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Martial peak


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Chapter 2507 - Damaged Sealed World Bead

As soon as Yang Kai entered the Sealed World Bead, his complexion
changed drastically. He looked around in befuddlement and called out in
alarm, “How, h-how did it become like this?”

Although he was mentally prepared for the fact that the release of World
Force would cause a certain degree of damage to the Small Sealed
World, Yang Kai had not anticipated the impact would be this huge.

Currently, the Small Sealed World was in a state of devastation and

chaos. Countless ravines crisscrossed in all directions on the ground, as
if the battle between Duan Hong Chen and Wu Kuang had taken place

The flowers, plants, and lush trees that once flourished everywhere were
destroyed in large swaths, and even the rich World Energy had
diminished noticeably.

The entire Small Sealed World looked lifeless, just like a doomsday

Yang Kai’s heart ached. Ever since he obtained the Sealed World Bead
on Shadowed Star, this artifact had provided him with a lot of
convenience and saved him from many crises, but he never expected it
to become like this.

The Embodiment stood beside Yang Kai with a sad expression,

lamenting, “Wu Kuang said World Force is a World’s Source Strength.
What good results could you expect when you drew out that Source
Strength from this world?”

“What happened to Liu Yan and the others? Are they okay?” Yang Kai
asked worriedly, releasing his Divine Sense to investigate the situation.

The Embodiment answered, “They are fine, it’s just that Ruo Xi and Xiao
Qi are still asleep, and we don’t know when they will wake up.”
Yang Kai nodded before teleporting to where Liu Yan and the others
were. Just as the Embodiment said, Zhang Ruo Xi and Mo Xiao Qi were
still asleep.

Mo Xiao Qi’s emotional riot caused the release of her Divine Soul Seal,
which was resealed by Duan Hong Cheng with a drop of Zhang Ruo Xi’s
Blood Essence. The result was that both of them fell unconscious. The
two little girls had probably been thoroughly exhausted, but although they
were unconscious, there should not be a problem as their breathing was
smooth and peaceful.

After investigating for a while, Yang Kai felt relieved, and then transferred
his Divine Sense to the medicine garden. Seeing that the Immortal Tree
and Firmament Tree, as well as the exotic flowers and plants he planted
in the medicine garden were not affected, only then did he truly relax.

If the Immortal Tree and Firmament Tree were affected, Yang Kai would
not have enough tears to cry.

Fortunately, although the Small Sealed World was badly damaged, the
important areas were not affected. It was a small blessing in all of the

[The question is, how do I repair this damage?] Yang Kai was extremely
troubled. Although he was proficient in the Dao of Space, it was not the
same as mastery over World Force; he did not know where to start even
if he wanted to repair this place.

The Sealed World Bead had absorbed a large amount of Source

Strength in the Source Sea, which condensed thickly in the space inside
the Sealed World Bead; however, the World Energy and Source Strength
were escaping the Small Sealed World steadily due to the damage.

It was understood that if Yang Kai did not come up with a solution, the
World Energy and Source Strength here would completely leak out
sooner or later, and the Sealed World Bead would not be able to provide
a decent environment for Liu Yan and the others for cultivation.

Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly lit up as he thought about the problem though.
The reason the Small Sealed World became like this was that he had
extracted the World Force of this world.

Since that was the case, if he could replenish the missing World Source
Strength, the Small Sealed World should be able to restore to its original

World Source Strength could be found in any part of the world; however,
only a capable Great Emperor could perceive it, so Yang Kai was
naturally not capable of this. However, he did own the Mountains and
Rivers Bell, which had suppressed and contained a decent amount of
World Force earlier.

What miraculous effects would there be if the Small Sealed World was
flooded by the suppressed World Force?

Especially since the suppressed World Force was much richer than the
amount Yang Kai had drawn out of the Sealed World Bead. If it was used
well, not only could it repair the Small Sealed World, but also might
restore it to a better state than before, with more complete World

Yang Kai could not help getting excited at that thought, eager to give it a

In any case, if he did not try, the Sealed World Bead would become a
broken world sooner or later; but if he succeeded, the benefits would be

After making up his mind, Yang Kai flickered and reappeared in the
oasis. Then, he waved his hand to release the Embodiment, Liu Yan,
Zhang Ruo Xi, and Mo Xiao Qi.

“What is Master’s order?” Liu Yan asked Yang Kai curiously.

Yang Kai normally would not release all of them out of the Sealed World
Bead, so there must be something important for them to do.

Yang Kai solemnly disclosed, “I want to repair the Sealed World Bead,
you may not be safe staying inside.”
“Repair the Small Sealed World?” A trace of confusion flashed across the
Embodiment’s eyes, but he quickly reacted and asked in a small voice,
“Are you going to use the suppressed World Force?”

Yang Kai nodded and quickly explained, “This is the only way. I have to

The Embodiment pondered for a while before pointing out, “It’s also an

“But before that, I want to give Liu Yan something!” Yang Kai looked at
Liu Yan with scorching eyes.

“The Phoenix True Fire?” Liu Yan’s breathing stopped slightly.

“So, you felt it,” Yang Kai grinned.

Yang Kai threw the Phoenix True Fire into the Small Sealed World after
obtaining it from the Shattered Star Sea earlier, and its presence was
naturally sensed by Liu Yan.

The Phoenix True Fire was the legacy of the Martial Flame Great
Emperor, a Fire Phoenix’s Source. Liu Yan was originally a Fire Attribute
Artifact Spirit, so there was a subtle connection between the two, not to
mention that Liu Yan had also refined a Luan Feng’s feather.

The Fire Phoenix and Luan Feng were both branches of the Phoenix
Clan; they shared the same origins.

Liu Yan possessed a trace of the Luan Feng’s strength after refining its
feather, so it was only reasonable that she could also refine the Phoenix
True Fire.

However, it was accompanied by great danger that may extinguish her

Soul the moment she tried.

Yang Kai expressed solemnly, “Liu Yan, the Phoenix True Fire is a Fire
Phoenix’s Source, if you succeed in refining it, you will inherit the legacy
memory of a Fire Phoenix and be truly reborn. Becoming a True Fire
Phoenix would also be just a matter of time, but you must be aware of
the risk you would be taking. If there is even the slightest error, you will
surely be burned to death. You…”

“Master, I am prepared,” Liu Yan interjected before Yang Kai could finish.

Yang Kai was slightly stunned and looked at her intently for a while
before he nodded and continued, “This is your own path, it is your
choice. Since you are prepared, I won’t try to dissuade you. Just… be

Liu Yan pursed her red lips, and told him softly, “If Liu Yan fails in
refining, please don’t be sad for me. Liu Yan was once just an Artifact
Spirit. I obtained sentience by chance, and am already very satisfied to
be able to follow Master for so many years. It’s enough that this servant
was able to live freely like this even for a short time.”

Emotions welled up in her, and her eyes became slightly red, but
because she was a puppet, she could not shed any tears.

Yang Kai responded softly, “It has also been my honour and privilege to
be able to meet and know you, and to be with you all this way. Don’t
think too much, you will succeed.”

Liu Yan nodded firmly, “I will definitely not disappoint Master!”

Yang Kai’s expression turned solemn as he violently pushed the Golden

Divine Dragon Source Strength in his body. Suddenly a huge golden
dragon phantom appeared behind him, flashing its fangs and claws.

Stretching out his hand, Yang Kai sent a dragon claw into the Sealed
World Bead, and with a firm grip, he pulled out the Phoenix True Fire.

Under the dragon’s claw, the Phoenix True Fire was like a living little
phoenix, flapping its wings desperately but bound tightly by the Golden
Divine Dragon Source.

“Take it!” Yang Kai shouted loudly as he slowly pushed the Phoenix True
Fire towards Liu Yan.
Liu Yan took a deep breath, her face instantly turning as tranquil as an
ancient well, and she inhaled the Phoenix True Fire into her abdomen in
one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, she flickered and flew towards the depths of the
desert at lightning speed, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Soon, an extremely hot wave of power transmitted from that direction,

and a ball of fire was blazing in the yellow, sand-filled landscape,
accompanied by a clear and loud phoenix cry that echoed across the

Yang Kai looked solemn and released his Divine Sense, paying close
attention to the situation there.

If he had a choice, he would not let Liu Yan refine the Phoenix True Fire
at this time.

He had originally planned to wait until Liu Yan was stronger before giving
her the Phoenix True Fire, but the Sealed World Bead was seriously
damaged right now, and could collapse at any moment, so it was no
longer suitable to store the Phoenix True Fire inside it.

Only the Sealed World Bead could store the Phoenix True Fire as no
Space Ring could accommodate it.

Once the Small Sealed World collapsed, the precious Phoenix True Fire
would very likely be swallowed into the Void, never to be found again.

As a last resort, Yang Kai could only ask Liu Yan to refine it at this time.

However, Yang Kai was also fully prepared. It would be best if Liu Yan
succeeded in the refinement, but if the process did not go as planned, he
would directly intervene and suppress the Phoenix True Fire using his
Golden Divine Dragon Source and the Mountains and Rivers Bell.

Presumably, Liu Yan would not need to worry about her life.
He decided not to tell Liu Yan because he did not want Liu Yan to have
the thought of escaping if all went wrong, and it would be fine even if the
refining failed.

Being cornered at the gates of death was the best way to force out Liu
Yan’s potential.

Yang Kai looked solemn at the detection of his Divine Sense.

Liu Yan, who was refining the Phoenix True Fire, was currently on fire,
and the phantom of a Fire Phoenix had emerged above her petite body.
The majestic phoenix eyes stared at her coldly, obviously unwilling to be
captured and refined easily.

Fortunately, Liu Yan had the body of a Spirit Puppet and was also a Fire
Attribute Artifact Spirit. She had even devoured a large amount of Sun’s
True Fire, so she had strong resistance and compatibility with this
scorching fire.

She constantly urged her own power to resist the terrifying power of the
Phoenix True Fire. Instead of hurrying to devour it though, she released
her Divine Sense to communicate and comfort the Phoenix True Fire

Yang Kai’s eyes lit up, realizing that his worries were needless.

Liu Yan was not a child, she had her own ideas and inspirations. If she
was successful in her approach to communicate with the Phoenix True
Fire, it was very likely that Phoenix True Fire would recognize her as its
Master and would be refined willingly without any dangers.

The key now was how to get Phoenix True Fire to recognize her.

Yang Kai stared intently, not daring to miss a single moment.

Chapter 2508 - Samsara

In the raging flames, the earth was scorched into burnt ground, and the
flowing yellow sands melted away.

A radius of a thousand metres around Liu Yan was turned into a magma-
like zone, searing terrifyingly.

The gigantic Fire Phoenix phantom hovered behind Liu Yan, its majestic
phoenix eyes akin to those of Divine Spirits from ancient times looking
down at her with disdain and mockery. Enveloped by the phantom, Liu
Yan actually gave up using her strength to resist and simply allowed the
flames that could burn everything in existence to consume her, her
dainty face scrunching up in pain.

Two streams of Divine Sense were communicating with each other in the

One was as weak as an ant, while another was as powerful as a divine

being from the Heavens; the contrast was exceedingly obvious.

No one knew what they were communicating, but the mighty Divine
Sense of Fire Phoenix Source Strength suddenly went berserk,
accompanied by a cry while its flames burned more fiercely.

Yang Kai’s eyes twitched aggressively and he almost intervened.

Liu Yan had the body of a Spirit Puppet, unlike an ordinary cultivator;
however, Yang Kai could not tell how long she could endure under the
burning of the Phoenix True Fire. If she could not withstand it anymore,
she was bound to be burned to death.

Just as Yang Kai was about to make a move, he stole a glance at Liu
Yan and stopped abruptly due to sensing something odd.

He found that even though Liu Yan’s expression was twisted in extreme
pain, there was a sense of peace and calm on her brow. She looked
dreadfully strange as her face contorted with two completely
contradictory emotions.
Suddenly, another cry was heard. Although it was not as loud and clear
as the phoenix’s cry, it was crisp and melodious. In the next instant, a
three feathered fiery-red bird transformed from Liu Yan’s body.

It was Liu Yan’s original form!

Yang Kai looked at her solemnly. Despite all the molten sand whipping
about, blocking his sight, he could still see everything clearly with his
Divine Sense.

It had been a long time since Liu Yan showed her original body. The
image of Liu Yan in her original body during their first meeting flashed
across his mind vividly. At the time, Yang Kai thought that she was a Fire
Spirit, but only after some probing did he realize she was an Artifact
Spirit of an Artifact Refining Furnace.

Liu Yan must have been forced to reveal her original form.

As soon as the strange Firebird appeared, it shot towards the sky, riding
the clouds and winds, and instantly reached the head of the Fire
Phoenix, flying around it.

The Fire Phoenix cried endlessly and spread its fiery feathers, releasing
monstrous heat waves to the surroundings. Liu Yan’s original body was
struck by the heat waves again and again, like a small ship in the stormy
sea, ready to drown her at any time.

The fluctuations of Divine Sense never stopped, as Liu Yan kept trying to
converse with the Phoenix True Fire.

Yang Kai could not tell exactly what Liu Yan was doing as he only saw
her flying and dancing around the Fire Phoenix unceasingly, sending out
her Divine Sense to communicate.

The irascible phantom of Fire Phoenix slowly calmed down, retrieving its
spreading fire feathers. However, its eyes were still filled with disdain, as
if the whole world was beneath it.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yang moved a little closer to Fire Phoenix,
seemingly trying to make it accept her.
The process was incredibly slow.

After working hard for a long time, Liu Yan finally drifted on top of Fire
Phoenix’s head, gently combing the feathers on its crest.

The Fire Phoenix leisurely closed its majestic eyes.

[Did she succeed?] Yang Kai frowned slightly, as he did not understand
the situation now.

Logically speaking, Liu Yan definitely had a significantly higher chance of

successfully refining the Fire Phoenix Source Strength than anyone else,
because Liu Yan herself was a Fire Attribute Artifact Spirit whose origins
were quite close to the Phoenix True Fire.

The monstrous coercion gradually decreased and the gigantic Fire

Phoenix phantom slowly retracted into Liu Yan’s body. The scorching
heat lost its source and dissipated at once, leaving only the boiling
magma and semi-solidified yellow sands covering a large area of the

Following the Fire Phoenix, Liu Yan’s original figure returned to her
human form.

Yang Kai used his Divine Sense to examine Liu Yan’s condition and he
could not help but be taken aback.

Because right now, Liu Yan’s whole body was burning like she had been
on fire for countless years. Her appearance did not seem to have a
human profile and her previous beautiful hair was all gone.

All Yang Kai could see was a charcoal humanoid-like object.

If even the body of a Spirit Puppet could be burned like this, other
cultivators might have already been turned into ashes a long time ago.

Yang Kai’s heart bled for Liu Yan, but he resisted the urge to help
somehow while preparing himself to pluck another leaf from the Immortal
Liu Yan’s feeble Soul fluctuations suddenly pulsed from the burnt
humanoid object.

Traces of crimson energy suddenly diffused out of her body, as if the

flames were dancing, dazzling everyone’s eyes. The crimson energy had
a terrifying aura that could burn everything, but also released an
incredible vitality at the same time.

Phoenix True Fire!

It was rumoured that all Phoenixes were immortal and indestructible.

Every one of their deaths were nothing but a nirvana of reincarnation,
and it was this mystical Phoenix True Fire that created such a legend.
Therefore, Phoenix True Fire possessed both the power of destruction
and also an abundance of vitality.

Destruction was for the enemy, while vitality was for itself.

Soon, Liu Yan was engulfed by the crimson energy which was
impermeable to the wind, and the crimson energy gradually solidified,
forming a rock-like existence.

Liu Yan seemed to have turned into an egg that was about half the
height of a grown man. Countless mysterious patterns could be seen on
the eggshell, as if it contained profound secrets. Out of pure curiosity,
Yang Kai glanced at her more than a few times, but suddenly felt that
there was a pair of majestic eyes staring coldly at him in his Knowledge
Sea, causing his Soul to tumble.

He was so frightened that he quickly averted his gaze.

It was the eyes of the Fire Phoenix. Yang Kai had no idea why it
appeared in his Knowledge Sea, but he knew that if he continued to
stare at the runic patterns on the egg, he might be attacked by a Soul

This should be the inheritance of the Phoenix Clan, and the patterns
should be the secrets of the Phoenix Clan. Anyone who tried to spy on
them without first winning approval from the Phoenix Clan would not
meet a good end.
However, Yang Kai was relieved to see this situation.

Since the Phoenix Clan inheritance had emerged on the eggshell that
wrapped Liu Yan, it meant that she had successfully convinced the
Phoenix True Fire to accept her. With the Phoenix True Fire’s shelter, Liu
Yan couldn’t die even if she suffered severe injuries.

All he needed to do now was to wait.

Wait for the moment of Liu Yan’s rebirth from the egg and witness the
legendary scene.

Yang Kai did not expect that Liu Yan could refine the Phoenix True Fire
in such a short time. Although the process caused much anxiety to him, it
ended without any life-threatening danger.

He then sent a message to the Embodiment, asking him to pay attention

to Liu Yan’s situation and inform him as soon as possible if something
went wrong.

The Embodiment nodded.

After that, Yang Kai re-entered the Sealed World Bead.

Since the problem of the Phoenix True Fire was settled, then the next
issue that he had to solve was the Small Sealed World.

Yang Kai released his Divine Sense everywhere and immediately

received all the information about the Small Sealed World’s current state.
After the extraction of the Sealed World’s World Force last time,
tremendous damage was done. One-third of the entire Small Sealed
World had turned into a chaotic mess that had no distinction between the
ground and the sky. Many parts had been smashed together like a
primordial soup.

These places were constantly collapsing, and the devastation continued

to spread.

Judging from this situation, if he ignored it for another month, the Small
Sealed World would completely collapse, and the Immortal Tree,
Firmament Tree and all the precious herbs that were planted in his
medicine garden would be destroyed.

Although Yang Kai could move all of these things away in advance, he
was not comfortable with putting these treasures in another place,
especially the Immortal Tree. Once people found out its existence, Yang
Kai was afraid that the entire Star Boundary would usher in a reign of
chaos trying to seize it.

Therefore, no matter what, Yang Kai wanted to stabilize the Small

Sealed World as soon as possible, not for anything else, but to keep the
Immortal Tree and the Firmament Tree safe and hidden.

With a serious expression on his face, Yang Kai stretched out his hand
and a huge bell suddenly emerged in front of him.

The Ancient Exotic Artifact, Mountains and Rivers Bell!

Perhaps due to suppressing a large amount of World Force beneath it,

the Mountains and Rivers Bell had not shrunk like normal and the
mysterious patterns on its surface were continuously glowing. The
ancient wild aura constantly permeated its surroundings.

When Yang Kai summoned the Mountains and Rivers Bell, he clearly felt
that the suppressed World Force was colliding endlessly inside the
Mountains and Rivers Bell, as if it was attempting to break free from its

After watching the Mountains and Rivers Bells for a time, Yang Kai
performed a few hand seals with a solemn face.

The Mountains and Rivers Bell abruptly buzzed, and a gap was revealed
in its world-suppressing force.

The suppressed World Force instantly turned into a stream of light,

breaking free from the bell through the gap at lightning speed, like a cat
perceiving a fish.

*Weng… *
Unimaginable coercion descended from the sky as an extremely strong
will appeared from the darkness, hovering above Yang Kai’s head,
conveying an aura of destruction.

Yang Kai’s body was being forced down by it.

During his breakthrough before, Yang Kai could not resist the
bombardment of this World Force; however, he was different now, as he
had become an Emperor Realm Master. The Emperor Qi in his body was
pure and vigorous, and his strength had become ten times greater.

Moreover, this was the Small Sealed World, and even if it was damaged,
the fact that he ruled everything in this world did not change.

Yang Kai looked up coldly, staring at the World Force that turned into a
cloud of light, and with a single thought, the power of the Small Sealed
World began to move.

Numerous formless hands reached out from all directions, firmly grasping
the cloud of World Force.

The cloud of light buzzed, struggling constantly, but could not move an

The World Force was no doubt a power imposed by the world outside,
but it was just a cut-off remnant now, so how could it compete with the
power of the entire Small Sealed World?

After capturing the World Force, Yang Kai quickly sat down cross-legged,
and spread out his mind to the surroundings, enveloping the whole Small
Sealed World in an instant.

Soon, Yang Kai had a strange feeling. He felt as if he had turned into the
Small Sealed World, that there was no boundary between them anymore
as they merged to become one.
Chapter 2509 - Evolving the Sealed World Bead

After merging with the entire Small Sealed World, Yang Kai’s
presumptions were confirmed.

The Small Sealed World was extremely eager to use the imprisoned
World Force to repair its broken parts; this was the will of the Small
Sealed World.

It was like the instinctive reaction of an injured person at the sight of a

healing pill.

Yang Kai was delighted but kept his composure, his expression as
tranquil as an ancient well as he closed his eyes tightly while his hands
were constantly performing mysterious seals.

He did not even know what these seals were at first as his body was
acting on instinct at the moment, merely allowing the Small Sealed
World’s will to guide his actions.

He blasted a series of imprints towards the imprisoned World Force

hovering above, and soon, the cloud of light was thoroughly surrounded
by a strange set of runic patterns.

At the same time, the struggling World Force seemed to have resigned
itself to its fate and stopped struggling.

At a certain moment, Yang Kai suddenly opened his eyes and yelled in a
low voice, “Release!”

With this shout, the imprisoned World Force abruptly exploded, turning
into smaller streams of light, like a firework explosion, extremely
dazzling. It broke down into countless points of light, flying to every
corner of the Small Sealed World.

The streams of light scattered, seeping into the Small Sealed World and
disappearing one after another.

The broken Small Sealed World buzzed in enthusiasm, as if it had been

greatly nourished.
The damaged parts of the world stopped collapsing, the ground and sky
separated again, and the chaos calmed.

As time passed, the ravines on the ground closed up, and the
devastation began to reverse. An inexplicable trace of inspiring vitality
danced around the lifeless Small Sealed World.

The large amount of Shattered Source Strength that had been devoured
from the Source Sea before seemed to have undergone some wonderful
transformation and was now quickly merging into the Small Sealed
World, turning into strands of clear World Principles, strengthening the
foundation of the Small Sealed World.

The wind rose, the clouds gathered and rubbed together to create the
sound of thunder as lightning flashed and rain began to fall, urging buds
to grow.

The Small Sealed World seemed to have resurrected and was now filled
with overflowing vitality. Even the exotic flowers and plants growing in the
medicine garden were beginning to sway in vigour.

It was unknown how much time this entire process took.

When the dust settled, Yang Kai suddenly felt that his mind was cut off
from the Small Sealed World, and he woke up from that wondrous

Looking around, the Small Sealed World seemed to still be the same, but
the bleakness was gone; instead, it seemed to have evolved for the

Yang Kai could clearly sense that the World Principles in the Small
Sealed World were more complete. Although it could not be compared to
a true world, it was much better than before.

[Could the World Force have allowed the Small Sealed World to evolve?]
Yang Kai raised his brow in delight.

Yang Kai had always known that his Small Sealed World was not
perfect, but he did not know how to enhance it to bring it closer to
perfection. However, Yang Kai seemed to have discovered some useful
information after this experience.

If just a stream of World Force could cause such big changes to the
Small Sealed World, to the point where even the World Principles had
improved so much, would it be possible to continue to improve the Small
Sealed World if more World Force was taken in?

By that time, this place would turn into a cultivation paradise, where
World Energy Baptisms would be possible even if one reached the peak
of the Dao Source Realm and needed to break through to the Emperor

However, World Force was incredibly hard to come by and could not
even be sensed before reaching the Great Emperor Realm, so Yang Kai
could only lament at his own limitations with his current First-Order
Emperor Realm cultivation.

However, Yang Kai was still very excited about this newly discovered

He thoroughly inspected the Small Sealed World again and found that it
was indeed free from hidden dangers, and was even better than before.
Yang Kai was really relieved.

Liu Yan’s condition was still unknown, however.

With a thought, he escaped from the Small Sealed World and returned to
the outside world.

“Big Brother Yang.”

Mo Xiao Qi’s voice reached his ear as soon as he reappeared.

Yang Kai turned to the source of the voice and found that both Mo Xiao
Qi and Zhang Ruo Xi had awoken and looked to be in good condition,
free of any lingering negative effects.

With a slight smile, Yang Kai acknowledged, “You’re up.”

“Big Brother Yang, are we in the Purple Mountain Range? Did the
Shattered Star Sea close? What happened after that? Who reapplied the
Divine Soul Seal? I didn’t hurt you, right?” She launched a torrent of
questions, looking quite anxious and uneasy.

It seemed that she knew the release of the Divine Soul Seal was related
to her losing her consciousness, but she had no impression of what
happened after that.

Yang Kai glanced at the Embodiment standing not far away in

bewilderment, “Why didn’t you explain to her?”

The Embodiment shrugged, “They just woke up, I haven’t had the time

Yang Kai nodded, and briefly recited the happenings after her rampage.
Of course, he did not dare to mention the battle between Duan Hong
Chen and Wu Kuang as that was too terrifying an incident to be
mentioned casually. In the end, he could only say he was not sure why
the Shattered Star Sea suddenly closed.

Mo Xiao Qi patted her chest in fear as she listened and sighed, “I’m glad
that I didn’t hurt any of you, otherwise Xiao Qi wouldn’t know how to face
you again.”

Yang Kai cautioned solemnly, “Don’t release the seal casually in the
future, the power of that Divine Spirit is just too terrifying, and you
wouldn’t be able to control it with your current strength.”

Mo Xiao Qi nodded in remorse, “En.”

Zhang Ruo Xi interjected at the brief moment of silence, “Sir, what’s

happening to Big Sister Liu Yan? Why is her aura so weak?” She
glanced anxiously in the direction of Liu Yan.

Yang Kai released his Divine Sense to investigate the situation, and
found that there had not been many changes to the Phoenix Egg since
he left, so he consoled quickly, “This is her opportunity, don’t worry.”

He glanced at Zhang Ruo Xi solemnly as he spoke.

Yang Kai went through too many shocking and extraordinary
experiences in the Shattered Star Sea, whether it was the Mountains and
Rivers Bell or the Phoenix True Fire, or the Heaven Devouring Great
Emperor, who had come back from the dead, or the Bustling World Great
Emperor who cut his own cultivation dozens of times over the past few
tens of thousands of years. All these experiences were extraordinary.

However, what puzzled him the most was Zhang Ruo Xi.

All Duan Hong Chen needed was a drop of Zhang Ruo Xi’s Blood
Essence to reapply Mo Xiao Qi’s Divine Soul Seal, and his particular
caution towards Zhang Ruo Xi had made Yang Kai extremely concerned.

The Bustling World Great Emperor had instructed Yang Kai to nurture
Zhang Ruo Xi well, because at her peak, she would be even more
dangerous and terrifying than Wu Kuang, and may cause a calamity to
the Star Boundary if she ever fell to the wicked path.

Yang Kai would just assume that Duan Hong Chen was an alarmist and
his claims about Zhang Ruo Xi were exaggerated since he did not know
Duan Hong Chen’s true identity.

But there was no reason for a person who disregarded his own life for
the Star Boundary’s future to cause Yang Kai needless fear.

What Bloodline Power did this little girl from the Zhang Family possess
that Duan Hong Chen was so concerned about? On top of that, the
Divine Spirit Qiong Qi even gifted her the Pink Clouds Phoenix Robe
when they visited the Flowing Time Temple.

No ordinary person could have this kind of honour. Anyone who

encountered a beast-like Qiong Qi would be swallowed by it. Who would
have expected that one could receive a defensive Emperor Artifact from

It also seemed that only descendants from the Zhang Family could
activate the strange Space Spirit Jade.

Speaking of the Space Spirit Jade, Yang Kai suddenly felt that it was
time to give it to Zhang Ruo Xi; after all, it was a treasure passed down
by the ancestors of the Zhang Family. She was not strong enough to
unlock the secrets in the Space Spirit Jade back then, but she was now a
Third-Order Dao Source Realm, so unravelling the secrets of the Space
Spirit Jade should not be a problem.

Yang Kai did not really care about the secrets hidden in the Space Spirit
Jade, but… perhaps, it may solve the mystery of Zhang Ruo Xi’s
Bloodline Power. Yang Kai could not help feeling a little eager at that

The more Duan Hong Chen hid, the more it piqued Yang Kai’s interest to
understand Zhang Ruo Xi’s bloodline.

“Sir… Why are you staring at me?” Zhang Ruo Xi lowered her head,
blushing slightly at Yang Kai’s scorching stare, as if he was about to
devour her.

Yang Kai grinned and commented, “Ruo Xi has grown up to be a lady.”

Compared to the first time he met Zhang Ruo Xi, she had indeed grown
a lot, and she was with Yang Kai during the best of her young years, so it
was safe to say that Yang Kai had watched her mature.

This reminded him of Lin Yun’er, the little girl who travelled to the Star
Boundary with Yang Yan. She was still young when she left, but by now,
she should be almost as old as Zhang Ruo Xi.

He remembered that Yang Yan mentioned that Lin Yun’er was the
perfect candidate to inherit the mantle of her friend. He wondered about
the whereabouts of this little girl after so many years.

As well as Yang Yan. It was strange that Yang Kai had not heard any
news regarding Yang Yan ever since he arrived at Star Boundary. Yang
Yan’s whereabouts should not be unknown since she should also be one
of the strongest Masters in this world.

Zhang Ruo Xi blushed deeply, a distinctive brilliance flashing across her

shy eyes.
Mo Xiao Qi joined in excitedly, “What about me? I’m not a little girl
anymore either.”

“En, en,” Yang Kai nodded quickly, withdrawing himself from his

“Big Brother Yang, where are you going next? Can you take me with
you?” Mo Xiao Qi beamed at Yang Kai, looking extremely eager.

Yang Kai chuckled lightly, “It’s okay for me to bring you along, but…
Aren’t you worried that your Aunty Feng might come for you? Aunty Feng
doesn’t seem to like you running around.”

Mo Xiao Qi wrinkled her nose and snorted, “I was confined to the island
to cultivate when she took me back the last time. It was so boring. Now
that I’m finally out again, I won’t go back so easily! Besides, we just
came out of Shattered Star Sea, Aunty Feng definitely can’t find me
here. I will go back when I have enough fun.”

“Does Sir Martial Beast know how wilful you are?” Yang Kai smiled at

Mo Xiao Qi stuck out her tongue mischievously, “Big Brother Yang, you
found out?”

Yang Kai snickered, “You must have had a good background to have
such strong cultivation at a young age. You are proficient in taming
Monster Beasts, you claim to be born in the Eastern Territory, and you
also mention the word ‘island’ from time to time. I would be a fool if I still
didn’t figure it out.”
Chapter 2510 - Li Wu Yi and Jiu Feng

Mo Xiao Qi shrugged in shyness and embarrassment, “Big Brother Yang,

Xiao Qi didn’t intend to hide it from you on purpose. It’s just that my

Yang Kai held up his hand to stop her, “You don’t need to explain, I

Mo Xiao Qi was obviously afraid that her Father’s name would scare off
people, so she had never mentioned her identity to Yang Kai; however,
she felt a little uneasy now that her identity was exposed.

Yang Kai smiled faintly, “Despite the reputation of Sir Martial Beast, you
are still the playful Mo Xiao Qi I know, not the daughter of the Martial
Beast Great Emperor.”

Mo Xiao Qi thought about his words for a while, then her eyes curved
into a beautiful crescent shape as she smiled in relief.

Suddenly, Yang Kai turned solemn and looked up into the air.

“Sir!” Zhang Ruo Xi whispered at the same time.

While speaking, she pushed her Source Qi anxiously, looking at the sky

[Ruo Xi could sense it too?] Yang Kai glanced at her in surprise and
found that her enchanting eyes revealed a dreadfully cold aura, which
was completely different from her usual gentleness.

Yang Kai was secretly shocked and felt increasingly dubious about
Zhang Ruo Xi’s bloodline.

A layer of ripples disrupted the peaceful sky, like a stone dropping into
the surface of a tranquil lake. The ripple spread out rapidly and became
more and more evident.

Soon, the space of a certain part of the sky became distorted, and a
clear and mysterious wave of power was transmitted from there.
“Space Principles!” Yang Kai narrowed his eyes, feeling amazed in his

He did not expect to encounter such a powerful Space Principle

fluctuation in such a place. It was obvious that someone was tearing
space to appear here from a very remote place. Judging from the Space
Principle fluctuations, whoever was coming likely had even higher
attainments in the Dao of Space than he did.

Yang Kai’s expression was extremely solemn. Although he did not know
who this visitor was, he believed that the strength of a person who could
travel by tearing the space like this was absolutely not normal.

Who was it? What was their purpose in appearing here?

Yang Kai did not dare to take this lightly and quickly put his Embodiment
away while silently circulating his Emperor Qi to be on guard.

If he was alone, he could immediately hide and observe from the dark;
however, he could not do that because Zhang Ruo Xi and Mo Xiao Qi
were beside him, as well as Liu Yan who was still in her Phoenix Egg

“Ah!” Mo Xiao Qi suddenly screamed and her face turned pale at the
peculiarity in the sky, quickly hiding behind Yang Kai as her tender body
trembled like a mouse at the sight of a cat. “Big Brother Yang, let’s run
now. It will be too late if we don’t.” She whispered.

“It’s already too late to run,” Yang Kai replied with a helpless face.


The sky was torn apart, as if a formless beast opened its mouth
preparing to swallow its prey.

Yang Kai paid close attention to this disturbance and saw a foot
suddenly stepping out of the dark crack.

*Dong… *
Yang Kai’s face paled. Although that foot was stepping on the void, he
felt like it was stepping on his own heart, extinguishing his aura and

[So strong!] Yang Kai’s eyes were overflowing with terror. He already
knew that this visitor was not weak, but at this moment, Yang Kai
realized that he had still underestimated the strength of the one who

Whoever it was, they were definitely a Third-Order Emperor Realm

Master, and certainly not an ordinary one at that!

Following the foot, a figure emerged from the crack leisurely with a calm
and relaxed face, as if he was simply going for a stroll outside his house.

Then, Yang Kai saw the face of the newcomer.

It was a middle-aged man who dressed like a scholar. He had an

extraordinary bearing with a completely harmless smile on his face.

His eyes slightly swept across them and landed on Yang Kai before he
gave a strange smile.

*Gudong… *

Yang Kai could not help gulping, even though he knew that he should not
show any signs of fear. Nevertheless, he felt like a lamb being targeted
by a hungry wolf, and his whole body shivered involuntarily.

After the emergence of the middle-aged scholar, another figure stepped

out of the Void.

Unlike the leisurely movements of the scholar, the second person

appeared in an aggressive manner like a burning flame, raising the
surrounding temperature in an instant.

The second visitor was a stunning woman with a graceful body; she had
voluptuous peaks, a slender waist, red lips as bright as jewels with a
strange brilliance, delicate skin as white as porcelain, and glistening
beautiful eyes… Men would not be able to resist fantasizing while looking
at her, especially with her long flaming-red hair which flew out behind
her, giving a strong visual impact that was impossible to peel one’s eyes
away from.

“Damn it! How could it be her!?” Yang Kai almost bit his own tongue,
secretly cursing in his heart.

Because he actually knew this beautiful woman.

She was the Aunty Feng Mo Xiao Qi often mentioned!

Spirit Beast Island’s Jiu Feng! Even though she was not one of the Ten
Great Emperors, the name of Jiu Feng still resounded loudly throughout
the entire Star Boundary, and no cultivator who had even the slightest bit
of strength did not know of her.

If this beautiful woman was Jiu Feng, the identity of the middle-aged
scholar was just as clear as day.

Li Wu Yi!

Yang Kai’s eyes immediately flashed as he stared straight back into Li

Wu Yi’s eyes without avoidance. Although this was the first time he met
Li Wu Yi, Yang Kai had heard his name many times, because Li Wu Yi
was the Master with the highest proficiency in the Dao of Space in the
entire Star Boundary, a peak Third-Order Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Mo Xiao Qi mentioned before that she would introduce Yang Kai to Li

Wu Yi, so he could become his Disciple and learn the mysteries of the
Dao of Space.

After realizing that these two people were Masters from Spirit Beast
Island, Yang Kai instantly understood why they were here.

They had obviously come for Mo Xiao Qi.

[But how did the two of them know that Mo Xiao Qi was here? What’s
more, they just directly tore space and came here.]
Yang Kai pondered for a while, but soon figured that they must have
done something to Mo Xiao Qi, so they could always track her location.
This also explained how Jiu Feng and Li Wu Yi could appear shortly after
they left the Shattered Star Sea.

No wonder Mo Xiao Qi hid behind him and urged him to escape when
she saw the vision in the sky. She already knew that someone was
coming for her.

“Li Wu Yi, you bastard! How dare you leave me behind in the Void! Do
you know I was almost devoured by the Void Turbulence?” Jiu Feng
grabbed Li Wu Yi’s collar as soon as she showed up, lifting him and
shaking him violently as she reprimanded.

Li Wu Yi, the strongest Master below the Great Emperors, was lifted by
Jiu Feng like a weak chicken and dared not resist.

He broke out in cold sweat with an embarrassed look, “What are you
doing? Juniors are watching down there. What about my face!”

“Face?” Jiu Feng glared at him with her upturned eyes, screeching,
“Face should be earned, not given by others. If you want face, be good
to me then, understand?”

“Understood, understood, understood!” Li Wu Yi nodded his head like a

chicken pecking at rice, pleading, “Can you be gentle and put me down

“Gentle?” Jiu Feng sneered and shouted angrily, “What is that? Can you
eat it?”

Li Wu Yi put on a long face and looked in Yang Kai’s direction pitifully,

“Xiao Qi, save me!”

“You can’t see me, you can’t see me, you can’t see me…” Mo Xiao Qi
hid closely behind Yang Kai, mumbling constantly to herself.

“If you dare to leave me in the Void again, you better watch out! I’ll make
sure your ‘third leg’ is broken beyond repair!” Jiu Feng gritted her teeth,
looking vicious.
Li Wu Yi could not help tightening up his thighs together and begged
hurriedly, “I won’t, I won’t! Please forgive me, Great-Aunt!”

“Hmph!” Jiu Feng hurled Li Wu Yi aside like a sack of garbage. After that,
her face and tone of voice changed drastically, twisting her body in
shyness, she said, “Seriously. Don’t you know that others are afraid
when surrounded by pure darkness?”

After speaking, she swept her eyes across the place below elegantly and
stopped at the sight of Yang Kai, greeting with bright enthusiasm, “Hey,
Little Brother, we meet again. It must be fate.”

Yang Kai gulped in difficulty, his expression stiff. Ever since he first
heard of them, Yang Kai had always had a high opinion and good
impression of the two peak Emperor Realm Masters, Aunt Feng and Li
Wu Yi, but now that lofty ideal was crumbling quickly before his eyes.

Pushing down his discomfort, Yang Kai cupped his fists solemnly, “Junior
Yang Kai greets Senior Li and Senior Jiu Feng!”

Li Wu Wi smiled faintly, a subtle cold light flashing across his eyes,

“What did you see just now?”

Yang Kai replied solemnly, “The surge of Space Principles just now
distorted the sky. Junior tried his best to see through the chaos, but
unfortunately, my strength was insufficient and I could not see anything.
What a shame!”

After hearing this, Li Wu Yi raised his brows and the cold light in his eyes
dissipated. He nodded, “A young man worthy of praise! This King often
hears about you from Xiao Qi on the island. I heard that you are also
proficient in the Dao of Space?”

Yang Kai responded immediately, “Senior is flattering me. This Junior

only knows a bit about the Dao of Space and definitely doesn’t dare to
show off meagre skills before an expert like Senior Li. If there is any
opportunity, this Junior would like to ask Senior for his guidance.”
Li Wu Yi beamed delightfully, “Good, very good. If you ever come to
Spirit Beast Island in the future, this King will teach you a unique Divine

Yang Kai was overjoyed, he immediately pressed on, “There is no need

to choose another day, why not today?”

The smile was still hanging on Li Wu Yi’s face as he answered lightly,

“Boy, aren’t you being too shameless? Do you think you can just simply
learn the secrets of this King so easily?”

Yang Kai was exasperated, “Senior is so stingy, you don’t have the
intention of teaching this Junior at all. Are you here to just make me

“Whether you are happy or not is none of my business,” Li Wu Yi burst

into laughter, “As long as this King is happy, that’s all that matters.”
Chapter 2511 - Having A Good Time

“Really? Junior likes to speak nonsense when he is unhappy, and might

even compose a fantastical story about the events that happened today.
I might pass on the story to the storytellers in major restaurants and tea
shops in the Eastern Territory to let them publicize Senior Li’s majesty
and prestige. I have even come up with a title. What does Senior Li think
of ‘The Daily lives of Jiu Feng and her loyal servant on Spirit Beast

Li Wu Yi was furious, “Didn’t you just say that you didn’t see anything?
Junior, are you not a man of his word!”

“I suddenly remembered I saw something,” Yang Kai replied leisurely.

“Despicable!” Li Wu Yi was appalled.

“I was forced to be like this!” Yang Kai drawled lazily.

Jiu Feng was shaking with laughter, extremely entertained by them.

“Good, very good!” Li Wu Yi spoke madly and gritted his teeth at Yang
Kai, “You leave this King no choice but to teach you a lesson. Little brat,
take this!”

When the words fell, he raised his hand, and a stream of light shot
towards Yang Kai.

Yang Kai raised his brows in alert, but he did not evade. Instead, he
stretched out his hand to grab this stream of light. He jolted slightly as
soon as the stream of light touched his hand, but his eyes narrowed
swiftly as he quickly put away the item he had just caught.

“Now, you know how powerful this King is. Don’t you dare to speak
nonsense and corrupt the reputation of this King,” Li Wu Yi snorted

Yang Kai cupped his fists with a grin, acknowledging him, “Junior’s
cultivation is nowhere near to Senior Li’s. Please forgive me for all of the
earlier offences, Senior Li.”
Li Wu Yi waved his hand widely, “This King is very generous, and will not
bother to argue with the likes of you.”

Jiu Feng looked at the two scornfully, grimacing, “You two sure are
having a good time.”

Li Wu Yi snorted, “I just taught a Junior, who has an exaggerated opinion

of his own abilities, to be a little more humble. If Great Aunt has any
opinion, this Li would be glad to hear it.”

Jiu Feng snorted coldly, her sharp dazzling eyes staring at Yang Kai for
a long time before revealing a trace of admiration, “You were only in the
First-Order Dao Source Realm the last time we met, I did not expect you
would break through to the Emperor Realm in just a few years. This
Queen underestimated you.”

Undoubtedly, only a genius would be able to be promoted from First-

Order Dao Source Realm to the First-Order Emperor Realm in such a
short time, and to have such a solid foundation, radiating a pure and
strong aura without any sign of instability.

“Senior is flattering me, it was merely a series of opportunities and

coincidences that allowed Junior to progress at this speed,” Yang Kai
said modestly.

Jiu Feng cautioned him, “But the First-Order Emperor Realm is just the
first step to the peak of the Martial Dao. You still have a long way to go.
Stay humble and focused.”

Yang Kai looked at her with a solemn expression, and quickly

responded, “I will keep Senior’s advice deep in my heart.”

Although it was just a small comment, with her level of strength, if Jiu
Feng was not optimistic about Yang Kai’s future, she would not even
bother to say anything. Any encouragement or warning from her was
already a great honour.

Jiu Feng nodded gently, obviously satisfied with his attitude, she then
narrowed her sharp eyes at Yang Kai with a dangerous aura, penetrating
through his body right at Mo Xiao Qi, who was hiding behind him as she
snarled coldly, “Come out from there!”

Mo Xiao Qi stepped out from behind Yang Kai unwillingly, pouting. Her
eyes darted around erratically, as if looking for a way to escape.

Jiu Feng wanted to laugh but was angry at the same time, “Did you think
that Uncle Li and Aunty Feng could not see you hiding behind him? Do
you think we’re blind, or are you blind?”

Mo Xiao Qi retorted angrily, “Wouldn’t it be the same wherever I hide

when you’re so strong?”

“You dare talk back?” Jiu Feng raised her brow and yelled, “You’re so
wilful, I think you’re itching for good disciplining.”

Mo Xiao Qi pouted and looked at Li Wu Yi pitifully, whining, “Uncle Li,

Aunty Feng wants to beat me, you have to help me.”

“She dares?” Li Wu Yi was enraged and his aura suddenly surged. His
lickspittle attitude was swept away, replaced by a ferocious demeanour
dazzling like the sun.

Yang Kai was secretly awe-inspired, slightly aware of the huge gap
between him and these top veteran Emperor Realm Masters.

“Hm?” Jiu Feng let out a light tone from her lips as she glanced sideways
at Li Wu Yi.

Li Wu Yi snorted, “Don’t be afraid Xiao Qi, if she really hits you, I will, I

“You will?” Jiu Feng looked at him scornfully.

Li Wu Yi immediately broke into a smile, “I’ll help you to grab Xiao Qi and
let you beat her as much as you like!”

*Gezhi gezhi…*

Mo Xiao Qi stood beside Yang Kai, her teeth grinding violently.

At this moment, Li Wu Yi suddenly shot a pensive look at Mo Xiao Qi
before his face changed drastically and he asked, “Xiao Qi, did you
release the seal?”

“What?” Jiu Feng jumped, and flickered to Mo Xiao Qi’s side in an

instant, grabbing her and examining her carefully.

Soon, Jiu Feng realized that Mo Xiao Qi had indeed released the Divine
Soul Seal and blood drained from her beautiful face as she reprimanded,
“Why did you release the seal? Were you in any life-threatening danger?
Which bastard dared to lay his hands on you!?”

A burst of overwhelming Emperor Pressure suddenly exploded from Jiu

Feng, one laced with extreme hostility and murderous intent, as if she
was preparing to slaughter a hated enemy.

Yang Kai retreated several tens of metres shakily, his heart pounding
hard in his chest, almost unable to breathe.

Zhang Ruo Xi exclaimed loudly, retreating even farther away than Yang
Kai did.

“Who was it? Tell Aunty Feng! I will kill him and his entire family now!”
The air burned around Jiu Feng as she released tangible murderous

Li Wu Yi treaded down toward them from the air, his face so gloomy that
one could shave a layer of frost off of it. Although he did not speak, his
murderous intent was even thicker and more prominent than Jiu Feng’s.

Mo Xiao Qi’s Divine Soul Seal was her ultimate trump card, one that
would be impossible to release if she did not face life-threatening danger.
In other words, she must have been at risk of dying in the Shattered Star
Sea at some point.

The two Masters had watched Mo Xiao Qi grow since she was born, so
how could they tolerate someone bullying her? It was only natural for
them to react so strongly when they noticed the Divine Soul Seal had
been unlocked, releasing their murderous intent so violently as if no one
else mattered.
Mo Xiao Qi did not dare to be up-front with them at the sight of their
terrifying expressions, so she bit her lip and mumbled, “No one was
trying to kill me, I just accidentally released it.”

“Impossible!” Jiu Feng snorted coldly, “Sir personally sealed the

Heavenly Illusion Butterfly’s Soul with the Burning Moon Rainbow Flower
Seal. There is only one condition to release it, and that is if your life is

Li Wu Yi coaxed her, “Be a good girl Xiao Qi and tell Uncle Li and Aunty
Feng clearly what happened.”

“It’s really nothing, it really was just an accident,” Mo Xiao Qi flailed her
arms about repeatedly as she tried to explain.

Jiu Feng snorted again, knowing that there must be a reason behind Mo
Xiao Qi persisting with this ridiculous story. She thus turned away from
Mo Xiao Qi to question Yang Kai, “Boy, since you are here with Xiao Qi,
that means that you were travelling together in the Shattered Star Sea.
Tell this Queen what happened!”

Yang Kai sighed as he began, “Two Seniors, please don’t

misunderstand, I was the reason that Little Sister Xiao Qi released her

“Because of you?” Li Wu Yi frowned in suspicion, “Did you try to kill Xiao


[That’s impossible. Although Xiao Qi is naive, she is not a fool. If this boy
had really tried to assassinate her, how could she still be together with
him? She would have run away as far as she could.]

Jiu Feng coldly demanded, “Be specific!”

Yang Kai nodded, sorted out his thoughts a little before reiterating the
situation from when Mo Xiao Qi lost control of her emotions when she
had mistakenly believed he had died, relaying every detail of how the
Divine Soul Seal was released and what happened subsequently.
When he finished, Jiu Feng and Li Wu Yi could not help exchanging
astonished looks with each other.

They never knew that Mo Xiao Qi could release the Divine Soul Seal
because someone else was in danger. However, they recalled that their
Sir had once explained to them that Xiao Qi could only unlock the seal
upon perceiving life-threatening danger, but did not specifically say that it
had to be Xiao Qi’s own life.

If that was the case, Xiao Qi seemed to value this boy very much,
placing his safety in equal importance to her own, which led her to
release her seal when he was in peril.

When their eyes met, the two felt a strange feeling fill their hearts as they
comprehended each other’s thoughts.

They turned their heads to throw a vicious look at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai suppressed a shiver, not daring to say anything.

“How did the Divine Soul Seal get re-sealed? This sealing technique is
not the same one as Sir’s, but it is an extremely profound technique.
Was… it you?” Jiu Feng asked incredulously.

Yang Kai chuckled in reply, “Junior is not capable of doing something like
that. It was someone else who re-did the seal.”

“Oh?” Li Wu Yi suddenly became interested, “Is there someone among

the younger generation who could seal a Divine Spirit’s Soul? Let’s hear
it, I would like to know who could be so capable.”

“That person was not a Junior, that person was…” Yang Kai twitched the
corner of his mouth, hesitating. He then pursed his lips and mouthed the
three words gently.

Li Wu Yi and Jiu Feng were flabbergasted, looking at Yang Kai blankly.

Yang Kai continued faintly, “There is no doubt, he is that Sir who you’re
both thinking of.”
“Impossible!” Jiu Feng shouted, “Emperor Realm Masters cannot enter
the Shattered Star Sea. Even if that Sir has profound strength, he can’t
bypass that restriction.”

Li Wu Yi also looked pensive, “That’s correct, that Sir has always been
secretive in his whereabouts. Why would he show up in a place like the
Shattered Star Sea? The Source Strength there is indeed a good thing,
but it should be nothing in that Sir’s eyes.”

Yang Kai contemplated for a moment before his expression turned

serious and he continued, “If it was anyone else that asked, I would not
go into any further detail; after all, this matter cannot be spoken of lightly,
but since two Seniors are from Spirit Beast Island, then I will disclose all
that I know. Hopefully, two Seniors will relay the information from the
Shattered Star Sea to Sir Martial Beast once you return to Spirit Beast
Island. Perhaps Sir Martial Beast can help find a solution.”

“Find a solution? A solution to what?” Jiu Feng stared at Yang Kai

suspiciously, looking puzzled.

“Boy, just what are you trying to say?” Li Wu Yi also looked at him in
Chapter 2512 - Phoenix Clan Inheritance

While Yang Kai was communicating with Li Wu Yi and Jiu Feng via
Divine Sense transmission, Mo Xiao Qi and Zhang Ruo Xi could only see
Yang Kai’s lips moving. The two top Emperor Realm Masters reacted to
Yang Kai’s messages with a broad mixture of different expressions
flipping across their faces; shock, surprise, curiosity, horror, solemnity,
respect and pity…

From time to time, Li Wu Yi and Jiu Feng would interject with a question,
to which Yang Kai answered patiently.

“What are they talking about?” Mo Xiao Qi asked Zhang Ruo Xi secretly.

Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head, indicating that she had no clue either.

Mo Xiao Qi continued, “I’m actually very curious about what happened in

the Shattered Star Sea after I fainted. Do you know anything?”

Zhang Ruo Xi still shook her head, whispering, “I also fainted at almost
the same time as you. When I woke up, I was already here.”

The two little girls looked at each other as a subtle feeling of sympathy
for each other grew inside them.

“How could there be such a thing?” After a long while, Li Wu Yi finally

voiced out with a solemn face.

Jiu Feng looked awe-inspired too, “We really have to tell our Sir about
this matter because that Sir’s condition doesn’t look optimistic. His life
will be difficult in the future, having to share his body with the Soul of that

Yang Kai sighed, “Senior Duan has just left, but he didn’t say where he
was going. It would be good if Sir Martial Beast could find him. This
Junior really respects Senior Duan for his willingness to sacrifice his life
for the common people of the world and cannot bear to watch him be
tortured for the rest of his life.”
Jiu Feng replied solemnly, “Don’t worry. Our Sir won’t sit back and do
nothing. When we return to Spirit Beast Island, I will report this matter to
him in detail.”

Yang Kai was overjoyed, “Many thanks, Senior.”

They should be able to find Duan Hong Chen with the help of Martial
Beast Great Emperor, and perhaps, the latter could find a solution for
Duan Hong Chen’s current awkward condition.

“I didn’t expect that such a bizarre thing could have happened in the
Shattered Star Sea. No wonder the elite disciples of the four territories
were all suddenly ejected out of the Shattered Star Sea. Our Sir had
already said that there must have been some unforeseen incident in the
Shattered Star Sea before we left, but I didn’t expect that it would be this
serious,” Li Wu Yi sighed.

“It is fortunate that they are all safe. If all of them died because of this…”
Goosebumps filled Jiu Feng’s skin as she was unable to finish her

In the next moment though, her scorching eyes fixed on Yang Kai as she
abruptly changed the topic, “Boy, just now, when we arrived here, there
was one thing that made this Queen very concerned…” She pointed her
finger in the direction of the Phoenix egg, and continued with a deep
voice, “Why does this Queen sense the aura of the Phoenix True Fire
from there!?”

Li Wu Yi was taken aback, in amazement, “Phoenix True Fire?”

After speaking, he instantly turned to the Phoenix egg and failed to

suppress a gasp when he saw the mysterious patterns on the Phoenix
egg, exclaiming, “The Phoenix Clan Inheritance!”

“Senior knows of it?” Yang Kai looked at Li Wu Yi in surprise.

He was only able to confirm this was the Phoenix Clan Inheritance when
he tried to spy on the patterns on the egg and suffered an attack by a
Soul Technique on his Knowledge Sea. He could not believe that Li Wu
Yi could recognize it with just a glance.
Li Wu Yi stared at the Phoenix egg dumbfounded for a while, but when
he regained his senses, he explained, “Spirit Beast Island has records
about the Phoenix Clan, and…” Having said that, he stole a glance at Jiu
Feng and stopped talking.

Jiu Feng questioned, “Is it really the Phoenix True Fire?”

Yang Kai nodded, “It is.”

“I heard that there was a remnant of Phoenix True Fire in the Shattered
Star Sea, which was possessed by the Martial Flame Great Emperor
back then… and you just happened to come out of the Shattered Star
Sea. Could it be…” Jiu Feng thought carefully and quickly came up with
a conclusion.

“Senior is correct. The Phoenix True Fire is indeed from the Shattered
Star Sea, a relic left behind by the Martial Flame Great Emperor,” Yang
Kai did not try to conceal it.

Although it was as expected, Jiu Feng still could not help gasping at
Yang Kai’s confirmation. She looked at the Phoenix egg in admiration
and envy as she remarked, “This Queen has also visited the Shattered
Star Sea to search for the Phoenix True Fire, but it was all in vain. I can’t
believe that I would have a chance to see it now.”

After a pause, she frowned, “Since it has become a Phoenix egg, it

means that someone refined the Phoenix True Fire. Who is this person
that could convince the Phoenix True Fire to acknowledge his

Before Yang Kai could speak, Mo Xiao Qi interjected, “It’s Big Sister Liu

“Oh?” Jiu Feng’s beautiful eyes lit up, murmuring, “That Artifact Spirit?”

Judging from her expression and tone, it seemed that Mo Xiao Qi had
told her about Liu Yan, and she also knew that Liu Yan was an Artifact
She could not help praising, “It must be fate for a trivial Artifact Spirit to
actually be acknowledged by the Phoenix True Fire. Once she is reborn
in nirvana, she will inherit the Phoenix Clan Inheritance in its totality and
have the opportunity to become a member of the Phoenix Clan.”

“Senior Jiu Feng seems to be very knowledgeable about the Phoenix

Clan,” Yang Kai was enlightened.

“Very knowledgeable?” Jiu Feng glanced at Yang Kai with a

contemptuous look.

Flustered by her reaction, he asked “Did I say something wrong?”

Mo Xiao Qi smiled faintly, “Big Brother Yang, Aunty Feng possesses an

extremely pure Phoenix Clan Bloodline. Other than those from the
original Phoenix Clan, no one else would know the Phoenix Clan better
than her.”

“What?” Yang Kai was appalled, “Senior Jiu Feng has the Phoenix
Clan’s bloodline!?”

This was the first time he learnt about this, but when he thought about it
carefully, the ‘Feng’ in Jiu Feng’s name actually meant ‘Phoenix’, and her
scorching power was notably compatible with the Fire Phoenix’s,
moreover, she came from a place like Spirit Beast Island…

Yang Kai was ecstatic and he hurriedly queried, “Senior, since you have
the bloodline of the Phoenix Clan, may I know when my friend will be
hatched from her egg and reborn again?

Jiu Feng frowned, “This is hard to say, but may I ask… If this Queen
didn’t come here, what did you plan to do?”

“What did I plan to do?” Yang Kai was stunned for a moment before
answering frankly, “I was just going to wait.”

“Wait?” Jiu Feng looked at Yang Kai with a weird face, “Wait for one or
two years here?”

“One or two years? That long?” Yang Kai nearly jumped.

“Whether it is long or not, the whole process may take just a year, or
even up to eight to ten years,” Jiu Feng sneered, “Do you think it is that
easy to refine the Phoenix True Fire? Your friend’s success in being
acknowledged by the Phoenix True Fire and turning into a Phoenix egg
is just the beginning of her journey. To truly refine and master the
Phoenix True Fire, one would need to pass through some dire
challenges. If your friend can’t endure them, she will be burned to death;
even if she perseveres, she will not succeed in a short time.”

“Even if she succeeds, it is still questionable if she will comprehend how

to control the Phoenix True Fire. At the same time, would she know of
the Phoenix Clan’s Secret Techniques from just the inheritance alone?”

Yang Kai listened with a heavy face.

He realized that he was too naïve. He was hoping that it would not take
long for Liu Yan to reappear in front of him, but after listening to Jiu
Feng, only then did he realize how much he had underestimated the

Since Jiu Feng had the bloodline of the Phoenix Clan, she was certainly
extremely knowledgeable of the Phoenix Clan, and what she said could
not be wrong.

“Senior, this Junior asks for your advice,” Yang Kai broke out in a cold

Jiu Feng answered, “Even if you have my advice, you still can’t help her.
You know nothing about the Phoenix Clan, or about the mysteries of the
Phoenix True Fire. You can’t help her.”

Yang Kai pressed on, “Senior, please explain it clearly. This Junior
should be able to understand.”

Jiu Feng rolled her eyes at him, and snorted coldly, “Can you cook a
table of delicious food even if I give you the ingredients?”

Yang Kai wiped the cold sweats on his head, and replied unconfidently,
“I think I still can make sure that they are cooked.”
Mo Xiao Qi approached Jiu Feng and shook her arm, “Aunty Feng, Big
Sister Liu Yan is a very good person. If you can help, please help.”

Jiu Feng glared at her fiercely and smouldered, “Quiet, I’m still not done
with you. All you want to do is run around and play and have fun, never
paying attention to your cultivation at all. If it weren’t for me and your
Uncle Li who came to look for you this time, weren’t you planning to run
away again?”

Mo Xiao Qi pursed her lips, “How about this… If you help Big Sister Liu
Yan this time, I will follow you back to the island to cultivate and will not
leave until I break through to the Emperor Realm.”

“Oh?” Jiu Feng’s beautiful eyes brightened, checking Mo Xiao Qi with her
scorching eyes, “You said it yourself.”

Mo Xiao Qi revealed a look of frustration, but she closed her eyes and
declared, “Yes, I said it.”

“Deal!” Li Wu Yi chuckled slightly.

Jiu Feng chortled as well, and shared, “Since you’ve said so much,
Aunty Feng would definitely not sit back and watch.”

Mo Xiao Qi growled, “Aunty Feng, you are so mean! You won’t do

anything without benefits!”

Jiu Feng chuckled and looked at her with a cheerful face, “It’s okay even
if you regret it now. Your Uncle Li and I can still take you back by force.
The end result would be the same.”

Mo Xiao Qi stomped in fury, “I hate the both of you!”

Jiu Feng put her smile away and turned to Yang Kai, “If you are alright
with it, I will take the Phoenix egg back to Spirit Beast Island and cast a
Secret Technique from the Phoenix Clan to protect her.”

“Take her back to Spirit Beast Island?” Yang Kai felt slightly lost, and
could not help glancing at the place where the Phoenix egg was.
Jiu Feng continued, “You can also follow us to Spirit Beast Island.
Although Spirit Beast Island does not have many visitors, since you are
Xiao Qi’s friend, it should be fine for you to live on the island for a while
and I believe Sir will not refuse you.”

Mo Xiao Qi’s eyes instantly lit up and she squealed, “That’s right, Big
Brother Yang! Come with me to Spirit Beast Island. Our Spirit Beast
Island is really beautiful.”

Her face overflowed with expectation and her beautiful eyes glowed with

Yang Kai did not look at her though as he could not bear to let her down.
He instead turned to Jiu Feng and asked, “Based on Senior’s estimation,
how long will it take for Liu Yan to refine the Phoenix True Fire?”

Jiu Feng disclosed, “At least a year. According to the legend, the Martial
Flame Great Emperor spent five months refining the Phoenix True Fire,
so one year is just the most conservative estimate, and this is still on the
premise that everything goes well.”

“One year…” Yang Kai sighed, “Then Senior, please take her with you.
About Spirit Beast Island… This Junior will visit another time because I
still have something to deal with right now.”

After hearing this, disappointment was written on Mo Xiao Qi’s face.

Jiu Feng nodded in agreement, “You can rest assured that since this
Queen has promised you to protect her, I will not snatch her away from
you. This Queen just wishes to witness if the refining of the Phoenix True
Fire by an Artifact Spirit would have any strange transformations!”

When she finished her sentence, she revealed an expectant and

exhilarated face, together with an extremely dangerous brilliance in her
beautiful eyes.

She performed a skill with her arm stretched and drew the Phoenix egg
that was far away directly to her, wrapping it with her Emperor Qi. The
Phoenix egg seemed to sense something, as the runic patterns on its
surface started to move vividly, and a vague cry came out from it.
Chapter 2513 - Incredible Skill

Purple Mountain City, located near the Purple Mountain Range, was an
unremarkable city among the thousands of cities in the Eastern Territory.
Due to the harsh surrounding environment and barren land, it was not a
bustling place.

It only served as a transit station for cultivators to enter the Purple

Mountain Range. Many cultivators chose the Purple Mountain Range as
their training spot, and therefore, Purple Mountain City became the ideal
resting place for them.

The overall strength of the cultivators in the city was mediocre, though
slightly stronger than in Maplewood City. The city was mostly populated
by Saint Kings, but even though there were no Emperor Realm Masters
here, there were still many Dao Source Realms.

Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi had travelled here all the way from the
depths of the Purple Mountain Range, and worn out from the journey and
covered in dust, they casually found an inn to lodge at for the night.

The Phoenix egg had been taken away by Jiu Feng and Li Wu Yi. Yang
Kai did not worry about Liu Yan’s safety, as both Jiu Feng and Li Wu Yi
were famous Masters of the Star Boundary, who also happened to be
the Martial Beast Great Emperor’s subordinates. In addition to his
relationship with Mo Xiao Qi, Yang Kai believed that Jiu Feng would
definitely take good care of Liu Yan and would not harm her in any way.

His only worry was about the refinement of the Phoenix True Fire, which
might not go well.

However, he was now anxious to find Xiao Xiao’s whereabouts and had
no time to accompany Liu Yan, otherwise, he would certainly travel to the
Spirit Beast Island together with them and stay there for a year or two.

This was the first time Zhang Ruo Xi travelled together with Yang Kai in
the open. Before now, Yang Kai always kept her in the Small Sealed
World wherever he went and allowed her to cultivate in solitude.
But now, Zhang Ruo Xi was a powerful Third-Order Dao Source Realm
cultivator and was capable of protecting herself.

Cultivation was not just a process of remaining behind closed doors.

Yang Kai, who had to sail through stormy seas and adversities his whole
life, had a deep understanding of this concept. Therefore, after weighing
the pros and cons, he decided to take Zhang Ruo Xi with him. In this
way, the little girl of the Zhang Family could gain more insights into the
local customs of the Star Boundary, which would definitely benefit her
future growth.

Needless to say, Zhang Ruo Xi was exhilarated, her face flushed with
excitement along the entire journey, like a bird released from its cage,
fascinated by every new finding.

Yang Kai had been sharing all of his cultivation experiences with Zhang
Ruo Xi in the past few days, and despite the usual naïve look of this little
girl, her talent in cultivation always took his breath away.

Zhang Ruo Xi often brought up numerous important questions that if not

for his solid foundation, Yang Kai might not have been able to answer.
Still, he had to rack his brains repeatedly in order to not make a fool of
himself in front of her.

While teaching Zhang Ruo Xi, Yang Kai did not neglect his own

He had just broken through to the Emperor Realm and barely earned the
title of ‘Master’. Although the Emperor Qi in his body has been fully
transformed due to various previous accidents, he was ultimately just a
newly promoted Emperor Realm Master, and there was still a world of
difference between him and the veteran Emperors of the world when it
came to the application of his power and comprehension of the Emperor

The more he cultivated, the more Yang Kai felt the boundlessness of the
Martial Dao, and the greater his admiration and enthusiasm became.
This was especially true whenever he recalled the battle between the two
Great Emperors. The monstrous power and astonishing control each of
their moves displayed was such that even if Yang Kai wanted to, he
would be unable to stop a single one.

He was looking forward to the day when he achieved the same level as
them, and even surpassed them.

When Yang Kai reached Purple Mountain City, he randomly picked an

inn and asked for two rooms to stay in. He then casually placed some
restrictions in his own room.

There were not many experts in Purple Mountain City, and Yang Kai was
the only Emperor Realm Master here, so he was not worried about
anyone causing him trouble, but it was still unpleasant to be disturbed
during cultivation, so arranging a barrier was still a standard procedure.

After arranging the barrier, Yang Kai took something out of his Space

It was a blue stone, approximately the same size as a longan with an

extremely irregular shape. At first glance, there was nothing special
about it, other than its slightly unusual colour. This stone even lacked
any substantial energy fluctuations, looking like a small chunk of cheap
Artifact Refining material.

But this blue stone came from Li Wu Yi.

The blue stone was the object Yang Kai grabbed previously from the
stream of light Li Wu Yi had thrown at him.

During the journey from the Purple Mountain Range, Yang Kai did not
have the time to examine what kind of mysteries were hidden in this
stone. Only now did he have the chance to put down his burdens and try
to figure this out.

With the stone sitting on the palm of his hand, Yang Kai released his
Divine Sense with a solemn face. Soon, he was startled and his Divine
Sense surged out like strands of formless filaments, enveloping the
stone. His face changed drastically from shock to amazement, to
excitement, to admiration.

Under the investigation of his Divine Sense, the surface of this blue
stone seemed intact, but its interior was fragmented.

The reason for this was that its inside contained countless tiny hair-like
Void Cracks.

It was almost impossible to detect these Void Cracks with just the naked
eye. Fortunately, Yang Kai had an outstanding Divine Sense, otherwise,
he would have missed them.

The Void Cracks in the stone were certainly not crafted by Li Wu Yi in

advance. He probably only did this when Yang Kai asked him to teach

Even so, it was enough to astound Yang Kai.

Yang Kai was also proficient in the Dao of Space, so he naturally knew
how difficult it was to form countless tiny Void Cracks in a stone without
damaging it. This required exceedingly precise control of the Space
Principles and a deep understanding of the Dao of Space.

Yang Kai possessed various Space Techniques, including Moon Blade,

Exile, and Nihility. He could even use the local Space Principle to
instantly freeze a certain region of space. He learned all these
applications of Space Principles by himself without any guidance.

He thought he had profound attainments in the Dao of Space.

But after observing the blue stone, only then did Yang Kai realize that he
was just someone with very limited insight; a frog at the bottom of the

At the very least, he could not emulate what Li Wu Yi had done to this
He was not able to control Space Principles so delicately as to create so
many Void Cracks in the stone yet not destroy its surface, keeping it

[How amazing!] Yang Kai was thrilled. Even though he had long heard
that Li Wu Yi from Spirit Beast Island of the Eastern Territory was the
most proficient Master in the Dao of Space in the entire Star Boundary,
Yang Kai always assumed that he was not far behind him.

However, he finally gained a true understanding today.

If their comprehensions of the Dao of Space were compared to painting,

Li Wu Yi would be a famous artist whose paintbrush danced across the
canvas with finesse and grace, presenting a masterpiece in front of Yang
Kai. Each stroke was natural and smooth, yet powerful and profound.
Yang Kai could not help beholding this work of art in awe. Of course,
Yang Kai could paint too… but he was nowhere as good as Li Wu Yi.

He still had a long way to go!

Every tiny Void Crack in this stone contained Li Wu Yi’s comprehension

of the Dao of Space, and the mysteries and profundities that lay within
gradually intensified from the outside in. The Void Cracks on the outside
were relatively rough and seemed dreadfully unstable, as if they might
collapse at any time, but became more subtle and stable the deeper
Yang Kai ventured into the stone.

Yang Kai inspected the stone layer by layer, prying into the mysteries of
the Void Cracks. He soon realized that Li Wu Yi was presenting his own
growth process in the Dao of Space perfectly in front of him without any

These Void Cracks were simply the fruits of Li Wu Yi’s lifetime efforts!

He unreservedly turned them into Void Cracks, branded the stone with
them, and handed it to Yang Kai.

This stone was more precious than any lesson from Li Wu Yi as it was
equivalent to Li Wu Yi passing down his own mantle to him, but how
much Yang Kai could understand from it depended on his own talent and

All of a sudden, Yang Kai’s expression changed as he used his Divine

Sense to explore the most central part of the stone.

His breathing stopped at once and his heart beat wildly.

He discovered that there was a tiny black hole in the centre of the stone.

It was similar to the black hole that he formed with his Exile Secret
Technique, but its size was shrunk countless times.

Although this black hole was so small that it was invisible to the naked
eye, it still managed to create an image of a beast, devouring everything
in sight. Yang Kai’s Divine Sense was also being devoured completely
as it approached.

Such incredible skill!

If the previous Void Cracks were enough to stun Yang Kai, the
appearance of this black hole truly horrified him. He truly acknowledged
the huge gap between himself and Li Wu Yi at this moment.

In the Dao of Space, Li Wu Yi was indeed far ahead of him now, and
Yang Kai had no hope of matching him with his current achievements.

Yang Kai was awestruck.

An inconspicuous stone could actually contain so many mysteries that

were beyond his wildest imagination.

After his astonishment, Yang Kai focused his full attention on studying
the stone like a madman.

He wanted to peel off each and every layer of mystery that was held in
the stone to absorb all of Li Wu Yi’s accomplishments in the Dao of

Yang Kai immediately put all distractions aside and immersed himself in
the mystery of the stone, unable to extricate himself.
He examined the Void Cracks one by one, feeling their stability and
hidden mysteries, experiencing their formation process.

It was as if he was dissecting Li Wu Yi’s Soul, studying whatever he


One day, two days, five days, ten days…

While studying the stone, Li Wu Yi’s own comprehensions of the Dao of

Space seemed to appear vividly in front of Yang Kai. It was as if he was
inside Li Wu Yi’s head, witnessing him display his prowess first hand.
During the process, Yang Kai felt that he was growing stronger, gradually
reaching the same level of mastery as Li Wu Yi.

At the very beginning, Yang Kai was still comprehending Li Wu Yi’s

attainments in the Dao of Space and learning his subtle techniques, but
as time passed, Yang Kai was no longer content with learning from

He would first comprehend Li Wu Yi’s attainments and understanding

embedded in each Void Crack, then throw himself into emulating and
improving in order to turn this new knowledge into his own capital.

Yang Kai skipped meals and sleep, completely neglecting everything

else around him to study the stone.

Although his cultivation did not grow stronger, and there was now a
deranged look on his face with dark circles under his tiring red eyes, his
vision was exceptionally bright and sharp, unable to conceal the
excitement he felt.

During this period of time, the growth in his comprehension of the Dao of
Space had surpassed his growth in this Dao for the previous ten to
twenty years.

He clearly felt that he had taken a huge step forward.

Chapter 2514 - Asura Girl

The thought of never accepting defeat lingered in Yang Kai’s mind. He

researched the blue stone day and night, neglecting everything else.

At the very beginning, Zhang Ruo Xi, who lived next door, would come
over to see Yang Kai from time to time, wanting to ask when they were
leaving Purple Mountain City. However, as time passed, she assumed
that Yang Kai’s seclusion meant that he was cultivating something of
importance, so she dared not bother him.

Bored, and with nothing to do, she decided to leave the inn to take a
walk around the city.

With her Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivation, she was not afraid of
wandering around, even if there were other cultivators in the same realm
as her. During her walk, she found something novel so she decided to
pluck up the courage to give it a try and instantly fell in love with it.
During this period when Yang Kai was still researching the stone in
retreat, she would go to this location everyday, and stayed there for a
long time before returning to the inn.

Time flew and one month soon passed.

At a certain moment, Yang Kai took a deep breath, lifted his head with a
face as tranquil as an ancient well, and withdrew his Divine Sense from
the stone.

Blood vessels were prominently covering both of Yang Kai’s eyes, as if

he was dreadfully exhausted, but his gaze was still bright like the stars.

After a month of sleepless research, Yang Kai finally absorbed all the
mysteries contained in the stone. He witnessed Li Wu Yi’s growth with
his own eyes and gained a lot from it.

He had made a huge step forward in the attainments of the Dao of


Only now did he realize that the various Space Secret Techniques that
he had comprehended previously were imperfect and there was still
room for improvement. Yang Kai was ecstatic; being able to improve
meant that he could still enhance the power of his own Space Secret
Techniques, which was exactly what he needed now.

As an Emperor Realm Master, he would definitely encounter stronger

enemies in the future. Space Techniques had always been one of his
most important weapons, so any enhancement to them was of pivotal


The blue stone in his hand suddenly broke apart and turned into dust,
slipping through Yang Kai’s finger like a pile of sand.

The stone was packed with countless Void Cracks and a tiny black hole.
During the process of researching, Yang Kai unceasingly released his
Divine Sense to investigate the stone and it had finally reached its limit.

Fortunately, Yang Kai had absorbed all the essence that Li Wu Yi left in
the stone, and felt no regrets at it being broken.

Suddenly, Yang Kai slapped his forehead and muttered, “Oh no!”

He has just realized that he was too engrossed in the mysteries of the
Dao of Space and had completely forgotten about the time and the initial
purpose of coming here.

After calculating the days, Yang Kai was surprised that one month had
passed during this retreat.

He hurriedly released his Divine Sense to inform Zhang Ruo Xi to get

ready to leave Purple Mountain City with him.

However, the room next door was empty.

There was still a cup of hot tea on the table, producing steam.

With a flicker, Yang Kai leapt across space and appeared directly in the
next room. He felt the temperature of the cup of tea with his hand and
muttered to himself, “She should have left not too long ago. Where did
that little girl go?”

He had spent one month in retreat, so it was natural for Zhang Ruo Xi to
go out for a walk.

But since he confirmed that she was not in danger, Yang Kai was not too

He released his Divine Sense, and enveloped the entire Purple Mountain
City in the blink of an eye.

Shortly after, Yang Kai found the figure of Zhang Ruo Xi on a high
platform in the city, but her figure was moving around vigorously.

“Huh…” Yang Kai was bewildered. After a thought, he dropped some

Source Crystals on the table for the inn fees and teleported out of the

Subsequently, Yang Kai’s figure reappeared beside a fighting arena in

Purple Mountain City, named Rising Dragon Arena.

Except for a few cultivators nearby, no one noticed his sudden


They glanced at him with a puzzled look but immediately turned away

This arena was well built; it was surrounded by light curtain barriers,
allowing the cultivators to fully enjoy the fights within.

Such arenas existed in many cities. Every cultivator strived to improve

themselves, and where there was camaraderie, there was often also
hatred, and it was natural that conflicts would arise.

If it was in the wild, cultivators would just fight to the death and the
winners would trample on the losers.

But in a place like a city, one could not simply take others’ lives unless it
was unlawfully.
Each city had its own set of rules. Without rules, there would be chaos.
Although Purple Mountain City was located on the edge of a desert, it
was still inevitable that there would be conflicts between the cultivators in
the city. In order to settle their conflicts, they could go to the arena, sign
a consent form and fight with each other to the death.

Furthermore, one could compete with others in the arena even if there
were no grudges between them.

As time passed, the arena gradually became a recreational place for

various cultivators. Cultivators would compete with each other to improve
their fighting ability in the arena.

For those who did not fight on the stage, they could still watch the battle
from the seats around and learn from the experience.

When Yang Kai arrived, the seats in Rising Dragon Arena were all
occupied, and many were without a seat. The cultivators who had no
place to sit simply watched the battles in the arena while standing around
the edges.

At least tens of thousands of people gathered here, all of them

completely absorbed in the competition between two cultivators who
were currently fighting with each other in the arena. Cheers and hurrahs
rose from the audience from time to time, other times expletives and
jeers were hurled.

A battle between normal cultivators would never attract such a large

audience. Only the battles of those cultivators with high prestige and
great reputation would attract the interest of tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, one of the two competitors in the arena was Zhang Ruo

However, unlike the soft and weak image that she usually presented in
front of Yang Kai, Zhang Ruo Xi seemed more independent and resilient
now, revealing the delicate curves of her well-developed body with her
hair tied up behind her head, giving her a vigorous look.
Her aura was extremely ferocious, like a beast released from a cage,
permeating a malevolent spirit all over her body.

Her opponent was a middle-aged man, who also had Third-Order Dao
Source Realm cultivation. The middle-aged man had cultivated some
unknown Secret Technique that shrouded himself in a blood-red
radiance, giving him a strong and domineering appearance.

The both of them were fighting fiercely in the arena. Loud clangs erupted
with each collision of their Source Qi, and the barriers surrounding the
arena flashed crazily from the fallout of their attacks.

This little girl from the Zhang Family actually came to a fighting arena.

If Yang Kai did not see it with his own eyes, he would not have believed

Where did her courage come from? She was the kind of girl who blushed
even when talking to a stranger, so since when did she have the guts to
come to this kind of place and be in the spotlight of such a large crowd?

Furthermore, her aura was completely different from usual, which

seriously concerned Yang Kai. Yang Kai understood that Zhang Ruo Xi’s
Bloodline Power was profound, and all her changes were related to that

Her opponent seemed to be a powerful and famous character in Purple

Mountain City. Otherwise, how could he attract such a large audience?

As expected, when Yang Kai was secretly speculating, he overheard

some comments from the crowd.

“Today is pitting a dragon against a tiger, I wonder who will win in the

“There’s no doubt about it, the winner will definitely be Bloody Hand Gu
Shan. Although Gu Shan doesn’t hail from a Sect, he has been
dominating Purple Mountain City for fifty years with a notably high
reputation and strength, especially in the arena. He defeated all his
enemies who challenged him and has never lost a single match until
now. He is like a golden signboard of Purple Mountain City.”

“How could a Sect-less cultivator reach the Third-Order Dao Source

Realm? This Gu Shan is really amazing. If he ever joins a big Sect,
wouldn’t it be just around the corner for him to break through to the
Emperor Realm?”

“Heh heh, I’m sure you don’t know about this. I heard that Gu Shan
found an ancient cave mansion in the Purple Mountain Range and
obtained an extremely mysterious inheritance, that’s why he didn’t need
to join any Sect. A few years ago, a Third-Order Dao Source Realm
cultivator from Ahan Temple passed by here and had a conflict with Gu
Shan. The two of them fought in the arena, and guess what?”


“What else could it be? Gu Shan won! He completely beat the senses
out of the cultivator from Ahan Temple and knocked him out of the arena
in less than ten moves.”

“Tsk… Is Gu Shan that strong? Even a disciple of Ahan Temple was no

match for him?”

Ahan Temple was one of the top Sects of the Eastern Territory, its status
second only to the Serene Soul Palace. The cultivators who came from
such a Sect were undoubtedly strong, let alone an elite disciple with a
Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivation.

“Of course! Since he defeated that elite disciple from Ahan Temple a few
years ago, his strength seems to have improved greatly in the following
years. How hard would it be for him to take down this weak little girl?
Why do you think there are so many spectators here? Everyone came
here for Gu Shan’s reputation.”

“Weak little girl?” Another person snorted, “Friend is really funny. Do you
dare call her a ‘weak little girl’ directly in front of the Asura Girl? If you
dare, I will call you my ancestor.”

“Ahem ahem…” The Gu Shan fan coughed so hard that he almost cried.
“Asura Girl?” Someone turned to the speaker after hearing this unfamiliar
name and questioned in a confused manner, “Is this young lady

The third person glanced at him and asked, “Friend, are you new to
Purple Mountain City?”

That man grinned, “I arrived three days ago. I heard that there are a lot
of opportunities in Purple Mountain Range, so I came here to try my luck
and was just in time for this event, so I just joined the crowd.”

“Three days, no wonder you have no idea about her,” the third person
nodded lightly, “The lady in the arena is not simple. I don’t know her real
name but everyone calls her the Asura Girl.”

“Is she strong?”

“‘Strong’ is an understatement!” The third person snorted coldly, “She is

invincible! She suddenly appeared in the arena twenty days ago and
beat the life out of a cultivator in the same realm as her. He was knocked
out in just three moves, coughing up a pool of blood. Her moves were
simple but brutal.”

“Wasn’t that… a crushing victory?”

“Yeah. It was crushing alright!”

Chapter 2515 - I Don’t Have An Artifact

No doubt, it could be described as ‘crushing’ if someone could win within

just three moves in a match between two cultivators in the same realm.

“Since then, this little girl has come to the Rising Dragon Arena to fight
everyday. No one could stand against her for more than a cup of tea’s
worth of time. With her ferocious aura and brutality, everyone began
calling her Asura Girl.”

“I’m surprised that this little girl is so powerful.” The first man’s eyes lit up
as he exclaimed again and again, watching the arena with great interest.

“Asura Girl is really good, but Gu Shan is not bad either. I still think Gu
Shan will win.” The previous Gu Shan’s fan insisted with an unwavering
gleam in his eyes.

The third person sneered, “Gu Shan is indeed strong. He has a solid
foundation, his Source Qi is vigorous, but he is definitely no match for
Asura Girl.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Yeah, I think this friend is too subjective. Looking at the situation now, it
is obvious that Gu Shan has an upper hand against her, he is no less
brutal than that little girl.”

The third person glanced at the arena leisurely, and replied faintly, “I
definitely have my own reason for saying that.”

“What’s your reason? Let’s hear about it.”

“Gu Shan’s strength has reached its limit. Unless he breaks through to
the Emperor Realm, he won’t be able to improve any more in his life. But
Asura Girl is different. She has an astounding cultivation, but it seems
like she rarely fought before. However, she is constantly improving
through each battle, and she is a lot more powerful than she was twenty
days ago. Didn’t you guys notice that in the beginning of their battle,
Asura Girl was put at a disadvantage, but now, she’s already capable of
finding opportunities while defending, waiting for an opportunity to
counterattack? If I’m not mistaken, she will continue to grow rapidly in
this battle and I’m afraid it won’t be too long before she surpasses Gu
Shan and takes him down.”

After listening to his analysis, the other two people thought about it
carefully and found that he was right. They could not help praising him,
“You have a point. It looks like Gu Shan really might not be able to defeat

“Where did this little girl come from? She seems to be only in her early
twenties. Could she have cultivated some Secret Technique that froze
her age?”

“Humph, although the aura of this girl is ferocious, she still has the air of
a child. It is obvious she is still young.”

“This friend seems to know this Asura Girl very well. Do you observe her
a lot?”

The corner of the person’s mouth twitched, “Yes, because… the

opponent of her first battle was me!”

“Ah?” The other two people gaped at him in shock. They did not expect
that he was the cultivator who spat blood and fainted after being beaten
by Asura Girl in three moves. The atmosphere of their conversation
instantly turned awkward.

Around the stage, numerous audience members were commenting about

this Asura Girl, wondering which Sect she hailed from. Nevertheless,
they couldn’t find out as the way she fought was strange and

Furthermore, she did not use any artifacts at all, so people could not
guess her identity from them.

This subtle sense of mystery intensified their interest in her.

Yang Kai looked at the arena indifferently, a weird feeling nagging at

He could not believe that Zhang Ruo Xi was actually participating in
arena fights, and even had a renowned name that scared the cultivators
in Purple Mountain City.

His impression of Zhang Ruo Xi was completely different from the little
girl that he saw in the arena now.

He suddenly felt like he had raised a dormant beast in the past few
years. It usually behaved very well in its cage, but once it was released,
it could set off a reign of terror.

Meanwhile, the arena fight was heating up.

Although the previous cultivator lost miserably to Zhang Ruo Xi in the

first battle due to his weak foundation, he had a keen eye for

Perhaps, he had closely observed Zhang Ruo Xi for the past twenty days
in endurance of his humiliation and clearly witnessed her terrifying

The battle between Gu Shan and Asura Girl progressed from Gu Shan
being at an absolute advantage in the beginning to an equally matched
battle, then Gu Fang fell into a disadvantage. Gu Shan’s shift from an
offensive stance to a defensive stance was obvious.

Neither of the pair used artifacts. Zhang Ruo Xi in fact did not have her
own offensive artifact, only the Pink Clouds Phoenix Robe that she
always wore. However, she did not activate the defensive power of the
Emperor Artifact, so from Gu Shan’s perspective, since he was already a
famous figure in Purple Mountain City, it would be embarrassing for him
to summon his artifact to fight a little girl who had not summoned hers.

Various Secret Techniques collided with each other, and the light barrier
rippled endlessly from each collision.

Compared to Gu Shan’s firm and steady tactics, Zhang Ruo Xi’s

movements were flexible and agile. Her fighting style was unique and
peculiar. It also seemed that she possessed an exceedingly keen fighting
instinct. Yang Kai had never seen or even heard of those various Secret
Techniques that performed so outstandingly in her hands and he had no
idea when or where she learned them.

The bloody red radiance on Gu Shan’s body was quivering constantly

and gradually dimmed, even his aura was fluctuating unstably.

[How strong!] Gu Shan shivered in his heart. Although he had long heard
about this little girl who brought torment to the cultivators in Purple
Mountain City, he realized now that he had still underestimated her.

Her growth in the battle had also deeply horrified him.

It only took a short time for her to turn the tide of battle; from a total
disadvantage to taking control of the flow. Perhaps with a little more time,
she would eventually win the match.

Seeing that the bloody red luminance of his body was about to shatter
completely, Gu Shan gritted his teeth, took a step back, and opened his
hand. A tiger head war hammer abruptly appeared in his grip as he
bellowed, “Little girl, summon your artifact. If you don’t, you won’t stand a

He looked determined, obviously preparing to fight to the death.

Although he had no grudges against Zhang Ruo Xi, he had been fighting
in Purple Mountain City all year round and gained a renowned
reputation, being spoken of as the top cultivator below the Emperor
Realm. If he was defeated by a weak little girl, how could he still have the
dignity to stay here?

He had no choice but to pull out his ace, his victory-securing move.

However, he still kindly persuaded Zhang Ruo Xi to summon her artifact

so that they could have a fair fight.

Surprisingly, Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head slowly, replying, “I don’t have
an artifact!”

“What?” Gu Shan glared at her and burst into rage, “There should be a
bottom line for you to look down on others!”
He thought that he was being despised by Zhang Ruo Xi as how could a
cultivator not have his or her own artifact? Given that Zhang Ruo Xi was
a Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator with this level of strength, it
was impossible that she did not possess any artifact.

He did not know that Zhang Ruo Xi was actually telling the truth.

This little girl from the Zhang Family had her strength improve too
quickly, so as much as Yang Kai wanted to give her an artifact, they had
yet to find one that was suitable for her and could keep up with the
growth of her strength. The problem with a low-level artifact was that it
could not catch up with her cultivation speed, while for the high-level
artifact, she would be unable to refine it.

Furthermore, Zhang Ruo Xi had always been cultivating safely in the

Small Sealed World, so there was no need for her to use any artifacts.

As a result, she had only the Pink Clouds Phoenix Robe.

However, it was humiliating for Gu Shan, seeing that his opponent was
going to fight him with her bare hands despite him already summoning
his artifact.

Gu Shan fumed in rage, “Don’t complain that I didn’t give you a chance.
Since you are so arrogant, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Zhang Ruo Xi pursed her red lips. She did not intend to explain anything
and decided to say nothing, her face turning solemn as she looked like
she was ready to go all out at any time.

After a loud roar, Gu Shan’s body suddenly expanded, turning into a

giant of a man as he madly surged his Source Qi, and poured it into the
tiger head war hammer.

The roar of a tiger caused the whole arena to tremble, as if the king of
the jungle leaped out of a deep forest, swearing to defend his territory
until its death.

“Are you still not summoning your artifact!?” Gu Shan yelled again while
surging more power into his artifact.
Again, Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head slowly.

“You asked for this!” Gu Shan was maddened. He let out a breath and
his bulging body shrunk down again as all his power was poured into the
war hammer. The wind and clouds collided in the sky forming a storm,
and following a blinding light which exploded in the arena, a gigantic tiger
as vivid as a real beast, carrying a Heaven-destroying and Earth-
shattering aura, pounced straight at Zhang Ruo Xi.

Zhang Ruo Xi seemed to be aware of the ferocity of this skill as her face
turned solemn. She joined her palms together in a strange fashion and
charged towards Gu Shan’s monstrous attack.

*Hong Hong Hong… *

The continuous sounds of explosion and dazzling light filled the arena.
No one could see what was happening in the arena, but they all knew
that this competition had escalated to a battle of life and death.

The tremendous impact of energy completely deformed the light curtain

restrictions of the arena and the audience all cried out. They were
astounded by Gu Shan’s astonishing attack, but at the same time, they
were secretly looking forward to how Asura Girl fared. Did she manage to
counter this skill? Or was she decimated by it?

The audiences’ eyes widened, staring at the arena.

After a long time, the terrifying energy gradually dissipated, the light
vanished, and the scene in the arena captured everyone’s eyes.

“Huh… Why is Gu Shan alone?”

“Where is the Asura Girl? Where did she go?”

“Is she hiding somewhere and preparing to ambush Gu Shan!?”

“The arena is so small, how could she have escaped?”

“Look, there are fragments of clothes on the floor. It’s the clothes that
Asura Girl wore before.”
“Is Asura Girl dead? Blown to pieces?”

“Gu Shan won!”

Noises from the audience came up one after another like sea waves
hitting the shores. There were exclamations, excitement, regret, pity, and

Asura Girl was like a brilliant comet that suddenly appeared and just as
quickly vanished. It was a real pity that a rising star in Purple Mountain
City could only shine for just twenty days before being blown to pieces by
Gu Shan. Many cultivators who supported Asura Girl secretly cursed Gu
Shan for his undeserved win and blamed him for being cruel towards a
young girl by using such an artifact on her.

Gu Shan, however, just stood on the stage, his body feeling dreadfully
feeble. After unleashing that skill, he was no longer able to fight.

He stood in place with a weird expression, staring blankly at the

fragments of clothes over the ground, without the slightest joy in his
Chapter 2516 - Feel No Shame In Your Heart

The victory of this battle was too odd.

Gu Shan clearly felt that his attack was mostly resolved by Asura Girl,
and the remaining power was not sufficient to kill her. Moreover, even
though there were fragments of clothes in the arena, there was no trace
of blood.

If she were really blown to pieces by him, there should be at least some
residual bits of blood and flesh.

But in reality, nothing else was left.

[That girl is not dead!] Gu Shan concluded in his heart.

[But if she is not dead, where could she be? Is it really like what the
audience said and she is hiding somewhere, preparing to ambush me?]
Considering all this, Gu Shan’s face changed drastically and he hurriedly
searched around, but he could not find even the shadow of Asura Girl.

After a long time, Asura Girl did not appear, only then did Gu Shan
accept the victory cheer for him with a puzzled face.


Ten thousand kilometres outside of Purple Mountain City, Yang Kai and
Zhang Ruo Xi sat on his wooden boat, flying away as fast as lightning.

After Gu Shan unleashed his final skill in the last fight, Yang Kai stepped
into the arena and brought Zhang Ruo Xi out.

The outcome was already decided, there was no need to carry on the
fight. Gu Shan was already spent, while Zhang Ruo Xi was not in
jeopardy. Zhang Ruo Xi would have easily destroyed Gu Shan in the
next move.

Yang Kai was already in the Emperor Realm, and with his proficiency in
the Dao of Space, the cultivators in Purple Mountain City were not sharp
or strong enough to notice anything when he came and went, which led
to the illusion of Zhang Ruo Xi being blown to pieces.

After being taken out of the arena, Zhang Ruo Xi’s ferocious aura
immediately dissipated and she became extremely well-behaved, sitting
quietly on the boat, constantly looking at Yang’s back with a timid look,
afraid that he would be mad at her due to her previous reckless

She did not know what was wrong with her. She had never fought with
people before, but after she stepped into the arena, she was filled with
passion. Every bit of pain on her body and every drop of her blood she
shed brought her an incomparable satisfaction. It seemed that fighting
with people had become her favourite hobby.

She regretted it every time she returned from the arena, knowing that
she needed to follow her Master obediently and not fight with others. She
even secretly warned herself that she must not go to the Rising Dragon
Arena again.

But the next day, she could not resist the temptation and went out again,
heading to the arena with the identity of ‘Asura Girl’, accepting more and
more challenges from the cultivators, and beating all of them. She took
great joy in fighting with others. Victory or defeat was not what she cared
about, what she relished was the heat of battle itself.

She was a little afraid of herself and felt that there was a devil sealed
within her heart.

“Do you like to use swords?” Yang Kai broke the silence with a question,
without looking back.

“Hm?” Zhang Ruo Xi jumped, but she quickly reacted, “I don’t know.”

“I noticed that you favoured a sword hand style during your battle with
Gu Shan, and your body released a strong Sword Intent unconsciously,”
Yang Kai paused for a while, and continued, “Have you ever used a
sword artifact before?”
“No,” Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head slowly, and murmured, “I have never
used any offensive artifacts before.”

“That’s strange,” Yang Kai revealed a dubious look. Although Zhang Ruo
Xi was not proficient in using her sword hand, it was still exceptionally
powerful, and the Sword Intent unleashed from her body was genuine. A
cultivator couldn’t have such power unless one immersed themselves in
swordsmanship for many years.

Among the Masters Yang Kai knew, Chen Wen Hao of Heavenly Martial
Holy Land had the strongest Sword Intent. He possessed the Emperor
Artifact Flowing Water Sword, and his Three Thousand Sword Dao still
appeared vividly in Yang Kai’s mind.

Yang Kai occasionally used a sword too, like the broadsword, Myriads
Sword, but this was not his strength. All the tricks that he performed were
the Secret Techniques which paired with the Myriads Sword itself, and
they were incomparable to Chen Wen Hao’s techniques.

Nevertheless, Zhang Ruo Xi’s Sword Intent seemed natural and

powerful. She was like a piece of unpolished jade, but once her full
potential had been developed, the greatness that she could bloom into
would absolutely be terrifying.

Suddenly, Yang Kai recalled a specific memory.

During Zhang Ruo Xi’s Great Realm breakthroughs, a giant figure of a

woman would always emerge behind her. Yang Kai had no idea who this
woman was, but every time she opened her mouth, she absorbed the
Heavenly Manifestation from Zhang Ruo Xi’s breakthrough and
surprisingly, it made Zhang Ruo Xi’s breakthrough effortless.

When that phantom woman appeared, she was holding an exceedingly

astounding and broad sword in her hands.

[Perhaps, the reason why she has Sword Intent and instinctively used a
sword hand has something to do with that phantom?]

Although it was just a guess, Yang Kai believed it must be the case.
Since Zhang Ruo Xi liked to use swords, Yang Kai thought that he
should hand over the Myriads Sword to her.

The broadsword that was held in the hands of the giant woman phantom
was similar to the Myriads Sword, so Zhang Ruo Xi would like it.

It was just that… the Myriads Sword did not belong to Yang Kai. It was
an ancestral treasure of the Qin Family in Maplewood City. Old Patriarch
Qin made it very clear when he handed over the Myriad Sword to Yang
Kai, that he hoped Yang Kai could take care of it for him and return it to
Qin Yu when she became an Emperor Realm Master.

Therefore, after a few thoughts, Yang Kai decided not to give Zhang Ruo
Xi the sword as he believed that giving away an item that belonged to
others was something that went against his principles.

It looked like it was time for Yang Kai to find a broadsword type Emperor
Artifact. Among his companions, Liu Yan obtained the Annihilation
Thunder Bead, Hua Qing Si wielded the Five-Coloured Spear, and even
his Embodiment obtained the Demonic War Hammer. All of them were
Emperor Artifacts.

Yang Kai naturally could not be biased.

“Sorry, Sir. Ruo Xi shouldn’t have caused such a big mess without your
permission!” Zhang Ruo Xi lowered her head and finally plucked up her
courage to admit her mistake.

Yang Kai chuckled, “Why are you sorry? I am not blaming you.”

Zhang Ruo Xi lifted her head in befuddlement, “Sir, are you not angry?”

Yang Kai smiled gently, “Choose your own path and don’t be bothered
by what others think, as long as you feel no shame in your heart. Let me
ask you, do you feel happy fighting in the arena?”

“I was very happy!” Zhang Ruo Xi nodded her head like chicken pecking
rice, without even needing to think about it.

“Then, did you kill anyone?”

Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head, “I just knocked them down every time, but
I didn’t kill them.”

“Do you feel guilty?”

Zhang Ruo Xi pondered seriously and shook her head again. “No, they
were not as skilled as their opponent yet decided to challenge them in
the arena. It was only natural that they were prepared to be defeated.
Ruo Xi also went in knowing the risks.”

“That’s right,” Yang Kai nodded, “If you think it was correct, it is correct.
There will no doubt be people who point fingers at you and make
irresponsible accusations against you in the future. If the advice is
reasonable, listen to it humbly and accept it with an open mind; but if
they are simply trying to find trouble, just let them bark as much as they
want. The key is here…” Yang Kai pointed at his heart.

“Ruo Xi understands!” Zhang Ruo Xi nodded gently, smiling like a flower

and cheered, “It is wonderful to travel together with Sir.”


After travelling around for half a month, Yang Kai reached the central
region of the Eastern Territory.

During the journey, he and Zhang Ruo Xi had travelled across countless
mountains and rivers together. While appreciating the local customs,
Yang Kai also guided Zhang Ruo Xi in cultivation, making the journey a
lot less dull and lonely.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s growth rate was insanely quick. Even though she did not
improve much in terms of her cultivation, she made great progress in
controlling her strength, which certainly had something to do with her
twenty days of battles in the Rising Dragon Arena.

Intense battles could often make one realize one’s own flaws and
potential, and further promote their growth.

Zhang Ruo Xi had not only grown stronger, she had also gained more
experiences and learned lessons through her previous fights.
During the trip with Yang Kai, she kept recalling the battles in the arena,
turning all those accumulated experiences and lessons into nutrients,
constantly growing herself.

Yang Kai witnessed this, but he did not comment on it.

One day, Yang Kai suddenly stopped, bringing the boat to a halt in mid-

“Sir? What happened?” Zhang Ruo Xi hurriedly asked, and covered the
surroundings with her Divine Sense.

She thought there was some danger.

But there was nothing unusual nearby.

When she turned to Yang Kai, she saw that he took out a golden token
with a bewildered look, and sent his Divine Sense into it.

The next moment, his face darkened.

Zhang Ruo Xi was so frightened that she dared not to speak. It was her
first time seeing Yang Kai this angry since the day she began following
him. It was obvious that something serious had happened that
maddened Yang Kai.

[What exactly… is that golden token? Why did Sir get so angry after
examining it?]

Zhang Ruo Xi was puzzled, but she dared not to question.

Subsequently, Yang Kai immediately spread his terrifying Divine Sense

around like a tide, covering a large area in an instant.

After a while, Yang Kai seemed to have discovered something, and with
a flicker, he shattered space, bringing Zhang Ruo Xi together with him,
the both of them disappearing directly from the spot they stood.

When they reappeared, Zhang Ruo Xi found that she and Yang Kai had
arrived at a place an unknown distance away, standing in the void as a
group of cultivators were besieging a Monster Beast that resembled both
a turtle and a tiger underneath them.

This Monster Beast seemed to be at the peak of the Eleventh-Order, and

was rich in Monster Qi. If it was converted to the cultivation of a human
cultivator, it would be at the peak of the Dao Source Realm.

There were only three Dao Source Realm cultivators among the crowd,
while the rest were just Saint Kings. The three Dao Source Realm
cultivators did not really have high cultivations, with only one of them at
the Second-Order Dao Source Realm. They seemed to be Elders of
some small Sect leading their disciples to come out for training. From a
cursory glance, it could not be deduced how they encountered this
Monster Beast.

It was common for disciples to train together as a Sect and most of them
would have some Elders with higher cultivation travelling with them to
provide guidance and protection. If it was not necessary, these Elders
would not usually show up.

There was already a torn corpse on the ground, while the remaining
cultivators were wounded and had panicked looks on their faces.

Judging from their situation, they seemed to be no match for the Monster
Chapter 2517 - Request For Help From The Sect

The Monster Beast was in a berserk state when Yang Kai and Zhang
Ruo Xi appeared. With its mouth wide open, it charged towards a First-
Order Dao Source Realm cultivator. Either the First-Order Source Realm
cultivator was running out of steam or he was not watching, but he did
not manage to dodge the Monster Beast in time. With a scream, a chunk
of his abdomen was chomped off, and blood spurted out of his wound

At that moment, Yang Kai’s face hardened and he swung a out fist.

With a punch, the once majestic Monster Beast suddenly wailed, a hole
appearing on its robust body, blood and intestines pouring out of it. The
Monster Beast died instantly.

The cultivator who was still held in the mouth of the Monster Beast had
not regained his senses from the shock, and continued to struggle and
scream miserably.

However, the other two Dao Source Realm Masters noticed. They lifted
their heads and looked towards Yang Kai before turning back to the dead
Monster Beast. They shuddered in their hearts, realizing that they had
met a powerful Master.

Although Yang Kai looked young, he was undoubtedly an Emperor

Realm Master if he was able to kill a Monster Beast at the peak of the
Eleventh-Order with just a punch.

The two of them did not dare hesitate. They cupped their fists with
solemn faces and just when they were about to thank Yang Kai, he
interrupted them, “Which direction is Earth City?”

They were stunned. One of them, a man who was wearing a purple robe,
hurriedly pointed to a direction, “Sir, fly five thousand kilometres towards
that direction, and you will reach Earth City.”

Although he could not figure Yang Kai’s real age, since he was an
Emperor Realm Master, it was only right to address him as Sir.
Yang Kai took a look in the direction he pointed to, then teleported. He
and Zhang Ruo Xi disappeared out of sight of the group in the blink of an

After a long time, someone asked in a low voice, “Was… was I

hallucinating? Were there two people here just now?”

“Senior Brother, you did not hallucinate, I saw them too. He killed the
Green Tiger Turtle and saved Martial Uncle Xiao.”

“Ah, Martial Uncle Xiao is injured. Quickly take out some Spirit Pills!”

“Hold on, Martial Uncle Xiao. Please don’t die.”

A group of inexperienced youths gathered around their ‘Martial Uncle

Xiao’ who was bitten by the Green Tiger Turtle and dealt with his injury
hurriedly, while the two Dao Source Realm Masters remained standing
on the spot, feeling befuddled, staring at the place where Yang Kai
disappeared for a long time.

They had no idea how Yang Kai arrived, or how he left. Their eyes were
fixed on Yang Kai the whole time he was here, but he still strangely
vanished from their sights.

If it were not for the fresh corpse of the Green Tiger Turtle here, they
would think that it was just a dream.

After all, that was an Emperor! A peak Master revered by all in the Star

Once upon a time, they were fired up in enthusiasm and believed that
they could one day catch a glimpse of the mysteries of the Emperor
Realm. Unfortunately, due to the restraints of poor aptitude and
resources, they could only roam around the Second-Order Dao Source
Realm. As they grew older, the passion in their heart had extinguished,
leaving a mindset of simply muddling along for the rest of their lives.

They turned around and glanced at those young people in their Sect,
thinking that they were just as high-spirited as they once were in their
youth, but after several dozen or a hundred years, how many of them
would still be alive? Even if they were still alive, would the young stop
striving just like they did?


Yang Kai pushed his Emperor Qi, injecting it into his wooden boat to fly
at a far greater speed than before.

“This token is a disciple token of Azure Sun Temple. In addition to

representing the identity of a disciple of Azure Sun Temple, it can also be
used as a communication artifact. I just received a request for help from
a disciple of Azure Sun Temple,” Yang Kai explained to Zhang Ruo Xi
while standing on the boat.

Ever since meeting Xiao Bai Yi and Murong Xiao Xiao in the Source Sea,
Yang Kai had kept the Azure Sun Golden Token on his person so he
could sense messages from the pair at any time, but he did not receive
any back then.

Nevertheless, Yang Kai did not throw it back to his Space Ring. He just
continued to keep it with him since it did not affect his movement.

Unexpectedly, Yang Kai actually received a request for help from a

disciple of Azure Sun Temple in this remote Eastern Territory.

It was a short message, with just a single sentence.

‘Earth City, Azure Sun Pavilion, requesting help!’

It was obvious that only a disciple of Azure Sun Temple could send this
message to Yang Kai’s Golden Token, but there were two questions that
troubled him. One, how did this disciple come to the Eastern Territory?
And two, what danger had he gotten into?

Azure Sun Temple was a Sect from the Southern Territory, more than a
billion kilometres from here.

Yang Kai naturally could not just sit back and ignore a request for aid
though; therefore, he quickly found someone to inquire about the location
of Earth City.
It was also his first time coming to the Eastern Territory, so it was natural
that he did not know where this Earth City was. Fortunately, there was a
group of people nearby and Yang Kai immediately teleported there to
ask for directions.

“I don’t know what’s going on there, but if there’s a fight, take care of
yourself,” Yang Kai gave a warning.

Earth City no doubt had Masters guarding it, so even though Yang Kai
was already an Emperor, he was not arrogant enough to look down on
everyone in the world. If he really needed to fight with someone, he may
not be able to take care of Zhang Ruo Xi.

As such, he was taking the time now to instruct her clearly, so that she
would act according to the circumstances later.

“Understood,” Zhang Ruo Xi nodded heavily, “Sir, just do what you need
to, Ruo Xi won’t be a burden to you.”

Yang Kai nodded lightly and further accelerated his speed anxiously.

Earth City was located in the central region of the Eastern Territory and
was one of the most important cities in the whole Eastern Territory, far
more flourishing than Purple Mountain City. The surrounding vast
territory and abundant resources of Earth City attracted many cultivators
to settle down here.

The visits of numerous cultivators brought increasing prosperity to this


The City Lord of Earth City, Zu Hong, was a First-Order Emperor Realm
Master and had many capable subordinates under him. Ever since he
took charge of Earth City fifty years ago, he had been keeping the entire
city in good order until now.

The city was bound with strict laws; as such, not many people dared to
commit crimes there.

Zu Hong had even set nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-one rules
in Earth City. Anyone who dared to violate them would be punished
equally, ranging from public flogging to a death sentence. His ruthless
spirit and just attitude gained him the love of the people.

At this moment, in front of a shop called Azure Sun Pavilion in Earth City,
was a group of cultivators dressed in city guard uniforms, blocking off
access. There was also a Dao Source Realm cultivator sitting in a nearby
teahouse, enjoying his drink leisurely. He was constantly inspecting
everyone who passed by the shop, his eyes sharp like a falcon.

Whispers spread around the citizens, discussing what bad deed the
Azure Sun Pavilion could have done to cause the people from the City
Lord’s Mansion to surround it.

Azure Sun Pavilion was just a small shop that did not sell anything
special. They mostly resold Spirit Pills and artifacts collected from others,
so they did not really gain a lot of profits and just barely maintained their

Everyone who had visited the Azure Sun Pavilion knew that other than a
shopkeeper, there were only two other attendants in the shop. These two
shop-hands were notoriously unmotivated, and even when there were
customers in the shop, they would just continue to sleep on the desk and
took no initiative in serving them.

Over time, cultivators who became familiar with their service stopped
going to Azure Sun Pavilion.

If it were not surrounded by the cultivators of the City Lord’s Mansion,

perhaps most of the people would not have even remembered its

No one knew what Azure Sun Pavilion had done, but it would definitely
suffer from being surrounded by the guards. Every cultivator who walked
past the shop would stay a good distance away from it like they were
avoiding snakes and scorpions, worried about being stung by bad luck if
they got too near.

Just then, a man and a woman from the crowd suddenly walked out,
straight towards Azure Sun Pavilion.
Both the man and the woman looked young. The man had a tall and
strong body, dressed like an ordinary youth. His steps were steady, and
even though he was not very handsome, he had a rugged, resolute look
to him. The woman on the other hand looked beautiful and gentle,
following closely behind the young man. Her age was even younger and
she seemed to be in her early twenties.

Because Azure Sun Pavilion was surrounded by guards, no one was

seen walking in the area of several tens of meters from the entrance, so
when the man and the woman walked straight towards the shop, they
immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The Dao Source Realm cultivator, who was sipping his tea in a nearby
teahouse, squinted, his eyes flashing with a brilliant light as he carefully
examined the pair.

He silently released his Divine Sense, but it was bizarre that he could not
inspect their cultivation.

The Dao Source Realm cultivator’s face instantly turned solemn.

He was a Third-Order Dao Source Realm Master, so the reasons for him
to be unable to sense this pair’s cultivation were either they were
Emperor Realm Masters, or they possessed some kind of artifact that
could keep their cultivation hidden.

Such a pair would certainly not be Emperor Realm Masters. In that case,
they must have some unique artifact.

[They must not have simple backgrounds to possess such artifacts, just
who are they? Why are they interested in Azure Sun Pavilion?]

While he was still pondering, the young pair arrived in front of the guards.
The young man simply glanced around at these people, however, and
shouted, “What are you doing? A good dog doesn’t block the path.
Quickly, make way!”

When the words fell, the surrounding cultivators were taken aback.
[How dare this young man humiliate the guards? Does he not fear

Everyone seemed to be able to foresee that this man would be thrown

into the city prison to suffer. Horrified, they simultaneously moved a little
further away from the shop.

The few guards who were blocking off Azure Sun Pavilion were infuriated
and threw a burning gaze at the young man in unison. The head of the
guards snorted coldly, “Pay attention to your words. It’s a crime to insult
the guards.”

The young man seemed amused by this response and grinned, “Is it a
crime to scold someone? Don’t tell me you have never scolded anyone.”

The head of the guards reprimanded, “According to the law established

by the City Lord, I can take you away at any time, put you in prison, and
give you eighty whips.”

“Is it that serious?” The young man was startled, his face pale.

The head guard looked at him in disdain, snorted coldly, “Are you scared
Chapter 2518 - Gao Xue Ting’s Predicament

“Don’t take it so seriously, Sir,” the young man grinned, “I didn’t mean to
scold you. Alright, alright, I really need to buy something from this shop.
Can you please let me in?”

It was uncertain if the casual words of the young man had some kind of
magic in them, but after a short pause, the head guard actually made
way for the couple.

The other City Lord’s Mansion guards were looking at their Commander
in bewilderment, secretly questioning his decision but they dared not
speak out.

“What the hell!?” The Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator, who was
monitoring Azure Sun Pavilion from the nearby teahouse, jumped up in
anger. He immediately released his Divine Sense towards the
Commander, and condemned, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Sir Jia!” The Commander’s face turned solemn after receiving the voice

“Didn’t I tell you not to let anyone in? How dare you disobey this King’s

“I allowed someone in?” The Commander was shocked and soon, he

remembered what he had just done. Wiping the cold sweat on his
forehead as his face turned pale, he mumbled, “How could I have let
someone in…”

He had no idea what happened just now. Although he was clear-headed,

he could not resist the young man’s request and obediently made way
for the young man to enter Azure Sun Pavilion.

If it were not for Sir Jia’s voice transmission, he probably would not be
able to recall his actions.

“A Soul Technique!” Seeing the Commander’s complexion, Sir Jia

immediately deduced that he was affected by some kind of Soul
Technique, which led him to act involuntarily.
“Sir Jia, what should we do now? Should this subordinate bring the team
in and capture that man?” The Commander asked.

“Calm down. That man seems to be very strong. We don’t know his
purpose for coming here yet. Perhaps, he really just wanted to buy
something. Let’s continue to observe.” Sir Jia replied.


While Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi were inside the shop, they looked
around and found that it was truly small, with few goods on sale. The
goods did not seem to be valuable and were messily placed around the

Two shop-hands, who had low cultivation, were sitting near the counter.
They looked aggrieved, as if they had just lost their parents, and
occasionally glanced at the guards outside, “It’s over, it’s over,” one
shop-hands mumbled, “What trouble did Shopkeeper cause? It’s really
over now!”

The two shop-hands were extremely nervous and did not even notice
that Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi had entered the shop.

After taking a brief glance at them, Yang Kai turned to the rear of the
shop and headed straight towards the backyard, completely ignoring

After passing a corridor, Yang Kai arrived at a small garden. He

proceeded further until he reached a certain room. He stood in front of
the room and knocked at the door gently.

“Who!?” A woman’s voice called out, one that sounded dreadfully

exhausted, as if she had not slept for many days.

Yang Kai answered in a deep tone, “I’m here to buy something.”

After a moment of silence, the woman inside responded, “This shop has
faced some problems recently and it will be closed for some time. Please
Yang Kai could not help rolling his eyes, he continued “This Young
Master came from Southern Territory and travelled a great distance to
buy something, and you’re asking me to go back?”

“Southern Territory…” After a cry of realization and a gust of wind, the

door flew open with a bang and a haggard-looking young woman
abruptly appeared in front of Yang Kai.

This young woman seemed to be in her late twenties, was dressed

decently, and even though her looks were not outstanding, she could still
be considered quite pretty.

Perhaps troubled by something recently, dark circles rimmed her

bloodshot eyes; however, she directed an exceedingly bright gaze
towards Yang Kai at this moment, as if she were hoping for a miracle
from him.

“Did you… really come from the Southern Territory?” The young woman
asked nervously.

“Indeed.” Yang Kai nodded.

He noticed the young woman was in the Second-Order Dao Source

Realm and the aura she exuded seemed to be a bit lacking, meaning
she definitely could not unleash the full potential of her cultivation at this

Yang Kai was not sure whether it was due to laxness in her cultivation or
because there was something wrong with her foundation.

“Do you have any proof?” The young woman questioned suspiciously.

Yang Kai smiled faintly and took out his Azure Sun Golden Token,
waving it in front of her.

The young woman’s eyes lit up and her previous doubts and
anxiousness disappeared, as if she had just reunited with a long-lost
family member.

“Let’s talk inside,” the young woman made way for him.
Yang Kai nodded in agreement and walked into the room together with
Zhang Ruo Xi.

The young woman looked around in worry, making sure there was no
one hiding nearby, before finally closing the door and activating a few
restrictions with a wave of her hand.

After she finished these preparations, Yang Kai turned to her with a
gloomy face, “What trouble have you gotten into? Why are there so
many people surrounding this shop, treating you like a criminal?”

Instead of answering Yang Kai’s question immediately, the young

woman solemnly took out a token from her Space Ring and handed it
over to Yang Kai with her hands.

The token looked similar to Yang Kai’s Azure Sun Golden Token, but
Yang Kai’s token was gold in colour while hers was bronze in colour,
which symbolized the difference of their status.

Although Yang Kai was not familiar with the different rankings of the
Azure Sun Temple’s disciple tokens, he could still guess that gold should
be the highest grade, followed by silver, then bronze. In other words,
there was a two rank difference between him and this woman.

“Senior Brother, the name of this disciple is Lu Wen, I follow Elder Chen

Yang Kai raised his brow, because he was quite familiar with Chen Qian
who was one of Azure Sun Temple’s Elders and a First-Order Emperor.
She was mainly responsible for the logistics and materials in Azure Sun
Temple. Yang Kai had met Elder Chen several times, but this Elder Chen
had often been more reserved and not spoken much.

“Is Senior Brother Xia Sheng?” Lu Wen asked Yang Kai quizzically.

Yang Kai curled his lip and snorted, “Can Xia Sheng be as handsome as
Lu Wen could not help feeling slightly embarrassed at his narcissistic
attitude. Her cheeks flushed when she asked again, “Are you Senior
Xiao Bai Yi?”

“I’m not Xia Sheng, and I’m not Xiao Bai Yi either. My name is Yang Kai,”
Yang Kai said in exasperation.

“Senior Brother Yang…” Lu Wen frowned, she seemed to be unfamiliar

with this name.

Yang Kai questioned, “If you are an Azure Sun Temple disciple, how
could you not recognize the faces of Xia Sheng and Xiao Bai Yi? They
are the top elite disciples of the Temple.”

Lu Wen replied in embarrassment, “This Junior Sister left Azure Sun

Temple many years ago and has not returned since, so I’ve never had
the chance to meet those two Senior Brothers.”

Yang Kai was surprised, “I see… Then why did you come to the Eastern
Territory and start a shop here?”

Lu Wen answered, “I’m here on a mission for the Temple. This shop was
opened as a front for my convenience. My duty here is to report
everything that occurs here to my Honoured Master to support her

“Explain in detail,” Yang Kai pressed on with a deep voice.

“Although our Temple is based in the Southern Territory, it still needs to

gather information about the other three territories. Therefore, a number
of disciples are sent out to gather intelligence in each territory, and they
will report to the Temple at specific intervals. This Junior Sister is the
person in charge of this matter in Earth City. We usually will keep our
names anonymous and our identities hidden so as not to expose our
origins unless we are in life-threatening danger.”

“There is such a thing?” Yang Kai was astonished.

Lu Wen smiled lightly, “Senior Brother Yang must be an elite disciple of

the Sect, so you don’t need to know about such trivial matters as your
only task is to strengthen your own cultivation. This type of mission is
usually handled by disciples who are not very talented or have no hope
of raising their cultivation further in their lives.”

“Such tasks take up a great deal of effort and time, so it would delay the
disciples’ cultivation. It is unrealistic to allow elite disciples to take part in

Yang Kai nodded in acknowledgement, “Many thanks for your hard


Lu Wen smiled slightly, “It’s nothing. When our Senior Brothers and
Sisters get stronger, the Sect will be more prosperous, and people like us
will have a place to live and carry out our duties in safety. Not only our
Azure Sun Temple, but this practice is also followed by all other great
forces. Many disciples will travel to all parts of Star Boundary to collect

“Then what trouble have you gotten into now?” Yang Kai asked.

Lu Wen’s face darkened, “It’s not me who’s in trouble, but Elder Gao.”

Yang Kai was puzzled, “Elder Gao? Which Elder Gao?”

Suddenly he was startled, whispering, “Elder Gao, as in Gao Xue Ting?”


Yang Kai’s face changed as he continued, “Has Elder Gao come to the
Eastern Territory?”

“That’s right, and she might be in life-threatening danger right now.”

“What happened?” Yang Kai hurriedly asked.

“Relax, Senior Brother. I will explain everything to you.”

Only after Lu Wen’s explanation did Yang Kai understand the issue.

Lu Wen had been in Earth City for more than twenty years since she left
Azure Sun Temple and had been collecting all kinds of information and
passing it back to the Sect. For her own convenience, she opened a
shop here; but instead of making money, the shop was actually a
camouflage to cover up her real identity. As such, she did not put much
effort into operating her business, which resulted in its current messy

Half a year ago, Lu Wen bought half of an animal skin from a

downtrodden cultivator. The seller told her that it was handed down by
his ancestors and there was an ancient secret hidden in it.

Lu Wen naturally would not believe this kind of nonsense and had only
bought the animal skin out of compassion for the poor man.

After studying the animal skin for a notably long time, she still could not
discover any clues about it. Still, she realized that there was something
mysterious about it so she sent the animal skin together with the
information that she collected back to Azure Sun Temple through a
special channel.

Three months ago, Gao Xue Ting suddenly came to Earth City and
asked her various questions about the animal skin.

It was only then that Lu Wen truly believed that the animal skin had some
kind of profound background and seemed to truly contain some precious
secret. Otherwise, how would it attract a Master like Gao Xue Ting to
come here?

Lu Wen certainly did not hide anything and shared everything she knew
when the Sect Elder questioned her.

Unfortunately, Gao Xue Ting did not get any useful clues from her.

In the days following her arrival, Gao Xue Ting had been studying the
secrets hidden in the animal skin, and from time to time, she would leave
Earth City for a while. However, Lu Wen had no idea of what she was
Chapter 2519 - Jia Si

A month and a half ago, Gao Xue Ting told her that she had found
something, but she would need to work with others to finish whatever
she was working on. On the same day, she left some cultivation
resources before departing Earth City, and had been missing ever since.

Seven days ago, Azure Sun Pavilion was suddenly surrounded by the
City Lord’s Mansion guards. Without giving a reason, they just
surrounded the shop and forbade anyone from coming or going.

Having explained until that point, Lu Wen realized something and asked,
“How did you get inside, Senior Brother Yang? Those City Lord’s
Mansion people should still be outside.”

Yang Kai grinned as he replied, “Those trash couldn’t stop me even if

they wanted to.” After a pause, he frowned, “Elder Gao left here a month
and a half ago, saying that she wanted to work with others to crack open
the secrets of the animal skin. But seven days ago, this place was
surrounded by the people of City Lord’s Mansion for no reason…”

Lu Wen explained anxiously, “Junior Sister suspects that Elder Gao

might be in danger. The reason Azure Sun Pavilion was surrounded was
because they didn’t want me to pass on any news out of here; after all,
Elder Gao did not hide her whereabouts when she was in Azure Sun
Pavilion. It’s easy to find out that she was related to this place.”

Yang Kai nodded in acknowledgement, “You’re right, if that’s the case…

this must have something to do with Earth City itself.”

Lu Wen expressed sadly, “Junior Sister really had no choice but to use
her own token to send out a message in the faint hope that it would
reach someone. I really didn’t expect Senior Brother Yang to come.”

“I just happened to pass by while I was out on my own business.”

If Yang Kai did not pass by here by chance, Lu Wen probably would not
be able to reach any of her fellow disciples; after all, this was the Eastern
Territory, far away from Azure Sun Temple’s headquarters, and the
disciples and Elders would not travel so far away from the temple for no

Although Gao Xue Ting was always cold and aloof, she had taken very
good care of Yang Kai and had personally given Yang Kai the Azure Sun
Golden Token. She also took in Yang Kai as a disciple and gave him
some pointers in cultivation.

Yang Kai certainly would not stand idly by when there was a possibility
that Gao Xue Ting was in trouble.

Of course, everything was only speculation at this point, and it may just
be a big misunderstanding, but it seemed a little evident since the City
Lord’s Mansion had surrounded Azure Sun Pavilion. If it was not related
to Gao Xue Ting, why would they need to surround this unimportant shop
for no reason?

“From what Junior Sister Lu says, the City Lord’s Mansion must be
greatly related to this matter,” Yang Kai pondered for a moment, sorting
out his thoughts.

Lu Wen agreed, “Junior Sister thinks so too. Elder Gao had said that she
would need to work together with others to crack the secret of the animal
skin, and City Lord Zu Hong is the only First-Order Emperor Realm
Master in Earth City, so he would be the best choice for Elder Gao to
work together with.”

“Oh?” Yang Kai raised his eyebrows and grinned, “Since there is a
suspect, it makes everything much easier.”

“Senior Brother Yang, what are you going to do?” Lu Wen looked at his
impish smile, feeling uneasy.

“What else can I do? I will have to go to him and get answers.” Yang Kai
snorted softly.

Lu Wen was shocked, “Senior Brother must not be impulsive! Zu Hong is

a First-Order Emperor Realm Master who broke through more than forty
years ago and is extremely powerful. He also has an Emperor Artifact.
Junior Sister knows that Senior Brother is an elite disciple of the Temple,
but against an Emperor Realm Master…”

She stopped speaking, but it was obvious what she was implying.

She thought Zu Hong was out of Yang Kai’s league.

Yang Kai smiled slightly, “Junior Sister Lu, don’t worry, a trivial Zu Hong
is nothing to your Senior Brother.” Here, he paused and turned to Zhang
Ruo Xi, “Take Junior Sister Lu out of Earth City from the back door and
wait for me outside the city. Since this has happened, Junior Sister Lu
doesn’t have to stay here any longer and should return to the Temple.”

“Yes, Sir!” Zhang Ruo Xi received the order solemnly.

Yang Kai then disappeared with a flicker.

“This…” Lu Wen was startled and anxious. She had clearly told this
Senior Brother Yang that Zu Hong was an Emperor Realm Master, but
why was he still so passionate and impulsive?

Zhang Ruo Xi smiled slightly in assurance, “Don’t worry about my Sir,

Elder Sister. Zu Hong is really nothing to him.”

“Sir?” Lu Wen looked at Zhang Ruo Xi in amazement, “Sister is not a

Temple disciple?”

Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head, “I’m only a member of a small family. I
could only have such achievements today thanks to Sir’s compassion to
keep me by his side and teach me how to cultivate.”

“Ah!” Lu Wen was flabbergasted.

As a Second-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator, Lu Wen could perceive

that Zhang Ruo Xi’s cultivation was higher than hers and was stronger
than her by a fair margin, which meant that Zhang Ruo Xi was a Third-
Order Dao Source Realm. [Such a Master was trained by Senior Brother
Yang? She is just as strong as the elite disciples of top Sects.]
“What… What cultivation does Senior Brother Yang possess?” Lu Wen
inquired curiously.

Zhang Ruo Xi smiled as pride welled up in her and answered lightly, “Sir
is already an Emperor Realm Master.”

Lu Wen was completely stunned for a moment before brightness

gradually lit up her eyes, and her helplessness and anxiety were swept


In a teahouse outside of Azure Sun Pavilion, Sir Jia watched the

entrance of Azure Sun Pavilion like a falcon observing its prey,
unconsciously taking sips from the teacup in his hand.

He did not recognize the man and woman who entered Azure Sun
Pavilion earlier; his subordinates went down to investigate, but returned
empty-handed. It seemed that they had only entered the city today. Sir
Jia could not help increasing his vigilance, for fear that the pair was really
related to what the City Lord ordered.

Sir Jia did not dare to let slip any details, and was completely focused on
Azure Sun Pavilion.

Suddenly, his heart rate spiked as an extremely uneasy feeling rose in

his chest, like danger was approaching.

Before Sir Jia could react though, he noticed a stranger appearing from
the corner of his eye.

He quickly turned his head reactively, and his eyes widened as he saw
the young man from before sitting on the chair opposite him, a smile
fixed on his face.


Senior Jia spat the mouthful of tea right towards Yang Kai.
Yang Kai waved his hand casually, and the splash of tea turned around
and doused Sir Jia’s face.

He stood up and wiped his horrified face clumsily, and stared at Yang
Kai vigilantly.

He did not understand how this young man appeared in front of him,
even with his level of cultivation. It was obvious from this display that this
young man in front of him could have killed him just now without him
even noticing.

At this moment, Sir Jia broke out in a cold sweat.

“Sit!” Yang Kai smiled at him coldly. Sir Jia shuddered at this cold glare
and stared at the young man as though he was a poisonous snake.

Sir Jia hesitated for a while, before he grit his teeth and sat again with a
painful expression, as if he was sitting on countless needles.

“How should I address you?” Yang Kai asked.

“Jia Si!”

“En, a fortunate meeting!” Yang Kai greeted him insincerely, his eyes
flashing a dangerous light, “Sir Jia should know the reason why this
Young Master is here, yes?”

Wiping off the cold sweat from his forehead, Jia Si smiled forcefully,
“Young Master must be joking, this Jia is just here to enjoy tea and relax,
and I don’t know why Young Master…”

He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes fixed on a palm-sized shield-type

artifact in Yang Kai’s hand, whispering, “This shield…”

Jia Si’s had exceptional eyesight, and could immediately identify that the
shield in Yang Kai’s hand was not some common treasure. It seemed to
be a Dao Source Grade High-Rank artifact, and a defensive artifact at
that, making it extremely valuable.
Even though he had a Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivation, Jia Si
could not help his breathing from becoming a big ragged.


Yang Kai stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, and like a rock
that had been corroded and worn by wind and rain for thousands of
years, the shield artifact was pulverized into dust which then slipped from
his fingertips and scattered all over the ground.

“What shield?” Yang Kai looked at him coldly, “We were talking about
something else, why did you suddenly talk about a shield?”

Jia Si’s sweat poured down his forehead like droplets of rain. Trembling
all over, he replied nervously, “Nothing, nothing.”

Yang Kai snorted, “Sir Jia seems to be a smart person, so you shouldn’t
be difficult to ‘reason’ with. This Young Master would like to ask for Sir
Jia’s help to answer some questions.”

Jia Si responded hurriedly, “Ask away, Young Master, although this Jia is
not talented, he has lived here for a long time and has many connections
in Earth City.”

“Very good!” Yang Kai nodded with satisfaction before his eyes
sharpened and his voice turned cold, “Who gave you the order to
blockade Azure Sun Pavilion?”

Jia Si divulged reluctantly, “It… was Sir City Lord!”

“Why did Zu Hong ask you to do this?”

Jia Si replied, “Sir City Lord just ordered us to arrest anyone suspicious
who tried to enter or exit Azure Sun Pavilion. That they must not be
allowed to leave Earth City.”

Yang Kai raised his brow and snorted, “How domineering your City Lord
Jia Si was horrified as he hurriedly tried to explain, “This Jia is only acting
on orders, Young Master. Please be calm.”

Yang Kai demanded, “Then do you know which great force this Azure
Sun Pavilion belongs to?”

“I didn’t know before. This Jia only just recently found out that this is a
shop opened and operated by a disciple from Azure Sun Temple in the
Southern Territory. This discovery was only made after the City Lord
asked me to investigate the details of Azure Sun Pavilion a few days
ago.” Jia Si explained.

“The information is quite complete, how impressive of Sir Jia,” Yang Kai
sneered sarcastically.

Jia Si shivered and scrunched up his face as he pleaded, “I was just

acting on orders…”

Yang Kai interrupted him, “Have you seen this woman in the City Lord’s

While speaking, Yang Kai raised his hand and pushed his Emperor Qi to
create an image of Gao Xue Ting in front of Jia Si.

Jia Si glanced at this picture before shaking his head blankly, “I have
never seen this woman, but I heard from my subordinates that an
unfamiliar woman who matches this image often came and went from
Azure Sun Pavilion. This Jia had only found out about Azure Sun
Pavilion by investigating clues about her.”

Yang Kai frowned, “You’ve never seen her personally?”

According to his and Lu Wen’s deduction, Gao Xue Ting should have
gone to Zu Hong to work together to crack the secret on the animal skin.
Logically speaking, she should have been in and out of the City Lord’s
Mansion a few times. Since Jia Si was Zu Hong’s confidant, it did not
make sense that the two of them had never met.

But Jia Si did not look like he was lying.

[Could it be that Gao Xue Ting did not go to Zu Hong? Then, who did she
want to join forces with?]

[Is the City Lord’s Mansion involved with this matter or not? If it weren’t
for Gao Xue Ting, why would they be surrounding Azure Sun Pavilion?]

Yang Kai was now thoroughly confused.

Chapter 2520 - Dragon Bone Wilderness

Jia Si carefully observed Yang Kai’s reaction and suddenly thought of

something, gulping as he proposed, “Young Master, there is one thing
that this Jia might know. I wonder if I could speak about it?”

“Don’t waste my time if it’s nonsense!” Yang Kai stared at him coldly.

Jia Si nodded and continued, “One and a half months ago, Elder Ju Tian
Qing visited Sir City Lord, then Sir City Lord left Earth City the next day.”

“Ju Tian Qing?” Yang Kai raised his eyebrows, “Who is he?”

Jia Si replied, “He is one of the Emperor Realm Elders of Brahma Holy
Land. He has a close relationship with the City Lord.”

“Brahma Holy Land?” Yang Kai was surprised.

Yang Kai was well aware of Brahma Holy Land as it was one of the top
Sects in the Eastern Territory. In terms of status, it was similar in position
to Azure Sun Temple in the Southern Territory.

The two Holy Sons, Zhang Xian and Zhang Hao, who Yang Kai met in
the Shattered Star Sea, were from Brahma Holy Land, and their aptitude
in cultivation was indeed extraordinary. If it were not for their bad luck of
encountering Yang Kai, perhaps they would have already broken through
to the Emperor Realm in the Shattered Star Sea.

Ju Tian Qing was one of the ten Emperor Realm Elders of Brahma Holy
Land. This Sect lived up to the prestige of being one of the top Sects in
this territory as its overall strength was above Azure Sun Temple.

“What specific cultivation does Ju Tian Qing have?” Yang Kai vaguely
had a hunch that this Ju Tian Qing had something to do with the matter
of Gao Xue Ting.

“He is a First-Order Emperor,” Since Jia Si had already disclosed so

much, there was no point trying to hide any information anymore. He just
revealed everything he knew and was hoping to leave here as soon as
possible. Judging from Yang Kai’s previous ability to crush a Dao Source
Grade High-Rank shield with his bare hands, Jia Si knew that Yang Kai
could kill him with a flick of his finger.

Jia Si did not think that his physique was tougher than that shield.

Yang Kai nodded, and raised his index finger, “One last question, do you
know where Ju Tian Qing or Zu Hong are now?”

Jia Si wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and answered anxiously, “I
don’t know anything about that!”

The chill in Yang Kai’s eyes turned horrifying.

Jia Si’s face paled in fright as he cried out dismally, “I really don’t know
about it, Sir City Lord didn’t tell me anything before he left.” After a
pause, he continued, “If Young Master really wants to know, this humble
one can try to find out for you…”

“Find out for me?” Yang Kai snorted heavily, “How are you going to find
out for me? Didn’t you just say that Zu Hong told you nothing when he

“This humble one could try to probe the City Lord’s son or Madam City
Lord, perhaps they might know something. If not, this humble one could
still send a messenger to the disciples of Elder Ju. In all honesty, this
humble one has a decent relationship with some of those disciples, and
they might know where Elder Ju is.”

“How long do you need?” Yang Kai asked, his expression icy.

“Four hours… No, no, two hours is enough.”

Yang Kai instantly beamed, “Then I shall trouble you, Sir Jia. Go and
come back quickly, I’ll wait for you here.”

Jia Si got up immediately and rushed outside without turning back, as if

he was being chased.

However, after his first step, Yang Kai casually tapped his shoulder.
Jia Si’s face changed drastically and was petrified. He looked at Yang
Kai, and only felt that that part of his body was burning with unbearable

“Don’t be anxious. This is just a small Secret Technique of this Young

Master. It won’t cause you any harm in the short term…” Yang Kai put on
a harmless smile.

“And in the long term…” Jia Si’s voice trembled.

“If the mark left behind by the Secret Technique is not removed by this
Young Master’s unique method within twenty-four hours, your bones will
be separated, your meridians will be broken, and you will beg for death!”
Yang Kai’s words sent chills down Jia Si’s spine, as if a cold wind blew
from the depths of purgatory to surround him.

Jia Si’s face was as pale as a ghost’s, but he dared not to resist as Yang
Kai showed him just how powerful an opponent he was. After being
stunned for a moment, Jia Si flickered and flew off as swiftly as the wind.

Yang Kai summoned the waiter of the teahouse and asked him to serve
a new pot of tea, so he could spend some time in leisure.

Jia Si returned in just about a stick of incense worth of time.

“So fast?” Yang Kai stared at him in amazement, praising him, “Sir Jia is
quite exceptional. Given your performance in intelligence work, you must
be the right-hand man of the City Lord.”

Jia Si smiled obsequiously, “It was just a coincidence. Sir City Lord left a
message to Madam City Lord before his departure, so it was easy for me
to obtain some information.”

“I can’t believe you can obtain the information from Madam City Lord
personally. Tsk tsk, perhaps Sir City Lord wears a green hat?” Yang Kai
looked at him with a knowing grin.

Jia Si hurriedly explained in terror, “Young Master, please don’t joke like
this. It’s not what you think. This Jia just inquired about the information
from a maidservant of Madam City Lord.”
“Alright,” Yang Kai replied lazily, and pressed on with a solemn face, “Tell
me what I want to know.”

Jia Si reported, “Sir City Lord mentioned he would be going to the

Dragon Bone Wilderness, but I’m not sure about his exact location.”

“Dragon Bone Wilderness!” A cold brilliance flashed across Yang Kai’s


Jia Si continued, “This Jia could only find out this much, it is impossible
to obtain any more information. Young Master, can you…”

Yang Kai nodded and stood up, patting his shoulder casually as he said,
“Understood. Goodbye.”

When the words fell, Yang Kai’s figure blurred and instantly disappeared.

Jia Si’s face changed drastically as he hurriedly asked, “What about the

However, there was not a trace of Yang Kai anymore. Jia Si began
panicking like a cat jumping on hot bricks, secretly cursing Yang Kai for
not keeping his promise.

But soon, he realized something was different. The burning sensation

was gone. He examined himself with his Divine Sense and found that
there was nothing abnormal about him anymore.

Only then did he realize that Yang Kai had probably removed the mark
when he patted his shoulder.

Jia Si could not help shuddering in joy before he secretly rushed to the
city gate, preparing to leave Earth City.

He revealed so much information to Yang Kai today, so no matter what

the outcome was, he could no longer stay in Earth City. If the City Lord
returned safe and sound, he would surely find out he had sold him out,
and the punishment for the crime of leaking information would be
Even if the City Lord never returned, he was afraid that Yang Kai would
come back for him. For the sake of his own safety, it was better for him to
run as far as he could. It would be best if he could escape the Eastern
Territory and hide in one of the other three.


It did not take Yang Kai too much effort to find Zhang Ruo Xi and Lu Wen
outside the city. After embarking on his boat, Yang Kai queried Lu Wen,
“Where is the Dragon Bone Wilderness?”

Lu Wen pointed in a certain direction, “That way. It will take about two
days to travel there.” After a pause, she asked in shock, “Is Elder Gao in
the Dragon Bone Wilderness?”

“Most likely,” Yang Kai replied in a deep voice, “But her exact location is
not clear. Is it a big region?”

“Big, very big!” Lu Wen nodded, “It is rumoured to have been an ancient
battlefield. Many fell there and it is a place filled with Yin Qi. Many
cultivators like to explore it and sometimes they find some ancient
treasures if their luck is good, especially in the central region where it is
possible to make a great fortune. The central region also has Yin Qi as
dense as fog though, so not even ordinary Emperor Realm Masters
easily approach it. Rumours say that the corpse of a True Dragon lies
somewhere in the central region, hence it is called the Dragon Bone

“Oh?” Yang Kai raised his eyebrows and grinned, “Then let’s go to the
central region to take a look.”

The speed of the boat was superb. It was a Dao Source Grade High-
Rank flight artifact. With the complement of Yang Kai Space Techniques,
the boat flew across hundreds of kilometres in the blink of an eye,
seemingly skipping along space.

In the beginning, Lu Wen did not notice this anomaly, but after she
settled down, she quickly realized that the speed of the boat was
unusually fast. She was amazed when she saw this and felt more
confident about Yang Kai.

After half a day, Yang Kai had arrived at the Dragon Bone Wilderness.
Below was a piece of lifeless, desolate land. There was a strange scene
where Yin Qi was spinning like a whirlwind about a few kilometres away,
and as if sensing the aura of the living nearby, it gathered together in a

This was just the periphery of the Dragon Bone Wilderness, where the
Yin Qi was so weak that it diminished before even getting close to Yang
Kai and his group.

Ignoring the mass of Yin Qi, Yang Kai spread out his Divine Sense like a
vast ocean before he ventured deeper, examining every inch of this

He did not know if Gao Xue Ting was in the Dragon Bone wilderness, but
he could only try his luck as it was the only clue he had now.

Half a day later, Yang Kai reached the central region of the Dragon Bone

Along the way, Yang Kai found that the Dragon Bone Wilderness was an
exceptional place for cultivators to train and temper themselves. This
would no doubt be an excellent training ground for him if he were still a
Dao Source Realm cultivator; however, he had already broken through to
the Emperor Realm, so there was no point for him to cultivate here.

All of a sudden, Yang Kai looked intently in a certain direction as if he

had discovered something.

He sensed several powerful cultivators guarding a certain region,

seemingly warning travellers not to enter this place. On top of that, Yang
Kai noticed some odd energy fluctuations coming from that place.

Yang Kai could not help feeling suspicious about this and changed the
direction in which he was flying.

“Who goes there?” Someone yelled before Yang Kai approached.

“Stop! Do not come any closer, otherwise don’t blame me for being
impolite to you!” Another person threatened him.

Yang Kai ignored them and charged straight forward.


“Courting death!”

After a few roars, flashes of lights from Secret Techniques and various
violent forces launched towards the boat.

Lu Wen’s face turned pale in fright and she almost fell over after losing
her balance.

Zhang Ruo Xi, on the other hand, stood behind Yang Kai steadily,
turning a blind eye to the attacks.

*Hong Hong Hong… *

Several explosions were heard, but the impacts were not as the
attackers had expected. On the contrary, they, who stood at the opposite
side, screamed as if they had been attacked. They started to groan in
pain, and a few of them even collapsed on the ground directly.

Lu Wen’s eyes widened with shock as she had not even seen exactly
what Yang Kai had done.
Chapter 2521 - Small Sealed World

The blood drained from the faces of the cultivators who attacked Yang
Kai. All of them were not weak; otherwise, they would never be able to
go this deep into the Dragon Bone Wilderness, but they were one-sidedly
defeated even after they attacked first.

[Where did this Master come from?!]

All of them stared at the wooden boat with wide eyes and horror.

“You are… Yang Kai!?”

After having a good look, it was a short and chubby man who recognized
Yang Kai and immediately yelled in surprise.

As if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight, the others stared at Yang
Kai in astonishment.

“Hm?” Yang Kai was stunned. Retracting his gaze from the anomaly in
that strange space, he glanced down frowning, “Do I know you?”

The cultivators below look extremely unfamiliar to him. He was sure that
he had never met them, so how did they know him? Although he was
now an Emperor Realm Master, he was not so arrogant as to think his
name and face had spread all throughout the Eastern Territory.

The pudgy cultivator knew that he had made a mistake and hurriedly
shut his mouth, refusing to say another word, but when he met Yang
Kai’s eyes, it was burning with hatred and anger, as if he had a great
grudge against him.

“Senior Brother Yang, these people are the Legacy Disciples of Ju Tian
Qing from Brahma Holy Land!” Lu Wen suddenly whispered behind Yang

Her main purpose in the Eastern Territory was to gather all kinds of
information, so she was familiar with the origins of these people, and was
quickly able to identify them with just a glance.
Yang Kai’s eyes flashed, and nodded, “Ju Tian Qing’s Legacy Disciples,
good, very good!”

If his Legacy Disciples were here, it meant that Ju Tian Qing should also
be nearby. According to the information disclosed by Jia Si, Ju Tian Qing
was very likely to be with Zu Hong.

Excitement rose in Yang Kai’s heart as he would probably be able to find

Gao Xue Ting after finding those two people.

A sudden realization struck him in the next moment, causing Yang Kai to
grin and ask, “Did Yin Le Sheng tell you about me?”

Although Yin Le Sheng suffered a huge loss in the Shattered Star Sea at
Yang Kai’s hands, he did not die. He made a deal and signed the Soul
Contract with Yang Kai at the cost of revealing information about Xiao
Xiao in exchange for Yang Kai bringing him out of the Void Crack.

With the Soul Contract, Yang Kai could not kill Yin Le Sheng even if he
had the intention to, and could only watch him leave.

Yang Kai had only met a few Eastern Territory Masters in the Shattered
Star Sea.

Yao Si, Chi Gui, and the others were not bored enough to spread his
identity around, so only Yin Le Sheng would do such a thing.

He probably guessed that Yang Kai would come to Eastern Territory to

look for Xiao Xiao, and informed the people of Brahma Holy Land in
advance, which explained why he was recognized by these cultivators.

[That bastard is truly despicable, trying to murder me with a borrowed


Yin Le Sheng would have no idea that Yang Kai had already broken
through to the Emperor Realm.

The pudgy cultivator did not deny Yang Kai’s statement, simply gritting
his teeth and snorting, “Good, it was Senior Brother Yin from Netherworld
Sect who told me about you.”
“What else did he say?” Yang Kai asked with a snicker.

The pudgy cultivator bellowed in a low voice, “He said that Zhang Hao
and Zhang Xian, the two Holy Sons, died tragically at your hand!”

Yang Kai nodded, “En, it seems that you people from Brahma Holy Land
have been searching for my whereabouts.”

The pudgy cultivator snorted, “The two Holy Sons were my Brahma Holy
Land’s hope for the future, and they were killed by you! Do you think the
Holy Land would let this slide? If you are smart, follow us back to the
Holy Land to meet with our Elders and Holy Master, and maybe your
punishment will be lighter, refuse, and Brahma Holy Land will chase you
to the ends of the world, no matter where you hide, you will not be able
to escape death.”

Yang Kai was indifferent, “You don’t have the skills to talk about my
death, but it is up to this Master if you are going to die here.”

The faces of the pudgy cultivator and his companions changed

drastically, immediately staring at Yang Kai vigilantly.

Yang Kai’s gaze swept across them before turning back to a certain point
in the sky behind them and asking bluntly, “Is Ju Tian Qing in there?”

The pudgy cultivator was shocked and stuttered, “What are you talking

There was a look of panic on his face, obviously trying hard to hide

With a cold snort, Yang Kai took a step forward and reappeared directly
above their heads, both of his hands rapidly forming a set of hand seals
while he manipulated the Space Principles around him.

The pudgy cultivator and the others turned pale all of a sudden, as if a
mountain was pressing on top of their heads, each of them finding
themselves out of breath and their blood flowing backwards, completely
unable to resist Yang Kai.
“Emperor Realm!”

Only now did these people realize Yang Kai was already an Emperor
Realm Master. The pudgy cultivator shuddered when he thought about
how he had shamelessly boasted in front of an Emperor, and a chill
spread from his head to his toes.

[No wonder this Yang Kai could so easily resolve our joint attack just
now. It turns out that this bastard has already broken through to the
Emperor Realm! The gap in strength is huge, we’re not his opponent!]

[But why… Why is a newly promoted Emperor Realm Master this

powerful?] The pudgy cultivator did not even feel such a powerful aura
from his Honoured Master, Ju Tian Qing.

Was this boy stronger than his Honoured Master? But how was that
possible? His Honoured Master had been an Emperor Realm Master for
centuries and had a completely consolidated foundation! How could a
cultivator who just broke through be comparable to him?

Just what was happening?

Just as the pudgy cultivator was lost in confusion, a wave of ripples

suddenly appeared somewhere in the sky, caused by Yang Kai’s
manipulation of the local Space Principles.

As the ripples spread, a dark corridor suddenly appeared. The pitch-

black corridor was seemingly endless, and in front of the entrance of the
corridor was a very primitive animal skin, exuding a peculiar power. It
seemed that the existence of this animal skin was the key to opening this
Void Corridor.

“That’s…” Lu Wen’s beautiful eyes lit up as she pointed at the animal

skin, “That’s the animal skin I found!”

Yang Kai raised his brow as he confirmed that he was at the right place.

It was just that he did not expect a Small Sealed World to be hidden
here, and the way to open it was with this animal skin.
“No, this animal skin is bigger than the one I found, about twice the
size…” Lu Wen suddenly frowned.

Yang Kai replied lightly, “Because the one you found was only one half,
and the other half is here. It’s now obvious why Elder Gao needed
someone to solve this problem, because she realized that the animal
skin was incomplete. She probably wanted to find the owner of the other

Yang Kai’s eyes flashed as he turned to stare at the pudgy cultivator

below, “Answer me, did the other half of this animal skin belong to your

It was a simple question, but it was laced with Yang Kai’s Spiritual

Yang Kai had benefited a lot from the Soul battle between the two Great
Emperors in his Knowledge Sea, and was now far more proficient in the
usage of his Soul. Supplemented with his already powerful Spiritual
Energy, forcing information out from a Dao Source Realm cultivator was
as simple as breathing.

Sure enough, even though a hint of resistance flitted across his face, the
pudgy cultivator was unable to resist the coercion from Yang Kai’s Soul
and soon replied mechanically, “Yes.”

Yang Kai narrowed his eyes, “Was there a woman who came to your
Master for help more than a month ago?”


“What is your Master planning?”

“Honoured Master went to Earth City’s City Lord, Zu Hong, whom he had
a good relationship with, to join forces and defeat that woman to take all
the secrets stored in here.”

Yang Kai was furious upon hearing this and a murderous aura so cold
that it seemed a winter blizzard had descended surged out of him.
Snorting heavily, he shouted, “What is the difference between working
with that woman and working with Zu Hong? Why not just split the
secrets of this place equally? Why did Ju Tian Qing need to make such a
fuss, at the cost of offending another Master of the same level?”

The pudgy cultivator answered honestly, “Honoured Master said… that

woman still retained her Primordial Yin, and she was very strong, so if he
could capture her and refine her Primordial Yin, he could break through
to the Second-Order Emperor Realm. It is not easy to find a woman with
a First-Order Emperor Realm cultivation, especially one with her
Primordial Yin intact. Compared with the secrets here, Honoured Master
was more interested in her.”

“How dare he!” Yang Kai roared loudly, his face looking extremely

The pudgy cultivator spewed out a mouthful of blood when he was

released from the Soul pressure and fell into a state of total shock upon
realizing that he seemed to have revealed some incredible information.

The other cultivators looked aggrieved as well, but due to their inferior
strength, they did not even dare to say a word.

“Sir, it should not be too late, you should go in now,” Zhang Ruo Xi urged
worriedly. Malevolent aura churned inside her as she glared at Ju Tian
Qing’s disciples with her beautiful eyes, and her tone became cold as
she assured him, “Leave them to me.”

Yang Kai nodded and seethed, “Kill them all.”

Zhang Ruo Xi shouted in a low voice, “Yes!”

Including the pudgy cultivator, there were five cultivators here, but only
two of them were Third-Order Dao Source Realms. The pudgy cultivator,
whose Soul had been heavily injured by Yang Kai just now, was one of
those two and, as a result, he would probably not be able to use even
half of his strength. Among the other three, two of them were Second-
Order Dao Source Realms while the last was just First-Order.
Based on Zhang Ruo Xi’s previous performance in Purple Mountain
City’s arena, it would take some effort for her to defeat them, but it
should not be a problem.

What’s more, Zhang Ruo Xi was wearing a defensive Emperor Artifact,

the Pink Clouds Phoenix Robe, so Yang Kai had no worries about her

This little girl still had a lot of potential for growth, and a life and death
battle was the best whetstone for the current her.

Therefore, there was no need for Yang Kai to bother with others weaker
than him as he could leave them to Zhang Ruo Xi to deal with, saving
him time and allowing her to grow.

After giving orders, Yang Kai stepped out and came directly to the front
of the surging Void Corridor. He stretched out his hand to press the
animal skin lightly, and with the surge of Space Principles, his hand
vanished, followed by the rest of his body into the darkness.

This Void Corridor was currently concealed and sealed, so others may
not have been able to enter it, but thanks to Yang Kai’s proficiency in the
Dao of Space, entering was as simple as pushing a door for him.
Chapter 2522 - Ancient Medicine Garden

The misty Small World was filled with a rich and dense World Energy that
seemed to be milky in colour. At a glance, the whole space seemed to be
filled with fluffy cotton.

The entire Small World was only about a dozen kilometres wide and
seemed more man-made than natural.

It was most likely crafted by an ancient and powerful Master.

Various rich medicinal fragrances permeated the air.

The ground with a radius of more than a dozen kilometres was split into
dozens of square plots of land. Most of these plots were empty, but had
fertile soil. It seemed that someone had just recently collected all the
herbs here as there were still traces of it being dug up.

This was an unbelievable discovery. Never would anyone have guessed

that there would be an ancient medicine garden in this Small Sealed

Yang Kai could only imagine the numerous exotic plants planted on
these fertile plots, and how many miraculous and precious spirit
medicines were accumulated over the years.

Only two squares of the medicine garden were still well preserved,
covering an area of two to three square kilometres. In these two squares,
there were many kinds of exotic plants well over the age of ten thousand
years, growing vigorously. The rich medicine fragrances that filled the air
actually came from these two plots.

These two plots were covered with a faint golden light curtain, acting as
a kind of protective barrier.

At this moment, Gao Xue Ting was sitting cross-legged at a certain spot
in the medicine garden, recovering from her wounds with her eyes
closed. Her aura was weak, her face as pale as snow, and her hairpins
were dislodged in multiple places, causing her hair to be dishevelled. The
Emperor Artifact Radiant Sun Mirror was hovering above her, shrouding
her with a soft, gentle light.

There were blood patches on her white snowy dress, a particularly large
one still oozing out from a wound on her abdomen.

She seemed to have undergone a huge fight as her Emperor Qi was

almost exhausted and her tender body could not help shivering even
while she was healing herself.

Although there were countless precious spirit grasses and elixirs here,
they could not restore her combat strength in a short time.

Outside the golden light curtain, a man was repeatedly striking the barrier
with his glowing blade, the Burning Ocean of Stars Blade. Every blow
resulted in an Earth-shaking explosion, causing the light curtain to
vibrate unstably, as if it could be broken at any time.

Yang Kai did not know who had created this light curtain that, while
seemingly fragile and weak, was in fact exceptionally strong. It still
remained intact after being attacked for such a long time by the man with
the glowing blade.

The man was shouting like a madman, furious at the light barrier that
separated him from Gao Xue Ting.

Suddenly, Gao Xue Ting opened her eyes and she glared coldly at the
man who was attacking the barrier, remarking lightly, “Ju Tian Qing, this
Queen has known you for hundreds of years, but I didn’t know your true
colours until now. You really surprised me.”

Ju Tian Qi fumed, “Slut! This King is going to make plenty of love to you
after breaking this barrier!”

Disgust and anger flashed across Gao Xue Ting’s eyes as she bellowed,
“Give it up! This Queen will never let you touch a strand of her hair even
if she needs to self-destruct.”

Ju Tian Qing snorted coldly, “That will depend on whether you have the
opportunity. You are seriously injured now, and it’s dreadfully difficult for
you to even move a muscle. Once this barrier is broken, the rest is not up
to you to decide.”

Gao Xue Ting retorted, “This Queen is an Azure Sun Temple Elder. If I
die here today, you will be chased to death by Azure Sun Temple in the

Ju Tian Qing growled as he sneered, “Azure Sun Temple is truly strong,

and this King has great respect for the strength of your Temple Master
Wen Zi Shan, but so what? Your Azure Sun Temple can act domineering
in the Southern Territory, but this is the Eastern Territory! Even if Temple
Master Wen is strong, he can’t make a scene in the Eastern Territory.
Haven’t you heard the phrase, ‘even the mighty dragon is no match for
the native serpent’? Since this King has plotted this out, he is naturally
not afraid of retaliation from your Temple!”

After hearing this, Gao Xue Ting could not help revealing a look of
despair. Fortunately, she managed to activate the barrier left behind in
the medicine garden by some Ancient Master. Given her current dire
condition, she could only hide in the medicine garden; however, she had
no idea how long this barrier could last. Once Ju Tian Qing succeeded in
breaking through, she would not be able to fight back.

Her plan was that once the barrier was destroyed, she would
immediately self-destruct and end her life without letting this vile man
contaminate her purity.

A man who had a playful smile on his face and a lazy tone of voice,
whose attitude always seemed to anger others, unrestrainedly surfaced
in of her beautiful eyes and the fierce gaze of Gao Xue Ting was slowly
replaced by a sense of gentleness.

[What does it matter that I was raised by you? I’m not a child! I’ve not
been one since I turned eighteen years old!]

[It upsets me that even after I reached the Emperor Realm, I’m still a little
girl in your eyes. You have never treated me as a woman.]
[If there is an afterlife, I don’t want to be raised by you again! I want to
grow up healthy and stand in front of you again as a woman!]

“Brother Zu, are you done resting? If you are, how about you give me a
hand?” Ju Tian Qing was a little anxious seeing that his attacks were in
vain after such a long time, so he turned around and stared at another
man who was sitting cross-legged not far away, adjusting his breathing,
recovering from his injuries.

This man was the City Lord of Earth City, Zu Hong.

The cultivations of these three people were the same, First-Order

Emperor Realm. If they really wanted to fight, their strengths would be on
par with each other.

The reason Gao Xue Ting suffered such a serious injury was not that she
was inferior to Ju Tian Qing, but because she was outnumbered.

Battles between cultivators in the same Realm were always extremely

dangerous, yet Gao Xue Ting displayed her great strength by still being
able to seriously wound one of them in a one-against-two situation.

Zu Hong’s face was pale, and his aura was fluctuating unstably. An
enormous seal stamp engraved with countless beasts was placed beside
him. As he breathed, the flesh on his body squirmed, and his wounds
were gradually recovering. It seemed he cultivated a very mysterious
healing art.

Hearing Ju Tian Qing’s calling, Zu Hong opened his eyes with a frown,
“Brother Ju, you didn’t tell me that I would have to deal with an Azure
Sun Temple Elder before coming here.”

Ju Tian Qing smiled, “What’s wrong? Are you scared, Brother Zu? It’s
true that Azure Sun Temple does have some fame, comparable to my
Brahma Holy Land, but… since it is a Sect of the Southern Territory,
what is Brother Zu afraid of?”

Zu Hong replied, “Of course Brother Ju is not afraid. Brahma Holy Land
has a great number of powerful Masters, but Azure Sun Temple is strong
as well. After this, Brother Ju just needs to hide in Brahma Holy Land
and Azure Sun Temple can do nothing about you even if they learn of
your involvement; however, this Zu is unlike you. I’m just a mere City
Lord. If Temple Master Wen Zi Shan really comes to the Eastern
Territory, how is this Zu supposed to fight against him? I would just be

The corner of Ju Tian Qing’s mouth twitched, “Brother Zu, don’t be

bothered by unnecessary worries. No one will know about what we did
here today. Even if Azure Sun Temple received some news about this,
they don’t have enough evidence to prove us guilty. Brother Zu, there is
nothing to be afraid of.”

Zu Hong shook his head, “It’s always good to be careful. Brother Ju has
a huge backing, allowing you to enjoy a cool shade under a big tree. You
don’t understand the difficulties of us Sectless people.”

Ju Tian Qing sneered, “We have already come this far, don’t tell me
Brother Zu wants to back out now?”

After a pause, Zu Hong responded, “Of course not; after all, I have
already joined hands with you to hurt Elder Gao. I’m afraid I won’t be
able to get out of this deal even if I wish to quit.”

“Since you already understand, what are you still hesitating for?” Ju Tian
Qing pressed on.

Zu Hong replied, “Previously, Brother Ju told me there were huge

opportunities here, and offered to split those benefits evenly with me.
This Zu accepted without any hesitations, but right now, it doesn’t seem
that you are really going to split the benefits evenly with me!”

Ju Tian Qing was stunned and asked, “Why do you think so? This place
is an ancient medicine garden full of countless rare and exotic spirit
medicines. After we settle matters with her, we will evenly split these
spirit medicines. Don’t you trust the credibility of this Ju?”

Zu Hong answered as he grinned, “Spirit medicines can be split evenly,

but how about her Primordial Yin? Brother Ju, how are you going to
share it with me?”
After hearing this, Ju Tian Qing could not help putting on a puzzled look,
questioning, “How can it possibly be shared?”

Primordial Yin was not an object and definitely could not be shared.

Zu Hong suddenly revealed, “Brother Ju has been stuck at the peak of

the First-Order Emperor Realm for many years, and this Zu heard that
you have cultivated a Dual Cultivation Technique in recent years. In
order to promote your cultivation, you have collected Primordial Yin from
many women and even two of your Legacy Disciples. If you really
manage to capture Elder Gao today, isn’t Brother Ju going to break
through his shackles, and break through to the Second-Order Emperor

Ju Tian Qing was somewhat embarrassed after being exposed by Zu

Hong, especially when Zu Hong mentioned the things that he had done
to his two Legacy Disciples…

This matter should have been a well-guarded secret, so he had no idea

how Zu Hong knew about it.

“I think I understand what Brother Zu means,” Ju Tian Qin nodded his

head in acknowledgement, snorting lightly with some displeasure.
“Brother Zu, just state your terms. We have been friends for a long time,
you don’t have to beat around the bush.”

Zu Hong raised his eyebrows and grinned, “Calm down, Brother Ju. This
Zu is just speaking the truth. This Zu would do his best to help Brother Ju
break through his shackles. It is extremely hard to break through when in
the Emperor Realm, and if Brother Ju gets an opportunity to reach the
Second-Order Emperor Realm, it would really be a blessing from the
Heavens, incomparable to the benefits that these herbs can bring.”

“Get to the point!” Ju Tian Qing was starting to be impatient.

Zu Hong continued with an embarrassed look, “About the spirit

medicines here, this Zu wants to split the share in thirty-seventy; you
take thirty percent, and I get seventy percent!”
Ju Tian Qing’s face darkened, “Brother Zu, aren’t you being too greedy?
Every spirit medicine here has an age of over ten thousand years and
many of them are Emperor Grade! I don’t know which Ancient Master
owned this place, but there are many spirit medicines here that have
long gone extinct. They are unobtainable treasures in the outside world,
yet now you are telling me to give a seventy-percent share of them to
you? How about you take the thirty-percent including this Elder Gao,
while I get seventy-percent?”

Zu Hong smiled, “Why would I want Elder Gao? Although it’s good to
have a beautiful lady, she has thorns all over her body; this Zu can’t
afford to enjoy her. Besides, everyone wants to gain the most in every
deal. Am I not trying to negotiate with Brother Ju now?”
Chapter 2523 - Impossible For Us To Coexist Beneath The Same Sky

“Forty-sixty, no more than that.” Ju Tian Qing offered with a cold face,
“Although this Ju can most likely break through to the Second-Order
Emperor Realm after this, there are so many spirit grasses and elixirs
here and it’s just a matter of time before Brother Zu breaks through too.
You’ll not lose out in this arrangement!”

After pondering for a while, Zu Hong nodded as a trace of determination

flashed in his eyes, “Good, we will do as Brother Ju proposed.”

Zu Hong knew that Ju Tian Qing definitely had the advantage in the
forty-sixty terms, but Ju Tian Qing was an Elder of Brahma Holy Land
after all. Once Ju Tian Qing had broken through, he would grow a lot
more powerful. Doing him a favour now meant Zu Hong would be on
better terms with him in the future.

Gao Xue Ting could not help trembling in anger as she heard these two
bargaining over her like some marketplace commodity; however, she
could do nothing even if she was enraged as she did not even have the
power to protect herself.

“Forty-sixty? I’m afraid that’s not acceptable.”

A sudden voice interrupted both Zu Hong and Ju Tian Qing, causing

them to jump as they turned to look at the source of the sound in horror.
Zu Hong, who was in the process of recovering, stood up abruptly and
the radiance of the Emperor Artifact Ten Thousand Beast Seal shone
lightly beside him, releasing a vicious aura.

This was a Small Sealed World hidden in The Void. If the restriction was
not opened by the two halves of the animal skin, no one could enter.
They could come in only because the two pieces of animal skin had
opened a Void Corridor for them to pass through.

Nevertheless, another visitor had suddenly appeared.

Even Zu Hong and Ju Tian Qing, who were Emperor Realm Masters,
could not help feeling a chill running down their spines.
[Is it a ghost?] The two of them murmured in their hearts.

After hearing this voice though, Gao Xue Ting, who had been in despair,
shook as her dull eyes beamed with hope again, focusing in the direction
of the voice.

A young man appeared about a few dozen meters away from the trio,
smiling lightly. No one realized his presence before he spoke, as if he
really was a ghost.

“Who are you!?” Zu Hong shouted.

Ju Tian Qing furrowed his brow as he released his Divine Sense to scan
Yang Kai, soon figuring out that he was just a First-Order Emperor
Realm Master like them, allowing him to slightly relax.

No matter how this person came in, or what his purpose was, as long as
his cultivation was the same or below him, Ju Tian Qing was not afraid.

“City Lord Zu, Elder Ju,” Yang Kai cupped his fist and smiled at them, like
he knew them for a long time, “Long time no see.”

Zu Hong was flabbergasted, examining Yang Kai seriously once again to

confirm he did not know him, soon asking again, “Who are you?”

Yang Kai smiled faintly, “My trivial name is not worth mentioning.”

Zu Hong was steaming in rage, but he knew that there was no use
asking again since this person did not want to reveal his name. Calming
down, his expression turned serious as he asked, “How did you get in?”

Previously, when Ju Tian Qing and Gao Xue Ting worked together to
enter, Ju Tian Qing had quietly left a secret way in for Zu Hong, and that
was the reason why he could enter this place; however, he did not
understand how Yang Kai could get in here.

[Did he use the secret entrance too?]

[It can’t be. Only Ju Tian Qing and I know how to enter using that
method. Others can’t know of it. There are supposed to be a few Legacy
Disciples of Ju Tian Qing guarding outside.]

[If this guy can appear here in silence, perhaps the people outside are
already dead.]

Considering all this, Zu Hong panicked and he secretly glanced at Ju

Tian Qing, only to find that his expression was indifferent, as if he did not
care about the safety of his disciples at all.

“Looks like this friend has outstanding ability to be able to find us here.
This King is impressed!” Ju Tian Qing stared at Yang Kai coldly. Even
though his words said so, his face did not show the slightest bit of
admiration. “Friend remarked that there is something wrong with the
forty-sixty arrangement, may I know if you have any other brilliant ideas?”
He came straight to the point.

Yang Kai replied lazily, “I wouldn’t call it a brilliant idea, it’s just a small
proposal from me.”

“I would like to hear about it,” Ju Tian Qing’s face darkened.

“I’ll take everything here, and you two scram back to wherever you come
from. What do you think?” Yang Kai beamed at them.

“Impudence!” Zu Hong was maddened. He initially thought that this

young man probably just wanted a share of the harvest. If it was just that,
Zu Hong would grant his wish for now as it was always not too late to get
revenge later. However, he did not expect that this young man would be
so greedy, intending to take everything for himself.

Then what was the purpose of him following Ju Tian Qing all the way
here, and even offending an Azure Sun Temple Elder? He could never
accept this proposal. Everyone was a First-Order Emperor, so he was
not afraid of fighting against Yang Kai. Moreover, he had Ju Tian Qing
with him, while Yang Kai was alone.

Ju Tian Qing was infuriated too and snorted coldly, “Friend, you sure
have a big appetite. You should mind your table manners.”
Yang Kai’s face darkened and a cold brilliance shone in his eyes as he
spoke, “Old dog, mind your words. If you offend this Young Master, don’t
blame me for disrespecting you elders.”

“Very good!” Ju Tian Qing laughed in anger, “This King really wants to
see how capable you are for having the guts to boast so shamelessly.”

“Stop putting up a front,” Yang Kai burst into laughter, and looked at him
contemptuously, “Elder Ju, don’t tell me you don’t know this Young
Master. Even your disciples were able to recognize this Young Master at
a glance, while you, as an Elder of Brahma Holy Land, are still trying to
pretend this is the first time you’ve seen my face? Tsk tsk, what are you

“Huh? Brother Ju, do you know this little brat?” Zu Hong looked at Ju
Tian Qing in surprise.

Ju Tian Qing’s face turned ugly after being exposed by Yang Kai, and he
replied in a deep voice, “I do. This little brat is named Yang Kai, and he is
the murderer of Zhang Hao and Zhang Xian in the Shattered Star Sea.
He is an enemy of my Brahma Holy Land. It is impossible for us to
coexist beneath the same sky!”

“What? Both Zhang Hao and Zhang Xian Holy Sons died at his hand?”
Zu Hong was appalled.

Besides the news about the closing of the Shattered Star Sea for no
reason, Zu Hong was also informed that Brahma Holy Land had suffered
a huge loss this time. The death of two Holy Sons alone was enough to
damage the foundation of Brahma Holy Land as they were both talented
rising stars who could only be found once in a hundred years. Both of
these Holy Songs were highly valued by the Elders of Brahman Holy
Land and were considered its future pillars.

No one could have guessed their trip to the Shattered Star Sea would be
their last.

Only at this moment did Zhu Hong learn that the two Holy Sons died at
Yang Kai’s hands.
But soon, realization dawned on Zu Hong, and he questioned with a
puzzled look, “Since this little brat just came out of the Shattered Star
Sea, doesn’t that mean that he has just broken through to the Emperor

“Yes, that should be the case,” Ju Tian Qing nodded lightly.

Zu Hong snorted as he turned a disdainful look towards Yang Kai, “Little

brat, your courage is admirable. How dare you bark in front of this City
Lord and Elder Ju when you only just reached the Emperor Realm? I
pity… your limited intelligence.”

One should be focused on consolidating their foundation after breaking

through to a new Great Realm, as, if it was unstable, there was a risk of
one’s cultivation regressing. Zu Hong wondered why Yang Kai was still
running around at this time instead of solidifying his new Emperor Realm
cultivation in retreat and questioned how his Sect Elders had been
teaching him.

In an instant, Yang Kai turned into an arrogant and ignorant kid in Zu

Hong’s eyes, and he replaced his bewildered face with one of contempt.

Yang Kai turned a deaf ear to his words and looked at Elder Ju as he
continued, “Elder Ju, I want to clarify something with you.”

“What?” Ju Tian Qing’s face was cold.

Yang Kai continued with a smile, “I don’t mind if you say that Zhang Hao
died in my hands, because I really killed him, but Zhang Xian’s death is
none of my business. Besides… before Zhang Xian died, he was the one
who begged me to kill Zhang Hao to avenge him. Ahhh seriously, I don’t
know what kind of conflict there was between your Sect’s two Holy Sons
that they would wish earnestly for each other’s deaths even as they died.
You know, I’m a soft-hearted person, so I felt obliged to fulfil the last
wishes of those whom I meet, so I killed Zhang Hao for Zhang Xian in
order to allow him to die in peace.”

“Utter nonsense!” Ju Tian Qing was furious, “Zhang Hao and Zhang Xian
were very close to each other. Although they are not direct brothers, their
bonds were even stronger than that. Zhang Xian would never let you kill
Zhang Hao!”

Yang Kai snorted coldly, “It’s up to you to believe it or not.”

Ju Tian Qing took a deep breath to calm down his anger before pressing
on in a cold voice, “Since you have entered here, this King’s useless
disciples outside…”

“I don’t know. Probably dead.” Yang Kai grinned.

He was confident in Zhang Ruo Xi’s strength. Even if she could not win
against them, she would still not be hurt with the Pink Clouds Phoenix
Robe that she possessed, and if the terrifying power hidden in her
bloodline was forced out, the few disciples of Ju Tian Qing would be in

In short, the disciples of Ju Tian Qing were heading for a disaster.

“Good! The two Holy Sons died at your hands, and this King’s disciples
died at your hands too. Now that you have brought yourself here, then
don’t you think about leaving alive!”

Ju Tian Qing was infuriated and his whole body exuded a rich murderous
intent. As soon as he pushed his Emperor Qi, a dense Emperor Intent
burst out like an explosion, causing the World Principles in this Small
Sealed World to shake. He slightly shook the blade in his hand and
slashed towards Yang Kai.

Witnessing such a hot exchange of words between Yang Kai and Ju Tian
Qing, Zu Hong knew that it was inevitable to have a battle, but with both
him and Ju Tian Qing cooperating, he did not put Yang Kai in his eyes at

Furthermore, why should he be afraid of a young man who has just

broken through to the Emperor Realm?

During this recent period, many rising stars had gained opportunities in
the Shattered Star Sea and broken through their shackles to become
Emperor Realm Masters.
But how could these newly promoted Emperors compare with veteran
Masters like him? Maybe they would stand a chance if they cultivated for
another thirty to fifty years.

Pushing his Emperor Qi madly, roars came out of Zu Hong’s Ten

Thousand Beasts Seal, causing the Small Sealed World to shake. Then,
the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal released several beams of light, which
turned into different Monster Beasts in mid-air.

All those Monster Beasts had a dense aura, and they were at least in the
early stage of the Eleventh-Order.

With Zu Hong’s overflowing Emperor Qi, these Monster Beasts charged

out endlessly from the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal and stampeded
towards Yang Kai.
Chapter 2524 - Higher Heaven, Deeper Earth

The Ten Thousand Beasts Seal was a special artifact that could seal the
Souls of fallen Monster Beasts and release them to fight against the
enemy. The sealed Monster Beast Souls retained most of their abilities
from their past lives, and the more Souls sealed into the Ten Thousand
Beast Seal, the more powerful it became.

Ever since Zu Hong broke through to the Emperor Realm, he had been
hunting Monster Beasts all over the Eastern Territory. There were eight
hundred to a thousand Monster Beast Souls sealed inside the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal now, most of which were Eleventh-Order, while
some were even Twelfth-Order.

But even this was far from the limits of the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal
as, like its name implied, it could seal ten thousand Monster Beast Souls.

If he really put forth all his might, ordinary First-Order Emperor Realm
Masters were no match for him.

And it was exactly with the help of the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal that
Zu Hong could control Earth City and become its City Lord.

However, he was currently injured, and although he had been

recuperating and recovering for some time now, he had not been
restored to his peak, so he could not unleash the full power of the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal and was only able to summon some Eleventh-
Order Monster Beast Souls.

But this was enough. As long as Yang Kai’s actions could be restrained
for a moment, that would be enough to create an opportunity for Ju Tian
Qing to show him the consequences of offending the veteran Masters.

Previously he also used the same tactic when he joined hands with Ju
Tian Qing to deal with Gao Xue Ting, so doing the same thing again
would be a breeze.

*Hong hong hong…*

The endless army of Monster Beasts bared their fangs and roared at
Yang Kai. There were all kinds of Monster Beasts; some were flying in
the sky, while some were running on the ground, and all of them were
gathered into a formidable army.

Yang Kai’s eyes lit seeing how remarkable an artifact the Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal was.

Although this Monster Beast army was fierce, Yang Kai did not feel the
slightest bit of fear, and with a wave of his hand, the Myriads Sword
appeared. Swinging the sword, a beam of light slashed towards the army
of Monster Beasts.

“Those are the Souls of Monster Beasts, normal attacks are ineffective
as they don’t have physical bodies… Watch out for an ambush!” Gao
Xue Ting’s voice reached Yang Kai’s ears.

Even though it was inconvenient for her to move as she was hiding
behind the barrier to heal, it did not prevent her from watching from the
perspective of a spectator.

She was surprised yet anxious when Yang Kai appeared.

She was surprised because she did not expect to meet Yang Kai here,
but on the other hand, she was anxious for Yang Kai’s safety in this
damned place.

No matter how gifted he was, he was still young after all. He couldn’t win
against Ju Tian Qing and Zu Hong. Even she had suffered a great loss at
their hands so she naturally knew how powerful they were. If she was no
match to them, how could the newly promoted Yang Kai be?

Perhaps, Yang Kai’s achievements would surpass them in the future, but
definitely not now.

Her first thought was to ask Yang Kai to run.

She knew that Yang Kai probably came here for her. She had no idea
how he located her, but this was the only logical explanation as there
was no such convenient coincidence in this world.
However, since he was already here, he could not leave even if he
wanted to.

Gao Xue Ting was extremely shocked when she realized that Yang Kai
was an Emperor Realm Master.

She still remembered her first encounter with Yang Kai. He was just a
First-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator, accompanying Qin Zhao Yang
to Azure Sun Temple to request for a quota to enter the Four Seasons
Realm with the Bustling World Token. But in just a few years, he had
already reached the Emperor Realm, his cultivation comparable to her

This kind of cultivation speed was unprecedented.

Her aptitude was considered phenomenal too, otherwise, it would have

been impossible for her to spy on the mysteries of the Emperor Realm.
But how long did it take for her cultivation to reach the Emperor Realm
from the First-Order Dao Source Realm back then? Fifty years? A
hundred years?

She did not remember anymore.

Even their Temple Master, Wen Zi Shan, could not be compared to Yang
Kai in terms of cultivation speed. As for those geniuses in the Sect,
comparing them to him was like comparing a firefly with the bright moon.

What opportunities did he get in Shattered Star Sea that made him grow
up to such an extent!?

While Gao Xue Ting was shouting, Ju Tian Qing had taken advantage of
Yang Kai’s attention being attracted to the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.
He flew over Yang Kai and slashed down with his blade. The power of
his Burning Ocean of Stars Blade spread out in all directions, creating an
image of stars all over the sky crashing downwards, in an instant
enveloping Yang Kai.

All of a sudden, Yang Kai seemed to be trapped in an illusion, being

placed in the vast Star Sea, greatly aware of how small and insignificant
he was.
Yang Kai’s actions were slightly delayed at this moment, and when he
finally regained his senses, the ferocious blade of light was already about
to reach his chest.

Yang Kai’s eyes narrowed slightly, a trace of panic and horror flashing
across his bright eyes as he was hit directly by the sword wave.

Next, the Monster Beast army rushed forward and stampeded over the
place where Yang Kai was located. It could be seen that Yang Kai was
torn to pieces by the raging momentum.

“No!” Gao Xue Ting exclaimed, her pretty face draining of all colour.

Although she knew that Yang Kai couldn’t be victorious against Ju Tian
Qing and Zu Hong with his current strength, she did not expect that he
would just die like this. Her tender body trembled, unable to accept this
cruel reality. A strong sense of guilt and anger built up in her heart, and
her enchanting eyes turned scarlet red instantly.

The purpose of Yang Kai coming here was absolutely for her, so how
could Gao Xue Ting not feel guilty after watching him die here?

Judging from Yang Kai’s previous cultivation speed and Heaven-defying

aptitude, if he was given more time, he would become the brightest star
of the Star Boundary eventually. He would be able to rise and shine
brightly, making his name echo throughout every corner of the world.

However, that bright future had just been destroyed.

A young man with an endless future had his journey ended before he
even had the chance to truly feel the power of the Emperor Realm.

“Hmph, overconfident brat!” Ju Tian Qing sneered and sheathed his

blade while standing in the void.

“Hmm? That little brat actually had more bark than bite. This City Lord
was wondering how strong he could be, but it turned out that he was just
an embroidered pillow.” Zu Hong cackled mockingly. If he had known
that Yang Kai was this weak, he would not have bothered helping Ju
Tian Qing as the latter could have easily won on his own. He now felt like
he had wasted the strength that he had barely restored.

“Young people nowadays really do not know the immensity of Heaven

and Earth. They’re easily blinded by arrogance after having just some
small achievements and most forget that there is always someone better.
There is always a higher Heaven and a deeper Earth.”

“You’re right, Brother Ju, such an arrogant Junior needed to be taught a

harsh lesson.” Zu Hong nodded in agreement.

“Both of you are indeed right! How about the two of you tell this Young
Master exactly how high are the Heavens and how deep is the Earth
then?” Yang Kai’s voice emerged once again, and this time, it came from
behind Zu Hong.

“Brother Zu, watch out!” Ju Tian Qing hurriedly exclaimed, his eyes
bulging so large that they almost popped out of their sockets.

There was Yang Kai, who was supposed to have been torn to pieces by
their attacks, standing behind Zu Hong unscathed with a broadsword in
his hand that was radiating waves of Emperor Intent, and releasing a
dreadfully vicious aura. He was going to stab Zu Hong from behind, who
was completely caught off guard.

Zu Hong jumped out of his skin. Despite his powerful Emperor Realm
cultivation, he had not even noticed how Yang Kai appeared behind him.
As if he could not believe this was happening, he turned to look at the
place where Yang Kai formerly stood. There, he saw the ‘corpse’ of Yang
Kai fading away, nothing but an afterimage.

[Damn it!] Zu Hong’s heart sank as he did not have the time to escape or
turn around. Pushing his Emperor Qi madly, he roared as a bright layer
of light filled his surroundings.

The light was particularly blinding, especially at his back, and it could be
seen that he had pushed his protective Emperor Qi to his limit.

A violent impact hammered him in the next moment, and Zu Hong only
felt that his internal organs were shaken hard, making him extremely
uncomfortable. An unstoppable aura sliced through his protective
Emperor Qi and struck directly at the back of his body.

With a cry, Zu Hong spat a mouthful of blood. Using the force of the
impact, he immediately rushed forward and distanced himself away from
Yang Kai.

“An Artifact Armour?” Yang Kai raised his brow and stared intently at the
spot where he landed the blow on Zu Hong’s back, seeing a light cyan
scale armour underneath his damaged robes.

It was a high-grade Artifact Armour, and with Zu Hong’s mighty

cultivation, Yang Kai’s ambush failed to achieve its desired effect.

“How dare you backstab this City Lord!” Zu Hong turned around and
bellowed at Yang Kai with an angry glare, his face pale.

If he was not wearing his Artifact Armour, he would have been seriously
injured even if he did not die.

[What the hell is this brat!?] Fear grew in his heart after the incident as
he did not understand how Yang Kai could have such strength when he
had just recently broken through to the Emperor Realm. The Secret
Technique Yang Kai had used to escape had caught both Ju Tian Qing
and him off guard.

“Brother Zu, fall back. This King will teach this boy a lesson,” seeing that
Zu Hong was injured again and his aura was unsteady, Ju Tian Qing
advised him to stand aside instead of joining the fight with him. After a
shout, his sword once again produced multiple blades of light that
splashed towards Yang Kai like sea waves.

Zu Hong nodded heavily, but the anger in his heart was still erupting like
a volcano, so while withdrawing he quietly surged the power of the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal and controlled the Monster Beast Souls to charge
towards Yang Kai again.

It was shameful for him to be ambushed by a newly promoted Emperor,

and if he did not get revenge now, he would not have the face to call
himself a man.
The combined force of the two Emperor Realm Masters was monstrous
and powerful, as if they had maddened deities.

Gao Xue Ting, who just had a moment of relief, grew worried again.

Previously, Yang Kai’s reversal surprised her and she realized that she
had underestimated Yang Kai just like Ju Tian Qing and Zu Hong did, but
still, now he was going to face two enemies in the same Realm alone;
how could he possibly fight against them?

Gao Xue Ting gritted her teeth, flipped her hand, and took out a jade
bottle. She uncapped the bottle and poured out a scarlet Spirit Pill filled
with a bloody aura.

She hesitated for a moment, then raised her hand in an attempt to put
the Spirit Pill into her mouth.

“Elder Gao, stop!”

Yang Kai hurriedly shouted to stop Gao Xue Ting.

Gao Xue Ting was stunned and she lifted her head and looked at Yang
Kai in confusion.

“You’re already heavily injured. If you take that Mad Blood Pill now and
forcefully stimulate your potential, I’m afraid it will damage your
foundation beyond repair. Please don’t take it. What’s more, the quality
of this Mad Blood Pill is extremely poor and there will definitely be harsh
side-effects from taking it. I don’t know which Alchemist refined this for
you but he is one hell of an irresponsible bastard.”

As she looked around, Gao Xue Ting saw Yang Kai flickering about as
he engaged in a melee against the combined force of two Emperor
Realm Masters, but even so, he still had enough leeway to pay attention
to Gao Xue Ting and advise her in clear terms. Gao Xue Ting was utterly
shocked by his capability when seeing this.
Chapter 2525 - Teach A Lesson?

It was not difficult to refine a Mad Blood Pill as it was just a Dao Source
Grade High-Rank Spirit Pill, but the ingredients for it were quite rare.

All the materials needed to refine this Spirit Pill were priceless Emperor
Grade spirit medicines. Gao Xue Ting just happened to be very fortunate
to have collected the appropriate materials, and then hired someone to
refine one for safekeeping.

Once this Spirit Pill had been consumed, her innate potential would be
fully stimulated and she would be able to exert the power of a Second-
Order Emperor Realm Master even with just the cultivation of the First-
Order Emperor Realm.

This was her trump card.

Even when she was cornered by Zu Hong and Ju Tian Qing, she
resisted taking this pill, but now, she could not sit back and watch Yang
Kai in danger.

She did not expect Yang Kai to stop her when she took out the Spirit Pill.

She smiled wryly. She knew that taking this Mad Blood Pill would cause
great damage to herself that may lead to instability in her foundation, and
even the decline of her current realm or the destruction of her meridians.
There was even a possibility it would rupture her dantian, crippling her
cultivation permanently.

But in this situation, she had no other hope except for the Mad Blood Pill.

“A brat like you should take care of yourself before taking time to take
care of others’ affairs!” Ju Tian Qing growled, the Burning Ocean of Stars
Blade in his hand yearning to cleave a sea of stars into Yang Kai, who
was dodging and evading every attack without fighting back.

Although he was holding the advantage, for some reason, Ju Tian Qing
had a very strange feeling that sent chills down his spine, as if something
bad was about to happen.
“Elder Gao, this disciple is fine. You must not take that Mad Blood Pill!”
Yang Kai’s erratic voice echoed in all directions.

Gao Xue Ting’s eyes brightened at Yang Kai’s confident words. She
nodded lightly, “Good, I won’t take it, just be careful. Don’t overexert
yourself and retreat to me immediately if all else fails.”

Yang Kai snorted loudly, “This disciple is not what he used to be. Two
trivial First-Order Emperors are nothing to me.”

“Junior is simply too rampant with his words! This King will teach you
how to show proper respect today!” Ju Tian Qing was furious, and his
power rose to another level.

Zu Hong’s face was also green from rage, and without saying a word, he
worked harder to activate the power of the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.
The Souls of Monster Beasts continuously shot out of the large seal,
turned into phantom forms, and rushed towards Yang Kai.

Suddenly, Yang Kai’s figure froze at a certain place and he stared

towards Ju Tian Qing with a pair of icy eyes.

Ju Tian Qing could not help but shudder at his stare as for some reason,
the thought of escaping growing in his heart. He forced himself to resist
the increasing fear and spurred a frenzy of sword waves towards Yang
Kai. Suddenly, thousands of light explosions occurred, filling the sky
above them.

Yang Kai commented coldly, “This Young Master is afraid that you don’t
have the qualification to teach him how to show proper respect.”

He flicked his fingers as soon as he finished speaking, long and narrow

Moon Blades emerged leisurely. There were as many as several dozen
of these Moon Blades, crisscrossing in mid-air, forming a net large
enough to envelope the entire land as they shrank towards a certain

Li Wu Yi gave him a stone in which his understanding of the Dao of

Space was ingrained. In that one month, Yang Kai absorbed all the
mysteries of the Dao of Space contained inside that stone like a leech.
Now, his attainment in the Dao of Space had improved by leaps and

*Chi chi chi…*

The dark Moon Blades charged forward, like a dark web that devoured
everything in its path, annihilating the thousands of sword lights and
even the Monster Beast Souls Zu Hong summoned were cut to pieces,
reducing several dozen of them to points of light in an instant.

“What kind of ability is this!?” Ju Tian Qing was shocked, retreating

continuously as he bellowed. He could clearly feel the deadly threat of
the Moon Blade net, and knew that he would be severely injured if not
dead if he was hit by them head-on. Instead of meeting the attack
directly, he would rather run as far as he could.

In a rush, he raised his blade again to resist the attack.

But he was horrified to realize that no matter how many blades he

produced, the black net could not be cut apart.

In the blink of an eye, the big black net was right in front of him.

Ju Tian Qing’s face turned pale, and the urge to panic and escape
swelled up inside him.

At this moment, the space around him suddenly seemed to freeze,

locking him firmly in place.

“Space Principles!” Ju Tian Qing exclaimed, his eyes almost popping out
of their sockets.

He recalled some information disclosed by Yin Le Sheng from the

Netherworld Sect only now. Yin Le Sheng had said that this little brat
named Yang Kai was proficient in the Dao of Space.

It was just that Ju Tian Qing did not take this warning seriously; after all,
the Dao of Space was one of the most difficult Daos to cultivate. How
could someone he had never heard of before be proficient in it?
Countless people in the Star Boundary dreamt of cultivating the Dao of
Space, but how many actually succeeded?

There was only one; Li Wu Yi from Spirit Beast Island.

As a trivial Junior, even if Yang Kai grasped the basics of the Dao of
Space, it should not have been enough to be used against enemies in

But at this moment, Ju Tian Qing realized that Yang Kai’s

accomplishments in the Dao of Space were beyond his imagination.
Even if it was not on par with Li Wu Yi, it was not far off.

[There’s no point in fighting!]

Everyone knew that cultivators who were proficient in the Dao of Space
were the hardest to kill, because even if they were placed in a life-
threatening situation, they could easily escape.

[No wonder he was able to enter this Small Sealed World. As an

Emperor Realm Master who is proficient in the Dao of Space, entering a
Small Sealed World like this that had just been opened would be as
simple as breathing!]

As those distracting thoughts flashed across Ju Tian Qing’s mind, blood

seemed to stop circulating around his body and his hands and feet grew
as cold as ice. In this critical moment, he bit his tongue and spouted a
mouthful of Blood Essence, causing his aura to surge.

At the crucial moment of life and death, he activated an extremely

powerful Secret Technique.

This finally allowed him to move his body.

*Chi chi chi…*

A strange noise was heard, and together with Ju Tian Qing’s screams,
blood suddenly shot out like a fountain.

Zu Hong looked around frantically and was stunned.

He saw that one of Ju Tian Qing’s arms was cut off right above his
shoulder. The cut was neat and clean; and from the cross-section of the
wound, Ju Tian Qing’s violently beating heart could be seen.


Zu Hong gasped, unable to believe his eyes.

What was going on? He clearly saw Yang Kai being forced into a corner
by Ju Tian Qing, so how did Ju Tian Qing suddenly receive such

He could not help feeling a little dizzy, which also caused the Monster
Beast Souls that flew out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal to fall into
disarray, scurrying about like headless flies in agitation.

“Yang Kai, we will meet again and this King will remember you! One day,
this King will rip your corpse into ten thousand pieces in vengeance for
this lost arm!” Ju Tian Qing bellowed with a ferocious face and
immediately turned around to fly towards the entrance.

He wanted to escape.

It was undeniably the wisest choice.

With one of his arms cut off, he suffered heavy losses from Yang Kai. It
would be detrimental to him if he continued to fight with his strength

What’s more, Yang Kai was a cultivator who was proficient in the Dao of
Space, so there was no way to kill him in the first place. It was only
natural for Ju Tian Qing to escape first.

He would go back to the Holy Land and gather reinforcements first. As

long as Yang Kai was still in the Eastern Territory, they would find him
even if they had to turn the entire territory upside down, trap him, then
shred his corpse!

Ju Tian Qing was cursing both out loud and in his heart and his whole
body was burning in rage like an erupting volcano.
Yang Kai did not even chase after Ju Tian Qing, however, instead
choosing to stand aside and watch him escape with a strange mocking
grin on his face.

Zu Hong was frozen for a moment, but seeing that the situation was
deteriorating, he quickly put away the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal and
followed Ju Tian Qing.

He was already badly injured, and now that Ju Tian Qing had run off, he
would just be courting death if he remained.

Cursing endlessly in his heart, he resented his hundreds of years of

friendship with Ju Tian Qing. It was too unkind of him to have escaped
without any concern for Zu Hong. During such times, the only person he
could trust would be himself.

The two left hastily, one after the other, and arrived at the entrance of
this Small Sealed World in the blink of an eye.

With one arm chopped off, Ju Tian Qing could only endure the pain in his
heart and perform the necessary hand seals with one hand to open the

He had created a secret entrance before he came in, which could only
be revealed with a secret method, for Zu Hong to follow after him. So, it
was also convenient for him to leave this small world.

However, even after sending out the seals, the entrance did not open.

Ju Tian Qing’s face changed and the colour suddenly drained from his
face as he gulped, as if he realized a terrifying truth.

Zu Hong, who still had not realised the situation, urged vigorously,
“Brother Ju, quickly open the entrance, what are you doing?”

Ju Tian Qing answered darkly, “It can’t be opened.”

“Why not?” Zu Hong was shocked, fighting the strong urge to slap Ju
Tian Qing to death. It was impossible to tolerate a screw up at this crucial
“Hahaha,” Yang Kai appeared abruptly behind the two of them, looking at
them with a smile on his face, “After this Young Master came in, he
sealed up the entrance. Without this Young Master’s approval, no one
else can access this place again.”

“What?” Zu Hong was horror-struck, “How, how can you have such

Ordinary people couldn’t seal off the entrance to a Small Sealed World
as they wished.

Ju Tian Qing looked devastated as his heart dropped into the depths of
the abyss and continued to sink. He only spoke in a bitter voice a
moment later, “Brother Zu, this little brat is proficient in the Dao of

As if struck by lightning, Zu Hong was dumbfounded and froze in place.

Yang Kai snorted coldly, “We will meet again? Elder Ju, this Young
Master doesn’t like to procrastinate. Didn’t you want to teach me how to
show proper respect? Come here, hurry up and teach me a lesson. This
Young Master is waiting.”

Ju Tian Qing’s spirits fell to the bottom of the valley and his mouth tasted
bitter after being mocked so ruthlessly by Yang Kai; unfortunately, he
could not refute a word.

The light in his eyes was dim as he slumped, “Little brother, what
happened today is our fault, but no permanent damage has been done.
How about we just let this matter go?”

Yang Kai’s face hardened, “This Young Master is not very good at
showing proper respect, are you going to teach him a lesson or not?”

Ju Tian Qing grew agitated, “Why insist on being so overbearing?”

“If you’re not teaching, I will!”

Chapter 2526 - Flesh Incarnation Fruit

“Don’t go too far and burn your bridges!” Ju Tian Qing’s teeth chattered
violently while glaring at Yang Kai ferociously.

Seeing this, Zu Hong barked too, “That’s right. Even if you are proficient
in the Dao of Space, you are still on your own, while Brother Ju and I can
fight together. Even if we can’t beat you… do you think we can’t self-

Yang Kai curled his lips disdainfully, “Like you have the chance to self-

Saying so, he turned solemn and swiftly performed a set of hand seals. A
mysterious and profound aura began to radiate from Yang Kai’s form.

“W-what are you doing!?” Ju Tian Qing roared in alarm. He instinctively

felt that danger was coming.

Yang Kai replied in a deep voice, “What am I doing? I’m of course going
to release my ultimate skill and kill the both of you. Let me tell you a
simple truth, the two of you can do nothing against this Young Master’s
ultimate skill. You are all doomed to be slaughtered by me, so if you
really want to self-destruct, quickly do it now before it’s too late!”

“Ahh…” Ju Tian Qing and Zu Hong gasped and staggered back.

They were dreadfully afraid of Yang Kai after he made such a declaration
with such seriousness, where his face was filled with murderous intent.
No one would want to self-destruct unless it was a last resort. Most of the
time, those who said they would were just bluffing.

They did not expect him to be totally unaffected by their threat, and was
ready to release his ultimate skill…

The hand seals that he was performing were so mysterious and unique
that Zu Hong and Ju Tian Qing could not see through their purpose at all,
but one thing was for certain, the skill he was preparing was incredibly
“Brother Zu, we need to go all out!” Ju Tian Qing gritted his teeth with a
decisive face.

“Good!” Zu Hong also knew that there was no way out at this moment.
Given Yang Kai’s aggression and determination to kill, Ju Tian Qing and
he would not be his opponents if they continued to have reservations in
fear. They could only give it their all in a last-ditch effort to survive.

Having steeled themselves, the two pushed their Emperor Qi fiercely and

Blood gushed from the wound on Ju Tian Qing’s shoulder from the
pressure of his surging power. It was uncertain how many litres of blood
he lost, but his face was as pale as paper.

In an instant, their auras reached their peak.

Countless beast roars emerged from the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal
while the Burning Ocean of Stars Blade vibrated fiercely and numerous
Sword Waves shot out from it.

All of a sudden, Yang Kai’s hands stopped. He slowly pushed his palms
forward with a solemn face, whispering, “Time Flows on Infinitely, Like a
Mighty Stream, Like an Unending Dream!”

Time seemed to freeze at that moment.


The Time Flies Seal appeared in a brilliant flash, completely enveloping

Ju Tian Qing and Zu Hong. Both of them widened their eyes as they felt
like their lives rapidly passed before their very eyes. In just a blink, it
seemed like dozens of years had suddenly gone by.

As time continued racing by, the pair’s momentum, which had been at its
peak, rapidly deflated. At the same time, their figures rapidly aged, and
their vitalities waned; even their hair began turning grey.

Within a breath, the two Masters, who had at most looked middle-aged,
turned into decrepit old men who already had one foot into the grave.
The Flowing Time Great Emperor’s Divine Ability, which involved Time
Principles, was not something that Ju Tian Qing and Zu Hong could
resist, on top of their severe wounds. When Yang Kai was just a Third-
Order Dao Source Realm cultivator, he had used this skill to defeat a
Third-Order Emperor Realm Master’s Soul, though it was just a wisp that
manifested through a Soul Descent. Now, Yang Kai was an Emperor
Realm Master, and his strength was vastly superior to that time.

Suffering from this ability, the two old men had totally lost their combat

“Get in here!” Yang Kai snorted coldly and his eyes shone in a strange
brilliance. With a push of his Spiritual Energy, he threw the pair which
had lost the ability to resist into the Sealed World Bead.

The Embodiment had long waited for this moment in the Small Sealed
World. Once Yang Kai threw them in, the Embodiment immediately
surged his power and covered them with one hand, yelling viciously,
“Heaven Devouring Battle Law!”

The fate of Zu Hong and Ju Tian Qing was nothing more than to be

The stationary time began to flow again, and the Small Sealed World
was restored to peace.

Inside the barrier of the medicine garden, Gao Xue Ting was
flabbergasted, and could not regain her senses for a long time.

The Time Flies Seal had also affected her to a certain extent, causing a
temporary confusion in her mind, and by the time she recovered from the
chaotic state, Zu Hong and Ju Tian Qing had vanished.

She only saw Yang Kai turning around and flying towards her.

Gao Xue Ting gaped at him with her jaw dropped, subconsciously
opening the medicine garden barrier for him.

It was easy to operate the barrier, otherwise, she would not be able to
hide inside here in the first place.
“Elder Gao, how are your injuries?” Yang Kai hurriedly asked as he
reached her side.

Gao Xue Ting looked up at him with a slightly complicated expression on

her pretty face. Her eyes examined him up and down, as if she wanted to
know if this was really the young man she knew.

Just a few years ago, there was a huge gap in strength between him and
her, but now, it seemed that she now needed to look up to him…

“Elder Gao…” Seeing that Gao Xue Ting did not say a word, Yang Kai
could not help shouting again.

Only then did Gao Xue Ting’s lost eyes focus and after a soft cough, she
answered, “They’re not light, but neither are they fatal. I’ll be fine after
some rest. What about the two of them? Did you chop them up into tiny

But even if they were chopped into pieces, there should be some traces

However, it was like they simply vanished from sight for no reason.

“Of course they are dead,” Yang Kai grinned, “Elder Gao, you don’t need
to be bothered about them. The death of those two scum is not worth

Gao Xue Ting nodded in relief and sighed, “You’ve grown a lot, much
more than any of us had expected.”

Yang Kai scratched his head, “This little brat could only achieve success
today thanks to the support and care of all my Seniors.”

Gao Xue Ting replied lightly, “It doesn’t have much to do with others, you
worked hard yourself to achieve this strength.”

After saying so, she coughed again.

“Elder Gao, what’s important now is for you to heal yourself. I will stand
guard for you here,” Yang Kai said with concern.
“Good,” Gao Xue Ting did not say anything more and simply closed her
eyes, focusing on adjusting her breathing.

During the battle between Yang Kai and the other two, she would not
have sat back and watched if she had any strength left to use. It could be
seen that her injuries were quite serious.

Now that the disaster had been eliminated, she naturally could not afford
to delay any longer.

Gao Xue Ting’s breathing soon calmed down.

Only then did Yang Kai have the time to look around.

This Small Sealed World had been completely closed by him, so no one
could enter without his permission and there was no need to worry about
Gao Xue Ting.

He gained tremendous interest in this strange plot of land, which

composed a giant ancient medicine garden.

Looking around the medicine gardens, there were two square plots with
at least three hundred spirit medicines planted in each. Every herb here
was Emperor Grade and had a medicinal age above ten thousand years.
Yang Kai was exhilarated by the scene that was captured in his eyes,
unable to restrain his uplifted emotion.

“A Seven Coloured Ginseng! It’s even produced multiple rings of colour!

It must be at least fifty thousand years old!”

“Profound Heavenly Thunder Flower! Siii… its stamen is golden, this, th-

“Swaying Light Enlightenment Fruit. How can it be as big as my fist? How

did it grow like this?”

“Extreme Essence Dragon Saliva Grass, isn’t this already extinct…”

“Nine Petal Blue Jade Flower…”

Those spirit medicines were like naked beauties in Yang Kai eyes,
swaying and displaying the best view of their bodies, arousing him so
much that his eyes were glowing.

As an Alchemist, nothing could make him happier than this scene. Plots
of mature spirit medicine were laid out in front of him, and he could just
collect them for free. Only an Alchemist could understand this kind of

He continuously teleported here and there in the medicine garden,

dancing excitedly. If he were not afraid of disturbing Gao Xue Ting’s rest,
he would have laughed out loud like a madman.

And these Emperor Grade herbs were just from these two square plots.
There were actually more than ten square plots here, but the other spirit
medicines must have been collected by Gao Xue Ting and the others.

In other words, most spirit medicines were in the Space Rings of Gao
Xue Ting, Ju Tian Qing, and Zu Hong.

What Yang Kai was seeing here was just a small part.

Many of the spirit medicines he saw were legendary herbs that were
thought to already be extinct, but they were actually blooming healthily

“Hm?” Yang Kai’s face changed suddenly as he stared intently at a

certain fruit tree that was about half a person’s height. The fruit tree was
filled with radiance, as if it was carved from the most exquisite jade,
shimmering magnificently.

On top of the fruit tree, there was a white fist-sized fruit.

The shape of this fruit was extremely odd, almost like a tiny shrunken
person, with complete limbs, body and head. Not only that, there were
even clear facial features.

Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly filled with enthusiasm as he exclaimed in pure

shock, “Flesh Incarnation Fruit!”
There was a Flesh Incarnation Fruit here!

Yang Kai furiously rubbed his eyes to make sure he did not see wrongly,
but even upon re-examination, there was no doubt a Flesh Incarnation
Fruit was presented in front of him, exactly the same as the information
recorded in the jade slip left by Gong Sun Mu, the Third-Disciple of
Wondrous Pill Great Emperor.

The Flesh Incarnation Fruit was the primary material for refining the
Flesh Incarnation Pill.

Flesh Incarnation Pill was a Heaven-defying Spirit Pill that could reshape
one’s physical body.

If a cultivator was killed, but his or her Soul had not been extinguished,
that cultivator could rebuild his or her body by using a Flesh Incarnation
Pill, essentially granting them a new life.

Not even the Immortal Tree possessed such a miraculous effect.

Although the Immortal Tree could bring someone back from the brink of
death, and even allow one to obtain an immortal and indestructible form,
it could not reshape one’s physique from only a Soul.

This was the Heaven-defying effect of the Flesh Incarnation Fruit.

Like the Soul Warming Lotus and Immortal Tree, this fruit only existed in
ancient records, with no one in the current era having seen it before.

Yang Kai did not expect that he would be lucky enough to encounter a
Flesh Incarnation Fruit in this ancient medicine garden.

With this Flesh Incarnation Fruit, it meant that he could refine the Flesh
Incarnation Pill, and with Flesh Incarnation Pill, it meant that he could
fulfill the promise that he made to Tian Yan.

Senior Tian Yan was the Great Emperor of the Divine Ascension Mirror
who had been a Soul Avatar since birth and never possessed his own
physique. When Yang Kai was training in the Divine Ascension Mirror, he
told Tian Yan that, he would refine a Flesh Incarnation Pill from a Flesh
Incarnation Fruit for him one day, so that he could experience the feeling
of having a physical body, release himself from the shackles of Divine
Ascension Mirror, and see the outside world.

Tian Yan seemed to be immensely excited about this matter too, but how
could it be so easy to find a Flesh Incarnation Fruit?

However, there was now one right in front of Yang Kai!

Chapter 2527 - A Minor Thing

Yang Kai’s face turned solemn, and condensing his Emperor Qi into both
hands, he cautiously grasped at the Flesh Incarnation Fruit.

He plucked the fruit lightly, and the Flesh Incarnation Fruit plopped into
his palm immediately. Yang Kai quickly placed it into the jade box he had
prepared beforehand, and after placing several barriers around it, he put
it into his Space Ring.

“Phew…” Yang Kai let out a sigh of relief. With this Flesh Incarnation
Fruit, he would have a good chance to refine the Flesh Incarnation Pill,
but he would need to improve his Alchemy skills first.

Although he was now an Emperor Grade Alchemist, he did not have

much experience in refining Emperor Grade spirit medicines, so if he
hastily tried to refine the Flesh Incarnation Fruit, his chances of success
would be quite low. This might be the one and only Flesh Incarnation
Fruit left in the world, so if the refinement failed and the raw materials
were destroyed, Yang Kai’s would definitely develop a kind of heart
demon, and it may even affect his Alchemy abilities in the future.

Fortunately, there were bounteous Emperor Grade herbs here, so he

could use some of the relatively low-value spirit medicines for practice to
improve his Alchemy skills before confidently refining the Flesh
Incarnation Pill.

After a moment of inspection though, Yang Kai found that all the spirit
medicines in this medicine garden were invaluable. Nevertheless, the
Flesh Incarnation Fruit still stood out from the rest in terms of rarity and

He immediately started collecting the rest.

There were only two medicine gardens with a few hundred herbs planted
in them, but it still took Yang Kai more than two hours to collect them all.

There were still about twenty trees left in place, including the Flesh
Incarnation Fruit Tree.
There were numerous buds and flowers remaining on these fruit trees,
so it was not impossible for them to bear new fruits after a few hundred,
or thousand years, so Yang Kai did not dare to touch any of these trees.

After doing this, Yang Kai took a look at Gao Xue Ting and found that
she was still focused on healing her injuries, and it seemed that she
would take a long time to wake up.

Yang Kai was not in a hurry, so he simply sent his Divine Sense into the
Sealed World Bead and retrieved Zu Hong’s and Ju Tian Qing’s Space

As expected, there was a large number of Emperor Grade spirit

medicines inside their Space Rings, most likely collected from this
ancient medicine garden.

In addition, there were many valuable treasures in these rings, enough

for Yang Kai to make a fortune.

The Emperor Artifacts, the Burning Ocean of Stars Blade and the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal, that belonged to the two also fell into Yang Kai’s

The Burning Ocean of Stars Blade did not interest Yang Kai much as,
although it appeared to be very powerful, he did not primarily use such
weapons and had no plans to refine it. Besides, refining an Emperor
Artifact would not greatly improve his strength.

Likewise, the Burning Ocean of Stars Blade could not be considered a

broadsword, so it was unsuitable for Zhang Ruo Xi.

On the contrary, Yang Kai was more interested in the Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal. This Artifact was not an ordinary Emperor Artifact. It
seemed to be able to seal the Souls of fallen Monster Beasts and then
could release them during a battle to fight one’s enemies without great
consumption of the owner’s strength.

This could be given to Zhang Ruo Xi.

Although Zhang Ruo Xi seemed to prefer swords, the Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal was powerful, and it was definitely a good treasure for her.
As long as Zhang Ruo Xi could refine it, her strength would definitely
increase by leaps and bounds.

Considering all this, Yang Kai pushed his Spiritual Energy to erase Zu
Hong’s Soul Imprint from the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.

After a while, there was a flash of light, and the Ten Thousand Beasts
Seal became grey and dull. Yang Kai then tossed it into his Space Ring,
reminding himself to give it to Zhang Ruo Xi when he left the place.

After waiting for a while, Gao Xue Ting still showed no signs of waking
up, so Yang Kai took out his Alchemy Furnace and some Emperor Grade
herbs, and began refining on the spot.

A day later, Yang Kai, who was concentrating on Alchemy, suddenly

noticed that someone was watching him. His expression became alert
and glanced to his side without stopping his hands, only to meet with
Gao Xue Ting’s elegant and delicate eyes.

Feeling guilty that she had interrupted Yang Kai’s Alchemy, Gao Xue
Ting did not speak and simply motioned him to continue.

The worst thing that one could do to an Alchemist during Alchemy was to
disturb them. Gao Xue Ting had known Yang Kai was an Alchemist for a
long time, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to refine the
Extraordinary Treasure Pill when he was in the Four Seasons Realm.

She felt a little uneasy knowing that her gaze interfered with Yang Kai’s
focus when he stole a glance at her.

On the contrary, Yang Kai did not seem to be affected and just smiled
broadly at her, “Elder Gao, wait a moment, this disciple will finish the Pill
Condensing step soon and will be able to speak to you freely as soon as
the pill is done.”

Having said so, Yang Kai immediately turned solemn and immersed his
focus into Alchemy again. Gao Xue Ting continued watching in
A mysterious Pill Condensing Technique was performed by Yang Kai,
one that had extremely perplexing hand seals and seemed to harmonize
extremely well with the Heavenly Way.

Gao Xue Ting was astonished as her beautiful eyes suddenly glowed
with a strange light, observing Yang Kai’s movements firmly, unwilling to
let slip a single motion.

She discovered that Yang Kai’s Alchemy’s technique could actually

stimulate deep thoughts on her Martial Dao and show her an unseen
side of the Heavenly Way. It was as though all her understanding of
Martial Dao was being consolidated as she watched, an unbelievable

As one of the top Sects in the Southern Territory, Azure Sun Temple
naturally had its own Emperor Grade Alchemist. Although there was only
one, he was nonetheless still at Emperor Grade Alchemist.

Gao Xue Ting once had the honour of observing this Emperor Grade
Alchemist perform Alchemy from a distance, but compared to Yang Kai’s
Alchemy technique, the Temple’s Alchemist seemed rather unsightly and
incomparably clumsy.

That Alchemist could be described as a child flailing a hoe wildly in the

field, while Yang Kai’s Alchemy could be described as a warrior wielding
a sword, dancing in the moonlight.

The two were not comparable at all.

[Who did he learn Alchemy from? How can he be this accomplished at

such a young age? Not only that, but he has also entered the Emperor

Gao Xue Ting was shaken as she suddenly realised that all those so-
called genius disciples were completely eclipsed by Yang Kai’s current
achievements. Even the children of the Great Emperors could not
compare with him.

Time seemed to pass by quickly, but it also seemed to have slowed

down. Just when Gao Xue Ting was immersed in a peculiar sentiment,
her resonance with the Heavenly Way and Martial Dao suddenly

She was slightly startled, and when she fixed her eyes on Yang Kai, he
was already performing another technique, bellowing, “Condense!”

*Dinglingling… *

Suddenly, a clear and sweet sound emerged from within the dainty
Alchemy Furnace. Yang Kai turned his head to listen to it and his brow
furrowed slightly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the results of his

Gao Xue Ting couldn’t hide her surprise seeing this.

Although she was not an Alchemist, she knew that this Spirit Pill should
have been successfully refined. From the scent wafting out of the
furnace, it was easy to infer that this Spirit Pill was Emperor Grade, and
the quality should not be low.

[Is he still not satisfied? What extent does he need to reach to be


Yang Kai stretched out his hand and patted the Alchemy Furnace,
causing the lid to fly off and three round and fragrant Spirit Pills to zoom
out, where Yang Kai promptly caught them and sealed them into a jade

After taking a look, Yang Kai curled his lips and threw the bottle into the
Space Ring. Turning his head, he looked at Gao Xue Ting with a smile
and said, “Sorry for making Elder Gao wait for so long, how are you

“I’ve almost completely recovered.” Gao Xue Ting replied, “It was not a
fatal injury anyway.”

After a pause, she wondered, “How did you know that I was here? And
you even came here directly.”

Yang Kai answered, “Junior Sister Lu Wen sent me a message…”

He briefly explained the entire journey from how he was passing by Earth
City to receiving Lu Wen’s request for help.

After listening, Gao Xue Ting smiled, “It seems that I wasn’t meant to die
here today. Who would have known that you would pass by Earth City at
just the right time.”

Her smile seemed to cause thousands of flowers to suddenly bloom, and

the whole world became a shade dimmer. She was a cold woman, and
she rarely smiled, so this was Yang Kai’s first time seeing her smile since
he had known her.

Yang Kai could not help but stare blankly.

Gao Xue Ting quickly retrieved her smile at his abnormal expression,
looking a little uncomfortable.

Yang Kai urged her, “Elder Gao, you should smile more, it’s beautiful.”

“Have some respect, stop your flattery!” Gao Xue Ting snorted coldly.

Yang Kai grinned, “I can guarantee that if you smiled at Temple Master
Wen that way, he would definitely be mesmerized by your beauty!”

Gao Xue Ting snorted, “Mesmerized? More like he would immediately

ask me if I had fallen into cultivation dissonance and then force a
purifying spirit pill into my mouth; then I would spit that Spirit Pill right
back at his face!”

Yang Kai’s jaw dropped, “How could Temple Master Wen be so


He imagined the scene she just described and was speechless for a
while; but from the tone of Gao Xue Ting’s words, it seemed that this had
happened before.

Cold sweat beaded on his forehead and he wisely changed the subject,
“By the way, Elder Gao, this disciple has prepared something for you.”
“Something for me?” Gao Xue Ting was surprised, and asked
suspiciously, “What is it?”

Yang Kai took out a jade bottle and handed it over, “Here.”

Gao Xue Ting took it and opened the cap to look inside. It was a round
and red Spirit Pill, exuding a rich blood aura.

“Mad Blood Pill!” Gao Xue Ting’s beautiful eyes lit up.

She already possessed a Mad Blood Pill and had wanted to take it to
stimulate her potential to help Yang Kai who was under siege yesterday,
but Yang Kai stopped her in time.

So, she recognized it at a glance.

“This is a High-Grade Mad Blood Pill. Its effects will be better than your
original one by thirty percent, and after taking it, as long as you only
exert your strength within a stick of incense, the backlash will not be too
harsh. You would be able to fully restore after a long rest, and it will not
damage your foundation. Disciple can only refine this level of Mad Blood
Pill at the moment, so keep this one for now and only use it if absolutely
necessary. I will refine a better one in the future to replace this one.”

“A better one…” Gao Xue Ting was speechless. This was already a
High-Rank Mad Blood Pill, so what could be better? This was already the
highest quality for normal Mad Blood Pills, any higher meant that it would
either have to have formed Pill Veins or Pill Clouds, but that was not a
feat one could easily achieve.

Yang Kai had mentioned that her Mad Blood Pill was of low quality, and
made by a lousy Alchemist. He was obviously worried that Gao Xue
Ting’s foundation might be damaged from taking that Mad Blood Pill, so
he made another one for her.

Considering all these, a warm feeling filled her heart.

Chapter 2528 - Collecting The Medicine Garden

The Mad Blood Pill was not difficult to refine, but finding the materials
was difficult because they were all Emperor Grade Spirit Medicines,
many of them rare and extremely hard to source.

Back then, Gao Xue Ting was lucky to gather all the materials for the
Mad Blood Pill and requested the Emperor Grade Alchemist in the
Temple to refine a furnace of it. Unfortunately, only one Mad Blood Pill
was successfully produced from the furnace, and it was a Low-Grade

But now, Yang Kai actually made a High-Grade Mad Blood Pill; its value
was far greater than the previous one.

Looking at the dregs on the ground, Gao Xue Ting immediately realized
that Yang Kai had refined many furnaces, and picked the best product
for her.

“Elder Gao, just throw away your old Mad Blood Pill, that thing should
never be taken,” Yang Kai advised solemnly.

Gao Xue Ting nodded in agreement and took out the jade bottle that
contained the Mad Blood Pill from her Space Ring. She put the Spirit Pill
on her palm, and crushed it into dust. Then, she placed the new one
made by Yang Kai into her jade bottle.

“Are you relieved now?” Gao Xue Ting looked at him.

Yang Kai grinned, “If Elder Gao wants any Emperor Grade Spirit Pill in
the future, just look for me. Disciple is skilful and outstanding in Alchemy,
and can give a twenty percent discount to Elder Gao.”

Gao Xue Ting chuckled, “You’re already an Emperor Realm Master,

don’t be shameless and make a fool of yourself like the one surnamed

The corner of Yang Kai’s mouth twitched, “So, Elder Gao has always
regarded Temple Master Wen as a fool…”
Gao Xue Ting snorted lightly, turned and looked around, “I see that there
are still some spirit medicines left in the medicine garden. Why didn’t you
collect them? What’s the purpose of leaving them there?” She changed
the subject.

After asking, she seemed to recall something and continued with a

realization, “I see, Alchemists usually avoid cutting roots when collecting
spirit medicines and deliberately leave stems behind to promote future

Yang Kai nodded, “It’s true that this is the standard practice, but that only
applies to some immature herbs. This medicine garden has existed for a
long time, and all the spirit medicines are already mature, so we can
pluck all of them.”

“Then why did you still leave some of them here?” Gao Xue Ting was

Yang Kai smiled wryly, “These spirit medicines cannot be touched. In this
world, once some spirit medicines are harvested, no matter how well
preserved they are, they will lose their efficacies and wither in a very
short time. So, most of the time, you can only collect these spirit
medicines when you are prepared to use them. Elder Gao, some of the
herbs that you collected before are actually like this.”

Gao Xue Ting was shocked at the information and she hurriedly checked
her Space Ring, only to discover that two herbs had seriously
deteriorated already.

“Ah… I see.” She sighed with regret.

It was just more than one day ago that she collected these two spirit
medicines, but they already lost so much of their medicinal efficacies. If
they were given another two to three days, perhaps they would just turn
into dead dregs.

“Isn’t it a waste for these spirit medicines then?” Gao Xue Ting looked at
the twenty or more exceptionally rare spirit medicines in the medicine
“It’s fine,” Yang Kai smiled faintly, but he was not sincere with his words.

It was fine for him to leave other spirit medicines here. At most, he could
just come back to collect them if he needed them in the future.

However, it was dreadfully hard for him to let go of the Flesh Incarnation
Fruit Tree.

There were already three flowers blooming on this particular tree, and
although it was unknown how many years it would take to produce a new
fruit, the thought of giving up on such a rare extinct prize pained Yang
Kai’s heart.

Fortunately, he had the Sealed World Bead, and if he handled things

properly, he still had a great chance to move the entire medicine garden
into it. However, Gao Xue Ting was still here; he had to first send her out
of this place if he wanted to collect this place.

“If Elder Gao feels well enough, let’s set out. Junior Sister Lu Wen is still
waiting outside.” Yang Kai suggested.


When they got to the entrance, Yang Kai waved, sending out several
threads of Emperor Qi to remove the restriction he placed before opening
the Void Corridor and leaving the small world with Gao Xue Ting.

A pungent smell of blood irritated their noses as they arrived outside, and
looking around, several corpses were lyingfulfil in the wilderness, their
body parts scattered about. All of these people had apparently died

Gao Xue Ting was startled as she thought there was an ambush outside.

However, she soon saw only two young women standing there quietly.
One of them looked unfamiliar to her. She was young, about twenty
years old, but she had a powerful Third-Order Dao Source Realm
cultivation. Meanwhile, the other woman was the Temple disciple Lu
Wen, but she seemed to be a little frightened as her face was slightly
Seeing Gao Xue Ting and Yang Kai appear, the two women’s eyes lit up
and came up to greet them.

“Elder Gao!” Joy overflowed from Lu Wen’s eyes, her face flushed red,
as if she saw a long-lost family member.

Zhang Ruo Xi beamed, “Elder Sister Lu can now be relieved. No one can
beat Sir.”

Lu Wen smiled in embarrassment, “Many thanks, Senior Brother Yang

for your help.”

Yang Kai responded, “You’re welcome, Junior Sister Lu. I’m also a
Temple disciple. I’m duty-bound if an Elder is in trouble.”

Gao Xue Ting remarked, “Anyway, I really owe it to you this time,
otherwise I would have been…”

She could not help shivering as recalling the crisis before still left her a
bit unnerved.

Shaking her head, she pressed on with a soft voice, “Since everything is
over, I’m planning to return back to the Temple. Lu Wen, follow me.”

“Understood!” Lu Wen was delighted.

Although she was ordered by the Temple to collect all kinds of

information in the Eastern Territory, she had been wandering alone for a
while and often missed her Brothers and Sisters back in the Sect, as well
as the scenery of her hometown.

Now that Gao Xue Ting wanted to take her back to the Temple, it was
natural that she was overjoyed.

“How about you, Yang Kai?” Gao Xue Ting turned to him and asked.

Since Yang Kai appeared in the Eastern Territory, he must have

something to deal with. Therefore, she did not rashly ask him if he
wanted to return to the Southern Territory with her.
As she had guessed, Yang Kai shook his head, “I have a place to go, to
find a friend.”

Gao Xue Ting nodded, “Then you should be careful. Even though you
are an Emperor Realm Master now and your strength is not weak, there
are many talented and powerful people in this world. A lot of them are
not as simple as they seem.”

“Disciple knows,” Yang Kai replied respectfully.

“If you have time… Come back to the Temple and have a look. You are
still an in-name disciple in the Temple after all.”

“I will.”

He definitely would want to return to Azure Sun Temple one day,

because he still had to go to the Divine Ascension Mirror to fulfill his
promise with Tian Yan.

Then, Gao Xue Ting and Lu Wen departed.

About a hundred kilometres away, Lu Wen asked Gao Xue Ting

quizzically, “Elder, that Senior Brother Yang is so strong, but why is he
just an in-name disciple in the temple?”

With Yang Kai’s strength, he was more than qualified to be a Sect Elder.
At first, she thought that Yang Kai was one of the top disciples like Xia
Sheng and Xiao Bai Yi, but it turned out that he was just an in-name

After pondering for a moment, Gao Xue Ting replied, “Because he didn’t
join the Temple of his own free will. Even the Azure Sun Golden Token
was given to him forcefully by this Queen.”

“Ah…” Lu Wen immediately lost her ability to think.


On the wasteland, in front of the entrance of the Small Sealed World,

Yang Kai watched Gao Xue Ting and Lu Wen leave. Only when they
were out of sight did he take out the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal and toss
it to Zhang Ruo Xi, “Refine this and use it for now.”

Zhang Ruo Xi caught it and took a close look at it before immediately

squealing in joy, “Many thanks, Sir, for this great treasure!”

Yang Kai had never given her any treasures before, but Liu Yan, Hua
Qing Si and the Embodiment each had their own Emperor Artifact, all of
which were given to them by Yang Kai. Although Zhang Ruo Xi kept
quiet about it, she was looking forward to such a gift finding its way to her

She knew that Yang Kai did not have a habit of favouring one over
another; it was just that he had not found anything suitable for her yet.

Nevertheless, she did not expect Yang Kai to give her one so soon.

As long as it was given by Yang Kai, it was a treasure to her even if it

was a lump of iron, let alone a strange Emperor Artifact stamp seal.

Zhang Ruo Xi flipped the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal in her hands over
and over with a bright smile. The more she looked at it, the more she
liked it.

Yang Kai glanced at her and commented, “You seem to display a lot of
bloodthirst when you battle. The next time you fight with others, you
should try to control it a little.”

After hearing this, Zhang Ruo Xi stuck out her tongue, “I also don’t know
what happened. As soon as I start fighting with someone, I feel like I turn
into a different person, and I seem to have scared Sister Lu Wen…”

Previously, Lu Wen’s face was bloodless because she could not stand
the bloody fight that had just taken place. She had fought and killed
before too, so this kind of scene naturally should not be frightening to
her. Therefore, her fear must have mainly stemmed from Zhang Ruo Xi

Yang Kai had no idea why Zhang Ruo Xi would act so violently at such a
small age. It would not be strange if this kind of aura appeared on a
bloodthirsty murderer, but it concerned Yang Kai that Zhang Ruo Xi
possessed such cruelty within her.

The only explanation he could think of was Zhang Ruo Xi’s bloodline.

If he ever had another chance to see Duan Hong Chen, he must ask
about it. Otherwise, the cruelty of Zhang Ruo Xi may affect her character
in the future, which would be a disaster if she turned into an emotionless

“Sir, where are we going now?” Zhang Ruo Xi asked.

“We’re not going anywhere until I’m done here.”

Saying so, Yang Kai opened the entrance of the Small Sealed World
again, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Zhang Ruo Xi to enter with

Apart from the twenty remaining trees and the few spirit medicines that
could not be harvested, there was nothing more left in the ancient
medicine garden except exceedingly rich World Energy.

Yang Kai asked Zhang Ruo Xi to find herself a place to rest, then he
went straight to the two medicine gardens.

After observing for a while, Yang Kai made a decision.

Pushing his Emperor Qi, Yang Kai formed a seal with his hands and
began releasing streams of his power into the ground.

Although Yang Kai’s actions were swift, he was extremely careful to

avoid damaging anything.

Even if Yang Kai was already an Emperor Realm Master, he still sweated
profusely after working for an hour non-stop. He seemed to have
exhausted a tremendous amount of energy.

However, Yang Kai had managed the preliminary step properly, so the
rest would be much easier.
After a moment of meditation while sitting cross-legged, he regained
some of his strength and got up again.

He madly surged his Divine Sense next, and like a tide, it enveloped the
two medicine gardens in front of him at once. Then, Yang Kai stomped
his foot fiercely and bellowed, “Rise!”

The entire Small Sealed World shook and rumbled as the two squares of
the medicine garden rose up slowly under the support of a tremendous
Chapter 2529 - Desolate City

Since it was impossible to harvest the remaining trees and spirit

medicines without damaging them, Yang Kai figured he could just collect
the entire medicine gardens instead!

