Amali 3 Roosting Behaviour

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(JIB 433 2023/2024)

Date: 28 Feb 2024

By: Dr. Norsyifa Harun

Task Notes Date Given Due Date Person In
Amali 1 Given at Lecture 1 4 Nov 2023 10 Dec 2023 Dr. Ann
Pass up soft copy
Assignment 1 Given at Lecture 2 25 Nov 2023 14 Jan 2024 Dr. Syifa
Pass up soft copy
Amali 2 Field work (Botanical During Intensive 1st April 2024 Dr. Ann
Amali 3 Field work (USM Bird During Intensive 1st April 2024 Dr. Syifa
Amali 4 Given during Lecture 6 During Intensive 29th April 2024 Dr. Syifa
(Dr. Syifa’s face to face
Assignment 2 Given during Lecture 7 After Intensive Announced later Dr. Ann
(Dr. Ann’s)
Amali 3
Title: The effects of light intensity and roosting
behaviour of the common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis)
in Penang, Malaysia

Dateline: 1st April 2024 (Group reports – softcopy submission)

By: Dr. Norsyifa Harun

1. Choose a tree that is used as a roosting site by the birds (USM Main
2. Observe and monitor the activities of the birds when they come to
roost during the evening
3. Record the activities and behaviour of the birds every 15 minutes (you
should start your observations and recordings from 1730 hrs to 2000
hrs) as well as the intensity of light for the period and also other
environmental factors such as rain, noise and presence of people
4. Count and record the number of individual birds present every 15
5. You are required to observe and record the activities for at least 5 days
to get a reasonable data set 2-3 days
1. Get a raw data set of representation of the bird’s activities
starting from the time they come down to roost (E.g.: how many
were present in the beginning?, how many come and go after 1
hour?, how many finally roosted on the tree? Please also note down
any other activities or behaviours occur during the period

2. Present the results in the form of a table or graph and also in the
form of notes on bird’s activities and behaviours

3. Photographic record of your study should also be included in the

Sample: Data collection and presentation
The observation of their behaviors, descripion and respective code of the behaviors are listed
as below:

Table 5.1 Behaviour types. description and codes.

Code for
Behavior types Description of behavior

Breeding/mating Male and female birds perform mating behavior B

Feeding Looking for food and eating F

Vocalizing Making sounds, chirps, calling behavior V

Jumping Jumping on the tree branches J

Standing Standing on the ground nearby the observed free G

Static No movement while perching on the tree T

Perching Standing on the tree branch, resting on the tree P

Fly away Flying out of the tree FA

Fly in Flyrng into the tree and landing on the branch FI

Grooming Cleaning behavior e.g. cleaning the feathers G

*The observation was carried out for 3 consecutive days to obtain reasonable set ofdata.
Sample: Data collection and presentation
1. Discuss the results obtained as well as the notes on activities and
behaviours that were observed
2. The discussion should include the followings as a guideline:

• What is the relationship between light intensity to the number of birds, the
intensity of behaviour, the overall condition of the roosting flock etc. ?
• What is the sequence between of roosting activities for individual birds or
groups of birds?
• Any other bird actions or activities that effect the roosting sequence?
• What proximate factors influence on birds roosting?
• Any other factors that have an influence on bird roosting?
Conclusion and references:
1. Summarise your findings in a concise and coherent manner

2. You should include all reference materials used for this report (if

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