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What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate


2. What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?

3. Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database?

4. Where work objects will be stored?

5. If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them

in three different tables?

6. What is Step Status Good, Step Status Fail rules?

7. How to make any rule as a favourite to your manager

8. Where can i see the parameter values in the clipboard ( values ..) i am
passing one activity to other?

9. How to import rules using pzinskey

10. Difference between activity and utility

11.Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled

12. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)

13. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?

14. How to connect to different pega applications?

15. How to store the instance of the class in a specific database

16. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?

17. How to see values of the local variables of the activity.

18. how can i store the instance of the class in the data base

19. default data table where the instance of the class are store (how it
will search ) pc_work

20.In Routing activity what is the default property used to route the

21. In routing activity if i use workbasket name instead of work list

name .. when can i know it is wrong (run time, compile time)

22. Notify

23. ticket: explain any senario un used

24. table used for add note

25. Default activity used to create work object

26. Different type of flows. Explain in scenario based where u used and

27. work object ID.. how to create.. activites used to create, or methods
Work ID:

28. how to send multiple correspondences at a time

29. How to call an Activity from Java Script?

30. how to end the work object in the activity (method used to kill the
work object)

31. how to call an activity from the java, java script

32. How to pass parameters to the activity using the java, JavaScript?

33. How can I pass page as the parameter to the activity using java,

34. How to call an Activity from Java step?

35. How to get a property value from clipboard using Java step?

36. How to restrict the harness, section to particular user

37. List different functions used to call an activity from java script.

38. How a user’s ruleset list is formed (the logic)?

39. How to connect external java application without using connect-java

40. Spinoff // split join explain

41. Privileges usage…

42. Decision / fork usage… Scenarios Decision:

43. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database

44. What is a class group?

45. Difference between forke and decision shape

46. Differentiate Obj-Browse and Obj-List-View

47. Differentiate Obj-List-View and Obj-Summary-View

48. Which activity do we use in Obj-List-View to customize the search

49. What is the use of pyDefault model?

50. Differentiate Decision table, Decision tree, Map value and Map value

1)What do you understand by Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining in Pega?

1. What are Declare Triggers in Pega?

2. Explain the different types of Join Shapes in Pega

3. What do you understand about the Declarative rule in Pega?

4. What do you understand by Rule regulation in Pega?

5. What are Activities in Pega?

6. What is Flow Action in Pega?4


8. What is RPRC in Pega?

9. What are Access Roles and Access Groups in Pega?

10. What are work objects in Pega?

1. Explain Work Lists and Work Objects in Pega.

2. What is the process to measure application performance in Pega?
3. What do you understand about the Declare Index in Pega?
4. What are Sleep Status Good and Sleep Status Fail in Pega?
5. What do you understand by Locking in Pega? Explain the different types of Locking in
6. Explain Case Management in Pega and its benefits.
7. How would you send multiple correspondences in Pega?
8. How will you call an activity using JavaScript through Pega?

9. What is an Exposed P

1) What is Pega? / Explain in brief about Pega.

Pega is a popular BPM tool and a platform that allows users to develop apps,
perform integration with the external system and implement mobility easily. It is
mainly concerned with customer engagement and digital process automation.

2) What are the main usages of Pega?

Pega is a platform that facilitates users to develop applications, implement mobility,
help in managing the case life cycle, extensive user interface design, managing the
decisions and implementing the DevOps and Robotic Automation, extensive User
Interface Design, and reporting etc. Pega is preferred over other tools that it
eliminates coding, simplifies the process by using inbuilt functionalities and mainly
stands for reusing the existing rules and modifying accordingly.

Pega is built on Java. Its latest version is Pega 8.2, which stands for Build for Change.

3) What are the new components added in the

Pega 8.4 version for application development?
From the application development point of view, the following are some of the new
features added in Pega 8.4:

o In Pega 8.4, we can use role-based workspaces.

o The new version provides developers with the capability to review complete
project highlights on a single page.
o It also provides effective management of reusable components.

4) What are the different developer tools used in

The developer tools used in Pega are: Designer Studio and Pega Express.
5) What are the different debugging tools available
in Pega?
Different debugging tools available in Pega are: Tracer, Clipboard, SMA and PLA.

6) What are the certifications available for

developers in Pega?
Following is the list of main certifications available for developers in Pega:

o CSA: CSA stands for Certified System Architect. It is the basic level of
certification as the entry-level for a developer.
o CSSA: CSSA stands for Certified Senior System Architect. This is an advanced
level of certification for developers. The developers with this certification are
considered experts in building, judging, and leading a team with good
technical aspects.
o LSA: LSA stands for Lead System Architect. This is the most advanced level of
certification for developers. The developers with this certification are
considered leaders of development who are through with all the
functionalities and implement accordingly.

7) What do you understand by workspace or studio

in Pega?
A workspace or studio in Pega is an environment that provides specific tools and

8) What are the different types of harnesses used

in Pega?
There are several types of standard harnesses available in Pega, but the most
commonly used harness is new, perform, review, conform, Tabbed, perform screen
flow, Tree Navigation etc.
9) What are the various workspace supported in
the latest release of Pega?
The latest release of Pega supports the following four types of workspace:

o App Studio
o Dev Studio
o Admin Studio
o Prediction Studio

10) What are the different types of classes that

PRPC support?
Following are the different types of classes that PRPC supports:

o Base class: It is the ultimate base class, and its child classes are work-, Data-,
Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc. Pega always supports two types of classes which
are abstract classes and concrete classes.
o Abstract Classes: The Abstract Classes are the classes that end with '-' and
abstract classes cannot create any work object instances.
o Concrete Classes: The Concrete Classes do not end with '-', and they will
create work object instances.

11) What are the different techniques used in

Following is the list of some different techniques that are used in the activities:

o Page- Remove
o Page- New
o Object - List
o Object -Open
o Object - Save
o RBD -Save
o RBD - List
o RBD - Delete

12) What do you understand by id Data Page and

what is its scope?
Data Page is Single Page or a Page list where it stores the data that the system needs
to populate work item properties for its calculation or other processes.

13) What is the difference between Page property

and Page List property? How are they
Difference between Page property and Page List property:

o Page property: Page property refers to a particular class and is used to access
the property of that class.
o Page List property: Page List Property also refers to a particular class, but it is
a collection of individual pages of the same class which can be accessed
through numeric indexes.

14) What is the difference between page-validate

and property-validate methods in Pega?
Differences between page-validate and property-validate methods in Pega:


o The page-validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a

o If a page has embedded pages, the page-validate method works recursively to
validate all the properties.
o The page-validate method consumes a lot of system resources and takes
more time.
o If you want to validate specific properties, it is preferred to use the obj-
validate method with a rule-obj-validate rule.


o A property-validate method is used to impose restrictions on property values.

o We have to use the edit validate rule along with the property-validate method
to impose restrictions.
o The property-validate method can be used to validate multiple properties

15) What do you understand by work object? How

can you create a work object in Pega?
A work object is the primary unit of the work completed in an application. It is the
primary collection of data that a flow operates on. While using an application, a work
object is created, updated, and eventually closed (resolved).

Every work object has a unique ID (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status
(property pyStatusWork).

Following are the steps that we have to implement in creating a work object in Pega:

o First, add a button such as a section or a header.

o Expand the cell property within the button and click on the action tab.
o Add an action set to the button.
o Add focus class as well as flow name to the button.
o Catch the present work object ID with "Param.prevRecordkey".
o Open the case using the "Obj-Open-By-Handle".
o Copy the data from pagers using the Page-Copy.
16) Is it possible to begin a flow using activity? If
yes, then what is the method used in it?
Yes. It is possible to begin a flow using activity. The name of the method used in this
is Flow-New.

17) What are the differences between declare

pages and regular pages?
Differences between declare pages and regular pages:

Declare Pages:

o Declare pages are created using declarative rules.

o The declare keyword must be specified while creating a declare page.
o Declare pages are read-only pages, and these pages cannot be deleted or
updated directly.

Regular pages:

o Regular pages or user pages are created using a page new method.
o These pages can be easily updated or deleted directly
o , and these pages are automatically deleted once logout from the system.

18) What is a portal in Pega, and where it will be

Portal is an interface that appears for the users (Developers or End Users). Portal can
be configured in Access Group. For example, Developer portal, manager portal, user
portal, admin portal etc.
19) What are the different types of requestors in
Following are the different types of requestors in Pega:

o Browser requestor: The browser requestor starts with the letter 'H'.
o Batch requestor: The batch requestor starts with the letter 'B'.
o Application requestor: The application requestor starts with the letter 'A'.
o Portal requestor: The portal requestor starts with the letter 'P'.

20) What are classes in Pega? What are the

different types of classes available in Pega?
Pega is a platform that allows users to reuse rules across case types and applications.
It facilitates developers to frequently reuse rules in their systems, ranging from single
data pieces to complete processes. Reusing the rules increases the quality of the
application that can also draw a positive impact on the development time. The Pega
platform divides the rules into classes according to their re-usability inside an
application. Each cluster is called a class.

There are three different kinds of classes used to make an application:

o Work Class: The work class includes the processes, data items, and user
interfaces. These are all part of the work class, which provides the rules that
govern how to process a case.
o Integration Class: The Integration class consists of the rules that specify how
the application interacts with other services, such as the integration resources
connecting to a customer database or a third-party web server.
o Data Class: The data class stores the rules that specify the data objects used
in the application, such as a customer data type or order items data type etc.

When a rule is added in the App Studio, it automatically selects the proper class. You
have to concentrate on what you want the rule to accomplish rather than how to
develop it. You can also write the rule in Dev Studio if you need control over the
class. The Dev Studio is preferred if you write a rule that you can reuse in another
21) What do you understand by DCO in Pega?
In Pega, DCO stands for Direct Capture Object. It is an apple dev tool that includes
the following things in the application.

o Application profiler wizard

o Appl Accelerator
o Appl Doc Wizard
o Appl use cases
o Appl requirements

22) What is SLA? What is its usage?

SLA is an instance of Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type that can be added to
assignment and work objects. There are two-time intervals for SLA as Goal and
Deadline, and it indicates the expected time for the assignment and time to resolve
the work object. If an assignment isn't completed before the time limit, the system
can automatically raise the assignment and cancel the entire flow, and so on.

23) What are the different types of SLA? Explain

them briefly.
Following are the different types of SLA used in Pega:
o Assignment SLA: As the name suggests, the Assignment SLA refers to an
assignment. This SLA begins with the creation of the assignment and ends
with the completion of the assignment. The assignment urgency is set in the
attribute pxUrgencyAssignSLA on the newly Assigned Page.
o Case Level SLA: The Case Level SLA is an SLA that is referred to at the case
level. This SLA is relevant throughout the lifecycle of a case. It starts when a
case is opened and is completed when the case is closed. The standard
property pySLAName is used to identify this SLA under the work page, and it
is set in pyWorkPage's pxUrgencyWorkSLA parameter. The
pxUrgencyWorkSLA property under pyWorkPage is used to control the
urgency of case-level SLAs.
o Stage Level SLA: The Stage Level SLA is an SLA that is referred to at the stage
level. It starts when a case enters a stage and ends when it exits the stage. The
pxUrgencyWorkStageSLA property under pyWorkPage is used to control the
urgency at the Stage level.
o Step level/Flow level SLA: An SLA is called a Step level or Flow level SLA
when referred to as a step or flow level. A step-level SLA starts when a process
or step is initiated and ends when it is completed. A flow level SLA is started
when a flow is begun and stopped when a flow is stopped. If a step SLA is
present, it takes precedence over a flow SLA. Step SLA can be referenced in
every step under the stage in the case type rule. The process tab of the flow
rule refers to a flow SLA. The pxUrgencyWorkStepSLA property under
pyWorkpage controls the flow or step level urgency.
24) How can we trace SLA in Pega?
We can use the following steps to trace SLA in Pega:

o By terminating the agent.

o By delaying it.
o By initiating the agent.
o Delay it again.
o In the requestors, select the delayed requestor and click on the tracer.
o Send this case to a particular assignment containing the SLA within 60

25) What is the difference between activity and

Utility in Pega?
Following are the key differences between activity and Utility in Pega:

o In the Pega platform, activity is used to automate processing. It can be

configured to allow the system to automate claim uploads without user
o An activity contains a sequence of steps that perform in the instructed order.
o Activity is a rule of Rule-Obj-Activity, and Utility is a shape in the Pega flow.
This shape refers to an activity with the usage type which is selected as a
o There are several usage types for an activity such as Utility, Connect, Assign,
Notify, or Route.
o The Utility is used when you want to call activity in a flow.

26) What is the RuleSet in Pega?

In Pega, the RuleSet is a collection of rules of business that defines an instance. The
RuleSet is an essential subset of PegaRULES that is necessary to reference instances
in the database.

27) What are the key advantages of case

management in Pega?
Following are the key advantages of case management in Pega:

o It can improve the processes of case management with holistic support.

o It also increases the efficacy of case-flow for automatic and dynamic
o It ensures consistency and removes errors with context-based and real-time
o It is time-efficient and saves time, costs and effort needed to implement case

28) What is DCO in Pega? What are the benefits of

using DCO in Pega?
In Pega, DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It is acquiring, organizing, and
storing data by using Pega's integrated solution, the Pega Platform. DCO includes
the processes and tools used for gathering and organizing application artefacts. This
technology is used by IT, business, and testing teams and other resources to save
time, effort, and money while also improving the quality of projects and their impact
on society.

DCO is not a methodology or a tool. Instead, it is used to centralize data to be used

continually across departments at the right time and the right level. DCO also
eliminates communication obstacles by providing a centralized repository for linked
application artefacts (objectives, requirements, specifications, and implementation
rules). All resources have real-time as-built documentation and a single view of the

Following are the tools DCO uses to automate the work:

o Case Lifecycle Manager

o New Application Wizard
o Application profiler
o Document generation
o Effort Estimation
o Specification documents

Benefits of using DCO in Pega:

o DCO is used to enable collaborative teams to model situations that the
application's end users must address. The modelling and simulation tools
facilitate users to take a critical interim step after documenting the application
but before incurring the cost of development to see if the software meets our
objectives. When you work out solutions as a part of the software
development life cycle, it is a rare chance to get a problem in production.
o Organizations also use DCO to improve their efforts and use iterative
processes. It makes the software development process more visible, allowing
teams to learn and improve constantly. DCO technologies give organizations
several ways to deliver go-live, increasing their return on investment and
allowing them to accomplish their objectives reliably.

29) What are some types of portals provided by the

PRPC provides the following four types of portals:
o Custom Portals
o Mobile Portals
o Composite Portals
o Fixed Portals

30) What is the difference between obj-open and

obj-open-by-handled in Pega?
Key differences between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled in Pega:

Obj-Open: In Obj-Open, you will get multiple records from a table according to the
criteria from the specified class. It also opens an instance of a given class.

OBJ-open-handle: In OBJ-open-handle, you have had to pass the pzInskey as an

instance handle. This method opens only one record at a time, and it also opens the
object by the handle to the pzInsKey value.

31) How can you save the instances of a class in a

particular database?
We can save the instances of a class in a particular database by creating a separate
database table to the working class within a DB or the external DB.

32) How can you resolve work objects using

We can resolve the work objects using activity in the following way:

o First, open the object.

o Set the right ticket on your flow to reach resolution status or use

"Finish Assignment".
33) What are work objects in Pega?
Work objects are the primary unit of the completed work in the application. It is a
collection of essential data in which a flow operates. All the work objects contain an
urgency value, unique ID, and status.

34) What are the different types of layouts

available in Pega?
Following are the different types of layout available in Pega:

o Screen Layout: The screen layouts are only used within a harness and are
typically used to establish portals for an application.
o Dynamic Layout: The dynamic layout is a DIV-based layout, and it is used to
display content in a variety of ways.
o Column Layout: A Columns layout is used to allow us to show major content,
like a work item, alongside supporting stuff, like an attachment.
o Grid Layout: The grid layout is also called table layout. It makes obtaining and
comparing data easier for the users. In this layout, tables are used as a flexible
base for users to process vast volumes of data in your apps. An example of a
grid layout is "tables" in price comparison software, and it can assist
customers in quickly identifying the best deal.
o Tree Grid Layout: The tree layout is used to view, navigate and access the
properties in embedded pages. It facilitates users to swiftly extend and
collapse branches of the tree to identify entries of current interest.

In dynamic and column layouts, you can add content to a section, such as properties,
controls, and other sections. The format of the skin determines the positioning,
alignment, width, and arrangement of components in a layout.
35) What is the difference between Pega BPM and
Appian BPM?
A list of key differences between Pega BPM and Appian BPM:

Comparing Pega BPM Appian BPM


Application Pega BPM is used to Appian BPM requires work automation

develop applications of enterprise with data management.
without hard coding.

Latest Version The latest version of Pega The latest version of Appian is Appian
BPM is Pega - 7.2. - 18.1.

Integrations Pega BPM supports Data Appian BPM supports only Compatible
Supported Collection Systems and Datasheets.
Various CRMs

Supported OS Pega BPM supports Appian BPM supports Windows,

Windows, Linux, Mac, and Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone,
Web-Based OS. Mac, and Web-Based OS.

Customer Types / Pega BPM is mainly used in Appian BPM is mainly used in small,
Mainly used in medium and large medium, and large businesses.

36) What do you understand by Prediction studio in

In Pega, the prediction studio is the studio that is used to build machine-learning
models for adaptive, predictive, and text analytics.

37) What are the different types of standard

harnesses we can use in Pega?
There are several different types of harnesses available in Pega. But, the most
commonly used standard harnesses are new, perform, review, conform, Tabbed,
perform screen flow, Tree Navigation etc.

38) How can you create a dynamic layout in Pega?

1. First, select and open a section form that already exists.

2. Now, expand the structural list on the Design tab and drag the dynamic layout
onto the work area.
3. Click the view properties icon in the dynamic layout header.
4. Set the layout format in the properties window in any one of the following
o Choose one of the predefined formats.
o Select other and then specify the custom layout format in the adjacent
field to use a skin-defined custom layout format.
5. Select when you want the dynamic layout to appear in the visibility field in
either of the following ways:
o Choose one of the predefined options.
o Select condition (expression) and then the open condition builder icon
to construct your own condition.
6. At the end, submit the form.

39) What is the name of the table that is used for

adding a note in Pega?
In Pega, the table used for adding the note is pc_data_workattach.

40) What is the main advantage and disadvantage

of declaring pages in Pega?
Advantage of the declare pages in Pega:

The main advantage of declaring pages is that it can prevent multiple DB hits.
Suppose there are multiple requestors in a node, so whenever the first user login into
the application, then load activity will be fired and create a declare page and then
load the data on that page. The requestors on that node see this declare page and
use the data on that page.

A disadvantage of the declare pages in Pega:

The main disadvantage of this is its read-only to the requestors. It can't add the
additional data and can't delete the specific data.

41) What are the various types of declarative rules

present in Pega?
The various types of declarative rules present in Pega are:

o Declare Expressions
o Declare Constraints
o Declare On change
o Declare trigger
o Declare Index

42) What are Declare Triggers in Pega?

Declare Triggers are used to run an activity when instances of a specific class are
created, updated, or deleted in the DataBase. Declare Triggers are always Forward

43) What are the most important debugging tools

available in Pega?
The most important debugging tools available in Pega are:

o Clipboard
o Tracer

44) What is the prediction studio in Pega?

In Pega, the prediction studio is the studio used for building machine learning
models for text analytics, predictive, and adaptive models.

45) What do you understand by Agent in Pega?

What are the different types of Agents?
Agents are the internal background process being operated on a server for running
an activity. There are mainly two types of agents, i.e. agent queue and data-agent-

46) What are the different kinds of joins available

in the reports in Pega?
Following are the different kinds of joins available in the reports in Pega:

o Inner join
o Outer join
o Right Outer join
o Left Outer join

47) What do you understand by a WSDL file?

WSDL stands for Web Service Description Language. This is a description language
written in the XML format, and it is a standard for defining the functionality of a Web
48) What is Notify in Pega?
In Pega, notify is required to configure your flow to automatically send notification
messages about assignments and connect a notify shape to the assignment. A notify
shape identifies a notify activity.

49) What is the key difference between the

Decision Tree and the Decision Table?
The Decision Tree is used to check multiple properties. On the other hand, the
Decision Table is used for checking only one property.

50) What is the access group in Pega, and what is

its functionality?
An access group in Pega is an example of a Data-Admin-Operator-Access Group
class used to create a set of RuleSet for the requestors. It is the role of the developer
to define the access groups and assign them to different users.

Access group is used to control the security based on the job functions. It is the
instance of Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup. Following are the various aspects
that can be controlled through an access group:

o Default and available types of works (also called work pools).

o Primary rulesets (Access Control to rulesets).
o Assigned roles.
o Portal layout.
o Default ruleset for making changes (Default ruleset whenever the user creates/
saves as a rule).

51) Why is paging used in a list view?

Paging is used in a list view to split the list view into diverse pages and set the
numeral of records displayed on a page.

52) What is a requestor type in Pega? What are the

different types of requestor types in Pega?
In Pega, a Data-Admin-Requestor instance defines a requestor type. The BROWSER
requestor type indicates the characteristics of interactive user connections, such as
guest connections, utilizing Internet Explorer or another web browser. Agents employ
the BATCH requestor type for background processing. Pega Platform comes with
four requestor types for the system name we specify during installation and a
reserved requestor type prpc.BROWSER for exceptional cases.

Generally, we only require the four requestor types that contain our system name. If
we want to modify the system name after installation, we have to go to Designer
Studio => System => Settings => System Name to get to a landing page tab where
we can make the change. When we change a system's name, new requestor
instances are created that correspond to the previous name's instances. If the prior
system name did not include all requestor types for some reason, the missing
requestors are also produced when the system is renamed.

Following are the different requestor types in Pega:

o Application: The application requestor type is used by listeners and external

client systems to access the Pega Platform, such as through a service request
(other than JSR-168 requests using Rule-Service-Portlet rules). Requestor IDs
that begin with the letter A are used in requestor sessions that use this
requestor type instance.
o Batch: The batch requestor type is used by listeners, services, agents, and
daemons executing background processing. The requestor ID for requestor
sessions using this instance begins with the letter B. All BATCH requestors
have access to the PRPC.
o Browser: The browser requestor type is used for accessing the Pega Platform
portal via a web browser via HTTP or HTTPS or from a browser displaying a
Pega composite application. The requestor ID for requestor sessions utilizing
this instance starts with the letter H.
o Portal: The portal requestor type is used in conjunction with Service Portlet
rules for HTTP access as a portlet. The requestor ID for requestor sessions
utilizing this instance starts with the letter P.

1. What do you mean by workspace or studio in the context of Pega? What

are the different types of workspaces offered by Pega?

A workspace is a place where you can use specialized tools and functionalities. You may
let team members focus on tasks that fit with their expertise by using different workspaces
to create and administer your application.

Pega Platform offers four studios, or role-based authoring workspaces and they are as

 App Studio
 Dev Studio
 Prediction Studio
 Admin Studio

Each studio speeds up application development and increases productivity by giving users
role-based capabilities.

Using role-based workspaces in the Pega Platform can help you increase productivity.
Users may see what they require when they require it. Front-end developers, for example,
can work in one workspace to create interface channels, while system administrators can
switch between workspaces to configure additional features and monitor run-time

Multiple workspaces are available to users. The system opens the default workspace when
users log in. Users have access to various workstations and can switch between studios.

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2. Explain about classes in Pega. What are the different types of classes
available in Pega?

The Pega Platform allows users to reuse rules across case types and applications.
Developers frequently reuse rules in their systems, ranging from single data pieces to
complete processes. Reusing rules increases the quality of an application while also cutting
down on development time. Pega Platform divides rules into classes based on their re-
usability inside an application. Each cluster is referred to as a class. Each application is
made up of three different class kinds.

 Work Class: Processes, data items, and user interfaces are all part of the Work class, which
provides the rules that govern how to process a case or cases.
 Integration Class: The Integration class holds the rules that specify how the application
interacts with other services, such as the integration resources that connect it to a customer
database or a third-party web server.
 Data Class: The rules that specify the data objects used in the application, such as a
customer data type or order items data type, are stored in the Data class.

When we add a rule in App Studio, it automatically selects the proper class. We can
concentrate on what we want the rule to accomplish rather than how to develop it. We can
write the rule in Dev Studio if you need control over the class. Switching to Dev Studio is a
good idea if we want to write a rule that we can reuse in another app.

3. What do you mean by a work object in the context of Pega? How do you
create a work object in Pega?
A work object is the most basic unit of task completion in an application, as well as the
most basic collection of data on which a flow runs. Work objects are generated, updated,
and eventually closed when an application is used (resolved). A unique ID (property pyID),
an urgency value, and a status are all assigned to each work object (property
pyStatusWork). A work object is also known as a work item in some companies.

Work objects under specific application settings may have a traditional name from the pre-
automation era. Work objects in a help desk or service desk system, for example, are
frequently referred to as trouble tickets.

We can create a work object in Pega in the following steps :

 Create a button that looks like a section or a header.

 Click the action tab after expanding the cell property within the button.
 Add an action set to the button.
 The button should have a focus class and a flow name.
 With “Param.prevRecordkey,” we can get the current work object ID.
 Open the case with "Obj-Open-By-Handle."
 Copy the data from pagers with Page-Copy.

Also, a work object can be created from an activity. To create a workpage for the case type
we desire, we use the activity "createWorkPage." The data transform that will be used to
initialise properties might be specified. If it's a stand-alone work object, use "addWork,"
and if it's a covered work object, use "addCoveredWork."
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4. What do you understand about DCO in Pega? What are the benefits of
DCO in the context of Pega?

DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It is the process of acquiring, organising,
and storing data by using Pega's integrated solution, the Pega Platform. Processes and tools
for gathering and organising application artefacts are included in DCO. More crucially, IT,
business, and testing teams, as well as other resources, employ this enabling technology. It
saves time, effort, and money while also improving the quality of projects and people's

DCO is not a methodology or a step in the methodology development process. It's not just
one tool. Instead, the goals and benefits are to centralise the data so that it may be used
continually across departments at the right time and at the right level. DCO eliminates
communication obstacles by providing a centralised repository for linked application
artefacts (objectives, requirements, specifications, and implementation rules). All resources
have real-time as-built documentation and a single view of the application.

The following tools are used by DCO to automate the work:

 Case Lifecycle Manager

 New Application Wizard
 Application profiler
 Document generation
 Effort Estimation
 Specification documents

Following are the benefits of DCO in Pega:

 DCO enables collaborative teams to model situations that must be addressed by the
application's end users. The modelling and simulation tools allow users to take a critical
interim step after documenting the application but before incurring the cost of development
to see if the software is meeting our objectives. When we can think through and work out
solutions as part of the software development life cycle, we are less likely to be blindsided
in production.
 Organizations can use DCO to improve their efforts and use iterative processes. Issues and
risks are not allowed to be discovered and mitigated at the conclusion of a project; they are
detected and mitigated in real-time. The software development process is more visible, and
it allows teams to learn and improve on a constant basis. DCO technologies and best
practices give organisations several ways to deliver go-live, increasing their return on
investment and allowing them to reliably accomplish their objectives.

5. What do you know about SLA in the context of Pega? What is its

SLA is an acronym for Service Level Agreement. It is one of the most useful features of the
Pega CRM platform. As part of the case management process, Service Level Agreements
allow us to set targets and timelines. The major goal of SLA is to assist the task force in
completing all tasks on time. Pega Rules Process Commander will keep track of each SLA
rule's performance of a specific event action that was configured for that rule. By increasing
the urgency number, also adjusts the urgency associated with that assignment. This may
draw attention to the item on the employee's to-do list because it necessitates attention. So
we can sort the work-list based on the task's urgency.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) establishes time intervals as a goal and time frame for
standardizing how you solve work in your application. It establishes a time limit for
completing the work. Pega establishes an SLA when we set a goal and a deadline. Service
levels can be set for processes, steps, stages, and entire classes.

There are four levels in SLA. They are as follows:

 Start: This is the point at which the service level timer starts ticking. It all starts at the
zeroth hour.
 Goal: Its purpose is to specify how long the assignments should take. This step is counted
from the start of the assignment or case.
 Deadline: The term "deadline" refers to the amount of time a case or process can take
before it is considered late. It is calculated from the start of the assignment or case.
 Passed Deadline: When the assignment or case has passed the deadline, the term "passed
deadline" is used to indicate when further action should be taken. It calculates the amount
of time that has elapsed since an assignment's deadline.

Following are the benefits of SLA :

 SLA ensures that your service provider and you are on the same page as far as standards
and services are concerned. Setting explicit and measurable rules is vital since it reduces the
possibility of client dissatisfaction and provides remedies if the commitments are not met.
 SLAs mention recourse to be taken in case of service commitments failure. If your service
provider fails to meet their duties, it will have serious ramifications for your company's
reputation. As a result, if performance standards are not reached, we must incorporate
repercussions in the SLA.
 Your clients will have peace of mind with SLA. They have a contract that they may refer to
in order to hold their service provider accountable and to specify the type of service they
anticipate. They can lessen some of the consequences if the agreed-upon conditions are not
reached by receiving financial compensation from their supplier.

6. What are the different types of SLA? Explain them.

Following are the different types of SLA:

Assignment SLA: Assignment SLA is an SLA that refers to an assignment. This SLA
begins with the creation of the assignment and ends with the completion of the assignment.
The assignment urgency is set in the attribute pxUrgencyAssignSLA on the newly Assigned
Case Level SLA: When an SLA is referred to at the case level, it is referred to as a Case
level SLA. This SLA is relevant throughout the lifecycle of a case. It begins when a case is
opened and concludes when the case is closed. The standard property pySLAName is used
to identify this SLA under the workpage. It's set in pyWorkPage's pxUrgencyWorkSLA
parameter. The pxUrgencyWorkSLA property under pyWorkPage controls the urgency of
case-level SLAs.

Stage Level SLA: When an SLA is referred to at the stage level, it is referred to as Stage
level SLA. It begins when a case enters a stage and ends when it exits the stage. The
pxUrgencyWorkStageSLA property under pyWorkPage controls the urgency at the Stage

Step level/Flow level SLA: An SLA is considered a Step level or Flow level SLA when it
is referred to as a step or flow level. A step-level SLA begins when a process or step is
initiated and ends when it is completed. When a flow is begun, a flow level SLA is started,
and when a flow is stopped, it is stopped. If a step SLA is present, it takes precedence over
a flow SLA. Step SLA can be referenced in every step under the stage in the case type rule.
The process tab of the flow rule refers to a flow SLA. The pxUrgencyWorkStepSLA
property under pyWorkpage controls the flow or step level urgency.

7. Describe the different types of layout available in Pega.

Following are the different types of layout available in Pega:

 Screen Layout: Screen layouts are only used within a harness and are typically used to
establish portals for an application.
 Dynamic Layout: A dynamic layout is a DIV-based layout that allows content to be
displayed in a variety of ways.
 Column Layout: A Columns layout allows you to show major content, like a work item,
alongside supporting stuff, like an attachment.
 Grid Layout: Table layouts make it easier for users to obtain and compare data. Tables can
be used as a flexible base for users to process vast volumes of data in your apps. Tables in
price comparison software, for example, can assist customers in quickly identifying the best
 Tree Grid Layout: The properties in pages in an embedded Page List property can be
viewed, navigated, and accessed using a tree layout. To identify entries of current interest,
the user can swiftly extend and collapse branches of the tree.

In sections, dynamic layouts and column layouts are employed. In a dynamic or column
layout, you can add content to a section, such as properties, controls, and other sections.
The format of the skin determines the positioning, alignment, width, and arrangement of
components in a layout.

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8. How would you create a dynamic layout in Pega?

Following steps must be followed to create a dynamic layout in Pega :

1. Look for and open a Section form that already exists.

2. Expand the Structural list on the Design tab, then drag the Dynamic layout onto the work
3. Click the View properties icon in the Dynamic layout header.
4. Set the layout format in the Properties window in either of the following ways:
1. Choose one of the predefined formats.
2. Select Other and then specify the custom layout format in the adjacent field to use a
skin-defined custom layout format.
5. Select when you want the Dynamic layout to appear in the Visibility field in either of the
following ways:
1. Choose one of the pre-defined options.
2. Select Condition (expression) and then the Open condition builder icon to construct
your own condition.
6. Submit the form.
9. Explain Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods in the context of
Pega. How are they different from one another?

 Page-Validate: This method is used to check all of the properties on a page. If a page has
embedded pages, this method validates all of the attributes in a recursive manner. This
method is time-consuming and uses a lot of system resources. Use the Obj-Validate method
with the Rule-Obj-Validate rule to validate specified properties.
 Property-Validate: This method is used to set limits on the value of a property. To
implement constraints, use the Edit validate rule in conjunction with the Property-Validate
method. The Property-Validate method can be used to validate multiple properties.

10. Explain about Access Groups and Access Roles. Differentiate between

Access Group :

Access Group is used to restrict access to our application’s functionality. To accomplish

varying levels of access control, we can create multiple access groups for the same

An access group decides on the following:

 After logging in, users can access the portals.

 The roles, or privileges, that users have access to.
 Advanced parameters are applied to new rules, such as the default rule-set name and

The Operator ID of a user is used to associate an access group with that user. When a user
logs in with more than one access group established, the application associated with the
principal access group is used. Privilege inheritance can also be used by security managers
to make the process of allowing the user access to a feature protected by privilege easier.
The Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup class defines access groups.

Access Roles :

Through the Access of Role to Object and Access Deny rule types, access roles determine
the classes that a user can see, alter, and delete.

To grant permissions (capabilities) to users, use an access role name. In requestor type and
access group instances, access roles can be mentioned. For a range of users, the Pega
Platform includes built-in access roles ( names that begin with PegaRULES: ):

 Guests
 Administrators
 Developers
 Authenticated work users
The Rule-Access-Role-Name rule type defines access roles.

Difference :

 Authorizations are granted according to a user's access group rather than their role. The
degree of authorization for the access group is determined by the most permissive role in
the access group.
 A list of Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup instances is displayed on the Access Groups
tab. The table shows the system's access groups and the number of operators assigned to
each group whereas for the present application, the Access Roles tab displays a list of Rule-
Access-Role-Name rules. You can examine, add, and remove roles from this tab.

11. Explain Requestor Type in Pega. What are the different types of
Requestor types in Pega?

A Data-Admin-Requestor instance defines a requestor type. The BROWSER requestor

type, for example, indicates characteristics of interactive user connections, such as guest
connections, utilizing Internet Explorer or another web browser. Agents employ the
BATCH requestor type for background processing.

Pega Platform comes with four requestor types for the system name we specify during
installation, as well as a reserved requestor type prpc.BROWSER for exceptional cases.
Typically, we only require the four requestor types that contain your system name. If we
want to modify the system name after installation, we go to Designer Studio => System =>
Settings => System Name to get to a landing page tab where we can do so. When we
change a system's name, new requestor instances are created that correspond to the previous
name's instances. If the prior system name did not include all requestor types for some
reason, the missing requestors are also produced when the system is renamed.

Following are the different requestor types in Pega:

 Application:This is used by listeners and external client systems to access the Pega
Platform, such as through a service request (other than JSR-168 requests using Rule-
Service-Portlet rules). Requestor IDs that begin with the letter A are used in requestor
sessions that use this requestor type instance.
 Batch: This is used by listeners, services, agents, and daemons all executing background
processing. The requestor ID for requestor sessions using this instance begins with the letter
B. All BATCH requestors have access to the PRPC:Agents access group when it is first
implemented. If you make a change to Data-Admin-Requestor.BATCH so that it no longer
has access to the PRPC:Agents access group and subsequently upgrades the Pega Platform,
the system may fail to start.
 Browser: This is used for accessing the Pega Platform portal via a web browser via HTTP
or HTTPS, or from a browser displaying a Pega composite application. The requestor ID for
requestor sessions utilising this instance begins with the letter H. All BROWSER requestors
have access to the PRPC:Unauthenticated access group when it is first implemented.
 Portal: This is used in conjunction with Service Portlet rules, for HTTP access as a portlet.
The requestor ID for requestor sessions utilising this instance begins with the letter P.

12. Explain Flow Action in the context of Pega. What are the different types
of Flow Actions available?

A flow action is a decision that users can make as an interim or final disposition for an
assignment they're working on. The Rule-Obj-FlowAction rule type is used to define each
flow action.
There are two sorts of flow actions:

 Connector Flow Actions: On a Visio presentation, connector flow actions appear as lines
in the Diagram tab of a flow rule. A line emerges from an assignment shape and terminates
at the flow's next shape. Users select a connector flow action during runtime, complete the
assignment, and move the work item along the connection to the next form.
 Local Flow Actions: When a local flow action is selected at runtime, the assignment
remains open and on the worklist of the current user. The Assignment Properties panel
records local flow actions that aren't displayed on the flow diagram.

Take, for example, an application that facilitates employee recruitment operations. When
completing an assignment that requires the employee to evaluate the quality of a candidate
(based on a résumé and application form), the employee enters his judgments and reasoning
in the application and then selects one of three flow actions: Advance, Reject, or MoreInfo.
These flow actions may employ distinct user form displays, such as in the action section of
a perform harness or in a modal dialogue, and may require different input fields.

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13. Explain PRPC in the context of Pega. What are the benefits of PRPC?

PRPC stands for Pega Rules Process Commander. Pegasystems is built on the PRPC
foundation. It is totally model-driven, allowing the creation of dependable and efficient
applications without the use of any code, including SQL, Java, CSS, or HTML. PRPC is a
software platform that enables companies to combine all of their diverse, complex business
procedures and methods into a single platform. It allows you to combine multi-stream
processing into a single system by automating, documenting, and simplifying business

Pega PRPC is made up of two unique entities.

 Process Commander: Sets of pre-configured rules that serve as a foundation for

customization and development.
 Pega Rules: A Java-based Object-Oriented Rules Engine powers PEGA Rules.

PRPC attempts to achieve the following business benefits :

 Businesses can use the PRPC platform to combine all of their independent, separate, and
multiple business procedures and rules into a single platform.
 It enables corporate processes to be automated, documented, and streamlined.
 Multi-stream methods can be combined into a single system.
 Data can be transferred between frameworks and processed, segregated, and decoded.
 The purpose of PEGA PRPC is to cut down on the costs of any adjustments.
14. Explain activities in the context of Pega. What are the best practices
while using activities?

Activities in Pega Platform automate processing. Activities are scripted in Dev Studio and
consist of a series of stages that must be completed in the order specified. When more
appropriate rule types are unavailable, usually due to more sophisticated computations or
procedures, or when a rule requires an activity to run, activity rules automate the system.
Declare On change, for example, necessitates the usage of an activity to start a process or
pause work when the value of a particular property changes. Control returns to the rule that
called the action after the activity is completed.

For example, an insurance firm is obligated to upload insurance claims to the Registry of
Motor Vehicles. To minimize the impact on users, automated uploads take place during off-
peak hours. An activity can be configured in Pega Platform to allow the system to automate
claim uploads without the need for user participation.

Following are some of the best practices that one should keep in mind while using activities
in Pega :

 Keep activities to a minimum. Limit your actions to no more than 25 steps, and make sure
that each one is focused on achieving a single goal.
 Use alternate rule types whenever possible, such as a data transform to set a property value.
 Hand-coded Java should be kept to a minimum. When standard or custom rule types, library
functions, or activity methods are available, skip the Java stages in activities.

15. Explain the decision table and decision tree in the context of Pega. What
are the differences between them?

Decision Table:
In case of a decision table, the values in a column in a decision table evaluate against the
same property/operator pair, such as Gender =. When developers need to analyse several
different combinations of the same set of properties or conditions in order to produce a
single value or property, they can use a decision table. For example, a corporation
determines bonus eligibility based on the number of years spent at the company and ratings
on five employee assessment measures.

Decision Tree:
In a decision tree, each branch compares the property/operator pair to a single value in
order to take an action, such as returning a value or evaluating a nested condition. When
evaluating requirements on multiple attributes that are reliant on other conditions,
developers might employ a decision tree. In a decision tree, each branch is assessed, and
any branches that evaluate to true perform the action that follows, such as continuing the
evaluation to the nested condition. A language learning software, for example, is doing
significant A/B testing, with some users receiving hearts and others receiving stars for their
efforts. Hearts and stars have their own properties with their own worth. Based on the
number of hearts or stars linked with the account, a decision tree examines the various
prizes that users are qualified for.

When a comparison evaluates to true, both decision tables and decision trees analyze
characteristics or conditions to deliver outcomes. Decision trees evaluate against distinct
characteristics or conditions than decision tables, which evaluate against the same set of
qualities or conditions.

A business stakeholder or low-code developer can easily configure and change dependent
conditions that evaluate against distinct characteristics due to the decision tree's line-by-line
layout. When a decision table is used in a circumstance where several criteria evaluate
against the same property, the decision table will include empty boxes where a value is not
required for the conclusion. A business stakeholder or low-code developer can easily
configure and change a decision that evaluates against many of the same properties due to
the decision table's table structure.

16. Explain Rule Resolution in the context of Pega. What are its benefits?
The search technique used by the system to discover the best or most appropriate rule
instance to apply in a given is known as rule resolution.

Except for a few rule types — classes that inherit from the Rule- class — rule resolution
applies to all rule types. Instances of classes derived from the Work-, Data-, or any other
base class are not affected by rule resolution.

Despite the fact that the rule resolution process is fast and invisible, it is critical to
comprehend how it works. Make key component value selections based on how you want
rules to be found via rule resolution when you construct applications. The rule resolution
process can be speed up by using an in-memory rule cache. If the system discovers an
instance (or instances) of the rule in question in the cache, it accepts the candidate rules
from the cache and bypasses many steps in the resolution process.

The following are some of the advantages of rule resolution:

 Across apps and organizations, rules can be shared. Object-oriented software development
has many advantages, including sharing and reuse.
 More explicit rules stated at a lower level can override rules defined at a higher level. While
this reduces the value of sharing, it gives much-needed flexibility while highlighting
 Even inside a single rule-set, rules might have many versions, and security rules limit which
users view and execute which versions. This makes application development, testing, and
patching easier.
 With little conflicts and interference, a single Pega Platform system can host many apps,
multiple organizations, and multiple versions of a single application.
 Applications can be built independently of one another, but they can all be based on the
same set of rules that are locked (and hence will not change).

17. Explain declarative rule in the context of Pega.

A declarative rule is an instance of a subclass of the Rule-Declare-class.

In a Declare Expression, Constraints, Declare On Change, or Declare Trigger rule, we can
specify needed relationships among attributes. When the value of a property is involved in
any of these declarative rules, the system checks an internal dependency network for other
values that are affected and does other processing based on the network's configuration.
This is referred to as Forward chaining.

Most declarative rules are reevaluated after the following types of events:

 When users upload an input form, it is evaluated at the end of the input processing.
 During the execution of an activity, assessment takes place at each step, after the method
has completed but before the evaluation of a transition in that phase.
 As control passes from one job (one shape on the Visio flow diagram) to the next during
flow execution.
 When the work item progresses from one form to another and within connectors at the end
of a flow transition (if a relevant property is set).
 When the value of any of the attributes involved in the rule changes, index rules are
 When an object is saved to the database, trigger rules are activated.

Decision tree rules, decision table rules, and case match rules do not employ forward
chaining and are only assessed when explicitly requested.
18. What do you mean by an agent in the context of Pega? Explain.

An agent is a server's internal background process that performs actions on a regular basis.
Agents deliver email notifications about assignments and outgoing messages, generate
updated indexes for the full-text search feature, synchronize caches among nodes in a
multiple node system, and other system duties. Agents are self-contained and
asynchronous: the activities they invoke operate on their own timetables, and a second
activity execution can begin before the first one has finished.

Agents are defined by their own set of rules (Rule-Agent-Queue rule type). Agent Queue
data instances are used to enable and schedule agents (Data-Agent-Queue class). If
potential deadlock and other locking issues are appropriately managed by the activities in a
multi node cluster, an agent can execute on numerous nodes, even each node, to achieve
high throughput.
19. Explain data pages in the context of Pega.

A data page in a Pega Platform application retrieves data from a specified data source and
caches it in memory. The integration to the data source is managed by a data page, which
separates business activities from any integration details. This separation enables app
developers to use supplied data in their apps without having to know the data source or
connection specifics. Unlike most Pega Platform pages, applications seek to populate the
contents of a data page only when the page is requested, rather than through an explicit
action. Data pages are classified as declarative rules since their content is available on
demand. To distinguish a data page from other pages in memory, Pega Platform
automatically adds the characters D_ to the name.

A developer must give four crucial pieces of information when creating a data page. They
are as follows :

 Structure of the page

 Object Type of the page’s content
 Edit Mode supported
 Scope of the data page
1. Explain Case Management in the context of Pega. What are its benefits?

Case management is a software-based strategy to assist people with day-to-day tasks and
automating work from start to end. Case management entails visualising your business
process, encompassing people, data, and actions, in order to plan a flexible path that leads
to your goal. By addressing business cases from start to finish and combining human
activities with digital automations, we employ case management to produce goal-oriented

For example, we can simulate the process of accepting candidates after examining job
applications, from gathering documentation from a candidate to conducting a job interview
to receiving final approval. In case management, you can dynamically alter your work to
respond to changing conditions, in addition to designing the most common path to
resolution. When this step is relevant to the current circumstance, your business procedure
can include an additional employment interview. You can successfully address business
procedures that follow an ambiguous or unexpected workflow with case management.

Following are the benefits of Case Management :-

 Visualization of business processes: Visualization allows users to better comprehend and

assess a business process. Users can take the most efficient path to their business target
after generating a visual depiction of the workflow, people, and data involved in the
business process. Pega Platform is a simple editor that allows you to define your business
process in a way that matches the work you need to do. You may transparently explain your
business process to others, such as stakeholders, using visualization.
 Goal-focused business outcome: Users can concentrate on the most important aspect of a
business process: achieving a specified goal. Users can achieve their business goals by
following a predetermined path or by modifying the order of operations in response to
dynamically changing conditions.
 Non-linear commercial actions are supported: Users can begin supporting business
procedures that are most relevant to the current situation on a flexible basis.
 Ad-hoc Tasks: By establishing dynamic tasks and allocating them to individuals, users can
go beyond the established order of assignments. The assignment resolution is aided by
adding instructions and defining goals and deadlines.
 Increased business adaptability: Users can shift a business process to a previous or
subsequent milestone for more processing to guarantee that the task is completed
 Increased transparency: Users can see exactly how a business process gets to a specific
point, even after re-routing and additional processing, by following an audit trail and
examining changes in individual fields and values.
2. What do you mean by Locking in the context of Pega? What are the
different types of locking? Explain them.

When two or more actions try to update a case at the same time, the most recent action may
overwrite data written by the prior action. Overwrites can cause data corruption or loss,
causing delays in case processing and possibly resulting in an inaccurate case resolution. If
an application supports several users at the same time, a case locking strategy is critical for
data integrity.

In Locking, we configure an appropriate locking technique for each case type to avoid data
corruption or loss due to overwrites. Pessimistic locking and optimistic locking are two
solutions that Pega Platform enables to balance the need for user access with the necessity
for data security.

Pessimistic Locking:

When an application uses a pessimistic locking approach to open an object, it uses an

exclusive lock. When a person or a system opens an object, they have exclusive access to it
until the application unlocks it. Other users are unable to edit the item while it is locked.

For example, an underwriter examines an open life insurance claim to determine the
amount of benefit that a claimant is entitled to. As the underwriter collects evidence and
updates the case, a complex claim may necessitate extensive computations and referrals to
third parties, and any additional modifications may override claim values and generate an
inaccurate payout to the claimant. Apply a pessimistic locking approach in this situation to
prevent other users from overwriting data when the underwriter updates the claim and
changes the payout amount.

Optimistic Locking:
When an application uses an optimistic locking approach, it does not use an exclusive lock
when opening an object. Instead, the item can be opened and edited at any moment by any
user or the system itself. Before making any modifications to the item, the program checks
to see if it has changed.

A manager, for example, may need to evaluate the most recent data for a given service
request instance. A case worker may need to update the case at the same time as the
manager does not need to update any information. Apply an optimistic locking approach in
this situation to prevent the manager from locking the case and preventing a case worker
from completing an assignment that would push the case toward resolution.

3. What do you understand about an exposed property in the context of


An exposed property is a Single Value property that is viewable as a column in a database

table. A particularly structured Storage Stream or BLOB column contains aggregate
properties, properties within an embedded page, and properties that are not exposed. A
Storage Stream column named pzPVStream may be found in most PegaRULES database

The record selection actions in list view and summary view rules are influenced by which
properties are exposed. Your database administrator can make a property that was
previously only saved inside the Storage Stream column into a distinct exposed column in
many circumstances.

Single Value properties at the top level can only be exposed. If your application requires a
column for embedded property values, the values can be transferred to the top level or
provided indirectly using Index-class instances.

4. What is the Declare Index in Pega? How can you set up a declare index?

In Pega, Declare Index is a rule type that exposes aggregate properties like Page/ List/
Group for reporting purposes.They are rule instances of the Rule-Declare-Index. When an
Insert/ Update/ Delete operation on the work object is followed by a commit, it helps to
populate the corresponding index table. They can be found under the SysAdmin Category
in Records explorer.

There are two ways to set up a declare index in Pega. They are as follows :

Using the Declarative Wizard Approach :

1. Prepare ahead of time to identify the RuleSet and Version that will contain the wizard's
2. Check existing Declare Index rules to see if the property has already been indexed. (Do not
try to index a property that has previously been indexed with this wizard.)
3. In the Application Explorer, look for the embedded property. A Page, Page List, or Page
Group property can contain the property.
4. To get to the Application Explorer context menu, right-click. From the menu, choose Index
5. Select a RuleSet and Version in the first pop-up window to store the rules generated by this
wizard. Submit the form.
6. The class, property, and Declare Index rule produced are identified on a confirmation form.
The indexing process has begun. To review the regulations, click the pencil symbol.

Using the Manual Approach :

 Determine which property(ies) on the source object will be used to create the index
 Create a concrete class that extends the Index base class and holds the new index objects.
The key for concrete classes generated from the Index base class is made up of three
attributes in that order: pxInsIndexedKey, pxIndexCount, and pxIndexPurpose.
 Determine which database table the new indexes will be stored in. If necessary, create a
database table and associate it with the class using a Database Table instance. The table's
three important characteristics must be visible columns.
 In the new index class, define Single Value attributes to retain the values of the source
instance properties. Confirm that all of these characteristics are exposed columns in the
database with your database administrator, or change the database schema as needed.
 Choose a name for the Declare Index rule.
 Create a Declare Index rule, noting the source of each property value and the index property
name it corresponds to.

5. How can you measure the performance of your application in Pega?

Following are the different ways by which we can measure the performance of our
application in Pega :

DBTrace: The Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) has a feature called DBrace that provides
a thorough log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace shows the time spent on each
operation as well as the SQL queries delivered to the database.

Performance Analyzer Tool: The Performance Analyzer (PAL) displays all of the
performance statistics collected by Pega PlatformTM. You can utilise PAL to figure out
how much system resources a single requestor session uses. The Performance landing page
(Dev Studio > System > Performance) and the Performance tool in the toolbar both have

The features of PAL includes the following:

 To add reading
 To add reading with clipboard size
 To reset data
 To save data
 To configure DBTrace options
 To start profiler
 To show alerts

Alerts: Process Commander inserts a succession of text entries called alert messages to the
performance alert log during application execution to identify mostly performance-related
issues or faults. PegaRULES-ALERT-YYYY-MMM-DD is the most common name for the
performance alert log.

Autonomic Event Services (AES): Exceptions are handled in the same way that alerts are.
Exceptions generated by a Process Commander server are sent to the AES system via
SOAP. The system parses the exceptions and registers them in the AES database's pegaam
exception table. AES aggregates these records into work objects called AES exception
items based on how frequently an exception occurs and the system events that produced
those exceptions. The pegaam exception work table in the AES database is used to store
these objects.
6. Explain Work List and Work Basket in the context of Pega.

 Work List:
o A worklist is a list of open, unfinished assignments that are waiting for a user to
complete them. As a result, a worklist display reveals selected Assign-Worklist
A column that indicates a work item ID is commonly included in worklist
presentations, but a worklist is not a list of work items. One work item may have
two or more open tasks at any given moment. These assignments may appear on the
worklist of a single user or on the worklists of multiple users.
Assignments usually appear on a worklist because they were created by an
Assignment shape in a flow. Assignments are ordered by assignment urgency, with
the most urgent assignments appearing first and having the largest
pxAssignUrgency value. If the user is inactive or exclusively works in a workspace
other than Process Work, the information on the worklist display may become stale
(outdated). To refresh the contents of the worklist, click the refresh symbol or
interact with it.
 Work Basket:
o A workbasket is a named list of open assignments that aren't assigned to a specific
operator. An instance of the Data-Admin-WorkBasket class defines a workbasket.
An organisation unit, a work group, and a calendar can all be linked to a
workbasket. During system installation, a workbasket is
generated as a last resort for assignment routing.
The system makes assignments as work items proceed through a flow execution.
Assignments can be linked to either human users (and display on their worklists) or
workbaskets. A workbasket's "contents" are a collection of unprocessed tasks
arranged in decreasing order of priority, comparable to a worklist's contents. The
work queue is a term used to describe these assignments.
There are three ways that assignments leave a workbasket:

 Users who are qualified can process an assignment by removing it from the workbasket.
 Based on work schedules, due dates, talents, workloads, and other parameters, an
application can automatically route assignments in a workbasket to users.
 Managers can move assignments from a workbasket to the worklists of their employees.
7. Explain Declare Triggers in the context of Pega. How can you create a
Declare Trigger in Pega?

