They Who Are Divine

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They Who are Divine

Part One: Prologue

Xin Ling cried. It hurt, but he kept going anyway. He wanted it to bleed. Did he really
want to die? He did not know. He just cried and kept on trying to cut his wrist. His phone went
off, it was probably Eve. She was the one he most loved, she was his savior. He loved her more
than anything in this world. When he looked at her, he didn’t just see, he felt. He opened his
phone and read the texts. She was begging for him to stop. It was as if she knew exactly what to
say to him. He didn’t want to make Eve sad. He didn’t want to make anyone sad, he just wanted
to make himself sad. He felt the need to punish himself often, he never knew why. After he was
done reading Eve’s texts, he stopped. He was done with his punishment. He replied to Eve’s texts
and he promised he wouldn’t hurt himself again. He had to learn to love himself, if he couldn’t,
that would mean that he would make Eve sad again. He got up, and walked to the kitchen. He
had to put the knife where it belonged. After he was done with that, he talked with Eve for a
while. Eve was like him too. They were both mentally ill and on medication. She understood
him. She was a rational thinker. Freedom was what she longed for most. She hated the classic life
cycle that is being birthed, going to school, getting a lover, getting married and dying. She
sought freedom from this cycle the most. Ling didn’t mind the cycle, but he was up for it
whenever she wanted to vent. They both had gone through a lot to become suicidal. Xin Ling
just wanted her to be happy. He was willing to do anything to make her happy. Talking with Eve
always calmed him down. Eve always made Ling happy. Eve had to stop texting so Ling got
inside his bed. He opened a random video from Youtube. He had to bathe today but he really
didn’t feel like bathing after what just happened. He preferred being under the covers and
comfortable. Ling’s dad appeared in his room, he had come to give Ling his medications. Ling
hid his wound and took his medications. His father would yell at him and make a fuss if he told
his father about his little accident. Ling’s cat suddenly jumped on his bed! Ling smiled. Ling
loved his cat Mika. Ling loved all cats. He pet Mika gently, making sure to pet him in the way he
liked to be pet. Mika started purring, whenever he purred he would make Ling forget about all
the things that happened to him. “Are you okay? You seem nervous.”, Ling's dad said. “I’m
alright, don’t worry about me.”, Ling exclaimed. His dad was very clearly suspicious, Ling had
to be extremely careful. “Okay. Do you want tea?”, Ling’s dad asked. Ling shook his head in
disapproval. Ling’s dad sighed and left his room. Ling was all alone now, with Mika. Mika went
to the corner of Ling’s bed and laid down. Ling was left to think about what he did now. “I failed
myself…”, he thought. He laid on his bed, and closed his eyes. He imagined a world where he is
a street racer. He imagined a world where he is a most wanted criminal. He imagined himself
grown up, as a psychiatry doctor. His dreaming session was cut off by a yawn. He was too
sleepy, the worst part was that he had school tomorrow. He was the student of a Science and
Technology High School. He had no close friends at school, so school was always boring. His
grades were fine, but they needed to be excellent. It took a lot of work to become a doctor after
all. Ling had always been a perfectionist. He yawned again, he seriously needed to sleep. He got
up, half asleep and announced to his dad that he was going to sleep. His dad nodded and Ling
went back to his bed. Ling suddenly opened his eyes and found himself inside of a huge white
room. He looked around the room. The room had a fountain inside and looked as if it was
someone’s room. He could hear people cheering from outside. He started walking to the window,
but he tripped. His hair was…longer than him. He observed himself. He had white skin and was
wearing light armor on top of a kimono. His hair was white, with the ends of his hair being
black. He started touching his face feeling extremely alarmed. He was not in his body. After he
somewhat got used to this fact, he stood up. He walked to the window, now being careful not to
step on his hair. As he was about to look down the window, he jumped up.

Part Two:Stranger

Ling was in his room again. He observed his surroundings, he was definitely in his room.
That’s when he realized it was all a dream. He got confused, the dream felt so real. He yawned
and reached for his phone. He checked the time, it was early in the morning. This was his first
time waking up so early in the morning. He quickly texted Eve her good morning text. Eve was
the only person he cared enough to send a good morning text to. He decided to spice up the good
morning text this time so he also sent Eve a picture of a TGCF meme. Now that he was done
texting, he checked his parsels. Ling loved being pretty. He loved dresses, so he had decided to
become a lolita. He was waiting for his dresses to arrive. Sadly, there were no updates. He
sighed. He slowly sat down and got up to get ready for school. He dressed up, put on his lenses
and ate a banana to take his medications. His dad prepared Ling’s morning coffee. Ling was all
set to go to school now. Ling and his dad rushed down the stairs of their old apartment. They
finally got inside Ling’s dad’s car. Ling opened his phone and started playing a video game.
