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Article: 1

Keyword: ambien side effects

Ambien side effects have been the topic of everything from YouTube videos to network news, but most of these
are related to wandering and amnesia as behavioral side effects experienced while taking ambien. These ambien
side effects are much more common if you take ambien and do not go directly to bed. Learn more about this and
other ambien side effects by reading this article. Ambien is commonly used for the short term treatment of
insomnia, particularly trouble falling asleep. It has a very short onset of action, usually leading to sleep in less than
30 minutes, and sometimes much sooner. It is closely related to the benzodiazapines and so can be habit forming,
although because of its very short half-life serious withdrawal Ambien side effectshave not been proven to be
common. Ambien is available in 5 and 10 mg tablets. 10 mg is the usual dosage except in the elderly when a 5 mg
dose is recommended.

Common Ambien Side Effects

Minor ambienside effects that are fairly common include drowsiness upon awakening, headache, a drugged
feeling, lightheadedness and depression. The depression can be severe, see below under serious Ambien side
effects. The rest of the Ambien side effects that are listed in the manufacturers list of common side effects are
primarily those commonly listed for many other medications and include sinusitis, dry mouth, dizziness, lethargy,
back pain, influenza-like symptoms, diarrhea, constipation and sore throat.

Life Threatening Ambien Side Effects

The most common serious Ambien side effects are amnesia and hallucinations. It is very important to take the
medication immediately prior to going to sleep. It is fairly common to become quite confused, to wander and
behave erratically after taking Ambien if patients continue waking activities after taking the drug, so it is very
important to be in bed when the drug takes effect. Activities such as wandering to driving a motor vehicle or doing
other dangerous activities while under the influence of Ambien are reported not infrequently. These are much
more likely if you don’t go to bed immediately after taking the medication and it begins to take effect before you go
to bed. Other common Ambien side effects include worsening of or development of depression, allergic reactions
that can occasionally be severe including anaphylaxis, and suicidal ideation or aggressive behavior.

Drug Interactions
Ambien is almost exclusively metabolized by the liver using the Cytochrome P-450 3A4 pathway, and so has many
potential drug interactions included in the list of ambien side effects. The short half-life of this
medicinemakesambien side effects less of a concern than with some other medications, but use of some of these
medications could potentially prolong the half-life of Ambien. Ambien side effects are contraindicated with
sodium oxybate, and should not be used in combination with alcohol. In general, it should be used with caution or
avoided in combination with any other medications that can be central nervous system depressants because of
possible addictive effects. Drug interactions are possible with the azole class of antifungal medications, the most
commonly used of which is ketoconazole. Metabolism interactions are potentially of concern with many of the HIV
Article: 2
Keyword: Creatine side effects

Understandably, “What are creatine side effects?” is my most frequently asked question. While several classes of
side effects have unequivocally been linked to creatine consumption, others have not. I will begin this section by
describing those creatine side effects which have been clearly linked to creatine use and end with a discussion of
the side effects often attributed to creatine consumption, but largely unexplained based on our current knowledge
of creatine’s accepted mechanisms of action, and give some possible explanations.

Most of the substantiated creatine side effects arising from creatine use involve the propensity for creatine to
draw water into the body compartments where it has accumulated. Scientifically speaking, creatine is osmotically
active. This may not sound too serious, but if NOT compensated for with adequate fluid intake, other body tissues
may be deprived of much needed fluids, especially during strenuous exercise. It is thus very important that you
remain well hydrated while supplementing. Drink at least 1-2 ounces of water daily per kilogram of body weight
while supplementing to avoid severe creatine side effects. Other possible creatine side effects have to do with
the body’s ability, or rather, inability to clear creatine and its associated by-products from the body.