Declare Trigger Rules establish the relationships between events in your case types.
Declare Trigger rules, which conduct activities in response to a case's specified event. As a
result, you're able to develop adaptable apps that properly fit your company's requirements.
When your application creates, changes, or deletes a class in the database, declare Trigger
rules to start actions. Actions in a case, such as storing a case or modifying information in a
case, are related to operations on classes. Declare Trigger rules can also be used to track
property changes and for auditing.

Following steps must be followed to create a declare trigger in Pega :

1. Click Create Decision Declare Trigger in Dev Studio's header.

2. Provide a descriptive name for the rule you want to establish in the Label area.
3. Indicate where your application saves the rule in the Context section:
1. Select an application to store the rule from the list of application layers.
2. Enter the class to which the rule applies in the Apply to field. Property values in
this class and classes that inherit from it are monitored by the system at runtime.
3. Select a rule-set and a rule-set version to store the rule in the Add to rule-set list.
4. Click on Create and Open.
5. Select a type of event to trigger the rule in the Trigger when an instance is list on the
Triggers tab:
6. In the Condition section, in the When box, enter a When condition rule to run the rule only
when a case fulfill given circumstances. The system checks the conditions at runtime and
only executes the Declare Trigger rule if the When condition is true.
7. Enter the activity that the rule initiates in the Name field of the Trigger activity section.
8. Determine how the action will run in the Execute list.
9. Click on Save and the Declare Trigger would be created.
8. What do you understand about Forward Chaining and Backward
Chaining? Explain with examples.

Forward chaining:

Forward chaining is an internal mechanism that allows changes in one property value to be
automatically propagated to other property values or indexes. For example, if the area
property is dependent on the length and width properties, forward Chaining will cause the
area property to be recalculated if the length or width values change.

Backward Chaining:

Backward chaining allows for automatic property calculation by executing the declarative
rule when the value for the property is required rather than when the input changes. If the
area property is dependent on the length and width properties, for example, backward
chaining forces the area property to be computed each time it is needed. Except for the
Rule-Declare-Expression, almost all declarative rules only implement forward chaining.
We have the option of going forward or backward chaining in rule-Declare-Expression.

9. Explain Spinoff and Split join shape in the context of Pega.

Spinoff join shape:

When one flow execution starts another flow execution that runs asynchronously and
independently of the first flow execution, this is known as a spinoff. The first flow does not
pause or wait for the second flow's results. The second flow could work on the same or a
different work item than the first flow.

At the workflow level, spinoffs enable parallel processing of work. While one department
or business unit performs its functions for the work item at its own pace and according to
its own flow, another department works on the same work item. Increased parallelism can
reduce end-to-end resolution times, allowing for more efficient staffing and better customer

Split Join Shape:

On the Diagram tab of a flow rule, a Split Join shape can be found. This shape causes work
item processing to divide into two or more distinct flow executions that run asynchronously
and then rejoin later at runtime.

At the business process level, this capability allows for multitasking or parallel work
processing. While one department or business unit performs its functions for the work item
at its own pace and according to its own flow, another department works on the same work
item. Similarly, if the split creates six subflows, each of them could be assigned to and
worked on by six separate users who are all working on their assignments at the same time.
In this article, we discussed the most frequently asked interview questions on Pega. BPM is
a framework for managing an organization's working systems and processes. It is a top-
down, holistic governance concept that focuses on improving consumer loyalty through
developing market practises. BPM is a coupled and persistent trend that is continually
changing the best way to manage projects and partnerships all over the world, making them
much more adaptable, robotic, and, to a considerable extent, innovative. As a result, Pega
BPM provides the firm with remarkable business efficiencies.
1. What is the difference between Page -Validate and Property-Validate

The page-validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If
a page has embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the
properties. This method consumes a lot of system resources and takes more time. If
you want to validate specific properties use the Obj-Validate method with a Rule-
Obj-Validate rule.
A property-validate method is used to impose restrictions on property value. Use
Edit validate rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You
can validate multiple properties using the Property-Validate method.

2. What is the difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?

 Edit Validate: Use the edit validate rule to validate the property value using

java code. Edit validate rules can be used property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate,

and Property rules.

 Edit Input: Edit input rules convert user-entered data into the required

format. For example, if the user enters the date MM/DD/YYYY format, the edit

input rule covers this date into DD-MMM-YYYY (required format). Again we

need to write java code for this transformation.

3. Where assignments will be stored in the Pega rules database?

 Work List-related assignments are stored in pc_assign_worklist.

 Workbasket-related assignments are stored in pc_assign_workbasket.
4. Where work objects will be stored?

Work Objects are stored in the pc_work table by default. however, if you want to
store the work objects in a user-created table, follow the below-mentioned steps.
Create a schema similar to the pc_work table. (The best thing is to copy the pc_work
schema and modify the table name and constraints name if any)
Change the class group mapping (Data-Admin-DB-Table) to the newly created table.

5. If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them in three

different tables?

Open/Create the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance for each class and mention the
table name. By doing this the individual work objects will be stored in the new table
you mentioned in the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance. This is a best practice if there
too many object instances for each class.

6. What are StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?

StepStatusGood is when the condition defined in @baseclass, this when the rule
checks whether the value of the pxMethodStatus property is “Good”.
StepStatusFail is a when the condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks
whether the value of the pxMethodStatus property is “Fail”.

7. How to make any rule a favorite to your manager?

Delegate the rule to the manager.

8. Where can I see the parameter values in the clipboard ( values ..) I am passing
one activity to others?

No, it's not possible in the clipboard, but you can see it in tracer by clicking the page
name in the step method column.

9. How to import rules using PZinsky?

Open the rule, from that pick the pzinskey, go to prdbutil, and using the pzinskey
export the rule Import that zips file where you want.

10. What is the difference between activity and utility?

 An activity is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Activity rule type. An activity is the

fundamental sequential processing unit of the Process Commander system.
 The shape in a Visio flow diagram references an activity that updates a work
object but does not require user interaction and input. Your system includes
standard activities for utility tasks, and you can create additional ones.
 Each utility task references an activity with an Activity Type of Utility ss from
utility shape we can call activity but vise versa not possible.

11. Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled.

Obj-Open: we will get multiple records from a table based on the criteria from the
specified class. Or Opens an instance of a given class.

OBJ-open-handle: here we have had to pass the pzInskey as an instance handle,

this method will open only one record at a time. Or Open object by the handle to
the pzInsKey value.

The handle of an instance is a unique key, in an internal format, assembled by the

system that identifies an instance in the PegaRULES database. It may differ from the
visible key generally used to identify instances. (Every instance has a unique handle,
but more than one instance may share the same visible key.) For rule instances, the
handle includes system-generated identifying values (including the create date and
time) that make it unique.

Use the Obj-Open-By-Handle method only if you can determine the unique handle
that permanently identifies which instance to open. Otherwise, use the Obj-Open
12. Inheritance concept in the Pega (rules, class).

Rules: Rules inheritance that can maximize the reuse of your rules while allowing
localized overriding as appropriate. Also called polymorphism, inheritance allows a
rule created for one class (possibly an abstract class) to be applied to other classes
that inherit from it.

Class: Class inheritance searches for rules from a concrete, lower class, up the class
hierarchy to find available rules.

Two types of class inheritance — directed inheritance and pattern inheritance.

13. Performance of our work in the Pega is measured using?

DBTrace: DBrace is a feature in the Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) that creates a
detailed log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace displays SQL statements
sent to the database and the time spent for each operation.

PAL: This data is stored in “PAL counters” or “PAL readings.” PAL stands for
Performance Analyzer and is a collection of counters and timer readings, stored in
the requestor, that an application developer could use to analyze performance
issues in a system.

PAL Features

 Add Reading
 Add Reading with Clipboard Size
 Reset Data
 Save Data
 Start DBTrace
 DBTrace Options
 Start Profiler
 Show Graph
 My Alerts

Alerts: During application processing, Process Commander writes to the

performance alert log a sequence of text entries called alert messages that identify
mainly performance-related issues or errors. The performance alert log is usually

AES: Exceptions are processed in a similar way as alerts. When a Process

Commander server generates exceptions they are sent by SOAP to the AES system.
The system parses the exceptions and stores the records in the pegaam_exception
table in the AES database. Based upon how often an exception occurs and the
system events that triggered those exceptions, AES aggregates these records into
work objects called AES exception items. These items are written to the AES
database in the pegaam_exception_work table.

14. How to connect to different Pega applications?


15. How to store the instance of the class in a specific database?

Creating the separate DB table for that working-class within the DB, or map to
external DB and further saves will go to that DB.

16. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?

 Obj-list: Retrieve to a page, read-only, a selected set of properties Important

fields Obj-List

 RequestType: The Type of the browse; allows different processing or sets of

properties to be defined. Defaults to Standard. Key-part to the Rule-RDB-

SQL instance.

 Access: An indication of the database package used to access this table, from

the INI file (currently ODBC). Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.

 ClassName: The object class on which the browser is performed.

 Rdb-list: To Retrieve external Relational Database List.

 Important fields in RDB-List

 PageName: Page Name indicating where the results will be put

 ObjClass: The object Class to List. When used with the RuleObjList

parameter, this is the class of the list to use.

17. How to see the values of the local variables of the activity?

Using log-message.

18. How can I store the instance of the class in the database?

Creating the separate DB table for that working-class within the DB, or map to
external DB and further saves will go to that DB.

19. Default data table where the instance of the class is a store (how it will
search ) pc_work

 Workbasket assignments are stored in a single pr_assign_workbasket table.

 Worklist assignments are stored in a single pr_assign_worklist table.

 The Work- base class is mapped to the pc_work table, a table with columns

that represent all the work object properties that need to be exposed to flow

processing to function correctly. Map your work object classes to either the

pc_work stable or another table that has the same columns.

 The Database class is mapped to the pr_data table. Map your data classes to

either the pr_data table or another table that has the same columns.

 all Rule related data will be stored in pr4_pegarules. The pr_other table is the

last resort or default destination for saved instances that belong to a class

that is not mapped to any other tables.

20. In Routing activity what is the default property used to route the object

pxRouteTo=Param.AssignTo =” workbasket name” for work basket .s

For work list:

pirouette =Param.Worklist=”true” &&Param.AssignTo =”

pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier” for work list.

21. Notify

When you want to configure your flow to automatically send notification messages
about assignments, connect a notify shape to the assignment. A notify shape
identifies a notify activity.

22. ticket: Explain any scenario you used

Use the Ticket shape ( ) to mark the starting point for exceptions that may arise at
any point in the flow, such as a cancellation. The ticket is a label for a point in a flow,
much like a programming “GOTO” destination.

23. A table used to add a note


24. Default activity used to create a work object

There is more than one like Add, CreateWork, and New.

25. Different types of flows. Explain in scenario-based where you used and

A spin-off, Split-Join, and Split for each.

26. How to send multiple correspondences at a time?

Preflight: Starts the Application Preflight tool, which reports warning conditions on
the rules in your Application RuleSets. These may indicate guardrail compliance
issues, potential performance issues, accessibility status, or other notable

– Application Preflight tool to list each rule in an application that contains a warning
message. Warning messages suggest that the rule is at variance with guardrails and
other best practices. You can also check for browser compatibility of visual
you can extend the set of warnings with a custom activity named Rule-
ZZZZ.CheckForCustomWarnings, where Rule-ZZZZ is a rule type.
Warnings are maintained as instances of the Index-Warning class and saved in the
pr_index_warnings database table.

The standard decision tree rules Embed-Warning.pxWarningDetails controls

whether warnings of a specific type are reported in the Application Preflight tool. By
default, all are reported; you can override this decision tree rule to choose which to
omit. This decision tree tests the property pxWarningType, which can have values
indicating the source of the warning, such as:

=> Java - an activity contains a Java step

=> API 02 - an activity uses the Version 3 PublicAPI

=> WriteNow - An activity step includes a method with an immediate database

writes operation rather than a Commit method.

27. How to call an Activity from JavaScript?

HashStringMapactivityKeys = new HashStringMap();
activityKeys.putString(“pxObjClass”, “Rule-Obj-Activity”);
activityKeys.putString(“pyClassName”, workclass);
activityKeys.putString(“pyActivityName”, “HistoryAndAttachments” );
tools.doActivity(activityKeys , workpage, tools.getParameterPage() );

28. How to end the work object in the activity (a method used to kill the work

Using javascript.

29. How to call an activity from java, javascript?

Or you can use osafeURL to call an activity

Using Java:
sHashStringMapactivityKeys = new HashStringMap();
activityKeys.putString(“pxObjClass”, “Rule-Obj-Activity”);
activityKeys.putString(“pyClassName”, workclass);
activityKeys.putString(“pyActivityName”, “HistoryAndAttachments” );
tools.doActivity(activityKeys , workpage, tools.getParameterPage() );

30. How to pass parameters to the activity using java, JavaScript?

pyActivity=GHC-HPlan-CS-Work.ABC&CSR=” + CSR.

31. How can I pass the page as the parameter to the activity using Java, JavaScript?

Using Java you can, maybe using java scripts you can, I not sure

32. How to get a property value from the clipboard using the Java step?
ClipboardPageworkpage = tools.findPage(pagename);
String propername = workpage.getProperty(“.pxResults.Risk”).toString();
String propertyname=

33. How to restrict the harness, section to a particular user

Using the circumstances or using different access groups and privileges

List different functions used to call an activity from javascript. (urlToRun,”_self”);
openUrlInSpace (urlToRun,””);

34. How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?

The system adds entries it finds from the following sources in the order listed. The
system adds entries it finds from these sources at the top of the list,

1. Requestor - (Data-Admin-Requestor class) — Usually this adds the RuleSets

named Pega-RULES, and Pega-IntSvcs and a version or version prefix for
2. Division - As referenced in the Operator-ID instance
3. Organization - As referenced in the Operator-ID instance
4. Access Group: As referenced in the Operator-ID instance
5. Ruleset Versions - Prerequisite RuleSets and Versions to those already
6. Operator ID - If this user has the ability to check out rules, the personal
RuleSet (named the same as the Operator ID key) is added last. Also called a
private ruleset.

35. How to connect external java application without using connect-java

SOAP or JMS or IAC s

36. Spinoff // split join explain

Spin-off shape ( ) onto the flow

When a work object advancing through a flow reaches the Spin-off shape, Process
Commander starts the execution of a different flow, using the current or a different
work object. Processing in the current flow rule continues in parallel, without
waiting for the other flow to complete.

the Split/Join shape ( ) onto the flow

Use the Split-Join shape to require that multiple subflows of your flow be completed
before the current flow continues execution. This allows subflows to execute
asynchronously, in parallel. For example, see the standard flow Work-.ParallelWork.

Split-For Each shape ( ) to any locations

The Split-For Each task provides a form of searching or enumeration over the pages
in a property. Use a Split-For Each shape to iterate over the pages of a Page List or
Page Group property. For each page, you can conditionally start a flow execution for
the work object.

37. Privileges usage…

A privilege is an application-specific access control element associated with a class
and access role.
A privilege rule is an instance of a Rule-Access-Privilege rule type.
Using privilege rules in an application is optional, but they can offer finer control
over access than access roles alone.

38. Decision/fork usage… Scenarios Decision:


 Use the Decision task ( ) to reference a map value rule, decision table rule,
decision tree rule or a Boolean expression that when evaluated produces a
value that is the basis of branching in the flow.
 At runtime, the system evaluates the decision rule based on inputs from the
flow and the work object and chooses one of the outgoing connectors based
on the result. No user interaction or input is required.
 Fork: Use the fork shape ( ) to represent a point where the flow execution
chooses one of a few different paths (connectors) based on tests on the work
object. At runtime, the system evaluates the conditions on each outgoing
connector, starting with the connector assigned the highest likelihood

39. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database

Using the Modify Database Schema wizard.

Pega vs Appian

Feature Pega BPM Appian BPM

Developing applications without Work automation of enterprise with data

hard-coding management

Latest Version Pega - 7.2 Appian - 18.1

Windows, Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, Mac,

Supported OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Web-Based.

Integrations Data Collection Systems and Various

Compatible Datasheets
Supported CRMs

Customer Types Medium and large business Small, medium, and large businesses.
1. What are the different types of classes in Pega?

The interviewer might include this question as a warm-up before moving on to

the more advanced ones. Pega allows developers to reuse rules across cases
and applications. Reusing rules decreases development time while increasing
application quality. The platform classifies rules as various classes based on
their reusability level. You can answer this question by listing the three different
classes and their key features.

Example: "There are three major classes in Pega. They are the data class,
integration class and work class. The data class specifies the rules for data types
and objects. The integration class contains the rules that oversee how the
application interacts with external resources and services. Finally, the work class
contains the interfaces, data items and other resources that govern the processing
of test cases."

2. Explain the differences between forward and backward chaining

Questions highlighting the differences between two concepts are common in a

technical interview. The interviewer asks these questions to check if you have a
strong knowledge of the basics and can apply the right concept based on the
requirement. This is a crucial skill that can help you later in the role. You can
structure your answer by explaining the definitions of both concepts and then
highlighting their similarities and differences with examples.

Example: "Forward chaining allows a change in one property to be automatically

propagated to other property indexes or values. For example, the area of an object
depends on its length and width. Forward chaining automatically recalculates the
area if either the length or width changes. Backward chaining allows for automatic
calculation by executing the declarative rule rather than relying on input changes.
Backward chaining calculates the area of the property only when it is required and
not every time the length or breadth changes."
3. How do you create a workbasket in Pega?

This question tests your working knowledge in Pega. You can answer this
question by listing the various steps of creating a workbasket and explaining
each step briefly.

Example: "The first step to create a workbasket is to click on 'Record.' Next, choose
'Workbasket' under the organisation category. Right-click the 'Create' option and
then create a name for the workbasket instance. While naming the workbasket, it is
a good practice to choose a name that conveys its content and purpose to other

4. Why did you choose to become a Pega developer?

This question helps the interviewer know more about your experience in Pega
and your passion for the role. You can answer by describing a situation or factor
that influenced you to pursue a career as a Pega developer. You can also
elaborate on the answer to include your expertise on the platform and your
future career goals.

Example: "During the final year of my computer science engineering programme, I

got interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and business process automation. This led
me to choose enterprise application development for my final semester project. It is
when I started using Pega and decided to focus on it to build my career. Since then,
I have completed the Pega Certified Business Architect certification and have worked
on the platform for over three years in various roles."

5. Can you list the advantages of using Pega for application


This question helps the interviewer evaluate if you understand the advantages
of Pega and its role in enterprise application development. To answer this
question, you can list as many advantages as possible and explain each one
briefly. It also helps to be aware of the limitations of Pega, as that is another
common interview question.
Example: "Building software applications is risky, time-consuming and expensive.
Organisations look for ways to reduce risk during application development. Pega
makes it easy for businesses to achieve these objectives by focusing on developing a
Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) with a quick turnaround. Once you develop and
deliver the MLP, Pega allows for further iterations and improvements to the
application as the business needs change and evolve. It is a low-code alternative
with good community and platform support for businesses to develop custom
applications quickly."

6. Which inheritance method is important, direct or pattern?

The interviewer might ask tricky questions like these to try to confuse you. To
answer such questions, take a few seconds to decide which is the better option
and then explain why you think it is better.

Example: "Pega provides two types of rule inheritance, such as directed inheritance
and pattern inheritance. Pattern is automatic inheritance and uses the class name
structure to determine which rules to reuse. In direct inheritance, the developer
explicitly specifies the parent class. Unlike pattern inheritance, which is automatic,
direct inheritance is explicit. Both are important and you use them for different
scenarios based on the requirements. That said, you give preference to direct
inheritance as you cannot leave it blank."

7. How do you pass a parameter to a data page when it is referred

to in an activity?

This question tests your coding knowledge in Pega. The interviewer might ask
you to write code snippets during the interview to check your programming
expertise in the Pega platform. To answer this question, explain the syntax of
the corresponding function for passing parameters.

Example: "To pass parameters to a data page, we can use the D_AXASTATES
function. The format for this function is D_AXASTATES [Param1:Value1,
8. How do you create a temporary object in Pega?

The interviewer might ask this question, especially if the role requires you to
work with temporary work objects. Temporary work objects are beneficial in
several business scenarios, as the system stores them in the database only
when certain conditions get met. They help in database maintenance by not
storing unnecessary data.

Example: "As the name implies, temporary work objects are impermanent and not
stored in the database. Rather, they remain on the clipboard. Temporary objects do
not have an associated case ID. Any history addition that you perform on a
temporary object does not impact the flow. You can create a temporary work object
by clicking on a case type, navigating to the 'settings' tab, selecting the 'general'
category and then choosing 'enable temporary case'."

9. Can you explain Pega's security policies?

Security is a significant concern for all businesses. The interviewer might ask
this question to assess your security knowledge and evaluate if you take data
security seriously. You can answer this question by explaining the different
security protocols available in Pega and how it helps in securing enterprise

Example: "Pega offers several inbuilt authentication types like PRBasic,

PRSecuredBasic and Custom to secure applications developed in the platform.
Besides these authentication procedures, we can implement other security policies
like password policies, multi-factor authentication using a onetime verification code,
lookout policies, CAPTCHA policies, audit policies and operator disablement. These
security policies are available in the Designer/DEV studio by navigating the
'OrgAndSecurity' tab under the 'Authentication' sub-tab."
10. Which Pega feature is best to send daily messages to end-

This question tests your knowledge of Pega functionalities. You can expect the
interviewer to ask such in-depth questions to check if you have knowledge
about the various inbuilt functionalities of Pega.

Example: "Broadcast data instance displays daily updates and announcements to

end-users. It is available under the 'records' tab under the 'technical' category. It
allows messages up to 70 characters in length."
Q1. Which are the different types of studios offered
by Pega?
Pega essentially offers four different types of studios -

 Dev Studio

 App Studio

 Admin Studio

 Prediction Studio

Studios, also called workspaces, are used to speed-up application development

and enable users to work with role-based capabilities. Role-based capabilities
help different types of developers perform specific functions with the tool.

Q2. Which are the different types of classes in

 The Data Class - This class specifies the rules that govern the use of data types
and objects.

 The Integration Class - This class comprises rules that spell out how the
application interacts with external services and resources such as customer
databases and 3rd party servers.

 The Work Class - This class consists of data items, interfaces, and other resources
that govern the processing of test cases.
Q3. What do you understand by DCO in Pega?
DCO in Pega stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It consists of resources,
tools, application artifacts, and processes for acquiring, storing, and processing
data on the integrated Pega platform.
Q4. Which are the different types of layouts
available in Pega?
This, again, is one of the most common Pega interview questions asked at
technical interviews. The different types of layouts available in Pega are -

 Dynamic Layout

 Screen Layout

 Column Layout

 Grid Layout

 Tree Grid Layout

Q5. Which are the different types of assignments,
and where are they stored in the Pega database?
There are fundamentally two types of assignments - the Work-List assignment
and the Work-Basket assignment. These assignments are stored in individual
worklists in Pega.
Q1. What is Pega?

Pega is a software tool written in Java, used specifically to build enterprise

applications and automate data-driven business processes.

Q2. Do you need to know how to code to use Pega?

Pega is a low-code platform for business process application development. This

means that you don’t need to be an advanced coder to build applications. That’s
because Pega offers a unified design studio that does the coding work while
designing and building applications.

Q3. Are Pega interview questions asked at software developer interviews?

Yes, Pega interview questions are asked at Java developer interviews,

especially in positions that involve enterprise application development and

Q4. In what language is Pega written and developed?

Pega is written and developed in the Java programming language.

Q5. What is the average salary of a Pega developer in the United States?

According to, the average Pega developer salary in the US is

$99,504 per year.
Q1. What does "workspace" or "studio" mean in Pega and what types
are offered?

A1. In Pega, the term "workspace" or "studio" generally refers to the integrated development
environments (IDEs) where developers design and build applications. There are two main types of
workspace offered: "App Studio" and "Dev Studio". App Studio is primarily for business users who
want to design and build applications without deep technical knowledge. It offers a more
intuitive, drag-and-drop interface for creating applications. On the other hand, Dev Studio
provides a more detailed and complex environment for developers who need to delve into the
underlying architecture, build integrations, and manage the finer aspects of the system.

Q2. Can you describe classes in Pega and list the different types?

A2. Classes in Pega are similar to classes in object-oriented programming. They act as templates
or blueprints to create objects and define the properties and activities that an object can have.
Pega has three types of classes: Work, Data, and Integration. Work classes hold business process
or case-related data, Data classes manage data instances related to business rules, and
Integration classes are used to manage external data and integrations.

Q3. What is a work object in Pega and how would you create one?

A3. A work object in Pega represents a single instance of a business transaction or process. It
holds information related to the business case and its associated data. To create a work object,
you would typically use a process in the Work- class. The process starts with the 'Create' method,
which establishes a new work object, and then populates the object's properties with necessary

Q4. Could you explain the concept of DCO in Pega and its benefits?

A4. DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It is a collaborative methodology used in Pega
to gather and implement business requirements directly into the application during the
development process. Benefits of DCO include improved communication between business and
technical teams, faster development cycle as requirements are implemented as they are gathered,
and less rework since the requirements directly inform the application design.

Q5. What is SLA in Pega and why is it important? Can you list and
describe different types of SLA?

A5. SLA, or Service Level Agreement, in Pega is used to ensure that a work object or assignment
meets certain performance expectations within a specified time period. They are important to
maintain business standards, drive urgency, and ensure service delivery. Three types of SLAs can
be defined in Pega: Goal, Deadline, and Passed Deadline. Goal is the desired time to resolve a
task, Deadline is the time limit by which the task should be completed, and Passed Deadline
occurs when the task exceeds the set deadline.
Q6. What are the different types of layouts in Pega and how would
you create a dynamic layout?

A6. Pega provides different layout types for user interfaces, including Standard (Column),
Dynamic, Smart, and Repeating layouts. To create a dynamic layout, go to the section rule form,
click on Design > Add a layout > Dynamic Layout. In the configuration panel, you can add the
necessary settings to make it dynamic, such as adding conditions to display or hide certain parts
based on the evaluation of an expression.

Q7. Can you explain the difference between Page-Validate and

Property-Validate methods in Pega?

A7. Page-Validate and Property-Validate are both used to ensure data integrity in Pega. Property-
Validate validates a single property value based on predefined validation rules. Page-Validate, on
the other hand, validates an entire page of data, making it a broader check. It calls the Property-
Validate method for each property in the page.

Q8. How would you define Access Groups and Access Roles in Pega,
and what are their differences?

A8. Access Groups and Access Roles in Pega are part of the system's security model. Access Roles
define what operations a user can perform on a certain class and its instances, including creating,
reading, updating, deleting, and executing activities. On the other hand, Access Groups are
collections of Access Roles that are assigned to a user or a group of users. An Access Group can
also define the application that the user logs into, the default portal for the user, and other user-
specific settings.

Q9. What is a Requestor Type in Pega and what are the different types

A9. Requestor Type in Pega defines the nature of the user or process that's interacting with the
Pega system. There are three main types of Requestor: Browser, App, and Batch. A 'Browser'
requestor is a human user accessing Pega via a web browser. An 'App' requestor is an external
application interacting with Pega through services and connectors. A 'Batch' requestor refers to
internal system processes, such as agents.

Q10. Can you explain the concept of Flow Action in Pega and list the
different types?

A10. Flow Action in Pega represents a task or an action that a user can perform within a business
process. Flow Actions determine the options available to a user at a particular stage in the flow,
driving the case towards resolution. The two main types of Flow Actions are "Connector" and
"Local". Connector Flow Actions drive the process forward by connecting to the next stage in the
process. Local Flow Actions, on the other hand, allow for actions like updating data or adding
notes that don't drive the process forward.
Q11. What is PRPC in Pega and what are its benefits?

A11. PRPC, or PegaRULES Process Commander, is the core component of the Pega platform. It is
a business process management (BPM) tool that provides a framework for developing
applications. The key benefits of PRPC are its capabilities for rapid application development and
deployment, its rule-based architecture that promotes reuse and modularity, and its ability to
encapsulate complex business logic in an easily managed format.

Q12. Could you explain activities in Pega and the best practices for
using them?

A12. Activities in Pega are sequences of steps that perform a specific action or task, much like
methods in object-oriented programming. They are one of the key building blocks for
implementing business logic in Pega. Some best practices for using activities include: use
activities only for procedural processing and data manipulation, avoid using activities for UI logic,
avoid excessive use of Java steps, use the correct method for each step, and always document
what each activity and step does.

Q13. Can you differentiate between a decision table and decision tree
in Pega?

A13. Both decision tables and decision trees in Pega are used to encapsulate and implement
decision logic. A decision table uses a tabular format to map inputs to outputs, suitable for
situations where there are clearly defined sets of input-output pairs. A decision tree, on the other
hand, uses a tree-like model of decisions, ideal for handling more complex, branching decision

Q14. What is Rule Resolution in Pega and why is it beneficial?

A14. Rule Resolution in Pega is the process the system uses to find the best or most appropriate
rule instance to use at runtime, considering factors like the class hierarchy, rule set, date range,
and circumstance. The benefit of Rule Resolution is that it allows for rule reuse and versioning,
leading to more efficient development and easier maintenance of applications.

Q15. Could you define a declarative rule in Pega?

A15. A declarative rule in Pega represents a form of business rule that is evaluated automatically
by the system when certain conditions are met. They are essentially if-then logic statements that
are used to calculate values, define constraints, and enforce relationships between properties.
Examples of declarative rules include expressions, constraints, decision tables, decision trees, and
so on. Declarative rules help to automate business logic without requiring explicit triggering or
sequencing in a process or activity.
Q16. What is an agent in Pega and how does it function?

A16. An agent in Pega is a background process that performs automated tasks on a schedule or
based on certain conditions. It functions by waking up at scheduled intervals, checking if there
are any tasks that meet the criteria defined in the agent's activity, and then executing those tasks.
Examples of tasks an agent might handle include sending reminder emails, purging old data, or
executing batch processes.

Q17. Can you explain data pages in Pega?

A17. Data pages in Pega are used to load and hold data that's used in an application. They
provide a layer of abstraction between the application's data and its source, allowing you to
change the data source without affecting the rest of the application. Data pages can be scoped
to the requestor or a specific thread, and they can load data on startup or on-demand. They are a
critical component of Pega's data management capabilities, offering efficient, declarative data

Q18. Can you explain Case Management in Pega and its benefits?

A18. Case Management in Pega is a systematic approach to manage the lifecycle of a business
process, also referred to as a 'case'. It provides an organized structure to define stages, steps, and
processes that need to be completed for the successful resolution of a case.

The benefits of using Case Management in Pega include the following:

Enhanced Visibility: It provides a holistic view of the entire case lifecycle, enabling stakeholders to
monitor progress and make informed decisions.

Consistency: By standardizing processes, it ensures consistency across multiple instances of a


Collaboration: It enables different stakeholders to work together effectively, as each one has a
clear understanding of their role in the process.

Efficiency: Automated processes and decision-making capabilities help in faster resolution of

cases and increased productivity.
Q19. What does "Locking" mean in Pega and can you describe the
different types?

A19. "Locking" in Pega refers to the mechanism to prevent simultaneous updates to a case by
multiple operators. Locking prevents data conflicts and ensures data integrity.

There are two types of locks in Pega:

Optimistic Locking: This allows multiple users to open a case but only the first one to save the
changes can do so successfully. Others will receive a notification that the case has been updated.

Pessimistic Locking: This prevents other users from opening a case when one user is working on
it. It guarantees that only one user can make updates at a given time.

Q20. What is an exposed property in Pega?

A20. An exposed property in Pega is a property that can be directly accessed and used by the
database for sorting, retrieving, or filtering data. By default, not all properties are exposed.
Exposing a property allows it to be included in a database index, improving the performance of
database operations that involve that property.

Q21. What is Declare Index in Pega and how would you set it up?

A21. Declare Index in Pega is a rule that creates and maintains indexes for instances of one class
in properties of instances of another class. These indexes are used to speed up database queries.

To set up Declare Index, follow these steps:

Create a new Declare Index rule and specify the source class.

Define the properties of the source class that will be indexed.

Specify the class of the index instances and map the properties of the source class to the
properties of the index class.

Q22. How would you measure your application's performance in Pega?

A22. Pega provides several tools to measure application performance. The Pega Predictive
Diagnostic Cloud (PDC) can be used to monitor the health of your application in real time. It
provides insights about system health, case processing, and team performance.

Alerts and logs in the PegaRULES Log Analyzer (PLA) tool can also be analyzed to measure
performance. PAL (Performance Analyzer) is another tool that helps developers understand the
resources consumed by their actions.
Q23. Could you explain the concepts of Work List and Work Basket in

A23. Work List and Work Basket are two key concepts in Pega.

A Work List is a personalized list of assignments that belong to an individual operator. It

represents the tasks that are specifically allocated to a user.

A Work Basket, on the other hand, is a shared pool of work. It contains assignments that are not
assigned to a specific individual but rather to a team or a group of operators. Users from the
same team can pick tasks from the work basket.

Q24. What is Declare Trigger in Pega and how would you create one?

A Declare Trigger in Pega is a rule that defines an automatic, asynchronous response to changes
in a database instance. It allows actions to be performed whenever instances are created,
updated, or deleted.

To create a Declare Trigger:

Create a new Declare Trigger rule, specifying the Applies To class and the trigger activity to be

Select the event that will fire the trigger. This could be 'Save', 'Delete', or 'Save as a new copy',
corresponding to instance creation, deletion, and modification respectively.

Specify the condition under which the trigger will fire. This could be an 'Always' condition or a
'When' condition based on a when-rule.

Q25. Can you explain Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining in

Pega, providing examples?

A25. Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining are inference techniques used in Pega's
declarative processing.

Forward Chaining: It is a data-driven approach, where a change in a property value triggers the
recalculation of other properties that depend on it. For example, if you have a property 'Total'
that sums 'Price' and 'Tax', a change in either 'Price' or 'Tax' would automatically update 'Total'.

Backward Chaining: It is a goal-driven approach, where a property value is calculated only when it
is needed. In the above example, 'Total' would be calculated only when it's accessed, not when
'Price' or 'Tax' changes.
Q26. What are Spinoff and Split join shapes in Pega and how are they

A26. Spinoff and Split Join are flow shapes used in Pega to control the flow of work.

Spinoff: The Spinoff shape is used when we want to create a separate, parallel process that
doesn't need to complete for the main flow to proceed. For instance, in an online shopping
process, a Spinoff could be used to handle shipment, which is a separate process and doesn't
need to wait for the payment process to complete.

Split Join: The Split Join shape is used to divide a flow into multiple parallel processes, all of
which need to complete before the flow can proceed. For example, in a loan approval process,
multiple checks like credit score check, income verification might happen in parallel and only
after all checks pass, the flow proceeds to the next step.
1. What is the difference between SOAP and REST
SOAP and REST are web service protocols used in the integration.

It uses XML as the intermediate language for It uses JSON, XML, HTML, etc, but most of the
communication. time it uses JSON because of its readability

It uses Service Interface to expose the It uses Uniform service locators for accessing
functionality to its clients. the components.

SOAP stands for “Simple object access REST stands for “Representational state
protocol” transfer”

REST needs less bandwidth comparatively with

SOAP needs more bandwidth

2. What are SOAP and its purpose?

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol used to exchange the services

between Requestor and Provider. This uses XML as the intermediate language for

communication purposes. SOAP service is more secure as it uses XML.SOAP is

independent of Languages and Platforms it works fine with any operating system.

SOAP is lightly weighted as it uses XML for its communication purpose.SOAP is

recommended by the W3C consortium which is a governing body in the web

services space.

3. What is REST and its purpose

Representational state transfer is a Resource-based web service protocol. This is

most commonly used because of its lightweight, Simple, highly scalable, and less

maintenance. This is most commonly used to create Web application APIs.

REST protocol exposes the APIs in a secured, uniform, and stateless manner to the

consumer. There are 4 methods which are below

GET: This is used to get information/records by using the service.

PUT: This is used to update the records by using the service.

POST: This is used to send information/create records by using the service.

DELETE: This is used to delete records by using the service.

4. What is the importance of the Service Page rule when

building a service?
Service Package rule is created when Pega applications are providing the Service

(Acting like a service provider). There are 3 important functionalities configured on

the Service Package rule.

Processing Mode: There are 2 different types of processing modes

 State full: In state-full mode, when we wanted to make use of clipboard data of 1
requestor to other or subsequent requests then we choose state full processing
 Stateless: Here every request will be considered as a fresh request.
1. Access Group: This is used to identify the service rules for the incoming
requestor operating the access group.
2. Authentication: This is used for authentication of incoming requests.

5. What is the Connector rule in Pega when we will be

creating it
The connector rule in Pega is created when we wanted to consume the service

provided by the other applications.

Eg: If we use SOAP as the protocol then we use the SOAP CONNECT rule and

REST CONNECT for restful services.

6. What is the Service rule in Pega and when we will be
creating it
The service rule in Pega is created when Pega applications want to provide a service

(Service Provider).

Eg: When we use SOAP as the protocol then the SOAP SERVICE rule should be

created and the REST SERVICE rule when Rest is used as the protocol.

7. What is State full and Stateless modes

State full: When subsequent requests want to make use of the current requestor

infrastructure like Clipboard data etc. then State full should be used.

Stateless: This is used when all the requests are treated as independent requests or

fresh requests.
8. How many types of processing modes can be
configured on the Service Package rule
There are 2 types of processing modes that can be configured on the Service

Package rule i.e. State full and Stateless

9. Difference between stateful and stateless processing

State full: When subsequent requests want to make use of the current requestor

infrastructure like Clipboard data etc. then State full should be used.

Stateless: This is used when all the requests are treated as independent requests or

fresh requests
10. How did you handle authentication for the Service
Authentication is the process of validating incoming requests. There are 3 different

types of authentication i.e.

Basic: This is used to verify the incoming request has a valid operator ID and

password in the system.

O Auth 2.0: Open authorization is something where authentication is based on other

web apps

Custom: Here Service Authentication rule is used for authentication.

11. How did you handle errors in the service configured
Basically connector rule is used to invoke the service which is lying in the remote


Let’s see OOTB flow used to handle errors i.e. ConnectionProblem flow which

takes care of handling the errors which are not detected in the Activity or DataPage.

The other way is when we invoke the Service from an Activity rule check for the

StepStatusFail when the rule for error detection and jump to a corresponding step to

handle the errors. We can write a DataTransform rule to handle the errors based on

the response code generated by the service

The other way to invoke the connector rule is from the DataPage where we check

the errors from pxDataPageHasErrors when rule. If there are any errors we need to

handle the errors in the response DataTransform.

12. What is the WSDL file and its importance in SOAP
WSDL stands for webs service description language which gives the details of the

SOAP service.

It has input and output parameters required for the service.

It describes the operations that the service is providing.

It also has the endpoint URL where the service is located Basically WSDL

terminology is used for SOAP protocol.

13. What is Endpoints URL and its importance in the

SOAP protocol
Endpoint URL is the location where we send our request to invoke the operations

Provided by the Service.

14. Parsing rule available for the SOAP protocol

There are 2 different parsing rules available for SOAP. Basically SOAP work in XML

and to convert data from Clipboard structure to XML and vice versa we use parse

rules as below

Parse XML: Use to convert XML to Clipboard

XML Stream: Used to convert the Clipboard to XML.

15. How many types of methods are there in the REST
service rule
There are 4 different types of methods in REST protocol mentioned below

GET: Used to get the data/records from the service

PUT: Used to update data/records in the service

POST: Write data/records to the service

DELETE: Delete data/records from the service.

16. Rules to be created to provide a Service either in
When we provide a Service, i.e Pega Application is acting as a Service provider.

Service rule should be created additionally below rules Like

Class Structure: Input Class (To create input properties), Output Class(Output

properties), Service Class to create the Service rule.

Parse Rules: ParseXML and XMLStream rules for conversion

Service Package: To create Authentication, Access Group

Service Rule: To define the Service

Service Activity: To define the logic.

1. What are the advantages of using Data pages
Data pages get the data on demand from the tables and store them in the clipboard

for usage in the application.

Data pages are declarative in nature in the sense when we refer the data page

system executes the source and creates the data page in the clipboard for usage.

2. Why data pages are also called Declarative pages

Data pages are also called as declarative pages because when we refer the data

page system executes the source and get data from the source and places it in the

clipboard for usage.

3. Explain scopes in a Data page
There are 3 types of scopes as below

Thread: Data page is available only for this thread. E.g.: work object

Requestor: Data page is available for requestor session

Node: This is available for all the operators in the node

4. Why Access Group is Mandatory for Node Level Data

In Node level data pages multiple operators will be accessing the data page So to

execute the appropriate source Rule-set hierarchy of the operator is required So

access groups is required to build the rule-set hierarchy for the operators.

5. How many types are Data pages are there? And

Explain in details.
There are 3 types of data pages depending upon its usage i.e.

Read only: Data page is used for reading the data

Editable: Data page content is used for reading and editing if required.

Savable: Used to read, update and save it back to the source.

6. What are the difference between Parameterised and
Keyed Data pages
Keyed Data page Parameterized Data page

Here Parameterized, hits the Db for every

Keyed pages will not hit the DB every time
parameter value that we pass

As these hits multiple times the DB, multiple

It maintains a single copy in the clipboard
Data page instances are available

Keyed pages cannot be referenced in UI These can be directly referenced from UI

7. Syntax to call a Parameterised Data pages


8. How Refreshing strategies work

Refresh strategy is used to get the fresh copy from the DB. There are 2 conditions to

be satisfied to refresh the data page i.e. refresh condition and data page should be

9. Explain Different sources for DataPages
To source the Data from the Database table we have multiple options as below:

Report definition




10. Can we have multiple source for a Single Data page
Yes, conditionally (via when rule) we can execute multiple sources for a data page.
11. Explain how the data pages are stored in the
All Read only data pages are stored in the “Data pages” category of the clipboard

Editable and Saveable data pages are stored under “User pages “

12. Difference Between Clipboard Pages vs. Datapage

Normal pages are stored in the clipboard are like static means they don’t have any

scope, no refresh strategy and etc.

Data pages in the clipboard are fetched on demand from the source and have scope

defined, have refresh strategies, and can be referred in the UI.

1. What is the Instance/ObjClass of a Report definition
Rule-Obj-Report-Definition is the instance class of the report definition rule

And report definition comes under Reports category

2. What is the Purpose of Report definition rule

The purpose of report definition rule is to fetch the data from the database.

Data can be represented in pictorial format like charts etc.

Report Definition is also used to generate reports based on the selection criteria.

3. Can we get the Data from the BLOB by using report

Definition rule?
Yes, we can get the data from the blob by using report definition rule.

4. Can we apply filters on the BLOB data and retrieve the

No, we cannot apply filters on blob properties.

5. How many types of joins can be configured in Report

Definition rule?
There are 3 types of joins as mentioned below

Inner Join

Left Join or Left outer join

Right Join or Right outer join

6. What is LeftJoin and Explain
Left join is used to get the data from the source table with the target table, the criteria

is to fetch the matching records from the source table with the target table.
7. What is Right Join Explain
Right join is used to get the data which matches the target table records matching

with the source table records.

8. What is inner join and Explain
Here we get all the common rows from the source and target tables.
9. What are associations and explain
Association is used to mention the join criteria between the classes and reuse it in

another report definition rule.

10. What are Sub-Reports and explain
Basically, subreports are called in another report to get the desired results. This is

used to get the desired output for complex calculations.

11. How to call a ReportDefinition from an Activity rule
We can call the report definition rule by using pxRetrieveReportData with

parameters: report Name, report class. The result will be stored in

1. What is Data Transform rule and explain
Data transform rule is used to manipulate the data.

a. Copy the data from source to destination property

b. Copy data from one page to another page.

c. Adding pages to a Page list property

d. Looping over the pages

e. Sorting pages in the Page list property

f. Call another Data Transform rule.

2. How to call an activity from Data transform rule

We can call an activity by using pxCallActivity function.

3. How to call a Decision table and Decision tree from

Data transform rule.
pxEvaluateDecisionTable and pxEvaluateDecisionTree functions are used to invoke

Decision table and Decision tree respectively.

4. Difference between append and append-map-to

Append is used to add an empty page to the page list property. Append and Mapto

method is used to add data to a page and then add the page to the page list.

5. Significance of “Call super class DataTransform”

check box
This is used to call Parent class data transform. First Parent call data transform will

be executed and then current class data transform rule will be executed.
6. How to call Data transform rule from an activity rule
Apply-DataTransform is the method used to call the data transform rule from the

7. Can we call child Data transform from Parent
DataTransform rule?
Yes, Apply Datatransform is used to call.

8. Why Data Transform rule is preferred over Activity

(Property-set method)? Explain?
As activity rules are technical in nature and tough to maintain. So, Data transform

rules are preferred over the Activity rules for manipulation of the data.
1. How many types of declarative rules are there in Pega?
Below are the declarative rules in pega.
1. Declare Expression
2. Declare OnChange
3. Declare Trigger
4. Declare Index
5. Declare Constraints
6. Declare Pages

2. What is difference between Forward Chaining and

Backward Chaining?
In terms of Declare expression, If declare expression executed whenever input

values changes this technique is called forward-chaining. If Declare expression is

evaluated when target property is referenced then this is called as backward


3. What is Declarative Processing in pega?

Declare processing means whenever an event occurs then pega process certain

rules in the background. This is called declare processing in Pega

4. Declare Index and how to configure?

Declare Index is used to expose or optimize a page property. In simple terms we

create a separate table for storing the Page data.

Below steps are used to configure the declare index.

1. Select the property to be exposed/optimized
5. What is Declare On Change and explain how to works
Declare On change is created on a Property rule. Whenever the corresponding value

of the property changes, Pega triggers an activity rule which is configured.

Q1. What does "workspace" or "studio" mean in Pega and what types
are offered?

A1. In Pega, the term "workspace" or "studio" generally refers to the integrated development
environments (IDEs) where developers design and build applications. There are two main types of
workspace offered: "App Studio" and "Dev Studio". App Studio is primarily for business users who
want to design and build applications without deep technical knowledge. It offers a more
intuitive, drag-and-drop interface for creating applications. On the other hand, Dev Studio
provides a more detailed and complex environment for developers who need to delve into the
underlying architecture, build integrations, and manage the finer aspects of the system.

Q2. Can you describe classes in Pega and list the different types?

A2. Classes in Pega are similar to classes in object-oriented programming. They act as templates
or blueprints to create objects and define the properties and activities that an object can have.
Pega has three types of classes: Work, Data, and Integration. Work classes hold business process
or case-related data, Data classes manage data instances related to business rules, and
Integration classes are used to manage external data and integrations.

Q3. What is a work object in Pega and how would you create one?

A3. A work object in Pega represents a single instance of a business transaction or process. It
holds information related to the business case and its associated data. To create a work object,
you would typically v

use a process in the Work- class. The process starts with the 'Create' method, which establishes a
new work object, and then populates the object's properties with necessary data.

Q4. Could you explain the concept of DCO in Pega and its benefits?

A4. DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It is a collaborative methodology used in Pega
to gather and implement business requirements directly into the application during the
development process. Benefits of DCO include improved communication between business and
technical teams, faster development cycle as requirements are implemented as they are gathered,
and less rework since the requirements directly inform the application design.

Q5. What is SLA in Pega and why is it important? Can you list and
describe different types of SLA?

A5. SLA, or Service Level Agreement, in Pega is used to ensure that a work object or assignment
meets certain performance expectations within a specified time period. They are important to
maintain business standards, drive urgency, and ensure service delivery. Three types of SLAs can
be defined in Pega: Goal, Deadline, and Passed Deadline. Goal is the desired time to resolve a
task, Deadline is the time limit by which the task should be completed, and Passed Deadline
occurs when the task exceeds the set deadline.

Q6. What are the different types of layouts in Pega and how would
you create a dynamic layout?

A6. Pega provides different layout types for user interfaces, including Standard (Column),
Dynamic, Smart, and Repeating layouts. To create a dynamic layout, go to the section rule form,
click on Design > Add a layout > Dynamic Layout. In the configuration panel, you can add the
necessary settings to make it dynamic, such as adding conditions to display or hide certain parts
based on the evaluation of an expression.

Q7. Can you explain the difference between Page-Validate and

Property-Validate methods in Pega?

A7. Page-Validate and Property-Validate are both used to ensure data integrity in Pega. Property-
Validate validates a single property value based on predefined validation rules. Page-Validate, on
the other hand, validates an entire page of data, making it a broader check. It calls the Property-
Validate method for each property in the page.

Q8. How would you define Access Groups and Access Roles in Pega,
and what are their differences?

A8. Access Groups and Access Roles in Pega are part of the system's security model. Access Roles
define what operations a user can perform on a certain class and its instances, including creating,
reading, updating, deleting, and executing activities. On the other hand, Access Groups are
collections of Access Roles that are assigned to a user or a group of users. An Access Group can
also define the application that the user logs into, the default portal for the user, and other user-
specific settings.

Q9. What is a Requestor Type in Pega and what are the different types

A9. Requestor Type in Pega defines the nature of the user or process that's interacting with the
Pega system. There are three main types of Requestor: Browser, App, and Batch. A 'Browser'
requestor is a human user accessing Pega via a web browser. An 'App' requestor is an external
application interacting with Pega through services and connectors. A 'Batch' requestor refers to
internal system processes, such as agents.

Q10. Can you explain the concept of Flow Action in Pega and list the
different types?

A10. Flow Action in Pega represents a task or an action that a user can perform within a business
process. Flow Actions determine the options available to a user at a particular stage in the flow,
driving the case towards resolution. The two main types of Flow Actions are "Connector" and
"Local". Connector Flow Actions drive the process forward by connecting to the next stage in the
process. Local Flow Actions, on the other hand, allow for actions like updating data or adding
notes that don't drive the process forward.

Q11. What is PRPC in Pega and what are its benefits?

A11. PRPC, or PegaRULES Process Commander, is the core component of the Pega platform. It is
a business process management (BPM) tool that provides a framework for developing
applications. The key benefits of PRPC are its capabilities for rapid application development and
deployment, its rule-based architecture that promotes reuse and modularity, and its ability to
encapsulate complex business logic in an easily managed format.

Q12. Could you explain activities in Pega and the best practices for
using them?

A12. Activities in Pega are sequences of steps that perform a specific action or task, much like
methods in object-oriented programming. They are one of the key building blocks for
implementing business logic in Pega. Some best practices for using activities include: use
activities only for procedural processing and data manipulation, avoid using activities for UI logic,
avoid excessive use of Java steps, use the correct method for each step, and always document
what each activity and step does.

Q13. Can you differentiate between a decision table and decision tree
in Pega?

A13. Both decision tables and decision trees in Pega are used to encapsulate and implement
decision logic. A decision table uses a tabular format to map inputs to outputs, suitable for
situations where there are clearly defined sets of input-output pairs. A decision tree, on the other
hand, uses a tree-like model of decisions, ideal for handling more complex, branching decision

Q14. What is Rule Resolution in Pega and why is it beneficial?

A14. Rule Resolution in Pega is the process the system uses to find the best or most appropriate
rule instance to use at runtime, considering factors like the class hierarchy, rule set, date range,
and circumstance. The benefit of Rule Resolution is that it allows for rule reuse and versioning,
leading to more efficient development and easier maintenance of applications.

Q15. Could you define a declarative rule in Pega?

A15. A declarative rule in Pega represents a form of business rule that is evaluated automatically
by the system when certain conditions are met. They are essentially if-then logic statements that
are used to calculate values, define constraints, and enforce relationships between properties.
Examples of declarative rules include expressions, constraints, decision tables, decision trees, and
so on. Declarative rules help to automate business logic without requiring explicit triggering or
sequencing in a process or activity.
Q16. What is an agent in Pega and how does it function?

A16. An agent in Pega is a background process that performs automated tasks on a schedule or
based on certain conditions. It functions by waking up at scheduled intervals, checking if there
are any tasks that meet the criteria defined in the agent's activity, and then executing those tasks.
Examples of tasks an agent might handle include sending reminder emails, purging old data, or
executing batch processes.

Q17. Can you explain data pages in Pega?

A17. Data pages in Pega are used to load and hold data that's used in an application. They
provide a layer of abstraction between the application's data and its source, allowing you to
change the data source without affecting the rest of the application. Data pages can be scoped
to the requestor or a specific thread, and they can load data on startup or on-demand. They are a
critical component of Pega's data management capabilities, offering efficient, declarative data

Q18. Can you explain Case Management in Pega and its benefits?

A18. Case Management in Pega is a systematic approach to manage the lifecycle of a business
process, also referred to as a 'case'. It provides an organized structure to define stages, steps, and
processes that need to be completed for the successful resolution of a case.

The benefits of using Case Management in Pega include the following:

Enhanced Visibility: It provides a holistic view of the entire case lifecycle, enabling stakeholders to
monitor progress and make informed decisions.

Consistency: By standardizing processes, it ensures consistency across multiple instances of a


Collaboration: It enables different stakeholders to work together effectively, as each one has a
clear understanding of their role in the process.

Efficiency: Automated processes and decision-making capabilities help in faster resolution of

cases and increased productivity.
Q19. What does "Locking" mean in Pega and can you describe the different types?

A19. "Locking" in Pega refers to the mechanism to prevent simultaneous updates to a case by
multiple operators. Locking prevents data conflicts and ensures data integrity.

There are two types of locks in Pega:

Optimistic Locking: This allows multiple users to open a case but only the first one to save the
changes can do so successfully. Others will receive a notification that the case has been updated.

Pessimistic Locking: This prevents other users from opening a case when one user is working on
it. It guarantees that only one user can make updates at a given time.

Q20. What is an exposed property in Pega?

A20. An exposed property in Pega is a property that can be directly accessed and used by the
database for sorting, retrieving, or filtering data. By default, not all properties are exposed.
Exposing a property allows it to be included in a database index, improving the performance of
database operations that involve that property.

Q21. What is Declare Index in Pega and how would you set it up?

