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Full 100 marks paper

Group A
10 questions, 2 marks each
Question no. 1

If M be the median and m be the mode of the observations

10, 70, 20, 40, 70 and 90, find the A.M of M and m.
Question no. 2

Construct a simple bar diagram from the following data:

City New Los Chicago Houston Miami Seattle
York Angeles
Average $70,000 $65,000 $55,000 $62,000 $50,000 $75,000
Question no. 3

Compute the expected value and variance of the following

probability distribution:
Question no. 4

Construct an ordered array and stem and leaf display from

the following data:
26, 28, 20, 20, 21, 22, 25, 25, 18, 25, 15, 20, 18, 20, 25, 25, 22,
30, 30, 30, 15, 20, 29, 32, 38
Question no. 5

In a moderately asymmetrical distribution, the mode and median

are 29 and 23 respectively. Find the mode.
Question no. 6

Determine the binomial distribution for which the mean is 4 and

variance is 3.
Question no. 7

What is the chance that a leap year has 53 Sundays or 53 Mondays?

Question no. 8

If sample size = 16, sample mean = 56 and sample s.d.=12, then

what must be the value of test statistic if null hypothesis is 𝜇 = 50?
Question no. 9

A box of one dozen eggs contains one bad egg. If three eggs are
chosen randomly, what is the probability that one of them will be
Question no. 10

What is the p-value for a two tailed hypothesis test if Z=2.3? What is
your decision if you are testing the null hypothesis at alpha = 0.01?
Group B
12 questions, 5 marks each
Question no. 11

Homer Willis, a fishing boat captain from Salter Path, North Carolina, believes
that the break-even catch on his boats is 5,000 pounds per trip. Here are data on
a sample of catches on 20 fishing trips Homer's boats have made recently:

Amount of catch (pounds) Frequency

2000-3500 2
3500-5000 5
5000-6500 6
6500-8000 4
8000-9500 3
Question no. 11 (contd.)

Construct an ogive that will help you answer the following questions:
a) Roughly what proportion of the trips breaks even for Homer?
b) What is the approximate middle value in the data array for
Homer's boats?
c) What catch do Homer's boats exceed 80 percent of the time?
Question no. 12

One hundred and twenty students appeared for a certain test and
following marks distribution was obtained:
Marks 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
No. of students 10 30 36 30 14

Obtain the standard deviation and limits of marks of middle 30%

of students.
Question no. 13

The following is the percentage distribution of caste/ethnic groups

for two localities:
Caste / ethnic group % in locality A % in locality B
Brahmins 93.4 -
Chhetri 3.6 12.8
Gurung - 27.5
Newar 3.0 59.7

Compute IQV for both the localities and interpret the results.
Question no. 14

Out of 9000 families having 4 children each, how many families

would you expect to have 3 boys and 1 girl, assuming the birth of
male and female child to be equal?
Question no. 15

NRB is responsible for printing the country’s paper money. It has

impressively small frequency of printing error: only 0.5 percent of
all bills are too flawed for circulations. What is the probability that
out of a batch of 1000 bills
a) None are too flawed for circulation?
b) Ten are too flawed for circulation?
c) 5 or more are too flawed for circulation?
Question no. 16

In final examination of statistics subject, the marks obtained by

students were normally distributed with mean of 73 and s.d. of 8.
a) What is the probability of a student getting marks more than
b) What percentage of students scored marks between 60 to 90?
c) Only 5% of the students appearing in the exam scored higher
than what marks?
d) Find the maximum marks obtained by bottom 20% of the
Question no. 17

A random sample of 10 children found that their average growth for

the first year was 9.8 inches. Assume the variable is normally
distributed and the sample standard deviation is 0.96 inch. Find the
95% confidence interval of the population mean for growth during
the first year.
Question no. 18

A survey conducted by Sallie Mae and Gallup of 1404 respondents

found that 323 students paid for their education by student loans.
Find the 90% confidence interval of the true proportion of students
who paid for their education by student loans.
Question no. 19

EconOcon is planning its company picnic. The only thing that will
cancel the picnic is a thunderstorm. The Weather Service has
predicted dry conditions with probability 0.2, moist conditions with
probability 0.45 and wet conditions with probability 0.35. If the
probability of a thunderstorm given dry conditions is 0.3, given
moist conditions is 0.6 and given wet conditions is 0.8, what is the
probability of a thunderstorm? If we know the picnic was indeed
cancelled, what is the probability that moist conditions were in
Question no. 20

The U.S. Department of Labor reported the average hourly earnings for
U.S. production workers to be $14.32 per hour in 2001 (The World
Almanac, 2003). A sample of 75 production workers during 2003
showed a sample mean of $14.68 per hour. Assuming the population
standard deviation σ = $1.45, can we conclude that an increase
occurred in the mean hourly earnings since 2001? Use α = .05.
Question no. 21

A random sample of 300 Status cheque accounts at Capital Bank

showed that 48 were overdrawn. When 250 Elite cheque accounts at
the same bank were randomly checked, it was found that 55 were
overdrawn. Can the bank manager conclude that more Elite cheque
account clients, proportionately, are likely to be overdrawn than Status
cheque account clients? Test this hypothesis at the 5% level of
significance. What conclusion can be drawn?
Question no. 22

IQ test was administered to 8 persons before and after training

and the results are as follows:
Candidate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
IQ before training 110 120 123 132 125 118 106 109
IQ after training 115 128 125 136 121 125 114 110

Can it be concluded that the IQ scores have been altered after

training at 5% level of significance?
(Additional question, new)

A health care professional wishes to estimate the birth weights of

infants. How large a sample must be obtained if she desires to be
90% confident that the true mean is within 2 ounces of the sample
mean? Assume population s.d. to be 8 ounces.
Group C
Case analysis (1 x 20=20)
In New York State, savings banks are permitted to sell a form of life
insurance called savings bank life insurance (SBLI). The approval process
consists of underwriting, which includes a review of the application, a
medical information bureau check, possible requests for additional medical
information and medical exams, and a policy compilation stage during which
the policy pages are generated and sent to the bank for delivery. The ability
to deliver approved policies to customers in a timely manner is critical to the
profitability of this service to the bank. During a period of one month, a
random sample of 27 approved policies was selected, and the following
total processing times in days, were recorded:
73 19 16 64 28 28 31 90 60
56 31 56 22 18 45 18 17 17
17 91 92 63 50 51 69 16 17
a) Compute mean, median, first quartile and third quartile.
b) Compute range, IQR, variance, S.D and C.V.
c) Construct a box-whisker plot. Are the data skewed? If so, how?
d) What would you tell a customer who enters the bank to purchase this
type of insurance policy and asks how long the approval process takes?
e) Can it be concluded that the average processing time is higher than 40
days at 5% level of significance?

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