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Crafting a comprehensive literature review can be a daunting task for many individuals, whether

they are students, researchers, or professionals. It involves a meticulous examination and synthesis of
existing literature related to a specific topic or research question. Here's a brief guide on how to
present a literature review effectively:

1. Define the Scope: Clearly outline the boundaries of your literature review. Determine the
specific topic or research question you aim to address to avoid scope creep.
2. Conduct Thorough Research: Utilize various academic databases, journals, books, and
other credible sources to gather relevant literature. Ensure that your sources are current and
3. Organize Your Findings: Structure your literature review in a logical and coherent manner.
Common approaches include chronological, thematic, or methodological organization.
4. Critically Analyze the Literature: Don't just summarize the sources; critically evaluate
them. Identify key themes, debates, strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the existing literature.
5. Synthesize Information: Synthesize the findings from different sources to develop a
cohesive narrative. Highlight connections, contradictions, and areas of consensus among the
6. Provide Proper Citations: Accurately cite all the sources you reference in your literature
review following the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
7. Maintain Objectivity: Strive to maintain objectivity and avoid bias in your analysis. Present
different perspectives and interpretations of the literature fairly.
8. Revise and Refine: Review your literature review thoroughly to ensure clarity, coherence,
and accuracy. Revise as necessary to enhance the quality of your presentation.

Writing a literature review demands time, effort, and expertise. For those who find this task
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You don’t want to substitute a thorough review of core research literature in your discipline for
studies conducted in other fields of study. An example of a template to assess sources for a literature
review is provided below. Highlight main ideas raised in the body paragraphs. So, this section is
where you’ll pin down what exactly you mean when you refer to X, Y or Z in your study, as well as
why you chose that specific definition. There are types of literature review which has to be selected
as per the topic, and requires employing a range of methods and providing reasons for choices
depending on the research study area, problem and methodology. A good starting point could be to
look at some examples, depending on what kind of literature review you’d like to write. Please login
by clicking the Menu item LOGIN at the top of the page or using the LOGIN form in the sidebar.
The extracted data must be presented in a meaningful way that suggests a new contribution to the
extant literature ( Jesson et al., 2011 ). Webster and Watson (2002) warn researchers that literature
reviews should be much more than lists of papers and should provide a coherent lens to make sense
of extant knowledge on a given topic. This will help you remember which author made which
arguments, your impressions of the article, and any relationships you identified between different
sources. For example, if you are reviewing literature about women and religion, key themes can
include the role of women in churches and the religious attitude towards women. Every field uses a
different style of literature review. Instead, it focuses on the “methods” of the researcher or writer.
Specifically, it is a review and synthesis of prior research that is related to the problem you are setting
forth to investigate. Evaluate the nine basic steps taken to what can a literature review do for me
write a wellconstructed literature buy my literature review paper review. Aug 2016 What is a
literature review The literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a
selected topic Sources covered. The argument in article A is supported by article B which is also
supported by another article that is E. One needs to inform the objective of the review in the initial
paragraphs. Sometimes, the literature review is the most challenging part of writing a dissertation or
thesis. Use a citation manager, such as EndNote as the repository for your citations. If you have
limited time to conduct research, literature reviews can give you an overview or act as a stepping
stone. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Heres how we
produce a powerful literature review. Step. Tell us your topic, how long you what can a literature
review do for me need your literature review to be, and your deadline, along with any special
instructions. Step. We match your topic to an academic expert with an advanced. Aug 2016 What is
a literature review The literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on
a selected topic Sources covered. London: SAGE Publications; 1998. Higgins J. P. T., Green S.,
editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions: Cochrane book series. Try
sorting through some other current bibliographies or literature reviews in the field to get a sense of
what your discipline expects. Include each of the key concepts or variables you’re interested in, and
list any synonyms and related terms. You can add to this list as you discover new keywords in the
process of your literature search. Your literature review should have a strong structure, and this is
where you need to think carefully about your argument. Hart, Chris. Doing a Literature Review:
Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination. Chapter V, “ The Literature Review,” describes a
variety of methods to help you organize the themes. Long story short, the second essential ingredient
of a high-quality literature review is a critical discussion of the existing empirical research.