A21. Declare Index in Pega is a rule that creates and maintains indexes for instances of one class
in properties of instances of another class. These indexes are used to speed up database queries.

To set up Declare Index, follow these steps:

Create a new Declare Index rule and specify the source class.

Define the properties of the source class that will be indexed.

Specify the class of the index instances and map the properties of the source class to the
properties of the index class.

Q22. How would you measure your application's performance in Pega?

A22. Pega provides several tools to measure application performance. The Pega Predictive
Diagnostic Cloud (PDC) can be used to monitor the health of your application in real time. It
provides insights about system health, case processing, and team performance.

Alerts and logs in the PegaRULES Log Analyzer (PLA) tool can also be analyzed to measure
performance. PAL (Performance Analyzer) is another tool that helps developers understand the
resources consumed by their actions.
Q23. Could you explain the concepts of Work List and Work Basket in

A23. Work List and Work Basket are two key concepts in Pega.

A Work List is a personalized list of assignments that belong to an individual operator. It

represents the tasks that are specifically allocated to a user.

A Work Basket, on the other hand, is a shared pool of work. It contains assignments that are not
assigned to a specific individual but rather to a team or a group of operators. Users from the
same team can pick tasks from the work basket.

Q24. What is Declare Trigger in Pega and how would you create one?

A Declare Trigger in Pega is a rule that defines an automatic, asynchronous response to changes
in a database instance. It allows actions to be performed whenever instances are created,
updated, or deleted.

To create a Declare Trigger:

Create a new Declare Trigger rule, specifying the Applies To class and the trigger activity to be

Select the event that will fire the trigger. This could be 'Save', 'Delete', or 'Save as a new copy',
corresponding to instance creation, deletion, and modification respectively.

Specify the condition under which the trigger will fire. This could be an 'Always' condition or a
'When' condition based on a when-rule.

Q25. Can you explain Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining in

Pega, providing examples?

A25. Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining are inference techniques used in Pega's
declarative processing.

Forward Chaining: It is a data-driven approach, where a change in a property value triggers the
recalculation of other properties that depend on it. For example, if you have a property 'Total'
that sums 'Price' and 'Tax', a change in either 'Price' or 'Tax' would automatically update 'Total'.

Backward Chaining: It is a goal-driven approach, where a property value is calculated only when it
is needed. In the above example, 'Total' would be calculated only when it's accessed, not when
'Price' or 'Tax' changes.
Q26. What are Spinoff and Split join shapes in Pega and how are they

A26. Spinoff and Split Join are flow shapes used in Pega to control the flow of work.

Spinoff: The Spinoff shape is used when we want to create a separate, parallel process that
doesn't need to complete for the main flow to proceed. For instance, in an online shopping
process, a Spinoff could be used to handle shipment, which is a separate process and doesn't
need to wait for the payment process to complete.

Split Join: The Split Join shape is used to divide a flow into multiple parallel processes, all of
which need to complete before the flow can proceed. For example, in a loan approval process,
multiple checks like credit score check, income verification might happen in parallel and only
1. What is Rule?

Rule is instance of a Class.

Rule Gets stored into a Table which are mapped to instance classes.

In PRPC Instance classes will have a mapping with DB Tables.

pxObjClass = Holds Instance Class Name of a Rule.

A Class is mapped to which table?

Test connection in the class rue form.

2. Any Rule in Pega that gets stored in Rule base Table will have unique primary Key

To Open any rule PRPC uses it’s pzInsKey , by performing Obj-Open-By-Handle and the
respective table.


“Data-Admin-Operator-ID” + Operator.pyReportTo (Manager)

“Data-Admin-Operator-ID” + Manager.pyReportTo (SeniorManager)

3. Write a generic activity to update the lable of any rule in PRPC?


Param.instanceclss + Param.RuleClass + Param.RuleName

4. Main columns that one should know in PRPC?

pzInsKey = Primary Key

pzPVStream = Hold all the data of rule or transaction(WO)





pxObjClass = Instance Class

5. I have a flow in production with 4 assignments, one assignment should be

removed. I have inflight cases which should use the deleted assignment after the new

We can implement this by Circumstance or Decision or Ticket

The condition property for either of the above is based on


6. Name any one of the OOTB properties in PEGA which should never be part of
Declare Expression?


7. How to restrict a property such that it should never be used in declarative rules?

Property advanced tab – Check the option “Con not be a declarative target”.

8. How to unlock a rule set version when you don’t have a password?

Rule-RuleSet-Version Table has two columns “pyVersionPassword” and “pyVersionSecure”

should be updated to empty and false.

9. What is dual inheritance in Pega?

At a time a class having Direct + Pattern inheritance make the class to have multiple
inheritance. This is in PRPC is called dual inheritance.
10. If child work object saves in PC_Work (same as parent case) which column hold
child work object data is it pzPVStream going to have embedded pages?

Parent children gets stored in separate rows.

11. Connect SOAP available in Production?

Today – <Tag1>



Today – <Tag1>




12. Dynamic System Settings Vs System Settings?

DSS are data entries, which can be update without check in check out. System setting –
associated rule set versions, we need to patch it and move to production every time you
want to update it.

13. How to call decision table from decision tree?

Configuration tab of the dec tree, “Allow selection of call decision option”.

14. Spinoff will be useful when you want to initiate/start another flow parallelly
without stopping the current flow. The current flow or main flow which has spinoff as
sub process proceeds to the next assignment in the flow and spinoff flow will get
initiated to the work item?

Spinoff is available in sub process shape. Selecting spin off option make process flow
asynchronous i.e, process will not wait for the sub flow to get completed.
15. Importance of Lock option in Obj-open method?

Supports some instance of locking. Shouldn’t allow other people to update the case

16. In the Obj-Open or Obj-Open-By-Handle, I don’t want to choose lock check box.
But when I update the instance, we have to make sure the latest data is available on
the instance step page.

Use obj-refresh-and-lock method.

17. How to create temporary Work Object? Also, explain in technically?

Select to indicate that this flow creates a temporary work item. A temporary work item is
created and resolved by a single operator or by straight-through processing and is never
saved as a database object.

Use this option only in appropriate situations, as reporting, history, and attachment
features are not available for temporary cases. The following restrictions apply:






1. Temporary cases do not have a case ID.

2. Temporary cases cannot be members of a


3. History additions performed on such objects do

not cause a flow to fail, but have no effect.

18. Can a screen flow be a starter flow of application?

Yes. We can create an activity in the activity call OOTB activity “NewFromFlow” and pass the
parameters “Flow name and Flow class name”.

19. Difference between Obj and RDB methods?

Obj for Internal Rule base tables. RDB for external tables.
Obj Can’t execute Stored procs. RDB can execute Stored procs.

Using Obj we can implement joins . RDB can have joins.

20. How to call a report definition rule from an activity?

Call Rule-Obj-ReportDefinitnon.pxReteriveReportData (Pagename, Report class, Report


21. How to call activity from a data transform or Data Table?

Fumction callActivity();

22. What are editable modes in Data Pages? Can a node level data pages are

If you want to update data page it should be editable. These are not available at node level.

23. Keyed page access in Data Pages?

This option is available only for list type data pages. In the page list Pages , one or more
properties can be mentioned as keys. While we pass this keys the matching page data will
be retrieved.

These keys can be passed when the data page is called only at property level but not from
dropdown or repeating layout or activity.

24. How to pass parameter to a data page when it is referred in an activity?


25. Where we see editable D pages on clicpboard?

Under User Pages.

26. Call decision table from the data transform?

27. When two users from diff countries triggers (both GMT and IST formats saves)
change both formats as one format as GMT(because DB people issuing some
problems) ?


28. When user login the PRPC Portal, the credientials we are providing
Authentication or Authorization?

1st Authentication and then Authorization.

29. Tell any 3 rules (when we are configuring them) without class and rule set?

System rule, Data instances without versioning.

30. If suppose i have three different classes (A,B,C) mapped to 3 different tables,
now my question is,

A table has “Customer name” data

B table has “Phone numbers” data

C table has “Addresses” data

Then finally u have to save Both B and C data into A table?

I should not write any queries or I should not use any obj methods to save phone number
and addresses into Table B and C.

We need to create Indexes for Phone Number and address Page List.

When we save customer data automatically index tables gets updated.

31. Append and Append map to (common question recently in every interview)?

This option available in Data Trnasform.


PageListA(1) (A-B-C)

PageListA(2) (A-B-C)

PageListA(3) (A-B-C)


PageListB(1) (A-B-C)

PageListB(2) (A-B-C)

PageListB(3) (A-B-C)

Append to — Use this action to copy a page to the target. The source and target must be of
the same or compatible classes.

Append and Map to : Use the Append and Map to action to append a page to the target
Page List mode property and set the context to that page for subsequent child actions to
map properties on that page. The target and source can be of different Applies To classes.
32. How many ways we can check checkout rules in Pega platform?

Rule form, Bulk Check in check out.

· MyCheckedOutRules (Code-Pega-List)

o pxResults

§ pxResults(1)(Data-Rule-Summary)

§ pxResults(2)(Data-Rule-Summary)

§ pxResults(3)(Data-Rule-Summary)

§ pxResults(4)(Data-Rule-Summary)

§ pxResults(5)(Data-Rule-Summary)

§ pxResults(6)(Data-Rule-Summary)

33. You have an application for managing a simple workflow across two
categories of work; “new business sales” and “renewing sales”. Your business has
many areas that sell different kinds of the same product, which means the ‘flavour’ of
these worktypes will differ from area to area?

The process for both work types is basically identical, however we can’t discount that new
business might one day be drastically different to renewing business. The content of the
screens between each business area does change a lot. We may also need to be able to
formally restrict work access between the different areas of the business.

A) We have to implement it by using circumstance (Lease Preferred way )

B) Use privileges accordingly apply on the rules.

34. We want to introduce a new screenflow process for capturing and reviewing
data at the end of the formal workflow process – however the business don’t want to
necessarily complete the screenflow once they have begun processing it (i.e. of a 5-
step screenflow, they may only want to complete step 3 straightaway, and the rest
another time)…

Use Tabbed or tree navigation screen flow.

35. A parent case has the ability for a user to generate up to 5 parallel sub/child
cases, those child cases can update values on the parent case?

Recruitement (Total Open Positions = 5+9+4 = 18)

Pega (TotalPegaPositions =5)

Dotnet (TotalDotnetPositions =9)

Java ((TotalJavaPositions =4))

We need to use calculations tab of parent case type rule.

36. how will you manage, and what are the considerations of this data
propagation challenge?

A) There should not be any declarative target properties used in this.

B) Make sure by the time child is instantiated the respective source properties must
have values assigned.

37. Passenger, tier, bus,seat—-How do we create these classes?

Bus (Page)



38. two page list we have—need to move the data from one pagelist to other
pagelist based on some condition?

Activity – Precondition, Loop, Page Copy

Data Transform – Condition , Loop, Append To

39. I have 5 cases, One is Parent remaining are children?

My Parent has Default Locking configured.

Children – Child 1 – Default , Child2 – Optimistic , ….

40. Need to copy data at one stage in child to parent how u will do?

pyWorkPage of child to pyWorkCover Page.

41. Need to change from 1 stage of case to stage 5 and after that again come back
to stage1—How u will do?

Change state.

42. we have one parent and 2 children when the lock is there lock on parent case
then what is the functionality…?

With default options for locking, when parent is open by requestor1 no one else can work
on children.

With option “do not lock parent when child is open” selected on child cases , when parent
case is been worked on by requestor1 other requestors can work on Children.

43. how many types of sub flow callings shape are there?

Sub process, Spilt join, Split for each.

44. write just an example activity? Need to update status of the cases after
cretaed 5PM —How u will do?

Browse (pxCreateDateTime)






45. scenario: Create a report to get all assignments from workbasket how u will

Assign-Workbasket , Work class (Joins)


46. Tell me about deferred save?

Differ Save means , the data saved into differ queue but not yet committed to DB Tables.

47. scenarion:property1 upadted with X,obj-save and then again same property
updsated with Y with commit what will be the final output?

DB value is “X”.
48. What is Organization class structure and Different types of layers?

Org , Div, Unit(Work) {Implementation Class Group} à Framework Class Group

Org-FW-DivFW-Work {Frame Work Class Group} à Work-Cover-

At Org, Implementation, Framework we have Data and Integration Layers à Data- and Int-

Org , Div, Unit(Work) – Insurance (Work Type or Case Type) {Belongs to class group}

Org , Div, Unit(Work) – Loan(Work Type or Case Type) {Belongs to class group}

Org , Div, Unit(Work) – Banking(Work Type or Case Type) {Belongs to class group}

49. What are the different mechanisms to initiate case? (what are different
options will be given to users to create case at run time )?

Portal – Create Menu (Case Type or Its flow)

Case Type à pyStartCase

Flow à Creates a new work object selected on the flow.

Run Time we can activities to create cases.

Add, AddWork

New , NewFromFlow

Email instantiation, Agents or Listeners.

50. Suppose in a Screen flow, you’re having 4 assignments, all the assignments
should be completed within 2hours. Can we implement this or not? If yes, how will
you design this?

In the screen flow/ sub flow on process tab we can call SLA.
51. How can we trace someone’s work in production Environment?

Login to SMA à Choose the requestor Name à Remote Trace.

Verify the Log Files.

52. What is WSDL file? And difference between WSDL URL and End Point URL?

WSDL (Web service description Language)

WSDL contains the meta tags. It describe the service.

What is End Point URL, Methods, Request and Response Parameters and its XML Data

WSDL URL points to the location of SWDL Document.

End Point URL is location where your service is Deployed.

53. What is XSD?

XSD will have Meta Description of the service.

54. How will you implement security features in SOAP Rule?

WS Security, Security through Encrypted User Name and Password send in the
Headers of XML.

55. When we have an issue with service, let’s say you are not getting proper
response from service. How would you trouble shoot this?

Check With Web Admin Team.

56. Which Agent process SLA Rules?

Pega-ProCom Rule Set Agents Instance will have an agent “Service Level Events”.
57. There is a concept of soft locking, what it is?

The locking you perform using Obj-Open or Obj-Open by Handle .

58. In ECS, When do we use framework layer and when do we use Organization

Org Layer and FW both will be accessible at all the class group.

But FW layer is a reusable application which can be deployed on multiple pega

application servers.

59. We have Data Page, it is getting populated from external table, then how do
we configure load mechanism?

How would you know when to refresh the data page i.e whenever the data in external tables
changes how come PRPC D Page gets refreshed.

Source Mechanism à Connector

pzFlushDataPage (D_Page)

60. What are different ways to expose a property?

Right click on property and optimize for reporting.

Modify the schema of Table and Run column population Job.

61. Tell me the difference between Associations and join criteria in RD?

Class joins requires a common matching column between classes.

Association rule is a like a reusable rule that defines join of two classes with matching
columns. This gets populated on report rule automatically.

62. What are different types of joins?

Class Joins, Index Joins, Associations.

63. What are the diff between Data Transform and Activity?

Using a Data transform we can run Obj methods (Tables), Connector and Service Methods.

Data Transform purely for property set operations.

64. What are the differences between Declare Trigger and Declare Onchange? In
what scenario you will chose what explain?

Trigger monitors a Table and gets fired when DB Insert, Update Delete operations being
performed by Obj- Methods.

On Change gets fired whenever the property values gets changed on clipboard.

65. What is cover and Covered?

Cover is Parent Case, Covered is Child Case.

66. How to move from 4th stage to 1st stage? What is the activity?

We need to change stage utility. Activity is pxChangeStage.

67. How to create work object for child cases?

On Parent Case Type Rule, Instantiation option.

Automatically by System When

Parent Case Stars (When Condition)

All condition related to other children or parent case (base on ther status)

Manual Instantiation

We can use Create Cases Smart Shape.

68. How to connect to an external DB?

We need to create a Data-Admin-DB-Name Rule.

Pass JNDI Connection Pool or JDBC URL.

69. How to map an external table to the class?

We need to create Data-Admin-DB-Table rule.

DB Name, Schema, Table name we need to pass and do test connection.

70. What are types of parameters in Data page?

Parameters, Keyed Page access.

Keyed Page is available only to list type D Pages and it available to call only on

71. Scope of data page?

Thread , Requestor and Node.

Thread : D Page can be shared , With in Work Object

Requestor : D Page can be share with in requestor session among multiple WOs.

Node : can be share among multiple requestors who logon to same node.

72. When D page will get created if we chose thread as scope in Data page?

Every time we create a new case.

When we have new threads opened.

73. What will happen if the DB got updated but our Data page scope is thread?

Each time we create a case, for each case D Page gets loaded with latest data from

74. When the page will be removed if the data page scope is thread?

Refreshed for each thread.

75. What is edit mode in data pages?

Editable and Read only

Editable D Pages gets created on clipboard under user pages where read only D Pages
under Data Pages.

Editable pages can be updated , deleted. These D Pages will not be available at node level.

76. Can we call connector directly from data page?

Yes, We have connector option available in D Page , Source.

77. When look up option will available as a source for data page?

For D Pages of Type Page, Lookup option is available.

78. Where will you perform exception handling in data page?

Post Load Processing, we can call an activity and here we can handle any exceptions.

79. When will u go for standard and when will go for advanced agent?

Advance agent is for Non-Transactional Processing means there is no WO Processing

involved in this.

Standard agent is for transactional Processing i.e, it involves case processing.

80. What is a Agent QUEUE? why we need to queue ?

When we are working agents, if we want process or execute agent activity multiple
times / wakeup then this is possible through queuing.

Here Queue means PR_SYS_QUEUE Table. For each queue Item in this table agent
activity will be executed once.

The Queue Items with status “Scheduled” will be picked. While Processing the Queue Item
status gets updated to “Now Processing”. If something fails during processing, Queue status
is “Broken Process”.

Broken process Items can be re queued. When we re queue the items the status gets
updated to scheduled.

81. What is the access group significance of access group in Agents rule form?

At what access level the agent activity should be executed will be decided by Agents access
group in case of advanced agents.

Standard agents runs on the access group of requestor who put the agent queue item.

For standard agent the access group of requestor overrides the access group in the agent
rule form

82. What will happen if you are not mentioning the access group in advanced

If no access group specified in Agent Rule form, then advanced agents runs on Guest access

83. How can you change the schedule of an agent in Production?

Agent Schedule is a Data Instance of class Data-Agent-Queue. We can directly open

Agent Schedule rule and we can update the “Schedule”.
84. I need to update all work objects daily, what kind of agent I need to select and

If we have queue then Standard agent.

No Queue then advanced agent.

85. How performance is better when we use report definition compared with

Activity when we create it’s a used defined one. It may have Bad Coding, It may not be
compatible with the PRPC Existing transaction model.

Coming to report definition, it executes OOTB activity rule pxRetreiveReportData to fetch

the data. This OOTB activity is written following the best practice of PEGA and it will not
disturb the PRPC transaction model.

86. If we want to join 10 tables. How to implement this using RPT rule. It should
not impact application performance?

We need to create a DB view and write report for this View.

87. If we want share Data between two pega applications. Insurance and the
other is Claims?

We have to use web services.

88. How many types of reports are there?

List Type Reports, Summary (Charts, Circles, Bar ), Sub Reports.

89. getContent activity?

This is OOTB activity gets executed when we run List View.

90. Get Next Action? Or Get Next Work or Get Most Urgent?

Get most urgent is an OOTB functionality which brings the Urgent Assignment to work

By default it brings the assignment from Work List.

91. In the product rule form what is Individual instances to include?

Here we can Query the DB records and onclude their pzInsKeys. Then Data Instance will be

92. What is “Exclude non-versioned rules” in Product Rule?

There are rules associated with rule sets but not with versions. When we select this check
box these rules will not be included in the product packaging.

Eg. Work basket, Work Group, Access Group, Operators etc…

93. We have deployed an application and application is running. After some you
got a requirement to modify only one of the rule which we have already moved. How
to achieve this?

We need to get the pzInsKey of Rule Instance and include it in Product Rule, then package it.

When we deploy this only one instance will be deployed into production.

94. We have made some changes and successfully tested in Dev, QA, UAT and Prod
also after deployments?

But When the business starts the latest code changes giving a technical issues which has
broken application functionality and entire is stopped. How to handle this situation?

We need to put the application version back.

95. What are the DB change in Pega 7 compared to Pega 6?

From Pega 7 onwards we have , Split Schema Architecture for DB.

We have separate schema for Rule and Data Instance i.e, Pega Rule and Pega Data.

All the rule instances gets stored in Rules Schema whereas Data instances gets stored in
Data Schema.

96. In activity suppose i have existing 10000 customers have common salary now i
want to increase their salary dynamically at a time?

Obj-Browse (Page List)

Loop (for Page List)

Obj-Open (to Open Customer)

Obj-Open (to Open Customer Increment)




97. What is the order of Rule resolution? and can u tell some rule types don’t
undergo Rule resolution?

Rule Cache

If Cache Available

Pick the rule from cache, Verify not blocked, Verify user authorized, Process
and Present Rule.

If Cache Not Available

Collect all rules matching name and type, Ignore Not Available, Ignore Not
applicable rule set hierarchy, Ignore Withdrawn, Ignore Not in applicable class hierarchy,
Rank by rule set, class, circumstance, find the best rule and keep in cache, Pick the rule from
cache, Verify not blocked, Verify user authorized, Process and Present Rule.

Data Instances like OpID, Access Group, Work Group, Work Basket etc… will
not go through rule resolution process. Because these instance will not be associated with
Rule set versions, Availability and circumstance.

98. An application testing phase working fine and in production environment

becomes slow what may be reason?






1. Load on the server can be more.

2. Queries may result in huge returns of data in


3. Log Files Size may be huge on Server (Regularly

back up logs files from Linux or other servers)

4. Net Work Issues.

Difference between Exit-Activity and Activity-End??

Exit-Activity Ends the execution of current activity whereas Activity-End ends the execution
of All the chain of activities which are involved in the calling processes.

99. What are the process improvements that you have do/Care in the project?

1. Analysis Talk to leads, architects and Business.

2. Design and Development

3. Unit Test (Self Testing)

4. Peer Review by Leads or colleagues.

5. Demo to BA.

6. Handover to tech leads. Patch and move to QA.

7. QA will test ad raise defects in DMS if defects.

8. Dev work on defects and move QA

9. Move to UAT

10. All set for prod deployment.

Standard Agent Advanced Agent

1. This is recommended for

transactional processing i.e, case 1. This is for Non Transactional Processing i.e, does not involve case processing. L

2. Standard used OOTB AQM. 3. Advanced agent will not use , we want to go Queuing we need to design custom

4. Standard agent runs on

Requestors access group who ever 5. Advanced agent runs on the access group specified in agents rule form.
puts the item in agent queue.

6. Standard runs activity N

number time / wake up where N is 7. Advanced agent exe Agent activity only once per wake up.
no of queue items.
8. Activity associated with
standard agent should be there in 9. Advanced agent activity can be there in any class.
WO class.

10. Standard agent can

11. Advanced is recommended to run on one node even though we have
be on Multi Node Environment.

100. What is the main difference b/w Standard Agent & Advanced Agent?

101. What is AQM. ..? Is AQM supports Standard Agent only r Advanced agent as well?

OOTB AQM being used by standard agent.

If we apply AQM with advanced agent, we need to implement our own Queue Management.

102. Define Assignment Level SLA & Workobject level SLA. .?

Assignment level Sla is only for one particular assignment on which we apply it.

WO level SLA is applicable throughout the case processing till it gets resolved.

103. I have one work object based on some condition I want to route work object to
Worklist or workbasket…? How many ways we can achieve this…? If I want give the
condition in single assignment itself how it is possible…?

We need to write a custom route activity which calls toworklist or toworkbasket activities
based on precondition.

104. What Are the Rule Set Pre Requisite, What are Types of rule Sets, and What is
the Rule set hierarchy in PEGA?

All the Predefined rule Sets Should be Address as “Required Rule Sets” to our application
Rule set then any rules in the predefined rule sets can be used in our application.
1. Application Rule Sets (Which we add in Application Rule Form)

2. Production Rule Sets (Which we will add in the Application Rule Form and Also we
can in Access Group Under Advanced Tab.

3. Branch or Shared Rule Sets.

4. Personal Rule Sets.

105. What is Rule Delegation and Production Rule Set?

The Rules in PRPC like Decision rules, Correspondence Rules etc… can be delegated to
business so that business users can modify the rule as per their requirements.

Rules can be delegated from the action Dropdown of the rule form. When delegating it can
be done to Single Operator OR to an Access Group.

Delegated rules will be available to be accessible through the Portals under the
Section “My Business Rules”.

The OOTB sections rule name “Delegated Rules” which is available in “@baseclass”.

These rules can be created in a separate rule set and we call this rule set under
“Production rule Sets” in the application rule form.

Usually these production rule sets will be left unlocked.

106. What is Application, Production , Branch and Personal Rule Set?

The rule sets which we regularly user for creating our rules are application rule

 Production Rule Set :- refer above question.

 Branch Rule Set:- It is a share rule set. This allows multiple developers
to perform parallel updates on the rules. After that we can merge the
branch rule sets into the original rule set with all changes. Branch
Rule Set can be added in the application rule Form.

 Personal Rule Set :- This is virtual rule set created with the Operator ID

 When an Operator check out a rule PRPC copies the rule from
Original Rule Set to Personal Rule Set allowing the operator to make
changes. After the changes are done/check in the personal rule set
copy will be lost and latest changes will be saved into original rule set.

 All the Checkout rules will be available in Personal Rule Set. The
Priority when accessing the rule goes to Personal Rule Set.

107. Difference between section and Harness?

A Harness Holds a section rule. Purpose of Section is to design the UI. Harness can be called
from Portal, Assignment shape, Flow under Process Tab.

Harness defines the Appearance and Processing of the WO forms.

Harness rule is at Work Object level or Portal Level.

108. Difference between Declare Pages and Data Pages?

Declare Pages Data Pages

1. Name Should Start with Declare_ 2. Name Should Start with D_

3. Read only 4. Both Read only/Editable

5. Parameters tab is not available 6. Parameters tab is available.

109. How to Jump From One Stage to Another Stage in PEGA 7?

We can use a utility called “Change Stage”

110. Difference between On change and Trigger?

On Change Rule gets executed when the property value changes anywhere in your

Trigger gets executed only where there is any update or insert or delete operations
performed on Data Tables.

111. How to make a local action available to be accessible at all the assignments in
the Flow?

We can call the flow action or local action in the Design tab of the flow. The local action
which are called in the assignment shape properties will be available only to that particular
assignment whereas the local actions which we call in the design of the flow will be available
to access at all the assignments in a flow.

112. What is Forward chaining and Backward chaining?

Declare expression is an example of forward and Backward chaining .We have different
options available to choose those are

1.Whenever Inputs Change (Every time when source properties changing Declare
expression gets executed and assign the target prop value this is FWD chaining.)

2. Whenever Used :- Every time when we use target prop declare expression will be
executed to assign value to target prop. This is backward chaining.

113. What are the OUT-OF-BOX solutions you’ve used in your project?

Below are the basic OOTB Rules used in my application.

SendEmailNotification, Perform Harness, pyID, pyCaseAttachments, pyAttachContent.

114. Can an assignment be completed manually, automatically (without Human

intervention) or BOTH?
FinishAssignment OOTB activity we need to call.

115. What is an Access-group?

Access-group is an interface between Operator and Application, Portal, Access Roles.

Access Group Define the Work pool of an operator.

An Operator Can have Multiple Access Groups Defined but one should be default.

116. What is a Workbasket, Work pool and Workgroup?

Work Basket is an instance of Assign-Workbasket. It is Queue of All the work Items those
can be accessed by Multiple Operators who are connected to the basket via their Work

Work Group Acts an Interface between Operator and Work Basket. Work Group and Work
Basket can be connected to each other.

Work pool :- Class Group when added in the access group (Under Advanced Tab) it is said to
be work pool. It Identifies which case types should be loaded for an operator to create work.

Below Diagram Explains the relation between Operator, Work Group and Work
117. What is the diff bet Rule and a Rule set?

Anything in PRPC is called as a Rule. For Example Property, Activity, Data Transform
etc… Rule Set is a container to hold all the rules into it and which allows the versioning
of rules.

118. What are the Application Servers that PRPC supports and who maintains these

Tomcat, Web sphere, Web Logic etc…

Web Admin Team maintains these servers.

119. What is Assignment in PRPC?

An Assignment in PRPC is used to route work to an operator. The primary use of an

assignment is to display or call a flow action into flow.

No assignment can be available without flow actions.

Assignment shape contains the options like

1. Status 2. SLA 3. Notification 4. Harness 5. Local actions etc…

If we want to see the current assignment details we can see on clipboard on a predefined
page “NewAssign” Page (Assign-)”

120. What is the Class Hierarchy in PRPC Or Class

121. Can screen flow can generate work objects?

By default screen flow cannot create a work object but we can call OOTB activity rules like
“New or NewFromFlow” and pass the screen flow class and name as parameters then it
creates a Work object.

122. How do u pass more than one page to another activity?

By selecting the check box “Pass Current Page check “.

123. What’s the difference between connector flow action and local flow action?

Flow action performs an action on Work object and it moves WO from one assignment to
another assignment.

Whereas local action also performs an action on WO, but it doesn’t move from
current assignment i.e, the Work Object will be still on same assignment.

124. What is the list view and summary view?

List View will generate plain reports whereas summary generates reports using Aggregate

1. What is Pega, and what are its key features?

— Pega is a BPM-based application development platform known for its low-code
approach, BPM, CRM, RPA, and AI capabilities.

2. Explain the Pega application development lifecycle.

— The lifecycle includes designing, building, testing, and deploying applications
using Pega Platform.

3. Describe the difference between PegaRULES Process Commander (PRPC)

and Pega Platform.
— Pega Platform is the latest version of PRPC, offering advanced features and
4. What are Data Pages in Pega, and how do they differ from Clipboard Pages?
— Data Pages cache and manage data for reuse, while Clipboard Pages store
temporary data during case processing.

5. How do you create a new case type in Pega?

— Use Case Designer to define case type, stages, and processes.

6. What are the key components of a Pega application?

— Rules, Data Model, User Interface, Integration, and Security are essential

7. How do you implement validation and business rules in Pega applications?

— Use Declarative rules, Decision rules, and Constraints to enforce business
logic and data validation.

8. Explain the role of a Pega Decision Table and provide an example.

— Decision Tables facilitate decision-making based on conditions and results.
Example: Mortgage approval based on credit score and income.

9. What are Agents in Pega, and how do they work?

— Agents are background processes that perform tasks like cleanup, data
processing, or schedule-based actions.

10. How does Pega support mobile application development?

— Pega offers responsive UI design and mobile app development using Pega
Mobile SDK.

11. How do you handle exceptions and errors in Pega applications?

— Using error handling, exception processes, and custom error pages.
12. What is Declarative Processing in Pega, and how is it different from
Procedural Processing?
— Declarative Processing uses rules to define logic (automatic), while Procedural
Processing uses custom activities (manual).

13. How do you troubleshoot and debug issues in Pega applications?

— Use Tracer, Clipboard, and Log files to identify and resolve problems.

14. Explain the purpose and use of Pega’s Decision Rules and Predictive
— Decision Rules are used to automate decisions, while Predictive Analytics uses
machine learning for intelligent decision-making.

15. How do you implement dynamic UI changes based on user input in Pega?
— Use Declare Expression and Refresh Harness to update the UI dynamically.

16. What are Activities in Pega, and how do they work?

— Activities are used to perform procedural processing, such as calculations,
assignments, and flow actions.

17. How do you manage access control and security in Pega applications?
— Pega provides access roles, privileges, and ACLs to control user access and

18. What are the different types of connectors available in Pega for integrating
with external systems?
— Pega supports various connectors like SOAP, REST, JDBC, JMS, etc., to
integrate with external systems.
19. How do you implement SLAs (Service Level Agreements) in Pega
— Use SLA rules to define and manage SLA deadlines for case processing.

20. Explain the purpose and use of Pega’s Case Designer.

— Case Designer allows users to design case types and configure case processes

21. How do you customize the user interface in Pega applications?

— Use Pega’s UI components, harnesses, and sections to customize the user

22. What is Pega’s SmartShape, and how do you use it in case processing?
— SmartShape is a graphical shape that represents flow actions in case

23. How do you design and configure data models in Pega applications?
— Use Pega’s Class, Property, and Data Model rules to design data structures.

24. What is a Page List in Pega, and how do you work with it?
— Page List is a collection of pages of the same class. Use it to store and
manipulate multiple instances of data.

25. How do you integrate Pega with external systems or databases?

— Use Pega Connectors, Service REST, and Service SOAP to integrate with
external systems.

26. What is a User Portal in Pega, and how do you create one?
— A User Portal is a customized interface for users to interact with Pega
applications. Use App Studio to create one.
27. How do you manage and monitor application performance in Pega?
— Pega’s Application Performance Monitoring (APM) helps monitor and
optimize application performance.

28. What is the Pega Robotics Studio, and how does it support Robotic Process
— Pega Robotics Studio is used to design and configure robotic automation

29. How do you implement encryption and secure storage of sensitive data in
— Pega provides encryption options and secure storage mechanisms for
sensitive data.

30. Explain the purpose and use of Pega’s Case Management features.
— Pega’s Case Management features allow users to manage and track case
processing efficiently.

31. What is the purpose of Pega’s Declarative Network, and how do you
configure it?
— Declarative Network manages the flow of cases based on dependencies
between case types.

32. How do you implement multilingual support in Pega applications?

— Use language-specific rules, localization, and translation features for
multilingual support.
33. What is Pega’s Robotic Automation, and how does it work with RPA?
— Pega’s Robotic Automation allows users to automate manual, repetitive tasks
using RPA bots.

34. How do you use Decision Trees in Pega for decision-making?

— Decision Trees allow users to model complex decisions based on a series of

35. What is the role of a Pega Business Architect, and what responsibilities do
they have?
— A Pega Business Architect collaborates with business stakeholders to gather
requirements and define solutions.

36. How do you optimize and improve the performance of Pega applications?
— Use performance analysis tools like PAL (Performance Analyzer) and DB
Trace to identify bottlenecks.

37. What is Pega’s application packaging and deployment process?

— Pega’s Application Packaging Wizard helps package and deploy applications
across environments.

38. How do you implement branching and merging in Pega application

— Pega provides Application Profile rules to manage branching and merging.

39. What are Decision Maps in Pega, and how do you use them?
— Decision Maps visualize decision trees and help in understanding decision
40. How do you create and manage Business Reports in Pega?
— Use Report Definitions and Report Browser to create and manage Business

41. Explain the purpose and use of Pega’s Case Types and Subtypes.
— Case Types represent different types of work, and Subtypes represent
variations within a case type.

42. What is Pega’s Agile Workbench, and how does it support Agile development
— Pega’s Agile Workbench helps manage and track user stories, backlogs, and

43. How do you implement auto-numbering and sequence generation for cases
in Pega?
— Pega’s Data Transform rules can be used to generate unique sequence

44. Explain the purpose of Pega’s Application Profiles.

— Application Profiles manage and control branching and merging in
application development.

45. How do you use Decision Tables in Pega for rule resolution?
— Decision Tables help in determining rule resolution based on conditions and
46. What is Pega’s Case Designer Studio, and how do you use it?
— Case Designer Studio is used to design and configure case types and case
processes visually.

47. How do you implement content management and document processing in

Pega applications?
— Pega provides CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services)
integration for document management.

48. Explain the purpose and use of Pega’s Automated Testing features.
— Automated Testing allows users to create test cases and execute them

49. How do you use Pega’s Dynamic Layouts for responsive UI design?
— Dynamic Layouts automatically adjust UI components based on screen sizes
and resolutions.

50. What is the Pega Cosmos Design System, and how does it enhance user
— Pega Cosmos Design System provides UI guidelines and patterns for
consistent and intuitive user experiences.

51. How do you implement parallel processing in Pega applications?

— Use Split-For-Each shape in Flow to process items in parallel.

52. What are Service Levels in Pega, and how do you configure them?
— Service Levels define maximum timeframes for case processing. Configure
them using SLA rules.
53. How do you implement conditional validation and data transformation in
— Use when rules and Declare Expression rules for conditional validation and
data transformation.

54. Explain the role of a Pega System Architect, and what are their
— Pega System Architects are responsible for designing and implementing
technical solutions.

55. How do you handle multi-environment deployments in Pega applications?

— Pega provides Application Packaging Wizard to package and move
applications across environments.

56. What is the purpose of Pega’s Decision Management features?

— Pega’s Decision Management helps automate and optimize decision-making

57. How do you configure Pega’s Security policies and Authentication services?
— Use Access Groups, Authentication services, and Security Policies for user
authentication and authorization.

58. Explain the use of Data Transform rules for data manipulation in Pega.
— Data Transform rules are used to convert, copy, and manipulate data between
properties and pages.

59. How do you manage and monitor system performance in Pega applications?
— Use Pega’s Performance Analyzer (PAL) and Application Monitoring to
analyze and optimize performance.
60. What is Pega’s Application Express, and how does it support rapid
application development?
— Pega’s App Studio, part of Application Express, enables rapid application
development with minimal coding.

61. How do you implement system alerts and notifications in Pega applications?
— Use Email, SLA, and System Alerts to notify users and administrators of
critical events.

62. Explain the use of Pega’s Process Models in case processing.

— Process Models provide a visual representation of case processes and stages.

63. How do you use Pega’s DCO (Direct Capture of Objectives) in application
— DCO facilitates the capture of business requirements and automates the
creation of application artifacts.

64. What is Pega’s Case Management Portal, and how do you customize it?
— The Case Management Portal provides an interface for managing and
processing cases. Customize it using skin rules.

65. How do you use Pega’s Email Listener for email integration?
— Pega’s Email Listener allows the system to process incoming emails as cases
or tasks.

66. Explain the use of Pega’s Robotic Workforce Manager in RPA.

— Robotic Workforce Manager enables users to schedule, monitor, and manage
RPA bots.
67. How do you implement Auto-population of data on a form in Pega?
— Use Data Transforms or Data Pages to auto-populate data on a form during
case creation.

68. What is the purpose of Pega’s Case Designer Studio, and how do you use it?
— Case Designer Studio allows users to visually design and configure case types
and case processes.

69. How do you manage application versioning and deployment in Pega?

— Use Pega’s Application Packaging Wizard to package and deploy applications
across different environments.

70. Explain the use of Pega’s Pulse feature for social collaboration in
— Pulse allows users to collaborate, share updates, and comment on cases
within the application.

71. How do you implement Parallel Processing in Pega for case management?
— Use the Split-For-Each shape in Flows to process multiple items in parallel.

72. What is the purpose of Pega’s System Management Application (SMA)?

— SMA provides tools for monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting the Pega

73. How do you configure Pega’s Email Integration for incoming and outgoing
— Use Email Accounts and Correspondence rules to set up email integration.

74. Explain the use of Pega’s Embedded Pages for data organization and
— Embedded Pages allow the nesting of data within a property, enabling
structured data organization.

75. How do you integrate Pega applications with external systems using REST
— Pega provides REST Connectors to interact with RESTful APIs of external

76. What is Pega’s Pulse and how does it support collaboration in case
— Pulse is a social collaboration tool that allows users to communicate and
collaborate on case updates.

77. How do you implement dynamic UI changes based on user interactions in

Pega applications?
— Use Dynamic Layouts, Refresh Section, and Declare Expression rules for
dynamic UI updates.

78. Explain the use of Pega’s SLA (Service Level Agreement) rules in case
— SLA rules define timeframes for completing stages and processing cases
within specific deadlines.

79. How do you implement Custom User Interfaces using Pega’s User Interface
(UI) components?
— Use Sections, Harnesses, and UI rules to create custom user interfaces in Pega
80. What is Pega’s Integration Designer, and how does it support external
— Integration Designer provides tools to configure and manage integrations
with external systems.

81. How do you use Pega’s Declarative Expressions for dynamic data
— Declare Expression rules automatically compute and update property values
based on defined expressions.

82. What is the purpose of Pega’s Application Profile and how do you use it?
— Application Profile manages and controls branching and merging in
application development.

83. How do you design and configure Data Models in Pega for data
— Use Class, Property, and Data Model rules to design and represent data

84. Explain the use of Pega’s Case Management features for efficient case
— Pega’s Case Management features enable users to manage and track case
processing efficiently.

85. How do you configure Pega’s Declarative Network to manage case

— Declarative Network defines case dependencies and the flow of cases between

86. What is the purpose of Pega’s Decision Management features for intelligent
— Pega’s Decision Management helps automate and optimize decision-making

87. How do you manage system performance in

Pega applications?
— Pega’s Performance Analyzer (PAL) and Application Monitoring tools help
analyze and optimize performance.

88. What is Pega’s Application Express, and how does it support rapid
application development?
— Pega’s App Studio, part of Application Express, enables rapid application
development with minimal coding.

89. How do you implement system alerts and notifications in Pega applications?
— Use Email, SLA, and System Alerts to notify users and administrators of
critical events.

90. Explain the use of Pega’s Process Models in case processing.

— Process Models provide a visual representation of case processes and stages.

91. How do you use Pega’s DCO (Direct Capture of Objectives) in application
— DCO facilitates the capture of business requirements and automates the
creation of application artifacts.

92. What is Pega’s Case Management Portal, and how do you customize it?
— The Case Management Portal provides an interface for managing and
processing cases. Customize it using skin rules.
93. How do you use Pega’s Email Listener for email integration?
— Pega’s Email Listener allows the system to process incoming emails as cases
or tasks.

94. Explain the use of Pega’s Robotic Workforce Manager in RPA.

— Robotic Workforce Manager enables users to schedule, monitor, and manage
RPA bots.

95. How do you implement Auto-population of data on a form in Pega?

— Use Data Transforms or Data Pages to auto-populate data on a form during
case creation.

96. What is the purpose of Pega’s Case Designer Studio, and how do you use it?
— Case Designer Studio allows users to visually design and configure case types
and case processes.

97. How do you manage application versioning and deployment in Pega?

— Use Pega’s Application Packaging Wizard to package and deploy applications
across different environments.

98. Explain the use of Pega’s Pulse feature for social collaboration in
— Pulse allows users to collaborate, share updates, and comment on cases
within the application.

99. How do you implement Parallel Processing in Pega for case management?
— Use the Split-For-Each shape in Flows to process multiple items in parallel.
100. What is the purpose of Pega’s System Management Application (SMA)?
— SMA provides tools for monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting the Pega

These questions cover a broad range of Pega topics and can help you prepare for
your Pega architect interview. Remember to study and practice in-depth to
demonstrate your knowledge and skills during the interview. Good luck!
Pega Interview Questions and Answers
Pega is a software development solution that eliminates the need for coding while creating BPM and CRM
systems. Because Java is based on Java and makes use of OOP and Java concepts, it heads it in the
backend and automates all the business processes involved in developing the applications. Pega is
primarily used for cost-cutting and enhancing corporate objectives. You can see the list of basic Pega
interview questions that the panel asks most commonly in this article. This will enable you to ace the
interview at prestigious IT companies. Explore the top 15 reasons why you must learn Pega.

What is Pega?
With the help of the Pega platform, users may create apps, integrate them with other systems, and quickly
implement mobility. In-depth UI design, decision-making, DevOps implementation, robotic process
automation, case life cycle management, and reporting are all aided by it. It is based on Java and is
currently on version 8.2, which is also known as Build for Change.

Explain the primary usages of Pega

Pega is an application development platform that helps customers create mobile applications, manage
case life cycles, create sophisticated user interfaces, manage choices, integrate DevOps and robotic
automation, and generate reports, among other things. Pega is favored over alternative tools since it does
away with scripting, streamlines the procedure through built-in features, and primarily promotes reusing
current rules and making appropriate modifications.
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development life cycle.

What kinds of studios does Pega offer?

In essence, Pega provides four kinds of studios:

 Dev Studio
 App Studio
 Admin Studio
 Prediction Studio

Studios—also referred to as workspaces—allow users to work with role-based capabilities and expedite the
development of applications. Role-based features enable various developer types to use the tool for
particular tasks.
What does Pega mean when it refers to a workstation or studio?
In Pega, a workstation or studio is a designated area with particular equipment and amenities.

What types of classes are there in Pega?

During technical interviews, this is one of the most frequently requested Pega interview questions. The
many class kinds that Pega offers are:
The Data Class: It outlines the guidelines that control how data kinds and objects are used.
The Integration Class: It is made up of guidelines that describe how the application communicates with
outside resources and services, like third-party servers and customer databases.
The Work Class: It controls how test cases are processed and is made up of data objects, interfaces, and
other resources.
Look what our Pega course syllabus has in store for you!

What different development tools does Pega use?

Pega Express and Designer Studio are the developer tools that are utilized in Pega.
What kinds of debugging tools does Pega offer?
Pega offers several debugging tools, including Tracer, Clipboard, SMA, and PLA.

What new components have been added to the Pega 8.4 version for developing applications?
The following are some of the new features that Pega 8.4 has added from the perspective of application

 We can take advantage of role-based workspaces in Pega 8.4.

 With the latest edition, developers may now examine all project highlights on a single page.
 Additionally, it offers efficient reusable component management.

Which types of harnesses does Pega use?

While Pega offers several basic harness kinds, the new, perform, review, conform, tabbed, perform screen
flow, tree navigation, etc. harness is the most widely used kind.

Which classes of various kinds does PRPC support?

The various kinds of standard classes that are offered are.
Base class: This is the highest-level base class. Work, Data, Rule, Assign, History, and so on are some of
its child classes. Concrete classes and abstract classes are the two class types that Pega consistently
Abstract Classes: Classes that finish in “-” are known as abstract classes, and they are unable to produce
instances of work objects.
Concrete Classes: It doesn’t finish in ‘-‘, and abstract classes will generate instances of work objects.
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What makes the Property-Validate and Page-Validate methods different from one another?
Every property on a page is validated using the page-validate method. This function will validate all the
properties recursively if a page has embedded pages. This approach takes longer and consumes more
system resources. To validate specific properties, use the Obj-Validate method in conjunction with a Rule-
Obj-Validate rule.
A property’s value can be restricted by applying the property-validate method. Use the Edit validate rule
when combined with the Property-Validate method to implement constraints. You can validate many
properties at once with the property-validate function.

Where will assignments be saved in the Pega rules database?

pc_assign_worklist stores work list-related assignments.
pc_assign_workbasket stores workbasket-related assignments.
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What exactly do you mean by DCO in Pega?

DCO means Direct Capture of Objectives in Pega. It is made up of resources, tools, application artifacts,
and processes for gathering, storing, and processing data on the Pega platform.

What are the various techniques employed in activities?

The following is a list of some of the techniques implemented in the activities:
Page: Remove
Page: New
Object: List
Object: Open
Object: Save
RBD: Save
RBD: List
RBD: Delete
What exactly do you mean by id DataPage, and what is its scope?
DataPage is a single page or a group of pages that stores the data required by the system to populate work
item characteristics for calculations or other procedures.
Here is a beginner’s guide to understanding RPA Blue Prism.

What is the distinction between the Page and Page List properties? How are they put into action?
The following is the distinction between the Page and Page List properties:

 A page property refers to a certain class and is used to access that class’s properties.
 Page List Property also refers to a specific class, but it is a collection of individual pages of the
same class that may be retrieved via numeric indexes.

What do you mean by “work object” in Pega?

The fundamental unit of work accomplished in an application is the work object. A flow operates on the
original collection of data. A work object is generated, updated, and eventually closed (resolved) while
using an application.
Every work object has a unique ID (pyID), an urgency value, and a status (pyStatusWork).
Check out the frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions and answers.

In Pega, how do you create an object?

The following are the steps we must take to create a work object in Pega:

1. To begin, insert a button, such as a section or a header.

2. Click the action tab after expanding the cell property within the button.
3. Set an action for the button.
4. Add the focus class and flow name to the button.
5. “Param.prevRecordkey” returns the current work object ID.
6. Use the “Obj-Open-By-Handle” command to open the case.
7. Page-Copy is used to copy data from pagers.

What distinguishes declare pages from regular pages?

The distinctions between regular pages and declare pages:
Declare Pages

 Declarative rules are used in the creation of declare pages.

 For a declare page to be created, the declare keyword needs to be given.
 Declare pages to be read-only; they cannot be directly edited or removed.

Regular Pages:

 The page-new technique is used to build regular pages, also known as user pages.
 It is simple to edit or remove these pages immediately.
 The moment you log out of the system, these pages are instantly removed.
In Pega, what is a portal exactly, and where will it be set up?
A user interface that is visible to users is called a portal (either for developers or end users). The Access
Group is where the portal can be configured. portals for developers, administrators, managers, users, and
so forth.
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In Pega, what are the many categories of requestors?

The various types of requestors that Pega has are as follows:

 Browser requestor: The browser requestor begins with the letter ‘H’.
 Batch requestor: The batch requestor has the letter ‘B’ in its name.
 Application requestor: The letter ‘A’ stands for application requestor.
 Portal requestor: The letter ‘P’ stands for portal requestor.

What does SLA mean? How is it used?

Assignments and work objects can have the SLA instance of the Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type added
to them. Goal and deadline are the two time periods for SLA, and they represent the anticipated time for
the assignment and the time needed to resolve the work object. If an assignment is not finished before the
due date, the system may sound an alert automatically and stop the flow of work completely.
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In Pega, how can we track SLA?

The procedures listed below can be used to track SLA in Pega:

 Terminating the agent

 Delaying the agent
 Initiating the agent
 Delay the agent again

Choose the delayed requestor from the list of requestors, then click the tracer.
Within 60 seconds, forward this case to a specific assignment that includes the SLA.
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What is Pega’s RuleSet?

The RuleSet in Pega is a group of business rules that specify an instance. To reference instances in the
database, one needs the RuleSet, a crucial subset of PegaRULES.
What are the main benefits of Pega’s case management system?
The main benefits of case management at Pega are as follows:

 When combined with comprehensive support, it can enhance case management procedures.
 Additionally, it improves case flow’s effectiveness for dynamic and automatic answers.
 Using context-based and real-time management guarantees consistency and eliminates errors.
 It saves the time, money, and effort required to put case management into practice.

What distinguishes Pega’s obj-open from obj-open-by-handled?

Important distinctions between Pega’s obj-open and obj-open-by-handled functions:
Obj-Open: With Obj-Open, you can retrieve several records from a table based on the parameters from the
designated class. Additionally, it opens a specific class instance.
OBJ-open-handle: To use OBJ-open-handle, you have to give the instance handle of pzInskey. This
method opens the object with the handle to the pzInsKey value and opens only one record at a time.
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What types of layouts are possible in Pega?

These are the several layout options that Pega offers:
Screen Layout: Usually used to create gateways for an application, screen layouts are exclusively utilized
inside of a harness.
Dynamic Layout: Using a DIV-based layout, the dynamic layout allows for multiple content displays.
Column Layout: We can display important content, like a work item, with auxiliary information, such as an
attachment, by using a column layout.
Grid Layout: Another name for the grid layout is table layout. It facilitates data retrieval and comparison for
users. Tables serve as a versatile foundation in this design that enables users to process large amounts of
data in your apps. “Tables” in price comparison software are an example of a grid structure and can help
users find the best bargain more quickly.
Tree Grid Layout: The properties of integrated pages can be viewed, navigated, and accessed using the
tree layout. It makes it easier for users to quickly expand and contract the tree’s branches to find entries
that are currently of interest.
You can add content, such as properties, controls, and additional sections, to a section in dynamic and
column layouts. The width, alignment, positioning, and arrangement of elements in a layout are all
determined by the skin’s format.
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In Pega, how can a dynamic layout be made?

1. First, choose an existing section form and open it.

2. Drag the dynamic layout onto the work area by expanding the structural list on the Design tab.
3. In the header of the dynamic layout, click the see properties icon.
4. You can choose from the following options when setting the layout format in the properties window:

1. Select from among the preset formats.

2. To utilize a skin-defined custom layout format, select other and then enter the custom
layout format in the field next to it.

5. You can choose from the following options for when you want the dynamic layout to show up in the
visibility field:

1. Select a predetermined option.

2. To create your own condition, select condition (expression) and then click the open
condition builder icon.

6. Finish by submitting the form.

What are the primary benefits and drawbacks of declaring pages in Pega?
Benefits of Pega’s Declare Pages:
Declaring pages has the primary benefit of avoiding numerous database hits. Assuming that a node has
several requestors, load activity will start at the initial user’s login, creating a declaration page before
loading the data onto it. The requestors on that node view and use this declaration page and its contents.
Know the differences between RPA and Selenium.
Limitations of Pega’s Declare Pages:
One drawback of Pega’s ‘Declare’ pages is that they have the primary drawback of being read-only for the
requestors. It is unable to both add new data and remove particular data.

What kinds of declarative rules are available in Pega?

Declarative rules come in different varieties in Pega, including:
Declare Expressions
Declare Constraints
Declare On Change
Declare Trigger
Declare Index
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1. Can you explain the Pega PRPC architecture and its components?

As a Pega Developer, you’ll be working with the Pega PRPC (PegaRULES

Process Commander) platform to build applications that meet specific
business needs. Understanding the architecture and its components is
essential to your ability to design, develop, and troubleshoot applications
effectively. Interviewers ask this question to gauge your knowledge of the
Pega platform and to ensure you have a strong foundation in the
technology you’ll be working with daily.

Example: “Pega PRPC (Pegasystems Rules Process Commander) is a

Business Process Management (BPM) tool that follows a model-driven
architecture, allowing developers to build applications with minimal coding.
The core components of Pega PRPC architecture are:

1. Rule Resolution: This component manages the rule inheritance and

versioning in the application. It ensures that the most appropriate rules are
executed based on factors such as class hierarchy, rule availability, and
date-time settings.

2. Clipboard: The clipboard serves as temporary storage for data during

process execution. It holds page structures called “pages” that store
property values, which can be accessed and manipulated by various rules
throughout the application.

