3rd Quarter - 10 MAPEH STE

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San Jose City National High School

San Jose City

NAME _________________________ SCORE: MUSIC ____________
GRADE & SEC. ___________________________ ARTS ____________
DATE __________________________________ PE ____________
HEALTH _____________
I. Direction: Read each question and select the corresponding letter of the correct answer from
the given choices. Write your answer in the space provided.
_______1. Who among those foreigners colonized our country with their inevitable musical styles?
A.Africans B. Asian & American C.Australians D.European & American
_______2. Which Filipino composers is known to be famous for his musical performance using
mouth-blown leaves?
A.George Canceco B.Levi Celerio C.Lucio San Pedro D.Mike Velarde Jr.
_______3. How would you distinguish the Filipino spirit in its composition?
A. By incorporating indigenous instruments
B. By incorporating traditional music form
C. By incorporating indigenous rhythm
D. All of the above
_______4. What is the Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung
scenes, the latter incorporating operatic and popular songs as well as dance?
A.Harana B.Kundiman C. Romantic Song D.Zarzuela
_______5. Among the contemporary composers, he was one of the 20th-century composers and
best-known for his compositions “Mutya ng Pasig and Magbalik ka Hirang”.
A. Lucio San Pedro C. Ramon Santos
B. Nicanor Abelardo D. Ryan Cayabyab
_______6. Who is the famous traditional Filipino composer and the so-called “Father of
A. Antonio Molina C. Francisco Santiago
B.Francisco Buenaventura D. Levi Celerio
_______7. How would you describe the difference between traditional and Contemporary
A.Blurry characteristics and undefined
B. Focusing on vocals and tonality
C. Traditional music focuses on social function while contemporary focus on
how the music is combined and integrated with technology.
D. Refers to the old and modern
_______8. In theoretical ideas, how could you explain contemporary music?
A.We can create our own style and identity in Philippine music.
B.We cannot get the idea of other countries.
C.We don’t have any style of music today.
D.We have still adopted the different style of Western Music
_______9. How would you reflect on your understanding of the contemporary Music of the
A. Adding to my knowledge and keeping it to myself only.
B. Creating my own composition of that style of music.
C. Exploring another genre of Philippine music.
D. Sharing my ideas with my classmates, friends, and family members.
_______10. Who was the father of Impressionist music and fascinated with the work of Debussy?
A.Antonio Molinao C.Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Felician D.Nicanor Abelardo
_______11. Which Filipino composer was awarded “Outstanding
Composer “ and passed away on October 16, 1952?
A. Francisco Buencamino Sr. C. Ryan Cayabyab
B.Ramos Santos D.Lucio San Pedro
_______12. How could you make a clear view of the characteristics of photography?
A. By taking consideration of the presence of light
B. The grade of lenses
C. The kind of photo paper
D.Using different colors
_______13. How would you find photography as an art?
A. Creating output for profit C.Entertainment/just for fun
B. Discovering secrets D. Expressing one’s personality
_______14. What is your impression of the synonym of photography as communication?
A.An image recorded by a camera shows a sense of originality.
B. It can be used as evidence in a court of law by showing details, and
C. It captures the image objectively resulting in photograph
D. Photography is viewed as being more than just beautiful.
_______15. What of George Tapan’s work was awarded as the 1st place winning image in the
2011 National Geographic Photo Contest?
A. Into the Blue Zone C. Into the Purple Zone
B. Into the Green Zone D. Into the Red Zone
_______16. How would you describe the 1st place winning image of George Tapan?
A. it has a clear body of water
B.It has a clear body of water, a rainbow d
and fisherman paddling on the side
C.It has fisherman paddling on the side
D. It has a rainbow backgroun
_______17. What do you call the organization that aims to create an identity for the Philippines
within the animation industry?
A.Animahinasyon C.Philippine Animation
B. Animation Council of the Philippines Inc D. Pixel Inc.
________18. How would you describe the style of a subject that seems to be the favorite
photograph of John K. Chua?
A. Arial view B. Ground view C. Landscape D. Seascape
________19. Which one of the following roles is the best character of a film director?
A.Arranges the location, scenery, sets, lighting, costumes, and props.
B.Conceptualizes the scene, directs acting, and supervises cinematography.
C.Delivers lines naturally and believably.
D.Sequences and joins the precise section of the film.
________20. How would you differentiate the work of George Tapan from that of John K. Chua ?
A.George Tapan’s work is more on nature than John K Chua’s work
B.George Tapan’s work is more on the seaside view.
C. John K Chua’s work is more on aerial view while George Tapan is more on Nature
D.John K. Chua’s work is more realistic than George Tapan’s work.