Muscle Volumizing
An increase in body weight is the most widely accepted as creatine side effects attributed to creatine use. As
much as 3 kilograms (6.6 pounds) of added body weight have been reported during the first weeks of
supplementation. Such a rapid increase in body mass is almost certainly due to the movement of water from the
blood stream into skeletal muscle; it is simply too rapid to be due to an increase in “dry” muscle mass (proteins).
This form of muscle growth is known as Muscle Volumizing because our muscles literally inflate with water,
increasing their overall volume.Some athletes (bodybuilders and powerlifters, for example) may consider Muscle
Volumizing a desirable consequence of creatine supplementation. On the other hand, other types of athletes
(endurance athletes, for instance) may find that muscle volumizing actually interferes with the performance of
their respective events. It is easy to imagine how a few extra “kilos” may hinder one’s performance in a marathon.
In any case, creatine-based energy production bestows relatively little energetic benefit during endurance
events.Later stages of muscle growth, on the other hand without creatine side effects, do involve the acquisition
of new muscle proteins, but will be smaller in magnitude and more protracted in time when compared to the
increase in body mass attributed to Muscle Volumizing. The proportion of gains that persist, moreover, will
increase by combining creatine with essential B vitamins and other important nutrients.

Again, it’s imperative that you remain well-hydrated while supplementing to avoid creatine side effects. Adequate
hydration is important since much of our body water follows creatine into skeletal muscle, possibly depriving our
remaining tissues of much needed fluid, especially when exercising in hot and humid environments. Down the road
this may lead to impaired thermoregulation and subsequent heat exhaustion. This precaution is especially valid in
combative sports (wrestling, etc) where athletes strive to make weight before competition. Weight loss under
these circumstances is often achieved through fluid restriction, which, in combination with creatine use, could lead
to excessive dehydration, which is another bad one from creatine side effects.
Article: 3
Keyword: Aspartame Side Effects

Aspartame is a non-nutritive artificial sweetener that has been in use in the U.S. since 1981. It is sold under the
brand names NutraSweet and Equal. Controversy has surrounded the consumption of aspartame as it has been
blamed for numerous medical complications and hazardous aspartame side effects. Here is a look at some of the
reported aspartame side effects.

Aspartame side effects have been linked to illnesses like multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain
tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, birth defects, and lymphoma. It is thought
to worsen or trigger the development of those diseases. Other aspartame side effects include headache, mood
alteration, nausea, dizziness, and changes in vision, seizures, memory loss, fatigue, shooting pains, spasms, leg
numbness, tinnitus, depression, anxiety, joint pain, and slurred speech. Interestingly enough, weight loss has not
been shown to be one of the aspartame side effects. In fact, studies have shown that switching to drinks
sweetened with zero calorie aspartame actually resulted in weight gain instead. Even though there have been few
clinical studies done to confirm these aspartame side effects, the reports are frightening. Many people have sought
other sweeteners as a result of the debate surrounding aspartame side effects. Fortunately there are several
choices available today.

Other Choices
Sucralose, or Splenda, has become a very popular artificial sweetener today, especially among diabetics since it can
withstand being used in recipes and baking and it’s not as harmful as aspartame side effects. It was approved for
use in 1991 and has since found its way into many foods sold on the market. It is claimed to be 600 times sweeter
than sugar. While there are more reported aspartame side effects, sucralose has its concerns too. The main
apprehension is with its manner of manufacture that makes chlorine part of the ingredients. Chlorine is a known
carcinogen. Xylitol is a well-liked sugar substitute that has been used in Europe for many years and has quickly
gained popularity in the United States. It is used by diabetics because it converts more slowly to blood sugar even
though it does contain nearly ten calories per teaspoon. Xylitol is also used as a medication to fight tooth decay and
ear infections. It doesn’t come close to the number of aspartame side effects.

Maltodextrin is a sweetening agent that is often added to candy and beverages. It is also a component in Splenda
along with sucralose where it is used as a bulking agent. It is derived from starches but because it is so highly
processed, it is considered gluten-free even if it is made from wheat. Maltodextrin converts quickly to blood
glucose and is not recommended as a sugar substitute for diabetics. In fact, its side effects are comparable to sugar
in that consuming too much leads to weight gain. It may also pose problems to those allergic to the starch it was
derived from such as wheat, potatoes, or corn. Stevia has become a very popular sweetener in the U.S. but it has
been used in South America for hundreds of years. Stevia is used as a zero calorie sweetener and flavor enhancer
that is recommended for use by diabetics. Stevia has been granted GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status but it
has various reported side effects although they are few in number and severity when compared with aspartame
side effects. These aspartame side effects include dizziness, numbness, nausea and bloating. Stevia should be
used in caution by people allergic to ragweed and by diabetics since it may cause blood sugar levels to drop too
Article: 4
Keyword: Zoloft side effects