3. Database: Pega uses its own database schema to store instances of

rules, work objects, and other system-related data. The PegaRULES
database stores all the rules, while the PegaDATA database contains work
objects and other runtime data.

4. Engine: The engine is responsible for executing business processes and

managing the flow of work through the application. It interprets and
executes rules, updates the clipboard, and interacts with external systems
when necessary.

5. User Interface: Pega’s UI framework allows developers to create

responsive and adaptive user interfaces using sections, harnesses, and
other UI elements. These components can be reused across different parts
of the application, ensuring consistency and ease of maintenance.

Understanding these key components of Pega PRPC architecture helps

developers design efficient and scalable applications that meet specific
business requirements.”
2. What is the difference between a Rule-Obj-Activity and a Rule-Connect-SOAP rule in Pega?

As a Pega developer, you’ll be working with various rule types in the Pega
platform to build applications and integrations. Knowing the difference
between Rule-Obj-Activity and Rule-Connect-SOAP demonstrates your
understanding of Pega’s rule types and their respective use cases, which is
essential for creating efficient and well-designed solutions within the

Example: “As a Pega developer, it’s essential to understand the differences

between Rule-Obj-Activity and Rule-Connect-SOAP rules. A Rule-Obj-
Activity is a rule type that defines a sequence of steps or actions to be
executed in a specific order. Activities are used for various purposes such
as data manipulation, flow control, and integration with external systems.
They can be called from other activities, flows, or user interfaces within the

On the other hand, Rule-Connect-SOAP is a rule type specifically designed

for integrating Pega applications with external web services using the
SOAP protocol. This rule allows you to define the structure of the request
and response messages, map properties between Pega and the external
system, and configure the endpoint URL and authentication details. The
primary purpose of Rule-Connect-SOAP is to facilitate seamless
communication between Pega and external systems through standardized
web service calls.

While both rule types play a role in integrating Pega applications with
external systems, Rule-Obj-Activity provides a more general-purpose
approach, whereas Rule-Connect-SOAP focuses on SOAP-based web
service integrations.”
3. How do you create a new work object in Pega?

Understanding how to create a new work object in Pega is essential for a

developer, as it’s a fundamental aspect of building efficient and effective
business processes within the Pega platform. By asking this question,
interviewers are looking for insight into your technical knowledge and
expertise in Pega development, as well as your ability to explain and
demonstrate your understanding of an important aspect of the platform.

Example: “To create a new work object in Pega, you typically use the Obj-
Open method or the Create Work process. The Obj-Open method is used
when you want to instantiate an existing work object, while the Create
Work process is utilized for creating a new instance of a work object.

When using the Create Work process, you first need to ensure that your
flow has a starting point by adding a “Create” shape at the beginning of the
flow. Next, configure the properties of the “Create” shape by specifying the
class and flow name associated with the work object. Once this is done,
save and run the flow. As the flow executes, it will create a new work object
based on the specified class and initiate the defined process.

It’s important to note that the system automatically assigns a unique ID to

each newly created work object, which helps in tracking and managing
them throughout their lifecycle.”

4. Explain the concept of declarative rules in Pega.

This question aims to gauge your understanding of Pega’s key features

and your ability to apply them in a practical setting. Declarative rules are an
essential aspect of Pega development, as they allow you to define the
relationships between data properties without the need for procedural logic.
Demonstrating your knowledge of declarative rules and their practical
applications showcases your expertise in Pega and your capacity to build
efficient, maintainable applications.

Example: “Declarative rules in Pega are a powerful feature that allows

developers to define the system’s behavior without writing procedural code.
These rules automatically handle data manipulation and calculations based
on predefined conditions, making it easier to maintain and modify
applications as business requirements change.

There are several types of declarative rules available in Pega, such as

Declare Expressions, which calculate values for properties based on other
property values; Declare Constraints, which enforce specific conditions or
validations on properties; and Declare OnChange, which trigger actions
when a specified property value changes. Utilizing these declarative rules
helps streamline development processes, improve application
performance, and ensure consistency across the system.”

5. What are some best practices for designing efficient user interfaces in Pega applications?

Understanding best practices for designing efficient user interfaces is

essential for a Pega Developer because it demonstrates your ability to
create applications that are both user-friendly and efficient. A well-designed
user interface can greatly impact the user experience, leading to increased
user adoption, higher productivity, and better overall satisfaction with the
application. Employers want to know that you’re familiar with these best
practices and can apply them to create Pega applications that meet their
business needs and provide a positive user experience.

Example: “When designing efficient user interfaces in Pega applications,

it’s essential to prioritize usability and maintainability. First, leverage the
out-of-the-box UI components provided by Pega, as they are designed for
optimal performance and adhere to best practices. Customize these
components only when necessary to meet specific business requirements.

Another key practice is to follow a modular design approach by creating

reusable sections and harnesses. This not only promotes consistency
across the application but also simplifies maintenance and updates.
Additionally, ensure that you use data pages efficiently to minimize
database interactions and improve overall performance.

Keep the user experience in mind by organizing information logically and

minimizing clutter on the screen. Utilize progressive disclosure techniques
like collapsible panels or tabs to present complex information in an easily
digestible format. Lastly, always test your user interface with different
devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and responsiveness,
providing a seamless experience for all users.”
6. Describe the process of creating a data model in Pega.

Hiring managers ask this question to evaluate your technical knowledge

and ability to create data models within the Pega platform. By detailing the
process, you demonstrate that you’re familiar with Pega’s tools and best
practices, ultimately showcasing your expertise and ability to contribute to
the development team effectively.

Example: “Creating a data model in Pega involves defining the structure

and relationships of data objects within an application. The first step is to
create a new Data Type or modify an existing one, which represents the
primary entity for storing information. This can be done using the App
Studio by navigating to the “Data” tab and selecting “Data Types.”

Once you have created or selected a Data Type, you can define its
properties (fields) that will store specific pieces of information. For each
property, you need to specify its name, data type, and any constraints or
validations required. You can also configure how these properties are
displayed on forms and reports.

After defining the properties, it’s essential to establish relationships

between different Data Types if needed. In Pega, this can be achieved
through associations, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many
relationships. These associations help in modeling complex business
scenarios and enable efficient data retrieval and manipulation during
runtime. Finally, save your changes and test the data model to ensure it
meets the desired requirements and supports the overall business goals.”
7. What is the role of decision tables and decision trees in Pega development?

When hiring a Pega Developer, interviewers want to gauge your

understanding of Pega’s tools and functionalities, particularly regarding
decision-making processes. Decision tables and decision trees play a
critical role in Pega development, as they help create and manage complex
business logic. By asking this question, interviewers want to ensure you
can efficiently use these tools to design, implement, and maintain decision-
making components within a Pega application, ultimately contributing to the
overall success of the project.

Example: “Decision tables and decision trees play a vital role in Pega
development as they help implement business rules and logic efficiently.
Both are used to define conditional processing, but they serve different
purposes based on the complexity of the conditions.

Decision tables are best suited for scenarios with multiple conditions that
result in specific outcomes. They present these conditions in a tabular
format, making it easy to visualize and manage complex rule sets. Decision
tables simplify maintenance by allowing developers to update or modify
rules without altering the application’s code directly.

On the other hand, decision trees are ideal for handling more intricate
situations where nested conditions need to be evaluated. They use a
hierarchical structure to represent branching decisions based on various
criteria. This allows developers to create sophisticated decision-making
processes while maintaining readability and modularity within the

Both decision tables and decision trees contribute to streamlining the

development process in Pega by providing reusable components that
encapsulate business logic, promoting consistency across the application
and reducing the likelihood of errors.”
8. Can you explain the use of SLA (Service Level Agreement) in Pega?

Understanding the use of SLA in Pega is essential because it ensures that

your projects meet the desired performance levels and service
expectations. As a Pega developer, you’ll be responsible for creating and
implementing business processes that comply with SLA requirements.
Demonstrating your knowledge of SLAs in Pega shows that you can design
and monitor workflows, set deadlines, and prioritize tasks to ensure timely
delivery and quality standards are met.

Example: “Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in Pega are used to define

and enforce time-based goals for processing work items, ensuring that
tasks are completed within the expected timeframe. SLAs help maintain a
high level of efficiency and customer satisfaction by setting expectations for
response times and resolution deadlines.

SLAs can be applied at various levels, such as assignments, stages, or

cases. They consist of two main components: goals and deadlines. Goals
represent the ideal time frame for completing a task, while deadlines
indicate the maximum allowable time before the task is considered
overdue. When an SLA is triggered, it initiates escalation actions if the goal
or deadline is not met, which may include sending notifications, reassigning
the task, or escalating the case to a higher authority. This ensures timely
completion of tasks and helps organizations meet their performance
targets while maintaining quality service delivery.”

9. What is the purpose of using correspondence rules in Pega applications?

Interviewers ask this question to assess your understanding of Pega’s

functionality, particularly in the area of communication management.
Correspondence rules are a vital feature in Pega applications, as they
enable the system to generate and send notifications, letters, and emails to
users, customers, or other stakeholders. Demonstrating your knowledge of
correspondence rules and their purpose shows that you can effectively
utilize Pega’s communication tools to meet the requirements of a project.

Example: “Correspondence rules in Pega applications serve the purpose of

facilitating communication between the application and its users, both
internal and external. These rules enable the generation of standardized
messages, such as emails, letters, or SMS notifications, which can be sent
to various stakeholders during different stages of a business process.
Using correspondence rules ensures consistency in communication while
reducing manual effort and potential errors. They allow for dynamic content
insertion based on case data, making it possible to personalize messages
according to specific situations or recipients. This enhances user
experience and streamlines the overall workflow within the application,
ultimately contributing to improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.”

10. How do you implement security features, such as authentication and authorization, in Pega

Understanding how to implement security features in Pega applications

demonstrates your ability to protect sensitive data and adhere to
compliance requirements. As a Pega developer, you’re responsible for
safeguarding the system against unauthorized access and ensuring that
users have the appropriate permissions to perform their tasks. Showcasing
your knowledge in this area reassures the interviewer that you’re capable
of creating secure and reliable applications for the organization.

Example: “To implement security features in Pega applications, I leverage

the built-in capabilities of the platform. For authentication, I configure the
application to use one of the supported authentication methods, such as
basic authentication, single sign-on (SSO) with SAML or OAuth 2.0, or a
custom authentication service. This ensures that only authorized users can
access the application.

For authorization, I utilize Access Groups and Access Roles within Pega.
Access Groups define the roles and privileges assigned to different user
groups, while Access Roles determine what actions users can perform on
specific objects. I carefully design these configurations based on the
principle of least privilege, granting users only the necessary permissions
for their job functions. Additionally, I make use of Data Access Control
policies to restrict data visibility and modification at the record level,
ensuring that sensitive information is protected. These combined measures
help create a secure environment within the Pega application,
safeguarding both user access and data integrity.”
11. What is the significance of harnesses and sections in Pega UI design?

Harnesses and sections are essential components in Pega UI design, and

interviewers want to ensure that you understand their importance.
Harnesses act as the primary container for user interface elements,
providing a structure for the display of work items. Sections, on the other
hand, are reusable building blocks that allow for the organization and
arrangement of UI elements within a harness. By asking this question,
interviewers can gauge your knowledge of Pega’s UI design principles and
your ability to create efficient and user-friendly applications.

Example: “Harnesses and sections are essential components in Pega UI

design, as they help create a structured and organized user interface for

Harnesses serve as the primary container for displaying information on a

work object. They define the overall layout of a user form, including
headers, footers, navigation elements, and content areas. Harnesses allow
developers to control the presentation of data and ensure consistency
across different screens within an application.

Sections, on the other hand, are reusable building blocks that can be
embedded within harnesses or other sections. They enable developers to
create modular and maintainable UI components, such as input fields,
tables, or buttons. Sections promote reusability and reduce redundancy by
allowing common UI elements to be shared across multiple forms or

Together, harnesses and sections provide a flexible framework for

designing efficient and consistent user interfaces in Pega applications. This
ultimately enhances the end-user experience and streamlines the
development process.”
12. Explain the difference between Page List and Page Group properties in Pega.

The interviewer wants to evaluate your technical knowledge and

understanding of Pega concepts, specifically when it comes to data
modeling and handling. Page List and Page Group properties are
fundamental components in Pega applications, and knowing the
differences between them demonstrates your expertise as a Pega
Developer and your ability to design efficient and effective solutions within
the platform.

Example: “Page List and Page Group are both types of properties in Pega
that store multiple pages, but they differ in how they organize and access
the data.

A Page List is an ordered collection of pages, where each page has a

unique index number. The index numbers start from 1 and increment
sequentially. This structure allows for easy iteration through the list using
loops or other control structures. However, it’s important to note that
there’s no inherent relationship between the index number and the content
of the page itself.

On the other hand, a Page Group is an unordered collection of pages,

where each page is associated with a unique key called a subscript. The
subscript can be any string value, which provides more flexibility when
organizing and accessing the data within the group. Since the subscript
often represents a meaningful identifier related to the content of the page, it
can make the data structure more intuitive and easier to work with.

Choosing between Page List and Page Group depends on the specific
requirements of your application and how you need to access and
manipulate the data stored within these properties.”
13. What are the various types of flows available in Pega? Provide examples of when to use each

As an interviewer, it’s crucial to evaluate a Pega developer’s technical

knowledge and understanding of the platform’s different components. By
asking about the various types of flows and their use cases, you can
assess the candidate’s ability to design and develop effective business
processes using Pega. This question also helps you gauge their
experience in implementing the right flow types for specific project
requirements, ensuring a more efficient and well-organized development

Example: “There are three main types of flows in Pega: Process Flows,
Screen Flows, and Subflows. Each type serves a specific purpose within
the application development process.

1. Process Flows: These are the primary flows used to define the
sequence of steps required to complete a business process. They consist
of shapes like assignments, decisions, and connectors that represent
tasks, branching conditions, and paths between tasks. An example use
case for a process flow is an insurance claim processing system, where
multiple stages such as claim registration, validation, approval, and
payment need to be executed sequentially with possible conditional
branches based on various factors.

2. Screen Flows: These are designed to guide users through a series of

screens or forms in a predefined order. Screen flows are particularly useful
when you want to ensure that users follow a specific path while entering
data or making selections. For instance, screen flows can be employed
during customer onboarding processes, where users must provide
personal information, select account preferences, and review terms and
conditions before completing their registration.

3. Subflows: Subflows are reusable components that can be embedded

within other flows (process or screen) to modularize common functionality.
They help reduce redundancy and simplify maintenance by allowing
developers to make changes in one place that will propagate throughout
the entire application. A typical scenario for using subflows would be
implementing a standard approval process that needs to be incorporated
into multiple workflows across different departments, such as approving
purchase orders, leave requests, or expense reports.”
14. Describe the process of integrating external systems with Pega applications.

Hiring managers want to ensure that you, as a Pega Developer, have the
technical knowledge and expertise to integrate Pega applications with
external systems. This is a key aspect of the job, as Pega applications
often need to interact with other tools and systems within an organization.
Your ability to describe this process demonstrates your understanding of
Pega’s integration capabilities and your experience in working with diverse

Example: “Integrating external systems with Pega applications involves a

series of steps to ensure seamless communication and data exchange
between the two. First, we identify the integration points by understanding
the business requirements and determining which external systems need
to be connected to our Pega application.

Once the integration points are identified, we choose the appropriate

connectors and services provided by Pega, such as REST or SOAP
connectors for web services, JMS or MQ connectors for messaging
systems, and SQL connectors for databases. We then configure these
connectors in the Pega application, specifying details like endpoint URLs,
authentication methods, and request/response mappings.

After configuring the connectors, we create data pages or activities that

use these connectors to fetch or send data from/to the external systems.
This allows us to encapsulate the integration logic within reusable
components, making it easier to maintain and update when needed.
Finally, we thoroughly test the integration to ensure accurate data
exchange and error handling, addressing any issues that may arise during
this process.”
15. What is the role of agents in Pega applications, and how do you configure them?

As a Pega developer, it’s essential to understand and effectively utilize

various components of the Pega platform. Agents are one such
component, playing a critical role in automating background processes and
ensuring the smooth functioning of applications. By asking this question,
interviewers want to gauge your knowledge of agents, their purpose, and
your ability to configure them to meet specific application requirements.
This helps demonstrate your expertise in Pega development and your
capacity to optimize the platform’s features for the organization’s benefit.

Example: “Agents play a vital role in Pega applications by automating

background processing tasks, such as sending notifications or updating
records. They operate on the server-side and execute predefined activities
at scheduled intervals or specific conditions.

To configure agents, I follow these steps: First, I navigate to the “Records

Explorer” and select “SysAdmin > Agent Schedule.” Then, I create a new
agent schedule rule or open an existing one. In the rule form, I define the
agent’s name, context, and description. Next, I specify the activity that the
agent will execute, along with any required parameters. Afterward, I set up
the scheduling options, which include defining the interval between
executions, start time, end time, and whether it should run only once or
repeatedly. Finally, I save the rule and ensure that the agent is enabled in
the appropriate environment.

Properly configured agents contribute significantly to the efficiency of Pega

applications by handling routine tasks automatically, allowing developers
and users to focus on more critical aspects of the application.”
16. Explain the concept of rule resolution in Pega.

Diving into the technical aspects of a Pega Developer’s role, understanding

rule resolution is a key concept in Pega’s platform. Rule resolution is the
process by which Pega determines which rule instance to execute based
on a set of predefined criteria. Interviewers want to ensure that you, as a
Pega Developer, are well-versed in this concept, as it demonstrates your
ability to effectively create and manage applications using Pega’s unique
rule-based approach.

Example: “Rule resolution in Pega is a process that determines the most

appropriate rule instance to be executed among multiple instances of the
same rule. This selection is based on factors such as class hierarchy, rule
availability, and other context-specific criteria like access groups or time-
based conditions.

The rule resolution engine follows a specific order while searching for the
best-suited rule instance. It starts by looking at the highest class in the
inheritance path and then moves down through subclasses until it finds an
applicable rule. If multiple instances are found within the same class, the
engine considers additional factors like rule versioning, date-time validity,
and security constraints to select the most relevant one. This ensures that
the system executes the most suitable rule according to the current
context, promoting modularity and reusability of rules across different
applications and scenarios.”
17. What are the different types of inheritance in Pega, and how do they impact application

Inheritance plays a vital role in Pega application development, as it enables

code reusability and ensures a structured approach to designing
applications. By asking this question, interviewers want to assess your
understanding of Pega inheritance concepts, your ability to differentiate
between the types, and how you apply them to develop efficient,
maintainable, and scalable applications. This demonstrates your technical
expertise and ability to work with Pega’s core features effectively.

Example: “Pega offers two types of inheritance: pattern and directed. Both
play a significant role in application development by promoting reusability,
modularity, and maintainability.

Pattern inheritance is based on the class naming structure, where classes

with similar names inherit rules from their parent classes. This type of
inheritance follows a hierarchical approach, allowing developers to reuse
rules across multiple applications or modules within an organization. It
helps reduce redundancy and ensures consistency in business processes.

Directed inheritance, on the other hand, allows a class to inherit rules

directly from another class, regardless of its position in the hierarchy. This
is achieved through the “directed parent” property in the class definition.
Directed inheritance enables greater flexibility in rule sharing among
unrelated classes, facilitating collaboration between different teams
working on separate projects.

Both pattern and directed inheritance contribute to efficient application

development in Pega by enabling rule reusability and reducing duplication.
Understanding these inheritance types and leveraging them effectively can
lead to streamlined development processes and more robust applications.”
18. Describe the process of creating custom reports in Pega.

Understanding the creation of custom reports is essential for a Pega

Developer, as it showcases your ability to analyze, design, and implement
solutions that benefit the organization. By asking this question, interviewers
can evaluate your technical knowledge of Pega, your problem-solving
skills, and your capacity to tailor reporting solutions to meet the specific
needs of a project or business.

Example: “Creating custom reports in Pega involves leveraging the Report

Definition rule, which allows developers to define and configure various
aspects of a report. The first step is to create a new Report Definition rule
by navigating to the Records Explorer and selecting “Report Definition”
under the Reports category. Then, provide a name, description, and apply-
to class for the new rule.

Once the rule is created, you can start configuring the report using the
Query tab. Here, you’ll select the properties (columns) to be displayed in
the report, specify filter conditions, and set up sorting or grouping as
needed. Additionally, you can use the Join feature to include data from
other classes if required. After defining the query, move on to the Data
Access tab to set pagination options and optimize performance by limiting
the number of rows returned.

To finalize the report, customize its appearance using the Display Options
tab, where you can choose chart types, add summary functions, and
format columns. Once satisfied with the configuration, save the rule and
test it using the Run button. Finally, embed the report into a section or
harness within your application so that end-users can access and interact
with it.”
19. What is the purpose of using validation rules in Pega applications?

Understanding the role of validation rules in Pega applications is essential

for ensuring data integrity and streamlining business processes. By asking
this question, the interviewer wants to gauge your knowledge of Pega
functionalities and your ability to apply them effectively. They are looking
for candidates who can create applications that maintain data accuracy and
consistency while meeting the specific requirements of the project.

Example: “Validation rules in Pega applications serve the essential

purpose of ensuring data integrity and consistency. They are used to
enforce specific conditions or criteria that user inputs must meet before
being processed by the system. This helps prevent incorrect, incomplete,
or inconsistent data from entering the application, which could lead to
errors, inefficiencies, or even security vulnerabilities.

Implementing validation rules not only enhances the overall quality of the
data but also improves user experience by providing immediate feedback
on any issues with their input. This allows users to correct mistakes
promptly, reducing the likelihood of encountering problems later in the
workflow. In summary, validation rules contribute significantly to
maintaining a reliable and efficient Pega application by safeguarding data
accuracy and promoting seamless user interactions.”

20. How do you handle exceptions and errors in Pega workflows?

As a Pega developer, you’ll be responsible for designing and implementing

robust, efficient workflows that meet business requirements. Handling
exceptions and errors is a critical aspect of ensuring your workflows are
reliable and user-friendly. Interviewers want to know if you have the
knowledge and experience to create workflows that can handle various
scenarios, including unexpected errors or user input, without causing
disruptions or negative impacts on the end-users and the overall system.

Example: “Handling exceptions and errors in Pega workflows is essential to

ensure smooth application functioning. To manage them effectively, I use a
combination of exception handling strategies provided by the Pega

Firstly, I make use of declarative error handling using Validate rules. These
rules help me define validation conditions for properties and pages,
ensuring that data entered into the system meets specific criteria before
proceeding through the workflow. This helps prevent potential issues
caused by incorrect or missing information.
When it comes to runtime exceptions, I utilize the Exception Handling
shape within the flow rule. This allows me to define how the system should
respond when an exception occurs during process execution. For instance,
I can configure the shape to route the case to a different user or work
queue, send notifications, or log the error details for further analysis.
Additionally, I always ensure proper documentation of these exception
handling mechanisms so that other team members can easily understand
and maintain the implemented solutions.”

21. What is the significance of versioning in Pega applications?

Understanding versioning is key for a Pega Developer because it ensures

that your work is organized, traceable, and can be effectively managed.
Versioning allows for multiple developers to work on a project
simultaneously, and it helps in tracking changes and maintaining a history
of updates. This is important to maintain the integrity of the application, fix
bugs, and make improvements without disrupting the overall system.

Example: “Versioning plays a vital role in Pega applications, as it allows for

efficient management of application development and maintenance. It
enables developers to track changes made to rules and other components
throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring that multiple team members
can work on different parts of the application simultaneously without

Moreover, versioning facilitates seamless deployment of updates and

enhancements by allowing developers to create new versions of an
application while preserving its existing functionality. This ensures that any
modifications or bug fixes can be implemented without disrupting the end-
users’ experience. Additionally, versioning provides a clear audit trail,
making it easier to identify when specific changes were introduced and
rollback to previous versions if necessary. In summary, versioning is
essential for maintaining control over the development process, promoting
collaboration among team members, and ensuring the stability and
reliability of Pega applications.”
22. Explain the concept of case management in Pega.

Employers want to ensure that you, as a Pega developer, possess a strong

understanding of Pega’s core features and functionalities. Case
management in Pega is an essential concept that streamlines and
automates business processes. By asking this question, interviewers
gauge your ability to design and implement solutions using Pega’s case
management framework, which ultimately contributes to improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.

Example: “Case management in Pega is a powerful feature that allows

developers to model and automate complex business processes. It
revolves around the concept of “cases,” which represent individual
instances of a specific process or workflow, such as processing an
insurance claim or handling a customer service request.

The case management framework provides a structured approach to

designing, executing, and monitoring cases throughout their lifecycle. This
includes defining stages, steps, and actions required for each case type,
along with any necessary data inputs, validations, and decision points.
Additionally, it enables collaboration among multiple users and systems by
assigning tasks, routing work items, and managing deadlines.

Using Pega’s case management capabilities, organizations can streamline

their operations, improve efficiency, and ensure consistent execution of
business processes across various departments and teams. This ultimately
leads to better customer experiences, reduced operational costs, and
increased agility in adapting to changing business needs.”

23. What are the key performance indicators that you monitor during Pega application

Keeping an eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) during Pega

application development is essential to ensuring the project stays on track
and meets its goals. Interviewers want to know that you have a solid
understanding of these KPIs and how they contribute to the overall success
of the application. Monitoring KPIs can help you identify potential
bottlenecks, optimize performance, and maintain high-quality standards
throughout the development process.

Example: “As a Pega developer, I monitor several key performance

indicators (KPIs) during the application development process to ensure
optimal performance and efficiency. First, I pay close attention to the
processing time of each rule or component within the application. This
helps me identify any bottlenecks or areas that may require optimization.
Another KPI I focus on is the number of database queries executed per
transaction. Minimizing the number of queries can significantly improve
overall system performance. To achieve this, I utilize best practices such
as using data pages effectively and optimizing report definitions.

Lastly, I monitor the memory usage of the application, ensuring it stays

within acceptable limits. This involves keeping an eye on clipboard size,
cache sizes, and garbage collection activities. Monitoring these KPIs
allows me to proactively address potential issues and optimize the
application for better performance and user experience.”

24. Describe your experience with Pega unit testing and debugging tools.

Interviewers ask this question to gauge your familiarity with Pega’s built-in
testing and debugging tools, which are essential for ensuring the quality
and functionality of applications you develop. Your experience with these
tools demonstrates your ability to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve issues
in a Pega development environment, ultimately leading to a more efficient
and effective development process.

Example: “Throughout my experience as a Pega developer, I have

extensively used Pega’s built-in unit testing and debugging tools to ensure
the quality and performance of applications. For unit testing, I leverage
PegaUnit, which allows me to create test cases for individual rules and
components within the application. This helps in validating the functionality
and ensuring that any changes made do not introduce new issues.

When it comes to debugging, I frequently use tools like Tracer, Clipboard,

and PAL (Performance Analyzer). The Tracer tool is particularly useful for
tracking the execution path of rules and identifying bottlenecks or errors in
the logic. Clipboard helps me examine property values during runtime,
allowing me to verify if data is being processed correctly. Lastly, I utilize
PAL to monitor system performance and identify areas where optimization
may be needed.

These tools have been invaluable in maintaining high-quality standards for

the applications I develop while also enabling efficient troubleshooting and
resolution of issues throughout the development process.”
25. What is the role of listeners in Pega applications?

Listeners play a critical role in Pega applications, as they facilitate

communication between external systems and the Pega platform.
Interviewers ask this question to assess your understanding of Pega
architecture and your ability to integrate Pega applications with other
systems. Demonstrating knowledge of listeners and how they function in a
Pega environment highlights your technical expertise and ability to develop
robust, interconnected applications.

Example: “Listeners play a vital role in Pega applications by enabling

communication between external systems and the Pega platform. They act
as intermediaries that monitor specific sources, such as email servers or
file directories, for incoming messages or data. When a listener detects an
event, it triggers predefined processes within the Pega application to
handle the incoming information.

For example, an email listener can be configured to monitor an inbox for

customer support requests. Upon receiving an email, the listener initiates a
case creation process, automatically generating a new support ticket based
on the email content. This seamless integration with external systems
enhances the efficiency of Pega applications and allows them to respond
effectively to real-time events.”

26. How do you optimize performance in Pega applications?

Optimizing performance is a critical aspect of application development,

particularly for complex platforms like Pega. Interviewers want to know if
you have the technical knowledge and experience to identify bottlenecks,
implement best practices, and use Pega tools effectively to ensure smooth
and efficient performance. Your ability to optimize performance can directly
impact user satisfaction and business outcomes.

Example: “Optimizing performance in Pega applications involves a

combination of best practices and efficient design strategies. First, I adhere
to the Pega Guardrails, which provide guidelines for building scalable and
maintainable applications. Following these principles ensures that the
application is designed with performance in mind from the outset.

Another key aspect is leveraging Pega’s built-in tools, such as

Performance Profiler and PAL (Performance Analyzer), to identify potential
bottlenecks or areas where optimization can be achieved. These tools help
me analyze various aspects of the application, like database queries, rule
execution times, and memory usage, allowing me to pinpoint specific
issues and address them accordingly.
Furthermore, I focus on optimizing data access by using appropriate
caching mechanisms, minimizing database interactions, and ensuring
efficient use of Declare Indexes and Data Pages. Additionally, I pay close
attention to UI design, keeping it simple and responsive by avoiding
unnecessary controls and using AJAX-based refreshes when possible.
This approach not only improves overall performance but also enhances
user experience.”

27. Explain the concept of rule delegation in Pega.

Interviewers ask this question to gauge your understanding of Pega’s key

features and how they enable business users to manage certain aspects of
the application. Rule delegation, in particular, is a powerful capability that
empowers non-technical users to modify specific rules without developer
intervention. Demonstrating your knowledge of this concept shows that you
can effectively use Pega’s features to create efficient, user-friendly

Example: “Rule delegation in Pega is a powerful feature that allows

developers to delegate certain rules to business users or managers,
enabling them to make changes without requiring developer intervention.
This empowers non-technical users to modify specific aspects of the
application, such as decision tables, correspondence templates, and
service level agreements, while maintaining overall system integrity.

Delegation is managed through access roles and privileges, ensuring that

only authorized users can modify delegated rules. Additionally, Pega
provides an audit trail for any changes made, allowing for easy tracking
and rollback if necessary. Rule delegation not only increases efficiency by
reducing dependency on developers for minor updates but also fosters
collaboration between technical and non-technical teams, ultimately
leading to more agile and responsive applications.”

28. Describe your experience with Pega mobile application development.

As our world becomes increasingly mobile-centric, companies are looking

for developers who can create effective and user-friendly mobile
applications. By asking about your experience with Pega mobile application
development, interviewers want to gauge your expertise in using Pega’s
tools and features to build functional, aesthetically pleasing, and efficient
mobile apps that align with their business needs and enhance the user

Example: “As a Pega developer, I have had the opportunity to work on

several mobile application development projects. My experience includes
designing and implementing user interfaces using Pega’s out-of-the-box UI
components as well as customizing them to meet specific client
requirements. I’ve also worked with RESTful APIs for seamless integration
of data between the mobile app and backend systems.

One notable project involved developing a mobile app for a financial

institution that enabled customers to access their account information,
make transactions, and receive notifications about their accounts.
Throughout this project, I collaborated closely with the UX/UI team to
ensure an intuitive and responsive design while leveraging Pega’s built-in
security features to protect sensitive customer data. This project not only
improved customer satisfaction but also streamlined internal processes by
reducing manual tasks for employees.”

29. What are some common challenges you have faced during Pega development projects, and how
did you overcome them?

The ability to overcome challenges is a key skill for Pega Developers, as it

demonstrates the ability to adapt and find solutions when faced with
obstacles during the development process. By asking this question,
interviewers want to see that you have the technical knowledge, problem-
solving skills, and experience to tackle unexpected issues that may arise
during a Pega development project. This also helps them understand your
level of resilience and adaptability in a fast-paced and ever-evolving
development environment.

Example: “One common challenge I’ve faced during Pega development

projects is managing complex business requirements and translating them
into efficient workflows. To overcome this, I invest time in thoroughly
understanding the client’s needs and breaking down their processes into
smaller components. This allows me to design a modular solution that can
be easily modified or extended as needed.

Another challenge has been integrating Pega with external systems, such
as databases or APIs from other platforms. In these cases, I collaborate
closely with the teams responsible for those systems to ensure seamless
data exchange and compatibility. Additionally, I leverage Pega’s out-of-the-
box connectors and integration capabilities whenever possible, which helps
streamline the process and minimize custom coding efforts.”
30. Can you provide an example of a successful Pega implementation that you were involved in?

When you’re being considered for a role as a Pega developer, hiring

managers want to see that you have hands-on experience with successful
Pega implementations. By asking for an example, they’re looking for
evidence that you can not only navigate the technical aspects of Pega but
also collaborate effectively with other team members, overcome
challenges, and ultimately deliver a solution that meets the needs of the

Example: “Certainly, one of the most successful Pega implementations I

was involved in was for a large insurance company that aimed to
streamline their claims processing system. The existing system was
outdated and inefficient, leading to delays in claim resolution and customer

As part of the development team, my role focused on designing and

implementing workflows and decision rules within the Pega platform. We
collaborated closely with business analysts and stakeholders to understand
their requirements and translate them into effective solutions. Our team
utilized Pega’s case management capabilities to automate various stages
of the claims process, such as data validation, document verification, and
approval routing.

The implementation resulted in significant improvements in efficiency,

reducing the average time taken to process a claim by 40%. Additionally, it
enhanced the overall user experience for both employees and customers,
thanks to the intuitive interface and seamless integration with other
systems. This project not only demonstrated the power of Pega in
transforming business processes but also highlighted the importance of
teamwork and clear communication among all parties involved.”
1. What do you mean by workspace or studio in the context of
Ans:A workspace is an environment that provides specific tools and features. By
using different workspaces to develop and manage your application, you can help
team members focus on the tasks that align with their expertise.
Pega Platform™ provides four role-based authoring workspaces, known as studios:
 App Studio
 Dev Studio
 Prediction Studio
 Admin Studio

2. Explain about classes in Pega

Ans: Pega Platform groups rules into classes according to their capacity for reuse.
Each grouping is a class. Each application consists of three class types.
 The Work class contains the rules that describe how to process a case or
cases, such as processes, data elements, and user interfaces.
 The Integration class contains the rules that describe how the application
interacts with other systems, such as the integration assets that connect the
application to a customer database or a third-party web server.
 The Data class contains the rules describing the data objects used in the
application, such as a customer or order items data type.

3. What do you mean by a work object in the context of Pega?

Ans: A work object is the primary unit of work completion in an application and the
primary collection of data that a flow operates on. Workers using an application
create, update, and eventually resolve and close work objects. Every work object
has a unique ID (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status (property

4. What do you understand about DCO in Pega?

Ans: Directly Capture Objectives (DCO) is the Pega Express™ way of collaborating
from beginning to end. DCO encourages alignment between stakeholders and drives
high-quality engagement between business and IT. DCO is a discipline — a way of
working that forms a continuous cycle of collaboration, iteration, and validation.

5. What do you know about SLA in the context of Pega?

Ans: A service-level agreement (SLA) establishes a work completion deadline.
Organizations often establish service-level agreements to enforce on-time
performance. These obligations range from informal response-time promises to
negotiated contracts. It is a mechanism used to define and enforce the expected
response or resolution time for a particular task or case. SLAs help in measuring and
managing the performance and timeliness of various processes in an application.
6. What are the different types of SLA?
Ans: There are three basic types of SLAs: customer, internal and multilevel service-
level agreements.
 A customer service-level agreement is between a service provider and its
external customers. It is sometimes called an external service agreement.
 An internal SLA is between an organization and its internal customer -- this
could be another organization, department or site.
 A multilevel SLA will divide the agreement into various levels that are specific to
a series of customers using the service.

7. Explain the Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods in

Pega. What distinguishes them from one another?
Ans: Page-Validate: Use this method to validate all of the properties on a page. If a
page has embedded pages, this method recursively validates all of the properties.
This method takes a long time and consumes a lot of system resources. To validate
specified properties, use the Obj-Validate method in conjunction with the Rule-Obj-
Validate rule.
Property-Validate: This method is used to impose restrictions on a property's value.
Use the Edit validate rule in conjunction with the Property-Validate method to
implement constraints. Multiple properties can be validated using the Property-
Validate method.

8. What is the distinction between Edit validate and Edit Input

Ans: Edit Validate: Use the edit validate rule in Java code to validate the property
value. To change validate rules, use Property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate, or
Property rules.
Edit Input Rules: Use input rules to convert data the user enters into the appropriate
format. If a user enters a date in MM/DD/YYYY format, the edit input rule changes it
to DD-MM-YYYY (needed format). We must write java code once more for this

9. How can I store five different work objects in 5 tables in my

Ans: For each class, open/create a Data-Admin-DB-Table object and specify the
table name. As a result, individual work objects will be placed in the new table you
described in the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance. This is a good approach if there are
too many object instances for each class.

10. What is the inheritance concept in Pega (rules, class)?

Ans: Inheritance concept in Pega for Rules and Class:
Rules: Inheritance that can maximize rule reuse while allowing for localized
overriding as needed. Inheritance, often known as polymorphism, allows a rule
written for one class (perhaps an abstract class) to be applied to multiple classes
that inherit from it.
Class: To identify available rules, class inheritance searches for rules from a
concrete, lower class up the class hierarchy. Class inheritance is classified into two
types: directed inheritance and pattern inheritance.
11. How can we connect several Pega applications?
Ans: SOAP(Simple Object Access protocol), HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol),
JMS(Java Message Service) , and MQ (Message Queue) is used.

12. How do I store a class instance in a specific database?

Ans: Within the DB, create a separate DB table for that working class or map to an
external DB, and all future saves will be directed to that DB.

13. How can I see the values of the activity's local variables?
Ans: Log message is used to see the values of the activity’s local variables.

14. What is the Pega ruleset?

Ans: In Pega, a RuleSet is a collection of business rules that define an instance. The
ruleset is a subset of PegaRULES required to refer to instances in the database.

15. What are the various developer tools utilized by Pega?

Ans: Pega's development tools are Designer and Pega Express.

16. What are the various debugging tools offered by Pega?

Ans: Tracer, Clipboard, SMA(Service Management Agreement), and PLA
(Programmable Logic Array) are some of the debugging tools provided in Pega.

17. What are StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?

"StepStatusGood" means a particular step or action has been completed
successfully and without problems. It indicates that things are going as planned, and
there are no issues to worry about.
"StepStatusFail" means a step or action has not been completed successfully. It
indicates a problem, error, or failure during that step, needing attention or correction
to proceed with the task or process.

18. How to import rules using PZinsky?

To include or bring in rules using PZinsky (assuming you meant Python's z3 library,
as "PZinsky" is not recognized), you follow these steps:
 Import the Library: Import the z3 library into your Python script. You do this
with the import z3 statement.

 Define Rules: Create your logical rules using the functions provided by z3.
These rules describe constraints, equations, or logical relationships.

 Check Satisfiability: Use z3 to check if your rules are satisfiable, meaning they
can be true under certain conditions.

 Solve or Analyze: Depending on your use case, you can solve equations,
analyze constraints, or find valid solutions based on the rules you've defined.
19. What workspaces are supported in the most recent Pega
Ans: Pega's most recent release supports the four workspace types listed below:
 App Studio: Helps to build an application without any line of code, it is
multichannel and helps in UI development.

 Prediction Studio: Its built-in AI power and Decisioning help to Pega find the
next best decision.

 Admin Studio: It basically manages security, users, the runtime status, and
cloud performance for all your apps

 Dev Studio: Helps developers to go deeper into Pega’s advanced features.

20. What are the many classes that PRPC (Pega Rules
Proccess Commander) supports?
Ans: PRPC is a framework for developing and deploying business process
management, customer relationship management (CRM), decision management,
and case management systems. Pega PRPC is a Java-based automated backend
tool from Pega.
The following are the various classes that PRPC supports:
Base Class: It is the ultimate base class, and its child classes include work-, Data-,
Rule-, Assign-, History-, and so on. Pega only supports two kinds of classes:
abstract classes and concrete classes.
 Abstract Classes: Abstract classes are those that terminate in '-,' and they
cannot create any work object instances.

 Concrete Classes: Concrete Classes do not terminate in '-' and will generate
work object instances.

21. Where assignments will be stored in the Pega rules

Assignments in Pega are stored in the pc_assign_worklist table, unless they are
specifically configured to be stored in the pr_assign table. This includes assignments
for worklists, workbaskets, correspondence, and external systems.

22. Is it feasible to start a flow with an activity? If so, what is

the method employed?
Ans: Yes. Activity can be used to start a flow. The method employed in this is called

23. What exactly is a portal in Pega, and where will it be

Ans: A portal is a user interface that appears for Developers or End Users. Portal
can be set up in Access Group. Examples: Developer portals, management portals,
user portals, admin portals, and so on.
24. In Pega, what are the different categories of requestors?
Ans: The following are the many sorts of requestors in Pega:
 Browser requestor: Its name begins with the letter 'H.’This is used to access the
Pega Platform portal through HTTP or HTTPS from a web browser, or from a
browser displaying a Pega composite application. For requestor sessions that
use this instance, the requestor ID starts with the letter H. When the

 Batch requestor: Its name begins with the letter 'B.'This is utilized by
background processing listeners, services, agents, and daemons. For requestor
sessions that use this instance, the requestor ID starts with the letter B. When
the PRPC (Pega Rules Process Commander): Agents access group is first
implemented, all BATCH requestors have access to it. If you make a
modification to Data-Admin-Requestor. When you BATCH so that it no longer
has access to the PRPC: Agents access group and then upgrade the Pega
Platform, the system may fail to boot.

 Application requestor: Its name begins with the letter ‘A’.Listeners and other
client systems use this to access the Pega Platform, such as through a service
request (other than JSR-168 requests using Rule-Service-Portlet rules). In
requestor sessions that use this requestor type instance, requestor IDs that
begin with the letter A are used.
PRPC: Unauthenticated access group is first implemented, all BROWSER
requestors have access to it.

 Portal requestor: Its name begins with the letter 'P.'For HTTP access as a
portlet, this is used in conjunction with Service Portlet rules.

25. What do you mean by DCO in Pega?

Ans: DCO is an acronym for Direct Capture of Objectives in Pega. It is made up of
resources, tools, application artefacts, and processes for gathering, storing, and
processing data on the Pega platform.

26. How can you use activity to resolve work objects?

Ans: To resolve work items using activity, we must take the following steps:
 The first step is to open the object.
 Second, add the appropriate ticket to your flow or click Finish Assignment.

27. What is the difference between activity and utility?

In Pega, "activity" and "utility" are both pieces of functionality. Activities are like step-
by-step instructions that tell the system what to do, often involving data processing or
decision-making. Utilities, on the other hand, are small reusable activities that
perform specific tasks, like calculations or validations. Think of activities as detailed
plans for a task, while utilities are like specialized tools used within those plans to
make tasks easier. Both help in building efficient and organized business processes
within Pega applications.
28. What are the different sorts of flows in Pega?
Ans: Pega's flow types are as follows:
1. Process flows
2. Screen flows
3. Subflow’s
4. Straight through process flows

29. What do you mean by SLA (Service Level Agreement)?

What is its function?
Ans: SLA is a Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type instance that may be attached to
assignment and work objects. SLA has two time intervals: Goal and Deadline, which
reflect the expected time for the assignment and the time to resolve the task object.
If an assignment isn't completed within the time restriction, the system can raise it
and cancel the entire flow, and so on.

30. What is the Requestor Type in Pega?

Ans: In Pega, the requestor type refers to a requestor that connects to the Pega
platform via an external application, an internal background process, or a browser

31. What is Locking in Pega and what are its types?

Ans: Locking involves gaining possession of a work item before performing any
activity on it and ensuring that only one user performs operations on a work object at
a time. As indicated below, there are two forms of locking.
Default Locking: A work object can only be worked on by one user at a time.
Optimistic Locking: This is a new feature in Pega 7 that allows many operators to
work on the same object at the same time.

32. What exactly is Forward Chaining?

Ans: Forward Chaining performs automatic property computation by running the
declarative rule whenever any of the input property values changes.
For example, if the Perimeter property of a circle is dependent on the radius
properties, Forward Chaining causes the Perimeter property to be recalculated if the
radius value changes.

33. What is the name of the table that is used for adding a note
in Pega?
Ans: The table that is used for adding a note in Pega is pc_data_workattach.

34. In Routing activity what is the default property used to

route the object?
Ans: pxRouteTo=Param.AssignTo =” workbasket name” for work basket.s
For work list:
pirouette =Param.Worklist=”true” &&Param.AssignTo
=”pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier” for work list.
35. What exactly is Backward Chaining?
Ans: Backward chaining automates the calculation of the property by executing the
declarative rule when the value of the property is required rather than when an input
For example, if the area property is dependent on the length and width properties,
the area property is recalculated each time the area property is needed.

36. How can we identify SLA (Service Level Agreement) in

Ans: To track SLA in Pega, we may utilize the following steps:
 By terminating the agent.
 By postponing it.
 By launching the agent.
 Delay it once more.
 Select the delayed requestor and then click on the tracer.
 Within 60 seconds, route this case to a specific assignment holding the SLA.

37. What are the various sorts of assignments, and where do

they reside in the Pega database?
Ans: There are two types of assignments: work-list assignments and work-basket
assignments. Pega stores these assignments in distinct worklists.
 The pc_assign_worklist stores work-list assignments
 The pc_assign_workbasket stores work-basket assignments

38. What exactly is an access group in Pega, and what does it

Ans: In Pega, an access group is an example of a Data-Admin-Operator-Access
Group class that is used to generate a set of RuleSet for the requestors. It is the
developer's responsibility to define access groups and allocate them to distinct
The access group is used to manage security based on job duties. It is a Data-
Admin-Operator-AccessGroup instance. The following are the different aspects that
an access group can control:
 Default and available types of works (also called work pools).
 Primary rulesets (Access Control to rulesets).
 Assigned roles.
 Portal layout.
 Default ruleset for making changes (Default ruleset whenever the user creates/
saves as a rule).

39. How do you call an Activity from Javascript?

Ans: We call an Activity from Javascript as follows:
HashStringMapactivityKeys = new HashStringMap();
activityKeys.putString(“pxObjClass”, “Rule-Obj-Activity”);
activityKeys.putString(“pyClassName”, workclass);
activityKeys.putString(“pyActivityName”, “HistoryAndAttachments” );
tools.doActivity(activityKeys , workpage, tools.getParameterPage() );
40. How do we deal with Escalation?
Ans: Any processing within a Process Commander application that causes high-
priority work objects to become visible to users and managers and to be processed
immediately is referred to as escalation. Escalation can happen as a result of a
service level rule connected with the flow or as a result of background processing by
the Pega-ProCom agent.
Q1. What is a Work Group? What is the primary function of a Work Group from a business

Ans: A workgroup is a logical collection of operators having a common supervisor i,e. a

workgroup can identify a user who is a supervisor and a set of workers and workbaskets that
report to that supervisor.
Use – For the supervisor of a workgroup, the My Group area of the Process Workspace
provides quick access to the work lists and workbaskets associated with the group (In the
workbasket tab of workbasket data instances we enter the name of a workgroup that uses the
workbasket. This field determines which workbaskets appear in the View Queue list on the
My Group area of the Process Work workspace for managers). Also, workgroups facilitate
for better monitoring and reporting of tasks on the Monitor Activity workspace.

Q2. What is skimming explain?

Ans: It collect the highest version of the every rule in the ruleset and copies them into new
major version of that ruleset on the same system.
EX: If we are skimming loan appl:05-06-07, the only options like 06-01-01 and 07-01-01, but
we can not skim to 05-07-08 and so on.

Q3. What are different methods used in activities?

Ans: Page-New, Page-Remove, Obj-open,Obj-List, Obj-Save, RDB-Save,RDB-List,RDB-

Delete etc..

Q4. Different types of classes that PRPC support?

Ans: We have different types of Standard Classes will be avaliable which are,
@baseclass is Ultimate base class, And Its Child Classes are work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-,
History-, etc. Pega always Support 2 types of classe which are Abstract Classes And Concrete
Abstract Classes are ends with ‘-‘ and abstract Classes cannot create any work object
Concrete Classes will Does not ends with -, And Abstract Classes will create Workobject

Q5. Explain about Work Object?

Ans: A work object is the primary unit of work completion in an application, and the
primary collection of data that a flow operates on.
As an application is used, work objects are created, updated, and eventually closed
Every work object has a unique ID (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status (property
Q6. Explain about Work Object ID?

Ans: A work object ID is the permanent, external identifier of a work object.

If we don’t specify a prefix (on the Details tab of the application rule), the Work-.GenerateID
activity uses W- as the prefix and no suffix. The Work-Cover-.GenerateID activity uses C- as
the default prefix. Conventionally, the F- prefix is used to identify folder work objects.

Q7. Where we determine the prefix and suffix of of the Work Object ID?

Ans: The prefix and suffix are determined by a model rule pyDefault for the work type or the
class corresponding to the class group. The model is referenced on the Process tab of the flow
rule that creates the work object.

Q8. How to call one activity from another activity:

Ans: They are two types:

1. Call: If we call one activity to another activity by using call, it will execute the called activity
and return back to calling activity then execute the remaining steps in a calling activity.
2. Branch: If we call one activity to another activity by using Branch, it will execute the called
activity and calling activity then it will not execute the remaining steps after branch.

Q9. How do you associate an operator with a workbasket?

Ans: Each operator may have a list of workbaskets that they can view. Normally users can
fetch assignments directly from any workbasket defined for their own organizational unit.
However, if the roles are specified in the roles array on the workbasket tab of the workbasket
data instance, the operator must possess at least one access role that matches an access role in
the Roles array.

Q10. Diff b/n file listener and connect file?

Ans: File listener used to import data from a file.

Connect file defines the name and location of an output file created by ur application.

Q11. what is local action?

Ans: when action is finished work object returns to same assignment.

Q12. what is WSDL file?

Ans: it is web services description is written in XML format.

Q13. Difference between Decision Table and Decision Tree:

Ans: Decision Table:

 The logic Implemented in Decision Table is if, else if condition.
 In Decision Table, if first condition is true, it will not check the remaining conditions/if first
condition is false , then only it will check next condition.
 For simply logics, we can go for Decision table.
Decision Tree:
 The logic implemented in Decision Tree is if, if condition’s.
 In a Decision Tree, if first condition is true or false, it will check the al condition’s and it will
return results.
 For simple logics, we can go for Decision Tree.

Q14. What Is The Difference Between Listview And Summaryview ?

Ans: A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting summary counts,
totals or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing users to click a row to drill down to
supporting detail for that row.
Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use of AJAX for pop-up
Smart Info windows.
A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. This rule type
is part of the Reports category.

A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a report. Users can
personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.
Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.

Q15. What Is Paging In A Listview?

Ans: To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records to be
displayed in a page.

Q16. Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?

Ans: We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.

But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the Content tab.

Q17. What the class of getContent Activity?

Ans: Embed-ListParams class.

Q18. What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?

Ans: getContent Activity

Q19. How to customize the getContent Activity?

Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page
Step2: write a query and store in variable.
Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView
Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams
Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from previous activity
Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is
Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not available it creates the
new ContentPage.
In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this query and above created
ContentPage as parameters to this tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query, pagename)
Q19. What are SLAs used for? How do you configure an SLA?

Ans: SLAs are rules in PRPC that indicate the expected or targeted turnaround time for the
assignment, or time-to-resolve for the work object. Each service level rule defines one to
three-time intervals, known as goals, deadlines, and late intervals. Late intervals are repeated.
Service level rules can be associated with assignments in a flow and with the entire flow. For
example, we can set a goal of 2 hours to process an assignment and a deadline of 4 hours.
(The time interval starts when the assignment is created, not when a user begins processing
the assignment.)
For assignments, the service level rule is referenced in the Assignment Properties panel of the
assigned task.
For the overall work object, the service level rule is identified in the standard
property .pySLAName, typically set up through a model for the class. (The default value is
the Default service level.)
** The Pega-ProCom agent detects service levels not achieved — unmet goals or deadlines
— promptly. If an assignment is not completed before the time limit, the system can
automatically notify one or more parties, escalate the assignment, cancel the entire flow, and
so on.

Q21. What do you mean by Case Management in PEGA? When do you use folders?

Ans: Case Management involves managing work that, for processing and reporting purposes,
differs from classic BPM work objects. Cases may involve:

 Less rigid structure.

 More flexibility in the order of tasks or which tasks are needed.
 Interrelationships with other work.
 Process Commander facilities supporting sophisticated case management include covers,
folders, and case type rules.
 Case Management design is governed by the Case Type Definitions gadget, which is used to
configure the following case type and work processing configurations. Using the gadget, you
 Construct covering relationships and build new case types using a standard tree gadget.
 Add entirely new case types: Creates Class and Case Type rules, provides standard starting
flows for the new case type.
 Reuse existing case and work types.

Manage various aspects of work processing, including:

Service levels
Attachments Categories(and automatic attachments when work objects are created).
Automatic and conditional instantiation of covered items when a new cover(case) is created.
Mapping roles to object access for your various case and work types.

Q22. What do you mean by exposing a property? Did you use any SQL tools or does Pega provide
some means to expose columns?

Ans: A Single Value property that is visible as a column in a database table is said to be
exposed. Only exposed properties can be used for the record selection operations in list view
and summary view rules.
In PEGA we can use the ‘Modify Database Schema’ wizard to expose properties. Also, the
database administrator can cause a property previously stored only inside the Storage Stream
column to become a separate exposed column using SQL tools such as TOAD.
** Aggregate properties, properties within an embedded page, and properties that are not
exposed are contained in a specially formatted Storage Stream or BLOB column. Most Pega
Rules database tables contain a Storage Stream column named pzPVStream.
** Exposing too many properties in a table may speed reporting and searching operations, but
make the insert and update operations slower. The tradeoff and relative impact depend on
hardware and software and no general guidelines exist.

