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wa tenor Dnerevemene The 3s implex method - The maximwn foe problem Maatmun matching in Bipartite Grvecpha ~The Sable marty ig e problem, Lbagiive Teyerrement ;- WE The jberabive - Improvements tech nique. involves fireling 9 eaolubon to an opbmizabie? problem Ay generating a deynan ce ee thle aelubena wth improving values 4 the problem's oljedne foeten. . yp Fach Aubsequand cin Ga) O RPE typically involves @ Amal, Ancalired charge & the previows feosible solu of When ne such chan dig prvoves the volur of tha objethve fornbon, the ala ie dant fevible soluben eg ord = fa ps) #Smportant phme Hak car be -ehol axattly y Prerapre- include inca paneing , woximizing he plus inaprrovernen’ ales ES ae rortehing She meaimum posible noe fe WA Ales in a gr 0 Wes re blems hus : Ffuakve ja pre ve rant a The phm fa on aphrizakon problem , ze fir the tha minimizes /moximizes Some value. solubon & An init valudon can be any und, pdt can bk fr ther innprovee! a a segenee ee a The -solubon vehuned when no mere Improvemen’ Powis can! ge macle. T+ Me fee change makes an enprrovernente , bub ome Seqyene of chanyes tan tong he impr vement # Finding an initial per be aolaton ov diffe yo mas 4 a Th mt clang clans what changes etboutel ke a lloved in a fearible sole contig ) the. cleciaion’ manirg froters tin Phe row changes ad already ex whng pees catia iffteat & Lysue of Aocal vers wa plobel ene offal fe fo[ve. ) ‘The Singh Vethod — ae. aimglen metied pa clanie wetted jor along Tie problem Gr wom jy _ yenusa a Lines programy A segyan of coe ecireme pend of he pre bile ant bbe weqjon we im ving values of Te abjeebve pocorn The phm of ephriaing o Dicom len area) of severed variables du fee ae ae [near Combratsd * manimize Cor main i2ed 0, % Toe An In subpet fe Ay titore + Vin Ay 4 lor Zora dy fori a yEOy---- 9 Xn BO Guemehic. Inberpntlalion of Hasan, Programming j— pipe nhoducing 4 ‘afluaol fot se lvrng, Ass [0r" phos ie comider y ita 1h wilt help - fe 10 ffx fancl onmsrind pre peres of aus perm Exnuigll Ae omit dhe following Jinsan porrmng phn foo variables: maximi 2d art. sabre te xtYs & 1) xray 2b x20,y 20 By defrivions femible Anluson pote 9) Bok saftper af the conabiaip problin she reyion % fe seh oll fearsble pooh - Bye be sketch te feasible region cy the. aAny equatin of the geneeal a aan b ac mt bot Lpual pr, ane ty 20, aw hue coefficient & Sethian Ine divides Pa ph define a hough bre. jo all the pooh & plane to poo half - planes: ; Peon % ene ef them , anebyec , whle pov all jhe pointe tn the other ,arrhy >6- 4, potbelar, stele meets pooh defined by & equally - gle eal pram a port on and hulow the bine ar 4 2 ant te seb 2h pein a en enters a oer ita pink on od ea ieee eee nan en of Since “thee pont of fhe fos ble vregion mut ahs fy all re Conahainh hf the pm, ye fenibee yagjion b obsained by the oferserson af these feo half ~planes ancl ths. pre prone a He Cottesian plane clefirced hy whe sonnegabre consheurh 12 op 420 (su he Ye FigoFion! ple vepion of attheb above problem, cot? [> (oe) a ty ot Thaw , The feorrble region for the above pen. AYR chyvex poligen with vebes 0,0), (42), Pepe + Ou tax ir fe feel an aphool alakon, a ye eoritle rapier wih Ha laget voles of te offe zosutsg, ub the poink (ey) fo which Ra ‘eberhte PanSien 2efnrcy 5 ener. fenton cneneg ee chve fanchen y x rye Sohing a Fee imemiorol Aino agar probleo geome oy ; & Sines thin Aine. deu net have commen P feavibl poo aegion CRG)» fhe answer bere on tees ond, Hee ingioiely "4 fe which the ebjaeee funthor * Done ce * tha [ine Bm 18G 7° with Pe yon 12 nea fle come ba setbon pein’ of 4 Hur the lines an t8 Slope pz 1000? or ang othe ne cxyhsl Jase Lines *E tha o4jebee fo" A lines a7" i: Ow prooblere * fe fied jes eae’ on whic Ale vex 0? fi ope? Sel fa sarsyewe > 0" pate na wily Evga 5 . sa! a slope >! ae We an inst ts Aine ei ni ne tien by shy futiovosy Called chanying " ae the line. Seb 5y on ji 7 Ee , oe apes aa or by shifty Tepren fr Whe bat bine. ee pote. ” Co i u LE will happen ak fhe powit (3,1) with whe corntespondling evoluc 343 + 5/=/¢- ¥ Ths means tak the ophral rolukon 1 the |inzae prrming protein % 228 Yel, wilh Fre momimel