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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Writing a Teacher Retention Literature Review

Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review on teacher retention can be an arduous task.
It requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic. The process can be daunting, especially for those new to
academic writing or lacking in experience.

One of the primary challenges of crafting a literature review on teacher retention lies in the vastness
of available literature. The topic encompasses a wide range of subtopics, including but not limited to
factors influencing teacher turnover, strategies for enhancing retention, and the impact of retention
on educational outcomes. Navigating through this extensive body of research requires careful
selection and evaluation of relevant sources.

Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the field means that new studies and findings are constantly
emerging. Staying abreast of the latest research while maintaining a focus on foundational works can
be a daunting task. It requires a balance between thoroughness and efficiency to ensure that the
literature review remains current and relevant.

Another challenge lies in synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings into a cohesive narrative.
The literature on teacher retention often spans multiple disciplines, including education, psychology,
sociology, and public policy. Integrating these different viewpoints while maintaining clarity and
coherence requires skillful interpretation and analysis.

Moreover, writing a literature review demands precision in citation and referencing. Properly
attributing ideas and findings to their original sources is essential for academic integrity. However,
keeping track of numerous citations and adhering to a specific citation style can be time-consuming
and error-prone.

Given the complexities involved, many individuals find themselves seeking assistance with their
literature reviews. In such cases, turning to reputable academic writing services like ⇒
⇔ can provide valuable support. These services offer expert guidance and assistance at every stage
of the writing process, from topic selection to final revisions.

By enlisting the help of experienced professionals, individuals can streamline the writing process
and ensure the quality and rigor of their literature reviews. With assistance from ⇒
⇔, navigating the challenges of crafting a teacher retention literature review becomes more
manageable, allowing researchers to focus on advancing knowledge and contributing to the field.
I had a teacher during my formative learning years who helped me develop not only my Math
abilities but also a life-long love for the subject. nbsp. Today HR Managers are facing a pivotal
challenge pertaining to their employee's turnover rate which could be reduce by applying necessary
strategies which restrict them to stay in the organization. According to the Education Board, 19% of
fresh teachers depart towards the end of their opening year of training. The study reached the
conclusion that further investigations need to be conducted regarding employee retention to better
comprehend this complex field of human resource management. More frequently, though, districts
have rather high revenue rates, mainly for new teachers, effecting in greater turnover costs. At the
heart of all excellence at work it is the degree and extent of human commitment that matters most.
Teacher attrition has had serious negative impacts on teacher retention since it tends to reduce the
number of teachers in schools in developing countries as revealed by many researchers. Retailers are
encouraged to adapt to the changes by modifying their business model with technology. It also
includes best practices like recruitment, socialization, training and development, employee
engagement, compensation and rewards for the retention of employees. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Then 250 shoppers are surveyed regarding the likeliness that they will use
the selected touchpoints, followed by an exploratory factor analysis to determine the touchpoints’
characteristics that lead to the shoppers’ assessments. Based on the result, Job Involvement have
significant relationship with Job Satisfaction. This study will help the practitioners to take
appropriate measures in order to curtail the turnover intention. These studies consider procedures that
aid in teacher withholding. Is there any impact of teacher attrition on retention. Download Free PDF
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Running head: TEACHER ATTRITION AND RETENTION 3 Teacher retention refers to the
process through which maintenance of teachers is inspired within agiven institution for as long as the
contractruns. The literature review will present traditional retention techniques followed as well as
contemporary techniques used to retain the employees. The retention of employee depends on both
tangible and intangible variable that determines the level of job satisfaction. How has teacher
attrition affected teacher retention. This study aims to identify the key determinants of retailer-
supplier relationship and assessing retail firms’ supply chains appropriate as per key determinant to
be intensive in a pandemic situation. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. While job involvement and sense of
competence will mutually influence each other, it is sense of competence that will directly lead to job
satisfaction, not job involvement. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. The employee job satisfaction and employee retention relies on
the best HR Practices followed in industry depending upon its nature and size as a universal
solution. Some Texas districts have exceptionally low expenses since they either have only some
teachers shifting in and out of the locality or because the districts are attention grabbing to teachers
(Mills, 2001). The research intended to establish the core facts on teacher attrition and retention in
developing countries and thus the study typically used qualitative research methods for the analysis
of the findings. This paper highlights the major determinants of employee turnover in hotel industry.
