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Today April 5, 2023 Wednesday my 4 th day in immersion 6.40am I entered at

school campus and I first meet my classmate in the hut that we waited, and after
a few minutes I looked at my cellphone its already 7:20am, and I said goodbye to
my classmate I and entered in my perspectives classroom. First I greet to maam
Geraldine then I put my things on my table.and after a few minutes Maam gave
us syllables and I thought that I wanted to teach the little students to read so I
called them and asked them to gather around me then after that Maam started to
teach also, she pasted a visual aid infront and started teaching it to the students
also and I also helped maam in teaching the continuation of the lesson.Maam left
us and we had nothing to do so the students started being noisy,So I told them I
will punish whoever is noisy and I will asked them to read individually, So
someone became noisy so I asked him to read the visual aid while I point where
he read. All the other student learned to not be noisy because they don’t wanna
be punish so they became quiet. It was finally time when maam came back and
maam handed out the modules for the student to answer because they are not
going to be having a class for a few days. It was half day that day so everyone
went home at 10:30 am including me.

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