yolue af the obgerbr fanchon egret te It 7 haol moximize 22 ar t3¢ ebjubre fancBon an thn Aan robles, dhe devel Aue arty oe. fo the laiges- value ef 2 would cainetae vith eqns thak hao x ame slope 22 the boundony line 4 dhe Lwel lines all Hee point of the [ine segment blo & Cour epond ly vine (3,0 and or indeding dle wobas thenweltes , would be epbmod solubor , gpoleling 1 flix Aame mrascmal OUR #f fhe lg tubve chon, & Lines ning wip He empy feoible epi on are calleol infea ible - The kool eb infer; ble pPrr donot her ophrood alubon auae if ven phnia forith Aro thas Complicakon may fhe pepion iy anboerded , 2 Yellewing example. larmonalrater Excupl 8! aH ee ver Pe wegealikes to fhe same_plm 7 aty 24 and aesye b, fa feasible pipion af te now pho pill become un bounded, CPO). ok LY the foul arepon of a [inser parr ing problem é ppounded , vb obj eu ve foniion mag ex mog pop ation a finite ophrnal value on ib: Fot example, the problem oh manimssing 22 IX45Y peefpeut te the tonatrainh FY Z A, ABY 2b, AZO Y2O Jor no ophmed gol ons became Ye are pooh & feorible weapon a) ao we wih, a Such probleme au alld wn bouncled. ala opbmal -cilabon 1 & finest ppenming Pom be frord gfe. extreme pink °F ib povidle igen Ente aed BxtbY= 20 a, 7 3 127 2 ty [Reh | af Simileuly, Yee 8 abve value in he y-columa the ofjerbee cw cignals be fork Fab we to abe atreare. The volew of fe ohpusve fuathon By intyeaving Pa velue of the See y -cooldinat ty the nal ae ferrible SolcKon (0,0 6 od, Tho pees 4 oe Bee eee 4 ce sytves whee ¥z0, atuc4 Une bith ran tho 5 gem J 4G) at aL we ine . 4 re eee a D fo a, a laigort oes pare will Bnd ewrelves at rhe pours Ce, it De oe adjace Jo (0, Orly b) extreme peat cot 2 2wip> DAt8/40" fev =2 © = (Oy TY thie ave sued nega ve andes ta the o fey & commen, wed we fo ald eo mort negative aie, the nega sve. nambee ith Bia (auger ab ; ob > rule mobvared by fla obssvabrs Wot uth chet ce gill he lacgpot inureone in sfx ehjecbve funehion’s volun pec walt cheunge opm vastablet -vaduc Bre evade fom ete! ” = a+ 10 404 eRe, Dn oun example an ireme in at (0/04/48) changes ha vel of 2 naaesy $0u 7 OY o &a,whik an inne th The g vee ea rey! at (0,0; 46) changes ee fer 0 ee). vot ja ble ny alld The eniering ven’ able whl im column refereed bow te povet oan 93.06 Mee the prot column by 7 A nue yous able x depart rg variable , i, nonbuic to the nex pobLion. . of puic youra bles wh ang done golahon bpm, Ta 0 of eqn lig cons ean??. ea} adjacent ex Weme pee with & Jarger value. Fear, nel a enbilng se ble by i danger? amouns possible {a a yan ia 7 oe hile preening She ponnegabvitg of a banc variable fi obscrvaban wt Tha flews vile, able in @ Simplex fableaus (> exch pesshive ie o the pieet win Compute the B-yako b 0M volt enby Me aig vhe pivot column, ntaample OF foblean ©, Hoe B-mber are Gi=4n4, 8, 24 n2, The vow with Ha 5004 Ile, p Brahe clebuyines Hee depats greene Fanaa en eee ear os may be pee KPa ew example , it variable v. We mare the row of oe departing varia ble, calleol fhe pivet row » bys and duet it Fou: @® Et. alividing the A Note tok if thee ave ne posibve enbries os thx ee calumm, no B-rako tan be computa wkd , eohich inclicabes poblem in unbounded and the alg. aleps Foal, te following -stepa reed fo be taken fo framfiom o Curren tec bloau into the next a 4 firrt , divide all the enhies of the pret you ae ee ih enby Ha pivet column , te obbitin PF pro & fe tableau @ ,we obra a eG oe A, OP ayy 3 2 & Thea, rep he eath ef the o thee rows, inclusling ow, by tha diffocne She eee whue on Ke row! “entry & te five a tableau @, tho pus yow!- I+ ny to} + 8 oe yew 3- 0-5) Pays g ano Thur, the simplex mettied tr Inblean 2llewng tableau: oom i eae 10, ee Tobloou @ vrepriesenh fe hse Penni bhe plubon (0, 22/8) with on increaneel yale of Wo objetwe not ophimal cam , whith yr agra & Jo. Dr The ext iferabon op Hole tableau © a d u“ v 4 Tyo tableau repost the bowie fovible solution (rt, % 2. iy in optimal Becaue all he enkies to he a bjecdive_ mas fablean & ave nonne gabe «Te akimel voluc ef she objecive furcbor i eyuel fle, the dant endy the ob Tow Summary of the 1 2 Bh 4 ea rT a + ye SS cits} t ae

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