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Dashain & Tihar Vacation Homework 2023

Class: VIII Subject: SST

Section – A [1 mark]

1. What is the term for resources that can be renewed or replaced?

2. What is the highest court in India?
3. What is constitution?
4. Who is the first President of India?
5. Who is considered the "Father of the Indian Constitution"?
6. What is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface called?
7. What is the term for a person who files a case in a court?
8. What was the most important item of trade between India and Europe in the 18th century?
9. What is the term for a government that is elected by the people?
10. Who was the last Mughal emperor?
11. Who is responsible for making and implementing laws in India?
12. What is the term for a law passed by a state government?
13. Who was the British historian who wrote about India's past in the 19th century?
14. What does "secularism" mean in the Indian context?
15. Name the present president of India and Nepal
16. How many Fundamental Rights are guaranteed by the Indian Constitution?
17. What is the term for a government that is elected by the people?
18. What is the term for a person who files a case in a court?
19. What is the term for the sum total of all weather conditions at a place over a long period of time?
20. Who appoints judges to the Supreme Court of India?
21. What is agriculture?
22. Who was the ruler of Mysore who fought against the British in the four Anglo-Mysore Wars?
23. What is the term for the equal treatment of all religions by the state?
24. What is the system of land revenue introduced by the British in India?
25. What are the three economic activities
26. What do Adivasis refer to in the context of this chapter?
27. What is the upper house of the Indian Parliament called?
28. Who was Robert Clive?
29. What do you mean by SC and ST?
30. What is the highest court in a state in India?
31. Who is the head of a religious institution according to the Indian Constitution?
32. What is the term for a law passed by a state government?
33. Who was the British official responsible for suppressing the tribal uprisings?
34. Who was Birsa Munda, and what was his role in the tribal movement?
35. What is mulching?
36. What is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface called?
37. Who is considered the "Father of the Indian Constitution"?
38. What is the system of land revenue introduced by the British in India?
39. What is the term for a government that is elected by the people?
40. What is the primary source of irrigation in India?
41. What is the term for the equal treatment of all religions by the state?
42. Who appoints judges to the Supreme Court of India?
43. What is the highest court in a state in India?
44. What is Farmaan?
45. What was subsidiary alliance?
46. What does "secularism" mean in the Indian context?
47. What is the term for a government that is elected by the people?
48. What is the term for a person who files a case in a court?
49. What are the three levels of government?
50. Who was the ruler of Mysore who fought against the British in the four Anglo-Mysore War?

Section – B [2 mark]

1. What is the role of the President of India in the Indian political system?
2. What are the Fundamental Rights, and why are they important in a democracy?
3. What is the term for the study of the Earth's surface and its features?
4. What is the difference between weather and climate?
5. What are the major components of the environment?
6. Name the layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
7. Explain the concept of "natural resources."
8. What is sustainable development in the context of natural resources?
9. Name the major types of natural vegetation in India.
10. Describe the concept of soil erosion.
11. What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?
12. Explain the concept of "soil profile.
13. What is bigha?
14. Explain the term dharmashastra.
15. What is impeachment?
16. Describe the doctorine of lapse
17. What attracted European trading companies to India?
18. What is a fallow land?
19. Define the term plantation
20. What is matchlock?
21. What official records do not tell us?
22. What is coercion?
23. What is freedom to interpret?
24. Who were nabobs?
25. What is shifting cultivation?
26. Describe the importance of the Parliament in a democratic system.
27. Who is the head of the state government in India and Nepal hy
28. What is the significance of a constitution in a country?
29. Explain the concept of "democracy."
30. Describe the meaning of "equality" in a democratic system.
31. What is the role of the judiciary in safeguarding citizens' rights in a democracy?
32. What is the importance of local self-government in a democra
33. Explain the concept of "judicial review."
34. What is the role of a citizen in a democratic country?
35. Explain the concept of "equality before the law."
36. Describe the importance of the right to education in a democratic society.
37. What is the significance of the reservation policy in India
38. Explain the concept of "cultural diversity" in the Indian context.
39. What is the importance of the right to freedom of speech and expression in a democracy?
40. What is the significance of the Right to Education in the fundamental rights?

