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Writing a literature review on sustainable development in India can be a challenging endeavor.

requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic. With the vast amount of information available, navigating
through scholarly articles, books, reports, and other sources can be daunting.

The process of conducting a literature review involves identifying relevant sources, evaluating their
credibility, summarizing key findings, and identifying gaps in the existing literature. Researchers
must also critically analyze the methodologies and theoretical frameworks employed in various
studies to assess their reliability and relevance to the topic at hand.

Moreover, compiling and organizing the information in a coherent and structured manner requires
careful attention to detail and effective writing skills. Each section of the literature review must flow
logically, providing insights into the evolution of sustainable development discourse in India, key
challenges and opportunities, policy interventions, and future directions for research and practice.

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The index collected available data for 149 countries to assess where each country stands in 2016 with
regard to achieving the SDGs. The proposed methodological framework is based on a series of
criteria and divided into five (5) underlying categories. The concept of SD has gradually evolved
from the initial vague definition to a global action and has contained increasing practical wisdom. In
both cases, a clear decision-making structure proved decisive to goal-oriented and effective
communication. Additionally, for each study reviewed, the validation and aggregation methods
should be examined too. To that end, the planet should be ready to cope with the expected rapid
population growth. Back casting, which is the methodology that binds all the steps of our
framework, begins with a projection of the desired outcome(s), and works backwards to understand
what is needed for their realisation. As in, which experience does more for us—personally and also
professionally speaking? Workshop participants were engaged in two rounds of small group
discussions, in order to share and collect their expectations and experiences with HEI-networks for
sustainability, as well as to debate leverage points and practices to strategically advance such
networks. It examines the socioeconomic ways of pursuing sustainable development in the areas of
agriculture, climate change and energy; the environment and natural resources; health and society.
The Network Board is the highest decision-making body and comprises vice presidents or prominent
academic representatives from all partner universities. This will require not only feasibility studies in
close coordination with existing network members, but also close feedback to the respective political
actors and potential funding institutions. 5. Conclusions This article presented conceptual and
empirical insights into how single HEIs can support and benefit from being a node in an HEI
network for sustainability. This is directly related with satisfying human physiological and
psychological needs. Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). The project is funded
by a grant from the Sloan Foundation. The proposed methodological framework aims at facilitating
the comparison among studies in order to capture the research advancements and current practices in
the field under examination. For more information on the journal statistics, click here. International
Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). There were five plenary sessions that set the tone and
provided essential inputs that informed the thematic working group discussions. The aim was to
examine the research trend of crop agricultural sustainability and specifically the trend of the criteria
concerning the scope and the calculation methods used. The filtering of the reviewed sample
according to the scope of the review under study, resulted in 38 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Human behaviour, although not intentionally malicious, is widely recognised as the root cause of
most sustainability challenges. Additionally, only three out of 38 assessments were performed in
North America. India ranks 110th on the list followed by Lesotho on 113th position, Pakistan (115),
Myanmar (117), Bangladesh (118) and Afghanistan (139). In the UAS-context, this needed to be
practiced, especially in terms of creating mutual awareness of and integrating different disciplinary
languages. Article 32 of the Indian Constitution could be invoked by the citizens for enforcement of
the Fundamental Rights. On the other hand, Sustainable development is a process which meets the
needs of present to develop a better and able future generations. This ultimately could prepare
students becoming citizens of a democratic society. This is an issue of particular importance since the
assessment of agricultural sustainability is not a standardized process and entails a plethora of
different methods, tools, and frameworks that assess a large number of different indicators that
represent an analogously large number of different impacts. In this section, Citespace software was
used to set each year as a data segmentation era to conduct a visual analysis of keywords and
research hotspots in the literature.
This innovation function could be successful because it was based on a governance structure which
ideally combined the UAS collaboration with the sustainability management at Freie Universitat
Berlin. Positive changes in humanity’s treatment of the environment may not be possible until
environmentally supportive paradigms replace other underlying paradigms. Though many studies
have tried to focus on the significance of environmental paradigm but the paradigm shifts from
instrumental learning to lifelong learning in environmental education remained unexamined. Find
support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Finally, the results and impacts a
network can unfold are covered. Embedded in specific geographic, political, and cultural contexts,
HEIs provide different approaches and expertise on how to address sustainability challenges.
