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Proper communication is one of the kernel lessons I have learned in this

semester. I learned how will be the correct communication to the patients for
them to truly understand the medications, therapies and procedures that they
will take. I have learned also that communicating very well will help to realize
that they are not alone especially to the elders which are seeking for care and
understanding with their conditions.

My nursing education for the whole year was a great one. My love and deep-
rooted passion for nursing education enable me to practice the techniques I
have learned starting with correct hygiene. I must confess that I have always
had a passion for helping my clients, managing health care plans, learning
new things and a curiosity for investigating medical conditions. As a child, my
dream of becoming effective health care provider is still alive up to these days
and I am determined to pursue this dream by putting my plans into a reality.

My background has prepared me for multiple, diverse challenges in

communicating internationally, paying strong attention to detail, and in
producing essential therapeutic communication. My unique mix of subjects in
previous semester in nursing and my current status in different health care
institution enhance my skills, knowledge and personality in managing my
future patients and communicating effectively.

In the increasing demand for nurses worldwide, there is also apparently

increase in the demand in training. There are current and projected shortages
in many health professions, especially nurses. Factors that contribute to these
shortages are varied and complex. Some of the contributing factors include
the state of the economy; decreased interest and increased enrollment in the
health professions. This shortage caused health care institution to hire nurses
with not enough experience and lack competency in clinical field. Proper
training and professional and clinical empowerment is very imperative. In my
school, nursing education program have responsibility is the assurance of
appropriate health care provider preparation to which it entrusts its patient in
clinical practice. I have attended several trainings, Studyshops or programs
that were properly planned and outlined to provide information and instruction
in the principles of giving care and learning different skills, pedagogical styles,
and valid evaluation techniques. This increases my professional in my future
career. These workshops and proper trainings imparted “knowledge and skills
essential for success in the clinical setting”. I am embracing that knowledge
and acquired skills in a familiar environment that provided me with an
increased level of confidence and autonomy in the practice and educational
development in my profession.
I am fascinated whenever I encounter people who have their Nursing Degree.
I am always inspired by these people and I always told to myself that
someday my dream of earning my own nursing degree will come in a reality.
Currently I’m on the process of achieving my Nursing degree. My limitless
inspiration fuels my desire to gain more wisdom and knowledge in these

As a student, some of the activities practiced in my educational setting is the

provision of the most current information possible for the using the
collaborative approaches. During the teaching session and actual learning
practice, the provision of clear explanations of the pathophysiological
condition and processes of human illness and injury integrating all information
as vital component of clinical practice and evidenced based practice. I always
emphasize the prioritization of diagnoses and interventions specific to altered
responses to illnesses and disease conditions, providing case studies for
each case so that we can envision the client as a person needing and
requiring care and acquire knowledge regarding the specific case. I also
learned how to foster critical thinking and decision making which very
important for every health care professional in clinical practice.

The Teaching sessions and discussions in clinical practice are very important
because I learned how to maximize my learning through acquiring knowledge
derived from the application of concepts and theories. I can actually discuss
and clarify some information and clinical practices during these sessions.
Helping one another in achieving proper knowledge and competency in
nursing practice is also innate with this kind of forums. Focuses on diversity
and demonstrate the contributing factors are also a necessary in improving
my basic knowledge and application of nursing theories and principle.

My education in different subject areas, as well as my strong decision-making,

problem-solving, and action-driven leadership skills combined with my
Studying experiences, makes me an excellent professional in the field I
chose. I’m looking forward to help building the society by educating people
and developing their character through effective educator.

My career interests include clinical/pharmaceutical research protocols for

proper nursing techniques and communication. My professors and my dearest
family helped and continually inspire me to pursue this career path further.
They were my inspiration in practicing and teaching healthcare and wellness
for several years and these experiences brought me bundles of wisdom and
enough knowledge to face the challenges. Through the years of my
education, I realized this profession requires patience and self confidence
which is automatically injected to me when I decided to do so. My current
position in various health care setting serves as effective training ground and
career enhancement. I have enough experiences in providing basic and
complex nursing care and procedures to all age groups and administering
emergency medical care to patients during emergency situations in the
emergency trauma center. I enjoy delivering front-line interventions in acute
and primary care in hospitals other health care settings, and perform basic
health services as diagnosing and treating common acute diseases, illnesses
and injuries with advanced degree on practicing the profession in clinical or
educational settings, teaching theoretical and clinical knowledge, clinical skills
and interventions and conducting research and study. I believed I was used
as an instrument in developing my client’s ability and maintaining their health.
I believe this internship program will give me more opportunity to improve and
sustain my competency.