Ling’s dad was awfully silent during the ride, but Ling didn’t question it. There was no way that
he knew what Ling did yesterday. They arrived, so Ling got out with his backpack and started
walking towards the school. Now, it was time for his most hated time of the day. He arrived at
his classroom and sighed. He told himself in his mind that it was going to end quicker than his
expectations. He sat down in his seat, and put his thermos and pencil case on his table. He put his
head down on his hands and started to wait for the lesson to start. The people behind him were
gossiping about Eve. It made Ling angry. They were speaking about how Eve is “a maniac” Ling
was hardly holding himself back from lashing out at them. How insensitive they were also made
Ling angry. They had no idea about why Eve would attempt the things she did. The arrival of
their teacher shut them up. The teacher stood at the center of the classroom and said “Hello
everyone, we have a new student with us today. Serene, why don’t you introduce yourself?” A
boy with a white bob entered the classroom. As soon as he did, he started staring at Ling with a
strange expression. Ling awkwardly smiled, not knowing what to do in this situation. “Serene?”,
the teacher asked. Serene flinched and said “Uh, my name is Serene. Hello.” with a cold
expression. He walked towards the teen sitting next to Ling and coldly said “Move.” The teen
looked at Serene with an annoyed expression and asked why. “Move now or suffer the
consequences of your action” His expression could cut glass in half. The teen stood up and sat
somewhere else. Serene immediately sat next to Ling. Serene stared at Ling again, Ling stared
back at Serene. They just stared at each other for a while. Ling felt extremely embarrassed and
pulled out his phone to text Eve. “ This weird boy won’t stop staring at me”, he texted. “Is he
cute?”, Eve texted. “Why does it matter? He was staring at me like a creep.”, Ling texted.
“Maybe you misunderstood him.”, Eve texted him. “No. He is being a pervert.”, Ling texted. “Is
he staring at your ass?”, Eve texted. “No! Ew! He is staring at my face!”, Ling texted. “Are you
autistic?”, Eve texted. “What??”, Ling texted. The bell rang. The first lesson was finally over.
Ling felt weirded out by Eve’s question but the fact that it was breaktime now eased him. Ling
stared back at his phone. “Sorry if it seemed rude, I actually meant the question.”, Eve had
texted. When Ling lifted his face up from his phone, Serene was standing right infront of him.
Ling flinched. “You have brown hair…”, Serene said. “Yes, I do.”, said Ling awkwardly. Serene
looked deeply interested in Ling. They stared at each other as Ling’s phone kept going off. Eve
was probably flooding Ling with messages. Serene sighed and went back to his seat. Ling was
now freaked out beyond human understanding. Why was Serene so interested in him? He opened
his phone again. He texted Eve back. Serene pulled out a picture from his bag and stared at it
intensely. Ling got curious and tried to see the picture. It was a picture of Serene and…someone
with long white hair..? This person was wearing the same clothes as who he was in his dream…
Ling stared at the picture in complete shock. Why did Serene have this picture? Wasn’t it
all…just a dream? Ling wasn’t even sure if he should tell this to Eve. Would she even believe
him? Serene was clearly not a highschooler. Why was he there? What did he want with Ling?
Ling was now deep in thought. The bell rang again. It was now lesson time. Ling was still not
ready. Serene stopped staring at the picture and looked at Ling. Ling got so overwhelmed that he
stood up and shouted at Serene: “What is your problem with me?!” Serene was dumbstruck. Ling
looked around him and everyone was staring at them. Ling bowed which meant sorry. Serene
silently said “My lord…?” Ling sighed. “I am not your lord. I am just a highschooler.”Serene
looked to the side.”You have no idea about who you are.” Ling looked into Serene’s eyes. “Who
am I?” “You can’t know.”, Serene said with a cold expression. “It’s for your own good.” “You
seem serious about this.”, Ling said. Who was…Ling? Who could he possibly be? He was just a
teenager. Serene for sure looked like he was not going to tell Ling. The teacher broke them apart.
“Ling, Serene, stop that. Ling, sit down!”, the teacher yelled. Ling sat down. He was still
confused. Serene stalked Ling the rest of the day and as Ling was getting ready to leave the
school, Serene got close to Ling. “May I walk you to the gate, my Lord?” Ling stared at him and
sighed. “Fine, but stop calling me that.” Serene looked down…carelessly. “That is what you used
to say before too.” Ling stayed silent. Serene was some sort of helper? This whole situation was
strange. Ling walked to the gate with Serene. Serene's cold gaze made anyone who were close to
them move away from them. Serene dropped off Ling to his parents and watched him as he left
with them. Ling got in the car and was deep in thought the whole car ride. Ling's dad parked his
car. Ling got off and rushed to his room. He changed clothes and laid on his bed. Serene was all
he was thinking about, until Eve texted him. He checked what she wrote and answered her.
