iváe; 100
leagues northwest of Minâbe Island [Shkn
F3] in Hârbáal; and about 160 northeast
of Kéron Island [Harn N5] off Hârn. Ivínian
seafarers, expecially from the region’s
west, use the islands as a waypoint and
raiders often assemble here.

Copyright © 2012 Keléstia Productions Ltd Atlas Keléstia: IVAE-DX

2 Ivae-DX (Tâvu) Atlas Keléstia
Name Holder Acres HH
Type Class Locations & Jurisdiction (Used) LQ Notes

Tévishus Sôrken from Aálden Fishing village (15 HH) in a sheltered bay
Satellite Village Ivae DX on Tâvu’s southwestern coast. Thrall clan
Úlrin Thran Lands, Tâvu Tánalaâr Sôrken have lived here for over two score
years; a few aged members can recall
their origins far to the south on Hélegat
[Shkn F7].
Úlrin Aálden 22,100 240 The stronghold of clan Aálden is home to
Thran Ivae DX (12,850) 0.91 about three quarters of the folk of the re-
Tánalaâr of Tâvu mote island kingdom of Tâvu. King Ódrin
and his council of captains maintain order
with an iron fist lest friction among its
raiding clans, and between raiding clans
and ‘natives’, lead to conflict.
Market Size 3, Hawking Fee 7%, Bonding
Fee 1%, Property Tax 6%, Business Tax 5%.
Port Facilities: Piloting Fee 25d, Wharfage 2f/
ft/day, Registry 100d/ft/yr; Shipwrights 10,
Mastery Level 110, Cost Factor 1.45; Small
Pilot’s Guild; Large Seaman’s Guild; Cargo:
Tuns/Watch 8, Cost/Tun 5f; Tide Factor +5.

Atlas Keléstia: IVAE-DX Copyright © 2012 Keléstia Productions Ltd

Atlas Keléstia Ivae-DX (Tâvu)



ÚLRIN Rénskylby

TÂVU 208




C9 D9 E9
0 LEAGUES 5 10
CX EX W E 0 Kilometres 10 20 40

0 Miles 5 10 15 20 25
C1 D1 E1

Atlas Keléstia: Ivae-DX — Copyright © 2012 Keléstia Productions Ltd

Map Key Atlas Keléstia
Ice, Snow or Mountains Walled Town or City
Castle or Vâthran
Rockfield Keep or Important Thran
Manor, Major Village or Minor Thran
Minor Village
Other Settlement
Alpine Vegetation Hills Fort or Military Site
Low scrubby plants, usually
Religious Settlement*
with good drainage.
Minor Religious Site or Shrine*
* Colours may vary to denote
religious affiliation or faith

Needleleaf Forest Wetlands

Conifers. Ground well- Marshes, fens, swamps, Mine, Quarry or Mineral Resource
shaded by canopy. etc. are difficult to traverse Tollhouse or Outpost
without local knowledge. Beacon or Landmark
Ruin(s) or Construction Site
Mixed Forest Rivers & Streams
Blend of deciduous and Streams shown are present Paved Highway
coniferous trees. Ground most of the time and are Unpaved Road
well-shaded by canopy. fordable at many points. Good Trail or Rural Track
Poor or Wilderness Trail
Ferry or Regular Maritime Route
Mixed Woodland Ford
Blend of deciduous and River fords may not be usable
coniferous trees. Light if there has been recent National Boundary
canopy. precipitation upstream. Regional Boundary
District Boundary
Local Boundary
Grasslands Rapids (White Water)
Prairie and steppes with Rapids are typically Wreck(s)
few or no trees. non-navigable and are Natural Anchorage
difficult to cross. Fresh Water Source (Reliable)
Hot Springs
Heath/Moor Cataract (Waterfall)
Sparse low vegetation, often Major Monument (e.g., Henge)
mixed with patches of bog Monument (e.g., Standing Stone)
or woodland. Barrow and/or Burial Place
Point of Arcane Interest
Cropland & Pasture Shoals & Reefs Landscape Art
Combination of arable Major Cave(s) or Cave Complex
May or may not be visible
framland, livestock, woods, Peak
or hazardous, depending
settlements and waste. Other Natural Feature
on tidal conditions Other Point of Interest

Open Water Game

Rookery/Range: Fowl
Rookery/Range: Aquatic Mammals
Rookery/Range: Fish
Rookery/Range: Exotic Creature(s)

Atlas Keléstia: Map Key Copyright © 2004, 2011 Keléstia Productions Ltd

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