A thematic review would have subtopics based upon factors that relate to the theme or issue. To help
you come up with an overall organizational framework for your review, consider the following
scenario: You’ve decided to focus your literature review on materials dealing with sperm whales.
Sep 2013 Think about how to present the material in your literature review in a way that will best
shape your argument and make sense to your readers. Given this, while literature reviews are
designed to provide an overview and synthesis of pertinent sources you have explored, there are a
number of approaches you could adopt depending upon the type of analysis underpinning your
study. Jul 2013 Literature reviews are in great demand in most scientific fields not thought in detail
about how to approach and carry out a literature review for example in the choice of passive vs
active voice and present vs past tense. It is often assigned as part of the research process for a paper.
Jun 2014 Can someone give some suggestions on how to do a nice presentation about a review paper.
By including a help me write a literature review literature review in your project or thesis, you are
also providing your reader with the most prevalent theories and studies on your topic, evaluations
and comparisons of these studies, and. Before proceeding, it is advisable to consider an example of
literature review in a research paper, thesis or dissertation in your field. In what ways might
geographers view the need for better distribution of social service agencies in large cities than how
social workers might study the issue. The literature review is one of the first and most crucial tasks in
producing an academic paper. While there are no hard and fast rules, you should attempt to address
some or all of the following key points: State the research problem and provide a more thorough
explanation about the purpose of the study than what you stated in the introduction. Selection
Methods: Criteria you used to select (and perhaps exclude) sources in your literature review. Are you
ready to write the overview for your study. Are you ready to write the overview for your study? 8.
Such source being old really differs from the source that is simply outdated and not relevant any
more. Of course, you can structure your chapter in a way that reflects these three components (in
fact, in some cases that works very well), but it’s certainly not the only option. Allow yourself as
many changes as you need to adjust your ideas and material in order to better comprehend the
context of your research challenge. Many errors are made in referencing, even by top researchers, and
so it is important not to perpetuate an error made by someone else. A description of the research
design or general approach used to guide the reading and analysis of the literature (this may be
organized chronologically, by subjects, by theoretical framework, etc.). A summary of the main
themes or arguments emerging from your critical review of the literature. This can lead directly into
your methodology section. Literature Review Length in Different Projects Unlock your academic
potential and save time by letting the experts handle your work. Paraphrase Avoid relying too much
on quoting directly from sources or one researcher. Literature Review Introduction The introduction
section should provide the necessary background information and clarify the purpose of your
analysis. Formulating research problems Prof. sp d.course work.2020-21.citation index,
journal impact factor. Prof. sp d.course work.2020-21.citation index, journal impact factor.
So, this section is where you’ll pin down what exactly you mean when you refer to X, Y or Z in your
study, as well as why you chose that specific definition. Within each theme, students can critique
key studies and their strengths and limitations, in order to get a lay of the land and come to a point
where they can identify ways to contribute new insights to the existing academic conversation on
their topic. Nov 2014 Writing literature reviews: a guide for students of the behavioral sciences (3rd
ed ) How to Write a Literature Review: University of California, Santa Cruz the end of the review;
Plan to present conclusions and implications. Also, keep in mind these things when writing your
literature review conclusion: Avoid in-text citations. The literature review gives you a chance to:
Demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and its scholarly context Develop a theoretical
framework and methodology for your research Position your work in relation to other researchers and
theorists Show how your research addresses a gap or contributes to a debate Evaluate the current
state of research and demonstrate your knowledge of the scholarly debates around your topic.
