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Enhancing the Force–Velocity Profile of Athletes Using Weightlifting


Article in Strength and Conditioning Journal · February 2017

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000275


95 39,652

3 authors:

Timothy J. Suchomel Paul Comfort

Carroll University University of Salford


Jason Lake
University of Chichester


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Accentuated Eccentric Loading in Back Squats View project

Catch phase force-time characteristics of weightlifting exercises and their derivatives View project

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Enhancing the Force–
Velocity Profile of
Athletes Using Weight-
lifting Derivatives
Timothy J. Suchomel, PhD, CSCS*D,1 Paul Comfort, PhD, CSCS*D,2 and Jason P. Lake, PhD3
Department of Human Movement Sciences, Carroll University, Waukesha, Wisconsin; 2Directorate of Sport, Exercise
and Physiotherapy, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom; and 3Department of Sport and
Exercise Sciences, University of Chichester, Chichester, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT (106), powerlifting (51), and kettlebell the manipulation of the sets and rep-
exercise (71). This is likely due to the etitions. Ebben et al. (31,32) investi-
similarities between the rate and pat- gated the effects of a 6-week
tern of hip, knee, and ankle triple exten- plyometric training program on the
PLEMENTED IN A SEQUENCED development of lower-body explo-
sion that occur during weightlifting
PROGRESSION THROUGHOUT siveness. In addition to the manipula-
movements and sport skills such as ver-
THE TRAINING YEAR TO OPTIMIZE tion of sets and repetitions, these
tical jumping (7,8,36,52,53,81), sprint-
THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ATH- studies programmed exercises within
ing (52), and change of direction
LETE’S STRENGTH, RATE OF periodized programs to vary the
tasks (52), as well as the ability to pro-
FORCE DEVELOPMENT, AND intensity of the training stimulus.
vide an overload stimulus (95). In addi-
POWER OUTPUT. WEIGHTLIFTING Regarding squat movements, the
tion, it has been suggested that
MOVEMENTS AND THEIR DERIVA- exercise stimulus may be varied based
weightlifting movements may be used
TIVES CAN BE PROGRAMMED to train the muscular strength that is on the depth and variation of the
EFFECTIVELY BY CONSIDERING required during impact tasks, such as squat (49) as well as the load that is
THEIR FORCE–VELOCITY CHAR- jump landing (68). As a result, many prescribed. Ultimately, this will mod-
ACTERISTICS AND PHYSIOLOGI- ify the force–velocity characteristics
practitioners implement weightlifting
CAL UNDERPINNINGS TO MEET of the training stimulus, but may
movements and their derivatives into
THE SPECIFIC TRAINING GOALS enable the full development of the
resistance training programs for ath-
OF RESISTANCE TRAINING PHA- athlete’s force–velocity profile. Pre-
letes (95). The proper implementation
SES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE vious literature has indicated that the
and progression of resistance training
TYPICAL APPLICATION OF PERIO- combination of heavy and light loads
exercises throughout the training year
DIZED TRAINING PROGRAMS. with different exercises, and during
facilitates the optimal development of work sets, warm-up sets, and warm-
the force–velocity profile of athletes down sets with the same exercise,
INTRODUCTION (22,23), which has been suggested to enables the full development of the
eightlifting movements (i.e., be an important aspect regarding ath- athlete’s force–velocity profile (38).

W full lifts including the snatch,

clean and jerk) and their de-
rivatives (i.e., variations that omit part
letic performance (4,69,83). Thus,
information that may assist practi-
tioners when it comes to programming
Although information on how to
impact an athlete’s force–velocity
profile using plyometrics and other
of the full lift) have been shown to pro- exercises to optimally develop these
vide a superior lower extremity train- characteristics would be beneficial.
ing stimulus compared with other Previous research has investigated
forms of training including jumping resistance training; rate of force devel-
the training effects of various resis-
opment; power output; periodization;
Address correspondence to Dr. Timothy J. tance training methods; however,
power clean; snatch
Suchomel, limited information exists beyond