Programs related prevention, education, & outreach enhance my

interpersonal communication skills and willingness to support Studys to help
individual patient recognize and modify their risk-taking behaviors. My
education interventions are based on theories of social learning, community
and peer support for incremental risk reduction and understanding of the
disease process. My goal is to provide education strategy to increase and
support prevention programs especially among the most vulnerable
population groups and their environment. Improving general understanding of
the public through encouraging protective individual behaviors will promote
individual and collective vulnerability to any diseases. My personal and
professional goal is to help reduce the risk of every individuals acquiring
disease and to maintain patient’s wellbeing.

The role of institutional organization and structure would be to increase ability,

knowledge and skills in clinical setting and education. In short, nursing
empowerment is the main objective. The need for empowerment and
organizational orientation in the hospital setting is essential in sharing
knowledge, training and supervising other nurses in actual situations. As
health professional, tangible skills and knowledge in a hospital setting is very
important in managing clients and supervising their needs. In general, my role
is focused on providing effective, quality care. Hence setting personal goals
and philosophy advances the means of preparing myself to supervise and
educate my students and subordinates. In our Studyplace, emphases on
these areas are well implemented and give me the room for improvement and
increase my self confidence and empowerment.

Skills, Knowledge and ability are very important part of health care personal
traits and the main armor of every health care professional whenever facing in
the battlefield of care management. Competency and Autonomy is essential.
As part of the team, empowerment is vital and these three factors are the
most important thing in hand before going to the battle. My ability is
incorporated with decision making and critical thinking ability. When achieving
the empowerment and my personal professional traits, change is very
important, especially in behavior and attitude. Change requires adding new
forces for change or removal of some of the existing factors that are at play in
perpetuating the behavior.

I participated in professional activities that aid in making the change that

include imitation of role models and looking for personalized solutions through
trial-and-error learning. My personal mission and vision are crafted toward this
goal; especially in patient management and professional advantage. I have
developed behavior toward education and patient that becomes habitual,
which includes developing a new self-concept & identity and establishing new
interpersonal relationships. This personal competencies and experiences are
applicable to all health care professionals in identifying problems because it
addresses the changes required to achieve organizational goals. This concept
is important because of its nature in terms of change process and behavioral
approach method. Behavior, personal traits and knowledge can be addressed
through the utilization of change.

My career plans are centered in the future of developing my ability to self

determination and freedom in choosing and implementing my own decisions
free from deceit duress, constraints or coercion. This trait is also known as
autonomy. I have developed this competency through professional
independence and decision making skills with the aid of critical thinking ability.

As nursing student, entering into a new semester especially the on the job
training, not knowing what to expect is difficult. Yes, patient care is the “same”
everywhere, but they must be comfortable with the environment they are
placed in. Adaptation is crucial in the clinical arena. My goal in this area is to
be familiarized in protocols through use of an orientation plan in hospital
settings before my clinical experience may become a highly useful and an
effective strategy in clinical education will be carried out. I become less
apprehensive about the clinical environment and become more patient
focused, therefore increasing the effectiveness of self empowerment and
autonomy. This also provides me with the opportunity for role modeling as the
patient maintains and develops standards of practice and competent care in a
familiar environment. In my current learning environment, nursing managers
and supervisors let nurses decide for their patient in a professional and proper
way with accordance to protocols and policy of the institution.
I learned how to communicate effectively at all levels which is a common
barrier in the implementation of change among health care in various settings.
Communication practices were also addressed in order to identify and
effectively set the goals. I also was lucky to be granted with the blessing of
being able to Study with some exceptional health care professionals that
really cared for and about their clients; Health care professionals that would
do everything in their abilities and power to make their patient feel better
physically and emotionally. That is what I hope to be able to do in the future:
providing extraordinary care everyday. Maybe someday I can be a role model
and inspiration to other people to strive for a higher level of competence just
as those I look up to were for me.