How well do they present the material and do they portray it according to an appropriate theory. A
literature can be an end in itself (an analysis of what is known about a topic) or a prologue to and
rationale for engaging in primary research. Finally, a Lit Review has its own set of in-text citations
and a Works Cited list. Simply indicating what an author claims or has found is not sufficient. It
aims to survey readings, synthesize, and digest the obtained information. The foundation of theory,
as the name suggests, is where you’ll lay down the foundational building blocks for your literature
review so that your reader can get a clear idea of the core concepts, theories and assumptions (in
relation to your research aims and questions) that will guide your study. As such, reviewers may
selectively ignore or limit the attention paid to certain studies in order to make a point. As you group
your sources, be sure to consider how they relate to one another and to the overall research question
or topic. If the sentence is awkward, adjust the punctuation and grammar to better integrate the
material. You need to make sure that you are aware of the debates and counter arguments associated
with your topic as well. The purpose is to develop a body of literature that establishes a contrarian
viewpoint. Theoretical A theoretical approach involves a systematic and critical examination of
existing theories, models, and frameworks related to the research topic or question. We provide
expert assistance in conducting comprehensive literature reviews, ensuring high-quality research and
academic success. Create an organizational method to focus this section even further. Nevertheless,
in article D you have found an argument which proves the argument in article A to be false. The
readers will pay closer attention to your paper when they find uptodate research material on your
topic. This demonstrates to your reader that you know what you are going to do and how you are
going to do it. Other studies argue that carbon enriches crops, accelerates and amplifies their
productivity, and causes improved growth (Hog, 2020). If you are writing the literature review
section of a dissertation or research paper, you will search for literature related to your research
problem and questions. They are written for individual research and reference purpose only. Gordon
Designing Teaching: ASSURE Designing Teaching: ASSURE Damian T. The specific goals were to
investigate how outcomes are produced and, most importantly, how variations in outcomes can be
explained. Findings from eight rct s involving 6,615 participants were pooled into meta-analyses to
calculate the magnitude of effects that mobile text message reminders have on the rate of attendance
at healthcare appointments compared to no reminders and phone call reminders. In the present
context, the notion of rigour refers to the reliability and validity of the review process described in
section 9.2. For one thing, reliability is related to the reproducibility of the review process and steps,
which is facilitated by a comprehensive documentation of the literature search process, extraction,
coding and analysis performed in the review. Conclusion: Summarize the key findings you have
taken from the literature and emphasize their significance Connect it back to your primary research
question How should I organize my lit review. DOWNLOAD Template Tags: Dissertation Education
essay Research Paper Slide Deck Thesis Return to PhD Dissertation PowerPoint Template. The
literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other scholarly sources relevant to a particular
area of research. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly
journals. Does it confirm, add to, or challenge established knowledge. It is essential to organize your
analysis coherently and logically.
All in all, 130 articles met the criteria and their data were extracted manually into a database. On the
other hand, the survey of soft sciences provides an overview and synthesis of many schools of
thought and how they are connected. In these cases, systematic reviews can use qualitative synthesis
methods such as vote counting, content analysis, classification schemes and tabulations, as an
alternative approach to narratively synthesize the results of the independent studies included in the
review. February 15, 2024 Advanced Statistical Methods in Meta-analysis: Enhancing Accuracy,
Reliability, and Insights February 12, 2024 Inventions in Medical Therapeutics: There’s a World of
Possibilities February 1, 2024. While there are no hard and fast rules, you should attempt to address
some or all of the following key points: State the research problem and provide a more thorough
explanation about the purpose of the study than what you stated in the introduction. The middle or
main body should: organise the literature according to common themes; provide insight into the
relation between your chosen topic and the wider subject area e.g. between obesity in children and
obesity in general; move from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific
focus of your research. It involves a detailed and comprehensive plan and search strategy derived
from a set of specified research questions. As mentioned earlier, when rigorously conducted review
articles represent powerful information sources for eHealth scholars and practitioners looking for
state-of-the-art evidence. The authors conducted a comprehensive search on multiple databases to
identify eligible reviews and subsequently used a validated instrument to conduct an in-depth quality