Section – C [3 mark]

1. Who was James mill and what did he publish?

2. What was mill's view about Asian societies?
3. What is colonial?
4. Why surveys are important according to British?
5. What is history?
6. How did historians divide the history?
7. Why were revenue surveys conducted in the villages?
8. What is mercantile?
9. What is puppet?
10. What was paramountcy?
11. What was doctorin of lapse?
12. Define the terms qazi and mufti.
13. Who is a sawar?
14. What is musket?
15. Who were gomasthas?
16. Who were lathiyals?
17. Who were dikus?
18. What was the new policy of paramountcy?
19. What is nij cultivation?
20. What is Mahal?
21. How did tribal people live?
22. What is reserved forests?
23. How did tribal live during 19 th century?
24. What is sleeper?
25. What was the impact of forest law on the life of tribals?
26. Who is a slave?
27. What was commissions report on blue rebellion?
28. What were the reasons for the decline of economy in the early years of British rule?
29. What were the goods that company telraded in?
30. What is the rule of law?

Section – D [4 mark]

1. What were the conditions of tribals who went to search for work?
2. What was the significance in f birsa Munda movement?
3. What was the social aim of birsa Munda movement?
4. What were the reasons for decline of Mughal Empire?
5. How did the east India company get the sole right to trade with India and when
6. What weren't he benefits reaped by the east India company as Diwan of Bengal?
7. What were the reasons for ryots to refuse to grow indigo?
8. What notice was issued by the magistrate Ashley Eden in barasat?
9. what are the reasons for water pollution
10. what is ecosystem
11. Define the terms intercropping and contour ploughing
12. Write the major factors leading to the storage of supply of freshwater
13. Write some mitigation mechanism and explain
14. What kind of areas is densely populated in the world?
15. What is common property resource?
16. Explain metallic and nonmetallic minerals
17. Why is coal referred to as buried sunshine?
18. How is nuclear power obtained?
19. How can you say that sedition act of 1870 was arbitrary in nature?
20. "The Indian government distances itself from the religion but it intervenes in some religious practices" justify.
Dashain & Tihar Vacation Homework 2023
Class: VIII Subject: Science

Section – A [1 mark]
Very short answer
1. Give two examples each of the situations in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of objects.
2. Give two examples of situations in which applied force causes a change in the shape of an object.
3. What is muscular force?
4. What is meant by atmospheric pressure?
5. What is the SI unit of force?
6. What is a force?
7. What is the name of special shape given to objects moving in fluids?
8. What is the use of lubricants?
9. What is drag?
10. Give some examples having streamlined body.
11. What is the force of friction?
12. What do you mean amplitude?
13. What is vibration?
14. Which part of human body is called voice box?
15. Define electrostatic force.
16. A blacksmith hammers a hot piece of iron while making a tool. How does the force due to hammering affect the
piece of iron?
(CHEMISTRY) [1 mark]
17. Name some renewable sources of energy.
18. Give some examples of fossil fuels.
19. Name the process of conversion of wood into coal.
20. What is coal?
21. Name any two combustible substances.
22. What are the three essential requirements for combustion?
23. What is the unit for expressing the calorific value of a fuel?
24. Define ignition temperature of a fuel.
(BIOLOGY) [1 mark]
1. What are weedicides?
2. What is animal husbandry?
3. Define preservatives.
4. Who discovered the penicillin?
5. What is animal husbandry?
6. Write 2 examples of Protozoa.
7. What are pathogens?
8. Write 2 examples of Algae.
9. What is surrogacy?
10. Define reproduction.
11. What is the importance of reproduction in organisms?
12. Who discovered the vaccine for small pox?
13. What is red data book?
14. Define species.
15. What is desertification?
16. Define pasteurization.
17. Who discovered the bacterium Bacillus anthracis?
18. Define fertilization.
(PHYSICS) [2×13=26mark]
Short questions
1. A rocket has been fired upwards to launch a satellite in its orbit. Name the two forces acting on the rocket
immediately after leaving the launching pad.
2. A force of 100 N is applied on an area of 4 m2. Compute pressure being applied on the area.
3. What are the effects of force on an object?
4. You spilt a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidentally. Would it make it easier or more difficult for you
to walk on the floor ? Why?
5. Explain "Friction: A Necessary Evil".
6. Draw a diagram of spring balance.
7. Calculate the net force acting on the given object.
[Image 40.jpg]

