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Tasty Shack Foodhub

A Feasibility Study

Presented to

The Faculty of Business Administration Program

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in BACC 8


Alyssa Endaya

Elizabeth Sardalla

Dairen Ple Algabre

Chariety Jane Lapura

Clariette Anthonette Casinillo


December 2023

Tasty Shack Foodhub


A Feasibility Study


Presented to

The Faculty of Business Administration Program

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in BACC 8


Alyssa Endaya

Elizabeth Sardalla

Dairen Ple Algabre

Chariety Jane Lapura

Clariette Anthonette Casinillo


December 2023

Approval Sheet

The Feasibility Study entitled Tasty Shack Foodhub prepared and

submitted by Elizabeth Sardalla, Chariety Jane Lapura, Dairen Algabre, Alyssa

Endaya and Clariette Anthonette Casinillo, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements in BACC 8 (Feasibility Study) had been examined and it’s

recommended for oral examination, acceptance, and approval.



Accepted and approved after the presentation of the study with a grade of


Member Member


First and foremost, we want to give thanks and praise to God, the

Almighty, for His blessings that enabled us to successfully complete our

feasibility study.

The researchers would like to express their profound appreciation to Dr.

Josie Fuentes, who served as both our research and adviser and instructor for

the feasibility study, for allowing us to conduct this study and for her helpful

support throughout this process. We have been motivated by her enthusiasm,

vision, genuineness, and drive. Working and studying for her was a real honor

and privilege.

We are incredibly appreciative of our parent’s love, prayers, concern, and

sacrifices in order to raise us and get us ready for the future.

The Researchers

Executive Summary

The proposed company, Tasty Shack Foodhub, specializes on selling

products that are fried rice with various toppings. The Tasty Shack Foodhub uses

many types of fried rice and toppings, including garlic fried rice, vegetable fried

rice, and biryani fried rice, as well as toppings including hotdogs with eggs, tocino

with ham, fish nuggets, and lumpiang shanghai. This business designed to

provide our consumers with well-balanced, healthful cuisine.

The Tasty Shack Foodhub will be located along the F in Tibungco, Davao

City. F. and Bustamante Elementary School. National High School of

Bustamante. The location is beneficial because there are numerous businesses

nearby, and many people frequently pass by the crowds. Numerous buildings,

such as schools, churches, and healthcare facilities, surround the site, making it

a suitable position given that our target market, which consists of local residents,

workers, students, and consumers can easily access it.

The company will be open six (6) days a week, Monday through Saturday,

from seven in the morning until seven in the evening. This is done in order to give

the workers a day off to rest. The cook, cashier, and service staff will all be

managers. The government will set a uniform wage and benefits for all

employees. They will have the necessary training to deliver high-quality services

and tend to clients' needs.

Tasty Shack Foodhub's founders have made the decision to set up and

register the business as a partnership with five (5) proprietors. Each owner will

make an equal amount toward the first investment for the start-up money to

operate the business. In order to build successful sales tactics, draw in a broader

pool of potential customers, efficiently utilize all of the company's resources, and

maintain cost control, they must actively participate in the company's


The financial factors are the essential basis for assessing the project's

feasibility. From there, the researchers can determine how much money flows

and where it is going. The Tasty Shack foodhub business is principally financed

by the five (5) owners,

The Tasty Shack Foodhub will benefit the community by supporting

people with obtaining employment. It is also intended to provide clients with

hygienic, high-quality meals that meet their requirements. As a result of this, the

company will be able to achieve its goal and meet the demands of others. Giving

good service and manufacturing high-quality products ensures that the business

will flourish and will create a stable work environment for employment.

The firm may provide advantages to the government in the form of income

taxes, building permits, and hygienic conditions. The company is in charge of

reporting and paying taxes to several government bodies, including the BIR,

income taxes, and others. The majority of public infrastructure, facilities, public

safety, healthcare, and environmental development are funded by taxes.


Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page I

Approval Sheet II

Acknowledgement III

Executive Summary IV

Table of Contents VII

List of Tables XI

List of Figures XIII

List of Schedules XIV



Product/Service Description 1

Target Market 3

Area Coverage 4

Consumer/Customer 4

Demand and Supply Analysis 5

Total Potential Customer Per Week 6

Total Potential Customer Per Order 6

Competitor Analysis 8

Pricing Structure 10

Projected Sales 11

Marketing Program/Strategies 11

Practices of Competitors 12

Own Marketing Program/Strategies 12

Marketing/Selling Expenses 13


Technical Requirement 15

Government Requirements (Permits) 16

Production and Operations Process 19

Step by step Procedure 20

Duration per step per batch 21

Production Schedule 22

Labor Requirement 23

Machinery & Equipment Requirement 24

Raw Materials Requirement 26

Store/Factory Location 27

Store/Plant Layout 28

Waste Disposal System 28

Quality Control System 29

Production Cost 30

Total Production per year 30


Legal Form of Business 32

Organizational Structure 33

Qualifications of Personnel 34

Office Equipment 35

Gantt Chart of Activities 36


Total Project Cost 38

Sources of Financing 39

Financial Assumptions 40

Projected Financial Statement 41

Projected Income Statement 41

Projected Cash Flow Statement 43

Projected Balance Sheet 44

Financial Analysis 46

Payback Period 46

Break-even Point 46

Profitability Ratio 48

Return on Investment 48

Profit to Sales Ratio 48

Gross Profit Ratio 49

Liquidity Ratio 49

Current Ratio 50

Solvency Ratio 50

Debt to Total Asset Ratio 51

Equity to Total Asset Ratio 51

Schedules 52


Customer 58

Community 59

Employment 59

Environment 60

Government 61



List of Tables

Table Description Page

1 Potential Market 5

2 Total Potential Customer Visited Per Week 6

3 Total Potential Customer Per Order 6

4 Total Supply of Competitor’s Per Week 7

5 Competitors’ Analysis 9

6 Pricing Structure 10

7 Projected Sales 11

8 Marketing and Selling 14

9 Technical Requirements 18

10 Business/Production Schedule 22

11 Labor and Machine Requirements Related to Production 22

12 Employees Compensation 23

13 Machinery and Equipment Requirements 25

14 Raw Materials 26

15 Veggie-lant Burger Weekly Production Cost 30

16 Total Production Cost Per Year 30

17 Qualifications of Employees 34

18 Gantt Chart of Activities 36

19 Total Projected Costs 38

20 Sources of Financing 39

21 Projected Income Statement 41


22 Projected Statement of Cash Flows 43

23 Projected Statement of Financial Position 44

24 Payback Period 46

25 Break-even Point in Units 46

26 Break-even Point in Units Per Product 47

27 Return on Investment 48

28 Profit to Sales Ratio 48

29 Gross Profit Ratio 49

30 Current Ratio 50

31 Debt Total Asset Ratio 51

32 Equity Total Asset Ratio 51


List of Figures

Figure Description Page

1 Service Process 20

2 Store Location 27

3 Store Lay-out 28

4 Organizational Structure 33

List of Schedules

Schedules Description Page

1 Kitchen Equipment 52

2 Office Equipment 52

3 Kitchen Tools & Utensils 52

4 Furniture & Fixtures 53

5 Leasehold Improvement 53

6 Depreciation Schedule 53

7 SSS, HDMF & Phil Health 54

8 Partner’s Equity 54

9 Statement of Partner’s Equity 55

10 Cost of Goods Sold 56

11 Salaries & Wages 56

12 Marketing & Selling Expenses 56

13 Technical Requirements: Costs 57

14 Total Projected Costs 57




Marketing has an essential role in business since it contributes significantly

to the success of the organization. It involves the product description, target

market of the business, demand and supply analysis, competitor’s analysis,

pricing structure, projected sales, marketing programs/strategies and marketing

selling expenses.

The marketing aspect is one of the most useful chapters in the feasibility study.

Showing how the business introduces its products/services to the potential market

emphasizing the marketing plan which is relevant to the operation of the business.

The fact that the proposed product/services will be accepted by the market is then

a determining factor that this project can be implementable.

Product Description

Food is a very essential component of every person in the world, especially

in Filipino culture. It is the most important need of our body for the sustenance of

human life. Eating is so constant that Filipinos use the saying “kumain ka na?”.

We always ask these questions every time we meet people that we know as one

of our ways to remind them that it is a must to eat our meal every day. In fact,

according to food is the third most necessary

thing for living beings to provide energy and development, maintain life, or

stimulate growth after air and water. It plays an important role in the promotion of

health and disease prevention.


In general, it consists of essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates,

proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins which are consumed to provide nutritional

support for an organism and ingested by an organism, and assimilated by the

organism's cells to sustain health.

Eating our meals at the right time is also a must and it should not be

disregarded as it can cause an increased production of cholesterol leaving us

stressed and hungry on a day. Aside from those skipping meals is not advisable

because it causes so many problems in our health such as anxiety, low energy,

irregular digestion, etc.

The reason why we came up with a business that relates to food and we

named it Tasty Shack Food hub. Our business offers different kinds of meals and

fruit drinks that can satisfy the hunger of our customers. We aimed to serve them

dishes that would reminisce their memories and feel like they were at home. Tasty

Shack Food hub is a to-go business where they can easily order their meal in just

a short time, we decided to have this kind of practical method because our target

market is most students and employees who are very busy with their school

activities and work. Thinking that they are busy these people don’t have enough

time to cook their meals whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner that’s the time

when Tasty Shack Food hub will cross their mind that instead of spending time

cooking why not buy meals in Tasty Shack Food hub. Where we can offer them

the same dishes that normal Filipino people cook when they are hungry.

Target Market

An in-depth study to pinpoint the target audience, or those people living

close to the location of the business. Different establishments surround the

location, including schools, hospital, and church. Those individuals were identified

as teachers, doctors, nurses, students, and residents, they are the business's

target market. Since the outbreak occurred, people have taken extra precautions

in order to safeguard their health. This reason led the business to provide a quick,

balanced a meal for our target market. who love to eat different kinds of rice with

toppings while trying to maintain healthy living. People who prefer picking a

simple, casual eatery are looking for quick-serve and affordable options. The last

thing your target audience wants to do is wait a few seconds for their food

because they are all in a rush. The Tasty Shack Food Hub is conveniently located

for easy access and provides customers with services that keep them comfortable

while waiting. The business wants to give our customers the choice to spend

suitable amount of their money on the food which is high quality and nutritious,

easy to prepare and quicker to get, more convenient, and most importantly

accessible to all. The primary goal of this company is to provide all of its target

customers with excellent, satisfying food at an affordable rate.

Area Coverage

In putting up a business, the location plays a huge role to attract

customers, and it is one of the most important factors for the business overall

success. In connection to this, the Tasty Shack Food Hub will be located at

Tibungco, Davao City along the F. Bustamante Elementary School and F.


Bustamante National High school. The location is beneficial because it is bounded

by several businesses and has a lot of individuals passing by the crowds

regularly. The location is excellent since our target market, which consists of

nearby residents, students, teachers, health care providers, and other medical

professionals can easily access it. The gap between the intended customers and

the business location is only a few meters.

Consumer/ Customer
Whether the business is small medium-sized, or huge, its customers are vital

to its success because it is through their purchases that the company makes its

revenue. As a result, consumers serve as vital to the success of the business.

Table 1. Potential Market

Target Population Total No. of Potential

Market Respondents respondents % Market
who said Yes
Students 24,818 70 68/70 97% 24,073
Total 24,818 70 68 97% 24,073

The table shows the potential market that will avail the product, Tasty

Shack Food Hub. With the total population of 24,818 from the estimated

population of students and employees around area near the business location in

Tibungco and from the survey results that was conducted, there will be a total of

24,818 potential consumers of the product.


Demand and Supply Analysis

In this part of the study, the total potential demand and present supplier will

be discussed. There will be illustrations that will show the demand per product per

target market and the share of the competitors from the total demand of the

market will also be presented. This study will help us analyze the probability of the


Table 2. Total Potential Demand

Total Consumption Number % Potential Market Total

Potential per of out multiplied out of 70% Demand
Market week/month persons of per
want to week
avail the
Once a week 58/70 83% 24,073*83% 19,981*1 19,981
Twice a week 44/70 63% 24,073*63% 15,166*2 30,332

Thrice a 42/70 60% 24,073*60% 14,449*3 43,347

Total 93,660

The table shows the potential customer visits per week with a total of

93,660 consumers based from the population of students and employees

including passers-by from Tibungco, Davao City.


