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Key Concept #1: All messages are ‘contructed.

1. What kind of text is it?
This text is a persuasive text as it entices the viewer to buy their weight loss product. The "are
you beach body ready?" Phrase is said in a way that to imply the idea of a fit body necessary for
display in the beach and that if you are not in that shape, you should buy their weight loss
collection promoting unrealistic beauty standards and body shaming

2. What are the various element (building blocks) that make up the whole?
Media Influence: Images portrayed in media, including advertisements and social media,
contribute to shaping societal ideals.
Cultural Standards: Cultural norms and beauty standards play a role in influencing perceptions
of an ideal body.
Body Positivity: The movement promoting body positivity challenges traditional beauty norms
and encourages acceptance of diverse body types.
Individual Confidence: Personal confidence and self-esteem contribute to an individual's
perception of their own beach readiness.
3. How similar or different is it to others of the same genre?

This ad is pretty controversial in this time and age. With regards to its similarity with others on
the same genre, it is pretty different as it is a bold move from the advertising department, being
as controversial as it is.
In terms of style, this ad is pretty much similar to others of same genre, especially in this
modern age. Similar ads in the fitness and weight loss genre often focus on presenting an
idealized and often unattainable image of the "perfect" body. They may use before-and-after
pictures, testimonials, and promises of quick results to attract consumers. Many of these ads
play on societal pressures related to body image, aiming to capitalize on individuals' insecurities
and desires to conform to certain beauty standards.

4. Which technologies are used in its creation?

The technologies used to create this ad is:
Graphic Design Software: Designers typically use software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or
other graphic design tools to create the visual elements of an ad, including images, text, and

Photography and Videography Equipment: High-quality images and videos are crucial for
creating visually appealing ads. Professional cameras, lighting equipment, and editing software
may be used to capture and enhance visuals.

3D Modeling Software: In some cases, advertisers may use 3D modeling software to create
realistic or stylized representations of products or concepts.

Copywriting Tools: Copywriting is an essential aspect of advertising. Copywriters use word

processing software and may also use tools to analyze and optimize the effectiveness of their
Social Media Platforms: Many modern ads are created with specific platforms in mind, such as
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube. Advertisers may use the ad creation tools provided
by these platforms or work with third-party tools for campaign management.

Data Analytics Tools: Advertisers often leverage analytics tools to track the performance of their
ads. This includes monitoring metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions to assess the
effectiveness of the campaign.

Digital Advertising Platforms: Advertisers often use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads
Manager, or other ad networks to manage and distribute their ads across various online

5. What choices were made that might have been made differently?
First and foremost, the phrase " that is implying a body shaming idea is a problem so we start
with that. One thing that we can do is change it to a more friendly phrase while still enticing the
viewer to buy the products like, "Melt away fats with our weight loss product. I lost 39 pounds"

Lastly, the use of the very sexy model implying an unrealistic standard needs change. The use of
diverse models of various body types, shapes, and sizes to showcase that everyone is beach-
ready. Emphasize the message that all bodies are beautiful and deserve to feel confident. Avoid
language that implies a specific body standard and instead encourage self-love and acceptance.
Highlight the enjoyment of being at the beach rather than focusing solely on appearance.

6. How many people did it take to create this message? What are their various jobs?
To create this advertisment, it requires the job of a:

Art Director, the one that oversees the visual design and creative direction. The one to make
sure the colors are right, the dominance of the subjects implying the message to emphasize it
and the text font is simple and enticing.

Digital artists, the ones that carry out the directors’ suggestions and input what is best for the
Copywriter, the one that writes the ad's text and messaging.
Graphic Designer, the on that design’s visual elements and layout.

Creative Director: Leads the overall creative vision.

Marketing Strategist, the one that develops the ad's strategy and target audience.

Producer, the one that coordinates the production process.

Photographer, in order to have material for the ad, they capture visual content if needed.

Editor, the one who edits and assembles video or other multimedia elements.

Media Planner. The one that plans where and when the ad will be displayed.

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