8. Iqbal has to push a lighter box and Seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor. Who will have to
apply a larger force and why?
9. Explain why sliding friction is less than static friction.
10. Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes.
11. You spill a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidentally. Would it make it easier or more difficult for
you to walk on the floor? Why?
12. Give examples to show that friction is both a friend and a foe.
13. Calculate the force ,if surface area is 37 m² and pressure given is 2.5 N/m².
(CHEMISTRY) [2×13=26mark]
1. What is petroleum? How is it formed?
2. What is coke? Write its two uses.
3. Name three constituents of petroleum and write their uses also.
4. What are advantages of using CNG and LPG gases .
5. Draw a diagram showing deposition of petroleum and natural gas.
6. Define fossil fuels. Give examples.
7. Comparing the calorific values of coal and petrol, state which fuel is better.
8. What are inflammable substances? Give examples.
9. What is rapid combustion and spontaneous combustion.
10. Define explosion with examples.
11.60 kg of fuel was completely burnt for an experiment. The amount of heat energy was found to be 1,80,000 kJ.
Calculate the calorific value of the fuel.
12. Mention any three characteristics of an ideal fuel.
13.(c) Paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not.
(BIOLOGY) [2×14=28mark]
1. Define the types of crops. When are they grown?
2. Name 3 plant and 3 human diseases.
3. Draw a diagram of Aspergillus.
4. Name the breed of sheep’s used while making Dolly.
5. List the advantages of manure.
6. Write a short paragraph about IVF.
7. Write a short paragraph on harmful effects of microorganisms.
8. List the differences between wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve.
9. Draw a diagram of bacteriophage.
10. Draw a clear diagram of Chlamydomonas.
11. List 2-2 differences between Manure and Fertilizers.
12. Draw a diagram of a seed drill.
13. What are the antibiotics effective and not effective against?
14. What are carriers? What is the carrier of Dengue?
(PHYSICS) [3×10=30mark]
Long questions
1. Draw a diagram of larynx showing Vocal cords.
4. Define sound. Write the function of larynx.
5. Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above ground level in your hand. Discuss why
the forces acting on the bucket do not bring a change in its state of motion.
6. Name two types of contact forces and define them.
7. Define pressure write it's unit and formula.
9. Define two non-contact force explain them.
10. Write three conditions where we increase friction for our benefits.
(CHEMISTRY) [3×10=30mark]
1. Make a labeled diagram of a candle flame.
2. It is difficult to burn a heap of green leaves but dry leaves catch fire easily. Explain.
3. Abida and Ramesh were doing an experiment in which water was to be heated in a beaker. Abida kept the beaker
near the wick in the yellow part of the candle flame. Ramesh kept the beaker in the outermost part of the flame.
Whose water will get heated in a shorter time?
4. Which zone of flame does a goldsmith use for melting gold and silver and why?
5. Give two examples each of solid fuels, liquid fuels and gaseous fuels.
6. Explain the process of the formation of petroleum.
7. State the uses of natural gas.
8. What are natural resources? Differentiate between exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources.
9. Write any 3 the driving tips given by PCRA.
10. Why is natural gas preferred over petrol as a transport fuel?

(BIOLOGY) [3×10=30mark]
1. What is food poisoning? List 4 causes of food poisoning.
2. Describe the types of fertilization.
3. Draw a diagram of bread mould. What are silos?
4. Draw a hoe with proper labeling.
5. Explain how soil gets affected by continuous plantation of same crops in the field.
6. Explain briefly how the following depend on forests and effect of deforestation on them:
i) Wild animals
ii) Tribal peoples/community
7. Why should paper be saved? Prepare a list of ways to save paper.
8. If cotton is sown in Rabi season what would happen? Explain.
9. Draw and label female reproductive organ.
10. Write a summary about Dolly.