Table 3. Total Potential Customer per order

Times of Number of Number of Demand Per Total
availing Customer Person Week/Month Servings per
the Per Order Who Want % Percentage Week
Product to Avail Total
Once a 1 to 2 58/70 83% 19,981*83% 16,584
week orders
(19,981) 3 to 4 7/70 10% 19,981*10% 1,998
5 to 6 5/70 7% 19,981*7% 1,399
Twice a 1 to 2 44/70 63% 30,332*63% 19,109
week orders
(30,332) 3 to 4 23/70 33% 30,332*33% 10,010
5 to 6 3/70 4% 30,332*4% 1,213
Thrice a 1 to 2 42/70 60% 43,347*60% 26,008
week orders
(43,347) 3 to 4 21/70 30% 43,347*30% 13,004
5 to 6 7/70 10% 43,347*10% 4,335
TOTAL 93,660

Total Supply of Competitors per Week

Table 4. Supply of Competitors

Number of served demand per week

A 4,000
B 9,000
C 6,000
D 12,000
Total demand per week/month 31,000

The table illustrates four competitors which serve their product and

services per week. The results of the data were based on the interview conducted

by the proponents to each of the competitors and gave their estimated number of

served demands per week/month. This is being conducted to determine the

quantity they can have from the unserved demand and to compare its pricing and

the cost.

Demand and Supply Gap

Total Demand 93,660

(Less) Total Supply 31,000

D/S Gap 62,660 – unserved demand


X 0.05

3,133 / 6 days = 522 estimated servings per day

For the proponents to determine the numbers of supply that the business

can cater based on the number of demands available in the market, the

computation of the demand gap would help. This is an essential in projecting

sales, which taken from difference of the total demand of the product and the

amount of supply.

The proponents used 5% out of 4, unserved demand which result to 3,133

servings per week, divide into (6) days which has a estimated servings per day.

The proponents only used 5% based on the demand they can provide with

thorough consideration on their capacity accommodate costumers and all aspect

in production.

Present Supplier/Competition

This is an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of present and

potential competitors. Their respective pricing ranges will be a challenge to the

new entry on how they will compete their competitors. The analysis, will enable

the business to construct their own strategies to protect business from threat and

to identify opportunities.

Competitor’s Analysis

This involves assessing current and future rivals, their strengths and

weaknesses, and their pricing structures. This aspect adds complexity to the

business landscape. Business can use this data to develop strategies for both

seizing opportunities and mitigating risks.

Table 5. Competitor’s Analysis

Competitors Strength Weaknesses Price per

A -Convenient location -Limited offers 70
-Fast service -Insufficient space
B -Well known -Unhealthy food 100
-Well ventilated -Slower services
C -Affordable -Dust prone area 80
-Nutritious food -Cleanliness
D -Combo meals -Expensive product 125
-High market penetration -Too far for market

The table above illustrates that the competitors exhibit varying strengths

and weaknesses. Being recently established business, it needs to handle and

manage its unique challenges and distinctions. Competitor A has a convenient


location and fast service but limited offers and insufficient space therefore, our

business offers enough product and sufficient space for our target customers to

be comfortable. Competitor B a well-known and well-ventilated but offers

unhealthy food and slow services. Therefore, we commit to offering healthy and

nutritious products, since our target customers include students and we intend to

expand our staff to ensure speedy service and maintain the quality of our product.

Competitor C an affordable and nutritious food but dust prone area and

cleanliness, for that reason our business ensure that area maintain cleanliness

and not a dust prone for the safety of customers. Competitor D produce an

expensive product and too far for the market area therefore our business offers an

affordable and accessible for the customers.

Table 6. Pricing Structure

Product Price

GARLIC FRIED RICE X hotdog and 65

egg; ham and tocino; fish nuggets and;
lumpiang shanghai with fruit juice


and egg; ham and tocino; fish nuggets

and; lumpiang shanghai with fruit juice

BIRYANI FRIED RICE X hotdog and 65

egg; ham and tocino; fish nuggets and;

lumpiang shanghai with fruit juice

The pricing structure of our products was presented in a table, proponents

gathered data through surveys. Our pricing strategy is based on the data collected

from respondents who indicated a preference for prices ranging from 50 to 70, as

well as an analysis of our competitors’ prices, which range from 50 to 150. The

researchers assure that the product’s price is competitive to the competitors, by

making it affordable for customers while offering a unique meal is the best

experience, they can have which will not found in our competitors.

Potential demand is equal to 5% of the target market.

= 62,660 * 5%

= 3,133 in a week

Tasty Shack Foodhub has a total potential demand of 62,660 multiplied by

5% which resulted in 3,133 in a week. As the business is just getting started, it

implies that the business may not have the capacity to accommodate the total

demand of 100%. Instead, the researchers estimate being able to satisfy only 5%

of the total demand which makes the total of 3,133 in a week.

Table 7. Projected Sales

Products Product Price Weekly Monthly Annual

PRODUCTS Percentag Sold sales sales sales
e of sales weekly

hotdog and 47% 1,473 65 95,745 382,980 4,595,760
egg with
fruit juice

ham and 34% 1,065 65 69,225 276,900 3,322,800

tocino with
fruit juice

fish nuggets 1% 31 65 2,015 8,060 96,720
with fruit

lumpiang 18% 564 65 36,660 146,640 1,759,680
with fruit

TOTAL 100% 3,133 203,645 814,580 9,774,960

Products Product Price Weekly Monthly Annual

PRODUCTS Percentag Sold sales sales sales
e of sales weekly

hotdog and 33% 1,034 65 67,210 268,840 3,226,080
egg with
fruit juice

ham and 33% 1,034 65 67,210 268,840 3,226,080
tocino with
fruit juice

fish nuggets 14% 439 65 28,535 114,140 1,369,680
with fruit

lumpiang 20% 626 65 40,690 162,760 1,953,120

with fruit

TOTAL 100% 3,133 203,645 814,580 9,774,960

Products Product Price Weekly Monthly Annual

PRODUCTS Percentag Sold sales sales sales
e of sales weekly

hotdog and 29% 909 65 59,085 236,340 2,836,080
egg with
fruit juice

ham and 29% 909 65 59,085 236,340 2,836,080
tocino with
fruit juice

fish nuggets 18% 563 65 36,595 146,380 1,756,560
with fruit

lumpiang 24% 752 65 48,880 195,520 2,346,240
with fruit

TOTAL 100% 3,133 203,645 814,580 9,774,960

The table above shows the Tasty Shack Foodhub anticipated sales on a

weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. The pricing information within the table was

derived from consumer surveys and their budget considerations. The business

had an expectation that the weekly sales of the entire product would reach

₱203,645.00 in pesos. To calculate monthly sales, this weekly figure would be

multiplied by 4 since the business operated for four weeks in a month, resulting in