Talking to Eve helped him stop thinking about Serene. He decided to tell Eve about what
happened. Eve suddenly started bombarding Ling with texts. “YOU HAVE TO STOP
HIM!”, Eve texted. Ling was even more confused all of a sudden. “Are you okay? Calm down.”
“I'M ALREADY CALM. STOP SPEAKING WITH THAT GUY.” “Who even is he?” “Just stop
speaking to him, please.” Ling got suspicious. Eve clearly knew something he did not. “You are
acting suspicious. What do you know?” “I know that you should stay far away from that guy.
They all claim to be good spirited when they are just mean and cruel. He is just like the rest of
them.” “The rest of what?” “Just forget it.” “I can't. I keep thinking about the picture I saw and
my dream.” “That guy is right about one thing, you can't know who you are for your own good.”
Ling squinted his eyes in annoyance. What was he allowed to know? Everyone seemed to know
who he was, apart from himself. Ling got up from his bed and went to study. He studied biology
and math. He laid on his bed again. It was late now. He took his medications and took off his
lenses. He received a text from a red number. It said: “Hello. It's Serene. What are you doing?”
Ling thought that red numbers meant that it was the dead calling. His phone was probably
glitching or something. He texted back: “Nothing, just lying on my bed. How about you?”
“Thinking about you. I miss you.” Ling was taken aback by how straightforward Serene was.
Eve had told him not to speak to Serene, but he just couldn't stop. Maybe it was from curiosity.
Ling replied, “Oh really? I'm surprised that you aren't stalking me right now.” “You were always
funny. The funniest out of all of them.” “All of who?” “Can't tell you.” “Come on. Please.”
“No.” Ling was desperate for answers at this point. He sighed deeply. “Fine. You are so cold.”
“Sorry. I'll try to be warmer.” Serene very clearly cared about Ling a lot, even though Ling
couldn't understand why. Ling yawned. He was tired from dealing with Serene all day. He texted
Serene and Eve goodnight and laid on his bed. He closed his eyes and saw Serene shaking him,
then saw himself getting stabbed by ungodly figures, then he saw…pure black. The thing was
that…he didn't see himself going through those things. He saw the long haired armor wearing
person go through those things but…he felt every single thing that person felt. Ling was…him.
Part Three:Falling

Once upon a time, there used to be six godly beings. They were the start of everything,
the void. They wanted more. They wanted to evolve. They wanted entertainment. They couldn’t
just create everything, they all had their special abilities. One of them created time, the other
created space. They were still bored, so they had one of them create planets. Planets didn’t
entertain them, they weren’t sure what to create now. One of them came forward and created
what is called a ‘soul’. Another one of them helped that one and they created sentient beings
together to roam their planets. They were bored of just being void, so they decorated their
environment and themselves. They called their living space ‘heaven’. One of them became the
judge of ‘souls’ and let only the purest of souls join them in their living space. The rest of the
souls were doomed to live in a part of void called ‘hell’. This ‘hell’ had no one guiding it,
because of that sometimes bad souls would terrorize planets. The six gods also had to introduce
themselves to the sentient beings, so they gave each other names. They were Layla -the Judge of
Right and Wrong-, Flyena -The Keeper of Time-, Meena -The Guardian of Heaven and Creator
of Sentient Bodies-, Darca -The Guardian and Creator of Space-, Onshima -The Creator of
Planets-, and Mikaela -The Creator of Souls-. They all had their style preferences, they created
themselves helpers in those preferences. Mikaela was the only one who used their own piece of
void to create one. Mikaela loved beautiful things. Mikaela loved water and seasides. They were
beautiful to him, so he named his helper ‘Serene’. Whenever he looked at Serene, it reminded
him of a happy summer day. Serene was very loyal to his master, way more loyal than the other
helpers. He was willing to do everything for his master. One day, Serene told his master his new
idea. The Earth and humans. His master told the other gods about this project, and they all agreed
to do their parts. The first humans were now borned. Eve and Adam. From Eve and Adam came
all the other humans. Mikaela loved the Earth since it was Serene’s idea. He introduced the gods
to the humans himself. All the humans loved him, one in particular loved him more than anyone
else. It was Eve, Eve would always cook for Mikaela and take care of him even though he was a
god. Mikaela found Eve so dear that he gave a piece of himself to Eve. The gods despised what
Mikaela did. They shamed him for it. Mikaela didn’t care, for him Eve and Serene were the only
important people. Mikaela started to spend more time with Eve, Serene felt…weird. A weird
feeling. A feeling that made his guts feel like they were deteriorating. That feeling was jealousy.