Zoloft side effects are generally similar to the side effects of the SSRI class of medications, with sexual dysfunction
and nausea being the most common, while an increased risk of suicidality is the major issue in users under age 25.
These will be discussed along with much more in this article on Zoloft side effects. Zoloft, generic name sertraline,
is available in 25, 50 and 100 mg oral doses and as a 20 mg/ml syrup. Zoloft is one of several drugs used to treat
depression, anxiety, obcessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Zoloft side effects closely mirror the typical side effects of the whole class of
medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These drugs have been extremely popular
since Prozac was introduced as the first in its class because SSRIs generally do not lead to the side effects common
to almost all of the previously available medications used to treat these psychiatric disorders. Zoloft side effects
like those of the whole SSRI class generally do not include severe sedation, anticholinergic side effects and the
generally drugged effects caused by the tricyclic antidepressants and the tetracyclic antidepressants. See
amitriptyline side effects for an example of the earlier medications.

Black Box Warnings

Like all of the SSRI drugs Zoloft side effects that warrant the FDA black box warnings include the risk of
suicidality. Suicide risk is especially noted in adolescents and adults younger than 25 years old. The risk of suicide
in patients over 24 years old has not been shown, and the suicide risk in patients over 65 may be decreased with
Zoloft use. Zoloft is only approved for use in pediatrics for OCD especially because of Zoloft side effects .
Counseling parents and care providers to watch younger patients carefully and to communicate with the
prescribing provider if change in behavior or concern for suicide is noted.

Common Zoloft Side Effects

In most physicians practice the most common Zoloft side effects are sexual dysfunction and nausea. The nausea
is usually minor and often subsides after a few weeks on therapy. The sexual dysfunction is most often orgasmic
dysfunction, anorgasmia or delayed orgasm in women, and delayed ejaculation or inability to ejaculate in men.
Decreased libido is sometimes noted but erectile dysfunction is not commonly noted. Common psychiatric Zoloft
side effects include anxiety or nervousness, insomnia, and somnolence. Gastrointestinal Zoloft side effects
commonly include nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia, constipation, and anorexia. Tremor, headache, asthenia, rash and
abnormal vision are also seen reasonably common as Zoloft side effects.

Serious Zoloft Side Effects

Suicide, worsening of depression and mania (especially in undiagnosed bipolar disorder) are among the
psychiatric serious Zoloft side effects. Serotonin syndrome can be seen with Zoloft and tends to present with
hypertension, sweating, and dehydration. The list of serious potential but uncommon Zoloft side effects is long
and includes neuroleptic malignant syndrome, withdrawal syndrome, seizures, hyponatremia, SIADH, altered
platelet function leading to bleeding, acute closed angle glaucoma, priapism, hypoglycemia, and as with essentially
all drugs serious anaphylactoid reactions. In neonates whose mothers took Zoloft in late pregnancy side effects in
the baby can include persistent neonatal pulmonary hypertension, neonatal serotonin syndrome and a neonatal
withdrawal syndrome. Consult the manufacturers prescriber information for more complete and detailed
information on Zoloft side effects.
Article: 5
Keyword: Prednisone Side effects

Prednisone is a corticosteroid drug that has many prednisone side effects because it contains anti-inflammatory
properties and has several prednisone effects. Physicians prescribe it on a short term or long term basis for
treating conditions such as autoimmune diseases, extreme allergies, swelling in body tissues, severe asthma, and
kidney diseases like nephritic syndrome and preventing transplant rejection among others. Below are some of the
prednisone side effects.