(PHYSICS) [4X6=24mark]
1. An archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target. She then releases the arrow, which begins to move
towards the target. Based on this information fill up the gaps in the following statements using the following terms:
muscular, contact, non-contact, gravity, friction, shape, attraction
(a) To stretch the bow, the archer applies a force that causes a change in its ______
(b) The force applied by the archer to stretch the bow is an example of ______ force.
(c) The type of force responsible for a change in the state of motion of the arrow is an example of a ______ force.
(d) While the arrow moves towards its target, the forces acting on it are due to _______ and that due to _____ of air.
2. In the following situations identify the agent exerting the force and the object on which it acts. State the effect of
the force in each case.
(a) Squeezing a piece of lemon between the fingers to extract its juice.
(b) Taking out paste from a toothpaste tube.
(c) A load suspended from a spring while its other end is on a hook fixed to a wall.
(d) An athlete making a high jump to clear the bar at a certain height.
3. List the factors that affect friction and explain them.
4. Suppose your writing desk is tilted a little. A book kept on it starts sliding down. Show the direction of frictional
force acting on it.
5. Define non -contact and contact forces. List the different types of non -contact and contact forces.
6. Write any four cases where we decrease the frictional force for our benefits.
(CHEMISTRY) [3X4=12mark]
1. Differentiate between LPG and CNG gases.
2. Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment.
3. Write some effects of excessive fuels combustion.
1. Describe the 2 types of irrigation system with proper diagram.
2. Explain the process of nitrogen cycle with proper diagram.
3. Describe 4 methods of preservation briefly.
4. List all agricultural practices and describe any two.
5. What is asexual reproduction? Describe the types of asexual reproduction.
6. Draw diagram showing the development of embryo with required labeling.
7. Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall. List 4 steps that you can take to reduce deforestation.
8. Draw a diagram of male reproductive organ and describe briefly about its parts.
Dashain & Tihar Vacation Homework 2023
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Dashain & Tihar Vacation Homework 2023
Class: VIII Subject: Mathematics

Section – A [1 mark]

1. The associative property is applicable to:

2. The value of (-10/3) x (-15/2) x (17/19) x 0 is:
3. The additive identity of rational numbers is
4. The multiplicative identity of rational numbers is:
5. What is the sum of ⅔ and 4/9?
6. What is the product of 2/9 and ¾?
7. What is the reciprocal of 1/9?
8. What is the value of 100 divided by 0?
9. Which of the following is commutative for rational numbers?
10. Division of rational numbers is associative.
11.What is the value of ¾ + ⅚ + 2/7?
12. Find the additive inverse of 11/7?
13. How many rational numbers are there in between ¾ and 1?
14. What should be subtracted from -⅔ to get -1?
15. Which of the following is not a linear equation in one variable?
16. The solution of 2x-3=7 is
17. The solution of 2y + 9 = 4 is:
18. The solution of y/5 = 10 is:
19. What should be added to -7/3 to get 3/7?
20. The perimeter of the rectangle is 20cm. If the length of the rectangle is 6cm, then its breadth
will be
21. The age of the father is three times the age of the son. If the age of the son is 15 years old,
then the age of the father
22. The difference between two whole numbers is 66. The ratio of the two numbers is 2: 5. The
two numbers are:
23. Three consecutive integers add up to 51. The integers are:
24. The solution for 3m = 5m – (8/5) is:
25. The degree of x2 – 5x + 2 = x3 is:
26. The degree of equation x2 – 9 = 2x2 is:
27. What is the value of x if x + 9 = 12?
28. If a number is divided by 8 it gives 6 as the value. Find the number.
29. Solve 2x + 9 = 4.
30. Find the value of x if 2x + 10 = 76.
31. The perimeter of a rectangle is 40 cm. If its width is 10 cm, then find the length.
32. If x is an even number, then the next even number is:
33. The difference between the two numbers is 34. If the bigger number is x, then what is the
smaller number?
35. When a number is added to itself, it becomes 36. What is the number?
37. Which of the following is not a quadrilateral?
38. Which of the following quadrilaterals has two pairs of adjacent sides equal and its diagonals
intersect at 90 degrees?
39. Which one of the following is a regular quadrilateral?
40. If AB and CD are two parallel sides of a parallelogram,
41. The perimeter of a parallelogram whose parallel sides have lengths equal to 12 cm and 7 cm
42. If ∠A and ∠C are two opposite angles of a parallelogram, then:
43. If ∠A and ∠B are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram. If ∠A = 70°, then ∠B = ?
44. ABCD is a rectangle and AC & BD are its diagonals. If AC = 10 cm, then BD is:
45. Each of the angles of a square is:
46. The quadrilateral whose diagonals are perpendicular to each other is:
47. Which of the following is not a regular polygon?
48. If the two angles of a triangle are 80° and 50°, respectively. Find the measure of the third
49. In a parallelogram ABCD, angle A and angle B are in the ratio 1:2. Find the angle A.
50. The angles of a quadrilateral are in ratio 1:2:3:4. Which angle has the largest measure?
Section – B [2 mark]
1. Find the length of the side of a square whose area is 441m²
2. Find the value of x, y and z