The study reached the conclusion that further investigations need to be conducted regarding
employee retention to better comprehend this complex field of human resource management.
External influencers; it was also revealed that external influencers like; pay, household maintained
teachers in their profession as found out in the study drive to becoming a teacher of English in Thai
Denchai. As the ever-changing technology, stiff competition, and globalization has brought human
resources at the forefront in organizational roles, no organization wants to lose their talented
employees. Previous research on this problem have been conferred in this paper to enable authors to
extend recommendations. Employee retention policies will be shared based on the findings of this
study. Today HR Managers are facing a pivotal challenge pertaining to their employee's turnover rate
which could be reduce by applying necessary strategies which restrict them to stay in the
organization. It also includes best practices like recruitment, socialization, training and development,
employee engagement, compensation and rewards for the retention of employees. At the heart of all
excellence at work it is the degree and extent of human commitment that matters most. Not being
alienated from the job (i.e. being job-involved to some extent at least) is a necessary precondition for
deriving job satisfaction i.e. satisfaction from the work itself and employee retention. The hotel
industry is considered to be a developing sector in Hyderabad and the sector is well established as
an under-researched region. Turnover has an individual outlay for educators, chiefly for beginning
teachers who devoted time and wealth to become tutors. The story develops as a group of students
are receiving a factory tour. This study explained how department stores can craft their in-store
environments to appeal to their customers’ preferred value types to ensure success in a competitive
market. This paper attempts to analyze and determine the reasons for employee retention undertaken
by various researchers. The study shows that order fulfilment is the most suitable RSCs for creating
co-creation and capabilities in managing humanitarian logistics to survive in the COVID-19
pandemics. The data was collected through social media research, using comments from customers
on Facebook. Different journals, books, magazines, websites related to turnover intention and human
resource practices are the source for the study data. The paper also compiled with a theoretical
framework of employee retention based on relevant literature. Therefore, drawing from the dominant
design theory, this article first conceptually adapts selected dominant touchpoints of leading e-
commerce solutions to BaM retail. This paper focuses on reviewing the findings of previous studies
conducted by various researchers with the aim to identify determinants factors of employee
retention. It creates Job Satisfaction to academic leaders in the universities. Teacher attrition has had
serious negative impacts on teacher retention since it tends to reduce the number of teachers in
schools in developing countries as revealed by many researchers. By contrast, Selfridges should
enhance their store atmosphere, visual merchandising and sensory experiences by maximizing slow
retailing experiences and emphasizing the aspirational self-concept image for symbolic and hedonic
value. Because of this psychological success feeling, they are likely to get even more involved in
their work in anticipation of experiencing greater successes and more mastery. Results: Consumer's
gender and age contribute to consumer behavior change. However, if one has success experiences on
the job and derives a sense of psychological success by feeling confident that he or she is making a
significant impact on the work environment and gaining mastery over the job, the individual will
derive satisfaction. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Now some traditional,
less-digitalized brick and mortar (BaM) retailers are starting to counteract the increasing competition
by adopting digital touchpoints. While loads of districts in education are undertaking teacher
deficiencies, the retention of extraordinary tutoring teachers specifically is a considerable concern in
various schools across the world (Gould, 2000). Securing and retaining skilled employees plays an
important role for any organization, because employees' knowledge and skills are central to
companies' ability to be economically competitive. The databases Web Knowledge, Emerald, Google
Scholar, and Science Direct were used to find the relevant papers using the key words such as
“Hospitality Industry”, “employee retention”, “employee turnover”, and “employees”.