Prednisone Overview
Due to prednisone side effects, the drug is also utilized as an anti-tumor drug and is highly essential in the
treatment of Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, severe lymphoblastic leukemia, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma
and other tumors sensitive to hormones in combination with certain anticancer drugs. However, there are many
prednisone side effects and an example is suppression of the immune system making patients highly likely to get.
Patients usually take it orally but at times the drug can be administered through intravenous or intramuscular
injection. It is a prod rug that the liver converts into prednisolone, the active drug, which is also a steroid. When the
drug is used on a short time basis, many patients tolerate it well but when used on a long time basis, prednisone
side effect become more apparent. In order to determine whether prednisone side effects experienced by a
patient can be coped with, it is necessary to evaluate the risks versus the benefits of using it.

Taking the Medicine

In the pharmaceutical industry, prednisone tablets are utilized in the calibration of dissolution testing equipment.
The first synthesis of the drug meant to find out about prednisone side effects that was commercially feasible
was carried out in the Schering Corporation’s laboratories in 1955. This was done by Author Nobile and his
coworkers. The corporation’s name was later changed into Schering-Plough Corporation. The discovery made by
Arthur and his co-workers was that it was possible to microbiologically oxidize cortisone into prednisone by using
the bacterium known as Corynebacterium simplex. This same process was utilized in the preparation of
prednisolone from hydrocortisone. Schering-Plough introduced prednisolone and prednisone under the brand
names Meticortelone and Meticorten respectively in the mid-1960s. These prescription medications are now sold
as generic drugs by several manufacturers.The right dosage to get good or bad prednisone effects varies according
to the patient’s condition. When physicians prescribe the drug on a short-term basis, they may prescribe a low
dosage, increase it and then decreased it in order to gradually withdraw the medication. If tapering does not take
place, patients experience a comedown effect, which is one of the prednisone side effects even if they have used
the drug for a single week or two.

Prednisone Effects
Patients who need to take the drug for long periods usually take the same dosage every day. At times, it is
recommended that patients should discontinue the drug for a short time before resuming its intake. Patients who
have kidney or liver damage should take prednisone with caution because of prednisone side effect that may
make their conditions worse.Patients taking prednisone should avoid interacting with people who have active
infections due to their low immunity levels. In addition to this, there is a concern about administering vaccines
when patients are taking this drug, especially in children. Physicians generally wait until a patient finishes a course
of prednisone before they can administer a vaccine because prednisone side effects increase the probability of a
patient getting sick from the live vaccines. Prednisone side effects also lower the probability of certain vaccines
working as intended.

Article: 6
Keyword: Lisinopril side effects

Lisinopril side effects are thankfully uncommon, with cough being the most common Lisinopril side effect. This
article will guide you through what you need to know about Lisinopril and review both the common and the
serious Lisinopril side effects. The trade names for Lisinopril are Prinivil and Zestril. Lisinopril is a medication
used for the treatment of hypertension. It is for reduction of complications post myocardial infarction as well as for
treatment of congestive heart failure. Lisinopril side effects can also be used as a preventative medication for
development or progression of nephropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is available in 5, 10, 20, and 40
mg and the maximum daily dose is 80 mg, although doses over 40 mg are usually not more effective than the 40 mg
dose. Lisinopril is also available in fixed combination pills with hydrochlorothiazide at lisinopril –HCTZ 10-12, 5,
20-12.5 and 20-25 mg pills.

Common Lisinopril Side Effects

The most common of lisinopril side effects of all of the ACE inhibitor medications including Lisinopril is an
annoying persistent cough. This resolves if the medication is stopped, but can take weeks or months to completely
go away. Other common Lisinopril side effects include those related to low blood pressure like lightheadedness
and dizziness and severe hypertension. Patients may also experience several other lisinopril side effects such as
diarrhea, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, photosensitivity, and elevated serum potassium levels.