In pursuing this education, my purpose is to help patient achieve their

wellbeing and achieving their maximum potentials. Developing the health care
society serve as a deep challenge to study further and gain enough
knowledge, more information about the life itself and definitely to be an
effective and productive member of the society and furthermore, helping my
peer to gain more knowledge.

In my learning environment, professors initiates the development of a clinical

practice programs based on the goals or mission of the institution given to us.
These development programs increases my professional autonomy,
confidence, knowledge, skills and competency and allows me to understand
the importance of my roles. The program helps me in my transition into
different roles by assisting in understanding effective methods of delivering
care to patients in the clinical setting. It stresses the importance of utilizing the
nursing process in the care of individuals, families, and community by
assessing the client health care status, planning with client or significant
others the action based on identified needs and problems, implementing
appropriate nursing interventions wholly compensatory, supportive and
educative, modifying interventions and evaluating the results of nursing
interventions accordingly based on criteria established. These criteria help me
to produce competent effective qualities and ability to sustain the demand for
care in response to increasing numbers of patients. The utilization of my
personal and professional process serves as guidelines in implementing my

I believe that the essence of my dream to be a nurse is having the possession

of knowledge and competency in performing skills and interventions. It
involves a combination of many disciplines, including aspects of biology and
psychology to promote the restoration and maintenance of health in our
clients. And at the end of the day, behind the vital signs and doctor’s order,
what will count the most is how much you really cared. Yes- this caring which
made this profession unique in the first place? The genuine reward of this
Study comes from the distinct gleam of the client’s eyes every time we
perform what we have sworn to do. Although it is sad fact that some nurses
are quite amnesic to why they become nurses in the first place, the future
nurses of today still, should rise and take the challenge of being real nurse.

My parents and my dearest family helped and continually inspiring me to

study further. They were my inspiration in teaching for several years and
these experiences brought me bundles of wisdom and enough knowledge to
face the challenges. Through the years of studying, I realized this profession
requires patience and self confidence which is automatically injected to me
when I decided to do so. I believed I was used as an instrument in developing
my peers’ ability and molding their character. That is why I did my very best
and I gave whatever I may give to them. This profession gave me more
opportunity to improve and sustain my competency.

The years of learning what to be expected in hospital setting allowed me to

possess a substantial background to keep my ambitions alive. It has been
very interesting and I find myself loving what I do as well as my patients. But
amidst of these thing, I am not exempted in the test of hard Study, motivation
and challenge to be strong. These obstacles gave me a room to develop my
full maturity, learn to become team player and to enhance my critical thinking
ability. With this ability and character that I possess I was able to improve my
own capability inside and outside the classroom and Studyplace.

I am very proud to be able to share different aspects of my life that are not
apparent from my professional and academic record. After being encouraged
to continue my degree by both family and friends, I found that pursuing career
and education are character-defining time in my professional and personal
life, causing me to face different challenges such as personal and financial
hardship and manage roles and responsibilities associated with Study, school
and family.

I am very excited and enthusiastic about this coming year, I know I can face
challenges because of the determination and motivation to achieve my goals
and desired career. It would create and open a gateway of opportunities and I
know I could achieve my dreams and I want to pursue my ambition in the field
of nursing.

When I started to think about how patient care has improved I realised that
there was another difference – my knowledge base had increased, so I was
much more aware of the conditions patients presented with and what their
needs were. The various placements within the hospital have allowed me to
care for patients with a wide variety of conditions. I am much more focused on
their needs and actively strive to meet their requirements in order to see their
successful recovery. I am also much more aware of the work that nurses in
other disciplines and other care settings do since I have been given the
opportunity to work with them. I have matured greatly since I started training
two years ago.

I believe I will be able to work with and support the first-year nursing students
when we are on placement together. My own experience of first year – the
fear, anxiety and feeling of being lost and not knowing where to go or what to
do will help. I think that having someone who has recently experienced the
same feelings that they may have will help immensely.

