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Title: Expert Literature Review on Breast Cancer in Nigeria

In the realm of academic research, crafting a literature review is a task that demands meticulous
attention, comprehensive understanding, and extensive analysis. Particularly when exploring a
complex and multifaceted topic like breast cancer in Nigeria, the process becomes even more
challenging. Undertaking a literature review requires sifting through numerous scholarly articles,
studies, and research papers to distill relevant information, identify knowledge gaps, and offer
insightful interpretations.

The difficulty in writing a literature review on breast cancer in Nigeria stems from various factors.
Firstly, the landscape of breast cancer research in Nigeria is constantly evolving, with new studies
and findings emerging regularly. Keeping up with this dynamic field requires dedicated effort and a
keen eye for relevant literature. Secondly, the vast amount of available literature on breast cancer
necessitates careful selection and synthesis of information to ensure the review is comprehensive yet

Moreover, navigating the nuances of cultural, socio-economic, and healthcare factors specific to
Nigeria adds another layer of complexity to the literature review process. Understanding how these
factors influence breast cancer incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes is crucial for providing
a nuanced analysis.

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This can be even more important in cancer genome research, because genomic abnormali- ties
observed in cancers can be associated with abroad range of biological character istics. There was
substantial variation in estimated breast cancer incidence across different African regions in 2012.
Earlier research has shown in all populations that the incidence of the disease begins to increase from
age 20 years up to 50 years. If a technical break- through can occur in single ce ll epigenetic analysis,
the evolutionary models currently being constructed on the basis of single-cell genomic data will be
improved by addition of epigenetic information. Genome- wide association studies (GWAS) are
commonly used for the search for correlations between disease incidence and genetics. Table 4
Distribution of knowledge of breast cancer according to sociodemographic variables Full size table
Determinants of breast self examination Eight hundred and sixty-six participants had information on
education and practice of BSE. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. Discussion
The results as subsequently discussed showed that even though the current assumption that Africa
has comparatively low incidence rate of breast cancer could be said to be correct based on available
statistics, this incidence rate is currently on the rise. CONCLUSION: This study indicated that these
female health professionals had a very satisfactory diagnostic and treatment knowledge which is
higher than some earlier studies. This awareness also helps to remove the stigma that comes with
having breast cancer. As a com plex disease, both genetics and environmental causes are implicated
in the tumorigenesis of breast cancer. We are grateful to the staff nurses who participated in the
recruitment of study participants. Results: Out of 523 women, a greater proportion respondents 515
(98%) had poor knowledge of breast cancer. Micromanipulatio n can also capture single cells from
cultured cell, dissociated tissue or biopsy ma- terial according to a given feature, but with the same
shortcomings as LCM. CONCLUSION: Breast cancer in Midwestern Nigeria commonly occurs in
premenopausal ages and it is usually an invasive ductal carcinoma. University of Benin Research and
Ethics Committee approved the study protocol and written informed consent was obtained from
study participants prior to recruitment. There were 791 study participants with complete information
on knowledge scores and practice of BSE. These studies are often of small sample size and targeted
women in special professions. A CN-LOH event (highlighted by blue rectangle) occurs at an early
stage. Health care spending for chronic diseases in Nigeria is competing with several basic needs
including provision of basic amenities and infrastructure, and control of several endemic childhood
infections and parasitic infestations; any money invested in breast cancer screening must be justified
by the benefits to the population. Results A total of 1,169 women whose ages ranged from 40 to 86
years (mean age, 47.7 years; standard deviation, 8.79 years) were interviewed. The result also
provided evidence that the comparatively low incidence rate of breast cancer in Africa had been
rising over the years. This strategy is not optimal for studies aimed at reconstructing the evolutionary