Also, more emphasis will be put on the factors such as leadership style of superiors, ability to
exercise control with respect to decision-making and problem-solving, desire for career advancement
and skills development, flexible working and ever increasing aspiration on retention of key
employees. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. The data was collected from two consumer groups—luxury
department store (Selfridges) customers and mid-market department store (Debenhams)
customers—to identify the types of value and experiences they seek most often. The study reached
the conclusion that further investigations need to be conducted regarding employee retention to
better comprehend this complex field of human resource management. The databases Web
Knowledge, Emerald, Google Scholar, and Science Direct were used to find the relevant papers
using the key words such as “Hospitality Industry”, “employee retention”, “employee turnover”, and
“employees”. Their significance to organizations calls for not only the need to attract the best talents
but also the necessity to retain them for a long term. The key driving factor affecting teacher
retention is job opportunity outside teaching. As the cost linked with educator turnover in Texas
school cannot be convincingly removed, officials and train employees must be alert to the high rate
joined with replacing instructors. The retention of employee depends on both tangible and intangible
variable that determines the level of job satisfaction. With all round development in each and every
area of the economy, there is stiff competition in the market. The story develops as a group of
students are receiving a factory tour. Successfully designing and providing customers with an optimal
experience has become a central priority for marketing theory and practice. I was in the 8th grade
when I met the teacher who would change the course of my future. KEY WORDS: EMPLOYEE
ENVIORNMENT Likewise, individuals who feel inept in their job (no sense of competence) are not
likely to derive job satisfaction. Future studies are always needed to synchronize along with the
transition of consumers' behavior. A survey was distributed electronically via a social media
application (WhatsApp) to participants based on the convenience sampling technique. 492
respondents submitted the survey. This paper focuses on reviewing the findings of previous studies
conducted by various researchers with the aim to identify determinants factors of employee
retention. A satisfied worker is a happy worker and of course can prove to be most productive,
prolific, and industrious in his work and in execution of his responsibilities. The employee job
satisfaction and employee retention relies on the best HR Practices followed in industry depending
upon its nature and size as a universal solution. As the replacement cost of key employees involves
huge turnover, there is a need to develop a fully integrative retention policy to tackle such type of
problems. The objective of this study is to critically analyze the various works done in the field of
employee retention and highlight factors responsible for employee departure and retention initiatives
followed to retain them. Many school leaders (like yourself) are reporting the day-to-day struggle of
teacher turnover and your ability to fill key roles. For example, if one would like to teach students
about the wildlife, a teacher coming to class and showing students a documentary about the wildlife
could really enhance their understanding as they would be able to see in practical sense what the
books say. This article presents some theoretical concepts of Organizational Behavior, Organizational
Culture, Competence, Motivation and Performance. The salary also has an impact on teacher
retention. As they interface with the work and the organizational environment, they find themselves
challenged (or not) and 'turned on' (or alienated) by their job and organizational factors. So, the
researcher conducted this study using academic leaders in the universities took as a sample. They are
also a source of Hospitality product differentiation and create an element of competitive advantage
at the service level. Several young customers expressed their support for ecologically responsible,
cost-effective second-hand luxury products. Take a look at the positions we’re hiring for here.
Teachers have constantly left their profession in favor of other fields which called for investigation
on drivers of teacher attrition which negatively affected teacher retention.
