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This chapter presents the research design, research respondents,

research procedure, instrument used in accumulating the data of the

study, and data analysis used in treating the gathered data.

Research Design

This study utilizes a quantitative research approach with the use

of a descriptive-correlation research design. The primary focus of this

study is to describe the level of sources of stress and the level of

academic performance and explore the correlation between these two

variables. The researchers ought to determine whether the sources of

stress had to do with the academic performance of Grade 12 senior

high school students.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Kiamba National High School located

at Barangay Poblacion, Kiamba, Sarangani Province. This research

focuses on Grade 12 Senior High School Students. The school has

been chosen by the researchers as their research locale due to its

accessibility and willingness of the school administration to

participate in the research. Additionally, focusing on a specific school

allows for a more concentrated and detailed investigation into the

dynamics of stress and academic performance within that particular

educational environment.
Respondents of the study

This study utilizes stratified random sampling to get and select the

186 respondents. The researchers used stratified random sampling to

avoid bias selection among the respondents. The respondents of this

study were obtained from the officially enrolled Grade 12 senior high

school students of Kiamba National High School. The researchers

chose the selected Grade 12 students as respondents because of their

experiences, challenges, and stressors are specific to their stage of

education; therefore, these students are the most suitable group to

provide insights into the correlation between the sources of stress and

academic performance among senior high school students at Kiamba

National High School, the main focus of this study.

Research Procedure

In order to obtain authorization to administer the survey at the

Kiamba National Senior High Building, the researchers first wrote a

letter to the principal of Kiamba National High School (KNHS) and the

Grade 12 STEM-B adviser.

The goal of the study and the objectives of the questionnaires were

explained to the students at the outset of the surveys. Within the

survey forms. The author only addressed the intention to determine

correlation between sources of stress and academic performance of

Senior High School students.

After that, the researchers give the survey to the respondents.

Then, once the respondents have completed the questionnaires, the

researchers collect them promptly. This ensures that the data

collection process is efficient, organized, and ensure their privacy.

Research Instruments

To investigate the level of stress sources and academic

performance all the strand of senior high school students of Kiamba

National high school. The researcher used questionnaire with 30 items

in four sets of factors in this study, this questionnaire was adapted

from Statistical Principals of Experimental Design by Winer, B. J.,

Brown, D. R., Michels, K. M.(1991) . The respondents replies would be

subsequently be analyze and recorded on a 5-point Likert scale, (5)

Strongly Agree, (4) Agree, (3) Neither, (2) disagree, (1) Strongly

Disagree. The Academic performance of the student will be obtained

on their 1st semestral grades.

Statistical Treatment

Weighted mean will be utilized as a statistical treatment to

determine the level of sources of stress on the students. A survey

questionnaire with a six points Likert scale will be use to collect the

data from the Grade 12 student respondents. The responses from the

questionnaire will be tabulated and interpreted using the statistical

Interval Interpretation

1.00 - 1.79 Very Low

1.8 - 2.59 Low

2.6 - 3.39 Neutral

3.4 - 4.19 High

4.2 - 5.0 Very High

The researchers will be utilizing the weighted mean and

interpreting it through the DepEd grading system to determine their

academic performance within the following range:

Grading System Description

90-100 Outstanding

85-89 Very Satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory

Below 75 Did not meet expectation

Additionally, Pearson r will be used to determine the correlation of

the two variables such as the level of sources of stress and academic

performance of the Grade 12 student-respondents.

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