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Introduction to Systems

What is a System
derive from greek word Systema
Systema means organized relationship between any set of components to achieve some common cause or
an orderly grouping of interdependent components link together according to a plan to achieve a specific goal.

Constraints of a System
System three basic constraints:

structure and behavior

designed to achieve a predefined objective
Interconnectivity and Interdependence
systems inside the company must connected or dependent to each other
Objective of the organization have a higher priority
higher than subsystems

Properties of a System


having a structure and order


components operate with each other


how components depend on one another

components must be coordinated and linked together
the output of one subsystem is input to another system


how systems are connected to each other

systems work together regarding of their functions

Central Objective

central objective
provide understandable objective to user

Elements of a System

Output and Inputs

Input - information that enters the system, to be processed

Output - outcome of processing

where the transformation of input to output occurs

operational component of a system
modify the input totally or partially
processing change depending on the output needed


the element that guides the system

the decision-making subsystem
controls the pattern of activities in a system


provides control in dynamic system

positive and negative feedback
positive feedback encourage the system performance
negative feedback is informational in order to take action


the supersystem in a organization

source of external elements that strikes the system
determine how a system must function

Boundaries and Interface

are the limits of a system

it determines the sphere of influence and control of a system
its crucial in determining the nature of its interface with other system

Classification of System

Physical or Abstract System

Physical systems are tangible entities

can be static or dynamic in nature
e.g. desk and chairs are static which assist the working center (computer)
Static parts don't change
Dynamic systems are constantly changing
computer system
Abstract system are conceptual
not physical entities, can be formula, representation or model or real system

Open Closed System

Interact with their environment to achieve their targets.

Environmental elements - not part of the system
Open system
interacts with their environment
receives input and deliver output
e.g. information's system
Closed system
exist in concept only

Man-made Information System

manages data for particular organization

Formal, Informal and Computerized information system
Formal information system
deals with the flow of information from top to lower management
Informal information system
employee based solving of day to day problems
Computerized information system
the use of computer to manage business applications

Types of Systems
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

Computerized information system that processes large amount of data

such as payrolls and inventory
It eliminates the tedium operational transaction and reduces time required to perform manually
people still need to input data

Office Automation Systems and Knowledge Work Systems

There are two classes of systems at knowledge level

Office Automation System (OAS)

It supports data worders , who does not create new knowledge

They analyse Information to transform data or manipulate it
OAS include word processing, spreadsheets, desktops publishing, electronic scheduling and communication
through voice mail, email and teleconferencing

Knowledge Work System (KWS)

It supports professional workers such as scientists, engineers and doctors

It aides the professional to create new knowledge

Management Information System (MIS)

It does not replace Transaction System but MIS includes transactions processing
It is computerized information system that work due to interaction between people and computers
it requires people, software and hardware
It accomplishes a broader spectrum of organizational tasks than transaction processing system
It involves database that are shared among the users of the system
database stores data and models to help the user interact with
the system output information that is used in decision making

Decision Support System (DSS)

higher level class of computerized information systems

similar to traditional management system due to both depend on database as source of data
but it departs due to it emphasizes the supports of decision making in all its phases
it is more tailored to the person of group using them
discussed as systems that focus on business intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

considered the overarching field for expert systems

machine that been develop to behave intelligently
To avenues of AI research:
understanding natural language
analysing the ability to reason in a problem to its logical conclusion

Expert Systems

Can be called Knowledge based system

very special class of information system that have been practicable for use of businesses
they use the approaches of AI reason to solve problems
it uses the knowledge of human expert/s for solving particular problem
It selects the best solution to a problem or specific class of problems
basic components are:
knowledge base
inference engine
it connects the user to the system using queries language such as SQL
user interface
Knowledge engineers
captures expertise of experts, build a computer system that includes this expert knowledge and implements it

Group Decision Support systems (GDSS)

They are use in special room equipped with electronic support

often in a form of specialized software and special group facilitator
It is intended to bring a group together to solve a problem
it is done with the help of various supports such as polling, questionnaires, brainstorming and scenario
It minimizes negative group behaviours such as lack of participation
it can also be in a virtual setting
Computer-Supported Collaborative Work Systems (CSCWS)
the more general term used to discuss GDSS
includes software support called groupware
use for team collaboration via networked computers