3. How many side of a regular polygon have if the measure of exterior angle is 24°
4. Solve:
a. 3(t – 3 ) = 5(2t + 1)
5. Write the additive inverse of the following.
a. 8
b. − 9
6. Sum of two number is 95. If one exceeds the other by 15. Find the number.
7. The length and breadth of a rectangle is 4 cm and 2 cm respectively. Find the perimeter
of the rectangle.
8. The diagonals of a rectangle are 2x + 1 and 3x – 1, respectively. Find the value of x.
9. The diagonals of a kite:
10. A rhombus has a side length equal to 5 cm. Find its perimeter.
11. ABCD is a parallelogram. If angle A is equal to 45°, then find the measure of its adjacent
12. The kite has exactly two distinct consecutive pairs of sides of equal length.
13. Show that the sum of two consecutive natural numbers is 13².
14. What would be the square root of the number 625 using the identity
15. Find the smallest whole number from which 1008 should be multiplied in order to obtain
a perfect square number. Also, find out the square root of the square number so obtained.
16. If m is the required square of a natural number given by n, then n is
17. There are _________ perfect squares between 1 and 100.
18. Without adding, find the sum of the following:
a. (1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15+17+19+21+23)
19. Using the formula (a – b)²=(a² – 2ab + b²), evaluate:
a. (196)²
20. How many numbers lie between the squares of the following numbers
a. 12 and 13
21. How many numbers lie between the squares of the following numbers?
a. 99 and 100
22. Find the cubes of the following:
a. 18
23. Find the cube of
a. 0.3
24. Is 135 a perfect cube?
25. Find the cube roots of the following
a. 1728
26. Find the smallest number by which 1323 may be multiplied so that the product is a
perfect cube.
27. What is the smallest number by which 2916 should be divided so that the quotient is a
perfect cube?
28. Observe the following pattern and complete the blank spaces.
a. 1³ = 1
29. What are the multiplicative and additive identities of rational numbers?
30. Mention any 4 rational numbers which are less than 5.
31. Write any 5 rational numbers between −2/5 and ½.
32. Multiplicative inverse of is 1/8
33. Reciprocal of a negative number is _______
34. There are _____ rational numbers between 33 and 44.
35. Represent −2/7on the number line.
36. Find three rational number between −4−4and 44 Represent them on line.
37. Define by example of addition
a. Associative Property
38. Find the reciprocal of the following rational numbers:
a. 0
39. Write two such rational numbers whose multiplicative inverse is same as they are
40. What is the additive identity of rational numbers?
Section - C [3mark]
1. Mention the commutativity, associative and distributive properties of rational
numbers. Also, check a × b = b × a and a + b = b + a for a = ½ and b = ¾
2. Write the additive inverse of the following-
a. -27. B. 58

3. Find a rational number between 3 and 4.

4. The equivalent rational number of 7/9, whose denominator is 45, is.
5. What are the multiplicative and additive identities of rational numbers?
6. If the product of any rational numbers is 2 and one of them is 15, find the other.
7. Write five rational numbers smaller than 2.
8. Multiply 613 by the reciprocal of -710.
9. Find the rational numbers between -2/5 and 1/2.
10. Verify associativity of addition of rational numbers when, x=12, y=13, z=-15
11. Find: (-149) 35 (-47) 1516
12. Three numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3: 4. The sum of their cubes is 0.334125. Find the
13. Verify – (-x) = x for x = 35
14. Solve the following linear equations:
a. x – 11 =7
15. Solve: y/11 = 11
16. Solve: 23x/2 = 46
17. Solve 7x – 12 = 16
18. Solve 7z – 5 = 16
19. 11 – 5x + 3x + 4x =18
20. Solve each of the following equations and check your solution by substituting in the
a. x/2-10=1/2
21. Identify the algebraic linear equations from the given expressions.
(a) x2 + x= 2
22. Check whether the linear equation 3x + 5 = 11 is true for x = 2.
23. Verify that x = 2 is the solution of the equation 4.4x – 3.8 = 5.
24. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. Find the angles of the triangle.
25. The sum of two numbers is 11 and their difference is 5. Find the numbers.
26. If the sum of two consecutive numbers is 11, find the numbers.
27. The difference between two positive numbers is 40 and the ratio of these integers is 1
: 3. Find the integers.
28. A quadrilateral has three acute angles, each measure 80°. What is the measure of the
fourth angle?
29. In a quadrilateral ABCD, the measure of the three angles A, B and C of the
quadrilateral is 110°, 70° and 80°, respectively. Find the measure of the fourth angle.
30. In a quadrilateral ABCD, ∠D is equal to 150° and ∠A = ∠B = ∠C. Find ∠A, ∠B
and ∠C.
Section – D [4 mark]
1. Name the property under multiplication used in each of the following:
(i) -4/5 × 1 = 1 × (-4/5) = -4/5
2. Multiply 6/13 by the reciprocal of -7/16.
3. Write:
a. The rational number that does not have a reciprocal.
b. The rational numbers that are equal to their reciprocals.
C. The rational number that is equal to its negative.
4. Find five rational numbers between:
(i) 2/3 and 4/5
5. Write five rational numbers greater than -2.
6. Evaluate each of the following:
(i) 2/3 – 3/5
7. The sum of the two numbers is 5/9. If one of the numbers is 1/3, find the other.
8. The sum of the two numbers is -1/3. If one of the numbers is -12/3, find the other.
9. The sum of the two rational numbers is -8. If one of the numbers is -15/7, find the other.
10. Show that each of the following numbers is a perfect square. Also find the number whose
square is the given number in each case:
(i) 1156
11. The shoppers who come to a departmental store are marked as man (M), woman (W), boy
(B) or girl (G). The following list gives the shoppers who came during the first hour of the
G M W W W W G W M M W M W G W M G W M M B G G W.
Make a frequency distribution table using tally marks. Draw a bar graph to illustrate it.

