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Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc theo cấu trúc used to, be/ get used to

Nhớ: used to + Vnt

be/ get used to + V_ing
Chú ý: be( is, am,are, was, were) , get (get - got - got)

1. I was used to __________ (eat) at noon when I started school

2. He used to ________ (study) at five o’clock
3. When I was young, I used to ______ (swim) everyday
4. He used to _______ (like) her, but he doesn’t anymore
5. Don’t worry, some day you will get used to _______ (speak) English
6. Lan can’t get used to ________ (study)
7. He used to _________ (dance) every night, but now he studies
8. Adam is used to ________ (sleep) late on the weekends
9. Cheeks is used to ______ (eat) American food now
10. She finally got used to _______ (eat) our food
11. When I was a child, I used _____ (dream) of being an astronaut
12. I’m terribly nervous. I’m not used ______ (speak) to a large audience
13. It took us ages to get used ________ (live) in an apartment house
14. Lots of trains used _______ (stop) here, but not many do now
15. Didn’t Nick use _____ (work) on the building site?
16. I’ll have orange juice, please. I’m not used _________ (drink) alcohol
17. David doesn’t seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he’s got used ________ (be)
18. When Laura was at college, she used ______ (have) a picture of Elvis Presley on her
bedroom wall
19. There used ______ (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago
20. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn’t used ________ (drive) on the left

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Mrs Teresa used to __________ in Egypt when she was 12. live D.lived

2. Karen’s mother used to ____________ late at night.

A.working work D.worked

3. Ms Christine has lived in New Zealand for 5 years. She _____________ the hot climate
A.are used to B.gets used to C.used to D.A and B are correct

4. Malisa is used to ___________ her house by herself.

A.clean C.cleaned clean

5. Fiona didn’t ____________ do morning exercise, so now she is getting fat. used to B.used to C.use to D.get used to

6. Veronica is used to ___________ many hours in front of the computer. spend B.spend C.spent D.spending
7. My friend Freddy used to _________ much milk tea. Now, he doesn’t.
A.drink drink C.drank D.drinking

8. Stephen isn’t used to __________ in those bad conditions. work C.working D.worked

9. Has Aurora __________ driving on the right?

A.use to B.used to C.been used to used to

10. Katy’s mother should be pretty used to _______ without electricity by right now. C.lived live

11. Isaac Newton_____ scientific books when he was a boy.

A. used to read B. had been reading C. had read D. has read

12. I am so sorry I am not_____ that fast.

A. use to drive B. used to driving C. used to drive D. use to driving

13. I_____ in Korea. I’ve lived here all my life.

A. am used to living B. used to living C. am used to live D. use to live

14. Jennifer _____ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the shopping mall.
A. used to working B. used to work C. am used to work D. is used to working

15. Humans _____ that the earth is round before.

A. would not use to believe B. used to believing
C. were not used to believe D. did not use to believe

16. I ________ skinny when I was young

A. used to be B. used be C. used to D. get used to be

17. We __________ in New Jersey

A. used to living B. used to live C. used live D. use to live

18. Lisa speaks English now, but she ________ it when she was young
A. didn’t used to speak B. not used to speak
C. didn’t use to speaking D. didn’t use to speak

19. People ________ to the radio more in the old days

A. used to listening B. used listen C. used to listen D. use to listen

20. Can you believe that Grandpa ______ tennis when he was young?
A. used to play B. used play C. used to be playing D. use to play

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