Q23. How to connect with external data base:


 Whenever we want to connect with external data base, first we need to create the data base.
 Whenever we create the data base, we need to provide the JDBC url name, user name and
 Once we created the date base, we need to create the data base class. In a data base class , we
need to create the required properties.
 After creation of data base class, we need to create the data base table. At the time of creating
data base table, we need to provide the data base name, data base table name and schema
 We need to create the connect sql. In a connect sql rule , if we want to fetch multiple records
then we need to write the query in browse tab.
 If we want to fetch single record then we need to write query in open tab.
 If we want to save the data in to data base then we need to write the query in save tab.
 Create the activities by using RDB-Methods.
Q24. What is Access Group and Access roles and difference between them?

Ans: Access groups make a set of RuleSet versions available to requestors. Use an access
role name to convey permissions (capabilities) to a user or a group of users. Access roles can
be referenced in requestor instances, Operator ID instances, in access group instances, in
activities, and in queries.
What do you mean by workplace or studio in the context of Pega?
A workstation is a designated area with particular equipment and amenities. You can
facilitate teamwork by assigning tasks that correspond with individual skills and utilizing
distinct workspaces for the development and administration of your application.
The Pega platform offers four role-based authoring workspaces, or “studios.”

 App Studio
 Dev Studio
 Prediction Studio
 Admin Studio

What role does the Service Page rule play in the development of a service?
When Pega apps are acting as service providers and delivering the service, a Service Package
rule is produced. The service package rule has three key functionalities configured.
Processing Mode: Two varieties of processing modes exist.

 State Full: We select state full processing mode in state-full mode when we wish to
use a requestor’s clipboard data for other or subsequent requests.
 Stateless: In this case, each request will be treated as unique.

Access Group: The incoming requestor running the access group uses this to determine the
service rules.
Authentication: Incoming requests are authenticated using this.
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When will we be establishing the connector rule in Pega?
When we needed to use the service that the other applications were providing, we defined
the connection rule in Pega.
For example, if the protocol is SOAP, the REST CONNECT rule is used for restful services and
the SOAP CONNECT rule is used for SOAP.

What is Pega’s service rule and when will it be created?

When a Pega application wants to offer a service (service provider), a service rule in Pega is
defined. For example, if the protocol is SOAP, then the SOAP SERVICE rule needs to be
defined; if the protocol is REST, then the REST SERVICE rule needs to be created.

What is SOAP and why is it used?

The protocol known as Simple Object Access Protocol, or SOAP, is used to transfer services
between providers and requesters. This communicates using XML as the intermediary
language. Since SOAP uses XML, it is more secure. Because SOAP is platform- and language-
neutral, it functions well on all operating systems. Because it uses XML for communication,
SOAP has a low weight. The Web services industry’s governing organization, the W3C
consortium, recommends SOAP.
Describe REST and its goals.
A web service protocol that is resource-based is representational state transfer. This is most
frequently utilized due to its low maintenance requirements, excellent scalability, simplicity,
and small weight. Creating web application APIs is the most popular use case for this.
The consumer is exposed to the APIs in a standard, stateless, and secure manner through
the REST protocol. The four techniques are listed below.
GET: This is how you utilize the service to obtain records or information.
PUT: This is how you utilize the service to update the records.
POST: By utilizing the service, this is how records are created and information is sent.
DELETE: Using the service, this is how records are deleted.
What are Pega classes like?
The Pega Platform classifies rules based on how much they can be reused. Every assembly
is a class. There are three different kinds of classes in each application.
Work Class: The Work class has procedures, data pieces, and user interfaces that specify
how to handle a case or cases.
Integration Class: The rules governing the application’s interactions with other systems,
such as the integration assets that link it to a third-party web server or a customer database,
are contained in the Integration class.
Data Class: The rules that define the data objects used in the application—like the data
types for customers and order items—are contained in the data class.
Also read: What is the future of RPA developers?
In Pega, what are you referring to as a work object?
A work object is the main data collection that a flow functions on and the main unit of work
completion in an application. Employees utilize an application to create, amend, resolve, and
finally close work objects. Each work object has a distinct ID (property pyID), a status
(property pyStatusWork), and an urgency value.

What do you know about Pega’s DCO?

Directly Capture Objectives (DCO) is the Pega ExpressTM method for seamless end-to-end
collaboration. DCO promotes excellent communication between business and IT and aligns
stakeholders. DCO is an approach to work that creates an ongoing cycle of validation,
iteration, and cooperation.

What is your knowledge of SLA about Pega?

A service-level agreement (SLA) sets a date for the completion of the work. Organizations
regularly draft service-level agreements to guarantee prompt performance. These duties
can take the form of written contracts or unofficial commitments to respond quickly. It’s a
tool for setting and enforcing the anticipated reaction or resolution time for a given task or
situation. SLAs assist in monitoring and controlling the efficiency and promptness of
different application processes. Check out what the RPA course fee is in Chennai at SLA
What types of SLAs are there?
Service-level agreements (SLAs) come in three primary varieties: multilevel, internal, and

 An external customer and a service provider have a customer service-level

agreement. Occasionally, it’s referred to as an external service contract.
 An organization’s internal client, which could be a different department, site, or
organization, is the subject of an internal SLA.
 A multilayer SLA will break the contract down into different tiers tailored to a range
of service users.

Advanced Pega Interview Questions

How do Edit Validate and Edit Input Rules differ from one another?
Edit Validate: To validate the value of the property, use the Java code’s edit validate rule.
Use property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate, or property rules to modify validate rules.
Modify Input Rules: To ensure that user-entered data is formatted correctly, utilize input
rules. The edit input rule converts a date that a user provides in MM/DD/YYYY format to DD-
MM-YYYY (the required format). For this shift, we have to write Java code once again.
What is the SOAP Protocol’s WSDL file and why is it important?
Web services description language, or WSDL for short, provides information about SOAP
It has parameters for input and output that are necessary for the service.
It outlines the functions that the service offers.
Additionally, it contains the endpoint URL for the service’s location. The SOAP protocol is
essentially described using WSDL nomenclature.
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What is the SOAP protocol’s endpoint URL and how important is it?
The address to which we submit our request to initiate the actions offered by the service is
known as the endpoint URL.

What benefits may using data pages offer?

Data pages use the clipboard to store data that is pulled dynamically from the tables for use
in the application.
Declarative in nature, data pages are created on the clipboard for user use when we refer to
the data page system, which executes the source.
Why are declarative pages another name for data pages?
Because the system executes the source when a data page is referred to, it obtains data
from the source and copies it to the clipboard for user use. This is why data pages are also
known as declarative pages.
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Describe the scopes on a data page.
Three varieties of scopes are listed below.
Thread: Only this thread’s data page is accessible. For example: job object
Requester: The data page is open for the requestor session.
Node: Every operator within the node has access to this.
Why Node-Level data pages require access to groups?
Multiple operators will be able to access the data page on node-level data pages. To use the
relevant source, the operator’s rule-set hierarchy is necessary. Thus, to create the rule-set
hierarchy for the operators, access groups are necessary.
The number of types that are Are there data pages available? And give a thorough
There are 3 types of data pages based on their usage; they are,
Read Only: The data is read using the data page.
Editable: Content on data pages can be read and edited as needed.
Savable: Requires reading, updating, and saving back to the source.
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The Difference Between Data Page and Clipboard Pages
Standard pages that are saved on the clipboard are considered static, meaning they lack a
refresh strategy, scope, and other features.
The data pages in the clipboard can be referenced in the user interface, have a defined
scope, and are fetched dynamically from the source.

What differentiates backward chaining from forward chaining?

When a declared expression is evaluated each time an input value changes, this method is
referred to as forward-chaining. Backward chaining occurs when a declared expression is
evaluated upon reference to the target property.

What does Pega’s inheritance concept (rules, class) mean?

Pega’s concept of inheritance for classes and rules
Rules: inheritance that can allow for a localized override when necessary while also
optimizing rule reuse. A rule created for one class (perhaps an abstract class) can be applied
to other classes that inherit from it thanks to inheritance, also referred to as polymorphism.
Class: Class inheritance looks up the class hierarchy for rules from a concrete, lower class to
determine which rules are available. There are two categories for class inheritance: pattern
inheritance and directed inheritance.
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What are the rules for StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail?
“StepStatusGood” indicates that a certain action or step has been carried out successfully
and error-free. It means everything is proceeding according to schedule and there are no
problems to be concerned about.
“StepStatusFail” indicates that a step or action was not carried out properly. It signals a flaw,
mistake, or breakdown in that phase that must be fixed to continue with the work or

How can we use PZinsky to import rules?

Assuming you meant Python’s z3 library, as “PZinsky” is not recognized, you take the
following actions to include or bring in rules using PZinsky:
Import the Library: The z3 library should be imported into your Python script. This is
accomplished using the import z3 command.
Define Rules: Using the tools supplied by z3, formulate your logical rules. These guidelines
explain logical connections, equations, and limitations.
Verify Satisfiability: To determine whether your rules can be true under specific
circumstances, use z3.
Solve or Analyze: You can solve equations, examine limitations, or identify workable
solutions using the rules you’ve established, depending on your use case.
Which workspaces are compatible with the most recent version of Pega?
App Studio: It is multichannel, assists with UI creation, and can be used to create
applications without writing a single line of code.
Prediction Studio: Pega uses its integrated AI capability and decision-making to identify the
optimal course of action.
Admin Studio: It essentially oversees all of your apps’ runtime conditions, security, users,
and cloud performance.
Dev Studio: It assists developers in exploring Pega’s more sophisticated features.
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What classes is PRPC (Pega Rules Process Commander) capable of supporting?
Business process management, customer relationship management (CRM), decision
management, and case management systems can all be developed and implemented using
the PRPC framework. Pega PRPC is an automated backend tool that runs on Java.

The several classes that PRPC supports are as follows:

Base Class: This is the highest-level base class; Work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-, History-, and so
on are some of its offspring. Concrete classes and abstract classes are the only class types
that Pega supports.
Abstract Class: Classes that end in ‘-,’ are known as abstract classes since they are unable to
produce instances of work objects.
Concrete Classes: Concrete Classes will create instances of work objects and do not end in
How can one distinguish between utility and activity?
“Activity” and “utility” are components of functionality in Pega. Activities that frequently
involve data processing or decision-making are similar to detailed instructions that inform
the system what to do. Conversely, utilities are compact, reusable processes that carry out
particular tasks, such as validations or calculations. Consider utilities as specific tools used
within activities to facilitate tasks, and consider activities as comprehensive plans for a task.
Both support the development of streamlined and well-organized business processes in
Pega applications.
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What are the different types of locking in Pega?
Locking entails taking control of a work item before beginning any actions on it and making
sure that only one user works on it at once. Locking can take two forms, as shown below.
Default Locking: By default, only one user can work on a work object at a time.
Optimistic Locking: A new feature in Pega 7 is called “optimistic locking,” which enables
multiple operators to work on the same object at once.

What is forward chaining, exactly?

Every time one of the input property values changes, forward chaining executes the
declarative rule to carry out automatic property computation.
Forward chaining, for instance, causes the perimeter property of a circle to be recalculated if
the radius value changes and if the perimeter property depends on the radius values.

What is backward chaining?

By executing the declarative rule when the property’s value is needed rather than when an
input changes, backward chaining automates the computation of the property.
Every time the area property is required, for instance, it is recalculated if the area property
depends on the length and width parameters.
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How should we handle escalation?
Escalation is the term used to describe any procedure within a Process Commander
application that makes high-priority work objects accessible to managers and users and
triggers their prompt processing. Escalation may occur as a result of Pega-ProCom agent
background processing or a service level rule associated with the flow.
We hope these interview questions on Pega increase your confidence level for attending
interviews with top companies. For training and updates, visit Pega Training in Chennai at
SLA Jobs.
1. What location in the Pega rules database will assignments be kept ?
The pc assign worklist table is where assignments for the Work List are kept. The table pc assign
workbasket stores information on tasks assigned through the Workbasket.

Softlogic is the best online training platform, and they offer a course titled “Pega Training” if you’re
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your pursuit of professional distinction in this field. Enroll in the best software training institute in Chennai
to become successful in your career.
2. Where work objects will be stored ?
By default, the pc work table is where Work Objects are saved. However, if you’d rather keep track of
your project’s items in a custom table, read on!

Make a database structure that mirrors the pc work table. (It’s recommended that you duplicate the pc work
schema and then change the names of the tables and constraints, if necessary.)

To use the new table, update the class group mapping (Data-Admin-DB-Table).
3. What is the distinction between Edit validate and Edit Input rules ?
To check if a property’s value is correct in Java, use the update validate rule. Validation rules for
properties, objects, and rules can be edited with the help of the property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate, and
Property rules operations.

The rules of edit input reformat the user’s input into the desired format. If a user submits a date in
MM/DD/YYYY format, the edit input rule will automatically convert it to DD-MMM-YYYY format
(required format). For this modification, java code writing is required once more.
4. What are the distinctions between the Page-Validate and Property-Validate
approaches ?
All of a page’s properties can be checked using the page-validate method. For recursive property checking,
this method is useful when a page contains other pages within it. This procedure uses up more time and
resources on the computer. Use the Obj-Validate method in conjunction with a Rule-Obj-Validate rule to
check the validity of individual properties.

Limits on property value are enforced through the use of a property-validate strategy. Put in place rules by
combining the Edit validate rule with the Property-Validate technique. The Property-Validate technique
allows for the simultaneous validation of several properties.
5. How can I divide up the data from my application into three tables if I have
three distinct types of work objects ?
Invoke the instance of Data-Admin-DB-Table for each class, specifying the table name. This will create
the new table in the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance where all of the work objects can be kept. If there are
too many instances of a certain class’s objects, this is a good strategy to employ. Enroll in the best software
training institute in Chennai and learn any software course with hands-on experience.
6. How to make any rule a favorite to your manage ?
Give the management the regulation to implement.
7. How to Import Rules in PZinsky 9 ?
When exporting a rule, you first need to open it, then choose the pzinskey, then head to prdbutil, and lastly
enter the pzinskey. Put that compressed folder wherever you like.
8. What are StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules ?
The rule determines whether the pxMethodStatus property has the value “Good” if the condition defined in
@baseclass evaluates to true.

In order to determine if the pxMethodStatus property has the value “Fail,” the stepStatusFail when rule
examines the @baseclass-defined condition.
9. obj-open vs. obj-open-by-handled: what's the difference ?
With Obj-Open, we may retrieve numerous rows from a table according to the criteria from a given class.
Or Launches a new instance of the specified class.

The pzInskey is being used as an instance handle in an OBJ call to open a single record at a time. Or A
pzInsKey value handle opens the object.

An instance’s handle is a system-generated, case-insensitive identifier within the PegaRULES database. It

may not correspond to the obvious identifier typically used to locate instances. (Each instance has its own
identifier, while it’s possible for multiple instances to share a given key that’s exposed to the outside
world.) The handle is a unique identifier for rule instances that is generated by the system and contains
information like the time and date of creation.

Only if you know the handle that permanently identifies the instance you want to open should you use the
Obj-Open-By-Handle function. If it doesn’t work, try Obj-Open.
10. When comparing activity and value, what is the key distinction ?
The Rule-Obj-Activity rule type is instantiated whenever there is an activity. The basic sequential
processing unit in Process Commander is an activity.

The Visio diagram’s form indicates a process that does not need user intervention but does update a work
object. The system comes preloaded with predefined routines for commonly performed utility chores, and
you have the option of adding your own.

All utility jobs must have an Activity reference to a specific task. While the utility shape can be called an
activity type, the inverse is not true. Learn the Pega course in Chennai and excel in your profession.
11. Where can I find the values of the parameters I copied from one activity to
another (values..) in the clipboard?
No, this is not feasible with the clipboard; however, you may view it in tracer by tapping the page name in
the step method column.
12. Explain The Pega Inheritance Theorem (rules, class) ?
Inheritance in rules can maximize the reusability of your rules and permit localized overrides where
necessary. Inheritance, sometimes referred to as polymorphism, is the ability to apply a rule defined for
one class (perhaps an abstract class) to all classes that inherit from that class.

The process of class inheritance involves looking up the class hierarchy from a specific, lower class for
applicable rules.

Class inheritance can be either directed or pattern-based.

13. What is the metric by which we evaluate the effectiveness of our work in
Pega ?
DBTrace is a component of the Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) that records every query made to the
PegaRULES database. The amount of time spent on each database query is also displayed by DBTrace.

“PAL counters” or “PAL readings” are where this information is kept. An application developer can use
the data gathered by the requestor’s counters and timers (together known as the “PAL”) to investigate
performance issues.

Distinctive PAL Characteristics

 Add Reading with Clipboard Size

 Reset Data
 Save Data
 Start DBTrace
 DBTrace Options
 Start Profiler
 Show Graph
 My Alerts
Alerts: As the application runs, Process Commander creates a series of text entries called alert messages
that are logged in the performance alert log. These messages typically detail problems or errors with the
application’s performance. PegaRULES-ALERT-YYYY-MMM-DD log is the standard naming
convention for the performance alert log.
AES: As far as AES is concerned, exceptions are handled in the same way as notifications. Whenever an
exception is thrown by a Process Commander server, it is forwarded to the AES system using the Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP). AES database’s pegaam exception table is where the system’s interpreted
exceptions are kept. AES aggregates these logs into artifacts of labor known as AES exception items,
taking into account the frequency with which an exception occurs and the system events that produced
those exceptions. The AES pegaam exception work table receives these updates.
14. How do obj-list and rdb-list differ from one another ?
The obj-list command is used to get a list of an object’s properties back to a page for viewing. Essential
Research Areas Obj-List

RequestType is the browser’s type, which enables various forms of processing and the definition of a
variety of attributes. Standard is the default. Constituent piece of the Rule-RDB-SQL implementation.

Access: From the INI file, a hint as to which database package was used to access this table (currently
ODBC). Integral piece of the Rule-RDB-SQL system.

ClassName identifies the class of objects being seen.

Rdb-list – Get a List of External Relational Databases.

Relevant Dataset List (RDB-List) Fields

15. Name of the page where the results will be shown.
ObjClass is the Class of objects to be listed. The RuleObjList option requires that this class of list be used.
16. How can I check the values of the activity's local variables ?
log-message is used.
17. How do I link to several Pega programs ?
By means of the Semantic Web Services Application Protocol, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and the
Message Queuing Protocol (MQ)

Creating a new table in the database specifically for that occupational group, or mapping the data to an
external database where it will be stored going forward. Enroll in the best software training institute in
18. Where should I put the class instance in the database ?
Creating a new table in the database specifically for that occupational group, or mapping the data to an
external database where it will be stored going forward. Pega Training in Chennai gives you all the
required training and information about Pega
19. Class instances that are stored use the table as their default data source
(how it will search ) pc work
The pr assign workbasket table is where all of your assigned tasks will be kept.

The pr assigns worklist table is where all of your worklist assignments will be kept.

When it comes to flow processing, all the properties of Work objects that must be made available to the
system must be stored in the pc work table, which is mapped to the Work-base class. Connect the classes
of your work objects to the pc work table or another table with the same columns.

The pr data table corresponds to the Database type in the database. Any table with the same column names
as pr data can serve as a mapping for your data classes.

The rule database (pr4 pegarules) will be used to hold all rule-related information. If a class does not have
a corresponding entry in any of the other tables, the stored instance will be placed in pr other as a fallback.
20. Which property is used by default in the routing activity ?
px RouteTo = Param.AssignTo =” workbasket name” for work basket .s

For work list:

pirouette = Param.Worklist=”true” &&Param.AssignTo =” pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier” for work

21. How many distinct varieties of studios does Pega provide?
Pega’s four primary studio offerings are Dev Studio, App Studio, Admin Studio, and Prediction Studio

Studios, also known as workspaces, facilitating role-based capabilities and expediting the application
development process. Role-based features allow for specialized use of the tool by various categories of
22. What are the many Pega class types ?
This is a standard Pega interview question that often comes up in technical job interviews. Among Pega’s
many class options are:

Rules for working with different data kinds and objects are laid out in detail in the Data Class.

This class specifies how the application communicates with external services and resources, such as
customer databases and third-party servers. The Work Class encapsulates the various resources (data items,
interfaces, etc.) that control how test cases are handled.
23. In Pega, what does DCO stand for?
Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO) is a Pega acronym. Data acquisition, storage, and processing on the
unified Pega platform are all included in this umbrella term.
24. Describe the many Pega layouts that can be used ?
Again, this is a standard Pega interview question for technical positions. Pega’s varied design options
include the following:

Fluid Layout Variable Layouts for Screens Grids and Tree Grids. Learn the Pega course in Chennai and
upgrade your profile.
25. Which types of assignments are there, and where do they live in the Pega
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of tasks to be completed: those on a to-do list and those in a work
basket. Pega’s separate worklists are where these tasks are kept.

The pc_assign_worklist contains work-list assignments

The w pc_assign_workbasket contains work-basket assignments

26. Explain what Pega is ?
Pega is a Java-based application used for enterprise application development and process automation that
is data-driven.
27. Is coding experience necessary to work with Pega ?
Pega is an enterprise application development platform that requires little to no coding. Because of this,
you don’t have to be a pro at coding to create useful apps. Pega’s unified design studio eliminates the need
for manual coding during the application development process.
28. Which programming language did you use to create the Pega platform ?
Java is used for Pega’s development and writing.
29. What are Pega's most common applications ?
Pega is a platform that enables users to construct applications, implement mobility, assist in controlling the
case life cycle, design extended user interfaces, manage choices and execute DevOps and robotic
automation, among other capabilities. Pega is favored over other tools because it removes scripting,
streamlines the process by utilizing built-in functions, and focuses on reusing and altering existing rules.
Pega is built on Java. Pega 8.2, which refers to Build for Change, is the most recent version.
30. When developing with Pega 8.4, what new features have you included ?
From the application development perspective, Pega 8.4 includes the following new features:

 We can utilize role-based workspaces in Pega 8.4.

 The new edition allows designers to examine comprehensive project highlights on a
single page.
 Additionally, it offers efficient administration of reusable components.
With the best software training institute in Chennai, you can achieve your dream by enrolling in it.
31.What are the various development tools employed by Pega ?
Designer Studio and Pega Express are the Pega development environments.
32. What are the various debugging tools offered by Pega?
Pega provides the following debugging tools: Tracer, SMA, Clipboard, and PLA.
33. What are the certificates available for Pega developers ?
These are some of the Pega certifications available to developers:

Certified System Architect: CSA stands for Certified System Architect. This certification is an entry-
level certification for developers.
CSSA: It is the abbreviation for Certified Senior System Architect. This is a high level of developer
certification. The developers holding this qualification are regarded as professionals in constructing,
evaluating, and leading teams with strong technical characteristics.
LSA: LSA is a short form of Lead System Architect. This is the most advanced level of developer
certification. The developers who hold this certification are regarded as development leaders who are well-
versed in all functionalities and implement them effectively.
34. What does the term workplace or studio mean in Pega?
In Pega, a workspace or studio is an environment that contains particular tools and functionalities.
35. How many distinct harness kinds does Pega support?
There are various sorts of standard harnesses available in Pega, with new, perform, conform, review,
Tabbed, perform screen flow, Tree Navigation, etc. are the most widely used.
36. What are the many class types supported by PRPC?
The following are the various classes that PRPC supports:

Base Class : It is the ultimate base class, and its descendant classes are work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-, and
History-. Abstract classes and concrete classes are the only two types of classes supported by Pega.
Abstract Classes : They are classes that finish with a dash (-), and abstract classes cannot create
instances of work objects.
Concrete Classes : Concrete Classes do not terminate in ‘-‘, and they produce instances of work objects.
Join the best software training institute in Chennai.
37. What is your definition of a work object? How may a work item be created
in Pega?
A work object is the fundamental unit of work in an application. It is the fundamental data set upon which
a flow operates. During application use, a work object is created, modified, and ultimately closed

Every work object possesses a unique identifier (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status value
(property pyStatusWork).

The following actions must be taken in order to create a work item in Pega:

Add a button, such as a section or header, first.

 Click the action tab after expanding the cell property within the button.
 Add a specified action to the button.
 Add both the focus class and flow name to the button.
 Capture the current work object ID using the “Param.prevRecordkey” parameter.
 Utilize “Obj-OpenBy-Handle” to open the case.
 Copy the information from pagers using the Page-Copy function.
38. Can a flow be initiated via activity? If yes, then what method is employed ?
Yes. It is possible to initiate a flow-through activity. Flow-New is the name of the approach utilized here.

39. What distinguishes declare pages from normal pages ?

Differentiating declare pages from standard pages:

 Declare Pages: Declare pages are constructed via declarative rules. While creating a
declare page, the declare keyword must be given. Declare pages as read-only, so they
cannot be immediately deleted or modified.
 Regular pages: The page new technique is used to generate regular pages or user pages.
These pages can be directly edited or deleted without difficulty and these pages are
immediately erased upon system logout.
40. What is a portal and where is it configured in Pega ?
A portal is a user interface that appears (Developers or End Users). Access Group allows Portal
configuration. For example, Developer portal, management portal, user portal, admin portal, etc. Enroll in
the best software training institute in Chennai and learn everything with hands-on experience.
41. What are the different types of Pega requestors ?
Following are the various types of Pega requestors :

 Internet browser requestor: The requestor browser begins with the letter ‘H’.
 The batch requestor’s name begins with the letter “B.”
 The application requestor’s name begins with the letter A.
 The portal requestor’s name begins with the letter “P.”
42. What are Pega classes ? What different types of classes does Pega
support ?
Pega is a platform that enables rule re-use across case kinds and applications. It enables developers to often
reuse rules in their systems, from single data elements to entire processes. Reusing the rules improves the
application’s quality and can have a favorable effect on development time. The Pega platform classifies
rules according to their reusability within an application. Every cluster is known as a class.

There are three types of classes used in application development:

 Work Group: Included in the labor class are processes, data items, and user interfaces. All
of them make up the work class, which gives the rules governing how to handle a case.
 Integration Class: The Integration class contains the rules that govern how the application
interacts with other services, such as the integration resources connecting to a customer
database or an external web server.
 Data Class: The data class maintains the rules that define the application’s data objects,
such as a customer data type or an order items data type, etc.
When a rule is added in App Studio, the appropriate class is automatically selected. You must concentrate
on the desired outcome of the rule rather than its development. You can also write the rule in Dev Studio if
you require class control. If you write a rule that can be reused in multiple apps, the Dev Studio is

43. What is the definition of DCO in Pega?

DCO stands for Direct capture object in Pega. It is an apple development tool that provides the following

 Appl Accelerator
 Application profiler wizard
 Appl use cases
 Appl Doc Wizard
 Appl requirements
44. What exactly is SLA? What purpose does it serve ?
The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type, which may
be added to work and assignment objects. There are two time intervals for SLA, which are referred to as
the Goal and the Deadline, and it reflects the anticipated amount of time needed to complete the
assignment as well as the amount of time needed to resolve the work object. In the event that a given
assignment is not finished within the allotted amount of time, the system has the ability to automatically
raise the assignment and cancel the entire flow, and so on. Learn the Pega course in Chennai and proceed
ahead in your professional life.
45. What are the kinds of SLA that are available? Give a quick summary of
each ?
The following is a list of the several forms of SLA that are utilized in Pega:

 The Assignment Service Level Agreement: “Assignment SLA,” is a reference to an

assignment, as the name suggests. This Service Level Agreement (SLA) starts when the
assignment is created and continues until the job is finished. On the newly assigned page,
the pxUrgencyAssignSLA attribute is where you’ll find the setting for the assignment’s
level of priority.
 Case Level SLA: The Service Level Agreement (SLA) that is being referred to here is the
Case Level SLA. Throughout the entirety of a case’s existence, this SLA will continue to
be applicable. It begins when a case is opened and continues until a case is closed, at
which point it is finished. This SLA is identified under the work page by the standard
property known as pySLAName, which is a value that can be found in the pyWorkPage
parameter known as pxUrgencyWorkSLA. To adjust the amount of urgency of case-level
service level agreements (SLAs), utilize the pxUrgencyWorkSLA property found under
the pyWorkPage node.
 Stage Level SLA: (Stage Level Service Level Agreement). When a case first enters a
stage is when it begins, and when it finally leaves a stage is when it concludes.
Controlling the level of urgency at the Stage level can be done through the
pxUrgencyWorkStageSLA property, which can be found under the pyWorkPage heading.
 Step level or Flow level SLA: called so when it is being discussed in terms of a flow level
or a step level. A step-level service level agreement (SLA) begins when a procedure or
step is begun and continues until it is finished. When a flow is started, the service level
agreement for the flow level is initiated, and it is terminated when the flow is terminated.
If there is a step SLA, it will take precedence over a flow SLA if both are present. It is
possible to make a reference to Step SLA in each and every step that falls under the Stage
in the Case Type Rule. A flow service level agreement is referred to in the process tab of
the flow rule. The flow or step level urgency is controlled by the
pxUrgencyWorkStepSLA property, which is located under pyWorkpage.
46. How exactly do we go about tracing SLA in Pega ?
In order to track down SLA in Pega, we can utilize the following steps:

By terminating the agent—->By delaying it.—->By initiating the agent—>Delay it again.

Choose the requestor that was delayed and then click on the tracer in the requestors section.

Within the next sixty seconds, please forward this case to a specific assignment that includes the SLA.
47. When it comes to Pega, what exactly is the difference between activity
and Utility?
The following is a list of the primary distinctions in Pega between activities and utilities:

Within the Pega platform, the processing is automated through the use of activity. It is possible to set it up
so that the system may automatically upload claims without any intervention from the user.

An activity consists of a series of actions that are carried out in the order specified by the facilitator. Utility
is a shape in the Pega flow, and Activity is a rule that belongs to the Rule-Obj-Activity combination. This
shape relates to an activity whose usage type is set to Utility. The utility usage type was selected.

An activity can have multiple sorts of usage, such as Utility, Connect, Assign, or Notify, and Route is one
of those usage types. When you want to call activity within a flow, you will need to use Utility. Join t in
this sector.he Pega training in Chennai and become a Pro
48. In Pega, what exactly is the RuleSet ?
An instance of Pega is defined by its RuleSet, which is a collection of business rules. The ruleSet is an
essential subset of PegaRULES, and it is required in order to reference instances that are stored in the
49 .What are some of the most significant benefits of utilizing case
management in Pega ?
The following is a list of the primary benefits of using case management in Pega:

 By providing holistic support, it has the potential to improve the case management
 Additionally, the effectiveness of case-flow for automatic and dynamic responses is
improved as a result of this.
 Through management that is both context-based and in real-time, it guarantees
consistency and eliminates errors.
 The amount of time, money, and effort required to implement case management is
reduced as a result of its time efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Enroll in the best software
training institute in Chennai to learn from basics to advanced levels in Pega.
50. What does DCO stand for in Pega? What are some of the advantages of
utilizing DCO within Pega ?
Direct Capture of Objectives is what DCO means when referring to Pega. Pega’s comprehensive solution,
the Pega Platform, is being utilized throughout the process of data acquisition, organization, and storage.
Gathering and arranging application artifacts is part of DCO, which covers the processes and technologies
used for this purpose. Teams working in information technology, business, and testing, as well as other
resources, make use of this technology so that they can save time, effort, and money while also enhancing
the overall quality of their projects and the impact they have on society.

DCO is neither a methodology nor a tool in and of itself. Instead, it is used to consolidate data so that it
may be utilized continuously across departments at the appropriate time and level. DCO also removes
barriers to communication by serving as a common repository for application artifacts that are linked to
one another (objectives, requirements, specifications, and implementation rules). All of the resources have
real-time documentation of their as-built state and a unified perspective of the application.
The Following Equipment Is Utilized By DCO In Order To Automate The Work :
 Case Lifecycle Manager

 Application profiler
 Specification documents
 Effort Estimation
 New Application Wizard
 Document generation
Advantages Of Utilizing DCO In Pega Are As Follows :
 DCO is utilized to facilitate the modeling of scenarios that need to be addressed by the
application’s end users by collaborative teams.
 Users are able to take a vital interim step after documenting the application but before
incurring the cost of development to determine whether or not the program satisfies our
 This is made possible by the modeling and simulation tools. When you solve problems as
part of the software development life cycle, there is a very small probability that those
solutions will fail when the software is put into production.
 Additionally, organizations utilize iterative processes and DCO in order to better their
own efforts. It makes the process of developing software more apparent, which enables
teams to learn from their mistakes and continually get better.
 DCO technologies provide businesses with a number of different delivery options for go-
live, which boosts their return on investment and makes it easier for them to achieve their
goals in a dependable manner.
Thus you have been presented with the most possible and frequently asked Pega interview questions with
answers. Hope it will be of great help to you to ace your interview and progress in your profession. Best
Q. What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate

Page-Validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page has
embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the properties. This method
consumes lot of system resources and takes more time. If you want to validate specific
properties use Obj-Validate method with Rule-Obj-Validate rule.

Property-Validate method is used to impose restrictions on a property value. Use Edit

validate rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate
multiple properties using Property-Validate method.

Q. What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?

Edit Validate: Use edit validate rule to validate the property value using java code. Edit
validate rules can be used property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate and Property rules.

Edit Input: Edit input rules converts user entered data into required format. For example is
the user enters date MM/DD/YYYY format, edit input rule coverts this date into DD-MMM-
YYYY (required format). Again we need to write java code for this transformation.

Q. Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database?

Work List related assignments are stored in pc_assign_worklist.

Work basket related assignments are stored in pc_assign_workbasket.

Q. Where work objects will be stored?

Work Objects are stored in pc_work table by default. however if you want to store the work
objects in a user created table, follow the below mentioned steps.

Create a schema similar to pc_work table. (The best thing is to copy the pc_work schema and
modify the table name and constraints name if any)

Change the class group mapping (Data-Admin-DB-Table) to the newly created table.

Q. If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them in three

different tables?

Open/Create the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance for each class and mention the table name.
By doing this the individual work objects will be stored in the new table you mentioned in the
Data-Admin-DB-Table instance. This is a best practice if there too many object instances for
each class.
Q. What is StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?

StepStatusGood is a when condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks whether
the value of pxMethodStatus property is “Good”.

StepStatusFail is a when condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks whether the
value of pxMethodStatus property is “Fail”.

Q. How to make any rule as a favorite to your manager?

Delegate the rule to manager.

Q. Where can i see the paramater values in the clipboard ( values ..) i am passing one
activity to other ?

No its not possible in clipboard, but you can see in tracer by clicking page name which in
step method column.

Q. How to import rules using pzinskey

Open the rule, from that pick the pzinskey, go to prdbutil and using the pxinskey export the
rule Import that zip file where you want.

Q. Difference between activity and utility?

An activity is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Activity rule type. An activity is the fundamental

sequential processing unit of the Process Commander system.

The shape in a Visio flow diagram, references an activity that updates a work object, but does
not require user interaction and input. Your system includes standard activities for utility
tasks, and you can create additional ones.

Each utility task references an activity with an Activity Type of Utility ss from utility
shape we can call activity but vise versa not possible.
Q. Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled

Obj-Open : we will get multiple records from table based on the criteria from
the specified class. Or Opens an instance of a given class

OBJ-open-handle: here we have have to pass the pzInskey as a instance handle, this mehod
will open only one record at time. Or Open object by handle to the pzInsKey value

The handle of an instance is a unique key, in an internal format, assembled by the system that
identifies an instance in the PegaRULES database. It may differ from the visible key
generally used to identify instances. (Every instance has a unique handle, but more than one
instance may share the same visible key.) For rule instances, the handle includes system-
generated identifying values (including the create date and time) that make it unique.

Use the Obj-Open-By-Handle method only if you can determine the unique handle that
permanently identifies which instance to open. Otherwise, use the Obj-Open method.

Q. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)

Rules: inheritance that can maximize reuse of your rules while allowing localized overriding
as appropriate. Also called polymorphism, inheritance allows a rule created for one class
(possibly an abstract class) to be applied to other classes that inherit from it.

Class inheritance searches for rules from a concrete, lower class, up the class hierarchy to
find available rules.

Two types of class inheritance — directed inheritance and pattern inheritances

Q. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?

DBTrace: DBTrace is a feature in the Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) that creates a
detailed log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace displays SQL statements sent to
the database and the time spent for each operation.

PAL: This data is stored in “PAL counters” or “PAL readings.” PAL stands for Performance
AnaLyzer, and is a collection of counters and timer readings, stored in the requestor, that an
application developer could use to analyze performance issues in a system.

PAL Features

 Add Reading
 Add Reading with Clipboard Size
 Reset Data
 Save Data
 Start DBTrace
 DBTrace Options
 Start Profiler
 Show Graph
 My Alerts

Alerts: During application processing, Process Commander writes to the performance alert
log a sequence of text entries called alert messages that identify mainly performance-related
issues or errors. The performance alert log is usually named PegaRULES-ALERT-YYYY-
MMM-DD log.

AES: Exceptions are processed in a similar way as alerts. When a Process Commander server
generates exceptions they are sent by SOAP to the AES system. The system parses the
exceptions and stores the records in the pegaam_exception table in the AES database. Based
upon how often an exception occurs and the system events that triggered those exceptions,
AES aggregates these records into work objects called AES exception items. These items are
written to the AES database in the pegaam_exception_work table.
1. Explain Pega briefly.


Pega is a comprehensive business process management (BPM) and customer relationship

management (CRM) platform used for designing, building, and deploying enterprise
applications. It focuses on automating business processes, improving efficiency, and
enhancing customer experiences.

2. What do you mean by “workplace” or “studio” in the context of Pega?


 The “workplace” refers to the user interface where users interact with Pega
applications, managing tasks and cases.
 The “studio” is the development environment where developers design and build
applications, creating the underlying processes and rules.

3. Describe Pega’s classes.


In Pega, classes are blueprints for creating instances, representing data structures and
behaviors within an application. Classes define rules, properties, and relationships. There
are two primary types:

Rule Classes:

 Govern application behavior.

 Examples include Rule-Obj-Flow for flow rules and Rule-Obj-Property for property

Data Classes:

 Define and organize data structures.

 Examples include Data-Admin-Operator-ID for operator data and Data-Work-Case
for case data.
4. What are the various workspace options provided by Pega?


Dev Studio: A development environment for building and configuring applications.

App Studio: A low-code environment for designing user interfaces and case lifecycles.
Admin Studio: A tool for system administrators to monitor, manage, and troubleshoot
Case Manager Portal: A user interface designed for case managers to process and manage
cases efficiently efficiently.

5. What do you mean by a work item in Pega?


 A work item in Pega represents a unit of work or a specific task within a business
 It encapsulates data, processes, and rules related to a particular case or assignment.

6. What do you know about Pega’s DCO?


DCO is a methodology within Pega that facilitates the direct capture and documentation of
business requirements on the platform itself. This approach promotes collaboration
between business stakeholders and IT professionals, ensuring a shared understanding of
project objectives and requirements from the outset.

7. What are Pega’s primary uses?


 Automating complex business processes.

 Managing customer relationships effectively.
 Developing scalable enterprise applications.
8. What are the different sorts of classes offered by Pega?


Concrete Classes: Represent real-world entities.

Abstract Classes: Serve as templates for concrete classes.

Data Classes: Define data structures.

Rule Classes: Organize business rules.

Integration Classes: Manage external system integrations.

9. Explain the concept of a Flow in Pega.


In Pega, a Flow is a fundamental construct that represents a sequence of processing stages

through which work progresses in a business process. Flows define the order of execution
of assignments and activities, guiding the movement of work items from one stage to

10. In Pega, how do you build a work object?


 Utilize Pega Studio for application development.

 Define data models.
 Design user interfaces.
 Configure business rules.
 Establish workflows for automated work processes.

11. What is a Decision Table in Pega, and how is it used?


A Decision Table in Pega is a rule type for defining complex business logic. It represents a
matrix where business rules can be expressed in a tabular format, making it easy to
visualize and manage conditions and corresponding actions. Decision Tables are commonly
used to automate decision-making processes in decision rules like Rule-Declare-
DecisionTable and Rule-Declare-DecisionTree.
12. What are the advantages of DCO in the context of Pega?


 Enhanced Collaboration
 Faster Requirements Gathering
 Better Project Outcomes
 Reduced Development Time

Pega DCO
13. How does Pega handle case management, and what is a Case Type?


Pega excels in case management through the concept of Case Types. A Case Type is a
blueprint that defines the structure, behavior, and processing of a specific type of case
within the application. It encompasses the data model, business rules, user interfaces, and
process flows associated with a particular business scenario.

14. Explain the purpose of Pega Agents.


 Pega Agents are background processing mechanisms designed to automate and

execute tasks at scheduled intervals without direct user interaction.
 These tasks can include activities such as sending emails, generating reports, or
performing data maintenance.
15. What is a Harness in Pega, and how is it different from a Section?


A Harness acts as a container that holds and organizes Sections, Controls, and other UI
elements. It provides the structure for the layout and presentation of information on a
user’s screen. On the other hand, a Section represents a reusable and modular unit of UI
design that defines the layout and behavior of a specific part of a user interface.

16. What is the difference between a Rule and a Data class in Pega?


Feature Rule Class Data Class

Purpose Governs application behavior and processing Defines and organizes data structures.

Usage Used for implementing business logic Used for defining and managing data.

Examples Flow rules, decision rules, UI rules Data tables, data pages, data transforms

Inheritance Inherits from the Rule- base class hierarchy Inherits from the Data- base class hierarc

17. What is the significance of the PegaRULES database in Pega applications?


The PegaRULES database is a central component of Pega applications, serving as the

repository for various critical elements of the application’s configuration and runtime data.
It stores rule definitions, which include the logic and behavior of the application, as well as
data instances such as work items and cases.

18. How does Pega support mobile application development?


 Pega supports mobile application development through its responsive design

capabilities and mobile-specific features.
 Pega applications are designed to be responsive, adapting their layout and
functionality to different devices and screen sizes.
19. Describe the role of Declarative Rules in Pega.


Declarative Rules in Pega provide a mechanism for developers to define and express
business logic without specifying the exact procedural steps needed to achieve the desired
outcome. These rules declare the desired behavior, allowing Pega’s runtime engine to
generate and execute the necessary instructions automatically.

20. Explain the difference between a Declare Trigger and a Declare OnChange rule in


In Pega, a Declare Trigger automatically updates database values based on specified

conditions, ensuring data consistency. In contrast, a Declare OnChange rule dynamically
adjusts values in memory when specific properties change, providing immediate reactions
without direct database interaction.

21. What is the purpose of the Pega Clipboard tool?


The Pega Clipboard tool is a powerful debugging and diagnostic tool that provides real-time
visibility into the data associated with a case or rule execution. It allows developers and
administrators to inspect, modify, and analyze clipboard pages, which represent data
instances during runtime.

22. Explain the concept of a Property in Pega.


In Pega, a Property is a fundamental building block that represents a piece of data

associated with a case, assignment, or other elements within the application. Properties
define the characteristics of the data, such as its type, length, and constraints. They serve as
the variables that store and manage information throughout the lifecycle of a Pega
23. What is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega, and how is it configured?


 A Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega is a rule that defines the expected time to
complete a task or case.
 Configuration involves specifying the SLA rule, defining the goal and deadline times,
and associating it with the relevant element in the application.

24. What is Pega’s App Studio, and how does it differ from Dev Studio?


Pega’s App Studio is a low-code environment designed for business users to model and
modify applications. Dev Studio, on the other hand, is geared towards developers for in-
depth rule configuration and customization. App Studio offers a simplified interface for non-
technical users.

25. How does Pega handle error handling in workflows?


 Pega provides a comprehensive error-handling mechanism within workflows to

manage exceptions and unexpected scenarios gracefully.
 Exception handling in Pega involves the use of Try-Catch shapes, which allow
developers to define actions to be taken when errors occur.

26. What is the purpose of the Pega Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX)?


The Pega Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) is a specialized tool designed for extracting,
transforming, and loading (ETL) data from Pega applications into external data warehouses
or reporting systems. BIX enables organizations to leverage the data stored within Pega
applications for advanced reporting, analytics, and business intelligence purposes.

27. Describe the concept of a Decision Tree in Pega.


 A Decision Tree in Pega is a rule used to define branching logic based on a series of
questions and answers.
 It is an effective tool for making decisions by systematically evaluating a set of
conditions and determining the appropriate outcome.
28. How does Pega support versioning of rules and applications?


Pega has a powerful versioning mechanism for managing rules and apps throughout their
lifespan. Versioning helps developers to create, store, and maintain distinct versions of
rules, ensuring that changes can be traced and rolled back if required.

29. What is the purpose of Pega’s Dynamic System Settings?


 Dynamic System Settings in Pega serve as a centralized repository for managing and
storing system-wide configuration settings.
 These settings are stored as key-value pairs and can be accessed by various parts of
the application to retrieve configuration information during runtime.

30. Explain the purpose of Pega Connectors.


Pega Connectors serve as a bridge between Pega applications and external systems,
facilitating seamless integration. They enable the exchange of data and actions between
Pega and diverse systems, including databases, APIs, and enterprise applications.

31. What is a Data Page in Pega, and how is it different from a Clipboard Page?


A Data Page is a reusable container for holding data fetched from an external source,
providing better performance and caching. It differs from a Clipboard Page, which is
temporary and holds data during runtime but is not inherently reusable.

32. What are Pega Activities, and how do they differ from Processes?


 Pega Activities are rules that define the specific steps and logic to be executed within
a business process.
 While processes in Pega represent the overall flow and coordination of work,
activities focus on the granular details of what needs to happen within each step of
the process.
33. Describe Pega’s User Portal and its significance.


Pega’s User Portal is a centralized and customizable interface that provides end-users with a
unified workspace to interact with Pega applications. It serves as the entry point for users to
access their tasks, cases, and relevant information.

The User Portal significantly enhances user experience by providing a single, intuitive
platform for users to view, manage, and complete their work. It consolidates relevant
information and tasks.

34. What is the purpose of Pega’s Decision Management capabilities?


Pega’s Decision Management capabilities are designed to empower organizations to make

intelligent and adaptive decisions within their applications. This involves leveraging
predictive analytics, business rules, and machine learning to dynamically optimize decision
strategies based on real-time data and changing circumstances.

35. How does Pega support case resolution and closure?


Support Mechanisms: Pega supports case resolution and closure through a combination of
predefined processes, business rules, and user interactions.

Automation: Automation rules, such as decision trees and decision tables, can be
employed to automate decision-making aspects of case resolution.

User Actions: Users interact with the system through the User Portal to perform actions
required for resolution.

36. Explain the role of a Data Transform in Pega.


A Data Transform in Pega is a rule that defines the mapping and transformation of data
between different structures within the application. It is used to manipulate and convert
data from one format to another, facilitating seamless integration and efficient processing.
37. What is the purpose of Pega’s Pulse feature?


 Real-Time Collaboration
 Contextual Communication
 Transparent Work Environment
 Audit Trail

38. Explain the concept of a Pega Flow Action.


A Pega Flow Action is a rule representing a step within a business process or case in a Pega
application. It defines the user interface and processing logic for a specific task in a flow.
Flow Actions gather user input, make decisions, and update case data. They are crucial in
guiding users through a process and dynamically adapting the user interface based on the
case context.

39. How does Pega handle exception handling in business processes?


Try-Catch Mechanism: Pega uses a Try-Catch mechanism for exception handling in


Try Shape: Encapsulates activities prone to errors within the Try shape.

Catch Shape: Specifies actions to handle exceptions, ensuring graceful recovery.

Error Messages and Logging: Developers configure error messages and logging within the
Catch shape.
40. What is the purpose of Pega’s Declarative Network Viewer (DNV)?


The Declarative Network Viewer (DNV) in Pega serves a critical role in enhancing the
development process by providing developers with a visual representation of the intricate
network of dependencies between rules. This tool allows for a comprehensive and intuitive
understanding of how various rules within the application interact with each other.

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 Assignme

41. What is the significance of Pega’s Guardrails?


 The significance of Pega’s Guardrails lies in their role as guiding principles that steer
developers toward building high-quality, scalable, and maintainable applications.
 Serving as a set of design standards and best practices, Guardrails act as a compass
throughout the development lifecycle.

42. Explain the role of Pega Agents in background processing.


Pega Agents are integral components within the Pega platform designed to handle
background processing, offering a mechanism for executing tasks asynchronously. The
primary role of Pega Agents is to automate and optimize various background processes,
ensuring that tasks are performed efficiently without requiring immediate user interaction.
43. Describe Pega’s Integration Designer.


Pega’s Integration Designer is a tool that allows developers to design, configure, and
manage integrations with external systems. It plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless
communication and data exchange between Pega applications and external services.

44. What is the purpose of the Pega Express methodology?


Pega Express is a methodology within Pega that aims to accelerate application development
by emphasizing simplicity, speed, and collaboration. It provides a streamlined approach to
building Pega applications, catering to business users, citizen developers, and experienced
developers alike.

45. Explain the concept of Pega’s Change Sets.


 Pega’s Change Sets are containers for packaging and deploying changes across
different environments.
 They facilitate controlled and organized deployment of application changes, ensuring
consistency and minimizing risks associated with versioning.

46. What role does Pega’s Case Manager portal play in enhancing user productivity?


Pega’s Case Manager portal is designed for users responsible for managing and overseeing
cases. It provides a consolidated view of cases, tasks, and relevant information, streamlining
the decision-making process and enhancing user productivity in overseeing case lifecycles.
47. What mechanisms are available for securing sensitive information?


Encryption: Protects data during transmission and storage.

Access Control Policies (ACP): Defines granular user permissions.

Secure Authentication: Includes username/password, LDAP, and Single Sign-On (SSO).

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Assigns roles to control system access.

Audit Trails: Tracks user activities for accountability and monitoring.

48. What is Pega’s SmartPrompt, and how does it benefit users?


 Pega’s SmartPrompt is a feature designed to enhance the user experience by

providing intelligent suggestions and auto-complete functionalities.
 It significantly benefits users by streamlining data entry processes within Pega

49. Explain the purpose of Pega’s Case Worker portal.


The Case Worker portal in Pega serves as a dedicated workspace designed to cater to users
actively involved in case management within an application. Its primary purpose is to
provide these users with a centralized and comprehensive interface where they can
efficiently handle, monitor, and resolve cases.

50. How does Pega support mobile app development?


Pega supports mobile application development through its specialized tool, Pega Mobile
Studio. This tool plays a pivotal role in creating responsive and adaptive mobile applications
within the Pega platform. Pega Mobile Studio provides developers with a set of intuitive and
visual tools to design, configure, and customize mobile interfaces.
51. How does Pega handle case linking between different cases?


 Pega facilitates case linking through the use of case references, offering a robust
mechanism for managing case dependencies and relationships.
 The system allows developers and users to establish connections between different
cases based on predefined relationships.

52. Describe the significance of Pega’s Live UI in development.


Pega’s Live UI holds significant importance in the development process by providing

developers with real-time visibility into the user interface elements during runtime. This tool
allows developers to inspect and modify UI components dynamically as the application is
running. The significance of Live UI lies in its ability to enhance the development and
debugging process.

53. Explain the role of Pega’s CPM in customer-centric processes.


Pega’s Customer Process Manager (CPM) is specifically designed to optimize and streamline
customer-centric processes within an application. The role of CPM is to provide tools and
features that empower businesses to deliver personalized and efficient customer
experiences across various touchpoints.

54. How does the Decision Data Store support data-driven decision-making?


 Decision data, such as outcomes from decision strategies or predictive models, can
be stored in DDS for later retrieval and analysis.
 This centralized storage facilitates quick access to historical decision data, enabling
organizations to make informed decisions based on past outcomes.
55. Explain data pages within the context of Pega.


Data pages in Pega are reusable containers for holding data from various sources. They
enhance performance by caching and sharing data across multiple users, reducing
redundant database queries. Data pages can be configured to load data on-demand or pre-
fetch, optimizing application responsiveness and ensuring efficient data management.

56. How does Pega facilitate integration with external systems?


 Pega facilitates integration with external systems through the use of Connectors,
which are rule types designed to define communication channels.
 The role of Connectors is to streamline data exchange and enhance interoperability
between Pega applications and external services or systems.

57. What are the advantages of PRPC?


PRPC (PegaRULES Process Commander) offers a low-code environment, accelerating

application development. Its rule-based architecture promotes reusability, reducing
redundancy. PRPC ensures agility with dynamic case management, adaptive user interfaces,
and scalability.

58. What exactly do you mean by locking in the context of Pega?


Locking in Pega involves temporarily restricting access to a data instance to prevent

conflicting updates by multiple users. This ensures data integrity during concurrent
operations. Pega employs optimistic locking, allowing users to work on separate copies and
merging changes upon save, minimizing contention and maintaining data consistency.
59. What are the benefits of case management?


Comprehensive View: Provides a centralized view of case lifecycles.

Visibility and Control: Improves monitoring and control of processes.

Efficient Workflows: Streamlines tasks and dependencies for efficiency.

Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitates teamwork with shared access to information.

Adaptability: Flexibility for handling variations in processes.

60. Describe Declare Triggers in the context of Pega.


Declare Triggers in Pega are rules that automatically perform actions when specified
conditions are met or when the values of properties change. They are part of the declarative
processing framework, providing a way to trigger updates, calculations, or other actions in
response to changes in the system.

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61. What is your understanding of Forward and Backward Chaining?


Forward chaining involves evaluating conditions and executing actions proactively when
relevant data changes occur. In contrast, backward chaining occurs when the system
evaluates conditions and triggers actions only when needed, typically in response to user
queries or specific events.

62. How can you construct a Declare Trigger in Pega?


 To construct a Declare Trigger in Pega, you define a Declare Trigger rule in the Pega
Designer Studio.
 Specify the triggering conditions based on property changes and define the actions
or calculations to be executed when those conditions are met.