history and revealing the hierarchical structures in cell populations, since the subtle, important
information from special rare subpopu- lations of cells may be masked, or even lost, in the data
obtained from mixed bulk populations. Thus, breast cancer is undoubtedly a complex disease, both in
its biological mechanisms and in its final biological endpoints. Data of 362 patients were examined
between March and April 2016. The rest of the charts and tables were produced based on figures
retrieved from previously published papers. Ugburo Breast cancer is the most common malignancy
among females in Nigeria. Age, knowledge of risk factors, profession and beliefs were not
significantly associated with rate of BSE in this study. Data were analyzed and presented using
descriptive (frequency, charts, and percentages) and inferential statistics (Fisher’s exact) for
hypothesis testing. On the other hand, there seems to be a general consensus among experts that the
problem of data unavailability tends to result more in underestimation than overestimation of the
All women greater than 20 years admitted in the Department of General Medicine and General
Surgery in-patient female ward of SVRRGGH were included in the study. It also holds promise for
providing a molecular clock for the estimation of the temporal processes of tumorigenesis. In terms
of methods of diagnosis, only 432 participants (43.2%) were able to correctly identify breast self-
examination (BSE) as a method for detection of breast cancer. Women with breast cancer in France:
variation with age, stage and treatment. Thus, an amplification step of the DNA or mRNA (through
amplification of cDNA) extracted from captured single cells is necessary. The aim of this paper was
to highlight the rising burden of breast cancer with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa as well as
trends, characteristics, controversies and their implications for regional development. It was not quite
clear whether this could be attributed to improved detection or increasing exposure to risk. BMC
Public Health. 2014;14:759. Cubasch H, Joffe M, Hanisch R, Schuz J, Neugut AI, Karstaedt A, et al.
Allele- specific gene expression regulated by epigenetic mecha- nisms was previously regarded as
mainly constrained to genomic imprinting. CN-LOH, also referred to as uni- p arental disomy (
UPD), is a loss of on e copy (allele) of a heterozygous chromosomal region followed by a dupli-
cation of the other allele, yielding a homozygous chro- mosomal region without a copy number
change ( Figures 1(a) and 1(b) ). To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. It showed that while continent of
Europe had the highest ASR incidence rate, Africa had the highest ASR mortality rate. The gap was
even more in southern Africa with 38.9 breast cancer cases per 100,000 women per year. In the
context of breast cancer research, the next effort will be to establish cause and effect relationship
between the microbiome and breast cancer susceptibility. Cross tabulation, Chi-square test for
independence, Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Odds Ratio were applied on the three
year study, from which it was found that breast cancer cases are independent on environmental
factor and dependent on educational factor. Next, variables with p ? 0.25 were selectively added to
the model, starting with the variable with the lowest p-value. In practical analysis, mutants can be
dis- cretely classified as homozygous mutations (high allele frequency) and heterozygous mutations
(low allele fre- quency). In that st udy, based on investigations of the allele frequency of the
mutations and the corresponding copy number profile, the mutation of TP 53 was revealed as an
initial event prior to the substantial numbers somatic mutations in tumor development of both types
of cancers. These young adults constitute the larger percentage of the adult population. Follow- in g
the establishment of microbiome catalogs and refer- ences as well as the development of laboratory
and bio- informatic approaches-especially, investigations of the correlation with host phenotype-the
microbiome will become an important aspect in cancer research. Fasoro Breast cancer is the most
common cancer afflicting women globally and in Nigeria. The population of the study comprised
women from 40 years and above in Imo East Senatorial District of Imo State, including teachers,
traders and farmers. Literature suggested that trends in incidence varied with age and ethnicity in
different populations. What is missing most times in this narrative is the consideration of the possible
impact of this seemingly low incidence rate on the National economies of African sub-regions if left
unchecked. The ratio of h eterozygous to homozygous mutations in CN-LOH regio ns directly r
eflects the temporal order of the duplications in tumorigenesis (the right panes in (a) and (b).