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Enhancing Athlete Force–Velocity Profiles

forms of resistance training exists movements easier for athletes to learn hang power clean/snatch. This is due
(3,10,20,64), less information exists due to fewer technical components and to the decreased displacement of the
on the implementation of weightlift- (b) may reduce injury potential due to external load during each movement.
ing movements and their derivatives. the relatively neutral position of the In contrast, the high velocity end of
Traditionally, weightlifting movements shoulders, elbows, and wrists during the force–velocity curve features
and their derivatives are programmed the second pull phase (89). To properly weightlifting derivatives that are
into resistance training programs program weightlifting movements and more ballistic in nature and typically
where the athletes usually perform their derivatives, additional informa- use lighter loads. The placement of
tion is needed. The purpose of this the jump shrug and hang high pull on
the catch phase of the movement.
review is to discuss the sequenced the force–velocity curve is supported
Although previous research supports
implementation of weightlifting de- by previous research demonstrating
the notion that weightlifting catching
rivatives in resistance training pro- that the jump shrug (104,105) and the
derivatives may train an athlete’s ability
grams based on their force–velocity hang high pull (104) produced higher
to “absorb” a load during impact activ-
characteristics for the optimal devel- velocities compared with the hang
ities (68), more recent studies indicate
opment of the rate of force develop- power clean. Moreover, previous
that weightlifting pulling derivatives
ment (RFD) and power characteristics research also indicates that these
that exclude the catch phase may pro-
of athletes. exercises may be best prescribed
duce a similar or greater load absorp-
using lighter loads to maximize
tion stimulus (i.e., loading work, mean
power and velocity (60,92,94,102–
force, and duration) following the sec- WEIGHTLIFTING DERIVATIVE
FORCE–VELOCITY CURVE 105). Additional research also sup-
ond pull compared with weightlifting
Figure 1 illustrates the theoretical ports the placement of the power
catching derivatives (17,99). Moreover,
relationship between force and veloc- clean, power clean from the knee, and
further research has demonstrated that
ity with special consideration to midthigh power clean based on the
weightlifting pulling derivatives pro- 1RM (i.e., greater force or less force)
duce comparable (11,12) or greater weightlifting derivatives. The high
force end of the force–velocity that may be achieved for each
(60,102,104,105) force, velocity, and exercise (56).
power characteristics during the sec- curve features weightlifting de-
ond pull compared with weightlifting rivatives that develop the largest Although Figure 1 displays the general
movements that include a catch ele- forces due to the loads that can be force–velocity characteristics of
ment. Although the complete removal used. For example, previous literature weightlifting catching and pulling de-
of weightlifting catching derivatives is has indicated that the midthigh rivatives, the load used during each
not being suggested, the integration of pull (14,16,26,55), countermovement exercise may influence its position on
weightlifting pulling derivatives into shrug (25), pull from the knee (29), the force–velocity curve. For example,
resistance training programs should and pull from the floor (27,39,110) the midthigh pull is highlighted as the
be considered for the comprehensive tend to enable the use of loads in weightlifting derivative that enables the
development of an athlete’s force– excess of the athlete’s 1RM power or use of the heaviest loads (e.g., 140%
velocity profile, as elimination of the
catch phase permits the use of greater
loads (i.e., greater forces) (14,16,39)
and potentially greater velocities
(95,101). By using higher loads (i.e.,
.100% 1 repetition maximum [RM]
clean/snatch) during the pulling de-
rivatives, it is likely that greater in-
creases in strength may occur (2,88,89).
Although the use of weightlifting
movements typically results in a low
injury rate (44), previous literature
indicated that training exclusively with
the full weightlifting movements
involving the catch may result in
a greater potential for injury (63,82).
An additional benefit of the pulling
derivatives is the reduced technical
demand (i.e., removal of the catch
phase), which may (a) make the Figure 1. Force–velocity (power) curve with respect to weightlifting derivatives.