Serene begged Mikaela to stop spending so much time with humans, claiming that they were
dangerous. Mikaela did not listen. He just asked for Serene to come with him. Serene wanted
nothing to do with humans. One of them was who stole his master after all. Serene decided to
prove to Mikaela that humans were dangerous. He started false religions and saw Mikaela get
denied as god. As they were about to burn him at the stake, Serene appeared. Making himself
seem like a hero. Eve saw right through Serene. Eve never said anything about Serene to Mikaela
though, to not make him sad. The souls at hell were increasing rapidly. So rapidly that they had
planned an attack on Earth. Mikaela was horrified. He still loved humans even after they tried to
burn him. He tried to get the other gods to help him defend Earth but no one wanted to. Mikaela
had to defend Earth alone. He told Serene what happened. Serene was terrified. He begged
Mikaela to not fight them. They came from somewhere where no time or space existed. If
anyone fell, they would become truly nothing. He was willing to do everything to defend Eve.
Serene had to agree to fight the bad souls to appease his master. Eve was completely horrified
too, she was scared that something was going to happen to Mikaela. Eve tried her best to
motivate Mikaela to not fight them but she was unsuccessful. The time of the battle had come.
Mikaela fought proudly next to Serene. He gave his everything, and he won. He won by
sacrificing himself. He won by pushing himself and the last bad soul to their ‘death’. Serene saw
his master ‘die’ right in front of him. He didn’t know what to do. After the news was told to
Heaven, Serene vowed to find his master. He didn’t believe that he was truly nothing now. He
blamed everything on Eve. Eve blamed everything on the humans. She killed humans in
Mikaela’s name. She was eventually killed and was reborn in hell. She commited unspeakable
crimes in Mikaela’s name to get the gods' attention. She believed that they could bring back
Mikaela. The reverse happened. Eve was sealed into hell. Serene was the one who suggested for
her to be sealed. Serene was going to bring his master back. Serene was going to be his master's
hero. Eve started being even more violent and finally made a deal with Onshima to be sealed into
Earth. Eve knew that if Mikaela was going to be back again, he would be reborn on Earth. She
was willing to wait as long as it took for him to come back. She monitored the void levels
everywhere until one day, she got a high reading. She was ecstatic, she was sure that it was
Mikaela. Instead of finding Mikaela as himself, she saw a baby. A little crying baby. He was in a
nurse's arms. Eve got confused. She could feel that the baby had Mikaela's essence inside but it
was just a baby. Eve wondered if this baby was Mikaela reborn. He had to be. There was no
other answer. She had to be careful. The gods couldn't know about this. That traitor Serene
couldn't know about this. The only god Eve trusted was Onshima, but she couldn't even trust
Onshima with this. Eve closely monitored the child until he became a teenager and became
friends with him. She was going to tell him everything when he was ready for it. She couldn't
wait to be embraced by her love again. She was so happy that he was reborn. She was taking care
of him as much as she could. After hearing about how Serene was now in her love's school, she
was horrified. Serene was just a jealous selfish person to her. She blamed everything on Serene.
What happened was in the past, but the future existed. Eve wasn't going to let his love be taken
from her again. She was going to protect Ling with her life. If Serene even touched him, she was
going to do unspeakable things to him. Right after hearing about Serene, after Ling's school was
over, Eve went to Ling's school. She pulled Serene to the side. “Touch him and I'll show you how
fucked up hell is.” Serene was puzzled. “Eve? Is that you?” Eve held a knife to Serene's throat.
“Who else did you expect? Stay far away from Mikaela. Me and him only wish for freedom.”
Serene didn't expect to be threatened in this way. “Just drop the knife. You know that it can't hurt
me.” Eve had a fierce expression on her face. “I'll make it hurt, if that's what you are worried
about.” Serene smiled. “My master is mine. You might have a piece of my master but you are
just human. Don't act like you were created by him, for him.” Eve pressed the knife harder into
Serene's throat. “You might be the one he created specially, but you were only created to serve.
You couldn't even serve him properly. I'm not letting you breathe the same air as him.” Serene
laughed. “Really? You are going to separate me from whom I'm supposed to serve? That's
clever.” Eve felt furious. “Stop talking! Just leave my love alone!” Serene stopped smiling.