Epigenetic abnormalities may also contribute to breast cancer progression, but DNA methylation
analysis for single cells has not yet been developed, mainly due to lack of proper amplification
methods. This may differ slightly when analysis is based on United Nation’s world areas shown Full
size image Fig. 3 Breast Cancer Burden by United Nations world areas. The association of risk
factors with breast cancer was assessed using conditional logistic regression. Practice of breast self
examination (BSE) was low; only 432 participants (43.2%) admitted to carrying out the procedure in
the past year. Knowledge of study participants about risk factors for breast cancer was low.
It is also advisable to get tested every few months. Also defining histological types of breast cancer
may determine the percentages of aggressive histological forms of breast cancer in our women with
their treatment and prognostic implications. Cross tabulation, Chi-square test for independence,
Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Odds Ratio were applied on the three year study,
from which it was found that breast cancer cases are independent on environmental factor and
dependent on educational factor. Pathological features of Breast Cancer seen in Northwestern
Tanzania: A nine years retrospective study. BMC Res. 2011;4:214. Article. SETTING: Olabisi
Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH), Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria. With grow- ing
number of published reference genomes and an in- creasing knowledge of the variations in the
normal hu- man genome, the previous single consensus representation of the genome is not sufficient,
especially in regions with complex allelic diversity. Fascicle of Management and Technological
Engineering. This disease can begin in different parts of the breast. Moreover 80% Pharmacist are
knowing that late menopause is a risk factor for breast cancer and62.7% dispenser were knowing
this.Conclusion: Health care professionals have fairly good awarene. Th e heterogeneity of the
mitochondrial genome must be considered during analysis. However, over the past two decades,
incidence and mortality trends had remained relatively stable and even decreasing in many
developed countries. Follow- in g the establishment of microbiome catalogs and refer- ences as well
as the development of laboratory and bio- informatic approaches-especially, investigations of the
correlation with host phenotype-the microbiome will become an important aspect in cancer research.
With this d evelopment, cancer genome research will illuminate new delicate interactio ns between
mo- lecular networks and thereby u nrave l th e u nderlying b iologi cal mechanisms for cancer
initiation and progression. There was also clear evidence that Africa cannot cope if it allows its
current incidence rates to reach the figures of the developed countries of Europe and America.
Participants were also asked about specific actions they will take in the event of being diagnosed
with breast cancer and acceptance of mastectomy as a treatment procedure. Early onset of breast
cancer in a group of British black women. Challenges of non communicable diseases and road traffic
injuries in subsaharan Africa:an overview. Results A total of 1,169 women whose ages ranged from
40 to 86 years (mean age, 47.7 years; standard deviation, 8.79 years) were interviewed. Massively
parallel sequencing not only ensures deeper measurement of DNA copy number and tran- scriptomic
profiles, but also directly provides sequence information. DNA methyl- lation as an important
epigenetic mechanism has been extensively studied. Maps showing breast cancer incidence and
mortality in Africa, charts on United Nations world areas in relation to breast cancer incidence and
mortality as well as chart showing the incidence and mortality among the top 20 countries of Africa
were based on figures and analytical tools provided on the GLOBOCAN websites. The concept of
breast screening (BS) is that it would result in presentation at earlier stages. At present, no DNA
amplification method is able to properly retain the DNA methylation information in newly amplified
DNA copies. CONCLUSION: Breast cancer in Midwestern Nigeria commonly occurs in
premenopausal ages and it is usually an invasive ductal carcinoma. Conclusion: The breast cancer is
still a major public health concern in low-and middle-income countries. This knowledge though
commendable should be improved upon through consistent education of these professionals. Fifty-
seven percent of the cases were premenopausal while 43% were postmenopausal. The figure shows
that while northern America has the highest incidence rate, western Africa has the highest mortality
rate Full size image Fig. 4 a Distribution of breast cancer incidence and mortality in Africa (based on
GLOBOCAN, 2012). One hundred and eighty (30.9%) participants with knowledge scores below
50.0% practiced BSE compared with 131 participants (58.0%) of those with knowledge scores of
50.0% and above. Unconditional logistic regression showed a significant association between
knowledge scores and practice of BSE. Although, this may limit comparability of our findings with
that of other investigators, it is important to note that efforts were made to ensure some measure of
validity by pre-testing the questionnaire on a convenient sample before commencement of the study.