12. The weekly wages (in ₹) of 30 workers in a factory are:

830, 835, 890, 810, 835, 836, 869, 845, 898, 890, 820, 860, 832, 833, 855, 845, 804, 808,
812, 840, 885, 835, 835, 836, 878, 840, 868, 890, 806, 840.
Using tally marks, make a frequency table with intervals as 800 – 810, 810 – 820 and so on.
13. A survey was made to find the type of music that a certain group of young people liked in a
An adjoining pie chart shows the findings of this survey. From this pie chart, answer the
(i) If 20 people liked classical music, how many young people were surveyed?
(ii) Which type of music is liked by the maximum number of people?
(iii) If a cassette company were to make 1000 CDs, how many of each type would they

14. A group of 360 people were asked to vote for their favourite season from the three:

seasons rainy, winter and summer.

(i) Which season got the most votes?
(ii)Find the central angle of each sector.
(iii) Draw a pie chart to show this information

15. Draw a pie chart showing the following information. The table shows the colours preferred
by a group of people.
16. Which of the following numbers are not perfect cubes?

(i) 216
17. Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers must be multiplied to
obtain a perfect cube.
(i) 243
18. Parikshit makes a cuboid of plasticine with sides 5 cm, 2 cm, and 5 cm. How many such
cuboids will he need to form a cube?
19. You are told that 1,331 is a perfect cube. Can you guess without factorisation what its cube
root is? Similarly, guess the cube roots of 4913, 12167, and 32768.
20. Express 49 as the sum of 7 odd numbers.
Dashain & Tihar Vacation Homework 2023
Class: VIII Subject: English

1. Attempt all the questions: (1 mark each)

I. Read the following conversations and fill in the blanks of the passage below:
1. Husband: Doctor, what will the total expenses be in the end?
Doctor : You will have to pay only six lakh and you will have a healthy and happy wife.
Husband : Any concession?
Doctor: Not a penny.
Husband: Then forget it. I will buy another wife in six lakh.
Doctor: Don’t have any respect for your wife?
Husband: Great, but little less than I have for money.
The husband of a patient asked the doctor a)_________.The doctor replied that he would have to
pay only six lakhs and added that b)__________. The husband asked c)__________. When the
doctor refused to leave even a penny then the patient asked the doctor to forget about the money.
He added that he would buy another wife in six lakhs. The doctor asked if d)__________. The
patient replied that he loved his wife greatly but e)_______________.
2. Policeman : You have crossed the red line. Don’t you know it is a crime? You will be booked and
the court will decide your punishment.
Driver : (brandishing a hundred rupee note) I believe in peaceful co-existence.
Can’t we settle
The issue between ourselves?
Policeman : What do you think of a Delhi Policeman? You value his worth only a
hundred rupees.
nothing less than five hundred.
Driver : Have two hundred or give me a receipt. I will go to the court and face the
Policeman : Aren’t you a respected man?
Driver : Only a little more than what you are.
The policeman told the driver that he had crossed the red light and asked a)__________.
Brandishing a hundred rupee note the driver told the policeman b)______. He
policeman asked
the driver what he thought of a Delhi policeman. He further added that c)_________.
The driver
asked the policeman to have two hundred and give him a receipt. He further added that
would go to court and face punishment. The policeman asked the driver d)______.
The driver
replied that he e)______ .