Such an insane plan could only be accomplished by Yang Kai, since he

possessed the Sealed World Bead that could easily accommodate the
two gardens.

Anyone else would have no choice but to sigh and lament their loss.

*Hong long long…*

Yang Kai enveloped the medicine gardens with his Divine Sense and
lifted them into the sky. They resembled two miniature floating islands as
he sent them into the Sealed World Bead and placed them right beside
his own medicine garden.

Afterwards, he used his Divine Sense to carefully scan the herbs for
signs of damage or wilting before nodding in satisfaction.

However, he didn’t intend to stop here. Completely ignoring his own

excessive consumption, he proceeded to spend a great deal of time
moving the rest of the ten medicine gardens into the Sealed World Bead.

Seeing that the ancient medical garden was able to cultivate so many
ten-thousand-year-old spirit medicines, there must be something
miraculous hidden within the soil. If nothing else, there was no doubt
they had extremely fertile soil.

By taking these gardens into the Sealed World Bead, Yang Kai could not
only expand his own garden, but could also increase the survival rate of
the plants he would grow in the future by transplanting them into the
enhanced soil.

When he was finally done, he checked the place one last time before
leaving with Zhang Ruo Xi.

Half a month later.

Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi shot through the sky on his wooden boat.
The lands below them were desolate, with no one in sight as far as the
eye could see.

During this period of time, the further they travelled, the fewer people
they saw. At first, there may be a city here and there, but eventually, it
became difficult to spot even a single person.

Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t know where Yang Kai was taking them, and she
didn’t ask. She silently followed him and refined the Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal whenever she was free. Like this, time passed quickly.

One day, a dilapidated city suddenly appeared below them. It looked like
it had been haphazardly put together with no regard for aesthetics
whatsoever, as the buildings were all in complete disarray.

However, despite its appearance, the city was very lively, with countless
tough-looking cultivators running amok.

Yang Kai observed it for a few moments before landing the boat.

Soon, he and Zhang Ruo Xi entered the city.

The city didn’t seem to have a name, but there was no shortage of
people coming and going, all of them seemingly in a hurry.

The narrow alleyways were crowded on both sides with stalls and their
respective vendors shouted loudly to attract the attention of customers.
Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi were bombarded by their voices as soon as
they stepped inside.

“This is an Emperor Grade Purple Lunar Jade, which is the best material
for nourishing Emperor Artifacts! Don’t miss it, come take a look!”

“High-Rank Emperor Grade spirit medicine, Profound Soul Solidifying

Grass! Even direct consumption will bring you endless benefits! Trade
only, not selling!”

“This is the Secret Art of a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master, Sect

Leader Duan San Tai of Mountain Sect, which existed over a thousand
years ago! If you successfully cultivate it, you will obtain an indestructible
metal body! I’m selling this cheap for ten thousand Mid-Rank Source
Crystals. I risked my life to bring it back from the Ancient Lands! This is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

“What? Who said that it’s fake? Come here and say it louder, I promise I
won’t beat you!”

“Selling the location of a Twelfth-Order Six-Tailed Spirit Fox cub! It’s a

rare beast that has the bloodline of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox! Those
who want to tame it can come speak to me personally, and I will provide
paid guidance service.”


Zhang Ruo Xi stared wide-eyed at her surroundings, her head whipping

from side to side as she tried to take in everything around her. It was all
so novel to her.

After a while, she pulled on Yang Kai’s clothes and asked in a low
whisper, “Sir, what is this place? Why are there so many Emperor Grade
materials, ancient Secret Arts, and even the locations of Monster Beast
pups being sold? And what are these Ancient Lands they speak of?”

She could understand if it were just Emperor Grade materials, but it was
truly strange for Secret Arts and locations of Monster Beast cubs to also
be sold.

However, after listening for a while, she was able to gather that all of the
items being sold here were brought from a place called the Ancient
Lands, and the locations of the Monster Beast cubs were also in that

The city was chaotic but undeniably lively. Moreover, she realized that
almost all of the cultivators here were Dao Source Realms or above.
There were even quite a few passing Masters who exuded Emperor

How was a place like this able to attract so many Masters? Why was it so
attractive to them?
Yang Kai responded with a smile, “This place sits at the border of the
Ancient Wild Lands. The Ancient Lands they speak of are precisely the
Ancient Wild Lands.”

“Ancient Wild Lands?” She repeated in astonishment, evidently never

having heard of such a place.

“I know little about the Ancient Wild Lands. It is a place that is extremely
dangerous to explore as it is home to countless Monster Beasts and
even Divine Spirits, as well as many other lethal threats. Even an
Emperor would not be able to guarantee his safety inside.”

“Yet despite the dangers, so many people are venturing inside… That
must mean it is a place filled with treasures!” Zhang Ruo Xi realized

“This world is driven by people, while people are driven by profits. That is
the sole reason for which these Masters have gathered here. Although
perilous, the Ancient Wild Lands brim with treasures, and most of the
items sold by people here contain a sliver of the Ancient Wild Lands’
aura, which means they were all brought out from there. Even the Yuan
Ding Great Emperor’s Mountains and Rivers Bell originated from the
Ancient Wild Lands.”

“The Mountains and Rivers Bell!” Zhang Ruo Xi’s eyes lit up with
excitement. She had also undergone training in the Shattered Star Sea
and naturally knew of the Mountains and Rivers Bell, but she wasn’t
aware that it was now in Yang Kai’s possession.

Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Sir, are you here to enter the Ancient

He nodded, “En, I came for the Ancient Wild Lands.”

According to the information provided by Yin Le Sheng, Xiao Xiao was

indeed teleported to the Eastern Territory with him back then. However,
Yin Le Sheng was injured at the time and was unable to capture Xiao
Xiao, so he simply chose to fall back and lie in wait for an opportunity to
subdue the strange creature.
He never thought Xiao Xiao would enter the Ancient Wild Lands to
escape his pursuit, however. At the time, although he didn’t know what
the Ancient Wild Lands were, Yin Le Sheng had instinctively sensed the
danger from this place and was forced to give up his pursuit.

After that, he never saw Xiao Xiao again.

If the information was correct, then Xiao Xiao should still be inside the
Ancient Wild Lands.

Under the constraints of the Soul Contract, and unless he knew a Secret
Technique that could counter the backlash, it was unlikely for Yin Le
Sheng’s words to be false.

In any case, Yang Kai had to enter the Ancient Wild Lands regardless.

He didn’t know much about this place though, and if he hadn’t come to
the Eastern Territory, it was likely that Yang Kai would not have even
heard this place’s name. Thus, he needed someone to provide him with
information about the Ancient Wild Lands.

Originally, he had a suitable candidate: Qi Hai from Qi Family Fort!

Back when they were in the Shattered Star Sea, this person had urged
Yang Kai to visit his Qi Family Fort as a guest which was situated close
to the Ancient Wild Lands. Since Qi Hai was a member of the Qi Family,
Yang Kai was certain that he knew many top secrets about the Ancient
Wild Lands.

With his help, Yang Kai reckoned that his chance of survival in the
Ancient Wild Lands would increase significantly.

Alas… the main reason Qi Hai wanted him to visit was for the Phoenix
True Fire.

When she was exploring the Ancient Wild Lands, Qi Hai’s wife was
inflicted with one of the Ten Extreme Poisons, the Heavenly Frost Earth
Rain, instantly sealing her fate. The only possible cure was to undergo
nirvana with the help of the Phoenix True Flame.
It was for this reason that Qi Hai entered the Shattered Star Sea, to find
the Phoenix True Flame, conquer it, and then use it to save his wife.

However, he didn’t have such good fortune, and now the Phoenix True
Flame was being refined by Liu Yan. Liu Yan had been taken to Spirit
Beast Island by Jiu Feng, so naturally it would be too shameless for
Yang Kai to go to Qi Hai and ask for help now.

Qi Hai had been naive to think that he could save his wife as long as he
obtained the Phoenix True Flame, not knowing that refining it was
dangerous and time-consuming.

As Yang Kai was speaking with Zhang Ruo Xi, a man with the head of a
buck and the glinting eyes of a rat suddenly approached them and
whispered furtively, “Friend, I have an Emperor Grade spirit fruit here, the
Nine Heavens Vibrant Cloud Fruit, that I can sell to you at a cheap price.
What do you think?”

While speaking, he flipped over his palm, revealing a glowing red fruit
that exuded rich Qi. It was only for a second, but the strong Spirit Qi
fluctuations caused the surrounding cultivators to simultaneously look
over in surprise. Contrary, the handful of stall owners who turned their
heads away, all revealing strange expressions.

“Nine Heavens Vibrant Cloud Fruit?” The corners of Yang Kai’s lips
arched, revealing a meaningful smile.

Zhang Ruo Xi frowned and took a step back. This man was not only
dressed sloppily but also smelled horrible, as though he hadn’t washed
his body in several days. Moreover, as he spoke, she could see a
mouthful of rotten, yellow teeth.

“Do you want it?” The man lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being
heard, “I risked my life to bring this back from the Ancient Lands. There
was even a Twelfth-Order Monster Beast guarding it!”

“A Twelfth-Order Monster Beast guarding it…” Yang Kai looked

As an Emperor Grade Alchemist, he could tell with a single glance that
this Nine Heavens Vibrant Cloud Fruit was fake. The real Nine Heavens
Vibrant Cloud Fruit was indeed an Emperor Grade spirit medicine, and it
was extremely rare; however, its aura was always restrained and would
never exude such strong energy fluctuations.

The Nine Heavens Vibrant Cloud Fruit would only be guarded by one
Monster Beast, and that was the Nine Heavens Thunder Python. It was
indeed a Twelfth-Order Monster Beast, but this man’s cultivation was
only First-Order Dao Source Realm. If he were to actually encounter the
Nine Heavens Thunder Python, there was absolutely no possibility of him
returning alive, for he would be swallowed whole in a matter of seconds.
Chapter 2530 - Wild Wine

In this nameless city, snakes and vipers crept around among dragons.
Yang Kai was unfamiliar with this place, but he was familiar with that
principle, so he didn’t pay it much heed.

It was most likely that this person chose to target Yang Kai and Zhang
Ruo Xi because they looked young and new to the city, easy to swindle
and make a fortune off of.

Yang Kai didn’t want to pay attention to this kind of person, but a similar
figure suddenly surfaced in his mind.

Thinking back when he first encountered the Bustling World Great

Emperor in Maplewood City, he had also looked this sloppy…

When he thought about Duan Hong Chen, Yang Kai couldn’t help but
feel a little worried and wondered how he was doing after his Soul fused
with Wu Kuang’s.

“Can you give me an answer, friend? If you don’t want it, I’ll go find
someone else!” The man couldn’t help but urge when he saw Yang Kai
become absentminded.

Yang Kai glanced at him and then released his Emperor Pressure for a
fleeting moment.

The man’s face immediately paled. He stumbled back and then said with
a look of amazement, “So it turns out that Sir is a mighty Emperor Realm

As a cultivator in the Second-Order Dao Source Realm, this man wasn’t

exactly a weakling, but compared to an Emperor, he was like an ant.
Yang Kai’s act of releasing his Emperor Pressure made him realize that
this unremarkable-looking youth was not to be provoked.

Amidst his horror, he gave an ugly smile and said, “Since you don’t need
it, Sir, this lowly one will take his leave.”
Who was he kidding? He only dared to swindle cultivators in the Dao
Source Realm and was in no way courageous enough to provoke an
Emperor Realm Master. If he didn’t leave now, the young man might
make him suffer the consequences of disturbing him!

“Wait!” Yang Kai suddenly called out.

The man’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

“Y-Y-Yes, Sir?” he answered, trembling.

“It appears that you have been here for a long time?”

“Yes, Sir. This lowly one has resided in this city for over thirty years now.”

“Thirty years!” Yang Kai raised an eyebrow, “In other words, you must be
quite familiar with the Ancient Wild Lands?”

His amiable attitude seemed to be infectious, for the sloppy man

gradually calmed down and hurriedly responded, “Naturally.”

“I have some questions for you then,” Yang Kai said lightly.

“About the Ancient Land?” The man was quick-witted, immediately

grasping the implications behind Yang Kai’s words.

Yang Kai nodded, “Is there a place here that we can talk?”

“If you don’t mind, Sir, this lowly one can guide you to a place. However,
it is a little… expensive.”

“Very well. Lead the way!” Yang Kai waved his hand.

The man was overjoyed and quickly led the way.

Before long, the three of them entered a building that resembled a

restaurant. Just like the rest of the city, the outside of the restaurant was
haphazardly put together; however, the inside was quite a contrast.
Its interior was luxuriously decorated with thick, unknown animal fur on
the ground and softly glowing light stones of all sizes on the walls. Even
the air was filled with a faint but refreshing fragrance.

A single glance at this restaurant was enough to tell Yang Kai that its
owner was a capable individual, as it would be impossible to furnish the
restaurant so luxuriously otherwise.

As soon as the three walked in, a man dressed as a shop-hand came out
to greet them, but when he saw the filthy swindler, he waved his hand
rudely, “Shoo, shoo, shoo. Is this a place you can enter, Pi San? Hurry
up and get out before you dirty our floor.”

Despite only being responsible for greeting customers, the shop-hand

was actually a Third-Order Saint King, and he also looked to be quite

This caused Yang Kai’s eyes to flash subtly. It seemed that there were
some hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this restaurant. Although a
Third-Order Saint King was nothing in his eyes, the shop-hand was
clearly overqualified for his job.

The swindler, Pi San, was enraged by the shop-hand’s words though

and blue veins bulged on his forehead as he shouted, “Don’t you look
down on us! I am here today with this Sir to eat. Hurry up and serve us
whatever delicious foods and drinks you have, we do not lack Source

Watching him bluff and flaunt with Yang Kai’s prestige and power was
quite hilarious.

“Sir?” The shop hand glanced at Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi, his brow
slightly furrowed.

Zhang Ruo Xi looked to be around twenty years of age, so even if her

aptitude was good, it should be impossible for her to be an Emperor
Realm Master. Yang Kai, on the other hand, appeared somewhat
reserved and mysterious, and didn’t seem to be weak.
This shop-hand worked all year round and had developed a very keen
eye, so with just a glance, he was able to determine that Yang Kai was
most likely the strongest of this group, as well as its leader. If that wasn’t
the case, Pi San wouldn’t go as far as to call him ‘Sir’.

Since they were here to eat, the shop hand naturally had no reason to
block them. He bowed and said respectfully, “Please come in, honoured

Likewise, Pi San fawningly bowed and stepped forward to lead the way,
saying, “Come with me, Sir, I’ll guide you to a private room.”

Yang Kai nodded and followed him inside.

When they passed by the shop-hand, the shop-hand suddenly said, “Sir,
Pi San is a well-known swindler in these parts, especially towards those
who are new to the city. Many people have been deceived by him. Be
sure to keep your eyes open, don’t let yourself fall for his tricks.”

Yang Kai glanced at him and responded with a slight smile, “Many
thanks for the warning, Little Brother, but don’t worry. If he dares to
swindle me, I will ensure that he won’t be able to see tomorrow’s dawn.”

The shop hand smiled, “You are wise, Sir!”

When Pi San heard this, he immediately blanched and said hurriedly,

“Rest assured, Sir! I, Pi San, am not a blind swindler. Sir, you are clearly
so wise and powerful, how could I dare to play tricks in front of you?
Wouldn’t I be courting my own death?”

However, Yang Kai’s face simply remained unchanged, the faint smile
causing Pi San to feel more and more nervous.

Soon, with Pi San guiding them, the three entered a private room.

He seemed to be aware of his own unpleasant odour, so after Yang Kai

and Zhang Ruo Xi took their seats, he deliberately took a seat far away
from them.
“Sir, since this is your first time here, you must try the restaurant’s Wild
Wine!” He said with great enthusiasm.

Yang Kai snorted lightly, “You may order whatever you wish. Consider it
a reward for answering my questions.”

Pi San was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Many thanks, Sir!”

He was almost drooling as he spoke and immediately slapped the table

to call for a waitress in an imposing manner, then he proceeded to rattle
off more than a dozen dishes with ease and familiarity.

Yang Kai was slightly surprised by the names he heard as he could tell
that these dishes were all made using Monster Beast parts and spirit
herbs. Not only that, but they were Eleventh-Order Monster Beasts and
Dao Source Grade spirit herbs!

Dishes such as these, even if they tasted horrible, were greatly beneficial
for any cultivator, and with long-term consumption, they would definitely
experience an increase in strength.

The waitress was quite young, and after Pi San finished ordering, she
turned toward Yang Kai and said awkwardly, “Honoured guest, your
order comes to a total of 530,000 Low-Rank Source Crystals. Please
pardon this humble one for asking you to settle the account first.”

She seemed to know that Yang Kai was the one with the Source
Crystals, not Pi San.

Upon hearing this, Pi San angrily slammed the table, “What!? Are you
afraid we’ll run after eating? Both you and that shop-hand outside, so
young yet already so disrespectful! Is this how you were taught to treat

The waitress’s beautiful face turned pale with fright and quickly waved
her hands while denying, “No, no…”

Just as Pi San opened his mouth again to teach her a lesson, Yang Kai
gave a sudden cold snort, which immediately made him shrink back and
shut up.
Yang Kai took out a cloth bag from his Space Ring and handed it to the
waitress, “Here.”

The waitress took it and confirmed the amount inside with her Divine
Sense before smiling and nodding, “Please give us a few moments,
Honoured Guests. Your food and drinks will arrive shortly.”

Saying so, she turned around and left.

This restaurant proved to be quite efficient because, before long, their

order was ready. The table was filled to the brim with delicious food and
wine that saturated the air with their mouth-watering aromas.

There was no lack of variety, and each and every dish looked absolutely

Pi San picked up the wine jar, respectfully walked to Yang Kai and
Zhang Ruo Xi’s side, and graciously filled their cups while introducing,
“The Wild Wine here is a treasure that must be tasted, Sir.”

However, Zhang Ruo Xi frowned as she snapped, “Hurry up and finish

eating, so you can answer Sir’s questions!”

She treated him with undisguised displeasure.

“Young Lady, please do not regard this with offence, but it is best to drink
this wine if you plan to enter the Ancient Land.”

“Why?” She looked at him suspiciously.

He responded with a slight smile, “Because every ingredient used to

make this wine is from the Ancient Land, which imbues it with the aura of
the Ancient Land itself. Drinking this wine will allow you to adapt slightly
to the Wild Force, which will help you greatly in your venture.”

“Wild Force?” Zhang Ruo Xi still didn’t quite understand.

Meanwhile, Yang Kai revealed a thoughtful look and nodded, “Ruo Xi,
drink some and feel the mysteries of the Wild Force.”
Since Yang Kai had spoken, she naturally didn’t continue to refuse,

She took a slight sip and savoured it, then her brow furrowed in surprise.
Quickly, as though resisting something, she began to circulate her
Source Qi.

Pi San watched on with a knowing look, “The energy contained within the
Wild Wine is strong and vigorous. Even an Emperor Realm Master will
struggle with drinking more than one jar. Please drink slowly and
carefully, Young Lady.”

While he was speaking, Yang Kai also took a sip. Indeed, there was a
strange power hidden in the wine that after entering his abdomen, melted
into his physique, meridians, and dantian, affecting the circulation of his
Emperor Qi.

However, this power was not unfamiliar to Yang Kai. He raised an

eyebrow at this realization and thought to himself, [Isn’t this so-called
Wild Force the same as the aura released by my Mountains and Rivers
Chapter 2531 - Guide

When Yang Kai activated the Mountains and Rivers Bell, its power
surged forth and suppressed the Wild Force contained within the Wild
Wine, which was indeed very similar but countless times weaker.

After figuring out the secret behind the Wild Wine, Yang Kai urged his
Emperor Qi to dissolve its effects.

Pi San, who had returned to his end of the table, was already wolfing
down the food like a starved ghost. He seemed to be aware that neither
Yang Kai nor Zhang Ruo Xi were interested in the food, so he didn’t say
anything and simply focused on stuffing his face.

Normally, he would never be able to afford to eat at a restaurant like this,

but since Yang Kai said that this table of food and wine was a reward, he
would not be polite.

After some time, he finally sat back, rubbed his protruding stomach in
satisfaction, and let out a sound burp.

Meanwhile, Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi had only consumed half of the
jar of Wild Wine. Yang Kai only drank one glass, while Zhang Ruo Xi
drank the rest. At this point, her cheeks were already flushed, and her
expression slightly dazed.

She was in the Third-Order Dao Source Realm, so the fact that a little
under half a jar of Wild Wine could intoxicate her showed that the wine
was indeed potent; however, part of the reason was probably also
because she’d never drank wine before.

“Since you’ve had your fill, I will ask you my questions,” Yang Kai said
indifferently, turning his gaze to the man lying relaxed in the chair.

Pi San shuddered and immediately sat up with a solemn expression on

his face, “Please do, Sir! This lowly one will tell you everything he
“En,” Yang Kai was quite satisfied with his attitude and continued, “I am
here for the first time and know nothing about the Ancient Lands, so tell
me everything you know.”

Pi San fell silent as he organized his thoughts. After a while, he opened

his mouth and said passionately, “Sir, since you’ve come to this city by
word of mouth, this lowly one believes you are not absolutely ignorant
about the Ancient Lands. It is a region that has never been occupied by
man, for a legion of powerful Monster Beasts reside within it. There are
countless natural dangers as well, so much that not even an Emperor
Realm Master would be able to guarantee his own safety inside. In other
words, cultivators who enter the Ancient Lands must be prepared to
leave their lives there, for they may fall at any time. But of course, the
greater the danger, the greater the benefits. All sorts of rare herbs grow
inside, and there is no lack of other precious treasures. Thus, despite the
dangers, countless Masters from across the entire Star Boundary are
eager to explore this region. Countless people have met with fortune in
the Ancient Land, including the famous Yuan Ding Great Emperor. It is
said that his signature Mountain and Rivers Bell was found within the
Ancient Lands, and it was that very bell that allowed him to rise to seize
the title of Great Emperor!”

Although everything Pi San had said so far was common knowledge that
Yang Kai was already aware of, he didn’t interrupt him and continued to
listen attentively.

“The Ancient Lands is not a place that can be entered at will. The
minimum cultivation level for those who wish to enter is the Dao Source
Realm. Any lower, and they would lack the qualifications to even set foot

“There is only one path leading to the Ancient Lands, a colossal canyon
that is shrouded in a thick and strange fog year-round. The fog is so thick
that one would not be able to see their own five fingers stretched out
before them, and it also interferes with one’s Divine Sense. This alone
doesn’t pose much of a threat, but there’s more… a deadly, invisible
Astral Wind that blows from time to time. Any cultivator in the Dao
Source Realm who encounters this wind… heh, heh… would be left on
the verge of death. Yet, there is something even more dangerous than
the gale, and that is… the Falling Thunder. It is as strong as an attack
from an Emperor Realm Master and thus very difficult to resist. Several
years ago, there was an Emperor Realm Master who ventured into the
Ancient Lands for the first time. He was confident in his strength and
didn’t bother to gather information about the Ancient Lands, and as a
result… he never returned. It was only three years ago that someone
found his body just fifty kilometres from the entrance.”

“Masters from countless influential Sects have investigated the Ancient

Lands and determined that the canyon entrance is filled with Natural
Spirit Arrays. The mysterious fog, the Astral Wind, and the Falling
Thunder are all produced by those very Natural Spirit Arrays. They
appear sporadically, ungoverned by any discernible law. Therefore, in
order to enter the Ancient Lands, luck is more important than strength. If
you are lucky, you will be able to pass safely, but if you’re not… only
death awaits you.”

“But that’s not all! ‘What other dangers could there be?’, you may ask. Of
course, it’s the danger of our own kind! There are people who lurk in the
canyon and target lone cultivators, killing and then looting them. Such
people are very familiar with the environment because it is essentially
their home. Encountering them would prove more troublesome than any
of the canyon’s natural dangers. Therefore, you must never let your
guard down while you’re there, Sir.”

“Needless to say, beyond the canyon, the Ancient Lands themself are
also filled with danger at every turn. The entire region is covered in its
natural aura, the Wild Force. No one knows exactly what this power is,
but according to the people who returned alive, it can suppress your
power by as little as less than a quarter percent to an entire half. Several
Masters have fallen because of this.”

“That is also the reason I insisted that you and the Young Lady drink the
Wild Wine, Sir. Although the Wild Force contained within it is much
weaker than in the Ancient Lands, it will greatly familiarize you with the
strange power.
“The most prevalent dangers are the ones you will face in the canyon, as
well as the Wild Force. As for what dangers you may encounter once you
enter the Ancient Land… Need I say more? Monster Beasts reign there
amidst countless other Natural Restrictions and Spirit Arrays. It is even
said that a number of Divine Spirits reside within the Ancient Land. I
believe that there is truly no place in the Star Boundary more dangerous
than the Ancient Lands.”

As he listened to Pi San’s explanation, Yang Kai’s expression became

slightly tense.

According to what he said, the entrance alone was already extremely

dangerous, let alone the land inside.

He wasn’t worried about whether he would encounter any danger after

entering, but rather about Xiao Xiao whose cultivation didn’t even reach
the peak of the Origin King Realm when they separated. Could he have
survived in such a perilous place?

As for the Wild Force, he didn’t pay it much heed as he was already very
familiar with it.

After all, the Primitive Aura from his Mountains and Rivers Bell was far
stronger than the so-called Wild Force. Moreover, as the owner of the
bell, Yang Kai believed that the Wild Force would not affect him much.

Pi San, on the other hand, interpreted Yang Kai’s solemn expression as


This was the normal reaction. People would hear rumours and travel to
this desolate city without knowing what dangers lay within the Ancient
Lands and leave in dismay once they learned. Pi San had lived in this
city for over thirty years and was no stranger to the occurrence.

He pondered for a while and then said, “Sir, although the Ancient Lands
are filled with opportunities, if you wish to enter merely for the sake of
treasures, you should leave. It would be better to take the Young Lady
The table of food had cost Yang Kai 530,000 Low-Rank Source Crystals,
yet he didn’t even bat an eye, thus Pi San was very grateful and couldn’t
help warning him earnestly.

“I have other reasons for entering the Ancient Lands, ones that cannot
be ignored,” Yang Kai responded.

He had to find Xiao Xiao.

“I see…” Seeing Yang Kai’s determination, it would be inappropriate for

Pi San to continue dissuading him. Realizing this, he pondered some
more, grit his teeth, and retrieved a jade slip from his own Space Ring.
“In that case, Sir, I will give you this.”

“What is this?”

Pi San grinned meaningfully, “A map of the Ancient Lands.”

“There is such a thing? Yang Kai suddenly became interested and

quickly accepted the jade slip. He poured his Divine Sense into it and
saw that it was indeed something like a map, and it was very easy to

“This is just a map of the outskirts. No one knows how vast the Ancient
Lands truly are, but after so many years of exploration, some information
of the outskirts has naturally been revealed. Some have combined all of
the information to produce this map which marks the known dangerous
regions. You should try to avoid as many of these places as possible,

“What do the black dots on this map represent?” Yang Kai asked after
studying the map for a while.

“Natural Arrays. The darker the colour, the more formidable the
restriction or array.”

“What about the red dots? Are they for Monster Beasts?” Yang Kai
asked again.
“Indeed, the red dots signify Monster Beasts. Similarly, the brighter the
colour, the stronger the Monster Beast.”

Yang Kai nodded slightly. He looked at the map again and saw areas
with densely packed red dots, clearly symbolizing areas where Monster
Beasts gathered. Those were the areas that even he would have to

Pi San laughed, “If it were anyone else, this lowly one would’ve sold
them a simplified jade slip, but this one is the newest and most detailed,
so you can use it with confidence, Sir!”

He’d finished an entire table of food and knew how to return a favour with
a favour, making Yang Kai feel that he had not spent 530,000 Low-Rank
Source Crystals in vain!

“Many thanks, then!” Yang Kai nodded.

“You are too polite, Sir,” Pi San can’t help being flattered, for he had
never been treated so courteously by an Emperor Realm Master before.
Despite his strength, normally, people would show a look of disgust at
the sight of his face and try to stay far, far away.

Yet, Yang Kai brought him to the best restaurant in this desolate city and
fed him an entire table of good food and wine.

“Sir, there is one more thing I would like to tell you.”

“Go ahead. “

“If you must enter the Ancient Lands, it would be best for Sir to find Old

“Old Ban?” Yang Kai raised his brows.

Pi San nodded, “No one knows his true name, so everyone just calls him
Old Ban. He’s lived in this place for far longer than me and is very
familiar with the canyon. Sir, if you can get him to be your guide, your
safe entry into the Ancient Lands will be guaranteed.”
Chapter 2532 - Red-Clothed Girl

“A guide?” Yang Kai asked in surprise. To think that there was someone
who could act as a guide for the Ancient Lands! It was quite relieving,
actually, considering how dangerous this place was.

“You mustn’t look down on Old Ban, Sir. Although he is only a First-Order
Dao Source Realm and is quite elderly, there is no better guide in this
desolate city! This lowly one has lived here for thirty years and heard
others speak of him countless times. The most impressive thing is that
he’s actually entered and returned from the Ancient Lands over a
hundred times already! Not even mentioning a hundred times, just being
able to travel back and forth safely three to five times is already a big
accomplishment. He is truly the most brilliant and experienced guide in
the city!”

Yang Kai was visibly moved, “Over a hundred times? How is that

Pi San responded with a bitter smile, “I would also like to know, but it is a
secret that Old Ban keeps to himself. However, this lowly one reckons
that he must’ve established a safe route in and out.”

“He is absolutely worth paying a visit to, then. Is he currently in this city?”

It was better to be safe than sorry. Although Yang Kai was a Master who
didn’t fear anything, the best option was undoubtedly to have a veteran
guide him into the Ancient Lands.

“En, I saw him just yesterday; however, one must pay at least 300,000
Source Crystals for his service.”

“That’s not a problem,” Yang Kai said with a slight smile.

300,000 Source Crystals was a drop in the bucket for him. The table of
food Pi San had just eaten was worth over 500,000 Source Crystals

“Shall I take you to him, Sir?” Pi San offered politely.

Yang Kai nodded and thought for a moment before calling the waitress
over once again. He asked her to prepare ten more bottles of Wild Wine
for them to take away.

He didn’t need to drink it, but it wouldn’t hurt Zhang Ruo Xi to drink more.

Before long, the waitress returned with ten jars of Wild Wine. However, to
Yang Kai’s surprise, before he could take out his Space Ring to pay, the
waitress smiled and told him, “Sir, the manager instructed me to give you
these ten bottles of wine free of charge. Please kindly accept them.”

“The manager?” He frowned.

Pi San, however, looked amazed.

“Why did your manager decide to gift me this wine?” Yang Kai asked,
looking at the waitress.

“This servant does not know,” she replied, shaking her head.

Yang Kai frowned again and waved his hand, withdrawing some Source
Crystals from his Space Ring and leaving them on the table. Next, he
threw the bottles of wine into his Space Ring and called out to Zhang
Ruo Xi and Pi San, “Let’s go!”

The waitress was somewhat stunned. It seemed that she had never seen
someone refuse a free luxury, and before she could react, they were

Outside of the restaurant, Pi San opened and closed his mouth several
times before losing to his curiosity, “Sir, are you acquainted with the

“No, that was my first visit!” Yang Kai responded faintly.

“That’s strange. Why did they want to give you so much Wild Wine

Yang Kai chuckled, “The shopkeeper gave them to me of their own

accord. I neither stole nor swindled them, so there is no need to pay it
any heed.” He paused and then asked, “What is the background of this

“This lowly one is unsure. It was established a long time ago, and the
manager has always been mysterious and never appeared in public, so
no one in this city knows the background of the restaurant. However, we
believe that the shopkeeper has a great force supporting him from
behind. They couldn’t have gained a foothold in this place and set up
such a luxurious restaurant otherwise.”

For even a local scoundrel like Pi San to not know the restaurant’s
background… it seemed that the restaurant really was supported from
the shadows by a great force.

Yang Kai had refused the free Wild Wine precisely because he didn’t
want to have any ties with the restaurant and regret it later on.

On the second floor of the restaurant, a pair of bright eyes followed Yang
Kai’s departing figure. After a moment, this figure sighed and spoke,
“Send a message to Young Master and inform him that the person he
mentioned has arrived. It seems that he is about to enter the Ancient
Lands, so tell everyone to be prepared.”

“Yes,” a reply came from the darkness.


The city was quite vast, so Yang Kai and Zhou Ruo Xi had to follow Pi
San for some time before reaching their destination in the western

Pi San pointed to a certain stone house in the distance and said, “That is
Old Ban’s residence. It would be best for Sir to go alone, as Old Ban
does not have a good impression of this lowly one. This lowly one is
afraid he will be prejudiced against Sir if he sees me, so I will not be
accompanying you further.”

Yang Kai nodded, “You’ve worked hard.”

“You flatter me, Sir. I wish you a smooth journey and a safe return.
Farewell!” As soon as his words fell, he was gone.

“Let’s go,” Yang Kai said before walking directly towards the house Pi
San had pointed to.

The houses here were all haphazard in appearance, but they were very
sturdy and conformed with the overall look of the city.

Before long, they arrived in front of the house. It resembled a farmyard,

fenced in by a wall made of layered thick stones, with a gate at the

Presently, the door was open, and two black-clad cultivators were
standing on either side of it.

They looked at Yang Kai and Zhou Rou Xi, their expressions cold.

“Hm?” Yang Kai made a sound of surprise. Did he come to the wrong
place? Not only were there cultivators guarding the entrance, but they
were also both in the Dao Source Realm. Judging from their auras, they
were quite powerful.

However, according to Pi San, Old Ban was just an ordinary man without
a noble status. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be acting as a guide for a living.

“What is your purpose here?” One of the black-clad cultivators


“Excuse me, is this Old Ban’s residence?” Zhang Ruo Xi asked.

“Don’t know!” He replied coldly.

Zhang Ruo Xi frowned. She was annoyed by the man’s flippant ‘don’t
know,’ as her question was just a simple yes-or-no question.

“What do you mean, you don’t know? What are you doing here, then?”

The black-clad cultivator glanced at her, then he gave a slight sneer and
didn’t respond, greatly angering her.
Yang Kai glanced inside the house and then smiled, saying, “This should
be the right place, but it seems that there is someone inside.” He turned
his gaze to the black-clad cultivator, “Is it your Master?”

“You talk too much. You should hurry and scram out of here,” the
cultivator on the right suddenly spoke up.

Yang Kai grinned, “Why?”

The cultivator on the left snorted coldly, “Are you looking for trouble?
Didn’t you hear me tell you to scram? “

“Isn’t this the residence of Old Ban? What right do you have to tell us to
leave?” Yang Kai wondered.

“Our Young Lady is inside. Scram if you don’t want to die!”

Yang Kai was taken aback slightly by this situation. He didn’t know which
great force these two cultivators and their Young Lady belonged to, but it
should be common knowledge that this desolate city was crawling with
hidden experts. There was no telling when you might offend the wrong

However, seeing that these guards were completely fearless, the force
behind them must be quite formidable.

Unfortunately for them, Yang Kai had killed a cultivator at the Third-Order
Emperor Realm and even fought against a Great Emperor before. There
were very few people in the world who could intimidate him.

He wasn’t angered by these fierce-looking guards and instead said in a

harmonious voice, “I’ve come to see Old Ban. Please make way.”

His eyes flashed as he spoke.

The two black-clad cultivators, who had looked so domineering and

arrogant, suddenly groaned. As if they had been struck by lightning, they
staggered back several steps, their faces pale.
A feeling of extreme pressure descended upon them, and they felt as if
they had been pressed down by a mountain, making it difficult to breathe
or even lift a finger. Cold sweat dripped from their foreheads, and they
could only watch as Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi walked past them.

Zhang Ruo Xi was still angered by their previous actions and even raised
her fist to hit them.

Before they could step foot inside the house, however, there was a
sudden yell, and then the sound of something breaking.

After a soft thump, a low groan sounded. At the same time, the shrill cry
of a little girl entered Yang Kai’s ears.

His expression sank and he immediately rushed into the house. He

looked around and found an old man with grey hair kneeling down on the
floor. His aura was First-Order Dao Source Realm; however, due to his
old age, his vitality was weak, rendering his cultivation somewhat weaker
than it should have been.

This person was most likely Old Ban.

His back was facing away from the entrance as he clutched a little girl in
his arms. On his shoulder was a horrifying bloodstain, which seemed to
have been caused by a whip, and there were even signs of flesh being
cleaved from his form.

The little girl in his arms was crying loudly, seemingly extremely

Aside from the old man and the little girl, there were two other people
inside the house.

One was a man who looked to be in his fifties, wearing a cold and
indifferent expression on his face.

The other one was a young woman in a flaming red dress. She didn’t
look much older than Zhang Ruo Xi. She bore exquisite features and a
voluptuous figure, which was further accentuated by her tight-fitting
dress. Her appearance was like the embodiment of a blooming red rose.
However, at the moment, she was holding a whip in her hand and raising
it high, ready to lash out. With a fierce expression on her face, she
snarled, “Don’t refuse a face-saving offer, you old thing. You should feel
honoured that this Young Lady is asking you to guide her! If you dare to
refuse, I’ll kill you!”

The bloody wound on the old man’s shoulder was caused by the red-
clothed girl’s whip, and it was also because of her that the little girl was

“I’ll ask you once more! Will you guide me or not?” The young woman
asked as she looked down viciously at the old man.

The old man lowered his head and grit his teeth, “Young Lady, could you
spare me a few days? Xiao Ling’er is ill and must be taken care of. If I
leave now, she’ll…!”
Chapter 2533 - You Hit Me?

“What does this dirty brat being sick have to do with this Young Lady?
This Young Lady’s time is very precious. Not even a moment of delay is
acceptable, let alone a few days! I’ll ask you one last time, will you guide
me or not?!” The red-robed girl coldly snorted, not the slightest bit

Old Ban pleaded bitterly, “Two days, this old man only needs two days of
time. After two days, this old man will guide you safely into the Ancient
Land, Young Lady!”

“Since you’ve chosen to refuse a toast, you must drink a loss. You’re
courting death, you old thing!” The red-clothed girl snarled. She was
evidently incensed as she lashed out with her whip.

The young woman’s cultivation was not low. Like Zhang Ruo Xi, she was
in the Third-Order Dao Source Realm. Yang Kai couldn’t tell what type of
Secret Technique she was using, but as her rage increased, her attack
also seemed to become more vicious, calling forth the peals of wind and

If this whip were to land, Old Ban, with his First-Order Dao Source Realm
cultivation, would have no way of resisting and be left half dead.
However, her whip was suddenly caught mid-air. The other party didn’t
seem to be exerting much force, yet the red-clothed young woman found
herself unable to budge one bit.

She was furious, and turning her head, she immediately caught sight of
another young woman like herself who had appeared behind her without
her realizing.

Zhang Ruo Xi was the one who grabbed the whip. Although she was
ruthless and savage when fighting, her personality was still innocent and
kind. She was naturally enraged by the atrocity occurring before them
and intervened without needing Yang Kai to give the command.

“What’s wrong with you?!” she exclaimed.

The red-clothed girl frowned and snapped, “Who are you, little girl? How
dare you meddle in this Young Lady’s affairs!”

Zhang Ruo Xi snorted coldly, “Who are you calling a little girl? Aren’t you
one too? No matter what, it’s wrong to beat people. This elder said to
give him two days. Can’t you see that the little girl is sick?!”

“You dare talk back to me?” The red-clothed girl was like an active
volcano, always erupting in anger, “I’ll kill you!”

As she spoke, she tried to pull back her weapon, but no matter how hard
she tried, she was unable to free it from Zhang Ruo Xi’s grasp.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s small, fair hand looked like it barely contained any
strength, but her grip was like a vice.

The red-clothed girl’s face changed slightly as she realized Zhang Ruo Xi
wasn’t as easy to deal with as she thought. Although they were both
Third-Order Dao Source Realms, the red-clothed girl was clearly a
spoiled, sheltered girl with no real combat experience.

She tried several times to get her whip back but always failed, causing
her little face to turn red with embarrassment.

“Why haven’t you moved yet, Old Fu?” She stomped her feet angrily and
grit her teeth, “This Young Lady has been bullied! If you don’t make a
move now, I’ll go back and tell Lord Father to break your legs! And what
are the two wastes outside doing? Their job was to stop people from
intruding! When we get back, this Young Lady is going to take their Souls
and turn them into slaves!”

However, even after she finished yelling, Old Fu didn’t move.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t.

He’d noticed when Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi broke in but he still didn’t
pay them much heed; after all, they both looked young, so even if they
had some skill, they wouldn’t be too much to handle.
When Zhang Ruo Xi moved to grab his Young Lady’s whip, Old Fu had
wanted to stop her, but when his eyes suddenly met Yang Kai’s, his
heart suddenly jumped, and then his mind fell into a momentary trance.
As a result, he was unable to stop Zhang Ruo Xi.

Afterwards, he and Yang Kai just stared at each other silently.

In that moment, Old Fu was given a great shock, because he discovered

that the young man in front of him was actually a genuine Emperor
Realm Master!

[To think he is already an Emperor at such a young age. Does he belong

to one of the great forces, or did he encounter a great opportunity in the
Shattered Star Sea?]

Recently, many rising stars appeared in the Star Boundary, and it was no
secret that there were many new Emperors. Old Fu believed that Yang
Kai was one of those rising stars.

However, even though he was shocked, he still didn’t pay much attention
to Yang Kai. Few people would dare to provoke his Young Lady, and
compared to those few people, Yang Kai was nothing special.

Thus, under the repeated urging of his Young Lady, he finally took

A divine light suddenly shot out from his two eyes, and like a sharp
sword, it pierced into Yang Kai’s mind.

“A Soul Technique!” Yang Kai raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Since they were both First-Order Emperors, Old Fu couldn’t unleash a

Soul Attack as his first strike if he didn’t have absolute confidence in the
power of his own Soul. Doing so was risky because if his opponent’s
Soul was stronger than his, he would be dealt a strong backlash.

Judging from the strength of Old Fu’s attack, his Soul was indeed very
strong, superior to most cultivators in the First-Order Emperor Realm,
and almost on par with a Second-Order Emperor.
This was most likely the source of his confidence.

As soon as he unleashed the attack, Old Fu turned his attention from

Yang Kai to Zhang Ruo Xi. He seemed to believe that even if the attack
failed to hurt Yang Kai, it would at least force him back for a while.

When the red-clothed girl saw Old Fu moving to take action, she began
to shout excitedly, “Good, good, good! Old Fu, grab this cheap slut for
me. This Young Lady is going to ruin her face to show her the
consequences of messing with me!”

Zhang Ruo Xi felt a strong pressure bearing down on her as Old Fu drew
near, and it even became slightly difficult to breathe. When she heard the
red-clothed girl’s vicious words, her face turned pale.

She was only in her early twenties and hadn’t seen much of the world. If
her face really were to get ruined, she would have a hard time going out
in public.

Although she was indifferent about her looks, who would want to
experience such torture?

The visible panic on Zhang Ruo Xi’s face gave the red-clothed girl a
great sense of pride and satisfaction.

“Oh, now you’re afraid? It’s too late! This Young Lady will not only ruin
your face, but will also strip you naked and throw you out so those dirty
men outside can enjoy you!” She said, laughing happily.

Zhang Ruo Xi grew dizzy with fear, and her pale face became even more

In her mind, she couldn’t help but imagine herself naked and surrounded
by countless men, and she almost started to cry.

If that kind of thing really were to happen, she was afraid she would be
too ashamed to keep on living.

Suddenly, a cold snort sounded from the side, “Hmph! Which family’s
little girl is this? To be so vicious at such a young age!”
It was Yang Kai. Even as a man, he couldn’t tolerate the red-clothed
girl’s words. Ruining Zhang Rou Xi’s face and tearing off her clothes? It
was too cruel.

Old Fu, who had just grabbed towards Zhang Rou Xi, suddenly began to
shake from head to toe, as though he had seen a ghost in broad
daylight. The powerful aura around his body suddenly weakened, and he
staggered back several steps in shock.

Yang Kai had countered his Soul Technique. Fortunately, Old Fu was
simply focused on protecting his Mistress and didn’t use his full strength.
Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

[This young man’s Spiritual Energy… is actually stronger than mine?]

[How could this be?]

He knew very well how strong his Spiritual Energy was because in his
early years, he came across the Waterfall Divine Grass, which allowed
his Spiritual Energy to soar after it was refined. An ordinary First-Order
Emperor Realm cultivator couldn’t be stronger than him in this regard, yet
this young man was not only able to protect himself, but also to deal a
small injury to him in return. Was this young man actually a Second-
Order Emperor?

He’d heard that there were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in
this desolate city, and apparently, that saying was true!

Old Fu turned towards Yang Kai with a gloomy expression.

He had thought that he would be able to run rampant in this city and
protect himself with his status and strength, but now, it seemed that he
was a little naive.

How many Monsters like this young man were hidden in this city?

Without Old Fu’s aura oppressing her, Zhang Ruo Xi’s spirit was
immediately restored. Meanwhile, the red-clothed girl was still chattering
away about how she was going to torture her.
Zhang Ruo Xi angrily let go of the whip and leapt forward, striking the
red-clothed girl in the chest with a palm.

“Ah!” The red-clothed girl was still waiting for Old Fu to finish off her
opponent and was caught off guard by Zhang Ruo Xi’s palm. She
screamed and flew backwards in the air.

Old Fu was startled and immediately stretched out a hand, his Emperor
Qi sweeping forth to catch his Young Lady as he didn’t even dare to
touch her with his hands.

However, what bewildered Yang Kai was the fact that the red-clothed girl
did nothing to counter Zhang Ruo Xi’s palm. After she fell down, she
simply stood back up, shook her head a few times and then stared at
Zhang Ruo Xi blankly.

It wasn’t until several moments later that she reacted, “You… hit me?”

She seemed to be in disbelief.

Then, all of a sudden, she became hysterical, as if Zhang Ruo Xi had

done something absolutely unforgivable. Her beautiful eyes turned red,
and her face twisted into a ferocious expression.

“How dare you hit me, you cheap slut!”

As soon as her words fell, the peals of wind and thunder sounded again
and her whip sliced through the air, flying viciously toward Zhang Ruo Xi.

Zhang Ruo Xi was also stunned. She’d attacked the young woman in
anger but didn’t expect her to just stand there and get hit! Moreover,
when her palm came into contact with this red-clothed girl, it felt as
though she had struck not a human body made of flesh, but a mass of

It was her first time encountering something like this, so she couldn’t help
but become slightly distracted.

She returned to her senses just before the whip landed. Gritting her
teeth, Zhang Ruuo Xi flickered and reappeared again before the red-
clothed girl. Her fair hands moved quickly, turning into countless
afterimages as she pushed her Source Qi and sent a rush of fists
towards the red-clothed girl.
Chapter 2534 - You Have Something Else To Say

The red-clothed girl was clearly a pampered Young Lady from a great
force. Although she was strong, she lacked actual combat experience.
The state of rage she was in made her lose any semblance of control
and she could now only lash her whip around haphazardly, completely
unable to draw out her full strength.

Zhang Ruo Xi had not participated in many battles, but in the twenty-odd
days she spent in Purple Mountain City, she’d fought countless life or
death battles in the arena. As such, she had far more experience than
the red-clothed girl.

Thus, their fight quickly became one-sided, with the red-clothed girl being
completely suppressed.

*Peng peng peng…*

Zhang Ruo Xi landed blow after blow on the red-clothed girl, each one
causing her to stagger and fall back, while none of her blows landed on
Zhang Ruo Xi.

However, even after receiving several dozen blows in rapid succession,

the red-clothed girl remained unhurt, and her fierce aura was not
diminished at all. However, the fight did make her extremely angry and
she was constantly yelling curses, her pretty face twisted into an
expression that made her look like a man-eating monster.

“A defensive Emperor Artifact!” Yang Kai’s eyes narrowed slightly, finally

understanding why the red-clothed young woman was not injured.

With every blow that Zhang Ruoxi landed, the red-clothed girl’s body
would flash with a faint gleam of light, which absorbed the impact of the

Such a powerful defensive ability could only be due to a defensive

Emperor Artifact. In other words, she was definitely wearing a powerful
Artifact Armour!
Emperor Treasures were rare, and defensive ones were even rarer. The
fact that this girl possessed one proved that her status was by no means

Although the red-clothed girl was not injured, she was battered and
exhausted by Zhang Ruo Xi. She was forced back repeatedly as she
continued to scream fiercely, “I’ll kill you, kill you, kill you…!”

After a while, she realized that she was not Zhang Ruo Xi’s opponent at
all though and shouted at Old Fu, “Why haven’t you killed her yet, Old

However, Old Fu was also suffering. Yang Kai had just countered his
Soul Technique, and although he wasn’t seriously injured by the
backlash, he could tell that Yang Kai was keeping an eye on him. Thus,
he didn’t dare to act rashly.

When he heard his Young Lady’s call, he could only gnash his teeth and
rush towards Zhang Ruo Xi. However, as soon as he moved, Yang Kai
appeared in front of him like a ghost and unleashed a palm in his
direction calmly as he stated, “You shouldn’t interfere in the fight
between the two young girls, Old Fu. An Elder shouldn’t bully his


Old Fu drew a sharp breath of cold air and forced himself to draw back.
Yang Kai’s palm seemed absolutely ordinary and undistinguished, yet it
brought him a sense of deadly danger.

He didn’t doubt that if it had landed, he would’ve been left half-dead.

[Who is this little brat?! How is he so powerful?]

Even though he wanted to save his Mistress, his eyes were filled with
anxiety and hesitation. There was nothing he could do now.

Meanwhile, Old Ban had long retreated to a corner of the house. He was
still holding Xiao Ling’er tightly in his arms, protecting her as he watched
the ongoing fight with a look of horror on his face.
Although he had lived in this desolated city all his life, he was only a
First-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator in the end. Now that he had
Xiao Ling’er to take care of, he was naturally afraid of provoking other
people’s anger.

But now, two young women and two Emperors Realm Masters were
facing off inside his house, causing him to feel dazed.

Both groups of people seemed to come from great backgrounds, neither

of which he could afford to provoke. Although he was grateful to Yang
Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi for their help, he dared not say a single word and
could only pray secretly for there to be no deaths.

*Peng peng peng…*

The red-clothed girl was forced to a corner by Zhang Ruo Xi’s attacks.
She was completely helpless, and all of the attacks she unleashed were
easily avoided by Zhang Ruo Xi. It was as though she had become a
sandbag, unable to do anything except passively accept the blows.

Fortunately, her defensive Emperor Artifact was extremely strong, and

Zhang Ruo Xi was attacking without murderous intent. Therefore,
although the red-clothed girl looked battered and exhausted, her life was
not at any risk.

However, being beaten like this really made her lose all face, and her
aggrieved eyes were red, either from anger or the urge to cry.

Old Fu was frightened by Yang Kai and couldn’t help his Young Lady
directly, so he gritted his teeth and shouted, “Junior, tell your little
companion to stop and apologize to my Young Lady, otherwise the two
of you will die!”

“You dare to threaten me?” Yang Kai coldly snorted, his chilly gaze
sweeping over to Old Fu, causing the latter’s heart to tremble and his
throat to bob nervously.

Old Fu calmed himself down and continued, “I’m warning you now, my
Young Lady’s identity is…”
Without waiting for him to finish, Yang Kai turned his head and shouted
to Zhang Ruo Xi, “She’s wearing a defensive Emperor Artifact, Ruo Xi.
It’s pointless for you to keep attacking her like this.”

Due to some unknown power, Old Fu felt a buzz in his head and became
unable to finish his words.

“A defensive Emperor Artifact?” Zhang Ruo Xi was enlightened by his

words. No wonder it felt like she had been hitting cotton the whole time. It
turned out that, like her, this red-clothed girl was being protected by an
Emperor Artifact!

“What should I do, then?” Zhang Ruo Xi stepped back and stopped

Although she was still angry, after being attacked so furiously for so long,
the red-clothed girl also looked pale. Anyone who had been beaten so
furiously without being able to hit back would be frightened, even if she
was being protected by an Emperor Artifact.

Her eyes, as she looked at Zhang Ruo Xi, were now full of fear. No one
had dared to defy her from when she was a child until now, and even if
she had asked for the stars in the sky, many people would clamour to
pick them for her!

She had never been hit by someone before, yet… today, in this
dilapidated stone house, in this desolate city, she was hit by Zhang Ruo
Xi over a hundred times.

Upon hearing Zhang Ruo Xi’s question, Yang Kai touched his chin and
said leisurely, “That Emperor Artifact may be powerful, but it cannot
protect every part of her body. Didn’t she say that she wanted to ruin
your face?”

Zhang Ruo Xi immediately nodded and said, “Ruo Xi understands!”

As she spoke, she coldly looked at the red-clothed girl, her beautiful eyes
sweeping up and down her face.
“You… What are you planning?!” As soon as she saw the malicious
intention in Zhang Ruo Xi’s gaze, the red-clothed girl’s eyes filled with
panic. She cried out and tried to step back, but how could she retreat
when there was only a wall behind her? The whip in her hands had long
fallen to the ground.

Old Fu’s face also turned pale with fright. According to Yang Kai’s words,
the other young woman was going to hit his Young Lady’s face. With his
Young Lady’s temper, he was afraid the whole Eastern Territory would
be shaken by her rage, so he shouted loudly, “Listen carefully, little brat,
my Young Lady is from…”

“I can’t hear you, I can’t hear you, I can’t hear you!!” Yang Kai shook his
head back and forth like a rattle, and once again, Old Fu’s words came
to an abrupt end as he was unable to finish. Old Fu immediately realized
that Yang Kai knew that their background was extraordinary and thus
didn’t want to know it, lest he regret his actions after knowing.

[How despicable and shameless!] Usually, even the strongest of

opponents would retreat in fear after learning the identity and
background of his Young Lady; however, because this brat was using
some strange power to seal his mouth, he was unable to reveal their

Yang Kai then coldly snorted, “Ruo Xi, if anyone here other than me
dares to say another word, slap that girl’s face!”

“Okay!” Naturally, Zhang Ruo Xi obeyed. Since it was Yang Kai’s order,
even if the person standing before her was the Heavens’ Jade Emperor,
she would still comply.

“You dare!” The red-clothed girl shouted.


With a crisp sound, the girl’s head whipped to the side, and a red palm
imprint appeared on her left cheek.

Dumbfounded, she covered her cheek with her hand and stared dazedly
at Zhang Ruo Xi. The burning pain on her cheek both terrified and
amazed her. It wasn’t until several moments later that she reacted, “You
actually dared to…”


This time, a red palm imprint appeared on her right cheek.

“Wa…” The red-clothed girl cried out as her tears streamed down like a
trail of glistening pearls, looking completely heartbroken.

Seeing this, Zhang Ruo Xi frowned and threatened, “Shut up! If you keep
crying, I’ll slap you again!”

These words seemed to carry infinite intimidation, because the red-

clothed girl abruptly stopped crying. However, her shoulders were still
shaking with sobs.

She was really scared of being beaten.

Zhang Ruo Xi coldly snorted, “I only slapped you twice, yet you’re
already crying like it’s the end of the world! Did you stop to think about
your own actions when you were hitting the old man? He only asked you
to wait two days! It’s not like he refused to guide you! Do you even know
how painful your whip is?!”

“Impudent little girl!” Old Fu couldn’t help but shout. How could he
possibly tolerate seeing his Young Lady be slapped and severely
berated by this little girl?

In response, Zhang Ruo Xi raised her hand and slapped the red-clothed
girl again.

“Sir said to hit you if anyone dares to speak. If you want to blame
someone, blame the person who just spoke.”

The red-clothed girl turned her head, her beautiful eyes erupting in rage
as she glared murderously at Old Fu.

“Urk…” Old Fu shrunk back under her glare, knowing that his Young
Lady would remember this and resent him for it.
Yang Kai laughed and looked at him, “Do you have something else to
say, old man? If so, this Young Master is all ears!”

Old Fu’s expression was frigid as he glared at Yang Kai, but he dared
not say a word.

Who was he kidding? His Young Lady would be slapped if he said a

single word. She already bore resentment against him for the first
incident, so if it happened again, he was afraid she would make it so he
wouldn’t be able to see the next dawn.

However, he had already failed his duty as the Young Lady’s guard,
because he was completely helpless as she was being bullied. Who
knew what kind of punishment would be awaiting him after they returned.

The predicament weighed down on his heart. He felt dizzy and sick, his
stomach tossing and turning like wine in a shaking jar. He wanted
nothing more than to faint right this instant. After all, what the eyes do not
see, the heart does not grieve.
Chapter 2535 - I Want Them Dead

“Do you really have nothing more to say, old man?” Yang Kai asked,

Old Fu’s expression was calm as he stayed silent. He was old and
experienced, so how could he fall for Yang Kai’s trick? His Young Lady
would be slapped if he spoke again.

Yang Kai turned back around and looked at the red-clothed girl, “What
about you? Do you have anything to say?”

Tears were still streaming down her face, stinging her burning red
cheeks. She didn’t dare to say anything, so she quickly shook her head
back and forth like a rattle.

“In that case…” Yang Kai’s expression suddenly sank, and he coldly
snorted, “Get out!”

To Old Fu, those words were like an amnesty. He didn’t dare to say
anything as he rushed to his Young Lady and enveloped her in his
Emperor Qi, grabbed her fallen whip, and bolted for the door.

However, just as he reached it, he turned his head and shot Yang Kai a
cold, hatred-filled glare.

He didn’t dare to voice a blatant threat because he knew he wasn’t Yang

Kai’s opponent, but he refused to leave in such a shameful manner.
Thus, he chose to leave him with a meaningful glare.

Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t stop them and only watched as they retreated.

After they disappeared, she made her way to the other side of the house,
squatted down, and looked at the girl named Xiao Ling’er, “Don’t be
afraid, Little Sister, we’ve chased the bad people away!”

Xiao Ling’er’s cheeks were stained with tears. Perhaps it was because
Zhang Ruo Xi had saved her and her Grandpa, but at this moment, she
wasn’t frightened at all. She stared wide-eyed at Zhang Ruo Xi,
seemingly curious about how this Elder Sister could be even more
amazing than her Grandpa.

Old Ban stood up shakingly and cupped his fists, saying, “Many thanks
to this Little Brother and Young Lady for your assistance. This old man
will be forever indebted!”

If Yang Kai and Zhang Ruoxi hadn’t come here today, he would
undoubtedly have no choice but to leave with the red-clothed girl. He
didn’t care about entering the Ancient Land as he was confident he
would be able to return safely, but how could he rest assured knowing
that Xiao Ling’er would be alone while sick?

“You are too polite, Elder. It was only natural for us to intervene,” Zhang
Ruo Xi smiled slightly, not taking credit.

Old Ban sighed and said, “This old man has implicated the two of you.
May I know the names of my great benefactors?”

Having lived in this desolated city for so long, he’d naturally developed a
keen eye for people. The red-clothed girl was undoubtedly of
extraordinary status, and his benefactors had offended her for his sake.
He was afraid the red-clothed girl would target them for revenge and felt
extremely apologetic.

Yang Kai slightly smiled and didn’t answer. Instead, he just said, “Elder,
Xiao Ling’er’s illness seems to be quite severe. It would be best to focus
on her recovery and then leave this place as soon as possible. We won’t
bother you any longer.”

As he spoke, he sent Zhang Ruo Xi a glance, signalling that it was time

to leave.

Although his main purpose for coming here was to ask Old Ban to guide
him into the Ancient Lands, he would have to abandon his original plan.
He couldn’t make the old man leave his sick granddaughter alone like
Furthermore, Yang Kai was confident that he would be able to enter the
Ancient Lands even without Old Ban’s guidance. There may just be
some more twists and turns on the road.

He would only be making things hard for Old Ban if he asked him to
guide them.

“Grandpa…” Xiao Ling’er suddenly called out in a weak voice.

Immediately afterwards, Old Ban shouted, “Please, wait!”

Yang Kai looked back at him.

“Little Brother, I presume you came to ask this old man to take you into
the Ancient Lands?”

Old Ban had no other friends or family, so this was the only reason
people visited him. It was what the red-clothed girl came for, and he had
no doubt Yang Kai was the same.

There was nothing to hide, so Yang Kai nodded, “Yes.”

“In that case, this old man shall ask the two of you to wait outside the
entrance of the Ancient Lands tomorrow. This old man will meet you
there and take you inside!”

Yang Kai raised his brows and said with a slight smile, “Many thanks for
your kind offer, but… You should take care of Xiao Ling’er first.”

Old Ban touched Ling’er’s head and replied, “This is what Xiao Ling’er
wants. I cannot disappoint her.”

Yang Kai frowned, “But if you lead me into the Ancient Lands, where will
Xiao Ling’er go?”

“I have lived here for many years and am not without connections.
Naturally, I know a safe place that Xiao Ling’er can go to.” He paused
and then continued, “This old man possesses nothing of value, and this
is all I can do to thank my two benefactors. I hope you will accept this,
Little Brother.”
At this point, it wouldn’t be appropriate for Yang Kai to keep refusing, so
he nodded, “Very well. I will thank you in advance, Old Ban. Ruo Xi and I
will be waiting for you tomorrow at the entrance.”

“Then it’s settled! Take care!” Old Ban cupped his fists and bowed

Just then, Xiao Ling’er suddenly called out to them, “Big Brother, Elder
Sister, be careful! I’ve heard Grandpa say that it’s very dangerous there.
You must come back alive!”

Zhang Ruo Xi smiled upon hearing her, “Okay! Xiao Ling’er also needs
to take good care of herself and grow up quickly!”

Xiao Ling’er nodded enthusiastically. Her face, which was pale from her
illness, blushing a little red.

After leaving Old Ban’s residence, Yang Kai took Zhang Ruo Xi and left
the city, heading straight in the direction of the Ancient Lands. They
found its entrance an hour later.

They searched for a quiet spot and sat down cross-legged, after which
Yang Kai took out the jade slip given to him by Pi San and studied the
map of the Ancient Lands carefully.

The Ancient Lands were filled with danger at every turn. There was no
lack of Monster Beasts and natural arrays, and even an Emperor Realm
Master could not guarantee their safety inside. Although Yang Kai was
strong, he was not arrogant enough to enter without making the proper

Furthermore, he intended to use this map to see if he could find Xiao

Xiao’s location.

Naturally, it would be best if he could find Xiao Xiao on the perimeter of

the Ancient Lands, but if not, he would have to venture into deeper, more
dangerous regions.

“Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill them all!” A hundred kilometres away from the
desolate city, on a deserted hillside, the red-clothed girl was seething.
Her face was twisted with anger and hatred as she cursed incessantly.

She had never suffered a single loss from when she was a child till now,
let alone get slapped in public.

Although she was terribly frightened at the time, so much that she lost
the courage to even speak, when she got to a safe place, the humiliation
and rage immediately surged forth. It was so suffocating that it almost
made her vomit blood.

She had to get revenge, no matter what!

She grit her teeth and continued to curse as she held her whip and
lashed at the two Third-Order Dao Source Realm guards over and over

These two cultivators were talented and had come from a powerful Sect.
In the outside world, they could be considered top experts. However,
facing the red-clothed girl’s whip, they didn’t dare to dodge or use their
Source Qi to resist. They could only clench their teeth and stay rooted in

The whip fell once more. Fresh blood flowed, and flesh tore open. Their
tattered clothes were already covered in blood.

There was also a burst of anger in their eyes. However, the anger was
not directed at their own Young Lady, but Yang Kai.

In their minds, they believed that if it weren’t for Yang Kai and Zhang
Ruo Xi, their Young Lady wouldn’t be beating them.

It was all Yang Kai’s fault.

Old Fu stood beside them, terrified that his Young Lady would also beat
him with a whip in her fury, and he didn’t dare to speak up.

If he, an Emperor Realm Master, was whipped by his weak Young Lady,
he would really lose all face.
Fortunately, his Young Lady seemed to be giving him some
consideration. Although she was angry to the point of losing her mind,
she didn’t punish him openly. Instead, her whip only fell on the two Third-
Order Dao Source Realm cultivators again and again, faster and harder
with each lash. They were in so much pain that they couldn’t help but
look at Old Fu for help.

However, Old Fu turned a blind eye, leaving them to howl miserably in

their hearts.

After venting for a long time, the girl finally seemed to be tired. Gasping
for breath, she fell to the ground. Her clothes were damp with sweat,
making her graceful body faintly visible.

However, no one dared to appreciate this beautiful scenery. Old Fu kept

his gaze downward, while the two guards were practically on the verge of
death. They stood there trembling and looked as though they could fall at
any moment.

“Old Fu, send a message back to the palace and tell them to quickly
send some people here!” The red-haired girl ordered suddenly.

Old Fu was startled, “What do you plan to do, Young Lady?”

The red-clothed girl sneered and responded, “What do I plan to do?

What do you think? Of course, I’m going to capture those two dogs. I’m
going to skin them, eat their meat, and drink their blood. I’m going to kill

“You mustn’t, Young Lady!”

“What? Am I supposed to expect you to avenge me? I know you’re too


Her words were humiliating but true. He didn’t dare to go up against

Yang Kai.

Even so, he advised, “Young Lady, Sir said that he permitted you to
leave this time so you can train your temperament. You cannot bully
others again using your status. If Sir were to hear the whole story, Young
Lady, you would never be let out of the palace again! Have you forgotten
what happened three years ago?”

As soon as Old Fu mentioned ‘what had happened three years ago’, the
red-clothed girl suddenly seemed to recall something and her face
immediately turned pale and filled with fear.

Three years ago, she ventured out just like this and made a small
mistake. She bullied several cultivators using her identity to get her way,
and the next day, she was caught by her father and was put under house
arrest for three years.

Three years, three whole years. It was truly torturous to be imprisoned

for three years, so close yet so far to the noise and prosperity of the
outside world.

Finally regaining her freedom wasn’t easy. If her father caught her again,
she was afraid three years of confinement would become thirty this time.
Chapter 2536 - Limited Intelligence

After being reminded by Old Fu, the red-clothed girl dared not mention
sending a message back to the palace again. She would be locked up
while that dog couple would remain unscathed.

The red-clothed girl’s eyes reddened with grievance, “Lord Father is

biased! He lets Big Brother leave the palace whenever he wants, and he
doesn’t even have to take guards with him! Lord Father doesn’t care if he
slaughters people or sets fires to cities, but when it comes to me, I have
to not only bring trash along but also abide by so many rules! Lord
Father is so unfair!”

She was filled with resentment and kept on yelling incessantly, but Old
Fu dared not agree to anything she said. His Sir possessed extraordinary
strength and ability. It was acceptable for the Young Lady to say such
things because she was his biological daughter, but if he were to agree
and his Sir found out… he would lose his life!

“What should I do then?!” The red-clothed girl stomped her foot. Not
being able to vent her anger made her feel uncomfortable all over.

It was impractical to ask the palace to send people over while relying on
these three good-for-nothings was impossible, but she couldn’t just let
this go. If she did, she was afraid she would no longer be able to sleep at
night! The humiliation would induce a lifelong nightmare, enough to leave
a severe psychological shadow in her heart!

Old Fu didn’t seem to have any ideas either as his expression twisted
into one of bitterness.

“Waste, you’re all a bunch of wastes!” The more she looked at Old Fu
and the two guards, the angrier she became, until she burst out, “This
Young Lady was bullied, yet you can’t do anything! What use do I even
have for you?!”

At this moment, Old Fu suddenly lit up as though he’d thought of

something, “Please calm your anger, Young Lady! This Old Master may
have thought of a good idea!”
“What? Hurry, let’s hear it! If it succeeds in crushing that dog couple and
helping this Young Lady get revenge, this Young Lady will reward you
handsomely and even put in a few good words for you in front of Lord

Old Fu chuckled, “Being able to accompany the Young Lady is already

the greatest honour this Old Master can have. There is no need for…”

“Stop dawdling and spit it out already!” The red-clothed girl interrupted
him impatiently.

Old Fu lightly coughed and said, “The power of the palace cannot be
mobilized, and this Old Master is not that little brat’s opponent. If the
Young Lady wants revenge, then we can only borrow the hands of

“Outsiders?” The red-clothed girl’s eyebrows wrinkled in confusion,


“This Old Master will have to inquire about that first and see who in the
vicinity can be of use to you, Young Lady.”

Upon hearing this, the red-clothed girl’s beautiful eyes suddenly

brightened and she urged anxiously, “Then what are you still waiting for?
When this Young Lady was still in the palace, those people were
practically tripping over each other while trying to please me! Now that
this Young Lady has a use for them, they definitely won’t refuse.”

“Yes, yes, it is an honour to be of use to the Young Lady! Who would

refuse?” Old Fu smiled, spewing flattery as he withdrew a communication
artifact from his Space Ring.

“Please allow this Old Master a few moments, Young Lady.”

He poured his Divine Sense into the communication artifact, which

emitted faint rays of light as it began to send out messages.

The red-clothed girl watched on eagerly with an expectant gaze. It

seemed as though she could already see Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi
being surrounded by a group of people, kneeling down, and begging her
for mercy… the thought of it made her incredibly happy.

Her heart was utterly ruthless. When the time came, she intended to
make Yang Kai kneel down and lick the dirt off her shoes. Then, she
would ruin the woman’s face, strip her naked, and throw her onto the
busiest street here.

[Anyone who dares to provoke this Young Lady will suffer the

“I have found someone!” Old Fu exclaimed after some time.

“Who is it?” she asked excitedly.

“Some time ago, many people from the Netherworld Sect entered the
Ancient Lands, including Elder Hua Fei Chen,” Old Fu replied.

“Hua Fei Chen?” The red-clothed girl raised her eyebrows, “The Second-
Order Emperor Realm Master who has a good relationship with you?”

“Yes, him!”

The red-clothed girl clapped her hands together, “Good! With Hua Fei
Chen on our side, that dog couple won’t be able to escape from my
palm! Old Fu, quickly, send a message to those Netherworld Sect people
and tell them to get out of the Ancient Lands. Just say that this Young
Lady has an order for him!”

“There is no need for that, Young Miss. We will be able to find him once
we enter the Ancient Lands,” Old Fu said.

Upon hearing that, she frowned, “Find him? Why?”

Old Fu couldn’t help but think that this little girl’s intelligence was limited.
How could she not even understand something so simple? If she were
someone else, he would’ve slapped her already for her foolishness.
However, since she was his Young Lady, he could only patiently explain,
“Young Lady, what do you think that dog couple’s purpose for going to
that old man is?”
The red-clothed girl looked at him blankly, “What?”

The corner of Old Fu’s mouth twitched. Still, he had to push down his
frustration and explained, “What was our purpose for going to see that
old man”?

“So he can guide us into the Ancient Lands!” The red-clothed girl
exclaimed, “Didn’t the people here say that he’s the best guide in the
entire city? Why else would this noble Young Lady go to that rundown
shack of his.”

After she said this, she seemed to have been hit with a great realization,
“That dog couple was also there to get the old man to take them into the
Ancient Lands!”

Old Fu was relieved. [Oh, thank Heavens, you finally figured it out.]

It wasn’t easy on his conscience, but he had to praise her, “As expected,
the Young Lady is bright and talented.”

The red-clothed girl coldly snorted, “Why did you have to make such a
simple matter sound so complicated? You could’ve just said that they’re
also going to enter the Ancient Lands!”

“Haha…” Old Fu forced a smile and then continued, “Since they are
going to enter the Ancient Land, we should dispose of them there to
avoid being found out.”

“Good!” The red-clothed girl nodded and waved a hand, “In that case,
let’s also enter the Ancient Lands. Old Fu, send that Hua Fei Chen a
message and tell him to cooperate with this Young Lady. After this is
over, they will be rewarded.”

“This subordinate will obey!” Old Fu hurriedly cupped his fists in


Thus, the group of four rushed towards the Ancient Lands.

An hour later, they reached the entrance of the canyon. Not far away,
Yang Kai, who was inspecting the jade slip, suddenly raised his head
and glanced in that direction.

“What is it, Sir?” Zhang Ruo Xi looked at him questioningly.

“It’s nothing,” Yang Kai responded, “Just that the domineering Young
Lady and her guards have entered the Ancient Lands.”

“Hmph!” An unhappy expression appeared on Zhang Ruo Xi’s face, “For

people like her who don’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth,
entering the Ancient Lands is no different from courting death!”

Yang Kai smiled slightly, “Although she is spoiled and tyrannical, I

believe she will survive the Ancient Lands.”

“Why are you defending her, Sir?” Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t help but pout.

“It’s not that I’m defending her, but her background is certainly
extraordinary. She must possess numerous treasures, so unless a great
incident happens, her life should not be in any danger,” Yang Kai

“An extraordinary background…” Zhang Ruoxi murmured, and she asked

suddenly, “Is that why you let them go so easily, Sir?”

Yang Kai nodded, “She and that Old Fu are nothing to worry about, but if
I really killed them, I’m afraid it would incur the wrath of some truly
powerful figures. Moreover, she didn’t kill anyone, so hopefully, she’ll
learn from this setback.”

“I doubt that’s possible, Sir,” Zhang Ruo Xi snorted.

Yang Kai glanced at her, then looked at the wine bottle in her hand, and
said, “Wild Wine is good, but don’t drink too quickly. Focus on feeling the
Wild Force, it’ll benefit you greatly once we enter the Ancient Lands.”

“Yes!” Zhang Ruo Xi replied softly. Perhaps it was due to the alcohol, but
her face was flushed, her eyes slightly wet, and her breathing a little
Suddenly, Yang Kai thought of something and reached into his Space
Ring, “By the way, this belongs to you.” He handed the item to her.

“The Space Spirit Jade! “Zhang Ruo Xi exclaimed softly.

“This is your family’s ancestral artifact, and it only reacts to you.

Previously, since your cultivation level was too low, I didn’t dare to give it
to you. Now, you have the ability to protect yourself. When you have the
time, sit down and probe its secrets. You may be able to discover the
secret behind your Bloodline Power.”

Zhang Ruo Xi accepted it solemnly. At that moment, the Space Spirit

Jade began to give off peculiar fluctuations and images of a magnificent
scenery appeared on its smooth surface.

Most of these images were of great rivers and spiritual mountains as

beautiful as brocade, and among them, there were numerous glorious
pavilions and towers. Countless rare Monster Beasts roamed the skies
and land, emitting extremely powerful auras that startled the birds and

Years ago, when Zhang Ruo Xi first touched the Space Spirit Jade,
these images had also appeared.

Now, seeing them appear again, they were both at a loss. Neither of
them knew what these images meant.

Yang Kai used to believe that this Space Spirit Jade was hiding a Space
Divine Ability. After all, someone had once used it to cultivate the Dao of
Space; however, he had probed into it many times and found nothing
special about it.

It seemed that due to some mysterious mechanism, it would only react in

Zhang Ruo Xi’s hands.

Suddenly, she raised her head and stared intensely into the Ancient

Yang Kai looked at her sceptically and quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”
It wasn’t until several moments later that Zhang Ruo Xi snapped out of
her daze and said, “Sir, something is calling out to me from there.”

“Calling out to you?” Yang Kai was slightly surprised. The place Zhang
Ruo Xi was looking at was the depths of the Ancient Lands, but what
could possibly be calling her from there?

Moreover, it happened just after she received the Space Spirit Jade.
Could the two be related?

“Are you sure?”

Zhang Ruo Xi frowned, then after a long silence, she shook her head,
“No. It was there for a moment, and now it’s gone.”

“There may be a connection between the Space Spirit Jade and the
Ancient Wild Lands. Maybe the jade originated from there. Inspect it
carefully again once we enter, and you may discover something.”
Chapter 2537 - Shrouded in a Strange Fog

The next day, Yang Kai suddenly opened his eyes and said in a low
voice, “He’s here!”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ruo Xi quickly put the Space Spirit Jade away,
then she stood up and focused her gaze forward.

A figure was running in their direction, constantly looking around, as

though looking for something.

Yang Kai sent out a sliver of Divine Sense to guide him, and the man
immediately felt it and ran over, soon arriving in front of them.

“I apologize for the wait, Little Brother,” Old Ban said.

“You are too polite, Old Ban,” Yang Kai replied, “We’ll be troubling you.”

Old Ban smiled, “Rest assured. With me as your guide, entering the
Ancient Lands safely is guaranteed!” When he said this, his face was
filled with confidence. It was a stark contrast from the submissiveness he
showed when he was beaten by the red-clothed girl the day before.

Yang Kai nodded to himself. Pi San was right to introduce Old Ban to

His cultivation level may be low, but Old Ban had undoubtedly mastered
a safe passage to and from the Ancient Lands, or at least understood
some of the patterns there. Otherwise, with his cultivation, he would not
be so confident.

“The two of you should refine this before we enter the Ancient Lands,”
Old Ban said, handing something to Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi.

Yang Kai took it and found that it was something similar to a Sound
Bead, but not exactly. Moreover, the workmanship was extremely rough.
It didn’t look like it was made by a professional Artifact Refiner, but rather
a random person with whatever materials they had.

“What is this?” Yang Kai looked at Old Ban questioningly.

“The Ancient Lands Passageway is shrouded in a strange fog that
interferes with one’s Divine Sense. It is easy to get lost if you enter
without guidance. This old man gathered some stones from the
passageway and created these Communication Beads. They can be
used to sense each other’s locations and will be unaffected by the
strange fog; however, the detection range is only one hundred metres,
so the two of you must follow me closely,” Old Ban explained.

Yang Kai nodded to express his understanding, “Good!”

Afterward, he and Zhang Ruo Xi began to refine the jade beads.

They weren’t difficult to refine, and after only a stick of incense’s worth of
time, they both finished. As they held them in the palms of their hands,
they could clearly sense the location of the other two jade beads. It was
extremely convenient.

Old Ban was right. With the help of these jade beads, it would be very
unlikely for him to lose Zhang Ruo Xi and Old Ban.

“Now that we’re ready, let’s go. Before we enter though, this old man
must remind you again that you must stay close to me! Otherwise, if you
get lost, it will be difficult to find your way out again.”

Old Ban solemnly warned Yang Kai to not be dependent on his

cultivation, even giving a special example, “Over thirty years ago, an
Emperor Realm Master got lost and remained in the strange fog for an
entire decade.”

“Ten years!” Yang Kai exclaimed in shock.

Old Ban nodded solemnly, “Indeed.”

“How come you know such specific details about it, Old Ban?” Zhang
Ruo Xi asked. She wasn’t doubting him, but just curious.

Even if an Emperor Realm Master was lost in the strange fog for ten
years, how would an outsider like Old Ban know? Even if he knew the
Ancient Lands Passageway like the palm of his hand, his cultivation level
wasn’t high enough for him to be able to observe a person for ten years
under the interference of the strange fog.

“Because in those ten years, I encountered that person many times in

the passageway. Every time, I would see her wandering aimlessly like a
ghost. I was almost injured by her multiple times, but thankfully, I was
able to run away,” he replied.

“What happened to that person in the end?” She asked nervously.

Old Ban shook his head, “I don’t know. Maybe she died somewhere
inside the passageway, or maybe she found an opportunity to escape
twenty years ago. Nonetheless, I never saw her again. She seemed to
have been trapped there for a long time, so her consciousness became a
little muddled.”

“How pitiful!” Zhang Ruo Xi sighed.

A woman, no matter how strong, was still a woman. How did she spend
those ten years, trapped and alone in the strange fog? Did she escape or
die in the end?

[What would become of me if I were to be trapped for ten years in this

strange fog?] Zhang Ruo Xi shuddered while thinking about it.

However, this was just an anecdote from the past that Old Ban
mentioned with the intent of warning Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi to be
careful, nothing more.

“Rest assured, Old Ban. We’ll stay beside you at all times,” Yang Kai

“Alright, then. Let’s go,” Old Ban nodded, waved his hand, and headed
towards the Ancient Lands Passageway.

Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi followed closely.

While they were waiting for Old Ban, Yang Kai had taken some time to
inspect the Ancient Lands Passageway. It appeared to be a large canyon
spanning over a dozen kilometres in width and an untold distance in
depth. Countless cultivators had entered, each one looking more
confident and energetic than the last, eager to go inside and hunt for
treasures. This included the red-clothed girl’s entourage.

For the first twenty kilometres or so, it was still relatively easy to see.
Even if there was some fog, it didn’t affect their vision. However, the
deeper they traveled, the thicker the fog became, and at around fifty
kilometres, they would no longer be able to see their fingers.

When Yang Kai tried to use his Divine Sense to probe around him, he
felt that he was trying to stretch an elastic piece of cotton. His Divine
Sense bounced back, so he couldn’t see any deeper into the fog.

Of course, he wasn’t surprised as he’d long known about this strange fog
that could turn many of the cultivators in the desolate city pale just at its

Old Ban moved like he was flying, without rest, and before long, they
reached the fifty-kilometre mark.

At this point, the strange fog took full effect.

Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly felt like they had plunged into the
bottomless deep sea. Their vision became dark, and even their Divine
Senses could only extend about ten metres from their bodies.

Yang Kai was shocked. [Nature really is uncanny. A normal person

would never be able to set up such a powerful restriction. If this strange
fog was placed around a Sect, it would undoubtedly be comparable to
one of the greatest Sect Defending Arrays. Anyone who dared to invade
would get completely lost in it.]

Although he was a First-Order Emperor Realm Master, his Divine Sense

was no worse than a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master’s. Yet, even
he couldn’t penetrate this strange fog.

How many people in the Star Boundary would be capable of prying into
the dangers and secrets of this strange fog?
Perhaps only a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master would be able to do

After stepping into the area of strange fog, Old Ban suddenly slowed
down his steps and quickly said, “Now, you must focus on the jade
beads and follow my location closely, so we don’t get separated.”

“Yes!” Behind him, Zhang Ruo Xi nodded repeatedly.

In fact, there was no need for another reminder. Yang Kai and Zhang
Ruo Xi had already grasped jade beads in their hands and poured their
Divine Sense inside as soon as they entered the strange fog.

This way, even though they couldn’t see in front of them and the range of
their Divine Sense was limited, they could still follow Old Ban.


An odd, creepy crunch sounded beneath their feet, as though they had
stepped on something and crushed it.

Curious, Yang Kai let out some Divine Sense to investigate. When he
saw what was beneath his feet, he couldn’t help but suck in a breath.

Because the ground here was covered with white bones from an untold
number of skeletons. Having been weathered for so long, they were
extremely brittle and immediately turned into dust when trodden upon.

Yang Kai quietly looked at Zhang Ruo Xi and saw that she didn’t seem to
be too scared. Although she looked a little nervous, it wasn’t fear, so he
was relieved.

She was quick to adapt.

Old Ban’s voice came from the front, “Through the ages, countless
heroes have died in the Ancient Lands Passageway. This place is almost
entirely paved with white bones. Their flesh and blood withered away,
but their skeletons remained here. Sometimes, their Souls find the
opportunity to continue on, possibly as a result of the bizarre
characteristics of this fog, making it easy for them to become Yin Souls.”
“Yin Souls!” Zhang Ruo Xi shuddered, goosebumps raising all over her

She wasn’t afraid of the bones on the ground, but the mention of the Yin
Souls frightened her greatly.

Old Ban continued, “They hide in this strange fog and come out to attack
people from time to time. As a matter of fact, they are one of the three
fatal dangers of the Ancient Lands Passageway. Regular Yin Souls
aside, it would be extremely troublesome if we encounter a Ghost
General or Ghost Lord. Not only that, but at the heart of the passageway,
there is a powerful Ghost King! It is said to be transformed from the Soul
of a dead Second-Order Emperor Realm Master. Anyone who has even
the slightest understanding of the passageway knows this and would
avoid the central region.”

As he was speaking, Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly cried out as though

frightened by something.

Immediate after, she unleashed her Source Qi and sent a fierce blow in a
certain direction.

The energy surged forth with terrifying momentum, and in that direction,
there was suddenly a shrill cry as sharp as a baby’s wail at night.

The instant she made a move, Yang Kai had sent out his Divine Sense
to investigate. He found at an unknown point in time, half a metre to her
right, a strange energy hidden within the fog which gathered into a
distorted face had approached her and was staring at her curiously.

But with Zhang Ruo Xi’s blow, the distorted face immediately became

Old Ban’s face changed, and he whispered, “A Yin Soul?”

He was the weakest in their group, so even if he sent out his Divine
Sense, he wouldn’t be able to tell what had happened to Zhang Ruo Xi,
so he could only ask Yang Kai.
Chapter 2538 - Falling Thunder

Upon hearing Old Ban’s question, Zhang Ruo Xi said in a trembling

voice, “I don’t know if it’s a Yin Soul, but it has no physical body… and it
seems to be very angry!”

“Ordinary attacks have no effect on them, so when it draws near, use a

Soul Attack. Don’t be afraid, Young Lady, with your cultivation, an
ordinary Yin Soul cannot harm you. Only the Ghosts with higher
cultivation, like a Ghost General or Ghost Lord, could pose a threat, so
you must remain calm and act accordingly!” Old Ban quickly told her. He
seemed to be quite familiar with encounters like this and knew how to
handle them.

Zhang Ruo Xi took a deep breath and spread out her Divine Sense,
paying attention to the movement of the Yin Soul.

It appeared that the Yin Soul was indeed enraged after being attacked.
Its distorted facial features became even more ferocious and twisted and
its semi-transparent body retreated slightly into the strange fog, then
rolled up into a chilling gust of wind and lunged at Zhang Ruo Xi.

Before it reached her, a sharp scream could be heard. It was not only
harsh but also contained a kind of strange Spiritual Energy that
threatened to tear through Zhang Ruo Xi’s Knowledge Sea defences.

However, after being warned by Old Ban, Zhang Ruo Xi was prepared.
Although her face was still a little pale, she didn’t make a sound, waiting
until the moment the Yin Soul was just a metre away from her before
suddenly releasing a burst of pure Spiritual Energy.

The Yin Soul’s semi-transparent body was like a water droplet that
bumped into a hard surface, suddenly splitting and disappearing with a
shrill scream.

“Ha…” Zhang Ruo Xi took a breath and slowly calmed down.

After killing a Yin Soul herself, she realized they weren’t that scary after
At the front, Old Ban reminded, “The Yin Souls here can be dealt with by
even this old man, so long as you can remain calm, Young Lady, they
are no threat at all. However, you may have noticed that in this bizarre
environment, the Yin Souls have cultivated a special ability which is quite
overwhelming. If you have a Soul type defensive artifact, you should
activate it for good measure.”

He didn’t tell Yang Kai such things because he knew that an Emperor
Realm Master didn’t need such precautions or warnings.

Zhang Ruo Xi stuck out her tongue, “I don’t have a Soul type artifact.”

She only had two artifacts on her body. One was the Pink Clouds
Phoenix Robe given to her by Divine Spirit Qiong Qi, and the other was
the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal from Yang Kai.

Hearing this, Old Ban didn’t say any more and focused on leading the

As they went, Yin Souls would appear from time to time to disturb them;
however, because Old Ban was familiar with the passageway, the paths
he chose were all quite safe, and they didn’t encounter any strong Yin
Souls. Naturally, none of the ones that did get in their way met with good

Rather than Yang Kai, it was Zhang Ruo Xi who handled all of them.
After half an hour, she became so familiar with killing them that she didn’t
even blink when she did so anymore.

Due to the interference of the strange fog, Yang Kai couldn’t tell where
they were; however, judging from Old Ban’s actions, they had taken a
path with many torturous twists and turns.

From time to time, Old Ban would stop to observe the nearby terrain and
then turn in a different direction entirely. Sometimes he would even stand
in one spot for a long time, doing nothing, and then move again several
moments later.

Yang Kai felt that his guess was right. The best guide in the entire city
had figured out a way to safely enter the Ancient Lands every time.
However, since it was Old Ban’s secret and also his only way to make a
living, Yang Kai didn’t probe into it.

Half a day later, Yang Kai had completely lost sense of where they were.
After Zhang Ruo Xi dealt with a Yin Soul, the leading Old Ban suddenly
halted. He lifted his nose and sniffed the air. Only the sound of light
breathing could be heard.

Yang Kai raised his brow, realizing that Old Ban had discovered
something, and released his Divine Sense so he could react quickly.

After sniffing the air for a while, Old Ban’s expression suddenly changed
and he shouted, “Follow me closely, and don’t fall behind a single step!”

As soon as the words left his lips, he sprinted forward.

Old Ban had been extremely cautious the entire time, never daring to
make any rash movements, but now, he was acting so frantically, so he
must have noticed some approaching danger.

Although Yang Kai wasn’t as experienced as Old Ban in this place, he

also felt an approaching sense of crisis. It seemed that something
dangerous was coming.

As an Emperor Realm Master, Yang Kai was extremely sensitive to

danger. Furthermore, it was obvious from Old Ban’s reaction that the
situation had gone awry.

Yang Kai quickly released his Emperor Qi to cover Zhang Ruo Xi,
stepped forward, and followed Old Ban closely.

Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t say a word, but the look on her face revealed her

The three quickly shuttled through the strange fog, and within ten breaths
of time, Old Ban stopped again and took in a breath. His body, which
was rushing forward, suddenly stopped. Then, with a slight shift of his
feet, he leapt back and shouted simultaneously, “Retreat!”
Yang Kai’s reaction was not slow. Although he had been right behind Old
Ban, he’d stepped back as soon as Old Ban moved.

Simultaneously, he locked his Divine Sense on an area in front of him to

scan for any changes.


Before Yang Kai could find out what was happening, explosive thunder
entered his ears and a purple bolt of light came crashing to the ground,
leaving a black pit about four metres wide. Everything in that region
turned into ashes.

Yang Kai let out a choked cry as wariness flashed through his eyes and
cold sweat poured down his forehead as he grit his teeth and muttered,
“Soul Extinguishing Divine Thunder!”

He was only curious about what would happen but never expected this
one bolt of falling thunder to completely cut off his thread of Divine

In the face of this falling thunder, his Divine Sense that was on par with a
Second-Order Emperor Realm was as akin to a baby’s fist. If it were an
ordinary person, they would be holding their heads and howling
miserably right now.

Although Yang Kai felt extremely uncomfortable, he had the Soul

Warming Lotus protecting him. A sense of coolness emerged from the
Soul Warming Lotus and infused into his mind, which greatly alleviated
his pain; therefore, although he still looked pale, it was not a big problem.

The location of the bolt of thunder was where Old Ban had been
standing. There was no doubt that if he hadn’t moved away at the last
moment, his Soul would’ve been extinguished.

It was truly curious how he was able to avoid dangerous situations at the
most crucial moments.

“Follow me!” Old Ban continued shouting.

Yang Kai didn’t dare to neglect his instructions and quickly followed.

After five breaths worth of time, there was another crackling sound
behind him, and the earth under his feet began to shake, as if thousands
of troops were trampling towards them.

Although Yang Kai couldn’t see what had happened behind him, he
could infer from the shocking movement that several bolts of purple
lightning had just fallen.

In his heart, he was becoming more and more impressed with Old Ban.

When Pi San told him to seek out Old Ban, Yang Kai had agreed but
regarded his advice casually. He’d believed that with his current strength,
entering the Ancient Lands without a guide would be no problem.

However, after this incident, Yang Kai realized that he had been treating
this place too lightly.

The strength of the thunderbolt just now was unimaginable, and if Old
Ban hadn’t helped him and Zhang Ruo Xi avoid it, Yang Kai was certain
it would be difficult to get past even with his current cultivation.

The thunder was so terrifying and erratic, while the strange fog could
entrap an Emperor Realm Master for over ten years.


The booms of purple lightning falling sounded from all directions, and
although the strange fog was obstructing his sight, Yang Kai could still
vaguely see the faint purple flashes in the mist, making for a truly
shocking sight.

They suddenly seemed to have entered a sea of thunder, surrounded by

crises. Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t dare to move at will and simply allowed Yang
Kai to envelop her with his Emperor Qi and carry her along.

In front of them, Old Ban’s movements seemed entirely irregular, but he

was able to somehow lead them to avoid all of the falling thunder.
He was like the most experienced sailor who could conquer the majestic
sea and witness the mesmerizing scenery of its deepest depths while
only operating a wooden boat.

All of a sudden, a scream came from nearby. It seemed that some

cultivator had been hit by falling thunder and was crying out for help

However, the voice stopped after just a moment, as if it was strangled by

the neck. One could imagine how that cultivator met their end.

The Yin Souls that used to be everywhere were all gone now.

Fortunately, with Old Ban guiding them, they were able to avoid every
bolt of thunder and safely travel through the fog.

After an unknown amount of time, the falling thunder became weaker

and weaker, until finally, it fell silent completely.

However, it wasn’t until several paces later that Old Ban finally stopped
and bent over, his face pale and bloodless as he gasped for air.

Yang Kai stood close behind him and used his Divine Sense to check
their surroundings for potential threats.

“Sir, are you okay?” Zhang Ruo Xi looked at him nervously.

Yang Kai had obviously been injured by the first bolt of thunder. At the
time, she didn’t dare to disturb him and only decided to ask after
determining that his condition had stabilized.

He motioned that he was alright, then he turned to Old Ban and asked,
“Old Ban, are we safe now?”

The fear of the Soul Extinguishing Divine Thunder still lingered in his
Chapter 2539 - Kekeke

Upon hearing Yang Kai’s question, Old Ban chuckled bitterly, “Safe?
This is just the beginning!”

Yang Kai’s face changed, “Could it be that the Soul Extinguishing


Old Ban shook his head, “We do not need to worry about it anymore.
Now that the thunder tide has passed, it will not happen again within this
one month. There will only be stray bolts here and there. What we need
to guard against now is… the Astral Wind!”

Previously, Pi San had warned Yang Kai about the three deadly dangers
of the Ancient Land Passageway, the strange fog, the thunder tide, and
the Astral Wind.

The strange fog existed everywhere in the passageway, and anyone who
wasn’t familiar with the path would easily get lost in it. As for the thunder,
Yang Kai had personally experienced its terrifying power when his Divine
Sense was easily cut off by a single bolt.

Since the Astral Wind was mentioned alongside the Falling Thunder, it
was undoubtedly something that couldn’t be looked down upon.

Moreover, Old Ban’s face was very grim at the moment, which only made
Yang Kai feel more apprehensive.

“How powerful is the Astral Wind?” Yang Kai asked in a low voice.

Old Ban responded, “In terms of direct lethality, the falling thunder is
much stronger; however, anyone who is familiar with this passageway
will tell you that they would rather face the thunder tide than the Astral

“Why is that?” Zhang Ruo Xi’s expression was blank with confusion.

“Because the Astral Wind does not stop. Although it is not

instantaneously lethal like the falling thunder, it is continuous. Passing
through it feels like your flesh is being shaved off by the sharpest of
artifacts and it can not only tear away at a cultivator’s physique but also
grind down their Soul. If one stays in the Astral Wind for a long time, they
will die a miserable death.”

Upon hearing this, she immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

It sounded like being attacked by the Astral Wind was like being cut by a
blunt knife over and over again, and the scariest thing was that it could
even grind down the Soul!

Old Ban continued solemnly, “Now that the thunder tide has passed, a
howling wind will sweep through the area. If we fail to find shelter within
the time it takes for a stick of incense to burn, we will die.”

“Astral Wind!” Yang Kai’s face sank. Although he had never heard of it
before, he could imagine what it was like, “Is there a shelter around

Old Ban looked around at their surroundings before quickly stating, “In
order to avoid the thunder tide earlier, this old man had to take some
unplanned turns; thus, I am not very familiar with this area, but if my
guess is right, this should be the heart of the passageway.”

“The heart…” Zhang Ruo Xi frowned, then suddenly, her expression

shifted, “Old Ban, didn’t you say that the core region is where…”

Before she could finish speaking, two dots of glowing red light shone out
from the distance. It was unobstructed by the strange fog, so they could
see it very clearly.

An extreme chill filled the air as a frigid domain enveloped Zhang Ruo Xi
and Old Ban, causing them to shiver.

“Ah…!” She cried out, as she had discovered that the glowing red dots
were actually a pair of eyes.

They seemed to be filled with unimaginable anger and seemed to be

pouring out blood. Just one glance at them was enough to petrify a
“The Ghost King!” Yang Kai murmured. Instead of looking away, he
unleashed his vast Spiritual Energy, which turned into a pure Soul Attack
and flew directly toward the Ghost King.

After the silent collision, his face slightly paled.

The red lights flashed with smugness as its power didn’t falter but
increased instead, and it suddenly charged forth, seemingly intent on
taking advantage of its victory to crush Yang Kai to dust.

Immediately, Yang Kai’s mind sank into chaos. He felt as though he had
plunged into Hell’s purgatory, surrounded by horrifying, hostile Ghosts.
Their strange calls filled their ears as they tried to bite and claw at him, to
seize him and drink his blood and eat his flesh.

They were truly disgusting, hideous, and terrible.

“Demon Eye of Annihilation!” Yang Kai no longer dared to hold back. His
right eye instantly turned golden in colour, shining with majestic
brilliance. From his golden pupil, a strange force flowed out, dispelling
the illusion and stabilizing his mind.

Not only that, but there was a strange attraction from his right eye, like a
bottomless abyss, that sought to pull the Ghost King inside and trap it


From the depths of the strange fog, a cold snort rang out. It seemed that
the Ghost King was a little angry because of Yang Kai’s counterattack
and a dark wind began to blow, causing the chill in the air to suddenly
intensify, physically freezing the earth around them.

Amidst the wailing, translucent ghost claws erupted from the earth and
grabbed at the three people’s ankles.

The changes happened almost instantaneously, and old Ban and Zhang
Ruo Xi weren’t strong enough to resist them, so as soon as the Ghost
King snorted, they fell into a state of confusion and seemed to lose
consciousness, simply staring forward without any other reaction.
Yang Kai reached out and lifted them up while shouting to the Ghost
King, “Ghost King, we are just escaping the thunder tide and passed
here by accident. We don’t mean to disturb you. Please allow us to

“Keke…” The Ghost King’s grating laughter resounded from all

directions, making it impossible to tell where it originated from. At the
same time, the two red lights in the fog disappeared.

The Ghost King had erased its presence.

The Yin Souls that had disappeared, due to the falling thunder, emerged
again and hid in the strange fog. They swarmed around Yang Kai’s
group, waiting for an opportunity to strike. The ghost claws that had
come out of the ground gradually solidified and continued to target Yang
Kai, but they all retreated with a hiss after coming into contact with his
Emperor Qi.

Yang Kai turned his head and stared in a certain direction and coldly
snorted, “I suggest that you don’t get complacent, Ghost King!”

With this, the Ghost King was completely enraged, and a huge ghost
claw suddenly emerged from the depths of the strange fog. It slashed
down on Yang Kai like a tall mountain, the claw itself seemingly sharp
enough to tear through space.

“You’re overestimating yourself!”

Yang Kai’s Spiritual Energy surged forth, and a column of light shot out
from his forehead. Instead of going upwards to meet the ghost claw, it
went in another direction, transforming into a long sabre that cut through
the air.

Soul Splitting Sabre, Heaven Severing Slash!

As the attack landed, a shrill wail sounded from within the strange fog.

At the same time, the huge ghost claw above Yang Kai’s head flickered
and disappeared, along with countless ghost hands rising up from under
the ground.
The Yin Souls gathered around them were stunned for a moment, and
then they screamed and scattered.

In the blink of an eye, their surroundings returned to peace, as though no

fight had happened at all.

Yang Kai knew that if it weren’t for this display of strength, the Ghost
King wouldn’t have retreated.

Moreover, the fact that his Secret Technique, Heaven Severing Slash,
executed with an attack from his Soul Emperor Artifact, had only injured
the Ghost King somewhat, was astounding.

As expected, this Ghost King hidden within the strange fog would be
difficult to deal with.

If it weren’t for their circumstances, Yang Kai wouldn’t have bothered to

waste so many words trying to negotiate; however, since they were amid
the strange fog, he really didn’t want to fight unless absolutely

As soon as the Ghost King retreated, Zhang Ruo Xi and Old Ban woke
up. Evidently, they understood what just happened to them and their
hearts pounded as cold sweat dripped down their foreheads.

“Time is running out. We must hurry!” Old Ban didn’t ask why the Ghost
King retreated and simply continued to lead the way.

The sound of the Astral Wind was approaching, and if they failed to find
a shelter by the time it arrived, they would certainly die.

Old Ban observed the landscape from time to time, occasionally

changing direction.

In the beginning, he seemed to be hesitant, unsure whether he was

going in the right direction, but after a while, he suddenly began to go
faster and no longer hesitated as much.
Seeing this, Yang Kai knew that he had found the right path again. After
all, Old Ban was so familiar with this place that even if they went off-track
for a while, it shouldn’t be difficult for him to return to the right path.

As time went by, a gentle breeze began to blow. It wasn’t strong, but it
made one’s skin sting, as though cut by a small knife.

But if this light breeze was already like this, one could only imagine how
painful the Astral Wind would be once he truly began to blow.

Both Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi could tell that Old Ban was right; the
Astral Wind was definitely a more terrible disaster than the thunder tide.

Although the falling thunder was deadly, it fell sporadically and was easy
to find a safe place to hide from. However, with the Astral Wind, the
entire passageway was a danger zone.

The wind gradually picked up. For Yang Kai, who had tough skin and
strong cultivation, it was still manageable; however, Zhang Ruo Xi and
Old Ban had to push their Source Qi to protect themselves from the
Astral Wind’s effects.

“Over there!” Old Ban suddenly exclaimed with joy, pointing in a certain
direction and immediately picking up his pace, “Hopefully, there is still
room there!”

Before Yang Kai understood what he meant by ‘room,’ he saw Old Ban’s
body flash and reappear where he had pointed.

Yang Kai quickly followed suit with Zhang Ruo Xi and found that the
place Old Ban had pointed at was actually a cave.

Strangely enough, everything seemed to be restored to normal upon

entering the cave. Their vision was perfectly restored, and even the
strange fog was gone. Only a faint whistling sound of the wind could be

Looking around, the cave was quite narrow and spanned about fifteen
metres in depth and would become crowded with ten people inside.
Before the arrival of Yang Kai and his group, six cultivators had already
taken shelter here. These people obviously knew about the Astral Wind,
so they found a safe haven early and hid in it, waiting for the storm to
Chapter 2540 - Why Me

The cultivations of the people in the cave ranged from First-Order Dao
Source Realm to the Third-Order. After determining that none of them
were Emperor Realm Masters, Yang Kai stopped paying them much

They also looked at Yang Kai when he entered and didn’t show much
reaction other than some bright eyes when Zhang Ruo Xi followed him

“Little Brother, Young Lady, come over here! There’s space here!” Old
Ban beckoned them over.

There was space in a corner where three people could sit down cross-
legged and quietly wait for the howling wind to pass.

The other people in the cave seemed to be acting alone, each of them
silent as a stone. The entire cave was quiet for some time as only the
sound of the wind outside could be heard, making it feel as though they
had plunged into the cold winter.

After a while, the wind grew louder and several more people rushed in
from the outside, taking up the rest of the place.

The cave was truly small, barely able to accommodate over ten people,
so the cultivators who came in later had no choice but to stand near the
cave entrance. They were all extremely nervous, praying that the Astral
Wind wouldn’t blow in, because they would be the first ones to suffer if it

“Old Ban, how long will the wind last?” Yang Kai observed for a while
and asked upon noticing that the wind was only growing stronger.

“It’s difficult to say. It could be over in just half a day, or it could take up
to six days to cease. The Astral Wind usually comes and goes without
pattern, although it always rages right after a thunder tide. You must
remember this for when you return from the Ancient Lands, Little
Brother,” Old Ban replied.
Yang Kai nodded, “Many thanks for your reminder, Old Ban!”

“However, you don’t have to worry too much. Although the Astral Wind is
fearsome, you can rest easy as long as you find a cave like this before it
arrives,” Old Ban continued with a smile.

Yang Kai raised his eyebrows, “You mean… there are other caves like
this in the passageway?”

“Naturally,” Old Ban nodded and continued, “The Ancient Lands

Passageway is enclosed on both sides, and numerous caves exist along
those cliff-faces. Don’t take this old man’s word for it, but I believe there
are always around ten spots to take in each shelter. Moreover, the caves
seem to have been formed naturally in this special environment, so
they’re extremely sturdy and can’t be destroyed by ordinary attacks. You
must find one before it’s too late, or there’ll be no more space left. We
were lucky this time. Every year, countless cultivators die in this
passageway because they can’t find shelter. Even if they do find one,
getting here before the Astral Wind starts is a whole other matter.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t help but stick out her tongue,
“No wonder when we got here, we saw so many bones at the entrance of
the cave.”

Old Ban shook his head and sighed, “No, not all of those corpses are
due to the Astral Wind. Most of them were caused by humans.”

She frowned, but before she could ask what he meant, he continued,
“You will see what this old man means soon, Young Lady.”

Although sceptical, she didn’t ask anymore.

Just then, a figure suddenly approached from the outside and rushed
fiercely towards the cave.

However, without waiting for the figure to draw near, a thin cultivator
standing by the entrance suddenly raised his hand and unleashed an
The figure didn’t show any weakness and returned the attack with his

A loud bang rang out in the next moment, and both cultivators remained
unmoved. They seemed to be equally matched.

In the next moment, a sorry figure landed at the entrance of the cave, his
eyes filled with hatred and impatience towards the man who was
blocking him from entering the cave.

“There is no space left here. Please go elsewhere, friend,” the skinny

cultivator coldly snorted and said with a displeased look.

“Where else can I go?” The newcomer gnashed his teeth. He had run all
the way here and looked like he had suffered a lot from the Astral Wind.
Evidently, his energy was rapidly depleting, as the protective halo around
his body was flickering. Now, he was being denied entry after finally
finding shelter, so naturally he was infuriated.

However, the thin cultivator wasn’t an easy opponent. If they really were
to start fighting, it would be impossible to tell who would win. The
newcomer was in no mood to do that when his most pressing concern
was finding shelter before the Astral Wind arrived with full force.

His gaze swept past the thin cultivator into the cave.

Since there were no spots, he just had to snatch one.

As a First-Order Dao Source Realm Master, Old Ban was one of the
weakest cultivators inside and was undoubtedly the easiest target.

However, before the newcomer could open his mouth to drive Old Ban
out, he suddenly noticed Yang Kai and frowned.

Although Yang Kai was just sitting cross-legged and didn’t release his
aura, he was still an Emperor Realm Master. The newcomer couldn’t see
through his cultivation, and Yang Kai and Old Ban were clearly
companions. Regardless of what Yang Kai’s cultivation really was, the
newcomer didn’t want to risk getting into more trouble.
With barely any hesitation, the newcomer’s eyes moved away from Old
Ban’s body to a different corner of the cave. He stretched out a finger
and shouted, “Boy, get out of here. I want your spot.”

He was pointing at a young man who looked to be in his early thirties.

The young man had been hiding in the dark and shrinking into himself
the entire time, as if he didn’t want anyone to notice his existence.

His cultivation, like Old Ban, was only First-Order Dao Source Realm.

Upon hearing the newcomer’s demand, the young man shuddered and
pretended that he didn’t hear anything.

The newcomer sneered seeing this, “I’ll give you three breaths of time to
get out. If you don’t, I’ll have no choice but drag you out myself. Whether
you live or die will be entirely up to you.”

Seeing that he had no choice, the young man raised his head and
wailed, “Why me? Why is it me?!”

He was the first to enter the cave after the thunder tide and had even
hidden deep inside to avoid encountering a situation like this, yet he was
still called out.

The Astral Wind was approaching, and there was no other place to take
shelter. If he went out now, he would surely die. The newcomer was
about two times stronger than him, so he wouldn’t be able to resist if it
turned into a fight. Therefore, despite his rage, the young man was also

The newcomer sneered, “A weakling like you shouldn’t have tried to

enter the Ancient Lands. However, since you did anyway, you should’ve
been prepared to die here! Now, scram!”

“I won’t! If I go out now, I’ll die! Don’t push me. If you do, I… I’ll self-
detonate and drag everyone here down with me!”

As soon as this threat came out, several people’s faces darkened. They
were evidently displeased with his threat; however, the stronger ones
didn’t mind at all. After all, even if this young man wanted to self-destruct,
he would need to find an opportunity first.

Out of the many people present in the cave, at least half of them could
subdue him if he actually tried to blow himself up.

“Hahaha!” The man burst out laughing and stared at the young man
mockingly, “If you want to self-destruct, go ahead! Let’s see if you can!”

He appeared confident and fearless, which made the young man panic.
The young man could only look around and plead, “Sirs, please help me!
I don’t want to go out and die. Please, Sirs, stand and uphold justice

As he spoke, he cupped his fists and held them against his chest, just
one step away from kneeling down to beg.

However, everyone here was a stranger, so who would bother to help

him in this type of situation? Thus, no one answered him.

Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t bear it and glanced at Yang Kai, but seeing that
he wasn’t going to respond either, she could only grit her teeth.

A look of impatience appeared on the newcomer’s face and he snapped,

“I’ll give you one last chance to get out yourself, otherwise… Don’t blame
me for using force!”

As the words fell, he reached out and grabbed the young man.

Although the cave was small and crowded, the newcomer was a Third-
Order Dao Source Realm Master, so he was able to grab the young man
without accidentally touching anyone else. Judging from his action, he
planned to just grab the young man and throw him out to make room for

The young man suddenly became dazed. Facing the attack of a Third-
Order Dao Source Realm Master, he had no way to defend at all, nor did
he really have the courage to detonate himself, so all he could do was
stand there and wait for his demise… Until, just then, there was a gleam,
and Source Qi burst forth.
With a slight grunt, the newcomer staggered back a few steps.

When he regained his balance, he was furious, “Who did that?! Who
dares to interfere in my business?!”

It was obvious that someone had stopped his attack just now, and their
cultivation was not low, otherwise, he wouldn’t have been pushed back.

His gaze swept over everyone in the cave before locking onto Zhang
Ruo Xi, then his expression changed, “It was you!”

“Yes, it was me!” She readily admitted.

The newcomer’s expression was a little ugly as he glared at her.

It wouldn’t be an issue if she had been alone, but this young woman was
together with Yang Kai. Once they began to fight, Yang Kai naturally
wouldn’t stand by. The newcomer was bound to eat a loss if he went
against the two of them with just himself.

Therefore, he pondered for a bit and then cupped his fists together, “The
Astral Wind is approaching, Young Lady. This one just wants to find
shelter from it and has no other choice. This one would be very grateful if
you could make an exception in this one’s favour, but if you insist on
meddling in this one’s business, then… this one will have to take
necessary countermeasures. Even a rabbit will bite if forced into a

Although he said this to Zhang Ruo Xi, he was looking at Yang Kai’s

However, to his disappointment, Yang Kai continued to sit silently without

showing any reaction, as if it had nothing to do with him. It made him
really uncertain whether Zhang Ruo Xi and Yang Kai were together.

“There’s no problem with wanting to find shelter, but it’s first come first
serve! There is no room left here. How could you try to drive someone
away? Your life may be precious, but are not other people’s lives as
well?” Zhang Ruo Xi looked at the man angrily.
In the past, the Zhang family was bullied because it was small and weak,
so she couldn’t stand this kind of wanton oppression. She had tried to
hold it in, but she just couldn’t.
Chapter 2541 - Great Waves Wash Away The Sand

The newcomer erupted with rage, “Must you insist on being a defender of
justice little girl? Have you stopped to consider whether it’s worth it? You
don’t know this person, do you? Do you intend to offend others for the
sake of a stranger?”

Zhang Ruo Xi snorted, “I don’t know whether it’s worth it or not, but I
can’t just sit still and watch it happen!”

“How unreasonable!” The anger of the newcomer was like an active

volcano, and it almost swallowed him up. [How unlucky! I just had to
encounter a meddlesome little girl like her when my life is at stake!]

On a regular day, he wouldn’t mind wasting a few words with her, but
right now, he didn’t have the luxury!

Just then, Yang Kai raised his head and looked at the newcomer and
said faintly, “The wind is getting stronger outside. I’m afraid you won’t be
able to find another place if you don’t go now, friend.”

The newcomer stared back with deep, hatred-filled eyes before turning
around and dashing out.

He didn’t even bother to spit out a threat, because he knew that if he

stayed to argue with Zhang Ruo Xi, he would miss the opportunity to find
another cave. Being exposed to the Astral Wind was lethal, but if he left
now, he would still have a chance to survive.

It was a gamble.

“Many thanks! This humble one will never forget what you did for me
today and will definitely return my gratitude in the future!” The young man
hiding in the deepest part of the cave cupped his fists and bowed over
and over again to Zhang Ruo Xi.

If Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t stand up for him just now, there was no doubt that
he would’ve been thrown out of the cave and left to die. Therefore, he
was very grateful to her.
She dismissed it with a smile and a wave of her hand, “Don’t mention it.”

Her smile seemed to light up the whole cave, and the young man
couldn’t help staring at her, stunned, while her face turned a little red
when she noticed. At the same time, she felt slightly annoyed.

Old Ban lightly coughed, “This old man admires your kind heart, Young
Lady, but… I’m afraid what you’ve done just now is pointless.”

“What?” Zhang Ruo Xi turned her head and looked at Old Ban with a
puzzled expression on her face.