₱814,580.00 in monthly sales. Further multiplication of the monthly sales by 12

would yield annual sales of ₱9,774,960.00

Marketing Program/ Strategies

The researchers constructed a marketing strategy for the purpose of

effectively promoting the Tasty Shack Foodhub, our company's location already

offers a way to successfully launch our products onto the market. Since the

business geographic area already has a significant number of residents that

represents the target market, individuals are going to talk about the products. The

company has a location in Tibungco, Davao City. a truly ideal site to construct a

business. The next strategy is to create new packaging style and meaningful logo

as look for the beauty of the Tasty Shack Food Hub to highly get the attention of

the customers.

Practices of Competitors

Enterprises will face competition from our Tasty Shack Food hub locations,

which are already running and close by in the retail shop but have nothing in

common with our brand. Customers can place full-service orders for soft drinks

and other types of beverages from competitors. In addition to these, each has

unique strategies for attracting customers.

Own Marketing Program/ Strategies


The mission of Tasty Shack Food hub was to provide products that

customers would find appealing, affordable, and delicious. In order to improve the

attractiveness of our products to consumers, we think carefully about fresh

packaging designs, interesting logos, and ways that emphasize the aesthetic

appeal of the products we sell. Due to the city government's "no single use

plastic" advocacy, Tasty Shack Food hub will use new packaging that is quite

simple and recyclable instead of the old way, which involved plastic bags. As a

result, the packaging is composed of easily discarded decomposable cups. The

throwaway packaging is printed with the brand name of the company and its

products. Customers can then quickly recall the goods that stand for the Tasty

Shack Food hub. Before the store opens, the owners will set up a display with a

sound system, a tarpaulin with a logo that matches the products, balloons, we will

distribute flyers, as soon as concentration is established in the market, then

broader media will be explored, and free samples of various kinds of chocolates

with motivational quotes as a way to show their appreciation to each customer

and announce the Tasty Shack Foodhub's first appearance at the area. The

owners will work extremely hard to satisfy customers so they can enjoy what the

business has to offer. The business owners will be dedicated for growth as a

result of the opening and look for possible companies that will help with the

conveyance of their goods. In addition to selling products that are affordable to its

customers, the company was established to provide people with a source of


TABLE 8. Marketing and Selling Expenses


Quantity/Unit Item Description Price in Peso Amount

2 pcs. Speaker 900 1,800

10 packs Chocolates 50 500

3 pcs. of 3x15 Tarpaulin 90 270


200 pcs. Flyers 1,000 1,000

3 packs of 10 pcs. Ballons 40 120

Total Amount ₱ 3,690

As a result of combining the marketing and selling costs, which came to

₱3,690 for its promotion, it was decided to peacefully relieve with some beautiful

music from a music player, hang tarpaulins with the company's logo on them, give

out various chocolates to consumers, and decorate with attractive balloons.



This chapter product process and activities are presented. The necessary

technological requirements and the production specification are discussed.

Government requirements, product processes, steps and procedures, time

frames, a list of equipment, tools, and machinery, a servicing schedule, personnel

needs, and a waste disposal system are all included. The site and store layout, a

map of the area, raw materials, and utilities are also included. Additionally, it will

list the tools and machinery employed during production to convert raw materials

into final goods.

Technical Requirement

The company's registered name is Tasty Shack Foodhub. In order for the

business to operate efficiently, it abides by the regulations and laws set forth by

the government. Technical requirements cover the internal and external

components of the company's operation. The development and application of

machinery is an example of internal factors that ensure the product meets the

high requirements, and the cleaning and inspection of the ingredients required for

manufacturing. They also have a rule about cleaning the office before leaving.

The provision of excellent customer service is one of the external elements. The

company ensures that clients obtain superior drinks at reasonable costs and

establishes long-lasting relationships with them.

Government Requirements (Permits)

In the Philippines, obtaining licenses and registration is one of the

requirements for opening a business. All investors and business people are

obliged to obtain a business license in the location where they wanted to establish

their company. A business must be registered with the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or the

Department of Trade and Industry for corporations, partnerships, and sole

proprietorships, respectively. A company needs to register with the Philippine

Health and Insurance Corporation (Phil Health), the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Bureau of

Internal Revenue (BIR), the Department of Labor and Employment (Dole), and the

Social Security System (SSS).

Department of Trade and Industry

Before starting a business, its owner must register with the Department of

Trade and Industry (DTI). Before a business name may start legally using it, it

must first be registered. By using the DTI's aid, the owner can be certain that no

other individual or group may legitimately use their business name anywhere in

the Philippines. For businesses, partnerships, and cooperatives, the DTI has laid

down certain regulations. Articles of Cooperation/Incorporation (photocopy),

Bylaws (photocopy), Board Resolution authorizing signatory for and on behalf of

Cooperative/Corporation/Partnership, Documentary Stamps, Registration Fee of $

500. (₱15.00). Application forms properly completed and signed, two (2) copies,

and optional 2x2 photographs of the authorized signature.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


These are the forms that must be submitted to the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC) in order to register a corporation or partnership.

The following documents must be submitted: Name Verification Slip, Articles of

Incorporation and Bylaws or Articles of Partnership, Written Undertaking to

Change Corporate Name by Any Incorporator, Director, Trustee and Partner,

Clearance from Other Government Agencies (if necessary), Customs Broker

Licenses and PTR of at least 2 Officers of Partners (for Customs Brokerages),

and Registration Data Sheet. Articles of Partnership (for Limited Partnerships, this

should be signed under oath); additional standards for a specific industry. Stock

Corporation: Treasurer's Affidavit/Authorization to Verify Bank Account, Bank

Certificate of Deposits (notarized in the city or county where the bank is located),

and Foreign Investment Application Form (for subsidiaries of foreign businesses).