The hospitality industry always faces a major setback on retention of talented and skilled employee
due to various factors. It’s on this note therefore that a number of past studies from different scholars
have critically been reviewed so as to get a vivid picture on the causes of teacher attrition which will
help generate solutions that may help ensure teacher retention is secured. As previous research
suggests, the e-grocery industry in Germany has been confronted with logistical problems and
reluctant consumers even before the pandemic. Pay to live; a study on subjects to maintain teachers
conformed that chances are so high that when teachers’ financial needs are catered for, they can be
maintained. This paper attempts to analyze and determine the reasons for employee retention
undertaken by various researchers. Based on the result, Job Involvement have significant relationship
with Job Satisfaction. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers
Intangible Capital Trigger factors in brick and click shopping Mage Marmol Purpose: The goal of this
research is to describe the customer’s purchase path in different shopping channels and to identify
which are the trigger factors that motivate the choice of every shopping channel. Job satisfaction is a
topic which is concerned by both the people, those who are working in organizations and for the
people who study them. As the study is descriptive in nature, a number of secondary sources are
explored to synthesize the fragmented knowledge and present the literature review in a concise
format. This article presents some theoretical concepts of Organizational Behavior, Organizational
Culture, Competence, Motivation and Performance. Besides, continuously satisfying the employees
is another challenge that the employers are facing today. Teacher attrition has had serious negative
impacts on teacher retention since it tends to reduce the number of teachers in schools in developing
countries as revealed by many researchers. However, it is still speculated and cannot be generalized
due to different cultural and contextual factors. To have a committed workforce it is quite imperative
to ensure satisfaction, consummation, and fulfillment in the minds of employees. The human
resource management practices that discussed in this paper are recognition practices, competence
practices, compensation practices, performance practices and training practices. The research findings
of most scholars who have researched on variables relating to the research topic at hand proved that
there is a relationship between teacher attrition and teacher retention and that the key determinant of
teacher retention is remuneration. Only 48% of teachers have more than 10 years in the profession,
but, despite common belief, workload is not necessarily the primary factor for so many leaving,
according to research. The aim of this research is therefore to analyze the impact of human resource
management practices on the retention of employees in the hotel sector in Hyderabad. The research
intended to establish the core facts on teacher attrition and retention in developing countries and
thus the study typically used qualitative research methods for the analysis of the findings. Customer
experience has drawn a great deal of attention from scholars and business practitioners in the past
few decades. When it comes to employee retention, many companies are unable to pinpoint their
employee’s inner motivators. Because of this psychological success feeling, they are likely to get
even more involved in their work in anticipation of experiencing greater successes and more mastery.
Mifsud (2018) carried out this study to investigate shortage of teachers. Instead of focusing merely
on conventional value dimensions, department retailers should determine how environmental and
ethical objectives can be fulfilled. Both offline and online stores can be integrated as omnichannel
rather than substitute each other. The purpose of this paper is to determine new challenges that arise
for retailers, especially the differences in challenges arising for pure online supermarkets and
omnichannel supermarkets. That is, based on how employees perceive their job and work
environment, they could get minimally to hig hly involve in their jobs. The retention of employee
depends on both tangible and intangible variable that determines the level of job satisfaction. Other
methods involve frameworks or patterns for organizing one lesson by using doubling.
When an organization loses a talented employee there is a huge negative impact on innovation and
services provided. It is observed from the past studies that when employees are satisfied with the
organizations retention strategies they are more dedicated in doing their jobs and work for the
organizations growth and sustain the advantage of competitiveness over the rivals. Keeping into
account the importance and sensitivity of the issue of. It is the phenomenal growth has come along
with aggressive competition among the players in the hospitality industry for the limited human
resource available. The teacher-learner affection that existed was also End of preview Want to access
all the pages. Employee retention policies will be shared based on the findings of this study. This
paper focuses on reviewing the findings of previous studies conducted by various researchers with
the aim to identify determinants factors of employee retention. Retaining a workforce is more than
just keeping personnel on the payroll. Download Free PDF View PDF Sustainability Challenges and
Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review Bilqees Ghani Despite the
issues that the hospitality industry encounters in retaining talented employees, little attention has
been paid to the development of retention strategies, resulting in poor organizational performance
and sustainable growth. The review was performed on scholarly, credible studies whose data and
analyses were contemporary in their substance and rigorous in their approach. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. For this study, 250 respondents selected through Stratified Purposive Random
Sampling method for this study. Several young customers expressed their support for ecologically
responsible, cost-effective second-hand luxury products. At the heart of all excellence at work it is