Keywords Higher education Sustainable development Indian management courses Content analysis
Sustainability education. Yegbemey et al. (2014), proposed an innovative participatory approach that
resulted in seventeen (17) indicators. Non-strategic networking runs the risk of wasting precious
resources on the individual and the institutional level, yet functional collaboration in networks has
the potential to substantially leverage the contribution of HEI to sustainable development. Sample
presentation (review papers): ( a ) Number of papers per year and ( b ) type of paper. In the reviewed
studies, stakeholder participation is proved crucial in the determination of the level of sustainability.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). In order to be human-
readable, please install an RSS reader. In this article, we pursue the following objectives: First, we
suggest an analytical framework to spur a more structured description and reflection of HEI-
networks. Three-hundred-and-fifty-eight HEI actors, mostly researchers but also technicians,
administrators, and students from about 100 German HEIs participated in the survey. A rights based
approach is one in which the focus is on ensuring the rights of all sections of community particularly
the marginalised. Our goal was to introduce a literature-based comprehensive set of characteristics
that is, at the same time, as specific and general as possible. In this paper, the literature survey
method, induction method, and normative analysis were adopted to clarify the gradual evolution and
improvement process of the concept and objective of SD, to strengthen the comprehensive
understanding of the SD theory. The leadership role is assigned to representatives of the executive
boards of the member universities in both networks. Education for Sustainable Development: A
Systemic Framework for Connecting the SDGs to Educational Outcomes. Based on the above
analysis, this paper selected four issues for further discussion. 6.1. Weak Sustainability Remains
Although strong sustainability is the concept of SD we should accept, weak sustainability is still
common. The theory of SD has experienced different stages of development since it was put
forward. A transformation is thus required not just at the policy level but also at the mindset of
people to welcome and initiate a change in the perspective and the ways in which the society works.
Context HOCH-N is linked to national efforts to implement the UNESCO world action program, to
efforts to adjust the sustainability codex resolved by the German Council for Sustainable
Development to the context of HEIs, as well as to intentions of German HEIs to strengthen
exchange and collaboration toward sustainability. If you would like to replace it with a different
purchasing option please remove the current eBook option from your cart. Contrary to overly
simplistic political models that seek to deliver pre-defined version of sustainability, such an approach
builds on its value as a metaphor or heuristic for a social ideal and allows ESD to embrace
complexity and resist over-simplification. This will alert our moderators to take action Name Reason
for reporting: Foul language Slanderous Inciting hatred against a certain community Others Your
Reason has been Reported to the admin. Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by
the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. At the same time, each of the other
nine HEIs involved in the HOCH-N project were asked to actively support this early stage of the
network. Based on the above analysis, this paper adopted the literature survey methods by reading
literature pieces and materials related to SD practice and theory, and the induction method by
analyzing related thoughts.
As pointed out in the results section, the network also contributed to the integration and networking
of sustainability-oriented research and teaching at Freie Universitat Berlin. Methodological
framework for the systematic review of agricultural sustainability studies. The disadvantage of weak
sustainability is that it is too optimistic about human’s ability to control nature and technological
progress, and it believes that nature has no constraint capacity and that all the ecosystem functions
can be replaced. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD). It builds on the
importance of aspirations in relation to human development and capability theory by facilitating
understanding regarding, first, the way that aspirations (sustainability) are defined, secondly, the way
they are connected to capabilities (competences) and thirdly, pedagogies, the processes by which
capabilities become functioning. The goal of sustainable development has become more
comprehensive and universal, changing from the single factor goals focusing on ecological
sustainability to MDGs, and SDGs today. Van Passel et al. employed the SVA method attempting to
correlate farm performance in respect to consumption of resources. Under this Act it is mandatory for
all industries handling hazardous material to take Public Liability Insurance cover for immediate
relief to victims or damage to property. Pelzer et al. (2012) also following Sadok et al. (2009)
presented the DEXiPM model which was particularly developed for integrated pest management
systems (IPM). Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). Sustainability
competences should be complemented by strong disciplinary skills (e.g., in natural, social sciences,
engineering and business). Environmental Education is a process to aware people about their