Resolution of the Board of Trustees stating that the organization will abide by SEC

requirements for non-stock corporations, list of members to SEC on occasion, list

of contributors and their corresponding contributors certified by the Treasurer, and

affidavit of affirmation or verification by the Chief Priest, Minister, Rabbi, or

Presiding Elder (for religious organizations).

Bureau of Internal Revenue

Before starting company activities, every business enterprise must register

with the Department of Trade and Industry (BIR) for taxation purposes. The steps

for registering with the Bureau of Internal Revenue are as follows (BIR). Get a Tax

Identification Number (TIN) permanent record file number from the closest BIR

regional district office first. Second, file a business/trade name registration with

the BIR Revenue District Office (RDO) that has authority over the business

establishment's registered address. Obtain and submit an application along with

the following supporting documents: a residence certificate, a mayor's permit or

application for a mayor's permit, a certificate of business name registration from

the DTI or the SEC, and a certificate of business name registration from the DTI.

Last but not least, make the following payments to the RDO's approved agent

banks: the yearly registration charge of ₱500.00, the Certificate Fee of ₱15.00,

and the Documentary Stamp Tax of ₱0.50. (₱15.00). The list of costs for

registering the business is as follows:

Table 9. Technical Requirements: Costs

Technical Requirements
(in Peso)

SEC Registration
Name Registration 50.00
Articles of Partnership 500.00
Business Registration 1,668.00
SEC Bulletin 500.00
Documentary Stamp Taxes 150.00
BIR Registration
Registration 530.00
Print Receipts & Invoices 180.00
Barangay Clearance 200.00
Community Tax Certificate 200.00
FDA Registration 800.00
Mayor’s Permit
Electrical Inspection Fee 750.00

Garbage Fee 2,500.00

Health Certificate Fee 50.00
Sanitary Permit 900.00
Signboard Permit Fee 400.00
Sanitary Inspection 1,000.00
Solid Waste 500.00
Occupational Permit 360.00
Tax Clearance 50.00
Zoning Fee 300.00
Fire Safety Inspection Fee 1,462.00
TOTAL COSTS ₱13,050.00

Production/Operations Process

The product and operation process must be followed to achieve the

product that the business will provide. These are the measures and stages to

follow to prepare and serve the product: fried rice with toppings on top with fruit

juice. This is very important because it serves as a guide in the production


The Tasty Shack Foodhub stall will be operating from Monday to Saturday

from 7 am in the morning to 7 in the evening with a total of 12 hours a day as we

intended to target our customers' breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All the needed

materials, equipment, and machinery that will be used in making our product will

be prepared in the evening before the next day to make the work more efficient

and fast on the next day of opening the business and that includes all the

ingredients that we needed to make the fried rice, toppings, and fruit juice.

Aside from that personnel/vendors will ensure that the environment is clean

and safe, especially in the stall areas, we will make sure that our location is

cleaned as well as the utensils that our business will use. We will conduct a full

sanitation and sterilization. During our operations, our employees will wear

aprons, gloves, hairnets, shoes, and face masks to provide the customer with a

safe and healthy finished product.

Operation Process

STEP 1 Customers will enter the store, and then go straight to the 1 minute
counter area to order.
STEP 2 The assigned cashier will entertain the customer, ask 1-2
about their order, and then confirm the order, once done minutes
payment will be processed.

STEP 3 After the payment, the cashier will issue a receipt. The 15
customer will then be told to wait for their orders to be seconds
served to them.

STEP 4 The staff will prepare the customer’s order. 10-15


STEP 5 Once the staff finished preparing the order it will give 15
immediately to the customers. seconds

Figure 1. Service process

Figure 1 shows the step-by-step service process that the employees will do

to serve the customers. The service process will start the moment a customer

approaches the counter, the staff will greet the customers, and ask what they

want to order. The transaction process will continue until the payment and order

will be served.

Step by step Procedure in making Burgers

Duration per step per batch

Placing orders and payment to the cashier will take 1-2 minutes depending

on the order of the customers whether it is a single purchase or in a bulk order. In

preparation of the order, it will take 10-15 minutes depending on the order.

Serving the food takes 15 seconds. But the staff will assure them to give the

fastest and most convenient way of providing the needs of our customers.

Production Schedule

The production schedule is very important for the timetable that a product

or service takes in order for it to become ready when the customers want to buy.

Production Schedules can be changed to suit the fulfillment of large customer

orders, reduce expenses, and improve overall production efficiency.

Table 10. Business/Production Schedule


Monday – Saturday 7 am – 7 pm
Sunday Closed

The table above shows the Tasty Shack Foodhub daily schedule, the stall

will open from 7 in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening from Monday to

Sunday. Every Sunday our stall will be closed for a rest day.

Table 11. Labor & Machine Requirement per step

Fried Rice Making Toppings Making Fruit Juice Making

Rice Cooker Refrigerator Ice maker

Gas stove Gas stove Juice machine

Putting orders and payment procedures will need a cash register operated

by a cashier. In cooking rice, we will use a rice cooker and a gas stove for making

the different varied of fried rice. A refrigerator is important for frozen toppings to

avoid early contamination. In making fruit juice an ice maker for an automatic ice

cube maker and a juice machine with a three dispenser to store. The train staff

are in charge of making the fried rice and toppings with decree of cleanliness and

a good quality of serving.

Table 12. Labor Requirements

Work Labor Requirement Machine Requirement

Responsible for making

the fried rice and the Cook Gas stove
Responsible for making
the fruit juice. Service Crew Juice machine

Accountable for Cashier Cash Registrar

receiving payments from
buyers for goods or

The table illustrates the personnel and equipment required for production.

There are three distinct tasks that must be completed, and the labor necessary for

those tasks is just three employees. A machine is also required to prepare the

fried rice, toppings, and fruit drink.

Table 13. Employee Compensation

Position Qualit Rate for daily Monthly Salary Annual Salary

Cook 1 700.00 18,200.00 ₱218,400
Service 1 600.00 15,600.00 187,200
Cashier 1 650.00 16,900.00 202,800
Total ₱50,700.00 ₱608,400.00

The information given reflects the salary for each employee. According to

the daily minimum wage rates, the cashier receives a salary of 650 per day, the

cook is paid 700 per day, and the service crew members are paid 600 per day.