After the counseling session with patients, their knowledge regarding the above problems related to
breast cancer has significantly increased. The reliability coefficient of the instruments were found to
be 0.75 and 0.79 respectively. Research questions were answered with mean. Television and radio
appear to be better media to reach a wider audience but the benefits of these media may be limited
in rural communities with limited access to these media. BellaNaija is not responsible for the content
of external sites and news culled therefrom. Several attempts have been made to stratify cell
subpopulations using regional macrodissection, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), laser
capture microdissection (LCM) and other forms of micromanipulation ( Figure 2 ). Epidemiology of
Breast Cancer in Europe and Africa. Methods: A prospective educational study was done using a
pre-designed questionnaire on 523 patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of 6
months. The aim was to highlight the trends, characteristics, controversies and determinants of rising
breast cancer burden in the sub-Saharan African region and to discuss briefly the implications of this
rising burden to regional development. By contrast, a majority of homozygous mutations with a
concurrent minority of heterozygous mutations implies that a duplication event has occurred in the
recent past, in which the previous heterozygous mutations have become hom ozygous and new he
terozygous mutatio ns are limited due to the short period of accumulation after the d uplication event
(the left pane in (b)). In comparison to other continents of the world, the age-standardized incidence
rate of breast cancer for the African continent had been estimated to be the lowest (36.2 per 100,000
women per year) except for Asia (29.1 per 100,000 women per year). It has therefore become
necessary that the attention of global and regional policy-makers, researchers and the general public
be drawn to the growing danger that breast cancer could pose to Africa's development, especially in
the sub-Saharan regions where little attention is being paid on non-communicable diseases, probably
due to the high burden of communicable diseases. A CN-LOH event (highlighted by blue rectangle)
occurs at an early stage. There is a need to define the epidemiological pattern of breast cancer
patients seen in the Niger delta; assessing the age distributions, and histological types. Rural to urban
migration and changes in cardiovascular risk factors in Tanzania: a prospective cohort study. Thus, an
amplification step of the DNA or mRNA (through amplification of cDNA) extracted from captured
single cells is necessary. Table 2 shows participant's responses to some selected questions. It might be
against this backdrop that Sigko et al. On the other hand, a major- ity of homozygous mutations with
a concurrent minority of heterozygous mutations implies that a new duplicatio n event has occurred
in the recent past, in which the previ- ous heterozygous mutations have been lost and only one
allele’s information is retained and doubled. Although, this may limit comparability of our findings
with that of other investigators, it is important to note that efforts were made to ensure some measure
of validity by pre-testing the questionnaire on a convenient sample before commencement of the
study. Two hundred and eighty-one (53%) show positive attitude while 225 (43%) show neutral
attitude and 17 (4%) show negative attitude toward breast cancer. Only 18 (0.3%) know how to
perform breast self-examination while the remaining patients have never performed the breast self-
examination. Available data suggest that people prefer to learn about cancer-related issues from their
doctors and health organizations. Breast cancer in sub Saharan Africa:opportunities for prevention.
The area of study for this research is Imo East Senatorial District of Imo State. Literature suggested
that trends in incidence varied with age and ethnicity in different populations. Challenges and
Progress Rapid development of improved methods for studying the breast cancer genome poses
many future challenges. It had also been suggested that it might reflect a growing awareness of
breast cancer and change in health seeking behaviours, as well as improvement in screening and
diagnostics technology. Fifty-seven percent of the cases were premenopausal while 43% were
postmenopausal. The emergence of massively parallel sequencing tech- nology provides researchers
with an unprecedented pow- erful tool for breast cancer research. SO, RM, CM and LH contributed
in the design of the study and definition of intellectual contents. It was this need to draw attention to
this rising burden in relation to its socioeconomic impact on national development that made this
review necessary.

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