“Your love? Who confirmed that? Not my master. Stop making fantasies up.” “You are the
person who should stop making up fantasies. He will never look at you that way. You were only
created to serve.” Serene's brows furrowed. “You forget who you are.” Eve was the one who was
smiling this time. “I know exactly who I am. You said that because you know exactly who you
are.” Serene threw Eve onto the school's wall. “You are despicable. You are no match for my
master!” Eve stood up. “If Onshima knew about what you did, she would have banished you
from heaven. Continue ignoring that fact, sure.” “You are really trying to get on my nerves,
huh?” Eve sighed. “No. I'm simply telling you the facts that you already know. Just reminding
you is what I'm doing. I wouldn't hesitate to kill you if it came to it, you know?” Serene smiled.
“That's a unique thought. I'd love to see you try.” Eve opened her knife again. “Now, are you
leaving Mikaela's school or not?” Serene crossed his arms. “Of course not.” Eve held up her
knife. “What are you two doing?!”, Ling yelled. He put Eve’s arm down. Serene frowned. “She
tried to stab me. I was just defending myself.” Ling was not happy. “Do you two know each
other?” Silence was the only thing that could be heard. Ling sighed deeply and asked what Eve
wanted from Serene. Eve got desperate. “I just…want you to be healthy and happy! That’s all
I’ve wanted! Serene is-” Eve got cut off by Serene, who knew exactly what Eve was going to
say. “I’m your servant! I was created to be with you, by you!” Serene pulled Ling’s arm,
suddenly all of Ling’s wrist scars were open for anyone to see. Ling broke free from Serene’s
grasp and quickly pulled his sleeve up again. Serene was speechless. He never expected
something like this from Mikaela. “Why…?”, he muttered. Eve teared up. “It’s all your fault…”,
she said, with her voice cracking. Serene’s face was red with anger. “I would NEVER hurt my
master! Shut the fuck up, you devil!” Serene’s voice was shaking. “THIS IS YOUR FAULT!
ALL OF-” “ENOUGH! Calm down! I did this to myself. It’s none of your fault!”, Ling yelled.
Serene and Eve were shaken up from Ling’s outburst. They stared at each other, in silence.
Serene broke the silence. “...I’ll get going then, but this is not over.” Serene walked away. As
soon as he did, Eve hugged Ling. “Are you okay? I’m sorry.”, she asked. “I have lots of
questions but other than that I’m fine.” Eve pulled away Ling and held his hands. “I’m sorry, but
I can’t answer your questions.” Ling looked down. “Why not? You don’t even know what I’m
going to ask.” Eve pulled Ling’s head up. “I can guess. Trust me, if you knew the answers to
your questions, you would have chosen this life. This was all you wanted before…” Ling stayed
silent. Did he actually like his life? He wouldn’t have hurt himself if he did. Ling trusted Eve. He
couldn’t act like Eve just said nothing. He just…hugged Eve. Eve quickly hugged Ling back.
Eve just wanted Mikaela to be comfortable. Eve disliked being touched, but with Mikaela…she
wished that one hug could fix all of his trauma. Eve was gentle, she shined like a pearl and she
was also as noble as a pearl. Maybe she couldn’t see it but Mikaela did. Even as Ling, he saw her
like that. “...Can you walk me home?”, Ling whispered. Eve nodded. “Absolutely.”
Part Four:Shades of Gray Revealed

Serene dissipated and teleported to Heaven. He had to tell the other gods about Mikaela’s
rebirth. It was the only way to regain Mikaela’s love. The gods had to get rid of that annoying
witch. Serene’s head was hurting from how much he despised her. She was the childish one. She
was childish for thinking that Serene would just let her have his master. Serene had to make
Mikaela remember. Serene ran to the Gods’ towers. He had to speak to Onshima. Onshima had
to fix everything. Serene was running mindlessly, not being able to tolerate the thoughts of his
master being with Eve. It used to be the two of them together, it was going to be that way again.
He ran to Onshima’s quarters but Onshima was nowhere to be found. She was probably in a
meeting with the other gods. Of course Serene couldn’t wait. Serene ran to the meeting room. He
passed all the murals and the other gods’ quarters. He finally reached the meeting room.
“MIKAELA IS ALIVE!”, he yelled. All the gods looked at him taken aback. “What?”, Darca
said. “How is that possible?” Mikaela gathered himself. He was breathless from running. “My
master was rebirthed as a human. I saw him with my own eyes!” Onshima spoke with a soft
voice, “Are you sure that you didn’t mistake a human for him? I know that Mikaela’s…death has
been hard for-” “No! I’m sure that it’s him! Eve was also with him, that devil!” Onshima and the
other gods frowned. “Eve?!”, Darca shouted in surprise and maybe a little horror.

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