________21.Among the activities below, what activity is considered sedentary?
A.hiking B.jogging C. running D.surfing in the internet
________22. How would you improve the lifestyle of people in Sitio Kamatakawan?
A. Emotional B. Moral C. Physical &social dimension D.Spiritual
________23. How would you address the lifestyle of the people of Sitio Kamatakawan?
A.The people of this community allowed their children to play outside.
B.The people of this community are lazy and gluttonous but respect and obedience to
elders are preserved.
C. The people of this community eat a balanced diet.
D. The people of this community have physical activity every Saturday.
________24. If you were a resident of Sitio Kamatakawan, what would you do to achieve fitness?
A.Enroll in a fitness gym.
B.Choose the most convincing advertisement to be fit.
C.Try the best diet pill taken by a popular artist.
D.Verify all the information and seek advice from a genuine fitness adviser.
________25. What possible step or movement that can be observed in identifying hip hop dance
A.Freezing and moonwalk B. hopping C.sway and jump D.stretching
________26. How would you compare Street dance to Hip hop dance?
A.Hip hop dance doesn’t need DJ, rapping, break dancing, and graffiti art
while street dance needs these elements.
B.Street dance and Hip hop dance styles both originated from black and
Puerto Rican youth in New York City during the early 1970s.
C.Street dance and Hip hop dance were dances for all ages.
D.Street dance is performed in the street while Hip hop is performed indoors.
________27. Warm-up and stretching are activities before dancing. How would you analyze the
impact of doing these activities?
A. By checking the increase body temperature
B. By developing motor fitness and endurance
C. By improving grace and proper execution
D. By minimizing risks of muscle and bone injuries
________28. After scrubbing the floor, student A felt weak. How will you assess the said activity?
A. Knowing that scrubbing is a moderately vigorous activity for student A.
B. Knowing that scrubbing is a very light activity for student A.
C. Knowing that scrubbing is a very vigorous activity for student A.
D. Knowing that scrubbing is a vigorous activity for student A.
________29. What is the best way to maintain healthy lifestyle?
A.Eat healthy food and perform recreational activities
B.Proper diet and exercise
C.Right exercise and travel
D.Sleep on time and relax
________30. How would you apply your talent in Hip hop and street dancing in your barangay?
A. Organize it and ask for a registration fee.
B.Organize it for boys and girls with disabilities.
C.Organize it for the seniors.
D. Organize it for those who benefit from this activity.
________31.What data are used to conclude that heart disease is still the number one cause of
death among Filipinos?
A. Filipinos are fond of media technology.
B. Filipinos are physically active.
C. Filipinos have an unhealthy lifestyle.
D. Filipino foods are rich in cholesterol.
________32. What is meant by Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide?
A.It provides you to learn what activity is best for you.
B.It provides you to learn what food is best for you.
C. It provides you to learn the result of your physical activity assessment.
D.It provides you to learn what time to practice is best for you.
________33. How would you show your understanding of the Filipino Pyramid activity
A. It is intended to be a guide that would help everyone select an activity
that best fits his lifestyle and health need.
B.It suggests you play bowling and playing golf in your leisure time.
C.The base of the Filipino Pyramid activity guide includes an activity that is
harder and inconvenient.
D.None of the above
________34. Why do you think Physical activity is important?
A. Because it can make your lifetime hobby.
B. Because it can sustain fitness.
C. Because it improves your way of life.
D.Because physically inactive makes a person have a risk factor of diseases.
________35. If you were about to explain RPE,how would you describe is the meaning of
A.Rate of Perceived Exertion C. Rate of Perseverance exertion
B.Rate of Perceived Extortion D. Ratio of perceived Exertion
________36. How would you explain the reason why dancing is a kind of recreational
A. Dancing as a part of our lifestyle that can surely sustain our hobby.
B. Dancing is a therapeutic refreshment or relaxation of one’s body and
C. It develops our physical, mental, social, and emotional health.
D. It helps us gain friends.

