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A Good Choice

I’ve been hearing many times about this question of “what make us/you human?” and
it made me think of what really makes us human. It is not only our physical aspect that make
us human but also our emotional and mental aspect. In ethics, it is defined that humans have
a moral sense because their biological makeup determines the presence of three necessary
conditions for ethical behavior: (i) the ability to anticipate the consequences of one's own
actions; (ii) the ability to make value judgments; and (iii) the ability to choose between
alternative courses of action. The concept of this paper is an argumentation about what make
us human if it is either free to decide and do evil acts or forced to become a moral person and
not hurt others.

What make us human is forced to become a moral person and not hurt others. Humans
have good and bad sides and have knowledge of what is moral and immoral. What makes us
human is what way we choose to live our life and how we supposed to be a moral person
despite of the temptation to do evil acts and to think not to hurt others. In the movie, A Clock
Work Orange, the protagonist named Alex had been through a lot of evil acts in his life but
still in the end he chose to live his life full of peace and love in his self. He is someone who
lacked conscience in his self and committed all kinds of heinous crimes along with his gang.
He enjoyed doing crime and hurting people. He knows in himself that what he was doing
were morally wrong and worst in his acceptance in his actions were immoral meant for him
being free to do evil acts. In this part he has his freewill to decide and do evil acts that he was
also aware that what all he did were morally wrong but time came, he was captured and was
convicted of murder and sentenced to fourteen years in prison. There was a treatment done to
him inside the jail which is the Ludovico Technique which will help to condition Alex’s mind
so that his desire to commit crime will disappear and made him to watch all kinds of violent
films. It was successful mostly in the conditioning of Alex in himself that made him became
weak, nauseated, and totally unable to inflict pain on others. He was released from prison
early due to the supposed success and in his returned to society he was pitifully helpless
against those who did harm to him and he was abused and beaten half to death by two of his
former gang members. Alex tempted suicide because of what he was experienced and while
he was recovering in the hospital he realized that the treatment worn off and he was back
again to his his “ultraviolent” self. Although Alex was still violent, getting back on that part
of his self he was actually less and less happy in his situation unlike in his past where he was
doing crimes and violence. He then came across Pete, and helped him to changed. He was
living a happy, productive comfortable life with his wife. Alex realized he wanted to be like
Pete. In the end, Alex decided to turn his life around and actually became a responsible,
peace loving person. Alex has been tested too much in his life, at first he has done a lot of
evil acts even he already knew it and had felt freedom in a wrong way but in the end
someone helped him to force and influenced him to become a moral person and let him
think not to hurt others. Someone helped him and made him realized the true essence of
being a human.

It makes us human on how we choose to live our life, we already know what is right
and wrong thing to do. It makes essence as human when we become a moral person, forced
or not, and it is good when you know to yourself that you are living without hurting other
people. Other people might see freedom and enjoy doing evil acts but that freedom and
enjoyment they feel don’t last that at the end of the day they will question their selves if
they are still human after doing those evil acts such crimes and violence. The story of Alex in
the movie shows that it is good living your life and be a kind of human that is full of peace
and loving person that when those days that he is still doing evil acts and been treated in
the prison and back again with his “ultraviolent” self, he didn’t felt the happiness and
comfortable life he felt after he was changed through the helped of Pete. What makes
you/us human is to become a moral person, it doesn’t makes you human when you are free
to decide and do evil acts because that is not our purpose as human living in the world and
that is not the purpose of God why He made human. It is still good being a human who do
moral acts that is not only good for you but also to others. It is not good to see human freely
doing evil acts and worst people are scared with that kind of human. People see them are
criminals and don’t trust them unlike people see you as a moral person they will trust you
because they have seen you doing moral acts that done good for you and to other people.
Let just think that it is a good image for us human becoming a moral person who do moral
acts rather than you are free to decide and do evil acts but you know to yourself it doesn’t
give something good for you.

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