Employees' monthly compensation which results to ₱50,700.00 pesos, based on

a six-day workweek, which equates into an annual total salary expense for the

entire employment of ₱608,400.00 pesos.

Machinery/Equipment Requirement

The machine and equipment for the business includes the following: Ice

maker, Refrigerator, Gas stove, Stainless steel wok, Rice cooker, Tongs, Knife,

Kitchen sink, Floor rug, Cooler, and etc. Machines and Equipment are essential

for businesses to streamline operations, reduce costs, maintain quality, and stay

competitive in today's market. Also, the goal is ensuring that customers are happy

with the products or services they receive. Happy customers are more likely to

become repeat customers and advocates for your business.

Table 14. Machinery/Equipment Requirement

Kitchen Machineries QTY. COST PER TOTAL

UNIT UNIT (in Pesos)
Refrigerator 1 18,748.00 18,748.00
Ice maker 1 7,482.00 7,482.00
Juice machine 1 17,999.00 17,999.00
Total ₱44,229.00
UNIT UNIT (in pesos)
Gas stove 1 1,350.00 1,350.00
Gasoline 1 1,300.00 1,300.00
Rice cooker 1 1,585.00 1,585.00
Stainless steel wok 3 734.00 2,202.00
Ladle 4 269.00 538.00
Tong 2 35.00 70.00
Knifes 2 99.00 198.00
Multipurpose kitchen scissors 2 89.00 178.00
Sauce container plastic 4 70.00 280.00
Strainer 2 82.00 164.00
Chopping board 2 65.00 130.00
Kitchen sink 1 750.00 750.00
Table rug 5 45.00 225.00
Floor rug 4 100.00 400.00
Total ₱9,370.00
Disposable cup 390 cc 100 pcs 500 105.00 52,500.00
Disposable cup 12oz 100 pcs 500 99.00 49,500.00
Disposable spoon 100 pcs 500 80.00 40,000.00
Disposable fork 100 pcs 500 80.00 40,000.00
Disposable straw 100 pcs 500 83.00 41,500.00
Facemask Box 50 pcs 30 35.00 1,050.00
Garbage Bag 12 pcs 100 45.00 4,500.00
Hairnet 5 43.00 215.00
Hand gloves 100pcs 100 36.00 3,600.00
Apron 4 40.00 160.00
Total ₱233,025.00
Office Equipment QTY. COST PER TOTAL
UNIT UNIT (in pesos)

Calculator 1 189.00 189.00

Cash Register 1 599.00 599.00
Storage Box 1 600.00 600.00
Office Chair 1 1,549.00 1,549.00
Office Table 1 2,158.00 2,158.00
Total ₱5,095
UNIT UNIT (in pesos)
Chair 7 1,549.00 10,843.00
Table 2 2,158 4,316.00
Trash can and recycle bins 3 1,850.00 5,550.00
Wall fan 2 1,030.00 2,060.00
Total ₱22,769.00
GRAND TOTAL ₱314,488.00
Kitchen Machineries QTY. COST PER TOTAL
UNIT UNIT (in Pesos)
Refrigerator 1 18,748.00 18,748.00
Ice maker 1 7,482.00 7,482.00
Juice machine 1 17,999.00 17,999.00
UNIT UNIT (in pesos)
Gas stove 1 1,350.00 1,350.00
Gasoline 1 1,300.00 1,300.00
Rice cooker 1 1,585.00 1,585.00
Stainless steel wok 3 734.00 2,202.00
Ladle 4 269.00 538.00
Tong 2 35.00 70.00
Knifes 2 99.00 198.00
Multipurpose kitchen scissors 2 89.00 178.00
Sauce container plastic 4 70.00 280.00
Strainer 2 82.00 164.00
Chopping board 2 65.00 130.00
Kitchen sink 1 750.00 750.00
Table rug 5 45.00 225.00
Floor rug 4 100.00 400.00
Disposable cup 390 cc 100 pcs 500 105.00 52,500.00
Disposable cup 12oz 100 pcs 500 99.00 49,500.00
Disposable spoon 100 pcs 500 80.00 40,000.00
Disposable fork 100 pcs 500 80.00 40,000.00
Disposable straw 100 pcs 500 83.00 41,500.00

Facemask Box 50 pcs 30 35.00 1,050.00

Garbage Bag 12 pcs 100 45.00 4,500.00
Hairnet 5 43.00 215.00
Hand gloves 100pcs 100 36.00 3,600.00
Apron 4 40.00 160.00
Total ₱233,025.00
Office Equipment QTY. COST PER TOTAL
UNIT UNIT (in pesos)
Calculator 1 189.00 189.00
Cash Register 1 599.00 599.00
Storage Box 1 600.00 600.00
Total ₱1,388.00
UNIT UNIT (in pesos)
Trash can and recycle bins 3 1,850.00 5,550.00
Wall fan 2 1,030.00 2,060.00
Total ₱22,769.00
GRAND TOTAL ₱314,488.00
The cost of each piece of machinery, piece of equipment, piece of furniture,

and piece of equipment that is required for the business is listed in the table. Its

entire value is 314,488.00 Pesos. The stated costs came from a number of

physical and online stores. The company must use this equipment to produce and

provide a product that is both appetizing and nutritious. This makes the product

secure and hygienic.

Table 15. Raw Materials Requirement

TOTAL Total Total Total

COST Daily Weekly Monthly Cost
(In pesos) (In
Rice 1 1,350.00 1,350.00 8,100.00 32,400.00 388,800.00
25kg / ½
Hotdog 3 165.00/ 495.00 990.00 11,880.00 142,560.00
1 kg
Egg 4 121.00/ 484.00 2,904.00 11,616.00 139,392.00

1 tray
Tocino 3 299.00/ 897.00 5,382.00 21,528.00
1 kg 258,336.00
Ham 1 320.00/ 320.00 1,920.00 7,680.00 184,320.00
100 pcs
Fish 6 99.00/ 594.00 14,256.00 171,072.00
Nuggets 200g 3,564.00