environment and it explores environmental issues for a better understanding. Regarding the level of
assessment and the system boundaries, many different approaches were identified. A safe and just
space for humanity—Can we live inside the doughnut. Another driving factor was the sustainability
codex resolved by the German Council for Sustainable Development in 2011. Research hotspots are
mainly focused on SD management in different fields, including small and medium enterprises
management, environmental protection, sustainable tourism, and sustainability assessment. Such a
situation has had a visible bearing on health concerns, physical security, social cohesion and ability to
meet material needs. For example, both MDGs and SDGs only consider the application of SD within
the next 15 years. The picture that emerges from the analyzed narratives is that it is easier to forgive
someone imprisoned for his atrocities. Contrary to overly simplistic political models that seek to
deliver pre-defined version of sustainability, such an approach builds on its value as a metaphor or
heuristic for a social ideal and allows ESD to embrace complexity and resist over-simplification. It is
mutual combination of these three domains that has helped to shape the society’s interaction with the
biosphere. Participants identified leverage points to advance HEI-networks and to strategically use
them to foster sustainability at their HEI. The article also provides a brief analysis of various
education projects, academic programmes and curriculum development initiatives for achieving the
goal of sustainability. And for developing countries, additional policies addressing primary
production, rural poverty, etc. Article 48-A, which is one of the Directive Principles of State Policy,
states that the State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the
forests and wild life of the country. Currently, there are three main interpretations of the mutual
substitution between natural capital and manufactured capital ( Figure 5 ). 4.1. Weak Sustainability
Weak sustainability is a human-centered view that natural capital can be replaced by manufactured
capital. We would also like to thank the two reviewers, Annika Weiser and Guido Caniglia, for their
critical and constructive comments on earlier versions of this paper. For example, China’s green GDP
is an index that determines GDP after deducting the loss caused by environmental damage. They will
also develop and explore the impact of new mechanisms designed to properly incentive storage for
its benefits. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( ).
One of the fundamental reasons behind such a situation has been the fact that environment
awareness has largely been seen as a concept exclusive of educational consciousness. The Patents
(Amendment) Act of 2005 has a provision to prevent misappropriation of indigenous knowledge of
communities by making it non- patentable. The proposed framework offers the opportunity of
rethinking education as a systemic tool for transformative social change. The tool was demonstrated
in an agricultural park in Italy. Most of them are based on the view of weak sustainability, that is, the
simple sum of three systems (economic, social, and environmental) to measure the SD level. The
report focused on the global situation of the population, food, species and genetic resources, energy,
industry, human habitation, etc. Based on the detailed case stories of the HOCH-N and UAS
network outlined above, Table 2 summarizes and contrasts their main commonalities and differences
in a structured overview. 4. Synthesis and Outlook This article addresses two objectives. A
distinctive example is MCDA which is used to facilitate the assessment of multivariate problems that
are expressed with indicators. The MASC model is a hierarchical multiattribute decision support
model designed for the ex ante assessment of cropping systems to address the need of in-field
alternative scenario evaluation. These conditions are for example justice for the victims of the war, a
confession from the offender and his emotional involvement (for instance showing remorse and
shame). Some of the services in the site are currently down for maintenance. Such systematic
documentation can facilitate the comparison among the available studies as well as the development
of a standard methodological framework for the sustainability assessment of agriculture. Weak or
strong sustainab-exploring the eco-limits of development—Discussing from the eco-limits of natural
resources conswmption. Another example is the carbon footprint (CF) which is an indicator that is
often met in Indicators sets and frameworks. In the following, we specify the characteristics of our
network including a concise overview in Table 2, introduce governance structures, instruments, and
assess the effects on sustainability related structures and processes at Freie Universitat Berlin.
Accordingly, 58% are ex post assessments attempting to evaluate current practices; whereas, in
31.6% of the papers, the evaluation of prediction scenarios is attempted. 3.3. Agricultural
Sustainability Methods and Tools In the previous sections a descriptive qualitative analysis of the
review criteria was presented. Additionally, the idea to generate a “Sustainability Toolbox” was
driven by the UAS network as a whole. Evolution stages and symbolic events of SD theory. In
Section 2, we describe the methodical proceeding we used for addressing the aims of this article.
