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- S - Small improvements:

- Short cycle in innovating of applications (Ex: fix bugs, new UI/UX)

- Should have a list of what should fix, and choose what be inside
- R - Repeatable Innovation:
- New iPhone have better camera quality ( a cycle of about once a year for
innovation in a product)
- Cars cycle are about 3 years, small improvements but cars stay the same
- There should be a manager invovle in the process (like new enhacement or
new features of iphone involve the CEO)
- C - Customer Innovation:
- Ex: SpaceX

The model S tools

Downtime: a time when the service is down

- Defects: things that do not work
- Overproduction: Làm ra quá nhiều sp/đồ cho sp dư mà không thể bán đc
- Waiting: tgian chết trong lúc chờ làm ra sp mới
- Non-ultilized talent: Người có tài nhưng không được tận dụng tốt
- Transportation:
- Inventory: hàng và raw materials tồn quá nhiều
- Motion: Ex: Đi quá xa chỉ để kiếm gì đó để ăn
- Extra-processing: not needed because sometimes customers cannot see the value inside that
process → thinking if you are doing too extra things that are not needed
→ Think of a way to innovate without doing extra processing. Evaluate DOWNTIME to come up
with WOWs
- Research and identify what is the problem → address it based on the severity of each problem

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