63. Explain the spinoff and split join shapes in the context of Pega.


In Pega’s case management, the spinoff and split-join shapes are elements in the case life
cycle that define how processes branch or converge. The spinoff shape allows for the
creation of new, parallel processes, while the split-join shape manages the merging of
multiple parallel processes back into a single flow.

64. What’s the distinction between activity and utility?


Activity: In Pega, an Activity is a rule type used for defining sequences of instructions to
perform a specific task. It encapsulates business logic and is typically used in processes and
flows to automate tasks, invoke services, or manipulate data.

Utility: Utility rules in Pega serve as a container for shared functions or routines that are
reusable across the application. Unlike activities, utilities are not directly associated with a
specific task or process but provide a centralized location for commonly used functions,
promoting reusability and consistency.
65. Where will the assignments be kept in the Pega rules database?


Assignments in Pega are stored in the ‘Assign-‘ class group within the Pega rules database.
This class group includes various classes like ‘Assign-Worklist,’ ‘Assign-WorkBasket,’ and
others, where different types of assignments are stored based on their states and locations.

66. Where will the work items be stored?


In Pega, work items are stored in the PegaRULES database—the PegaRULES relational
database stores various artifacts, including rules, data instances, and work items. Work
items represent cases or assignments in a Pega application and are managed within the
database for efficient retrieval and processing during the application lifecycle.

67. What are the StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail rules?


StepStatusGood: This rule is used to define the success status of a step in a flow. It
determines the outcome when the step is executed successfully.

StepStatusFail: This rule defines the failure status of a step in a flow. It specifies the actions
to be taken if the step encounters an error or failure during execution.

68. How can I send many correspondences at once?


To send many correspondences at once in Pega, you can use the “Bulk Processing” feature.
This involves creating a Batch Request Processor (BRP) and configuring it to handle the bulk
processing of correspondence. The BRP can be scheduled to run at specified intervals and
process multiple correspondences efficiently.

69. What is the purpose of Pega’s UI Gallery, and how does it aid in UI development?


Pega’s UI Gallery is a repository of pre-built UI components and templates. It aids UI

development by providing designers and developers with a library of reusable UI elements,
accelerating the creation of consistent and visually appealing user interfaces.
70. How do you make any regulation a favorite of your manager?


To make a rule or regulation a favorite for your manager in Pega, you can use the “Add to
Favorites” option available in the rule form. Managers can access their favorite rules easily
from their portal, improving accessibility to commonly used rules.

71. Explain the role of Pega Express in application development.


Pega Express is a low-code approach in Pega for rapid application development. It differs
from traditional approaches by emphasizing visual design, drag-and-drop elements, and a
simplified development process, allowing business users to participate in application
creation actively.

72. How can I call an Activity from JavaScript?


You can call a Pega Activity from JavaScript using the Pega JavaScript API. The
‘pega.api.doAction’ function can be utilized, passing the activity name and parameters as
arguments. This enables seamless integration between client-side interactions and server-
side processing.

73. How do I import rules into PZinsky?


 To import rules into Pega, you can use the Application Explorer in the Pega Designer
 Navigate to the “Application” menu, select “Distribution,” and then choose “Import.”
 Follow the wizard to specify the source and details of the rules to be imported.

74. How is a user’s ruleset list generated (the logic)?


The user’s ruleset list in Pega is generated based on the operator’s access roles, application
context, and rule resolution logic. Pega evaluates the operator’s access and privileges to
determine the applicable rulesets. The ruleset list defines the order in which rules are
searched during the rule resolution process, ensuring the correct rule versions are
75. What are the critical components of Pega’s Integration Designer


Connectors: Connectors in Pega’s Integration Designer are rule types designed to define
communication channels with external systems.

Service REST: Service REST rules enable the definition of Representational State Transfer
(REST) services within Pega.

Service SOAP: Service SOAP rules, on the other hand, define Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP) services.

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76. Explain the role of Pega Robotics in automating repetitive tasks.


Pega Robotics, also known as Pega Robotic Process Automation (RPA), plays a pivotal role in
automating repetitive tasks across desktop applications. It leverages software robots or
“bots” to mimic human interactions with applications, performing tasks such as data entry,
form filling, and data extraction. This automation streamlines business processes, reduces
manual effort, and enhances operational efficiency.

77. What encryption mechanisms are available for protecting sensitive information?


Field Value Encryption: Pega allows the encryption of specific fields within the database
using Field Value Encryption.

SSL/TLS Encryption: Pega supports the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport
Layer Security (TLS) protocols for securing communication between clients and servers.

78. Describe the purpose of Pega’s Predictive Analytics.


Pega’s Predictive Analytics introduces advanced machine learning capabilities into Pega
applications, enhancing decision-making by leveraging predictive models. The primary
purpose of Predictive Analytics is to analyze historical data, identify patterns, and generate
predictions or insights that can be utilized to make informed decisions within the

79. Explain the concept of Pega’s Smart shapes in case design.


Smart shapes in Pega’s case design are visual elements within a case life cycle that enables
dynamic and adaptive case management. These shapes represent nodes in the case
workflow, each serving a specific purpose and contributing to the overall flexibility and
responsiveness of the case.

80. What role do Declare Constraints play in ensuring data integrity?


 Pega provides a robust framework for data validation, ensuring the integrity and
consistency of data within the application. vv
 Central to this framework are Declare Constraints, which play a crucial role in
defining and enforcing validation rules on properties.

81. Explain the purpose of Pega’s Adaptive Models.


Pega’s Adaptive Models represent a crucial component of the platform’s capabilities in

incorporating machine learning into business processes. These models are designed to
adapt and evolve dynamically based on real-time insights and changing patterns within the

82. Describe the purpose of Pega’s System Pulse.


Pega’s System Pulse is a monitoring and management feature designed to provide

administrators with comprehensive insights into the health and performance of a Pega

Its purpose is to enable proactive monitoring, early detection of issues, and efficient
management of the Pega environment to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

83. Explain the concept of Pega’s Design Templates.

Pega’s Design Templates are pre-built, reusable design patterns that play a crucial role in
promoting consistency in application design. They provide a standardized approach to
designing user interfaces, ensuring a cohesive and professional look and feel across
different parts of the application.

84. List out the advantages of Pega’s Dynamic Case Management (DCM) approach.


 Flexibility and Adaptability

 Real-Time Rule-Driven Processes
 Agility in Case Handling
 Enhanced Customer Experience
 Efficient Exception Handling

85. How does Pega support multi-channel user interactions?


Pega supports multi-channel user interactions by providing the Customer Service

application, a comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions across various
channels. The Customer Service application acts as a unified platform where users can
handle customer inquiries, issues, and requests coming from diverse channels such as
phone, email, chat, social media, and more.

86. How does Pega facilitate the implementation of user-specific rules?


Pega’s ruleset and ruleset versioning features enable the implementation of user-specific
rules and configurations in a structured and controlled manner. A ruleset is a logical
container for rules, and ruleset versioning allows for the creation and management of
different versions of a ruleset.

87. Explain the concept of Pega’s Case Lifecycle.


Pega’s Case Lifecycle represents the end-to-end journey of a work item, guiding its
progression through various stages from initiation to resolution. It is a visual representation
of the flow that work items follow as they move through the system. The Case Lifecycle in
Pega includes stages, steps, and processes, each defining specific actions, conditions, and
88. How does Pega facilitate the implementation of user-specific rules?


 Pega’s ruleset and ruleset versioning features enable the implementation of user-
specific rules and configurations in a structured and controlled manner.
 A ruleset is a logical container for rules, and ruleset versioning allows for the creation
and management of different versions of a ruleset.

89. What are the different kinds of locking?


 Optimistic Locking
 Pessimistic Locking
 Record Locking
 Field-Level Locking

90. What does Pega’s Declare Index stand for?


Pega’s Declare Index is a feature that improves database query speed on the Pega platform.
It permits building indexes on certain class attributes, improving data retrieval and query
performance. Declare Index effectively organizes data by declaring indexed characteristics,
conditions, and refresh techniques, lowering the total database load.
1. Explain Pega briefly.


Pega is a comprehensive business process management (BPM) and customer relationship

management (CRM) platform used for designing, building, and deploying enterprise
applications. It focuses on automating business processes, improving efficiency, and
enhancing customer experiences.

2. What do you mean by “workplace” or “studio” in the context of Pega?


 The “workplace” refers to the user interface where users interact with Pega
applications, managing tasks and cases.
 The “studio” is the development environment where developers design and build
applications, creating the underlying processes and rules.

3. Describe Pega’s classes.


In Pega, classes are blueprints for creating instances, representing data structures and
behaviors within an application. Classes define rules, properties, and relationships. There
are two primary types:

Rule Classes:

 Govern application behavior.

 Examples include Rule-Obj-Flow for flow rules and Rule-Obj-Property for property

Data Classes:

 Define and organize data structures.

 Examples include Data-Admin-Operator-ID for operator data and Data-Work-Case
for case data.
4. What are the various workspace options provided by Pega?


Dev Studio: A development environment for building and configuring applications.

App Studio: A low-code environment for designing user interfaces and case lifecycles.
Admin Studio: A tool for system administrators to monitor, manage, and troubleshoot
Case Manager Portal: A user interface designed for case managers to process and manage
cases efficiently efficiently.

5. What do you mean by a work item in Pega?


 A work item in Pega represents a unit of work or a specific task within a business
 It encapsulates data, processes, and rules related to a particular case or assignment.

6. What do you know about Pega’s DCO?


DCO is a methodology within Pega that facilitates the direct capture and documentation of
business requirements on the platform itself. This approach promotes collaboration
between business stakeholders and IT professionals, ensuring a shared understanding of
project objectives and requirements from the outset.

7. What are Pega’s primary uses?


 Automating complex business processes.

 Managing customer relationships effectively.
 Developing scalable enterprise applications.
8. What are the different sorts of classes offered by Pega?


Concrete Classes: Represent real-world entities.

Abstract Classes: Serve as templates for concrete classes.

Data Classes: Define data structures.

Rule Classes: Organize business rules.

Integration Classes: Manage external system integrations.

9. Explain the concept of a Flow in Pega.


In Pega, a Flow is a fundamental construct that represents a sequence of processing stages

through which work progresses in a business process. Flows define the order of execution
of assignments and activities, guiding the movement of work items from one stage to

10. In Pega, how do you build a work object?


 Utilize Pega Studio for application development.

 Define data models.
 Design user interfaces.
 Configure business rules.
 Establish workflows for automated work processes.

11. What is a Decision Table in Pega, and how is it used?


A Decision Table in Pega is a rule type for defining complex business logic. It represents a
matrix where business rules can be expressed in a tabular format, making it easy to
visualize and manage conditions and corresponding actions. Decision Tables are commonly
used to automate decision-making processes in decision rules like Rule-Declare-
DecisionTable and Rule-Declare-DecisionTree.
12. What are the advantages of DCO in the context of Pega?


 Enhanced Collaboration
 Faster Requirements Gathering
 Better Project Outcomes
 Reduced Development Time

Pega DCO
13. How does Pega handle case management, and what is a Case Type?


Pega excels in case management through the concept of Case Types. A Case Type is a
blueprint that defines the structure, behavior, and processing of a specific type of case
within the application. It encompasses the data model, business rules, user interfaces, and
process flows associated with a particular business scenario.

14. Explain the purpose of Pega Agents.


 Pega Agents are background processing mechanisms designed to automate and

execute tasks at scheduled intervals without direct user interaction.
 These tasks can include activities such as sending emails, generating reports, or
performing data maintenance.
15. What is a Harness in Pega, and how is it different from a Section?


A Harness acts as a container that holds and organizes Sections, Controls, and other UI
elements. It provides the structure for the layout and presentation of information on a
user’s screen. On the other hand, a Section represents a reusable and modular unit of UI
design that defines the layout and behavior of a specific part of a user interface.

16. What is the difference between a Rule and a Data class in Pega?


Feature Rule Class Data Class

Purpose Governs application behavior and processing Defines and organizes data structures.

Usage Used for implementing business logic Used for defining and managing data.

Examples Flow rules, decision rules, UI rules Data tables, data pages, data transforms

Inheritance Inherits from the Rule- base class hierarchy Inherits from the Data- base class hierarc

17. What is the significance of the PegaRULES database in Pega applications?


The PegaRULES database is a central component of Pega applications, serving as the

repository for various critical elements of the application’s configuration and runtime data.
It stores rule definitions, which include the logic and behavior of the application, as well as
data instances such as work items and cases.

18. How does Pega support mobile application development?


 Pega supports mobile application development through its responsive design

capabilities and mobile-specific features.
 Pega applications are designed to be responsive, adapting their layout and
functionality to different devices and screen sizes.
19. Describe the role of Declarative Rules in Pega.


Declarative Rules in Pega provide a mechanism for developers to define and express
business logic without specifying the exact procedural steps needed to achieve the desired
outcome. These rules declare the desired behavior, allowing Pega’s runtime engine to
generate and execute the necessary instructions automatically.

20. Explain the difference between a Declare Trigger and a Declare OnChange rule in


In Pega, a Declare Trigger automatically updates database values based on specified

conditions, ensuring data consistency. In contrast, a Declare OnChange rule dynamically
adjusts values in memory when specific properties change, providing immediate reactions
without direct database interaction.

21. What is the purpose of the Pega Clipboard tool?


The Pega Clipboard tool is a powerful debugging and diagnostic tool that provides real-time
visibility into the data associated with a case or rule execution. It allows developers and
administrators to inspect, modify, and analyze clipboard pages, which represent data
instances during runtime.

22. Explain the concept of a Property in Pega.


In Pega, a Property is a fundamental building block that represents a piece of data

associated with a case, assignment, or other elements within the application. Properties
define the characteristics of the data, such as its type, length, and constraints. They serve as
the variables that store and manage information throughout the lifecycle of a Pega
23. What is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega, and how is it configured?


 A Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega is a rule that defines the expected time to
complete a task or case.
 Configuration involves specifying the SLA rule, defining the goal and deadline times,
and associating it with the relevant element in the application.

24. What is Pega’s App Studio, and how does it differ from Dev Studio?


Pega’s App Studio is a low-code environment designed for business users to model and
modify applications. Dev Studio, on the other hand, is geared towards developers for in-
depth rule configuration and customization. App Studio offers a simplified interface for non-
technical users.

25. How does Pega handle error handling in workflows?


 Pega provides a comprehensive error-handling mechanism within workflows to

manage exceptions and unexpected scenarios gracefully.
 Exception handling in Pega involves the use of Try-Catch shapes, which allow
developers to define actions to be taken when errors occur.

26. What is the purpose of the Pega Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX)?


The Pega Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) is a specialized tool designed for extracting,
transforming, and loading (ETL) data from Pega applications into external data warehouses
or reporting systems. BIX enables organizations to leverage the data stored within Pega
applications for advanced reporting, analytics, and business intelligence purposes.

27. Describe the concept of a Decision Tree in Pega.


 A Decision Tree in Pega is a rule used to define branching logic based on a series of
questions and answers.
 It is an effective tool for making decisions by systematically evaluating a set of
conditions and determining the appropriate outcome.
28. How does Pega support versioning of rules and applications?


Pega has a powerful versioning mechanism for managing rules and apps throughout their
lifespan. Versioning helps developers to create, store, and maintain distinct versions of
rules, ensuring that changes can be traced and rolled back if required.

29. What is the purpose of Pega’s Dynamic System Settings?


 Dynamic System Settings in Pega serve as a centralized repository for managing and
storing system-wide configuration settings.
 These settings are stored as key-value pairs and can be accessed by various parts of
the application to retrieve configuration information during runtime.

30. Explain the purpose of Pega Connectors.


Pega Connectors serve as a bridge between Pega applications and external systems,
facilitating seamless integration. They enable the exchange of data and actions between
Pega and diverse systems, including databases, APIs, and enterprise applications.

31. What is a Data Page in Pega, and how is it different from a Clipboard Page?


A Data Page is a reusable container for holding data fetched from an external source,
providing better performance and caching. It differs from a Clipboard Page, which is
temporary and holds data during runtime but is not inherently reusable.

32. What are Pega Activities, and how do they differ from Processes?


 Pega Activities are rules that define the specific steps and logic to be executed within
a business process.
 While processes in Pega represent the overall flow and coordination of work,
activities focus on the granular details of what needs to happen within each step of
the process.
33. Describe Pega’s User Portal and its significance.


Pega’s User Portal is a centralized and customizable interface that provides end-users with a
unified workspace to interact with Pega applications. It serves as the entry point for users to
access their tasks, cases, and relevant information.

The User Portal significantly enhances user experience by providing a single, intuitive
platform for users to view, manage, and complete their work. It consolidates relevant
information and tasks.

34. What is the purpose of Pega’s Decision Management capabilities?


Pega’s Decision Management capabilities are designed to empower organizations to make

intelligent and adaptive decisions within their applications. This involves leveraging
predictive analytics, business rules, and machine learning to dynamically optimize decision
strategies based on real-time data and changing circumstances.

35. How does Pega support case resolution and closure?


Support Mechanisms: Pega supports case resolution and closure through a combination of
predefined processes, business rules, and user interactions.

Automation: Automation rules, such as decision trees and decision tables, can be
employed to automate decision-making aspects of case resolution.

User Actions: Users interact with the system through the User Portal to perform actions
required for resolution.

36. Explain the role of a Data Transform in Pega.


A Data Transform in Pega is a rule that defines the mapping and transformation of data
between different structures within the application. It is used to manipulate and convert
data from one format to another, facilitating seamless integration and efficient processing.
37. What is the purpose of Pega’s Pulse feature?


 Real-Time Collaboration
 Contextual Communication
 Transparent Work Environment
 Audit Trail

38. Explain the concept of a Pega Flow Action.


A Pega Flow Action is a rule representing a step within a business process or case in a Pega
application. It defines the user interface and processing logic for a specific task in a flow.
Flow Actions gather user input, make decisions, and update case data. They are crucial in
guiding users through a process and dynamically adapting the user interface based on the
case context.

39. How does Pega handle exception handling in business processes?


Try-Catch Mechanism: Pega uses a Try-Catch mechanism for exception handling in


Try Shape: Encapsulates activities prone to errors within the Try shape.

Catch Shape: Specifies actions to handle exceptions, ensuring graceful recovery.

Error Messages and Logging: Developers configure error messages and logging within the
Catch shape.
40. What is the purpose of Pega’s Declarative Network Viewer (DNV)?


The Declarative Network Viewer (DNV) in Pega serves a critical role in enhancing the
development process by providing developers with a visual representation of the intricate
network of dependencies between rules. This tool allows for a comprehensive and intuitive
understanding of how various rules within the application interact with each other.

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41. What is the significance of Pega’s Guardrails?


 The significance of Pega’s Guardrails lies in their role as guiding principles that steer
developers toward building high-quality, scalable, and maintainable applications.
 Serving as a set of design standards and best practices, Guardrails act as a compass
throughout the development lifecycle.

42. Explain the role of Pega Agents in background processing.


Pega Agents are integral components within the Pega platform designed to handle
background processing, offering a mechanism for executing tasks asynchronously. The
primary role of Pega Agents is to automate and optimize various background processes,
ensuring that tasks are performed efficiently without requiring immediate user interaction.
43. Describe Pega’s Integration Designer.


Pega’s Integration Designer is a tool that allows developers to design, configure, and
manage integrations with external systems. It plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless
communication and data exchange between Pega applications and external services.

44. What is the purpose of the Pega Express methodology?


Pega Express is a methodology within Pega that aims to accelerate application development
by emphasizing simplicity, speed, and collaboration. It provides a streamlined approach to
building Pega applications, catering to business users, citizen developers, and experienced
developers alike.

45. Explain the concept of Pega’s Change Sets.


 Pega’s Change Sets are containers for packaging and deploying changes across
different environments.
 They facilitate controlled and organized deployment of application changes, ensuring
consistency and minimizing risks associated with versioning.

46. What role does Pega’s Case Manager portal play in enhancing user productivity?


Pega’s Case Manager portal is designed for users responsible for managing and overseeing
cases. It provides a consolidated view of cases, tasks, and relevant information, streamlining
the decision-making process and enhancing user productivity in overseeing case lifecycles.

47. What mechanisms are available for securing sensitive information?


Encryption: Protects data during transmission and storage.

Access Control Policies (ACP): Defines granular user permissions.

Secure Authentication: Includes username/password, LDAP, and Single Sign-On (SSO).

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Assigns roles to control system access.

Audit Trails: Tracks user activities for accountability and monitoring.

48. What is Pega’s SmartPrompt, and how does it benefit users?


 Pega’s SmartPrompt is a feature designed to enhance the user experience by

providing intelligent suggestions and auto-complete functionalities.
 It significantly benefits users by streamlining data entry processes within Pega

49. Explain the purpose of Pega’s Case Worker portal.


The Case Worker portal in Pega serves as a dedicated workspace designed to cater to users
actively involved in case management within an application. Its primary purpose is to
provide these users with a centralized and comprehensive interface where they can
efficiently handle, monitor, and resolve cases.

50. How does Pega support mobile app development?


Pega supports mobile application development through its specialized tool, Pega Mobile
Studio. This tool plays a pivotal role in creating responsive and adaptive mobile applications
within the Pega platform. Pega Mobile Studio provides developers with a set of intuitive and
visual tools to design, configure, and customize mobile interfaces.

51. How does Pega handle case linking between different cases?


 Pega facilitates case linking through the use of case references, offering a robust
mechanism for managing case dependencies and relationships.
 The system allows developers and users to establish connections between different
cases based on predefined relationships.

52. Describe the significance of Pega’s Live UI in development.


Pega’s Live UI holds significant importance in the development process by providing

developers with real-time visibility into the user interface elements during runtime. This tool
allows developers to inspect and modify UI components dynamically as the application is
running. The significance of Live UI lies in its ability to enhance the development and
debugging process.
53. Explain the role of Pega’s CPM in customer-centric processes.


Pega’s Customer Process Manager (CPM) is specifically designed to optimize and streamline
customer-centric processes within an application. The role of CPM is to provide tools and
features that empower businesses to deliver personalized and efficient customer
experiences across various touchpoints.

54. How does the Decision Data Store support data-driven decision-making?


 Decision data, such as outcomes from decision strategies or predictive models, can
be stored in DDS for later retrieval and analysis.
 This centralized storage facilitates quick access to historical decision data, enabling
organizations to make informed decisions based on past outcomes.

55. Explain data pages within the context of Pega.


Data pages in Pega are reusable containers for holding data from various sources. They
enhance performance by caching and sharing data across multiple users, reducing
redundant database queries. Data pages can be configured to load data on-demand or pre-
fetch, optimizing application responsiveness and ensuring efficient data management.

56. How does Pega facilitate integration with external systems?


 Pega facilitates integration with external systems through the use of Connectors,
which are rule types designed to define communication channels.
 The role of Connectors is to streamline data exchange and enhance interoperability
between Pega applications and external services or systems.

57. What are the advantages of PRPC?


PRPC (PegaRULES Process Commander) offers a low-code environment, accelerating

application development. Its rule-based architecture promotes reusability, reducing
redundancy. PRPC ensures agility with dynamic case management, adaptive user interfaces,
and scalability.
58. What exactly do you mean by locking in the context of Pega?


Locking in Pega involves temporarily restricting access to a data instance to prevent

conflicting updates by multiple users. This ensures data integrity during concurrent
operations. Pega employs optimistic locking, allowing users to work on separate copies and
merging changes upon save, minimizing contention and maintaining data consistency.

59. What are the benefits of case management?


Comprehensive View: Provides a centralized view of case lifecycles.

Visibility and Control: Improves monitoring and control of processes.

Efficient Workflows: Streamlines tasks and dependencies for efficiency.

Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitates teamwork with shared access to information.

Adaptability: Flexibility for handling variations in processes.

60. Describe Declare Triggers in the context of Pega.


Declare Triggers in Pega are rules that automatically perform actions when specified
conditions are met or when the values of properties change. They are part of the declarative
processing framework, providing a way to trigger updates, calculations, or other actions in
response to changes in the system.
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61. What is your understanding of Forward and Backward Chaining?


Forward chaining involves evaluating conditions and executing actions proactively when
relevant data changes occur. In contrast, backward chaining occurs when the system
evaluates conditions and triggers actions only when needed, typically in response to user
queries or specific events.

62. How can you construct a Declare Trigger in Pega?


 To construct a Declare Trigger in Pega, you define a Declare Trigger rule in the Pega
Designer Studio.
 Specify the triggering conditions based on property changes and define the actions
or calculations to be executed when those conditions are met.

63. Explain the spinoff and split join shapes in the context of Pega.


In Pega’s case management, the spinoff and split-join shapes are elements in the case life
cycle that define how processes branch or converge. The spinoff shape allows for the
creation of new, parallel processes, while the split-join shape manages the merging of
multiple parallel processes back into a single flow.

64. What’s the distinction between activity and utility?


Activity: In Pega, an Activity is a rule type used for defining sequences of instructions to
perform a specific task. It encapsulates business logic and is typically used in processes and
flows to automate tasks, invoke services, or manipulate data.

Utility: Utility rules in Pega serve as a container for shared functions or routines that are
reusable across the application. Unlike activities, utilities are not directly associated with a
specific task or process but provide a centralized location for commonly used functions,
promoting reusability and consistency.
65. Where will the assignments be kept in the Pega rules database?


Assignments in Pega are stored in the ‘Assign-‘ class group within the Pega rules database.
This class group includes various classes like ‘Assign-Worklist,’ ‘Assign-WorkBasket,’ and
others, where different types of assignments are stored based on their states and locations.

66. Where will the work items be stored?


In Pega, work items are stored in the PegaRULES database—the PegaRULES relational
database stores various artifacts, including rules, data instances, and work items. Work
items represent cases or assignments in a Pega application and are managed within the
database for efficient retrieval and processing during the application lifecycle.

67. What are the StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail rules?


StepStatusGood: This rule is used to define the success status of a step in a flow. It
determines the outcome when the step is executed successfully.

StepStatusFail: This rule defines the failure status of a step in a flow. It specifies the actions
to be taken if the step encounters an error or failure during execution.

68. How can I send many correspondences at once?


To send many correspondences at once in Pega, you can use the “Bulk Processing” feature.
This involves creating a Batch Request Processor (BRP) and configuring it to handle the bulk
processing of correspondence. The BRP can be scheduled to run at specified intervals and
process multiple correspondences efficiently.

69. What is the purpose of Pega’s UI Gallery, and how does it aid in UI development?


Pega’s UI Gallery is a repository of pre-built UI components and templates. It aids UI

development by providing designers and developers with a library of reusable UI elements,
accelerating the creation of consistent and visually appealing user interfaces.
70. How do you make any regulation a favorite of your manager?


To make a rule or regulation a favorite for your manager in Pega, you can use the “Add to
Favorites” option available in the rule form. Managers can access their favorite rules easily
from their portal, improving accessibility to commonly used rules.

71. Explain the role of Pega Express in application development.


Pega Express is a low-code approach in Pega for rapid application development. It differs
from traditional approaches by emphasizing visual design, drag-and-drop elements, and a
simplified development process, allowing business users to participate in application
creation actively.

72. How can I call an Activity from JavaScript?


You can call a Pega Activity from JavaScript using the Pega JavaScript API. The
‘pega.api.doAction’ function can be utilized, passing the activity name and parameters as
arguments. This enables seamless integration between client-side interactions and server-
side processing.

73. How do I import rules into PZinsky?


 To import rules into Pega, you can use the Application Explorer in the Pega Designer
 Navigate to the “Application” menu, select “Distribution,” and then choose “Import.”
 Follow the wizard to specify the source and details of the rules to be imported.

74. How is a user’s ruleset list generated (the logic)?


The user’s ruleset list in Pega is generated based on the operator’s access roles, application
context, and rule resolution logic. Pega evaluates the operator’s access and privileges to
determine the applicable rulesets. The ruleset list defines the order in which rules are
searched during the rule resolution process, ensuring the correct rule versions are
75. What are the critical components of Pega’s Integration Designer


Connectors: Connectors in Pega’s Integration Designer are rule types designed to define
communication channels with external systems.

Service REST: Service REST rules enable the definition of Representational State Transfer
(REST) services within Pega.

Service SOAP: Service SOAP rules, on the other hand, define Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP) services.

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76. Explain the role of Pega Robotics in automating repetitive tasks.


Pega Robotics, also known as Pega Robotic Process Automation (RPA), plays a pivotal role in
automating repetitive tasks across desktop applications. It leverages software robots or
“bots” to mimic human interactions with applications, performing tasks such as data entry,
form filling, and data extraction. This automation streamlines business processes, reduces
manual effort, and enhances operational efficiency.

77. What encryption mechanisms are available for protecting sensitive information?


Field Value Encryption: Pega allows the encryption of specific fields within the database
using Field Value Encryption.

SSL/TLS Encryption: Pega supports the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport
Layer Security (TLS) protocols for securing communication between clients and servers.
78. Describe the purpose of Pega’s Predictive Analytics.


Pega’s Predictive Analytics introduces advanced machine learning capabilities into Pega
applications, enhancing decision-making by leveraging predictive models. The primary
purpose of Predictive Analytics is to analyze historical data, identify patterns, and generate
predictions or insights that can be utilized to make informed decisions within the

79. Explain the concept of Pega’s Smart shapes in case design.


Smart shapes in Pega’s case design are visual elements within a case life cycle that enables
dynamic and adaptive case management. These shapes represent nodes in the case
workflow, each serving a specific purpose and contributing to the overall flexibility and
responsiveness of the case.

80. What role do Declare Constraints play in ensuring data integrity?


 Pega provides a robust framework for data validation, ensuring the integrity and
consistency of data within the application. vv
 Central to this framework are Declare Constraints, which play a crucial role in
defining and enforcing validation rules on properties.

81. Explain the purpose of Pega’s Adaptive Models.


Pega’s Adaptive Models represent a crucial component of the platform’s capabilities in

incorporating machine learning into business processes. These models are designed to
adapt and evolve dynamically based on real-time insights and changing patterns within the
82. Describe the purpose of Pega’s System Pulse.


Pega’s System Pulse is a monitoring and management feature designed to provide

administrators with comprehensive insights into the health and performance of a Pega

Its purpose is to enable proactive monitoring, early detection of issues, and efficient
management of the Pega environment to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

83. Explain the concept of Pega’s Design Templates.


Pega’s Design Templates are pre-built, reusable design patterns that play a crucial role in
promoting consistency in application design. They provide a standardized approach to
designing user interfaces, ensuring a cohesive and professional look and feel across
different parts of the application.

84. List out the advantages of Pega’s Dynamic Case Management (DCM) approach.


 Flexibility and Adaptability

 Real-Time Rule-Driven Processes
 Agility in Case Handling
 Enhanced Customer Experience
 Efficient Exception Handling

85. How does Pega support multi-channel user interactions?


Pega supports multi-channel user interactions by providing the Customer Service

application, a comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions across various
channels. The Customer Service application acts as a unified platform where users can
handle customer inquiries, issues, and requests coming from diverse channels such as
phone, email, chat, social media, and more.
86. How does Pega facilitate the implementation of user-specific rules?


Pega’s ruleset and ruleset versioning features enable the implementation of user-specific
rules and configurations in a structured and controlled manner. A ruleset is a logical
container for rules, and ruleset versioning allows for the creation and management of
different versions of a ruleset.

87. Explain the concept of Pega’s Case Lifecycle.


Pega’s Case Lifecycle represents the end-to-end journey of a work item, guiding its
progression through various stages from initiation to resolution. It is a visual representation
of the flow that work items follow as they move through the system. The Case Lifecycle in
Pega includes stages, steps, and processes, each defining specific actions, conditions, and

88. How does Pega facilitate the implementation of user-specific rules?


 Pega’s ruleset and ruleset versioning features enable the implementation of user-
specific rules and configurations in a structured and controlled manner.
 A ruleset is a logical container for rules, and ruleset versioning allows for the creation
and management of different versions of a ruleset.

89. What are the different kinds of locking?


 Optimistic Locking
 Pessimistic Locking
 Record Locking
 Field-Level Locking
90. What does Pega’s Declare Index stand for?


Pega’s Declare Index is a feature that improves database query speed on the Pega platform.
It permits building indexes on certain class attributes, improving data retrieval and query
performance. Declare Index effectively organizes data by declaring indexed characteristics,
conditions, and refresh techniques, lowering the total database load.

1) Operator ID instances are normally stored in the PegaRULES

database as rows of the

pr_operators table.

2) Y external authentication checkbox is required in operator ?

It will be used for provide the access for external users(end users) to
accessing the application. For example End-users will not direct accessing
to the pega application, Suppose they want to access to the pega
application through interfacing with third party tool.

3) How many access groups can be associated to an operator at

once ?

Only one access group at a time , but one operator will have multiple
access group in their operator id instance.

4) Can u explain abt ruleset types ?

We have Different types of rulesets are available in Pega

5) What is a production ruleset ? How will it be helpful ?

In the production rulesets area we can provide rulesets, rules in this

rulesets will be unlocked in production, the end users directly will change
these rules as per requirement, this is called rule deligation.
6) What is the default access role used by developers ?

Pega rules SysAdmin4

7) Different types of classes that PRPC support?

We have different types of Standard Classes will be avaliable which are,

@baseclass is Ultimate base class, And Its Child Classes are work-, Data-,
Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc.

Pega always Support 2 types of classe which are Abstract Classes And
Concrete Classes

Abstract Classes are ends with ‘-‘ and abstract Classes cannot create any
work object instances

Concrete Classes will Does not ends with -, And Abstract Classes will
create Workobject instances

8) Rule Resolution ? Inheritence ?

7 steps

Defer load means, suppose u can use any tabbed Section in that situation
u want to load the data on each tab u can write one activity to retrieving
data, then large amount of data will be loaded in clipboard, Its an
performance hit load the more data in clipboard, So in that situation we can
use Defer load option it will prevent performance because while u Check
the Defer load option it will ask some activity on each tab Cell properties,
so when ever the particular tab is opened then relevant activity only will be
fired and load the related data…So it will Avoid the performance Yes we
can load the values in dropdown
9) How many types of portals does PRPC can provide? Where will you
specify the portals that u have created?

Composite portals, Fixed portals, Custom portals, mobile portals

After creating a portal it will specified in the Access group Settings tab, then
it will access to the particular user.

10) Different types of harness that u have used ?

We have number of standard harness will be available in pega, but most

commonly used are new, perform, review, conform, Tabbed, perform
screen flow, Tree Navigation

11) If I want to restrict a user to perform on a particular flow action,

how can I achieve it?

we can specify the privileges or when conditions in Security tab of the flow

12) How can u expose a property ? What is a linked property ?

By using the modified Data base schema or optimise for reporting option

Modifying database Schema-à Select Data baseà Select Table-à View

Columnsà Select Columnsà Give Database username& password and the
Click Generate

Optimise reporting means right click on the property and select the optimise
for reporting

13) Mention about the flow types ?

Process flows, Screen flows, Subflow’s, Straight through process flows.

14) In my screen flow I have 4 assignments. When I am at 3rd
assignment, I want to route it to a different user. How can it be done ?

No it is not possible to route the assignment in the middle of the screen

flow…Suppose if you want to route the entire Screen flow will be route to
different user.. u can give the router in Start shape of the screen flow

15) Use of entry checkbox in screen flow ?

Suppose u can specify the entry point checkbox in the assignment that
shape allows as a start point in the flow.. means for which assignment
shapes u can check this checkbox that assignments only display in the
output, then u can use the breadcrumbs and navigate any screen.

16) What are all the different types of scope that declare scope
provide ?

Node, Thread, Requestor

17) Advantages and limitations of declare page ?

The main Advantage of the Declare pages is, It prevents the multiple DB
hits , Suppose is there multiple requestors in that node when ever first user
login into the application then load activity will be fired and create a declare
page and then loaded the data in that page, requestors who can on that
node will show this declare page and use the data on that page.

The Disadvantages are its read only to the requestors, and can not add the
additional data and cannt delete the specific data.
18) Diff b/w declare page and regular pages ?

Declare pages are created through declarative rules, Declare_ keyword

must be specified while creating a declare page, Declare pages are read-
only pages, These pages Cant delete ,update directly.

User pages are created through page new method in an activity, these
pages can be updated, deleted directly, these pages automatically deleted
once logout from the system.

19) Diff types of declarative rules present?

Declare Expressions, Declare Constraints, Declare On change, Declare

trigger, Declare Index.

20) How do u specify if expression triggers f/w or b/w chaining ?

In the Chain tracking tab.

21) How b/w chaining process works in Pega ? (Goal Seek)

It will searches the first on dependency network After checking the

dependency the execution Starts from Lower expression to higher
expression. In Activity u can use goal-seek-property to find the missing
value of the property.

22. What type of Reporting features are provided by Pega?

A. List View and Summary View

23. What is the difference between ListView and SummaryView ?

A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting

summary counts, totals or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing
users to click a row to drill down to supporting detail for that row.

Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use
of AJAX for pop-up Smart Info windows.

A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule

type. This rule type is part of the Reports category.

A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a

report. Users can personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.

Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.

24. How to call a listview from an Activity?

In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list view rule.

25. What is Paging in a listview?

To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records
to be displayed in a page.

26. What is exposing a property?

Exposing a property means to make a property as a separate independent

column so that it can be used in sql queries and as a criteria in reporting.

Steps are as follows,

27. How to expose a single value property?

Process Commander stores the values of all aggregate properties and

some Single Value properties in a BLOB column (the Storage Stream)
usually in a compressed form. Such properties cannot support selection in
list view and summary view reports, and can slow retrieval and processing
in other operations

1. Select Tools > Database > Modify Database Schema.

2. A list of databases identified in Database data instances appears. Select

a database and click Next .

3. A list of tables in the selected database appears from Database Table

instances. Select a table.

4. Click Explore Columns .

5. The resulting List of Classes window displays the number of rows in the
table, the number of columns in the table and a list of the classes assigned
to that table. The Properties Set to Be Visible value counts the properties
for which the Column Inclusion value is Required or Recommended. This
Column Inclusion value is advisory, and does not indicate whether the
property is exposed — corresponds to a column. The Count column shows
the total count of properties in this class plus those its parent classes.

6. To see the columns currently defined in this table, click the numeric link
labeled Number of columns in this table.

7. The List of Database Columns window shows the column name, column
data type, and column width in bytes for each column in the table.
28. How to expose aggregate property?

Declare Index rule is a better approach:-

1. Create a concrete class derived from the Index- base class.

2. Create Single Value properties in the new class to hold values of the
embedded values.

3. Create a Declare Index rule with the appropriate embedded Page

Context value that copies the embedded values into a new Index- instance.

4. Save the Declare Index rule. It executes immediately, adding and

deleting instances of the new class.

5. Expose database columns corresponding to the Index- class.

6. Reference the Index- properties in the list view rule.

29. Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?

We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.

But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the
Content tab.

30. What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?

getContent Activity

31. What the class of getContent Activity?

Embed-ListParams class.

32. Can or have you customize the getContent Activity?

33. How to customize the getContent Activity?

Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page

Step2: write a query and store in variable.

Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView

Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams

Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from
previous activity

Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is

Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not
available it creates the new ContentPage.

In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this
query and above created ContentPage as parameters to this
tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query, pagename) method.

34. How do we get the data from the two different tables?

Using Join tab in Reports

35. How do we fetch the data from two different tables with out using
two different tables?

Write a database View. In this view logically combine the Two different

Create class for this logically combined Table.

Write the List View. Applies to class is class of the Combined table. So we
can refer the properties of both the tables in list view.
36. What is the use of HTML property in ListView?

HTML Property rules appear in list view and summary view rules to define
the appearance of values in reports.

37. Consider this scenario: I need to generate a list view report of all
the work objects created on a particular date and then I need to
include this list view in a section. How this can be done?

Select .pxCreateDateTime ( an exposed property ) under criteria and give

the value you are looking for.

To include it in a section, check the embedded check box and customize

the HTML of the section. In that we need to access the list view in a JSP
tag or In section Property is DisplayAs ListView.

38. What is the difference between List View and Obj-List?

List view is generally used for complex queries where sorting is required
and also we can retrieve less information using Paging.
39. Explain in brief the configuration of a list view?

List view (an instance of Rule-Obj-ListView ) is used to define a custom

report or personal version of a report.

A list view can be configured as follows:-

- Applies to class of list view will be taken as the database table map for the
search criteria.

- Display fields tab is used to depict the fields that are displayed along with
category and to enable/disable sorting

- Content tab is used to depict the criteria, fields to be retrieved, key of

each row (if selected) and Report source (Page name where the values
should be saved and the activity to be called)

- In organize tab we specify to enable/disable paging, page size, mode,

alignment etc.

We can also configure additional buttons and their fragments here.

- Format tab is used to depict the formatting of the list (like even/odd
coloring) and details on single click etc.

List view can be accessed from an activity or html as follows:-

- Call Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView activity with classname and list view

name as parameters

- <pega: ListView name=” {name of list view}” classname= “{Class name of

list view}”>

A list view can be used for complex retrievals from database by not
specifying the display, format and Organize tabl.

PyAction in that case would perform instead of refresh.

40. Explain in brief about the configuration of a summary view?

Summary views are used to create reports which are grouped by certain
criteria and can be later drilled down.

A Summary view can be configured as follows:

- Applies to class of summary view will be taken as the database table map
for the search criteria

- Category is used to know under which tab the report should come.

- Criteria is used in the where class (this can be asked to user by enabling
prompt user)

- Group by and field functions (like count) are used for initial display. If we
have more than one group by

it is Displayed one after another on clicking +

- Drill down fields are used to display the fields when we click on the

- Format is used to tell how to format the display and charts can also be

Summary view can be accessed from an activity or html as follows:

- Call Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView activity with classname and summary

view name as parameters

- <pega: SummaryView name=”{name of summary view}”

classname={Class name of summary view}”>

41) Diff b/w list Obj-list-view results and obj-browse ?

We can retrieve instances from multiple classes by using the obj-list-view,

In obj-browse we can retrieve only Single Class Instances.

1) Diff types of log files available in PRPC?

2) Log level settings?

3) How do you track and analyse all your warnings?

Application Pre-flight tool

42. What is an Agent?

An agent is an internal background process operating on the server that

runs activities on a periodic basis.

Agents route work according to the rules in our application.

Agents also perform system tasks such as sending e-mail notifications

about assignments and outgoing correspondence, generating updated
indexes for the full-text search feature, synchronizing caches across nodes
in a multiple node system, and so on.

43. How do we create an Agent?

New à SysAdmin à Agents

Rule Set name is the Agent name

Agent is instance of Rule-Agent-Quiee.

44. Do we need to create Agent Schedule?

No. Agent schedules cannot be created manually.

The Agent Manager on our Process Commander system generate at least

one agent schedule instance for each agents rule.

By default, the Agent Manager checks for new or updated agents rule once
every ten minutes.

After we create an agents rule, the Agent Manager generates one Agent
Schedule instance for each node running on your Process Commander
system the next time it checks for new agents rules.

45. Do we need to migrate Agent Schedule to other environment?

46. What are the Agent running time intervals?

Each agent activity runs individually on its own interval schedule, as a

separate requestor thread.

Periodic — The agent runs the activity and then "sleeps" for the number of
seconds entered in the Interval column.

Recurring — The agent runs the activity based on a specified calendar

schedule (for example, every Monday at 5:00 P.M.).

47. What are the Agent Running modes?

Queue mode indicates whether the agent uses the agent queue capability
to process items from the agent queue. This feature allows the agent to
temporarily skip over items that fail — for example, because a needed
resource is locked — and try again later to process the item later.

Standard — Specifies that this agent processes items from an agent

queue and that it relies on the system to provide object locking and other
transactional support.

Advanced — Specifies that this agent uses custom queuing

Legacy — specifies that this is an agent that was created in a version prior
to V5.4 and has not yet been updated. This option is not available for
agents created in V5.4 or later.

48. What is the use of referring Access Group in Agents?

Agent activity calls another activity. This called activity may not appear in
agent rule set. So setup of the Rule set list and Roles by providing Access
group in security Tab.

Select the access group to use for the legacy and advanced agents listed
in this rule. This field is ignored for agents with a type of Standard.
49. How do we Troubleshoot or Trace an Agent?

1. < env name="agent/enable" value="true" />

Verify above tag in prconfig file. Value of the above tag is true or false.

2. In Agent Schedule, schedule tab verify the check box Enable this agent
is Checked or Not. And also verify the Enabled? Check box is checked or

3. Same thing also check in Agents Rule.

In Tracer we can trace the particular operator or particular Agent.

In prsysmgmt portal, In Agent Management select the particular Agent and

Delay the Agent and then run the Tracer.

We can use the Agent Management link in the System Management

Application to monitor and control agent processing.

Agent runs on different nodes, select the particular node and run the

50. What are the Agents for SLA and Correspondence?

The agents in the Pega-ProCom RuleSet process e-mail, service level

rules, and assignments, archive work objects, and so on.

The agents in this rule provide the following types of processing:

Processing service level events and escalation

Applying a flow action to assignments in bulk

Sending out e-mail correspondence

Archiving and purging work objects, attachments, and history

Retrieving PDF files from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager

Running tests defined through the optional Automatic Testing facility

Checking incoming e-mail

The activity System-Queue-ServiceLevel.ProcessEvents supports service

level processing for both assignments and work objects.
The activity Data-Corr-.Send supports outgoing e-mail if your system
contains one or more Email Account data instances with a second key part
of Notify.

51. Who will create Data-Agent-Queue?

The Agent Manager is a master agent that gathers and caches the agent
configuration information set for our system when Process Commander
starts. Then, at a regularly scheduled interval, it determines whether any
new agents rules were created during the last period. If there are new
agents rules, the Agent Manager adds them to its list of agents and
generates agent schedule data instances for them for each node.

52. What are the Standard Agents?

our system includes three standard agents rules. Because these agents
rules are in locked RuleSets, we cannot modify them. To change the
configuration settings for the agents listed in these rules, update the agent
schedules generated from the agents rule.


Five agents in the Pega-IntSvcs RuleSet process queued service and

connector requests and perform maintenance for PegaDISTRIBUTION
MANAGER (formerly called Correspondence Output Server, or COS).

The agents in the Pega-ProCom RuleSet process e-mail, service level

rules, and assignments, archive work objects, and so on. The agents in this
rule provide the following types of processing:

Processing service level events and escalation

Applying a flow action to assignments in bulk

Sending out e-mail correspondence

Archiving and purging work objects, attachments, and history

Retrieving PDF files from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager

Checking incoming e-mail (deprecated in V5.3)


The agents in the Pega-RULES RuleSet perform general system

housecleaning and periodic processing. The agents in this rule provide the
following processing:

System Cleaner

System Pulse

Rule Usage Snapshot

Static Content Cleaner

System Work Indexer

53. What is the use of Data-Agent-Queue?

When you need to modify the behavior of an agent listed in an agents rule
in a locked RuleSet (any of the standard Process Commander agents
rules, for example) you do so by editing one or more of the generated

A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel type. Each

service level rule defines one to three time intervals, known as goals,
deadlines, and late intervals, that indicate the expected or targeted
turnaround time for the assignment, or time-to-resolve for the work object.

The goal time is the smallest time interval, the deadline time is a longer
interval, and the late interval defines post-deadline times. Each time
interval is in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

54. What are the types of SLA? Where they can be defined?

Service level rules can be associated with a work object or an assignment.

For assignments, the service level rule is referenced in the Assignment

Properties panel of the assignment task.

For the overall work object, the service level rule is identified in the
standard property .pySLAName, typically set up through a model for the
class. (The default value is the Default service level.)
55. How do we do Escalation?

Escalation refers to any processing within a Process Commander

application that causes high-priority work objects to become visible to users
and managers and to be processed sooner rather than later.

The numeric property known as urgency determines the order that

assignments for that work object appear on worklists. Escalation
recalculates the urgency value to reflect its age, impending due date, or
explicit management inputs.

Escalation can occur through a service level rule associated with the flow
and through background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent.

56. What are SLA's, how are they different from Agents?

A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel type. The


level can define a goal and a deadline times for processing an assignment,
and can

execute activities if the goal or the deadline is not met. This assignment-
level service

level is distinct from any service level associated with the entire flow.

At runtime, an internal countdown clock (measuring the completion of the


against the goal and deadline times computed from the service level rule)
starts when the

assignment task is created.

An agent is a background internal requestor operating on the server. These

requestors can

periodically monitor conditions and perform processing as necessary.

Most agents are defined by an Agent Queue rule (Rule-Agent-Queue),

which includes a

list of the activities they perform.

57. How to implement SLA's? Is is possible to define a SLA for the
entire work object? If yes, how?

SLA’s are always associated with an assignment. Just drag a SLA shape
and provide an instance of Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel.

Yes, SLA can be defined for the entire workobject by defining it in the

The property for this is pySLAName.

58. How to restrict a flow to particular users?

By using privileges and when conditions under process tab of the flow

1. What are the types of Flow Actions?

A flow action rule controls how users interact with work object forms to
complete assignments.

Each flow action is defined by an instance of the Rule-Obj-FlowAction rule


Flow actions are of two types:

Connector flow actions appear as lines on Visio presentation in the

Diagram tab of a flow rule. A line exits from an assignment shape and ends
at the next task in the flow. At runtime, users choose a connector flow
action, complete the assignment, and advances the work object along the
connector to the next task.

A local flow action, when selected at runtime, causes the assignment to

remain open and on the current user's work list. Local flow actions are
recorded in the Assignment Properties panel and are not visible on the
Visio flow diagram.

A local flow action permits users at runtime to update, but not complete, an
assignment. Local flow actions always are optional. Users may perform
none, one, or multiple local flow actions, or repeat a local flow action
multiple times.

At runtime, users choose a connector flow action, complete the

assignment, and advances the work object along the connector to the next

59. Explain about Pre Activity?

At runtime, the system runs this activity before it does other processing for
this flow action. This activity is not visible on the Visio flow diagram. This
activity executes only once, the first time a user selects this flow action for
this assignment.

60. Explain about Post Activity?

Activity to run after other successful processing of this flow action.

For screen flow rules By default, when this flow action appears as a step in
a screen flow rule, and the user at runtime clicks away to a different step in
the screen flow rule, this activity rule does not run. To cause this activity to
execute when the user clicks away to a different step, select the Post
Action on Click Away? check box on the Assignment shape properties

61. Explain about Local Flow Action?

A local flow action permits users at runtime to update, but not complete, an
assignment. Like connector flow actions, local flow actions are referenced
inside an assignment task in a flow.

At runtime, users can select local flow actions to update assignment or

work object properties, change the assignee, and so on but do not
complete the assignment. If a service level rule is associated with the
assignment, the service level continues to run.

Local flow actions always are optional. Users may perform none, one, or
multiple local flow actions, or repeat a local flow action multiple times.

On the Action tab of the Flow Action form, we can mark a flow action rule
as local, or connector, or both.
62. How Rule-Edit-Validate is different from Rule-Obj-Validate?

Edit Validate is to validate a single property at a time but obj validate

rules are used to validate all the properties in a single go. Obj-Validate
method is used for this purpose.

63. How one single property can be represented in different forms

on a screen?

By using HTML Properties at the section level, not at the property


64. Consider this scenario : I have a property of type decimal, I

need to restrict it to two decimal places only. How easily this can be

By using a qualifier “pyDecimal Precision” under Qualifiers tab.

65. How to implement dynamic select and smart prompt? What's

the major difference between them?

Implementation of Dynamic Select:

In properties panel select Display As is DynamicSelect.

Write Activity for generating Dynamic Select.

By using Show-Page method display the data in XML format.

Dynamic Select is a drop down from which we can only select a value.

Smart prompts acts both as a text box and a drop down.

Smart prompts are implemented by using ISNS_FIELDTYPE,

66. What is the difference b/w Page and Page List property, how
are they Implemented?

Page property refers to a particular class and is used to access the

property of that class.

Page List Property also refers to a particular class, but it’s a collection of
individual pages of the same class which can be accessed through numeric

67. What is HTML Property?

HTML Property rules are instances of the Rule-HTML-Property class. They

are part of the Property category.

Use HTML Property rules to control how properties appear on work object
forms, correspondence, and other HTML forms, for both display and for
accepting user input.

For properties of mode Single Value an HTML Property rule may be

identified in the Display Property field of the Property rule form.

HTML Property rules also may appear in list view and summary view rules
to define the appearance of values in reports, and in harness, section, and
flow action rules that define work object forms.

68. Explain about Special Properties?

Standard properties means all the properties in the Pega-RULES, Pega-

IntSvcs, Pega-WB, and Pega-ProCom RuleSets have names start with px,
py, or pz.

These three prefixes are reserved. We cannot create new properties with
such names. We can override these standard properties with a custom
property of the same name (without changing the mode or Type).

Px: Identifies properties that are special, meaning that the values cannot be
input by user input on an HTML form.
Py: Properties with names that start with py are not special, meaning that
values can be input by users on an HTML form.

Pz: Properties with names that start with pz support internal system
processing. Users cannot directly manipulate pz properties. our application
may examine these values, but do not set them. The meaning of values
may change with new product releases.

Interview Questions On VALIDATIONS In PEGA

Validation rule is used to validate the value against the some other value.
Once the validation fails the system add error message to that field in

69. What types of validations are there?

a. Client Side Validations

b. Server Side Validations

70. What are the Methods we have used for validations?

a. Obj-Validate--we can referred this method in Activities and in flow

actions at Validate Rule field.

b. Edit-Validate---- we can refer this in property form at edit-validate field

and in activities through property-validate method.

Note: I think Obj-Validate is used for Server Side Validation and Edit-
Validate is used for Client Side Validation.

71. How do you add custom message to the Property when it fails
the Validation.

For this we have to use theProperty.addMessage(“your message”) tag.

72. Message is set to the property and the checked in the
clipboard also , the messages got set successfully. But the message
is not displayed beside the field in the screen. Why..?