appraisal. Tips for writing the research design and methods section: Specify the methodological
approaches you intend to employ to obtain information and the techniques you will use to analyze
the data. Review the abstracts of research studies carefully. As such, among the secondary reviews
are books, articles, websites, etc. Right? Wrong! The “literature” of a literature review refers to any
collection of materials on a topic, not necessarily the great literary texts of the world. “Literature”
could be anything from a set of government pamphlets on British colonial methods in Africa to
scholarly articles on the treatment of a torn ACL. As a piece of writing, the literature review must be
defined by a guiding concept (e.g., your research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing,
or your argumentative thesis). Before the deadlines, our writers accomplish all assignment-related
responsibilities. University of Toronto Health Sciences Writing Centre. This approach helps highlight
ethical issues which you should be aware of and consider as you go through your own study. It aims
to survey readings, synthesize, and digest the obtained information. Also, because textbooks are
designed for teaching rather than research, they are unlikely to be effective in your Lit Review. The
aim of a literature review is to show your reader (your tutor) that you have read, and have a show
how your study relates to the literature in general Use the present tense for general opinions and
theories, or the past when referring to. A summary or an outline is a succinct account of all
informational highlights from essential sources, whereas synthesis is the restructuring or
rearrangement of the material to guide the dissertation’s plan of exploring the research subject. So the
point is, to write a review one has to have a logical argument and this logical argument should then
follow through the remaining research report work that one does! Gordon Introduction to ChatGPT
Introduction to ChatGPT Damian T. Step One: Decide on your areas of research: Before you begin
to search for articles or books, decide beforehand what areas you are going to research. Adams
(2018) attributes this to improved photosynthesis in leaves when exposed to high carbon levels in the
air. If it’s your first time writing a literature review, you definitely want to use this link to get 50%
off the course (limited-time offer). Were the results statistically significant, and were the conclusions
supported by the data. For a research proposal (Burge, 2005) MS 640: Introduction to Biomedical
Information. But on the contrary, it uses published information from pertinent and relevant sources
like. Aug 2016 What is a literature review The literature review is a written overview of major
writings and other sources on a selected topic Sources covered.
If the same authors, books or articles keep appearing in your reading, make sure to seek them out.
The intention could also be to identify gaps in the current knowledge base to suggest new questions,
develop a theoretical framework in research, or determine a suitable methodology for future
exploration. This contrasts against purely theoretical literature (the previous ingredient), which draws
its conclusions based exclusively on logic and reason, as opposed to an analysis of real-world data.
Journal of experimental criminology, 10, 487-513. Depending on the length of your literature review,
you might want to divide the body into subsections. This is important because it allows you to focus
your own research on filling these gaps. Moreover, a literature review also aims to provide sufficient
supporting information for a specific subject. Make sure to read the abstract to find out whether an
article is relevant to your question. Other Sections of Your Literature Review Once you've decided
on the organizational method for your literature review, the sections you need to include in the paper
should be easy to figure out because they arise from your organizational strategy. Proceedings of the
European Conference on Information Systems; 2011. Magazines, on the other hand, are often only
beneficial as a starting point for your study because they contain news or broad information about
discoveries, policies, and other topics that may then be further studied in more specialized sources.
All of this information must be carefully crafted in 150 to 250 words. By alerting the reader to gaps
in the selected study subject, Pubrica medical writers aid you in constructing and editing the
introduction. Steps in Conducting a Literature Review A literature review is an integrated analysis-
- not just a summary-- of scholarly writings and other relevant evidence related directly to your
research question. In writing the literature review, your purpose is to convey to your reader what
knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
Here is a sample paragraph from a literature review about sexism and language to illuminate the
following discussion: However, other studies have shown that even gender-neutral antecedents are
more likely to produce masculine images than feminine ones (Gastil, 1990). GIFs Highlight your
latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. In other words, your discussion in those
sections needs to start laying the foundation for the research gap. The readers will pay closer
attention to your paper when they find uptodate research material on your topic. A literature review
is a survey of credible sources on a topic, often used in dissertations, theses, and research papers.
