CE 467-Mid-04-2012

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Answer all Questions: -

( a) Define Total Disolved Solids, it's sources and impacts?
(b ) Determine the daily requirement in kilograme of alum, lime and
polyelectrolyte to coagulate a flow of 38600 m3/d, if the result of the jar test
indicated optimum coagulation when 1 liter of water was dosed with 5ml of a
10 g/L alum solution ,2 ml of a 10 g/L suspension of lime and 0.3 mg/L of a
commercial polyelectrolyte

(c ) Small solid particles with avarage diameter of 0.04 mm, are settling in water
with temperature of 15 ºC. Determine the particles settling velocity if the
specific gravity for the particles is 1.1.
Hint: vs = g.d2.(s.g -1 ) / 18µ and Re = vs.d / µ
At 15 ºC µ = 1.146 × 10-6 m2/s
( d ) a) A small town with population of 80000 persons. The watre company
records indicate that the peak rate of water consumption is 250 L/c.d. The water
sources is surface water contains 2800 mg/l of total solids (TS) . The standards
for drinking water not more than 500 mg/l .This watre is treated in treatment plant
equiped with circular sedimentation tanks with surface over flow rate of 20 m/d
and depth of 3m. May assume the efficincy removal of 85%. Determine the
i- The actual concentration of TS in the effluent.
ii- The number and dimensions of required tanks
(a ) A settling analysis is run for water. The column is 1.8 m deep, and data are
shown below.
Time, min 0.0 60 80 100 130 200 240 420
Conc, mg/L 300 189 180 168 156 111 78 27
What will be theoretical removal efficiency in a settling basin with a loading rate
(vo ) of 25 m/d?
Hint : XT = 100 – Xo + ( 1/VS ) * ∫ V.dX ,or, XT = 1- Xo + x . vt / vo

( b ) A filter plant is to be constructed to process 75,500 m3/d. Pilot plant analysis
on mixed media indicates that a filtration rate of 15 m/h will be acceptable.
Assuming a surface configuration of approximately 5 × 8 m. How many
filter units will be required? Allow one unit out of service for backwashing.
( c ) Briefly explain the first step in operation of low rate sand filters?

(a ) Water treatment plant use coagulation processes to aid sedimentation process
. The used sedimentation tank has the following characterstics ;
Character Value
Liquid temperature 20 C
Drag coefficient CD 1.7
Paddle velocity Vp 0.60 m /s
Velocity gradient G 60 s-1
Volume of mixing basin 3000 m3
Determine : 1- The power requirement for the system in kW .
2 - The paddle area necessary for completion the
coagulation process , if the velocity of the paddle relative to
the water is 75% .
Hint: G = ( P / Vµ )1/2 Where; G = velocity gradient ,s-1 ; P = power input
,W(N.m/s) ; µ =viscosity N.s/m2, P = CD Ap ρ v3p /2, Where; Ap =area
of the paddle blades, m2; v = paddle velocity m/s ; ρ = 998.2
3 -3 2
kg/m , µ = 1.009 × 10 N.s/m

(b) A flocculator paddle of the dsign and dimensions shown below is rotated
through water at 20 C with angular speed (ω ) of 4.0 r/min.

i- How much power is dissipated into the water ?
ii- If the tank in which this paddle is rotating has the dimensions of 4×4×4 m
and the flow through the tank is 5000 m3/d.Determine the Gt value for the
Hint: Use necessary data from problem(a) and vp = Π D m/rev × ω and
D is the depth of paddle (2m)
( c ) In which circumstances, the coagulation- flocculation operation is needed in
water treatment processes?
‫(أ) ما هي أكثر الكلوريدات انتشا ار في الماء؟ و ماهي مصادرها و أهم التغيرات التي تط أر على جودة المياه‬
‫نتيجة لزيادة تركيزها؟‬

(a) A city draws its water supply from large open reservoir. The water has uniform
quality throughout the year. It has a turbidity ranging from 20 to 50 units, and its
maximum hardness is less than 100 mg/L as CaCO3. Refractory organics are not a
problem and the TDS is low.
Draw a sequential schematic diagram of treatment plant that may be used to render
this water potable . Identify each unit and briefly state its purpose. Show points of
chemical additions and identify the chemicals.

(b) An experimental filter consists of 2 m depth of uniform sand with diameter

of 0.85 mm and shape factor φ of 0.70 . The porosity of the bed is 0.35 and the
specific gravity of the sand is 2.65. Determine the head loss throug the bed to
maintain a flow of water through the bed at a flow rate of 10 m/h. The water
temperature is 20 C.
Hint : hf = -f L ( 1 – e ) Vs2 / e3 g φ dp Where; hf =friction loss through bed of particles
of uniform size dp ,m . L = depth of the filter ,m . e = porosity of bed. Vs =
filtering velocity m/s . g = gravitonal acceleration , m/s2. dp = diameter of
(1−𝑒 )
filter media grains ,m . φ =shape factor . - f = 150 + 1.75 ,
Re = φ ρw Vs .d /µ , ρw = 998.2 kg/m3, µ = 1.002 × 10 -3 N.s/m2 × kg.m/s2. N

(c ) Mention the important measures could be taken to better provide

safe drinking water to the consumers.

( d ) Mention the types and sources of waste generated by water treatment plants?
(e ) What the best way to minimize the sludge generation from treatment
(f) Explain the procedures of (QA/QC) in water quality management?

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