This semester has helped my nursing to improve, and has contributed to my

increased confidence in the care I deliver. I would like to carry these
experiences with me when I qualify to ensure that any nursing students that I
encounter in future years as a staff nurse will adapt quicker than I did to the
environment and will settle in better than I did initially. Hopefully this will be of
benefit to them as it now is to me. My personal and professional development
will allow me to facilitate and encourage the learning and development of
other nursing students in the future.

I have learned that even though this course is only in a short span of time, I
have learned that this will benefit my skills to improve more when it comes to
nursing skills.

Assessment is one of the first steps and subjects in nursing that I enjoyed the
most. From the time we enter nursing school we are taught to assess.
Whether we are formulating a nursing care plan or rendering bedside care to
a patient, assessment skills are, in my opinion, one of the most important
foundation skills to master in the profession of nursing.

"Assessment is the collection of data about an individual's health state

(Jarvis, 2008)". This statement seems so simple, but in reality what I learned
during the course of the semester was that assessment is not limited to just
the physical being, but also includes culture, values, family and support
networks, as well as the ability of the patient to care for self. These factors
must be assessed in order to follow a holistic model of care (Jarvis, 2008).

Although this task seemed insurmountable initially, I realized that the way
in which I typically assess patients could provide a more holistic approach by
integrating some of the techniques I learned in this class. I normally have
conversations with my patients while I assess them, and I found that if I asked
them about their lives as I went about the physical aspect of the exam, I could
learn much about how they were feeling and what support systems they had
available to them.
While it is important to take into account the whole picture of the patient
when assessing their health, it is paramount to have assessment skills refined
to the highest level because in the hospital, the nurse is the only health care
professional who is continually available at the bedside (Jarvis, 2008). I find
this idea to be true to my practice. As much as I enjoy learning about the
people I care for and what makes them "tick", that information is of little use to
me if I am unable to render appropriate care which is based on my initial
physical assessment of the patient.
I felt that this class helped to reinforce and strengthen skills I had
previously learned, such as heart and lung sounds, and expanded my
knowledge of areas I less frequently assessed, like the hair and nails. I found
the textbook in this class to be exceptionally useful for my learning, most
notably because of the sheer volume of pictures to refer to, and I have kept
this text for my collection. I think the skills I learned over the course of the
semester will help me when I continue my education because this class
touched on areas that I do not normally assess at length while in the surgical
setting, such as the eyes and ears. Additionally, I have all my focused exam
videos to look back on if I should need them in the future.

Jarvis, C. (2008). Physical examination & health assessment (5th ed.). St.
Louis: Saunders Elsevier.

Throughout this semester, I have been faced with exciting experiences

and intimidating experiences. I have learned a great deal through my clinicals.
Each semester pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit together a little better. I still
have a lot to learn, if anything I learned that nursing is constant learning as
technology changes. My clinicals have prepared me to take care of patients
effectively and realize when I have not and change it. I have a lot of skills to
take with me to my first nursing job. There have been clinicals I love and
some that were not my favorite but I am more knowledgeable because of
those experiences. Hands on experience has been very beneficial. Once I
have performed a skill I am more likely to remember the steps to perform it
again when I am own my own.

This semester has been very overwhelming to say the least. I did my
best to prepare but some things you just can’t prepare for. I have learned a
lot and learning has never been more fun. As I recall my first semester of
nursing school I loved health assessment lab and liked to practice all the
techniques that I would use the following semester. I also learned how to
manage time effectively. That is very important in nursing school. I learned
that there are lots of decisions to be made when assessing patients, do your
best, and you will learn from your mistakes.

During my fundamentals clinical at the nursing home, I remember

being so scared to touch the patients. The first day it seemed as if the patient
knew more than I did. It was extremely intimidating and there were times I felt
I was not cut out for the role of a nurse. After getting passed the first day I felt
more confident and was able to apply the skills I learned in class to actual
patients. By the next semester I gained much more confidence and could
slowly see myself playing the role of the nurse. During my critical care clinical
I could easily take care of two or three patients. I have made a lot of progress
since the first day of orientation.
The Experiential learning program has allowed me to gain more hands
own experience and knowledge in my field of study. I plan to continue to
achieve my masters degree and believe EXL has helped prepare me to
accomplish goals I have set for myself. It has been very fulfilling to give back
to the community and I had a chance to expand my knowledge while serving
several different cultures and work through barriers that were presented with
each. Evidence based practice is extremely important in nursing and I am now
competent in locating research based studies and implementing it into current
practice. EXL has allowed me to broaden my career opportunities and
increase my confidence of acquiring my first full time job.