Serious Lisinopril Side Effects

Common and potentially serious Lisinopril side effects are swelling of the lips, mouth or airway called
angioedema. Angioedema may also occur in the bowel, and severe allergic reactions can occur. Elevated
potassium, hyperkalemia, can occur and lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. Renal impairment can occur, most
often in patients with preexisting obstruction of one or both renal arteries. Bone marrow dysfunction with
agranulocytosis, neutropenia, as well as liver toxicity, pancreatitis, and SIADH can occur as Lisinopril side effects.
Use in pregnancy can lead to other lisinopril side effects as oligohydramnios, fetal harm and death, and major
fetal abnormalities if used in the first trimester of pregnancy.When coughoccurs medications in the Angiotensin
Receptor Blocker class of medications can often be substituted for the Lisinopril and resolution of the cough is
expected. Reevaluation of renal function after initiation of Lisinopril is usually recommended to assure there is not
a significant reduction of renal function.

Drug Interactions
Drug interactions primarily relate to cumulative Lisinopril side effects. Use with an ARB medication can lead to
hyperkalemia, and although the drugs can be used together, this needs monitoring. Azothiaprine and lithium have
specific drug interaction issues. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can reduce the effectiveness of the
ACE inhibitors, and are best avoided because of the lisinopril side effects. See the manufacturer prescribing
information for the long list of medications to consider, but most other medications can be used with appropriate
Article: 7
Keyword: Simvastatin side effects

Simvastatin Side Effects should be seriously considered. Simvastatin’s brand name is Zocor (see Zocor side
effects) and is a cholesterol lowering medication in the class called statins. Simvastatin is available in 5 mg, 10 mg,
20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg doses. This class of medications is used primarily for lowering LDL cholesterol to reduce
the chances of developing atherosclerotic vascular disease. Simvastatin also has FDA approved indications for
mixed hyperlipidemia, type 4 hyperlipidemia, dysbetalipoproteinemia, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia,
and cardiovascular adverse event prophylaxis in patients at high risk for heart attack or other cardiovascular
events due to diabetes, known coronary heart disease or peripheral vascular disease. Like all statins simvastatin
has the risk of serious simvastatin side effects.New patients should not be started or increased to simvastatin 80
mg, rather an alternative statin should be used when additional lipid lowering is needed that is not achieved with
simvastatin 4omg. Options may be Lipitor, Crestor or adding an additional lipid lowering drug to the simvastatin.
It is felt that the incidence of Lipitor side effects and Crestor side effects is lower than simvastatin side effects at
80 mg dosing.

Common Simvastatin Side Effects

Common simvastatin side effects include myalgia which is felt by many physicians to be the most common
simvastatin side effect, and is unfortunately common with all statin medications. Other common simvastatin side
effects include liver related issues including elevated liver transaminases and elevated creatine kinase (a muscle
enzyme). Gastrointestinal simvastatin side effects may be abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence or diarrhea.
Asthenia and URI symptoms may also be common simvastatin side effects.

Serious Simvastatin Side Effects

Among the serious simvastatin side effects myopathy is the most common, and may range from minor aching and
pain to severe muscle inflammation, rhabdomyolysis with renal failure and death. Hepatotoxicity may be minor
with elevation of liver transaminases as mentioned above or more serious hepatitis. In general if the liver
transaminases are elevated more than 3 x baselines the dose of simvastatin may need to be reduced or the
medication stopped. Pancreatitis, acute renal failure (usually from rhabdomyolysis), anaphylaxis, angioedema, and
interstitial lung disease are potential serious simvastatin side effects. Serious dermatologic reactions can include
Steven’s Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, erythema multiforme, and photosensitivity.
Rheumatologic disorders including dermatomyositis, polymyalgia rheumatica, vasculitis and lupus erythematosis
are reported. Other hypersensitivity syndromes are possible. Serious hematologic simvastatin side effects can be
leukopenia, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia.