If the property has a html property, the tag <pega:include name

=”Messages”/> tag must be include

73. Explain the operation of Activity-End method?

Use the Activity-End method to cause the system to End the current activity
and all calling activities.

Ex:if Alpha calls Beta, which calls Gamma, which calls Delta, which
performs the Activity-End method, all four activities are ended.

74. Explain about Exit-Activity method?

The Exit-Activity method ends the current activity and returns control to the
calling activity.

75. Explain about Page-Copy method?

Page-Copy method is used to copy the contents of a source clipboard page

to a new or previously created destination clipboard page. The source page
is not altered.

After this method completes, the destination page contains properties

copied from the source page, and can contain additional properties from a

76. Explain about Page-New method?

The Page-New method is used to create a page on the clipboard. The new
page may be a top-level page or an embedded page.

We can identify a model to initialize the newly created page. The model can
set values for one or more properties.
77. Explain about Page-Remove method?

Page-Remove method is used to delete one or more pages from the

clipboard. The contents of the database are not affected.

78. Explain about Page-Set-Messages method?

Use the Page-Set-Messages method to add a message to a clipboard

page. Like a message associated with a property, a message associated
with a page normally prevents the page from being saved into the

79. Explain about Property-Set-Message?

Property-Set-Message method is used to associate a text message with a

property or a step page. The system reads the appropriate property and
adds the message to the page. We can provide the entire literal text of the
message, or reference a message rule key that in turn contains message
text. (Rule-Message rule type).

80. Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTable method?

Use the Property-Map-DecisionTable method to evaluate a decision table

rule and save the result as the value of a property.

81. Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTree method?

The Property-Map-DecisionTree method is used to evaluate a decision tree

rule (Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type) and store the result as the value
of a property.
82. Explain about Property-Map-Value?

The Property-Map-Value method evaluates a one-dimensional map value

(Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type) defined in the parameter. The method sets
the result as a value for a Single Value property.

The related method Property-Map-ValuePair works similarly for two-

dimensional map values.

83. Explain about Property-Remove method?

Property-Remove method is used to delete a property or properties and its

associated value from the step page or another specified page. This does
not affect the property rule, its definition.

84. Explain about Property-Set method?

Property-Set method is used to set the value of one or more specified


85. Explain about Show-HTML method?

The Show-HTML method is used to cause the activity to process an HTML

rule and send the resulting HTML to a user for display by Internet Explorer.
This may involve the interpretation of JSP tags (or the older directives),
which can access the clipboard to obtain property values, or can insert
other HTML rules, and so on.

86. Explain about Show-Page method?

The Show-Page method is used to send an XML representation of the step

page to a user's Internet Explorer browser session, as an aid to debugging.

Note: Use Show-Page and Show-Property only for debugging.

87. What is the difference between Call and Branch?

The Call instruction calls the another specified activity and execute it. When
that activity completes, control returns to the calling activity.

Use the Branch instruction to find another specified activity and branch to it
without a return.

When the system executes a Branch step, control transfers to another

activity found through rule resolution. Execution of the original activity

When the branched activity ends, processing of the current activity also

No steps after the Branch step are executed.

88. Explain about Obj-List Method?

Obj-List method is used to retrieve data to the clipboard as an array of

embedded pages.

This method creates one embedded page for each instance retrieved.

The Obj-List-View method often produce more efficient SQL statements

and provide better performance than the Obj-List method.

89. Explain about Obj-Browse method?

Obj-Browse method is used to search instances of one class and copy the
entire instances, or specified properties, to the clipboard as an array of
embedded pages.

Only properties exposed as columns can be used as selection criteria.

However, values of properties that are not exposed as columns, including
embedded properties, can be returned.
90. Explain about Obj-List-View method?

Obj-List-View method is used to execute the retrieval and sorting

operations, but not the formatting and display processing, of a list view rule.

The system uses rule resolution to find the list view rule and executes it,
but does not produce any HTML output display.

91. Explain about Obj-Open method?

Obj-Open method is used to open an instance stored in the PegaRULES

database or in an external database linked to an external class, and save it
as a clipboard page.

The system uses the specified class and key fields to find and open the
object and place its data into the specified step page. The system searches
up the class hierarchy as appropriate to find the instance. If it finds the
specified step page, the system clears any data that is on it and reuses the
page. If no existing page has a name matching the specified step page, the
system creates a new page.

92. Explain about Obj-Open-By-Handle method?

Use the Obj-Open-By-Handle method only if we can determine the unique

handle that permanently identifies which instance to open. Otherwise, use
the Obj-Open method.

93. Explain about Obj-Delete method?

Obj-Delete method is used to delete a database instance corresponding to

a clipboard page and optionally to delete the clipboard page too. We can
cause the deletion to occur immediately, or until execution of a Commit

This method can operate on objects of both internal classes (corresponding

to rows in a table in the PegaRULES database) and external classes
(corresponding to rows in an external relational database).

The Obj-Delete method uses the class of the page to obtain the appropriate
Rule-Obj-Class instance. It uses the table name, key fields, and other
aspects of the class rule to mark the instance for deletion.

We can reverse or cancel a previously executed Obj-Delete method by

using the Obj-Save-Cancel method.
94. Explain about Obj-Save method?

Obj-Save method is used to save a clipboard page to the PegaRULES

database or if the page belongs to an external class save a clipboard page
to an external database.

The Obj-Save method uses properties on the page to derive the internal
key under which it will be saved.

This method can create a new database instance or overwrite a previous

instance with that key.

We cannot save a page that is locked by another requestor.

We cannot save a page that our session does not hold a lock on (if the
page belongs to a lockable class), unless the object is new, never yet

We cannot save pages of any class derived from the Code- base class or
the Embed- base class. Such pages exist only on the clipboard.

95. Explain about Commit method?

Commit method is used to commit all uncommitted database changes. This

method writes all the instances specified by one or more earlier Obj-Save
methods to the PegaRULES database (for internal classes) and to external
databases (for external classes).

96. Explain about Obj-Validate method?

Obj-Validate method is used to apply a validate rule (Rule-Obj-Validate rule

type) for the object identified on the primary page or step page.

A validate rule (Rule-Obj-Validate rule type) can call edit validate rules
(Rule-Edit-Validate rule type).
97. Explain about Obj-Sort method?

Obj-Sort method is used to sort the clipboard pages that are the values of a
property of mode Page List.

We can specify one or more properties to sort on, and whether the sort
sequence is ascending or descending for each sort level.

Interview Questions On RDB Methods In PEGA

Use Connect SQL rules and RDB methods only with an external database.
Do not use Connect SQL rules or RDB methods for the PegaRULES
database(s). Because not all properties in the PegaRULES databases are
distinct database columns, use the Obj-Open and Obj-Save methods, not
the RDB- methods, with the PegaRULES database to prevent loss of data.

98. Explain about RDB-List method?

RDB-List method is used to retrieve rows from an external relational

database and place the results as embedded pages in a specified step
page of classCode-Pega-List.

This method references a Connect SQL rule instance, and executes SQL
statements stored in the Browse tab of that rule instance. The search can
do anything we can specify in a SQL statement, such as a SELECT
WHEREstatement. Any constraints on the returned data are in the SQL.

99. Explain about RDB-Open method?

RDB-Open method is used to retrieve a single row (record) of data from an

external relational database and add the retrieved data into a specified
clipboard page as property names and values.

Use this method in conjunction with a Connect SQL rule that contains
SQLSELECT or EXECUTE statements in the Open tab. Define the SQL
statements so that the database returns exactly one row.
100. Explain about RDB-Save method?

RDB-Save method is used to save the contents of a clipboard page into a

row of a relational database. The system saves the properties on the
specified step page to the specified table in the database.

This method operates in conjunction with a Connect SQL rule that contains
SQL statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and CREATE statements on
the Save tab.
Can you explain key concepts of PRPC and how they work together to build a process-driven

PRPC stands for PegaRULES Process Commander, it is a business process management

framework that enables the development of process-driven applications. It allows developers
to create and manage business processes, automate decision-making, and create a unified
customer experience across multiple channels.

Some of the key concepts of PRPC include:

 Rule-based architecture: PRPC uses a rule-based architecture to model business processes

and automate decision-making.
 Process flows: PRPC allows for the creation of process flows, which are diagrams that
represent the steps involved in a business process.
 Rules: PRPC uses rules to define the behavior of the application, including decision-making,
data validation, and more.
 User interface: PRPC provides a user interface that allows users to interact with the
application and view the status of their processes.

Overall, PRPC is a powerful framework that allows developers to build process-driven

applications quickly and efficiently, with a focus on automation and decision-making.

How do you design and implement business rules and decision tables in Pega?

In Pega’s PRPC framework, business rules and decision tables are used to define the behavior
of the application and automate decision-making.

Designing business rules in PRPC involves creating a rule hierarchy and defining the
conditions, actions, and exceptions for each rule. The rule hierarchy is a hierarchical structure
that organizes rules into a logical structure, with higher-level rules providing context for
lower-level rules.

To create a business rule in PRPC, you can use the Rule Designer, which is a visual tool that
allows you to create, edit, and manage rules. You can create different types of rules, such as
decision rules, data transform rules, and more.

Decision tables are used to define complex decision-making logic in a clear and easy-to-
understand format. In PRPC, decision tables are created using the Decision Table Rule form.
You can create a decision table by defining the conditions, actions, and exceptions in a
tabular format.

To implement a decision table, you need to:

1. Define the conditions for the decision table.

2. Define the actions that should be taken based on the conditions.
3. Map the conditions and actions to the decision table.
4. Test the decision table to ensure it is working as expected.
Once you have created and tested your business rules and decision tables, you can use them
in your process flows to automate decision-making and define the behavior of your

Can you walk me through a recent Pega project you led, including the challenges you faced and how
you overcame them?

the project was to build a process-driven application for a retail company to manage their
inventory and customer orders. The project would involve creating process flows, business
rules, and decision tables to automate the inventory management and customer order

Some of the challenges that may have been faced during the project include:

 Complex business requirements: The retail company may have had complex business
requirements that required a large number of rules and decision tables to be created.
 Integration with other systems: The application may have needed to integrate with other
systems such as a warehouse management system or a customer relationship management
 Data validation and security: The application may have needed to ensure that data was
validated and secure, to protect sensitive customer and inventory information.

To overcome these challenges, the following steps could have been taken:

 Break down the complex business requirements into smaller, manageable tasks.
 Use Pega’s integration capabilities to connect the application to other systems.
 Use Pega’s built-in security features to validate and secure data.
 Create a detailed test plan and conduct thorough testing to ensure that the application was
working as expected.
 Continuously review and monitor the application’s performance and make any necessary

By taking these steps, the project team could have successfully built a process-driven
application that automates the inventory management and customer order processes for the
retail company.

How do you handle data validation and error handling in Pega?

In Pega’s PRPC framework, data validation and error handling are achieved through the use
of rules and data transforms.

Data validation rules are used to ensure that the data entered into the application is in the
correct format and meets the business requirements. PRPC provides built-in data validation
capabilities, such as the use of regular expressions to validate data, as well as the ability to
create custom validation rules.

To handle data validation, you can create a data validation rule and map it to the field or
property that you want to validate. The validation rule will be triggered when the user
submits the form and will check the data against the validation criteria you have defined. If
the data is invalid, the rule will return an error message and prevent the form from being

Error handling in PRPC is the process of catching and responding to exceptions or errors that
occur during the execution of the application. PRPC provides built-in error handling
capabilities, such as the ability to catch and handle exceptions, as well as the ability to create
custom error handlers.

To handle errors, you can create an error handler rule and map it to the process or flow where
you want to catch the error. The error handler rule will be triggered when an exception occurs
and will handle the exception based on the criteria you have defined. For example, you can
use the error handler to redirect the user to a different page, display an error message, or log
the error.

Overall, PRPC provides a flexible and powerful set of tools for data validation and error
handling, allowing developers to ensure that the application is functioning as expected and
providing a good user experience.

Can you explain how you use Pega’s built-in reporting and analytics features?

Pega’s PRPC framework provides built-in reporting and analytics features that allow you to
create, view, and analyze data within the application. Some of the key features include:

1. Reports: PRPC provides a built-in reporting engine that allows you to create and view reports
on various aspects of the application. Reports can be created using a drag-and-drop
interface, making it easy to create complex reports without any coding. Reports can be
viewed in different formats, such as tabular, chart, and map, and can be exported to different
formats, such as PDF, Excel, and CSV.
2. Dashboards: PRPC provides a dashboard feature that allows you to create customized
dashboards to view and analyze data. Dashboards can be created using a drag-and-drop
interface, making it easy to create and customize dashboards without any coding.
Dashboards can be shared and embedded in other applications, and can be viewed in
different formats, such as tabular, chart, and map.
3. Analytics: PRPC provides built-in analytics features that allow you to analyze data and create
insights. The analytics feature provides a set of pre-built data models, algorithms, and
visualizations that allow you to quickly and easily analyze data, without the need for complex
4. Pega Intelligence: Pega Intelligence is a built-in feature in Pega Platform that enables you to
create advanced analytics and predictive models, that can be embedded on the platform.

To use Pega’s built-in reporting and analytics features, you would first need to define the data
sources you want to use, such as case data, performance data, or external data sources. Once
the data sources are defined, you can use the reporting and analytics features to create and
view reports and dashboards, as well as analyze data and create insights.

It is worth mentioning that Pega also provides the ability to integrate with third-party
reporting and analytics tools like Tableau, Power BI and more, to gain more advanced
capabilities and flexibility.
How do you implement and manage security and access controls in Pega?

Implementing and managing security and access controls in Pega’s PRPC framework is
achieved through the use of access groups, access roles, and access roles with rules.

1. Access groups: Access groups are used to group users together based on their role or job
function. Each user is assigned to one or more access groups, and each access group is
assigned a set of access roles.
2. Access roles: Access roles are used to define the permissions that a user has within the
application. Access roles can be assigned to access groups, and a user’s permissions are
determined by the access roles that are assigned to the access groups to which they belong.
3. Access roles with rules: Access roles with rules allow you to define fine-grained access
controls that are based on the specific data or actions that a user is trying to access or
perform. Access roles with rules are used to define the conditions under which a user can
access or perform a specific action.

To implement security and access controls in Pega, you would first need to define the access
groups and access roles that are required for your application. Then, you would need to
assign the appropriate access roles to the access groups and assign users to the appropriate
access groups.

Once the access roles and access groups are defined and assigned, you can use the built-in
security features in PRPC, such as the Data-Admin-Security class, to define the data access
and security controls that are required for your application. Additionally, you can use the
built-in validation rules to ensure that users can only access or perform actions on data that
they are authorized to access or perform actions on.

Managing access controls in Pega can be done through the use of built-in tools, such as the
Access Group and Access Role editors, which allow you to view and manage access groups
and access roles, respectively. Additionally, you can use the built-in reporting features to
view and analyze access control data and detect any potential security issues.

Overall, Pega’s PRPC framework provides a robust set of tools for implementing and
managing security and access controls, allowing you to ensure that your application is secure
and that users can only access the data and perform the actions that they are authorized to
access and perform.
Can you explain your experience with Pega’s integration capabilities, such as SOAP and REST

Pega’s PRPC framework provides built-in support for integrating with external systems using
SOAP and REST services. Some of the key features and capabilities include:

1. SOAP integration: PRPC provides built-in support for integrating with SOAP web services. You
can create a service rule that defines the SOAP web service and the operations that you want
to call. You can then use the service rule to invoke the web service and process the response.
2. REST integration: PRPC provides built-in support for integrating with RESTful web services.
You can create a service rule that defines the RESTful web service and the operations that
you want to call. You can then use the service rule to invoke the web service and process the
3. Connectors: Pega provides connectors to integrate with different system, such as Salesforce,
SAP, and Oracle.
4. External system integration: Pega provides the ability to create custom connectors to
integrate with external systems that are not supported out of the box. You can use the
Connect-SOAP and Connect-REST classes to create custom connectors and invoke web
5. Authentication: Pega supports different authentication methods, such as Basic
Authentication, OAuth, and SAML.
6. Event-Driven Architecture : Pega provides the ability to build event-driven architecture to
integrate with external systems.
7. Pega API : Pega provides the ability to access Pega’s functionality through an API.

To use Pega’s integration capabilities, you would first need to define the external systems
that you want to integrate with and the operations that you want to call. Then, you would
need to create the appropriate service rule for the type of integration you are using (SOAP or
REST) and configure the service rule with the appropriate settings. Once the service rule is
configured, you can use the service rule to invoke the external system and process the

It is worth mentioning that Pega also provides the ability to integrate with different protocols,
such as MQ, JMS, and more, to gain more advanced capabilities and flexibility.
How do you handle performance tuning and optimization in Pega?

Performance tuning and optimization in Pega’s PRPC framework is a multi-faceted process

that involves several different techniques and approaches.

1. Database Optimization: One of the key areas to focus on when tuning Pega performance is
the database. This includes optimizing database queries, indexes, and the database schema
to improve performance.
2. Data Model Optimization: Reviewing the data model and simplifying it can help improve
performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded and processed.
3. Rule Optimization: Reviewing the rules and optimizing them can help improve performance.
This includes optimizing the rules that are called frequently and identifying and removing any
rules that are not being used.
4. Caching: Pega’s PRPC framework provides built-in caching mechanisms that can be used to
improve performance. This includes caching data and rules to reduce the number of calls to
the database and the number of rule evaluations.
5. Memory Management: Reviewing the amount of memory that Pega is using and optimizing
it can help improve performance by reducing the amount of memory that Pega needs to use.
6. Thread Management: Reviewing and optimizing the number of threads that Pega is using can
help improve performance by reducing the number of threads that Pega needs to use.
7. System Configuration: Reviewing and optimizing the system configuration settings can help
improve performance by configuring Pega to use the resources that are available on the
system more effectively.
8. Monitoring: Monitoring the performance of the Pega application and identifying any
bottlenecks can help identify areas that need to be optimized.

To implement performance tuning and optimization in Pega, you would first need to identify
the areas of the application that are causing performance issues. Once the areas have been
identified, you can then use the techniques and approaches mentioned above to optimize the
performance of the application. Additionally, Pega provides built-in performance monitoring
and diagnostic tools that can be used to identify performance issues and monitor the
performance of the application over time.

It’s worth mentioning that Pega 7.4 and above use the Intelligent Decisioning which helps the
performance of decisioning by caching and reuse of decisioning data.

Overall, performance tuning and optimization in Pega’s PRPC framework is a process that
requires a combination of different techniques and approaches, including database
optimization, data model optimization, rule optimization, caching, memory management,
thread management, system configuration and monitoring. By using these techniques and
approaches, you can improve the performance of your Pega application and ensure that it is
running as efficiently as possible.
Can you explain your experience with Pega’s mobile and offline capabilities?

My experience with Pega’s mobile and offline capabilities is that Pega provides several built-
in features and tools that can be used to create mobile applications that can function offline.

1. Pega Mobile App Studio: Pega’s Mobile App Studio is a visual development tool that enables
developers to create mobile applications using drag-and-drop functionality. It allows for the
creation of native mobile apps for iOS and Android.
2. Pega Offline: Pega offline allows users to continue working on their case when they are
disconnected from the internet. Pega offline stores the data locally and syncs it with the
server once the user reconnects to the internet.
3. Pega Mobile Push Notifications: Pega supports mobile push notifications to alert users of
new cases, assignments, and messages.
4. Pega Mobile Offline Forms: Pega’s offline forms allow users to complete forms and submit
them even when they are offline. The forms are automatically submitted once the user
reconnects to the internet.
5. Pega Mobile SDK: Pega provides a mobile software development kit (SDK) that can be used
to develop custom mobile applications that can interact with Pega’s PRPC framework.
6. Pega Mobile App Security: Pega provides built-in security features for mobile applications,
including support for single sign-on (SSO) and two-factor authentication (2FA).

To implement mobile and offline capabilities in Pega, you would use the tools and features
provided by Pega, such as the Mobile App Studio, Pega Offline, and Pega Mobile SDK.
Additionally, you would need to configure the application to work offline and ensure that the
data is synced correctly when the user reconnects to the internet.

Overall, Pega provides a robust set of tools and features for creating mobile applications that
can function offline, including the Mobile App Studio, Pega Offline, Pega Mobile Push
Notifications, Pega Mobile Offline Forms, Pega Mobile SDK, and Pega Mobile App
Security. These tools and features can be used to create mobile applications that provide users
with a seamless experience, even when they are offline.

How do you handle system upgrades and maintenance in Pega?

Handling system upgrades and maintenance in Pega typically involves the following steps:

1. Planning: Before upgrading, it’s important to plan the upgrade process and identify any
potential issues or challenges that may arise. This includes identifying the version of Pega
that you are currently using, the version you want to upgrade to, and any dependencies or
customizations that may be affected.
2. Backup: It is important to take a backup of the current system before upgrading. This
includes taking a backup of the database, the application, and any other related files.
3. Testing: After the upgrade, it is important to test the system to ensure that it is working
correctly and that there are no issues or errors. This includes testing the system in a test
environment and then in a production environment.
4. Deployment: Once the system has been tested and any issues have been resolved, the
upgrade can be deployed to the production environment. This involves installing the new
version of Pega and updating any dependencies or customizations that may be affected.
5. Monitoring: After the upgrade, it is important to monitor the system to ensure that it is
working correctly and that there are no issues or errors. This includes monitoring the system
logs and performance metrics, and addressing any issues that may arise.
6. Maintenance: Once the upgrade is complete, it is important to maintain the system to
ensure that it continues to work correctly. This includes performing regular maintenance
tasks, such as database maintenance, and applying any necessary patches or updates.

Pega also provides several built-in features and tools to help with system upgrades and
maintenance, such as Pega Upgrade Manager, which automates the process of upgrading
Pega, and Pega System Management, which provides a single point of control for monitoring,
managing, and maintaining your Pega system.

Overall, handling system upgrades and maintenance in Pega requires a good understanding of
the Pega platform, the version of Pega that you are currently using, the version you want to
upgrade to, and any dependencies or customizations that may be affected. It is important to
plan the upgrade process, take a backup of the current system, test the system, deploy the
upgrade, monitor the system and maintain it to ensure that it continues to work correctly.
Pega also provides built-in features and tools to help with system upgrades and maintenance,
such as Pega Upgrade Manager and Pega System Management.

Can you explain your experience with Pega’s case management and workflow capabilities?

Pega’s case management and workflow capabilities allow you to create and manage complex
business processes within the Pega platform. This includes the ability to create and manage
cases, which are instances of a specific business process, and the ability to create and manage
workflows, which are the series of steps that make up a case.

The case management in Pega allows organizations to automate and streamline their business
processes, by providing a centralized location for managing and tracking cases. Cases can be
created, assigned, and tracked by users, and can be linked to other cases and workflows. This
allows for the efficient management of business processes, and allows organizations to easily
track and report on the status of cases.

Pega’s workflow capabilities allow you to define and manage the steps that make up a case.
Workflows can be created using a drag-and-drop interface, and can include a wide range of
activities such as data validation, decision making, and communication. Pega also provides a
built-in rule engine, which allows you to create and manage business rules within the
workflow. This allows you to define the logic that governs the flow of the case, and to
automate decision-making within the workflow.

Pega also provides tools for monitoring and reporting on workflows and cases, such as the
Case Explorer and the Work Manager. These tools allow you to view and track the status of
cases and workflows, and to generate reports on case and workflow performance.

In summary, Pega’s case management and workflow capabilities provide a centralized

location for managing and tracking business processes, allowing for efficient management
and tracking of cases, and providing a drag-and-drop interface for creating and managing
workflows. Pega’s built-in rule engine allows for the automation of decision-making within
the workflow, and Pega provides tools for monitoring and reporting on workflows and cases.
How do you handle testing and quality assurance in Pega projects?

Testing and quality assurance (QA) are critical components of any Pega project, as they help
ensure that the application is functioning as expected and meets the requirements of the

Here are some ways that testing and QA can be handled in Pega projects:

1. Unit testing: Unit testing is the process of testing individual units of code, such as rules,
activities, and flows, to ensure that they function as expected. Pega provides tools for
creating and executing unit tests, such as the Unit Test harness, that allows developers to
create and execute unit tests for their code.
2. Functional testing: Functional testing is the process of testing the application as a whole to
ensure that it meets the requirements of the business. Pega provides tools for creating and
executing functional tests, such as the Test harness, that allows developers and QA testers to
create and execute functional tests for the application.
3. Performance testing: Performance testing is the process of testing the application to ensure
that it can handle the expected load and performance requirements. Pega provides tools for
creating and executing performance tests, such as the Performance Test harness, that allows
developers and QA testers to create and execute performance tests for the application.
4. Automated testing: Automated testing is the process of automating the execution of tests,
which can be done using tools like Selenium or Test Complete. Pega provides an integration
with these tools which allows creating automated test scripts that can run functional and
regression tests.
5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): User acceptance testing is the process of testing the
application with real-world users to ensure that it meets their needs and expectations. UAT
can be done by creating test cases and scenarios that mimic real-world usage, and having
users test the application using these scenarios.
6. Data validation: Pega allows creating validation rules and constraints to ensure data integrity
and quality. These rules are enforced when the data is entered and are also used for data
migration and integration.

In summary, testing and QA in Pega projects can be handled by using a combination of unit
testing, functional testing, performance testing, automated testing, User Acceptance Testing
(UAT) and data validation, using the built-in tools and integration with other testing tools that
Pega provides.
Can you explain your experience with Pega’s deployment and version management process?

Deployment and version management are critical components of any Pega project, as they
help ensure that the application is deployed and versioned correctly, and that the appropriate
version of the application is running in each environment.

Here are some ways that deployment and version management can be handled in Pega

1. Environment management: Pega provides a built-in environment management system that

allows developers and administrators to manage different environments, such as
development, test, and production. This includes creating and configuring environments, and
managing the flow of changes between them.
2. Version control: Pega provides built-in version control capabilities, which allows developers
to version their code and track changes to the application. This includes creating branches,
merging changes, and rolling back changes if necessary. Pega also integrates with external
version control systems like Git, SVN etc.
3. Deployment: Pega provides built-in deployment capabilities, which allows developers and
administrators to deploy the application to different environments. This includes creating
and managing deployment packages, and deploying them to different environments.
4. Continuous integration and delivery: Pega provides built-in integration with CI/CD tools like
Jenkins, Bamboo etc. which allows developers to build, test, and deploy the application in an
automated way. This can help speed up the deployment process and reduce the risk of
5. Disaster recovery: Pega provides built-in disaster recovery capabilities, which allows
administrators to backup and restore the application in case of a disaster. This includes
creating and managing backup packages, and restoring them in case of a disaster.

In summary, deployment and version management in Pega projects can be handled by using a
combination of environment management, version control, deployment, continuous
integration and delivery and disaster recovery, using the built-in tools and integration with
other tools that Pega provides.

How do you provide support and troubleshoot issues in Pega applications?

Providing support and troubleshooting issues in Pega applications involves several steps and
processes to ensure that issues are identified, resolved, and prevented in the future. Here are
some ways that support and troubleshooting can be handled in Pega projects:

1. Monitoring: Pega provides built-in monitoring capabilities that allow administrators to

monitor the performance and health of the application. This includes monitoring system
resources, logs, and performance metrics, as well as setting up alerts to notify administrators
of potential issues.
2. Error tracking and logging: Pega provides built-in error tracking and logging capabilities that
allow developers to track and log errors that occur in the application. This includes capturing
error messages, stack traces, and other relevant information, as well as setting up alerts to
notify developers of potential issues.
3. Root cause analysis: Pega provides built-in root cause analysis capabilities that allow
developers and administrators to identify and analyze the root cause of an issue. This
includes analyzing logs, performance metrics, and other relevant information to determine
the cause of the issue and how to resolve it.
4. Resolution and prevention: Pega provides built-in resolution and prevention capabilities that
allow developers and administrators to resolve and prevent issues from occurring in the
future. This includes implementing solutions, such as code fixes, configuration changes, and
performance optimizations, as well as creating and implementing preventative measures,
such as monitoring and alerting, to prevent issues from occurring in the future.
5. Support ticketing and escalation: Pega also provides support ticketing and escalation process
where the support team can create and manage support tickets, and escalate them to the
appropriate parties as needed. This includes assigning tickets to developers, administrators,
or other support team members, and tracking the status of the tickets through to resolution.

In summary, providing support and troubleshooting issues in Pega applications involves

monitoring the performance and health of the application, tracking and logging errors,
conducting root cause analysis, resolving and preventing issues, and creating and managing
support tickets. By using the built-in tools and processes that Pega provides, it helps to ensure
that issues are identified, resolved, and prevented in a timely and efficient manner.

Can you explain your experience with Pega’s different tools and utilities like Tracer, Clipboard, and
so on?

Pega has a number of different tools and utilities that can be used to help develop, test, and
troubleshoot applications built on the PRPC framework. Here are a few examples of some of
the tools and utilities that I have experience with:

1. Tracer: Tracer is a debugging tool that allows developers to trace the execution of a process
and view the values of variables and properties at different points in the execution. This can
be useful for identifying and resolving issues related to process flow and data validation.
2. Clipboard: The Clipboard is a tool that allows developers to view and edit the values of
variables and properties at runtime. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues related to
data validation and process flow.
3. Work Object: Work Object is the central data structure in Pega and it can be used to store
and manage data throughout the life of a case. Developers can use the Work Object to view
and edit the data associated with a case and to create new cases as needed.
4. Rule Inspector: Rule Inspector is a tool that allows developers to view and manage the rules
that make up a Pega application. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues related to rule
execution and for making changes to the rules in an application.
5. System Management Application (SMA): SMA is a web-based tool that allows administrators
to manage and monitor the performance of a Pega system. This can be useful for
troubleshooting issues related to system performance and for making changes to the system
6. Performance profiler: Performance profiler is a tool that allows developers to identify and
analyze performance bottlenecks in an application. This can be useful for troubleshooting
issues related to system performance and for making changes to improve the performance
of an application.
7. Trace Analyzer: Trace Analyzer is a tool that allows developers to analyze log files and trace
information generated by Pega applications. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues
related to system performance, process flow, and data validation.
8. Deployment Manager: Deployment Manager is a tool that allows developers to manage and
deploy changes to a Pega application. This can be useful for managing the lifecycle of an
application and for making changes to an application in a controlled and organized manner.
In summary, Pega provides a wide range of tools and utilities that can be used to develop,
test, and troubleshoot applications built on the PRPC framework. These tools and utilities can
be used to view and edit data and rules, troubleshoot performance issues, and manage the
deployment of changes to an application.
1. Explain the concept of classes in Pega. What are the many types of classes that Pega has to offer?

 Users can reuse rules across case types and apps with the Pega Platform. Developers reuse
rules in their systems all the time, from single data points to entire processes. Reusing rules
improves an application’s quality while simultaneously reducing development time. Pega
Platform categorises rules into classes based on how easily they may be reuse inside an
application. A class is the name given to each cluster. Each application consists of three
different types of classes.
 Work Class: The Work class contains processes, data objects, and user interfaces, as well as
the rules that govern how to process a case or cases.
 The Integration class contains the rules that govern how the application interacts with
external services, such as the integration resources that link it to a customer database or a
third-party web server.
Data Class: The Data class stores the rules that specify the data objects used in the
application, such as a customer data type or order items data type.
When we add a rule in App Studio, it chooses the appropriate class for us. Instead of focusing
on how to build the rule, we might concentrate on what we want it to accomplish. If you
need control over the class, we can write the rule in Dev Studio.
2. In the context of Pega, what do you know about SLA in Pega Certified System Architect?

The abbreviation SLA stands for Service Level Agreement. It’s one of the Pega CRM
platform’s most useful features. Service Level Agreements allow us to set targets and
timetables as part of the case management process. SLA’s main objective is to help the task
force complete all jobs on time. Each SLA rule’s performance of a specific event action that
was set for that rule will be track by Pega Rules Process Commander. By increasing the
urgency number, the assignment’s urgency is adjusted as well. Because it necessitates
attention, this may call attention to the item on the employee’s to-do list. As a result, we can
order the to-do list by task urgency.

3. In Pega, describe the Requestor Type in Pega Certified System Architect.

A requestor type is define by a Data-Admin-Requestor instance. For example, the

BROWSER requestor type denotes interactive user connections, such as guest connections,
using Internet Explorer or another web browser. Next, for background processing, agents use
the BATCH requestor type.

For the system name we select during installation, Pega Platform provides four requestor
types, as well as a reserved requestor type prpc.BROWSER for certain scenarios. We usually
only need the four requestor kinds that have your system name in them. After installation, we
head to Designer Studio => System => Settings => System Name to access a landing page
tab where we can change the system name. When a system’s name is change, new requestor
instances are create that correspond to the instances of the prior name. When a system is
rename, if the previous name did not include all requestor types for some reason, the missing
requestors are also produce.
4. In the context of Pega, explain PRPC in Pega Certified System Architect.

Pega Rules Process Commander (PRPC) is an acronym for Pega Rules Process Commander.
The PRPC foundation is use by Pegasystems. It is entirely model-driven, allowing the
development of reliable and efficient applications without the need for any code, including
SQL, Java, CSS, or HTML. PRPC is a software platform that allows businesses to
consolidate their many, complex business procedures and methodologies into a single
platform. You may merge multi-stream processing into a single system by automating,
documenting, and simplifying business operations.

5. Explain what you’re doing in the context of Pega in Pega Certified System Architect.

Pega Platform activities automate processes. In Dev Studio, activities are programmed as a
series of steps that must be complete in the order provided. Activity rules automate the
system when more appropriate rule types are unavailable, frequently due to more complex
computations or procedures, or when a rule requires an activity to run. Declare When the
value of a certain property changes, for example, using an activity to start a process or
suspend work is require. After the activity is performed, control returns to the rule that called
the action.

An insurance company, for example, is require to submit insurance claims to the Registry of
Motor Vehicles. Automated uploads take performed during off-peak hours to reduce the
impact on users. In Pega Platform, an activity can be design to allow the system to automate
claim uploads without requiring user input.

6. In the context of Pega, explain Rule Resolution in Pega Certified System Architect.

Rule resolution is the search process use by the system to find the best or most appropriate
rule instance to apply in a particular situation.

Rule resolution applies to all rule types, except a few rule types — classes that inherit from
the Rule- class. Further, rule resolution has no effect on instances of classes derived from the
Work-, Data-, or any other base class. Even though the rule resolution process is quick and
unobtrusive, it is crucial to understand how it works. When building applications, make
important component value selections base on how you want rules to be found via rule
resolution. An in-memory rule cache can help speed up the rule resolution process. If the
system finds an instance (or instances) of the rule in question in the cache, it accepts the
candidate rules and skips many steps in the resolution process.

7. In the context of Pega, explain data pages in Pega Certified System Architect.

A data page in a Pega Platform application retrieves and caches data from a given data
source. A data page manages the data source integration, separating business processes from
any integration details. App developers can use supplied data in their apps without needing to
know the data source or connection details because of this separation. Unlike the majority of
Pega Platform pages, applications attempt to populate the contents of a data page only when
the page is request, rather than through an explicit action. Since their content is provided on
demand, data pages are classed as declarative rules.
8. In the context of Pega, explain Case Management in Pega Certified System Architect.

Case management is a software-based technique for assisting people with day-to-day chores
and automating work processes from beginning to end. Case management comprises
visualising your business process, which includes people, data, and actions, in order to map
out a flexible path to your destination. We use case management to develop goal-oriented
solutions by addressing business cases from beginning to end and combining human activities
with digital automations.

We can, for example, mimic the process of accepting candidates after reviewing job
applications, from collecting documentation from candidates to conducting job interviews to
gaining final approval. You can dynamically adjust your work in case management to
respond to changing conditions, as well as construct the most typical path to resolution. Your
business procedure can incorporate an additional job interview if this phase is relevant to the
current situation. With case management, you may successfully address business procedures
that follow an ambiguous or unexpected workflow.

9. In the context of Pega, what do you mean by locking? What are the many types of locking

When two or more actions attempt to update the same case at the same time, the more recent
action may overwrite the data written by the previous action. Data damage or loss might
happen from overwrites, creating delays in case processing and possibly inaccurate case
resolution. A case locking approach is essential for data integrity when an application
supports several users at the same time.

To avoid data corruption or loss due to overwrites, we configure an appropriate locking

strategy for each case type under Locking. Pega Platform offers two techniques for balancing
the need for user access with the need for data security: pessimistic locking and optimistic

10. In Pega, what is the Declare Index in Pega Certified System Architect?

Declare Index is a rule type in Pega that exposes aggregate attributes such as Page, List, and
Group for reporting reasons. They are Rule-Declare-Index rule instances. It helps to populate
the correct index table when an Insert/Update/Delete operation on the work object is follow
by a commit. They can be discover in Records Explorer under the SysAdmin Category.

11. In Pega, how can you assess the performance of your application?

The numerous ways we can measure the performance of our application in Pega are as

 DBTrace: DBrace is a feature of the Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) that provides a detailed
log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace displays both the time spent on each
operation and the SQL queries sent to the database.
 Performance Analyzer Tool (PAL): The Performance Analyzer (PAL) displays all of Pega
PlatformTM’s performance statistics. You can utilise PAL to determine how much system
resources are consume by a single requestor session. PAL is available on the Performance
landing page (Dev Studio > System > Performance) as well as the Performance tool in the
12. How do you tell the difference between the Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?

The page-validate method is use to ensure that all of the properties on a page are valid. If a
page has embedded pages, this method validates all of the attributes in a recursive manner.
This method is time-consuming and uses a lot of system resources. Use the Obj-Validate
method with a Rule-Obj-Validate rule to validate specified properties.
Property value constraints are imposed via the property-validate technique. To implement
constraints, use the Edit validate rule in conjunction with the Property-Validate method. The
Property-Validate method can be use to validate multiple properties.

13. What is the difference between Edit Input and Edit Validate rules?

 Edit Validate: Use the edit validate rule to use java code to validate the property value.
Property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate, and Property rules can all be use to edit validate rules.
 Edit Input: Edit input rules transform user-entered data into the proper format. If a user
types a date in MM/DD/YYYYY format, the edit input rule converts it to DD-MM-YYYY
(required format). For this transformation, we’ll need to write java code once more.
14. Where will the work objects be kept in Pega Certified System Architect?

 By default, work objects are kept in the pc work table. If you want to store the work objects
in a user-created table, however, follow the instructions following.
 Make a schema that looks like the pc work table. (It’s advisable to duplicate the pc work
schema and change the table and constraint names if necessary.)
 Change the Data-Admin-DB-Table class group mapping to the newly created table.
15. What are the rules for StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail?

 StepStatusGood is when the rule checks whether the value of the pxMethodStatus property
is “Good” according to the condition defined in @baseclass.
 StepStatusFail is a when rule that checks whether the value of the pxMethodStatus property
is “Fail” as defined in the @baseclass condition.
16. Where can I see the clipboard parameter values (values, etc.) while I’m sending one activity to

No, you won’t be able to see it in the clipboard, but you can see it in tracer by clicking the
page name in the step method column.

17. How do I use PZinsky to import rules?

Open the rule, select the pzinskey, go to prdbutil, and export the rule using the pzinskey.
Import the zips file to wherever you’d like.

18. Is there a distinction between activity and utility?

The Rule-Obj-Activity rule type is an instance of an activity. The Process Commander

system’s primary sequential processing unit is an activity.
In a Visio flow diagram, the shape represents an activity that changes a work object without
requiring user contact or input. Standard actions for utility tasks are include in your system,
and you can add new ones. With an Activity, each utility job refers to a certain activity. We
can call a kind of utility ss from a utility shape activity, but not the other way around.

19. Explain the Inheritance concept in the Pega (rules, class).

 Rules: inheritance that allows you to reuse your rules as much as possible while allowing for
localised overriding when necessary. Inheritance, often known as polymorphism, allows a
rule written for one class (perhaps an abstract class) to be applied to other classes that
inherit from that class.
 To identify available rules, class inheritance searches for rules from a concrete, lower class up
the class hierarchy.
 Directed inheritance and pattern inheritances are two types of class inheritance.
20. What is the distinction between the Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?

 The page-validate method ensures that all of the properties on a page are valid. If a page has
embedded pages, this method validates all of the attributes recursively. This method is time-
consuming and uses a lot of system resources. Use the Obj-Validate method with a Rule-Obj-
Validate rule to validate specified properties.
 Property value constraints are impose via the property-validate technique. To implement
constraints, use the Edit validate rule in conjunction with the Property-Validate method. The
Property-Validate method can be use to validate multiple properties.
21. Where will the work objects be kept?

 By default, work objects are kept in the pc work table. If you want to store the work objects
in a user-created table, however, follow the instructions following.
 Make a schema that looks like the pc work table. (It’s advisable to duplicate the pc work
schema and change the table and constraint names if necessary.)
 Change the Data-Admin-DB-Table class group mapping to the newly created table.
22. What are the rules for StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail?

 StepStatusGood is when the rule checks whether the value of the pxMethodStatus property
is “Good” according to the condition defined in @baseclass.
 StepStatusFail is a when rule that checks whether the value of the pxMethodStatus property
is “Fail” as defined in the @baseclass condition.
23. Is there a distinction between activity and utility?

The Rule-Obj-Activity rule type is an instance of an activity. The Process Commander

system’s primary sequential processing unit is an activity.
In a Visio flow diagram, the shape represents an activity that changes a work object without
requiring user contact or input. Standard actions for utility tasks are include in your system,
and you can add new ones. With an Activity, each utility job refers to a certain activity. We
can call a kind of utility ss from a utility shape activity, but not the other way around.

24. How are the results of our work in the Pega measure?

 DBTrace: The Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) has a function called DBrace that provides a
thorough log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace shows the time spent on each
operation as well as the SQL queries delivered to the database.
 PAL: “PAL counters” or “PAL readings” are use to store this information. Performance
Analyzer (PAL) is a collection of counters and timer measurements saved in the requestor
that an application developer can utilise to assess system performance concerns.
25. What is the best way to save a class instance in a database?

Creating a distinct DB table for that working-class within the database, or mapping to an
external database and saving to that database.

26. How can I store the class’s instance in the database?

Creating a distinct DB table for that working-class within the database, or mapping to an
external database and saving to that database.

27. What is the meaning of the term “work object”?

 In an application, a work object is the primary unit of work completion and the primary
collection of data on which a flow operates.
 Work items are generated, updated, and eventually closed when an application is utilise
 A unique ID (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status are all assigned to each task
object (property pyStatusWork).
28. What is the difference between an Access Group and an Access Role?

 Requestors have access to a set of RuleSet versions thanks to access groups.

 To assign permissions (capabilities) to a user or a group of users, utilise an access role name.
Requestor instances, Operator ID instances, access group instances, activities, and queries
can all reference access roles.
29. What is the definition of flow-action?

It’s an instance of the Rule-Obj-Flow Action rule type, to be precise. It is the only category in
the user interface that specifies the options available to the user when executing assigned

30. Give an explanation of the Decision Tree rule.

 The Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type contains instances of decision trees.

 A decision tree takes one property value as input but can evaluate several properties. It’s
great for if/then/else statements with a lot of variables.
 It can capture and convey business logic as one or more if/then/else statements.
 It can be derive from three other rules in the flow rule’s decision structure.
 We can use Property-Map-DecisionTree to assess the DecisionTree in this activity.
 Rule-Declare-Expression is a term that can be use to describe decision trees.
1. What is the concept of Pega software?
Pega is a software that assists in business processes. It can be
defined as a BPM tool using Java concepts or an enterprise
2. What are the main business processes in a
banking organization?
The main business processes in a banking organization are
Savings Account, Loan Processing, and Collection Process.
These processes involve onboarding customers, performing
KYC, providing loans, and dealing with customer service
3. How does Pega help with business processes?
Pega helps with business processes by mapping each process
into a case lifecycle, starting with the application and ending
with approval flow. It also has a case management power to
solve all business processes, allowing users to define a case
lifecycle for loan processing, define stages and steps, and
store data.
4. What is Pega’s main advantage over other
Pega’s key benefit over other languages is no starting from
scratch. Their product comes with a lot of source code packed
after licensing from Pega. After installation, users may utilize
built-in capabilities like email sending without starting from
5. What is the role of business people in Pega
Pega lets businesspeople directly engage in application
development and use decisions. Business users may start
development or design case lifecycles in the company’s App
Studio for the low-code platform.
6. What is Pega used for in various organizations?
Pega is used by various organizations, including banking,
insurance, and healthcare, to include standard business
processes in their Pega application.
7. What is the role of the IT manager in the client’s
The IT manager plays a crucial role in the client’s department,
responsible for updating outdated Java applications and
transforming them into Pega applications.
8. How does Pega help with the transformation of
Java applications?
Pega systems can assist the IT manager or company start the
change by providing a demo. The Pega DevOps team includes
a product owner, business analyst, lead system architect,
senior system architect, and system architect.
9. What are some of Pega’s competitors in different
In the CRM side, Salesforce is a tough competitor, while in
BPM, Appian or Commuter, and UI port are also competitors.
In the RPA side, Pega has emerged as an open-source
solution, excelling in the Robotic side.
10. What is the future growth of Pega depend on?
Pega’s future growth depends on how it performs in the
market and its competitors. As long as Pega continues to grow
and evolve, it is likely to remain a valuable tool for
11. What is the first step in setting up a Pega DevOps
The first step in setting up a Pega DevOps team is getting a
license from Pega and installing the software into the
12. What are IDEs used for in software development?
Software is developed using IDEs. They assist write software,
fix grammar, and warn about code quality. Docker plugins
can validate syntax, and IDEs may warn or error on incorrect
syntax. Some IDEs can auto-complete code, making code
completion easier.
13. What is the importance of using IDEs in various
programming languages?
The importance of using IDEs in various programming
languages, such as Java, is to streamline the process of
developing and deploying applications. By focusing on the
client’s department and implementing Pega systems,
organizations can streamline their processes and improve
overall efficiency.
14. What is the role of IDEs in software
IDEs help create software applications, correct syntax, and
provide warnings about code quality. They also allow for easy
code completion and can verify syntax using plugins related
to Docker files.
15. What are some of the studios pre-installed when
a subscription is obtained from Pega systems?
The Dev Studio is where developers log in and create,
whereas the App Studio is a low-code platform where
businesspeople may engage with developers on software
development. Admin Studio duties include managing
background processing operations, setting APIs, and
regulating server user access. The Predictions Studio is
another decision-making studio.
16. What are the advantages of using Pega studios?
The advantages of using Pega studios include the ability to
create Pega applications, monitor applications, detect errors,
and improve code quality.
17. What is the role of logical reasoning in Pega
In Pega programming, logical reasoning is more important
than programming skills. When writing an activity, it is
necessary to know which steps should call which actions,
which is essential for Pega development.
18. What is the purpose of the Dev Studio in Pega
Dev Studio lets developers code, branch match, code review,
deploy, and more. Developers may better manage projects
and assure software quality and effectiveness by knowing
studios and their functions.
19. What are the different categories available in the
Configure button of the Dev Studio?
The Configure button in the Dev Studio offers a vast list of
configurations divided under different categories, such as
application quality, Complaint Score, warning details, test
coverage reports, and automation testing.
20. What is included in the sample user portal
package for Pega development?
The sample user portal package for Pega development
includes a dashboards and screens for end users, allowing
them to create Pega code, create new case types, and test
21. What is the purpose of the integration with
various project management tools in the Pega
development package?
The integration with various project management tools, such
as zero and service now, aims to facilitate automation in
monitoring and auditing development.
22. What are the testing and scenario testing options
available in Pega development?
Pega offers unique testing and scenario testing options,
allowing users to capture UI screens and automate tests. This
resembles a Selenium-based automation testing approach.
23. What are some of the debugging tools available in
Pega development?
Tools for debugging, such as Tracer and clipboard, can help
pinpoint issues in development or production.
24. What is the purpose of the App Studio in Pega
The App Studio is a low-code platform designed for cities and
developers, offering three options: App Explorer, Data types,
and Case Type. It aims to bring software development in a
more low-code way within the platform.
25. What is the difference between the App Studio
and the Dev Studio in Pega development?
The App Studio is similar to the Dev Studio, but it has a top
panel that allows users to switch between different studios
and create new applications. The Configure button is not
available in Dev Studio as it is for advanced development

26. What are some features of the App Studio in Pega

App Studio lets customers launch Portals like Case Manager
Portal and test their design on multiple devices. The Preview
option enables users test Portal rendering on mobile and
tablet devices.
27. What is the purpose of Pega Pulse
in Pega development?
Users may communicate and track application development
progress on Pega Pulse. Like Dev Studio, it has a lightning
icon to switch between prison and bench environments,
where users may combine G-Raws and ServiceNow. Branch
development preferences may be enabled or disabled to
preserve changes automatically.
28. What is the purpose of the settings icon in the
App Studio?
The settings icon in the App Studio allows users to debug
Lightly board Tracer and Accessibility, check generated alerts,
and perform log of options. It also allows for low-code
configuration of application settings and the creation of email
29. What is Pega Pulse and what are its features?
Pega Pulse is a powerful tool for collaboration, monitoring
progress, and integrating with project management tools like
G-Raws and ServiceNow. Its features include branding,
theme, configuration settings, user management,
authentication mechanisms, and data exploration.
30. What are the available channels for end users in
the Pega application?
The Pega application offers various channels for end users to
access and log in, including web mashup, mobile, digital
messaging, email, legacy, chatboard, and Alexa integration.
These low-code interfaces are user-friendly and can be
configured using data and case types.
31. What are the four types of resources in Pega?
The four types of resources in Pega are browser requester,
batch requester, app requester, and app portal.
32. What are the operations that each type of
resource has in Pega?
Each type of resource has its own set of operations, such as
tracing, contacting performance details, checking the
clipboard, interrupting, and terminating requesters.
33. What is requester pooling in Pega?
Requester pooling is a feature in Pega that allows for resource
reuse, reducing the need to initialize a requester and use
clipboard pages for each incoming request.
34. What is Admin Studio in Pega?
Admin Studio is a user-friendly tool designed for
administrators and application developers to manage system
resources. It provides a comprehensive view of the Pega
server, including metrics about the current server version,
users logged in, and the performance of background jobs,
agents, and queue processes.
35. What is PIS in Pega?
PIS (Process Information Systems) can be found under the
application category, DevOps category, and system
management in Pega.
36. What is operator ID in Pega?
Operator ID is a system that allows users to access multiple
applications using a single login credentials.
37. How can operator ID be created in Pega?
Operator ID can be created in Pega using three methods:
manual creation, during application creation, and during
single sign-on.
38. What is single sign-on in Pega?
Single sign-on is a feature in Pega that allows users to access
multiple applications using a single login credentials,
eliminating the need to log in every time.
39. How is single sign-on configured in Pega?
To enable single sign-on, one must configure the application
and enable single sign-on for each application.
40. What is the table PR underscore operators in
The table PR underscore operators in Pega holds all existing
log-on operators and records operators.

41. What is the Postgres admin console?

The Postgres admin console is a tool used for managing
PostgreSQL databases.
42. What are the two types of schema in Pega?
The two types of schema in PAGA are rule schema and data
schema, with operators staying under the data schema.
43. What is the work tab in Pega?
The work tab in Pega is where end users need to be
configured to the right team for different cases, such as client
44. How can the organizational structure be easily
configured into the operator ID rule form?
The organizational structure can be easily configured into the
operator ID rule form by defining the organization division
and unit, with the default organization structure being administration and installation.
45. What is the purpose of the team in Pega?
The purpose of the team in Pega is to register operators to the
Pega database using OR groups, which can be created for
various teams, such as payment and investigation teams.
46. How can the reporting tool be configured to
route cases to the appropriate reporting manager
based on business requirements?
The reporting tool can be configured to route cases to the
appropriate reporting manager based on business
requirements by specifying the administrator at to
configure reports to the frame operator.
47. What are the two types of authentications in
The two types of authentications in Pega are basic
authentication, where operators provide user name and
password, and external authentication, which doesn’t require
basic authentication.
48. What is the availability of operators in Pega?
The availability of operators in Pega is essential for managing
end user availability and routing cases.
49. What is the enterprise application structure in
The enterprise application structure in Pega is built by
creating an application rule and including all the source code
from the Pega development in the application.
50. What is the purpose of re-use ability in Pega
application structure?
The purpose of re-use ability in Pega application structure is
to allow for flexibility and flexibility in application structures.
51. What is the situation layer page in Pega?
The situation layer page in Pega opens up a pathway for the
situation layer page, allowing end users to run their business
in different locations and treat customers in different
channels without building separate applications.
52. What is the purpose of the frame more player
layers in the enterprise application structure?
The frame more player layers in the enterprise application
structure hold the source code and are used for flexibility and
re-use ability in application structures.
1) What is Pega
1. Database software
2. A photo editing software
3. A low-code platform that helps with business
4. A programming language

2) What is the main advantage of using Pega over

other programming languages?
1. It provides a lot of source code already packaged
2. It is easier to learn than other programming languages
3. It is more versatile and can be used for a wider range of
4. It is faster and more efficient in processing large datasets

3) What is a case lifecycle in Pega?

1. A set of instructions for processing data
2. A series of stages and steps that a business process
goes through
3. A database table for storing information
4. A user interface for interacting with the software

4) Who can use Pega’s App Studio?

1. Only experienced programmers
2. Business people who want to participate in the
decision-making process of building and using Pega
3. Database administrators
4. Graphic designers
5) Which of the following is a competitor to Pega in
the CRM space?
1. Microsoft Excel
2. Salesforce
3. Slack
4. Zoom

6) Who is responsible for updating outdated Java

applications and transforming them into Pega
1. The marketing department
2. The sales department
3. The IT manager
4. The HR department

7) What is the role of the business analyst in a Pega

DevOps team?
1. To design and implement the application
2. To bridge the gap between the business and the IT
3. To own the product
4. To perform development activities

8) What is Cosmos UI?