The old man sighed, “As the time of the Astral Wind draws closer, more
and more cultivators will come and fight for a spot. You’ve managed to
drive one of them away, but will you be able to drive away all of them?”

As soon as his words fell, the sound of heavy breathing came from
outside the cave.

Following it, several cultivators who were escaping from the strange fog
rushed directly towards the cave. They were undoubtedly looking for

When they reached the entrance, they looked inside, and when they saw
that there was no space left, their faces turned dark. However, they
seemed to have expected this situation, because instead of stopping to
talk nonsense, they summoned their respective artifacts and unleashed
their strongest attacks.

Amidst the chaotic flashes of Source Qi, two distressed cries rang out.

Blood splashed, and the two cultivators standing closest to the entrance
fell before they could even react. The pungent smell immediately filled
the air.

Afterwards, the newcomers laughed and kicked the bodies aside.

“Give us some room if you don’t want to die!” They sneered.

As they spoke, their attacks rained down harder, causing the cultivators
near the entrance to cry out miserably and incessantly.

Zhang Ruo Xi was stunned upon realizing the truth behind the skeletons

It turned out that those people weren’t killed by the Astral Wind, but by
other cultivators. Every time the Astral Wind blew, they would fight to the
death for shelter, causing countless cultivators to fall over the years. It
wouldn’t be inaccurate to call this place a graveyard.

It was the case for this cave, and most likely for every other cave in the
passageway too.

Rather than simple competitions, the cultivators treated the battles as

deadly life-and-death duels, because they all knew that if they failed to
obtain shelter, they would die in the Astral Wind. Therefore, their attacks
were completely without mercy.

The scene at the entrance of the cave was one of a murky sky over dark
earth, with flying sand and rolling pebbles.

Streams of people came and went, attacking fiercely without saying a


The situation was extremely chaotic. From time to time, the screams of
the fallen would resonate through the cave. The ground was dyed red by
blood and dead bodies with severed limbs piled up at the entrance,
leaving a strong, nauseating smell of blood.

Only the extremely powerful Masters were able to survive the madness.
Those who lacked strength also lacked the qualifications to survive.

The Masters broke into the cave and forced their way inside. They
wanted to squeeze into the depths of the cave, because only then would
they truly be able to relax. If they stayed near the entrance, they would
have to face more latecomers.

Before long, the entire cave fell into complete chaos.

Soon, it spread to the inside of the cave, with different artifacts and
Secret Techniques flying loose, everyone seeming to be an enemy.

Yang Kai and his group were deep within the cave, but even so, they
couldn’t avoid the fighting. However, after Yang Kai killed two Third-
Order Dao Source Realm Masters who tried to attack Zhang Ruo Xi and
Old Ban with a wave of his hand, people instinctively began to avoid their
spot. Only then were they able to relax.

From time to time, the cultivators from the cave would be thrown out by
the more powerful newcomers. Soon, out of the ten people who were
inside originally, less than half remained.

The wind roared and grew stronger.

All of a sudden, the cultivators who failed to get inside the cave cried out.
Extremely frightened expressions appeared on their faces, and they
immediately rushed towards the cave without a care for their lives.
However, once again, they were blocked.

Then, in front of everyone’s eyes, countless slashes appeared on their

physiques that were exposed to the outside, as though made by invisible
knives. Their skin was peeled away, revealing their muscles and bones.

The screams were truly terrifying, and the scene gave the onlookers
goosebumps and caused cold sweat to begin dripping down their backs.

All of the cultivators hiding in the cave stepped back involuntarily

In less than ten breaths of time, the cultivators outside were turned into
skeletons, with no flesh or even clothing left on their bodies, their ghastly
bones scattered all over the ground, clattering and clanking.

It wasn’t until several moments later that Old Ban let out a sigh of relief
and said, “Now, we’re safe.”

The power of the Astral Wind had been fully revealed, so at this point,
the cultivators who failed to find shelter had also lost their chance at
survival. The Astral Wind would kill anyone caught outside, so no one
would intrude within the cave. In other words, the many cultivators inside
the cave no longer had to worry about having their spot taken.

It was strange to think that just a few moments ago, they were almost all
enemies fighting each other to the death, as though their opponent had
killed their family and stolen their wife.

But now, they were all relieved and immediately restrained their hostility.
After exchanging a glance, everyone just sat down cross-legged and
began to adjust their breathing.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Just now, the battle was to seize shelter, so naturally they had to fight
each other to the death, but now that the crisis was over, there was no
longer a need to fight. Everyone understood this.

Zhang Ruo Xi looked around, and when she failed to find the young man
she had saved before, she couldn’t help but sigh. There was no doubt
that he had been killed or thrown out at some point during the scuffle just

When Old Ban told her that what she had done was pointless, he was
telling the truth.

She could save the young man once, but not keep him safe forever.
One’s own strength was the only real capital one had to survive.

At present, there were more than a dozen people in this cave, and with
the exception of Old Ban, the rest were all either Second or Third-Order
Dao Realm. They were all latecomers with powerful auras.

The battle had exhausted a lot of them and they were all trying to recover
now, so the cave turned silent, save for the nerve-wracking sound of the
howling wind outside.

There was no sign of the Astral Wind dying down; rather, it only grew
louder and stronger.
Two hours later, Yang Kai, who was meditating, suddenly frowned and
looked toward the entrance of the cave.

He felt a faint and inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

At this moment, the cave was surrounded by strange fog and the howling
of the Astral Wind though, so even with his powerful Divine Sense, he
couldn’t tell what was going on outside.

As Yang Kai paid close attention to any movement outside the cave
though, a cry and a howl travelled inside from the depths of the strange
fog. Although it was distorted by the wind, everyone was able to hear it

Several pairs of eyes opened at once, turning in scepticism towards the


“Am I the only one who heard that…?” A cultivator near the entrance
asked, frowning.

“A Yin Soul!” Another other replied in a deep voice.

“Hmph, the Ancient Lands Passageway is filled with those, what’s so

strange about that? Who knows how many people have died here? It’s
the perfect breeding ground for Yin Souls.”

“Naturally, I understand that, but… Don’t you feel that the Yin Souls are
heading in our direction?” Asked the cultivator who had spoken first.

“Haha, how funny. When the Astral Wind comes, we’re not the only ones
who need to find shelter, the Yin Souls must also lie dormant in a secret
place. Why would they come here?”

“That’s right. This King has been here for several years, and never once
have I met a Yin Soul during the Astral Wind storm. You must be thinking
too much, my friend.”

“Indeed!” The first man thought about it and agreed that what they said
made sense, so he dismissed his concerns.
Chapter 2542 - No Way to Advance or Retreat

The cultivators’ conversation naturally entered Yang Kai’s ears; however,

instead of feeling reassured, he became more vigilant and asked quietly,
“Is it true that Yin Souls don’t come out when the wind blows, Old Ban?”

“Generally, yes. It’s because the Astral Wind is so powerful that not even
the Yin Souls here can resist it and are likely to be blown away,” Old Ban
paused and continued, “However…”


“It’s not absolutely true all the time. The Yin Souls do not come out not
because they can’t, but because they choose not to. This old man has
only seen them come out once during such a time, so it’s very rare. Little
Brother, you can rest…”

All of a sudden, Old Ban stopped talking and stared at the entrance of
the cave with a look of utter horror. There, he saw ten semi-transparent
figures bursting out from the strange fog.

The figures were humanoid but somewhat distorted, making it hard for
one to discern their true form.

However, no matter what they were, the cold and violent auras around
their bodies were unmistakable.

As soon as they left the strange fog, one by one, their blurry facial
features became ferocious and terrifying, as though they were looking for
someone to bite.

“Damn it, they’re here! Whose big mouth was it that jinxed us?!”

“Be careful, everyone!”

At the entrance of the cave, several cultivators shouted and sprung to

their feet, preparing to fight. As soon as these Yin Souls rushed in, they
would be the ones to bear the brunt of the attack with no way to advance
or retreat. Thus, they could only choose to fight.
In an instant, flashes of light from summoned artifacts appeared one
after another and rushed toward the Yin Souls.

Naturally, none of the cultivators who attacked were weak. If they were,
they wouldn’t have gotten a spot in the cave; however, when their
attacks fell, the Yin Souls were hardly affected, their bodies faltered for a
moment, but none of them died.

“Damn it… they’re all at the Ghost General level!” Someone exclaimed,
their face paling.

Yin Souls also had a hierarchy, from Ordinary Ghost to Ghost Generals,
Lords, and finally, Kings. Naturally, each one was stronger than the last.

Ordinary Ghosts were so weak that even Old Ban could deal with them
easily, but if a Ghost General or Ghost Lord appeared, Old Ban would be
completely helpless. As for the Ghost King they had encountered
previously, it was essentially the overlord of the Ancient Lands
Passageway and not even an Emperor Realm Master would dare to look
down on it.

Previously, Old Ban and Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t resist it at all. If it weren’t
for Yang Kai’s protection, they would’ve died right there and then.

Therefore, when the cultivators inside the cave heard that the Yin Souls
were at the Ghost General level, their faces changed greatly and every
single one of them could feel the danger they were in.

None of the attacks that landed on the Ghost Generals caused fatal
damage. They merely paused before charging forward even more

However, the cultivators at the entrance were clearly veterans who knew
how to deal with these Yin Souls. They all stood there calmly, prepared
and with heavy expressions on their faces, before suddenly releasing
Soul Attacks one by one.

The invisible attacks landed fiercely on the Ghost Generals’ bodies.

The majority of the Ghost Generals wailed and were wiped out in an
instant, while the surviving ones flickered dimly. They were obviously
injured, but since they couldn’t feel the pain, they still lunged forth while
baring their teeth and brandishing their claws.

There was another outbreak of Spiritual Energy, and the rest of the
Ghost Generals suffered the same fate as their former companions.

Seeing this, several cultivators at the entrance of the cave breathed out a
sigh of relief. Although they were not afraid of these Ghost Generals
because of their cultivation, they were now avoiding the Astral Wind and
naturally didn’t wish for any more unexpected developments. Fortunately,
there were not many of these Ghost Generals, so they could still be
easily eliminated.

“There are more!” Yang Kai suddenly turned solemn and warned.

“What?” The faces of those people at the entrance of the cave changed,
but before they could ask anything more, they saw first-hand what Yang
Kai meant.

From the strange fog, another group of Ghost Generals rushed out, each
one having the same ferocious aura as the last group.

*Xiu xiu xiu…*

More and more Yin Souls poured in, but this time, their auras were
mixed. Some were Ordinary Ghosts while others were Ghost Generals,
and there were even a few Ghost Lords in their midst!

In the blink of an eye, the entire cave was surrounded by Yin Souls.
There were so many of them that the cultivators felt as though they had
fallen into the Netherworld.


Someone gulped as everyone was looking at the entrance of the cave

with a dark and uneasy expression.

“How… How can this be?”

“Why are so many Yin Souls coming out when there is still the Astral

“What the hell is going on here?!”

“Just shut up and start killing if you don’t want to die!”

The cultivators who had just settled down cried out in alarm again. They
couldn’t believe what they saw and in that moment of hesitation, the Yin
Souls launched a new wave of attacks.

The few people at the entrance of the cave had no choice but to push
their Spiritual Energy and Source Qi madly to help them kill off the
invading Yin Souls.

Shrill screams rang out one after another, and one by one, the Yin Souls
disappeared; however, their numbers seemed to be endless. The
cultivators at the entrance fought for quite some time, but although their
attacks were effective, the number of Yin Souls wasn’t decreasing at all.
Rather, it was increasing.

Such a situation made them desperate!

The most effective way to kill a Yin Soul was to wait until they drew close
and then use a burst of potent Spiritual Energy to scatter them. However,
Spiritual Energy was not inexhaustible. Every time an attack was used, a
lot would be consumed, and once one’s Spiritual Energy was exhausted,
they would only be able to wait for death.

Moreover, excessive use of Spiritual Energy was likely to damage the

foundations of one’s Soul, which was something no cultivator desired.

Within the time it took to brew a cup of tea, the group at the entrance of
the cave was already pale and soaked in cold sweat. It was evident that
they had exhausted their Spiritual Energy reserves.

“Hey, brothers in the back, could you lend a hand? I can’t hold on for
much longer.”
“That’s right, hurry and come help us! If we die, the next wave will be up
to you. You can’t hide back there forever!”

“Can someone replace me for a while? I want to take a rest. My Spiritual

Energy is almost exhausted. This one would be endlessly grateful.”


Inside the cave.

The remaining nine people in the back watched on with heavy

expressions. Although they knew that the cultivators at the entrance
were right, who would dare to go up and take their place in this time of
crisis? What if they went up and no one dared to take their place once
their Knowledge Sea was exhausted? How miserable would their death
be then?

It was every man for himself; therefore, although their expressions were
grim, none of the people inside the cave said anything, let alone step
forward to replace the cultivators at the entrance.

“Old Ban, you don’t think it’s…” Yang Kai suddenly looked at Old Ban
and asked quietly.

It only took a moment for Old Ban to understand what Yang Kai meant
and he nodded slightly, “It’s possible.”

Generally, Yin Souls would not appear during the Astral Wind period, so
the situation now was quite strange. Moreover, judging from the way the
Yin Souls were moving and staring into the cave, it seemed that they
bore a grudge against a single person.

This reminded Yang Kai of the Ghost King!

The Ghost King had suffered a loss at Yang Kai’s hands, so perhaps this
incident was related to that. Since the Ghost King wasn’t Yang Kai’s
opponent, it decided to take advantage of this opportunity to mobilize the
Yin Souls in the passageway in order to wear down Yang Kai.
However, despite knowing the truth, he had no way to escape. If the Yin
Souls continued attacking, they would reach him sooner or later.

If so, then Yang Kai was the culprit, and everyone else was simply
implicated because of him.

Just as Yang Kai and Old Ban were communicating secretly, a man
inside the cave suddenly stood up and shouted, “Everyone, at this time
of life or death, we have to work together if we want to survive!”

“Exactly! We need to work together! This wonderful Brother has such a

profound sense of justice! Hurry and help me fight for a while! This one
will thank you with twenty million Source Crystals after this!” A Third-
Order Dao Source Realm Master hurriedly responded. He was pale and
barely hanging on. He almost couldn’t resist pulling the one who spoke
over so he could finally rest.

The one who spoke looked at him and said, “Please wait a moment,
friend. This one will discuss with the others. It won’t be long.”

“What? We’ll die if you do that!”

“Hmph, we’re over here fighting with our lives on the line, while you are in
the back relaxing. Do you think we’ll just let that happen? If you people
don’t come and help, then don’t blame us for ‘accidentally’ letting some
Yin Souls inside!”

“That’s right! If we’re going to die, then we’ll drag you all down with us!”

“Please be patient and allow this one thirty breaths of time to come up
with a satisfactory plan!” The man inside the cave said.

As soon as his words fell, the cultivators at the entrance stopped

clamouring. The man’s words sounded sincere, and they also wanted to
see how he would deal with this.

Moreover, holding on for thirty more breaths of time was not hard to do.

Seeing that they had no objections, the man cupped his fists and said,
“He Feng from the Qi Family Fort greets fellow cultivators!”
“Qi Family Fort!” Yang Kai was startled and he turned to look at He Feng,
coincidentally meeting his gaze.

Qi He Feng smiled at him, while Yang Kai couldn’t help but snort.

[Does he recognize me?]

[If he does, he wouldn’t be smiling like that.]

“So, it turns out that you’re from Qi Family Fort! I have long admired your

As soon as Qi He Feng reported his background, several people

revealed looks of approval; after all, Qi Family Fort was a great force that
existed near the Ancient Lands, so it held some prestige here.

Qi He Feng didn’t waste any words and went straight to the point, “I
believe our current situation is clear to all. If the friends at the entrance
were to exhaust their Spiritual Energy and fall, the attacks would fall on
us next. It seems that there is no end to this wave of Yin Souls, and if
they continue to pour in here, this Qi reckons only a handful of us will be
able to survive.”

“Thus, this Qi would like to ask you all to set aside your personal
opinions, cooperate sincerely, and fight together. Only then will we have
a chance of surviving!”
Chapter 2543 - Joining Hands to Defeat the Enemy

“Moreover, there just happens to be twelve of us here. The opening is

only wide enough to accommodate about four people standing side by
side. This Qi suggests that we divide into three groups, and each one will
take turns defending the cave for a stick of incense’s worth of time, and
then switch out again.”

“This will allow each group to rest for about half an hour, which is enough
time to recover almost completely.”

“Try to kill the Yin Souls if possible, and block them if not. As soon as the
Astral Wind ends, we won’t have to entangle with them any longer. We
can escape the cave and thus survive.”

“However, in order for this to happen, we must join hands and trust each
other without harboring any other intentions.”

“That is this Qi’s proposal. What does everyone think?” Qi He Feng

finished, glancing around at the other cultivators.

The four cultivators defending the cave naturally didn’t have any
objections; after all, they had been fighting for so long and wanted
nothing more than to rest. As they shouted their agreement and nodded
repeatedly, they almost couldn’t resist retreating immediately.

Although it was hard for them to see each other’s expressions, every
sensible cultivator inside the cave knew that Qi He Feng was right. The
only way to survive and escape this crisis was to join hands and fight

Thus, after a moment of silence, someone said, “Brother Qi is right. I




One by one, the cultivators nodded and agreed. Before long, a general
consensus was reached.
Qi He Feng turned to look at Yang Kai, as though he was seeking his
agreement. Yang Kai smiled, “Let’s do as you proposed.”

Qi He Feng turned back with a solemn expression, “Since no one has

any objections, let’s begin; however, this Qi will be blunt and say right
now that no mistakes can be made during this. If anyone dares to hold
back or do anything else that could sabotage us, this Qi, as well as
everyone else here, will not show any mercy.”

“As it should be!”

Soon, under Qi He Feng’s guidance, the remaining eight people were

divided into two groups.

He seemed to have noticed that Yang Kai, Zhang Ruo Xi, and Old Ban
were together, so instead of separating the three, he asked a Second-
Order Dao Source Realm Master to join them and take the third shift.

After making the groups, Qi He Feng moved toward the entrance with his

The original four cultivators at the entrance quickly retreated and moved
out of the way.

Qi He Feng and his group were soon engaged with the Yin Souls, and
the fight was in full swing. The original four cultivators pulled out pills and
sat down to restore their energy.

They only had half an hour, so they had to make the most of their time.

Qi He Feng’s group cooperated well overall. Under the brilliance of their

respective Secret Techniques and artifacts, the Yin Souls were
constantly beaten back and killed.

As they watched on, the other cultivators were even more convinced that
they had made the right decision to follow Qi He Feng’s proposal.

If they managed to survive this trip, Qi He Feng would undoubtedly be

known as a great hero. If he hadn’t stood forth and proposed this plan,
the twelve people in the cave would’ve likely turned into scattered

Qi He Fen’s group fought nonstop for some time, and although the
energy consumption was great, they were able to pull through without
falling into danger.

Seeing that their turn was approaching, Yang Kai got up slowly and said
in a soft voice, “Old Ban, just hide behind me and deal with the ones that
slip through.”

Upon hearing this, Old Ban didn’t say much and only nodded.

As a First-Order Dao Source Realm, he was the weakest in the cave.

Moreover, he was old, so he wouldn’t even be able to survive if he had to
face ten or twenty Ordinary Ghosts, let alone these Ghost Generals.

He knew how strong Yang Kai was as he could deal with even the Ghost
King, let alone its subordinates. There was no need to refuse Yang Kai’s

Yang Kai’s movements seemed leisurely, but it took only an instant for
his group to replace Qi He Feng’s.

A brilliant light burst from Zhang Ruo Xi’s hand as extremely rich and
pure Spiritual Energy turned into an invisible blade that swept through
the entire scene like a divine weapon, cutting down every Yin Soul
before her as though they were nothing but straw.

The Second-Order Source Realm Master who was with them turned to
look at her in amazement. Only then did he realize how powerful this
beautiful girl was, and for a second, he felt both fear and respect. Then,
he felt a stab to his self-esteem and clenched his teeth, releasing his
Spiritual Energy and fighting to the best of his abilities so as not to be

Yang Kai’s performance was not as exaggerated as Zhang Ruo Xi’s, but
every time he used his Spiritual Energy, he would inconspicuously
eliminate a large area of Yin Souls, most of whom were hidden in the
strange fog, so no matter how much noise they made, no one noticed.
Occasionally, he would deliberately let one or two Yin Souls pass for Old
Ban to deal with.

It wasn’t for the sake of Old Ban’s self-esteem, but because the other
cultivators were working so hard and sincerely that it would seem
unreasonable for Old Ban to be doing nothing.

One or two Yin Souls were easy to deal with and didn’t pose any threat.

As soon as Yang Kai took over the defence, the situation changed

Previously, no matter which group was at the entrance, their vision would
be filled with endless Yin Souls. More would appear as they were killed,
which made them feel desperate.

But this time, with Zhang Ruo Xi killing at the front and Yang Kai cutting
off the Yin Souls’ reinforcements in the rear, the situation at the entrance
became much better in just ten breaths of time.

The number of Yin Souls had obviously reduced, giving one the illusion
that the disaster would pass soon.

Seeing this, the eight resting cultivators couldn’t help but perk up. It was
as though they had seen a glimmer of hope in the fog.

After another stick of incense’s worth of time, without Yang Kai’s having
to call out, the first group stood up and stepped forth to replace them.

By now, no one was thinking about their own benefits. Everyone knew
that if they wanted to survive, they would have to cooperate with each

However, after the first group took over, they discovered that the
overwhelming number of Yin Souls had been restored and were quite

Like this, the twelve people in the cave worked together in an orderly
manner, constantly resisting the invasion of the Yin Souls.
A day passed and everyone’s expressions gradually turned sombre. This
was because they had discovered that even after an entire day, the Yin
Souls showed no intention of retreating, and continued to invade.

Most of the cultivators were injured now, and although no one had
suffered fatal injuries, it would become a problem if they weren’t treated

Only Yang Kai’s group of four, because of his secret protection, was still

The reason for the injuries was due to the excessive and long-term
consumption of Spiritual Energy. Although they were given time to rest
and consumed numerous pills, the fatigue couldn’t be entirely dispelled.

Moreover, there was something even worse; they were running out of the
Spirit Pills that could restore Spiritual Energy!

If they ran out of pills, they would no longer be able to replenish their
Spiritual Energy, and if the Astral Wind didn’t calm down by then, only
death awaited them.

Qi He Feng even took the initiative to distribute his spare Spirit Pills, but
it was still just a drop in the bucket and didn’t play a big role.

Half a day later, the situation grew worse.

The atmosphere inside the cave was dark and gloomy, with people
constantly shouting and swearing to vent their anger.

Qi He Feng’s brows are furrowed, but he couldn’t think of a way to save

the situation.

He could only look at Yang Kai, his eyes full of helplessness.

Yang Kai glanced at him and snorted. Although he felt some displeasure,
the situation had reached a point where he could no longer remain
After telling Old Ban and Zhang Ruo Xi to stay where they were, he
slowly got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave step by step.

The others looked at him curiously, not knowing what he was going to

At the entrance of the cave, Yang Kai took a breath, and with a flick of
his wrist, his Myriad Sword appeared and his aura suddenly erupted.


The entire cave seemed to tremble.


“An Emperor Realm Master!”

“There was an Emperor here all along?!”

All eyes turned to Yang Kai, who was standing at the entrance. The
stalwart back now suddenly had a brave and heroic air about it, and even
the group at the entrance stopped and turned around to stare at him.

Although Yang Kai performed well before, he didn’t unleash his full
might, and the other cultivators were too worried about their own lives to
pay him much heed.

It was only at this moment that they realized Yang Kai was actually an
Emperor Realm Master!

No wonder! No wonder the three cultivators in his group were completely

unharmed! No wonder every time it was their turn, the number of Yin
Souls would become scarce. They’d thought it was strange before but
didn’t dwell on it. Now, they understood!

“Haha, we’re saved! We’re saved!”

“Damn, I thought I would die here this time. It seems the Heavens still
don’t want me to visit yet.”

“Sir, please hurry and give those Yin Souls a good bashing!”
At this time, everyone was shouting and cheering. They seemed to
believe that the Yin Souls would all disappear as long as Yang Kai acted.
Chapter 2544 - Wrinkly-faced Man

Qi He Feng said solemnly, “Many thanks, Sir.”

Although Yang Kai’s hand had been forced, it didn’t change the fact that
he would become everyone’s life-saving benefactor if he managed to
beat back all of these Yin Souls; therefore, it was natural for Qi He Feng
to thank him.

“You guys should move to the rear,” Yang Kai said as his body flickered
and appeared before the group defending the entrance.

Without saying a word, the four cultivators immediately stepped back and
retreated behind him.

As soon as they retreated, countless Yin Souls roared and rushed

forward madly. Each one looked so ferocious that it made the other
cultivators sweat for Yang Kai, worried if he would be able to stop them

An Emperor Realm Master was indeed strong, but he had been fighting
and consuming energy for a day and a half already just like the rest of

Now that he had become their only hope, it was only natural that no one
wanted to see him have an accident.

However, in front of everyone’s eyes, Yang Kai was as steady as a

mountain and didn’t move until the Yin Souls were almost upon him. At
the last moment, his Spiritual Energy suddenly burst out like a tsunami.


It seemed like an invisible wall in front of Yang Kai suddenly formed,

deflecting all of the Yin Souls and preventing them from getting closer.
Moreover, under some invisible pressure, the Yin Souls disintegrated at
an astonishing speed, and several shrill cries rang out.

It was like watching snowflakes under the scorching sun. Wherever the
sun passed, the snowflakes melted away.
This was not the end. The Myriads Sword in Yang Kai’s hand swept out,
the fierce attack rising and spreading all around like the light of the moon
and stars.

A large number of Yin Souls was wiped out yet again.

Although this kind of attack was not as effective as one using Divine
Sense, Yang Kai was an Emperor Realm Master, and his Myriads Sword
was also an Emperor Artifact, so it was impossible for the results to be

The lowest level of Yin Souls and even the Ghost Generals were
reduced to dust as soon as they came into contact with his sword wave.
Some of the more powerful Ghost Lords were barely able to hang on to
their lives, but they were still pushed to the edge.

Seeing this scene, the morale of the cultivators inside the cave rose
greatly and the despair in their eyes vanished, replaced by incomparable

“You don’t look very well, my friend,” Qi He Feng suddenly turned his
head and asked a wrinkly-faced man beside him, his face full of concern,
“Are your injuries severe?”

When he heard this, a look of panic flashed in the wrinkly-faced man’s

eyes. However, he soon covered it up and said, “Many thanks for your
concern, Brother Qi. My injuries are not severe. Simply getting some rest
will do.”

“That’s good. With this Sir’s help, we will be able to escape this crisis
safely. He is no doubt our saviour.”

The man didn’t know what Qi He Feng was getting at and felt uneasy,
but even so, he could only smile and nod, “Indeed.”

“Which Sect are you from, friend?” Qi He Feng continued to ask.

“I don’t belong to a Sect. I’m a lone wanderer,” the wrinkly-faced man

Qi He Feng raised his brow, “You must be quite talented, to be able to
cultivate to the Third-Order Dao Source Realm with only your own effort.
Are you interested in joining the Qi Family Fort?”

“I am honoured by Brother Qi’s offer, but I’m used to being free. I don’t
wish to join any great forces yet.”

“Very well.” After that, Qi He Feng stopped talking and turned his head to
watch Yang Kai.

The wrinkly-faced man frowned slightly and shot Qi He Feng a furtive

glance. His expression had been normal, and it seemed that he had just
been making casual conversation, so the wrinkly-faced man sighed in

At the entrance, Yang Kai was like an impassable mountain, and with
each swing of his sword, the Yin Souls were pushed back.

Occasionally, a few would slip through and be killed by the cultivators in

the back. The Yin Souls had no way to break into the cave.

At this moment, everyone relaxed and was no longer anxious.

The crisis would pass as long as Yang Kai held on. The strength of an
Emperor Realm Master was formidable as expected and truly awe-
inspiring; however, they were afraid Yang Kai would run out of energy
before everything ended. After all, one’s strength was always limited.

Alas, half a day later, their worries came true.

By then, it became obvious that Yang Kai’s attacks were no longer as

powerful as before. The force behind both his sword waves and Soul
attacks were greatly reduced, and most noticeably, the number of Yin
Souls slipping through his defence had increased.

However, this wasn’t surprising. The fact that Yang Kai was able to hold
on for half a day on his own was a testament to his great strength; after
all, the four-person groups before could only hold on for a stick of
incense’s worth of time.
After another half-day, Yang Kai’s hand trembled slightly, and his face
turned pale. It was apparent he was nearing his limit.

Qi He Feng stood up, “Sir, please go back and rest for a while. You can
leave the rest to us.”

“Yes, Sir. If you collapse, we will all suffer too. You should take a rest,”
the other cultivators quickly agreed and urged.

Their concern wasn’t truly genuine, but Yang Kai was now their main
pillar of strength. Without him, their chances of surviving would be too

Upon hearing this, Yang Kai pondered for a moment and nodded,

He had been defending for an entire day, while the rest of the cultivators
were almost completely covered. They should have no problem taking
the vanguard position for a period of time.

At that moment, all of a sudden, the wind howling outside the cave
weakened drastically.

Everyone was stunned and carefully stared out in the direction of the

After a moment, someone said in a trembling voice, “The Astral Wind is


“Hahaha, it’s ending! It’s ending!”

“It’s really over! We’re saved! We’re saved!”

Upon realizing that the Astral Wind was about to end, everyone began to
shout and yell excitedly, as though they had picked up an amazing
treasure and wanted to share the news with the entire world.

What made them even happier was that when the sounds of howling
wind began to abate, the Yin Souls seemed to have received some kind
of signal and retreated back into the strange fog. In just the blink of an
eye, the crisis that plagued them for two days was over.

Everyone was overjoyed and one by one, they crowded at the entrance
of the cave and peered out.

They saw that only a weak wind remained, and there was not a single
Yin Soul in sight.

The disaster was really over.

“Watch out, Sir!” Qi He Feng suddenly cried out loudly.

Just then, a turbid light burst out from a certain part of the cave and
rushed straight towards Yang Kai’s head. Yang Kai’s body suddenly
flickered, as if he might fall at any time.

The next moment, a figure rushed behind Yang Kai and aimed at his
forehead with a fierce palm.

“You dare!” Qi He Feng roared and prepared to give chase, but the
attack had happened too suddenly and he could only watch as the blow
landed on the unprepared Yang Kai.

The others, too, began to panic and hastily spread out and put up their
guards despite not knowing what had happened.


A muffled sound rang out, and as soon as his palm landed on Yang Kai’s
forehead, the perpetrator revealed a vicious smile.

After the successful blow, he immediately ran out of the cave at the
fastest speed, because he knew that if he stayed, he would be besieged
by the other cultivators; after all, Yang Kai had saved the lives of all the
people here and was regarded as their benefactor.

When their benefactor was attacked, they would have to pursue the
perpetrator whether they were willing to or not.
Before the man left, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Ruo Xi, his
face filled with pride and triumph.

However, he saw that Zhang Ruo Xi wasn’t panicking at all. Instead, she
was looking at him coldly and made no move to stop him.

This situation made the man’s heart jump, and a wave of unease washed
over him.

“Do you want to run after hitting me?” A voice sounded from behind him,
making his hair stand on end.

The man’s gaze snapped in Yang Kai’s direction, only to see the young
man looking back at him mockingly. His pale face was now rosy as could
be, and gone was the weak aura around his body.

There was no sign of exhaustion or weakness.

[How is this possible?]

Even though Yang Kai was an Emperor Realm Master, he had been
defending the cave entrance for an entire day. How could he not be

The only possible explanation was that… he had been hiding his true
strength from the start!

Upon realizing this, the man broke out in cold sweat.

Yang Kai stretched out his hand and easily grasped the man’s ankle,
exerting just a small amount of force, causing bones to crack loudly.

“Ahh!” The man screamed miserably. He wanted to use his strength to

resist, but was shocked to find that under Yang Kai’s grasp, his
cultivation was suppressed, rendering him completely helpless.

Yang Kai threw the man back into the cave, slamming it against a wall
and causing blood to spurt from his lips.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s the situation?”

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

It was only then that other cultivators reacted; however, they were
confused by the scene before them and couldn’t tell why Yang Kai had
attacked the other cultivator.

Qi He Feng answered their questions with a cold expression on his face,

“This man had ulterior motives. He took advantage of Sir’s exhaustion to
launch a sneak attack. Unforgivable!”

Everyone was shocked and looked at the cultivator who had fallen to the

It was the wrinkly-faced man Qi He Feng had been talking to before.

The unbearable pain in his ankle caused his wrinkled face to appear
even more wrinkled, and his forehead was dripping with beads of sweat.

“How despicable! If it wasn’t for Sir, we would be dead right now! You not
only didn’t repay gratitude but also tried to sneak attack Sir?! Do you
have any conscience?”

“Such a despicable person deserves to be punished with the pain of Soul

extraction and refinement! This one only knows a little about Soul
refinement, if you wish for it, Sir, just say the word and this one will make
him regret being born into this world!”

“Heh, heh, I also know a bit about Soul refinement. If Sir wishes for it, I
can also help and guarantee that he lives a life worse than death for ten
days to half a month.”

As soon as the wrinkled-face man heard this, his face turned pale as
snow, and his whole body trembled.
Chapter 2545 - You Recognize Me

“Speak! Why did you try to attack Sir?” One of the cultivators shouted,
glaring at the wrinkly-faced man.

The wrinkly-faced man clenched his teeth and said nothing despite the

“Heh, heh, it looks like you’re pretty tough. I guess we’ll have to give you
a taste of having your Soul pulled out and refined for you to speak!”
Another one approached with a sinister smile.

“Hahaha!” The wrinkly-faced man suddenly burst out laughing. His

laughter contained so much madness that it immediately stunned

A moment later, he sneered and said coldly, “You want to refine my

Soul? You’ll need to have the courage first! Do you know where I come
from? If you dare to hurt a single hair on my head, my Sect will not let
you off!”

Everyone’s faces changed as soon as they heard these words. The

intimidation from the possibility that the wrinkly-faced man came from a
great background was quite effective.

When they stopped to think about it, it did make sense. The wrinkly-
faced man wouldn’t dare to attack an Emperor Realm Master if he didn’t
have something like a top Sect backing him.

Perhaps Yang Kai had offended the Sect somehow, so the wrinkly-faced
man was sent to assassinate him.

Just minutes ago, the other cultivators were only focused on repaying
Yang Kai for saving their lives and didn’t think much about the situation;
however, now that they had stopped and looked back on it, they found
the matter to be quite strange.

“Hahaha, scared now?” Seeing the looks on the cultivators’ faces, the
wrinkly-faced man sneered, “I advise you all to mind your own business.
Don’t get in my way…”

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly flashed in front

of him, and a sound slap landed on his face.

The wrinkly-faced man was slapped silly. It wasn’t until several moments
later that he recovered from the shock. Over ten teeth had been knocked
out of his mouth, and blood was now dripping from its corners.

Although Yang Kai was unharmed by the wrinkly-faced man’s sneak

attack, Zhang Ruo Xi was enraged nonetheless. She never imagined
there could be someone so ungrateful in this world. Right after Yang Kai
saved his life, he tried to kill him!

The death of a person like him wasn’t worth pitying!

If she hadn’t tried her best to suppress her anger, the wrinkly-faced man
would’ve likely died from her slap.

The other cultivators were afraid of him, but she wasn’t.

It seemed that she was truly enraged this time, because an

overwhelmingly violent aura surrounded her body, making her appear
like a wild beast.

Everyone was stunned and looked at her, dumbfounded. They never

thought a beautiful girl like her could have such a terrifying side.

“The wind has stopped howling, and the Yin Souls have dispersed. I
won’t be seeing everyone out,” Yang Kai said indifferently, his
expression unchanged.

The other cultivators quickly understood his meaning. No matter what

grudge he shared with the wrinkly-faced man, and no matter what the
wrinkly-faced man’s background was, he didn’t want nor need anyone
else to interfere.

It was pointless to insist on staying when they were too afraid to do

anything. What the eyes do not see, the heart does not grieve, why draw
unnecessary fire to themselves?
After thinking about it, someone immediately cupped his fists and said,
“Sir, this one will engrave today’s gratitude in his heart. I wish Sir great
fortune and a safe return. Farewell!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the man ran out of the cave and quickly
disappeared into the strange fog.

After one person left, the rest quickly understood the situation and

A moment later, Yang Kai turned to look at Qi He Feng with great

interest and asked, “You’re not going?”

Everyone else had left except him, which made Yang Kai speculate. And
indeed, Qi He Feng shook his head, “This Qi has something to say to

Yang Kai grinned meaningfully, “So, you recognize me!”

It was not a question, but a statement. When Qi He Feng first introduced

himself, he’d subconsciously glanced at Yang Kai, which made the latter
somewhat suspicious. Now, he was certain.

When Qi He Feng heard his words, he couldn’t help but smile, “You
noticed, Sir.”

“Was it Qi Hai?”

“Indeed, it was the Young Fort Lord,” Qi He Feng responded, “After his
return from the Shattered Star Sea a few days ago, the Young Fort Lord
gathered some confidants and described your likeness to us. He
instructed us to keep our eyes open since you told him you would be
coming to the Eastern Territory, Sir.”

Yang Kai snorted, “I only said that I was going to the Eastern Territory,
but not that I would go to the Ancient Lands. Seeing you here… What a

“I believe you have heard of the restaurant in the city outside. That is
actually owned by my Qi Family,” Qi He Feng explained awkwardly.
Upon hearing that, Yang Kai finally realized why the owner of the
restaurant had wanted to give him ten bottles of Wild Wine for no reason.
At that time, he’d already been recognized by the people of Qi Family

“We heard that Sir would be entering the Ancient Lands, so we came in
early and waited inside the passageway!” Qi He Feng carefully picked
out his words while constantly observing Yang Kai’s expression in fear
that he would be displeased.

Yang Kai, of course, was not very happy, and said coldly, “I see your Qi
Family Fort’s influence spreads quite far.”

“Please calm your anger, Sir!” Qi He Feng said hastily, “We only dared to
inquire into Sir’s whereabouts because the Young Fort Lord…”

“I know!” Yang Kai coldly snorted, “The Heavenly Frost Earth Rain. You
can go back and tell Qi Hai that I can’t cure the poison! I no longer have

“Ah?” Qi He Feng exclaimed in shock, “Then… Where is it?”

“What? Do I need to tell you that?” A cold light flashed through Yang
Kai’s eyes. The existence of the Phoenix True Fire was not something
that should be easily disclosed to others. Although Yang Kai believed
that Qi Hai wouldn’t expose the news broadly, with enough clues one
would only need to make a few assumptions to conclude that the
Phoenix True Fire was with Yang Kai.

At that time, trouble would find him on its own.

Therefore, Yang Kai was dissatisfied with Qi Hai’s conduct this time. He
hadn’t promised Qi Hai anything and only told him that he would go to
the Eastern Territory in the future. He’d never agreed to get involved.

“Of course not, Sir!” Qi He Feng was shocked and quickly cupped his
“Good, then leave and tell Qi Hai that if he dares to do this again, I will go
to Qi Family Fort personally to give him my ‘regards’.” Yang Kai waved
his hand impatiently.

Qi He Feng’s face changed. Qi Family Fort was formidable in its own

right, but nothing good would come out of offending an Emperor Realm
Master like Yang Kai; however, he couldn’t just go back without doing
what his Young Fort Lord had instructed him to do either!

After thinking about it, he cupped his fists and said, “Sir, this Qi has one
more thing to say.”

Yang Kai looked at him coldly, “If you say one more word about the
detoxifying, I will throw you out.”

“No, no. It’s not about the detoxifying. It’s about… this person!”

As he spoke, he pointed to the wrinkly-faced man.

“You know where he’s from?” Yang Kai asked in surprise.

He was also curious. He was not familiar with the Eastern Territory and
had barely entered the Ancient Lands Passageway when he
encountered an assassin. It was truly quite strange.

Qi He Feng replied, “Sir, this Qi believes that this man is from

Netherworld Sect!”

“Netherworld Sect!” Yang Kai narrowed his eyes and turned to stare at
the wrinkly-faced man, whose expression was still twisted in pain, and
then turned back, “Do you have proof?”

“Yes. In the past month, several disciples of Netherworld Sect were seen
entering the Ancient Lands Passageway. According to the information I
received from one of the Qi Family Fort’s disciples, these Netherworld
Sect disciples stayed inside the passageway as though waiting for
someone. The leader of the group is an Elder from Netherworld Sect,
Hua Fei Chen. He is a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master.”
“Hua Fei Chen…” Yang Kai murmured to himself. The name was

“You may not know Hua Fei Chen, Sir; however, there is someone in his
group that Sir should be familiar with!” Qi He Feng said.


“Yin Le Sheng!”

Yang Kai raised an eyebrow and grinned, “Is he here too? Great!
Enemies really do meet on a narrow road.”

Qi He Feng was stunned by Yang Kai’s evident anticipation. There were

many disciples from the Netherworld Sect waiting for him, not to mention
that this group was headed by a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master,
yet Yang Kai wasn’t afraid; as a matter of fact, he appeared to be very

According to his Young Fort Lord, Yang Kai was only a Third-Order Dao
Source Realm Master when they met in the Shattered Star Sea.
Therefore, he should only be a First-Order Emperor Realm Master now.
No matter what kind of fortuitous encounter he had in the Shattered Star
Sea, it should still be impossible for him to rival an old and experienced
Master like Hua Fei Chen.

“We were confused as to what the people from the Netherworld Sect
were up to in the passageway, but since Qi Family Fort is the great force
controlling this area, we kept an eye on them. It wasn’t until Sir arrived at
the desolate city that the Young Fort Lord realized it must be related to
you, Sir. We’d heard that Sir and Yin Le Sheng had a very unpleasant
argument in the Shattered Star Sea and deduced that the other side was
holding a grudge. However, we do not know how they knew Sir would be
coming to the Ancient Lands,” Qi He Feng said with a confused look on
his face.

“Of course they’d know,” Yang Kai snorted.

The news that Xiao Xiao was in the Ancient Lands was revealed by Yin
Le Sheng himself.
After seeing Yang Kai’s reaction back then, Yin Le Sheng must’ve
guessed that he would come to the Ancient Lands to search for Xiao
Xiao. Thus, he gathered people and laid in ambush, knowing that Yang
Kai would appear sooner or later.

It seemed that the loss Yin Le Sheng suffered in the Shattered Star Sea
was too much to swallow, and he held a great grudge because of it. It
hadn’t been long since the Shattered Star Sea closed, and he was
already prepared to set up a trap to kill him.

As for the wrinkly-faced man, he was likely sent out as a scout to track
Yang Kai’s whereabouts. Little did they know the wrinkly-faced man
would try to act on his own and launch a sneak attack on Yang Kai,
which ultimately resulted in their plan falling one step short of success.

“Yin Le Sheng… you’re dead this time!” Yang Kai sneered as he

muttered to himself.

Last time, he let Yin Le Sheng go because he wanted to find out Xiao
Xiao’s whereabouts. They had signed a Soul Contract, and were bound
by its terms, so Yang Kai couldn’t kill him even though he wanted to.

Now that Yin Le Sheng had sent himself to his doorstep, Yang Kai
naturally would not show any mercy.
Chapter 2546 - It’s Him

“Sir, Hua Fei Chen is an Elder of the Netherworld Sect. He became a

Second-Order Emperor close to a hundred years ago and is now a
renowned Master. Not only that, but Yin Le Sheng is now an Emperor
Realm Master too. It would be best to stay away from them, Sir.” Yang
Kai’s reaction stunned Qi He Feng; he had never met someone so
ignorant to the immensity of Heaven and Earth. Yang Kai was clearly just
a newly promoted Emperor Realm Master, yet he dared to take Hua Fei
Chen lightly.

“Sir, it would be best to leave here first and think of a plan later,” Qi He
Feng urged.

“Yin Le Sheng also broke through to the Emperor Realm?” Yang Kai
frowned, “When did that happen?”

“We are uncertain of the exact time, but we do know that he was an
Emperor Realm Master when he left the Shattered Star Sea,” Qi He
Feng responded.

“It seems that he had quite a few fortuitous encounters there,” Yang Kai
mused to himself.

When they were in the Shattered Star Sea, Yin Le Sheng was only a
Third-Order Dao Source Realm Master. Yang Kai himself was only able
to break through after witnessing the battle between two Great Emperors
and studying the auras released by the clash. He wondered what kind of
fortuitous encounter Yin Le Sheng had.

However, he wasn’t very surprised, as the Shattered Star Sea was filled
with opportunities, and Yin Le Sheng had a good aptitude.

After sorting out his thoughts, Yang Kai bent down and lifted the wrinkly-
faced man’s chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. Next, Yang Kai’s right
eye flashed with golden light as he released some Spiritual Energy and
pressured the other’s consciousness.

“Are you from the Netherworld Sect?” Yang Kai asked.

As a Third-Order Dao Source Realm Master, how could the wrinkly-faced
man resist? He succumbed and responded within a breath.


“Am I the reason you guys came to the Ancient Lands Passageway?”


“How many people are there, and are there any Emperor Realm Masters
other than Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng?”

“Twenty-five people came. Other than Elder Hua and Senior Brother Yin,
there are no Emperor Realm Masters.”

Yang Kai coldly snorted, “Is Yin Le Sheng stupid? He thinks this Young
Master can be defeated with just that? What paltry tricks do you have in
store for me?”

“My fellow Brothers will set up the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array.
Once you are trapped inside, Elder Hua and Senior Brother Yin will enter
and personally kill you,” the wrinkly-faced man responded.

“The Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array!” Qi He Feng suddenly


Yang Kai looked at him, “What kind of Spirit Array is that?”

“It is one of the Netherworld Sect’s most powerful Trapping Arrays. Once
it is set up, the person inside would be suppressed inside like a ghost
and have their vitality constantly sucked out of them. Moreover, the area
covered by the array will be completely isolated from the outside world,
making it impossible to break out,” Qi He Feng explained with a strange
expression on his face.

Afterward, he frowned and added, “Why would they use the Heavenly
Net Absolute Sealing Array… isn’t that going too far?”

Evidently, in Qi He Feng’s eyes, Hua Fei Chen was already giving Yang
Kai enough face by dealing with him personally; after all, no matter how
powerful Yang Kai was, it should be impossible for him to escape a First
and Second-Order Emperor Realm Masters’ siege. Sooner or later, he
would be brought down.

The collaboration of the two was more than enough to capture Yang Kai,
so why did they decide to set up the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing
Array too? One must know that the setting up the array required the use
of Netherworld Purgatory Banners that the disciples of the Netherworld
Sect needed to refine using their own Blood Essence.

If the array was broken, the artifacts would be destroyed completely, and
each disciple would suffer the Ten Thousand Ghost Biting Backlash that
made life feel worse than death.

The Sect Defending Array covering the Netherworld Sect itself was a
gigantic Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array with three Emperor Artifact
rank Netherworld Purgatory Banners as its Cores. If an outsider was to
invade, the array would activate and trap them inside with no way to

Thus, the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array set up using over twenty
Netherworld Sect disciples was undoubtedly formidable.

Was Yang Kai so powerful that the Netherworld Sect had to take such
extreme measures to deal with him? Qi He Feng simply couldn’t figure it

However, what he didn’t know was that Yin Le Sheng had insisted on
using this array because he knew Yang Kai was proficient at using
Space Principles. Hua Fei Chen might be stronger than Yang Kai, but
wanting to kill him without cutting off his path of escape was all but

Since ancient times, cultivators who were proficient in the Dao of Space
were the hardest to deal with. In order to kill them, one must first think of
a way to seal them in a certain region in order to prevent them from
simply escaping.
“Isolated from the outside world… Hmph,” Yang Kai coldly snorted. He
immediately understood what the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array
was for.

“Sir, you should retreat. If your purpose for entering the Ancient Lands is
to look for something, our Qi Family Fort can help. You would only need
to wait for our message,” Qi He Feng said, looking at Yang Kai eagerly.

He believed that with Yang Kai’s current strength, throwing himself into
the array would be the same as throwing himself into a grave.

“Your Qi Family Fort cannot help with what I’m seeking.” Yang Kai shook
his head.

He was not looking for treasure, but Xiao Xiao. How could he let the Qi
Family Fort help with that?

As he spoke, Yang Kai’s outstretched hand jerked, and the wrinkly-faced

man immediately fell over. On the outside, there was not the slightest
sign of injury, but his insides had already turned to dust. He couldn’t be
more dead.

“Let’s go,” Yang Kai said to Zhang Ruo Xi and Old Ban. There was
nothing more he needed to know. As he spoke, he wrapped his Emperor
Qi around the two and disappeared like a ghost.

“Sir! Sir!” Qi He Feng yelled twice, but Yang Kai had already left. Qi He
Feng ran out after him, but the strange fog quickly obstructed his sight
and Divine Sense.

Qi He Feng stood in one spot for a moment, then he stamped his foot
and quickly went on his way.

It would be impossible to find Yang Kai again. He had waited inside the
cave for him, but now that he was gone, so Qi He Feng had to send word
back to Qi Family Fort as soon as possible so that the Young Fort Lord
could decide what to do next.

Fifty kilometres away from the original location of Yang Kai’s group, in
another cave.

This cave was much larger than the one Yang Kai’s group hid and could
accommodate over twenty without feeling crowded.

The people inside the cave were all wearing the same clothes and were
from the same Sect.

Their leader was a Second-Order Emperor who was wearing a

traditional-style robe. He appeared to be around fifty years old, but his
face looked rosy and young.

This person was Elder Hua Fei Chen of the Netherworld Sect.

Sitting beside him was Yin Le Sheng, whose venomous gaze had been
staring into the surging strange fog as though wanting to pierce through
its depths. There was a cold and unsettling smile on his face.

Whenever he recalled his encounter with Yang Kai in the Shattered Star
Sea, he would have trouble eating and sleeping.

He had never suffered such a great loss since he became a cultivator.

He had always been the one to crush others with absolute strength and
never expected that one day, someone of the same level would oppress

He couldn’t stand it.

Worse, in order to survive last time, he even had to lower himself and
flatter Yang Kai. Yin Le Sheng reckoned that if he didn’t have information
Yang Kai was interested in, he would’ve died at that time. In the end, he
had to rely on a Soul Contract to stay alive.

Back when they were in the Starlight Corridor, Yang Kai wasn’t his match
at all. He never expected that in just less than ten years, Yang Kai would
advance to such heights.

Who knew how monstrous Yang Kai would become if he was given a few
more years? Thus, Yin Le Sheng had to get rid of Yang Kai once and for
all, like cutting weeds and pulling out their roots. Yin Le Sheng was
certain that if he allowed Yang Kai to grow further, his life would become
exceedingly difficult.

Therefore, as soon as he returned to his Sect, he asked his Honoured

Master to send Elder Hua Fei Chen to the Ancient Lands Passageway
with over twenty disciples to help him kill Yang Kai.

With the assistance of Hua Fei Chen, the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing
Array, and his own trump cards, there was no way Yang Kai would be
able to survive!

Yin Le Sheng could already imagine the wonderful scene of Yang Kai
falling to his knees and begging for mercy.

Suddenly, a loud voice shouted, “Elder, we have bad news!”

His reverie interrupted, Yin Le Sheng was somewhat displeased and

turned to see a Netherworld Sect disciple standing beside Hua Fei Chen,
an ugly expression on his face.

“What’s the matter?” Yin Le Sheng asked with a frown.

Hua Fei Chen also opened his eyes and looked at him calmly.

“Senior Brother Yao… is dead,” the disciple said in a trembling voice

“Who killed him?” Yin Le Sheng asked.

Although there were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the
Ancient Lands Passageway, the Netherworld Sect was a name that
caused those in the Eastern Territory to tremble and obey. Who would
dare to kill one of their disciples so casually?

“It seems to be… this man,” said the disciple, revealing a bead in his
palm. An illusory phantom appeared from it, reflecting the scene of Yang
Kai’s hand crushing the wrinkly-faced man’s five viscera and six organs.

This was a mysterious technique that could replay the scene of the
wrinkly-faced man’s death clearly to Hua Fei Chen and his group.
“Yang Kai…” Yin Le Sheng clenched his teeth, glaring at the image of
Yang Kai in the illusory image. His eyes turned red as soon as he saw
this enemy of his.

“That’s him! That’s the bastard who bullied this Young Lady! So he really
did enter the Ancient Lands Passageway! Hua Fei Chen, you need to
catch him so this Young Lady can torture him.” On the other side of the
cave, a young red-clothed woman suddenly jumped up and cried out,
glaring at Yang Kai’s figure with gnashed teeth.

This young woman was the one who had troubled Old Ban; she had met
up with the Netherworld Sect at an unknown time. Old Fu, who was
protecting her, was also present; however, the two Third-Order Dao
Source Realm Master guards were nowhere in sight, their life or death

She was only a Third-Order Dao Source Realm Master, yet she showed
no respect for Hua Fei Chen, an Emperor Realm Master.

Despite that, Hua Fei Chen wasn’t angry at all. There was only some
helplessness in his expression.

Yin Le Sheng turned to the red-clothed girl, the corners of his lips turning
upwards as he asked, “Young Lady Lin’er, you mean… The person you
want to punish is him?”

“That’s right!” The girl named Lin’er, gritting her teeth, fire almost
shooting from her eyes, “I would recognize him even if he turned to
ashes! You, hurry up and catch him for me! I want to see him kneel down
in front of me and beg for mercy!”
Chapter 2547 - The Same Person

Two days prior, this Young Lady had suddenly stumbled into the cave
where the Netherworld Sect’s members were hiding and ordered Hua Fei
Chen and others to teach someone a lesson for her.

She said that the man had brazenly bullied her.

Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng felt their heads hurt when they heard
this demand; after all, they were here to ambush Yang Kai and had no
time to waste on other people.

If it was someone else, Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng wouldn’t even
need to pay attention to them; however, this Young Lady wasn’t just
anybody. This woman’s background was so great that even the
Netherworld Sect’s Sect Master would need to treat her politely, let alone
Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng.

In their hearts, they were cursing the blind fool who offended this Young
Lady. If it weren’t for him, they wouldn’t be caught in this mess. Lending
a hand wasn’t an issue, but there was the chance their movements
would alert Yang Kai.

However, no matter how reluctant they were, they couldn’t disobey this
Young Lady’s orders.

Just as they decided to grit their teeth and bear with it, the wind began to
howl. Their group was forced to stay inside a cave for two days and
couldn’t go outside until now.

Now, however, Yin Le Sheng was quite happy, “Young Lady Lin’er, it
seems… we are dealing with the same person,” he said with a smile.

“The same person?” A shocked expression appeared on the girl named

Lin’er’s face, and even Old Fu’s eyes widened, “Such a coincidence?”

Yin Le Sheng slowly rose, “I will not hide anything from you, Young Lady.
That man’s name is Yang Kai, and I have some grievances with him. The
reason I came to the Ancient Lands is to deal with him!”
Upon hearing this, a strange expression appeared on Old Fu’s face, “It’s
only one person, yet you’ve brought so many people and even prepared
the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array. Don’t you think your
Netherworld Sect is giving him too much face?”

“You mustn’t underestimate him, Old Fu,” Yin Le Sheng responded

solemnly, “I’m not sure if you’ve confronted him before, but he’s not as
simple as he seems.”

Old Fu’s face turned red, then he nodded, “Indeed.”

After thinking back to his confrontation with Yang Kai in the desolate city,
Old Fu knew that Yin Le Sheng was right. This young man was clearly a
First-Order Emperor Realm Master like him, yet when they fought, he
was completely suppressed to the point of not being able to fight back at

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had to turn to the Netherworld Sect for

assistance; after all, as an Emperor Realm Master himself, there were
only a few things he couldn’t deal with personally.

“Sheer strength aside, that man is also skilled in a truly esoteric power.
That’s what I’m worried about the most. If not for that, I wouldn’t have
requested for the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array to be used,” Yin
Le Sheng coldly snorted, with a little jealousy on his face.

“What power?” Old Fu asked.

“The Dao of Space!”

“Sii…” Old Fu drew in a sharp breath, his shock could not be concealed,
“Did you say… The Dao of Space?” he asked.

“Indeed,” Yin Le Sheng’s expression was gloomy as he nodded,

“Moreover, he is so skilled at using Space Force that he seems to be
able to tear space at will.”

“For there to be such a thing…” Old Fu’s eyes flickered, then he asked,
“Could it be… Is he the disciple of ‘that’ man from Spirit Beast Island?”
Although he didn’t name who he was referring to, both Hua Fei Chen and
Yin Le Sheng knew who he was talking about.

If Yang Kai really was that person’s disciple, then things would become
troublesome. That person was ranked first below the Ten Great
Emperors and was known as the most powerful Emperor in the Star
Boundary. Even without his title as strongest Emperor Realm Master
though, that man still lived on Spirit Beast Island and was a highly valued
direct subordinate of Martial Beast Great Emperor.

Who would dare to touch his disciple? Making an enemy of him meant
making an enemy of Spirit Beast Island. Not even Old Fu and the girl
named Lin’er could afford those consequences.

Therefore, Old Fu couldn’t help but feel worried. What if they had
provoked someone they shouldn’t have?

However, to his relief, Yin Le Sheng shook his head, “As far as I know,
there is no relationship between the little brat and that Sir, so you can
rest assured.”

“How do you know?” Old Fu asked cautiously. As the Young Lady’s

bodyguard, he needed to be a careful and thorough person.

Yin Le Sheng smiled and responded, “Because he is from the Southern


“The Southern Territory…” Upon hearing this, Old Fu finally put down his
worries, “In that case, he should have no ties with that person.” He
paused and continued, “So, the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array is
for sealing space!”

“Indeed,” Yin Le Sheng said with a hideous grin, “I’d like to see how he’ll
be able to escape without his Space Abilities.”

Hua Fei Chen suddenly interjected, “Is that little brat already an Emperor
Realm Master?”

The disciple surnamed Yao that Yang Kai killed was a Third-Order Dao
Source Realm Master, and Old Fu and the Young Lady had also suffered
at his hand. This showed that Yang Kai was likely already an Emperor
Realm Master.

“Yes, what did you think he was?” Old Fu looked at him strangely.

Hua Fei Chen frowned, “Martial Nephew Yin said that when they were in
the Shattered Star Sea, the little brat was only a Dao Source Realm
Master. To think…”

“His aptitude is also astonishing, and the opportunities that exist within
the Shattered Star Sea are truly Heaven-defying; thus, it is not surprising
that he was able to break through to the Emperor Realm there. Wasn’t I
the same? If he wasn’t an Emperor Realm Master, I wouldn’t have asked
Martial Uncle Hua and my fellow brothers to lend a hand,” Yin Le Sheng
explained with a slight smile.

He looked as though he had expected it.

“The Shattered Star Sea… He was in the Shattered Star Sea?” Old Fu
was surprised, “You mean he broke through to the Emperor Realm not
long ago?”

A young man who had just broken through to the Emperor Realm,
possibly without having stabilized his new cultivation and was still
unfamiliar with Emperor Qi, was able to completely suppress him. Old Fu
couldn’t believe it.

[Am I just too old?]

“Rest assured, Old Fu. No matter what kind of opportunities he had, he

will surely die here today,” Yin Le Sheng said, his expression grim.

“What are you muttering about?” The Young Lady, Lin’er, was silently
listening for a long time and finally grew impatient, “I’m telling you to
catch that man and bring him to this Young Lady, so why are you all still
standing here for?”

Yin Le Sheng turned his head and said with a smile, “We will need to use
some means to deal with that man, but please rest assured, Young Lady
Lin’er. Within five days, this Yin will surely deliver him to you. At that
time, Young Lady Lin’er will be able to do whatever she wishes with him.”

The girl named Lin’er snorted, “It’d better be that way. When the time
comes, this Young Lady will strip him of his clothes and throw him to a
place filled with people so they can laugh at him!”

She looked so vicious and gleeful, as though this was the heaviest
punishment she could think of for Yang Kai.

Previously, she had also threatened Zhang Ruo Xi with these same

Yin Le Sheng and others watched on awkwardly, then Hua Fei Chen
spoke up.

“Since Martial Nephew Yao has died, we cannot stay here any longer. It
is possible that brat surnamed Yang now knows about our trap and will
try to escape it. We must change our plans.”

Yin Le Sheng nodded, “We will do as Martial Uncle suggests.”

As soon as they finished their discussion, the group moved out. Old Fu
and the Young Lady named Lin’er naturally followed.

Deep in the strange fog, Old Ban was leading the way, with Zhang Ruo
Xi behind him and Yang Kai at the rear. The few ignorant Yin Souls that
appeared were easily and swiftly dealt with.

After they’d walked for a long time, Yang Kai suddenly asked, “How
much further, Old Ban?”

Old Ban’s voice sounded from the front, “We are still barely halfway. It
will take at least two more days for us to reach the exit of this

“Two days…” Yang Kai pondered for a while and said, “You should have
seen what happened before, Old Ban. Some of my enemies seem to be
waiting for me ahead. They’re not easy to deal with, so you should head
back now. We’ll go the rest of the way alone.”

However, Old Ban grinned meaningfully, “This old man has heard a few
things about the Netherworld Sect, and indeed, I cannot afford to
provoke them; however, in this Ancient Lands Passage, I am confident in
my ability to come and go at will, so Little Brother doesn’t have to worry
about me. Since I’ve promised to guide you out of the passageway
safely, I will not leave halfway. This old man’s title may not be valuable,
but it’s not to be underestimated either.”

Of course, he understood that Yang Kai didn’t want to implicate him, but
inside this Ancient Lands Passageway, Old Ban was fearless. If he met
an enemy, he could simply dart into the strange fog, then not even a
Third-Order Emperor Realm Master would be able to find him.

His familiarity with this place is his greatest assurance.

After a pause, he continued, “You can also rest assured, Little Brother.
Even if they wanted to ambush you, they wouldn’t choose to do it in this
damned place. This old man reckons they’re waiting at the exit, so I will
be fine as long as I leave before then.”

What he said was quite reasonable. Even if the Netherworld Sect was
planning to ambush Yang Kai, they wouldn’t do it in the obscurity of this
strange fog; therefore, the road ahead should be safe.

Thus, Yang Kai was no longer reluctant and nodded, “Many thanks then,
Old Ban.”

There was nothing more to say along the way, and the three continued to
move forward.

Since the most dangerous Falling Thunder and Astral Wind had passed,
they no longer had to make any major detours. According to Old Ban, the
Ancient Lands Passageway would be relatively safe for another month,
and they would only need to pay attention to the occasional Yin Souls
that attacked.
Yang Kai was worried that the Ghost King hadn’t given up; after all, he
had killed so many Yin Souls when he was in the cave. However, after
walking for half a day, Yang Kai realized that he was overthinking things.

Perhaps the Ghost King knew that there was nothing it could do to Yang
Kai, even if it attacked personally. What the eyes do not see, the heart
does not grieve, so it decided to ignore Yang Kai.

As for the hundreds of Yin Souls that were killed… there was no lack of
them in the Ancient Lands Passageway. It didn’t matter how many were
killed, since they could always be replaced.

The route Old Ban took was winding and irregular as usual, but with the
guidance of the jade beads, the group of three stuck together and always
kept a distance of three steps between them.
Chapter 2548 - What is This?

Two days later, Yang Kai felt that the surrounding strange fog had
thinned out a little. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination though.

Old Ban, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped and said,
“We’ve almost reached the exit, Little Brother. The strange fog will no
longer affect Divine Sense much. With your strength, you should be able
to find the way out safely.”

Hearing this, Yang Kai quickly released his Divine Sense to investigate
his surroundings and sure enough, he was able to scan a far wider range
than before.

As long as he could use his Divine Sense, he should be able to navigate

through the strange fog without trouble; moreover, his Divine Sense
would only become clearer as he moved closer to the exit.

“Many thanks for guiding us until now, Old Ban. Please be careful going
back,” Yang Kai said, cupping his fists.

“You don’t have to worry about me, Little Brother,” Old Ban replied with a
slight smile, “If you need this old man’s guidance on the day of your
return, you can go to the cave over there and wait.”

He pointed in one direction and then continued, “This old man will go
there once every month to guide people back through the Ancient Lands
Passageway; however, the time isn’t fixed.”

Yang Kai understood his meaning, “Old Ban is doing two-way business.”

He could take people who wanted to enter the Ancient Lands, and then
take people out when he exited. It was quite a good business.

“This old man’s cultivation is low. Although I am knowledgeable about

the terrain, I will not be able to resist if I encounter a powerful Yin Soul.
As a guide, I also receive the protection of those I’m guiding.”

“You’ve thought of things out quite meticulously,” Yang Kai nodded.

“Alright, this old man will leave now. I wish you safe travels, Little
Brother, Young Lady,” Old Ban bid farewell before leaving in the direction
he had pointed out earlier, presumably to wait for people to guide back.

As soon as the old man disappeared, Yang Kai turned his eyes to the
front, and after looking for a moment, he said, “Ruo Xi. I’ll go the rest of
the way alone.”

Zhang Ruo Xi’s face was filled with distress. Although she wanted to help
Yang Kai, she was still too weak and would only be a burden if she
stayed, so she had no choice but to grit her teeth and leave.

With the flash of light, Yang Kai hid Zhang Ruo Xi inside the Sealed
World Bead, then he began to move forward.

The more he moved forward, the less influence the strange fog would
have, and the wider the range that Yang Kai’s Divine Sense could detect.

Just as he was about to leave the passageway and set foot into the real
wilderness, Yang Kai suddenly stopped and looked around.

Here, the strange fog was almost transparent and barely affected him, so
he could sense his surroundings clearly.

It was quiet, without any sign of living creatures or even the slightest
fluctuation of Qi.

However, Yang Kai grinned and shouted, “I’m sure you’ve been eagerly
awaiting this moment, Brother Yin. Now that it’s come, why bother hiding
like this?”

As soon as his words came out, somewhere in the sky, it was as though
a piece of perfect brocade and silk had been torn off, and suddenly, a
line of more than twenty people appeared.

A pair of eyes, carrying great murderous intent, focused on Yang Kai.

At the same time, a streak of light flashed by, turning into a cloak-like
artifact that fell into the hand of a red-clothed woman.
Yang Kai’s eyes lingered on the cloak for a moment before raising his
brow and muttering, “A concealment artifact?”

He wasn’t certain that this was the place, but his intuition had told him
the people from the Netherworld Sect were hiding here, so he spoke up
to check and sure enough, his intuition was right.

It seemed that they were able to conceal themselves not because of a

Secret Art, but because of the cloak.

To be able to hide so many people at once and escape even his

detection… It was quite an amazing artifact.

Yang Kai looked at the red-clothed girl with some slight surprise.

Although he knew that she and Old Fu had entered the Ancient Lands
Passageway one day prior, he hadn’t expected them to be together with
the people of the Netherworld Sect. Furthermore, he didn’t know whether
they were Netherworld Sect’s people or not.

At the moment, the red-clothed girl was glaring fiercely at him, seemingly
very angry. She grit her teeth and demanded, “How did you find us?”

Old Fu could not help but sigh, “That shouldn’t be the case, Young Lady.
This artifact is a treasure gifted to you by Sir himself. How could a trivial
First-Order Emperor Realm Master be able to see through it?”

“How could that be? I clearly heard him speak just now,” the red-clothed
girl said in dismay.

Old Fu was speechless, as were Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen.

[He was just probing, yet you revealed us immediately. Now you’re
asking how he found us? Why are you running around outside without a

Originally, they thought they could take advantage of the red-clothed

girl’s Emperor Artifact to catch Yang Kai off-guard; however, she had
exposed them when Yang Kai was only three metres away from where
they needed him to be!
At that moment, Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen’s faces were as black
as the bottom of a pot.

If they had known this would happen, they wouldn’t have tried to borrow
the power of the red-clothed girl’s artifact to conceal themselves.

“Are you two also from the Netherworld Sect?” Yang Kai asked, looking
at the red-clothed girl and Old Fu.

Before Old Fu could answer, the red-clothed girl coldly snorted, “What
thing is the Netherworld Sect? How could this Young Lady be from such
a lowly place?”

With these words, Old Fu’s face cramped, and the expressions of Hua
Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng became even worse.

The red-clothed girl spoke thoughtlessly, but saying it so easily in front of

the Netherworld Sect’s people was no different from slapping them in the
face; after all, the Netherworld Sect was one of the top Sects in the
Eastern Territory, its name inspiring awe and fear in the masses, but it
was described by the red-clothed girl so disdainfully.

It was no wonder Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng’s expressions were so

If it were anyone else who said that, Hua Fei Chen would have slapped
them in the face. However, he didn’t dare to touch a single hair on this
red-clothed girl’s head.

Old Fu cut in hastily, “Please don’t take it to heart, Elder Hua. My Young
Lady is always like this, it couldn’t be helped.”

Although Hua Fei Chen was annoyed, he could only respond with a cold
face, “Very well. Young Lady Lin’er is quite frank. This King will not
quibble with her.”

Upon hearing this, Yang Kai’s eyes flashed, and he nodded, “I

understand now.”

The girl named Lin’er snapped, “You understand what?”

Yang Kai shook his head, “Nothing, just that this Young Lady seems to
want to make things difficult for this Young Master by colluding with the
Netherworld Sect.”

“So what if I am?” The girl named Lin’er said, gritting her teeth. When
she saw Yang Kai standing there motionless, she assumed that he was
afraid and immediately puffed out her chest.

“If you want to live, you’d better get on your knees and kowtow to this
Young Lady, then give me your Soul Imprint and serve this Young Lady
for ten years! Who knows, I might let you live!”

“No!” When Yin Le Sheng heard that, his face changed greatly and he
immediately tried to stop her.

He brought so many people with him together, all to kill Yang Kai, so how
could he let this red-clothed girl say that she could let him live?

Yang Kai must die today, no matter what!

However, without giving him a chance to continue, the girl named Lin’er
turned her head and said angrily, “Shut up! How dare you interrupt this
Young Lady?!”

Yin Le Sheng was so infuriated that his face twisted up, but he didn’t
dare to say a word.

He could barely stand it. This little girl was clearly here to ask for their
help, but at this moment, it was as though he and his Sect members had
become her subordinates and needed to heed her every command.

The girl named Lin’er turned her attention to Yang Kai again, then she
glanced around and frowned, “Where did that wench who was with you

When she saw Yang Kai earlier, she was caught up in her anger and
forgot about the existence of Zhang Ruo Xi. Now, she suddenly realized
that Yang Kai was alone.
When he smiled without responding, she was angered, “Are you deaf?
This Young Lady is asking you a question! Where did that wench who
slapped my face go? I’m going to make her life worse than death!”

“Slapped…” Hua Fei Chen’s ears perked up as he directed a look of

shock at the young girl.

The other disciples of the Netherworld Sect also looked horrified.

Someone who dared to slap this Young Lady’s face… existed? Who was
this so-called ‘wench’ that truly didn’t fear the Heavens?

Meanwhile, Old Fu was standing off to the side, his forehead dripping
with cold sweat, his legs almost shaking.

His Young Lady was slapped in the face while he was escorting her. It
would’ve been fine if no one learned about it, but she just had to expose
it to the public. If this were to spread to Sir’s ears, how could he possibly
survive now?

The fearful Old Fu immediately looked over at Hua Fei Chen pleadingly,
silently begging him to not let this out.

Hua Fei Chen returned his gaze and observed him, quickly figuring out
what Old Fu was thinking and simply nodding.

Although Old Fu’s cultivation was lower than his, he was nonetheless
born and raised from ‘that’ place and served as this Young Lady’s guard,
so it wouldn’t hurt to have a good relationship with him. There may come
a time when they need to use Old Fu, so this could benefit them in the

After getting a response, Old Fu quickly cupped his fists to express his

The girl named Lin’er continued shouting, her bosom heaving in anger.
Finally, she put her hands on her hips and scolded angrily, “Call that
wench out for me. This Young Lady won’t spare her!”

She was confident that Yang Kai had hidden Zhang Ruo Xi somewhere.
Yang Kai coldly snorted and looked at her indifferently, “Little girl, this
Young Master would advise you to learn your place. Otherwise, you will
die somewhere sooner or later.”

“How dare you!” Old Fu roared. How could he just stand by and watch as
his Young Lady was being threatened like this?

The girl named Lin’er was utterly stunned and didn’t react until several
moments later, “You want to kill me?” she frowned.

“My patience is not limitless, girl. So what if I kill you?” Yang Kai sneered.

Upon hearing that, the girl flew into a hysterical rage.

“You want to kill me? You sure have guts! You people, hurry and come
capture him for me!” She shrieked, urging Yin Le Sheng and the others
around her to take action. It was as though the Netherworld Sect’s
people were her subordinates.
Chapter 2549 - Can’t Withstand It Anymore

Although the Netherworld Sect members were upset that they were
being bossed around by the girl named Lin’er, since the matter had
gotten this far, they couldn’t retreat either.

Not to mention, they were here to kill Yang Kai in the first place.

“Form up!” Yin Le Sheng suddenly shouted, waving his hand.

*Shua Shua Shua…*

Over twenty Netherworld Sect disciples flew up at once, floating in the

air, surrounding Yang Kai all of a sudden. They appeared to be very
particular about their positions, and whether it was the top or below, left
or right, front or back, they didn’t leave a single route of escape.

Yin Le Sheng was nervously keeping an eye on Yang Kai, afraid that he
would use his teleportation ability to escape.

If Yang Kai felt that things weren’t looking good for him and escaped, all
their efforts would be for nought. They had not laid out the Spirit Array
yet, and neither had they sealed the space around him. Basically, they
were currently unable to kill or capture Yang Kai.

But what made him happy was that Yang Kai didn’t seem to attach any
importance to them; he didn’t care the slightest bit about these twenty or
so Netherworld Sect disciples and just stood still in his position.

[Enjoy being arrogant while you can! Do you think that you are invincible
with your Space Tearing ability and your breakthrough to the Emperor
Realm!? Today, I will let you know what it means that there are
mountains beyond mountains and Heavens beyond Heavens.]

Yin Le Sheng was feeling extremely happy in his heart, but there wasn’t
the slightest bit of change in his expression as his Divine Sense was
locked right onto Yang Kai.

In the blink of an eye, the twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples had

already taken their respective positions.

After a series of clattering, those twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples

had summoned their respective artifacts. Their artifacts were exactly the
same, as if they were made by the same person. All of them were
carrying a huge pitch-black banner that was fluttering and flapping in the
wind, exuding an extremely cold aura.

These banners were exactly the same as the Netherworld Purgatory

Banner that Yang Kai got from Zhong Zhen Yong in the Shattered Star
Sea. Obviously, they were the same kind of artifacts and seemed to be a
favorite for Netherworld Sect disciples.

However, the energy fluctuations emitted by the Netherworld Purgatory

Banners in these disciples’ hands were weaker than Zhong Zhen Yong’s.
It should be because their refinement of these artifacts wasn’t up to par.

Everyone had already taken their respective positions and summoned

their banners as well; now, everything was ready except for the crucial

The corner of Yin Le Sheng’s lips rose as he revealed a hideous grin

before shouting, “Start the Array!”

The twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples shouted together before

their hands started wildly dancing, forming hand seals. In an instant, a
very subtle connection seemed to have formed between these twenty or
so men, and an invisible barrier which was formed with them as its
anchors, sealing Heaven and Earth appeared. A faint black Qi gushed
out of the Netherworld Purgatory Banners next and diffused towards the

“An Array!?” Yang Kai appeared startled as a flustered look appeared on

his face, asking in shock, “What Array is this?”

Yin Le Sheng broke into laughter and arrogantly replied, “Of course, it’s
the Array that will take your life!”

At this point, he didn’t need to worry about anything anymore. Since the
Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array was already activated, Yang Kai
could not escape from this place even if he was proficient in the Dao of
Space, unless he could break this Array, of course.

But could the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array arranged by more
than twenty Dao Source Realm disciples using their Netherworld
Purgatory Banners be destroyed by a mere First-Order Emperor Realm

Even a Third-Order Emperor would be trapped for a while by this setup.

Yang Kai looked horrified and his face had gone totally pale as he looked
at Yin Le Sheng. He nervously gulped as he stated, “Brother Yin, what
enmity or grievance is there between you and me that you are so dead
set upon going against me? I even spared you in the Shattered Star Sea,
didn’t I? Shouldn’t we discard our old enmities?”

Yin Le Sheng was dancing in joy in his heart, but outwardly he just let out
a cold snort and stated, “Spared me? Don’t make it sound so pleasant. I
just happened to have the information you needed. Otherwise, would you
have spared me? Discard old enmities my foot! Yang Kai, spare me the
rubbish. Today is the day you die.”

Yang Kai bitterly asked, “Brother Yin, do you really have to kill me?”

Yin Le Sheng raised his head as he sneered, “What’s wrong? Could it be

that you still want to live at this point?”

Yang Kai pursed his lips into a smile, replying, “If one can live, who
wants to die? Brother Yin, why don’t you let me go today, I will pay you a
visit in the future, for sure, to repay your kindness.”

“Do you think that I am a three-year-old child? Aren’t you even

embarrassed to say this?”

Yang Kai helplessly said, “I guess Brother Yin has already decided to kill
me, whatever I say will be useless…”

Yin Le Sheng yelled, “No matter how pleasantly you spew bullshit, no
one is going to listen to you.”
Yang Kai couldn’t help but sigh before reaching out to his forehead and
tucking his hair back as he requested with a forlorn look, “Brother Yin, I
have another request!”

“Hmph, what else do you want to say?” A cold smile was hanging on Yin
Le Sheng’s lips, feeling extremely pleasant in his heart. He did not know
why, but seeing Yang Kai at his wit’s end and helpless, felt as if he had
just ravaged several dozen beauties. He felt as if his entire body was
filled with a pleasure he couldn’t vent.

“Please let me die in the most beautiful way!” Yang Kai turned his cheek
toward him and stood carrying his hands behind his back, looking at the
sky with a sidelong glance, striking a cool pose.

Lin’er’s lips involuntarily twitched as she whispered to Old Fu, “This man
is really a showoff.”

Old Fu had no idea how to respond.

Suddenly, a frown appeared on Yin Le Sheng’s forehead as he shouted

in anger, “You dare play a joke on me!?”

At this moment, he had finally realized that the reason Yang Kai was
bullshitting so much was not because of fear, and neither was it because
he wanted to leave a pretty speech on his deathbed, rather he was
clearly amusing himself.

Yang Kai broke into laughter as he stated, “I was just playing around!
Brother Yin, don’t be so serious. Do you really think that this Young
Master is afraid of you?”

The mischievous look on Yang Kai’s face angered Yin Le Sheng so

much that he almost spurted blood in anger.

Just as he said this, Space Principles surged as Yang Kai’s figure

suddenly blurred.

But very soon, his body phased out and became tangible again,
reappearing on the same spot. He hadn’t moved from his position even a
“The Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array is well-deserving of its
reputation!” Yang Kai raised his brow. Although Qi He Feng had
mentioned the might of this Array and he knew that it could isolate
space, Yang Kai still wanted to see whether he could get out of it.

After giving it a try, Yang Kai found that the surrounding space was
utterly sealed, and with his current achievements in the Dao of Space, he
was unable to teleport out of here.

“What are you all waiting for!?” Yin Le Sheng shouted at the sight of this,
lest Yang Kai escape if they delay any longer.

The twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples pushed their Source Qi after

receiving the order, pouring it into their Netherworld Purgatory Banners,
fully activating the might of the Array.

*Hu Hu Hu…*

Suddenly, ghastly cries and wails appeared out of nowhere, making

everyone feel as if they had fallen into the netherworld. A cold and
sinister aura spread into the surrounding, freezing the ground and
withering the grass and trees instantly before they were reduced into
dust that blew away with the wind.

Dense and thick streams of black Qi kept gushing out from those twenty
or so Netherworld Purgatory Banner while countless faint Yin Souls could
be seen in the darkness, dancing around, bearing their claws and fangs,
a terrifying sight to behold.

In just three breaths, the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array had
sealed this region, turning it pitch-black. From the distance, it looked as if
a giant pitch-black ball had suddenly appeared.

This black ball was a few hundred meters in diameter, covering a fairly
wide area, and Yang Kai’s figure had completely disappeared inside.

This Spirit Array was already terrifying with this kind of partial
initialization, so it was easy to imagine how frightful it would be if fully
Yin Le Sheng pursed his lips into a hideous grin, his eyes completely
glued onto the huge black ball, as if he couldn’t wait to witness Yang
Kai’s death with his own eyes.

If Yang Kai had a slim hope of escaping a moment ago, with the Array
activated now, Yang Kai had no chance of surviving. Inside the Array, his
vitality would keep on withering away. Furthermore, the might of twenty
or so Netherworld Purgatory Banners would be greatly increased under
the effect of the Array, making the joint attack of more than twenty
Netherworld Sect disciples quite capable of taking Yang Kai’s life.

“Yin Le Sheng, it seems you went to great lengths just to take my life, but
do you really think that this Young Master can’t break this Array?”

Suddenly, Yang Kai’s fierce shout came from inside the black ball, one
that sounded completely energetic, as if he wasn’t affected by his
situation at all.

Yin Le Sheng’s pupils shrank as he suddenly felt a foreboding feeling

grip his heart.

Before he could reply, a wave of terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly

spread from the black ball, followed by a deafening explosion.

The huge black ball suddenly doubled in size under the explosion of
energy, and looked as if it would burst at any moment.

The twenty or so Dao Source Realm disciples responsible for arranging

the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array also turned pale and their
figures trembled as if they had suffered some kind of backlash.

Yin Le Shen was completely taken aback and his eyes nearly popped
out of their sockets.

Hua Fei Chen also spoke in amazement, “How is this possible? Hasn’t
he just broken through to the Emperor Realm?”

Although he couldn’t see what move Yang Kai had just unleashed
because of the isolation of the Array, judging by how the Array was
affected, he could easily tell how powerful the attack was.
But how could a newly promoted Emperor display such prowess?

Hua Fei Chen imagined himself in Yang Kai’s shoes, wondering what it
would be like if he was trapped inside the Array. In that case, he might
not be left with any choice but to wait for his death. He would not be able
to shake the Array at all.

What he saw just now felt so surreal!


Another deafening explosion rang out as that black ball that had just
recovered swelled again, this time ballooning even more than before.


The twenty or so Dao Source Realm disciples coughed up mouthfuls of

blood as their figures trembled.

Yang Kai’s previous attack had caused them to bear some shockwaves,
and before they could steady themselves, they were struck again. They
were injured this time, and while the damage wasn’t serious yet and it
would not affect their operation of the Array, who knows how many such
attacks Yang Kai could unleash?

If this went on, this Array might really be broken.

“Martial Uncle Hua, Senior Brother Yin, we can’t withstand it anymore!”

Someone loudly shouted.

Yin Le Sheng was dumbstruck. He wanted to kill Yang Kai, and for this,
he had brought so many people from the Sect, even inviting a Second-
Order Emperor, Hua Fei Chen, to participate. What’s more, he had also
laid out the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array. If he was still unable to
kill Yang Kai after all this, what face would he have left to return to the
Netherworld Sect? How would he face his Honoured Master who had
placed such high hopes on him?

If he failed, it would be far worse than killing himself.


The third explosion rang out.

*Pu Pu Pu…*

The twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples spurted blood directly and

went completely pale. More importantly, a tear had appeared on the
huge black ball. Dense black Qi had suddenly started permeating into
the surroundings.

Yin Le Sheng was flabbergasted.

[The Array… Will really collapse!]

At this moment, only five breaths had passed since Yang Kai had started
making his move!
Chapter 2550 - Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl

“Young Lady Lin’er, please assist us!” Hua Fei Chen, seeing that the
Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array was on the verge of collapsing,
unable to contain Yang Kai anymore, quickly shouted to the red-robed

The girl named Lin’er rebuked, pouting, “What trash Spirit Array is this?
More than twenty people can’t trap one guy, and you still aren’t
embarrassed to call this waste powerful!? When this Young Lady asked
you whether you needed help, you guys refused, and now you are
begging me?”

Hua Fei Chen nearly spurted blood after hearing this. In his heart, he
thought, [It’s not the Spirit Array’s fault, rather the enemy is too strong!
Those who laid down the Array aren’t strong enough to maintain it!]

The stronger the people arranging the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing
Array were, the more power the Netherworld Purgatory Banners could
exert, and the stronger the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array would
be. Otherwise, how could it become the Sect Defending Array of
Netherworld Sect?

Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen had thought that this plan was
foolproof. After all, Yang Kai had at best just broken through to the
Emperor Realm, so how strong could he be? As long as they sealed the
space around him, he would be at their mercy.

But the facts were completely different from their estimation. Yang Kai’s
strength couldn’t be inferred by common sense at all.

“Young Lady Lin’er, there is no need for sly criticism.” Anxious, Hua Fei
Chen’s forehead became drenched in cold sweat as he stated, “If Yang
Kai escapes, I’m afraid Young Lady Lin’er’s goal would also fail.”

The girl named Lin’er suddenly came to her senses as she responded, “I
guess you’re right! Then, I will help you this time.”

Saying so, a crystal clear jade bowl appeared in her hand. The jade bowl
wasn’t that big, easily held in her slender white hand. Also, it was
glowing and there was a picture of a cinnamon flower on it. It was
unknown who had carved this flower, but it was vivid and lifelike, even
shaking slightly as if it was blowing in the breeze.

The girl named Lin’er shouted, raising her hand as the jade bowl shot out
of her hand, “Go!”

The jade bowl suddenly flew above the black ball, leaving a white trail of
light. The next moment, it started growing bigger, turning into a semi-
circular white screen in the blink of an eye. Next, it fell down upside
down, completely covering that black ball.

Not only that, the illusory image of the cinnamon flower in the jade bowl
became tangible, taking root in the ground, becoming a towering old tree.
Immediately, a wonderful fragrance slowly began to permeate into the


Right then, Yang Kai struck again.

The black ball suddenly swelled again, but the jade-bowl-transformed

white light screen blocked its expansion. This time, the black ball was
suppressed, unable to swell noticeably.

The twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples, whose faces were pale,

thinking that the Array would definitely break this time and they would
have to bear the backlash, were all pleasantly surprised after seeing the
Array completely safe and sound under the protection of the light screen.
Immediately after, they pushed their Source Qi even harder, increasing
the might of the Array.

A covetous look appeared in Hua Fei Chen’s eyes as he blurted, gulping,

“Is that the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl?”

This Emperor Artifact was famous. Only a few masters of Eastern

Territory hadn’t heard of it, but even fewer than a few people had ever
laid their eyes on it. Hua Fei Chen was also seeing for the first time. With
his experience and knowledge, he naturally knew the terrifying might of
this Emperor Artifact.
“So what if it is? You want it?” The girl named Lin’er turned her head,
staring at him coldly.

Hua Fei Chen was terrified and hurriedly replied, “I dare not! I dare not!
It’s just that Young Lady Lin’er has opened this Old Master’s eyes today.
This trip has become really worthwhile.”

“Enough with all this nonsense, quickly get on with it, I can’t keep this up
for too long,” the girl named Lin’er’s face had gone red as her Source Qi
kept pouring out like a flood. She could easily tell that the consumption of
summoning the Emperor Artifact was pretty big and she wouldn’t be able
to maintain it for a long time.

Hua Fei Chen immediately regained his wits and solemnly responded, “I
request Young Lady Lin’er to cooperate for a bit.”

While speaking, he motioned to Yin Le Sheng as the two tacitly came to

an understanding. Their figures flickered as they jumped straight towards
the black ball.

The girl named Lin’er formed a few hand seals and opened a slight gap
on the white light screen when the two approached it, letting them pass

The twenty-some Netherworld Sect disciples naturally did the same,

allowing Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng to rush into the Heavenly Net
Absolute Sealing Array.

Inside the Array, Yang Kai let out a soft exclamation with an extremely
weird look on his face.

He was almost about to destroy this Array, but somehow some strong
and sturdy force had stabilized it all of a sudden.

Not only that, but even the surrounding space had been more tightly
sealed. Even he felt like he was being suppressed now.

Inside this ghastly Array, Yang Kai felt that he was surrounded by dark
fog and he was unable to spread his Divine Sense very far. So naturally,
he was oblivious to the fact that the girl named Lin’er was using a mighty
Emperor Artifact to create difficulties for him.

He simply thought that he had underestimated the might of the Spirit


*Chi chi chi chi…*

Swishing sounds kept coming from all around as the abominable Yin
Souls swam around Yang Kai, attacking him whenever they found an

The Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array was arranged with

Netherworld Purgatory Banners as its foundation. The black fog that was
capable of sealing space was also coming from the Netherworld
Purgatory Banners, and thanks to the Array, the might of the Netherworld
Purgatory Banners was enhanced.

Inside the Array, it was like fighting more than twenty Netherworld Sect
disciples; it wasn’t as simple as one plus one at all.

The Yin Souls seemed to have been greatly strengthened in this strange
environment, and although Yang Kai tried his best to shake them off, he
wasn’t able to kill more than a few as he was focused on breaking the
Array before, which led to his current predicament.

At this moment, he finally noticed the strangeness of this Spirit Array.

Entrapped in this place, Yang Kai discovered that his vitality was
withering away bit by bit, and the black Qi around him was extremely
corrosive; it was eroding his physique and Emperor Qi.

*Wu Wu Wu…*

Hair-raising ghost cries rang out to no end, and one after another, Yin
Souls hidden in the black fog attacked him from every direction.

Yang Kai flicked his fingers, firing off Moon Blades in every direction.
Although this space was isolated, stopping him from teleporting out of
the range of the Array, nothing was stopping him from using the Space
Principles inside the black ball.

Yang Kai’s Moon Blades were terrifying, and the Yin Souls were torn to
ashes by them on contact.

Right then, Yang Kai suddenly had a bad premonition. Prompted by

instinct, he swung his hand to palm the space behind him.

But this backhand struck nothing but the air. Instead, he was ruthlessly
struck on the shoulder, which caused him to stagger back, sending his
blood and Qi circulation into turmoil.

Fortunately, his body was strong, otherwise, this strike would have been
enough to break his arm.

“Yang Kai, I am the Master in this Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array.
If I want you to survive, you will survive, and if I want you to die, you will
die. You will have no chance of living past today!” Yin Le Sheng’s voice
suddenly came from every direction, drifting from place to place, making
it impossible to tell where he was hiding.

Yang Kai tightly furrowed his brow, faintly feeling that things were a little

Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen were both members of the Netherworld
Sect and were like fish in the water within this array, whereas Yang Kai’s
hands and feet were tied, making him unable to display his full strength.

And with the array devouring his vitality and countless Yin Souls
attacking him, if Yang Kai didn’t find a way out soon, he wouldn’t be able
to escape and would definitely die here.

Yang Kai’s thoughts turned rapidly, but before he could regain his
footing, he felt a chill strike his neck.

Shocked, he promptly summoned the Myriads Sword and struck toward

that oncoming chill.
A crisp clang rang as sparks flew about.

A cry of surprise immediately followed, which seemed to be Hua Fei

Chen’s voice.

Obviously, he hadn’t expected Yang Kai to detect his sneak attack in

such a desperate situation, rendering his strike useless.

The Myriads Sword in Yang Kai’s hand formed a curtain of Sword Qi as

he looked around, and although he couldn’t see anything clearly, Yang
Kai still pursed his lips into a smile and stated, “Yin Le Sheng, I thought
that you would conduct yourself well after I let you go once in the
Shattered Star Sea, I never thought that you would run to the Ancient
Lands just to kill me. Since you wish so much to die, then it wouldn’t be
right if this Young Master wouldn’t fulfill your wish.”

Yin Le Sheng blew his top and immediately lashed out, “You are still
being so stubborn moments before death. I want to see what you will do

Yang Kai laughed and stated, “Just wait and watch. But don’t cry later!”

Yin Le Sheng was completely furious and still wanted to retort, but Hua
Fei Chen interrupted him, “Martial Nephew Yin, don’t listen to him, he is
trying to find your location!”

Yin Le Sheng felt that Hua Fei Chen was right. Yang Kai was clearly at
the end of his rope, so he was constantly provoking him to make him talk
so that he could find his position.

[I should keep my mouth shut for now.]

Yang Kai, on the other hand, lightly sneered before speaking, “Do you
think that this Young Master can’t do anything to you because of this
weak Spirit Array? You will be kneeling and begging for mercy in just
fifteen minutes.”

“Shameless boasting!” Yin Le Sheng was really furious and couldn’t help
but shout back.
Hua Fei Chen was also shivering with anger. He had never seen such an
ignorant Junior who didn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth.
Clearly, death was knocking on his door but he was still boasting. Where
was he getting all this confidence from? Hua Fei Chen secretly decided
that he would torture Yang Kai well after capturing him.

After a few more rounds of bickering, no more words could be heard

inside the black ball, just constant swishing sounds.

The red-robed girl and Old Fu, who were standing outside, also
understood that Yang Kai must be having a hard time even though they
had no idea what was going on inside.

Because every once in a while, they could hear Yang Kai’s groans.
Obviously, he was attacked by Hua Fei Chen and Yin Le Sheng.

The girl named Lin’er tried her best to rouse the might of the Taiyi
Cinnamon Bowl, and although this was taking a toll on her, her face was
filled with excitement. Just like Hua Fei Chen, she was looking forward to
torturing Yang Kai.

As long as she could take down Yang Kai, she would be able to vent all
her frustrations; no matter what price she had to pay, it would be well
worth it.

*Peng Peng Peng…*

Sounds of clashing swords could be heard coming from inside the black
ball every now and then; however, it was quite obvious that Yang Kai
was at a complete disadvantage. He was passively taking a beating, and
if not for his proficiency in the Dao of Space, allowing him to notice subtle
fluctuations around him and dodge incoming attacks, he would have died
many times over by now.

Even so, he was in a tight corner at this moment. His body was riddled
with multiple wounds, and although there weren’t any serious injuries, the
number of injuries was slowly increasing.

“You are still not dead!” Yin Le Sheng was shocked and furious. Just like
him, Yang Kai had just broken through to the Emperor Realm, but he
was showing far greater strength than Yin Le Sheng, which was very
hard to accept.

But all that should be over soon as Yang Kai’s vitality was constantly
being drained by the Array and the surrounding Yin Qi invading his body
as well as the accumulated injuries. Soon, Yang Kai would no longer
have any strength left to resist, and when that happened, he would be a
fish on the chopping block.
Chapter 2551 - Ten Thousand Ghosts Biting Backlash

Proud, Yin Le Sheng arrogantly laughed, “Yang Kai, do you think you will
live after today?”

A Master proficient in the Dao of Space could tear space at will, but now,
he was trapped here. Yin Le Sheng was so filled with joy that it couldn’t
be described with mere words.

So, even though he knew that he shouldn’t talk to Yang Kai at this
moment, Yin Le Sheng couldn’t help but arrogantly taunt.

Hua Fei Chen, on the other hand, didn’t speak a word as he was
constantly looking for a chance to attack.

Yang Kai, blocking the next attack, drew back. He put the Myriads Sword
horizontally before his chest, taking a defensive stance, before rebuking
with a snort, “The frog at the bottom of the well knows nothing of how
vast the sky is. Today, this Young Master will open your useless eyes.
Just watch how I break this useless Array of yours!”

Saying so, he flipped his hand as a bracelet suddenly appeared.

Although bracelets were usually artifacts worn by women, this bracelet
didn’t appear to be suitable for women to wear because it was filled with
mysterious runes and was surging with Spiritual Energy. One could tell
that it was a powerful Emperor Artifact at a glance.

“You still dare to be so arrogant?” Yin Le Sheng was enraged. With the
cover of Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array, Yin Le Sheng sneaked
close to Yang Kai, but just as he raised his hand, preparing to launch a
sneak attack, he suddenly heard a buzzing noise ringing next to his ear.

That buzzing sound was extremely strange, as if countless tiny insects

were flying over.

“What is this?” Yin Le Sheng raised his brow, and lest he found himself
in another troublesome situation, he didn’t dare to make a move and
rather pulled back.
“Something that will take your dog life!” Yang Kai sneered, standing on
the spot, waving his hands to release countless black insects from the

The bracelet was naturally the Insect Enslavement Bracelet, and the
black insects were naturally the evolved Soul Devouring Demon Insects.

When he was besieged by the countless Yin Souls in the cave before,
Yang Kai suddenly wondered whether his Soul Devouring Insects would
have a restraining effect against them.

Soul Devouring Insects fed on Spiritual Energy, and could even swallow
Demon Qi.

As for Yin Souls, to a certain extent, they were just a mass of Spiritual

However, earlier, there were too many eyes on him. If the Soul
Devouring Insects did not take a fancy to the Yin Souls, his secret would
be exposed with him not being able to kill all the onlookers.

But now, there were only two that were watching, so Yang Kai secretly
released a few Soul Devouring Insects earlier while dealing with Yin Le
Sheng and Hua Fei Chen, waiting for the results.

After giving it a try, it went as he had expected. The Yin Souls were
simply delicious dishes laid out for the Soul Devouring Insects. Not only
did the Soul Devouring Insects devour the Yin Souls gleefully, they also
seemed able to devour the black Qi as well.

They loved this type of energy too.

Now that the result of his experiment was already out, naturally, Yang
Kai would no longer be polite to the Netherworld Sect. The next moment,
countless Soul Devouring Demon Insects flew out, swarming in every
direction. The insects rushed forward like a pack of hungry wolves
charging into the flock of sheep, catching each and every Yin Soul
wandering around.
In a flash, miserable wails sounded everywhere. Although these Yin
Souls were devoid of the sentience they had when they were still alive,
they still screamed when they were being eaten, giving jitters to the

Both Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen were shocked. They had no idea
what was going on. All they understood was that their side was taking
heavy losses.

With having no idea of what was happening, they didn’t dare to rashly
attack anymore, lest what Yang Kai said came true.

“What’s going on?” Helpless, Hua Fei Chen could only ask the twenty or
so disciples managing the Array.

Only they knew about the situation inside the Array, because they were
the ones who had arranged it. More importantly, the foundation of the
Array was made up of their artifacts, so it could even be said that their
lives were related to the array, their life and death tied to it.

“It’s very bad, Elder Hua!” A disciple cried in horror, “That guy has
suddenly released a swarm of insects.”

“A swarm of insects?” Hua Fei Chen’s eyes widened in shock before he

furiously shouted, “Why are you making a fuss about a few insects? Just
kill them!”

[What a bunch of wastes! Even an Emperor Realm Master can be killed

inside the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array, and you are afraid of a
bunch of insects? The disciples taken into the Sect over these past few
years have really dropped in standard.]

That disciple added with trepidation, “Elder, these insects can’t be killed.
Rather they are devouring the banner’s Yin Souls.”


Hua Fei Chen was taken aback this time. The Yin Souls inside the black
ball were the ones from each Netherworld Purgatory Banner and were
completely intangible. They were identical to the Yin Souls found in the
Ancient Lands Passageway, an accumulation of grievances after a
person’s death. They were sinister and treacherous, not good to

Yet there were actually insects in this world that could swallow Yin Souls
stored within the banners?

What kind of insects were they?

Before Hua Fei Chen could ask any further questions, he suddenly felt a
chill coming over from the front, rushing straight at him.

Hua Fei Chen was greatly shocked and immediately shouted, “Junior!
You dare to sneak attack me!?”

Evidently, this chill was the result of Yang Kai’s sneak attack, and while
shouting, Hua Fei Chen hurriedly blocked the oncoming strike. A
deafening clap of thunder immediately followed and his eyes bulged in
shock so wide that the corners of them almost cracked. Much to Hua Fei
Chen’s shock and dismay, he was actually pushed back.

This was the first head-on confrontation between Yang Kai and him as all
the previous clashes were just him sneak-attacking, taking advantage of
the concealment of the Array. Therefore, he hadn’t expected Yang Kai to
be this powerful.

[Is he even human?] Hua Fei Chen couldn’t help but find it surreal, as if
he was dreaming.

Yang Kai broke into laughter as he taunted, “If you can do it, why can’t I?
What’s so strange about me sneak attacking you? Does Elder Hua think
that this Young Master should just stick his neck out and let you cut it

The corners of Hua Fei Chen’s lips twitched, but he couldn’t help but
agree with a snort, “That would be best.”

Yang Kai meaningfully grinned and said, “Then it would depend on

whether you even have the strength to make me!”
As he spoke, his figure flickered as he attacked him with an earth-
shattering momentum. Somehow or the other, he had accurately grasped
Hua Fei Chen’s location.

Hua Fei Chen was greatly shocked and hurriedly shouted, “Martial
Nephew Yin, help me!”

A Second-Order Emperor Realm Master was attacked by an enemy, who

was one Minor Realm below him, inside a Spirit Array his allies
controlled, yet he was still calling for his Martial Nephew’s help. Hua Fei
Chen felt like he lost all face at this moment.

But compared to his life, his face was simply nothing.

Naturally, Yin Le Sheng wouldn’t let Hua Fei Chen take risks alone and
promptly rushed over after hearing this cry for help while fiercely
shouted, “Yang Kai! Don’t go too far!”

Martial Nephew and Uncle instantly teamed up, their Emperor Qi surging
as they launched one Netherworld Sect Secret Technique after another
against Yang Kai, locking him in a fierce struggle.

Deafening claps of thunder rang out one after another as violent energy
fluctuations spread outward.

Strange looks appeared on the faces of Old Fu and the girl named Lin’er,
who were hovering in the air.

Old Fu furrowed his brow, criticizing, “What the Hell are those from the
Netherworld Sect doing?”

“A bunch of wastes!” The girl named Lin’er ground her teeth and cursed.

She had even taken out an Emperor Artifact, the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl,
to help, but she hadn’t expected for the Netherworld Sect to be unable to
take down Yang Kai even after this. This really caused her to look down
on them.

“Young Lady, do you want this Old Master to help them out?” Old Fu
inquiringly asked.
Judging by the shockwaves and rumblings, the chances of Hua Fei Chen
and Yin Le Sheng being able to defeat Yang Kai anytime soon appeared
bleak. At any rate, Old Fu was a First-Order Emperor Realm Master, and
if he helped them now, they would definitely be able to suppress Yang

“No need,” the girl named Lin’er refused, “This Young Lady has already
personally given them a hand, which is already giving them a lot of face.
Why should you intervene too? If they still can’t win, these guys from the
Netherworld Sect are truly useless.”

Old Fu didn’t dare to violate her order, so all he could do was bow his
head and agree.

Right then, a cry of shock sounded.

Old Fu’s pupils shrank as he looked toward the source of the cry. The
next moment, he saw the twenty or so Netherworld Sect disciples, who
were presiding over the Array, stumble as if they were struck by lightning.
Their faces were pale as paper and large beads of sweat were rolling
down their foreheads while blood could also be seen coming out of the
corners of their lips.

They seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

“What happened?” Old Fu stared with widened eyes, unable to

understand what was going on.

One of the Netherworld Sect disciples cried for help, “Elder! Please…
Save us! The Yin Souls within our banners are about to be completely
devoured! Ple-”

The Netherworld Sect disciples’ lives and cultivation were tied to their
Netherworld Purgatory Banners, so while their strength might be greatly
enhanced with them, if their Netherworld Purgatory Banner was
damaged, they would have to bear an extremely serious backlash.

They were just presiding over the array and weren’t directly clashing with
Yang Kai.
But the Soul Devouring Insects released by Yang Kai were constantly
devouring their banners’ Yin Souls, and at an extremely fast pace at that.

This disciple was rather unlucky, as all the Yin Souls released by him
were devoured clean by the Soul Devouring Insects, resulting in serious
damage to his Netherworld Purgatory Banner. He even had to bear a
tremendous backlash.

Before he could finish talking, a streak of black light suddenly shot over
from that enormous black ball.

It was the very same Netherworld Purgatory Banner that was tied to his
life and cultivation.

But when this disciple saw his artifact, not only did he not feel the
slightest joy, but he appeared as if he had seen something extremely
horrifying, hurriedly got up, turned around, and fled.

The approaching Netherworld Purgatory Banner seemed to be sentient

as it chased right after him.

In the blink of an eye, the Netherworld Purgatory Banner had already

caught up with the Netherworld Sect disciple.


The Netherworld Purgatory Banner blew up into a cloud of pitch black

energy, enveloping the Netherworld Sect disciple.

“Ahhh!!!!…” A heart-rending scream immediately resounded. It sounded

extremely miserable, as if the one caught in it was subjected to the most
terrifying torture in the world.

The pitch-black energy was like black flames that were attached to this
disciple, they couldn’t be put out and were like poisonous vipers that
were invading his body through every pore and orifice.

Miserably screaming, the Netherworld Sect disciple kept rolling on the

ground, scratching his cheeks with his hands.
He was scratching very hard, clawing his flesh and skin, and in the blink
of an eye, his entire face was mangled; even his bones could be seen.

“What… what’s happening to him?” On the other side, the red-robed girl,
who was controlling the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl, turned pale and couldn’t
help but ask in a trembling voice.

She had never seen such a horrible sight.

If a person wasn’t in such excruciating pain that his mind couldn’t

process it, how could he do such a horrible thing to himself?

“Ten Thousand Ghosts Biting Backlash!” Old Fu too nervously gulped as

he added in shock, “He is finished.”

The Netherworld Purgatory Banner was greatly damaged, so much so

that even its owner had received a horrible backlash. This backlash was
even more unbearable than falling into a hot wok filled with oil.

While he was speaking, the black energy on that disciple converged,

completely seeping into his body all of a sudden. Right after, he
screamed even more miserably, tossing and turning on the ground,
clawing off pieces of his own flesh. Very soon, the ground was dyed red.
Chapter 2552 - You Brought This Upon Yourself

Within just ten breaths, the Netherworld Sect disciples suddenly made a
huge jerk before he ceased breathing, lying still on the ground. No part of
his body remained intact; even his intestines had been dug out by
himself. It was a horrendous sight.

And the pitch-black energy was still burning around him, as if it would
continue burning till the end of time.

*Xiu Xiu Xiu…*

Streaks of black light continued to fly out of the Heavenly Net Absolute
Sealing Array, one after another, shooting straight towards the
Netherworld Sect disciples.

These disciples were utterly terrified and all turned tail and ran, crying to
the Elder to save them.

But, how would Hua Fei Chen have the time to rescue them when he
and Yin Le Sheng were still being chased by Yang Kai. They didn’t even
have the time to gasp for breath, so despite knowing that these disciples
were suffering from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Biting Backlash, they were
completely helpless.

However, even if he had the time, he would still not be able to rescue
those disciples.

For Netherworld Sect disciples, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Biting

Backlash was the cruellest torture and the most unbearable method of
death. This was related to their cultivation technique and their artifacts.

But at the end of the day, it was the foundation of the Netherworld Sect,
so how could the disciples not cultivate it?

Miserable screams resounded, one after another, but this time, it wasn’t
the Yin Souls that were being bitten, but rather the Netherworld Sect
disciples who were afflicted with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Biting
In just thirty breaths, the number of Netherworld Sect disciples had been
reduced by half, all of them having suffered the backlash and died
because of their Netherworld Purgatory Banners being damaged.

However, the array was still operating.

The Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array was a rather peculiar Spirit
Array in that it was quite flexible; five could lay out the Array and ten
could too. The same went for twenty…

So, even if so many had died, the Spirit Array still had not stopped.

It was just that the pitch-black ball had faded a lot, and the three figures
inside could already be seen flying about rapidly, locked in a fierce battle.

With the sudden death of half of the disciples on their side, the remaining
Netherworld Sect disciples were naturally terrified. They knew that if they
didn’t run away, they would not fare any better than their departed
Brothers. Sooner or later, they would be killed by the backlash.

But Hua Fei Chen didn’t give out any orders to retreat, so how could they
dare escape? If they really tried to escape at this point, they would
definitely be chased by the entire Netherworld Sect, so they could only
grit their teeth and persevere.

“Summon the Ghost King, you fools!” Yin Le Sheng suddenly shouted.

The remaining Netherworld Sect disciples all jolted when they heard this.
Immediately after, a resolute look flashed across their faces before they
started making hand seals as their Source Qi surged.

Next, they spewed mouthfuls of Blood Essence towards the black ball,
one after another.

The red blood splashed through the black ball, vanishing from sight like
the rain falling into the sea.

However, the banner’s Yin Souls inside the black ball seemed to have
been stimulated and started roaring non-stop.
Hua Fei Chen timely flew over, blocking Yang Kai. Yin Le Sheng quickly
pulled away, looking at Yang Kai with a glare of hatred. In the next
moment, a Netherworld Banner suddenly appeared in his hand.

It was the very same Netherworld Purgatory Banner, the symbol of being
a Netherworld Sect disciple.

Holding the Netherworld Purgatory Banner, he opened his mouth and

spurted a mouthful of Blood Essence towards his artifact as he fiercely
urged it, causing it to rapidly inflate in size.

*Huchi Huchi…*

Suddenly, rhythmic sounds started coming from the Purgatory Banner,

like the sound of breathing, making everyone feel unnerved.

And along with this sound, the dense black Qi and the countless Yin
Souls inside the black ball gathered towards the Netherworld Purgatory
Banner in Yin Le Sheng’s hand, as if they were drawn in by some
irresistible force.

In a flash, all the black Qi and Yin Souls had disappeared.

Yang Kai and the two were left standing, their fields of vision bright and
clear, only the white light screen of the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl left covering
them, sealing them in this space.

Yang Kai’s heart skipped a beat as he instinctively had a dangerous

feeling. While fighting with Hua Fei Chen, he found a moment to glance
at Yin Le Sheng, whereupon he saw Yin Le Sheng grinning hideously
before shouting, “Yang Kai, let’s see how you will remain alive now!”

Just as he said this, the Netherworld Purgatory Banner in his hand

suddenly burst into a cloud of black mist, and from that surging cloud of
black mist, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly flickered with a strange gleam,
like it could devour everyone’s Soul. No one could keep their eyes away
from it.

Immediately afterwards, two enormous ghastly claws stretched out from

the black mist.
Amid the tumbling mist, an enormous figure appeared.

The figure was more than five meters tall and was completely black, its
appearance completely repulsive. There was a curved horn on his
forehead, and a mouth packed with sharp fangs. When the figure
appeared, it gave off an oppressive feeling.

The temperature of the surrounding air seemed to have dropped to the

freezing point in an instant.


A streak of white mist gushed out from the figure’s nostrils, freezing the

“Ghost King!” Old Fu’s pupils shrank. He knew that the Netherworld Sect
disciples had put their lives on the line now, otherwise they wouldn’t
resort to such a Forbidden Technique. Once they had used this
technique, they had pushed themselves to an impasse; either their
enemy would die, or they would.

This Ghost King was different from the Ghost King found in the Ancient
Lands Passageway. The Ghost King in the passage was born naturally
and had reached its terrifying cultivation over many years of
accumulation. But this Ghost King was formed by the Netherworld Sect
disciples through merging the Yin Souls stored within their banners.

Nevertheless, the undeniable fact was that the aura exuded by this
Ghost King was terrifying; in fact, it was comparable to a Third-Order
Emperor Realm Master. Old Fu, who was spectating the fight from
outside, couldn’t help but shiver as the Yin Qi radiating from the Ghost
King hit him.

On the contrary, the girl named Lin’er, whose cultivation was lower,
remained unaffected; however, a faint aura flashed around her figure at
this moment. Apparently, the glow surrounding her had negated the
corrosion of the Yin Qi.

“Martial Uncle, help me!” Yin Le Sheng shouted.

Hua Fei Chen made a feint, causing Yang Kai to back away, and then
immediately flickered as he retreated to Yin Le Sheng’s side and
punched himself right in the chest.


Blood spurted by Hua Fei Chen landed on the Ghost King, causing its
aura to grow stronger still.

The two rapidly formed hand seals and a serious look filled their faces as
they seemed to be resonating with something; they had established a
connection with the Ghost King.

Yang Kai on the other hand stood in place with a solemn look on his
face, his eyes narrowing as he sized up the newly summoned Ghost

[Worthy of a top Sect from the Eastern Territory, they actually had such a
bizarre Secret Technique!] Yang Kai thought his victory was secured, but
he had never expected such a development.

Yin Le Sheng, gritting his teeth, shouted, “Yang Kai, I didn’t anticipate
you being so strong, but can you beat this Ghost King? This is the full
power of the several dozen disciples of my Netherworld Sect! Your death
has now been assured!”

Yang Kai derided with a snort, “You have already said that so many
times today, yet this Young Master is still standing here, isn’t he?”

Yin Le Sheng was unable to suppress his anger as he stopped arguing

and formed a hand seal, shouting, “Die!”

When the words fell, the Ghost King’s eyes flashed with a red gleam, it
rushed toward Yang Kai.

“Devour it!” Yang Kai pointed at it as countless Soul Devouring Demon

Insects flew out and crashed into the Ghost King, forming a dark cloud in
the sky.

The dark cloud of insects suddenly collapsed as countless Soul
Devouring Insects were knocked back and fell to the ground; it was
difficult to tell whether they were alive or dead.