3. Nathen : I could not call my English tutor.

Mother : Have you cancelled today’s class?
Nathen : His phone is dead and there is no other way to contact him.
Mother: You can use my phone.
Nathen : Will it be activated then?
Nathen told his mother that a)_______. Mother asked him whether b)_______ .Nathen replied
that c)_________ way to contact him. The mother told Nathen that d0__________. Nathen
asked e)________________________.
4. Teacher: Why didn’t you complete your homework?
Ankit : Ma’am, yesterday I caught a fever.
Teacher : How can I believe it?
Ankit : You can ask Arun, who is my neighbour.
Teacher : Why do you fall ill so frequently?
Ankit : Only God knows, I can’t say anything about it.
The teacher asked Ankit why a)_______. Ankit told the Madam that b)_______ . The teacher
further asked him how c)_______. Ankit asked her that d)__________. Teacher asked Ankit
e)______. Ankit replied that only God knew it and added that he f)_______________.

II. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

i) Healthy person/ germs/ a/ carry/ may/ of/in/ body/typhoid/his/cholera/dysentery/etc.

ii) person/does not/ such/usually/a/disease/suffer/the/from
iii) people/however/who/into contact/carrier/ come/with are/the /catching/ danger/the disease/in/of
iv) in/disturbs/the cycle/ rise/temperature/rain/the
v) vegetation/adversely/it/agriculture/and/affects
vi) have/frequent/face/and/floods/we/droughts/ to
vii) should/we/ cautious /be /the/regarding/changes/climatic
ix)teeth/one/the /neglected/of/body/the/are/of/most/parts
x)brushing/teeth/remove/50% /your/woes/can/almost/of/dental
xi)good/oral/and/healthy/dental/hygiene/need/ inculcated/to/at /an early/ age/be
xiii) cannot/speaking/yet one/all/ the time/keep/on
xv)book/formality/a certain considerate/must be treated/with/a borrowed/
xvi)no book/that/afraid to/you should/mark/up/own/you/are
xvii)of mankind/the habit/reading is/one of/resources/ of/the greatest
xviii)are/we enjoy/that belong to us/ than if/much more/they borrowed/reading /books
xix)should begin/ everyone/ a private library/youth/collecting/in/

III. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of
these lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction.

Error Correction
Islamabad: Pakistan at Sunday a) ________ _________
watched without rapt attention as b) ________ _________
the leaders in India and Pakistan c)________ __________
settled down to a landmark summit d) ________ _________
in Agra, but feelings were
mixed on a chances of a turn - e) ________ __________
around in bilateral relations.
Error Correction
The ancient Greeks revered honey so much as a) _______ __________
that much playwrights conveyed the b)_______ __________
luxurious lifestyles with the Athenians c)_______ __________
with the description of cheese cake d)_______ __________
eaten with honey. Honey be known not e)_______ __________
only for its sweetness, but also its soothing qualities.
IV. Answer the questions in brief: (2 Mark Each)
1) What was made on 21st May 2018?
2) Name the six member women who circumnavigated the world?
3) How long did the voyage last?
4) What significant changes came over the women?
5) What is ‘Adventure is a way of life’?
6) How dis Ajeet Bajaj encourage his daughter?
7)What was the difficulties that the duo face while climbing?
8) What kind of poem is The Things That Haven’t Been Done Before?
9) ‘Are you one of the timid souls that quail.’ What is the figure of speech used here?
10) What lesson does the story, Cookies teach you?
11)What traits of Britishers do we learn in the story?
12) What sort of story is the Canterville Ghost?
13) Why is the man in the poem called the Muddlehead explain with suitable examples?
14) What sort of story is “The Doctor’s Word’?
15) What is the moral of the story ‘Dusk’?
16)What is the rhyming scheme in the first stanza of Sympathy?
17)What did the narrator decide to do in order to be fair in the contest?
18)How did Larry come as a silver lining for Maggie?
19) What is the figure of speech used in the first stanza, The Clod and the Pebble?
20) Why was the Brogue a trouble for the Mullets?
21) Who was Clovis Sangrail?
22) What is story Arjun about?
23) What does the story depict about the forest dwellers?
24) What is the poem , How the leaves came down about?
25) What is the rhyming scheme?
26) What is the figure of speech used in the first stanza?
27) ‘ ‘You’re getting sleepy, Yellow and Brown
Yes, very sleepy, little Red. What is the figure of speech used?
28) What is the meaning of ‘ white bedclothes’?
29) Who are the four sisters in the ?
30) Why does Meg and Joe work?
31) What are each sisters gifted in?
32) How does Joe act neighbourly?
33) Why was Beth filled with emotion in chapter 6 ?
34) What does Amy experience in the school?
35) What makes Amy misbehave with Jo in chapter 8?
36) How does Amy meet with an accident?
37) What is P.C. and P.O.?
38) What does Mrs March want to teach her daughters in Chapter 11?
39) What do the girls learn from her mother?
39) What happens in Camp Laurence?
40) What do the English and the American girls and learn about each other?