Lumpian 3 159.00/ 477.00 2,862.00 11,448.00 137, 376.00

g 72 pcs
Oil 1 418.00/ 418.00 2,508.00 10,032.00 120,384.00
Garlic 2 44.00/ kg 88.00 528.00 2,112 25,344.00
Ketchup 1 110.00/ 110.00 660.00 2,640.00 31,680.00
Soy 1 194.00/ 194.00 1,164.00 4,656.00 55,872.00
Sauce Gallon
Vinegar 1 174.00/ 174.00 1,044.00 4,176.00 50,112.00
Chili 1 180.00/ 180.00 1,080.00 4,320.00 51,840.00
Flakes 500g
Onion 2 59.00/ 118.00 708.00 2,832.00 33,984.00
1 kg
Leek 3 44.00/ 132.00 792.00 3,168.00 38,016
100 g
Magic 2 75.00/ 150.00 900.00 3,600.00 43,200.00
Sarap 150g
Salt 1 59.00/ 59.00 354.00 1,416.00 16,992.00
Black 2 43.00/ 86.00 516.00 2,064.00 24,768.00
Pepper 100g
Paprika 1 18.00/ 18.00 108.00 432.00 5,184.00
Juice/ 15 20.00/ 300.00 1,800.00 7,200.00 86,400.00
Drinks Sachets
Vegetabl 2 150.00/ 300.00 1,800.00 7,200.00 86,400.00
es 1 kg
Whole 3 233.00/ 699.00 4,194.00 16,776.0 201,312.00
chicken Kilo 0
TOTAL ₱7,643.0 ₱43,878.0 ₱183,432. ₱2,293,334.0
0 0 00 0
The list of ingredients for the business that we would need to go out and

get for the raw materials is shown in the table. These fundamental resources will

be the company's main focus, and they will have a total operating cost of 7,625.00

per day, 43,770.00 per week, 183,000.00 per month, and 2,288,150.00 per year.

Raw materials are crucial to the success of the business in the production

process. We must guarantee that every product we offer is high-quality, fresh, and

safe for our cherished customers. The raw materials' cleanliness and freshness

are guaranteed by the supplier.

Plant/ Factory Location

Figure 2. Plant Location

The proposed project is located at Tibungco, Davao City in front of the St.

Xavier Parish, the Old Church and a basketball court.

Plant Layout

Figure 3. Plant Layout

The store layout consists of a menu for the list of available food and drinks,

a cashier receiving payments, a counter/preparation area receiving orders, a

kitchen for cooking and preparing the food orders and chairs for customers while

waiting for the order.

Waste Disposal System

The Tasty Shack Foodhub is located at bustling center of Tibungco, Davao

City where the place regulated a strictly proper waste disposal. Businesses must

be conscientious about adhering to the disposal guidelines for the various


available options. It is your responsibility of taking care and to ensure that your

waste is properly maintained.

As a way to protect the environment, the corporation will teach itself how to

manage its garbage by providing specific trash cans for each sort of waste. For

biodegradable, recyclable, and residual garbage that the company may produce

during production and operation of the business, the company will provide trash

cans that are separated according to their classifications. The Environmental Solid

Waste Management Ordinance of 2009 No. 0371-10 was published by the City's

Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) in accordance with Section

10. According to the "Mandatory Segregation of Solid Waste" law, all commercial

and household generators are required to separate garbage at the source.

All employees and staff will be required to treat food and the environment

with care in order to ensure that customers feel the food they are going to eat is

clean and safe, and as a result, they will support the business. The extra food will

be given to a homeless person and an orphanage.

Quality Control System

One of the most crucial factors to take into account when starting a

business is quality. By keeping an eye on the storage rooms and keeping them at

a certain temperature, we can preserve the high quality of our goods and prevent

any conflicts with our consumers. The company makes sure the product and

ingredients are sensitive by keeping them at room temperature. The crew and

employees are also in charge of maintaining the cleanliness of the facility and of

the machinery. Additionally, the crew wears appropriate safety gear and clothing,

such as protective masks, gloves, and uniforms, to preserve Tasty Shack

Foodhub operates in the food industry and directly relies on good hygiene has an

impact on its consumers' health.

All employees are required to be in good physical condition and are

required to come to work with clean clothes and a hair net. Because we value our

customers' health, they must likewise practice good hygiene at all times. By

making sure that all of the items we offer have passed a quick examination by

food regulators, we can prevent wasting low-quality ingredients by monitoring not

only the employees but also the raw materials or components on a regular basis.

Finally, we will do everything within our power to ensure that our devoted

customers continue to support and believe in our products.

Production Cost

Cost analysis plays a crucial role in effectively overseeing the expenses

associated with manufacturing. The table shows below the production costs that

the business will need to cover within a week to produce the product.

Table 16. Tasty Shack Foodhub Total Production Cost per Year

Per Week Per Month Per Year

(In Peso) (In Peso) (In Peso)
Ingredients ₱43,770.00 ₱183,000.00 ₱2,288,150.00
Total ₱43,770.00 ₱183,000.00 ₱2,288,150.00

The table shows the total production cost per year. The total weekly

production cost is Php 43,770.00 multiplied by 4 weeks per month which is Php

183,000.00 and by 12 months in a year to get the total of Php 2,288,150.00. The

value of the production cost per day is based on the proponent’s assumptions of

total expenditures for the raw materials.

Table 17. Production Cost

Garlic Fried Rice and toppings with Drinks

Rice ₱3
Hotdog ₱3
Lumpiang Shanghai ₱2.20
Ham ₱4.5
Egg ₱4
Fish Nuggets ₱10
Tocino ₱8
Garlic ₱3
Onion ₱1
Leek ₱1
Oil ₱1.25
Salt ₱0.12
Seasoning ₱1.29
Soy Sauce ₱1
Vinegar ₱1
Ketchup ₱3
Juice/Drinks ₱2.5
TOTAL ₱49.86

Vegetable Fried Rice and toppings with Drinks

Rice ₱3
Vegetable ₱3
Hotdog ₱3
Lumpiang Shanghai ₱2.20
Ham ₱4.5
Egg ₱4
Fish Nuggets ₱10
Tocino ₱8
Garlic ₱1
Onion ₱1
Leek ₱1
Oil ₱1.25
Salt ₱0.12

Seasoning ₱1.29
Soy Sauce ₱1
Vinegar ₱1
Ketchup ₱3
Juice/Drinks ₱2.5
TOTAL ₱50.86

Biryani Fried Rice and toppings with Drinks

Rice ₱3
Paprika ₱1
Vegetable ₱3
Hotdog ₱3
Lumpiang Shanghai ₱2.20
Ham ₱4.5
Egg ₱4
Fish Nuggets ₱10
Tocino ₱8
Garlic ₱1
Onion ₱1
Leek ₱1
Oil ₱1.25
Salt ₱0.12
Seasoning ₱1.29
Soy Sauce ₱1
Vinegar ₱1
Ketchup ₱3
Juice/Drinks ₱2.5
TOTAL ₱51.86


This chapter contains the organizational and management aspects that will

be used in the study. This includes the following: the legal form of business,

organizational structure, qualifications and officers, office equipment, and Gantt

chart of activities.