Pregnancy and Lactation

Pregnancy Category X, meaning that there is positive evidence of human fetal risks that outweigh any potential
benefit and that simvastatin (as well as all other available drugs in the statin class) should not be used in
pregnancy. Simvastatin use in lactation is considered possibly unsafe.The myalgia simvastatin side effects can
vary in severity and symptoms, but are relatively common and fairly uncommon with other medications. Patients
may complain of weakness, muscle pain, excessive aching or pain after physical exertion, or just vague pain all
Article: 8
Keyword: Best Radar Detector

For merely as long as police force had been clocking and ticketing generator car speeders, speeders were making
use of the best radar detector which has a purpose to steer free from being caught. Although lately they’ve been
entirely tested for exactness via more than a few police force agencies, laser in addition to radar guns (along with
from time to time their providers) still unfortunately make a few mistakes. It has been expected that more than
25% of all radar tickets were issued by mistake. Best radar detector are generally subsequently thought to be an
useful tool by way of lots of these days’ owners.There are three various kinds of the best radar detector, first of all
the standard corded products, the more recent cord-free dash, visor, as well as windshield-fastened battery run
devices, and concealed faded devices that are totally mounted to your automobile.

Corded Detectors
The best radar detector are usually corded detectors created to be plugged into the two your auto motive’s
cigarette brighter or fuse field, and then attached to the auto glass the use of suction k-cups. Best radar detector
are offering a variety of benefits over faraway and cordless mouth detectors, which come because of their easiness
to put in, their mobility, and their talent hitting upon the entire bands.

Cordless Detectors
Cord less best radar detector contain the benefit of being freed from unfastened cords. Cord less detectors be
capable of preserve battery existence, and may turn themselves don / doff inside milliseconds. Vary along with
sensitivity can be sacrificed consequently – cord-less radar detectors normally have 30% less variety than a corded
sensor. Then again a brand new wireless best radar detector thus one can come across POP radar has been
advanced and is expected to arrive on the market halfway although 2005.

Far flung Attached Radar Detectors

You’ll find benefits in having isolated best radar detector, which include their getting inconspicuous to the
regulations enforcement and to intruders alike. On the other hand the negative aspects of remote radar detectors
include their higher costs, their requirement for expert deploy, and their inability to be simply taken off. Best
radar detector can be purchased easily on-line, on the other hand, a local automotive audio store should be
effective at inform you of state rules that might prohibit purchasing options. Whatever your own determination,
remember that the best radar detector isn’t going to provide somebody permit to force recklessly, along with via
doing so, located other people’s lives at risk.
Article: 9
Keyword: Radar Detector Reviews

Some people feel that those who use radar detectors plan to intentionally exceed the speed limit. But, I will say to
those that issuing speeding tickets is a big business and you must find a way to supplement your brain and vision
for those unforeseen moments. Radar detector reviews say that over a billion dollars annually flow into local and
state municipalities for people going a few miles over the speed limits.The damage of the average speeding ticket is
$800, which includes fines, lost work time going to court and traffic schools, plus insurance hikes that will haunt
you for the next 3-5 years. To avoid these circumstances, research radar detector reviews for a unit that will give
you those 5 to 10 seconds to reduce your speed.

Which Radar Detector to Buy?

Which radar detector should you get? Before you become a statistic for the over 15 million people caught over the
limit annually, look for radar detector reviews from actual customers. We must find the unit that gets us to our
destination and prevents us from getting speeding tickets and incurring a raise in your insurance rates.The
confusion begins with the different types of radar detectors reviews. With so many manufactures and models,
how do I know what type I need? To choose which is the best radar detector for you, consider the size, weight,
price, appearance, and features. All these are included in radar detector reviews.

Are Radar Detectors Legal In My State?

According to radar detector reviews using a radar detector in a passenger vehicle in the United States is legal in
all states except for Virginia and Washington D.C. You must also power off the device while on military bases. To
counter that, they are illegal in commercial vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds. Where radar detectors are not
allowed, law enforcement will use a gadget called a Spectre. This is utilized to detect the presence of a radar
detector in your car or truck. Read more about spectre on radar detector reviews.