_________37. Among the Millennium Development Goals, which goal can improve the proper
nutrition of mothers?
A. Achieve universal primary educators.
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
C. Improve maternal health.
D. Promote gender equality and empower women
_________38.If you were the authority of your town, how would you eradicate poverty and
A. By giving more funds to the DSWD.
B. By having better nutrition programs for infants, children, and mothers
C. By practicing family planning and having fewer children.
D. By strengthening nutrition programs for children and infants.
________39. What action would you like to recommend to promote gender equality and empower
A. Increase access to sanitation.
B.Improve access to affordable medicine
C.Improve women’s access to work and strengthen labor policies for women.
D.Improve reproductive health programs and policies.
________40. Using what you have learned, how would you prevent HIV/AIDS disease?
A. Have better and improved access to hospital care especially Obstetrics-
gynecology, post natal care.
B. Increase access to sanitation.
C.Improve access to affordable medicine
D. Promote safer sex behavior and preventive education for all.
________41. Which statement is best-described malnutrition?
A. It is an excessive intake of food and nutrients.
B. It is the inability to absorb food.
C. It is the insufficient intake of food and nutrients.
D. It is the sufficient intake of nutritional foods.
________42. If you were given a chance to author for a law to prevent and control tobacco and
alcohol use, what provisions would you recommend?
A. Ban smoking and drinking alcohol in public places.
B. Promotes education, communication, training, and public awareness
about tobacco and alcohol.
C. Provide programs or projects to the youth regarding the harmful effect of
D. Provide a program that youth will become busy instead of smoking and
________43. Who are the concerned people in the government that can address health problems?
________44. How would you find the difference between communicable and non-communicable
A. Any disease transmitted from one person to another by direct or indirect
B. Any general tendency to change health concepts, information, skills,
and values.
C. Disease not transmitted through direct or indirect
D. Inflammation of the liver is caused by microorganisms or toxins.
________45. What is the reason why the government invests in and supports sustainable energy
like solar, wind, and water energy?
A. Because it assures people to live healthier and enjoy a clean and green
B. Because it improves housing conditions
C. Because it improves and supports proper nutrition
D. Because it supports and creates jobs.
________46. Which one of the following statements is relevant to eradicating global health
problems in the future regarding communicable and non-communicable diseases?
A.Prevent and control the use of tobacco and alcohol globally
B.Provide funds to fight communicable and non-communicable diseases.
C.Provide funds to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria
D. Strengthen children’s immunization and vaccines
________47. What MDG stands for?
A. Millenial Development Goals C. Millennium Development Goals
B. Minute Developmental Guide D. Millennium Developmental Goals
________48. What would be the impact of health issues and concerns if people can not address
them appropriately?
A. Lack education and gender disparity
B. The world will be polluted and experience climate change.
C. These cause poverty, malnutrition, and diseases.
D. All of the above
________49. What International Agency below is the primary international body responsible for
developing leadership in health, setting norms and standards, and providing health
support among nations around the world?
A. International Red Cross C. World Health Organization
B. World Bank D. United nations
________50. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations aims to strengthen children’s
Immunization programs, especially in developing countries. What specific program would
you select to be an effective initiative?
A.Creating recreational parks for children children
B. Promoting vaccination to all
C.Providing feeding program
D. Strengthening reading program

Prepared by: Quality assured by: Noted:


Teacher III Head Teacher III Principal IV

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