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Chapter 1


Title: Scrolling into Slumber: A Qualitative Inquiry of Social Media in Shaping Students Sleep
and Daily Practices in Tagum City Regional Academy for Senior High School


Some cities in Nigeria there have been some concerns expressed about the possible impacts of
excessive social media use on important parts of students' life, such as studying, sleeping habits, and
interactions with others (Abi-Jaoude et al., 2020). Senior high school are a distinct population group
defined by their academic goals, personal development, and interactions with others. They are frequently
in a vital developmental period in which striking a balance between school responsibilities and
maintaining good relationships is important. Given this group's extensive use of social media, it is critical
to assess its impact and repercussions on their overall well-being. Previous study has emphasized social
media's addictive character and proclivity to distract students from their academic duties (Abeele et al.,

In Bulacan Philippines In the using social media before bedtime causes a delay in bedtime and
takes away the time spent on sleeping. The continents in social media also stimulate mental activation
causing difficulty in falling asleep. Wahl et al. (2019) stated that exposure to low blue and bright light
levels during the night or before bedtime due to extensive use of social media causes a reduction or delay
in the body's natural production of melatonin in the evening and disrupts the body's regular sleep-wake
cycles and circadian rhythms, delaying sleep onset (Bahinting et al., 2022). Failure to achieve the
suggested amount of quality sleep may lead to serious health problems and diseases. As cited by
Safhi et al. (2020), Buysse reported that inadequate sleep causes increased morbidity and mortality. In
addition, the results revealed that the constant rise of inadequate quality of sleep brings damage to
mental and physical health (Safhi, 2020).

At the same time, many advantages of using social media are existent, like having more prominent
connectedness with others. In De La Salle university social media, being a significant part of adolescents’
lives, may relate to negativity as an effect Connections between the time spent engaging in social media
and emotional well-being issues, such as depression and anxiety, were found since their social media
engagement could be the potential intervening pathways relating to their emotional well-being Brunborg
& Andreas (2019),

Past studies mentioned about how social media can affect student daily practices However, we have
not across a study that specifically A Inquiry of social media role in shaping student sleep and daily
practice. Furthermore, this study will provide relevant concepts that will possibly create deeper
understanding about the role of social media in shaping students sleep and daily practices in the academic
Purpose of the study

The purpose of this qualitative inquiry is to explore the role of social media in shaping the sleep and
daily practices of tagum city senior high school students. By delving into the intricate dynamics between
social media engagement and sleep patterns, this study aims to uncover how scrolling through social
platforms influences students' sleep quality, duration, and overall daily routines. Through qualitative
analysis, the study seeks to provide insights into the nuanced ways in which social media usage impacts
the sleep habits of senior high school students, offering valuable perspectives for educators, parents, and
policymakers to support healthier sleep practices in adolescent.

Research Questions

The researchers seek to answer the following questions by the end of this study.

1.) What are the experience of students using social media in shaping student sleep and daily

2.) How do the students manage social media in shaping student sleep and daily practices?

3.) What are the perception of students in Tagum City Regional Academy of social media usage on
their sleep quality and daily routine?

Significance of the Study

This study will holds substantial relevance to the discipline of psychology, shedding light on the
intricate relationship between social media usage and students' sleep patterns and daily routines. In an era
dominated by digital connectivity, understanding the impact of social media on sleep habits is crucial for
psychologists and educators alike. By delving into this topic, the study contributes to the broader
discourse on technology's influence on human behavior and mental health.

At a macro level, society stands to benefit from insights garnered through this research, as it
addresses a pressing issue affecting the well-being of students worldwide. Educational institutions can
utilize findings to implement targeted interventions aimed at promoting healthier sleep habits among
students. Furthermore, parents and guardians can gain valuable knowledge to guide adolescents in
managing their digital consumption responsibly. On a micro level, individual students stand to benefit
directly from a deeper understanding of how social media impacts their sleep and daily practices,
empowering them to make informed choices regarding their digital usage and overall well-being.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used conceptually and operationally to ensure the clarity and for better

Social Media. It refers to digital platforms and technologies that facilitate the creation, sharing,
and exchange of user-generated content, enabling virtual social interactions and community building
Smith (2023). In this study it refers to online platforms and applications that facilitate social interaction,
sharing of content, and networking among users.
Sleep. It denotes a natural, recurring state of rest characterized by altered consciousness, reduced
sensory awareness, and diminished physical activity, crucial for physical and mental health restoration
and cognitive functioning Johnson (2023). In this study likely examines the quality, duration, patterns,
and influences on sleep among senior high school students, particularly in relation to their engagement
with social media.

Daily practices. It encompass the habitual behaviors, routines, and activities individuals engage
in on a regular basis as part of their daily lives, including but not limited to work, leisure, self-care, and
social interactions Lee (2023). As part of the study this could include studying, attending classes,
participating in extracurricular activities, meal times, leisure activities, exercise routines, and other
activities that contribute to their daily lives and schedules. The study likely explores how social media
usage influences or intersects with these daily practices, particularly in relation to sleep habits and

Qualitative inquiry. It refers to a research approach focused on exploring and understanding

complex phenomena through detailed examination and interpretation of textual, visual, or observational
data, aiming to uncover underlying meanings, patterns, and perspectives Brown (2023). In this study,
qualitative inquiry is likely employed to explore the role of social media in shaping the sleep habits and
daily practices of senior high school students through in-depth interviews, observations, and thematic
analysis of qualitative data.

Student well-being. It encompasses the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects of
students' health and happiness, influenced by various factors including academic pressures, social
relationships, lifestyle choices, and environmental conditions Garcia (2023). In this study likely
investigates how social media usage influences student well-being, particularly in relation to sleep
patterns and daily practices.

Delimitations and Limitations

This phenomenological study is delimited to students from Tagum City Senior High School,
potentially limiting the diversity of perspectives and experiences represented in the research findings. The
study may be subject to sample bias as it focuses solely on students from Tagum City Senior High
School, potentially overlooking the experiences and perspectives of students from different demographic
backgrounds or educational settings.

Additionally, the study focus on a single school may restrict the generalizability of its
conclusions to students in other educational settings. Therefore, caution should be exercised when
attempting to apply the study's findings beyond the specific context of Tagum City Senior High School.
The findings of the study cannot be confidently extrapolated to apply to students outside of Tagum City
Senior High School or to senior high school students in general. Variations in social media usage, daily
practices, and sleep patterns among students from different schools or regions may impact the
applicability of the study's findings to broader populations.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

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