the degree and extent of human commitment that matters most. Take a look at the positions we’re
hiring for here. This is so the most important thing, the students’ learning is allowed to happen
without people burning out and people being forced out of the profession”. Based on the result, Job
Involvement have significant relationship with Job Satisfaction. Today HR Managers are facing a
pivotal challenge pertaining to their employee's turnover rate which could be reduce by applying
necessary strategies which restrict them to stay in the organization. In essence, job involvement will
lead to a sense of competence, and greater sense of competence will lead t o further job involvement
or ego-investment in the job. I was in the 8th grade when I met the teacher who would change the
course of my future. The sampling technique was accidental sampling with a questionnaire as the
instrument. Hence, high employee turnover of an employee results to loss of knowledge and skills
and leaves a negative impact on the good will of organization. Texas is going through a severe
teacher scarcity as a consequence of rising student conscription attached with diminishing retention
of its teachers. However, due to dissatisfaction either with the job or employer teachers abandon
teaching for other better jobs. However, if one has success experiences on the job and derives a sense
of psychological success by feeling confident that he or she is making a significant impact on the
work environment and gaining mastery over the job, the individual will derive satisfaction. Latifoglu
(2016) reported that contributors became teachers because of job safety and status. The aim of this
research is therefore to analyze the impact of human resource management practices on the retention
of employees in the hotel sector in Hyderabad. The study findings indicated that there is a highly
positive correlation between remuneration and teacher retention and on the other hand, the vice-versa
is true with teacher attrition. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Running head: TEACHER ATTRITION AND
RETENTION 3 Teacher retention refers to the process through which maintenance of teachers is
inspired within agiven institution for as long as the contractruns.
Based on the result, Job Involvement have significant relationship with Job Satisfaction. This paper
focuses on reviewing the findings of previous studies conducted by various researchers with the aim
to identify determinants factors of employee retention. The results suggest that customers prefer
touchpoints that support product search and selection, provide information, and increase shopping
efficiency. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. Lately, online shopping trends do not mean that offline stores
are no longer prioritized, especially in beauty clinics that sell their services and products. As the ever-
changing technology, stiff competition, and globalization has brought human resources at the
forefront in organizational roles, no organization wants to lose their talented employees. See Full
PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Study on Determining Factors of
Employee Retention Delvycx Baladad Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization.
The data was collected through social media research, using comments from customers on Facebook.
The retention of employee depends on both tangible and intangible variable that determines the level
of job satisfaction. For example, if one would like to teach students about the wildlife, a teacher
coming to class and showing students a documentary about the wildlife could really enhance their
understanding as they would be able to see in practical sense what the books say. Generally,
employee retention is considered as an employer's attempt to retain the employees in their
organization. The review was performed on scholarly, credible studies whose data and analyses were
contemporary in their substance and rigorous in their approach. Today HR Managers are facing a
pivotal challenge pertaining to their employee's turnover rate which could be reduce by applying
necessary strategies which restrict them to stay in the organization. It is observed from the past
studies that when employees are satisfied with the organizations retention strategies they are more
dedicated in doing their jobs and work for the organizations growth and sustain the advantage of
competitiveness over the rivals. Turnover has an individual outlay for educators, chiefly for
beginning teachers who devoted time and wealth to become tutors. Hence, high employee turnover
of an employee results to loss of knowledge and skills and leaves a negative impact on the good will
of organization. Employee retention and engagement are also important aspects of this strategy. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. The study examined the impact of four human resource practices on employee
retention. In India region not much work has been done on this scenario. Download Free PDF View
PDF Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to
retain its employees. Job satisfaction is a topic which is concerned by both the people, those who are
working in organizations and for the people who study them. Many school leaders (like yourself) are
reporting the day-to-day struggle of teacher turnover and your ability to fill key roles. The research
aimed to determine and analyze the effect of omnichannel and experiential marketing on brand
association using the Customer-based Brand Equity (CBBE) method. The hospitality industry always
faces a major setback on retention of talented and skilled employee due to various factors. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Teachers have constantly left their profession in
favor of other fields which called for investigation on drivers of teacher attrition which negatively
affected teacher retention. It consist of: perk up functioning environment, increase payments to
return a price placed upon knowledge, modify occupancy or withdrawal conventions, or advance
individual contentment by using schema that foster mentoring, specialized development, and career
progression prospects or campaigns to bump up the reputation of the teaching career (Ettorre, 1997).
It includes the notion of employee turnover and its factors.

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