Executive Supports System (ESS)

It helps executives organize their interactions with the external environment

it done by providing graphics and communications technologies accessible places such as boardrooms or personal
corporate offices
ESS relies on the information given by the Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) and Management Information
System (MIS)
It helps their users address unstructured decision problems
it extends and supports the capabilities of executives to make sense of their environment

Integrating Technologies for Systems

this are the new information technologies systems analyst will be using as people work to integrate their e-commerce
application into their traditional business or as they begin entirely new business

Ecommerce Application and Web Systems

Migrating the systems to the World Wide Web

or originally conceived and implemented as Web-based technologies

Benefits of mounting or improving application on the Web

1. Increases user awareness of the availability of a service, product, industry, person or group
2. Possibility of 24-hour access for users
3. Improving the usefulness and usability of the interface design.
4. Extending the system globally rather than remain local

Enterprise Systems

Integration of many information system existing on different management levels and within different functions
Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)
Enterprise systems comprise the top layer
It is also called enterprise resource planning (ERP)
designed to perform the integration
it requires enormous commitment and organizational change.
System analyst serve as consultants to ERP
populars ERP software are SAP and Oracle

System for Wireless and Mobile Devices

Systems that design for mobile devices and the use of wireless communications network
it can also integrate voice, video, text, messaging, and email into organizational intranet and extranet

Wireless e-commerce

referred to as m-commerce(mobile commerce)

Open Source Software

alternative traditional software development

code, computer instructions can be studied, shared and modified by many users
any program must be shared with all people
characterized as philosophy rather than just process of creating a software
Four community types

ad hoc



Six different dimensions








System Fundamentals

Systems in Organizations

computer or programs that is used by people in the organizations

How people, computers, and organizations work
**Planning and system installation
System planning
change management
legacy system
implementation methods
data migration
User focus
User documentation
user training
System backup
Data loss and preventing data loss
Software deployment
Managing releases and updates

System Design

Components of System
hardware, software, peripherals etc..
System design and analysis
planning, requirements gathering, prototypes
Human Interaction with system
usability, problems in usability, improves accessibility of system
moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of humans and machines

Players in Systems Game

The creators of Information Systems

System Analysts
role is to straddle the divide between identifying business needs and imagining a new or redesigned computer
based systems
identifies the specific detail of system that needs to be build
needs a good understanding of the business, business process involved and have the ability to document well
the person who spends time writing computer code in programming language
fulfils the design specifications given by system analysts
able to understand complex processes and also the intricacies on one or more programming language
Computer Engineer
design the computing devices that we use every day
Prominent Engineering jobs
Hardware engineer

designs hardware components such as microprocessors

engineer an existing component to work faster or use power

Software engineer

creates new programming language and operating systems

Systems Engineer

takes all the components of engineers to make them work together

they know how to integrate the hardware and software to each other which create new functionality

Network engineer

understand the networking requirements

designs communication systems using networking hardware and software

Information-Systems Operations and Administration

Computer Operator
keeps large computers running
oversee the mainframe computers and data centres in organization
Database Administrator (DBA)
person who manages the databases for organizations
creates, maintain database that is part of a application
Help-desk/ Support Analysts
first line of support for computer users in the company
usually a junior level employee
teach people specific computer skills

Managing Information Systems

CIO - Chief Information Officer

head of information systems function
aligns plan and operation of information system with strategic goals of organization
the face of IT department within the organization
Functional Manage
Report to the CIO and manage the employees specific to their function
ERP Management
make sure that the ERP system is completely up to date, work to implement any changes to the ERP(enterprise
resource planning)
Project Managers
keeping the project on time and on budget
works with the stakeholders of the project to keep the team organized and communicates
coordinates schedules and resources in order to maximize the project outcomes
Information-Security Officer
in charge of setting information-security policies for an organization
oversees the implementation of the policies
ensures that the organizations information remains secure from both internal and external threats
Emerging Roles
when new roles becoming more common and the other roles fades

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