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1RM of power clean) as indicated by using seamless and sequential pro- output. A similar approach may be
Comfort et al. (14,16). However, the gramming (21,24). Figure 2 presents taken when prescribing weightlifting
same studies indicated that velocity a more detailed proposal of how load derivatives. Because certain weight-
was maximized with the lightest load may affect the force–velocity charac- lifting derivatives place greater
(i.e., 40% 1RM power clean), demon- teristics of the weightlifting derivatives emphasis on either force or velocity, it
strating that by manipulating the load, described in Figure 1 that may aid seems that a sequential progression
the exercise may change its position on strength and conditioning practitioners and combination of weightlifting de-
the force–velocity curve. On the when it comes to implementing them rivatives may benefit the athlete when
opposite end of the force–velocity in training. it comes to developing RFD and
curve, the jump shrug is highlighted power. Moreover, the technique
as the weightlifting derivative that PERIODIZATION MODEL FOR learned/refined during earlier training
maximizes velocity (92,104). Despite WEIGHTLIFTING DERIVATIVES phases may facilitate increases in the
its potential to produce greater peak Previous literature has suggested that load used for each exercise.
forces compared to the hang high pull a seamless and sequential progression While much of the comparative litera-
and hang power clean (102,104), using of training phases facilitates the optimal ture indicates that a true block period-
the jump shrug to develop speed– development of the athlete’s force– ization model may provide superior
strength characteristics may be pref- velocity profile (22,23,38,67,84,85,112). training outcomes for individual sport
erential to other exercises considering This approach, which utilizes phase athletes (22), it should be noted that
that higher velocities have been re- potentiation, is often found in models weightlifting derivatives may also be im-
ported at the same or similar loads that use conjugate sequential pro- plemented effectively with team sport
compared with the hang high pull, gramming (i.e., sequenced develop- athletes using a multilevel block model
hang power clean, clean pull from the ment and emphasis of fitness such as those discussed by Zatsiorsky
floor, and midthigh pull. Concurrently, characteristics through block periodi- (113), Verkhoshansky and Tatyan
using the midthigh pull to develop zation) (21,24,84,85). Using similar (109), and Bondarchuk (6). Using these
maximal strength qualities may be concepts described in the literature training models, various attributes of
preferential to other exercises as (67,112), increases in work capacity athletes may be developed simulta-
research has examined loads upward to and muscle cross-sectional area pro- neously while avoiding any potential in-
140% 1RM (14,16), which would duced during a strength–endurance creases in training volume that may
enhance high force production capac- phase will enhance an athlete’s abil- result in an accumulation in fatigue.
ity. Although the previous information ity to increase their muscular strength
outlines just 2 examples, additional in subsequent training phases. From RESISTANCE TRAINING PHASIC
literature has described the versatility here, increases in muscular strength PROGRESSION
of weightlifting derivatives through will then enhance an athlete’s potential Each resistance training phase has
a properly developed training plan to improve their RFD and power its own unique characteristics that

Figure 2. Proposed guidelines for the force–velocity characteristics of weightlifting derivatives with respect to load. Blue 5 studied
loads; red 5 hypothetical loads; gray area 5 comparable force–velocity characteristics at given load ranges.

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Enhancing Athlete Force–Velocity Profiles

include specific goals, set and repeti- Table 1

tion schemes, and loads. However, Example strength–endurance training block using relative intensities
another aspect that must be consid- based on attainable loads for sets and repetitions
ered is the selection of exercises to
meet the training goals of each resis- Week Objective Volume Day 1 (%) Day 2 (%) Day 3 (%)
tance training phase. Although core 1 Strength–endurance 3 3 10 85 85 75–77.5
exercises such as squatting, pressing,
and pulling movements may be pre- 2 Strength–endurance 3 3 10 90 90 80
scribed in every training phase, the 3 Strength–endurance 3 3 10 92.5 92.5 80–82.5
characteristics of each weightlifting
The loads prescribed represent relative intensities based on the set and repetition config-
derivative depicted in Figure 1 may urations as discussed by Stone and O’Bryant (86) and DeWeese et al. (23).
lead practitioners to prescribe cer-
tain derivatives in specific training Day 1 (push emphasis): back squat, overhead press, barbell lunges, and bench press.
phases. Specifically, the biomechan- Day 2 (pull emphasis): clean grip pull to knee (clean grip pull to knee performed for 3 3 5
ical and physiological characteristics throughout block to maintain technique integrity; clean grip/snatch grip pull from the floor
of each weightlifting derivative may may be substituted with advanced athletes using cluster sets of 2 or 5 repetitions to maintain
technique integrity), clean grip shoulder shrug, stiff-legged deadlift, and pull-ups.
indicate that certain derivatives
should be prescribed during certain Day 3 (push–pull combo): snatch grip shoulder shrug, front squat, incline bench press, and
training phases to meet the training dumbbell step-ups.
goals of each phase. A recent article
discussed the implementation of
weightlifting derivatives when devel- example, performing 3 sets of 10 rep- the example training blocks may follow
oping sprint speed (21). The authors etitions of the back squat at 90% is a return to fitness training period
noted that specific derivatives based on 90% of the athlete’s 10RM (typically 1–2 weeks), where large
should be implemented during the back squat. It should also be noted that emphases are placed on exercise
general preparation, special prepara- lighter intensities were prescribed on technique and recovery in preparation
tion, early–midseason, and mid–late- day 3 of each table to allow for ade- for the subsequent training blocks.
season phases of training to achieve quate recovery and the reduced chance
optimal adaptations of strength, of accumulated fatigue and over- STRENGTH–ENDURANCE
RFD, and power while training training (23), but also to ensure that The strength–endurance phase is
through specific joint angles that are a variety of power outputs would be characterized by a high volume of
characteristic to different phases of used resulting in positive adaptations to repetitions (usually 8–12) in exercises
sprinting. the power–load spectrum (48,72). that use moderately heavy loads (;55–
Lastly, practitioners should note that 75% 1RM) (86). The goals of this
The following paragraphs will discuss
the characteristics of strength–
endurance, maximal strength, absolute Table 2
strength, strength–speed, and speed– Example maximal strength training block using relative intensities based on
strength resistance training phases attainable loads for sets and repetitions
and the recommended weightlifting
derivatives to prescribe in each training Week Objective Volume Day 1 (%) Day 2 (%) Day 3 (%)
phase for the optimal development of 4 Maximal strength 335 87.5 87.5 75–77.5
an athlete’s force–velocity profile based
on the biomechanical and physiologi- 5 Maximal strength 335 90 90 77.5–80
cal characteristics of each exercise. 6 Absolute strength 335 95 95 80–82.5
Examples of strength and power
7 Maximal strength 335 82.5 82.5 75–77.5
development programming using
phase potentiation are displayed in The loads prescribed represent relative intensities based on the set and repetition config-
Tables 1–5. It should be noted that the urations as discussed by Stone and O’Bryant (86) and DeWeese et al. (23).
loads displayed in each table represent Day 1 (push emphasis): front squat, overhead press, barbell split squat, and incline bench
relative intensities based on the specific press.
set and repetition configurations as
Day 2 (pull emphasis): clean grip midthigh pull, clean grip pull from floor, glute–ham raises,
described by previous literature (23,86). and bent over row.
Using this method of load prescription,
the load percentage is based off of Day 3 (push–pull combo): snatch grip midthigh pull, back squat, bench press, and reverse
a RM for each individual exercise. For

4 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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Table 3 floor, thigh, and knee and clean/
Example transition to absolute strength training block using relative snatch grip shoulder shrugs), that
intensities based on attainable loads for sets and repetitions recruit large amounts of muscle mass
during a high volume strength–
Week Objective Volume Day 1 (%) Day 2 (%) Day 3 (%) endurance phase may result in posi-
8 Maximal strength 535 87.5 87.5 75–77.5 tive adaptations in aerobic power and
body composition, but would also
9 Maximal strength 335 92.5 92.5 80 meet many basic requirements for the
10 Absolute strength 335 95–97.5 95–97.5 82.5 preparation of strength–power ath-
letes. Based on these findings and the
11 Maximal strength–strength– 333 80–82.5 80–82.5 75 goals of a strength–endurance phase,
the weightlifting derivatives recom-
The loads prescribed represent relative intensities based on the set and repetition config- mended for this phase are the clean/
urations as discussed by Stone and O’Bryant (86) and DeWeese et al. (23). snatch pull from the floor (27,39,110),
Day 1 (push emphasis): push press, back squat, bench press, and squat and press. pull to the knee (28), and clean/
snatch grip shoulder shrug. The
Day 2 (pull emphasis): midthigh power clean, clean grip pull from floor, stiff-legged deadlift, rationale for the inclusion of these
and pull-ups.
exercises is multifaceted. First, each
Day 3 (push–pull combo): snatch grip countermovement shrug, back squat, incline bench derivative serves as a foundational
press, and barbell split squat. exercise that enables the progression
to more complex weightlifting
movements. Without the ability to
training phase are to increase the ath- phase is likely to carry over into later complete the above exercises, the
lete’s overall work capacity and to training phases. Thus, it is important to technique of more complex de-
stimulate increases in muscle cross- implement exercises that serve as rivatives may not be completed effi-
sectional area. According to Minetti a foundation for future exercise ciently, potentially impacting the
(67) and Zamparo et al. (112), the progressions. stimulus of the exercise. Second, the
strength–endurance phase serves as Although foundational exercises such clean/snatch pull from the floor en-
a building block for subsequent resis- as squatting, pressing, and pulling varia- ables athletes to overload the triple
tance training phases. Specifically, the tions are typically implemented, only extension of the hips, knees, and an-
strength–endurance phase will one article has discussed the use kles without experiencing the addi-
enhance the athlete’s force production of weightlifting derivatives within tional stress and complexity of
(both magnitude and rate) character- a strength–endurance phase (75). Scala catching the load during every repe-
istics in subsequent training phases et al. (75) indicated that implementing tition as fatigue develops. Although
(22,23,85). In addition, the technique exercises, including weightlifting pulling the catch phase of certain weightlift-
learned during the strength–endurance derivatives (i.e., clean/snatch pull from ing derivatives may enable the athlete
to develop additional characteristics
(e.g., improvement in skeletal and soft
tissue characteristics (50,91), posi-
Table 4
tional strength, external load accep-
Example absolute strength training block using relative intensities based on
attainable loads for sets and repetitions tance, etc.), the high volume of
repetitions experienced during the
Week Objective Volume Day 1 (%) Day 2 (%) Day 3 (%) strength–endurance phase may lead
12 Absolute strength 533 85–87.5 85–87.5 75 to a deterioration in form due to acute
fatigue. Moreover, this decline in
13 Absolute strength 333 92.5 92.5 75–77.5 technique could alter catch phase
14 Absolute strength 333 95 95 80–82.5 mechanics and thus increase the
likelihood of injury or compression
15 Strength–speed 332 80–82.5 80–82.5 75 stress. Although declines in technique
The loads prescribed represent relative intensities based on the set and repetition config- during weightlifting catching derivatives
urations as discussed by Stone and O’Bryant (86) and DeWeese et al. (23). may be attenuated by using various
cluster set configurations with higher
Day 1 (push emphasis): push jerk, back squat, bench press, and parallel squat jumps.
repetitions (46), previous literature
Day 2 (pull emphasis): power clean, clean grip midthigh pull, and bent over row. indicated that may be necessary to
reduce the number of collisions with the
Day 3 (push–pull combo): midthigh power snatch, back squat, and push press.
bar, especially during heavy clean and

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Enhancing Athlete Force–Velocity Profiles

Table 5 1RM to be used due to a decreased

Example strength–speed and speed–strength training block using relative displacement of the load and the
intensities based on attainable loads for sets and repetitions elimination of the catch phase. Ulti-
mately, the use of heavier loads will
Week Objective Volume Day 1 (%) Day 2 (%) Day 3 (%) emphasize force production and train
16 Speed–strength 432 85 85 75 the high force end of the force–
velocity curve (Figure 1). Examples
17 Strength–speed 332 90 90 77.5 of maximal strength and transition
18 Speed–strength 232 82.5–85 82.5 75 training blocks are displayed in Ta-
bles 2 and 3, respectively.
The loads prescribed represent relative intensities based on the set and repetition config-
urations as discussed by Stone and O’Bryant (86) and DeWeese et al. (23).
Day 1: push jerk, back squat, bench press, and ¼ squat jumps. Although the maximal strength train-
ing block typically aims to increase the
Day 2: countermovement power clean and clean grip jump shrug.
athlete’s general strength characteris-
Day 3: countermovement power snatch, back squat, and push press. tics during moderate repetition
schemes (i.e., 4–6), the goals of an
absolute strength training block are to
jerks, to limit potential overuse injuries interrepetition rest period also provides improve the athlete’s low repetition
(82). Finally, the suggested derivatives the coach with the opportunity to pro- (i.e., 2–3) force production (both mag-
enable the development of important vide additional feedback to the athlete. nitude and rate) characteristics using
lower- and upper-body musculature near maximal loads (usually 90–95%
that will be used to enhance the MAXIMAL STRENGTH 1RM, although this can increase to
force–velocity profile during later Adaptations produced from the 120–140% 1RM with the pulling deriv-
training phases in tandem with core strength–endurance phase of train- atives). As new force production de-
exercises such as squatting, pressing, ing may enhance an athlete’s ability mands are placed on the athlete,
and pulling movements. An example to gain maximal strength (67,112). additional weightlifting derivatives
strength–endurance training block is The primary goal of the maximal may be prescribed to meet the training
displayed in Table 1. strength phase is to increase the goals of the absolute strength resis-
It should be noted that the athletic athlete’s force production capacity tance training phase. Weightlifting de-
population may dictate which weight- (5,89) using repetition schemes that rivatives featured in the previous
lifting movements are prescribed in include about 4–6 repetitions and resistance training phase, including
a strength–endurance training block. moderately heavy loads (usually 80– the clean/snatch pull from the floor,
For example, the clean/snatch pull 90% 1RM, although potentially clean/snatch pull from the knee, and
from the floor may only be incorpo- slightly higher with the pulling de- midthigh pull, will carry over into the
rated with an advanced athletic pop- rivatives). Based on the goals of the absolute strength resistance training
ulation whose movement mechanics maximal strength phase, practitioners phase. Although these derivatives
are more stable and resilient to fatigue. may shift their focus to exercises that enable the athlete to retain their capac-
As mentioned above, because of the emphasize force production. From ity for high force production, addi-
high volume of repetitions within each a biomechanical standpoint, the tional weightlifting derivatives that
exercise set, practitioners may consider amount of force that must be applied include a higher velocity may be pre-
prescribing cluster sets (i.e., exercise set to achieve the maximum potential scribed during warm-up and warm-
split into smaller sets of repetitions movement velocity will be maxi- down sets and on training days where
separated by rest intervals) of either mized by performing weightlifting relative intensities are prescribed to
2–5 repetitions for the clean/snatch movements that allow the heaviest lower the volume–load, while intro-
pull from the floor (e.g., 10 total rep- loads to be used. With this in mind, ducing or retaining a speed–strength
etitions 5 5 repetitions / 30-second a limitation to weightlifting catching characteristic. These might include
rest / 5 repetitions). Through the use derivatives is that the athlete cannot the hang power clean/snatch (93),
of cluster sets, athletes may maintain use loads greater than their 1RM. power clean/snatch, countermove-
their technique, force, and power out- However, this is not the case for ment shrug (25), countermovement
put in subsequent training phases that weightlifting pulling derivatives. The clean/snatch, midthigh clean/snatch
use heavier loads (39,46,47). This may clean/snatch pull from the floor (11,12,15), and the full clean and
also lead to high-quality work, (27,39,110), clean/snatch pull from snatch. The combination of heavy and
enhanced work capacity, and force the knee (29), and the clean/snatch moderate loads that enable a higher
production adaptations with a high vol- midthigh pull (14,16,26,55) all allow velocity also enables the athlete to train
ume of repetitions (107). Moreover, the for loads greater than the athlete’s the high force side in addition to