However, when they returned to the literature to search for individual resilience factors, they
discovered a small body of literature in the child and youth psychology field. Identifies critical gaps
and points of disagreement. Sometimes, the literature review is the most challenging part of writing
a dissertation or thesis. A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview
of a particular topic. What is the significance of your proposed research. What other sections you
include in the body is up to you. APA literature review format is dominant in the sciences,
psychology, and education fields. Fink, Arlene. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the
Internet to Paper. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2005; Hart, Chris. Are you ready to write the
overview for your study? 8. When you find a useful book or article, you can check the bibliography
to find other relevant sources.
Go beyond stating what you hope to achieve through the methods you have chosen. Assessments of
effects on the crop’s growth, yield, and quality were conducted to understand how changes in
climate due to increasing carbon emissions will affect global agriculture. Only then the reader will
know that the basics of research have not been neglected. This post is based on our popular online
course, Literature Review Bootcamp. The basic research question — what works? — which is
usually associated with systematic reviews changes to: what is it about this intervention that works,
for whom, in what circumstances, in what respects and why. There is no formal literature review
definition for a research paper in medical education; thus, a literature review can take many forms.
These forms will differ in methodology, rigor, and depth depending on the type of article, target
journal, and specific topic. For example: Look at what results have emerged in qualitative versus
quantitative research Discuss how the topic has been approached by empirical versus theoretical
scholarship Divide the literature into sociological, historical, and cultural sources Theoretical A
literature review is often the foundation for a theoretical framework. How what can a literature
review do for me to write a literature review. Jun 2014 Can someone give some suggestions on how
to do a nice presentation about a review paper. Last, Bandara, Miskon, and Fielt (2011) proposed a
structured, predefined and tool-supported method to identify primary studies within a feasible scope,
extract relevant content from identified articles, synthesize and analyze the findings, and effectively
write and present the results of the literature review. This can be especially useful if you are new to a
field, or if you are interested in keeping up with current thinking on a particular topic. London:
SAGE Publications; 2006. Pawson R., Greenhalgh T., Harvey G., Walshe K. Realist review—a new
method of systematic review designed for complex policy interventions. Follow our step-by-step
guide to identify the right keywords, evaluate sources, and select credible and relevant articles. You
can structure this section chronologically, thematically, theoretically, or methodologically, depending
on your research question and the nature of your sources. Using subheadings under major themes
can help to order and focus your work effectively. Chapter 9?Methods for Literature Reviews -
Handbook of eHealth Evaluation: An Evidence-based Approach Your browsing activity is empty.
Include each of the key concepts or variables you’re interested in, and list any synonyms and related
terms. You can add to this list if you discover new keywords in the process of your literature search.
To add, they also prepare a literature review outline to give ultimate solution for students who want
to write it themselves. The specific goals were to investigate how outcomes are produced and, most
importantly, how variations in outcomes can be explained. Are the findings across the studies similar
or is there a lot of variation. A literature review is a survey of credible sources on a topic, often used
in dissertations, theses, and research papers. A literature review is important because it: Explains the
background of research on a topic. When you find a useful book or article, you can check the
bibliography to find other relevant sources. Take this argumentative literature review example to
prepare an argument that best fits your research. Generally, when you start to see repetition in the
conclusions or recommendations, you can have confidence that you have covered all of the
significant conceptual categories in your literature review. An organized and compiled list of source
material makes notations easier in the writing process. It is also helpful to use as a guide is the
searches are not finding any useful results. Add comment. Cancel reply Comment Name Email
Website, literature review table template. Often, the literature review is where you can establish your
research as filling a particular gap or as relevant in a particular way. The purpose of the Lit Review is
to present a survey of the most relevant and noteworthy published work that relates to your research,
rather than a synopsis of all published work that related to your topic.

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