Legal Forms

The proposed business, (Tasty Shack Foodhub) will be arranged and

registered as a partnership type of company structure. This will consist of five (5)

owners, where each owner will contribute equally to meet the initial capital that is

needed to start up the proposed business. A partnership form of business is a

brilliant way to raise money quickly and increase the possibility that each will

achieve their goals and expand their reach by cooperating.

A partnership allows for a more equitable division of tasks and the sharing

of effort and responsibilities, which lessens the pressure on each member. The

need for explicit agreements and communication, the possibility of disagreements,

and shared decision-making are just a few of the difficulties that can arise in

partnerships. To ensure that the partnership runs well, it is essential to draft a

clear partnership agreement that outlines roles, duties, decision-making

procedures, and dispute-resolution procedures. Aside from that the partners will

also be able to borrow more money because it has unlimited liability. A simple and

clear to modify the legal form if circumstances change after the partnership is


Organizational Structure

The organizational structure will show the pattern in terms of its chain of

command and span of control.




Service Crew

Figure 4. Organizational Structure

The figure above shows the organizational structure to determine how the

business operates to achieve its goals and objectives and for the employees to be

productive and their respective work. The manager/owner of the business is the

one who will manage and supervise the whole business operation. They are the

ones who are in charge of managing the business finances, inventories, planning,

and marketing. On the other hand, the cashier is in charge of taking orders from

customers, accepting payments, and keeping track of sales. Furthermore, the

cook is also responsible for handling the supply of raw materials and other

ingredients as well as processing the customer's order. Lastly, the service crew is

responsible for giving a customer excellent service, serving the orders, and

maintaining the cleanliness of the surroundings.


Table 18. Qualifications of Employees

Position No. of Qualification Duties Rate Salary

Personnel per (Monthly)

Managers are in charge of No expected

the owners of managing the salary but
the business business owners will
Manager 5 finances, - receive
inventories, returns
planning, depending
marketing, and on the return
promotion to on
accomplish investment
goals and of the
objectives. business

* At least a Taking care of

bachelor’s the orders of
degree related customers and
Cashier 1 to accepting their 650 ₱16,900
the field. payments
*Can work
under pressure
*Honest and
*Knows how to
handle any

*Knows how to Responsible for

handle any processing the
unexpected customers'
Cook 2 situations orders 700 ₱18,200
and can work
under pressure.
*Knows how to
cook properly.

*Can work Responsible for

under pressure daily
* Can do multi- operations like
Service 2 tasking assisting and 600 ₱15,600

Crew * Good helping in

communication preparing
skills orders and
*Knows how to maintaining the
handle any cleanliness of
unexpected the
situations surroundings

The table above shows what are the qualifications of each personnel and

their perspective duties in the business operations. Manpower is the most

essential aspect in a particular business because the said business needs this

kind of people for the business will operate every day. For the business to run we

need 1 cashier, 2 cooks, and 2 service crew. All of them has different kind of

duties and responsibilities, as well as different daily rate/monthly rate. The cashier

will earn sixteen thousand nine hundred pesos (16,900) per month, the cook

earns eighteen thousand two hundred pesos (18,200) per month, and the services

crew will earn fifteen thousand six hundred pesos (15,600) per month.

Office Equipment

Office equipment is required for transacting and processing the operations.

The following is the equipment needed together with their cost this equipment is

useful for 6 years.

Table 19. Office Equipment


Office Equipment Quantity Cost per Total Depreciation

Unit Cost Schedule
every year
for 6 years.
Calculator 1 189.00 189.00 31.50

Office Desk 2,158.00 2,158.00 359.66

Office Chair 1 1,549.00 1,549.00 258.16

Cash Register 1 599.00 599.00 99.83

Storage Box 1 600.00 600.00 100.00

TOTAL 5,095.00

Table 20. Gantt Chart of Activities

Duration in Months (2024)

Activities A E A P A U U U E C O E

Deciding on a new product

Preparation of Feasibility Study

Find a location

Survey for the target market

Computing the finances

Apply for the rent of the


Registration of Permit and


Purchasing of machinery and

equipment, as well as furniture
and fixtures

Hire employees

Training employees

Business advertising

Launching the business

The Gantt Chart above illustrates the actions for business planning. These

are the exact activities that will be conducted in our business, such as choosing a

product that we will create and then making it available to our customers in the

first month. For the month of January to March 2024, managers/owners decide

what product should be created and there will be a preparation for the Feasibility

Study, we are confident that the product is useful and accurate for our business.

After a month of preparation, we found an exact location where we could build our

physical store and conducted an online survey for our target customers from

February to March 2024. Assessing the location's suitability for the company and

its capacity to attract a substantial number of potential customers is part of this


The financial analysis of the product will be the fifth action. Owners will

decide if the financial assistance is sufficient. In the sixth month, we identified a

suitable site for our actual store and submitted a rental application. The success

of a business hinges on choosing the ideal site that blends in with its

surroundings. Permits and registration will be the focus of our attention in the

seventh month. We will make sure that we have the required legal papers before

we begin conducting business. It will be used to purchase machinery and


equipment, as well as the furnishings and fixtures required for the operation and

maintenance of the firm, from May 2024 to July 2024.

Beginning in August and continuing through October, we will hire staff

members and hunt for qualified candidates who could benefit the company. Then

train them, inform them of their duties in their various tasks, and make sure they

are familiar with the company's rules and regulations. To ensure that the

consumer is aware of our continuous product, we must advertise and promote it.

This takes two months, from the month of October to November, for the second to

final action, which is to publicize the firm. Finally, we will begin the opening of the

business as we begin to function in the month of December.

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