The Ghost King, on the other hand, was completely safe; its momentum
wasn’t diminished in the slightest.

After all, the dark cloud of insects was composed of countless Soul
Devouring Insects, so they didn’t form a dense or rigid structure. How
could a cloud withstand such a collision? It was natural for it to collapse,
giving the impression that it couldn’t take even a single hit.

Yin Le Sheng broke into laughter and sneered, “Who asked you to act so
arrogantly and presumptuously? You brought this upon yourself!”

Judging by his words, it seemed as if Yang Kai was in the wrong.

Yang Kai pursed his lips into a sneer, indifferently staring at the
oncoming Ghost King, showing no intention of moving away.

Yin Le Sheng’s laughter abruptly came to a stop as he stared ahead with

bulging eyes when he noticed pitch-black insects crawling all over the
Ghost King at some point, covering it completely. Obviously, they had
secretly landed on the Ghost King during the collision.


Suddenly, a crisp sound akin to the silkworm biting the mulberry leaves
rang out. Immediately, an extremely painful look appeared on the
charging Ghost King’s face and it let out a howl as it suddenly slowed

“This…” Yin Le Sheng was stunned. He didn’t expect these strange

insects would be so powerful that they could even devour the Ghost

Hua Fei Chen’s face suddenly brightened and then darkened as a flash
of confusion appeared in his eyes. Soon, he seemed to have recalled
something as he called out in alarm, “Soul Devouring Insects! These are
Soul Devouring Insects!”
As a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master, he had cultivated for many,
many years and naturally had an extremely rich breadth of experience
and knowledge. It wasn’t surprising for him to know about Soul
Devouring Insects.

He didn’t recognize them at first; after all, these Soul Devouring Insects
were really different from the records he had seen in the ancient books
he had read. Whether it was their size or brutality, these were on a
completely different scale compared to the ancient records.

Only now did he come to realize their true nature.

And after having come to know that they were Soul Devouring Insects,
Hua Fei Chen was struck with panic.

Yin Le Sheng may not know how powerful these Soul Devouring Insects
were, but he knew that the Netherworld Purgatory Banner and Yin Souls
were absolutely not opponents of these insects. No wonder so many
disciples had so miserably died, it was because of these bugs!

While he was crying out in shock, the Soul Devouring Insects that had
been knocked down and fallen on the ground also crawled back up,
fluttered their wings, and buzzed towards the Ghost King, biting at it.

Currently, the enormous Ghost King was covered in Soul Devouring

Insects, leaving only its faintly discernible scarlet eyes visible.

Being gnawed by the Soul Devouring Insects, the Ghost King was slowly
slipping out of Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen’s control, howling and
writhing as if in excruciating pain.

Hua Fei Chen knew that things weren’t looking good for them and he
hurriedly shouted, “We have to end this quickly!”

Once the Soul Devouring Insects had come into play, they couldn’t delay
things any longer. If they continued to drag the situation, the Ghost King
would be completely devouring clean. When that happened, he and Yin
Le Sheng would also suffer the Ten Thousand Ghosts Biting Backlash.
Over a dozen disciples had miserably died already, and Hua Fei Chen
didn’t want to follow in their footsteps.

Yin Le Sheng was also sharp and naturally knew about the fearsome
relationship with this Ghost King, so he immediately teamed up with Hua
Fei Chen to force the Ghost King to attack.


The Ghost King let out a deafening roar and its two eyeballs turned
redder, as if blood was pouring out from them. It completely disregarded
the Soul Devouring Insects gnawing at it and shot straight at Yang Kai,
stretching its enormous ghastly claws as a pitch-black sickle suddenly
appeared in its hands. Immediately after, it swung it straight towards
Yang Kai.
Chapter 2553 - Little Girl, You Court Death

The momentum of the Ghost King’s attack was astonishing, and before it
even reached Yang Kai, the resulting wind tore open Yang Kai’s skin.


The Myriads Sword hummed as Yang Kai swung it diagonally and

Emperor Qi surged through it. Immediately after, it bloomed with a
dazzling halo.

The next moment, a crisp metallic clang rang out as sparks flew

The lunging Ghost King paused for a moment before its enormous figure
leaned back a bit, proof in itself how powerful Yang Kai’s blow was. The
feedback from the Ghost King made Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen’s
pupils simultaneously shrink as looks of disbelief appeared on their

Meanwhile, Yang Kai was knocked back like a rucksack, crashing right
onto the white light screen before stopping.

A flash of horror appeared in his eyes as he hadn’t expected Ghost King

to be this powerful.

When Yin Le Sheng saw Yang Kai suffer a loss, he couldn’t help but
laugh, “After I have teamed up with Martial Uncle Hua, the Ghost King is
as powerful as a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master! Yang Kai, how are
you going to fight against me now? Quickly come and accept your

While speaking, he controlled the Ghost King to lunge at Yang Kai again.
Apparently, he wanted to kill Yang Kai before he could regain his breath.

*Chi Chi Chi…*

The enormous pitch-black sickle struck again with an unstoppable

momentum, directly cutting Yang Kai’s figure in half.
Hua Chen Fei raised his brow before speaking without a moment of
hesitation. “An afterimage!”

With the two collaborating, their senses had become sharper and they
could immediately tell that Yang Kai had already escaped. The only thing
that the sickle had split in two was an illusory phantom left by Yang Kai,
that’s all.

“Ghost King, come back!” Yin Le Sheng also shouted without hesitation,
rapidly forming hand seals. Suddenly, the Ghost King burst into a cloud
of black mist before mysteriously disappearing from where it was.

The next moment, Yang Kai’s figure strangely appeared about ten
metres away from Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen, his face cold and the
Myriads Sword in his hand pulsating, preparing to cut the two down.

Surprisingly, Yin Le Sheng was gazing right into Yang Kai’s eyes,
sneering; not a single trace of panic could be found on his face.

Suddenly, a cloud of black mist appeared behind Yang Kai, and the
Ghost King’s faint figure loomed inside it. Right then, the enormous
sickle swept horizontally towards Yang Kai.

Yang Kai furrowed his brow, sensing the oncoming chill behind him. How
could he not know that the Ghost King had already caught up with him?

He hadn’t expected this thing to be so difficult to get rid of; it was like
maggots on rotting bones. He had planned to cut off the leader to defeat
his subordinates; finish Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen. He didn’t want
to confront the Ghost King head-on.

But now, his plan had gone awry.

In a hurry, Yang Kai could only flee from his position. When his figure
reappeared again, he was already several tens of metres away.

“What’s the point of jumping around? Yang Kai, if you are still a man, you
should fight head-on!” Yin Le Sheng roared in anger. He discovered that
even though the space here was sealed, stopping Yang Kai from simply
teleporting away to flee, the latter was still at ease and as slippery as a
loach. He couldn’t catch Yang Kai at all.

Yang Kai sneered, “You have teamed up with your Martial Uncle, and
also have the help of an Array arranged by so many of your fellow
Brothers, yet you have the gall to tell me to fight head-on? Is your head
messed up?”

Yin Le Sheng looked embarrassed, but nevertheless, he stubbornly

continued, “If you have ability, find a Martial Uncle and fellow Brothers
and bring them here. This Yin will definitely not object.”

Yang Kai rebuked with a snort, “What lopsided logic!” He then pointed
the Myriads Sword at Yin Le Sheng, provocatively continuing, “Yin Le
Sheng, I will definitely settle our old and new grudges today. If you are
still a man, come and fight this Young Master one-on-one, and see if this
Young Master doesn’t beat you to the point that not even your mother
will be able to recognize you!”

“My mother is already dead, why are you dragging her into this!?” Yin Le
Sheng furiously stated.

Yang Kai sarcastically added, “In any case, you are also the top disciple
of the Netherworld Sect and a hegemon of Great Desolation Star Field.
What’s wrong? You don’t even have the guts to fight with me one-on-

Yin Le Sheng’s face turned gloomy as he burned with fury. Even the
Ghost King he was controlling seemed to flicker with rage.

Whether it was about being the top disciple of Netherworld Sect or the
hegemon of Grand Desolation Star Field, Yin Le Sheng was naturally
proud of his achievements, and had these words been said by someone
else, he would have already slapped him. But he was up against Yang
Kai and really didn’t dare to challenge him one-on-one.

He had experienced Yang Kai’s strength and abilities first hand and
knew he wasn’t his opponent by any means. Rather, if he were to attack
alone now, he would soon be lying in his grave.
“Martial Nephew, he is trying to stall for time!” Hua Fei Chen warned Yin
Le Sheng with a cold face as he glanced at the Ghost King.

At this moment, the Soul Devouring Insects were crawling all over the
Ghost King’s body while crisp biting sounds could be continuously heard.
Obviously, they were devouring the Ghost King’s strength and Hua Fei
Chen could already see that it had weakened a lot in this short moment.
If they didn’t kill Yang Kai soon, the Ghost King would cease to exist
before Yang Kai fell.

And once the Ghost King was destroyed, all the Netherworld Sect
members present at the scene would also suffer a backlash, including
Yin Le Sheng and himself.

“I know!” Yin Le Sheng replied, grinding his teeth.

“We can’t delay, we must act now!” Hua Fei Chen shouted, rapidly
forming hand seals again.

Yin Le Sheng promptly acted in concert, while glancing at Lin’er outside


“What a bunch of wastes!” Lin’er coldly snorted, “They are fighting one
man, and had even laid out this Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array,
but still, they haven’t killed him yet and are still allowing him to run
around all over the place! These Netherworld Sect disciples are truly
useless! Had I known this earlier, I wouldn’t have helped them out.”

Now, unable to vent her anger, she was even more pent up than ever
before, especially when she saw Yang Kai flaunting his prowess. Lin’er
blew her top and wanted to go in and teach him a lesson personally.

It never crossed her mind that she was just a Third-Order Dao Source
Realm. How could she have the ability to teach Yang Kai a lesson? She
also didn’t notice Hua Fei Chen, Yin Le Sheng, and the others all
sweating from the extreme exertion.

“Ao!!” The two Emperors of the Netherworld Sect cast some mysterious
Secret Technique at that moment and the Ghost King suddenly let out a
roar, facing the sky. The sickle in its hand was giving off powerful energy
fluctuations and its enormous figure shot towards Yang Kai in the blink of
an eye, ruthlessly sweeping the sickle down at him.

Yang Kai impatiently asked, “You have used this attack over and over
again, do you think it will still work against this Young Master?”

He wasn’t able to cut down the ringleader, but as long as he continued to

make them consume their energy, it would not take long for the Soul
Devouring Insects to finish off the Ghost King. When that happened, he
wouldn’t need to make a move as all those from the Netherworld Sect
would face a miserable end.

So, while taunting them, Yang Kai prepared to move away from his
position to dodge the incoming attack.

But right then, the enormous phantom of a cinnamon flower on the

screen of white light that had been enveloping them suddenly moved,
one of its branches sweeping towards Yang Kai at lightning-fast speed.

How could Yang Kai expect such a thing to happen?

He didn’t know how this layer of white light was formed, and thought that
it was laid out by the Netherworld Sect disciples.

This was a natural assumption as this white light curtain seemed to just
be blocking space, so Yang Kai hadn’t put up any defences against it.

Caught off guard, one of his arms was caught by the branch.

He tried to free himself, but wasn’t able to.

And it wasn’t over yet. The illusory phantom of the cinnamon flower
shook again as three branches shot out from the light screen, binding
Yang Kai’s other arm and his legs with great precision.

In a flash, Yang Kai’s limbs were completely tied and pulled by the
branches, forming the ‘大’ character with his figure.

The branches tightened their hold before lifting him up in the air.
Suddenly, Yang Kai turned his head and stared at the red-robed Lin’er.
He noticed that her face was pale and she was rapidly forming hand
seals, as if she was casting some Secret Technique.

[So, it’s her doing!]

Yang Kai suddenly understood everything and ground his teeth angrily,
“Little Girl! You court death!”

He was worried about her background before, so he had given her a

small punishment in the desolate city, and he saw her mingling with the
Netherworld Sect members, he still hadn’t considered what to do with
her. Yang Kai had only planned to get rid of those from the Netherworld
Sect and then completely disregarded this girl.

How could he have known that she would have such strange tricks up
her sleeve? And having been caught by surprise, Yang Kai finally felt
killing intent towards her.

Lin’er was scared by the sight of the fierce, murderous look on Yang
Kai’s face, but she gritted her teeth and countered back, “I won’t die if
you are dead, will I!?”

Yin Lin Sheng broke into laughter before speaking, “Well done Young
Lady Lin’er. I’d like to see how this bastard will escape now!”

Although Hua Fei Chen didn’t say anything, he was trying his best to
push his Emperor Qi, controlling the Ghost King with Yin Le Sheng to
attack Yang Kai.

As the enormous sickle slashed down, an aura of death caressed Yang

Kai’s face.

Yin Le Sheng widened his eyes, as if he wanted to enjoy every moment

of Yang Kai’s death.

Hua Fei Chen was also smiling, relieved that things were finally over. If
Yang Kai could break loose and escape now, that would be an
inconceivable feat.
The attack came instantaneously, and Yang Kai’s pupils immediately
shrank to the size of needle tips as he roared, “Dragon Transformation!”

With a deafening roar, a shining Golden Dragon Head suddenly

appeared behind Yang Kai. The entire world seemed to tremble with its
appearance as Dragon Pressure immediately spread everywhere,
causing every living being to submit.

Even the charging Ghost King couldn’t help but momentarily freeze, its
sickle strike stagnating for a moment.

Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen had their jaws drop, watching the
roaring Dragon Head in a daze, a sense of absurdity rising in their heart.

It became even harder for Lin’er to hold on once this happened. Her
cultivation was the lowest here, and under the intense Dragon Pressure,
her tender figure stumbled, almost falling over and collapsing. Owing to
this, the power of Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl’s restraints also greatly fell.

From the start, she was unable to bring out the full power of this Emperor
Artifact and even her current condition couldn’t be maintained for too
long. Now, under the Dragon Pressure, the white screen of light was
showing signs of collapsing, but through sheer force of will, she hurriedly
grit her teeth and held on, not daring to let Yang Kai break free.

The shining illusory phantom of the Dragon Head flickered as it drilled

into Yang Kai’s body.

Immediately after, Yang Kai’s hands transformed into Dragon Claws as

Dragon Scales mysteriously appeared on his bare body. Even a Dragon
Tail formed of golden energy had appeared behind him, sweeping left
and right, leaving gullies on the ground as it did. It was a shocking sight.


The Ghost King’s attack arrived in the next moment, cutting Yang Kai
right in the chest.

*Chi Chi Chi…*

A grating sound immediately followed as sparks flew everywhere.

It seemed as if the Ghost King’s attack hadn’t struck a human but the
hardest artifact that could possibly be made.

Yang Kai spurted out a mouthful of blood, but what everyone found
surprising was that the blood wasn’t red like others, but golden.

And on his chest, a half-metre long gaping wound had appeared, one so
deep that even his bones were visible.

Yang Kai had cast the Dragon Transformation Secret Technique, which
had greatly improved his physical defences, but nonetheless, he was still
hit hard by the Ghost King’s attack.
Chapter 2554 - I’ll be Waiting for You on the Road to the Yellow Springs

If the Ghost King’s energy had not been devoured by the Soul Devouring
Insects, and had his body not been this strong, this blow would have
killed Yang Kai instantly.

Although his life wasn’t in any danger, the injury was shocking. There
was dark energy lingering around his wound, corroding his body and
preventing Yang Kai from healing his injuries.

This was the Yin Energy of the Ghost King, which was extremely difficult
to get rid of.

“He’s still not dead!?” Yin Le Sheng couldn’t help but cry out loud as his
eyes bulged in shock, having a hard time believing how sturdy Yang
Kai’s body was as well as the strange Secret Technique he just used to
cause a Dragon Head and pure Dragon Pressure to manifest.

Was it an actual Divine Spirit?

Considering all this, Yin Le Sheng’s legs trembled.

“I… I can’t hold on anymore,” Lin’er stated in a low voice, gritting her

It was already a remarkable feat for her to maintain an Emperor Artifact

like the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl for so long with her low cultivation. In
addition, she had been deterred by the Dragon Pressure just now and
her concentration was shaken. At this moment, the Source Qi in her
body was of no use and she was unable to hold out any longer.

Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen were greatly shocked after hearing this
and didn’t dare to delay any further, pushing their Emperor Qi hard to
control the Ghost King to launch another attack.

Finally, with the help of Young Lady Lin’er, Yang Kai was suppressed
and had become an easy target. If they couldn’t kill him now, a miserable
end was waiting for them.
“All of you are dead!” Yang Kai’s eyes flickered with a cold gleam as he
struggled hard to get free.

Crisp cracking sounds immediately followed as Yang Kai broke the

branches binding his limbs.

Lin’er let out a tender cry, as if she had suffered a backlash, and the
white light screen suddenly converged before turning back into the
crystal-clear jade bowl and flying towards her, disappearing into her body
right after.

Without the suppression of this strange Emperor Artifact, Yang Kai felt
the pressure around him suddenly lighten and immediately felt full of

Only now did he come to understand that the white screen of light was
actually an Emperor Artifact.

The Ghost King was fiercely rushing at him, but Yang Kai acted as if he
didn’t see it. Rather, a serious look appeared on his face and his
Emperor Qi surged like a tide as he rapidly formed a seal with his hands.

“Time Flows on Infinitely, Like a Mighty Stream, Like an Unending


Once the Flowing Time Great Emperor’s Divine Ability was brought into
play, time seemed to have frozen.

That seal rumbled straight towards Yin Le Sheng and Hua Fei Chen, but
the pair were completely oblivious to it; they just kept looking ahead with
widened eyes.

It seemed like thousands upon thousands of years had passed by in an


When their eyes finally regained clarity, the seal was already upon them.

A terrified look immediately appeared on Yin Le Sheng’s face and his

hands rapidly danced as he continuously spurted Blood Essence,
shouting, “Martial Uncle, hold on!”
Who knows what Secret Technique Yin Le Sheng had used, but he fled
as quickly as a loach. At the same time, his Spiritual Essence was rapidly
declining; even his cultivation, the Emperor Realm that he had just
recently reached, was also regressing…

This Secret Technique seemed to have brought great harm to himself.

“You…” Hua Fei Chen was filled with grief and anger.

Others might not know what Secret Technique Yin Le Sheng had cast,
but he knew it very well.

Obviously, Yin Le Sheng had cut off his own cultivation, thereby giving
up the connection with his Netherworld Purgatory Banner. This way, he
would not suffer the Ten Thousand Ghost Biting Backlash. But in light of
this, it was tantamount to giving up all the cultivation he had achieved in
the Netherworld Sect over so many years.

He would have to start everything from scratch, and there was a serious
risk that his foundation would suffer serious damage.

Trusting his Martial Nephew, Hua Fei Chen had brought over twenty
disciples to help him kill his enemy, but at this critical juncture of life and
death, Yin Le Sheng had actually chosen to escape, pushing everything
onto Hua Fei Chen.

What could be more depressing than this?

Hua Fei Chen almost spat blood in anger, cursing in his heart that the
Netherworld Sect had raised an ungrateful wolf. He blamed himself for
not seeing this beforehand. As distance tests a horse’s strength, so does
time reveal a person’s heart. If he was given a choice again, he would
rather meditate and cultivate in the Sect rather than put his foot into this
chaos, and place himself in this precarious situation where there was just
a fine line between life and death.

While his mind was filled with a jumble of thoughts, the Time Flies Seal
had already struck him.

And thanks to him blocking it, Yin Le Sheng was able to escape.
The next moment, Hua Fei Chen’s skin grew old at a rate visible to the
naked eye and his vitality was quickly passing away. Thousands of years
seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye for him.

“Ungrateful bastard!” Hua Fei Chen turned his head and cursed, glaring
at Yin Le Sheng and grinding his teeth in anger. After which, his head
slumped to one side before he fell on the ground, struggling to breathe.

The Flowing Time Force was corroding his body and he was unable to
resist it; death was only a matter of time.

And without his control, the Ghost King suddenly went mad, its eyes
turning red as if hot charcoals were burning in them. It kept aimlessly
swinging the huge sickle in its hand.


Close to a dozen pitiful cries rang out at the same time as the
Netherworld Sect disciples, who were on their last legs already, fell down
on the ground together. Black energy emerged from their bodies, burning
them like flames.

Obviously, they were suffering from severe backlash and had no hope of

Yang Kai didn’t pay attention to them, nor did he take care of the Ghost
King that was out of control, he just coldly glanced in the direction of
Lin’er and stated with a cold snort, “I’ll deal with you later!”

Lin’er couldn’t help but shiver when she met with his icy gaze. She was
scared, but she still stubbornly glared back at Yang Kai without flinching.

Yang Kai’s figure flickered and he chased after Yin Le Sheng.

“Young Lady, let’s quickly escape!” Old Fu hurriedly and secretly

suggested; his forehead was drenched in cold sweat.

[If we don’t escape, we won’t get the chance to escape again! Two
Netherworld Sect Emperor Realm Masters had teamed up, and even had
the support of over twenty Dao Source disciples, even going so far as to
summon a Ghost King, yet they were unable to do anything to this young
man. Instead, they were all killed by him, like plucking feathers from a

This boy was simply a monster!

His loss in the desolate city was not unjustified. With the strength Yang
Kai had just displayed, killing Old Fu would have been no more difficult
than stepping on an ant.

“Why should I escape!” Lin’er angrily shouted, “This Young Lady will
remain here! I want to see if he dares to attack me!”

She might have retorted in anger just now, but there was also reason
backing up her confidence as no one had dared to attack her so far.
More importantly, she had grown limp and couldn’t run.

Old Fu became anxious and hurriedly said, “Young Lady, didn’t you see
his bloodshot eyes filled with murderous intent? If he accidentally hurt
Young Lady’s noble body, how would this Old Master explain it to Sir?”

Lin’er snorted again even louder and declared, “I would like to see if he

Old Fu simply didn’t know what to say. Yang Kai was cut by the Ghost
King because of his Young Lady’s interference and was still bleeding
from his wound as they spoke. He would definitely not let his Young Lady
go, but Old Fu’s earnest advice was completely useless and he didn’t
dare to force Lin’er to obey. He was really as anxious as an ant on a hot
wok now.

On another side, Yang Kai had caught up with Yin Le Sheng, who had
not been able to escape far.

Yang Kai was proficient in the Dao of Space, so escape and pursuit were
his forte. Not to mention, Yin Le Sheng’s strength was plummeting and
his aura was constantly declining. At this moment, Yin Le Sheng’s
cultivation had already dropped to the peak Dao Source Realm, so how
could he escape from Yang Kai?
While running, Yin Le Sheng looked back and noticed Yang Kai hot on
his tail like a hungry ghost, and his expression sank so low that a layer of
frost could almost be shaved from his face.

While pursuing Yin Le Sheng, Yang Kai teased, “Run! Keep on running,
I’d like to see where you can escape!”

Yin Le Sheng knew that he couldn’t flee, so he steeled his heart as

something suddenly appeared in his hand. He grit his teeth and turned
around, wanting to activate it.

But the moment he turned around, he was taken aback, because Yang
Kai was already standing in front of him, coldly staring at the thing in his

Before Yin Le Sheng could trigger it, Yang Kai had already swung the
Myriads Sword.


Yin Le Shen’s arm flew into the air as blood gushed out like a fountain
from his shoulder.

Yang Kai stretched his hand out, catching the thing in his hand, glancing
at it and muttering with a cold snort, “An Emperor Authority Bead! I knew

In the past, he had suffered a big loss at the hands of the Young Sect
Master of the Seeking Passion Sect, Feng Xi, inside the Shattered Star
Sea. Yang Kai knew that the most outstanding disciples of a Sect, like
the Netherworld Sect, would be bestowed with defensive treasures by
their Elders.

And the Emperor Authority Bead was the most powerful of such

Although it wasn’t easy to create and was a one-time consumable object,

if one had it, he or she could turn the tides at a critical moment.
Feng Xi had almost killed Yang Kai using the Emperor Authority Bead
given to him by his father.

As the old saying goes, ‘once bitten, twice shy’, so how could Yang Kai
not prepare against this action by Yin Le Sheng?

He had not allowed Yin Le Sheng to use the Emperor Authority Bead,
and had directly chopped off his arm.


Yin Le Sheng only just realized that his arm had been chopped off after
staring at his severed limb in a daze before miserably screaming. He
staggered back and fell to the ground, his face completely pale.


A cold gleam flashed before his eyes as the Myriads Sword in Yang Kai’s
hand appeared right before him as the latter condescendingly looked
down at him. The sword tip was pointing right at his nose, and the
gleaming sword aura was like a poisonous snake hissing at him.

Yin Le Sheng’s cries came to an abrupt halt as he couldn’t help but

nervously gulp with a look of horror on his face.

He knew that he had lost, and his defeat was thorough and complete.
Even if Yang Kai let him go now, he would not be able to cultivate
anymore as he had used a forbidden technique to sever his cultivation to
escape with his life. His foundation was damaged and he had already
regressed to the Saint King Realm, his strength still continuously

“In truth, there is no deep grudge between us,” Yang Kai gazed at Yin Le
Sheng, blood dripping down his chest and onto the ground as he
continued with a stoic look on his face, “You brought this upon yourself!”

If Yin Le Sheng had stayed honestly in the Netherworld Sect,

consolidating his cultivation, putting aside his grievance with Yang Kai,
he may be able to take over his Honoured Master’s mantle and might
even take charge of the Netherworld Sect in the future, but he just had to
bring people to intercept Yang Kai.

One wrong step, led to another, and then another!

Yin Le Sheng grimly smiled and stated, “Who can tell what path is right
or wrong on the Grand Dao. I might have lost today, but it’s not definitive
that you will reach the peak in the future. What are you feeling proud

“Perhaps you are right,” Yang Kai nodded in agreement before adding,
“But I can go farther and see more than you.”

The corner of Yin Le Sheng’s lips twitched. He was rendered


“Do you have any last words? Let’s hear them,” Yang Kai indifferently

Yin Le Sheng grit his teeth and stated, “I’ll be waiting for you on the road
to the Yellow Springs…”

“You’re still reluctant to admit your faults!” Yang Kai let out a cold snort
before pushing the tip of his sword forward a bit, “Do you believe I won’t
pull out your Soul and refine it instead of killing you?”

Yin Le Sheng immediately shut his mouth, not daring to act


Yang Kai tilted his head and said with a smile, looking at him, “I lied.”

Saying so, he thrust the Myriads Sword ahead, slowly stabbing into Yin
Le Sheng.

Yin Le Sheng’s eyes widened in an instant. He could hear the Myriads

Sword slowly piercing his body and stabbing his heart loud and clear.
That slow and terrifying feeling instantly filled his heart and Soul.
Chapter 2555 - He Really Intends to Kill

“My Netherworld Sect… Will not spare you!”

A murmur-like voice came from nearby. Yang Kai turned his head and
looked towards the source. He noticed Hua Fei Chen, who was hanging
by a breath, lying on the ground, staring in his direction with wide-open
eyes that were grey and devoid of any lustre, like those of a fish that had
been dead for many days.

After having said his piece, his head slumped to one side as his vitality
completely disappeared.

It was already a pretty impressive feat that he had remained alive till now
after having been struck by the Time Flies Seal.

Naturally, Yang Kai didn’t attach importance to a threat from the dead,
simply reaching out and taking Yin Le Sheng’s ring before throwing it into
his pocket.

He was the top disciple of the Netherworld Sect, so he definitely had

many treasures on him. How could Yang Kai miss such a prize?

Before he could turn and deal with Hua Fei Chen, Yang Kai’s expression
drastically changed and he hurriedly threw away the Emperor Authority
Bead in Yin Le Sheng’s hand.


With a deafening clap, the Emperor Authority Bead suddenly exploded,

reducing into dust before scattering in the air.

Yang Kai’s expression rapidly changed as his good mood suddenly

turned bad, gritting his teeth as he murmured, “So, there was a

He had no idea what restriction was placed on the Emperor Authority

Bead, but it must have been related to Yin Le Sheng’s life; after all, it
was a treasure bestowed to Yin Le Sheng by the Netherworld Sect’s
Sect Master. Such a restriction must have been set to trigger upon Yin
Le Sheng’s death, rendering the Emperor Authority Bead useless.

Yang Kai was saddened, but now that it had already happened, it was
pointless to brood over it; all he could do was collect himself then walk
over to Hua Fei Chen and take his Space Ring as well.

As for the out-of-control Ghost King, Yang Kai was totally unconcerned
about it. Countless Soul Devouring Insects were gnawing on it, treating it
as a delicious meal, so presumably, it would not be long before it would
be completely devoured.

With over twenty fresh corpses lying around, there was a pungent bloody
smell lingering in the air.

Yang Kai was injured as well. The wound caused by Ghost King’s slash
hadn’t healed even now and pitch-black energy was lingering around the
edge of the wound, continuously corroding his flesh and skin.

Yang Kai stretched his hand out and made a gesture, immediately
drawing a small swarm of Soul Devouring Insects towards him and
directing them to his wound.

Since the Soul Devouring Insects could devour a being like the Ghost
King, it shouldn’t be a problem for them to deal with its Yin Qi. Yang Kai
had summoned them to deal with his injury, and as he expected, just as
the Soul Devouring Insects landed on his wound, they started devouring
the lingering energy.

In just a few moments, that pitch-black energy was devoured clean and
without the corrosion and interference of the Yin Qi, the strong
restorative properties of Yang Kai’s Golden Blood came into play. His
flesh and skin started squirming, and Yang Kai estimated that his wound
would fully heal in just a few days.

Only now did Yang Kai finally turn his head, looking at the red-robed girl.

As soon as their eyes met, Lin’er couldn’t help but nervously gulp. She
might have put up a brave front, but she was still scared to death in her
heart. She had never seen someone as fierce as Yang Kai, who could
kill all his opponents even when he was so heavily outnumbered.
Furthermore, he didn’t murder ordinary people, but two Emperor Realm
Masters from the Netherworld Sect plus a group of Dao Source Realm
Masters who had laid out the Heavenly Net Absolute Sealing Array.

The huge wound on Yang Kai’s chest gave him an even more ferocious

Seeing Yang Kai looking in her direction, it would be a lie if she said that
she wasn’t in a panic. Lin’er was currently regretting a little. Had she
known, she would have escaped with Old Fu earlier. What could she
even do by putting up a brave front and remaining here?

It never crossed her mind that with Yang Kai’s skill, she wouldn’t have
been able to escape even if she wanted to. Unless she and Old Fu
escaped back to the Ancient Lands Passageway where they could throw
Yang Kai off with the help of the strange fog.

*Sha Sha Sha…*

Yang Kai walked towards her, step by step, his eyes completely cold,
putting a lot of pressure onto Lin’er.

Old Fu earnestly tried to protect Lin’er, his figure flickering and standing
before her, a wary look on his face.

“You are pretty obedient!” Yang Kai stood just ten metres away from
them and coldly stated, pointing his sword at them, “For your honesty
and compliance, this Young Master will give you a quick and painless
death. Tell me, how do you want to die?”

Old Fu grew anxious upon hearing this. Was he serious? There were
only a few people in this world who would dare to point their swords at
his Young Lady and ask how she wanted to die, and judging by the
murderous look on this young man’s face, he really was not planning to
let the two of them go.

This was only natural, however, as his Young Lady had used an
Emperor Artifact to bind him in a life and death fight, almost causing him
to die at the hands of the Netherworld Sect’s people. Anyone would be
enraged if they were in his place.

But how could he let his Young Lady die? If she died, the entire world
would be thrown into chaos.

Old Fu quickly intervened, “Young Master, enmity should be resolved

rather than settled. We were in the wrong today, please show mercy on
us this time. In any case, nothing happened today, yes?”

“Nothing happened!?” Yang Kai, who was burning with fury, looked
sidelong at him as he snorted as he rebuked, “Do you think this Young
Master is faking his injuries? How can you say nothing happened?”

His wound had still not healed and his bones could be seen quite clearly.
How could it be treated as nothing?

Old Fu’s face sank as he justified, “This Old Master is also doing this for
your own good. If you refuse to realize your errors, you will be facing a
huge disaster.”

Yang Kai laughed in anger and stated, “This Young Master knows that
you have strong backing and there is someone big behind you, but so
what? Since you have fallen in this Young Master’s hand, your life or
death is for me to decide. Losers should act like losers, yet you still dare
to shamelessly boast like this! Do you really believe I won’t run you
through with my sword!”

While speaking, Yang Kai thrust his sword, resting it straight on Old Fu’s
chest and with a flick of his wrist, he tore Old Fu’s shirt apart, scaring him
to the point that he hurriedly backed away. His bold front instantly
vanished in a puff of smoke and his puffed up chest shrivelled like a
wilted eggplant.

He was utterly afraid that Yang Kai would stab him in a rage. If his Young
Lady died, this young man would suffer a deadly crisis, but if he was
killed, no one would stand up for him.
In the end, he was just a guard, responsible for protecting his Young
Lady. But how was he supposed to protect her if he couldn’t even protect
himself now?

They had really run into a true madman!

Old Fu was filled with hatred, but he knew very well how strong Yang Kai
was now. Had he known that the Netherworld Sect disciples were such
wastes, why would he have gone to look for them and actively cooperate
with them, provoking Yang Kai with his Young Lady time and time again?

But then again, how could he have known that a mere First-Order
Emperor Realm Master could be so overwhelmingly powerful?

“Th-then what do you want?” Old Fu softened his stance and weakly

At present, he was the fish on the chopping block, facing Yang Kai’s
blade. He had no choice but to lower his head, throw his pride and
humiliation aside, and look for a way to survive this. Ten years wasn’t too
late for a gentleman to take his revenge.

Yang Kai’s face sank as he stated, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a
tooth. This Young Master can let things go once or twice, but certainly
not thrice. Your Young Lady obstinately insists on her foolish actions and
will cause a catastrophe sooner or later. Why doesn’t this Young Master
clean up your Sect on behalf of the Sir behind you and save him from
future worries?”

Old Fu was greatly shocked, feeling like he was trying to make a clever
speech to a cow. Yang Kai’s murderous intent hadn’t been reduced at all
and he seemed dead set on his Young Lady. What was he supposed to

He didn’t dare to hesitate anymore and hurriedly added, “Do you know
who we are? Who my Young Lady is? She is…”

“Shut up!” Yang Kai kicked him before he could finish.

Old Fu was caught unprepared and helplessly watched himself get
kicked right in the face, letting out a miserable scream as he was sent
flying. His nose was broken from this kick and he crashed to the ground,
not getting up no matter how much time passed.

After kicking away Old Fu, Yang Kai finally turned his gaze at the red-
robed girl and quickly said, “Girl, this Young Master let you go back in
that desolate city, and instead of feeling grateful and seeking ways to
repay me, you actually joined forces with the Netherworld Sect to try to
attack this Young Master. Today, this Young Master will take your life to
let you know that there are some people in this world you cannot

Lin’er was greatly shocked and her pretty face turned pale as she cried,
“How dare you!?”

She had not even finished her words though when Yang Kai lifted his
sword and swung it at her.

In a flash, Lin’er pretty face went as pale as paper as the aura of death
enveloped her. She broke into a cold sweat and her hands and feet froze

She had never experienced something like this. She had been
completely spoiled since birth, with everyone at her beck and call.
Wherever she went, no one would dare disobey her every command,
much less dare to kill her.

But now, she had encountered someone who wanted to take her life, and
he wasn’t just trying to intimidate her, he meant what he said and was
actually trying to do it.

She was just a Third-Order Dao Source Realm, who was exhausted from
using her Emperor Artifact. Now, she couldn’t even smoothly walk, much
less defend herself from a blow like this.

[So, this is what death feels like!]

[He really intends to kill me!?] Lin’er stood in a daze, as if a petrification

spell had been cast on her.
Emperor Qi surged as the Myriads Sword horizontally slashed at her.
Yang Kai hadn’t held himself back at all. Even Old Fu would be cut into
two by this slash, not to mention a tender girl like Lin’er.

But just when the Myriads Sword was about to cut her, a black pendant
on Lin’er neck suddenly cracked and turned into a black barrier, covering
her completely.


A crisp and reverberating clang immediately rang out. The Myriads

Sword struck the barrier, but it couldn’t damage it even a bit. Instead,
Yang Kai retreated a few steps from the recoil.

Yang Kai narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t look surprised at all. It
appeared as if he had expected this and just stared at the black barrier
while letting out a cold snort.

After protecting Lin’er, the black barrier turned into a streak of black light
as it shot out and sank into Old Fu, who was still lying on the ground.


The surrounding world suddenly trembled as an unimaginable pressure

spread into the surroundings, a pressure which clearly originated from
Old Fu.


The birds and beasts within a hundred kilometres fled, as if they had
sensed the approaching danger.

Yang Kai couldn’t help but nervously gulp as he raised his vigilance.

He couldn’t be any more familiar with the phenomena before him. This
was clearly a powerful Master’s Soul Descent.

Feng Xi had also resorted to this technique back in the Shattered Star
Sea, so the experience was still fresh in Yang Kai’s memories.
The elites of top Sects seemed to have many tricks up their sleeves, with
Emperor Authority Beads being the most common. The Soul Descent
was undoubtedly an even stronger form of protection as a wisp of a true
Master was able to manifest itself through it. Although this Master was
unable to bring out their full strength in a borrowed body, it still wasn’t
something an ordinary person could deal with.

The manifestation of a Master’s Soul not only put tremendous pressure

on the opposite party, but also deterred the enemy with prestige and

There were only so many top Masters in the world, but once one of their
Souls appeared, who would dare to disregard them?

Since even Feng Xi had a Soul Descent of his father placed on him in
the Shattered Star Sea, of course this Young Lady Lin’er could have a
similar technique protecting her.

Yang Kai had already expected this, so he didn’t expect to be able to

really kill Lin’er at all. Still, being unable to vent his anger vexed him
Chapter 2556 - Serene Soul Great Emperor

The mysterious Master, who chose to Soul Descend in Old Fu’s body,
might have his own considerations. First, Lin’er was a girl, making it a
little inconvenient, and second, Old Fu was much stronger than Lin’er.
The mysterious Master would be able to use a few more moves by
manifesting his Soul in Old Fu’s body. Furthermore, he didn’t have to
worry about damaging Old Fu afterwards.

Also, it would be a bigger burden on the person with a weaker body

when a Master’s Soul manifested in their body.

Under Yang Kai’s watchful gaze, Old Fu, who was lying on the ground,
stood up straight, his grey hair dancing as if in the wind despite there not
being any blowing. His eyes were now as deep as the sea, giving off an
awe-inspiring impression.

In the blink of an eye, Old Fu’s temperament had drastically changed,

and the look in his gaze was now one of a superior being, who
considered everyone beneath him, like the ruler of the world.

Old Fu glanced around, his gaze momentarily stopping on Yang Kai,

before turning to Lin’er’s direction. His face remained stoic, making it
hard to tell whether he was happy or angry.

At this point, Lin’er finally showed a response. She reached out to her
neck and touched the area where the pendant was originally hanging,
then she glanced at Old Fu. After noticing a familiar gaze, she couldn’t
help but shrink her neck again, already realizing what had just happened.

“Father…” She called out in a mosquito-like voice. Rather than being

happy that her father’s Soul had appeared, it looked more like she was

“Hmph!” Old Fu let out a cold snort before indifferently speaking, “Why
are you outside? You should be behind closed doors, reflecting on your

Lin’er was rendered speechless after hearing this, flinching as she

looked away, not daring to meet her father’s gaze.
Yang Kai’s brow twitched upon hearing this. It turned out that this Young
Lady had secretly run away from home! No wonder she looked afraid
when her father had used a Soul Descent. Why did all these little girls
like to do this? Mo Xiao Qi also often sneaked out of Spirit Beast Island,
now there was this girl too.

All of them were so spoiled! Yang Kai coldly snorted in his heart.

“What did you do now?” Old Fu asked.

Lin’er didn’t answer and instead began glancing left and right, as if she
was looking for a way to escape.

“I’ve asked you a question. Why aren’t you answering?” Old Fu suddenly

Lin’er trembled before blurting out in a conditional reflex, “Your dear

daughter was bullied…”

While she replied, tears rolled down her white cheeks before dripping
down on the ground. She appeared as pitiful and as sad as could be. Her
previous arrogance and domineering bearing were nowhere to be found.
Her current performance was completely opposite from before.

Yang Kai was flabbergasted, thinking in heart, [This Young Lady’s acting
skills are pretty good. I guess she does this quite often.]

Her tears started pouring out as soon as she started speaking and they
kept rolling down like there was no end to them. Her cries sounded
extremely miserable and pitiful, as if someone had really bullied her
intolerably. Next, she pointed at Yang Kai and shouted, “It was him! He
wanted to kill me! Father, you must uphold justice for me!”

Old Fu, maintaining a stoic look, stated, “Is there anyone who would dare
to bully you? It’s always you who has been bullying others and causing
trouble everywhere you go, but this time you were taught a harsh lesson,
am I right?”

He seemed to know his daughter very well and didn’t believe her story at
all, hitting the nail on the head in just a few sentences.
Lin’er’s cries came to an abrupt stop as she looked at Old Fu, mouth

“Sir is really wise!” Yang Kai praised, hurriedly cupping his fists, a grin on
his face.

Old Fu turned and indifferently looked at Yang Kai, “This King is talking
to his daughter. You have no right to interrupt us.”

Yang Kai couldn’t help but disdainfully snort, finding the whole situation
tiresome and frustrating.

Old Fu then asked, “Aren’t you surprised to see this King?”

Yang Kai replied with a snort, “What’s there to be surprised about? Had
you not been spoiling and protecting her, with your daughter’s temper
and ability to cause trouble, how could she survive till today? Without
such sheltering, you wouldn’t even know how she died.”

Since the opposite party wasn’t polite towards him, Yang Kai didn’t
bother to give him face. In any case, he was in the right now, so Yang
Kai didn’t believe that the opposite party could bully him.

Feng Xi’s father, Feng Xuan might forcefully stand up for his son, paying
no attention to his face, but the opposite party couldn’t do this as he still
had to have qualms regarding his identity. And precisely because of this,
Yang Kai wasn’t afraid at all.

Lin’er glanced at Yang Kai in astonishment. She had never thought that
Yang Kai would have such guts that he could say such things right in her
father’s face. Not just anyone could do this.

[Why did I provoke this kind of crazy person?] Lin’er was deeply
regretting it now.

Old Fu’s face turned grim as he doubtfully asked, “Little brat, are you
accusing this King of being too lax in his discipline?”

Yang Kai snorted and ignored him. What was the point of asking this
when he clearly knew the answer already?
Seeing his indifferent appearance, Old Fu was also taken aback and
immediately asked, “Aren’t you afraid of this King?”

Yang Kai gave him a sidelong glance and stated, “Why should I be

Had it been before his trip to the Shattered Star Sea, Yang Kai might
have still been frightened, but he was far more experienced now and had
even met the Bustling World Great Emperor and the Heaven Devouring
Great Emperor. He already had an extremely rich experience.

“Do you know who this King is?” Old Fu asked again.

Yang Kai remained indifferent for a while before he cupped his fists and
greeted, “Junior Yang Kai greets Senior Serene Soul!”

He didn’t greet him out of fear, but rather he was showing his respect
towards a Master.

Old Fu was really shocked by this, but that couldn’t be helped as Yang
Kai had actually known his identity. It was quite evident that Yang Kai
knew who he was dealing with and what his status was.

As Yang Kai had just said, the Soul Manifestation before him belonged to
one of the Ten Great Emperors of the Star Boundary, the Serene Soul
Great Emperor; the hegemon of the Eastern Territory and founder of the
Serene Soul Palace.

The Soul Contracts that widely circulated throughout the Star Boundary
were this Master’s personal creation.

Yang Kai could guess all this because of the attitude the Netherworld
Sect disciples had towards Lin’er. The Netherworld Sect was a top Sect
of the Eastern Territory, so if Lin’er’s status wasn’t nobler than theirs,
why would they treat her so politely?

Who could have a higher status than a top disciple and Elder from the
Netherworld Sect?

It wasn’t that strange to make the connections.

“How did you know?” Old Fu furrowed his brow.

Yang Kai grinned meaningfully and stated, “I made a guess.”

Old Fu’s eyes glimmered but he didn’t pursue it, pondering for a moment
before asking, “Since you know about Lin’er’s background, how dare you
try to kill her? Could it be… That your purpose was to draw this King

[Seems this old man does have some brains at least…]

After having his intentions revealed, Yang Kai didn’t bother playing dumb
and cupped his fists and stated, “Sir’s vision is truly sharp. Junior did
have such intentions.”

Of course, if he didn’t show up, Yang Kai would have really silenced all
the witnesses. Lin’er had provoked him many times already. More
importantly, her interference had almost gotten him killed, so Yang Kai
couldn’t assume that this had never happened.

Old Fu curiously asked, “What do you get by drawing out this King?”

Yang Kai sighed and replied with a pained look on his face, “Sir, Junior
had no choice as well. I was forced by your daughter.”

“How is this related to me!?” Lin’er was now calmer than before. With her
father here now, she wasn’t worried for her life. What she was rather
worried about was how long she would be grounded for this time.

Yang Kai glanced at her and angrily responded, “If you didn’t have an
astonishing background, do you think you would still be alive to be able
to speak right now?”

Lin’er let out a snort. She was too lazy to argue with him, but when she
recalled how Yang Kai slashed at her without a shred of hesitation, she
was gripped with lingering fear and knew that Yang Kai was right.
Without her father’s protection, she would indeed be dead.

Yang Kai cupped his fists and continued, wearing a sad face, “Senior
Serene Soul, your daughter has made things difficult for me over and
over again. This Junior had no intention of haggling over such matters
though, as with this little girl’s background, a little mischief is justified.
Junior let her indiscretion pass several times, but not only did she not
appreciate it, she colluded with the Netherworld Sect to set an ambush
for me, an unforgivable act! With no other choice, Junior was forced to
slaughter twenty Netherworld Sect members right here…”

Old Fu raised his brow and looked around. He had already noticed the
corpses littered on the ground before, but he hadn’t expected these guys
to be from the Netherworld Sect.

[Is this brat really so impressive? He is just a First-Order Emperor, how

did he kill so many by himself?]

Yang Kai continued, “The death of the Netherworld Sect’s members isn’t
worth pitying, but this Junior doesn’t dare to make rash moves against
your daughter!”

“You… You are lying!” Lin’er angrily pointed at Yang Kai and shouted,
“You clearly wanted to kill me!”

Yang Kai sneered and stated, “If I didn’t threaten your life, how would I
draw Sir out!?”

Old Fu asked, looking at Yang Kai with narrowed eyes, “What do you
want by drawing out this King?”

Yang Kai was taken aback but still promptly responded, “Sir, I don’t dare
to kill your daughter, but I have to vent my anger one way or another,
don’t I? Naturally, I can only ask you to settle it. Who asked my fists to
not be bigger than yours?”

Old Fu softly sneered.

[So, you think that it’s okay for me to be bullied, right?] Yang Kai’s heart
burned with fury and immediately continued, “Sir, I almost lost my life
because of your daughter. Look at this wound, it burns even now.”

Old Fu gazed down at the half-meter long scar on Yang Kai’s chest and
was indeed shaken a little.
[This brat really is one of a kind, speaking so boldly with me even after
suffering such a serious wound while maintaining a straight face! Isn’t he
afraid that I will crush him into nothing with just a wave of my hand?]

“This King understands! How do you want this King to settle this?” Old
Fu gazed at Yang Kai, maintaining a calm and composed look, “Since I
am here now. Just say what’s in your mind. If you don’t say it right now,
you won’t get another chance again.”

Yang Kai’s face sank as he asked, “Sir, are you thinking of silencing me?
Sir, if a man of your status does something like this, how will you keep
your face if the word ever got out?”

Old Fu replied, “Whatever your motive was, it is a fact that you wanted to
kill this King’s daughter. What does it matter if this King kills you?”

Yang Kai immediately blew his top and lashed out in anger, “Sir, are you
really going to do this? Relying on your own status and strength to bully

This old fart was simply too shameless! As one of the Ten Great
Emperors, he was someone of great prestige. How could he do
something so deplorable?

Lin’er, on the other hand, was excited and immediately shouted, “Father,
there is no need to talk nonsense with him. Quickly kill him!”

Old Fu coldly smiled and asked, gazing at Yang Kai, “Are you afraid

Yang Kai grit his teeth and stated, “What have I to be afraid of? This
Young Master has fought shoulder to shoulder with the Bustling World
Great Emperor, it’s not like I have never seen the power of a Great
Emperor! This Young Master is also an experienced person. What’s
there to be afraid of?”

Once he mentioned this, a strange look immediately appeared on Old

Fu’s face as he asked, “You have fought shoulder to shoulder with Old
Hong Chen?”
“That’s right!” Yang Kai snorted before continuing, “Sir, if you really came
in person, this Junior would naturally flee right away, but with just a wisp
of Sir’s Soul having manifested here, how much of your strength can you
display? Forgive this Junior for being blunt, but if forced to, this Junior
can drag your daughter down with me before he dies! I wonder if Sir
cares about your daughter’s life or not!?”
Chapter 2557 - This King’s Serene Soul Finger

A ferocious look appeared on Yang Kai’s face. He would really do it. He

wasn’t just making an idle threat.

“Despicable!” Lin’er’s face turned pale. [This bastard still wants to kill me!
He has been harbouring impure motives from the start. You better not fall
into this Young Lady’s hand, otherwise, I will definitely take good care of

“Sir, if you don’t believe me, you are welcome to give it a try!” Yang Kai
waved the Myriads Sword, taking a posture that he was ready to die
along with the enemy.

Old Fu maintained the same stoic look as he rebuked in a low voice,

“You fought shoulder to shoulder with the Bustling World Great Emperor?
Brat, haven’t you gone overboard with your bragging? Aren’t you afraid
of getting exposed?”

Yang Kai replied, “This Junior only states facts, he never brags.”

“Is that so…” Old Fu meaningfully laughed before he paused and stated,
“Wait a moment!”

“Wait for what?” Yang Kai stared at him in amazement, his brow slightly
furrowing. He had no idea what the opposite party was planning on doing
now, but he knew that he was clearly not the opposite party’s opponent;
therefore, he didn’t dare to take things lightly.

The opposite party couldn’t be compared with the likes of Feng Xuan.
Even though it was just a Soul Manifestation here, Yang Kai didn’t have
much confidence in being his enemy; however, he still had some
confidence in escaping. If it weren’t for this, how could he dare to stay
here and confidently talk with the opposite party, maintaining a straight

Meanwhile, Old Fu’s gaze lowered a little as he stood completely still.

Yang Kai immediately became suspicious. But he still didn’t dare to make
a rash move, lest he provoked the other party’s anger.

Somewhere among a towering, snow-capped mountain range, buildings

of all shapes and sizes stood erect. From time to time, cultivators would
fly over from the sky. The buildings below were filled with people,
painting an extremely lively picture.

Senior Brothers of the same Sect were exchanging pointers with each
other or playing games of chess. Teams of maids passed by, moving in a
hurry without speaking or smiling.

Plum blossoms were blooming everywhere as their sweet fragrance

lingered in the air. Many tamed, rare, and exotic animals were roaming in
the mountains and forests, where rays of morning sunlight were shining
through the clouds and the leaves of trees.

The beautiful sights painted the picture of a paradise on earth that was
extremely rich in World Energy.

This was the hegemon Sect of the Eastern Territory, Serene Soul

Those who had never been to Serene Soul Palace couldn’t even imagine
this scenery inside this Sect. Its name containing ‘Soul’ alone gave the
impression of a mysterious and ethereal place. There was a vast
difference between imagination and reality.

On the highest mountain covered in snow, there was a palace that stood
on a vast piece of land. The palace was cold and deserted, seemingly
not having been inhabited by anyone for a long time.

Also, not a single person could be seen within a hundred kilometres of

this mountain. Not even the birds and beasts wandering in the mountains
dared to approach this place.

It couldn’t be helped as this was the Restricted Area of Serene Soul

Palace, where the Serene Soul Great Emperor cultivated in secluded
Serene Soul was one of the Ten Great Emperors and stood at the apex
of the Star Boundary. It was quite common for his retreats to last several
dozen years to over a century. Unless one was summoned, no one
dared to disturb him at all. Even his children needed to ask for his
permission before they could set foot here.

Even the Young Palace Master of Serene Soul Palace, Yao Si, hadn’t
seen his father for three years. He only knew that his father was
comprehending some Secret Technique and could not be disturbed.

At this moment, under the swaying lights inside the palace, two figures
were sitting cross-legged opposite each other.

One was a person with black hair and wearing a black robe. He had an
indifferent look on his face, but there was a natural aura of majesty and
superiority to him, giving a daunting impression. He was none other than
the Serene Soul Palace’s Master, one of the Ten Great Emperors,
Serene Soul Great Emperor himself.

And the other person sitting opposite him was an elderly man. This
elderly man seemingly didn’t know how to sit or stand properly and was
literally just slumped on the ground, looking left and right with a bored
look on his face, as if he wanted to see what this damned place had to
offer. Apparently, he was preparing to take advantage of the moment the
Serene Soul Great Emperor wasn’t paying attention.

His appearance, the sneaky look on his face, perfectly matched his

If Yao Si saw this scene, he would be completely surprised.

Because only his father and a few of his most trusted confidants had
ever set foot in this place; no outsider had ever entered it, but at this
moment, an elderly man of unknown origins was sitting face to face with
his father, and his great Father was completely unguarded against him…

If Yang Kai saw this scene, he too would be greatly shocked.

Because this elderly man wasn’t a stranger, he was none other than
Duan Hong Chen, who had just parted ways with him in the Purple
Mountain Range.

Who knew why Duan Hong Chen had come here and went directly to the
Serene Soul Great Emperor.

Only the crackling sound coming from the wicks of the lamps could be
heard in the silent palace. Right then, the Serene Soul Great Emperor
slowly opened his eyes, scaring Duan Hong Chen, who immediately
straightened his back and eagerly asked, “Are you done?”

“Not yet,” the Serene Soul Great Emperor shook his head.

Duan Hong Chen was at a loss and asked in amazement, “Why did you
open your eyes when you aren’t done yet? Hurry up and finish whatever
it is quickly, this Old Master still has other things which require your

He showed not the slightest politeness, as if he was very familiar with the
Serene Soul Great Emperor.

The Serene Soul Great Emperor smiled and stated, “Your business isn’t
that pressing, but I have something to ask you.”

Duan Hong Chen curiously asked, “Ask me? What do you need to ask
me about?”

The Serene Soul Great Emperor replied, laughing, “There is a little brat
who doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth and says that he
fought shoulder to shoulder with you, is it true or false?”

Yang Kai had just boasted so shamelessly, so the Serene Soul Great
Emperor had come back to ask Duan Hong Chen right away. Who knows
how Yang Kai would feel if he came to know about this strange

Duan Hong Chen sneered before replying, “What nonsense is that?

Would you believe anything anyone says? When has this Old Master
fought side by side with others? Whoever it is must have tried to scare
you using the Old Master’s name. Send him away right away, this Old
Master’s business is more pressing.”

Serene Soul agreed with a nod, “I also thought so…”

He also felt that Yang Kai was just uttering nonsense; after all, who was
Duan Hong Chen? Even if he cut his own cultivation and his strength had
sharply dropped, he didn’t need to team up with others to fight his
enemies, and since Duan Hong Chen happened to be in his Serene Soul
Palace, it didn’t cost him much to casually ask him.

“Wait!” Duan Hong Chen suddenly shouted, a strange look appearing on

his face as he asked further, “What does this brat look like?”

He suddenly remembered that there was indeed a guy who had fought
alongside him just recently.

The Serene Soul Great Emperor didn’t reply in words and instead waved
his hand, causing the space between the two to ripple. A clear picture
immediately entered Duan Hong Chen’s eyes. It was the scene of Yang
Kai standing at the entrance of the Ancient Lands Passageway with the
Myriads Sword, surrounded by corpses everywhere.

The corners of Duan Hong Chen’s lips twitched after just a glance before
speaking, “Why is it this brat…”

The Serene Soul Great Emperor was stunned and immediately asked,
“Do you know him?”

Duan Hong Chen’s face suddenly grimaced as he began grinding his

teeth, “This King will recognize that brat even if he is reduced to ashes!
Quickly kill him! If you help this King vent his anger, this King will
definitely owe you one!”

The Serene Soul Great Emperor heaved a sigh before responding,

“Heaven Devourer, if you come out and talk nonsense again, this King
will not be polite to you. This King’s Serene Soul Finger isn’t something
to be trifled with.”
He could easily tell at a glance that it wasn’t Duan Hong Chen speaking,
but the Heavenly Devouring Great Emperor, Wu Kuang, who was
sharing bodies with Duan Hong Chen.

Duan Hong Chen gave a weird smile, retorting, “Oh! How gutsy of you!
You actually dare to use this kind of tone with this King! I didn’t see you
having such guts back then.”

The Serene Soul Great Emperor repeated with a smile, “This King’s
Serene Soul Finger isn’t to be trifled with…”

He kept silent about what happened back then. Apparently, he had

suffered a huge loss at the hands of Heaven Devourer.

Duan Hong Chen’s face turned gloomy as he retorted, “Can’t you change
the line you keep using? Is it that interesting to threaten this King with the
same line, over and over again?”

The Serene Soul Great Emperor remained unaffected and kept smiling,
“This King’s Serene Soul Finger…”

“You are sick!”

The Heaven Devouring Great Emperor didn’t have a good temperament

to begin with, so at this moment, he couldn’t help but lash out.

At that moment, Duan Hong Chen’s suddenly jolted before the vicious
look on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by an angry look.

If somebody was speaking but someone took over his body suddenly,
anyone would be annoyed, but Heaven Devourer and he couldn’t do
anything to each other right now.

“Do you really know this brat?” Serene Soul asked after seeing that
Heaven Devourer was suppressed.

“Yes…” Duan Hong Chen smacked his lips and said, “He is that boy I
just told you about.”
Serene Soul raised his brow and asked, “Did both of you attack Heaven
Devourer together, and ruin Heaven Devourer’s plans?”

“That’s right! But it’s more complicated than you think. I can’t explain it to
you in just a few words. In any case, you have seen the final result,”
Duan Hong Chen helplessly replied.

The Serene Soul Great Emperor slightly nodded before confirming, “So
to say, he really isn’t just idly boasting, right?”

“What do you want to do to him?” Duan Hong Chen worriedly glanced at

Yang Kai in the light screen before him.

He knew that the Serene Soul Great Emperor had used a Soul Descent
somewhere. Apparently, his spoiled daughter had encountered some
danger. The Soul Descent of a Great Emperor wasn’t a joke. It was like
some treasured sword that couldn’t be drawn from the sheath, but once it
was drawn, it needed to drink blood.

If the Great Emperor returned without killing someone after using Soul
Descent, it would damage his reputation.

[It’s fine if it’s someone else, but if it’s Yang Kai…] Duan Hong Chen
really didn’t want him to die at the hands of the Serene Soul Great
Emperor; after all, he had indeed helped him a lot in the Shattered Star

Serene Soul asked, glancing at him, “Do you want me to let him go?”

Both of them were old monsters who had lived and cultivated for
countless millennia, so Serene Soul could easily tell what was going
through Duan Hong Chen’s mind even without any tell-tale signs and
thought, [This is perfect. I can make this old thing owe me one.]

Serene Soul secretly made up his mind.

“I have nothing to do with him. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do

with me. You can do what you want. You don’t need to ask me,” Duan
Hong Chen flicked his sleeve, wearing a disinterested look as though
such matters were of no concern to him.
If Serene Soul could guess what was on his mind, why couldn’t he guess
what Serene Soul’s plan was? He already owed him one, so if he owed
him another, he might have to serve Serene Soul for a lifetime. This was
a huge loss to him. He wouldn’t do it!

“Alright then, this King will kill him!” Serene Soul nodded, “Although it
would be wilful, I can’t let anyone bully my daughter.”

“Heh,” Duan Hong Chen slyly laughed and stated. “If you want your
daughter to die along with him, you are welcome to make a move.”

Serene Soul’s face sank as he snarled, “Duan Hong Chen, aren’t you
looking down on this King too much? Although just a wisp of this King’s
Soul has manifested on the other side, it will only take a wave of my
hand to kill a First-Order Emperor.”

Duan Hong Chen explained, shaking his head, “If it was a normal First-
Order Emperor, he would naturally not be your opponent. But this kid…
Haa… Isn’t that simple. If you want to take him down, you might have to
sweat a little.”
Chapter 2558 - I Have Had Bitter Days

Serene Soul angrily lashed out, “Duan Hong Chen, enough is enough!”

[He isn’t looking favourably on that brat but rather looking down on me!]
Serene Soul immediately blew his top.

Duan Hong Chen indifferently stated, “He is proficient in the Dao of


“Is that so?” Serene Soul was slightly shocked, but since Duan Hong
Chen said this boy was proficient in the Dao of Space, then he really
must be so. Such a person would really be hard to kill.

“He has also mastered the Time Flies Seal!”

“What!? Time Flies Seal!?” Serene Soul was really shocked this time.
Time Flies Seal was the Divine Ability of the Flowing Time Great
Emperor, the only Divine Ability related to the Dao of Time in this world.
Even Serene Soul himself had not been able to get a glimpse of its
secrets. Once the Time Flies Seal was used, his daughter really might be
buried along with him.

“By the way, he also has the Mountains and Rivers Bell!” Duan Hong
Chen threw out information in bits and pieces, each time giving Serene
Soul a bigger shock than the last, making his expression change even
more drastically than before. Giving it another thought, even Duan Hong
Chen felt uncomfortable.

He didn’t have an idea about any of this; after all, Yang Kai hadn’t
revealed much information in the Shattered Star Sea back then.

The Serene Soul Great Emperor was flabbergasted and in a daze, the
corners of his lips were constantly twitching.

After a long time, he confirmed in a grim voice, “Yuan Ding’s Mountains

and Rivers Bell?”
Duan Hong Chen raised his brow before rebuking, “Apart from that
Mountains and Rivers Bell, are there any other Mountains and Rivers
Bell you know of?”

Serene Soul’s facial muscles twitched even more fiercely.

Although he was one of the Ten Great Emperors and had no shortage of
Emperor Artifacts, he couldn’t help but covet an artifact like the
Mountains and Rivers Bell, an Ancient Exotic Artifact. In the past, when
Heaven Devourer was besieged, he killed Yuan Ding first at the cost of
serious injuries all because of the fear of the suppressive capabilities of
the Mountains and Rivers Bell.

How could Serene Soul not desire something that even Heavenly
Devourer was afraid of?

[Dao of Space, Time Flies, Mountains and Rivers Bell…]

[This brat’s luck is simply too good. How could he gather all these
treasures for himself? It’s already a blessing if an ordinary cultivator can
obtain one! Is he simply that loved by the Heavens?]

[Those who are not blessed will not encounter such fortuitous
opportunities. The blessings of this brat are too Heaven defying.]

After a while of silence, Serene Soul stated with a snort, “What’s the
point in telling me this? How boring!”

Duan Hong Chen replied, chuckling, “I’m just making small talk…”

He knew that Serene Soul wouldn’t attempt to kill Yang Kai anymore,
because he wasn’t confident that he could behead Yang Kai with just his
Soul Descent. Duan Hong Chen wouldn’t have revealed all this if that
wasn’t his objective.

While speaking, Duan Hong Chen impatiently urged again, “You should
quickly settle the things there. This Old Master is waiting for you to
separate me from Heaven Devourer. Ever since this old dog has
occupied this Old Master’s body, it has become inconvenient for this Old
Master to visit the brothel!”
The Serene Soul Great Emperor was titled Serene Soul naturally
because he was proficient in Souls and Spiritual Energy. He had done
the most thorough research on the topics related to Spiritual Energy and
Souls among the Ten Great Emperors. Therefore, Duan Hong Chen had
come to Serene Soul Palace and asked the Serene Soul Great Emperor
for help. He wanted to check whether Serene Soul could strip Heaven
Devourer’s Soul from his body.

If even Serene Soul couldn’t help him, then he could only temporarily
maintain this state while trying to find other solutions. When he
contemplated the future, Duan Hong Chen couldn’t help but shudder.

Speaking of proper business, Serene Soul’s face also turned serious as

he replied, “Hong Chen, I won’t hide it from you. Your situation is a bit
tricky. I may not be able to help.”

“Whether you can help or not, it’s fine. Just give it a try,” Duan Hong
Chen replied in a grim voice.

Serene Soul nodded before closing his eyes again.

Outside the Ancient Lands Passageway, Yang Kai was keeping an eye
on Old Fu while holding the Myriads Sword, not daring to let down his

The Soul Manifestation of the Serene Soul Great Emperor spoke a

sentence to him before he stopped moving, leaving Yang Kai puzzled.
He couldn’t comprehend what Serene Soul wanted to do.

[Should I take advantage of this situation and run away?]

[But if the matter here isn’t resolved, I might be targeted by the Serene
Soul Palace. The Serene Soul Palace and the Netherworld Sect are on
completely different levels. Being targeted by those from the Serene Soul
Palace will definitely be troublesome.]

Thinking about it, an even bolder idea flashed in his mind.

[How about I be the ruthless one and kill these two first? Their deaths
would end all my troubles.]
However, the moment this idea appeared in his mind, it was quashed by
Yang Kai. If he really did this, he would completely offend the Serene
Soul Great Emperor.

[Let’s look at how things proceed first.] Yang Kai decided to act
depending on the situation. If the Serene Soul Great Emperor really tried
to attack him, it would not be too late to react. Considering all this, he
glanced at Lin’er and coincidentally, she too was looking at him.

As their gazes met, Yang Kai pursed his lips into an evil grin, one that
made him look extremely ferocious.

Lin’er was frightened and hurriedly looked away, questioning what her
Father was doing. [Things won’t end even with the death of this brat… I
was bullied and can’t lift my head anymore… How depressing…]

At this moment, Old Fu, who had been standing still, suddenly raised his
head and looked at Yang Kai as if he had regained his senses.

Yang Kai couldn’t help but nervously gulp before speaking in a stiff voice,
“Sir, what advice do you have for me?”

Old Fu slightly narrowed his eyes as he sized up Yang Kai. Then, he

turned his gaze to the corpses of the twenty or so Netherworld Sect
disciples. He knew that these people had unjustly died. How could they
be an opponent of someone who had fought together with the Bustling
World Great Emperor to deal with Heaven Devourer?

[Mountains and Rivers Bell! After this Ancient Exotic Artifact was brought
out of this place by Yuan Ding tens of thousands of years ago… To think
it would return to this place again…]

“I understand the gist of what has happened here,” Old Fu indifferently

stated, “My daughter was in the wrong in this matter and deliberately
made trouble for you. You did nothing wrong.”

“Haha, Sir’s vision is truly sharp,” Yang Kai relaxed after hearing this as
he knew that he wasn’t in danger. In any case, Serene Soul was a Great
Emperor, and since he had given such a judgement, he would definitely
not make trouble for Yang Kai any longer.
On the contrary, Lin’er pouted in anger upon hearing this, her face filled
with dissatisfaction.

Old Fu added with a nod, “The Ancient Lands are a dangerous place,
take good care of yourself.”

Having said so, he stretched his hand toward Lin’er and wrapped her up
in his Emperor Qi before turning to leave.

“Wait!” Yang Kai hurriedly shouted seeing his stance.

“You have something more to say?” Old Fu turned his head, looking at
Yang Kai with some impatience.

The corner of Yang Kai’s mouth twitched as he asked, “Sir, you are not
thinking of leaving just like that right?”

[Are you kidding me? I was injured because of this stubborn girl, and
now you want to leave without so much as a word of apology?] Even if
Heavens’ retribution came down now, Yang Kai wouldn’t agree to this.

Old Fu was stunned and a strange look appeared on his face as he

asked, “What do you want?”

Yang Kai grimaced in pain and stated, pointing at the gaping wound on
his chest, “Sir, this Junior’s injuries are a result of your daughter’s
interference, even my bones have been crushed and I’m afraid I won’t be
able to recover from this for at least a half year…”

Old Fu turned his gaze down, looking at the squirming muscles near
Yang Kai’s wound, and immediately, his face couldn’t help but twitch a

Did this brat think he was blind? Although he couldn’t see what Body
Tempering Secret Art Yang Kai had cultivated, such an injury was clearly
just a superficial wound to him and would fully recover in a few days, yet
he dared to claim it would take half a year of rest to recover from? How
Yang Kai didn’t seem to have noticed his expression and continued, “Sir
also said that the Ancient Lands are dangerous. This Junior must
continue to venture forth because of some personal matters. If Junior
was to die here because of this wound, your dear daughter would not be
able to escape blame. If this matter were to be spread out, Sir’s prestige
would truly be affected. Others will definitely say that Sir schemed
together with his daughter to commit murder. Tsk tsk… Sir’s also has a
reputation to maintain, right?”

[Is he really trying to threaten me!?] Old Fu slightly raised his brow, his
expression turning gloomy as he bluntly asked, “What do you want?”

Yang Kai put away his sword and replied in a trembling voice, “This
Junior is confident in his strength, but isn’t sure that he can charge
straight into the Ancient Lands unscathed. Sir, if you could casually offer
me a defensive artifact, at least to protect myself due to my wounds, that
would be the best.”

Angered, Old Fu broke into laughter before asking, “What defensive

artifact do you want? Let’s hear it.”

Yang Kai replied with a stern face, “The bowl in your daughter’s hand… I
think it’s pretty good…”

Lin’er was greatly taken aback and she furiously rebuked, “You ruffian!
You dare to have eyes for my treasure!?”

Yang Kai snorted and countered, glaring, “When adults are speaking,
children should keep quiet!”

Old Fu looked at Yang Kai, smiling, and asked, “Do you want the Taiyi
Cinnamon Bowl?”

“So, it’s called the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl…” Yang Kai raised his brow
before continuing, grinning, “If Sir can bestow it to me, it would naturally
be best. To tell you the truth, this Junior has been wandering alone in the
Star Boundary and is currently quite poor. Although I have reached the
Emperor Realm, I haven’t been able to find a good artifact. I have had
truly bitter days!”
[You have the Mountains and Rivers Bell in your possession, and you
still dare to call yourself poor? Only ghosts would believe you!] Old Fu
snorted in his heart.

“Sir is a respectable Great Emperor and has no shortage of Emperor

Artifacts, right?” Yang Kai continued to pester. He really wanted the Taiyi
Cinnamon Bowl as it clearly had exceptional defensive abilities and he
just happened to lack a defensive artifact. It was indeed a reckless waste
of such a good treasure to be placed in the hands of Lin’er, so if Yang
Kai could get his hands on it, it would just be like adding wings to a tiger.

“My Father is my Father, and I’m me! Why are you eyeing my treasure!?”
Lin’er screamed. This man was truly loathsome! He kept making such
unreasonable demands. If she could beat him up, she would have long
ago taught him a lesson!

“Isn’t everything because of you? Just look at my wound!” Yang Kai

puffed up his chest, his hideous wound immediately scaring Lin’er as she
quickly turned her head away.

He might have been bringing up his wound at every turn, making for a
dull argument, but it was indeed quite frightening.

Old Fu remained indifferent for a while before he agreed, nodding, “That

also makes sense. It’s not impossible to give you the Taiyi Cinnamon

Yang Kai burst with joy after hearing this. He was just trying his luck;
after all, the Serene Soul Great Emperor had a reputation to uphold and
needed to keep some face. Even if he didn’t give Yang Kai the Taiyi
Cinnamon Bowl, he would give something else. Otherwise, his enmity
with Lin’er would remain unresolved!

But Yang Kai had never even imagined that the Serene Soul Great
Emperor would be so easy to talk to. By the looks of it, the Taiyi
Cinnamon Bowl would be given to him.

Yang Kai smacked his lips and stretched his hand out towards Lin’er,
asking, “Give it!”
Mouth agape, Lin’er looked at Old Fu and grievously pleaded, “Father!”

Old Fu remained unmoved and indifferently stated, “I can give you the
Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl, but I can’t give it for free. This King wants
something in exchange from you. If you agree, the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl
is yours.”

Yang Kai suddenly became vigilant, “What is it?”

[There are conditions? What’s the meaning of this!?]

Chapter 2559 - Exchange It For Your Bell

[I don’t think I’ve something on me that someone like the Serene Soul
Great Emperor would be interested in, do I?]

[The Myriads Sword? Impossible…]

[Although the Myriads Sword is good, it can’t possibly enter Serene

Soul’s eyes. As a Great Emperor, he has all kinds of Emperor Artifacts.
Why would he be interested in a mere Myriads Sword?]

[Then, what does he want me to use to exchange?] Yang Kai thought

about it over and over again but he couldn’t understand what Serene
Soul meant.

“Sir, you wouldn’t happen to be thinking of wanting… This Junior’s life,

do you?” Yang Kai laughed awkwardly.

Old Fu sneered as he rebuked, “What use is your life to this King?”

Yang Kai’s face turned ashen. Although he didn’t think that his life was
worth much, it was natural to be unhappy when someone said it right in
his face that his life was worthless. Had he not cared about the identity of
the other party, he would have attacked Serene Soul already.

“Just say whether you agree or not,” Old Fu gazed at Yang Kai in a calm
and composed manner, a smile of mockery hanging on his lips.

[How can I agree when you aren’t even speaking clearly? Do you think
that this Young Master’s intelligence is like your daughter’s?] After a cold
snort, Yang Kai replied, “Sir, since you haven’t made things clear, forgive
this Junior for being unable to accept.”

Yang Kai didn’t dare to agree to anything in front of an old monster like
him who had lived for who knows how long, so as not to fall into his trap.
By then, he would be at others’ mercy.

Old Fu calmly stated, “It’s nothing much, this King just wants to
exchange it for your bell!”
As soon as he said this, Yang Kai was greatly shaken and immediately
put up his guard.

Exchange it for his bell? Which bell? What other bell did he have apart
from the Mountains and Rivers Bell?

[How does he know about it?] Yang Kai had never used the Mountains
and Rivers Bell in today’s battle, and the enemies who had seen the
Mountains and Rivers Bell were already dead. So, how did the Serene
Soul Great Emperor know about it?

Could he sense it? That’s unlikely. The Mountains and Rivers Bell had
already been refined by Yang Kai and no one would be able to sense it
unless he took it out to deal with them.

But this old fogey spoke so confidently, as if he was certain that Yang
Kai had that bell. It really made Yang Kai wonder whether Serene Soul
was really bluffing him or was really truly confident.

[He isn’t thinking of killing me and snatching it, is he?] Yang Kai secretly
gnashed his teeth. If the Serene Soul Great Emperor was planning this,
maintaining his life would indeed become really difficult.

“What bell? What does Sir mean?” Many thoughts flashed through Yang
Kai’s mind but there was no change in his expression. Rather, he
showed a puzzled look.

Old Fu mockingly looked at him before rebuking with a sneer, “Do you
really not know, or are you pretending to not know about it?”

Yang Kai naturally didn’t dare to reveal any flaws, gritting his teeth as he
replied, “I ask Sir to make himself clear. This Junior is confused and has
no idea what you are talking about.”

Yang Kai had secretly come to a ruthless decision. If this old fogey
mentioned the bell again, he would make him watch his daughter die

Old Fu, however, just stated, “If that’s the case, this King will not force
Saying so, Emperor Qi wrapped Lin’er before the pair shot towards the
outside. In the blink of an eye, they had disappeared into the Ancient
Lands Passageway.

He said he was leaving and left. He did it in such a quick and

straightforward manner that he didn’t leave Yang Kai any chance to react
at all.

“Damn it! You didn’t need to give me the Taiyi Cinnamon Bowl, but you
could have given me some Source Crystals at least! This Young Master
was thrashed for no reason…” After a while, Yang Kai finally reacted,
cursing loudly in anger.

He had suffered a great loss this time. Lin’er had made things difficult for
him again and again, and even put his life in danger by teaming up with
the Netherworld Sect. He was then forced to confront the Soul Descent
of the Serene Soul Great Emperor… and when all was said and done, he
didn’t reap a single benefit…

But soon, Yang Kai felt a cold and moist feeling on his back.

When Serene Soul mentioned the bell, it had really terrified him.

Yang Kai looked left and right warily, not daring to stay in this place
anymore. He walked to the dead Netherworld Sect disciples and took
away their Space Rings before hurriedly rushing deeper into the Ancient

After exiting the passage, he could be considered to have officially

stepped into the Ancient Wild Lands.

This was a domain that had never been developed and was one of the
most dangerous places in the entire Star Boundary. Even when an
Emperor Realm Master entered it, he couldn’t guarantee his safety.

In the Ancient Lands, there were countless dangers that were difficult to
resist. There were many natural restrictions and ancient relics here, all of
them dangerous to anyone who triggered them.
There were even rumours that Divine Spirits were living inside the
Ancient Lands, though no one knew whether it was true or false.

After venturing about a hundred kilometres deeper, Yang Kai finally

noticed the strangeness of the Ancient Lands.

There was an unknown energy in the air, one that seemed to suppress
the strength of cultivators. And the deeper one ventured in, the more
obvious this effect was.

The towering old trees soared straight into the clouds, while on the
ground, there were many strange flowers and plants that Yang Kai had
never seen or heard of before. An ancient and desolate smell constantly
blew in his face.

[Wild Force!]

The entire Ancient Wild Lands were filled with this peculiar Wild Force.
Naturally, it was derived from primitive energy when the world was first
created, and every living being would feel small and insignificant before
it. Under the suppression of this energy, any cultivator who had ventured
into this land would not be able to exert their full strength!

However, Yang Kai immersed himself in this place for a while and
concluded that this Wild Force had no effect on him.

The corrosion spreading into his body was like a breeze blowing on his
face; he could ignore it.

With an Ancient Exotic Artifact like the Mountains and Rivers Bell on him,
all the Wild Force that invaded his body was actively resolved by it.
Realizing this, Yang Kai’s confidence grew.

He had already noticed this somewhat when he drank the Wild Wine.
Although he had made some conjectures back then, it wasn’t confirmed
until now.

It seemed he occupied a huge advantage in the Ancient Wild Lands with

the Mountains and Rivers Bell. Yang Kai was beaming with joy in his
heart as he felt fortunate for that particular opportunity in the Shattered
Star Sea. If not for him being able to collect the Mountains and Rivers
Bell, things would not be so easy for him here.

While walking, he took out a jade slip and compared the surrounding
terrain with the map inside. This was the jade slip given to him by Pi San,
and it had all the known topography of the Ancient Wild Lands as well as
the position of the more dangerous Monster Beasts. Only, the
information in the jade slip was incomplete as no one knew how big the
entire Ancient Lands was. So far, the cultivators figured they had
explored less than a tenth of the Ancient Lands at the cost of countless

But with this jade slip, Yang Kai was still spared from a lot of trouble.

After an hour, he had completely entered the Ancient Lands, where he

found a cave and ventured inside.

Who knows which Monster Beast’s lair this was originally, but the cave
was dry and spacious, with no owner to be seen. It was unclear whether
it had gone out to hunt or was killed by someone or something.

Yang Kai estimated that the latter was far more likely as it was not far
from the entrance. The cultivators coming in from the entrance could
easily find this place, so generally, Monster Beasts would not be able to
survive in places like this.

With a wave of his hand, Yang Kai let out Zhang Ruo Xi and ordered, “I
want to heal, stand guard for me. Focus on resisting the Wild Force in
the air and call me if there is any movement or if you can’t hold on.”

“Yes!” Zhang Ruo Xi obediently responded. Seeing the horrifying injury

on Yang Kai’s chest, her heart inexplicably trembled.

Without any further question, she went and sat at the entrance of the
cave, cross-legged.

Inside the cave, Yang Kai took out a bunch of healing pills and threw
them into his mouth before he closed his eyes and started refining them.
In fact, his injury wasn’t that serious, and even if he didn’t actively deal
with it, it would have only taken him a few days to recover; however,
Yang Kai didn’t dare to be careless in this place as even the smell of
blood might draw some unnecessary trouble. It really wasn’t worth the

So, he thought about healing his wounds first before rushing to find Xiao

Around the wound, his flesh and skin kept squirming, continuing to fill the
gap, an eerie sight. Yang Kai’s recuperative ability was already pretty
good, so with the assistance of good healing pills, it would only take him
one or two days to fully recover.

Outside the cave, Zhang Ruo Xi, following Yang Kai’s instruction,
prompted her Source Qi to defend herself.

In the beginning, she was a little worried about the so-called Wild Force;
after all, Yang Kai had already mentioned its strange properties before.
She knew that all the cultivators inside the Ancient Lands would be
suppressed by the Wild Force, and the lower one’s cultivation was, the
stronger the suppression was.

Although her cultivation was Third-Order Dao Source Realm, she

couldn’t provide any help to Yang Kai on this journey at all. She was
even sent inside the Sealed World Bead by Yang Kai during the last part
of the Ancient Lands Passageway.

Zhang Ruo Xi hated her weakness, which made it impossible for her to
share Yang Kai’s woes and foes, even making her a burden at times. [Sir
had such a big wound on his chest. He must have bled a lot; he must be
in a lot of pain; he must have been in a lot of danger at that time…]

[Everything I have today was given to me by Sir. Without Sir, I would

have long been abducted and dirtied by those ungrateful wolves of the
Lu Family. A small family like the Zhang Family would have not been
able to gain a foothold in Maplewood City.]
[Not only has Sir saved me, but also the entire Zhang Family. Sir gave
me countless cultivation resources, allowing me to have my current

[I don’t know why Sir brought me out of the Zhang Family back then, but
now I have been travelling with Sir here and there over many years.]

[When will I be able to ward off calamities and danger for Sir? I can’t
always be protected by Sir like this, can I? Even if Sir had asked me to
take care of his daily life, or tidy up his bed…]

[I haven’t done much of that either…]

Zhang Ruo Xi lightly nibbled her red lips. She felt her chest tighten and a
desire to become stronger prompted her to circulate the Secret Arts to

This was an unconscious action.

But soon, Zhang Ruo Xi was taken aback and quickly stopped.

She had no other choice as she suddenly remembered that she was in
the Ancient Wild Lands and the World Energy here was filled with Wild
Force. This place wasn’t suitable for cultivation, and if she absorbed too
much Wild Force, not only would she be unable to assimilate it, it would
also be detrimental to her cultivation.

Realizing this, Zhang Ruo Xi’s face immediately paled as she quickly
checked on her condition.

But she found nothing serious, leaving Zhang Ruo Xi rather confused by
her own situation.

Because she found that although she had inadvertently absorbed some
Wild Force, it didn’t appear to be harmful to her. Rather, it spread around
her body before it assimilated with her own strength.

And during this short round of cultivation, the efficiency of cultivation was
almost twice that of before!
[What’s going on?]

Zhang Ruo Xi looked surprised and a little puzzled. She wanted to ask
Yang Kai what was happening; after all, he knew many more things than
her, but he was recuperating at the moment and she didn’t want to
bother him.
Chapter 2560 - The Blood Gate Incident

Zhang Ruo Xi kept her silence for a long while before she summoned up
her courage and started circulating her Secret Art again.

This time, Zhang Ruo Xi could clearly feel it. She wasn’t just absorbing
the World Energy by cultivating here, she was also absorbing the Wild
Force, yet strangely enough, both of those energies were beneficial to
her, especially the latter. She almost couldn’t get enough of it and
couldn’t stop absorbing it, nor did she want to.

[What’s happening? What’s wrong with my body? This is Wild Force…


Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly got a little afraid and didn’t dare to continue
cultivating, stopping the circulation of her Secret Art and just sitting there
in silence with a confused look on her face.

She couldn’t find any explanation for this other than her bloodline. [Sir
had said once that I had a strange bloodline power with many unknown

She was pretty bewildered by this, as she wasn’t cultivating the Secret
Art taught by the Zhang family, but rather the one comprehended and
invented by her. She had grasped it on her first cultivation attempt, as if it
was engraved in the depths of her mind.

As she sat there in a daze, nothing unusual occurred, with the

surroundings as quiet and peaceful as ever.

Zhang Ruo Xi mulled this over for a moment then took out the Space
Spirit Jade from her Space Ring. Yang Kai had handed over the Space
Spirit Jade to her before entering this land and he asked her to study it
more deeply, insinuating that it likely contained the way to unseal her
bloodline power.

At this moment, after Zhang Ruo Xi had taken out the Space Spirit Jade,
her body shivered and she raised her head to look in a certain direction.

She got that strange feeling once again!

She faintly felt that the Space Spirit Jade in her hand was resonating with
something far off in the distance, and whatever it was, it was summoning
her. Zhang Ruo Xi’s blood felt as if it was set afire, circulating faster and

She had gotten a similar feeling in the past and could affirm that it wasn’t
just a product of her imagination.

But, it was still a fleeting feeling, and it had quickly disappeared before
she could observe it more carefully.

As all kinds of spectacular scenery flashed past the Space Spirit Jade,
Zhang Ruo Xi held it in her hand and started studying it for a long while,
yet couldn’t find any clues. She couldn’t understand the function nor the
meaning of those scenes.


In a thick and dense forest in the depths of the Ancient Lands.

It was the true depths of the Ancient Wild Lands, a region never before
tread upon by mankind, with only a myriad of Monster Beasts and
Monster Race living and reproducing here since the dawn of its

This was like a whole new world, completely different from the Star
Boundary’s Four Territories.

On a towering mountain, a luminous oval object was shining brightly with

blood-red radiance. This object was wholly blood-red, as if it was formed
from fresh blood, but it emitted a sweet and enchanting fragrance.

The Blood Gate!

All Monster Race Masters living in the Ancient Wild Lands knew of the
existence of the Blood Gate, but none had managed to enter it, nor did
they know what kind of secrets were hidden within it.
However, some rumours about the gate had spread across the Ancient
Lands. It was said that the Blood Gate hid behind it the secrets for
allowing beings of the Ancient Lands to evolve into Divine Spirits.

The inhabitants of the Ancient Lands had all inherited a varying degree
of one or another Ancient Divine Spirit’s bloodline. Even the lineage of
the most ordinary-looking snake could be traced back to the Dragon Clan
of ancient times.

Once the dormant primordial bloodline of the Ancient Lands’ beings was
stimulated and awakened, then they would possess power rivalling their
ancestors, the Divine Spirits, but since ancient times, the number of the
Ancient Lands’ inhabitants that had successfully unearthed their
bloodline power and transformed into Divine Spirits could be counted on
one’s fingers and toes.

Yet, it was rumoured among the myriad races of the Ancient Lands that
the Blood Gate possessed a mystical power, which would completely
unearth the bloodline power of those Monster Race Masters. If they
could fully stimulate their bloodlines, then they would get a great chance
to relive their ancestors’ glory as Divine Spirits.

The Blood Gate’s location had turned into a sacred land for all races of
the Ancient Wild Lands because of these rumours. Many living beings
confident in their strength or luck would rush over one after the other to
cross the Blood Gate in hopes of stimulating their bloodline, yet none of
them had succeeded up to this day.

None could even approach the Blood Gate. Most who entered within a
perimetre of ten kilometres around the Blood Gate would suffer a
miserable death and turn into a pool of blood and flesh.

There was once a powerful Monster King at the peak of the Twelfth-
Order who arrived near the end of his lifespan and decided to make one
last struggle. He didn’t have much lifespan left, and if he couldn’t come
up with a way to prolong his life, he would shortly die of old age, so he
took the gamble.

The Blood Gate was his last hope!

A Monster King at the peak of the Twelfth-Order was tantamount to a
Human Race’s Third-Order Emperor Realm Master. Only a few people in
the whole of Star Boundary could reach this realm.

The Monster King used all his strength and techniques without restraint,
yet he couldn’t get closer than three kilometres from the Blood Gate. In
the end, he persevered for three days and nights there only to perish,
melting down into a pool of blood.

Since then, no one in the Ancient Lands dared to approach the Blood
Gate. Even a Monster King at the peak of the Twelfth-Order couldn’t
enter the Blood Gate and awaken their bloodlines, so what hope did
others have?

The Blood Gate had become the Ancient Lands’ forbidden area and no
being dared to approach it again, out of fear of the death awaiting them

This was a custom that stood since ancient times, but fortunately, the
creatures of the Ancient Lands were all endowed with a long lifespan.
Moreover, a lot of Monster Kings ruling over large territories had
witnessed the miserable death of the Monster King at the peak of the
Twelfth-Order with their own eyes. Afterwards, they had all admonished
their subordinates to stay away from the Blood Gate.

At this moment, the Blood Gate atop the towering mountain that didn’t go
through any changes for innumerable years suddenly let out a blazing
scarlet light. The scarlet light formed a large column that broke through
the clouds, leaving a large hole in them.

But, this light column quickly disappeared, leaving only specks of red
light behind that gradually disappeared into the air.

A hundred kilometres from the Blood Gate, a pitch-black python

strangled its prey with its large body then opened its gaping mouth and
devoured it.

At that moment, it had been facing the Blood Gate’s direction and it had
clearly seen the red column of light that flashed past there.
The black python widened its eyes and stared intensely in the Blood
Gate’s direction with clear fright.

The python’s fears were well-grounded, as the legends of the Blood Gate
were all fairly intimidating. It had been standing there for innumerable
years without going through any changes, yet it suddenly let out such a
light. So, who wouldn’t tremble in fear in the face of this?

But, this abrupt incident had ended quickly and didn’t affect it, so the
python quickly calmed down.

The python waited for a long while, not daring to make a rash move, and
only after ascertaining that the Blood Gate had no other peculiarities did
it twist its body, making its bones let out a crackling noise. The five-
metre-long body of the large python started going through drastic

But, those changes didn’t take more than an instant. The black python
instantly turned into a dark-skinned middle-aged man with a treacherous
gaze clad in a black robe.

The man’s mouth was still wide open, exposing its numerous large fangs,
and it was still chewing on its prey, a pretty scary sight!

Along with a gulping noise, the black python that had turned into a
middle-aged man swallowed down his prey, blowing it up, as if he was a
woman pregnant for ten months. But, as he patted his large belly, it
quickly shrank down to its usual size.

“This is a major incident, I must hurry up and report it to Sir!”

After the middle-aged man muttered to himself with his hesitation

apparent on his face, his Monster Qi started surging and he turned into a
ray of light that flew off in a certain direction.

The energy fluctuations emitted by the man reached the Eleventh-Order,

which was more or less equivalent to a Dao Source Realm Cultivator.

After two hours, the black ray stopped outside of a gate in front of a large
The two Monsters standing guard there became alert as one of them
took out a bone hammer while the other raised the two bone spears in
his hands; glaring intensely at the black ray of light.

“Who goes there?” The Monster with the bone hammer let out a shout,
placing his weapon in front of him as he continued, “This is the palace of
Monster King Xi Lei. If you don’t identify yourself immediately, we will
mercilessly slay you.”

“Indeed!” The Monster with bone spears also shouted imposingly.

The black ray stopped near the gate and showed itself. It was none other
than the black python that had turned into a middle-aged man.

“I’m one of you, I’m one of you. Brothers, I’m also one of Xi Lei’s
subordinates and I have something important to report to him. Please
notify him!” The middle-aged man cupped his fists and spoke.

The two Monsters at the gate exchanged a glance then started sizing up
the man doubtfully. One couldn’t blame those two guards for nor
recognizing him as a lot of Monsters lived in this area and Monster King
Xi Lei had more than a hundred thousand subordinates scattered in an
area of several hundred thousand kilometres. They couldn’t recognize
anyone other than the ones seen regularly.

Moreover, not just anyone could obtain an audience with Monster King Xi
Lei whenever he wanted.

The Monster with bone spears in his hands let out a sneer, “You’re
claiming that you’re one of us, aren’t you? Do you have any proof?”

It looked like the middle-aged man had already expected this and he
quickly took out an object from his Space Ring and handed it over to the
guards respectfully.

The Monster Race obviously couldn’t craft Space Rings, but a lot of
Humans had come here to seek death, so these Monsters had obviously
gotten their hands on a number of Space Rings left by the Humans over
the years.
The middle-aged man had also once killed a Human cultivator, obtaining
his Space Ring for himself. He usually put all of his possessions in it and
he found it pretty convenient.

The Humans were pretty good at using their brains and could make a lot
of good things such as artifacts and Spirit Pills. It was really a pity that
none in the Monster Race could craft such exquisite things.

The Monster with the bone hammer accepted the object handed to him
and he discovered that it was a token made out of bone with a design of
a galloping rhinoceros depicted on it, as well as a large ‘Lei (雷)’
character on it.

This was the token crafted by Monster King Xi Lei. It was pretty crudely
made, but not just anyone could imitate it because they were all made
from the bones of the same Monster Beast.

The two Monsters standing guard at the gate had seen a lot of tokens
and they could recognize with a glance that it was a genuine one.

Only a few Monster Race Masters could obtain this token. Among more
than a hundred thousand Monsters, only around two thousand had one,
and it was a sort of status symbol.

So, upon seeing the middle-aged man take out the bone token, the
expressions of the two Monsters standing guard at the gate turned for
the better. The one holding a bone hammer spoke, “Even though you’re
one of his subordinates, we still can’t let you in. Sir has asked to not
bother him for any little and trifling matter. If you have something to tell
him, then just tell us and we’ll pass your message to him.”

The middle-aged man said anxiously, “This is not something trivial or

insignificant; I must speak to Sir in person!”

This might be a great contribution to Sir Xi Lei, so how could the middle-
aged man employ any other middle-man to act on his behalf?
Chapter 2561 - Xi Lei

Despite the middle-aged man’s strenuous effort, he couldn’t convince

those standing guard at the gate to allow him to pass.

He was left without a better choice and could only offer them a bribe.
This barren land had no valuable treasures, and he couldn’t offer them
anything other than the Monster Cores of Monster Beasts slain by him.

Monster Cores were a pretty hard currency in the Ancient Wild Lands, as
anyone could use them to raise their strength. Thus, upon receiving
these gifts, the two beamed in delight, and after they discussed it for a
moment, one of them turned around and went inside. He had obviously
gone to make a report!

The dark python who had taken a humanoid shape had finally
experienced and understood the meaning of the saying, ‘Meeting the
king of Hell wasn’t difficult, but dealing with his lackeys was’.

The man started exchanging pleasantries with the others at the gate to
pass time, while he vowed inwardly, [Once I get rewarded for this great
contribution, I’ll surely teach you all a memorable lesson and make you
regret putting on such a haughty front. I’ll make you spit out everything
you took from me!]

After a short while, the one who had gone to make a report came back
and cupped his fist at the middle-aged man, saying, “Today, Sir is in a
pretty good mood and doesn’t mind meeting you. Go inside!”

The middle-aged man expressed his thanks to them then started

climbing up the mountain, leaving the two guards playing with the few
Monster Cores in their hands in delight.

There wasn’t anyone to guide the middle-aged man, but he could still
make his way through with ease, as this wasn’t his first visit. He quickly
crossed several checkpoints and reached the peak of the mountain
where a large palace was built with a rough design completely different
from the ones commonly seen in the Star Boundary. It was just a large
mass of boulders piled up together without an ounce of beauty.
Moreover, there was a large sculpture of a mighty-looking galloping
rhinoceros outside the palace.

This was the true body of Monster King Xi Lei. He had just been an
ordinary rhinoceros who managed to cultivate to the peak of the Twelfth-
Order. Who knew what kind of fortuitous encounter had helped him
accomplish this great feat, but nonetheless, he had now become the
ruler of a large expanse of the Ancient Wild Lands with over a hundred
thousand Monster Race subordinates under him.

There were only thirty-two beings in the same realm as Xi Lei in all the
Ancient Wild Lands. They all had their own territories and wouldn’t
invade nor assault each other, and they were all under the jurisdiction of
the Four Great Divine Spirits.

Every Divine Spirit had eight Monster Kings at the peak of the Twelfth-
Order under them, while Monster Kings had Monster Commanders and
Monster Generals, as well as an innumerable number of Monster Beasts
below the Twelfth-Order. One could well imagine how dangerous the
Ancient Wild Lands were.

However, the Humans outside were obviously oblivious to this and they
only knew that the Ancient Wild Lands was a chaotic land fraught with
dangers. They were unaware that deep within the Ancient Wild Lands, it
had already developed its own social order.

After the middle-aged man reached the palace, the Monsters guarding
the gate just checked his identity then allowed him in.

It couldn’t be said that they were careless, as it was pretty much

impossible for the middle-aged man to wreak havoc in the face of the Xi
Lei with his low cultivation. The Monster Race had always been pretty
casual about customs and they didn’t attach great importance to them.

If this was a Sect of the Human Race, then it wouldn’t have been so easy
for a Dao Source Realm cultivator to meet a Third-Order Emperor Realm
After the middle-aged man entered the palace, soft music, light singing,
as well as decadent noises reached his ears, taking him aback and
almost making him assume he walked into the wrong place.

But, when he raised his eyes to take a look, he sighted a muscular man
sitting cross-legged at the end of the hall with a table decorated with the
corpse of a Monster Beast in front of him, a bloody corpse that died not
long ago. The muscular man was holding the corpse of the Monster
Beast and gorging himself with blood dripping off the corners of his
mouth. It was a pretty ghastly sight, yet the man was eating with gusto
with his eyes shining with a scarlet gleam.

The legs of the middle-aged man went soft and he had almost escaped
on the spot.

He had heard that Monster Kings were fond of devouring their

subordinates’ flesh, but he didn’t take it for more than a mere rumour.
This was a sight he had never expected to see.

The muscular man was obviously none other than Monster King Xi Lei.
The middle-aged man had once seen him from afar and he could
recognize him with a glance.

Xi Lei took a few more bites of the meat then laughed heartily out of

Two women clad in revealing clothes with pretty much all their skin
exposed were next to the muscular man, serving him and fawning over
him. They were both endowed with pretty good figures hidden behind
light gauze, making for a breathtaking sight!

Once Xi Lei let out a peal of laughter, one of the women took advantage
of this chance to stuff one of the peeled grape-like spirit fruits on the
table into his mouth.

Xi Lei was pleased by this and he embraced the woman and started
having his way with her.
After a short moment, the woman was also left with a bloody mouth, but
she wasn’t displeased by this, rather, she licked off the blood with her
little scarlet tongue in delight.

The middle-aged man observed this in trepidation and longing,

wondering when he would obtain a cultivation equal to Xi Lei. At that
time, beauties would throw themselves at him and he would also get to
enjoy such a delightful experience.

In the hall below the table, there were a few women with slim waists and
plump bottoms clad in revealing clothes singing and dancing.

The middle-aged man observed them in a daze with his eyes rolling
around ceaselessly. He couldn’t make up his mind about which beauty
he should observe.

The beauty embraced by Xi Lei a while ago had also taken notice of the
middle-aged man and she curled up the corners of her mouth into a
smile and threw a flirtatious glance at him, which almost stole his Soul.

The woman leaned closer to Xi Lei’s ears and started whispering to him.

At this moment, Xi Lei finally raised his eyes to look at the middle-aged
man and he waved his hands, sending the women around him away.

The middle-aged man didn’t dare to slight this Master and hurriedly
walked forward with a solemn look, then knelt and spoke, “Greetings, Sir.
My name is Wu Zhui.”

Xi Lei asked in a deep voice, “Is it you who has claimed that you have
something to report?”


“Speak. What is so important about it that you had to see me personally?

If it’s just a trivial matter, then you may not keep your head.”

Wu Zhui’s expression darkened and didn’t dare to delay, quickly

explaining, “Sir, it’s related to the Blood Gate.”
“The Blood Gate?” Monster King Xi Lei stood up and the few female
Monsters in the hall covered their mouths and stared at Wu Zhui with
their pretty eyes.

The Blood Gate was a pretty pivotal place for all beings of the Ancient
Lands. It was rumoured that the Blood Gate contained a great secret,
which could awaken their bloodline power and allow them to evolve into
Divine Spirits.

Even though Xi Lei was an apex Twelfth-Order Monster Race, he still

couldn’t repress his desire to enter the Blood Gate. If he could become a
Divine Spirit, then he would get to change the current hierarchy of the
Ancient Lands, which had remained unchanged for innumerable years.
The Four Great Divine Venerables would become the Five Great Divine

“All of you, leave!” Xi Lei waved his hand and shouted, realizing that this
news was crucial and making him lose his calm.

“Sir…” One of the two females who served him a while ago leaned
against him, putting on a pitiful look. She obviously wanted to stay here
to listen to them.

Xi Lei simply turned his head around and glared at her with his blood-red

The body of the female stiffened and she didn’t dare to make any more
presumptuous actions. She quickly retreated, followed closely by the

“Speak. What happened to the Blood Gate?” Once the crowd had left, Xi
Lei questioned in a deep voice.

Wu Zhui quickly replied, “An unusual incident has occurred at the Blood

“What kind of unusual incident?” Xi Lei asked in surprise.

Wu Zhui quickly told him everything he knew, and upon hearing him out,
Xi Lei furrowed his brows with a bewildered look on his face.
This unusual incident was pretty eye-catching, and his subordinate had
no reason to falsify it. He surely wasn’t the only one who had seen it as
well, so verifying the claim would be as simple as questioning other
Monsters Race members who were in the vicinity of the Blood Gate. But,
what did this unusual incident mean?

A long time had passed since the Blood Gate appeared and it didn’t go
through any changes since then. It had always been quietly sitting atop
the peak of the mountain, yet on this day, it emitted radiant scarlet light
that soared into the Heavens!

No matter what, this was a vital piece of news for any inhabitant of the
Ancient Lands.

Xi Lei paced back and forth in the hall for a while with an indecisive look
on his face, only stopping after a long while, “You should go with me to
see the Divine Venerable and tell him everything you have seen.”

“The D-D-Divine V-V-Venerable…” Wu Zhui had almost bitten his


The Ancient Lands had four Divine Venerables, and Xi Lei served one of
them. The Four Great Divine Venerable were rarely seen, and ordinary
members of the Monster Race wouldn’t ever lay eyes upon them in their
lifetime. Even the thirty-two Monster Kings couldn’t get to see them
whenever they wanted.

Wu Zhui had never imagined that he would one day get to meet a Divine

But he quickly got over his shock and became overwhelmed with
excitement. Since he could see the Divine Venerable, then the news
brought by him was surely anything but insignificant. He would get to lay
down a great merit and make his rise from this day.

He didn’t hope to get a lot. After all, he was pretty weak, and he could
only hope to get some rewards that could propel him to the rank of a
Monster General. At that time, he could also get some subordinates and
rule over a whole mountain, which would be a lot better than living on the
move, scraping out a living each day.

After Wu Zhui composed himself, he cupped his fists and spoke, “I’ll
heed Sir’s commands.”

“Let’s go!” Xi Lei was also pretty impatient. He had already decided to
see the Divine Venerable, so there was no need to hesitate now. He
summoned a wind that engulfed Wu Zhui and rushed out of the gate.

“Other than you… Who else knows of this?” Xi Lei suddenly asked.

Wu Zhui said, “I’m surely not the only person who has seen this unusual
incident related to the Blood Gate, but I rushed over quickly to report it to
Your Excellency, so I don’t know who else might know of it.”

Xi Lei nodded lightly, knowing well that Wu Zhui wasn’t mistaken. That
unusual sight was pretty eye-catching and he surely wasn’t the only one
who had taken notice of it. The other Monster Kings were probably also
aware of this by now, and they would surely be rushing to their
respective Divine Venerables to take credit for this.

Wu Zhui’s eyes flickered, mulling over something for a moment, before

letting out a sigh, “Unfortunately, I have an insignificant and lowly status,
so I was obstructed for a long time by the two guards at the mountain
gate when I asked for an audience with Sir. Those two didn’t allow me to
go in and I had to part with all of my wealth just to get them to agree to
report my presence,” saying so, he looked nervously at Xi Lei and said.
“Did I do something wrong?”

Xi Lei’s face darkened as he snorted, “They’re getting more outrageous

with each passing day!”

Saying so, he suddenly thrust his fist down.


Along with a thunderous crack so loud that it would leave one’s eardrums
ringing in pain, a thick lightning bolt fell from the sky, rushing towards the
After a short moment, a loud rumble echoed, accompanied by two
sudden miserable shrieks.

Wu Zhui lowered his head to take a look, only to discover that the
mountain gate was a total mess with a large hole left there. As for the
two Monsters guarding the gate? They had already disappeared.
Chapter 2562 - Catch me!

One day later, Yang Kai walked out of the cave with the wound on his
chest fully healed. He had also changed into a new set of clothes, as the
scent of blood might attract some unnecessary trouble for him.

Upon hearing some noise, Zhang Ruo Xi, who had been keeping watch
at the entrance of the cave, quickly stood up and was relieved to see that
Yang Kai’s complexion had already regained its vigour.

She was well aware that Yang Kai’s injuries were anything but serious,
but she still couldn’t help but worry over him.

Upon exchanging a glance, Yang Kai nodded at her, while Zhang Ruo Xi
said, “Sir, I noticed something peculiar.”

“What?” Yang Kai asked in bewilderment.

Zhang Ruo Xi quickly recounted to him what she experienced during her
cultivation, then looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to dispel her

Yang Kai had no clue about this though, but he found it embarrassing to
admit his ignorance to Zhang Ruo Xi, so he put on a pensive look and
mulled over it for a moment, then spoke, “Better safe than sorry, you
should stop cultivating in the Ancient Lands, and if you need to recover
your strength, you can just use Source Crystals or Spirit Pills. If worse
comes to worst, then you can just enter the Small Sealed World.”

Zhang Ruo Xi heeded his instructions without the least bit of hesitation,
but shortly after, she questioned him, “Sir, what about you?”

Yang Kai said with a smile, “It’s fine, the Wild Force can’t harm me.”

Zhang Ruo Xi was pretty surprised and she looked in veneration at Yang
Kai with stars almost sparkling in her eyes. She couldn’t help but
inwardly praise, [Sir is really amazing. I have heard that even a Great
Emperor will be affected by this land’s Wild Force, yet Sir hasn’t suffered
any harm.]
Yang Kai coughed and said, “Let’s leave…”

Saying so, his expression suddenly changed and he turned his head
towards a certain region and shouted, “Who dares hide there!”

Zhang Ruo Xi was startled by this as she had been keeping guard here
all along and didn’t notice anyone approaching them. Yet, Yang Kai had
shouted at someone shortly after coming out. Yang Kai wouldn’t raise a
fuss over nothing, so there must surely be someone here.

She turned her head around to have a look and followed Yang Kai’s
gaze to a large tree, one that looked peaceful and serene without any
peculiarities. Even when she swept it with her Divine Sense, she didn’t
notice anything out of the ordinary.

Yang Kai snorted coldly and spoke, “Still trying to die? Do I have to pull
you out myself?”

After he said so, a rustling noise echoed out from the tree, shortly
followed by a head poking out of the dense leaves of the canopy. Said
head swayed around, its bright eyes then casting a glance at Yang Kai
and Zhang Ruo Xi, giving them a silly smile.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s expression darkened, having been caught off guard by
this; after all, someone she had failed to notice approaching her was now
smiling dumbly at her in this damned place.

“Hmm?” Yang Kai exclaimed in surprise as he observed this human-

looking face carefully. It could be seen that it had quite dishevelled hair,
as if this individual hadn’t washed it for many years, leaving a nought but
a tangled mass.

This person’s face was dark with indistinct features, but it had a pair of
bright eyes and pearly white teeth.

It was definitely a woman!

Even though Yang Kai couldn’t get a clear look at her face, he still
recognized with a glance that it belonged to a woman.
All women cared a lot about their appearance, yet this one was a total
mess, even more so than the Bustling World Great Emperor in
Maplewood City. Who knew what this woman had suffered and gone
through in the Ancient Wild Lands?

It wasn’t limited to appearance though, as Yang Kai could clearly tell that
this woman hanging upside down from the tree was mentally impaired.
Her gaze was pretty bright, but it still looked chaotic and erratic.

However, what Yang Kai cared most about was this woman’s
concealment technique.

If she didn’t suddenly let out some noise from the tree earlier, then even
Yang Kai wouldn’t have noticed that she was hiding there.

Just who was she?

Upon sweeping her with his Divine Sense and detecting the faint energy
fluctuations emanating from her body, Yang Kai discovered in surprise
that she was a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master!

While doubts were still flooding Yang Kai’s mind, the woman suddenly
giggled and spoke, “Come and catch me!”

Having said this, she jumped off the tree, but she turned around in mid-
air and rushed into the forest, quickly disappearing, leaving only a peal of
laughter behind her, “Come catch me, catch me!”

[Who the hell wants to catch you!?] The corners of Yang Kai’s mouth
twitched. He was now certain that the woman had a mental impairment.

If that wasn’t the case, why would a solemn Second-Order Emperor

Realm Master do such a ridiculous thing? She wasn’t just in a
dishevelled state, her speech and words were also a mess. Yang Kai
was dumbfounded. He had just come into the Ancient Wild Lands and
ended up running into a crazy woman. He obviously wasn’t in the mood
to play hide and seek with her.
“Sir, her attire…” It looked like Zhang Ruo Xi had noticed something, and
she covered her rosy lips with her hand, looking in shock at the region
where the crazy woman had disappeared.

“What about her attire?” Yang Kai furrowed his brows.

“Sir, didn’t you find what she was wearing familiar?” Zhang Ruo Xi asked

When the crazy woman had jumped off the tree, Yang Kai swept her with
his gaze. Her clothes were also worn out and in a mess like her,
revealing her skin with every little movement. He didn’t know what her
real skin tone was, but it was currently completely grey, as if she hadn’t
taken a bath for many years.

Yang Kai was surprised and bewildered by Zhang Ruo Xi’s words.

“Those were the robes of Ice Heart Valley!” Zhang Ruo Xi said anxiously.

“Are you certain?” Yang Kai widened his eyes.

Zhang Ruo Xi nodded, “I have seen many disciples of Ice Heart Valley
the last time we were in the Northern Territory’s Ice Moon City. They
were all clad the same way as her. Her clothes were torn and worn out,
but they still had an ice crystal symbol over her chest.”

“Why would a disciple of Ice Heart Valley come here?” Yang Kai was
pretty stunned.

Ice Heart Valley was located in the Northern Territory, while they were
now in the Eastern Territory. There was a large distance between the
territories and ordinary people wouldn’t ever travel so far, much less
come to a place like this. But, upon giving it more thought, he recalled
that all Masters of the Star Boundary eyed this treasure land.

He could also be counted as a disciple of the Southern Territory, yet, he

had come here, so it wouldn’t be strange for the inhabitants of the
Northern Territory to come here; after all, all Masters of the Four
Territories converged here.
But, he was still bewildered by something. From the moment Ice Heart
Valley was founded by its Martial Ancestor Bing Yun until this day, they
didn’t have a lot of Emperor Realm Masters. So, how did a Second-Order
Emperor Realm Master end up here? Worse, in a chaotic mental state.

Upon mulling this over, Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly lit up and he recalled

In the past, when Bing Yun returned from the Solitary Void Sealed World
to Ice Heart Valley, its current Valley Master, her First Disciple, An Ruo
Yun, made mention of a certain event.

When Bing Yun had gone missing, her Third Disciple went out to look for
her, yet she didn’t find her trail and had also gone missing in the end.
Three thousand years had already passed since then, and it was pretty
much unknown whether that disciple was still alive or not.

When An Ruo Yun had reported this to Bing Yun. Yang Kai had been
there to hear this and he had also sighed over it as he thought that this
Third Disciple had most likely died in some unknown region; after all, the
Star Boundary was fraught with dangers, and if she was still alive, then
she would have at least contacted them over the past three thousand

However, those were private matters, so Yang Kai didn’t really care
about them.

But upon getting Zhang Ruo Xi’s reminder, Yang Kai suddenly realized
that this woman was most likely Bing Yun’s Third Disciple. A Second-
Order Emperor Realm cultivation also fit the criteria, as the First Disciple
An Ruo Yun and the Second Disciple Sun Yun Xiu were also in the same
realm, so the Third Disciple would likely not be any worse than them.

Upon thinking of this possibility, Yang Kai looked at where the crazy
woman had disappeared to, but he couldn’t catch even her shadow. She
had already escaped from him.

Yang Kai could guess why this Third Disciple was here. In the past, she
had left Ice Heart Valley to look for Bing Yun and she surely wouldn’t
miss the famous Ancient Wild Lands. She must have come here to seek
Bing Yun.

As for why the woman was now in a state of mental chaos? Yang Kai
had no ideas about this, but he could still imagine that she must have
suffered a lot here, else, why would a Second-Order Emperor Realm
Master end up so demented with no regard to her own image?

However, all of this was obviously just Yang Kai’s guess, and he still did
not have confirmation that the crazy woman was Bing Yun’s Third
Disciple. She could have just killed that Third Disciple and stolen her

If Yang Kai didn’t get to see this, then he wouldn’t have bothered with it,
but since he had already become involved, he couldn’t just ignore this
matter; after all, it was related to Bing Yun and Ice Heart Valley.

“Sir, Old Ban once said that an Emperor Realm Master had gone missing
in the Ancient Lands Passageway more than ten years ago… And it was
a woman… Could it be her?” Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly asked.