V. Answer the questions in 40-50 words: (3 Mark Each)

1) What do we learn about the ghost from Mrs Umney?
2) What is the character sketch of Muddle-Head?
3) What is the plot of the doctor’s word by R.K. Narayan?
4) How did Dr Raman answer Gopal’s question?
5) How does the narrator spring a surprise at the end of the story “Dusk’?
6) What is the dilemma that the poor man faces, in the poem, ‘Sympathy’?
7) What do you think the narrator could have done to make people understand that he had judged
only on merit?
8) How did Larry break Maggie’s inhibition? Where?
9) What does Clod represent in the poem?
10) How did Brogue earn his name?
11) How did the family plan to ruin Mr Penricarde horse riding?
12) What character sketch is portrayed about Ram Haldar and Bishal Mahato?
13) How was the Shabar inextricably linked with the Arjun?
14) What is happening to the leaves in he first stanza?
15) Mention how the six women learnt each other?
16) Describe the preparation the duo undertook before climbing Mount Everest?
17) What strategy does the narrator follow to teach the stranger a lesson, in Cookies?
18) What does Mrs Umney tell the Otis family about the red stains?
19)Give two instances of the man of Petkushee to be insane?
20) How has Dr Raman earned a name for himself ?
21) How does Gortsby realize that he has been coned?
22)What does the poor man experience in the first stanza?
23) What is the narrator’s duty in the contest? Why does it become difficult?
24) why does the narrator call them both Larry?
25) What is the definition of love between Clod of Clay and the Pebble?
26) What were the weakness of Brogue?
27) What was the ordeal Ketu took up for Bishal and Mahato and Ketu Haldar?
28) What were the problems faced by his wife?
29) What does the poem, The trees in season portray?
30) What are the castles in air each girls have for the future in chapter 13 ?
VI. Answer the questions in 100-120 word. (4 Mark Each)
1)Did Dr. Raman believe that his patient would recover that night? Why do you think so?
2) What is the irony in the story ‘Dusk’?
3)What is the summary of sympathy?
4) How did the narrator feel when he saw ‘the variety of creatures on show’? Why did he feel the
way he did? What was the problem he faced?
5) Larry and Margaret were made for each other. Comment.
6) How does the story, The Brogue end? What is the lesson Mr Penricarde learn from horse
7) Describe Boddapati’s experience on 7th January 2018.
8) How does Ketu and his friends outrage Bishal and Ram Haldar?
9) How has the poem, the Things That Haven’t Been Done before encourage the reader?
10) What does the lesson Cookies teach you? What lesson does the narrator learn? What is the
punch line?
11) What are the bitter experiences faced by the ghost? What does he decide to do?
12) Give three instances about the Muddlehead, where he makes wrong guess about the places
that his tram has reached.
13) What is it that puzzles Dr Ramman in the end? What do you think saves his friend?
14) What is the valuable lesson you learn from, Dusk? How does Gortsby get tricked?
15) What does the poem teach you? How can you be a good human?
16) How does the Family Pet’s Contest open an eye for the reader? Why were the contestant
17) What do you think made the narrator call both Larry and Maggie, wonderful?
18) As human beings what have you learnt about the power of love? Should one follow the Clod
or the Pebble? Why?
19) How did Clovis and Mrs Mullet plan to prevent Mr Penricarde from riding the Brogue?
Why did their plan fail?
20) How did Ketu show his wisdom to save Arjun? What were the demonstration hat were
exhibited before the two high and rich class?

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