My nursing informatics class was definitely not what I expected getting

into it. This was mostly because I actually didn’t even know what it was. From
the start, I learned that it dealt with mostly technology (surprise! its
“informatics”), which I guess I didn’t connect the two dots. Anyway, while
some of the assignments were tedious, I actually did learn some new things.

For starters, I learned more about computers and the aspects of them. I
also learned that as nurses, we use SO much informatics in our days that it is
essential we know how to work these computers and technologies. I didn’t
realize that me charting on a patient at work is informatics, that looking up
medications is informatics, that using the vitals machine is informatics, I mean
the list can go on and on. I think informatics has improved nursing a lot and
that it will only continue being a big part of nursing, more so in the future when
so many cool gadgets begin to surface. This is exciting to me especially since
I will be a brand new nurse this summer and have so many things to look
forward to in this AWESOME career (if you don’t think nursing is awesome
then you obviously don’t know much about nursing). Anyway, another thing I
learned about is the Lean-6 Sigma and how it relates to nursing so much as
well. If you don’t know what Lean-6 Sigma is, I suggest you research it
because there is a lot to say about it.
When it comes to the computer and network tutorial, I did not use it much
to be honest but I know it has tons of helpful information on their so I will keep
it in the back of my mind to use it if needed. The VoiceThread project we
completed was interesting as well but I HATE hearing the sound of my voice,
as anyone else for the most part, but I can see how people can use it for
teaching purposes. I think it’s a great technology and I think I’ve actually seen
similar tutorial videos on Youtube either using it or things that looked awfully
like the program. And I kind of like this whole E-tutorial thing. It’s blog-like and
interesting to write down my thoughts as I’m thinking of them. It’s like
journaling and very relaxing. I think this might actually be my favorite project
we have done in this class, all 7 weeks of it!

Overall, the classwork was tedious but the instructor, Ms. Samantha, really
knows her stuff. I enjoyed the few classes we had together and actually did
learn a lot about nursing informatics.

l in all, this term paper has helped me better identify my mistakes in this skills
assessment and how I can further improve myself in the near future. Not only
that, it has also aided me in the pursuit of realizing the importance of the six
different domains that we were assessed on. This assessment was also a
good platform for us to reflect upon ourselves and further improve our nursing
competencies bringing our skills to a whole new level. At the end of the day,
such assessments are the ones that mould us into trustworthy and reliable
healthcare professionals.

In similar situations in the future, first and foremost, I would quickly run
through area planning in my mind so as to maintain minimal movement to
save time when I am carrying out my nursing procedure. Then, when I am
taking the patient’s blood pressure, I will remind myself not to turn the valve
too hard so that it will be easier to release the pressure from the cuff when I
am recording the blood pressure readings. Most importantly, I would ensure
that I record my findings accurately onto the clinical chart. I hope all these
precautions will help me carry out my duty as a nurse efficiently in years to

In my biostatistics class. Through this module, I have gained more knowledge

and experiences on how to interpret and analyze research data. We face
quite a lot of challenges in collecting, analyzing the data, discussing the
hypothesis, applying the theory to our research and the rationale of our study.
However, we managed to discuss it as a group and come to a final decision of
the content. Lastly, we draw conclusions and our hypothesis is accepted. On
the other hand, I also learned how to use SPSS. SPSS saves time and
generates results more efficiently and readily. And with the help of Statistics in
Health Sciences textbook, it enables me to understand more about statistics
as it contains step-by-step procedure on how to interpret the data. At first, I do
not understand the reason of nurses studying Statistics. But now, I am aware
that we as nurses do need to conduct Statistics research as it is very
important as an evidence-based practice in the healthcare sector.

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