Types of Radar Detectors

Radar detector reviews also include all kinds of radar detectors and it’s functions. Although radar detectors may
come in a variety of shapes and sizes, it mainly comes down to the following categories: cordless, corded, and
remote.Cordless detectors have gained in popularity mainly because people just don’t like dangling cords. What
you gain in look appeal, you lose in range cordless has been to have less range and sensitivity as compared to the
corded. The Escort Solo S2 stands apart here as the most dependable best radar detector in this category. The
negative here is that you have to keep the battery charged and the unit shuts off for milliseconds to stay
powered.Corded detectors are the most popular as they are easy to install and are ready for use by being plugged
into the cigarette lighter. They will protect you better from unseen speed traps because you have the ability to
detect all the bands. You get constant monitoring as these units don’t need to power off.Remote radar detectors are
called that because of how they are mounted with the intention of bot being seen. They serve a dual purpose: to be
inconspicuous to police and potential thieves. Radar detector reviews say that the cost can add up here as being
permanently mounted and concealed gets expensive.
Article: 10
Keyword: Omeprazole Side Effects

Omeprazole is the first of a new class of drugs that combat acid secretion by blocking the final step. And in a such
complex function there are many omeprazole side effects. This so-called proton pump is prescribed for the short-
term treatment of duodenal ulcer and for conditions of abnormal acidity such as serious heartburn (GERD) or the
rare Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. It has a very quick onset and is extremely effective in reducing stomach acid.
Omeprazole side effects are common and it should not be prescribed as maintenance therapy to keep ulcers from
coming back.

Side Effects and Interactions

Omeprazole is generally well tolerated. However, headache, diarrhea, stomachache, muscle weakness and rash
have been reported. Other omeprazole side effects that have been reported less commonly include constipation,
cough, fatigue, sore throat and vomiting. Report any symptoms or suspected reactions to your physician promptly.
Omeprazole slows the elimination of several drugs that must be processed by the liver, including the anxiety
medicine Valium, the anti-epileptic Dilantin and the blood thinner Coumadin. Blood levels of these drugs may rise
and side effects become a problem. If you take both Omeprazole and Coumadin, tell your doctor right away if you
experience any unusual bruising, bleeding, reddish urine or blackened stools. Omeprazole is also reported to blood
levels of Sandimmune or Antabuse. Many other prescription drugs require acidity for absorption. Omeprazole
side effects can interfere with such medicines, which include Nizoral, ampicillin and iron supplements, among
others. People taking acid-suppressing drugs such as Omeprazole should not take enteric-coated peppermint oil.
The enteric coating is designed to keep the oil from being absorbed until it reaches the more alkaline lower
intestine. But when there is very little stomach acid, the enteric coating may dissolve prematurely, releasing the oil
into the stomach. In older people with too little stomach acid or in patients taking a strong acid suppressor such as
Omeprazole, vitamin B12 absorption may be impaired. Cranberry juice appears to improve the absorption of this
crucial vitamin in such cases. Be sure to check with your pharmacist and physician about potential omeprazole
side effects before taking any other medication or herb in combination with Omeprazole.

Special Precautions
Animal studies have shown that Omeprazole is associated with a dose-related increase in stomach cancers. It is not
known whether those omeprazole side effects also apply to humans. In addition, because it is so effective at
reducing stomach acid concentrations, patients taking this medicine have higher levels of certain microorganisms
in their stomachs than would normally survive there. Scientists do not yet know whether these bacteria have
negative long-term consequences. Regular supplementation with vitamins C and E might in theory provide
protection against omeprazole side effects. People with liver disease have more trouble metabolizing
Omeprazole . Older people are more vulnerable to omeprazole side effects as well.

Taking the Medicine

Omeprazole should be taken before meals. These delayed-release capsules should not be opened, crushed or
chewed, as that might expose them to stomach acid and cause harmful omeprazole side effects. The medication
can be inactivated by acid. Antacids may be taken with the medicine if omeprazole side effects are shown.
Article: 11
Keyword: Metformin Side Effects

If you have type 2 of diabetes, then chances are you have probably already heard of a drug called metformin. If you
are prescribed to it, then you should also be informed about metmorfin side effects. Essentially metformin allows
the body to slow down its insulin production as well as allows glucose to be absorbed by liver and fat cells. This
lowers the blood sugar levels to a normal, healthy level. This is good; this is exactly what you need for your body to
properly function. However, with any drug you need to learn about the possible metformin side effects.