This possibility didn’t cross Yang Kai’s mind, but upon giving it more
thought, he realized that it was pretty likely the case. She must have
gone crazy because she got lost in the Ancient Lands Passageway for
more than ten years.

Old Ban had said that the woman was a First-Order Emperor Realm
Master, but Old Ban was just a First-Order Dao Source Realm, so he
surely couldn’t distinguish between the First and Second-Order Emperor
Realm and must have just made an assumption.

“Let’s go after her and investigate,” Yang Kai waved his hand,
enveloping Zhang Ruo Xi with his Emperor Qi, then rushing in the
direction where the crazy woman had disappeared.

Along the way, he couldn’t find any trace of her, and even though he
completely released his Divine Sense, he couldn’t detect even a wisp of
her aura. He did, however, notice a lot of Monster Beasts.
It was as if that crazy woman had vanished into thin air, the same way
she suddenly appeared.

“Where did she go?” Yang Kai was pretty vexed. If he had known earlier
that the crazy woman was linked to Ice Heart Valley’s Third Elder, then
he would have made a move to intercept her and not allowed her to run
away. Now, it was extremely difficult for him to find her.

After Yang Kai spent most of the day searching for her in vain, he found
himself forced to give up and stop. Running around the Ancient Wild
Lands aimlessly was nothing short of insanity; after all, he might end up
catching the attention of a powerful Monster Race.

If he couldn’t find her, then so be it, he would just give up for now, then,
take a trip to the Northern Territory after dealing with his affairs here and
pass the crazy woman’s news to Bing Yun, leaving her to deal with this

Yang Kai took out a jade slip and checked it, only to discover that he had
already ventured a lot deeper into the Ancient Lands in his half-day-long
pursuit. If he continued further, then he would end up in a gathering spot
for Monster Beasts, which had a Twelfth-Order Monster Beast presiding
over them.

Yang Kai didn’t want to attract trouble for no reason as he had come
here just to seek Xiao Xiao, so he would surely try to avoid danger as
much as possible.

When Yang Kai had just put away the jade slip after deciding to make a
detour around this region, a peal of laughter reverberated in a large tree
near him, shortly followed by a dark face poking out of the tree’s leaves.
She grinned at him, revealing her pearly white teeth, and she beckoned
to Yang Kai, “Come catch me, hurry up and catch me!”

[This crazy woman!] Yang Kai was almost driven crazy with rage at this
moment when he realized that all this time he was unable to find her, she
had actually been hiding nearby to mess with him.
Chapter 2563 - Third Disciple

Yang Kai really didn’t know what to do with this kind of person. If she
was sane and could think properly, he would have sat down and talked
with her; asked her about her origins and background, but she was
completely insane. The only way he could talk to her was if she allowed

Yang Kai ground his teeth in anger, but he didn’t dare to beat the bush
and scare the snake away.

[This woman comes and goes without a trace. Her camouflaging

technique is really profound too. If I scare her away, it won’t be easy to
find her…]

Having set his mind, Yang Kai squeezed a smile and tried his best to put
on a harmless face before beckoning to her, “Come here!”

The crazy woman wasn’t swayed at all. She just cheekily smiled at him
and stated, “Come and catch me!”

She repeated the same thing as if she only knew one sentence and
never got tired of it.

Yang Kai tried to call her a few times, but it didn’t work, leaving him
feeling utterly helpless.

“Sir, why don’t you tempt her with something and see whether she will
come over?” Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly proposed.

Yang Kai felt that it was a good idea and rummaged through his Space
Ring to quickly find a red fruit. He had a lot of Alchemy ingredients on
him, most of which were obtained from killing others, and the rest were
found in the ancient medicine garden last time.

This Blue Crab Apple was an Emperor Grade Alchemy ingredient. It

looked extraordinary and was completely ripe, and the moment Yang Kai
took it out, a tangy fragrance wafted in the air.
Yang Kai flipped his hand and spread his palm, revealing the Blue Crab
Apple as he called out, “Come and take it, there’s no need to be afraid.”

He looked like a perverted old man trying to lure in and kidnap a little girl.
He was extremely embarrassed inside, but he still had to pretend that it
was alright.

The crazy woman was hanging upside down from a tree and was clearly
interested in the fruit, her bright and wide eyes totally fixating on it. She
also made no effort to disguise the desire in her eyes and began
smacking her lips a few times while salivating.

Who knows whether it was because of her situation though, but she was
still very vigilant. Despite the hungry look on her face, she didn’t rush
over as Yang Kai had hoped.

*Chi chi chi…*

The leaves rustled for a while before the crazy woman suddenly

Yang Kai was struck dumb and quickly spread his Divine Sense to lock
onto her position. If he lost her this time, considering how vast the
Ancient Lands was, trying to find her would make looking for a needle in
a haystack feel trivial by comparison. He would really have no idea
where to search for her.

*Chi chi chi…*

Another rustling noise came from nearby. Yang Kai turned his head to
look and suddenly found that the crazy woman had reappeared on the
branch of another tree, holding the trunk with one hand, quietly standing

[Fast! So fast!]

Yang Kai’s pupils shrunk when he saw how swiftly she had moved.
Before he could grasp her position, she had reappeared like a ghost.

However, she was a lot closer than before.

Yang Kai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the fruit in his
hand had finally aroused her interest.

Yang Kai smiled and pushed the fruit forward before speaking in a soft
voice, “Do you want it or not? If you don’t want it, I will eat it.”

While speaking, he pulled back the fruit and slowly brought it towards his

The crazy woman immediately became anxious at this sight and took a
bent stance, as if she could not wait to pounce and grab the apple. But
she appeared to have some scruples still and swayed back and forth on
the tree, refusing to come down.

Yang Kai ground his teeth in anger, steeled himself, and bit into the Blue
Crab Apple.

In just one bite, Yang Kai’s mouth was filled with rich fruit juice. It was an
Emperor Grade spirit fruit after all, and the essence within it was quite
amazing. On top of that, it tasted quite good and the attractive fruity
fragrance only grew stronger once the flesh was exposed.

*Baji baji…*

Yang Kai ate it with relish, making some exaggerated noises, clearly
causing the crazy woman’s heart to ache.

She looked at the Blue Crab Apple again before a firm look flashed in her
eyes. She seemed to have made up her mind and with a flicker she shot
out towards Yang Kai, leaving a streak of white light in her wake like a
bolt of lightning.

Yang Kai was waiting for this very moment, so how could he let it pass?
He threw the spirit fruit in his hand straight at her while, at the same time,
stretching his hand out, grabbing towards a certain place in the air like a

The crazy woman suddenly appeared in front of Yang Kai with a flash.
Her bright and shiny eyes were focused on the Blue Crab Apple that had
been thrown by Yang Kai, as if nothing in this world could distract her
from her prize.

If the spirit fruit continued to fly like this and there was no accident, it
would definitely hit her right in the forehead.

Although Yang Kai didn’t mean to kill her with this attack, it was by no
means a casual throw either. Rather, he had poured some of his
Emperor Qi into it as he wanted to distract the crazy woman so that he
could proceed with his next move.

But much to his surprise, the crazy woman leaned back at the critical
moment, evading the spirit fruit by a hair’s breadth. Immediately after,
she opened her mouth wide and directly took a bite at the spirit fruit. In a
flash, her eyebrows rose in pleasure and an overjoyed look filled her

In the twinkling of an eye though, Yang Kai had flashed to her side and
grabbed her arm.

The crazy woman was greatly shocked and quickly looked at Yang Kai
as an inexplicable coldness flashed through her smiling eyes.

She twisted her body at an impossible angle and changed her posture
like there were no bones in her body, standing face to face with Yang

Next, she raised her hand, while palming hard at Yang Kai. Before her
attack even reached him, an extremely icy cold pressure that seemed
capable of freezing the entire world spread out.

Yang Kai took a deep breath and couldn’t help but shiver as he shouted
in a grim voice, “Ice Principles!”

If it was just speculation before that this crazy woman was somehow
related to the Third Elder of Ice Heart Valley, who had gone missing
many years ago, now it was all but certain she was that very person.

After all, every Ice Heart Valley disciple cultivated an Ice Attribute Secret
Yang Kai’s face turned serious as he didn’t dare to be negligent. He also
sent out a palm that radiated Space Principles.


A deafening clap immediately followed as both of their bodies fiercely

shook like two small boats caught in a violent storm. The two different
Principle Strengths clashed with each other, but they were evenly

This wasn’t a surprise though, as the crazy woman’s cultivation was a

little higher than Yang Kai’s, and she had attacked in anger, whereas
Yang Kai could only hastily respond. Forcing a draw here was already
Yang Kai’s limit, and had it been any other First-Order Emperor, he or
she might have suffered serious injuries.

Before the two clashing Principle Strengths could dissipate, the crazy
woman suddenly twisted her arm held by Yang Kai, which had turned
soft and boneless like a snake, and in the next moment, she slipped out
of his grasp.

Yang Kai was greatly shocked by this, but it was already too late to grab
her again. After being frightened by Yang Kai once, the crazy woman
had quickly retreated, opening a huge gap with him.

*Hu chi chi…*

Only now did the two clashing Principle Strengths finally die down. Yang
Kai stood with a wry smile hanging on his lips as he didn’t dare to make
a rash move for the fear of scaring off the other party. Over twenty
metres away, the crazy woman stood in place, her eyes filled with
resentment. It appeared as if Yang Kai had abused her and then
abandoned her, making Yang Kai feel apologetic.

It was really not a glorious thing to lie to a person whose brain was not
currently working right, and to a woman no less.

She reached out to take the spirit fruit bitten by Yang Kai before taking a
bite; she bit it without a moment of hesitation even though it had been
eaten by Yang Kai. She was eating it with great relish, and there was a
big smile on her face, but her nose and eyes were telling another story;
she looked completely furious.

Yang Kai slightly sighed at the situation. This was Bing Yun’s Third
Disciple, a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master, but now just a simple
spirit fruit was enough to give her incomparable joy. If the others of Ice
Heart Valley saw this, their hearts would surely ache with incomparable

Yang Kai secretly winked at Zhang Ruo Xi. Seeing this, Zhang Ruo Xi
knew what to do. She quickly took out a fruit from her Space Ring and
spoke in a soft voice, “Want more? I have one here too. If you want it, I
will give it to you.”

The crazy woman raised her brow and looked at her, but the next
moment, her face paled as she repeatedly waved her head in refusal.

Having been tricked by Yang Kai, she was acting like she was bitten by a
snake, shying away from ropes for ten years.

Not only that, she turned around and ran off in panic.

Yang Kai immediately became anxious and began regretting being too
hasty just now.

In fact, he was confident before he made his move; after all, with his
current strength, he believed that taking down an unstable Second-Order
Emperor Realm Master would be as easy as flipping his hand. But this
Third Disciple’s reflexes and judgement turned out far sharper than what
he had estimated.

But after carefully thinking about it, this wasn’t that strange. For her to
wander outside for so long, and even survive in the Ancient Wild Lands
for this long, if she didn’t have such ability, she would have been reduced
to a pile of bones already.

Clearly, she was even stronger than her Eldest Senior Sister and Second
Senior Sister now. Although An Ruo Yun and Sun Yun Xiu were also
Second-Order Emperors, would they be able to survive in this
environment like this with their current strength?
Hardship and danger will always be a stepping stone for a person’s

Seeing the crazy woman turn around and escape, Yang Kai didn’t dare
to hesitate anymore and immediately shouted, “Third Disciple, Senior
Bing Yun is waiting for you to return, where are you trying to run to!?”

He didn’t know what Bing Yun called her as he hadn’t inquired about it
before, so he could only bring up Bing Yun’s name, hoping it might affect

If this crazy woman was really Bing Yun’s Third Disciple, she would
definitely not remain indifferent to this call even if she had lost her mind.

What pleasantly surprised Yang Kai was that after listening to his shout,
the crazy woman suddenly stopped in her place, her tender body slightly
trembling as she slowly turned around. She had even forgotten about the
spirit fruit in her mouth.

When their gazes met, Yang Kai discovered that her eyes were filled with
confusion. Obviously, Bing Yun’s name had triggered some of her
memories, but she still couldn’t clearly remember and organize her
thoughts because of her current chaotic state. Due to her muddled
thoughts, a struggling and painful look appeared on her face.

[She is definitely the Third Disciple!] Yang Kai was sure in his heart now
and followed up in a soft voice, “Third Disciple, Senior Bing Yun has
already returned. Your Eldest Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, and
several Junior Sisters are waiting for you. Don’t run around, I will lead
you back!”

While speaking, he stretched his hand toward her.

The struggling look on the Third Disciple’s face became even more
severe and her beautiful pair of eyes trembled violently as two lines of
tears slid down her cheeks while she muttered, “Honoured Master,
Honoured Master…”

Yang Kai was overjoyed when he heard this. Obviously, some of this
Third Disciple’s memories had returned.
Chapter 2564 - Kill the Man, Capture the Woman

Just as Yang Kai was preparing to strike while the iron was hot, the Third
Disciple suddenly started scratching through her hair, crying her heart
out, “Honoured Master, where are you, your disciple can’t find you…”

She fell on the ground, grabbing and pulling her messy hair that was all
tangled together.

The bleak, sorrowful, and self-blaming tone was truly hard to listen to and
brought tears to one’s eyes.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s eyes had turned red as she glanced at Yang Kai,
thinking that if Sir suddenly disappeared one day, she would definitely go
looking for him. Even if it was three thousand years, or thirty thousand
years, she would never stop just because of the passage of time.

“Honoured Master!” The Third Disciple suddenly tenderly cried before her
body rose into the air like a cannonball, shooting towards the depth of
the Ancient Lands.

“We need to go after her!” Yang Kai was angry but helpless. What he
was angry about was that he had told the Third Disciple the truth but she
had completely ignored him, instead triggering this chaotic episode. As
for helplessness, it was about the current situation of the Third Disciple
that he couldn’t reason with.

For now, he could only chase after her and look for an opportunity to
knock her out, even if it would hurt her.

While chasing after her, Yang Kai didn’t hesitate to use his Space
Principles, teleporting a few times yet still losing track of her after the
time it took for an incense to burn.

It was just like before. Had the Third Disciple not shown up again, he
would have never been able to find her.

But the Third Disciple was having a nervous break, so it was impossible
for her to show up again on her own. Yang Kai kept running around
looking for her, annoyed and frustrated.
He had experienced the Third Disciple’s abilities first hand. She could
freely come and go in this damned place, which he couldn’t help but

*Hong long long…*

A series of approaching footsteps and rustles sounded from the distance

suddenly. Apparently, many people were approaching. Obviously, the
commotion made by Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi while pursuing the
Third Disciple had attracted some attention.

Yang Kai furrowed his brow and looked in the direction of the source of
the sounds, wondering how so many had suddenly appeared in the
Ancient Lands all at once.

He promptly spread his Divine Sense and discovered the aura of an

Emperor Realm Master. Furthermore, the aura didn’t seem to belong to a

[Monster Race?] Yang Kai immediately made an educated guess.

After a short while, a group of figures rushed out of one side of the
jungle. Each of these figures looked exceptionally fierce, vicious, and
ugly. In addition, Monster Qi was emanating from them. With so many
gathered in one place, the Monster Qi soared into the sky in an
unstoppable manner.

[As I thought, it’s the Monster Race!]

The fellow leading the group of Monster Race Masters was a burly man.
He was holding a bone spear, which looked extremely scary. Who knows
which Monster Beast’s bones were used to craft it. It was more than five
meters long and as thick as a Human leg, but this burly man was holding
it with ease. He was wearing a simple animal hide, revealing his strong
and robust muscles. Every part of his body was a picture of strength. He
was sitting on a steel-back maned boar with two-metre-long tusks
pointed upward. Every time this boar breathed it sprayed hot air from his
nostrils, and its four hooves kept restlessly digging the ground, its scarlet
eyes flickering with a scary gleam.
The pair of Monster Race and Monster Beast looked extremely imposing,
like war gods descended to the mortal realm.

He was obviously a Monster General!

Also, there were about thirty to forty members of Monster Race with
different levels of strength on either side of this Monster General,
standing in a disorderly manner.

In a flash, several dozen gazes locked onto Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi,
sizing them up, with Zhang Ruo Xi being more of a focus than Yang Kai;
after all, Zhang Ruo Xi looked beautiful and delicious. Her slim and
slender figure always attracted the attention of males, no matter whether
the opposite party was from the Human or Monster Race.

The female members of the Monster race, who were wearing revealing
clothes, immediately became unhappy and glared at Zhang Ruo Xi with
hostility, grinding their teeth and cursing. One or two whispers could be
heard, calling her ‘slut’ and the like.

Zhang Ruo Xi, on the other hand, was looking at these Monster Race
members who had suddenly rushed out of the jungle with curiosity. She
had never seen members of the Monster Race before. She had seen
many Monster Beasts, but how could it be that easy to see them take on
Human form?

Seeing that they were no different from ordinary people, she couldn’t
help but look at them a few more times.

She was showing no fear at all; after all, Yang Kai was by her side. She
had complete confidence in her Sir.

“Human, I admire your courage, actually daring to trespass in this King’s

territory!” The robust Monster General sitting on the steel-back maned
boar pointed the spear in his hand with a majestic sweep.

Yang Kai’s brow momentarily twitched as he had no idea how to

He knew that many Monster Races were living in the Ancient Wild Lands.
Monster Beasts were different from members of the Monster Race as
most Monster Beasts weren’t sentient, only surviving on wild instincts
and absorbing World Energy to cultivate naturally. Although their lifespan
was generally quite long, it was difficult for them to improve their strength
quickly, much less assume Human form.

Those classified as members of the Monster Race were different.

Although they stemmed from Monster Beasts, they were sentient and
knew how to cultivate more effectively. Some even knew how to cultivate
Secret Arts.

In the entire Ancient Wild Lands, the Monster Race was the strongest
force. In addition to the Monster Race, there were many Primordial
Species. These Primordial Species included countless near-extinct races
that while small in number, were all extremely powerful because of their
ancient bloodlines. All Primordial Species could unleash some
unimaginable abilities.

Yang Kai wasn’t clear about the distribution of forces in the Ancient
Lands as the only information he had was the things recorded in the jade
slip given to him by Pi San. Naturally, this jade slip didn’t have
comprehensive information and just gave a brief rundown about the
outer areas of the Ancient Lands.

Seeing this team of Monster Race cultivators appear, Yang Kai

immediately knew that while pursuing Ice Heart Valley’s Third Elder, he
had inadvertently rushed into the territory of this Monster General.

“Kill, kill, kill!” The crowd of Monster Race suddenly started chanting. If
someone ignorant of the situation saw this, he might think that this group
of Monster Race was a group of bandits who were blocking the road to
rob and pillage. It was a funny sight.

“This King has a question for you!” The Monster General reined in his
Monster Beast mount while keeping his bone spear pointed at Yang Kai
as he asked with no trace of politeness, “Have you seen a crazy
[Is he talking about Bing Yun’s Third Disciple?]

Yang Kai didn’t want to get involved with the Monster Race, but by the
looks of it, they had obviously seen the Third Disciple, so Yang Kai
immediately shouted, “Have you seen her?”

The Monster General blew his top seeing this and pushed his Monster Qi
madly, rebuking with a cold snort, “It’s this King who will ask the
questions here! If you don’t want to suffer, obediently answer this King!
Otherwise, I will let you know how fearsome this King is.”

Determining that civil discourse was impossible with this fellow, Yang Kai
decided to start talking with his fists instead, grinning as he taunted, “I’d
like to see you try.”

The Monster General sneered, “Since you’re courting death, then don’t
blame this King for showing no mercy!” While remaining seated on his
mount, he waved his hand as he ordered aloud, “Kill the man, capture
the woman!”

Just as he shouted the order, the thirty or forty members of Monster

Race howled and acted as swiftly as the wind. In a flash, waves of
Monster Qi spread into the surrounding area, lifting up the leaves into a
flurry which they charged through to attack Yang Kai with reckless

[What the…] Yang Kai was stunned. He had known that the Monster
Race was simple-minded, but he hadn’t expected them to be so dull.
Before they even assessed the strength of their opponent, they all
swarmed forward, as if they feared being late to the fight.

[It must have been really hard for the Monster Race to survive in the
Ancient Lands for this long.]

However, Yang Kai’s vision was now higher, owing to his higher strength.

In any case, this group of Monster Race was led by a Monster General,
and there were many of them. More importantly, the Human cultivators
were usually suppressed by the Wild Force present here, so even if they
ran into a Second-Order Emperor Realm Human, they could attack like
this without any fear.

After so many years, many Emperors had lost their lives to the Monster
Race like this. Furthermore, if a cultivator was not strong, how could they
survive in the Ancient Lands for so long? They would have long died in a
place like this where there was no peace.

The Monster Race group rushed in, unleashing all kinds of techniques.
Many of them revealed their true bodies halfway through. In a flash,
various strange Monster Beasts were seen galloping everywhere,
showcasing all kinds of Monster Race Secret Techniques. The world
instantly lost colour in the chaotic storm.

The Monster General, on the other hand, remained seated in the rear,
coldly observing everything.

A giant python spewed a breath of poisonous mist, covering Yang Kai

and the space around him, blinding him to his surroundings.

Inside the poisonous mist, a figure suddenly appeared and leapt at Yang
Kai, its fangs shining with a cold gleam. It was a wolf-type Monster Beast
that had launched a sneak attack under the cover of the poisonous mist.


A soft metallic cry rang out as a cold gleam flashed. Yang Kai remained
standing in place, as if he hadn’t moved at all, but the Myriads Sword
had at some point appeared in his hand.

The giant wolf flew past him, its scarlet eyes crazily flickering as if it had
seen something terrifying.

After crashing to the ground, it uncontrollably slid forward before a

squishing sound rang out and blood gushed from its neck like a fountain.
Its head separated from his body as its body constantly twitched.

It was only an Eleventh-Order Monster Beast, so even if it had launched

a sneak attack under the cover of the poisonous fog, it wasn’t Yang Kai’s
opponent and was killed in a single blow.
*Xiu xiu xiu…*

Seven or eight members of the Monster Race showed their true bodies
and rushed into the mist together, biting from all directions.

Yang Kai stood stalwart, releasing flashes of light one after another.

Splattering sounds echoed to no end as all the Monster Race attacking

him flew past him, splitting into two in the air, their blood and internal
organs dying the ground red as miserable wails rose and fell everywhere.

The remaining Monster Race members instantly quieted down and

halted their charge right then and there. All of them were staring with
widened eyes as a look of shock covered their faces. They hadn’t
expected Yang Kai to be so powerful.

*Dida dida…*

Only the sound of blood dripping down the Myriads Sword could be
heard, but to the members of the Monster Race, this light dripping was
like a death knell deafening their ears, making them tremble in fright.

At this point, they finally noticed that Yang Kai was a little different from
the Humans they had encountered before. He didn’t seem easy to mess

“Boy, how dare you! To have killed so many of my men. This King will
send you to Hell!” The Monster General, who was originally sitting in the
rear, continuously leering at Zhang Ruo Xi, blew his top when he noticed
that over ten of his men had died in just the blink of an eye. He spurred
his mount as he charged at Yang Kai with his spear.

Who knows what kind of exotic beast the steel-back maned boar was,
but its speed was so fast that its limbs instantly blurred. The enormous
trees in its path, which could only be hugged by several people working
together, all broke under its charge, proof of how powerful it was.

As soon as the Monster General made his move, his subordinates

naturally avoided and went to trouble Zhang Ruo Xi.
Yang Kai coldly snorted as he slid his finger across the Myriads Sword, a
serious look appearing on his face as he mumbled, “Myriads Sword Arts,
Radiant Moon Swallows the Wolf!”

*Chi Chi Chi…*

The sword danced around as thousands of Sword Qi blades shot

towards the surroundings like a shower.
Chapter 2565 - A Persistent Scourge

The Monster Race members were thrown off their feet, miserably wailing
as they were helplessly struck by the thousands of Sword Qi blades
before they could even approach Yang Kai. Blood gushed out from their
bodies as if they had been riddled with holes like a sieve.

After this one move, Yang Kai suddenly disappeared from his position.


His figure flickered as he flew to the front of the charging Monster

General, swinging his sword down.

The Monster General had never seen such a scary Human before. After
having seen his subordinates cut down like straws, he realized that
things weren’t looking good for him. This Human seemed to be different
from the ones he had encountered before. He was too scary!

Having been suddenly attacked, the Monster General was naturally

shocked and angry.

However, his reaction was swift as well. The bone spear in his hand left
afterimages, forming a screen of thrusts directed straight at Yang Kai.
Monster Qi burst forth as the sound of the spear cutting through the air
filled the surroundings.

Yang Kai similarly swung his sword again and again, and coupled with
his Emperor Qi, the Myriads Sword became incomparably sharp; so
sharp that the white bone spear was chipped off bit by bit and in the blink
of an eye, only half of the long spear in the Monster General was left.

“Ah!?” The Monster General turned pale in horror. In this short time, who
knows how many times he had visited the gates of Hell.

He had encountered a lot of Human cultivators before, but he had never

seen one who could kill him without him being able to fight back. Even if
the Human’s cultivation was higher than his, they were fighting him in the
Ancient Wild Lands, where most of their strength was suppressed. And
coupled with his several dozen subordinates, he had never been
defeated. He had killed and robbed a lot of Human cultivators, making a
big profit in the process.

This time though, it seemed he had kicked an iron plate. Not only did his
feet hurt, but he might even lose his life if he didn’t handle things well.

Seeing Yang Kai swing his sword again, the Monster General screamed
in horror and raised his arms up, lifting the remaining bone spear and
pouring his Monster Qi into it to defend himself.


A terrifying force struck him from above before the bone spear that had
been with him for who knows how many years was cut into two. Sharp
Sword Qi almost chopped off his face as it cut through his chest and

The steel-back maned boar under him directly buckled to the ground,
kneeling down. It was quite apparent how heavy this blow was.

In pain, the steel back maned boar’s eyes suddenly turned red and its
steel-like hairs stood on end before they shot outwards.

Yang Kai raised his brow, surprised by this mount’s unexpected blow. It
seemed this boar wasn’t just a status symbol but also a combat asset.

Yang Kai didn’t take this attack head-on, instead choosing to fly back as
he swept his sword forward, deflecting the oncoming steel needles flying
at him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the steel-back maned boar pig

suddenly jumped, leading the Monster General away from Yang Kai.

Having hardly recovered from the shock, the Monster General patted
himself all over for a while before laughing, “I’m not dead! Hahaha, I’m
not dead!”

At that moment, he thought he would die for sure, but to his surprise, he
was still alive, making him feel lucky to have survived.
However, how could he dare to fight with Yang Kai again after this short
confrontation? He knew that he wasn’t Yang Kai’s opponent, so he
spurred his mount with his legs, turning tail and fleeing. Right now, his
little life was the most important. He didn’t dare to pester Yang Kai and
couldn’t even care about his subordinates’ lives.

But just as he had taken a few steps, a figure flickered and appeared in
front of him, blocking his path. It was Yang Kai.

With his black hair dancing in the wind and a cold look in his eyes, Yang
Kai stated stoically, “You didn’t die because you are of use to me. Why
else do you think you survived?”

Having said this, he swung his sword down again.

The charging steel-back maned boar was too late to dodge this time and
was hit straight on by the Sword Qi. It immediately let out a miserable
squeal before its enormous body was split in two, blood and organs
splashing out on the ground as its two halves kept rushing forward due to
the inertia.

The Monster General sitting on its back was also sent flying, knocking
over a dozen or so towering trees one after another before finally sliding
across the ground and coming to a stop at the base of a particularly large
tree. He was heaving hard and couldn’t get up for a long time.


A cold gleam flashed before the Monster General’s eyes as he found a

sword resting on his forehead. He immediately panicked, staring at the
sword. When looked ahead, cross-eyed, he slowly noticed Yang Kai
standing in front of him, condescendingly gazing down at him.

A drop of cold sweat trickled down his forehead as the Monster General
knew that Yang Kai had spoken the truth. He wasn’t dead, not because
of his own strength, but because Yang Kai had spared his life. If Yang
Kai had wanted to kill him just now, it would only have taken a flick of his

The fierce face of the Monster General turned pale as the sound of him
gulping sounded. He forced a smile and started begging for mercy,
discarding the integrity of the Monster Race, “Spare me, Sir! Spare me!”

It wasn’t the first time Yang Kai had dealt with the Monster Race. In Tong
Xuan Realm’s Nine Heavens Holy Land, he had many encounters with
the Monster Race, so he knew that these guys were no different from
Humans in a certain sense; many of them clung to life instead of
choosing death.

Although the fellow before him was a Twelfth-Order Monster Race, he

was no doubt a timid fellow.

“Do you want to live or die?” Yang Kai asked in a cold voice, pushing the
Myriads Sword a bit, cutting the Monster General’s skin lightly and
drawing out a trickle of blood that ran down his face. Of course, the
Monster General shouted, “Live! I want to live!”

“If you want to live, answer my questions. If you dare to lie even one
word, I will immediately take your dog life!”

“Sir, just ask away!” The Monster General didn’t dare to move, otherwise,
his head would have been repeatedly nodding like a chicken pecking

Yang Kai asked, maintaining a cold face, “You asked about a crazy
woman just now, have you seen her?”

The Monster General immediately understood that the cause of this

disaster was its stupid mouth. This Human Master must have some
connection with that crazy woman! He nervously gulped and gingerly
asked, “May I ask Sir a question, is that woman your…”

“Hmm?” Yang Kai immediately glared as he coldly snorted through his

nose before rebuking, “I am the one asking the questions, you only need
to honestly answer them!”

“Yes, yes, yes!” The Monster General’s body went stiff as he hurriedly
replied, “I’ve seen her. Not only have I seen her, but I have also fought
with her more than once!”
“What happened? Tell me everything in detail!”

Suddenly, an agonized look appeared on the Monster General’s face as

he sorrowfully explained, “Sir, please understand, that crazy woman…
Cough cough…” Knowing nothing about the relationship between Yang
Kai and the crazy woman, the Monster General didn’t want to annoy
Yang Kai and have his head cut off. He had been paying close attention
to Yang Kai’s language and countenance, so he could tell that Yang Kai
shouldn’t be annoyed yet, but was clearly not happy, so he immediately
corrected himself and continued, “That woman has caused us a lot of
harm. She has been stealing the Heaven Star Nurturing Spirit Fruits that
this lowly one has been raising on the mountain. She would steal once
every month. I had a total of five fruits and she stole them all in less than
half a year. Even the tree was uprooted by her! This lowly one had been
keeping those spirit fruits to use for his breakthrough and had spent a
thousand years raising them. Just when it was about time to reap the
harvest, I didn’t even get to taste one! She has also dug up a dozen or
so Turtle Snake Grass that Old Niu, next door, had been raising…”

“Who is Old Niu?” Yang Kai furrowed his brow.

The Monster General hurriedly replied, “Niu Quan is a Monster General

under Monster King Ying Fei, just like this lowly one. He lives next door
to me.”

“Continue!” Yang Kai poked him with the sword, causing the Monster
General to retreat as he could feel the sharp pain grow stronger, not
daring to make a rash move so that he could keep his life.

“Hei Ya’s Ten Directional Fruit, Tu Rui’s Golden Rainbow Fountain

Flower, Zhui Feng’s Royal Limes… All have suffered at her hands. This
lowly one knows more than a dozen others who were robbed by her. I
too have no idea exactly how many victims there are. She has been
running around the surrounding region, and almost all of my fellow
Brothers’ treasures had been taken away by her. Monster King Ying Fei
was furious when he learned of this, cursing us as incompetent for being
unable to catch one crazy woman. He ordered us to capture her within
half a year, lest he loses face in front of the other Monster Kings.”
Yang Kai looked stunned.

Who were these Hei Ya, Tu Rui, Zhui Feng, and the like? Yang Kai had
no idea, but he reckoned all of them must be Monster Generals like the
one in front of him. He was quite familiar with the Ten Directional Fruit,
Royal Lime and the like as well, as all of them were top-grade spirit

Judging by what this Monster General had said, it seemed like the Third
Disciple had robbed these Monster Generals of a lot of the precious
treasures they had been guarding.

But this wasn’t strange. She was still a Second-Order Emperor, even if
her sanity had been lost. The Ancient Lands might be fraught with
dangers, but it was also filled with opportunities, so her cultivation was
bound to improve after robbing so many treasures.

After hearing this, Yang Kai couldn’t help but find it infuriating as well as

Why did it feel like that the Ancient Lands had turned into the Third
Disciple’s backyard, where she could come and go as she wished, take
whatever she wanted, and enrage any Monster General she came

“When did this all happen?” Yang Kai asked again.

“It has been like this for fifty years…” The Monster General replied with
an ashamed look on his face. A crazy woman had been roaming around
in the Ancient Lands for fifty-some years, yet the Monster Race members
here were unable to do anything to her. It was really embarrassing to
speak of it out loud.

The corner of Yang Kai’s brow twitched before he continued asking, “You
brought these subordinates to find that crazy woman?”

The Monster General replied, “Yes, yes. This lowly one heard my
subordinate say that they found traces of her in this area, so this lowly
one rushed straight here, but… we then ran into Sir,” the Monster
General forced a smile as he gingerly asked, “Sir, how is that woman
related to you?”

“None of your damn business!” Yang Kai coldly snorted.

The Monster General shrank his neck; however, he could tell that Yang
Kai had something to do with the crazy woman, and they were obviously
not enemies, otherwise, why would he look worried?

The Monster General rolled his eyes before speaking, “That woman is
quite strange. Although we have been looking for her for so long, no one
ever succeeded and every time we do spot her, she escapes before we
even notice… Uh, Sir, what are you doing?”

While he was talking, he suddenly noticed Yang Kai’s eyes turn colder.
Yang Kai appeared to be about to thrust the sharp sword in his hand into
his body, frightening the Monster General greatly. Knowing that his life
was hanging by a thread, he quickly pleaded, “Sir, please spare me! This
lowly one can be of use to you! This lowly one will work very hard to
repay this kindness, Sir!”

“What’s the point in keeping a bunch of vile members of the Monster

Race alive?” Yang Kai coldly snorted, continuing to push his sword
forward. He just wanted to inquire about the Third Disciple for a bit, so
now that he had learned everything he needed, there was no reason for
him to keep this Monster General alive.

Sensing his murderous intent, large beads of sweat rolled down the
Monster General’s forehead. He racked his brain hard before an idea
suddenly came to him and he hurriedly stated, “This lowly one can help
Sir find traces of that woman! This lowly one has been tracking her for
fifty years now and has some understanding of her habits. Sir, please
give me a chance!”
Chapter 2566 - Yang You Wei

The Monster General was utterly helpless. He had no idea whether his
assistance would be useful or not; however, he was grasping at straws
from the beginning.

To his surprise, Yang Kai really stopped.

The Monster General felt like he had just survived the storm and knew he
had bet right, immediately adding, “Sir, rest assured. As long as Sir lets
me live, this lowly one will definitely not disappoint Sir. Besides, this lowly
one also has some men under him. If you make them search, they will
surely be helpful one way or another.”

[That makes sense!]

Yang Kai had never ever thought that he would run into Ice Heart
Valley’s Third Elder in the Ancient Wild Lands, but now that he had run
into her, he couldn’t simply let her roam free like this. However, the Third
Elder’s movement skill was extremely strange and her camouflaging
techniques were fearsome. If just he and Zhang Ruo Xi tried looking for
her, they might not be able to do anything no matter how hard they tried.

If they could get the help of this Monster General, it would save them
some time; after all, the Monster General had many subordinates at his

In order to put Yang Kai at ease, and safeguard his own life, the Monster
General gritted his teeth and proposed on his own, “If Sir wants, this
lowly one is willing to hand over his Soul Brand. This lowly one will be at
Sir’s beck and call and work myself to the bone.”

Handing over one’s Soul Brand was tantamount to be becoming a Soul

Slave. His life and death would be up to Yang Kai to decide. In order to
control Hua Qing Si, Yang Kai had done the very same thing.

However, Hua Qing Si was forced to do it and was powerless about it,
but the Monster General was actively proposing it.
However, the Monster General wasn’t doing this for no reason; he could
care less about anything else to save his own skin, but who knows
whether he would regret it in the future or not.

“Hand it over!” Yang Kai stretched his hand towards him.

“Yeah…” The corner of Monster General’s mouth started twitching,

noticing Yang Kai’s cold gaze pointed at him. He didn’t dare to resist
anymore and obediently closed his eyes and used a certain Secret
Technique. In a few moments, a glowing golden wisp flew out of his
forehead before being caught by Yang Kai.

The Monster General let out a stifled groan; his face going slightly pale.

After Yang Kai had stored the Monster General’s Soul Brand in his
Knowledge Sea using some means, he finally put away the Myriads
Sword and indifferently ordered, “Get up!”

Although the Monster General was agonizing in his heart, he knew that
his life was saved somehow. He quickly got up, patted the dust off his
body, then faintly sighed as he glanced over at his mount that had been
cut in half.

“Sir, can you ask that Young Lady… To stop? This lowly one is afraid
that she might accidentally get hurt!” The Monster General pointed at
Zhang Ruo Xi’, who was still fighting with the other Monster Race

Yang Kai nodded and transmitted his voice into Zhang Ruo Xi’s ears.

The Monster General also shouted at the same time, “Everyone, stop!”

By the looks of it, he had very high prestige among the Monster Race
members here as all of them retreated with just his one command,
distancing themselves from Zhang Ruo Xi while leaving two fresh
corpses on the ground.

Although they were locked in a heated battle, few had actually died,
mainly because Zhang Ruo Xi’s hands and feet were tied while fighting
so many enemies at once. After all, she was only a Third-Order Dao
Source Realm.

However, the fact that she had killed two members of the Monster Race
and remained unscathed after just a short battle had terrified all her

Fortunately, the Monster General had ordered them to stop, otherwise,

they had no idea if they would still have the courage to fight after a few
more deaths.

The Monster Race members and their mounts both looked towards Yang
Kai and the Monster General. Seeing them standing side by side in
peace had made them curious.

The Monster General lightly coughed and explained, “Everything was a

misunderstanding. This Sir is on our side, we don’t need to fight

He was too ashamed to tell his subordinates the truth that he had
already become Yang Kai’s slave; after all, he still wanted to save face.
When he spoke, he surreptitiously looked at the change in Yang Kai’s
expression, but after finding that Yang Kai didn’t mind, he finally put his
heart at ease.

The Monster Race group on the other hand looked at each other blankly,
confused about what their leader was doing. This man and woman were
clearly humans, so how could they be on their side?

But after having experienced Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi’s ferocity first
hand, they didn’t dare to raise any questions, lest they draw trouble to

“In the future, seeing this Sir will be as if you are seeing me. Do you
understand?” The Monster General shouted again, pointing at Yang Kai.

Although the Monster Race members were totally confused, they still
nodded in agreement; mainly because they were scared and they had no
desire to risk themselves to avenge their fallen comrades.
The Monster General turned and spoke with a flattering smile next, “Sir,
you must be tired from the journey, how about you take a rest at this
lowly one’s mountain?”

“Rest?” Yang didn’t give him face and ordered, waving his hand, “Hurry
up and ask them to find her. If they can’t find her, death will be the

The Monster General immediately looked bitter as he replied, “Sir, I

believe you don’t know about this yet, but when that woman is
frightened, she won’t show up for some time. It’s useless to look for her
during that period.”

Yang Kai calmly asked, “What do you mean?”

The Monster General continued to explain, cupping his fist, “She is very
timid, and every time she is frightened, she will hide for a month or two.
During this time, no one has ever been able to find her. So, if Sir wants
to look for her, the best method is to wait and lie low. After a time, she
will naturally show up again.” Seeing Yang Kai looking at him
suspiciously, the Monster General began sweating profusely, “Sir, this
lowly one is speaking the truth, Sir can ask them.”

Yang Kai had experienced Bing Yun’s Third Disciple’s timidity first hand.
It should be because of her problem with her sanity, so he felt that the
Monster General wasn’t lying to him. Not to mention, his life was in Yang
Kai’s hands, so this Monster General wouldn’t have the courage to lie to
him in the first place.

“Even if you can’t find her, you still have to keep looking. Let me know if
there is any news,” Yang Kai coldly snorted.

Although he knew that the Monster General was not lying, Yang Kai was
still hoping for a chance that she would be found.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Since he couldn’t dissuade Yang Kai, all he could do
was ask his subordinates to look around and immediately report back if
there were any news.
After having received the order, the twenty or thirty Monster Race
members of varying cultivation dispersed in all directions, leaving only
five Monster Race members to escort the Monster General and Yang

“Where are we going to rest?” Yang Kai glanced at the Monster General
with a straight face. Now that someone was helping him look for the
traces of the Third Disciple, he didn’t need to work so hard. This Monster
General also said that the Third Disciple won’t show up for a month or
two, so Yang Kai had no intention to look for her immediately and
decided to wait.

The Monster General immediately made an inviting gesture after hearing

this, nodding and bowing his waist, “This way, Sir, it’s not too far. It will
only take half a day.”

Yang Kai nodded before flying towards the indicated direction.

Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t know what Yang Kai was doing, but she didn’t ask
any questions either, just flying into the air along with Yang Kai, shooting
a contemptuously look at the Monster General as she passed him.

No matter what, he was a Monster General, a Twelfth-Order Monster

Race equal to an Emperor Realm Master of the Human Race, so how
could he be so spineless? He was no better than cowardly Humans.
Zhang Ruo Xi had heard that the Monster Race of the Ancient Lands
were brave and did not fear death, so how could she suddenly accept
this great disparity in reality?

Having been looked at by Zhang Ruo Xi like this, the Monster General
embarrassingly touched his nose before he followed them.

And following his lead, a file of people flew towards the Monster
General’s abode.

“What’s your name?” Yang Kai suddenly asked in the middle of the

The Monster General cupped his fists and introduced himself, “This lowly
one is Yang You Wei!”
“I heard you mention a Monster King Ying Fei, who is he?” Yang Kai
curiously looked at him.

Yang You Wei immediately turned serious as he replied, “Sir Ying Fei is
one of the eight Monster Kings under the Divine Venerable. His strength
is unfathomable and has already reached the peak of the Twelfth-Order,
which is comparable to a Third-Order Emperor Realm Human Master!”

“Eight Monster Kings!” Yang Kai furrowed his brow, “So to say, there are
seven other Monster Kings?”

Yang You Wei chuckled before proudly stating, “Not just seven, there are
thirty-two Monster Kings in the Ancient Lands!”

Yang Kai was shocked, “So many? Are all of them at the peak Third-
Order Emperor Realm!?”

Yang You Wei responded with a nod, “But of course! How can they
secure the position of Monster King without such a level of strength? In
fact, there are more than thirty-two with this level of strength, but there
are only thirty-two Monster Kings, that’s all. Those who couldn’t seize the
position of Monster King are all powerful Masters who serve the Divine
Venerables directly. There are more than a dozen of them and they
aren’t any worse than any Monster King. Some of them may even be

Yang Kai gasped a cold breath of air.

Before coming here, he had never known that there were so many
fearsome Monster Race Masters in the Ancient Wild Lands. Hearing
information about this, Yang Kai finally realized that he had been greatly
underestimating the Ancient Lands.

In the entire Star Boundary, no Sect had so many Third-Order Emperor

Realm Masters! Even those sects led by Great Emperors did not have
such formidable strength! At most, a single Sect would have seven or
eight such Masters.

In other words, the force of the Ancient Lands was comparable to four or
five Star Soul Palaces combined.
No wonder everyone called the Ancient Lands a dangerous domain. It
was far more than dangerous, it was simply a gateway to Hell. One might
not even know how they died in this place!

Yang Kai felt slightly lucky now that he didn’t kill Yang You Wei right
away, otherwise, he might not have been able to get hold of this
important information. This made him a little worried about the task that
lay ahead of him.

“Then who or what… Is this Divine Venerable you speak of?” Suddenly,
a fearsome notion flashed in Yang Kai’s mind as he hesitatingly asked.

“A Divine Venerable is a Divine Venerable!” Yang You Wei meaningfully

grinned, “They rule over the entire Ancient Wild Lands. Oh yes,
according to humans, a Divine Venerable is also referred to as a Divine

[As I expected…]

Yang Kai was shocked. Although there were rumours that Divine Spirits
existed in the Ancient Lands, the general population didn’t know if this
was true or not. After hearing what Yang You Wei had said, it seemed
that the Monster Race living here was well aware of their existence.

There were really Divine Spirits in the Ancient Lands!

Zhang Ruo Xi looked at Yang You Wei in shock, unable to digest this
shocking news, her mouth slightly agape as she gasped lightly.

Yang You Wei wasn’t finished yet though and immediately threw out
another startling piece of information, “There are four Divine Venerables
in the Ancient Lands, each of them having eight subordinate Monster
Kings as well as two Great Kings under them. Heh heh, our Ancient
Lands’ strength is extraordinary!”

[Four Divine Venerables… Doesn’t that mean that there are four Divine
Spirits here?] Yang Kai turned pale.

Although his current cultivation was decent, he was still no match for a
Divine Spirit.
Yang You Wei was paying close attention to Yang Kai’s expression, so
when he noticed that there was some shock and awe in it, he secretly felt
elated. He didn’t give him any face, but it looked like he was scared now!

Unexpectedly, Yang Kai turned to him and stated, coldly looking at him,
“No matter how strong the Divine Venerables and Monster Kings are,
your life or death is now mine to control.”

This time it was Yang You Wei’s turn to turn pale as he stated in an
aggrieved voice, “Sir, this lowly one is loyal to you. Sir, I always keep my
word, the Sun and Moon can testify to it. Sir, please understand!”

[Loyalty? What nonsense! How long have we known each other? To

think you are actually talking about loyalty. You are lying right through
your teeth!]

“Rest assured, I will give you back your freedom once I find that woman!”
Yang Kai stated with a snort, giving him the carrot after hitting him with
the stick.

Yang You Wei beamed with joy in his heart but said otherwise, “The
lowly one will do anything for Sir, loyally and faithfully.”

Who knows where this guy learned to be this good with words, sucking
up and flattering Yang Kai at every turn with complete seriousness,
drawing even more contempt from Zhang Ruo Xi towards him.
Chapter 2567 - Ruo Xi Has Grown Up

After half a day, the group landed on a certain mountain. The entire
Ancient Wild Lands was filled with who knows how many rolling and zig-
zag mountains, making such places the best for Monster Race to
establish themselves upon.

This was where Yang You Wei’s cave mansion was located.

According to him, with this mountain as the centre, the surrounding ten
nearby mountains were his territory.

Yang Kai took out the jade slip handed to him by Pi San and compared
it, soon finding that where he now stood already exceeded the range
recorded by the detailed map. The only thing that was noted about this
place was that it was a dark shade of red, meaning it was extremely

Apparently, the information in the jade slip wasn’t useless. If an ordinary

cultivator saw this indication in jade slip, he would definitely not dare to
arbitrarily come here.

There was a cave halfway up the mountain, one leading to the belly of
the mountain. Inside, there was a special Cave Haven, with many grottos
and the like having been dug out. There was little aesthetic sense to it as
the Monster Race probably never cared about decorations and cared
only about practicality.

Yang You Wei led Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi into a certain grotto for
Yang Kai and the one adjacent for Zhang Rui Xi before he left with much
nodding and bowing.

It was a good idea to be respectful to the one who had one’s life in his

Inside the grotto, Yang Kai looked around and found that although the
place was small, there were five rooms in it. It should be the place where
Yang You Wei lived. There were stone beds in it with exquisite beddings
that Yang You Wei obtained from who knows where.
There was also a natural bath in the grotto that used water seemingly
gathered from a mountain spring. The water was crystal clear, and Yang
Kai tried it out and found that the temperature was actually quite

“These guys sure know how to enjoy life,” Yang Kai smiled slightly as he
walked to a nearby stone bench and sat down.

“Sir, what should we do now?” Zhang Ruo Xi, who was next to him,

“We’ll figure that out when we need to,” Yang Kai heaved a slight sigh.
He didn’t expect the trip to the Ancient Lands to be this eventful;
however, he couldn’t ignore the Third Disciple even if his primary
concern was finding Xiao Xiao.

There was a spiritual connection between him and Xiao Xiao, similar to
the one he once shared with Liu Yan, allowing him to sense Xiao Xiao’s
existence as long as they weren’t too far apart.

Naturally, Zhang Ruo Xi would only follow his orders and raised no

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The two looked at each other
before Yang Kai signalled Zhang Ruo Xi with his eyes. The latter moved
lithely and went to the door.

Outside the door, Yang You Wei was anxiously fidgeting. There were two
beautiful maids carrying something on either side behind him. One was
holding a pot of spirit wine and the other was holding a plate of spirit
fruits. They had beautiful eyes and slim and slender figures while their
voluptuous figures were only covered by a thin and translucent muslin,
tantalizing one’s imagination, especially their bare snow-white slender
thighs that instantly drew the attention of men.

Obviously, these two beautiful maids were not Human as they were
exuding an obvious Monster Qi, their true forms unknown; however,
since they could assume Human form, they had undoubtedly gained
sentience and knew how to cultivate.
The two women were also very curious. They had always exclusively
served Yang You Wei, but this time, Yang You Wei had asked them to
serve an honoured guest. Yang You Wei clearly stated that no matter
what the honoured guest wanted, they had to obey, and they had to do it
with smiles and flattery, not showing any resistance.

It wasn’t like the two were totally oblivious to what Yang You Wei meant;
though, they didn’t mind it either. Accompanying Yang You Wei was
‘accompanying’, and accompanying the honoured guest was also
‘accompanying’. They were just guessing which powerful Monster
General or Monster King had come here. If that wasn’t the case, how
could Yang You Wei be willing to ask the two of them to please someone

As the door opened, Yang You Wei looked up, but before he could
address his new ‘Sir’, he swallowed his words back and asked in
amazement, looking at Zhang Ruo Xi, “Young Lady, what are you doing
here? Where is Sir?”

Zhang Ruo Xi vigilantly glanced at him before turning her focus on the
two alluring women who were acting coquettishly and were indecently
dressed. Her pretty face immediately turned colder, especially after
seeing the two women peeking through the crack in the door. She could
see what was going to happen, and this made her uncomfortable.

She looked back and found that Yang Kai happened to be curiously
looking at this side, his eyes constantly scanning the two ‘offerings’ over
and over again.

She immediately stepped forward and slammed the door shut behind
her, cutting off the presumptuous gazes of the two women, making the
two look at her with resentment.

“Sir is tired and resting. What’s the matter?” Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t give
Yang You Wei any face.

Yang You Wei chuckled before replying with a bow, “It’s like this. Sir
came here for the first time, but there is nothing for entertainment in this
barren mountain, so this lowly one came to offer a pot of spirit wine and
a plate of spirit fruits. This lowly one hopes that Sir will not refuse this
lowly one’s hospitality!”

Zhang Ruo Xi finally shifted her gaze to the spirit wine and spirit fruits
before lightly snorting through her nose.

Yang You Wei didn’t know what she was planning to do, so he remained
standing there to make her give way, but he discovered that Zhang Ruo
Xi had blocked the door like a guard, and she wasn’t showing any
intention of giving way at all. In desperation, he turned to the two women
and gestured to them, signalling the two to give the things in their hands
to Zhang Ruo Xi.

“Anything else?” Zhang Ruo Xi took the items and impatiently asked
when she saw that they hadn’t left yet.

Yang You Wei flatteringly smiled and said, “Sir is tired from the long
journey, so this lowly one had also prepared these two maids to wait
upon Sir, to help him take bath and rest… I wonder if you can…”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Zhang Ruo Xi stretch her hand
out, pointing towards the way out.

Yang You Wei turned his head but found nothing, making him doubtfully
scratch his head.

“Sir has me to serve him, he doesn’t need you. You can go back where
you came from. Apart from the news about the crazy woman, if you dare
to disturb Sir again, I will take all of your dog lives!” Zhang Ruo Xi’s
pupils turned colder as a murderous look appeared on her face.

Yang You Wei was taken aback. He had no idea what mistake he made
to offend this Young Lady, but he didn’t dare to be presumptuous before
her; after all, Zhang Ruo Xi was brought here by Yang Kai, so offending
her would not bode well for him.

He repeatedly bowed and scraped before he took the two women and
walked away in frustration. The two women had come here in excitement
but were forced to return in disappointment, not to mention a lot of
“Shameless vixens!” Zhang Ruo Xi, holding the wine pot with one hand
and the fruit plate with the other, ground her teeth and cursed.

[Two impure vixens actually dare to aim for Sir, how dare they!? How
annoying!? What’s more annoying is that Sir’s eyes actually lit up when
he looked at their bodies. That look was very different from…]

Turning around, Zhang Ruo Xi was just about to open the door and step
in, fuming in anger, but suddenly, her raised foot froze in the mid-air.

Suddenly, she remembered that she had never seen Sir having close
contact with any woman during all the years she had been
accompanying him. She was no longer a child and was not ignorant of
the relations between men and women. She used to live with Sister Hua
in the Small Sealed World, who would often tease her about these
matters, making her blush.

She knew very well that with Yang Kai’s cultivation, if he wanted a
woman, thousands of beauties would line up to let him choose between
them, but he seemed to have never had such ideas. He had been
smashing his way through all kinds of difficulties and had been tirelessly
cultivating; having almost no time to relax at all.

[How can a man possibly dislike women? Why is Sir so self-disciplined?]

Suddenly, she started blaming herself, feeling like she shouldn’t have
blocked the two women; after all, judging by her Sir’s gaze, he seemed
quite interested in those two vixens. But she had now presumptuously
sent them away…

She anxiously pushed open the door and walked in, placing the spirit
wine and fruits on the table before explaining what just transpired,
carefully observing Yang Kai’s expression.

Yang Kai just nodded and didn’t do anything else.

[Sir isn’t angry because I ruined his good deed! Otherwise, why would
his reaction be so dull, right?] Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly became a little
concerned about the pros and cons. She couldn’t help but speculate
something, and now, her imagination was running wild…
After a long silence, Zhang Ruo Xi bit her red lips and asked, “Sir, you
must be tired from the long journey, do you want me to call back the two
women and ask them… To serve you?”

After saying this, Zhang Ruo Xi’s cheek turned slightly red. She was a
little embarrassed, and a little afraid that Yang Kai would agree.

Yang Kai took a sniff of the spirit wine and said without raising his head,
“No need.”

He was just checking them out, curious about what their true Monster
Beast form was. They were indeed charming and sexy, so if they were in
the outside world, they would definitely bring a disaster to the nation, but
there was no other meaning behind his gaze, so he replied calmly while
pouring himself a glass of spirit wine to taste.

“Then… do you want Ruo Xi to personally serve you?”


Yang Kai spurted the sip of spirit wine and hurriedly wiped it,

Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t help giggling at this comical sight, approaching

Yang Kai and using her sleeve to wipe his wet clothes with gentle

A sweet fragrance immediately tickled his nose, causing Yang Kai to

stare at the flower-like tender and sweet face and say with a smile, “Ruo
Xi has grown up.”

He still remembered when he brought Zhang Ruo Xi out from the Zhang
Family; she was a little girl back then who had yet to mature, but after
following him for so long, she had become a great beauty herself.
Perhaps, it was because it was always darker under the lamp that Yang
Kai hadn’t noticed it until now.

Zhang Ruo Xi blushed and her movements momentarily paused after

hearing this.
Yang Kai patted her shoulder and motioned her to get up, then he got up
and dispersed the wine from his robes before speaking, “If you find a
man to your liking in the future, tell me. I’ll have him marry the beautiful

Zhang Ruo Xi bit her lip a bit harder than before and held her tongue, a
slightly bitter look flashing across her eyes.

“Okay, things should be fine now. You should focus on your cultivation. If
there is any news, I will call for you,” Yang Kai waved her away.

Zhang Ruo Xi opened her mouth, but couldn’t come up with anything to
say, so she eventually gave a meek ‘yes.’

After she went out and closed the door, Zhang Ruo Xi covered her
cheeks with her hands and dashed into the grotto next door, blushing
furiously as her heart pounded like a drum.

She couldn’t understand what was wrong with her today. She was hit
with a sudden thought and said something she wouldn’t dare to say
normally. Looking back now, she really didn’t know where she got the
courage to make such a proposal.

These feelings had always been bottled up in a corner of her heart, and if
she hadn’t spoken them today, she might not have even noticed them.

[Have I reached the stage mentioned by Sister Hua, the so-called ‘girl in
Chapter 2568 - Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb

Time passed on just like that while Yang Kai cultivated inside the

Yang You Wei was very astute, so after he was sent away by Zhang Ruo
Xi that day, he did not appear again. But Yang Kai wasn’t afraid of him
playing any tricks. Currently, Yang You Wei’s Soul Brand was in his
hands, so Yang You Wei couldn’t get out of his control. If the latter dared
to have any crooked thoughts, he would be seeking his own death.

Zhang Ruo Xi hadn’t come again either as she was completely focused
on her cultivation. She was now a Third-Order Dao Source Realm and
had gained a lot of benefits in Shattered Star Sea. She had even
obtained an intact Star Source and after refining it, she had begun
comprehending Emperor Intent. She was just looking for an opportunity
now to break through to the Emperor Realm.

After one month, the door was knocked on again.

Yang Kai opened his eyes and opened the door with the wave of his

Yang You Wei respectfully came in and reported, cupping his fists, “Sir, I
have some news.”

Yang Kai didn’t want to delay the matter of Bing Yun’s Third Disciple any
longer as once he was done with it, he could finally search for Xiao Xiao
in peace. Therefore, as soon as he was done listening to Yang You Wei,
he set off without wasting a single moment.

Just as he walked out of the door, Zhang Ruo Xi, who had received Yang
Kai’s Divine Sense Message, also hurriedly walked out. After exchanging
a glance, Yang Kai slightly nodded to her, after which Zhang Ruo Xi
followed him without a word.

A streak of light soared into the sky, leaving the top of the mountain
before turning in the air and shooting towards a certain direction.

On the way, Yang You Wei carefully reported his findings.

His twenty-some Monster Race subordinates who had survived the last
incident had been searching for the Third Disciple’s tracks over the past
month, and just half a day ago, one subordinate had suddenly
discovered something and quickly reported it to Yang You Wei. The Third
Disciple was too vigilant though, so that subordinate had kept a good
distance after finding traces of her. They had found the Third Disciple
many times over these few decades, but they were unable to capture
her, so they had developed a habit of secretly tracking her from afar.

But then again, Yang You Wei’s subordinates weren’t the Third Disciple’s
opponent even if they attacked her head-on.

Yang Kai knew that Yang You Wei wasn’t even aware that the Third
Disciple was already a Second-Order Emperor, otherwise, how would he
dare to attack her so valiantly and spiritedly?

According to the subordinate’s report, the Third Disciple seemed to have

been hiding under a local river. They had been able to find her all
because of some chances and coincidences. Perhaps it was because
the Third Disciple was hiding for too long and wanted to take a breath,
she had come out and exposed herself.

Yang Kai couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. As expected, it was easier
to do things with more people.

It was a wise decision to not kill Yang You Wei and instead subdue him
at the time, allowing him to search for the Third Disciple. If not, who
knows how long it would have taken Yang Kai to find a trace of her.

The journey wasn’t long, but before Yang Kai’s group could even reach
their destination, a Monster Race member came flying from the front.

Yang You Wei focused his gaze before hurriedly informing, “It’s my

He took the lead and greeted the Monster Race member, and as soon as
the two met, they whispered a few sentences with each other.
Immediately after, Yang You Wei’s expression drastically changed and
he promptly turned and looked at Yang Kai with anxiety.
Seeing the drastic change in expression on his face, Yang Kai’s heart
tightened and he quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”

Yang You Wei bitterly replied, “We were discovered.”

“She ran away again?” Yang Kai asked with a cold look on his face. Last
time, the Third Disciple had been hiding for a month after running away.
This time, she might hide for more than a month. How could he waste so
much time here?

“It can be said that she ran, and it can also be said that she didn’t!” Yang
You Wei looked embarrassed, as if he didn’t know how to explain this to
Yang Kai.

“What do you mean?” Yang Kai coldly looked at him.

Yang You Wei opened his mouth and sighed before replying, “That
woman entered the tomb!”

“What tomb?” Yang Kai frowned.

“The Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb!” Yang You Wei had an agonized
expression as his face turned pale and he shuddered as he spoke this
name, as if he dreaded it deeply.

Yang Kai coldly laughed and ordered, “I don’t give a damn. I order you to
continue tracking her, otherwise, I will take really good care of you!”

Yang You Wei cried in surprise, “Sir! I think you are hearing about the
Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb for the first time and do not know its
circumstances. After you come to know about it, you will understand that
this lowly one wants to follow your orders but is unable to do so.”

Yang Kai coldly glared at him, realizing Yang You Wei wasn’t just trying
to alarm him and asked, “Fine. Let’s hear what tricks you are up to?”

Yang You Wei bitterly stated, “This lowly one wouldn’t dare. Sir, let me
tell you, the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb is an invisible place. It’s also the
tomb of all the beings of the Ancient Lands.”
“How can it be invisible?”

Yang You Wei bitterly replied, “No one knows where it is, and it’s also
impossible to find.”

Yang Kai angrily rebuked, “You just said that the Third Disciple has
entered the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb, now you are saying that no one
can find where it is? Do you think this Young Master is a three-year-old
who you can fool anytime?”

Zhang Ruo Xi also glared at him with a cold and unkind look on her face.
The main reason was that what Yang You Wei had said was too
contradictory, making it hard not to be suspicious of him.

Yang You Wei was terrified as he felt pressure on his Soul, knowing that
if he didn’t explain it clearly, he would have to part with his life today.
Anxiously, he stated, “Sir, please calm yourself, what this lowly one said
is indeed true. The entire Ancient Lands knows about the existence of
the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb. You can find out about it by just asking
anyone. How could I dare lie to you?”

Yang Kai furrowed his brow, feeling like Yang You Wei would not be
joking with this, waving his hand and snapping, “Go on!”

Yang You Wei let out a breath of relief, knowing he had managed to
keep his life for now. Organizing his thoughts for a moment, he then
continued, “The Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb is ethereal and impossible
to trace. It can appear anywhere or anytime in the Ancient Lands with no
set pattern. It might remain for one or two days, or even several months,
but only one entrance will appear each time. If you want to enter, you
can only enter through that entrance, but after so many years, no one
who has entered has ever come out ever again. And… Once the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tomb appears, the nearby Monster Beasts and the
Ancient Lands residents who are about to die of old age would take the
initiative to enter it and wait for their death. This is why it is called the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tomb. Along with the Blood Gate, they are the two
Restricted Areas of the Ancient Lands.”
[What in the world is this Blood Gate?] Yang Kai didn’t know what the
Blood Gate was, but since it was designated as a Restricted Area, it
must be an incomparably dangerous place.

Yang Kai didn’t even bother to ask about the Blood Gate as he was only
interested in confirming the current situation, “So, according to you, this
Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb is the place where the residents of Ancient
Lands go at their predestined time of death, right?”

“Sir understands correctly!” Yang You Wei said, bowing.

“So, why did the Third Disciple go in?” Yang Kai asked, furrowing his

Yang You Wei thought to himself, [You are asking me, but who am I
going to ask?] But he didn’t dare to complain and could only bitterly
reply, “This lowly one also has no idea, but since she has gone in… I’m
afraid things aren’t looking good for her because even when the
strongest Monster Kings enter, they can only remain inside and wait for

When he mentioned this, he hoped that this Sir would not do anything

But Yang Kai only pondered for a moment before he ordered, waving his
hand, “Lead the way, let’s go and see this Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb.”

Yang You Wei felt that he had wasted his breath and wailed in his heart.
He wanted to dissuade him but when he met Yang Kai’s threatening
gaze, he honestly led the way ahead.

After a short while, a small group landed near the entrance of a mountain
valley. Immediately after, several Monster Race members came from the
jungle. Yang Kai found them familiar as he had seen them last time.
They were all Yang You Wei’s subordinates.

“Sir!” The few Monster Race members stepped forward and saluted.

Yang You Wei waved his hand and asked to stand aside, warily staring
at Yang Kai.
Yang Kai also looked at the mountain valley, trying to find the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tombs, but he found nothing, frowning as he asked,
“Where is the tomb?”

Yang You Wei looked at a subordinate and that Monster Race member
immediately replied, pointing ahead, “It’s just ahead.”

“Quit playing with me!” Yang Kai’s face turned gloomier and colder.

Yang You Wei was shocked as he hurriedly stated, “This lowly one
doesn’t dare to. It’s just that the entrance to the tomb is invisible, one
cannot see it unless they have reached the end of his or her lifespan,
only then will they be able to find some clues.”

“Really?” Yang Kai suspiciously looked at Yang You Wei. He didn’t find
anything with his powerful Divine Sense, but Yang You Wei seemed to
be speaking with absolute certainty, which made it harder for him to not
doubt it.

“Sir, can’t you see it?” Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly intervened.

“See what?” Yang Kai looked at her in amazement.

“There is a door of light over there, a dark grey door of light!” Zhang Ruo
Xi replied, pointing in a certain direction.

The eyes of the few Monster Race members present here widened in
shock as they stared at Zhang Ruo Xi in disbelief.

Yang Kai was still looking around and thoroughly swept the area with his
Divine Sense, but still came up with nothing, stating in frustration,
“There’s nothing there.”

“How is that possible? It’s obviously there…” A doubtful look appeared

on Zhang Ruo Xi’s face.

Yang You Wei timidly looked at Zhang Ruo Xi and tentatively asked,
“Young Lady… Can you see… The entrance of the tomb?”

“That’s right!” Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t know what was so strange about it.
Yang You Wei’s countenance immediately became unnatural as he
looked around and found that the other members of the Monster Race
had strange looks on their faces too.

Yang Kai coldly looked over at them and asked with a snort, “Didn’t you
say that only someone at the end of their lifespan can see the entrance?
How do you explain this? Is Ruo Xi about to die of old age too?”

Zhang Ruo Xi was taken aback, furrowing her delicate brow as she
angrily glared at Yang You Wei.

It was like Yang You Wei was actually cursing her to die! Just as she had
first suspected, he was a bad man!

Yang You Wei stated with a crying look on his face, “This saying has
been there since ancient times and remains true till today. Therefore,
when this lowly one said that the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb is invisible
he was simply stating the truth. I also don’t know what’s going on!” He
turned to one of his subordinates and grabbed him by his collar, angrily
asking, “Are you sure that the entrance to the tomb is right there?”

The Monster Race member hurriedly nodded, “Yes, yes! That woman
disappeared when she went in. When she entered, the entrance to the
tomb flashed. Everyone saw it!”

The two Monster Race members on the side also repeatedly nodded in

Yang You Wei finally let him go and anxiously looked at Yang Kai.

*Dong dong dong…*

Right then, several loud thuds sounded, as if something huge was

approaching, and from the direction of the sound, trees could be heard
snapping and crashing to the ground.

Yang Kai and the others turned their heads when they heard this clatter
and quickly caught sight of a rising cloud of dust. A huge figure was
coming from the jungle, step by step, shaking the ground and mountains.
Also, many Monster Race members happened to be flying in the sky
above the huge figure, constantly shouting, all looking extremely
Chapter 2569 - Great Disaster

“Sir, it’s Sir Niu’s men!” A Monster Race member suddenly approached
Yang You Wei and shouted.

Yang You Wei’s countenance changed after hearing this and quickly
rose into the air to get a better look. After seeing the appearance of a
behemoth figure approaching, he couldn’t help but shout, “Niu Quan!”

He had mentioned Niu Quan before, and although Yang Kai didn’t get
into the details, he knew that Niu Quan was a Monster General,
someone on the same level of strength and status as Yang You Wei, but
he didn’t expect to meet him here today.

Yang Kai was considering whether he should ask Yang You Wei to
cooperate with him to silence the witness, so as to prevent other
irrelevant Monster Race members from knowing about Yang You Wei
cooperating with him, which might lead to some accident. But he hadn’t
expected Yang You Wei to actually fly straight ahead and shout loudly,
hovering in the air, “Old Niu, what are you doing?”

He didn’t get any response.

Yang You Wei’s face changed again as he anxiously asked, “Old Niu, it’s
Old Yang, wake up and look at me!”

The Monster Race members who were flying along with Niu Quan
recognized Yang You Wei. Some of the Monster Race members broke
down in tears as they requested, “Sir Yang, please do something and
save our Sir. We don’t know what happened with Sir today, he suddenly
revealed his true form and started running straight in this direction. We
couldn’t stop him. He is also not responding to our shouts!”

Hearing this, Yang You Wei’s conjecture was immediately confirmed. He

glanced at the place where the invisible tomb entrance was as a trace of
sadness appeared on his face. He heaved a heavy sigh before waving
his hand and flying back to Yang Kai’s side.

*Hong long long…*

The towering trees snapped as the behemoth figure finally rushed out of
the woods. Yang Kai focused his gaze and found an enormous ox-
shaped Monster Beast suddenly entering his vision. Its entire body was
glowing green and its skin was filled with deep cracks. The criss-cross
patterns were obviously the marks left by the passage of time. Each of its
hooves were the size of a house and every time they fell, the ground and
mountains quaked.

There were two sickle-like curved horns on either side of the Monster
Beast’s head, but one of them was cut off; who knows by what or whom,
but the broken horn did not make this ox look weaker, instead just giving
him a ferocious air.

[This should be the Monster General named Niu Quan!] Yang Kai made
an educated guess in his heart, but he couldn’t come up with the reason
why this Monster General would show his real body here. Although the
strength of a Monster Race member would increase after they took on
their real form, that form wasn’t ever as agile or flexible as a human form,
so most Monster Race Masters would not reveal their original forms
unless it was a last resort.

“What happened?” Yang Kai looked at Yang You Wei.

“His pre-destined time has come. He is about to enter the tomb.” Yang
You Wei suddenly heaved a sigh, his tone carrying a bit of sadness. He
had known that Niu Quan would not live for much longer, but he hadn’t
expected this day to come so suddenly.

Yang Kai looked at Niu Quan and then he looked in the supposed
direction of the tomb entrance that the Monster Race members had
pointed out before. Then he suddenly came to realize, “Can he feel the
call of the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb?”

Yang You Wei agreed with a nod, “All inhabitants of the Ancient Lands
can feel the location of the Ten Thousand Spirits Tombs when their time
of death arrives and will involuntarily try to enter it. Old Niu… Haaa…” He
heaved a heavy sigh and was unable to speak any further.

“I see…” Yang Kai raised his brow.

He didn’t have any friendship with Niu Quan and he wasn’t sure about
whether the Ten Thousand Spirits Tombs was real or not, but now, there
was actually a way to verify everything, so Yang Kai didn’t hold any
sadness. On the contrary, he was watching the situation with interest,
thinking these next few moments would broaden his horizons.

Niu Quan’s subordinates were still calling out to him; however, after
assuming his real form, it seemed that he couldn’t hear anything
anymore and only knew how to charge towards the location of the tomb
entrance, step by step.

After a while, all the Monster Race members following Niu Quan came to
know about the truth of the matter from Yang You Wei’s subordinates.
After they came to know that their Sir was about to enter the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tomb, they were extremely saddened and started
weeping loudly.

In front of everyone’s eyes, Niu Quan walked into the mountain valley
and suddenly stopped. He raised his head and mooed loudly before
plunging forward.

Yang Kai’s eyes widened in an instant.

Because a dark grey gate of light suddenly appeared out of thin air. This
gate of light was tens of meters tall and had been invisible before now.
Had Niu Quan’s entrance not caused a ripple, others might not have
been able to see it.

As Yang You Wei had said before, only the residents of the Ancient
Lands, who were close to their pre-destined time of death, could see the
tomb entrance.

Niu Quan passed through the entrance, creating ripples as he did so,
and his enormous body quickly disappeared. At the same time, the tomb
entrance concealed itself again.

The Monster Race members, who had followed Niu Quan here, cried and

Yang You Wei also sighed as an unpleasant look appeared on his face.
“There really is a tomb entrance!” After witnessing it with his own eyes,
Yang Kai knew that Yang You Wei and the others weren’t trying to
deceive him. It also confirmed that the Third Disciple had really entered
the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb.

[What should I do now?] Yang Kai was having a terrible headache. He

didn’t know what dangers were inside this strange tomb, or if he could
leave if he entered it. If the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb was really a
place where one could only go in, but could never come out, wouldn’t it
mean that he would be seeking his own death if he charged in
recklessly? Although he was proficient in the Dao of Space, he dared not
act rashly.

But Ruo Xi could actually see the tomb entrance, which made things all
the stranger here.

Considering all this, Yang Kai turned his head and looked at Zhang Ruo
Xi, receiving a great shock as he did because Zhang Ruo Xi had arrived
at the front of the tomb entrance at some point. She had her hand
stretched out, reaching it towards the invisible entrance, her pair of pretty
eyes flickering with a strange glow as she stared blankly forward.

“Ruo Xi, what are you doing!?” Yang Kai shouted aloud.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s tender body trembled and she suddenly regained her
senses. When she realized that she had unknowingly come to the tomb
entrance, her beautiful face turned pale and she immediately tried to

But right then, the hidden tomb entrance manifested again and this time,
it revealed itself in its entirety.

In the vast mountain valley, an enormous dark-grey door of light flashed

a gloomy light that bathed the surrounding space in dark light.

All the Monster Race members illuminated by this light were horrified as
they found themselves suddenly unable to move. A terrified look
appeared on everyone’s face as they shouted and clamoured madly.
Yang Kai’s eyes also bulged to the point that they were almost ready to
pop out. Illuminated by that dark-grey light, he couldn’t take even a step
at all, and no matter how much he prompted the Space Principles, he
was unable to teleport away.

All the surviving humans and Monster Race in the mountain valley
seemed to have a petrification technique cast upon them.

“Sir, I…” Zhang Ruo Xi was on the verge of crying. She too had no idea
what she was doing, and when she took a sidelong glance at Yang Kai,
she found that even Yang Kai was struggling to save himself and
couldn’t protect her. Her heart immediately sank.

This happened so quickly that no one could react.

Yang Kai struggled for a while, but upon determining he couldn’t free
himself at all, he grit his teeth and tried to summon the Mountains and
Rivers Bell, but right then, the tomb entrance flashed once more and hid
itself again.

And along with its disappearance, all the living creatures inside the
mountain valley had disappeared as well.

In an ashen-grey world with no Sun, Moon, or Stars, no flowers or trees,

there was only deathly silence, just like a cemetery…

Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi appeared together with Monster Race
members and the mysterious power binding them suddenly disappeared.

Yang Kai teleported to Zhang Ruo Xi’s side the next instant, pushing his
Emperor Qi to envelop her while vigilantly looking around.

But what he saw next put him in a daze.

Everyone seemed to be standing on a bone mountain. There were only

white bones as far as they could see; skeletons of all shapes and sizes
were scattered on the ground. The small ones were almost of negligible
size, but the big ones were utterly enormous. The true body of Niu Quan
was simply not worth mentioning next to some of these giants.
These white bones were left by the Monster Beasts that had died here
over the many years.


A beast’s roar resounded from nearby, and as Yang Kai turned to look,
his pupils immediately shrank and he shouted, “Niu Quan!”

Niu Quan, whom he had seen in the mountain valley before, was also
here, but at this moment, thick Death Qi lingered around him. He was
lying quietly on a part of bone mountain, motionless. He had reached the
end of his lifespan and appeared to be waiting for his death.

Glowing specks of light were flying out from his body, like dancing
sprites, adding a touch of life to this dark-grey monotonous world. The
specks of light seemed to be drawn by something as they flew towards
the depths of this place.

And with the disappearance of the specks of light, Niu Quan’s vitality was
also declining.

“So, this is the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb!” Yang Kai’s face turned

If he had made some guesses before, then after seeing Niu Quan, he
already had a clear idea what kind of place it was.

Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb!

It was the tomb for the entire Ancient Lands, a place where one could
only go in but could never come out. Even the strongest Monster King
could forget about leaving after entering this place.

[How did I enter this damned place?] Before, Yang Kai was still
hesitating whether to come in and explore to find traces of the Third
Disciple, but now, since he had come in, albeit not by his own choice, he
basically didn’t have the chance to hesitate anymore.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I also don’t know what happened to me just now!” Zhang
Ruo Xi was about to cry. She also knew that she had made a big
mistake, but it was indeed involuntary; her body simply wasn’t under her
control at that moment.

After entering the Ancient Wild Lands, she found that there was
something wrong with her, but she had never expected to charge into a
disaster like this.

Yang Kai glanced at her and patted her head, not saying anything.

It was too late to say anything anyway, and now that they were forced in,
what would be the point of scolding Zhang Ruo Xi? It didn’t go unnoticed
by Yang Kai that Zhang Ruo Xi’s actions were unintentional. The most
important thing now was to leave this damned place.

He turned his head to look for Yang You Wei.

After all, Yang You Wei was a member of Monster Race, born and bred
in this land, so his understanding of the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb
should naturally be better than Yang Kai’s. If there was a way out, he
must know about it.

But after a glance, Yang Kai’s face started twitching because he realized
that Yang You Wei would not be able to help him at all because, at this
moment, Yang You Wei and the crowd of Monster Race were also
stupidly standing on their spots, shrouded by a dark-grey aura while
specks of light were escaping out of their bodies bit by bit.
Chapter 2570 - The Might of the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal

Just like Niu Quan, the same thing was happening to Yang You Wei and
the other Monster Race present. The specks of light flying out from their
bodies were obviously related to their vitality, and the more time passed,
the dimmer their vitality became. If this went on, they would undoubtedly

Niu Quan could be considered to have come here on his own initiative to
die as his end was approaching, but Yang You Wei and the other
Monster Race members were all dragged in here involuntarily.

“Sir… Please… Save me…” Yang You Wei, noticing Yang Kai’s gaze,
shouted in a trembling voice, Death Qi lingering on his face.

An awkward look appeared on Yang Kai’s face as he clenched his fist

and forced a cough before speaking, “I can’t do anything about this. You
are on your own on this one.”

He had no clear understanding of the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb, or

how to save Yang You Wei and the others. Perhaps he could send them
into the Sealed World Bead to escape this disaster, but the Sealed World
Bead was Yang Kai’s closely guarded secret. Except for those he trusted
implicitly, he would not expose it to others. Exposing the existence of the
Sealed World Bead to save these Monsters wasn’t cost-effective at all.

Yang You Wei immediately despaired after hearing this, but he soon
looked at Yang Kai in amazement and stated, “Sir, why are you…safe
and sound?”

Yang Kai also discovered this as out of everyone who was sucked into
this tomb, only he and Zhang Ruo Xi were safe. The other Monster Race
members were quickly losing their vitality. If it weren’t for this, Yang Kai
wouldn’t have calmed down this quickly.

“I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because we aren’t residents of the Ancient

Lands. Didn’t you say that this is the tomb of all inhabitants of the
Ancient Lands?” Yang Kai casually explained. Apart from this reason, he
didn’t have any other explanation either.
“Is such an amazing thing possible…” Yang You Wei’s face twitched as a
look of hatred filled his eyes.

[If you hadn’t asked me to search for the whereabouts of that crazy
woman, we would never have been dragged by into this Ten Thousand
Spirits Tomb and wound up here. That’s all fine and well, I can blame
that on my bad luck, but you still acting carefree even after seeing that
we can’t survive is intolerable! You basically don’t need to worry about
dying here and yet you are not doing anything to help us!]

Yang You Wei’s heart was burning with indignation and he couldn’t wait
to tear Yang Kai apart to vent his hatred.

“Sir, you can’t just ignore our plight!” Yang You Wei grit his teeth and
shouted aloud.

Yang Kai furrowed his brow in impatience as he stated, “I said I can’t do

anything. Only the damned ghosts know what happens in this tomb!”
While speaking, he suddenly looked at Yang You Wei, squinting his eyes
as he asked with a cold smile on his lips, “Why? Are you angry?”

[What nonsense! Who won’t feel angry about this situation?] In any case,
he was about to die, so Yang You Wei suddenly got bolder, his eyes
turning cold and sinister as he stated, “Sir, if you don’t do something, I
can’t say that I’ll not drag you down with me.”

Yang Kai immediately smirked and taunted, “Drag me down with you?
Did you forget that your life and death are just a matter of this Young
Master’s thought? Do you think you can take me down with you?”

“…” Yang You Wei’s face immediately froze. In his moment of anger, he
had forgotten this point, but now that he returned to his senses, he
realized that he didn’t have any qualifications to threaten Yang Kai as his
Soul Brand was in his grasp.

He was overcome with a feeling of sorrow and slumped down on the

ground before he began crying out loud, “How tragic!? This Old Yang
has been bitterly cultivating till now, but who would have thought that I
would die without being able to enjoy my life. The Heavens really have
no eyes! Damn you, Heavens! This Old Yang cannot coexist together
with you!”

His cry was heart-wrenching and his voice was filled with sadness. Other
Monster Race members also felt grief after hearing this.

After having fallen into the tomb, they could also foresee their own fate,
but they weren’t reacting in such an exaggerated manner. Nevertheless,
they too must be feeling extremely sad in their heart.

Yang Kai snorted, “Don’t cry in such an ugly manner. If you die,
everyone will die together with you. Everyone will accompany you on the
road to the Yellow Springs. You won’t be lonely!”

Yang You Wei wiped his tears and angrily stated, “If you were standing
in my shoes, you wouldn’t say that. This is the tomb of all the Ancient
Lands creatures. It has nothing to do with you!”

Yang Kai spat disdainfully and stopped talking. In fact, he also found it
very strange why this place had no effect on him or Zhang Ruo Xi.
Instead, the vitality of other Monster Race members was passing away
with every breath, turning into specks of light and floating off.

[Is it really because of what I just said?]

At this moment, mournful wails rang out as glowing black wisps suddenly
flew out from under the white bones. As soon as those pitch-black lights
wisps appeared, they transformed into Monster Beasts of all kinds of
shapes and sizes that swiftly pinned the surviving Monster Race
members to the ground.

Every time the phantom of a Monster Beast crashed into them, it would
dim the vitality of the surviving Monster Race, and the speed at which the
glowing specks left their body would increase noticeably.

“A Beast Soul!” Yang You Wei turned pale and cried in shock.

Yang Kai’s countenance also changed, because in this short while,

thousands of shadows flew out from below the bone mountains. These
shadows were similar to Yin Souls and were emanating strong Yin Qi.
Obviously, all of them were the residual Beast Souls of the Monster
Beasts who had fallen here.

The Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb had existed for who knows how many
eons, and countless Monster Beasts must have died here over all those
years. After these Monster Beasts had died, at least some of their Beast
Souls remained. By now, their number was surely uncountable.

In the blink of an eye, innumerable Beast Souls were stalking around the
bone mountain, each of them a different shape and size, retaining the
form they had before their deaths. They all had a strong air about them,
giving the impression that a black aura had covered the entire tomb. It
looked like a swarm of locusts was passing through.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s pretty face turned pale as she stuck closer to Yang Kai;
she didn’t dare to make any rash moves.

Having prior experience with Yin Souls, Yang Kai directly summoned the
Insect Enslavement Bracelet without a moment of thought, releasing all
the Soul Devouring Insects and surrounding themselves with their
swarm. He first ensured his own safety before allowing the rest of the
Soul Devouring Insects to swarm the Beast Souls.

Once the Soul Devouring Sects appeared, the countless Beast Souls
acted as if they had encountered their nemesis and fled away from Yang
Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi’s location, not daring to approach them.

Yang Kai was pleasantly surprised. The success of Soul Devouring

Insects in this place was too surprising and they were definitely the best
way to deal with things like Yin Souls. He secretly decided to focus on
training them in the future. When the Soul Devouring Insects fully
matured, maybe he would be able to fight off Serene Soul Great
Emperor if he ever ran into him again.

[That old fogie relied on his higher cultivation to cover up his daughter’s
misconduct, but I couldn’t do anything!] This really made Yang Kai grind
his teeth in anger.
The miserable shouts of Yang You Wei and other Monster Race
members being annihilated rang out one after another, and within just a
few breaths, silence had returned to the tomb. Obviously, all of them
were dead. Yang Kai felt the Soul Brand belonging to Yang You Wei
under his control shatter, making him sigh with some emotion.

Although he hadn’t planned to pay attention to Yang You Wei’s life and
death before, and was controlling him to find the whereabouts of Bing
Yun’s Third Disciple, the fact that he died like this was a little out of his

“Sir, please open a gap!” Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly requested.

Yang Kai didn’t know what she wanted to do now. He was really
frightened by Zhang Ruo Xi’s previous actions, and someone bitten by a
snake once would be afraid of a rope for ten years; however, once he
saw Zhang Ruo Xi take out a huge wooden seal, his eyes immediately lit
up and he promptly controlled the Soul Devouring Insects to open a gap.

Zhang Ruo Xi patted the seal with her hand, directly sending it flying
through the gap.

Immediately afterwards, she continuously made hand seals, controlling

the huge seal’s ability.

After the huge seal flew out, it suddenly grew bigger, turning into the size
of a house and making it give off a pitch-black light.


The sound of chains clanking rang out as Zhang Ruo Xi’s hand seals
changed. Suddenly, countless black chains shot out from the enormous
seal, shooting in all directions.

The Beast Souls flying around were completely helpless against these
chains and were bound by them, one after another.

The chains tightened as the tied up Beast Souls were pulled towards the
huge seals under Zhang Ruo Xi’s control. In the blink of an eye,
hundreds of menacing Beast Souls were pulled into the huge seal,
disappearing in a flash, and no matter how the Beast Souls struggled,
they couldn’t get free.

“You have already refined the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal completely?”
Yang Kai asked, looking surprised.

“I finished refining it a few days ago,” Zhang Ruo Xi stated with joy
without stopping her hands, “But who would have thought that such a
good thing would happen.”

The huge seal was Earth City’s City Lord, Zu Hong’s Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal. After Zu Hong was killed by Yang Kai in the ancient
medicine garden, the latter had given the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal to
Zhang Ruo Xi to defend herself. In any case, it was an Emperor Artifact
that could display extraordinary might depending on the number and
strength of Beast Souls sealed in it.

The more Beast Souls that were sealed inside, and the stronger their
strength, the mightier the Ten Thousand Beasts Seals would be.

After Zu Hong got the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal, he had worked hard
but was only able to kill less than a thousand Monster Beasts and seal
their Souls inside this Seal using his Secret Technique. Furthermore,
most of those Beast Souls were Tenth or Eleventh-Order. The number of
Twelfth-Order Beast Souls he possessed could be countered on one
hand, so he simply couldn’t unleash the true might of the Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal.

But inside the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb, Twelfth-Order Monster Beast
Souls were everywhere. If all of them were sealed inside the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal by Zhang Ruo Xi, the might of this Emperor
Artifact would be unimaginable.

Beast Souls were hard to find; after all, one could only get a Beast Soul
by killing a Monster Beast and then refining it with a special Secret
Technique. If one’s luck was poor, during this refinement they would
damage the Beast Seal and drastically reduce its strength.
But this place was a natural gathering place for Beast Souls, simply
tailored for supplementing the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.

Before, Zhang Ruo Xi was still thinking about where she should go to kill
Monster Beasts and increase the might of Ten Thousand Beasts Seal;
however, she hadn’t expected for everything to be delivered to her
doorstep. One could imagine how many tyrannical Beast Souls were
gathered here.

If she could really seal all the Beast Souls present here into the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal, when she went to use it against an enemy, the
entire Star Boundary would certainly tremble under its might.

*Hua la la…*

The sounds of chains clanking rang out to no end, and every time Zhang
Ruo Xi made a move, hundreds of Beast Souls were dragged into the
Ten Thousand Beasts Soul. She repeated it again and again, working
without stop.

Seeing this, Yang Kai couldn’t help feeling a bit envious.

Chapter 2571 - Got Rich

The Ten Thousand Beasts Seal obviously had a powerful restraint on the
Beast Souls. Those flying Beast Souls, no matter how strong or weak
they were, were all suppressed by the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul and
were unable to break free. One after another, they were taken into the
large seal and disappeared thereafter.

Yang Kai clearly saw many Beast Souls comparable to Twelfth-Order

Monster Beast dragged into the big seal.

Ruo Xi was making a killing. After this trip was over, the might of the Ten
Thousand Beast Seals would be unfathomable.

As this thought crossed his mind, Yang Kai’s countenance sank again.
He was inside the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb and had no idea how to
get out of here. He didn’t even know whether tearing space would work


As the countless wandering Beast Souls collided with each other, the
bone mountain shattered and the white bones turned into dust.

Suddenly, a vague yellow glow caught Yang Kai’s eyes. Curious, Yang
Kai reached out, grabbing that glow in his hand. It was warm and round.
Also, he immediately felt decent energy fluctuations from it.

“A Monster Core!” Yang Kai’s eyes lit up as a look of surprise filled his

Much to his surprise, it was a Monster Beast Core. Furthermore, judging

by the energy fluctuations, it appeared to be the Monster Core of a
Tenth-Order Monster Beast.

Yang Kai stood there in a daze for a while; who knows what was going
on in his mind, but he seemed extremely excited. Suddenly, he flicked
his sleeve, giving rise to a gust of wind.

The bone mountain collapsed into ashes that flew in every direction as if
a white storm was blowing, and at the centre of the storm, an open area
of tens of metres in radius remained, where several dozen Monster
Cores of different colours lay strewn about.

“Hahaha!” Yang Kai couldn’t help but laugh out loud as he stared at the
several dozen Monster Cores, excitement filling his face.

Although Zhang Ruo Xi was preoccupied with sealing the Beast Souls,
Yang Kai movements hadn’t gone unnoticed by her. At this moment, she
asked in a sweet voice, “Sir, could it be that the Monster Cores remained
here after the death of these Monster Beasts?”

“It must be so. Ruo Xi, we’re going to be rich!” Yang Kai happily replied
before he began collecting the several dozen Monster Cores.

These were several dozen Monster Cores of different grades, but the
lowest was still of Ninth-Order, while the highest was of Twelfth-Order.

Countless Monster Beasts had died in the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb,
and after their deaths, their Souls transformed into Beast Souls, guarding
this place while their flesh and skin disappeared into glowing specks,
leaving behind their Monster Core.

It was impossible to calculate how many Beast Souls there were, and
similarly, the number of Monster Cores lying here could not be calculated

Monster Beast Cores had many uses, but they were mostly used in
Alchemy. Many Spirit Pills required Monster Beast Cores to refine, and
while Yang Kai had collected many spirit grasses and herbs over the
years, he was always short on Monster Cores, but after today, he would
have many choices in this regard when refining pills.

Previously, he felt that Zhang Ruo Xi got an opportunity by coming here,

but he hadn’t expected an opportunity to fall into his lap in the very next

[If I could clean out the Monster Cores in this tomb, I would be making a
killing! Even the Ten Great Emperors might be jealous!]
After collecting the several dozen Monster Cores, Yang Kai waved his
hand again, sweeping away the nearby skeletons. Immediately, several
dozen more Monster Cores of different grades appeared on the ground.

Zhang Ruo Xi was doing her best to seal the Beast Souls, while Yang
Kai was doing everything to collect the Monster Cores. The two were
performing their duties without interfering with each other, cooperating

In the beginning, Yang Kai would sweep away the bones to expose the
cores, but he soon found that tiresome, so he began to simply spread his
Divine Sense to search for every Monster Core he could find then use his
Golden Blood Threads to pull them out, saving himself from dealing with
the bone dust.

This way, his efficiency had improved a lot too.

In a short time, all the nearby Beast Souls had been collected by Zhang
Ruo Xi, while all the Monster Cores within a dozen kilometres had been
cleaned up by Yang Kai. Although he didn’t count, he was certain he
collected over ten thousand Monster Cores.

Even if only one percent of the ten thousand or so Monster Cores were
Twelfth-Order, there would be over a hundred Twelfth-Order Monster
Cores! Each of which was extremely valuable.

“Let’s change places!”

Having cleaned the nearby region, Yang Kai immediately dragged Zhang
Ruo Xi to a new spot. As for how to get out of here… It wouldn’t be too
late to worry about that after getting enough benefits.

Soon they came to another bone mountain, where Zhang Ruo Xi

summoned the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal, while Yang Kai spread his
Divine Sense to search for the buried Monster Cores.

After a little less than the time it takes to boil a cup of tea, they had
cleaned out this mountain as well. Needless to say, Yang Kai wrapped
Zhang Ruo Xi with his Emperor Qi and changed positions again.
They kept clearing everything wherever they went. All the Beast Souls
were sealed by Zhang Ruo Xi, whereas the Monster Cores were cleaned
out by Yang Kai. This was the first time in the Ten Thousand Spirits
Tomb’s history it had suffered like this.

This was nothing short of wanton plundering!

If the four Divine Venerables of the Ancient Wild Lands came to know
about this, who knows how they would feel.

There were no Sun, Moon, or Stars here; no night or day either, but
according to Yang Kai’s calculations, he and Zhang Ruo Xi had been
here for about three days and had scoured almost the entire tomb.

This should be a Small Sealed World that spanned a small area. The two
had spent three days only sealing Beast Souls and collecting Monster
Cores, but if they had focused on just exploring, they could have
searched this entire place in under an hour.

Their harvest was unimaginable though.

The Yin Qi around the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal was getting darker
and darker. Even if Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t activate it, one could feel its
tyrannical might. According to Zhang Ruo Xi, the Ten Thousand Beasts
Seal was almost saturated, there were at least a few hundred thousand
Beast Souls sealed inside, and this didn’t include the Beast Souls
devoured by the Soul Devouring Insects.

The Soul Devouring Insects had eaten quite a lot these days in fact. Only
half of the Beast Souls were sealed by Zhang Ruo Xi while the remaining
half were devoured clean by the insects. Now, the Soul Devouring
Insects were transmitting a sense of sleepiness to Yang Kai, showing
signs of wanting to enter hibernation.

Yang Kai knew that this was a sign that they were on the verge of an
evolutionary leap, which made him very happy.

As for the Monster Cores Yang Kai had obtained, there were more than
a million. The Monster Cores had almost formed a hill in the Sealed
World Bead, ranging from Ninth-Order to Twelfth-Order.
Not a single great force could have such a large amount of Monster
Cores alone. Even the Sects founded by Great Emperors didn’t have
such financial resources.

After travelling around the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb once again,
confirming that no fish had slipped through their net, Yang Kai finally
stopped and looked in a certain direction.

“Sir, are you going there?” Zhang Ruo Xi, putting away the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal, gracefully stood by his side.

The two of them had been running around the entire tomb over these few
days, but they hadn’t found any exit, nor did they find any traces of Bing
Yun’s Third Disciple. If there were any exits, it would only be possible in
that direction as there were no beast skeletons over there, so the two
hadn’t gone to search there yet.

That should be the centre of the entire Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb. All
the Monster Beasts that had come here to die had surrounded the
central region in a circular ring, leaving a large empty space.

Yang Kai had been busy collecting Monster Cores and hadn’t paid much
attention to this before.

[I need to check it out. If the Third Disciple is here, she must be at the
centre. I wonder if she is dead or alive.]

Nodding, Yang Kai kicked the ground, running in that direction. Zhang
Ruo Xi hurriedly followed after him.

Passing through the bone mountains, the two quickly arrived at the open
area, and after looking around, Yang Kai noticed a dark grey glow in the
distance. Yang Kai squinted his eyes to have a clear look.

After a moment, he happily smiled.

Because the dark grey glow was actually in the shape of the tomb
entrance that he had seen before.
Maybe there really was an exit. If he could get out through there, it would
save him the trouble of tearing the space to form an exit. Yang Kai
wasn’t even sure he could tear a hole in the barrier around this Small

Yang Kai immediately increased his speed, but along the way, he
suddenly froze and lowered his head to inspect something.

Zhang Ruo Xi’s pretty eyes also widened as she stared at this
unexpected sight.

Because down below, there was an extremely fierce aura, the source of
which was a thin and skinny body.

The figure’s hair was dishevelled and it cut a sorry figure, but obviously, it
was still alive. The thin figure was surrounded by strands of black Qi and
glowing specks were escaping from it, bit by bit.

“Monster Race!” Zhang Ruo Xi cried out in a low voice. At a glance, she
could tell that the figure belonged to a member of the Monster Race, and
a very powerful one at that.

“It’s a Monster King!” Yang Kai added; extremely shocked.

He had no idea how a Monster King appeared here because this area
didn’t look like a palace where a member of the Monster Race could step
into. Otherwise, this place would not be clean; it would be piled up with
bones and skeletons.

Furthermore, the Monster King was still very much alive and kicking. He
was trying very hard to resist the passing of his vitality, but by the looks
of it, he wouldn’t last for too long.

No wonder Yang You Wei said that even the strongest Monster King
would find themselves on a road to their doom after entering the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tomb; the Monster King before them was the best
proof. A Monster Race member had to be as strong as a peak Third-
Order Emperor Realm Master to become the Monster King, yet even a
Master this strong couldn’t get out after entering this place.
After hesitating for a while, Yang Kai flickered and flew over to the
Monster King.

Obviously, the Monster King was taken aback, his skinny figure
shuddering as he looked up at Yang Kai.

His gaze was as deep as an abyss and a little dull as well. He had
indeed reached his rope’s end.

“How did a Human…” The Monster King’s lips moved as his lifeless eyes
revealed a surprised look.

Yang Kai raised his brow. Hearing his surprised voice, he asked with a
frown, “Have you seen anyone pass through here before?”

The Monster King had one foot in the grave yet he was still extremely
arrogant and unyielding, pursing his lips after hearing this and somehow
trying to show a cold smile, but only managing a grin that looked uglier
than if he had been crying, “Why would this King tell you?”

A bright flash passed through Yang Kai’s eyes as he pointed at the door
of light and suggested, “I’ll be leaving through that. If you want, I can
bring you along!”

The arrogant Monster King was immediately moved, his lifeless eyes
suddenly regaining their lustre as his expression changed; however, his
excitement soon disappeared as he asked with a snort, “Why would you
be so kind?”

Yang Kai indifferently replied, “We both need something from the other.
As long as you can tell me what I want to know, it won’t be a big deal to
save you.”
Chapter 2572 - Would Rather Die Than Surrender

“What good would it do me lying to you? You are about to die soon
anyway,” Yang Kai indifferently stated.

The Monster King replied, “The words of you Humans… heh heh…” He
implied that the Humans were too deceitful and untrustworthy.

Yang Kai turned around and left without another word, “Since that’s what
you want then forget it.”

“Hold on…”

Unsurprisingly, Yang Kai only walked a few steps before the Monster
King called out to him.

After all, his life was at stake, and before him was a glimmer of hope and
a chance to struggle.

Yang Kai glanced back and looked at him with squinted eyes.

The Monster King murmured a sentence, who knows whether he was

cursing or not, but after a moment he finally spoke, “Take this King out
first, then this King will tell you whatever you want to know.”

“You dream!” Yang Kai coldly snorted, not bothering to pay attention to
him anymore.

Seeing that Yang Kai was really planning to leave, the Monster King
immediately became anxious. He didn’t have the time to negotiate with
Yang Kai either, so he replied in a hoarse voice, “Yes, someone did pass
through here!”

Yang Kai halted his footsteps once more, turned around and added,
indifferently looking at him, “Don’t play games with me, or I will
immediately leave.”

The Monster King’s face turned ugly, but he didn’t dare to say anything.

Yang Kai stated, “What did the person who passed here look like?”
The Monster King angrily replied, “It was a woman. Her hair was a mess
and she was clearly crazy. She even smashed a Monster Core on this
King’s forehead. If this King hadn’t fallen in this predicament, how would
this King be bullied by her?”

Yang Kai found it very funny; however, the Third Disciple might really do
something like this, so he continued asking in a calm voice, “Did she
leave in that direction?”


Hearing this news, Yang Kai couldn’t help but be relieved. Having failed
to find the Third Disciple before, he was really afraid that something
might have happened to her; after all, this place was extremely
dangerous. It wasn’t good to provoke the countless Beast Souls here.
Yang Kai, touching his chin, asked, “If she can leave, why are you
trapped here?”

Monster King replied with indignation, “If you can leave, why is this King
trapped here? The Ancient Lands’ residents are greatly suppressed
inside the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb. This King ventured into this place
by mistake, and now this King can do nothing to leave!”

“It doesn’t look like your lifespan has come to an end. How did you come
here anyway?” Yang Kai curiously looked at him.

Speaking of this, the Monster King looked like he would shed tears of
blood. He heaved a sigh before replying, “Everyone has their shares of
misfortune and blessings. This King came into this palace when this King
was treading the sky.”

Like the Monster King here, who knows how many there were in the
Ancient Lands that accidentally entered this place before their
predestined time of death. However, after entering the tomb, they would
really die, reaching the end of their life…

It was also thanks to this Monster King’s strength that he could reach this
close to the exit, escaping from the pursuing Beast Souls. Otherwise, he
would have already been dead and not even a pound of his flesh would

After having replied to Yang Kai’s questions, the Monster King urged, “If
you have something else to ask, ask quickly. This King can’t hold on for
much longer.”

“I have no further questions,” Yang Kai shook his head before focusing
his gaze on him.

Sensing the malicious intentions in his gaze, the Monster King’s heart
skipped a beat, realizing that Yang Kai was going to burn the bridge after
crossing the river. What Yang Kai had said earlier was complete
nonsense. In a flash, the Monster King became extremely sad and
angry. He had known that Humans never keep their word, but he still had
a bit of hope in his heart. In the end, he was still pushed to his death
though, so the Monster King felt extremely tired and weary…

He thought that Yang Kai would kill him immediately, but Yang Kai
pondered for a moment instead before stating, “Hand over your Soul
Brand, and you will live!”

And having tasted the sweetness once, Yang Kai was craving for more;
he had controlled Yang You Wei to be at his beck and call, and had
found the Third Disciple’s trail as soon as she appeared as a result. And
Yang You Wei was just a Monster General, with a limited number of
subordinates. If Yang Kai could subdue a Monster King, not to mention
finding the Third Disciple, even his search for Xiao Xiao would be many
times easier.

Furthermore, with this Monster King’s shelter, it would be much more

convenient to walk around and do things in the Ancient Lands.

When the Monster King heard this, he immediately acted like a cat
whose tail had been stepped on and snarled, “In your dreams!”

He was one of the thirty-two honourable Monster Kings, with a

distinguished status and tyrannical strength, how could he be willing to
be controlled by a Human? And he could easily tell that this Human was
weaker than him, someone he could easily slap in half if he was at his
peak. It would be nothing more than a joke to hand his Soul Brand to

Yang Kai didn’t pressure the Monster King though and just stated in a
calm and relaxed manner, “Once someone dies, he can no longer do
anything. Only by staying alive can you have hope.”

Monster King sneered, “It’s better than being enslaved and constantly
being on the brink of death.”

Yang Kai glanced at him before indifferently speaking, “Monster King,

don’t you have sons or daughters? If you die here, what will happen to
your children? All the Monster Race members, who were once
oppressed by you will certainly not be polite to your family. By the way,
Monster King, you should have wives and concubines too, right? As a
Monster King, your wives and concubines should be all beautiful and
charming. After you die, I’m afraid those wives and concubines will
quickly belong to others. They will be ravaged and savoured, again and
again. They will never get to have the pleasure of being with you again.
What a pity, your widows and children will have a hard time in the future!”

Hearing this, the Monster King’s dim face immediately turned as black as
the bottom of a pot. He felt that Yang Kai’s every sentence was touching
his sore spot, inevitably making him think of the misery his wives and
children would have to face after his death.

Especially those wives and concubines, they would really be wantonly

ravaged by others.

The Monster King couldn’t continue thinking about it anymore and his
eyes turned red as he fumed through his nose.

Zhang Ruo Xi too was feeling extremely uncomfortable hearing this, her
face flushing as she reflected, [How could Sir speak of something like
this? It’s too shameful!]
The Monster King’s face changed as the speed with which the glowing
specks escaping from his body suddenly increased. Apparently, he
couldn’t suppress the passing of his vitality as his mood fluctuated.

Contrary to Yang Kai’s expectations though, the Monster King turned his
head after a moment and said in a heavy voice, “This King would rather
die than surrender!”

[He’s not bluffing!] Yang Kai was slightly stunned and began to admire
him a little. When an ordinary person was about to die, he would agree to
anything as long as he could be saved, just like Yang You Wei, who
handed his Soul Brand over immediately. However, this Monster King
seemed to have an iron will, which was really impressive.

With this line of attack having failed, Yang Kai could only choose even
more extreme methods of persuasion. Yang Kai was still hoping for this
Monster King to work for him, so he couldn’t kill him outright, instead
turning to Zhang Ruo Xi and giving her a wink before saying, “Give him a

Zhang Ruo Xi was confused at first, but she was quite clever and soon
understood what Yang Kai meant. She stretched her hand out and
immediately summoned the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.

The Monster King kept sneering, “If you want to kill me, you can stop
wasting time and get on with it.” He looked as if he would calmly accept
his death; it was quite a sight.

Yang Kai didn’t speak a word. Zhang Ruo Xi, on the other hand,
constantly formed seals with her hands and then patted the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal, releasing a seemingly never-ending tide of Beast
Souls of various shapes and sizes from it.

Each Beast Soul retained the appearance it had before its host’s death,
and all of them were extraordinary and majestic. Judging by the aura,
many of them weren’t any weaker than the Monster King, with some
possibly even stronger.

The Monster King’s eyes widened as he blankly gawked at this sight.

Zhang Ruo Xi remarked, “This is the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal. It has
strong suppression ability against the Souls of Monster Beasts. Are you
going to surrender to my Sir, or should I use the Ten Thousand Beasts
Soul to collect your Soul, stopping you from reincarnating ever again?
Your choice!”

The Monster King’s sickly body immediately trembled, raising his finger
and pointing at Yang Kai as he grudgingly scolded, “You… You’re going
too far!”

He would rather die than surrender, and refused to hand over his Soul
Brand just to save his skin, but now? With the appearance of the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal, he would not even be at peace after his death.
His Soul would be received inside the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.

By then, his life would be no worse than death. A slave either way.

Yang Kai grinned meaningfully, signalling Zhang Ruo Xi to put away the
Ten Thousand Beasts Sea before he patted the Monster King’s shoulder
and explained, “Don’t make it sound so ugly. Monster King, you would
rather die than live on in dishonour; your heroic spirit is really admirable,
but we belong to two different races. In the end, it’s not possible for me
to simply save you out of good faith.”

“You just promised me,” Monster King glared at Yang Kai, but he could
do nothing to him.

Yang Kai stroked his chin and stated, “Times have changed. As the
saying goes, a wise man will submit to circumstances! Monster King, I
will not make things difficult for you. If you surrender to me, I just want
you to do some little things for me. When I’m done with them, I will leave
the Ancient Lands. At that time, I will definitely return your freedom!”

“Do you think I will still believe you?” Monster King contemptuously
looked at him.

Yang Kai stated with a snort, “Do you have any other choice?”

[This guy’s face flips faster than the page of a book.] The Monster King
stared at him in a daze.
“I don’t have the time to waste on you. Either hand over your Soul Brand
or I’ll immediately kill you and collect your Soul into the Ten Thousand
Beasts Seal; your choice!” Yang Kai waved his hand; his tone was
beyond question.

Meanwhile, Zhang Ruo Xi controlled the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal to

fly over the Monster King’s head, giving the impression that if he didn’t
agree, she would immediately do it.

The Monster King was unwilling, but he had no other choice. He could
only grit his teeth and agree, “Take it!”

His voice was filled with grief, indignation, and unwillingness. This time,
he was like a tiger that had gone down to the plains, leaving himself to
be humiliated by the dogs, like a Phoenix in the cage mocked by the
small birds.

Yang Kai immediately put on a smiling face, stretching his hand toward

The Monster King used a Secret Technique next, and soon, a wisp of
golden light floated from his forehead. Yang Kai promptly grabbed it and
took it inside his Knowledge Sea.

[I might have lost Yang You Wei in this tomb, but I have gained a
Monster King instead. It’s not a loss.]

As for the Monster King, who had used the Secret Technique to
surrender his Soul Brand, he had become incomparably weak and the
glow around him collapsed, giving him the appearance of a man near

Yang Kai grabbed him, turned around, and sprinted straight towards the
dark-grey door, asking, “It’s alright to get out from here, right?”

The Monster King slightly nodded, a complicated look in his eyes. He

might have escaped alive, but he had lost his freedom. He was a slave
now; it wasn’t something he wanted. Therefore, he didn’t appear to be
happy being able to escape from the gates of death. Rather he was very
Not long after, Yang Kai had arrived before the door of light with the
Monster King. He pushed his Emperor Qi, enveloping the Monster King
and Zhang Ruo Xi before rushing straight into the door.

Everything before their eyes changed as the two Humans and one
Monster Race member left the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb and
reappeared in a lush and vibrant world.

They were surrounded by ancient trees that reached straight to the

clouds, and Wild Force filled the air once more. Clearly they had
appeared somewhere inside the Ancient Wild Lands.

[It was so easy to leave!] Yang Kai couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Apparently, the Ten Thousand Spirits Toms was really only for the
Ancient Wild Lands’ residents and didn’t restrict outsiders from entering
or exiting it. Of course, one had to escape the pursuit of countless Beast
Souls after entering, otherwise, they would find themselves on a road to

[This doesn’t look like the mountain valley where we entered the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tomb from. Where are we?]
Chapter 2573 - Xie Wu Wei

Their appearance seemed to have made some noise as a Monster Race

member came rushing over from not too far away to check things out.
But before he could approach closer, the Monster King let out a low roar
before rushing like a bolt of lightning, pouncing straight at the Monster
Race member.

A miserable cry immediately resounded as the Monster Race member

was knocked to the ground without even seeing who had sneak attacked
him. The Monster King opened his mouth and bit his victim’s neck,
swallowing his blood in large gulps. For a moment, the Monster Race
member thrown on the ground miserably howled and wailed as he
continued to struggle, but he wasn’t able to get free and gradually his
struggle and wails died down.

After a while, the Monster King got up and turned around, wiping the
blood off the corners of his mouth.

The Monster Race member’s blood seemed to have provided him a lot of
energy, and his skinny and ragged figure had improved a lot; at least, his
skin had regained a bit of luster, and his figure had become a little
bulkier. Even his dwindling vitality had improved a little.

He glanced at Yang Kai with a complicated look in his eyes, but finally,
he lowered his head and heavily sighed.

“What should I call you, Monster King?” Yang Kai asked.

“Xie Wu Wei!” The Monster King snappily replied; however, seeing that
Yang Kai had no intention of disregarding him just because he was a
Soul Slave now, he felt relieved. He was afraid that Yang Kai would
throw insults and abuse him after bringing him out. If that were the case,
he would definitely not be able to bear it with his explosive temper.

“Fearless and dauntless! A good name, Monster King!” Yang Kai smiled.

Xie Wu Wei responded, waving off, “It’s nothing like that!” After being
silent for a while, he asked, “What should this King call you?”
Yang Kai replied, “You can call me Young Master Yang.”

Xie Wu Wei lightly nodded before speaking, “Young Master Yang, earlier
you said that this King would need to do something for you, I wonder
what exactly that is?”

He couldn’t wait to finish Yang Kai’s task and then try to get rid of his
control, and he made no attempt to hide his intentions.

“There’s no rush,” Yang Kai chided, “First take me back to your base,
then we will talk about what I want you to do. It needs many people.”

[Back to my base!?] Xie Wu Wei looked annoyed. As one of the thirty-

two Monster Kings, he had a distinguished status, and it wouldn’t look
good if someone saw him with a Human. Worse, if he were to be seen
taking orders from a Human, how would he show his old face in the

Yang Kai could tell what was going on in his mind and added, “Monster
King, rest assured, I won’t make things difficult for you. If your
subordinates ask, you can tell them that this Young Master is your friend
from outside. It’s okay for Ancient Lands’ Monster Race members to
make one or two Human friends, right?”

Xie Wu Wei’s brow twitched as he reluctantly agreed, “Fine.”

With his Soul Brand being controlled by Yang Kai, how could he
disobey? He was under the eaves now and had no choice but to bow his

Afterwards, the three figures used their respective Movement Skills,

making a beeline towards the depths of the Ancient Lands.

Xie Wu Wei was quite familiar with the Ancient Wild Lands and led Yang
Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi forward without trying to hide his tracks.

A few ignorant Monster Race members came to investigate, but they all
became Xie Wu Wei’s supplements.
Half a day later, a towering mountain appeared before the trio. There
were some buildings hidden on this mountain, and after taking a closer
look, Yang Kai discovered that those buildings were made of large and
small stones. They didn’t have any beauty at all, looking rough and wild,
just like the Monster Race’s temperament.

On the mountainside, there were countless caves, with many Monster

Race members living in them.

Yang Kai and the others flew over, obviously alarming the Monster Race
members living on the mountain. They immediately walked out of the
cave to investigate, but before they could clearly see who had come, the
trio had already rushed into the main hall.

In the hall, the few beautiful maids present fearfully looked at Xie Wu Wei
before bowing and greeting, “Sir!”

Xie Wu Wei was in a bad mood, so he didn’t bother to care about these
maids. He didn’t even cast them a sidelong glance and rushed straight
in. But Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi, following Xie Wu Wei, had
immediately provoked the maids.

After all, the two of them had no Monster Qi around them and were
clearly Humans. They couldn’t fathom why Xie Wu Wei would bring back
two Humans from his trip, and judging by the Humans’ appearances,
they didn’t seem to be prisoners.

In the main hall, there was a throne made of white bones from who
knows what Monster Beast. Xie Wu Wei walked straight ahead, turned
around, flicked his robes, and sat down on the throne, looking around
with his tiger-like fierce eyes, his actions giving him a sense of majesty.

But soon, Xie Wu Wei looked a little embarrassed.

After having returned to his home, his heart was finally at peace, making
him forget his own predicament, but when he saw Yang Kai gazing at
him with a smile, Xie Wu Wei quickly stood back up.

“Monster King, just sit down. We are just your friends from the outside,”
Yang Kai sent him a voice transmission. He could tell that this Monster
King had an unyielding temperament; therefore, he didn’t want to make
things too difficult for him. After all, Yang Kai needed him to do
something and didn’t care about such superficial things.

Xie Wu Wei felt grateful, thinking that this Human was at least
reasonable, allowing his repulsion from before to lessen. So, he sat back
down and said, stretching his hand, “Young Master Yang, please take a

Yang Kai slightly smiled and walked to the side and found a seat to sit.
As he looked around, he found that this place was far more sophisticated
than Yang You Wei’s place; the two couldn’t compare whether it was in
terms of style nor in layout. A Monster King was a Monster King in the
end, a trivial Monster General like Yang You Wei simply couldn’t be put
on par with him. Just as he arrived, Yang Kai felt the auras of many
Twelfth-Order Monster Beasts, which were equal to Emperor Realm
Human Masters.

[Just a single Monster King has so many Emperor Realm Masters among
his subordinates, so how many do the thirty-two Monster Kings have in
total? Not to mention, there are four Divine Spirits in the Ancient Wild

[If so many Monster Beasts and Monster Race members went out,
unless the Ten Great Emperors joined forces, I’m afraid they could
sweep through the entire Star Boundary.]

[The Ancient Wild Lands can’t be underestimated!]

Zhang Ruo Xi, who was obediently standing behind Yang Kai, was also
curiously looking around with her pretty eyes.

“Come in!” Xie Wu Wei yelled in a deep voice.

Six Monster Race members with imposing auras promptly entered the
hall, all of them seemingly having been waiting for a long time. Each and
every one of them exuded a powerful pressure. Yang Kai’s pupils
immediately shrank at the sight of them as all of them were Mid-Level
Twelfth-Order, equal to Second-Order Emperor Realm.
The six Monster Race Masters entered the main hall and respectfully
greeted, cupping their fists, “Greetings, Sir!”

Xie Wu Wei gestured to them to dispense with the ceremony before

speaking, “Nothing happened while this King was away, right?”

He also didn’t tell his subordinates that he had accidentally fallen into the
Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb; otherwise, he would be unable to explain
how he got out.

A thin Monster Race member on the left immediately stepped forward

and spoke, cupping his fists, “Reporting to Sir, there is something your
subordinate wishes to report.”

“What is it?” Xie Wu Wei indifferently asked, without so much as raising

his eyes, simply sipping the tea from the cup handed to him by the maid
at his side. Who knows what was used to brew the tea, but it was red
and thick like blood and exuded a strange aroma.

When the thin Monster Race member heard this, he hesitatingly glanced
at Yang Kai, who was sitting on the side, and stopped talking.

Clearly, he didn’t want to make a report in front of a Human to prevent

leaking of secrets.

Xie Wu Wei, taking another sip and putting down the cup, raised his eyes
and stated, “You may speak freely, Young Master Yang is this King’s life
and death friend. There is nothing to hide.”

He was also helpless in this situation as now his Soul Brand was in Yang
Kai’s hands; his life and death were just a matter of Yang Kai’s whims.
Even if he wanted to make Yang Kai leave, he couldn’t do so; he was
completely powerless and secretly regretting it. If he had known how
awkward this would be earlier, he would not have summoned his
subordinates in. Now that things had come to this though, he could only
choke down his grievances and let his subordinates report on whatever

The Monster Race members were also taken aback when they heard
this. When they saw a Human sitting in the hall earlier, they were filled
with suspicion. They had no idea about his origins, or why Sir Monster
King was treating a mere Human like this, but when they heard Xie Wu
Wei mention that he was a ‘life and death friend’, they were even more

[When did Sir Monster King have such a good friendship with a Human?]

But then they recalled that Sir Monster King had once left the Ancient
Lands several dozen years ago. Apparently, he had gone to the Human
world to explore and rumour had it that it was an extremely dangerous
trip and Sir Monster King almost lost his life. Later, they heard that the
Monster King was rescued by a certain Human, which finally allowed him
to return to the Ancient Lands safe and sound.

Unknowingly, the Monster Race members connected Yang Kai to Xie Wu

Wei’s benefactor, who had saved Xie Wu Wei’s life. Suddenly, the
arrogance and disdain in their eyes had lessened a lot.

The thin Monster Race member reported in a heavy voice, “Sir, the Blood
Gate showed some changes!”

“Blood Gate!” Xie Wu Wei momentarily paused before looking up at his

subordinate in shock. The latter slightly nodded in confirmation.
Immediately, Xie Wu Wei’s breathing became rapid as he quickly asked,
“Is this news correct?”

The Monster Race member replied, “It’s certainly true. It was first
discovered by Monster King Xi Lei’s subordinate, but many saw the
event and confirmed it happened. Now, the change in the Blood Gate
has already alarmed even the four Divine Venerables and they have
deployed people to investigate.”

Xie Wu Wei suddenly lost his calm, standing up and hurriedly ordering,
“Tell me the details.”

“Yes!” The Monster Race member replied, arranging his thoughts before
continuing, “It happened over a month ago, when the Blood Gate
suddenly emitted a blood red beam straight up into the sky, but that only
lasted a moment. However, during this past month, the Blood Gate has
obviously become a little different from before, seemingly radiating a kind
of intense energy fluctuation. Many people couldn’t help but want to rush
in when they got close, but all who tried lost their lives.”

“Bloodline attraction!?” A crazed look immediately appeared in Xie Wu

Wei’s eyes.

The Monster Race member agreed with a nod, “We hypothesised as

much as well. Your subordinate risked his life to explore and found that
the Blood Gate could indeed tempt your subordinate, making him have
an impulse to rush in. If it weren’t for Shu Yu and the others quickly
awakening and dragging him back, your subordinate might have already
lost his life! All signs indicate that the Blood Gate is about to open and
that the ancient rumours were true.”

Xie Wu Wei looked excited after hearing this, beginning to pace back
and forth on the podium, folding his hands behind his back. After a while,
he finally stopped and asked in a serious voice, “What are the Divine
Venerables’s intentions?”

The Monster Race member replied, “The Divine Venerables have issued
a joint command, asking us to not believe false rumours and lose our
lives meaninglessly. Now, the eight Great Kings have been dispatched
near the Blood Gate and are blockading the area near the it, preventing
anyone from approaching.”

“False rumours!?” Xie Wu Wei sneered, “Bloodline attraction can only be

caused by instinct. Do the Divine Venerables think that everything will be
fine if they seal everyone’s mouth? I’m afraid that they are just worried
about the emergence of one or two new Divine Venerables, which would
affect their status.”
Chapter 2574 - Big Guy

Xie Wu Wei’s defiant look immediately terrified his subordinates like

frightened rats. They secretly thought, [Sir sure is hot-headed.
Fortunately, there are no outsiders here, otherwise, if this reached the
Divine Venerables’ ears, Sir might have to pay for it.]

“Blood Gate, what’s that?” Yang Kai, after listening for a while, finally
couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity.

He had also heard Yang You Wei mention the Blood Gate before and
knew that it was one of two Restricted Areas of the Ancient Wild Lands,
just like Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb; however, he didn’t get into details
that time. But now, seeing Xie Wu Wei’s expression and listening to his
words, it was apparent that this Blood Gate was of great importance, so
much so that even the four Divine Spirits of the Ancient Lands were
interfering in matters related to it.

This was no small matter.

Yang Kai was now looking for Xiao Xiao in the Ancient Wild Lands, as
well as the Third Disciple, so it wasn’t a bad idea to learn more about the
situation here. As the saying goes, if you know your enemy and yourself,
you can win a hundred battles.

Hearing Yang Kai’s question, Xie Wu Wei gawked, suddenly

remembering that there were two outsiders present here. The corners of
his lips momentarily twitched as he had been so excited that he had
forgotten about this.

“If it’s inconvenient to speak about it, then forget it!” Yang Kai smiled
lightly before picking up the dark red tea served by the maid beside him.
But after smelling the scent, he didn’t dare to drink it, for the fear that it
was really brewed from blood.

He might have casually spoken, but Xie Wu Wei didn’t dare to take it
lightly; after all, Yang Kai was already interested and who knows what
was going on in his mind. So, all Xie Wu Wei could do was go along with
the flow and satiate Yang Kai’s curiosity, “Not at all. The Blood Gate is
useless to Humans anyway. It’s one of the Restricted Areas in our
Ancient Lands!”

Yang Kai asked, “I heard someone mention that the Blood Gate and the
Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb are designated as the two Restricted Areas
of the Ancient Lands. I wonder if that’s true or false?”

Xie Wu Wei agreed with a nod, “That’s right. The Ten Thousand Spirits
Tomb is the place where we, who were born in the Ancient Lands, go
when we reach our predestined time of death, while the Blood Gate is
the place where one can go to obtain a whole new life. One for life and
one for death, they are the two sides of the same coin.”

“Where you can get a whole new life?” Yang Kai was stunned.

Xie Wu Wei quickly added, “According to ancient rumours, if one can

pass through the Blood Gate, he or she would basically be reborn, regain
their ancestral bloodline, and transform into a Divine Spirit.”

“Transform into a Divine Spirit!?” Yang Kai was shocked, “Does that
mean that if you can enter the Blood Gate, you can become a Divine

Xie Wu Wei replied with a nod, “That is the literal meaning, but no one
knows whether it is true or not. Since the Ancient Lands came into
existence, the Blood Gate Restricted Area has also existed; however, no
one we know of has ever been able to approach it, much less enter it.
There are still ancient rumours passed down from generation to
generation about it though. In the Ancient Lands, even the weakest
Monster Race member who has just gained sentience will know about
these rumours. It’s no secret that the residents of the Ancient Lands all
have some bloodline connection to ancient Divine Spirits, some having a
stronger inheritance while others were weaker, but in the end, quality is
the key. One’s strength is related greatly to his or her aptitude as well as
the purity of their bloodline. If one can fully awaken their bloodline, and
reproduce the glory of their ancestors, then naturally they will have
strength comparable to a Divine Spirit.”
Yang Kai was shocked, “There is such a place in this world? Does the
Blood Gate really have such a miraculous effect?”

Xie Wu Wei replied, “Whether it has such a miraculous effect or not

remains uncertain, but rumours have it that all Divine Spirits originated
from the Blood Gate. Unfortunately, those rumours are all from aeons
ago so there is no way to verify them. Regardless, the Blood Gate is a
great fortune to the residents of the Ancient Lands. Just like the rumours
of a fish transforming into a dragon after leaping over the dragon gate,
the Blood Gate is tantamount to the dragon gate. Who wouldn’t want to
give it a try?”

“Monster King, do you also want to go in?” A strange look appeared in

Yang Kai’s eyes.

Xie Wu Wei stated with a sneer, “That would depend on if the Sirs would
give us a chance. They have now sent their Great Kings to block the
vicinity of the Blood Gate, so who can get close to it? But by doing so,
they have just given themselves away. If one asks who knows the most
about the secrets of the Blood Gate best, the answer would undoubtedly
be the four Divine Venerables.”

Yang Kai nodded in agreement. Listening to Xie Wu Wei, he immediately

understood the significance of the Blood Gate. If it could really simulate
the Ancestral Bloodline of the residents of the Ancient Lands, it would
surely increase their strength. The Blood Gate was undoubtedly a place
of rebirth; it was the complete opposite of the Ten Thousand Spirits
Tomb, where the creatures at the end of their lifespan go to die.

[Nothing is too strange in this world…] Yang Kai sighed in his heart. If he
had not entered the Ancient Wild Lands to search for Xiao Xiao this time,
he wouldn’t have been able to imagine that there was such a mystical
place in this world.

“The Divine Venerables have been consolidating their power for a long
time, and since the eight Great Kings have been dispatched, no one
would dare to do anything strange for the time being; however, no one
can suppress the temptation of their ancestral bloodline. I’m afraid this
move will only be counterproductive. “Pass my order to closely monitor
the situation of the Blood Gate, and if there are any changes,
immediately report to me. I don’t believe those thirty or so old fogies will
obediently remain still,” said Xie Wu Wei, waving his hand.

“Yes Sir!” The thin Monster Race member immediately retreated after
having received the order.

Xie Wu Wei, standing on the platform, pondered with an uncertain look

on his face for a while before he finally raised his head and asked,
looking at Yang Kai, “Young Master Yang, you said that you want this
King’s help for something, what is it?”

“To find someone,” Yang Kai slightly smiled.

“Find someone?” Xie Wu Wei asked in astonishment.

“It’s the crazy woman you saw before,” While speaking, Yang Kai
stretched his hand a bit as ripples appeared, displaying the Third
Disciple’s appearance, causing Xie Wu Wei to gawk and his face to turn

He could still vividly remember the scene when he was hit by the Third
Disciple with a Monster Core in the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb.

“I have some connection with this woman. She has lost her sanity and
it’s dangerous for her to remain in the Ancient Lands. Therefore, I need
to find her and take her away.”

[This isn’t that difficult!] Xie Wu Wei finally put his heart at ease. He was
worried that Yang Kai would ask him to do something difficult after taking
his Soul Brand, but now, it seemed that he was just looking for someone,
which was a trivial matter.

He cast his gaze on a man with a deer head and rat eyes, and said, “Shu
Yu, let the men pay more attention to this woman’s tracks. Immediately
report to me if you find something. Also, don’t let anyone hurt her.”

The Monster Race member with the deer head known as Shu Yu
immediately obeyed, cupping his fists, “Yes, Sir.”
He then turned around and left the hall.

Xue Wu Wei then turned his head and stated, looking at Yang Kai, “If this
woman is still in the Ancient Lands, as long as she shows up, she will
definitely be spotted by this King’s subordinates. Young Master Yang,
you just have to calmly wait for the news.”

Yang Kai nodded with satisfaction, “Sorry to trouble you, Monster King.”

Xie Wu Wei’s brow twitched before he spoke words contrary to his

convictions, “Young Master Yang’s business is this King’s business, you
need not be so polite. Come, lead Young Master Yang and arrange a
place for him to take a rest.”

He couldn’t wait to send Yang Kai away; after all, he was still feeling
uncomfortable with him around and was afraid that his men would find
some clues from his words and expressions.

“That can wait,” Yang Kai raised his hand and interrupted him, “I still
want to ask Monster King to inquire about another matter.”

Xie Wu Wei slightly furrowed his brow, looking at Yang Ka unhappily.

Yang Kai ignored him and lifted his hand, about to show him Xiao Xiao’s
image before a deafening clap from below interrupted them. Immediately
after, the mountain and the ground started quaking, causing the entire
palace to shake left and right. The maids immediately screamed in panic
and even the faces of the four Monster Race Masters in the hall

“Hou…” A muffled roar suddenly came from deep underground, as if

there was a beast trapped for a thousand years down there. The roar
was extremely stifled, but everyone could clearly feel the anger of the
voice’s owner.

Yang Kai couldn’t remain indifferent and curiously looked at Xie Wu Wei.
He had no idea what was going on here, or what kind of monster was
suppressed under the mountain.
Xie Wu Wei’s face immediately turned ugly as he looked down at the
Monster Race Masters standing before him and shouted, “Has that big
guy still not surrendered?”

One of the Monster Race members replied with an ugly look, “That thing
is a bit stubborn. We used all kinds of methods but we can’t make it

“A group of wastes!” Xie Wu Wei coldly snorted, causing the Monster

Race Masters to all lower their heads.

“This King will go and see in person.” Who knows why Xie Wu Wei
suppressed a monster under the mountain, but with a flick of his sleeve,
he did just as he said and went to check the situation personally.
However, after just a few steps, he turned around and stated, “Sorry
about that, Young Master Yang, something has come up, so this King
needs to personally deal with it. This King’s maid will take you to rest.
This King will later come to apologize to you for this.”

“There is no harm. I’ll also join in the fun.” Yang Kai slightly smiled.

Xie Wu Wei rolled his eyes, but he knew it would be pointless to try to
stop Yang Kai, so all he could do was quietly walk forward.

The remaining four Monster Race Masters hurriedly followed after him,
grumbling in their hearts. They felt that Sir Monster King was way too
polite to this Human, even allowing him to participate in such a
confidential matter.

After leaving the main hall, the group came to a cave where they walked
in, one after another, in a file.

The cave seemed to be the only entrance and had stairs leading
downwards; who knows where it led to. There were luminous stones on
the cave walls on either side, providing illumination so the cave wasn’t
that dim.

Xie Wu Wei and the others descended the stairs in large strides.
After a few thousand meters descent, the cave suddenly widened up as
a spacious underground cavern appeared below.

There were a lot of Monster Race members gathered in this underground

palace, but at this moment, these Monster Race members were acting as
if they were facing a powerful enemy. Many Monster Race members
were even in their true forms, looking in a certain direction warily.

Seeing Xie Wu Wei and his men arrive, these Monster Race members
retreated to either side, one after another, looking at him and his men
with respect and fear.

Xie Wu Wei scanned them before he called a Monster Race member and
shouted, “What’s going on?”

The Monster Race member immediately turned around and

stammeringly replied, “We don’t know, it suddenly woke up and flew into
a rage. We couldn’t suppress it with our low strength and a few of our
Brothers and Sisters have already died. If Sir hadn’t personally locked
him with that chain, I’m afraid it would have already broken free.”

“Scram, you lot are useless to this King!” Xie Wu Wei flicked his sleeve
with a displeased look on his face, throwing the Monster Race member
to one side then walking straight to the depths of the underground


Another roar came, giving rise to a powerful gust of wind that swept
across the underground palace. Everyone’s clothes and hair flapped
along with this gust.

A look of surprise appeared on Yang Kai’s face though as he had no

idea who or what powerful being was suppressed in this underground

Curious, he focused his gaze, looking inside.

But what entered his vision next left Yang Kai dumbfounded. He stood
rooted on the spot as if he was struck by lightning, mumbling in a
trembling voice, “Xiao Xiao…”

About several dozen metres away, a huge, fifteen-meter-tall Humanoid

creature was shackled by heavy black chains. This enormous figure’s
entire body was sharp and angular, and at a glance, it looked to be
carved from stone. It had an ore-like lustre, but it also had distinct facial
features and four robust limbs. It was giving off a sense of immense

The big guy before him clearly looked like what Xiao Xiao would look like
after he assumed his stone giant form.
Chapter 2575 - Xiao Xiao’s Clan

When the Monsters heard this, they all had strange expressions as they
glanced at Yang Kai, thinking to themselves, [Small? What the heck?
This guy is clearly huge! Is this Human blind?] There was also the Divine
Binding Chain’s suppression involved. If it wasn’t for the Divine Binding
Chain, this guy could become even larger and would likely wreck the

Before the Monsters could finish thinking about this topic, they saw that
Yang Kai had actually stepped forward and was striding with large steps,
his eyes filled with a complex expression. It seemed as if his entire world
only contained the big guy over there.

Xie Wu Wei was shocked as he shouted, “Be careful, Young Master

Yang! This guy has a violent temperament and has incredible strength.
Please stand back for the time being and allow this King to deal with

He didn’t know what Yang Kai was trying to do, but he had personally
experienced before just how difficult this big guy could be to deal with.
Back when he was trying to make him submit, many of his subordinates
had died, and even he had taken a blow that caused him to spit out lung-
full of blood, nearly dying right there and then.

If it wasn’t for seeing that this big guy was incredibly strong and wanting
to make it submit to him, Xie Wu Wei would have killed it long ago rather
than trapping it here.

As a mere First-Order Emperor Realm Master, Yang Kai would likely

suffer from approaching this big guy so recklessly, even if he was bound
by the Divine Binding Chain.

Yang Kai ignored Xie Wu Wei of course and continued walking forward.

Xie Wu Wei furrowed his brow and was about to step forward to stop
him, but Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly flickered forward and blocked his way
while reaching out with one hand to stop him.
“Girl, what do you mean by this!?” Xie Wu Wei had a dark expression as
he looked at Zhang Ruo Xi. A trivial Third-Order Dao Source Realm
dared to act like this to him? If it wasn’t for his Soul Brand being under
Yang Kai’s control, he would have slapped her already.

Ruo Xi had no fear though as she calmly stated, “Since Sir is doing this,
he must have a plan in mind. Monster King, you simply need to silently
watch what happens.”

She also didn’t know what Yang Kai was doing or why he would
suddenly step forward, but she trusted him blindly and would not allow
anyone to disturb him.

Xie Wu Wei was furious. If only he wasn’t a Soul Slave now! His life and
death were connected to Yang Kai’s life, why else would he possibly
care if this Human brat lived or died?

Xie Wu Wei had an ugly expression as he stood where he was, secretly

circulating his Monster Qi as he prepared to jump over to save Yang Kai
at any moment. He also gestured to his subordinates so that they would
immediately save him if they noticed anything going wrong.

The Monsters all felt rather nervous as they watched Yang Kai go up to
the big guy.

[It’s not Xiao Xiao…]

The excitement in Yang Kai’s heart gradually faded as he looked at the

fifteen-metre-tall stone giant before him, gradually realizing that this
stone giant wasn’t Xiao Xiao, because he shared a Soul connection with
Xiao Xiao. If this stone giant before him was Xiao Xiao, it would have
been impossible for him to not sense that link.

More importantly, even though Yang Kai was quite close now, the stone
giant was still roaring in fury, acting like it wanted to kill him. It was
struggling madly, but it was bound in place by the Divine Binding Chain.

“Hou!” The stone giant roared as a fierce gust of wind blew to the extent
Yang Kai’s face became distorted. Flying sand and rock shards flew
everywhere in the palace, and the walls themselves rumbled, as if they
would collapse at any moment.

Yang Kai sent out his Divine Sense and tried to communicate with the
stone giant, but found that it was in such a state of fury that it completely
ignored him.

Yang Kai was helpless to do anything else other than ask out loud, “Are
you Xiao Xiao’s clansman?”

Yang Kai couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t a coincidence that he met a
stone giant who was identical to Xiao Xiao after transforming. Perhaps
there were more than just two Stone Puppets in this world apart from
Xiao Xiao and his Embodiment. Perhaps there was a mysterious race of
Stone Puppets in this world. Perhaps Xiao Xiao had sensed his own clan
was here, which was why he had entered the Ancient Wild Lands!

Or, perhaps this Monster even knew who Xiao Xiao was.


However, only an angry roar greeted him. The Monsters watching in the
distance all felt really afraid as they thought, [This Human is quite bold!
He’s so relaxed even when facing a stone giant that even Sir Monster
King wasn’t an opponent for single combat.]

Without mentioning anything else, just Yang Kai’s courage alone was
enough for the Monsters to respect him.

But, he still seemed to be rather idiotic, and the Monsters around

wondered if Yang Kai would soon be flattened into a pancake.

“In that case, have you seen him before?” Yang Kai reached out and
tapped the air to create Xiao Xiao’s image before him.

The image displayed quite clearly what Xiao Xiao had appeared like
back when he separated from Yang Kai. Xiao Xiao had a foolish and
honest appearance with spirited eyes. He was only half of an average
Human’s height and there was obvious sharpness to his stone skin. It
was as if he was wearing a layer of stone armour that appeared quite

On top of that, Xiao Xiao was carrying a pitch-black stick on his shoulder.
Xiao Xiao had one hand on the stick, and his other hand was on his
forehead as he gazed off into the distance.

The roaring stone giant suddenly quieted down, the fury in its eyes
receding as he stared blankly at the image in front of him before he
glanced at Yang Kai again. Soon, a confused look appeared on his face.

Xiao Xiao was simply too attention-grabbing with his Heaven Shaking

“You’ve seen him before, haven’t you?” Yang Kai was delighted when he
observed the stone giant’s expression.

The stone giant remained silent for a while before it slowly nodded.

[As I thought!]

Yang Kai was overjoyed as he hurriedly asked, “Where is Xiao Xiao

now? Is he alright?”

Yang Kai was really eager to find out how Xiao Xiao had been recently
as he blamed himself deeply for separating from him back in the Starlight
Corridor. While he found Liu Yan rather quickly, and even found Chi Yue
and the others, who were now safely cultivating in the Thousand Leaves
Sect, Yang Kai had still been unable to locate Xiao Xiao after all this

The Star Boundary was a dangerous place, and Yang Kai didn’t know
how Xiao Xiao was currently doing. In fact, Yang Kai felt incredibly
worried after hearing from Yin Le Sheng that Xiao Xiao had entered the
Ancient Wild Lands.

How could Yang Kai not be overjoyed now that he suddenly had a clue
to Xiao Xiao’s whereabouts?
Yang Kai only wished that he could enter this stone giant’s mind to
directly find out about how Xiao Xiao had been doing recently.

The stone giant opened its mouth and said in a coarse and low voice,
“Who are you to the little one?”

The stone giant didn’t pronounce its words very clearly, making it evident
that it rarely spoke. Additionally, its voice was like thunder that caused
the entire palace to rumble.

All the Monsters were stunned as they looked with stupefaction at the
scene in front of them. All of them were howling in their hearts, [this big
guy actually opened its mouth and spoke!?] They had all been thinking
for all this time that this big guy didn’t have any sentience and was
unable to communicate with intelligent living beings. Only now did they
understand that rather than not having any sentience and being unable
to communicate, it simply didn’t bother to talk to them.

Xie Wu Wei also had a strange expression as he was secretly


He could now tell that Yang Kai seemed to have a connection of some
sort with this stone giant. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been so easy for
him to calm down the stone giant’s rage and make it speak. Xie Wu Wei
had spent such an effort leading his subordinates in trying to capture the
stone giant, so was Yang Kai going to be angry at him…?

Xie Wu Wei felt really distasteful inside. If Yang Kai really got angry at
him in front of so many of his subordinates, what was he going to do
about his loss of face?

Xie Wu Wei even secretly wondered if he should have his subordinates

leave right now so that he wouldn’t feel as awkward.

“Little one…” Yang Kai smiled because he realized that the stone giant
was referring to Xiao Xiao, “The little one hatched with my Blood
Essence. I also personally raised him.”

There wasn’t any need to explain anything else, as these two sentences
were plenty.
The stone giant nodded in response as it spoke in its rumbling voice,
“So, the Venerated One that Elder spoke of was you!”

“Elder…” Yang Kai arched his brow, not knowing who this Elder that had
suddenly come up was. Still, he wasn’t in the mood to ask as he simply
inquired, “Is Xiao Xiao doing well now? He hasn’t met with any danger
over these years, has he?”

The stone giant answered, “Since you’re the Venerated One to the little
one, you are a guest of my clan; I have no need to hide anything from
you. The little one found our clan many years ago, and the clan also
accepted him. He’s safe now.”

“You guys have your own clan?” Yang Kai was slightly surprised.
Although he had already guessed at it previously, he still couldn’t help
but be surprised now that it was confirmed. The Stone Puppet Clan was
naturally impervious to weapons and possessed immense physical
strength. Even one would be difficult to deal with if it was allowed to
reach the peak, but if there was a big group of them…

It was likely that even a Divine Spirit would have to retreat before them.

The stone giant stated proudly, “Although we of the Stone Spirit Clan are
low in number, we have not gone extent just yet. Honoured guest, why
are you so surprised?”

[Stone Spirit Clan…]

Yang Kai was rendered somewhat speechless. It seemed that he had

been incorrect to call them the Stone Puppet Clan before as they
addressed themselves as the Stone Spirit Clan, but this was simply a
matter of a name, which wouldn’t be any trouble for him to change to.

“Can you take me to see Xiao Xiao?” Yang Kai spoke up again with
another question.

The stone giant fell silent for a moment after hearing this, and it was
quite some time before it spoke, “You want to take the little one away?
The little one is now a member of the clan, so it’s impossible for him to
leave with you again. Our Stone Spirit Clan won’t be restricted by
anyone. Anyone who has designs on our Stone Spirit Clan is an enemy.”

Yang Kai smiled, “I just want to go see him, not take him away.”

The stone giant swept its eyes over him for several glances before he
nodded, “It seems you’re not lying…”

Yang Kai was astonished as he thought, [You can even tell if I’m lying or
not?] Still, he didn’t have a good understanding of the Stone Spirit Clan,
so he didn’t know if they had any special talents or Divine Abilities apart
from refining ore.

“I can satisfy the honoured guest’s request, but currently…” The stone
giant tugged on the chains binding its limbs as it spoke, which caused
the chains to rattle. It was indicating to Yang Kai that it wasn’t even able
to defend itself right now, so it was likely strong in will but weak in

“That’s simple,” Yang Kai turned his head as he replied, “Monster King,
please come over for a bit.”

Xie Wu Wei’s mouth twitched as he walked over somewhat unwillingly.

He had heard Yang Kai’s conversation with the stone giant quite clearly,
so he knew what Yang Kai wanted him to do; however, he had finally
managed to find an opportunity to capture this stone giant when it was
alone to imprison it here. Xie Wu Wei had originally intended on making
the stone giant submit and work for him, but never expected that Yang
Kai would suddenly appear.

“Young Master Yang, what command do you have for me?” Xie Wu Wei
walked over and spoke in a low voice, pretending not to know what Yang
Kai wanted.

Yang Kai tilted his head, “Release him!”

“This…” Xie Wu Wei had a hesitant expression.

The stone giant was glaring angrily at him as if he had killed his father
and stolen his wife. The stone giant seemed to be absolutely
irreconcilable with him.

Xie Wu Wei had a bitter expression, “Young Master Yang, it’s not that
this King is unwilling, but look at how he’s acting. If this King releases
him, he is likely to immediately stir up trouble and ruin this land. If he
starts causing a ruckus, my entire mountain will likely be flattened.”
Chapter 2576 - Reunion

Xie Wu Wei wasn’t just saying this, as the Stone Spirit Clan was born
innately understanding how to control Earth Principles. It was quite
normal that they would be able to instantly move or level a mountain.

Yang Kai turned to look at the stone giant, “If he releases you, let
bygones be bygones, how about it?”

The stone giant coldly snorted, “Anyone who dares to have designs on
our Stone Spirit Clan is an enemy!” Yang Kai was rendered somewhat
speechless at how unwilling to compromise the stone giant was.

“Young Master Yang, just look!” Xie Wu Wei pointed at the stone giant,
meaning that it wasn’t him who was unwilling to let the stone giant go,
but rather, that he couldn’t do anything because the stone giant wasn’t
willing to compromise.

Yang Kai rubbed his head and looked at the stone giant rather helplessly
as he said, “The Monster King is quite strong, so if you two really start
fighting here, both sides will end up losing in the end. As the saying
goes, grievances should be resolved rather than settled. Could you
simply let this incident go? It’s not like you’ve lost anything. When it is
possible to forgive others, one should be forgiving, you know?”

The stone giant snorted, seemingly quite unwilling to reconcile.

Xie Wu Wei also swung his sleeve in evident displeasure.

Yang Kai glanced at the stone giant and sincerely implored, “Didn’t you
say that I’m your clan’s honoured guest? Would you please give me
some face?”

The stone giant snorted for a bit before saying with an unhappy
expression, “Forget it, let’s just leave things at this.”

This meant it was willing to make big things small and make small things

Yang Kai immediately gestured at Xie Wu Wei, “Okay then, release him!”
Although Xie Wu Wei was still rather unwilling, he couldn’t go against
Yang Kai’s orders so he could only circulate his Monster Qi. The Monster
Qi instantly filled the air and rumbled as it poured towards the pitch-black
chain binding the stone giant, causing it to suddenly fall to the ground
with a clatter.

Upon seeing the stone giant be freed from its restraints, Xie Wu Wei
instantly flashed behind Yang Kai with a vigilant expression.

It wasn’t that he was afraid of the stone giant, but rather that it really was
quite difficult to deal with. Even he was made to cough up blood when he
took a blow from it, so Xie Wu Wei really didn’t want to have to fight
against it unless he had to.

The stone giant simply gave Xie Wu Wei a sidelong glance with a vicious
look in its eyes, but he did keep his word and didn’t do anything right
after he was freed.

Yang Kai asked from the side, “Can you take me to see Xiao Xiao now?”

The stone giant nodded gently, making loud popping noises as it

instantly shrunk from its fifteen-metre height to a size comparable to a
Human’s, making it suddenly look rather flexible. The stone giant waved
at Yang Kai and started walking outside with large steps, completely
ignoring Xie Wu Wei, as if the latter didn’t even exist.

Yang Kai hurriedly followed after the stone giant.

Xie Wu Wei had a displeased expression, hesitated for a moment, but

eventually followed after them as well. The Monsters all came over with
confused expressions, as they didn’t understand why their great Monster
King was listening to a Human’s commands to release the stone giant
that they had all worked so hard on capturing.

Of course, Xie Wu Wei couldn’t be bothered to explain anything to them,

so he simply followed Yang Kai and the stone giant with a dark

A stick of incense’s worth of time later, everyone had left the palace and
returned to the surface.
The stone giant turned his head and looked around to determine his
location before silently stomping the ground and leaping several
thousand metres away, rushing into the dense primordial forest in the
blink of an eye.

When Yang Kai saw this, he could only hurriedly say to Xie Wu Wei,
“Monster King, please pay extra attention to the matter I previously
requested of you. After you find that woman, it would be best if you could
capture her safely, but if you can’t, have someone monitor her from afar
instead until I return. You absolutely cannot harm her.”

Xie Wu Wei had a bitter expression, but he could only cup his fists and
answer, “Young Master Yang, rest assured, this King shall definitely live
up to your expectations; however, you must be careful on your trip.”

Although he really wanted Yang Kai to never return, if anything

happened to Yang Kai right now, it would be difficult for him as well since
he was Yang Kai’s Soul Slave, so he naturally didn’t want Yang Kai to
meet with any danger.

Yang Kai didn’t have the time to say anything else to Xie Wu Wei, simply
nodding and wrapping Zhang Ruo Xi in his Emperor Qi before moving
the local Space Principles. Immediately after, the pair vanished from
where they stood and chased after the stone giant.

The Monsters only walked over in unison after they watched Yang Kai
leave, staring at Xie Wu Wei with confusion as they didn’t know what
their great Monster King was doing.

Xie Wu Wei had a grim expression as he announced, “What happened

today must not be exposed; otherwise, you will all be executed without

The Monsters all felt afraid as they cupped their fists and answered that
they understood.

It seemed that the stone giant was incapable of flight; however, its
jumping ability was beyond imagination since every one of its jumps
would cover several thousand metres, making it not slow at all.
The stone giant waited ahead for Yang Kai for a little while, and when he
saw that Yang Kai was following quickly, he continued jumping forward
without even looking back.

It was obvious that the stone giant was incredibly familiar with the
Ancient Wild Lands as it kept making many turns that avoided the
territories of powerful existences, so as not to cause trouble along the

However, it seemed that the stone giant was rather displeased with how
Yang Kai had previously told it to not make any trouble for Xie Wu Wei,
so the stone giant didn’t even try to talk with Yang Kai during the whole
trip. This meant that Yang Kai didn’t even have a chance to ask about
the Stone Spirit Clan or Xiao Xiao, only able to follow along in silence.

Ruo Xi could tell that Yang Kai had a lot on his mind, so she too
remained silent and didn’t dare to disturb him.

This made the trip seem rather grim and silent.

The stone giant kept jumping through the Ancient Lands for an entire day
and night before it suddenly stopped and its Human-sized stone body
stepped on the top of a gigantic tree as it gazed into the distance and
greeted the dawn.


Yang Kai landed by the stone giant’s side and followed its gaze. He saw
that deep within the forest was a dense patch of primaeval land where
ancient trees reached up to the sky with many layers that were covered
in mist. It all seemed like something out of an ancient story.

The stone giant made a fist and slammed it upon its own chest with a
loud series of thumps. Zhang Ruo Xi felt afraid as she watched, fearing it
would use too much strength and smash itself to death.

“Hou!” The stone giant roared to the sky, its voice containing a great deal
of emotion that only rose in intensity with time. It seemed the stone giant
was using a mysterious technique to send a message.

All the birds in the area were frightened and scattered.

Right after, another rhythmic roar sounded deep within the forest in
response to the stone giant’s call.

Yang Kai felt his emotions rising because he suddenly sensed a

mysterious Soul connection somewhere within the forest when he arrived
here, one that was established via bloodlines. Even if tens of thousands
of years passed, it would be impossible to eradicate this connection.

[Xiao Xiao!]

Yang Kai had used his own Blood Essence as a catalyst for Xiao Xiao’s
birth. In other words, Xiao Xiao’s body contained Yang Kai’s blood. This
was a connection that reached all the way down to the bones, and not a
single person would possibly be able to break this connection.

“Elder has agreed to allow you entry into the clan’s territory. Come with
me,” The nearby stone giant suddenly turned to speak before he jumped
off the tree and sped through the forest with the agility of a monkey.

Yang Kai suppressed the excitement in his heart as he followed after the
stone giant.

A grey figure half the height of a Human flew through the forest and
rapidly approached Yang Kai.

The distance between the grey figure and Yang Kai shortened rapidly.
Even though tens of thousands of trees were between them, both were
able to clearly sense each other’s existence.


Yang Kai paused in his movements as he instantly stopped where he


Right after that, a grey bolt of light came pouncing with the speed of
lightning towards him from the front. Ruo Xi was astonished as she
thought Yang Kai had met with an ambush, so she instantly summoned
the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal; however, she soon found out that she
had misunderstood.

That was because Yang Kai was actually smiling while reaching out
towards the grey light with his hands.

The beam of light didn’t decrease in speed at all as it crashed right onto
Yang Kai’s body.

Yang Kai’s eyes bulged as he was hit by an enormous force that caused
him to uncontrollably fly backwards. Many trees in his way were crushed
like dry weeds and rotten wood before he finally came to a halt.

“Cough cough…” Yang Kai almost received internal injuries as he

couldn’t catch his breath.

Xiao Xiao’s tackle embrace had been rather violent.

Yang Kai reached out with his hand as he leaned his back against a tree
that had been half knocked over, patting Xiao Xiao who was on top of his
body while constantly rubbing his head against Yang Kai.

“Wuwu…” Xiao Xiao made some mysterious cries, and although Yang
Kai couldn’t understand literally, he could still clearly sense the latter’s
happiness and excitement.

Xiao Xiao couldn’t control himself because of the excitement from their
reunion after such a long parting. That was why Xiao Xiao had charged
so wildly at Yang Kai right when he sensed him.

Xiao Xiao soon seemed to realize that he had done something wrong as
he hurriedly got up and half kneeled in front of Yang Kai, his eyes
sweeping up and down as he nervously looked Yang Kai over, fearing
that Yang Kai had been hurt, he even reached out to pat away the dust
on Yang Kai’s clothes.

However, Xiao Xiao’s strength was still rather strong.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” Yang Kai was all smiles as he patted Xiao Xiao’s head
and seriously looked him over. It didn’t seem like Xiao Xiao had changed
very much after parting for many years, but Yang Kai could clearly sense
his aura had become much stronger.

Meanwhile, the stone giant who led Yang Kai here was rather stunned at
the sight. Xiao Xiao’s tackle from earlier was just a light hug to the Stone
Spirit Clan, but such a hug wasn’t something that most Humans, who
naturally had much weaker and smaller bodies, could handle.

Yet, this Human was completely unharmed and was even smiling
happily. This Human’s body… was rather sturdy…

“Wuwu…” Xiao Xiao kept whimpering. If the Stone Spirit was capable of
crying, its face would likely be covered in tears already. Xiao Xiao was
unable to vent all the excitement in his chest, so he could only jump up
and down and scratch at his head, as if he was a comical and naughty

Suddenly, Xiao Xiao darted to the side, opened his arms, and hugged a
large tree. That tree had been alive for an unknown number of years, but
it would require at least three people to encircle it. The tree’s crown
reached high up into the clouds, so Xiao Xiao, who was only half a
Human’s height, seemed to be as insignificant as an ant in comparison
to it.

Yet, Xiao Xiao’s embrace caused the entire tree to suddenly begin
shaking violently.

“Hou!” Xiao Xiao roared furiously, causing the land to vibrate as

spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the ground as the tree roots became

*Hong hong hong…*

Xiao Xiao kept raising and lowering his arms, and every time that he
moved, the tree kept shaking, after a few times actually being uprooted,
causing dust and dirt to fly everywhere.

Ruo Xi was stunned at the sight.

She now finally witnessed what it truly meant to have unlimited strength.

Xiao Xiao pulled up the large tree by the roots. The tree seemed like it
was as light as air as he tossed it into the sky. The tree instantly became
a small black dot in the distance and it was unknown where it eventually

“Hou…” Xiao Xiao kept roaring endlessly at the sky while pounding his
chest with his fists, making a sound like a war drum.
Chapter 2577 - Elder

“Silly child, hurry and pull our honoured guest up. Just what is all this?”

An elderly voice suddenly spoke up from the front. Although the voice
was deep, it also seemed gentle and friendly, so that one couldn’t help
but feel a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Xiao Xiao suddenly shook. It seemed like he was really respectful of the
owner of this voice. He hopped up and skipped back over to Yang Kai’s
side, pulled the latter up, and looked at him with a silly expression.

Xiao Xiao had calmed down now that he had vented.

Yang Kai looked forward and paused in surprise at what he saw.

Numerous Stone Spirits as tall as humans walked out of the forest. At a

rough count, there were eight of them. It was evident that they had
gathered here after noticing the commotion since their round eyes were
all looking at him with curiosity.

One of the Stone Spirits was particularly attention-grabbing. It wasn’t

because he was very stronger or taller than the rest; in fact, he was even
shorter in comparison to the other Stone Spirits. He wasn’t short due to
his height, but rather because his back was somewhat hunched.

This Stone Spirit would give others the first impression of being ancient.

His bent back was supported by a stone staff, and the stone skin on his
body was also cracked. These were all natural traces of the weathering
of time upon his body. His pointy chin actually had some small pointy
stone pillars that seemed like a beard; however, his eyes were
particularly bright as they shone with the light of wisdom.

Those of the Stone Spirit Clan were naturally born lacking intelligence,
but for some unknown reason, Yang Kai could see the image of a wise
Elder when he met this elderly Stone Spirit’s eyes.

Yang Kai instantly assumed a respectful demeanour as he knew that this

old Stone Spirit had likely lived for many tens of thousands of years
already. He also realized who this elderly Stone Spirit was, so he cupped
his fists, bowed, and greeted, “Junior Yang Kai greets Elder. Please
don’t mind how I came over to bother you without asking first.”

Zhang Ruo Xi heard this and realized that this Sir was someone of
exceptionally noble status, so she hurriedly bowed and greeted the Elder
as well.

The Elder chuckled with a hearty sound, “It’s no bother at all. We of the
Stone Spirit Clan have been waiting for you for a long time, and today,
you have finally come.”

“Waiting for me?” Yang Kai was surprised, but he soon thought of
something as he turned to glance at Xiao Xiao who was standing next to
him. Yang Kai smiled slightly and patted Xiao Xiao on the shoulder.

Yang Kai thought that it was because of Xiao Xiao that this Stone Spirit
Elder had said he had been waiting for Yang Kai.

“Honoured guest, you have come from afar, and it must have been a
tiring journey. Please come with this old one to rest. Our Stone Spirit
Clan hasn’t had a guest for countless years now.” After the Elder said
this, he turned to walk deeper into the forest without waiting for Yang Kai
to agree.

Although he appeared rather elderly and used a staff, he still seemed

quite agile, not being one bit slower than the other Stone Spirits.

After he left, the other Stone Spirits followed closely after him, although
they all glanced at Yang Kai with curious expressions before they left.

Xiao Xiao pulled on Yang Kai’s hand and whined as he dragged Yang
Kai away.

Yang Kai could only helplessly call Zhang Ruo Xi to follow him.

Not long after they started walking, everyone arrived at a place encircled
by ancient trees. Each of these ancient trees was so wide that it would
take ten people to hug them, and among the tree roots, there were
numerous tree caves that had become natural homes with clear traces of
someone inhabiting them.

Yang Kai felt that this was a fresh experience. He also realized that
these tree homes were likely where the Stone Spirit Clan lived.

This seemed to be only natural since they were capable of transforming

into several tens of metres tall, so no ordinary house would be able to
handle them. These natural tree homes would actually be the best place
for them to rest.

The Stone Spirit Clan had been here for an unknown number of years
already, so all of the tree caves had traces of experiencing numerous
tens of thousands of years of time.

After arriving, the Stone Spirit Elder went directly into a tree cave and

Another Stone Spirit walked over and greeted Yang Kai with one hand
across its chest, “Elder says that the honoured guest should go rest first,
and come talk to him when it’s nighttime.”

Yang Kai glanced at the Stone Spirit, but he couldn’t tell if this Stone
Spirit was the one that Xie Wu Wei had previously captured, since they
all looked the same. No ordinary person would be able to differentiate
them unless that person lived for a long time together with the Stone

Yang Kai copied the Stone Spirit’s behaviour and placed one hand on his
chest as he politely responded, “Many thanks.”

Although he didn’t know why he was supposed to wait until nighttime to

talk, he had come here to find Xiao Xiao, and his wish had been
achieved, so Yang Kai didn’t mind anything else. In fact, Yang Kai didn’t
even need to consider if Xiao Xiao was going to leave with him or not.

Naturally, Yang Kai would be happy if Xiao Xiao was willing to leave with
him, but if Xiao Xiao was unable to abandon his own kind and chose to
stay behind, Yang Kai wouldn’t force Xiao Xiao to leave.
Every living being had their own clan, and Yang Kai was truly happy for
Xiao Xiao since the latter was able to find his kind and was no longer

“Treat the guest well,” the Stone Spirit told Xiao Xiao, who scratched his
head before nodding.

The Stone Spirit glanced at Xiao Xiao and slightly sighed before he left. It
seemed to feel rather helpless about Xiao Xiao, who was still just a child.
Still, Xiao Xiao was the only one in the entire Stone Spirit Clan who was
still just a mere child, so it couldn’t be helped if he was somewhat
naughty and willful.

After the Stone Spirit left, Xiao Xiao dragged Yang Kai beneath a huge

This tree also had a tree cave underneath and evidently, it was where
Xiao Xiao lived.

Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi followed him in, but Xiao Xiao suddenly
looked all around and then darted outside. It was unknown what he had
gone to do.

A moment later, an angry roar could be heard from within a nearby tree
cave, “Little One, you’re being naughty again! Do you think I’ll not report
this to Elder so that he will punish you!?”


After the earth shook for some time, Xiao Xiao returned a moment later
with two stone chairs on his shoulder. He tossed the stone chairs on the
ground and kept shouting something as he looked at Yang Kai.

Ruo Xi couldn’t help but cover her mouth and smile, since she
understood that Xiao Xiao had likely run out to steal these two stone
chairs from another Stone Spirit.

Even Yang Kai couldn’t keep a straight expression as he exchanged

glances with Ruo Xi, flicking his sleeves and sitting down with a smile.
He glanced around and found that this tree cave was completely empty
inside. While it wasn’t small at all, and was in fact even larger than an
ordinary home, it didn’t have any decorations inside. There weren’t even
any tables or chairs.

However, a few stone sculptures did attract Yang Kai’s attention.

These stone sculptures seemed rather rough, and it was evident that the
sculptor wasn’t skilled; however, it was still possible to vaguely tell that
these sculptures were all of a single man.

From left to right, the sculptures became better and better in quality. The
last sculpture even had clear facial features.

Ruo Xi looked at them for a while until she had a sudden realization as
she exclaimed, “Sir, these are sculptures of you!”

Although even the last sculpture didn’t resemble Yang Kai in the
slightest, Zhang Ruo Xi still acutely sensed that this sculpture was based
on him.

Xiao Xiao kept jumping up and down as he ran over to the best-looking
sculpture and picked it up. He then ran over and placed it in front of Yang
Kai, as if he was offering a treasure. Xiao Xiao pointed at himself and
then pointed at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai’s heart was rather moved as he looked at the sculpture with a
stunned face. He didn’t hold back on the praise as he exclaimed, “What
a wonderful sculpture, it really looks like me!”

Xiao Xiao instantly jumped a metre high and backflipped in midair when
he received praise. He ran over to the other stone sculptures and
viciously smashed them to pieces in a rampage for seemingly no reason.
It seemed as if he was fine with only having the sculpture that Yang Kai
praised, with the other sculptures not mattering at all.

Xiao Xiao made some ‘wu wu!’ sounds as he kept waving his arms and
gestured frantically.

Yang Kai arched his eyebrows, “You learned all this by yourself?”
Xiao Xiao nodded vigorously again and continued to gesture.

Zhang Ruo Xi quietly watched from the side with a faint smile on her
face. She suddenly discovered that this was quite a warm scene. She
couldn’t understand what Xiao Xiao was gesturing or saying, but Yang
Kai was clearly able to understand Xiao Xiao without any mistakes.

The Human and Stone Spirit kept communicating with each other in the
cave with their special means. Although they were simply chatting about
trivial matters, they seemed to have a lot of fun.

The battles of the outside world seemed to be matters of the distant past
here in this primaeval forest far away from all hustle and bustle. It was as
if nothing from outside could possibly invade this place.

Ruo Xi could tell that Yang Kai had an excellent relationship with the
Stone Spirit in front of him, named Xiao Xiao. Ruo Xi had never seen him
being so patient before, as he was treating Xiao Xiao like his own child
while being filled with generosity and magnanimity.

It would be quite nice if things could always remain like this. If Sir was
willing to stay here, she would happily stay here as well, even if she had
to live secluded from the rest of the world.

The sound of laughter kept coming from the tree cave as time swiftly

Soon, it became nighttime as the sky gradually darkened.

A Stone Spirit walked in from outside as it placed its hand on its chest,
“Honoured guest, Elder is inviting you to a banquet.”

[A banquet?]

Yang Kai paused in surprise. Although Elder had told him during the day
to come at nighttime to talk, Yang Kai hadn’t expected that they would
actually prepare a celebration to welcome him.

He felt like he was being somewhat spoiled as he hurriedly got up and

said, “Elder is truly thoughtful. I shall come immediately.”
The Stone Spirit nodded and turned to leave.

Xiao Xiao no longer gestured at Yang Kai and instead pulled on his hand
to drag him outside.

“Xiao Xiao, do you guys have any rules here I should be aware of?”
Yang Kai asked as he walked.

The Stone Spirit Clan counted as an ancient species that had always
been living in the deepest portion of the Ancient Wild Lands. This was
Yang Kai’s first time here, so he was afraid that he would accidentally
break some taboo and make them angry, so he naturally wanted to ask
so that he could be aware of and follow the customs here.

However, Xiao Xiao only shook his head without saying anything else, as
if he was trying to be mysterious. Yang Kai felt rather helpless about this.

They exited the tree cave’s entrance then and Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo
Xi raised their heads to see a sight that caused a light to flash across
their eyes.

“How beautiful!” Ruo Xi couldn’t help but exclaim in astonishment. The

night sky at this Ancient Wild Lands was so beautiful that one could get
addicted, and the ancient trees in the area had fireflies flying between
them, spreading a colourful glow everywhere they went. It seemed as if
mystic beams of light were flying around and illuminating this place like
the so-called ‘fairy realm’.

Ruo Xi’s eyes were shooting stars as she now really wanted to just live
here and never leave again.

Little girls typically had very little resistance against such beauty.

Yang Kai had also stayed many nights in the Ancient Wild Lands
already, but no place had been as wondrously beautiful as this place
where the Stone Spirits lived. He couldn’t help but exclaim over the
miracles that nature could create.
Chapter 2578 - Wood Spirit Clan

Yang Kai followed Xiao Xiao towards the front and soon arrived at an
empty area.

Eight Stone Spirits were already gathered here, all standing behind a
table with stone plates on them that seemed to have been locally crafted.

Behind the stone tables were some stone chairs.

The ancient Stone Spirit Elder was already sitting at the head of the
stone table, smiling widely as he looked in Yang Kai’s direction.

When Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi followed Xiao Xiao here, the Stone
Spirits standing at both sides all paid their respects to them, which made
Yang Kai feel really awkward. He and Zhang Ruo Xi could only
constantly pay their respects in return. All of these Stone Spirits had
been alive for countless years already, so it could be said that they were
older than almost everyone in the Star Boundary, and Yang Kai couldn’t
be rude in front of them.

Two empty stone seats were next to Elder, obviously prepared for Yang
Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi.

When they got closer, Elder raised his hand and announced, “Our two
Honoured Guests, please have a seat!”

Yang Kai excused himself as he walked over to the stone table next to
Elder and sat down. Ruo Xi saw this and could only sit down quietly on
the other side.

Meanwhile, Xiao Xiao ran to the back and sat at the other end of the
table together with the other Stone Spirits. He kept acting naughty, which
caused the Stone Spirit next to him to knock him with its hand and make
a clamorous sound. This instantly made Xiao Xiao start behaving.

“It is our Stone Spirit Clan’s honour to receive guests from afar and
dedicate this banquet to them. Please don’t mind that our fare isn’t very
fancy,” Elder laughed with an uproarious voice that was as loud as
thunder which rattled the eardrums.
Yang Kai got up and replied, “Elder, you’re being too kind. It is my
honour to receive such treatment from your clan. I wouldn’t dare to mind

Elder smiled and nodded, indicating for Yang Kai to sit before he
continued, “My Stone Spirit Clan has few clansmen. Those you see here
are all that remains of my clansmen. Everyone, introduce yourselves to
our honoured guest so that he can tell you apart.”

“Yes!” The Stone Spirits all responded and got up in unison as they
greeted Yang Kai. The first one introduced himself by saying, “Shi Yi!”

“Shi Er!”

“Shi San!”

“Shi Ba!”

Yang Kai was so stunned that his face couldn’t stop twitching.

These Stone Spirits had really simple names, as all of them were named
with numbers. When counting Elder and Xiao Xiao, there were still only
ten Stone Spirit clansmen in total. They really were ridiculously few in

More importantly, the Stone Spirits’ self-introductions weren’t very useful.

Yang Kai kept glancing between them and felt like they all looked
identical. He couldn’t tell who was who at all.

Although he couldn’t differentiate between them, he still had to be polite,

so Yang Kai greeted them all and acted as if he remembered them, but
to be honest, he couldn’t identify a single one.

After the eight Stone Spirits finished introducing themselves, Elder

chuckled and said, “My Stone Spirit Clan has never had more than ten
members before. One will definitely die if we exceed ten. That is the Will
of the Heavens.”
Yang Kai exclaimed in astonishment, “Your clan has never had more
than ten clansmen before?”

Elder nodded, “Indeed!”

Yang Kai had a sudden realization, [No wonder why only Xiao Xiao had
hatched successfully back when I obtained two Stone Spirit Embryos. I
was forced to refine the other one with my Soul Clone in order to help it

At the time, he thought that he had been unlucky, but now it seemed that
it was actually related to Heavens Will, rather than any problem with how
he raised them.

He wondered how the Stone Spirits would react if he let Embodiment

come out right now.

Elder then continued, “Even though we have few clansmen, we have no

conflict with the world, which is how we survived until now. It must seem
silly to our honoured guest.”

Yang Kai hurriedly waved his hand.

“Haha, I think that is enough idle chat. Let’s begin the evening party,”
Elder chuckled and continued in a hearty voice, “This place is simple and
has nothing to treat you with apart from some spirit fruits and spirit wine. I
hope you will not mind it, Honoured Guest.”

“I wouldn’t dare disapprove!” Yang Kai had a confused look as he


Elder was talking about giving him some spirit fruits and spirit wine, but
Yang Kai didn’t see anything on the table at all. Besides, all ten
clansmen of the Stone Spirit Clan were here, so who would bring the
plates of food and wine? Yang Kai glanced around but saw that the other
nine Stone Spirits, Xiao Xiao included, were just sitting there without
moving. In fact, all their eyes were filled with expectation as they looked
at the deep part of the forest.
[What is going on?] Yang Kai’s mind was filled with doubts, but he could
only quietly watch to see what would happen.

*Pa pa!* Elder suddenly clapped twice, as if he was summoning


The trees in the area suddenly glowed with many different brilliant
colours, as if ribbons of light had come alive between the tree crowns
and the forest.

It seemed as if numerous dainty figures started flying in the hazy light, all
of them moving along the coloured ribbons like they were descending
from the Heavens above, a scene of indescribable beauty.

Yang Kai instantly widened his eyes when he saw the numerous tiny
people about the size of his palm mysteriously appear. These small
people didn’t seem to have physical bodies as they glowed brilliantly and
had dainty and exquisite figures, like they were carved from the purest

The forest instantly became lively as several hundred of these tiny

people poured out from all directions. There were both males and
females, with the men having clean faces and handsome appearances,
and the women having beautiful features. The women also wore tiny
dresses that exposed their exquisite arms and legs to show their snow-
white skin.

These tiny beings were all carrying various things as they flew to the
stone table and placed their objects down.

Soon, the stone table was covered in stone cups, wine barrels, and
baskets of fragrant spirit fruits. These baskets had likely been woven
from vines, as they seemed quite exquisitely crafted, with each small
basket being filled with various different spirit fruits that had already been
cleaned and were ready to eat.

Yang Kai and Ruo Xi had never seen such beings before, so neither of
them even blinked in their astonishment.
A small female fairy flew over to Yang Kai and put down the basket that
was in her arms, raising her head to see that Yang Kai was staring right
at her with eyes wide open, so her cheeks immediately became bright
red as she covered her face and retreated. It seemed like she was
incredibly embarrassed, which made Yang Kai feel rather apologetic
since he felt like he had scared her.

Meanwhile, Zhang Ruo Xi reached out with a finger and poked a small
female on the face, but the latter unexpectedly slapped away her finger,
pursed her lips, and angrily left.

Ruo Xi couldn’t help but stick out her tongue. Still, her beautiful eyes kept
staring unceasingly at these tiny people.

These beautiful small beings naturally attracted a great deal of her

interest and she secretly felt like it would be nice if she could take a few
back with her to raise.

“Elder, they are…” Yang Kai finally managed to regain his senses as he
turned to look at the Stone Spirit Elder.

Elder chuckled, “They are the Wood Spirit Clan, who coexist
symbiotically with our Stone Spirit Clan. They are our Stone Spirit Clan’s
most reliable ally!” He paused for a moment before adding, “Our Stone
Spirit Clan needs their assistance for many things, while the Wood Spirit
Clan isn’t skilled at fighting, so it is difficult for them to survive in the
Ancient Lands. They need our clan’s protection, so we mutually assist
each other.”

Yang Kai understood as he nodded, “So, that’s how it is.”

These small people definitely didn’t seem like they were skilled at
combat, and it was likely that any random Monster Beast would be able
to kill a large number of them. The Ancient Lands were a dangerous
place, so if this clan wanted to survive, they would have to rely on
someone strong.

Obviously, they had chosen to rely on the Stone Spirit Clan.

Yang Kai had truly learned much on his trip to the Ancient Lands. Not
only did he meet all of Xiao Xiao’s clansmen, he even met this wondrous
Wood Spirit Clan. Any ordinary person likely wouldn’t even know of the
existence of these two races.

As they were talking, a small Wood Spirit who seemed different from the
others somehow flew over. She was wearing clearly more extravagant
clothing than the others, and her aura was nobler and purer as well. Her
exquisite face actually possessed a pearly white glow that made her
seem divine and untouchable. She also had a strange crown on her

Elder introduced her, “This is the Wood Spirit Clan’s Clan Head, Mu Na.”

Yang Kai hurriedly got up, “Yang Kai greets Senior Mu!”

Although this Wood Spirit Clan Head was only as large as his palm,
which made her seem rather cute and unimposing, since she was the
Clan Head of her entire clan, she was obviously someone who had been
alive for an unknown number of years already. It was only natural to
address her as Senior.

Mu Na smiled gently and raised her hand, “Since you are the Stone Spirit
Clan’s guest, you are my Wood Spirit Clan’s guest as well. Now that
you’re here, treat this as your own home; there’s no need to be

Elder smiled, “Normally, it’s quite difficult to be able to eat the Wood
Spirit Clan’s spirit fruit and spirit wine. It’s thanks to our Honoured Guest
today that we get to fill our stomachs.”

Mu Na covered her mouth and smiled, “Elder, you shouldn’t blatantly say
such a ridiculous thing. Our Wood Spirit Clan has never been stingy with
our spirit fruits and spirit wine to you.”

When the Stone Spirits heard this, they all chuckled, making it obvious
that they often obtained food and drink from the Wood Spirit Clan.

Yang Kai could tell that these two species didn’t have a simple
relationship of protection and reliance. Otherwise, it would have been
impossible for Elder and the Wood Spirit Clan Head to have such a
casual conversation.

Elder raised his hand, “Since our Honoured Guest has come all the way
here, during such a fortuitous time, we shall drink until we are drunk!”

The other Stone Spirits all instantly began to cry and howl as they made
loud banging noises on the stone table. It was as if they were about to
head out for war and slaughter, which made Yang Kai’s heart tremble.
He couldn’t figure out how such a violent species like the Stone Spirit
Clan could coexist peacefully with the Wood Spirit Clan.

Even Xiao Xiao was going crazy with excitement.

More than ten female Wood Spirits instantly flew out from the side and
went up to each guest as they struggled with the wine barrels and
prepared to fill everyone’s stone cups.

The female Wood Spirit who came over to serve Yang Kai seemed to be
the same one who flew away in embarrassment because he had been
staring at her earlier. Yang Kai couldn’t help but feel sorry for her when
he saw how difficult it was for her to pick up the wine barrel, so he
hurriedly said, “I can do it by myself. There’s no need to trouble yourself.”

After he said that, the female Wood Spirit couldn’t help but look at him as
her eyes instantly reddened with tears flowing in her eyes. She really
seemed quite pitiful.

Yang Kai broke out into a cold sweat as he didn’t know what he had said
wrong and hurriedly pleaded for help with his expression as he looked at

Elder chuckled, “Although the Wood Spirit Clan generally dislikes

strangers, anyone who can become their guest will see their
determination to be gracious hosts. Their most basic etiquette is about
serving wine to their guests, so if a guest refuses, that means they
haven’t done well enough, and the server will end up being excluded by
all their clansmen.”
Chapter 2579 - Banquet

“Ah!” Yang Kai was really shocked when he heard this, as this was a
rather severe consequence. He originally only wanted to spare the small
Wood Spirit from overexerting herself, so he never expected that this
would cause her to be excluded by all her clansmen. He hurriedly took
back his offered hand rather awkwardly and smiled apologetically at the
small Wood Spirit, “Then I shall be troubling you!”

Only then did the small Wood Spirit continue to pick up the wine barrel
and fill the stone cup in front of him before she quietly flew to the side.

Elder raised his stone cup and heartily announced, “The bright moon is
in the sky and the Honoured Guests are like jade. This Elder represents
the Stone Spirit and Wood Spirit Clans in toasting our guests! Honoured
Guests, please drink to your fill!”

The Stone Spirits all raised their stone cups up high and gestured at
Yang Kai as they followed Elder’s actions.

Yang Kai hurriedly rose up and toasted everyone around him. He then
poured the delicious wine down his throat in one gulp. Only then did he
turn over the stone cup to indicate that he no longer had any wine.

The Stone Spirits all drank the wine in their cups and shook their heads
with expressions of delight. It seemed that this wine was incredibly
delicious to them.

“Honoured Guest, please sit down!” Elder made a gesture, indicating

Yang Kai to sit after he drank his wine. Only then did Yang Kai sit down

The wine in his stomach really did taste exceptional. Its flavour kept
swirling around endlessly in his mouth as he enjoyed the memory of
drinking it. Even someone like Yang Kai, who wasn’t that fond of alcohol,
was feeling refreshed all over after drinking this wine. He wondered just
what type of winemaking techniques the Wood Spirit Clan possessed.

After enjoying the wine, Clan Head Mu Na, who had been standing by
Elder’s side all this time, suddenly clapped her hands lightly.
Twenty or so Wood Spirits instantly flew to the centre of the clearing. Half
of the Wood Spirits were holding small and exquisite musical
instruments. Nobody was conducting for them, but the sound of flutes
and violin filled the air alongside the percussion of a strange wooden
drum. It was as if the mountains and rivers themselves were playing
music, and it was extremely pleasant to the ear. The Wood Spirits kept
playing their instruments as the wonderful music echoed in the beautiful

The other half of the Wood Spirits began to flit about and dance lightly
with the musical melody. It was truly a sight that was completely foreign
to Yang Kai; a completely different kind of culture.

What Yang Kai and Zhang Ruo Xi saw and heard seemed to contain a
mystical effect that could cleanse the heart and soul, so the two guests
instantly calmed down as they kept watching everything.

This was especially so for Ruo Xi. Her eyes seemed to glimmer as the
more she watched the Wood Spirits, the more she liked them.

The Stone Spirit Elder was also smiling as he watched them. He would
caress his stone beard and gently nod whenever he saw something

The small Wood Spirit refilled Yang Kai’s wine once again, but he didn’t
even notice. He only felt as if his entire body and Soul had been sucked
towards the music and dance, giving him a calm experience like never
before. All idle thoughts in his heart had vanished completely.

Yang Kai didn’t return to his senses for a long while even after the dance

However, a nearby commotion shocked him out of his reverie, and when
he turned to look at what it was, his face instantly twitched.

The nine other Stone Spirits, Xiao Xiao included, were actually all eating
ravenously as if they had been starving since they were born. All of them
were gulping wine voraciously from their wine barrels. The delicious wine
that ordinary people would never be able to see in their lifetime was
spilling down from their mouths onto their chests, wasting countless
litres. The Stone Spirits were drinking the delicious wine while grabbing
the spirit fruits in the wooden baskets in front of them, stuffing the fruits
into their mouths, and chewing wildly…

The nine Wood Spirits nearby serving them wine all had looks of
awkwardness as they watched the Stone Spirits.

These two species put together seemed like a team of graceful beauties
and utter barbarians. It was quite a powerful visual contrast.

Elder and Clan Head Mu Na seemed to be accustomed to all this as they

both watched everything with slight smiles without saying a word.

Yang Kai decided to also quietly taste the spirit fruits.

The spirit fruits raised by the Wood Spirit Clan and the spirit wine they
made were not only delicious, but they also seemed to have the
miraculous effect of cleansing the mind and Soul. Yang Kai was really
astonished by this as he secretly felt that if a person with dissonance in
their cultivation could obtain such a thing, perhaps the dissonance could
be significantly eased.

After several rounds of food and drink, the atmosphere became much

Two Stone Spirits that had become shaky from drinking suddenly stood
up from their seats and walked to the central area with large steps. Yang
Kai didn’t know which ‘Shi numbers’ they were, since they looked pretty
much identical.

The instrument-playing and dancing Wood Spirits seemed to know what

was about to happen, so they all hurriedly avoided the two Stone Spirits
and flew out of the central area as they smiled and watched the show.

Yang Kai and Ruo Xi didn’t know what the two Stone Spirits wanted to
do, so they watched with great interest.

The two Stone Spirits in the central area exchanged glances for a while
before they suddenly roared angrily in unison and charged at each other.
There was a huge boom as the two Stone Spirits crashed into one
another like two mountains smashing together. One Stone Spirit grabbed
the other’s neck with both hands, while the other had both hands
grabbing onto his opponent’s waist. Both of them stood right where they
were with legs wide open as their legs kept kicking at each other. It
seemed as if they had absolutely irreconcilable enmity with the other,
and truly wanted to kill each other.

Yang Kai was truly shocked and afraid that these two behemoths would
forget themselves in the battle and accidentally injure the nearby tiny
Wood Spirits; however, the small Wood Spirits actually seemed to really
enjoy the battle as they even shouted loudly to cheer on the two Stone

After quite a while, Yang Kai finally understood that the two Stone Spirits
were apparently play wrestling with each other.

However, the Stone Spirit Clan possessed incredible physical strength,

so there were no other species that would be able to play such barbaric
wrestling. Every clash made his eyes widen, yet the two species’
clansmen felt that this was completely normal.

After quite a while passed, one Stone Spirit found an opportunity to trip
the other’s foot as he exerted force with both hands and knocked his
opponent onto the ground, which caused dust to fly everywhere.

“Hou!” The victorious Stone Spirit roared at the sky and energetically
slammed his fists on his chest in an incredibly arrogant manner.

Another nearby Stone Spirit wasn’t able to take this as he immediately

jumped to the central area and began to fight with the winning Stone

Stone Spirits were constantly eliminated in battle, and as more and more
were eliminated, the atmosphere kept getting more heated to the point
where even the Wood Spirits seemed to forget themselves as they flew
to the central area and kept shouting as they circled the two fighting
Stone Spirits.
Yang Kai also enjoyed himself as he watched the commotion. His
emotions were stoked as well as he also shouted to support the Stone

However, trouble came for him as he watched.

Eight adult Stone Spirits had been eliminated by now, and when the final
victorious Stone Spirit saw that he had no opponents left, he actually
turned to Yang Kai and made a hand gesture for him to come up and
fight him.

“Me?” Yang Kai pointed at his own nose and hurriedly waved his hand,
“No, no, I’m fine with just watching.”

[Me wrestle them? What a joke! It would take a masochist to want to

wrestle against a Stone Spirit!] Yang Kai had already tested Xiao Xiao’s
immense strength long ago, and he could say for certain that in a pure
contest of physical power, even ten of him wouldn’t be an opponent for a
single Stone Spirit.

However, the Stone Spirit didn’t give him any face at all and insisted on
waving at him to come and compete. When he saw that Yang Kai didn’t
want to come forward, he actually waved his large stone hand widely.

A dozen or so small Wood Spirits immediately flew over and surrounded

Yang Kai. Without giving him a chance to say anything, they directly
lifted him up and brought him to the central area.

“You …” Yang Kai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. For the first time,
he felt that these small Wood Spirits weren’t actually cute at all.

After setting Yang Kai down in the central area, the small Wood Spirits
all scattered outside with expectant expressions.

Yang Kai turned to look at Elder and the Wood Spirit Clan Head with a
pleading expression.

Elder just laughed heartily though, obviously having no intent of helping

Yang Kai. However, Mu Na said in a gentle tone, “Honoured Guest, you
may use all of your might without any worries.”
Yang Kai felt rather helpless since even she was saying things to such
an extent.

He estimated that if he used his Dragon Transformation Secret

Technique, perhaps he would be able to compete with the Stone Spirit…

Before he even finished planning though, the Stone Spirit actually roared
angrily while pouncing at him as he grabbed Yang Kai’s arm and tripped
his foot.

Yang Kai was stunned as he felt the world around him spinning as he
heavily crashed into the ground.

After the Stone Spirit succeeded in throwing Yang Kai, he raised his
arms up high while crying and howling, acting like he was undefeatable
and that nobody would dare to challenge him.

Yang Kai crawled up from the ground, covered his face, and backed
away as he slunk back to his seat.

This was so embarrassing. He wasn’t an opponent at all! When

competing only in strength, it seemed unlikely that anyone would
possibly be stronger than a Stone Spirit.

The little Wood Spirit, who was serving Yang Kai wine, glanced at him
sympathetically and poured him another cup in silence.

Seeing that Yang Kai suffered a loss, Xiao Xiao, who had not taken to
the field yet, was furious. He suddenly rushed to the centre of the field
and rolled up his imaginary sleeves, as if he wanted to avenge Yang Kai,
but he was the youngest and smallest Stone Spirit, so when facing the
adult Stone Spirit, he could only insist on three breaths of time before
being thrown out, hitting the outside with a bang.

The banquet was lively, with the two races getting along joyously and
enjoying each other’s company.

After the first round of play wrestling, the Stone Spirits began another
round, using all their might.
After eating such a loss, Yang Kai reaffirmed that he would not try to
compete against any of the Stone Spirits anymore, and just sat aside
and watched quietly.

During the second half of the night, the Stone Spirits were still making
noise. It seemed that they hadn’t celebrated like this in a long time, and
looking at how they were acting, it was likely that this was going to
continue until dawn. Meanwhile, most of the Wood Spirits were already
exhausted, their heads bobbing up and down, almost dozing off.

The small Wood Spirit, who had been standing next to Yang Kai,
suddenly flew to his side and leaned on his ear and said something

Yang Kai looked ahead and saw that Stone Spirit Elder and Wood Spirit
Clan Head over there had gotten up and walked towards a large tree
cave not far away. While they moved, Mu Na gave him a meaningful

Yang Kai understood and hurriedly stood up, quietly sending a message
to Zhang Ruo Xi, telling her to stay put for now.

When he stood at the entrance of the tree cave, Elder had already gone
in, leaving just Mu Na waiting outside. When she saw Yang Kai, she
extended her hand and gestured, “Please enter!”

Yang Kai didn’t know what these two clan heads wanted from him, but
he did not ask any questions and followed along, entering the tree cave.

This tree cave seemed to be bigger and older than the others.

Yang Kai looked around before asking, “What can I do for you, Elder?”

Elder turned back and gestured with his hand for Yang Kai to sit down so
they could talk.

After Yang Kai took his seat, Elder asked, “Are you here to take Shi Jiu
Shi Jiu was Xiao Xiao’s given name in the Stone Spirit Clan, since he
was the youngest.

[So, it was about this…] Yang Kai understood and smiled, “If he is willing
to leave with me, and if Elder is willing to allow him to leave, I will surely
take him away. I will not lie to you, Elder, I came to the Ancient Wild
Lands this time specifically to look for him, and to check up on his well

Elder gave a gentle nod, indicating that he understood Yang Kai’s


Yang Kai continued, “However, if he wishes to remain here with you, I

will not force him to leave with me. It has always been a wish of mine to
have him meet with his own kind, so now that he has found his
clansmen, and they are willing to accept him, I see no reason to take him
away. I would actually like for him to stay here.”
Chapter 2580 - Divine Spirit Natural Enemy

“Honoured Guest, you are truly kind. Forgive this Elder for being overly
suspicious and pessimistic,” Elder smiled lightly, stroking his beard.

Yang Kai added, “Actually, I hoped that Xiao Xiao could stay and live
with you from the start. I am already satisfied by the fact that I found

Exactly as he said, since Xiao Xiao had found his clan, it was far better
for him to live with his clansmen than to remain alone with Yang Kai. All
the living beings in the world, no matter what kind, were social creatures.
If they remained alone, they would lose their minds sooner or later.

Elder and Mu Na glanced at each other before lightly nodding, seemingly

agreeing with Yang Kai.

Mu Na then asked with a smile, “Honoured Guest, I wonder if you have

heard of the Blood Gate?”

Yang Kai furrowed his brow, having no idea why they suddenly switched
the topic to this, but he still replied with a nod, “I knew nothing about it
before coming to the Ancient Lands, but I happened to have heard of the
legends regarding the Blood Gate a few days ago.”

Mu Na’s beautiful eyes lit up as she continued, “Honoured Guest, since

you know about it, then this saves this Queen the trouble of explaining it
to you.”

Yang Kai asked in amazement, “What does the Blood Gate have to do
with you?”

Mu Na didn’t speak this time, but turned to look at the Stone Spirit Elder,
who replied in a grim voice, “The Blood Gate is connected to every
creature of the Ancient Lands. In the Ancient Lands, there is a saying: If
one can enter the Blood Gate, he or she can be reborn, stimulating his or
her ancestral bloodline and transforming into a Divine Spirit!”

Xie Wu Wei had said the same thing a few days ago too, so Yang Kai
still remembered it.
Elder continued, “Although most have heard of this rumour, they have no
way to verify it. Only a few people know that it is indeed true.”

Yang Kai’s expression slightly changed as he asked, “Can one’s

ancestral bloodline really be stimulated and he or she truly become a
Divine Spirit after entering the Blood Gate?”

Elder chuckled before replying, “Not necessarily. It’s just a chance, that’s

Yang Kai’s interest was piqued and he immediately asked, “I would like
to hear the details.”

Elder pondered for a moment as he was sorting out his words before
finally speaking, “Most of the Ancient Lands’ creatures are descended
from Ancient Divine Spirits, thus inheriting some proportion of their
ancient bloodline, and only those who fulfil this condition may become a
Divine Spirit after entering the Blood Gate! Furthermore, the process is
extremely dangerous. It could be said that nine out ten would certainly

Mu Na added, “Guest, since you dare to enter the Ancient Wild Lands,
your cultivation cannot be weak, so I assume you have already come
into contact with Source Strength, yes?”

Yang Kai nodded in confirmation. Cultivators would have already come

into contact with the Source Strength in the Dao Source Realm, and he
was already an Emperor Realm Master, so how could he be unfamiliar
with it?

Mu Na continued, “If one wants to become a Divine Spirit and regain the
glory of their ancestors, entering the Blood Gate is just the first step,
nothing more. After entering the Blood Gate, that’s when the real test
begins. Most of the Ancient Lands’ creatures think that entering the
Blood Gate is enough to become a Divine Spirit. Although this isn’t
technically wrong, it is a somewhat naïve interpretation of the truth. They
just know the possible end result, but do not know anything about the
process involved.”
“What kind of test is it then?” Yang Kai tightly frowned, grasping some
idea of the matter quickly.

Elder replied in a heavy voice, “Every Divine Spirit has its own Divine
Spirit Source. Bloodline atavism is one aspect of regaining the status of a
Divine Spirit, but the more important factor is obtaining the recognition of
the Divine Spirit Source. Only after obtaining the acknowledgement and
acceptance of a Divine Spirit Source can one have the opportunity to
become the true Divine Spirit.”

Even though this was a somewhat convoluted explanation, Yang Kai

understood it at once.

A Divine Spirit Source was a very peculiar existence. For instance, the
Phoenix True Fire was a Fire Phoenix Source. If someone could get the
Phoenix True Fire, he or she might have a great chance to become a
Fire Phoenix, like in Liu Yan’s case, but whether she could succeed or
not depended on her luck. If she couldn’t get the Phoenix True Fire’s
recognition, it would be disastrous for Liu Yan. This was a kind of test for

In other words, if one wanted to become a Divine Spirit, Bloodline Power

and the Divine Spirit Source were indispensable.

Yang Kai was stunned and hesitatingly asked, “Do you mean that there
are Divine Spirit Sources inside the Blood Gate?”

Elder and Mu Na glanced at each other, feeling a little surprised. They

felt that Yang Kai was too sharp, as he had arrived at this conclusion
with only these few clues.

Elder agreed with a nod, “That’s right. There are Divine Spirit Sources
inside the Blood Gate. If someone has the opportunity to enter it, he or
she could attempt to merge with one, and if he or she succeeds, they
can then really become a Divine Spirit. But if he or she can’t, then they
would meet their end.”

“How can there be Divine Spirit Sources inside the Blood Gate?” Yang
Kai was dumbfounded.
Elder replied with a bitter smile, “Because the Blood Gate is just an
entrance. There is a Divine Spirit Palace inside the Blood Gate, where
many Divine Spirit Sources are stored. It could be said that almost all
Sources from the Divine Spirits in ancient times are kept there.”

Yang Kai was greatly shocked again, “How is that possible?”

He suddenly made an educated guess and asked, shocked, “Could it be

that it’s something like the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb, where those
Divine Spirits would enter on their own when their predestined time of
death arrives, leaving their Source Strength after their deaths?”

If not, how could there be countless Divine Spirit Sources inside this so-
called Divine Spirit Palace.

“That’s not the case,” Mu Nu said, shaking her head, “The Heavens are
impartial in all things. Divine Spirits are too strong, and in ancient times,
Humans could not resist them. There were far too many Divine Spirits in
the early eras of the universe, and each of them was incredibly powerful.
Such immense strength led to many of the Ancient Divine Spirits
becoming extremely cruel and violent. They would fight at every turn,
disturbing the world around them and all other creatures in existence.
However, all things in the universe have their nemesis, just like Yin and
Yang counter and balance one another. One day, a peerless Master was
born among the Humans, one who possessed a natural ability to restrain
Divine Spirits. It could be said that the individual was the natural enemy
of all Divine Spirits. That Master spent countless years executing
rampant Divine Spirits and taking away their Sources to seal in the
Divine Spirit Palace. Then, that peerless Master sealed the Divine Spirit
Palace and hid it inside the Blood Gate, cutting off the inheritance of
those Divine Spirits, preventing them from continuing to spread their

“The Divine Spirit’s natural enemy!” Yang Kai gasped in shock. He had
never expected that such a person could have existed in this world. How
strong would someone like that have to be?

Nu Ma solemnly added, “Although that Master was strong according to

the legends, that Master’s strength didn’t exceed that of the Masters of
that generation by much. Rather, it was due to that Master’s innate ability
to suppress Divine Spirits that they were able to achieve what they had.
No Divine Spirit could pose any resistance when facing that Master, and
their lives were all up to that Master to preside over! Therefore, there are
lots of Divine Spirit Sources inside the Divine Spirit Palace. That person
was called Heaven’s Order, enforcing justice on behalf of the Heavens.
Heaven’s Order wielded the Heaven’s Order Sword, and wherever that
Master went, Divine Spirits retreated. Everyone trembled at the mere
mention of ‘Heaven’s Order.’”

[Heaven’s Order!]

Yang Kai memorized it and lightly nodded, but soon, he suspiciously

asked again, “How do you know about such ancient matters?”

Mu Na glanced at Elder, who chuckled and explained, “If you want to talk
about lifespan, I’m afraid there is no race in this world that can live longer
than my Stone Spirit Clan. These things have been passed down word
for word from one generation to another in my Stone Spirit Clan, which is
just a matter of the last two generations, that’s all.”

[Last two generations!?] the corners of Yang Kai’s lips twitched when he
realized that this Stone Spirit Elder was an even older monster than he
originally thought, probably hundreds of thousands of years old already.
It was no wonder he looked so aged!

Yang Kai took a deep breath, calming his throbbing heart, before
curiously asking, “Elder and Matriarch, for what reason did you call me
here and specifically tell me about this?”

Elder suddenly looked at him with a serious expression on his face

before speaking in an earnest voice, “This Elder would like to request
Honorable Guest’s help to retrieve a certain Divine Spirit Source left by
my Stone Spirit Clan’s ancestor.”

Yang Kai was stunned, “Elder, your Stone Spirit Clan’s ancestor was a
Divine Spirit!?”
Elder nodded, “Yes. The Stone Spirit Clan’s ancestor was known as Tai
Yue. In the past, because he offended Heaven’s Order, he was killed.
Heaven’s Order then collected his Source Strength and sealed it in the
Divine Spirit Palace.”

Yang Kai’s facial features twitched, “But why do you think that I can help
you? I don’t understand this point at all. Furthermore, something unusual
is happening at the Blood Gate now and the Monster Race’s Four Great
Venerables are keeping a close eye on it. It won’t be easy to enter the
Blood Gate under these circumstances.”

Mu Na agreed, “We naturally know this. The change of the Blood Gate is
a sign from the Heavens. If it weren’t for this, we too wouldn’t have come
up with this plan.”

Elder added with a sigh, “Although the Stone Spirit Clan is strong, it has
not been easy for us to continue surviving. Because of the extraordinary
strength and abilities we wield, the Ancient Land’s Four Great Divine
Venerables have always wanted to subdue us for their own use. Some
time ago, the Four Great Divine Venerables gave us an ultimatum, that if
our clans did not surrender to them, we would be completely destroyed.
If our clans want to resist, we can only do so if we have power equal to
theirs, and the Blood Gate is our last chance.”

Yang Kai furrowed his brow. He knew that the Stone Spirit Clan had no
other option, so they considered the Blood Gate, wanting to regain Tai
Yue’s Source to fight against the Four Great Divine Venerables.

Xiao Xiao was now a member of the Stone Spirit Clan, so the Stone
Spirit Clan’s survival was in line with his interests. Yang Kai couldn’t
ignore their predicament.

After thinking for a while, Yang Kai suggested, “If Elder wants to, I can
take you out of the Ancient Wild Lands. Although the Four Divine
Venerables are powerful, as long as you leave this place, I’m afraid you
will be beyond their reach.”

Elder gave a wry smile before stating, “We can’t leave our homeland,
please forgive me.”
He was rejected.

Mu Na stated, “Elder wants Shi Jiu to inherit the power of Tai Yue. If he
succeeds, then Shi Jiu will be the new Tai Yue. By then, he will have the
strength to protect the Stone Spirit and Wood Spirit Clans. Shi Jiu was
raised by you, so you must also want what’s best for him, am I right?”

[Why does it feel that I’m being led into a trap?] Yang Kai couldn’t help
but grumble in his heart; however, hearing that Elder wanted Xiao Xiao
to inherit Tai Yue’s power, Yang Kai was inevitably a little tempted.

If Xiao Xiao could really inherit Tai Yue’s power, he would be a new
Divine Spirit.

Although moved, Yang Kai still solemnly asked, “Why are you letting
Xiao Xiao inherit Tai Yue’s power? Are there no other candidates?”

Elder replied with a smile, “Shi Jiu is still young and malleable. If he
inherits it, the chances of success will be higher.”

“In other words, there is still a possibility of failure?” Yang Kai furrowed
his brow.

Elder and Mu Na sunk into silence. This question was obviously difficult
to answer.

Yang Kai asked, maintaining a stoic look, “Does Xiao Xiao know about

Elder confirmed with a nod, “I have already consulted Shi Jiu about this,
and he too has agreed.”

Yang Kai unhappily stated, “So to say, even if I don’t help you, you will
still rush into the Blood Gate!?”

“That’s right!” Elder affirmatively replied.

Yang Kai’s expression immediately turned gloomy. Since they had

already decided, then why the hell were they only telling him about this
now? Although he had quite a good impression of the Stone Spirit and
Wood Spirit Clans, Yang Kai didn’t have any deep friendship with them.
If they wanted to court death, Yang Kai could care less about it, but the
point was that Xiao Xiao was involved.

Yang Kai secretly thought. [How about I find a chance to take Xiao Xiao
and run away, saving myself from the trouble of getting mixed up in this
muddy water…]
Chapter 2581 - Heavens’ Will

Seeing the distressed look on Yang Kai’s face, Elder and Mu Na glanced
at each other before they bowed together, pleading, “Honoured Guest,
we request you to help our two clans!”

Yang Kai promptly stepped back and indifferently declared, “You two…
The both of you are asking for the impossible from me.”

Elder shook his head and stated, “It’s not like that. We are just following
the Heavens’ will.”

“The Heaven’s will?” Yang Kai sneered, “Where did this Heavens’ will
come from?”

Elder smiled as he turned sideways and said, pointing at a certain cave

wall, “Honoured Guest, please look.”

Mu Na also waved her hand as a streak of radiant light suddenly flew

out, brightening the imprints on the wall of the cave. The stream of light
remained close to a certain part of the wall, slowly lingering around it,
and as the light shone on the wall, Yang Kai suddenly discovered a set
of extremely old pictures.

In the first picture, a person was sitting cross-legged with a round stone
before him. His finger was stretched out and blood was dripping from his
fingertip down onto the stone. Strangely, the blood dripping from this
man’s fingertip wasn’t red but gold.

Yang Kai stared at it this a daze, but before he could make the heads
and tails of it, his gaze involuntarily shifted to the second picture,
following the movement of the streak of light.

In the second painting, the man was still sitting cross-legged, but there
was a small figure near him this time. The figure was crouching on all
fours, like a monkey, chasing butterflies.

The two pictures were drawn using the simplest of lines and looked
extremely rough, but they vividly expressed the meaning intended.
[Isn’t this Xiao Xiao and me!?] Yang Kai was dumbfounded and couldn’t
believe his eyes. The small figure was clearly Xiao Xiao, and the figure
dripping the golden blood could be none other than him!

[But this… painting has already mottled with time. It’s extremely old, at
least thousands of years… so how can it be of me?]

Yang Kai couldn’t help but find it extremely surreal.

He then looked at the third picture. Yang Kai couldn’t help but have his
pupils shrink at what he saw, because in the third picture, it was the
scene of Xiao Xiao and him fighting side by side, with Xiao Xiao holding
the Heaven Shaking Pillar. The painting was drawn with forceful strokes,
it was vivid and filled with majesty.

The fourth picture seemed to be inside a tunnel with points of light

lingering around it. The space was shattered and Xiao Xiao was falling
into blackness, leaving only his one hand remaining outside, trying to
reach out to grab hold of something.

[This is the scene from the Starlight Corridor, when we entered the Star

In the fifth picture, there were nine more stone men like Xiao Xiao around
him, recuperating in an old and dense forest. There were many smaller
Wood Spirits flying around.

In the sixth picture, the man who was in the first painting seemed to have
found the small figure, reuniting after a long time. They couldn’t hold their
happiness and a bonfire blazed while many Stone Spirits and Wood
Spirits were singing and dancing around them. It completely overlapped
with what happened tonight.

In the seventh picture, there was a huge oval-shaped gate that was as
red as blood. Thousands of creatures of all shapes and sizes were
fighting in the vicinity of the blood-coloured gate, with many injured and
In the eighth picture, the small figure flew over from the horizon and
rushed straight into the blood-coloured gate with the help of the human,
disappearing into it.

In the ninth picture, there was nothing but the blood-coloured door,
leaving everyone in great suspense.

There were a total of nine paintings etched on the walls of this tree, and
although they were a simple outline, they were quite vivid and lifelike.

After having finished observing these pictures, Yang Kai’s mood was a
mess. It took him a long time to recover and lift his head, asking, “What’s
the meaning of this?”

Elder explained, “The Wood Spirit Clan might not be good at fighting, but
the previous Matriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan was proficient in
divination. Before her death, she had a premonition that our two clans
would be annihilated at some point in the future, so she divined a way
out for us at the cost of her remaining life, and what she left was these
nine paintings.”

Mu Na added with a sigh, “For over a thousand years, Elder and I have
been trying to comprehend the meaning of these nine paintings, but we
couldn’t until Shi Jiu came to us from the outside world. His appearance
helped us validate the content of the fifth painting. We then finally knew
that the hope of the two clans wasn’t in the two clans, but rather Shi Jiu
and you, our Honoured Guest.”

Yang Kai’s brow twitched as he asked, “Are you two going to risk all the
lives of your clans on these nine paintings?”

Elder sternly shook his head and stated, “This is Heavens’ will, it’s a
revelation, not a risk! Honoured Guest, we have truly been waiting for
you for a long time!”

Yang Kai was taken aback. When he first saw Elder today, he heard the
same words. At that time, he thought that it was because of Xiao Xiao,
but he hadn’t expected the Elder to have other intentions.
Inside the tree cave, Elder and Mu Na stared at Yang Kai with scorching

Yang Kai spoke with a sigh, “Even if this revelation was left by the last
Matriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan at the cost of her life, it doesn’t say that
we will succeed.” Pointing at the ninth painting, he added, “There is
nothing here.”

Mu Na solemnly stated, “I believe that the previous generation’s

Matriarch would not fire an arrow without purpose. If it was a dead-end,
she would not have left the revelation here. Since she left it, it is meant to
be a guide to show us the right path.”

“Honoured Guest…” Elder exhorted again.

But before he could finish speaking, Yang Kai interrupted him, waving his
hand, “This is no simple matter, I will have to consider it carefully. You
don’t need to say anything more.”

After saying so, Yang Kai turned around and left the tree cave,
regardless of what the other two inside wanted. The outside was still
hustling and bustling with noises and the Wood Spirits and Stone Spirits
were singing and laughing together. Ruo Xi had been dragged on to the
stage by the Wood Spirits and was lithely and gracefully dancing,
drawing applause from the Wood Spirits. Even the eyes of a few Stone
Spirits brightened at the sight of this.

Xiao Xiao was also twisting and turning like crazy, but it really wasn’t that

Yang Kai didn’t bother them. His figure flickered as he returned to Xiao
Xiao’s tree cave, sitting down cross-legged.

Seeing him disappear, Elder heaved a slight sigh, seemingly feeling

sorry about not being able to convince Yang Kai right away.

Mu Na turned her head and stared at the nine paintings for a moment
before suddenly stretching out her hand and waving. When the streak of
light illuminated again, the ninth painting completely changed. The blood-
coloured gate still existed, only a huge stone giant was standing outside,
looking at the world with contempt, like nobody in the world could defeat
him. On his shoulder was a pitch-black giant stick, signifying Xiao Xiao’s

Mu Na asked, “If this was the case, would he have agreed just now?”

Elder replied, “Since it’s a divination, it should only guide the way, and
not show the results. If it was the other way around, he might instead
have become suspicious. He isn’t a fool. Showing the first one was the
best possible choice.”

Mu Na, hearing this, nodded approvingly before she waved her hand
once again, restoring the ninth painting to its original state.

Elder heavily sighed and continued, “We should not have collaborated to
deceive him, but we really have nowhere else to turn. If we want to get
things done, we need help. Naturally, we have to give him a chance to
think about it.”

Mu Na agreed, “Elder is right.”

The two were racking their brains quite hard. How could Yang Kai have
guessed that these two honourable heads of their respective clans would
actually conspire to deceive him? The nine paintings on the tree wall
were the handiwork of Mu Na. It wasn’t some revelation left behind by
the previous generation’s Wood Spirit Clan’s Matriarch.

If Yang Kai came to know of this, he would surely beat them black and

Yang Kai, sitting cross-legged inside the tree cave, was at his wit’s end.
According to his assessment of the situation, his best choice would be to
directly take the two clans away from this place, and if that didn’t work,
he would simply take Xiao Xiao away.

But after hearing Elder talk about the difficulty of leaving their homeland,
he quashed the very notion right then and there. It wasn’t impossible to
take Xiao Xiao away by force, but this way, Xiao Xiao would lose the
opportunity to become the Divine Spirit, Tai Yue.
On the one hand, there was a chance that Xiao Xiao would become a
Divine Spirit, but on the other hand, he would be facing a huge risk. Yang
Kai was in a dilemma.

It all depended on what Xiao Xiao’s wish was.

At dawn, the celebration of the two clans finally ended. The Wood Spirits
then disappeared into the jungle, whereas the Stone Spirits went back to
their respective tree caves.

Ruo Xi and Xiao Xiao walked back together, but when they saw Yang
Kai sitting cross-legged there, Ruo Xi couldn’t help but ponder. She was
so engrossed in the celebratory mood last night that she had no idea
when Yang Kai left.

“Xiao Xiao, come here!” Yang Kai beckoned to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao immediately tottered to his side, curiously looking at him. He

had no idea what Yang Kai wanted to do.

Yang Kai reached out and grasped Xiao Xiao’s hand before he surged
his Divine Sense to communicate with him.

After a while, Yang Kai heaved a sigh, “Are you sure?”

As he had expected, Xiao Xiao truly wanted to enter the Blood Gate.
Elder had already analyzed the pros and cons of it clearly with him, and
he had no intention of forcing things on him.

Xiao Xiao stood up and hammered his fists on his chest, indicating that
he was very strong and wasn’t afraid of anything.

Yang Kai wryly smiled, shaking his head. He pondered for a long while
before finally stating, “Go tell your Elder that I agree to his request.”

Xiao Xiao was confused, obviously having no idea what Yang Kai meant.
Nevertheless, he obediently ran out.

“Sir, did something happen?” Ruo Xi couldn’t help but anxiously ask,
noticing the unsettled look on Yang Kai’s face.
Yang Kai furrowed his brow and replied, without hiding anything, “The
Stone Spirit and Wood Spirit Clans want to send Xiao Xiao into the Blood
Gate to inherit a Divine Spirit Source. So, I am a little worried.”

“Ah!” Ruo Xi immediately exclaimed, covering her mouth, “Enter the

Blood Gate, but over there… right now…”

“Yes, it will be extremely difficult. If I don’t help them, they will not be able
to break through the defences around the Blood Gate for sure, and even
with my help, they might not be able to succeed.”

“Then, Sir, why did you still agree?”

Yang Kai stated, “I will try my best and leave the rest up to the Heavens
to decide as I’m not sure that I can take them away from here.”

Ruo Xi’s eyes flickered before she grit her teeth and suggested, “Then,
I’ll also help.”

Yang Kai glared at her and reprimanded, “No, if we really rush to the
Blood Gate, things will be very dangerous. You’re not… strong enough.
You have to be obedient.”

An aggrieved look appeared on Zhang Ruo Xi’s face, but she didn’t dare
to violate Yang Kai’s command. All she could do was softly agree, “I

Yang Kai glanced at her and gently said, “Since I brought you out from
the Zhang Family, I have the responsibility to guarantee your safety.
When you have advanced to the Emperor Realm, it won’t be too late to
participate in such things.”

“Yes!” Ruo Xi replied, clearly frustrated.

Chapter 2582 - Setting Out

In the Elder’s tree cave, the Stone Spirit Elder and the Wood Spirit Clan’s
Matriarch were overjoyed after having been notified by Xiao Xiao. They
secretly thought that they hadn’t racked their brains in vain; they had
somehow managed to make Yang Kai agree to their two clans’ request.

The two even proactively came to Xiao Xiao’s tree cave together.

Ruo Xi and Xiao Xiao went outside, leaving Yang Kai and two Clan
Heads sitting cross-legged alone.

Elder was chuckling, obviously in a pretty good mood. Mu Na was also

overjoyed and couldn’t conceal this truth.

Only Yang Kai had a dark look on his face, looking quite gloomy.

“Elder, let me say this first, I have agreed to help you, but that is all. If
things take a turn for the worse, I will take Xiao Xiao away right then and
there. As for the rest, you will have to depend on yourselves.”

“But of course!” Elder repeatedly nodded, stroking his stony beard, “If
something really can’t be done, I won’t force it either.”

Yang Kai nodded and then asked, “Since that’s the case, I have nothing
else to add. So, how are we going to proceed?”

Elder and Mu Na glanced at each other before the former replied, “We
will charge straight ahead, sending Shi Jiu into the Blood Gate. That
counts as a plan, doesn’t it?”

Yang Kai’s face twitched hard as he angrily scolded, “Plan!? Plan your
head! The Blood Gate is now being watched by Four Divine Venerables
personally! Eight Great Kings and thirty-two Monster Kings would come
rushing at the first sign of trouble. How are you going to charge

Elder looked a little embarrassed as he stated, “Honoured Guest, aren’t

you proficient in the Dao of Space? Can’t you just take us there?”
Yang Kai’s pupil shrank and he stared dead straight at him and asked,
“Xiao Xiao told you?”

He had never shown any manipulation of Space Principles in front of the

Stone Spirit Clan, but since Elder knew about this, obviously he had
heard it from Xiao Xiao.

Mu Na explained, “Honoured Guest, please don’t be angry. Our clans

don’t have any malicious intentions towards you and we will not divulge
your secret. Also, Shi Jiu didn’t disclose this, it was when Shi Jiu found
us that Elder learned of it from his memories.”

Yang Kai’s voice became colder as he stated, softly sneering, “What

other secrets do the two of you know?”

Elder forced a cough before replying, “We also know that the Honoured
Guest has a magical storage artifact that can take us together without
anyone noticing our presence.”

Yang Kai couldn’t help but roll his eyes as thoughts of silencing these
two suddenly flashed across his mind. He finally understood why these
two clans were asking for his help. Even before that, they never inquired
about his cultivation.

[I have the Sealed World Bead and I am also proficient in the Dao of
Space, so I can indeed bring them to the Blood Gate without anyone
noticing. That’s an advantage no one else has.]

It’s easier to ask for help from your friends and relatives than to ask a

Elder continued, “Our plan is like this, our clansmen will first hide in that
Storage Artifact, then Honoured Guest will use your Space Divine Ability
to lead us to the Blood Gate. After that, it’s our time to work; Honoured
Guest, you don’t need to worry about what follows. As long as we can
get close to the Blood Gate, we have our own way to send Shi Jiu

Yang Kai squinted his eyes and asked, “As far as I know, the Blood Gate
is one of the two Restricted Areas of the Ancient Lands. Normally, no
inhabitant of the Ancient Lands can even get close to it, let alone enter it.
Do you have any solution for that?”

Mu Na replied with a smile, “That’s true, generally, but right now, the
Blood Gate has changed. The restriction has loosened a lot, so it is not a
problem to get close to it. The biggest problem is how to break through
the Blood Gate’s seal.”

Elder proudly added, “We have ten Masters of immense strength. If my

entire Stone Spirit Clan makes a move together, we can smash through
any seal!”

Yang Kai’s face turned ugly as he asked, “Do you want to use brute

Elder asked, raising his brows, “Is there something wrong with that?”

Yang Kai face-palmed before turning to Mu Na and asking, “Matriarch,

the Stone Spirit Clan’s intelligence has always been so, so that’s fine, but
why are you agreeing with this too?”

Mu Na asked, wryly smiling, “Is there a better way?”

Yang Kai was rendered speechless as he realized that the two tribes had
no decent plans at all. They were simply going to use brute force to bend
the situation to their will. Forced by the Four Great Divine Venerables,
they had no choice but to take such a risk. If Xiao Xiao could really
inherit Tai Yue’s power and become an Ancient Divine Spirit, he could
naturally shelter the two clans under the noses of the Four Great Divine

To put it bluntly, the two clans were at an impasse; it was a do or die

situation for them.

After staring blankly for a while, Yang Kai stated, “Perhaps I can attempt
to tear open the Blood Gate’s seal. Since the Divine Spirit Palace is
sealed inside the Blood Gate, there must be a small world inside. My
comprehension of Space Principles might give me the ability to tear open
the boundary of that small world.”
When Elder heard this, he immediately spoke, rubbing his hands,
“Honoured Guest, if you succeed, that will naturally be best, but if it
doesn’t work, we will have to use brute force.”

Elder had always given Yang Kai a sense of wisdom, but now it seemed
that a Stone Spirit was still a Stone Spirit. Even if they lived long enough,
they would not get any wiser and would always advocate violence to
solve their problems. The Wood Spirit Clan must have been having a
hard time interacting with them over all the years they lived together.

“When are we leaving?” Yang Kai asked, looking at the two.

“This matter should not be delayed. We have to go sooner rather than

later. This Elder is thinking of leaving tomorrow morning,” Elder solemnly

Mu Na lightly nodded; obviously, she agreed with this.

Yang Kai sighed helplessly and agreed, “Fine. You two should return and
prepare your clansmen, we will depart… Tomorrow morning!”

Elder and Mu Na immediately left, apparently returning to inform their


Yang Kai, on the other hand, sat cross-legged inside the tree cave. It
could be said that what these two clans were planning to do was
extremely risky. To be honest, Yang Kai wasn’t optimistic about their
chances as failure seemed to be the far likelier outcome. What he
needed to consider now was how to increase the safety margin and
chances of success; after all, they were trying to make a move right
under the Ancient Lands Four Great Divine Venerables’ noses. Once
they alerted the four Divine Venerables, they might move to block their
surroundings, and then Yang Kai might not be able to escape safely
even with his Space Tearing abilities.

[Maybe… Xie Wu Wei can help.]

All night, Yang Kai was thinking hard.

At dawn, sounds of footsteps came from outside and Yang Kai opened
his eyes and scanned with his Divine Sense. Immediately, he sensed
that everyone in the Stone Spirit clan had been gathered. And not only
the Stone Spirit Clan, but even over a hundred members of the Wood
Spirit Clan were joining under Mu Na’s leadership, flying around the
Stone Spirit Clan’s heads.

[Now that the arrow was already drawn, I can’t do anything but shoot it.]
Yang Kai sighed before he stood up and went forward.

Seeing Yang Kai appear, the two Clan Heads’ faces turned solemn
before Elder spoke, “Honoured Guest, we are ready.”

Yang Kai looked at Mu Na and asked, frowning, “Is the Wood Spirit Clan
also coming?”

Yesterday, although Mu Na and Elder were discussing matters with him

together, he really hadn’t expected the Wood Spirit Clan to come along
with full force. This would be an extremely dangerous mission, so what
could the Wood Spirit Clan do when they weren’t good at fighting? Once
they were swept into the battle, any Monster King could massacre all of

Elder said with a smile, “The Wood Spirits coexist with my Stone Spirit
Clan; although they will not directly participate in the battle, they will still
be of great help. Honoured Guest, you don’t need to worry.”

Yang Kai furrowed his brow but didn’t object either. Instead, he nodded
and said, “Since that’s the case, I will trust your decision.”

Yang Kai looked around before doubtfully asking, “Where is Ruo Xi?”

He didn’t see Zhang Ruo Xi anywhere. He had been sitting in the tree
cave all day, thinking hard, so he thought she had simply been outside,
but only now did he find out that Ruo Xi was missing.

Elder and Mu Na looked at each other, the two clansmen also

exchanging looks and asking one another, “Have any of you seen that
little girl?”
No one answered. Not to mention the few Stone Spirits, even the
hundred Wood Spirits didn’t know where Ruo Xi was.

Yang Kai’s expression changed as he released his Divine Sense like a

tide, sweeping the surroundings, scanning over a thousand-kilometre
radius, but even then he didn’t find Ruo Xi’s aura.

This shocked and angered him. How could someone alive disappear for
no reason?

“Shi Jiu, do you know something?” Elder suddenly asked in a deep


Yang Kai turned his head to look, and saw Xiao Xiao standing there with
an uneasy look on his face, constantly scratching his ears and cheek; his
eyes erratically moving around.

Yang Kai’s brow twitched as he asked, looking at him, “Xiao Xiao, where
did Ruo Xi go!?”

Seeing that he couldn’t hide anymore, Xiao Xiao immediately became

dejected and whimpered a few times.

Yang Kai’s countenance drastically changed, raising his head and

turning to gaze in the Blood Gate’s direction, grinding his teeth as he
scolded, “That girl!”

Mu Na too couldn’t help but cry out in surprise, covering her mouth, “She
actually set off to go to the Blood Gate first?”

Yang Kai angrily said, “She must have gone because I prevented her
from participating yesterday. When I get my hands on her, I will spank
her butt red!”

[This is outrageous! Ruo Xi has always been docile and obedient, so I

never dreamed she would dare to sneak away without telling me. She
has really gone too far this time!]

Yang Kai raised his hand again and knocked down on Xiao Xiao’s head,
angrily scolding, “Since you know, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Xiao Xiao clutched his head, whimpering with an aggrieved expression
on his face.

“It’s useless to argue about this now. Honoured Guest, it’s best to find
her as soon as possible. The Blood Gate is surrounded by many
members of the Monster Race. If she falls into their hands, things will be
troublesome,” Elder persuaded.

It wasn’t like Yang Kai didn’t know this, so he quickly suppressed the
anxiety in his heart and said, “Relax yourselves and don’t resist. Don’t
make a fuss about what you see when you go in.”

After saying so, Yang Kai stretched his hand towards the two clans.
Immediately, Space Principles surged, and the boundary of the Seal
World Bead opened, allowing the two clans to enter the Small Sealed
World one after another.

Embodiment, who had already been notified by Yang Kai, sat there with
a smile, welcoming the arrival of the clansmen of the two clans.

Elder had said that the Stone Spirit Clan never had more than ten
members; any more would die at birth.

[I wonder what expression they will have when they see him?] Yang Kai
didn’t bother to pay attention to this, let alone explain to them the
circumstances of his Embodiment. After he had collected the two clans
into the Sealed World Bead, Yang Kai immediately turned around and
rapidly flew towards the Blood Gate.

Along the road, Yang Kai constantly spread his Divine Sense to search,
hoping to find Zhang Ruo Xi.

But she had set off a day earlier, so even if she wasn’t moving at full
speed, she might have already reached the Blood Gate. Naturally, it was
impossible to find tracks on the road.

And this turned out to be the case. At this moment, Zhang Ruo Xi was
already within three hundred kilometres of the Blood Gate. She had been
cautious along the way, and although luck had played some part in it,
she hadn’t encountered too many twists and turns.
But when she arrived here, she didn’t dare to move forward. There were
too many Monster Race members in front of her, and they weren’t hiding
their presence either. If she dared to move closer, she would definitely
be discovered.
Chapter 2583 - Four Divine Spirits Gather

At this moment, Ruo Xi was hiding in the canopy of a huge tree, trying
her best to conceal her aura.

She might be fairly strong now, but she didn’t want to get in trouble in
this kind of place. Naturally, she was mainly hiding and waiting for Yang
Kai’s arrival. [When Sir arrives and clashes against the Monster Race, I
will immediately rush out to help Sir. I think Sir will not blame me at that

Deep in her heart, she just wanted to help out a little, that’s all. She didn’t
want to be taken into the Sealed Word Bead by Yang Kai and be forced
to wait, feeling useless once again.

A team of patrolling Monster Race members passed by, but they didn’t
notice Zhang Ruo Xi, boosting her confidence somewhat.

It was the first time she had done something this dangerous, so she was
quite nervous. Fortunately, following Yang Kai here and there wasn’t
without any merits. After having gone through storms and fire, she could
reluctantly maintain her composure even if she was nervous deep inside.

Time went by little by little.

Another Monster Race patrol crossed in front of her, and this time they
were incomparably vigilant and checking everything, seemingly looking
for even the smallest of suspicious trails. When this patrol team passed
under a certain tree, one of them suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.

“What happened?” Another Monster Race member looked at him and

doubtfully asked.

The Monster Race member didn’t answer as he continued sniffing, taking

some time before raising his brows and commenting, “There is the scent
of a Human.”

As soon as he said this, Ruo Xi’s face drastically changed as she knew
things had gone wrong. She might have revealed something, and once
the Monster Race found her whereabouts, it would be difficult for her to
escape even if she had wings.

All she could hope for was that this Monster Race member was just
sceptical. In that case, she might still escape this calamity.

But her hope was smothered very soon. After sniffing for a while, the
Monster Race member abruptly raised his head and stared at the canopy
of the tree.

Although their gazes didn’t meet due to the thick foliage, Zhang Ruo Xi’s
heartbeat raced and she knew that she could no longer remain hidden

Just when she made up her mind to escape, a dirty and dishevelled head
suddenly appeared by her side, hanging upside down in front of her,
grinning from ear to ear at her.

Ruo Xi was scared out of her wits and almost jumped back and shouted;
however, after seeing who exactly this unkempt person was, she quickly
covered her mouth, not daring to make any noises. Her bulging pretty
eyes were just staring at the unkempt and dirty face.

Suddenly, a hand reached out towards Zhang Ruo Xi, grabbing her.
Immediately after, the two figures flickered before disappearing from her


Right afterwards, a Monster Race member rushed to the canopy of the

tree. He looked around for a while, but after finding nothing, scratched
his head with a suspicious look on his face.

“Did you find something?” The Monster Race members waiting below

“Nothing…” The searching Monster Race member replied before jumping

down and continuing with an embarrassed smile, “I might have made a
The Monster Race members of the patrol team glared at him, displeased.
They blamed him for being so anxious that every bush and tree
appeared as an enemy to him. Without another word, they continued on
with their patrol.

Above the canopy of another towering tree, watching the Monster Race
patrol team move away, Zhang Ruo Xi finally sighed in relief, her chest
fiercely heaving up and down. At that moment, her heart had almost
jumped out of her chest. She thought that she was going to die.
Fortunately, someone had given her a hand at the critical moment.

She quickly turned her head and looked to one side.

Right next to her, Ice Heart Valley’s Third Elder was looking at her with a
silly smile. On closer inspection, Ruo Xi realized that this woman was
quite the beauty, it was just that she had lost her mind and was
completely careless about maintaining her appearance. She had been
living in the Ancient Lands all year round, which resulted in her face
being completely covered in dirt and grime. Ruo Xi couldn’t help but sigh
at her condition.

“What is Senior doing here?” Ruo Xi didn’t know what her name was, so
she could only address her as Senior.

The Third Disciple giggled; who knows whether she understood Ruo Xi’s
question or not. In any case, she didn’t look like she was going to be
answering anything anytime soon. Instead, she kept sniffing like that
Monster Race member, her nose almost stuck onto Ruo Xi. It appeared
as if she took a particular liking to Ruo Xi’s fragrance as there was an
intoxicated look on her face while she sniffed.

Ruo Xi was feeling very uncomfortable, almost like she was itchy all over.
She quickly stretched her hand out before her, blocking the Third
Disciple, stopping her from continuing. She then said, “Senior, please
don’t cause trouble, or we will be found by the Monster Race.”

Being pushed away by her, the Third Disciples suddenly pouted,

seemingly saddened.
Ruo Xi couldn’t bear the sight of her despondent look. She was a
beautiful Second-Order Emperor Realm Master. If she was outside,
countless men would admire and pursue her like she was an immortal
fairy, but she looked nothing like a Human or ghost now. If her Master,
Senior Bing Yun, came to know about this, her heart would surely break.

“Good, Senior, I have something important to do now, so please

behave!” Zhang Ruo Xi reached out and grabbed the Third Disciple’s
dirty paws without showing any aversion at all. She gently cupped her
hands as she softly said, “I’m waiting for Sir here. Sir is the one who
gave you that fruit last time. Sir has been looking everywhere for you, so
don’t run around and wait for him here with me, okay?”

The Third Disciple looked at Zhang Ruo Xi for a while before suddenly

Ruo Xi asked with a smile, “Can you understand me?”

The Third Disciple hugged Ruo Xi and buried her head in Ruo Xi’s plump
peaks, scrabbling her head, doing whatever she wanted…

“Senior… I can’t breathe…” Ruo Xi’s face flushed red. A strange feeling
rose from her chest, which made her feel slightly tingly. That tight groping
made it even harder for her to breathe. In any case, she wasn’t as strong
as the Third Disciple, so even if she wanted to free herself, she was
unable to no matter how much she struggled.


Ten kilometres away from the Blood Gate, as Mu Na had said earlier,
after the changes at the Blood Gate, its inexplicable repulsion power
seemed to have disappeared. Normally, the Blood Gate couldn’t be
approached at all, and even the strongest Monster Kings would be
reduced to nothing but a gory puddle of flesh and blood by its mysterious
power once they tried, leaving not even a corpse behind. But now, even
weak Monster Race members were swarming from every direction, their
eyes red as if they had lost their minds. They were making a beeline
towards the Blood Gate, trying to rush inside it.
This was due to the bloodline attraction!

As Xie Wu Wei had supposed earlier, after the changes in the Blood
Gate, the aura of Divine Spirit Sources inside the Divine Spirit Palace
were being revealed. This aura carried a great temptation to every
resident of the Ancient Lands. These weak Monster Race members
would rush over, hypnotized by the alluring aura, gradually losing their
minds and flying straight towards the Blood Gate, throwing all caution to
the wind.

But these Monster Race members were doomed to fail to approach even
ten kilometres of the Blood Gate.

Because right now, eight figures were constantly patrolling around the
Blood Gate, and once they found a Monster trying to get close, they
would kill without mercy.

These eight Monster Race Masters were the Great Kings of each of the
Four Great Divine Venerables.

Currently, corpses were lying everywhere outside the ten-kilometre

radius of the Blood Gate. There was a nauseating smell of blood in the
air. In just a few days, who knew how many Ancient Lands’ creatures
had died at the hands of these eight Great Kings? Nevertheless, they still
couldn’t prevent the countless Monster Race members from rushing to
the Blood Gate.

On a peak about fifty kilometres away, four figures filled a stone pavilion,
either sitting or standing. Some of the Monster Race members were
respectfully guarding this pavilion, looking at the four figures in awe from
time to time.

These four figures were none other than the Four Great Divine
Venerables of the Ancient Lands.

The changes of the Blood Gate were of great importance, so the four of
them had personally come to oversee and investigate the situation to
prevent any mishaps.
The figure on the left side was a middle-aged man in purple brocade
robes and a crown on his head. He looked no different than a normal
Human, but there was an awe-inspiring aura about him. There was a
lightning-like shine in his eyes, which gave anyone who met his gaze a
chilling feeling. This man was the Easter Divine Venerable, Fan Wu.

The figure on the right resembled the Stone Spirits. He had a rock-like
body and skin with a jagged texture. Only, he was lacking the
temperateness of the Stone Spirits. His figure gave an extremely fierce
feeling and, from top to bottom, he was covered in sharp barbs of stone.
Even his face had a fierce and sinister look. There was an air of hostility
around him and the shine in his eyes was like a mad flame, giving the
impression that he was constantly looking for prey to eat.

He was the Northern Divine Venerable, Shi Huo!

In the Star Boundary, the other three domains might not have heard of
Shi Huo’s name, but for Eastern Territory cultivators, Shi Hou was quite

And there was a reason behind this. Roughly twenty thousand years
ago, one of the top Sects of the Eastern Territory, the Black Tortoise
Sect, was wiped from the face of the world by Shi Huo. Tens of
thousands of its disciples had been massacred by him. The Serene Soul
Great Emperor became furious when he got word of the brutal massacre
and personally moved out to capture Shi Huo, but Shi Huo escaped to
the Ancient Wild Lands.

Being able to escape from the pursuit of a Great Emperor was proof in
itself of Shi Huo’s terrifying strength.

Maplewood City’s Qin Zhao Yang’s ancestor had once been a disciple of
the Black Tortoise Sect. The Emperor Artifact, the Myriads Sword, was
his ancestor’s sword. In the past, the Black-Tortoise Seven Points
Formation taught by Qin Zhao Yang to Yang Kai was the closely guarded
core technique of the Black Tortoise Sect, which wasn’t easily taught to
ordinary disciples.
After the Black Tortoise Sect was destroyed, the Qin Family’s ancestor
came to the Southern Territory and settled in Maplewood City. Not long
afterwards, he succumbed to his injuries, and as the generations
continued, his family declined.

At the centre of the stone pavilion was a stone table, on top of which was
a pot of steaming hot fragrant tea.

A beautiful woman was sitting by the table, her skin as white as snow.
She had an enchanting figure and charming eyes. Her silky hair was like
a black waterfall falling behind her head, straight down to her hips. The
beautiful woman stretched her soft and slender hand out and poured
herself a cup of tea before calmly taking a sip of it.

She was the Southern Divine Venerable, Luan Feng!

If one didn’t know about her, they would not dare to believe that such a
beautiful and charming woman was actually a Divine Spirit with an
ancient inheritance. Anyone who dared to provoke her had been burned
to ashes by her World Extinguishing Black Flames.

The last figure had a sinister and ruthless gaze. With one glance, it was
apparent that he shouldn’t be provoked. He was sitting on the stone
bench in front of Luan Feng, motionless, like he was petrified.
Intentionally or unintentionally, his gaze was lingering on Luan Feng’s
charming figure, but he didn’t dare to be too presumptuous. He was just
sneaking a few peaks.

Luan Feng lightly took a sip of tea before her cherry red lips parted as
she indifferently warned, “Cang Gou, if you stare at me again like that,
this Queen will dig out your eyes!”

Hearing this, a look of fear flashed across the man called Cang Guo’s
eyes, but he could only give an embarrassed smile as he asked, “Lady
Feng, why are you keeping me at arm’s length? Don’t you know that this
King has feelings for you?”

Luan Feng didn’t return his glance, her voice remaining indifferent as she
snorted, “This Queen only knows that you are… Extremely disgusting.”
Chapter 2584 - It’s True! I’m Not Lying!

If others dared to say that Cang Guo was disgusting, he would have
already rushed at the opposite party and torn him or her apart.

But the person in front of him had the right to speak this way. Without
even mentioning that Cang Guo was very fond of her, he also wasn’t as
strong as Luan Feng.

There were naturally differences in strength between each Divine Spirit.

In ancient times, there was even a ranking for the Divine Spirits, with the
Dragon and Phoenix Clans reigning atop that list. Compared to these two
Divine Spirit Clans, the Divine Spirits at the bottom of the rankings
weren’t even in the same class.

Luan Feng was from a branch of the Phoenix Clan, so although her
strength couldn’t be compared with her ancestors’, it was still immense,
especially her World Extinguishing Black Flames, which had
extraordinary power.

Among the Four Great Divine Venerables of the Ancient Lands, Luan
Feng was the strongest. This was something the other Divine Venerables
couldn’t deny. It was just that these four had been living in the Ancient
Wild Lands for millennia now and would not fight with each other unless
it was absolutely necessary. Even though Luan Feng was a bit more
powerful, in a life or death battle, the other three wouldn’t be easy for her
to deal with. Even if they couldn’t kill her, they would be able to severely
injure her.

The four Divine Venerables barely maintained a state of mutual checks

and balances in the Ancient Lands.

After being severely despised by Luan Feng, Cang Guo inevitably

became angry out of shame and lashed out, “These eyes belong to this
King, this King will look wherever he wants to look!”

Luan Feng’s movements abruptly stopped as she slightly raised her

eyes, a cold gleam flashing across their depths as she stared at Cang
Guo. Right then, she suddenly opened her mouth and lightly exhaled
towards him.

A wisp of pitch-black flame shot out of her mouth, straight towards Chag
Guo like a snake.

“World Extinguishing Black Flame!” Cang Guo’s expression drastically

changed as he realized that his joke had gone a little too far. Luan Feng
had actually attacked him, forcing him to hurriedly back away while
fiercely palming forward.

This palm shattered space and reduced the entire stone pavilion to

Several figures suddenly jumped up, hovering in the air.

“What the heck are you two doing?” Fan Wu coldly glared at Cang Guo
and Luan Feng, shouting at them, “Why do you do this every time you

Luan Feng flicked her silky hair over her shoulder and indifferently
replied, “He is the one that provokes this Queen every single time.”

Cang Guo immediately blew his top and angrily rebuked, “This King just
took a few glances at you, that’s all. It’s not like you lost anything! But
you actually tried to attack this King! Do you really think that this King is
that easy to bully?”

Luan Feng coldly glared at him and snorted, “I may not have lost
anything, but your gaze feels extremely disgusting. This Queen was
uncomfortable, so she had to remedy the situation.”

Cang Guo lashed back, “Good, good, this King has been bearing you for
not just a day or two! Since you look down on this King so much, let’s
decide today who is the better!”

“Good!” Luan Feng turned around, looking like she had been waiting for
this. She coldly smiled and stated, “This Queen has been wanting to kill
you for not just a day or two either. Since you are asking for death, this
Queen might as well fulfill your wish!”
“You two…” Fan Wu’s face turned colder and immediately shouted,
grinding his teeth, “That’s enough!”

He seemed to have some prestige among the four, so when he spoke,

whether it was Cang Guo or Luan Feng, they stopped in place, both of
them turning their heads and coldly scoffing.

“So many problems have cropped up this time, yet instead of working
together, you have started internal strife!” Fan Wu looked exasperated
from their failure to meet his expectations, “Is it fun to make a joke of
yourselves before your subordinates?”

Both Cang Guo and Luan Feng, who were reprimanded, looked
embarrassed and pouted.

The group of Monster Race members were currently staring at the former
site of the Stone Pavilion with widened eyes. It seemed as if they
couldn’t fathom why the high and mighty Divine Venerables were unable
to cooperate and even attacked each other.

“And you!” Fan Wu looked at Shi Huo.

“What does any of this have to do with me?” Shi Huo shook his head
with an innocent look on his face.

“Every time, you are just enjoying the show! Why don’t you try to stop
them?” Fan Wu rebuffed, coldly snorting.

Shi Huo muttered with an unhappy look on his face, “They are fighting
while I’m watching, the two are irrelevant to each other.”

Fan Wu’s brow twitched a few times before a resigned look appeared on
his face. Only after a long time did he finally calm down, “Due to the
changes of the Blood Gate and the sudden propagation of bloodline
attraction, the Ancient Lands creatures are all moving strangely. If the
four of us weren’t personally overseeing things here, the Monster Kings
under us might have already tried to enter the Blood Gate. Everyone
might have already inherited their ancestors’ Source Strength and
memories. You should know what secrets lie inside the Blood Gate. In
the past, ‘that’ Master wielding the Heaven’s Order Sword had almost
exterminated all Divine Spirits from this world. Our ancestors somehow
escaped that disaster. You don’t want that person’s power to reappear
and make us flee about with nowhere to hide, right?”

Hearing him talk about ‘that’ Master, the other three Divine Venerables’
expressions couldn’t help but sink.

In the Ancient Lands, even the thirty-two Monster Kings were oblivious to
most of the secrets of the Blood Gate, but that wasn’t the case for these
four. The four had inherited the Source Strength and bloodline memories
of their ancestors, so they clearly knew about what exactly was sealed
inside the Blood Gate.

There weren’t just countless Divine Spirit Sources inside, but also the
Heaven’s Order Sword that could make all Divine Spirits in the world
tremble in fear at the mere mention of its name!

If someone broke the Blood Gate seal and allowed that sword to
reappear in this world, there would be nowhere in the Star Boundary
what would be safe for them anymore, and the four of them would
undoubtedly be the first to bear the brunt of this catastrophe.

The four of them had personally moved because of the seriousness of

this matter. They were here to supervise and had ordered all thirty-two
Monster Kings under them to guard the surrounding area to prevent
anyone from approaching the Blood Gate. They wanted to prevent the
breaking of Blood Gate’s seal and the reappearance of the Heaven’s
Order Sword no matter what.

Seeing the three go silent, Fan Wu lightly added with a nod, “As long as
the four of us remain of one heart and one mind, even the Monster Kings
under us would not dare to trespass into the Blood Gate Restricted Area
no matter how much they want to. We can sit back and relax after we
weather through this, but if you really start fighting seriously, the Monster
Kings under us will definitely take advantage of the chaos caused. Once
an accident occurs at the Blood Gate, who will be able to bear the
His words were well justified and well-founded, so the other three Divine
Venerables had to nod in agreement. Cang Guo and Luan Feng also
reigned in their hostility, understanding that now wasn’t the right time for

Thirty kilometres outside the Blood Gate, Xie Wu Wei was overseeing his
group of subordinates, blocking any Ancient Lands inhabitants who were
trying to enter the Blood Gate from approaching. However, from time to
time, he would look in a certain direction.

That was the place where the Divine Venerables were gathered.

He was sitting on an armchair, sneering from time to time.

The Four Divine Venerables were gathered near the Blood Gate, and he
knew why. These four were obviously worried that the Monster Kings
under them could not resist the temptation of the bloodline attraction.

In fact, they weren’t overreacting. If the four of them weren’t nearby,

perhaps Xie Wu Wei would have already tried to break the Blood Gate

He had already reached the limit of his cultivation and there was no room
for growth left. This was undoubtedly painful torture for members of the
Monster Race, who always yearned for strength.

The strange changes of the Blood Gate had given him hope. He could
clearly perceive a mysterious and powerful force from the Blood Gate,
resonating with his bloodline. It was definitely the power that could make
him be reborn, stimulate his ancestral bloodline, and transform him into a
Divine Spirit.

Once he got his hands on this power, he could become an existence that
could stand on equal footing with the four Divine Venerables and he
would no longer need to follow someone else’s orders.

Unfortunately… He didn’t have this opportunity! He couldn’t even get

close to the Blood Gate. Under the surveillance of those four, he
believed that he would be reduced to nothing before he could even

With a heavy sigh, Xie Wu Wei slapped the armrest of the chair,
shattering it into pieces. He was extremely unwilling to accept the current
state of things. If he really missed such a good opportunity, it would be
utterly depressing!

At that moment, he suddenly seemed to sense something and turned his

head to stare in another direction, his heart clenching tightly.

He furrowed his brow for a while before slowly standing up.

The Monster Race Master called Shu Yu, who was by his side, couldn’t
help but ask, seeing this, “Sir, where are you going?”

“I’m feeling bored, I’m going for a walk. You continue to monitor the
things here. If anyone tries to break through, kill without mercy!” Xie Wu
Wei, carrying his hands behind his back, stoically ordered.

“Yes Sir!” Shu Yu respectfully cupped his fists and responded, sending
off Xie Wu Wei with his eyes.

After Xie Wu Wei’s figure left his subordinate’s sight, his figure flickered
before he disappeared into the jungle.

After a moment, his figure reappeared on top of a huge tree. He looked

left and right for a while with a suspicious expression on his face.

Just when he was feeling at a loss, a figure suddenly appeared beside

him; seemingly out of thin air.

Xie Wu Wei was taken aback and his Monster Qi surged; he immediately
wanted to attack.

“It’s me!” A familiar voice reached his ear before he could move though,
forcing Xie Wu Wei to suppress his strength.

“Young Master Yang!” Xie Wu Wei looked over with surprise, “Where did
you come from?”
To his great shock, he was unable to sense Yang Kai’s arrival with his
peak Twelfth-Order strength. It was really incredible.

Yang Kai smiled lightly but didn’t answer his question; rather, he asked
him for his help, “Monster King, can you do me a favour?”

Xie Wu Wei immediately looked at him with vigilance and anxiously

asked, “What’s the matter?”

Yang Kai beckoned to him. Xie Wu Wei looked annoyed, but had no
choice but to get closer.

Yang Kai whispered a few words into his ear.

Xie Wu Wei’s face immediately changed as he asked in amazement,

“You are asking me to inform the Divine Venerables of this? Why not ask
me to court death directly!?”

Although he was Yang Kai’s Soul Slave, how could Xie Wu Wei be
willing to play cat and mouse with death, so of course he was infuriated.

Yang Kai asked in surprise, “Why would you be courting your death?”

Xie Wu Wei replied with a cold snort, “They will immediately realize that
it’s a lie as soon as they hear it. The Divine Venerables aren’t idiots, how
will they not investigate? And once they have investigated, they won’t let
this King live!”

While speaking, he kept shaking his head, “No, this King won’t go. Even
if you beat me to death, I won’t go! It’s better to die at your hands than to
die in the hands of four furious Divine Venerables. Just kill me right now!”

Yang Kai couldn’t stop himself from laughing before saying, “Who told
you that it’s false?”

Xie Wu Wei took a sidelong glance at him before deriding, pursing his
lips, “Don’t lie to this King. Every single creature of the Ancient Lands
knows that the ancient bell has already been taken by a Human Master
tens of thousands of years ago. How could it appear in the Ancient
Lands for no reason?”
Yang Kai earnestly guaranteed, “It’s true! I’m not lying!”

Xie Wu Wei looked shocked and stated in surprise, “This King is a

member of Monster Race, this King isn’t as scheming as you Humans.
Don’t lie to me.”

Yang Kai pursed his lips into a smile and ensured, patting the Monster
King’s shoulder, “Why would I lie to you? I only want you to disclose this
news to the Divine Venerables. I guarantee nothing will happen to you.”
Chapter 2585 - Luring the Tiger Out of the Mountain

“But… How is that bell back here for no reason?” Xie Wu Wei still
couldn’t believe it. Suddenly, something clicked and he asked, staring at
Yang Kai, “Could it be that you…”

Yang Kai nodded, smiling, “That’s right! That bell belongs to me now. I
was the one who put it there.”

Xie Wu Wei suddenly gawked, his eyes filled with shock. He simply
couldn’t believe his ears.

“Monster King, can you help me with this little favour?” Yang Kai’s face
turned serious, “Don’t forget, your Soul Brand is still in this Young
Master’s hands.”

Xie Wu Wei inquired, furrowing his brow, “What exactly are you planning
by asking this King to disclose this news to the Four Divine Venerables?”

“That’s this Young Master’s business, naturally, you don’t need to ask
anything about it,” Yang Kai coldly snorted.

Xie Wu Wei ignored his evasion and continued, “You are trying to draw
the Four Divine Venerables away… Are you planning to enter the Blood
Gate? Aren’t you Human?”

The Blood Gate was a Restricted Area to the Ancient Lands’ residents.
Only the Ancient Lands’ residents could feel bloodline attraction. Yang
Kai was a Human, so it was strange that he had any desire to enter the
Blood Gate. Xie Wu Wei couldn’t figure this out.

“What does it have to do with you?” Yang Kai impatiently pushed him,
turned him around, and said, patting his back, “It’s important to quickly
get it done.”

Xie Wu Wei didn’t leave but turned around and asked with shining eyes,
“Young Master Yang, if you are planning to enter the Blood Gate, count
me in too.”
“You also want to enter the Blood Gate?” Yang Kai glanced at him in
amazement, but the next moment, he understood that Xie Wu Wei also
wanted to get his hands on the power of a Divine Spirit.

Xie Wu Wei snorted and stated with disdain, “If those Four hadn’t been
watching nearby, this King would have already rushed in. Why would I
wait till now?”

Yang Kai chuckled and agreed, nodding, “Alright, then it will depend on
whether you will have the opportunity or not.”

Xie Wu Wei immediately grew excited and his figure flickered,

disappearing from Yang Kai’s sight.


At the damaged stone pavilion, the Four Divine Venerables were

standing shoulder to shoulder, looking in the Blood Gate’s direction with
solemn eyes.

Right then, a Monster General suddenly rushed over below and said,
cupping his fist before raising his head, “Greetings, Sirs and Madam!”

Fan Wu coldly asked, staring below, “What is it?”

The Monster General replied, “Reporting to Sir, Monster King Xie Wu

Wei is requesting an audience.”

“Xie Wu Wei?” Fan Wu raised his brow.

Naturally, he knew that Xie Wu Wei was one of the eight Monster Kings
under him, someone with both strength and intelligence. He could be
regarded as one of the top Monster Kings, but what was he doing here at
this time?

Fan Wu allowed the request, waving his hand, “Send him over.”

“Yes, Sir!” The Monster General replied before hastily retreating.

Not long after, Xie Wu Wei followed the previous Monster General back.
Even as a Monster King, Xie Wu Wei felt a heavy pressure bearing down
on him from the Four Divine Venerables, especially since he was
conspiring with Yang Kai. This was no trifling matter. Once the Divine
Venerable became aware of this, he would immediately die without a
burial, so he couldn’t help but be a little nervous. Xie Wu Wei took a
deep breath and greeted, cupping his fists, “Greetings Sirs and

Apart from Fan Wu glancing at him, the other three remaining Divine
Venerables simply ignored him; after all, Xie Wu Wei was a Monster King
under Fan Wu. He had nothing to do with them.

“What is it?” Fan Wu indifferently asked.

Xie Wu Wei raised his head to meet Fan Wu’s eyes, putting on the
appearance of someone who had something important to say. This look
aroused the curiosity of the other three Divine Venerables and they all
turned their heads to look at him, one after another.

Fan Wu urged, “If you have something to say, speak up. None of us
Divine Venerables are outsiders.”

[I have been waiting for this.] Xie Wu Wei was secretly happy in his
heart, but remained completely calm on the surface. He cupped his fists
again and reported, “Reporting to Sir, a Monster General under me
accidentally found a bell in a mountain three thousand kilometres away
from here!”

“A bell? Why are you making so much fuss over a bell?” Fan Wu asked,
furrowing his brow.

Xie Wu Wei replied, “According to that Monster General’s description,

and coupled with your subordinate’s own speculation, the bell is likely to
be the legendary… Mountains and Rivers Bell!”

“What!?” Fan Wu was greatly shocked, and the other three Divine
Venerables’ eyes instantly lit up, their surprise no less than the former’s.

In an instant, Xie Wu Wei’s figure sank down to the ground as he felt

mountain-like pressure descend on him; he was finding it extremely hard
to even breathe.
“Are you sure that it is the Mountains and Rivers Bell?” Luan Feng
couldn’t help but ask in a stern tone.

Xie Wu Wei said with difficulty, “I am eighty percent certain it is the

Mountains and Rivers Bell because my subordinate said that the bell
was exuding an intense Wild Force. It seemed to have an aura capable
of suppressing the world. He just glanced at it from a distance before
hurriedly reporting back, not daring to approach too close.”

“An aura capable of suppressing the world and intense Wild Force…”
Cang Guo’s lips trembled in excitement, “It must be the Mountains and
Rivers Bell! Where is it?”

Fan Wu glanced at the excitement in his eyes and indifferently stated,

“This is strange, the Mountains and Rivers Bell was stolen from the
Ancient Lands by Yuan Ding. We haven’t seen or heard of it for tens of
thousands of years. Rumour has it that this Ancient Exotic Artifact was
lost in the Shattered Star Sea when Yuan Ding died, so why would it
appear in the Ancient Lands for no reason right at this moment?”

He was already getting suspicious. Even though the Mountains and

Rivers Bell was of great use to him, he couldn’t help but point this out.

Hearing this, Luan Feng’s pretty eyes flashed and she lightly nodded, “It
is indeed a bit strange.”

Shi Huo rolled his eyes and suddenly asked, “How many of you suspect
that someone is trying to lure us away from here?”

Fan Wu coldly snorted and glared at Xie Wu Wei, “Wu Wei, this King has
always treated you well. Do you know what end you will have if you try to
deceive this King?”

Xie Wu Wei’s body turned stiff and he was unable to lift his head under
the pressure. He could only continue in a struggling voice, “This
subordinate appreciates how Sir has treated him over the years and
naturally has not forgotten Sir’s many graces; this subordinate, however,
has not spoken any falsehoods. This subordinate dares not hide
anything. As for the bell… This subordinate heard that the Shattered Star
Sea on the Human side had opened a few years ago. Perhaps someone
has brought the Mountains and Rivers Bell out from the Shattered Star

A pondering look immediately appeared on Fan Wu’s face after hearing

this. Naturally, he knew about the Shattered Star Sea opening, so there
was some truth to Xie Wu Wei’s words.

“Whether it’s real or not, we will know after checking it out. It’s only a few
thousand kilometres away anyway!” Cang Guo looked as if he couldn’t
wait any longer and urged everyone.

“Check, we can naturally go and check, but who will stay here to keep
watch?” Fan Wu looked at the other Divine Venerables.

Luan Feng stated with a smile, “This Queen has never seen it. This
Queen wants to broaden her vision.”

Cang Guo added with a serious face, “I also want to go and check.”

Fan Wu focused his gaze on Shi Huo, who quickly became unhappy and
snapped, “What are you looking at me for? I also want to go. In any
case, all of you are going, so I won’t be staying here alone.”

Fan Wu heaved a sigh. He knew that he could not count on these three.
Since the Mountains and Rivers Bell had appeared suddenly, and it was
just a few thousand kilometres away, he couldn’t help but suspect that
someone was using it to lure the tigers out of the mountains; however,
the Four Divine Venerables wanted it and were afraid that someone else
would get their hands on it, so no one was willing to stay here.

Fan Wu sighed and agreed, “Alright, let’s all go and check it out. But not
just anyone can collect Ancient Exotic Artifacts like the Mountains and
Rivers Bell. It will depend on one’s luck.”

Even though he was suspecting that something was wrong, the

temptation of the Mountains and Rivers Bell was too strong. Not to
mention that thirty-two Monster Kings and eight Great Kings were
overseeing things here. There should be no problem if they were only
gone a short time.
Xie Wu Wei, who was all fidgety below, immediately became ecstatic,
realizing that things were proceeding as they had expected. Once these
four left, it would be much more convenient for Yang Kai to act. It was
just that he didn’t know what was making Yang Kai confident that he
could crack the Blood Gate seal right in front of so many Monster Race

There were forty peak Twelfth-Order Masters in the vicinity. If they

teamed up, even a Great Emperor would be forced to retreat.

Before he could taste the fruit of his scheme though, Fan Wu suddenly
beckoned him and ordered, “Wu Wei, lead the way!”

Xie Wu Wei’s heart turned bitter, but he didn’t dare to object. All he could
do was obediently lead the way.

Streaks of light shot into the sky as the Four Divine Venerables
disappeared from their spot, led by Xie Wu Wei.

In the distant forest, Yang Kai, who was hiding his own aura, finally
heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the Divine Venerables leave. With the
Four Divine Spirits overseeing things here, he really didn’t dare to make
a rash move.

Fortunately, the biggest threat had now been eliminated. Even though
the remaining Monster Kings and Great Kings were strong, they were not
strong enough to make him give up.

After silently waiting for a while, making sure that the Four Divine
Venerables had really left, Yang Kai released his Divine Sense to
communicate with his Embodiment.

Inside the Small Sealed World, the Embodiment, who was sitting cross-
legged, suddenly opened his eyes and informed in a deep voice,
“Prepare yourselves.”

The group of Stone Spirits and Wood Spirits, who had been waiting all
this while, exchanged knowing glances. Even Xiao Xiao took out the
Heaven Shaking Pill and put it on his shoulders. He was oozing a
majestic and awe-inspiring aura.
Everyone knew that a life and death battle was waiting for them. It was a
do or die situation!

A solemn atmosphere suddenly spread into the surroundings, making

the air inside the Small Sealed World heavier.

On a towering peak was a completely barren and clear field with only an
oval-shaped blood-coloured gate of light standing erect.

The Blood Gate!

One of the two Restricted Areas of the Ancient Wild Lands, and the place
where residents of the Ancient Lands could be reborn.

A few figures were constantly patrolling around the Blood Gate, each one
exuding a thick and strong aura, radiating potent Monster Qi, giving any
onlooker an extremely uncomfortable feeling. These were the Great
Kings who directly served the Four Divine Venerables, a grand total of

They were the most trusted subordinates of the Four Divine Venerables,
so, naturally, they were dispatched to patrol the innermost region,
guarding against those Monster Kings who feigned compliance in public
but defied in private.

However, the Blood Gate was also a pretty big temptation for these eight
Great Kings. This was due to bloodline attraction, which couldn’t be
overpowered by loyalty. These eight Great Kings were also looking
towards the Blood Gate from time to time as they patrolled the Blood
Gate back and forth. After a few glances, their eyes were filled with

However, with others present, keeping watch on them, they dared not
rush towards the Blood Gate despite their pounding hearts.

This kind of thing was extremely painful and tormenting. It was like a
delicious meal was placed before a starving man, but he could only see it
and not eat it.
Fortunately, the eight Great Kings had incredible mental fortitude, so
they could barely suppress their itching hearts.

“Hmm!?” Suddenly, a Great King, who was patrolling nearby, stopped

and turned in the Blood Gate’s direction with a frown.

He felt some faint unusual energy fluctuations near the Blood Gate,
something that had never happened before.
Chapter 2586 - Turn a Blind Eye

Before the Great King could investigate and understand what was
happening, the space around the Blood Gate started distorting as a tall
and stalwart figure appeared out of thin air.

The Great King was greatly taken aback. He and his seven compatriots
had clearly blocked the area within ten kilometres of the Blood Gate, so
not to mention a Human, not even a mosquito could enter this place
without their knowledge. What’s more, the surrounding fifty-kilometre
radius of the Blood Gate was being guarded by the thirty-two Monster
Kings, so how did this person arrive here?

Furthermore, this aura clearly belonged to a Human!

This was outrageous!

The Great King was shocked and angry, hurriedly shouting aloud,
“Bastard, how dare you trespass into the Restricted Area! Surrender your

Just as he said this, Monster Qi exploded from his form and he pounced
at Yang Kai, leaving a long afterimage behind him. While in the air, he
palmed forward. This was the anger-fueled attack of a Third-Order
Emperor Realm Master, so its might was extraordinary.

Yang Kai, however, just stood in place, despite feeling like his bones
were creaking. For the first time, he truly got to experience the terrifying
power of a Master on par with a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master first-

But he didn’t panic and just coldly watched as the Monster Race Master
closed in, waiting until the critical moment to wave his hand before

*Shua Shua Shua…*

Immediately after, the Stone Spirit Clan, led by the Elder, made an
entrance like divine soldiers descending from the Heavens.
However, the Wood Spirit Clan was nowhere to be seen, confusing Yang


Instantly, a furious roar resounded, shaking the Heavens and Earth. Xiao
Xiao jumped out in one step as his child-like figure grew bigger with
crackling sounds. All of sudden, he transformed into a dozen-metre-tall
stone giant with his entire body covered in rock-solid armour that looked
extremely hard and impenetrable, giving the impression that it would be
able to defend against any attack.

The Heaven Shaking Pillar resting on his shoulder also became longer
and thicker at the same time as it swept towards the oncoming Monster
Race Great King.

Wind howled and the air crackled as the Heaven Shaking Pillar cut
through the air with the momentum that shook the world around it.

The attacking Monster Race Great King was in a state of total confusion.
Before, when he saw Yang Kai alone, he didn’t hesitate to attack. He
wanted to kill Yang Kai to eliminate any future troubles, so how could he
have known that so many stone giants would suddenly appear in the
blink of an eye?

In a moment of surprise, he was completely unguarded and couldn’t

react. Meanwhile, Xiao Xiao’s stick was already upon him.

The moment before the Monster Race Great King was about to get hit,
he hurriedly stopped and promptly pushed his Monster Qi to form a
defensive shield around his body. At the same time, he crossed his arms
before his chest.


As the Heaven Shaking Pillar struck him, the Monster Race Great King
felt a force beyond his imagination impact him. His Monster Qi defence
shattered and his arms fractured as his figure was sent flying.
He spurted a mouthful of blood as his figure flew back several thousand
metres before he finally stabilized himself.

The might of Stone Spirit Clan was so terrifying and domineering that
even a Monster Race Great King with the strength comparable to a peak
Third-Order Emperor Realm Master was unable to take it head-on.

“Stone… Spirit!” The Monster Race Great King’s eyes instantly turned
red. He might have suffered a loss, but it was only a minor injury, so it
didn’t pose a major problem to his combat efficiency. On the contrary, it
stimulated his murderous intent.

*Shua Shua Shua…*

One after another, figures flew over from all directions after hearing the
commotion here, landing on either side of the Monster Race Great King.
Including the previous Monster Race Great King, there were a total of
eight figures.

They were the eight Great Kings of the four Divine Venerables.

These eight Monster Race Masters undoubtedly recognized the Stone

Spirit Clan; after all, when the four Divine Venerables wanted to subdue
the Stone Spirit Clan, they were the ones passing messages between
them, so they had met each other more than once.

One of the Great Kings with a stocky and imposing build stared ahead as
his pupils shrank, letting out a cold snort as he asked, “Elder, what’s the
meaning of this?”

The Stone Spirit Clan was standing by the Blood Gate with the Elder in
the lead, who pointed his cane and replied in a reverberating voice, “My
clan’s future is here, and you are asking what this Elder is doing?”

The Great King’s gaze turned colder as he stated in a heavy voice,

“Elder, don’t do this. You should know the consequences of angering the
four Divine Venerables. The Stone Spirit Clan members are few in
number. You don’t want your clan to be exterminated, do you?”
Elder chuckled and replied, stroking his stony beard, “My clansmen live
thanks to the luck bestowed by the Heavens, so unless the Heavens
themselves will it, others can forget about exterminating my clansmen.
I’m afraid you don’t have such ability!”

Another Great King immediately rebuked, gritting his teeth, “We were
ordered to guard this place and cannot permit anyone near it. Elder, are
you trying to make things difficult for us?”

Elder indifferently stated, “It’s not like we can’t work things out. If you turn
a blind eye to this, my Spirit Clan will definitely be grateful to you.”

“In your dreams!” The Great King who was injured first angrily yelled,
“Since you have intruded upon the Blood Gate Restricted Area, today
you will definitely die!”

Elder sighed before proposing, “The changes of the Blood Gate are a
great opportunity for the Ancient Lands creatures to revive their ancestral
glory. As long as we can break the Blood Gate seal and enter the Blood
Gate, we will have the opportunity to obtain Divine Spirit Sources. Since
you have been by the four Divine Venerables’ sides, you must also know
about the secrets of the Blood Gate. Rather than opposing my clan,
wouldn’t it be better if we teamed up and shared the Sources inside the
Blood Gate? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

“I really didn’t know that Elder was so good with words. Today, you have
opened this King’s eyes,” the injured Great King coldly snorted, a
mocking look on his face.

Elder stated, “Today, my Stone Spirit Clan will display its full strength.
We are going to have our hands on the Blood Gate for sure, no matter
what. Anyone who dares to hinder our path will be killed without mercy!
Friend, you’d best think things through.”

Just as he said this, the expression of the eight Great Kings immediately

In the past, when they had come in contact with the Elder, they felt that
this old guy was withering away and it took great effort for him to even
speak. This had made them look down on him, but today, his staunch
stance and the murderous intent overflowing from him had taken them by

The burly Great King sighed and stated, “If Elder insists on doing this, I’m
afraid I can only offend you.”

No one dared to underestimate the Stone Spirit Clan’s strength. If they

really had to fight with these stone giants, they weren’t sure of their

While the talk was going on, the Great King who was hit by Xiao Xiao’s
stick and had suffered some injuries, suddenly had his expression
change as he fiercely shouted, “Despicable Human, what the hell are
you doing!?”

Everyone was startled and turned their gazes towards the Human boy
who had suddenly appeared at the very beginning. They saw his hands
dancing wildly, constantly making mysterious seals. Moreover, the space
around him was extremely distorted, giving the impression that it would
collapse at any moment.

The eight Great Kings were extremely shocked by this sight and couldn’t
fathom what mysterious ability this Human had mastered that was
actually causing space to distort like this.

Yang Kai, without stopping, turned his head with a smile on his lips and
stated, “I’m breaking the seal! It’s strange that Sir Great King is asking
such an obvious question.”

“Outrageous!” The Great King’s face distorted in anger as he angrily

shouted, “Stop right now or this King will tear you into a thousand

Yang Kai let out a cold snort before retorting, “This Young Master’s act of
breaking the seal is something beneficial for the future of the entire
Ancient Lands, but instead of appreciating it, you actually want to kill
me? Where is the logic in this?”
“Human, you are quite good at spurting nonsense! What gives you the
right to intervene in the affairs of the Ancient Lands!?”

Elder intervened right then, “This Little Friend is the Honoured Guest of
my Stone Spirit Clan. This Elder has asked him to break the seal.”

“You think a trivial First-Order Emperor Realm can crack the seal on the
Blood Gate? What a joke!?”

Elder justified, “This Little Friend is proficient in the Dao of Space, while
there is an independent small world beyond the Blood Gate. As long as
Little Friend can tear the barrier between worlds, he can naturally open
the seal.”

“The Dao of Space!?” The eight Great Kings were thoroughly shocked.

Elder continued, “Friends, there are many Divine Spirit Sources inside
the Blood Gate, and all of you should be able to sense them resonating
within your bloodlines. If Little Friend can really break the seal, it will be
greatly beneficial for you too.”

The burly Great King stated, “It’s not like something cannot be arranged,
but the Divine Venerables’ orders…”

Elder chuckled before adding, “The Divine Venerables aren’t here, are
they? They are a few thousand kilometres away. They won’t notice.”

“The Divine Venerables aren’t here?!” The eight Great Kings were
stunned and quickly turned their heads, looking in the direction the four
Divine Venerables’ were previously located. Immediately after, they
noticed that that place was completely empty.

In a flash, everyone couldn’t help but become a little eager.

No one wanted to be a subordinate forever. Although the eight Great

Kings were loyal to the Divine Venerables, if they could make their own
strength grow a step further, none of them would want to miss this
[If we really allow this Human to tear the space barrier and open the
Blood Gate, we might really be able to enter it and inherit the Divine
Spirit Sources of our distant ancestors and attain the glorious strength
they once possessed.]

[But… Who can say for certain that this Human will be capable of
breaking the seal!? If he fails and the Divine Venerables learn we didn’t
do everything in our power to stop him while they were away, we will
certainly be blamed and punished.]

The eight Great Kings glanced at each other, seemingly able to guess
each other’s thoughts.

The burly Great King stepped forward and indifferently stated, “Sorry,
although Elder’s offer is tempting, the Divine Venerables’ order cannot
be violated. Forgive me for offending you!”

Just as he said this, the eight Great Kings moved together, their figures
flashing as they charged straight at the Stone Spirit Clan all of a sudden.

“Block them!” The Elder waved his cane and pointed forward.

Under his order, eight Stone Spirits apart from Xiao Xiao, from Shi Yi to
Shi Ba (one to eight), jumped out one after another, each meeting a
Great King head-on.

In an instant, Monster Qi surged in the vicinity of the Blood Gate. Bursts

of Monster Qi swept outward as the Stone Spirits fought with the eight
Great Kings, creating a Heaven shaking riot.

But very soon, the eight Stone Spirits fighting noticed something odd.
The eight Great Kings weren’t displaying their complete strength, making
it easy to block all of their attacks.

Although the Stone Spirits were lacking in intelligence, they weren’t that
stupid; after all, after living so many thousands of years, how could they
not know what the eight Great Kings were planning?
Everyone was secretly elated, but that did not stop their battle from
causing the world to tremble. Very soon, the barren peak had rocks and
dust flying everywhere, looking just like the scene of a heated battle.

Yang Kai had already guessed what was going on after seeing this and
knew that the eight Great Kings had been tempted by Elder’s proposal.
They were just pretending at this moment, that’s all, so that they wouldn’t
be blamed by the four Divine Venerables if something went wrong.

But then again, even if they tried their best, they could do nothing to the
Stone Spirit Clan.

Since the eight Great Kings were willing to play along, Yang Kai now had
nothing to worry about and immediately focused on cracking the seal of
the Blood Gate, weaving and manipulating the local Space Principles to
the best of his ability.

At the same time, Xiao Xiao and Elder stood on guard by his side,
nervously watching.
Chapter 2587 - Under Orders

The vicinity of the Blood Gate was like a raging fire, filled with loud
explosions and flashes of light. Naturally, all this commotion had drawn
the attention of the Monster Kings in the outer region, and curious, all of
them ran over to check the situation.

In a short while, more than a dozen Monster Kings had gathered about
five kilometres away from the Blood Gate, and all of them were quite
shocked after seeing the enemies of the Eight Great Kings.

“The Stone Spirit Clan? Why are they here?”

“How is that possible? We have been defending the perimeter the whole
time, it’s impossible for them to appear here out of thin air!”

“Did they come from underground?”

“What do they want to do? Do they want to break into the Blood Gate!?”


The Monster Kings broke into a lively discussion, but soon, their faces
changed. Although they had always been thinking of breaking into the
Blood Gate, they really didn’t dare to act upon this impulse, yet at this
moment, seeing the Stone Spirit Clan appear out of thin air and stand
against the eight Great Kings, admiration and fury rose in their hearts.

They admired their courage, their lack of fear about angering the Divine
Venerables afterwards, and were angry at these guys for being so
foolish. These Monster Kings would also be inevitably punished because
of the Stone Clan’s actions.

At this point, many Monster Kings looked at each other, wanting to rush
and help out.

The entire Ancient Lands residents recognized the fact that the Stone
Spirit Clan were extremely difficult to deal with. Although the eight Great
Kings were strong, they may not be able to take on the entire Stone
Spirit Clan alone.
Only if they worked together could they reign in the insolent Stone Spirit

“Great Kings, we have come to aid you,” a Monster King loudly shouted
as he shot straight towards the battlefield with surging Monster Qi.

The pupils of the burly Great King, who was fighting Shi Yi, immediately
contracted before he refused in a heavy voice, “No!”

The rushing Monster Kings abruptly halted with a confused look on his
face. In the Ancient Lands, although the thirty-two Monster Kings and
eight Great Kings were almost on par with each other, when it came to
status, the Great Kings were obviously higher. Being the confidants of
the four Divine Venerables, following them left and right, they could be
regarded as the heralds of the Divine Venerables.

Under normal circumstances, their words were equivalent to the Divine

Venerables’ words.

So as soon as the burly Great King spoke, no Monster King dared to

disobey his order. However, they were all filled with doubt, wondering
what the Great King meant.

“Continue to guard the periphery. Prevent anyone from coming to their

aid. If anyone dares to rush over, kill them without mercy!” While
guarding against Shi Yi’s earth-shattering-like attack, the burly Great
King shouted.

“Yes!” The Monster Kings acknowledged the order, one after another,
but the expressions on their faces were extremely strange.

Under normal circumstances, everyone should work together to deal with

the Stone Spirit Clan as soon as possible; after all, the Blood Gate was
very important and there was no room for any negligence. But now, the
Great King was asking them to continue to guard the periphery,
preventing them from intervening in the fight.

The eight Great Kings certainly couldn’t handle the Stone Spirit Clan
The Monster Kings glanced at each other as doubts arose in their hearts,
unable to understand whether this was the Great Kings’ own intention or
the Divine Venerables’ orders.

If it was the Divine Venerables’ orders, it was quite possible as well; after
all, the Divine Venerables had been wanting to subdue the Stone Spirit
Clan for themselves. Unfortunately, each of these Stone Spirits was as
dull and inflexible as a rock. The Divine Venerables had tried many times
to convince them, but to no avail. This time might be an opportunity. It
was just that, no matter how much the Great Kings wanted to subdue the
Stone Spirit Clan, they would never take the matter of Blood Gate lightly.

“Huh!? There is also a Human over there. What’s he doing?” Suddenly, a

Monster King noticed something and stared in Yang Kai’s direction.

Hearing this, the other Monster Kings focused their gaze in that direction
as well, and what they saw next caused their faces to drastically change.

“That Human is cracking the Blood Gate seal!”

“What!? That’s absurd! What are the eight Sirs thinking? Why are they
calmly watching that Human break the seal? Why aren’t they stopping
him? If the Divine Venerables came to know about this, it’s going to be
really horrible!”

“Oh, no! While the eight Sirs are stopped by the eight Stone Spirits, that
Human is really acting outrageously!”

“What should we do?”

“What are you all fretting about? Maybe…the eight Sirs are deliberately
allowing it?” A seemingly shrewd Monster King’s eyes suddenly flashed
with an intelligent gleam.

Another Monster King turned his head and indifferently criticized,

glancing at him, “Hu Li, you can eat anything you want, but you can’t say
anything you think!”

The Monster King called Hu Li chuckled and stated, “This King just made
a casual remark, that’s all, you brothers are free to ignore it.”
But some words can’t be ignored after they have been heard. The burly
Great King stopped them from approaching the battlefield, and even
asked them to continue to guard the perimeter. This made these Monster
Kings suspicious, and after listening to Hu Li, their hearts were crazily
shaken; they faintly felt that this was probably the truth of the matter.

All of a sudden, everyone Monster King felt their scalp tingle as a chill
ran down their spine.

[The Eight Great Kings…are they planning to go against the Divine

Venerables? If that’s the case, the entire Ancient Lands will probably
descend into chaos!]

Thinking so, when they looked at the fiery battle again, many Monster
Kings discovered that something wasn’t right. The battle might seem
fierce at first glance, with the eight Great Kings and the Stone Spirit
Clansmen trying their best to tear each other into pieces, attacking
without holding anything back…

But when their attacks actually landed on their targets, no one received
any injuries, not even a minor one.

This situation was obviously strange.

Hu Li narrowed his eyes again and asked in surprise, gazing in a certain

direction, “Where did the four Divine Venerables go? Why is there no
sign of them?”

He couldn’t sense the four mighty presences where they should have

Immediately a Monster King added, “I heard that the four Divine

Venerables had left in a hurry after receiving a certain piece of news. I
don’t know where they went.”

“Received a certain piece of news?” A surprised look flashed across Hu

Li’s eyes, “What piece of news is more important than the Blood Gate
that the four Divine Venerables left in a hurry?”

“I’m not clear about it either,” that Monster King shook his head.
“Interesting! Lure the tiger from the mountain and enter the tiger’s den
taking advantage of its absence, burning one’s boat… I never knew the
Stone Spirit Clan had such intelligence!” Hu Li softly smiled.

Although his voice wasn’t loud, the other Monster Kings heard him loud
and clear. At this moment, how could the Monster Kings fail to notice that
something underhanded was going on around the Blood Gate?

Suddenly, everyone’s mood became complicated. They were both

anxious and worried.

Anxious because the Human had been cracking the seal for a long time,
but there had been no result at all; it was simply a waste.

Worried because… if the four Divine Venerables returned, the battle at

the Blood Gate would immediately end. Of course, the Stone Spirit Clan
was pretty strong, but before the four Divine Venerables, they still weren’t
strong enough. And once the battle was over, the Blood Gate’s seal
couldn’t be cracked.

“What should we do now?” The Monster King, who had spoken before,
approached Hu Li and asked in a low voice.

Other Monster Kings focused their gazes on Hu Li, one after another;
they seemed to be ready to follow his lead.

Why wouldn’t they? Hu Li was the one gifted with the sharpest mind
among all the Monster Kings. No matter how complicated the situation
was, or what convoluted conspiracy was taking place, he could easily
see through it.

This was also why he could be one of the thirty-two Monster Kings
despite only being a Mid-Twelfth-Order Monster Race.

In the entire Ancient Wild Lands, only Hu Li wasn’t a peak Twelfth-Order

Monster Race. In a one-on-one fight, other Monster Kings would not put
him in their eyes, but when it came to schemes and trickery, the other
thirty-one Monster Kings were not even in the same class as him.
At this delicate moment, all the Monster Kings naturally hoped that he
could come up with something.

Hu Li smiled upon hearing this before he replied in a calm and composed

manner, “Everyone is asking me what we should do, but who should I

A certain Monster King let out a cold snort and rebuked, “A

straightforward person does not resort to insinuations. Hu Li, we are
brothers who have shared life and death in the Ancient Lands for so
many years. If you have something in mind, just lay it out in the open, no
need to hide it.”

“Yes, Hu Li, now is not the time to play tricks.”

The group of Monster Kings stared fixedly at him, indicating that they
wouldn’t let him go until he spoke.

Hu Li spread his hands and replied with a wry smile, “You really shouldn’t
be asking me about this, it’s meaningless!”

As soon as he said this, the other Monster Kings looked unhappy and
secretly felt that this sly guy wasn’t playing by the rules, making them
somewhat angry.

Hu Li smiled again and added, “Didn’t Sir just order us to guard the
perimeter and prevent anyone from approaching? We should just follow
that order!”

His words seemed to imply something as the Monster Kings’ eyes lit up
after hearing this.

One of the Monster Kings clenched his fist and palmed it hard, creating a
loud thump as he declared, “Indeed, we only need to do what we are
ordered. If the sky falls, there will naturally be someone above to hold it.”

“Yes, yes!”

After everything was clarified, all the Monster Kings finally relaxed. They
stood in their spots, watching the fierce and extraordinary battle. From
time to time, they would point and comment about the fight; all while
feeling completely at ease and leisurely.

As Hu Li had just said, all of them were just following orders and
guarding the periphery. Even if the Divine Venerables blamed them
afterwards, they had their excuses ready. Only the eight Great Kings
would be punished, it had nothing to do with them.

But if the Human broke the seal before the Divine Venerables returned…

At that time, all the Monster Kings and the Great Kings would definitely
rush into the Blood Gate the first chance they got. No one would care
about the Divine Venerables objections.

“The Stone Spirit Clan has made such big plans, so they must be quite
confident in succeeding, yes?” Hu Li, standing among the Monster Kings,
furrowed his brow as he stared towards Yang Kai. As far as he knew,
ever since the Blood Gate Restricted Area had appeared, no one
seemed to have been able to crack it. Generally, it was impossible to
even get close to it. If it weren’t for the abnormal changes in the Blood
Gate this time, perhaps the area within ten kilometres of it would have
been an impassable barrier.

In the dense canopy of a towering big tree some distance away, a small
head poked out. It was Zhang Ruo Xi, who was hiding there.

Her eyes widened as she looked ahead, noticing the battle in the vicinity
of the Blood Gate and also seeing Yang Kai who was pushing his
Emperor Qi madly while constantly moving the local Space Principles.

The situation seemed very dangerous, and from time to time, a fearsome
Monster Race’s Secret Technique would brush past Yang Kai.

[Sir is in trouble!]

Ruo Xi felt anxious and her tender body flickered, ready to fly out to help
Yang Kai.
Chapter 2588 - Landed Me in Big Trouble

If it was before, she would never dare to rush over like this no matter how
much she wanted to, but now it was different. She had the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal in her hands that had millions of Monster Beast
Souls sealed inside, including many at the Twelfth-Order. As such,
Zhang Ruo Xi believed that with the help of this artifact, she would
certainly be helpful.

Even the slightest force could have some effect as long as it could
appear and contribute at the right moment.

But just as her figure rose up, she felt her ankle being tightly grabbed by
someone before she was pulled back down.

After falling down on the trunk again, Ruo Xi angrily shouted, “Third
Senior, what are you doing?”

The one to pull her down was none other than the Ice Heart Valley Third
Elder, who was still with her. Had it not been for the Third Disciple
helping her out with her strength and camouflaging ability, it would have
been impossible for Zhang Ruo Xi to get this close.

After all, she was just a Third-Order Dao Source Realm while right now,
Mid Twelfth-Order Monster Race Masters could be found everywhere.
Only the Third Disciple could bring Zhang Ruo Xi here without anyone
noticing them with her mystical camouflaging technique.

The Third Disciple looked terrified seeing Zhang Ruo Xi angry, but she
kept waving her hands as she pointed in the direction of the battlefield
before bringing it back closer to her neck and sliding across it, at the
same time, she also stretched her tongue out…

Ruo Xi grimly stated, “I know that it’s dangerous over there, and my life
might even be in danger…but Sir is on that side. I need to help him.”

The Third Disciple grabbed Zhang Ruo Xi’s hands and shook her head
like a rattle; it didn’t look like she was going to let her go.
Ruo Xi heaved a sigh and gently added, patting the back of Third
Disciple’s hand, “Sir has taught and raised me. Ruo Xi has never gotten
any chance to repay him for so many years of kindness. Now, Ruo Xi
finally has some power to help Sir. I can’t keep watching from here.
Senior, please let me go. Even if I die, Ruo Xi will never regret it!”

Who knows whether the Third Disciple understood her or not, but
regardless, she tightly held Ruo Xi’s hand and wasn’t planning on letting
it go.

“Third Senior, I will hate you if you keep this up!” Ruo Xi grew anxious.

The Third Disciples pursed her lips, grinning at her. Her teeth were white
as jade, forming a sharp contrast with her dirty face.


At the Blood Gate, Elder was waiting with a solemn look on his face. His
hand on his cane nervously clenched.

Although the eight Great Kings had decided to cooperate after his
persuasion, there were still thirty-two Monster Kings apart from the eight
Great Kings. The thirty-two Monster Kings weren’t much weaker than the
eight Great Kings.

If the thirty-two Monster Kings also rushed over, the Stone Spirit Clan
might not be able to block them with their strength alone. At that time, all
the Stone Spirits could only form a circle around Yang Kai, protecting
him in the middle. They would then have to try to defend him as long as
possible before withdrawing once there was no more hope.

But something happened that surprised him.

The thirty-two Monster Kings, who were rushing over, all stood at a
distance after being ordered by the burly Great King, seemingly planning
to enjoy the show with no intention of intervening in the fight.

[I guess…the temptation of the Blood Gate is pretty big.]

Elder knew the reason why the thirty-two Monster Kings were standing
by. It wasn’t because the prestige of the burly Great King was
extraordinarily high, nor was it because the Stone Spirit Clan was
extremely strong, rather it was because they were also interested in the
Blood Gate being opened. They hoped that the Stone Spirit Clan could
break the seal on the Blood Gate, allowing them to reap the reward
without doing anything.

Elder suddenly felt a burden lift off his shoulder. But soon, Elder secretly
began worrying again.

In this situation, if Yang Kai could tear the space barrier and crack the
Blood Gate seal, it was all fine and well. At that time, all the Monster
Race Masters would move together and they would all charge straight
into the Blood Gate.

But if Yang Kai failed…

Not to mention the Eight Great Kings would no longer hold themselves
back, even the thirty-two Monster Kings would not let the Stone Spirit
Clan go after being disappointed. At that time, nearly forty peak Twelfth-
Order Masters would attack them together, and the Stone Spirit Clan
would have no power to fight back!

Thinking of this, Elder’s expression turned serious and even his mood
grew heavier.


At this moment, Yang Kai suddenly shouted.

“Yes!” Elder hurriedly responded. As he turned his head to look, he

noticed that the space around the Blood Gate was distorted but there
were no signs of the seal breaking.

“Are you sure the painting you showed me was really a prophecy left by
the Wood Spirit’s previous Matriarch at the cost of her remaining life?”
Yang Kai kept moving his hands, but his face was darker than the bottom
of a pot.
“Indeed, why? What’s wrong?” Elder felt a pang of guilt. Nevertheless, he
answered very confidently, as if he didn’t know the meaning of lying.

“Is this Young Master really the one in the revelation?” Yang Kai
continued asking.

Elder had a faint premonition in his heart as he forced himself to answer,

“It must be so!”

“Prophecy my foot!” Yang Kai angrily shouted, “This damn seal, this
Young Master can’t crack it!”

“Ah? How come!?” The Elder’s heart jumped, but how could he let Yang
Kai back down, immediately persuading, “The Blood Gate seal is
extraordinary and not that easy to crack. Honoured Guest, why don’t you
try a bit more. There is no hurry.”

“It’s not a question of time,” Yang Kai heaved a sigh before withdrawing
his hands, allowing the distorted space to stabilize once again. He then
turned to the Elder and stated, “Everything I’ve tried is completely
ineffective, I can’t even sense the spatial barrier, so how am I supposed
to crack the seal? It’s futile to continue. Elder, I think we should withdraw,
taking advantage of their cooperation. If we delay any longer, the four
Divine Venerables might return.”

The Elder asked in surprise, “Weren’t those four lured away by Honoured
Guest’s brilliant plan?”

Yang Kai stared at him with a sidelong glance as he replied, “They aren’t
fools. They will definitely notice something is amiss, and once they do,
they will immediately return. Three thousand kilometres is nothing to
those four, and if we don’t leave now, we won’t be able to when they

Elder sunk into silence. Although he knew that Yang Kai was right, he felt
that it would be a shame to give up now since things had reached this

His face turned serious as he requested, “Guest, please step aside, let
this Elder and Shi Jiu give it a try.”
Yang Kai knew that he was unwilling to give up, but he didn’t stop him
either, instead just angrily stating, “The previous Wood Spirit Clan
Matriarch has landed me in big trouble.”

Had it not been for the nine ancient paintings in the tree cave, Yang Kai
would have never agreed to the Stone Spirit Clan’s request this easily.
Because he really believed he might be the saviour of the two clans, he
came to give it a try, but from the start, he was unable to do anything.

He couldn’t figure out why the last Wood Spirit Clan Matriarch left those
nine paintings before she died. [The Human in those paintings is clearly
me, but why can’t I open the Blood Gate?]

While he was filled with unwillingness, the Elder and Xiao Xiao were
already giving out a war cry together.

Xiao Xiao, who was originally ten metres tall, swelled again as he
became a fifteen metres tall stone giant.

And the Elder, who had always given the impression of being extremely
old and feeble, looked like he had suddenly been given a second life. His
rickety waist became completely straight as he turned into a stone giant
that was taller than Xiao Xiao with cracking sounds. Not only that, but the
layer of rocks on him was like an extra layer of muscles, filled with
explosive power.

They looked at each other before Xiao Xiao raised the Heaven Shaking
Pillar and smashed it down hard.


A deafening clap immediately followed. The strike that was strong

enough to destroy Heaven and shatter the Earth actually caused the
Blood Gate to flicker a little, but very soon, it regained its calm.

As Xiao Xiao withdrew his Heaven Shaking Pillar, Elder punched straight
at the Blood Gate.

Struck by the giant fist, a deafening clap rang as the Blood Gate shook,
but it remained as strong as a sheet of iron.
*Hong hong hong…*

A series of deafening claps rang as Xiao Xiao and the Elder kept
bombarding the Blood Gate one after another. The Stone Spirit Clan’s
explosive power was being completely unleashed at this moment. Even if
it was a thousand-metre tall mountain, these two could flatten it with just
one blow, but the Blood Gate wasn’t showing any signs of breaking.

“That Human was unable to break the seal. Do they want to break it with
brute force?” Hu Li, seeing what was happening now, had naturally
guessed what the Stone Spirit Clan wanted to do.

“But it seems useless!” Another Monster King stated, furrowing his brow.

“The Stone Spirit Clan’s brute strength can be considered the strongest
in the world. Even the Divine Spirits fall behind in that particular aspect. If
they can’t break it, then the Blood Gate…”

The mood of the group of Monster Race Masters suddenly sank to the
bottom, realizing that there was little hope of breaking the seal.

Before, they were filled with anticipation, looking forward to the moment
the Blood Gate seal was broken, but at this moment, this anticipation had
slowly turned into a deep disappointment.

The Monster Kings were only disappointed, but the eight Great Kings
were also angry.

They had been putting on a show with the Stone Spirit Clan, turning a
blind eye to their actions and allowing them to do whatever they wanted
at the Blood Gate.

How could they have known that the Stone Spirit Clan would be unable
to do anything at all? All their anticipation had gone to waste.

If the Divine Venerables found out about this later, they would definitely
not be pardoned.

Furthermore, after such a big commotion, the Divine Venerables would

definitely notice something soon and come to investigate.

Another deafening clap rank as the Heaven Shaking Pillar in Xiao Xiao’s
hands was reduced into fragments as its pieces flew in all directions.

The Heaven Shaking Pillar was something Yang Kai had obtained when
he had ventured into the Emperor Garden on Shadowed Star. It had
been Xiao Xiao’s weapon since then, but it finally broke today.

Xiao Xiao was shocked by the shattering of the Heaven Shaking Pillar.

Immediately afterwards, Elder’s punch was also unsuccessful, and a

sliver of despair slowly appeared in his eyes.

“Elder, it’s time to leave,” Yang Kai, observing the eight Great Kings’
expressions and bearing, noticed that they were both becoming
increasingly ugly. He secretly felt that their patience was reaching the
limit, so he couldn’t help but urge.

The Elder didn’t answer, and kept punching at the Blood Gate with Xiao
Xiao, giving rise to deafening claps.

“Elder!” Yang Kai shouted, “Where there is life, there is hope. If we don’t
leave now, the Stone Spirit Clan will surely be annihilated today!”

This sentence finally woke the Elder from his daze, and he loosened his
fist with a heavy look on his face, unwillingly shouting, “Let’s go!”

“You think you can come and go as you please? How can there be such
an easy thing in the world!” The burly Great King’s voice turned colder as
he attacked, showing no restraint this time. Terrifying Monster Qi surged
from him as he punched straight at the Stone Spirit’s chest right before

The Stone Spirit had failed to react in time and was knocked back
several dozen metres, flipping through the air.

The muscular Great King was extremely angry too. He felt that he had
been tricked, so, naturally, he didn’t want the Stone Spirit Clan to leave
so easily.
Chapter 2589 - Shocking Battle

The same was true for the other seven Great Kings. Realizing that there
was no hope of breaking the Blood Gate seal and the Stone Spirit Clan
was now planning on escaping, the Great Kings no longer held
themselves back and instantly brought out their full power. The Stone
Spirit Clan immediately fell into a disadvantage and suffered a huge loss,
retreating again and again.

However, the Stone Spirit Clan was not only inherently powerful, but they
also had extremely strong and sturdy physiques. Unless their bodies
were crushed into pieces, not only would they not die, but they would not
suffer any injuries either.

After the burly Monster King knocked his opponent back, he shouted, “All
Monster Kings, hear my order, the Stone Spirit Clan has trespassed the
Blood Gate Restricted Area with sinister intentions. Under the Divine
Venerables’ authority, they must all be taken down!”

As he pointed at the Stone Spirit Clan, the thirty-one Monster Kings who
were enjoying the show nearby immediately lunged over like a pack of
wolves, surrounding the Stone Spirit Clan in an instant.

Yang Kai’s heart sank as he realized that they were in big trouble. Eight
Great Kings and thirty-one Monster Kings, that was thirty-nine peak
Twelfth-Order Masters surrounding them. Even a Great Emperor might
surrender before this powerful lineup.

*Weng weng weng…*

One after another, the Monster Kings unleashed fearsome auras that
made the entire world feel like it was shaking. Bits and pieces of rocks on
the ground slowly floated up from the ground, as if an invisible force was
lifting them up.

“Why play with fire if you don’t have any protection!” Hu Li heaved a sigh
and shook his head, his gaze sweeping through the ten stone giants
before finally resting on Yang Kai, “Leave the Human to this King, you
deal with the others.”
He only had a Mid Twelfth-Order cultivation, so he had no confidence to
face a Stone Spirit head-on. On the other hand, he felt no pressure
facing a mere First-Order Emperor Realm Human.

The burly Great King obviously knew what Hu Li’s plan was and just
gave Yang Kai a cold glance before warning Hu Li, “Hu Li, you have to
be careful with this Human, he is proficient in the Dao of Space.”

Hu Li was surprised as he murmured, “Dao of Space? Interesting!”

That being said, he still didn’t attach any importance to Yang Kai; after
all, the gap between their cultivations was pretty wide.

The burly Great King’s face turned sullen as he coldly glared at Elder
and proposed, “Elder, this King isn’t shedding all pretences of cordiality
because of the respect I have for your old age. As long as you are willing
to surrender without a fight, the Divine Venerables might leave a way out
for you when they return, but if you remain stubborn, then this King will
have no choice but to offend you.”

The Elder sighed and stated, “This Elder has taken Great King’s
kindness to his heart, but my Stone Spirit Clan… will surrender to no

“Not even to the Divine Venerables?” The stalwart Great King’s gaze
turned colder.

The Elder shook his head in refusal.

The stalwart Great King lightly nodded before indifferently adding, “Since
that’s the case…” He raised his hand high and swung it down hard,
shouting a single word, “Attack!”

*Shua shua shua…*

Over thirty Monster King figures flickered as they charged straight at the
Stone Spirit Clan wrapped in copious Monster Qi. In an instant, with the
Elder in the lead, the Stone Spirit Clan let out war cries as they swung
their enormous fists wrapped in unimaginably violent energy, greeting the
oncoming the Monster Kings. Their punches seemed as if they could
shatter this world.

How could the Monster Kings dare to take this strike head-on? All of
them promptly cast their own unique techniques one after another, their
figures fluttering as they dealt with the Stone Spirits using their numbers
advantage and flexible movement skills.

*Hong hong hong…*

Deafening crashes rang one after another, accompanied by dazzling

flashes of colourful lights. A shocking battle kicked off in an instant.

“Take Shi Jiu away! Preserve my Stone Spirit Clan’s bloodline!” Elder
suddenly shouted as he swung the cane in his hand in a circle before
smacking it down hard on the oncoming Monster King. Unfortunately, his
blow was swiftly avoided.

Yang Kai knew that Elder was talking to him, but at this moment, how
could he have any room to leave even if that was what he most wanted
to do? If he was alone, he could indeed come and go freely, but if he
wanted to take Xiao Xiao away, he would first need to put him into the
Sealed World Bead.

However, Xiao Xiao seemed to have become completely engrossed in

the heat of battle as he fought shoulder to shoulder with the other Stone
Spirits. If he didn’t cooperate, Yang Kai couldn’t force him into the Sealed
World Bead.

“Human, this King will be your opponent!” Suddenly, a figure flashed

before his eyes. Yang Kai found that the Monster King named Hu Li had
appeared before him, lightly sending a palm at him with a smile hanging
on his lips.

“Scram!” Yang Kai too raised his palm and greeted him head-on.

“You are quite courageous!” Hu Li chuckled, feeling that this Human was
really interesting. Much to his surprise, the Human actually dared to meet
force with force despite the gap in their cultivation. Did this human boy
simply lack real combat experience?
But very soon, the smile on Hu Li’s face turned stiff, because the
moment their palms came in contact, he felt that the strength of his
opponent’s palm was no weaker than his own. In fact, the force he felt
seemed like it could crush his strike like it was smashing rotting wood.
Not only that, but there were also mysterious spatial fluctuations around
Yang Kai’s attack, which appeared to be tearing apart his palm.

Hu Li was shocked and quickly pulled back his arm, looking at Yang Kai
in amazement. The contempt and indifference in his eyes had
disappeared right away and was replaced with an extremely solemn look.

“Solidify!” As Yang Kai shouted, causing the local Space Principles to

surge. Immediately after, the space around Hu Li became thick and
viscous, making Hu Li feel like he had fallen into a swamp. Not only did it
become hard for him to move his body freely, even circulating his
strength became difficult.

Yang Kai waved his hand in a slashing motion, sending out an enormous
jet-black Moon Blade that flew straight at Hu Li.

Hu Li’s face drastically changed as beads of cold sweat could be seen

emerging on his forehead. He felt his limbs go cold and numb as
goosebumps appeared all over his body. He desperately urged his own
energy to escape like his life depended on it, but in the end, he could not
summon sufficient strength due to the odd pressure he was under. Under
the invisible shackles of the local Space Principles, he couldn’t avoid this
blow at all.

In a hurry and left with no choice, he opened his mouth wide and spat
out a white ball about the size of a quail egg. An extremely strange
fragrance was wafting from this white ball.

Monster Core!

At the critical moment of life and death, Hu Li acted in an extremely

decisive manner, spitting out his Monster Core that should not be easily
Suddenly, a thick defensive shield manifested in front of the spinning
Monster Core.


The enormous Moon Blade struck straight on the defensive shield and
slowly began cutting through it, like it was trying to slice up an extremely
resilient cloth, barely fraying the outer layer of protection!

At the same time, the Space Principle shackles around Hu Li also

disappeared, and without any hesitation, he quickly collected his Monster
Core and withdrew several dozen metres, putting distance between
them. Finally, he had a breath of respite, a look of fear still lingering on
his face.

He almost parted with his life just now for underestimating this Human.
Had he not promptly and decisively used his Monster Core, he might
have been split in half.

[Where did this Human…come from?]

“Hmm!?” On the other side, one of the eight Great Kings, who wasn’t
participating in the fight, had a look of surprise flash past his eyes upon
seeing this, amazed by Yang Kai’s astonishing strength.

But he also knew that the Monster King Hu Li’s combat power wasn’t that
great and he mainly relied on schemes and trickery to secure his
position, so he wasn’t too surprised and simply let out a cold snort as he
took a step forward.

An afterimage remained where he originally stood, and in the blink of an

eye, he arrived before Yang Kai.

Condescendingly looking down at Yang Kai, the Great King grabbed

towards him. By the looks of his stance, it seemed as if he was trying to
catch a chicken by its neck; he had a relaxed and free look on his face,
indifferently mocking, “A trivial First-Order Emperor Realm Master
actually dares to be so presumptuous in the Ancient Lands? It seems
that your Elders never told you about the dangers of the Ancient Lands.
This is not a place where you Humans can move and do as you wish.”
A solemn look appeared on Yang Kai’s face as he rapidly formed hand
seals, exuding a mysterious aura into the surroundings. Immediately,
time itself seemed to have stopped passing.

The Great King felt that his own thoughts had suddenly stopped and a
bright light flashed before his eyes before he saw Yang Kai’s palms
being pressed towards him.

“Time Flows on Infinitely, Like a Mighty Stream, Like an Unending


A murmur rang in the Great King’s ears. To everyone else, it looked like
the Great King had been struck by a petrification technique and simply
allowed a strange seal to hit him without defending himself.

Only once everything was over did the Great King snap back to his

In a flash, his face drastically changed as he felt a terrifying energy

creeping up his arm. He roared in shock and hurriedly retreated,
promptly pushing all the Monster Qi in his body towards his arm to resist
this terrifying encroachment.

When he looked down at his arm, the Great King’s eyes involuntarily

It looked as if his arm had aged by thousands of years and his vitality
was rapidly being eaten away. His originally robust muscles had become
weak and withered while even his bones felt creaky.

“What kind of energy is this!?” The Great King was shocked and
confused, hurriedly pushing his Monster Qi to try to expel the foreign
energy from his body.

But how could Yang Kai give him such a chance? Now that he had
already dropped all pretences of cordiality with the Ancient Lands
Monster Race, Yang Kai would fight to kill. In any case, anyone Monster
Race Master he took down would relieve some pressure on the Stone
Spirit Clan.
Yang Kai promptly summoned the Myriads Sword and flooded it with his
Emperor Qi, condensing a hundred-metre-long dazzling sword light as he
swung it down on the Great King.

If this blow found its mark, the Great King would be severely injured, if
not dead. At least, he would temporarily lose his combat power.

In truth, the strength of this Great King had completely surpassed Yang
Kai’s expectations. The Time Flies Seal had never once failed to defeat
his enemies since Yang Kai began cultivating it, but to his surprise, this
Great King actually freed himself from the Dao of Time’s interference at
the most critical moment, rendering the Time Flies Seal ineffective; the
most it did was injure his arm.

He proved his strength as a peak Twelfth-Order Masters in name and in

fact. Yang Kai even suspected that if this Great King had been on guard
beforehand, the Time Flies Seal would not even have landed.

A dazzling sword aura and a powerful Sword Intent was radiating from
the Myriads Sword as a thick, nearly tangible Murderous Intent was
emanating from Yang Kai.

“Human, you dare!” That burly Great King shouted. Yang Kai didn’t
notice when this Master moved, but he had unexpectedly appeared
between Yang Kai and the Great King who was struck by the Time Flies
Seal. Without dodging or avoiding the oncoming attack, the burly Great
King fiercely punched towards Yang Kai’s Myriads Sword.

First, the Monster King, Hu Li, was forced to retreat by Yang Kai, and
now a Great King had been injured in a single move by him. If this Great
King really lost his life under Yang Kai’s sword, a human’s sword, the
Ancient Lands Monster Race would lose all face.

Even if they could kill Yang Kai later, they would inevitably be punished
by the Divine Venerables.

How could the burly Great King watch Yang Kai continue showing off his
strength unimpeded?
Chapter 2590 - It Has a Master

Before the burly Great King’s punch, the sword aura radiating from Yang
Kai’s Myriads Sword shattered into pieces. Even Yang Kai himself lost
his footing and was swept up by the wind pressure generated by his

“Overconfident!” The burly Great King coldly snorted, his murderous

intent flaring as he punched again. This looked like a simple, straight
punch, without the slightest bit of fanciness, an attack that pursued only
simplicity and power.

Regarding the Stone Spirit Clan, the burly Great King still wanted to
subdue them and was unwilling to fight to the death with them unless it
was a last resort, but as far Yang Kai was concerned, a Human…a trivial
Human was nothing. He could kill him without any scruples!

Before the punch even reached Yang Kai, he could feel a piercing
sensation all over his body due to the resulting pressure.

[Can’t block it!] Yang Kai instantly judged; there was too big of a gap
between their cultivations.

He had just been able to injure a Great King-level Master because he

had the element of surprise on his side and because his opponent had
underestimated him. Great credit also belonged to the Flowing Time
Great Emperor’s Time Flies Seal. However, at this moment, the punch
from the burly Great King was already upon him and he didn’t have the
time to form another seal.

“Come out!” Yang Kai suddenly shouted, while at the same time,
hurriedly retreating.

The next moment, an enormous stone giant appeared. This stone giant
bore startling resemblance with the Stone Spirit Clan, but rather than raw
aggression in its eyes, there was a sliver of shrewdness instead.

The Embodiment!
As soon as he appeared, the Embodiment swung his first, punching

Before the blow of the burly Great King could even land on Yang Kai, a
Stone Spirit had mysteriously appeared between them, causing the
former’s brow to twitch and even causing him to question if his eyes were
playing tricks on him.

But when he saw the oncoming punch, he knew this was no illusion.

It was too late to withdraw, so he could only grit his teeth and meet the
Embodiment’s punch with his own.


A deafening explosion reverberated, and in the aftermath, the

Embodiment staggered back two steps while the burly Great King let out
a groan as faint sounds of bones cracking came from his wrist before he
was sent flying like a rag sack.

The six other Great Kings, who were watching from afar, were also
dumbfounded at the sight of this.

They stood rooted on the spot, as if petrified. Their response was a little
sluggish as if they had lost their wits. They were unable to accept the
reality of this situation at all.

On the surface, the Human, who seemed the weakest, actually forced a
Monster King to back away, then injured two Great Kings. Although the
burly Great King wasn’t personally injured by him, the result of the battle
was still shocking.

What the Monster Race Masters were unable to fathom though was
where this Stone Spirit came from.

[Can’t the Stone Spirit Clan have no more than ten members? Wouldn’t a
Stone Spirit born after there are already ten of them die prematurely?
Counting this last Stone Spirit, the Stone Spirit Clan already has eleven
clansmen! This has broken the myth that no more than ten Stone Spirits
may walk the world at once.]
[This is horrible! If the Stone Spirit Clan can have more than ten
members, which clan will be able to fight against them? These guys are
crazy about fighting and each one of them is extremely terrifying once
they fully mature!]

“Go and help them!” Yang Kai flew up and landed on the Embodiment’s
shoulder, saying in a low voice as he turned his head and looked in
Stone Spirit Clan’s direction. At the same time, he stretched his hand in a
certain direction and opened his palm, as if he was summoning
something to him.

Things weren’t looking good for the Stone Spirit Clan. Even if they were
naturally born fighters, even if they didn’t know the meaning of
exhaustion, even if they had endless strength, even if their bodies were
extremely robust and sturdy, against Monster Kings three times their
numbers, they would still be stretched and hard-pressed to hold their

One by one, the Stone Spirits seemed to have gone mad. They wantonly
punched left and right, but they were completely powerless against the
strong and vigorous Monster Kings. On the contrary, the Monster Kings
spread out and attacked them from multiple directions, leaving them with
no choice but to chase their opponents while defending themselves.

Basically, every Stone Spirit was fighting three Monster Kings, but these
Monster Kings were extremely cunning. They had divided their tasks and
were cooperating with each other. Two of them would cooperate on the
ground to contain the Stone Spirit’s attacks and movements, while the
last one would hover up above and look for opportunities to send out
devastating attacks.

The Stone Spirits might not have to worry about their lives for the time
being, but if things went on like this, it was only a matter of time before
they were suppressed.

Elder was obviously aware of this and a look of determination flashed

across his eyes as he shouted, “Mu Na, assist me!”
Just as he said this, colourful rays of light suddenly emerged from his
back. These rays of light gathered and stretched behind him, forming a
pair of radiant wings.

Yang Kai stared in a daze for a moment, finally realizing how the Wood
Spirits would provide help in this situation. These radiant wings should
be the auxiliary support the Wood Spirits could give to the Stone Spirit

[No wonder I didn’t see any of the Wood Spirits when I summoned the
Stone Spirits. No wonder the Wood Spirits joined us before we set off. It
turns out that the two clans really share a symbiotic relationship that
goes beyond simply sheltering and supporting one another.]

The biggest drawback the Stone Spirit Clan faced was that they couldn’t
fly; it was related to their body structure, but the Wood Spirit Clan could
give the Stone Spirits this ability.

*Shua shua shua…*

A pair of radiant wings suddenly emerged behind each Stone Spirit. As

those wings fluttered, the Stone Spirits’ movements became nimbler and
more flexible. It seemed as if these wings were natural extensions of
their bodies, without the slightest bit of discord between them.

The Monster Kings’ faces sank as they rose into the air one after
another, flanking back and forth, surrounding the Stone Spirits. By the
looks of their stance, it seemed that they wouldn’t let them break through
their line of defence.

The Great Kings watching the battle couldn’t sit still anymore when they
saw this scene, their figures also rising up to help.

For a moment, the world lost its colour while the sun and moon lost their
radiance. A terrifying and dazzling battle broke out mid-air as the
collisions between various Principles and raw strength seemed like it
would shatter and tear this stretch of the world asunder.
“What are you going to do?” Yang Kai’s face turned black as he asked,
looking at his Embodiment. The battlefield had suddenly shifted to the
sky, so the Embodiment couldn’t provide any assistance at all.

The Embodiment pursed his lips and stated, “I also have the assistance
of the Wood Spirits.”

*Shua Shua…*

Suddenly, rays of light emerged behind him as a pair of wings stretched

from his back. After rising from the ground, he shot straight into the air.

Yang Kai’s eyes lit up, realizing that his Embodiment had formed an
agreement with the Wood Spirit before. He couldn’t help but breathe a
sigh of relief as he then swung the Myriads Sword forward and sternly
shouted, “Kill!”


A few thousand kilometres away from the Blood Gate, four figures were
rushing back towards it as swiftly as the wind. At their current pace, it
would not take them long to reach the battlefield.

Each of these four figures was radiating a fearsome aura, one that
seemed as vast and deep as the sea. They were none other than the
four Divine Venerables of the Ancient Lands.

After having received Xie Wu Wei’s report, they had gone to investigate
the appearance of the Mountains and Rivers Bell. When they arrived,
they indeed found the Mountains and Rivers Bell, but unfortunately, no
matter what they did, they were unable to collect it, let alone bring it
away with them. The bell sat in a mountain valley, completely still, and
none had any idea why it appeared there seemingly out of thin air.

The four Divine Venerables dared not underestimate the bell’s power to
suppress Heaven and Earth.

Just when the four Divine Venerables were feeling helpless and
frustrated, they suddenly noticed abnormal movements at the Blood
The distance of three thousand kilometres was not close, but it wasn’t far
either. The perception of the four Divine Venerabeles was extremely
keen while the battle at the Blood Gate was extraordinarily fierce, so it
couldn’t remain hidden from their senses.

In a flash, the four knew that they had been lured into a trap.

Without a moment of hesitation, they immediately hurried back to the

Blood Gate; after all, the Mountains and Rivers Bell couldn’t run away
from here while there was room for mistakes at the Blood Gate.

Before they could rush back to the Blood Gate though, they felt a
fearsome and shocking aura emerge from behind them. This aura was
spreading over and actually made them have a feeling of suppression.

“The Mountains and Rivers Bell!” Cang Guo abruptly turned his head
before his figure came to an immediate stop. As expected, he saw a
streak of light rushing over, reaching them in the blink of an eye.

Luan Feng, Fan Wu, and Shi Huo all had their faces drastically change
as they dared not confront it head-on and hurriedly scattered to the


The Mountains and Rivers Bell directly flew between the four Divine
Venerables and shot straight ahead before disappearing from their sight
in the blink of an eye.

“What’s going on?” Fear could be seen lingering on Shi Huo’s face. He
thought that someone was going to use the Mountains and Rivers Bell to
suppress them and was so frightened he almost used his Source
Strength to attack.

But the Mountains and Rivers Bell actually flew straight ahead, ignoring
them entirely. It was really confusing.

The other three Divine Venerables also looked confused.

Suddenly, something seemed to have clicked for Fan Wu and his face
turned ashen and cold as he grit his teeth and stated, “The Mountains
and Rivers Bell actually has a Master!”

Luan Feng’s pretty eyes were also filled with shock as she confirmed
again, “You mean to say… its Master just summoned it?”

Fan Wu replied with a cold snort, “What other explanation could there

Cang Guo’s face turned unsightly as he looked towards the Blood Gate
and bitterly said, “Whoever it is that subdued the Mountains and Rivers
Bell actually used it as bait to interfere with our business!”

Fan Wu added, “No matter who it is, his goal is definitely the Blood Gate.
Let’s go!”

After having finished, he hurriedly shot off.

Luan Feng, Cang Guo, and Shi Huo glanced at each other before they
hurriedly followed after him.

Several dozen kilometres behind them, Xie Wu Wei had a bitter look on
his face as he saw the four Divine Venerables pick up their pace. His
speed wasn’t as good as theirs, so he could only chase after them while
eating their dust. Just now, when the Mountains and Rivers Bell flew
over, he had seen it and naturally knew this was Yang Kai’s handiwork.

Deep down in his heart, he was already raining down curses on Yang
Kai, but he also had no choice but to pray for his safety.

Now, he was Yang Kai’s Soul Slave, so once Yang Kai died, he would
definitely die along with him.

“Little brat, you better not have an accident and leave as soon as
possible. The Divine Venerables are already returning,” Xie Wu Wei
muttered under his breath.

At the Blood Gate, the crowd of Monster Race Masters were locked in a
heated battle, with the Stone Spirits rushing left and right in a chaotic
fashion. Nonetheless, they were unable to break through the line of
defence and were trapped in this place.

In the end, the difference in numbers was too great, and with all the
Monster Kings not holding back, the Stone Spirits were basically unable
to escape.

At this moment, a streak of light suddenly came from nearby. Judging by

its direction, it came from the centre of the battlefield.

The streak of light seemed to contain a terrifying aura. Wherever it

passed through, the world started shaking.

“Human, go to hell!” The burly Great King, who was injured by the
Embodiment, shouted as an enormous illusory phantom of a giant tiger
appeared behind him, biting down at Yang Kai the next moment.

Having suffered a huge blow at Embodiment’s hands, he didn’t dare to

get close and instead focused on killing this brat first.

At this moment, the Embodiment was blocked by another Monster King

and was unable to support Yang Kai at all. Seeing the illusory enormous
tiger pouncing at him, glaring, roaring and baring fangs at Yang Kai, the
Embodiment instantly released the Heaven Devouring Domain, violently
draining his opponent Monster King’s vitality.
Chapter 2591 - Surrender or Be Exterminated

“What the hell!” The Monster King was extremely shocked. He had never
seen such a bizarre Secret Technique and he promptly tried to pull back.
The Embodiment, on the other hand, grimly smiled before stretching his
hand out and smacking it down on him.

But there was still a wide gap between their strengths, so the
Embodiment could only helplessly watch the Monster King break free
from the Heaven Devouring Domain and flee.

Meanwhile, the attack of the burly Great King was already about to reach
Yang Kai.

“Don’t worry about me!” But then, Yang Kai shouted. Hearing this, the
Embodiment, who was about to pull back its hand and help Yang Kai,
instead pressed forward.


Suddenly, a streak of light flew over as a small bell appeared in Yang

Kai’s hand. The bell was covered in rust and cracks, but the flowers,
birds, beasts, mountains, and rivers carved on it were still distinctly

Yang Kai stretched his hand out and lightly pushed the bell forward. His
Emperor Qi surged as the small bell suddenly grew, reaching the height
of an adult and blocking his front.


The giant radiant illusory phantom happened to pounce at Yang Kai right
at this moment, biting down hard on the big bell.


A deafening knell that reverberated throughout the sky rang as a wave of

ripples suddenly propagated outward with Yang Kai as the centre. The
ripples seemed to contain extremely mysterious energy and all the
creatures who heard the tolling, no matter whether it was Monster Kings
or the Stone Spirit, all momentarily stagnated as they felt a sense of
suppression bearing down on them.

The radiant giant tiger phantom was directly dispersed, reducing into a
million specks of light before disappearing.


The burly Great King spurted a mouthful of blood as he suddenly

became listless and dispirited.

The giant tiger phantom was the full power blow activated using his
Monster Core, so after having it scattered by the Mountains and Rivers
Bell, the burly Great King had suffered a certain degree of backlash.

“The Mountains and Rivers Bell!” The burly Great King held his chest
with one hand as he staggered back, the corners of his eyes madly
twitching and he stared in a daze, unable to believe his eyes.

“The Mountains and Rivers Bell!?”

“That’s impossible!”

“Wasn’t it taken away by a Human a few tens of thousands of years ago?

How can it appear here again?”

The crowd of Monster Race Masters were shocked as well while the
Great Kings kept exclaiming; their eyes filled with surprise.

This couldn’t be helped though as the prestige of the Mountains and

Rivers Bell was simply too big. In the beginning, it belonged to the
Ancient Wild Lands, so as residents of the Ancient Lands, no one knew
the horrors of the Mountains and Rivers Bell better than them.

In a flash, a look of fear appeared in the eyes of the Monster Kings.

They might not place any importance on a mere First-Order Emperor

Realm Human, but if that Human had the Mountains and Rivers Bell and
could control it as he wished, that was another matter.
No one wanted or had the guts to test the terrifying might of the
Mountains and Rivers Bell.

With the bell in Yang Kai’s hand, the faces of the Monster Kings and
Great Kings turned colder, but they also became more cautious with their

Yang Kai raised the Mountains and Rivers Bell up high and shouted,
“Follow me!”

The Stone Spirits finally reacted. Taking advantage of the chaos the
Monster Kings had been thrown into, they rushed towards Yang Kai,
gathering by his side.

“I will kill anyone who tries to stop us!” Yang Kai, holding the Myriads
Sword with one hand and raising the Mountains and Rivers Bell with the
other, aggressively shouted, turning to look towards a certain direction
before flying to that side.

The Monster Kings hovering in that direction gawked at Yang Kai and the
Mountains and Rivers Bell, dumbfounded, but seeing Yang Kai leading
the Stone Spirits towards them, they were completely startled.

Before they could make way, Yang Kai had already lifted the Myriads
Sword before hitting it hard on the Mountains and Rivers Bell.


The resonating knell from the bell almost formed a visible shock wave,
sweeping towards the Monster Kings blocking the road ahead,
suppressing space itself everywhere it passed through.

The faces of the Monster Kings drastically changed as they hurled all
kinds of curses at Yang Kai, but how could they dare to hesitate? They
immediately dispersed, narrowly avoiding the oncoming shockwave.

Just as they retreated, Yang Kai, leading the group of Stone Spirits,
rushed through the gap between them with an unbearable insolence,
encountering no resistance.
Every Monster King’s face was extremely ugly, while the Great Kings’
expressions were so cold and gloomy that one could shave off a layer of
frost from them.

Almost the entire high-end strength of the Ancient Lands’ Monster Race
was gathered here, yet a puny Human was able to come and go as he
liked. Once word about this got out, none of them would be able to lift
their heads.

But Yang Kai was radiating an intense murderous intent that no one
wanted to be the first to test. Who knows what the consequences of
attacking the Mountains and Rivers Bell would be? The condition of the
burly Great King wasn’t hidden from them; he was dispirited and
constantly coughing blood, and this was obviously not just the effects of
backlash from his technique being broken. If they really fought head-on
with this bell, perhaps not even a dreg of them would remain.

The disarray in the Monster Race Masters allowed Yang Kai to take the
Stone Spirit Clan safely out of their encirclement and he was just about
to escape into the wild.

But right then, Yang Kai, who was leading the charge, suddenly had his
pupils shrink as he blankly stared in a certain direction.

The Stone Spirits, who were closely following him, instinctively felt a
dreadful feeling slowly rising in their hearts.


The world suddenly shook as tiny little black spots appeared on the

In the blink of an eye, those tiny little black spots were already within
visible distance. Meanwhile, four fearsome pressures came bearing
down from the sky. With these four approaching Yang Kai and his group,
they all felt as if ten thousand mountains were weighing down on him.
Letting out a muffled groan, Yang Kai was having difficulty even
breathing smoothly.
“Divine Spirits!” Yang Kai looked on at the four figures that had appeared
over the horizon with bulging eyes, his face as gloomy as could be.

He only needed a little time to put the Stone Spirit Clan back into the
Small Sealed World, then he could use his teleportation ability to easily
escape from here.

However, before the four Divine Spirits, even a little time was a luxury he
couldn’t afford.

Yang Kai’s figure suddenly came to a halt, along with the Stone Spirit
Clan, their eyes filling with despair.

They knew that since the four Divine Venerables had returned, they
would not be able to escape today.

Elder forced a bitter smile, “Little Brother, my Stone Spirit Clan has
brought you a lot of trouble!”

Had he and Mu Na not tricked Yang Kai into bringing them to the Blood
Gate, how could he be facing a catastrophe like this today? It was indeed
true that they had brought a lot of trouble to Yang Kai, causing Elder to
feel bogged down with guilt.

“Elder, it’s too early to say anything before we have reached a

conclusion,” Yang Kai pursed his lips and shook his head, sweeping a
gaze over the four Divine Venerables.

His stay in the Ancient Lands might not have been too long, but it wasn’t
a short one either. During this stay, Yang Kai had often heard about the
four Divine Venerables, the true overlords of the entire Ancient Wild

[Fan Wu, Luan Feng, Cang Guo, and Shi Huo…]

Four names flashed in Yang Kai’s heart as he swept his gaze over these
four faces.

“Hm?” Luan Feng suddenly narrowed her eyes as she asked, sizing
Yang Kai with a little surprise, “Kid, where has this Queen… seen you?”

Yang Kai’s brow twitched; however, thinking about it for a moment, he

realized that someone as strong as her, who had lived for who knows
how many years, was quite qualified to address him as such.

Yang Kai wryly smiled and replied, “About ten years ago, Junior had the
honour to catch a glimpse of Madam’s elegance on Clear Jade Mountain
outside Maplewood City. I’m afraid Madam would not recall such an
insignificant encounter.”

Naturally, everything he said had really happened. When he was

escaping from Blue Feather Sect with Liu Xian Yun, heading towards
Maplewood City, an infant Luan Feng had appeared in Clear Jade
Mountain. Many cultivators came searching and hunted it, but in the end,
the Luan Feng who stood before him now appeared and annihilated
everyone with her World Extinguishing Black Flames.

At that time, it was Yang Kai’s first encounter with a Divine Spirit that was
really alive. Back then, what he had seen was Luan Feng’s true form, but
now she was in human form. However, in this world, there was only one
Divine Spirit Luan Feng. Naturally, Yang Kai knew that this beautiful
woman was that massive black bird that he had seen back then.

Hearing this, Luan Feng’s beautiful eyes flashed with a gleam before she
lightly nodded, seemingly having some impression of him.

“Lady Feng, do you know him?” Fan Wu indifferently asked.

Luan Feng replied, smiling, “We just met once, that’s all. I didn’t expect
that he could grow to this extent in just ten years. I guess his talent is
pretty good. He might become a powerful figure in time.

“Hmph!” Cang Guo sneered and glared at Yang Kai with ill-intentions,
“Only those who manage to grow up can be considered true Masters.”

“The Mountains and Rivers Bell is actually his. It seems that his
opportunities weren’t small,” Fan Wu’s face turned cold, staring at the
Mountains and Rivers Bell in Yang Kai’s hands.
The four of them were lured away by someone using the Mountains and
Rivers Bell and were still somewhat annoyed by this. At this moment,
they knew that the Mountains and Rivers Bell belonged to Yang Kai, so
of course their faces wouldn’t look good as it was like Yang Kai had
managed to trick all of them.

“Little brat, how do you want to die?” Shi Hou suddenly took a step
forward as a near tangible pressure came rushing from the front. Even
with the Mountains and Rivers Bell protecting him, Yang Kai still felt
extremely uncomfortable.

[I’m afraid things won’t end well today,] Yang Kai felt bitter and

The Stone Spirit Elder interjected in a reverberating voice, “Sir Shi Hou,
this Little Friend was kidnapped by this Elder and forced to act as he did.
Today’s matter has nothing to do with him. If you can let him go, my
Stone Spirit Clan’s fate will be entirely up to your discretion.”

Shi Huo sneered, “It’s too late for that. Over the years, this King has tried
multiple times to make you submit to me, but you didn’t even consider
my generous offer. Now, when you are at the end of your rope, you
actually want to bargain with this King? You think that this King will

Elder’s face turned bitter, not knowing what to say. Stone Spirits were
basically not good with words.

Shi Hou coldly shouted, “Today, your Stone Spirit Clan will either submit
to me or be exterminated. As for this brat… since he dares to trick this
King, even the Heavens won’t be able to save him!”

“Trick… when did that happen?” Elder looked confused. Apparently, he

was unaware that Yang Kai had used the Mountains and Rivers Bell to
concoct the plan of luring the tiger from the mountain.

The Divine Venerables had ruled the Ancient Lands for so many years,
but today, they had been humiliatingly tricked by a Human using the
Mountains and Rivers Bell. When this matter was brought up, their faces
turned extremely ugly. If this Human was strong enough, there would be
some room for discussion, but he turned out to be just a First-Order

Shi Hou had no intention of explaining either. With his identity and status,
he naturally disdained to explain too much and just arrogantly stated,
“Submit or be destroyed, Elder, it’s your choice. You have ten breaths to

Elder stated in a heavy voice, “This Elder just said that as long as Sir can
let this Little Friend go, my Stone Spirit Clan is willing to surrender!”

“You don’t have any say in this. You are not qualified to bargain with this
King!” Shi Huo waved his hand, impatience covering his face.

The Elder looked at the other three Divine Venerables and bitterly asked,
“Sirs and Madam, do you also have such intentions?”
Chapter 2592 - Completely Wiped Out

Elder looked at Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo’s faces with hope,
one after another, but he was ultimately disappointed. The three had
stoic looks on their faces, expressing nothing.

“He’s just one Human, why would Sirs and Madam make things difficult
for him?” Elder angrily asked.

The other three Divine Venerables remained silent, but Shi Hou replied
with a cold snort, “Elder, don’t be stubborn. If not for your Stone Spirit
Clan and this King having some common origins, this King would have
no choice but to exterminate your clan for today’s matters. This King is
already showing kindness by sparing you. You shouldn’t try to reach out
for a yard after taking an inch!”

Elder wanted to say something but Yang Kai suddenly intervened,

“Elder, agree with him, don’t worry about me.”

Elder shouted in a low voice, “This incident was caused by my clan and
we have put Little Friend in a lot of trouble. If word got out, my clan would
never be able to lift their heads in public.”

Xiao Xiao, who was standing beside him, also vigorously shook his head.
Obviously, he didn’t want Elder to discard Yang Kai.

Yang Kai helplessly heaved a sigh before whispering, “I would have

already left if I was alone; however, it’s not too late to leave now. Take
care of yourselves, I’ll be leaving first!”

Saying so, he manipulated the local Space Principles and his figure
disappeared into thin air.

Since it had been confirmed that the Divine Venerables just wanted to
subdue the Stone Spirit Clan and didn’t want to ruthlessly kill them, Yang
Kai was able to rest assured. In the current situation, the Stone Spirit
Clan would definitely not be able to leave, so all he could do was protect
himself first. In a hurry, he didn’t have the time to even collect the
Embodiment into the Small Sealed World.
However, the Embodiment also had the body of a Stone Spirit, so it
wasn’t in any danger with the Stone Spirit Clan. After escaping from
here, Yang Kai would find a way to get the Embodiment back. He would
even find a way to take the Stone Spirit Clan away from this place where
they were bound to always be in trouble.

This bizarre scene left Shi Huo, who had been keeping an eye on Yang
Kai, in a daze. Apparently, he still couldn’t figure out what just happened.

Fan Wu’s eyes flickered with a bright gleam as he exclaimed, “A Spatial

Divine Ability!”

Just as he spoke, his figure suddenly made a sharp turn and he thrust
his finger towards a certain point in the void.

Immediately, a groan was heard as a figure mysteriously appeared out of

thin air. At this moment, Yang Kai looked in Fan Wu’s direction in shock.

He didn’t expect that this Divine Spirit would actually be able to force him
out of the void.

Their eyes met only for a moment, with Fan Wu’s face being as tranquil
as an ancient well. It was hard to tell what was going through his mind
from his expression. Yang Kai ground his teeth and tore space again, his
figure phasing out and disappearing in the next moment.

Luan Feng’s pretty eyes darted left and right before she opened her
mouth wide and breathed out a jet of black flames. The black flames
slithered through the air like a nimble black snake, shooting into the void
before disappearing.

A moment later, a strange cry rang out as Yang Kai appeared, cutting a
sorry figure. He was being chased by the World Extinguishing Black
Flames and was unable to shake them off.

Cang Guo sneered and said, “This boy’s teleportation ability is pretty
good, but unfortunately, his strength is still lacking a little.”

Fan Wu indifferently stated, “If he were allowed to grow even a bit more,
I’m afraid he would be able to come and go freely even in front of me. No
one would be able to stop him then. The Dao of Space is truly


Suddenly, a deafening knell resounded. At the critical moment, Yang Kai

had summoned the Mountains and Rivers Bell in front of him, blocking
the World Extinguishing Black Flames. After the knell, the World
Extinguishing Black Flames, that could burn anything in the world,
suddenly went out.

Standing in the air, a pale Yang Kai stated, grinding his teeth, “Sirs and
Madam teaming up to deal with this Junior is truly an honour.”

Anyone could hear the sarcasm in his words, but whether it was Fan Wu
or Luan Feng, they didn’t look ashamed. Fan Wu rather replied, “It’s
natural to use extraordinary means to deal with extraordinary people.
There is no need for any sarcasm.”

Yang Kai sneered outwardly, but his heart had already hit rock bottom.

He hadn’t expected for his Teleportation Secret Technique to be useless

before the Divine Spirits. This had cut off all his routes of retreat. Today,
things were really not looking good for him.

“Human brat, this King also doesn’t want to bully you with numbers, but
it’s not impossible to let you live. If you waste your cultivation and leave
the Mountains and Rivers Bell, you may leave the Ancient Lands,” Shi
Huo stared at Yang Kai, but his eyes kept wandering to the Mountains
and Rivers Bell, filled with greed.

Elder snapped after hearing this, “Sir, how is having him cripple himself
any different from killing him?”

Shi Huo turned his head and stated in a freezing cold voice, “Elder, don’t
challenge this King’s patience anymore. This King has been tolerating
you long enough, if you keep acting stubborn, don’t blame this King for
teaching you a lesson.”
Elders quickly added, “He is the guest of my clan. My clan has dragged
him into today’s affairs. Sir, if you want to do anything, direct it to my

Shi Huo agreed, grimly smiling and nodding, “Alright, since Elder refuses
to realize the errors of his ways, then this King will educate you on
showing proper respect.”

As he said this, he let out a roar before transforming into a twenty-metre

tall stone giant, similar to the Stone Spirit Clan. However, Shi Huo’s
stone giant form appeared much more vicious than the Stone Spirit Clan.
His entire body was covered in black flames, which looked quite similar
to Luan Feng’s World Extinguishing Black Flames. What’s more, there
were sharp thorn-like protrusions on the surface of Shi Huo’s body,
giving him an extremely violent and fearsome look. The aura around him
made others extremely uncomfortable and seemed to have an effect of
suppressing the mind.

Having revealed his true form, Shi Huo sneered and contemptuously
stated, beckoning towards the Elder, “All of you can come at me
together, this King will let you taste what the gap in our strength is first

These words were too insulting. Every member of the Stone Spirit Clan
was a top Master and a natural-born fighter. They couldn’t bear Shi
Huo’s provocation and immediately roared in anger as they charged him
without waiting for the command.

Even if Elder wanted to stop them, there was nothing he could do at this
moment. He could only grit his teeth and join the attack as well.

In an instant, twelve enormous stone giants were entangled together. It

looked like twelve mountains were colliding with each other. Their fists
danced against each other, knocking each other back and forth. Their
fight caused the sky to shatter and the world to turn upside down.

All the Monster Kings’ eyes trembled. A contest of pure strength like this
was extremely rare. They have fought with the Stone Spirit Clan just
now, so they knew how difficult these stone giants were to deal with. But
Shi Huo was fighting the entire Stone Spirit Clan alone; this scene was
extremely shocking.

“Hahaha!” Shi Huo arrogantly laughed as the dark flames on the surface
of his body burned more and more fiercely.

While the punches were exchanged back and forth, the attacking Stone
Spirit Clan endlessly complained to themselves. They couldn’t even get
close to their enemy and when their attacks occasionally did land on Shi
Huo, the sharp protrusions on his skin made them injure themselves
more than they injured him.


During the melee, a Stone Spirit was knocked flying by Shi Hou and
crashed straight to the ground, leaving a huge pit.

Before the Stone Spirit could crawl back out of the pit, Fan Wu raised his
hand and shot a seal straight towards the Stone Spirit that found its
target right away.

The struggling Stone Spirit knelt down on the ground, not even having
the strength to stand up.

“Secure him!” Fan Wu coldly snorted.

A few Monster Kings immediately flew over, surrounding the Stone Spirit
who had been struck by the seal. Each of them returned to their true
form and clawed and bit at him, restraining him right then and there.

“Hou!” The Stone Spirit was unwilling, but having been hit by Fan Wu’s
seal, eighty percent of his strength was locked up. Also, he was
restricted by a few Monster Kings in their true forms, so how could he
have the strength to move?

All he could do was kneel down on one leg on the spot, looking at the
sky with a look of unwillingness hanging on his face.

Another Stone Spirit was knocked away by a tremendous force,
smashing into the ground and leaving behind an enormous pit. Fan Wu
did the same again; he shot out a seal, and before he even gave the
order, a few other Monster Kings rushed forward to suppress the Stone

*Hong hong hong…*

Stone Spirits were sent flying, one after another. The battle of an entire
clan against the Divine Spirit, Shi Huo, actually was completely one-
sided. The Monster Kings were bedazzled and gratified at the sight of

Among the four Divine Spirits, only Shi Huo could defeat the Stone Spirit
Clan with such brutal and direct methods. Except for him, neither Fan
Wu, nor Luan Feng or Cang Guo could accomplish this. Not to mention
others, even the three Divine Spirits weren’t as good as him when it
came to pure strength. But if they were really compared, Luan Feng was
the strongest, with Fan Wu as second, and Cang Guo and Shi Huo
almost on par.

However… Shi Huo’s Stone Monster form was like the Stone Spirit
Clan’s Stone Giant Form. He was born with rock-hard skin but had an
extra support of Monster Fire as compared to the Stone Spirit Clan. Also,
his entire body was covered in sharp spikes, giving him an added
advantage in close combat.

When it came to endurance, Divine Spirit Shi Huo was almost the same
as the Stone Spirit Clan.

When it came to strength, Shi Huo was above the Stone Spirit Clan.

Who had the advantage was quite obvious even without fighting. At this
moment, the Stone Spirit Clan wasn’t Shi Huo’s opponent even with their
entire clan taking action together.

Ten Stone Spirits plus Yang Kai’s Embodiment were all wiped out in less
time than it would take to drink a half cup of tea by Shi Huo. After each
Stone Spirit fell, they were sealed by Fan Wu and then restrained on the
spot by the Monster Kings.

Each Stone Spirit kept roaring. Their faces filled with humiliation.

Shi Huo, on the other hand, stood arrogantly under the sky with eyes
filled with disdain and contempt. Finally, he coldly gazed at Yang Kai.

In the previous battle, Yang Kai didn’t intervene not because he didn’t
want to, but because Fan Wu’s Divine Sense had locked onto him,
making him unable to move.

“Little brat, this King gave you a chance. Since you don’t want to cripple
your cultivation, this King will send you to hell!” Just as he said this, Shi
Huo punched in Yang Kai’s direction.

Yang Kai’s expression drastically changed and he promptly slapped the

Mountains and Rivers Bell, causing the Ancient Exotic Artifact to instantly
grow to the height of a human, protecting him. A deafening knell rang as
a shockwave spread towards Shi Huo’s oncoming punch.

Shi Huo sneered, “If you were a Third-Order Emperor Realm and had
that bell in your hand, this King might have some scruples, but
unfortunately… you are only a First-Order Emperor. How much of its
power can you even bring out!?”

Shi Huo didn’t even try to evade the oncoming shock wave and met it


The shockwave visible to the naked eye was suddenly smashed apart.
Although Shi Huo’s fist stagnated a little, it continued forward in the next
moment and struck right on the Mountains and Rivers Bell.

Another knell rang as Shi Huo’s massive body quaked before he

retreated a few steps.
Whereas Yang Kai’s chest violently heaved up and down as his blood
and vitality were sent into turmoil by that tremendous force. He opened
his mouth and spurted a mouthful of blood as his figure flew back.

“Worthy of an Ancient Exotic Artifact!” Shi Huo was overjoyed instead of

getting angry, gulping hard as he stared at the Mountains and Rivers Bell
that flew off together with Yang Kai; greed clearly filling his eyes.

A mere First-Order Emperor Realm Master could block his blow with the
Mountains and Rivers Bell, so if he could conquer this treasure, he might
even dare to fight with the Dragon Clan.
Chapter 2593 - Feel Insecure

A dishevelled Yang Kai slowly lifted his head up at that moment, his eyes
flashing with an almost imperceptible gleam as he rapidly formed a set of
hand seals. The Mountains and Rivers Bell suddenly started spinning
before it grew bigger than the size of a house, a powerful suppressive
force suddenly bursting from it as it fell towards Shi Huo, who was
approaching Yang Kai step by step.

“Be careful!” Cang Guo’s face changed drastically as he warned Shi


Shi Huo was also taken aback. Apparently, he hadn’t expected Yang
Kai’s physique to be so strong that he hadn’t suffered any major injuries
from his indirect blow just now. If it was any other First-Order Emperor
Realm Master, he might have already lost his life.

The power to suppress the World itself caused Shi Huo to stagnate.
Seeing the Mountains and Rivers Bell falling down on him, he hurriedly
tried to escape, but it was already a little late.


In front of everyone’s eyes, the enormous Mountains and Rivers Bell

directly suppressed Shi Huo, perfectly encasing him.

“Hahaha!” Yang Kai broke into wild laughter, wiping the blood off the
corner of his mouth and cheerfully shouting, “You might be stronger, but
this Young Master is smarter!”

Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo’s faces turned ashen.

The Ancient Lands’ four Divine Venerables might not like each other, and
even had some grudges between them, but generally speaking, their rise
and fall were linked to one another; if one suffered, all suffered; if one
prospered, all prospered.

After Shi Huo was suppressed by Yang Kai under the Mountains and
Rivers Bell, the faces of the other three turned extremely unsightly. Shi
Huo had also smeared mud on the faces of Divine Venerables. Although
Yang Kai had relied on the Ancient Exotic Artifact to do this, he was still
just a Human First-Order Emperor. In the eyes of the Divine Venerables,
he was no different than an ant.

But now, Shi Huo has been suppressed by an ant. It was tantamount to a
slap on their faces.

*Hong Hong Hong…*

Suddenly, deafening knells and furious roars came from inside the
Mountains and Rivers Bell. Obviously, the enraged Shi Huo was
bombarding the Mountains and Rivers Bell, trying to escape out of it.

But the World Suppression of the Ancient Exotic Artifact was beyond
comparison. Even the Phoenix True Fire had been suppressed under
this bell for tens of thousands of years, so despite being a Divine Spirit,
Shi Huo was unable to do anything no matter how much he wanted. On
the contrary, under his crazy attacks, the Monster Kings in the vicinity
had their vitality sent into turmoil by the reverberating shockwaves. All of
them had an uncomfortable look on their faces while Hu Li, the weakest
of all, and the injured burly Great King even spurted mouthfuls of blood;
their faces going completely pale.

Shi Huo, who was suppressed under the Mountains and Rivers Bell, was
probably not feeling any better. The bell rings contained terrifying power
and he was inside the Mountains and Rivers Bell, so he no doubt
suffered the most.

“Shi Huo, stop!” Fan Wu coldly shouted.

Shi Huo probably also noticed that something was wrong and really
stopped his crazy bombardment after hearing this, leaving only loud
gasps coming from inside the Mountains and Rivers Bell. He was like a
trapped beast, his breathing mixed with the sound of unmatched anger
and murderous intent.

After having been suppressed by Yang Kai, his lungs were burning with
flames of fury. He was like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment.
“Little brat, your courage is quite big!” Fan Wu indifferently added, coldly
glaring at Yang Kai, “Let Shi Huo out, or else you will definitely die!”

Yang Kai meaningfully grinned. His figure slightly staggering as he got to

his feet and replied with a completely indifferent look on his face, “Sir, if
you want to do it, you are more than welcome. This Young Master knows
that he can’t escape before you. Since he can’t escape, he won’t even

“Aren’t you afraid of dying?” Fan Wu coldly snorted.

Yang Kai coldly looked at him and indifferently stated, “It’s very easy for
Sirs and Madam to kill me, but if you kill me… I’m afraid Shi Huo will be
suppressed for many years to come. Maybe someday, someone will be
able to subdue the Mountains and Rivers Bell, setting Shi Huo free, but
definitely not any time soon.”

Just as he said this, the faces of the Divine Venerables completely sank.

Everyone knew that Yang Kai was right. When the Mountains and Rivers
Bell was still in the Ancient Wild Lands tens of thousands of years ago,
many had tried many times to subdue it, but none of them had
succeeded. Finally, it was taken away by someone called Yuan Ding.

That was simply a disgrace!

Today, if they really killed Yang Kai, perhaps everything would happen
just like he said; Shi Huo would remain suppressed under the Mountains
and Rivers Bell until someone conquered this Ancient Exotic Artifact
someday and released him.

Luan Feng narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked, “Kid, you are young,
why do you put the word death so easily on your lips. Let Shi Huo go and
we can discuss terms.”

Yang Kai sneered, “When I was leaving before, it was Sirs and Madam
who insisted on keeping me here. Now, you want to talk everything out?
This Young Master feels quite insecure.”
When Fan Wu and Luan Feng heard this, their expressions turned a bit
unsightly. They felt as if they had lifted a rock only to drop it on their feet.

Taking a deep breath, Luan Feng asked, “Then how will you feel

Yang Kai raised his brow and looked left and right before replying, “Let
me take the Stone Spirit Clan away from here first. When I’ve reached a
few thousand kilometres from here, I will take back the Mountains and
Rivers Bell and let Shi Huo out. In that case, maybe I will feel a little

As long as he could put a few thousand kilometres between him and the
Divine Spirits, Yang Kai was confident he could escape together with the
Stone Spirit Clan. At that time, no one would be able to stop him.

Fan Wu rebuked, “Don’t you think you are going overboard with your
request? If it’s just you leaving, this King can turn a blind eye, why would
you want to drag the Stone Spirit Clan too?”

Yang Kai replied with a smile, “Sir, there are thirty-two Monster Kings
and eight Great Kings under you. Adding the Stone Spirit Clan is like
adding flowers to a bouquet, and a forcefully picked melon isn’t sweet.
Why do Sirs and Madam insist on this? Rather than forcing the Stone
Spirit Clan to be loyal to you, isn’t it better to let them be free? I think the
Elder will be grateful for this. If Sirs and Madam encounter any trouble in
the future, they might even help you out.”

Fan Wu contemptuously smiled and stated, “What trouble would this

King even run into?”

Yang Kai earnestly replied, “Life is full of ups and downs, who can
guarantee anything?”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Fan Wu indifferently asked as the
smile receded from his lips.

Yang Kai didn’t reply, but a firm look appeared on his face.
Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo looked at each other as their Divine
Senses surged; they seemed to be communicating with each other.

Yang Kai remained calm, at least on the surface, but his heart was
crazily pounding like a drum inside.

He was now using the Mountains and Rivers Bell to suppress Shi Huo.
Although he had found himself a slim chance of survival, who knows
whether these three Divine Venerables would care for Shi Huo’s life or
not. Perhaps if they wanted Shi Huo to be suppressed here forever, they
would even take the initiative to kill him. At that time, all Yang Kai would
be able to do is make a last stand.

The hope was slim, but it was better than surrendering without a fight.

Just when Yang Kai was internally panicking, Fan Wu gazed at him
again, as if he had reached some consensus with Luan Feng and Cang

Yang Kai’s nerves immediately became taut as he gazed back.

“This King…” Fan Wu indifferently agreed, “Agrees to your conditions.”

Hearing this, