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AEL, ME 1, EE |, META |, MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2013/2014. 3 FIRST ‘YEAR ATH 151: ALCEBRA Time: 30 minutes DEPARTMENT:... Circle the correct answer in nos. (1) to (4) and answer no. (5) in the space provided. 1. Find the values of x and y if 3x+2yi-axi+5y=745i (a)x=1 and y=2 (b) x=-1 and y=-2 {c) x==2 ibid ye (d) x=0 and y =1 (e) none of the above 2. Which ofthe following is root of (—1+i} (a) v2(cos165" +ssin 163") (b) ¥2.(cos65" +fsin 65") (c) $2(cos135" + isin 135") ‘fotl (a) $3 (cost 65° + sin 165") _ | None ofthe above . The vectors a = (1.4,-7), Lal (a) Non collinear (b) Linearly independent (c) Forms a basis (d) Coplanar Norte of | b = (2,-1.4) and c = (0,9, 18) are oo(oset-¥) Ort Oat) If Biv un orthogonal matrix then ») det(B) = 1 by det(B)=0_ : jyaet(B= Lx & det(B) =~! a Rewrite the following expression teos ta —‘itsin3a@ * . a) te" v b) te® ) te o 7 1a Ot { E Oe® ( “2 it} { ah can bel expressed as mpiex number "5 f ; 4) 4 1) 33.8(cos 2.825 + isin 2.825) \ « b) 75.58(cos 2.825 — isin 2.825) oF 75,58(cos 2.825 + isin 2.025) (eos §.049 + 161 5.039) fi a \ ihatrix Al is said to be skew symmetric it, jew ?d-Hua, 10, 4 A) ay = OF ayy = = ay ay) =~ i ayy = Oye ra 40 is expressed ax 2) [cosa ~ 4c08 20 + 3] ae be {cos 40 + 4cos 8 + 3] $[cos.20 — 4c0s20 + 3} *[cos40 + 400820 + 3) ee arin to answer question 6 to question number & 1 i) 1 10 @ thot ama Lise the following ma o 0 =1 2 : (3 0 B 1440) non 0-112 20 eo -1,1,3,2 5 @ ey ” } None f a= 11-22 tof thes |, Commi | Assos a Botha Neithe €) None vf the above he 7. “The chdracteristic polynomial P(\) Is given as : a) oi — 40? -5t-2) =0 fl by) e(e 4 4r? +5042) =0 x wa ght(e! — ar? +5¢-2) = 0 (ane art 4542) =0 tLe? Hesste2) oe 4 ACB) @) Nong, ‘The value of the sum of the vigenvalves is . ag if aj 3 At “8 Q: “ a 2 4 ement i : da ae 24 -1 i elie 2 9 va(s o -3) tes As sg dt aes a oe a) Tre (0) False fsa dye oy None 306 @ {Given thata matrix B=|-1 b io) va 5. ake joa 6 ce( 10 ny = wee mM a) 25 b) § c) -20 4) 5 : | fe) None” 12, Which of thé'following is true about matrix multiplication. a) Commutative , = 4 (b), Associative <) Bothaandb 4) Neither anor b [s.1race) = (£080, 3%) then the matsx 4#(8) is b ee |) AGa) : oar ) ACB) ‘yp al2o) d) A(-8) 4. The element in the first row and third column of the inverse ofA seth ( \ yf = AaB + 36) find the value of da om \o'4 1) 19 8 17. Find the value of x for v following matria ts singulat [5 a ()-1 = a 1) + sine ©) None af the above 19, Far any quadratic equation ax? + bx + ¢ = 0, then its roots are complemt 1) BF Aae > 0 by) be 440 Q tac <0 b?-dac <0 0, I 2, = r4(cOsB, + isinB,) and 2, = r,(cos > + isin?) the » 2) + isin(B, = 6) by 4) 4 a ae ‘ (a) F feoste Aa) 21, Find the ,] 75 $e m .. eee o-(2 4 ’) given A | oe Ota eo) | i “pixny 4x Ii Given thle gy B are said to be equal. a x2Ry=4 Ty -13) oe | Find the values of b x= avez o =4 3y=3 one of the above } If matrices A and B are inverses of each other then, 4) AB=BA h) AB-BAsI ), AB=0,BA=1 (gp AB=BA=I |s. ica (S78, Sin?) then 4 +47 — Libeaitie valet ) /6 oad “ey 3nf2 a bi is a square matrix and B7 = ~B then 8 is called a) Symmetric b) Non-singular Singular £ @ Skew- symmetric . __ aa ————— CC - + isin 3c) 8. Multiply : ving complex numbers 2(cos 4a + isin4ay GEE 8) 14(cos(4a + 3c) + isin(4a — 3c)) 4a + 3c) + sin(4a + 3¢)) ‘ S(4a + 3c) + isin(da +3¢)) >= sin 3c + isin 4acos 4¢) 29 Ga Using Demoivr Be (9) tan2@ . m tan 20 can be expressed as * 30. If A, Band C are matrices with following matrix calculations are possible? @ 4B, A+B,3B"+C, AB, BTA, (CB), CBA = cal) b) 4 a 0 rN op lgrate whether the following Is true oF false. Choose ans s information ty answer questions 4 to 7 for false. Use thi Rhys -H8 The Matrix 15 LS is an orthogonal matrix, a na 6 {the rank of the matrix]4 1° : \3 -1 6 B. 2 c3 54 None of the above ] has a rank of 00 0 10 The natris| known to be consistent ns 11 to 13 A certain system of linear equations with six unknown and to have a unique solution. Us: nis to answer ques 1 he rank of the augmented matrix is A. less than 6 we ©. One cannot tell 12 The rank of the coefficient matrix is A. less than 6 B. more than6 £6 D. One cannot tell 13 The number of equations of the system is A less than 6 more than 6 D. One cannot tell suppose wo are given five lin the coefficient matiix, and if decd #0, what A. is finitely many . no solution p. inconsistent solutia unique |5 certain vector space is spanned by four linearly dependent Vectors WWM said about the dimension of this vector space? A, the dimension is three or jess B. the dimension is four or more £ the dimension is four 0. the dimension is three |g Find a2 x 2 non diagoral matrix whose eigenvalues are 2 and -3, and associated eigenvectors are () and (1) respectively © a v4 ' fat Find the scatar tiple product of # and ea c=2i+ark. x © 0 a4 C2 O38 30 1) athe ector projection of b =(1, 1, 2} 0nta# jvalent t© ; ivalen! product of the vectors and b is #4 The length of the cro: A. Area ofa triangle B. Area ofa parallelepiped C Area ofa tetrahedron D. Area of a parallelogram rred to The maximum number of linearly independent row vectors of matrix is refe be \. Determinant of the matrix B, sis Of the matrix Nullity of the matrix D. Dimension of the matrix The determinant of the matrix le t cara and 34 column is A. 2a(te-b2b)and 2(atc 5 2a(tc-zb) and 2(a - ¢) C. 2(a-c) and 2(a+c} respectively D. Oand 2(a+c) respectively ) respectively espectively lag 1 : 5 ) 4 fs) 7 ? @ |: (b)} > 4s ». / Determine the solution of the augmented aeal Seay = 6 det(A) = -det(kZ) (Z)=kdet(A) et(A) kelet(z) none of the above x 2 is obtained from by multiplying a row (column), i 19 -7 weet oa Find vow 2 a the end of sep 2 A (01 2) -1 9) B (0 1-23 1 0) © (0-2 ha -— D. (0-1-2. t 1) Fad row 3 tthe end of step 2 A (00 4-2 11) B@ 0 -y-2 1 © (00721 D (0 0 -a-2 1 1) Find cow 1 at the end of sep 1 A. (-1 0 40 -1 0) b (1 0 -4o -1 0) © (-1 0 -4o -1 oy D. (1 0 ajo ~1 0) lo aeey 2+4 > ly 5 4icort ghd - ate Fict ort ah fhe eal } 25 cin 15ite cost 6ws & Sm a - cos & sino = | aoy Puc eras (ain un = Pe) = ily - 6toP 8 ([-cofd) + CO ms ‘ 2, tee {-acose + oP =) cose - boost + 6 cos 6 Scose _ gcoky +f © fate = site fs (os to Ing he Mervies dhearem 3 cf Coste “4 ton fo = (tore +ém8) : f ; eek 3 (cose tione)’ - Cosh, + Heo eS nb — Gea 8 6n® — dig $8 Lint. the veal € \raynute Pore C Ficlonng fork we have . (te: tte ~oooto SOP Lb Sint, Gin4e = Acoty ome ~ Fcoa6 gui g, tony = ro'f- nig. — Fort cute Cost - bath cre + 4InfG binding by cate tatty = ~ cob sit Cos! py - battsgo ee Sty" ct, ee ce tun apiece v (as 8 QA = x Ant 3 Cae L Oy CR a my 2 = + (or Bi +CORO) ae (Cor a + C5805.) ali) *, ‘ = . \ Die Ec Gi aeaad pie va be md et a a rn ies f det & = a(-a5-8) -1 (65-6) #EURES ~p4 +63 42 = 190 . b 2 a) 2 4 6 i Ans & fed Ie adjort ot fhe malix Coofacbvt ) Be Sees “aa eai> 5 (ae & + 3(. ) (8 at - Ue _( sa) +(ns The mate then oe ($4 a | a (-se-®) + (28) + \098Fe at a iz ) [aa] = oe = of? q :) = (i ‘ *) \o as oman n (52 - 0) +12 Catt -s) [aa] = & (-Wwo-go) + 032 + Soe +1728 i | [pal = tase FA so ee a ovdex NAT and CUS. scala da Gs) = Codec wlos 9 ane) ial Aah heel ee det (26) = a (ae) = eee @) ,far® on (Q3 8) eas - ff pow exo’ a mohix B such ted Ou obbferined mj too yoos px columns of anobier mato A Then ant &--det A fue {p} = q(-1-a4) + s (ao) + 9 (12-8) |e = 150 Dp Se ee NEL “tol re ) Mealy f t : yaa Ws det (8) he tae YB) ak the defevina determinant ue hove 1 Cla) = del (Catay Ana ¢ We prel vel of he f y af? Krad aD\ f 5 ah dg) = UE — ol, 2. e on funchon tence expandihy fre ©) denne a t t \\ c Be \ : foraad = Us bi ay +2 {at yaaaed(1-at) = o4au : a rv = Vint Ih nye (a28)074) VL ; xm ‘| ; plas fe i Jer 6 6 mf sis (core ** csi 4) Li D ws) * 1. 1 Com isin 10 s) ¢ (cs % (ab) + 1 cas (40°) | ) (oo) 4 4 cos (40) $cot20 + Cos 46 | An & CG) fr @ mguas matviw determinant rere (-6 +4) 1 G-65 B43 ~2 Src fet A FO My tb neha sie Am 2 Eee Lie Aa nalts. 4 ot So at Campfex oy vou} eigen valug “Ly... Ay The Spechad vacus a CA ele 2h) cay |Ac| fe fa-all faye) tJ | (gear) v4) si (3 e dg 0 nN cee bye 20 a-a) 20 B~Bay 3 ( &Vaa) tn) ia \al - nt on if detc = lence Dre-perfes - i é Prope eh Matric Miubkeptacteed 0. a rt commiting yg a Mate eg fu alts dtefibyde 1 ai +b) = aC Tad g. Sk iy awocahne te (BC = & (Bc) . bt ome fhe gasp he 8 amt not camamckene ae Eacye gab ans i por mateo wh the soit The moficer mut mawtale yan des Prag b | ie «(472 5) “GS 4226 Seis Be + oc. (eae 58 3 a ns 4:2 8 B 3 7 NG * Do A ap430) % e ae k : ke t ED ate + Gs (cose 4150-8) ee Andy ral expansin ap (io) 1 Cov } i i RN p Core 4 isine) = cos’ +4 of BO) 2 : E s + Castn6)> (tin a = 4 con 588 ( 4 =) cole + teate one —O% _ hove ieee fad Crmpng the meg) P moeb = Acc afb Y —becer® Sin 3B = t CHa Bsn feats ant) , 25 fos oO =) G40 = FeoPhsme —tene Se ® 5 ao aaa ee périh Os 5 @) 2-1 (ean Pane) 2uce (cova % s (tl-0,) $lsin (a-8) | 00" = co. a ae a4 gp. swe = (a1) Pein oe Pane’ ea ee an oy Sob (ac) Ee ol e N=p Cituttiptrcodee e}nabrey @) fox equal modriees 2 ot Mi.3 = oi a ine St E ili aii, Mis Teo ~ Aa : a re ( = Hecabeny Bg of ae Pie (esi f conf) (gy romp faust 7 oe Ans D jet acd) CG acorf =| ms) otf =, gp ris aa) 7 (co,ae isin $e) I) b @) 2 (co4 ac) + on C4 2) Pat 14 feos a+ BD ten ae = SRE cog i 2 binge 4 cos28 = (Conte a isu) Ung wneniel op de cose -Sin' fn tp aos BALD 2 cob Fore. gue orb ) ' \ 1 ° a 4 o - by ~_volues ajo tie wal ues of b) Hee xn o ow _ 08 aie 2 | e a “aN -2a =e eR xp 4 a 48 4S oa eee ~~ | \ alt hs 4 tay! 1) 4 ; mo F pe oa ent 4. Any 1 ee fw % [le ' vu) ee Re nt ae mi. ol ane wid a OW ye Pia tength F get ay Ae i t june amnen a name? fev ” Ae Cl lal « feadar a, thus fhe vecloy A tb anvt name) vecfas foo Una plone ¥%Cr4ay dar) wo A Ans & baa ty (c 4a 488) 4 oaks @ © x4ay ise =4 dokance ot any pnt (x, 4,21) fim the get pli ae thy tect tte o qe F : [a 4 by, Ear +d he nome} [ere ye = t+ay42te_q =O Hence disnce fom ote C08) fin Pre plane Gt =) |(.o) ¢G-ry¥ (2°) ql a 3 wn Peas 3 “— Arsh = sau tay foK het fay pak - (3 BI xt) Smee a " ot collhepan Ze oH ge Te en , Ta 2 x rie) ater B., mets 23] G2) sheet . aa (4-4)¢ Gay 5b ead x8 ) 23 103 > 3) tar. 3 } re | je dh femghe at : a 5 wie fais Th gym a echy © te be poipendiclas fo vedey le - p 1, © ye fe Seater, det prackuck we soe p97 od 43) 43% ue Epi te aT [3 [n] = (0) +69) +G1) 38 . ; oT aap aa ef thr oe ae ant ayik pra | pe 2 Noleme of tei . \4 a by We megnhibe oF fets seoke | Comeil |: | qa (2) ee nGd 4 3 bo aca ay tt ee ¢ pay tae | ve 3 Si(e-1)* | | Netvme = a) eal i) ; = y wbk nik i : ; —— ere [@) © cotichal ot veclow Geile vicil§ weepedert (Let peas | Spendet The ec bu fe a} ae lnectly (nde lo | (wdoalt CeBeenememe 7% at te scalars de ow abl ee. oF a ae rite onglS A \ Le} fi] = lis ° a a li =I 4 a yoo Tha Be. —_ rath ap ° 3 E-G] = iit ‘ A, 4d, =o te ee Belk a = -2a Ee QReT 8c fo 4 mm (| 1) 2 and aa + Hence (rene ip re at #1) ee ie [-(1..f]:] > (i cele) GE ‘ia -a, <0 a) 4 -a <0 ; ber gq, =k Bis Ths cans trod te Gay 4 ne Qe-k fex a and a, by peting a " ¥ fence Ihe seo aan oe { tron A. eald be wen f cach oe ence fe [° ° en exh & seth for yr Te Ureody inbepateld oa, A oh teas ly Rdeperrkaht a tinea by pe weclors — gga pet ceofteneas p Ans A (Refer b. handed on cxdevcen fer Iimean Sepers an} Wdepe nce Fee reas, {th enh Be arigeree 's Thnk) ols ean q. Coxt) co gen et 3| as) -aC4)- Gia) 4 x bees ae) 5 So S& one q.(oxd fo ten a breogg OW tu prope de ee 3) Uae wru in Vo cuch Ha UO ap bc uty = fee ct an clemed fs pe en «on Hee on ofa} —-u sucht uw ¥(-uy eo ai “ Hu go ih N od Coe veoh ete rte, Part so) = cu ao ty. Ce mM. so a (Aye eal ct(d 4) = ¢ Lbf = : by uy net caitfied “ Heeeepeithes —y {he ae lo + REC ee Re (PF) = Lb Ans & es og (34.¢c) ; i eB ve ( e ‘ has Inayy 4 loge HY + 10 bog e Yue alay pac Ey eal 2 ay. wa J Ue : cs fits. coset ye) Ce ye) e | yyy Uy heh & veck ee pu fen te pests compen Misch va vel oe “= a a 4 ma meaginimy_ pak Fi t . ~ = -.. po ap - Ree) fom te Mere ee. ne Ten cor +8) aypig be rsowl, Hee & cnet orem “a (cose Pes) = ath +3ichbsot _ aatate iE Ne ‘ : ppetes u fe Prduehg te wah tos cos ae = he _yeosih fet ae ay cose = 08? (oh = w® coh = cost pee oe Host = ito Urtg de Manes heen we wr um 4. tom Of, Cost ih = Queries cot ceow |) aft way Hol Chea Khe Rt my RE POL dy so vame ee sty and Tar fy te Sy 1 So Trey Mmahie equal fo MOMENS Columed. Wo olse frue mabix hasihg Tonk 1 is tmertde becouie ot la On te Lag tbe and go Ihe no} + Vincay snceperDa sta The eg 2 chanadenshe hn A i. io oo otk sik . a = ‘in a \b- atl mS . RA a a ze es | ai [> > ae pn — OReaare Re -2% pener lies ect ot Heure 53 A a, qe fra 2 Re Obs. = a axb \c Feet ’ |) 22 C34 ta \ ae ee Meee = tak. > ios PERHAG

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