6 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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aspects of the high velocity side. This is may develop the high force end of the overcoming the inertia of the external
important during the absolute strength force–velocity curve. load from a static start (e.g., midthigh
phase as it enables the athlete to pull) and using the stretch-shortening
improve their force–velocity profile. SPEED–STRENGTH
cycle (e.g., jump shrug). This combina-
These adaptations will ultimately Explosive strength may be defined as tion will ultimately place varying neuro-
contribute to the athlete’s ability to the force development characteristics logical demands on the athlete, allowing
further develop impulse, RFD, and within the first 0–250 milliseconds of
them to optimize impulse, RFD, and
power characteristics (3). An absolute the concentric phase of a movement
power characteristics.
strength training block example is (1,65). The purpose of a speed–
strength resistance training phase is to Practitioners must also consider the
displayed in Table 4.
produce peak adaptations in RFD and loads implemented with each exercise
STRENGTH–SPEED power before competition. The adapta- within the speed–strength phase. To
The primary goals of the strength– tions and alterations in task specificity in optimize power adaptations, it has
speed training phase are to further the previous training phases enable been suggested that athletes should
increase RFD and power, while also athletes to progress in a desirable fashion train at the load that maximizes power
maintaining or potentially increasing to increase their speed–strength (i.e., output, the “optimal load” (54,111).
strength levels. Practitioners should explosiveness) (5,89,90). Specifically, in- Research has indicated that loads of
note the importance of maintaining or creases in rate coding due to increased approximately 70–80% 1RM may
continuing to develop maximal strength myelination, dendritic branching, and provide the optimal load for weight-
during the strength–speed phase due to doublets (30,108) may have resulted lifting catching derivatives such as the
its influence on an athlete’s sport per- because of the exposure of heavier loads power clean (13,18,19,78) and hang
formance and their fitness character- in the maximal strength, absolute power clean (53,57,78). However, sev-
istics including both RFD and power strength, and strength–speed training eral of these studies indicated that
(100). Because previous literature has phases. Additional adaptations in neural there were no statistical differences in
indicated that RFD and power are 2 of drive (40,42,70), inter- and possibly intra- power output between loads ranging
the most important characteristics muscular coordination (9,41,43,74), and from 50 to 90% 1RM (13,18,19,53,57).
regarding an athlete’s performance motor unit synchronization (76,77) may Research investigating the optimal
(4,69,83), it is important to prepare the also aid in the development of explosive load for weightlifting pulling de-
athlete to maximize these adaptations force–time characteristics. rivatives is limited because of the lack
using the previously discussed training Optimal adaptations in RFD and of criteria that indicates a successful
phases (22,23). Based on the phasic power may be achieved by implement- repetition (100). However, several
progression of resistance training pha- ing a wide variety of the previously studies have suggested that lighter
ses, increases in muscular strength (100) described weightlifting derivatives. loads (i.e., 30–45% 1RM hang power
and RFD (3) from the previous training Many of the previously described clean) may optimize training stimuli for
phases should, in theory, enhance the weightlifting derivatives may be pre- the jump shrug (60,92,102–105) and
athlete’s ability to augment their power scribed during the speed–strength hang high pull (94,102,104). Similarly,
characteristics. resistance training phase. However, Comfort et al. (14,16) indicated that
Regarding the programming of weight- the speed at which the movement is during midthigh clean pulls, loads
lifting derivatives during the strength– performed, and therefore the load, must ranging from 40 to 60% of power clean
speed phase, the enhancement of be considered. The jump shrug (97) and 1RM maximized power, similar to the
RFD and power characteristics may be hang high pull (96) are 2 of the most findings of Kawamori et al. (55).
achieved through the combination of ballistic weightlifting derivatives that Additional literature has indicated that
heavy and light loads. However, the may be highlighted in a speed–strength loads ranging 90–110% of the in-
emphasis within this phase of training is training phase (95). Similar to the dividual’s 1RM power clean (39) or full
to move relatively heavy loads quickly strength–speed phase, a combination of clean/snatch (33–35,73) may produce
to enhance RFD characteristics (21). heavy and light loaded derivatives the optimal training stimulus for
Using the derivatives displayed in Fig- should be implemented to optimize velocity and power adaptations during
ure 1, the midthigh clean/snatch RFD and power adaptations. Practi- the clean/snatch pull from the floor.
(11,12,15), countermovement clean/ tioners may consider implementing the Practitioners should however consider
snatch (93), and power clean/snatch combination of the midthigh pull or that the optimal load for power pro-
from the knee (15,98) may be used to clean/snatch pull from the floor and the duction may be specific to the joint,
develop the high velocity portion of the jump shrug and hang high pull to athlete plus load system, or the bar
force–velocity curve, whereas the power focus training on each extreme of the (66), may be altered based on the rel-
clean (13,19), clean and snatch pull from force–velocity curve (Figure 1). In ative strength of the athlete (87), and
the floor (27), clean and snatch pull from addition, the combination of the above may be impacted by movement pattern
the knee (29), and midthigh pull (26) exercises enables the athlete to simulate and the fatigue status of the athlete