Future-oriented higher education: Which key competencies should be fostered through university
teaching and learning. They apply equally to the shared and inter-linked responsibilities of
environmental protection and human development. In addition, similar terms derived from the
literature, such as “collaboration”, “internationalization”, “partnerships” and “universities”, were
applied in different search strings to identify further relevant literature. In order to be human-
readable, please install an RSS reader. Another driving factor was the sustainability codex resolved
by the German Council for Sustainable Development in 2011. If CBSE class 12 students are finding
it hard to search for NCERT India People And Economy books online, then this is the right place as
we have provided the textbooks of NCERT chapter wise. In this section, Citespace software was
used to set each year as a data segmentation era to conduct a visual analysis of keywords and
research hotspots in the literature. Due to the limited literature bases, we are aware that our synthesis
may have overlooked single network features. The operational management aspects of the UAS are
largely dealt with by the network manager at Freie Universitat Berlin and the respective coordinators
at the partner universities. We are aware that the data is not representative for sustainability-oriented
research at German HEIs in total. Compared with the MDGs, SDGs call on people who live in
extreme poverty in developing countries to not only survive, but also live with dignity.
Next Article in Journal Experimental Evaluation of a Diesel Cogeneration System for Producing
Power and Drying Aromatic Herbs. Nevertheless, the overall ISCN conference context can be
viewed as a pre-selective filter of international HEI stakeholders who are aware of and also actively
engaging in HEI networking for sustainability. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Mark
Burgman, Director of the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London and the three
referees of the Journal for reviewing the manuscript and providing insightful comments. In this
context, a key finding from the UAS network, for instance, was that interinstitutional exchange
sparked inspiration and learning at Freie Universitat Berlin and subsequently the network itself was
used as a means to accelerate sustainability-oriented teaching activities at this university. (iv)
Ensured financial support is key in the sensitive phase of a network’s foundation and first
development, often initiated by one or few HEIs. In an educational environment, this process could
be used to relate educational outcomes to the enabling conditions for the localised vision of
sustainability to emerge. The paper pointed out that sustainability science was aimed to explain the
interaction between natural and social characteristics and to improve the ability to steer this
interaction toward a more sustainable trajectory. It enables the specification of a network’s purpose,
as well as its structures, processes, context, and outcomes. For the selection of the indicators, the
adapted nominal group technique was used. It examines the socioeconomic ways of pursuing
sustainable development in the areas of agriculture, climate change and energy; the environment and
natural resources; health and society. However, the commitment to this principle does not mean that
it has already been fully implemented in every member HEI. Contrary to overly simplistic political
models that seek to deliver pre-defined version of sustainability, such an approach builds on its value
as a metaphor or heuristic for a social ideal and allows ESD to embrace complexity and resist over-
simplification. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. The scope of this
Act is very wide and it operates on the principle of arresting pollution at the source, polluter pays
and also focusses on involvement of the public in decision making. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
license ( ). So, all that we need is the balance between environment and human need. However, it is
mainly focused on present activities. The set of characteristics is designed to make essential features
of HEI-networks explicit for both members and external stakeholders alike. The characteristics were
derived from the scientific network and collaboration literature of various academic disciplines. The
data thus contains valuable information for sustainability-oriented researchers and whole research
institutions on how to locate their own work within the current landscape and strategically plan their
future sustainability-oriented research including research collaborations. Feature papers are submitted
upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. The
proposed framework offers the opportunity of rethinking education as a systemic tool for
transformative social change. The last category concerns the data and the calculation methods used
for the assessment. In 18% of the papers, an already existing methodology was applied and
presented while 16% of papers presented a methodology without testing it in practice. These papers
have drawn important conclusions which may induce a new perspective of viewing the Indian
economy that has been emerging. The last level in the hierarchy of needs, self-actualisation, relates to
transcendence, achieving the highest level of self-fulfilment which is based on fulfilling one’s
potential. The paper highlights the inefficiencies of current urban governance systems that result in
lost opportunities to leverage resources and capital, and increase transaction costs to business and
governments in cities. Both cases imply a rich learning potential for whole HEIs to individual HEI-
actors, as they follow similar aims and approaches but span different geographic scales and rely on
different instruments and strategies for their implementation. The framework synthesizes all the
available literature review criteria and introduces a two-level analysis facilitating systematization,
data mining, and methodology extraction. Part I comprises the first 7 chapters and deals with
modelling generic issues concerning sustainable development. The management and coordination of
the HOCH-N network, representing one specific objective of the underlying joint research project, is
led by Hamburg and Bremen University.

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