HCS Chem RP2

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 Hydrated copper(II) sulfate

 Anhydrous copper(II) sulfate

 Thermometer

 Stopwatch

 Clamp and stand

 Graph paper

 250 cm3 beaker to hold cup

 2 x polystyrene cups with lids

 2 x weighing bottles with lids

 Stirrer  Distilled water

 25 cm3 measuring cylinder

 Digital mass balance

Method: Experiment 1 – collecting data for the determination of EC 1

1. Weigh out between 3.90 g and 4.10 g of anhydrous copper(II) sulfate into a dry stoppered
weighing bottle. Record the precise mass of the solid.

2. Measure out 25 cm3 of distilled water in a measuring cylinder. Add the water to the
polystyrene cup.

3. Record the initial temperature and start the timer. Record the temperature every minute, while
stirring the water continuously.

4. At the fourth minute add the anhydrous copper(II) sulfate to the cup and stir. Do not record the

5. Record the temperature at the fifth minute and again for every minute up to 15 minutes while
stirring the solution.

Experiment 2 – collecting data for the determination of EC2

1. Weigh out between 6.20 g and 6.30 g of hydrated copper(II) sulfate into a dry stoppered
weighing bottle. Record the precise mass of the solid.

2. Measure out 24 cm3 of distilled water in a measuring cylinder. Add the water to the
polystyrene cup.

3. Record the initial temperature and start the timer. Record the temperature every minute, while
stirring the water continuously.

4. At the fourth minute add the hydrated copper(II) sulfate to the cup and stir. Do not record the

5. Record the temperature at the fifth minute and again for every minute up to 15 minutes while
stirring the solution.

Solution - Corrosive to eyes, causes serious eye
Irritant to skin, wear gloves and if it encounters skin, wash hands
thoroughly after dealing with the
substance. If it enters the eyes, then irrigate with
water and if spilt onto the hand then gently wash
with water. If ingested, then rinse out the mouth
with water.
Broken glass - Broken glass can puncture the skin and cause infection if
there is any substance on the glass. The glass can be disposed of by a
broom and wrapping the shards into a piece of cloth then disposing them.

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