While an overwhelming majority of people taking metformin experience little to no metformin side effects, there
are some potentially dangerous metformin side effects that you should be aware of. Gastronomic problems are
generally the most common complaint of people taking metformin. This includes an upset stomach, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea, however there are many benefits of metformin that offset the metformin side effects and
generally most of the metformin side effects do go away as your body gets used to the drug.

Side Effects
Most people experiencing these types of metformin side effects are in the first stages of using metformin. Their
bodies have not become accustomed to the drug and the body is simply rejecting the drug in its full amount, such
as if you immediately start taking metformin 500 Mg tablets. To prevent or at least minimize these metformin
side effects, many doctors recommend you take smaller doses and gradually increase dose until you receive a full
dose in one shot. Most of the time, this will reduce the possible metformin side effects from happening or make
them completely disappear. Other minor metformin side effects some people complain of are dizziness, nausea
and headaches. All three side effects affect less than 15% of people and are not considered to be serious metformin
side effects.The most severe side effect of metformin is the potential for lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis occurs when
the body’s blood tissues and blood have a low pH as well as a buildup of lactate. While this normally occurs when
cells do not receive enough oxygen, during vigorous exercise for example, lactic acidosis is a very serious
metformin side effect that needs to be treated immediately to prevent permanent damage. Metformin has been
proven to increase lactate production so it needs to be monitored when first taking the drug to make sure the body
can respond and remove the lactate.

In very few cases, metformin overdoses have led to death. It has been determined that well over 5,000mg of
metformin were taken to facilitate the death of a person. The boxes are clearly labeled and simple instructions
from the doctor will prevent anything like this. For children, anything under 1,700 mg is safe for them to
take.There are possible side effects with just about every drug known to man, and the metformin side effects are
generally hardly noticed. There is absolutely no reason to panic after reading these metformin side effects and
thinking that metformin is too dangerous for you to take. The cases of severe health problems from metformin
side effects are very low and much lower than most drugs that are on today’s market. If you are hesitant, just
discuss the possibility of using metformin to treat your diabetes with your doctor and talk about the possible
metformin side effects that you are concerned about. You will probably find that he or she will tell you everything
in this article and likely convince you that the potential metformin side effects greatly outweigh the benefits of
taking metformin to better your life.
Article: 12
Keyword: Citalopram side effects

Ok, so you made it to this article so you most likely are someone who either uses, or has saw an ad or heard about
Citalopram, commonly referred to as Celexa and you are wondering what the citalopram side effects might be.
Maybe you heard the fast talk or fast scrolling words on the commercial. Either way, if you keep reading, below you
will see a list of some of the common citalopram side effects that we know about.

Many people also use Citalopram or Celexa and experience very little or no citalopram side effects to the drug.
Citalopram Side Effects are common and range from severe to almost unnoticeable and some people never
experience any of the side effects of Citalopram Hydrobromide (Celexa). These are some of the common
citalopram side effects of the antidepressant drug Citalopram. Citalopram is most commonly used in the drug
Celexa which is a very popular drug used to treat depression. The citalopram side effects listed on this article
may not be a complete list of side effects and not everybody experiences the same side effects. Each individual may
have a different reaction and the severity of the side effect may vary as well. If you are having any adverse reaction
to the drug please consult your physician or other health care professional for advice. Remember to always follow
your recommended dosage prescribed by the doctor and if you have any question or are not sure the amount you
need to take then refer to your health care provider immediately.

Common Side Effects

• The Shakes or Shakiness

• Nausea

• Dry mouth

• Sleepiness

• Decreased Sex Drive / Ability to Perform

• Loss of Appetite

Citalopram side effects are something that may be a pain to deal with but you will be able to overcome them if
deal with them the way that you are supposed it. This is in no way a complete list of the Citalopram side effects. If
you experience any adverse reaction to the drug please contact your health care provider. This site was created to
merely outline the citalopram side effects.

Special Cases
Keep in mind that Citalopram Hydrobromide may not have the same side effects on every person. Many people use
Citalopram and have absolutely no Citalopram Side Effects to speak of. When taking Citalopram (Celexa) be sure
to follow the recommended dosage prescribed by your physician and if you do experience any severe citalopram
side effects stop using Citalopram immediately and contact your doctor.

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