1. A new UI framework introduced by Pega
2. A programming language created by Pega
3. A database management system developed by Pega
4. A marketing automation tool developed by Pega
9) What is Pega used for in various organizations?
1. Standard business processes that they want to
include in their Pega application
2. Software development
3. AI and machine learning
4. Web development

10) What is Pega’s engine code used for?

1. Rule execution
2. User interface design
3. Software development
4. Database management

11) Which companies are Pega’s competitors in the

CRM side?
1. Oracle
2. IBM
3. Microsoft
4. Salesforce
To wrap things up, Pega creates software for analytics,
customer engagement, and business processes. While offering
safe, impartial, and upbeat responses, they prioritize care,
respect, and honesty.
When communicating with Pega, please refrain from using
harmful, immoral, discriminatory, or disparaging language.
1) What is a Work Group? What is the primary function of a Work
Group from a business perspective? Ans: A workgroup is a logical
collection of operators having a common supervisor i,e. a workgroup
can identify a user who is a supervisor and a set of workers and
workbaskets that report to that supervisor. Use – For the supervisor
of a workgroup, the My Group area of the Process Workspace
provides quick access to the work lists and workbaskets associated
with the group (In the workbasket tab of workbasket data instances
we enter the name of a workgroup that uses the workbasket. This
field determines which workbaskets appear in the View Queue list
on the My Group area of the Process Work workspace for
managers). Also, workgroups facilitate for better monitoring and
reporting of tasks on the Monitor Activity workspace.

2) What are workbaskets? What is the relationship between a

Work Group and Workbasket? Ans: Assignments for work
objects may be associated either with individual users (and appear
on their work lists) or with a workbasket. All users who are qualified
to work on work objects from that work basket may remove an
assignment from the workbasket to process the assignment. The
“contents” of a workbasket is a set of assignments awaiting
processing, ordered in decreasing urgency, similar to the contents of
a worklist. Few other important things to keep in mind about
workbaskets are (If only the specific question is asked then answer
as below): Assignments leave a workbasket in three ways: Users
who are qualified can remove an assignment from the workbasket to
process the assignment. An application can automatically route
assignments in a workbasket to users based on work schedules, due
dates, skills, workloads, and other factors. Managers can transfer
assignments from a workbasket to user worklists. ** During
execution of a flow, a router task can choose which workbasket is
most appropriate to receive a newly created assignment. ** The
relationship between workgroups and workbaskets is one-to-many
i.e. one workgroup can be associated with multiple workbaskets. (In
the workbasket tab of workbasket data instances we enter the name
of a workgroup that uses the workbasket. This field determines
which workbaskets appear in the View Queue list on the My Group
area of the Process Work workspace for managers).

3) How do you associate an operator with a workbasket?

Ans: Each operator may have a list of workbaskets that they can
view. Normally users can fetch assignments directly from any
workbasket defined for their own organizational unit. However, if
the roles are specified in the roles array on the workbasket tab of the
workbasket data instance, the operator must possess at least one
access role that matches an access role in the Roles array.
4) What are the primary configurations that you do in an Access
Ans: The primary purpose of an access group is to make a set of
RuleSet versions available to requestors. Also, the access group
associated with a user affects access control by determining: The
portal layout that a user sees first after logging in. The local
customization RuleSet name and RuleSet version. These usually are
defaulted when this user creates a new rule instance. The application
rule for this user. Optionally, the access roles available to this user.
Workpools available to the user.

5) What is the difference between a Workpool and a Work Type?

Can a workpool belong to another workpool? Can a worktype
belong to a work pool?
Ans: Different work types (classes derived from the Work- base
class) are grouped into one class group and when this class group is
added to auser in his access group, the user can work on each work
type of each class group added. Class groups so added are called as
Work pools. A workpool cannot belong to another work pool.
Multiple work types can belong to a work pool ** Class Group – A
class group instance causes the system to store the instances
corresponding to two or more concrete classes that share a common
key format in a single database table. The name of the class group is
a prefix of the names of the member classes. Class groups and work
pools are basically the same things and class groups added to an
access group are called work pools.

6) What do you mean by Case Management in PEGA? When do

you use folders?
Ans: Case Management involves managing work that, for
processing and reporting purposes, differs from classic BPM work
objects. Cases may involve: 1. Less rigid structure. 2. More
flexibility in the order of tasks or which tasks are needed. 3.
Interrelationships with other work. 4. Process Commander facilities
supporting sophisticated case management include covers, folders,
and case type rules. 5. Case Management design is governed by the
Case Type Definitions gadget, which is used to configure the
following case type and work processing configurations. Using the
gadget, you can: 6. Construct covering relationships and build new
case types using a standard tree gadget. 7. Add entirely new case
types: Creates Class and Case Type rules, provides standard starting
flows for the new case type. 8. Reuse existing case and work
types. Manage various aspects of work processing,
including: Service levels Attachments Categories(and automatic
attachments when work objects are created). Automatic and
conditional instantiation of covered items when a new cover(case) is
created. Mapping roles to object access for your various case and
work types.
7) What are declarative rules? Few examples.
Ans: A declarative rule describes a computational relationship
among property values that are expected to be valid “always” or
“often” or “as needed”. Declarative rules will be in force
automatically and hence you need not call these rules explicitly. The
primary benefit of declarative processing is that the system controls
when computations are processed. Some examples are : Constraints
rules (Rule-Declare-Constraints rule type) Declare Expression rules
(Rule-Declare-Expressions rule type) Declare Index rules (Rule-
Declare-Index rule type) Declare OnChange rules (Rule-Declare-
OnChange rule type) Declare Trigger rules (Rule-Declare-Trigger
rule types) ** Keep in mind the concept of forward chaining and
backward chaining and out of the above rules only Declare
Expressions can use both FW Chaining as well as BW chaining. Rest
all use only forward chaining.

8) From an activity how do you call a decision table?

Ans: In an activity, you can call a decision table using the Property-
Map-DecisionTable method.
9) Migration of patches from one environment to another?
Ans: For Migration of rules from one environment to another we
create a ZIP file containing rules from one or more RuleSets. For
this, we use a product rule (Rule-Admin-Product rule type) or a
product patch rule (Rule-Admin-Product-Patch rule type) and then
import the zip file into the target environment. Also, we can use the
export gadget to create the zip file for rulesets. ** The data instances
(such as access groups, operator ids etc.) can be included in the
product or patch rules.

10) What do you mean by exposing a property? Did you use

any SQL tools or does Pega provide some means to expose
Ans: A Single Value property that is visible as a column in a
database table is said to be exposed. Only exposed properties can be
used for the record selection operations in list view and summary
view rules. In PEGA we can use the ‘Modify Database Schema’
wizard to expose properties. Also, the database administrator can
cause a property previously stored only inside the Storage Stream
column to become a separate exposed column using SQL tools such
as TOAD. ** Aggregate properties, properties within an embedded
page, and properties that are not exposed are contained in a specially
formatted Storage Stream or BLOB column. Most Pega Rules
database tables contain a Storage Stream column
named pzPVStream. ** Exposing too many properties in a table may
speed reporting and searching operations, but make the insert and
update operations slower. The tradeoff and relative impact depend on
hardware and software and no general guidelines exist.

11) What is the concept of database table mapping? Why do

we do that? Do you do any additional table to class mapping
(apart from the existing mappings) during development?
Ans: In database table mapping a database table instance associates
a class with a relational database table or view, in the PegaRULES
database or an external database. This is done to map a class to a
database table and thus store the instances of the class in the table.
Yes, we have done an additional table to class mappings for several
application specific classes during development.

12) What are SLAs used for? How do you configure an SLA?
Ans: SLAs are rules in PRPC that indicate the expected or targeted
turnaround time for the assignment, or time-to-resolve for the work
object. Each service level rule defines one to three-time intervals,
known as goals, deadlines, and late intervals. Late intervals are
repeated. Service level rules can be associated with assignments in a
flow and with the entire flow. For example, we can set a goal of 2
hours to process an assignment and a deadline of 4 hours. (The time
interval starts when the assignment is created, not when a user
begins processing the assignment.) For assignments, the service
level rule is referenced in the Assignment Properties panel of the
assigned task. For the overall work object, the service level rule is
identified in the standard property .pySLAName, typically set
up through a model for the class. (The default value is the Default
service level.) ** The Pega-ProCom agent detects service levels not
achieved — unmet goals or deadlines — promptly. If an assignment
is not completed before the time limit, the system can automatically
notify one or more parties, escalate the assignment, cancel the entire
flow, and so on.

13) Can you call one section from another section?

Ans: Yes it is possible to call one section from another. A section
rule can appear within another section, panels and containers within
a harness rule, or within a layout cell.

14) Which harness would you use to present the work object to
the users only for viewing?
Ans: Review harness. Review harness is used to display the work
objects in display-only mode, with no fields changeable.
15) What are Work Parties? How do you send correspondence
to work parties?
Ans: Work party is a person, organization, or other actor identified
in a work object, who can be the recipient of the email or other
forms of correspondence. A work object may identify no work
parties, one, or many work parties. The work party role associated
with each work party identifies why a party is present and may
determine which properties are defined for that party. A Notify
activity, when referenced in a flow, sends out correspondence, such
as an email message, when a flow execution creates an assignment.
Typically, the system addresses correspondence to a work party
identified in the work object and reports progress to that party.
16) In the flow, what is the difference between local and
connector flow action?
Ans: Flow actions specify the choices that user has when performing
an assigned work object. Flow actions are mainly of two types i.e.,
connector actions and local actions. Connector flow actions advance
the flow. They are associated with the connector that exists at the
assignment, so selecting them causes the flow to advance along with
the path. Local actions allow the user to update the work item but
don’t advance the flow. After the assignment is committed, the flow
remains at the same assignment from which the local action was
17) Have you integrated any external systems with Pega? How
do you make a SOAP call? Briefly mention the steps to connect
to an external system using SOAP.
Ans: To make a SOAP call from PRPC we import the wsdl from the
external web service and create SOAP connector rules in PRPC to
invoke the external web service. We use the Connector and Metadata
Accelerator to generate the connector rules. The Connector and
Metadata Accelerator imports information about an external
application or system and generates rules and data objects that the
PRPC applications can use to communicate with that external
system. Before you use the Connector and Metadata Accelerator to
generate connector rules, follow these steps: Identify the RuleSet
and version to contain the generated rules — classes, properties,
connector rules, activities, and so on. Identify or create the following
class rules to use for the generated rules. An abstract class rule —
typically one that inherits from the Database class — for the
accelerator to use as the container or base for the generated items
with the exception of the connector activities. (If you do not create
this class before you begin, the accelerator can create one for you.) A
concrete class rule for the connector activities. If you plan to call the
connector from a flow, choose a class that inherits from the Work-
base class, so that the connector activities can be called directly from
an Integrator task. Next, start the Connector and Metadata
Accelerator and provide the URL to the WSDL document of the Web
service that you want to connect to. Complete all the steps on the
wizard to generate the connector rules and data mapping rules. **
Also, be familiar with Soap Service rules. You may also get
questions on that.

18) Which rules does the Connector Accelerator create while

building a connect soap interface?
Ans: When your Process Commander application uses a SOAP
connector to interact with a Web service, you set it up by using the
Connector Accelerator. The Connector Accelerator imports the
WSDL of the Web service and generates rules as follows: Class and
property rules that represent the data model of the external system
One connector rule for each operation that you selected One
connector activity for each connector rule
19) What are Connect HTTP rules used for and how are they
different from connect SOAP rules?
Ans: PRPC 5.2 introduces two new integration rule types: Rule-
Connect-HTTP Rule-Service-HTTP These rules are used when you
want your PRPC application to send XML or string data (regular
text) as messages to an external system without having to comply
with standards messaging protocols such as SOAP. The rules
currently work very similar to the SOAP rules but, do not create or
consume WSDLs, nor can they be generated using the integration
wizard. Use these rules instead of custom Java code for making
HTTP requests to external systems. Purpose – The HTTP integration
interface supports interactions between your Process Commander
applications and other systems through HyperText Transport
Protocol. Use HTTP connector rules when you want your Process
Commander application to send XML or string data (text) as
messages to an external system without the need to comply with
messaging standards or protocols like SOAP.

20) How can we achieve reusability in Pega? Typically what

kind of rules go in at the enterprise level and what rules would
you create at the implementation level?
Ans: We can achieve reusability in Pega by creating rules which are
to be used by different applications within an organization at an
enterprise level. Typically rules that are generic and are to be used
by multiple applications such as connectors and services go in at the
enterprise level and rules which are specific to an application such as
flows and activities go in at the application level.
21) What are screen flows and screen tabbed flows
Ans: Many computer input procedures are most effectively handled
by presenting a user with a series of simple forms that each require
only one or a few questions to be answered. After submitting a form,
a user receives with another simple form (with more questions) that
may depend on previous answers. At any point, users can backtrack
to review, or change, previous answers. Process Commander can
support such interactions with screen flows, a flow rule with specific
settings. Three runtime presentations are available to allow users to
navigate within a screen flow execution at runtime: Completed tasks
(that are designated as entry points) appear as blue rectangles in a
breadcrumbs control. A user selects a rectangle to return to that task.
Tabs for both completed and future tasks (that are marked as entry
points) appear at the top of the action area. Completed tasks contain
with a check mark. No breadcrumbs control or tabs appear. A user
can return to a completed task that is marked as an entry point when
the button appears.
22) Can you call an integrator from screen flows?
Ans: No an integrator shape is not allowed in a screen flow.
23) Can you use an unexposed column in criteria of a report?
Ans: No. However, if the application needs a column corresponding
to embedded property values, the values can be copied to the top
level or exposed indirectly through instances of an Index- class and
then used as criteria of a report.
24) Different types of harnesses available in PRPC.
Ans: Some of the standard harnesses in PRPC are : New — Support
initial entry (creation) of the object. Perform — Support users
completion of assignments. Review — Display the work objects in
display-only mode, with no fields changeable. Confirm — Accept a
text note explaining a user’s reasoning about a recently completed
assignment. Reopen — Support reopening a previously resolved
work object. PrintReview — Support printing of all the fields.

25) What are Agents and how to configure them?

Ans: An agent is an internal background process operating on the
server that runs activities on a periodic basis. Agents route work
according to the rules in your application; they also perform system
tasks such as sending email notifications about assignments and
outgoing correspondence, generating updated indexes for the full-
text search feature, synchronizing caches across nodes in a multiple
node systems, and so on. Agents are defined by Agents rules (Rule-
Agent-Queue rule type). Agents are enabled and are scheduled
through Agent Queue data instances (Data-Agent-Queue class). The
pattern (periodic/recurring) and interval (amount of time, in seconds,
that the agent waits before restarting) for the Agent rule is
configured in the Agent Queue data instances. Meanwhile, you can
checkout our other blogs and videos.
1. Briefly Describe What Pega Is.
Pega is one of the best BPM tools that automate processes and enables
organizations to achieve profitability and efficacy. It provides a Designer
Studio that functions as an Integrated Development Environment for
application development. Designer Studio is a web-based tool that facilitates
the design and collaboration of applications by developers. It allows users to
develop applications easily, integrate with external systems, and implement
mobility. The focus is primarily on customer engagement and digital process

2. What Are The Primary Applications

Of Pega?
Pega is a platform that enables users to develop applications, implement
mobility, manage the case life cycle, design extensive user interfaces,
manage decisions and implement DevOps and robotic automation, among
other capabilities. Pega is preferred over other tools because it eliminates
coding, simplifies the process by utilizing built-in functionalities, and focuses
on reusing and modifying existing rules.

3. What Is The Difference Between

Pessimistic And Optimistic Locking?
An exclusive lock is used when an application employs Pessimistic Locking to
open an item. When a user or system opens an object, they have exclusive
access until the program unlocks the object. Other users cannot edit the item
while it is locked. In contrast, optimistic locking does not employ an exclusive
lock when an application opens an object. Instead, any user or the system can
open and edit the item anytime. Before making any changes to the object, the
computer determines whether it has been modified.
4. What Are Pega Requestor Types?
A Data-Admin-Requestor instance defines a requestor type. Pega Platform
includes four requestor types and a reserved requestor type prpc for the
system name specified during installation. Browser for special circumstances.
We require only the four requestor types containing your system’s name. After
installation, if users wish to modify the system name, they navigate to
Designer Studio => System => Settings => System Name to access a landing
page tab where we can do so. When a system’s name changes, new
requestor instances corresponding to the last name are created. If for
whatever reason, the previous system name did not include all requestor
types, the missing requestors are also generated when the system is

5. What Is Your Definition Of An

An agent is an external background process that operates on the server to
perform activity-related tasks. The agents are autonomous and asynchronous.
Agents also perform duties such as sending email notifications and
synchronizing caches across nodes. Agent-invoked activities execute
independently based on the timetable.

6. What Are The Recommended

Procedures For Utilizing Activities?
Pega Platform activities automate processes. Activities are scripted in Dev
Studio and consist of phases that must be completed in the defined order. The
following are some best practices for using activities in Pega:

 Limit your activities to a minimum. Limit your actions to no more

than 25 and ensure each is geared toward reaching a particular
 Use alternative rule types, such as a data transform, to set a
property value, if possible.
 Keep Java code to a minimum. If standard or custom rule types,
library functions, or activity methods are available, skip the Java
steps of activities.
7. Explain Forward Chaining And
Backward Chaining.
Backward chaining provides automatic computation of the property by
executing the declarative value only when the property’s value is required,
rather than when the input changes. On the other hand, forward chaining
provides automatic computation of the property by executing the declarative
rule whenever the input property value is modified.

8. What Does Workspace Mean In

The Context Of Pega?
A workspace is a location where a developer can utilize specialized tools and
features. It accelerates application development and boosts productivity by
providing role-based capabilities to users. Utilizing role-based workspaces on
the Pega Platform can increase efficiency. Users can view what they need
when they need it. In addition, by utilizing distinct workspaces to create and
administer their application, Team members can focus on tasks that align with
their areas of expertise. Pega Platform provides four role-based authoring
environments: App Studio, Dev Studio, Prediction Studio, and Admin Studio.

9. What Different Types Of Classes

Does Pega Support?
Pega classes include the following:

 Integration Class: The Integration class contains the rules that

specify how the application interacts with other services, such as
the integration resources that link it to a customer database or an
external web server.
 Data Class: The Data class stores the rules that specify the data
objects the application uses, such as a customer data type or
order items data type.
 Work Class: Processes, data items, and user interfaces are all
included in the Work class, which specifies the rules governing
how to process a case or cases.
10. What Do You Know About Pega,s
Dco Feature?
DCO is the process of acquiring, organizing, and storing data using the Pega
Platform’s integrated solution. DCO contains procedures and instruments for
gathering and organizing application artifacts. Moreover, IT, business, and
testing teams, in addition to other resources, utilize this enabling technology.
As a result, it saves time, effort, and money while enhancing project quality
and people’s lives. The objectives and benefits of the DCO are to centralize
data so that it can be used continuously across departments at the
appropriate time and level. By providing a central repository for linked
applications, DCO eliminates communication barriers. In addition, real-time
as-built documentation and a unified application perspective are available for
all resources.

11. In The Context Of Pega,

Distinguish Between The Page-
Validate And Property-Validate
The Property-Validate method is used to limit a property’s value. Use the Edit
validate rule in conjunction with the Property-Validation method to implement
constraints. It enables multiple properties validation. In contrast, the Page-
Validate method verifies all of a page’s properties. If a page contains
embedded pages, this method verifies each attribute recursively. This method
requires considerable time and system resources.
12. Describe The Various Layout
Options Available In Pega.
The following are the available layout types in Pega:

 Grid Layout: Table layouts facilitate data retrieval and

comparison for users. In your applications, tables can serve as a
flexible foundation for users to process massive amounts of data.
 Tree Grid Layout: Developers can use a tree layout to view,
navigate and access the properties of pages in an embedded
Page List.
 Dynamic Layout: A dynamic layout is a DIV-based layout that
enables diverse content presentation.
 Column Layout: A Columns layout enables you to display primary
content, such as a work item, alongside supplementary content,
such as an attachment.
 Screen Layout: Screen layouts are exclusive to harnesses and
are typically used to establish application portals.

13. What Is PRPC In Regards To

PRPC is the abbreviation for Pega Rules Process Commander. Pega systems
are founded on the PRPC framework. It is completely model-driven, enabling
the development of dependable and effective applications without using any
code, such as SQL, Java, CSS, or HTML. PRPC is a software platform that
enables businesses to integrate their diverse and intricate business
procedures and methods onto a single platform. In addition, it enables the
consolidation of multiple streams into a single system by automating,
documenting, and simplifying business processes.
14. What Are The Various SLA Types?
The following are the various types of SLA:

 Assignment SLA: This SLA begins with the creation of the

assignment and concludes with the assignment’s completion.
 Case Level SLA: When an SLA is referenced at the case level, it
is known as a Case level SLA. It begins with the opening of a
case and ends with its closure. It begins when a case enters a
stage and concludes when it leaves the stage.
 Step-level SLAs commences when a process or step commences
and conclude when it concludes.
 SLA flow: When a flow is initiated, an SLA at the flow level is
initiated. Step SLA is referenced in every step of the case-type
rule. The process tab of the flow rule contains a flow SLA.

15. Explain Data Pages In Pega’s

A data page manages the integration with the data source, separating
business activities from integration details. This separation allows app
developers to utilize supplied data without knowing the data source or
connection details. In contrast to the majority of Pega Platform pages,
applications only attempt to populate the contents of a data page when the
page is requested, as opposed to via an explicit action. The content of data
pages is considered declarative rules because it is accessible on demand.
Pega Platform automatically appends the prefix D_ to the name of a data
page to differentiate it from other pages in memory.

16. What Are The Benefits And

Drawbacks Of Declaring Page?
The primary advantage of Declare pages is that it prevents multiple DB hits.
For example, if numerous requestors exist in a single request batch, the load
action will be enthusiastic and generate a Declare page before obstructing the
data on that page. This bump shows this; these requestors can maintain the
page and utilize its content. The disadvantage is that the requestors only
interpret it, and developers cannot add additional data or remove precise data.
17. What Steps Are Involved In
Creating A Work Object In Pega?
The work object is the most fundamental unit of task completion in an
application and the most fundamental collection of data on which a flow
operates. In Pega, we can create a work object by following these steps:

 Construct a button that resembles a section or header.

 After expanding the cell property within the button, click the action
 Add a specified action to the button.
 The button must contain a focus class and a flow name.
 Use “Param. prerecorded” to obtain the current work object ID.
 Open the case using the “Obj-Open-By-Handle” command.
 Copy the information from pagers using Page-Copy.

18. What Does An Agent Mean In

Relation To Pega?
An agent is a server’s internal background process that regularly performs
actions. For example, agents transmit email notifications regarding
assignments and outgoing messages, produce updated indexes for the full-
text search capability, synchronize caches among many nodes, and perform
other system tasks. Agents are self-contained and asynchronous: the
activities they summon run on their timelines, and the execution of a second
activity can begin before the execution of the previous action is complete.
Agents have their own set of rules that define them. Agent Queue data
instances are utilized to schedule and enable agents. Suppose potential
deadlock and other locking issues are controlled properly by the activities in a
multi-node cluster. In that case, an agent can run on multiple or even on each
node to achieve high throughput.
19. What Are The Advantages Of
Pega Case Management?
The benefits of Case Management are as follows:

 Increased transparency: Users can see exactly how a business

process reaches a particular point, even after rerouting and
further processing, by reviewing changes in individual fields and
values and following an audit trail.
 Users can achieve their business objectives by following a
predetermined path or adjusting the sequence of processes in
response to dynamically changing conditions.
 Non-linear commercial actions are supported: Users can begin
flexibly supporting company procedures most pertinent to the
current circumstance.
 Enhanced business adaptability: Users can move a business
process to a prior or subsequent milestone for additional
processing to ensure the work is completed thoroughly.

20. What Do You Know About

Exposed Properties Within The
Framework Of Pega?
An exposed property is a Single Value database column property. A BLOB or
Storage Stream column has aggregate, embedded, and hidden properties.
For example, most PegaRULES databases contain a PHP stream Storage
Stream column. An exposed property is a Single Value database column
property. A BLOB or Storage Stream column has aggregate, embedded, and
hidden properties. For example, most PegaRULES databases contain a PHP
stream Storage Stream column.

Only Single Value attributes at the top level are visible. However, it is possible
to convey embedded property values to the top level or offer them indirectly
via instances of the Index class.
21. How Do You Deal With
Escalation refers to any activity within a Process Commander application that
makes high-priority work objects visible to users and managers and causes
them to be rapidly processed. For example, a service level rule connected
with the flow and background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent can lead
to Escalation.

22. What Are The Advantages Of Rule

Below are some of the benefits of rule resolution:

 Even within a single rule set, rules may exist in several versions,
and security rules restrict which users can read and execute
which versions.
 A single Pega Platform system may host numerous applications,
various organizations, and multiple versions of a single
application with little conflicts and interference.
 Developers can develop applications independently of one
another, but they can all adhere to a fixed set of rules.
 Apps and organizations can share rules between themselves.
 Object-oriented software development provides numerous
benefits, including reuse and sharing.
 Rules established at a lower level that are more specific can
supersede rules defined at a higher level. Even though this
decreases the value of sharing, it provides much-needed
flexibility and highlights exceptions.

23. What Exactly Is A Circumstance In

The circumstance is an optional rule resolution algorithm condition and
enhancement. Different flavor-specific versions of the rules within the same
version are suited to different situations. During rule resolution, circumstance
determines which rule is executed by comparing the values of the rule set,
version, and availability. At runtime, the system first locates rules based on
class hierarchy, then searches for rules that the requestor’s session requires,
and compares the values of the rule set, version, and availability.
24. Describe The Map Value Rule.
A map value rule converts one or two input values, such as latitude and
longitude coordinates, into a calculated output value, such as the city’s name.
The rule uses a matrix and input ranges to look up the output value or values.
Map value rules are represented as Rule-Obj-MapValue objects. This rule
type belongs to the decision category.

25. What Certifications Are Available

For Pega Developers?
The following are the primary Pega certifications offered to developers:

 CSA: Certified System Architect stands for CSA. This certification

is the entry-level certification for developers.
 CSSA: Certified Senior System Architect stands for CSSA. It is a
high level of developer certification. The developers with this
qualification are regarded as professionals in constructing,
evaluating, and leading teams with strong technical
 LSA: LSA is an abbreviation for Lead System Architect. It is the
most advanced level of developer certification. The developers
who hold this certification are regarded as development leaders
who are well-versed in all functionalities and implement them
Q.1) What is Pega?

A business process management (BPM) software, PEGA is developed

using Java. It eliminates the need to code software, besides automating
manual work.

Q.2) What is a harness in Pega?

Harnesses in Pega is used to define the look and processing of user forms
in any application that is necessary for the creation of work items and the
processing of assignments.

Q.3) How to create a work object in Pega?

The steps to create work objects in Pega are-

 Add a button such as a section or a header.

 Expand the cell property within the button and click on the action tab.
 To the button, add an action set.
 Add focus class as well as flow name to the button.
 Catch the present work object ID with “Param.prevRecordkey”.
 Using “Obj-Open-By-Handle”, open the case
 Using Page-Copy, copy the data from pagers.

Q.4) What is case management in Pega?

Case Management in Pega allows an organization to quickly model and

take care of multifarious case logic, without writing any programming

Q.5) What is PRPC in Pega?

PRPC or PegaRULES Process Commander is a core component of the Pega

software product created by Pegasystems Inc (PEGA).

Q.6) What is an assignment in Pega?

An assignment in Pega is a break in the flow and it denotes the need for
an external system or a person to act on a work object so that the flow
can resume.
Q.7) What is ruleset in Pega?

A RuleSet in Pega is a collection of rules of business that defines an

instance. The ruleset is an essential subset of PegaRULES that is
necessary to reference instances in the database.

Q.8) How to create workbasket in Pega?

The steps to create a workbasket in Pega are-

 Click on Record
 Select Workbasket under the Organization category.
 Right-click on Create.
 Indicate a name to identify the workbasket instance.
 Assign a name to convey the purpose and content to the users.

Q.9) What is parallel processing in Pega?

Parallel processing has various levels in Pega. The system-level allows

every user to operate such as a process on one or multiple nodes in Java
Virtual Machine. At the business process level, the Split-Join, Spinoff, and
Split For Each shape ensure parallel processing. In a single user session,
the external systems connections work are parallel to each other.

Q.10) How to open an exercise system in Pega?

You can open an exercise system in Pega using a to the Pega 7 designer
studio that opens in a new window.

Q.11) Explain case management in Pega?

Case management in Pega enables a user to adapt to the unpredictable,

event-driven or automatic changes in a case and its processes. It pools
real-time adaptation with unique solutions for every case to suit ad-hoc
additions. It also saves the case as a template for the future application.
The advantages of

Pega case management are-

 Improve the processes of case management with holistic support.

 Increase the efficacy of case-flow for automatic and dynamic response.
 Ensures consistency and removes errors with context-based and real-time
 Lessen time, costs and effort needed to implement case management.
Q.12) What is an activity in PEGA?

An activity in Pega is a basic sequential processing unit of Process

Commander system that contains a sequence of steps with a method or
an instruction.

Q.13) Explains the difference between activity and utility in Pega?

In Pega, an activity indicates a sequence of automated business logic

which follows the rule of Rule-Obj-Activity while Utility is a type of use of
an activity that refers to a shape in the Pega flow.

Q.14) What is SLA in Pega?

Service Level Agreement rules or SLA in Pega is an important feature that

defines the intervals of time between deadlines and goals, in order to set
a standard to resolve work in the application.

Q.15) How to trace SLA in Pega?

The steps to trace SLA in Pega are-

 Terminate the agent.

 Delay it.
 Initiate the agent.
 Delay it again.
 In the requestors, select the delayed requestor and click on the tracer.
 Send this case to a particular assignment containing the SLA within 60

Q.16) What is work-pool in Pega?

A working pool in Pega is a collection of the work objects, both open and
resolved, as well as the work- classes that a user is able to enter in an
application, determined by the system from a list of class groups.

Q.17) Describe the Access group in Pega?

An access group in Pega is an example of Data-Admin-Operator-

AccessGroup class that creates a set of RuleSet for the requestors. The
developer defines access groups and assigns them to different users.
1. **Q: What is Pega?**
– A: Pega is a business process management (BPM) and customer relationship management
(CRM) software platform that enables organizations to build and deploy applications for
process automation.
2. **Q: Explain the difference between rule and data in Pega.**
– A: In Pega, rules define the application’s behavior, while data represents the information
manipulated by the application. Rules include activities and flows, while data is stored in
3. **Q: What is a case in Pega?**
– A: A case in Pega represents a unit of work or a business transaction. It is the core entity for
managing and processing work items in Pega applications.
4. **Q: What is a Property in Pega?**
– A: A Property in Pega is a named piece of data that describes an aspect of a case or an
object. Properties are used to store and retrieve information.
5. **Q: How does Pega handle security in applications?**
– A: Pega uses access roles, privileges, and authentication to manage security. Access roles
control user access to rules and data, while privileges determine actions users can perform.
6. **Q: Explain the purpose of the clipboard in Pega.**
– A: The clipboard is a temporary memory space in Pega used to store data during rule
execution. It facilitates the exchange of information between rules and processes.
7. **Q: What is a Flow Action in Pega?**
– A: A Flow Action in Pega is a rule that defines the presentation and behavior of assignment
forms within a case. It controls user interactions during case processing.
8. **Q: How does Pega support integration with external systems?**
– A: Pega provides connectors, services, and data transforms to integrate with external
systems. Connectors enable communication, services define operations, and data transforms
map data between systems.
9. **Q: What is the purpose of a Declare Expression in Pega?**
– A: Declare Expressions in Pega are used to calculate and store values dynamically. They
help in maintaining calculated values without explicit rule invocation.
10. **Q: Explain the difference between a Class and an Inheritance in Pega.**
– A: A Class in Pega is a blueprint for creating objects, while Inheritance allows one class to
inherit properties and rules from another, promoting reuse and consistency.
11. **Q: What are Agents in Pega and how do they function?**
– A: Agents in Pega are background processes that perform tasks at scheduled intervals. They
automate repetitive activities, enhancing system efficiency.
12. **Q: How do you handle error handling in Pega applications?**
– A: Pega uses Exception handling to manage errors. You can define error flows, handle
exceptions in activities, and configure error messages for better user experience.
13. **Q: Explain the purpose of the PegaRULES database.**
– A: The PegaRULES database stores the rules and metadata necessary for the functioning of
Pega applications. It includes information on cases, processes, and user interactions.
14. **Q: What is the purpose of the Pega Designer Studio?**
– A: Pega Designer Studio is the web-based integrated development environment (IDE) for
building, testing, and managing Pega applications. It provides tools for rule creation and
application design.
15. **Q: How do you optimize performance in a Pega application?**
– A: Performance optimization in Pega involves designing efficient data models, using
appropriate indexes, and optimizing activities. Caching and configuring system settings also
contribute to better performance.
16. **Q: Explain the concept of Access Group in Pega.**
– A: An Access Group in Pega defines the rules and functions accessible to users. It controls
the application features and capabilities available to specific roles.
17. **Q: What is a Decision Table in Pega and how is it used?**
– A: A Decision Table in Pega is a rule used for defining conditions and corresponding
actions. It helps in creating logic for decision-making within a case.
18. **Q: How does Pega support versioning of rules?**
– A: Pega provides rule versioning to track changes in rules over time. Each rule has a unique
version, allowing developers to manage and roll back changes if needed.
19. **Q: What are the key components of a Pega application?**
– A: Pega applications consist of rules, data, processes, and UI components. The key
elements include flows, activities, data classes, and sections.
20. **Q: How can you debug and troubleshoot issues in a Pega application?**
– A: Pega provides tools like Tracer and Clipboard for debugging. Tracer helps in tracing the
execution path, while Clipboard allows inspection of data during runtime.
21. **Q: Explain the purpose of a Service Package in Pega.**
– A: A Service Package in Pega is a collection of services related to a specific business
function. It facilitates the organization and management of service rules.
22. **Q: How do you customize UI in Pega applications?**
– A: UI customization in Pega involves creating and modifying sections, harnesses, and
layouts. You can use dynamic layouts and style formats to enhance the user interface.
23. **Q: What is the role of Declarative Rules in Pega?**
– A: Declarative Rules in Pega define constraints, expressions, and dependencies. They
provide a declarative approach to expressing business logic without coding.
24. **Q: How can you implement logging in Pega for monitoring and auditing purposes?**
– A: Pega supports logging through the Log-Message method. Developers can use this
method to record information for monitoring, auditing, and troubleshooting.
25. **Q: Explain the purpose of the Pega Customer Decision Hub.**
– A: The Pega Customer Decision Hub is a component in Pega that enables organizations to
make real-time, data-driven decisions to enhance customer engagement and experiences.
26. **Q: How do you handle data validation in Pega applications?**
– A: Data validation in Pega is achieved through edit validate rules, which define validation
conditions for properties. These rules ensure data integrity and accuracy.
27. **Q: What are Data Pages in Pega and how are they different from Clipboard Pages?**
– A: Data Pages in Pega are used to store and manage data retrieved from external systems.
They are more efficient than Clipboard Pages as they support caching and reuse.
28. **Q: How can you create a reusable component in Pega?**
– A: Pega supports the creation of reusable components through the use of sections and
controls. By designing modular components, you enhance reusability and maintainability.
29. **Q: Explain the purpose of the Pega Mobile App.**
– A: The Pega Mobile App allows users to access Pega applications on mobile devices. It
provides a responsive and adaptive interface for a seamless user experience.
30. **Q: How can you handle case dependencies in Pega applications?**
– A: Case dependencies in Pega are managed through the Case Dependency Explorer. It
helps identify and analyze dependencies between cases, ensuring smooth case processing.
In conclusion, mastering Pegasystems interview questions is a pivotal step toward launching
a successful career in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. As a fresher, your
enthusiasm, combined with a solid understanding of Pega concepts, will undoubtedly set you
apart. Remember, interviews are not just about showcasing technical prowess but also
demonstrating adaptability and problem-solving skills. Embrace the learning process, stay
curious, and approach each question with confidence. Your journey into the realm of
Pegasystems awaits – best of luck!
Pegasystems interview questions for experienced
*Are you gearing up for a career-defining moment with Pegasystems? Whether you’re a
seasoned professional or a veteran in the IT industry, navigating the interview process can be
both exciting and challenging. In this blog, we’ve curated a comprehensive set of
Pegasystems interview questions and insightful answers tailored for experienced candidates.
From technical know-how to problem-solving prowess, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive
into the intricacies of Pegasystems interviews and equip you with the knowledge to ace them
1. **Understand Pega Fundamentals:**
– Ensure you have a solid grasp of Pega fundamentals, including case management, data
modeling, UI development, and business rules.
2. **Review Pega Documentation:**
– Familiarize yourself with Pega’s official documentation. This will help you understand the
latest features, best practices, and updates in the platform.
3. **Practice Real-world Scenarios:**
– Work on real-world scenarios and projects to gain practical experience. Pega often values
hands-on experience in addition to theoretical knowledge.
4. **Master Pega Rules:**
– Be proficient in creating various Pega rules, including flows, activities, data pages, decision
rules, and user interfaces. Understand how to use these elements to build robust applications.
5. **Know Pega Architecture:**
– Have a good understanding of Pega’s architecture, including the role of the Rule Engine,
Case Management, Agents, and the Pega database structure.
6. **Brush Up on Integration Skills:**
– Pega applications often integrate with external systems. Be familiar with Pega’s integration
capabilities and know how to work with connectors and services.
7. **Practice Decision Management:**
– Pega emphasizes decision management. Practice creating decision tables, decision trees,
and understand how Pega’s Decision Hub works.
8. **Stay Updated on Industry Trends:**
– Stay informed about the latest trends in BPM (Business Process Management), case
management, and low-code development. Pega evolves, and being aware of industry trends
can set you apart.
9. **Practice Problem-solving:**
– Be ready to solve problems on the spot. Pega interviews often include scenario-based
questions to assess your problem-solving skills.
10. **Behavioral Questions:**
– Prepare for behavioral questions that assess your teamwork, communication, and
adaptability. Pega values individuals who can work well in a collaborative environment.
11. **Mock Interviews:**
– Conduct mock interviews with a friend or mentor. Practice answering common Pega
interview questions to build confidence and refine your responses.
12. **Read Pega Success Stories:**
– Read about successful Pega implementations and projects. Understanding how others have
leveraged the platform can provide insights into best practices.
13. **Ask Questions:**
– Prepare thoughtful questions for your interviewers. This shows your interest in the
company and your commitment to understanding the role.
14. **Certifications:**
– Consider obtaining relevant Pega certifications. While certifications aren’t everything, they
can demonstrate your commitment to mastering the platform.
15. **Continuous Learning:**
– Pega is continuously evolving. Demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and
improvement, both during the interview and in your overall professional development.
Remember, each interview is a learning opportunity. Whether you succeed or face
challenges, use the experience to improve and refine your skills for future opportunities.
Good luck!
1. Explain in brief about Pega.

Pega is a platform that allows the user to develop apps, perform integration with the
external system and easily implement mobility. It also helps in managing the case life
cycle, extensive user interface design, managing the decisions and implementing the
Davos and Robotic Automation, and reporting. It is built on Java and has its latest
version as 8.2 which also stands for Build for Change.

2. What are the different types of classes that PRPC support?

The different types of standard classes available are.

 Base class: It is the ultimate base class, and Its Child Classes are working -,
Data-, Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc. Pega always supports two types of classes
which are abstract classes and concrete classes.

 Abstract Classes: These classes end with ‘-‘ and abstract classes cannot create
any work object instances.

 Concrete Classes: It does not end with ‘-’, and abstract classes will create
work object instances.
3. What is the difference between Page and Page List property, how are they implemented?

 Page property refers to a particular class and is used to access the property of
that class.

 Page List Property also refers to a particular class, but it’s a collection of
individual pages of the same class which can be accessed through numeric
4. Explain about Work Object?

 A work object is the primary unit of work completion in an application and the
primary collection of data that a flow operates on.
 When an application is used, work objects are created, updated, and eventually
closed (resolved).

 Every work object has a unique ID (property PID), an urgency value, and a
status (property pyStatusWork).
5. How to trace SLA in Pega?

Ans: The steps to trace SLA in Pega are:

 Terminate the agent.

 Delay it.

 Initiate the agent.

 Delay it again.

 In the requestors, select the delayed requestor and click on the tracer.

 Send this case to a particular assignment containing the SLA within 60

6. What are the different types of layouts available?

Ans: The following are the different layouts types available.

 Column layout.

 Grid layout.

 Portal layout.

 Dynamic layout.
7. What is the ruleset in Pega?

Ans: A RuleSet in Pega is a collection of rules of business that defines an instance.

The ruleset is an essential subset of PegaRULES that is necessary to reference
instances in the database.
8. Describe the Access group in Pega and its functionality?

Ans: An access group in Pega is an example of a Data-Admin-Operator-Access Group

class that creates a set of RuleSet for the requestors. The developer defines access
groups and assigns them to different users.

Access Group controls the security based on the job functions. It is the instance of
Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup. Various aspects that can be controlled through
an access group are

 Default and available types of works (also called work pools).

 Primary rulesets (Access Control to rulesets).

 Assigned roles.

 Portal layout.

 Default ruleset for making changes (Default ruleset whenever the user creates/
saves as the rule).
9. Name the Declarative rules in Pega?

Ans: The declarative rule is an instance of a class derived from Rule-Declared.

 They allow for automatic processing of Property values.

 No need to be called explicitly.

 No need to run in a sequential fashion.

 The system manages re-evaluation when it detects a change.

The declarative rules in Pega are.

 Rule-Declare-Expressions.

 Rule-Declare-Index.

 Rule-Declare-Trigger.

 Rule-Declare-OnChange.

 Rule-Declare-Constraints.
10. What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?



This method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page contains
embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the properties. This
method consumes a lot of system resources and takes more time. If you want to
validate specific properties use the Obj-Validate method with the Rule-Obj-Validate


This method is used to impose restrictions on property value. Use the Edit validate
rule along with the Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate
multiple properties using the Property-Validate method.

11. Explain case management in Pega?

Ans: Case management in Pega enables a user to adapt to the unpredictable, event-
driven or automatic changes in a case and its processes. It pools real-time adaptation
with unique solutions for every case to suit ad-hoc additions. It also saves the case as a
template for future applications.
12. What are the advantages of case management in Pega?

Ans: The advantages of Pega case management are.

 Improve the processes of case management with holistic support.

 Increase the efficacy of case-flow for automatic and dynamic response.

 Ensures consistency and removes errors with context-based and real-time


 Lessen time, costs and effort needed to implement case management.

13. Explain the Decision Tree rule.


 Decision trees are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type.

 The decision tree accepts one input property value but can evaluate numerous
properties. It is best used for complex if/then/else statements.

 It can capture and present business logic in the form of one or more if/then/else

 It can be referred to three other rules from the decision shape of the flow rule.

 In the activity, we can evaluate the decision tree using the Property-Map-
decision tree.

 Decision trees can be referring to Rule-Declare-Expression.

14. Differentiate between Decision Table and Decision Tree.


Decision Table:

 The logic implemented in the decision table is if, else if condition.

 In the decision table, if the first condition is true, it will not check the
remaining conditions/if the first condition is false, then only it will check the
next condition.

 For simple logic, we can go to the decision table.

Decision Tree:

 The logic implemented in the Decision Tree is if, if condition.

 In a decision tree, if the first condition is true or false, it will check all
conditions and it will return results.

 For simple logic, we can go for a decision tree.

15. Explain about map value rule.

Ans: A map value rule is a rule that converts one or two input values, such as latitude
and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name. The rule
uses ranges for the input value or values and a matrix to look up the result. Map value
rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type. This rule type is part of the
decision category.
1) What is BPM?
Any business has to perform a series of steps to accomplish a task and this entire life cycle is
called a business process. A BPM tool is something that provides a simple yet systematic
approach to perform any given operation in an optimized way. The major goal of
implementing a BPM tool is to plan, design, implement and automate business operations
while minimizing errors, miscommunications, and inefficiencies.

2) What are the Advantages of using BPM software?

Following are the top benefits that any business can leverage from implementing BPM:

 Improved productivity
 High flexibility
 Minimized errors
 Easy implementation of policies
 Eliminated Micromanagement
 Simplified data accessibility
 Easy Data Migration between multiple systems
 Supports digital transformation journey

3) What are the different types of BPM tools?

Following are the three different types of BPM tools:

 System Centric
 Human-Centric
 Document Centric

4)What are the typical BPM implementation areas in a business?

Following are the typical departments that use BPM for automating tasks and to improve the
business process:

 Finance
 Sales
 Human resource
 Marketing
5) Name a few well-known BPM tools?
There is a wide range of BPM tools available in the market and the following are some of the
widely used BPM tools are:

 Pegasystems
 BP Logix
 Kofax
 Tibco Software
 Oracle
 Appian

6) What is Pega?
Pega is a widely used BPM software built using java that helps in building modern enterprise
applications. It comes with advanced features to simplify the complex app building process
and saves a lot of time. Pega powers the digital transformation process of the business by
unifying leading technologies like artificial intelligence and customer engagement
Pega comes with many advanced in-built components and supports various internal as well as
external database integrations. Moreover, it also has a best-in-class configuration
management system. All together these features have made it possible to build web-based
apps compared to Java.

7) What is the Pega Latest version?

The latest Pega version is 8.6

8) What are the advantages of Pega?

Following are the top advantages of Pega:

 Build solutions faster

 Build smarter.
 Complete platform
 Builds responsive and social applications
 Takes less effort to design applications
 Supports all types of servers and databases
 Brings systems together
9) What is a workspace in Pega?
In Pega Workspace is defined as an environment and it consists of different features and tools
to help human resources in executing their assigned tasks smoothly. There are different
workspaces available in Pega that support the development and managing of web-based
Pega comes with four role-based Workspaces called studios:

 Dev Studio
 App Studio
 Admin Studio
 Prediction Studio

10) What is meant by Classes in Pega?

Pega platform supports rules reuse between applications and use cases. Rules reuse helps in
simplifying the work for developers and improves app quality. Pega platform groups the
rules into a class based on their reusability within the application and each grouping is called
11) What are the different types of classes available in Pega?
In Pega each platform consists of 3 different classes and which are as follows:
1) Work Class: This class contains the rules to provide an approach to execute a case or
case. Examples of cases include user interfaces, data elements, and user interfaces.
2) Integration Class: This class describes the way an application interacts with other
3) Data Class: This class describes the data objects that have been used in an application.
12) Types of SLA?
SAL is one of the essential features available in Pega and stands for Service Level
Agreement. Following are the different types of SLA:

 Assignment SLA
 Case Level SLA:
 Stage Level SLA:
 Step level/Flow level SLA
13) What is the Page -Validate method?
The Page – Validate method is used to validate all the properties available on a page. This
method requires a lot of system resources and time taking. If in case a page contains
embedded pages this method works repeatedly to validate overall properties. Whenever you
want to validate any particular property on a page you need to use the obj-validate method.
14) What is the Property -Validate method?
The core aim of using the Property-validate method is to impose restrictions on a property
value. In order to impose any restriction on a property value, you are required to use the Edit
validate rule along with the Property validate method.
15)What is meant by the page list property?
A Page list property is an embedded list of ordered pages and referenced by a numeric script.
This method is helpful for storing the lists of data.
16) What is a “Page Group” Property?
The Page Group property is quite opposite to the Page list property and contains an unordered
list of pages referenced by a string subscript. This is the best way to look into the pages
by unique identity number.
17) What is a Work Object in Pega?
A Work object in Pega is defined as a primary unit of task completion in an application and
also a collection of data. In general, whenever application functions, the work objects are
created, modified, and closed. In Pega, each work object is assigned with a unique ID,
urgency level, and final status.
18) What do you know about SLA?
In Pega, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) feature has been used to set a deadline for work
completion. This feature enables the organization in making the employees focus on the task
at hand and to gain on-time performance.
19) What is Pega DCO?
In Pega, DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objects and is considered an essential component
for the success of any object. It is a process to capture, organize and store business data by
using the Prga Integrated solution. The DCO consists of different components and tools
required to collect and organize application information.
20) Name a few tools used by DCO to automate work?
 Case Lifecycle Manager
 New Application Wizard
 Application profiler
 Document generation
 Effort estimation
 Specification documents

21) What is the use of Layouts?

Layouts are one of the essential components of Pega and help you organize UI elements on
the screen.
22) Name a few layouts available in Pega?
Following are the different types of layouts available in Pega to create a user interface for
your application:

 Dynamic Layout
 Column Layout
 Layout group
 Dynamic Layout group
 Repeating dynamic layout
 Navigational tree layout
 Screen layout
 Table layout

23) Define Ruleset in Pega?

In Pega, a ruleset is defined as a packaging or grouping of rules for distribution as a part of an
application. A ruleset usually identifies, stores, and manages a set of rules.
24) What is an Access Group?
In Pega access group is defined as a set of permission within an application. Pega platform
makes use of this permission for different uses which include external system access,
operators, and background processes.
25) What is Case Management?
Case management is an approach to deliver goal-oriented results by effectively handling
business cases from prevailing to result in phases by combining human actions with digital
26) Define the Decision tree rule in Pega?
In the Pega platform, the decision tree feature helps in handling logic actions when you
execute a set of test conditions. Decision trees help the users in evaluating easily against
different properties and conditions.
27) Explain the worklist in Pega?
Worklists in Pega are a list of open assignments that are waiting for a user to execute them.
28) What is a work basket in Pega?
Workbasket is a queue of overall assignments that can be accessible by participants who have
connections to the basket through their work Group.
29) Define Forward & Backward chaining in Pega?
Forward Chaining: This can be executed whenever the value of source property changes.
For instance: 5 =2+3. Here the source property is 5.
Final Thoughts:
With this we have come to the end of this frequently asked Pega interview questions and
answers blog. BPM has become an internal part of almost all organizations to improve
processes and achieve greater results. BPM tools have been changing the business landscape
in managing projects and partnerships. Pega has been constantly coming up with new features
to match the modern business process requirements and remain in the leader position with
innovativeness. All the very best for your next interview and happy reading!
1)What Is The Difference Between List view And Summary view ?

A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting summary counts, totals

or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing users to click a row to drill down to

supporting detail for that row.

Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use of AJAX for pop-

up Smart Info windows.

A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. This rule type is

part of the Reports category.

A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a report. Users can

personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.

Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.

2)How To Call A List View From An Activity?

In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list view rule.

3)What Is Paging In A Listview?

To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records to be displayed in

a page.

4)Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?

We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.

But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the Content tab.

5)What the class of getContent Activity?

Embed-ListParams class.
6) What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?

getContent Activity

7)How to customize the get Content Activity?

Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page

Step2: write a query and store in variable.

Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView

Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams

Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from previous activity

Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is

Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not available it creates

the new Content Page.

In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this query and above

created ContentPage as parameters to this tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query,

pagename) method.

8)How do we fetch the data from two different tables with out using two

different tables?

Write a database View. In this view logically combine the Two different tables.

Create class for this logically combined Table.

Write the List View. Applies to class is class of the Combined table. So we can refer the

properties of both the tables in list view.

9)Explain the operation of Activity-End method?

Use the Activity-End method to cause the system to End the current activity and all calling


Ex: if Alpha calls Beta, which calls Gamma, which calls Delta, which performs the Activity-End

method, all four activities are ended.

10) Explain about Exit-Activity method?

The Exit-Activity method ends the current activity and returns control to the calling activity.

11) Explain about Page-Copy method?

Page-Copy method is used to copy the contents of a source clipboard page to a new or

previously created destination clipboard page. The source page is not altered.

After this method completes, the destination page contains properties copied from the

source page, and can contain additional properties from a model.

12) Explain about Page-New method?

The Page-New method is used to create a page on the clipboard. The new page may be a

top-level page or an embedded page.

We can identify a model to initialize the newly created page. The model can set values for

one or more properties.

13) Explain about Page-Remove method?

Page-Remove method is used to delete one or more pages from the clipboard. The contents

of the database are not affected.

14) Explain about Page-Set-Messages method?

Use the Page-Set-Messages method to add a message to a clipboard page. Like a message

associated with a property, a message associated with a page normally prevents the page

from being saved into the database.

15) Explain about Property-Set-Message?

Property-Set-Message method is used to associate a text message with a property or a step

page. The system reads the appropriate property and adds the message to the page. We

can provide the entire literal text of the message, or reference a message rule key that in

turn contains message text. (Rule-Message rule type).

16) Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTable method?

Use the Property-Map-DecisionTable method to evaluate a decision table rule and save the

result as the value of a property.

17) Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTree method?

The Property-Map-DecisionTree method is used to evaluate a decision tree rule (Rule-

Declare-DecisionTree rule type) and store the result as the value of a property.

18) Explain about Property-Map-Value?

The Property-Map-Value method evaluates a one-dimensional map value (Rule-Obj-

MapValue rule type) defined in the parameter. The method sets the result as a value for a

Single Value property.

The related method Property-Map-ValuePair works similarly for two-dimensional map

19) Explain about Property-Remove method?

Property-Remove method is used to delete a property or properties and its associated value

from the step page or another specified page. This does not affect the property rule, its


20) Explain about Property-Set method?

Property-Set method is used to set the value of one or more specified properties.

21) Explain about Show-HTML method?

The Show-HTML method is used to cause the activity to process an HTML rule and send the

resulting HTML to a user for display by Internet Explorer. This may involve the interpretation

of JSP tags (or the older directives), which can access the clipboard to obtain property

values, or can insert other HTML rules, and so on.

22) Explain about Show-Page method?

The Show-Page method is used to send an XML representation of the step page to a user’s

Internet Explorer browser session, as an aid to debugging.

Note: Use Show-Page and Show-Property only for debugging.

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