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Enhancing Athlete Force–Velocity Profiles

(54). Although optimal loading studies 3 repetitions. In this scenario, the rela- catching and pulling derivatives may be
may provide practitioners with a base- tive intensity percentage is based off of used to develop the athlete’s force–
line for load prescription, it is suggested the 3RM for each individual exercise. velocity profile. A sequenced approach
that a range of loads should be pre- Based on the load(s) completed during should be taken when prescribing
scribed to train various aspects of an training, one may estimate the 1RM of weightlifting derivatives to meet the
athlete’s force–velocity profile (38). the individual, but may also estimate goals of each training phase.
Support for this contention comes loads that may be used during other Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
from a recent meta-analysis that dis- repetition schemes. Advantages to this The authors report no conflicts of interest
played that optimal loading zones ex- method of load prescription are that and no source of funding.
isted for a variety of lower-body the athletes do not have to perform
exercises (78). An example of a 1RM test and that this method can ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a strength–speed and speed–strength be used with any exercise. The authors thank Dr. Brad DeWeese
training block is displayed in Table 5. for his insight regarding the program-
STATIC VERSUS DYNAMIC ming of weightlifting derivatives in
LOAD PRESCRIPTION Certain weightlifting derivatives may
Two methods of load prescription be performed using weightlifting
can be used when implementing the training blocks or squat rack safety Timothy J.
weightlifting derivatives discussed in bars (e.g., midthigh pull, clean/snatch Suchomel is an
the previous paragraphs. Tradition- pull from the knee, and clean/snatch assistant profes-
ally, loads for weightlifting deriva- from the knee). It should be noted sor in the
tives may be prescribed based off of that the use of certain variations may Department of
the 1RM of each exercise. Although place different demands on the ath- Human Move-
this may still hold true for weightlift- lete. For example, a weightlifting ment Sciences at
ing catch derivatives, there are no derivative performed using a static Carroll
criteria describing what constitutes start from either the blocks, safety University.
a successful 1RM attempt during bars, or even when held stationary at
weightlifting pulling derivatives a specific position (e.g., midthigh or
knee) may require a greater RFD Paul Comfort is
(100). Thus, practitioners are left
compared with a dynamic start a senior lecturer
prescribing the loads for weightlift-
because the athlete would have to and program
ing pulling derivatives based on
overcome the inertia of the training leader of the MSc
a 1RM of a weightlifting catching
load from a dead-stop position, as Strength and
derivative. The vast majority of liter-
previously observed (11,12). Although Conditioning in
ature that has examined weightlifting
a dynamic variation will still require the Directorate of
derivatives used a percentage of
a large RFD, as is characteristic of Sport, Exercise,
a 1RM completed with a catching deriv-
all weightlifting derivatives, the ath- and Physiother-
ative (11–14,16,19,37,39,45–47,53,55,57–
lete will already have developed apy at the Uni-
62,79,80,92–94,102–105,110). Although
a given amount of force. Practitioners versity of Salford.
this method may work for some practi-
tioners, others may discourage the prac- should consider the differences
tice of 1RM tests, which may make it between static and dynamic weight-
lifting variations as different demands Jason P. Lake is
difficult to prescribe loads for pulling
will be required of the athletes per- a senior lecturer
forming the exercises. and program
Another alternative to prescribing leader of the MSc
loads for weightlifting movements, CONCLUSIONS Strength and
which is highlighted in Tables 1–5, is Weightlifting movements and their de- Conditioning in
the use of a method termed set–rep rivatives may be programmed through- the Department of
best (23,86). As mentioned above, the out the training year to fully develop Sport and Exer-
set–rep best method of load prescrip- and improve the athlete’s force– cise Sciences at the University of Chichester.
tion is based on the loads that may be velocity profile. Practitioners should
completed during specific set and rep- consider the prescription of specific
etition schemes in training. For exam- weightlifting derivatives during certain 1. Aagaard P, Simonsen EB, Andersen JL,
ple, an individual may complete training phases based on their bio- Magnusson P, and Dyhre-Poulsen P.
a heavy resistance training block with mechanical and physiological charac- Increased rate of force development and
a set and repetition scheme of 3 sets of teristics. A combination of weightlifting neural drive of human skeletal muscle

8 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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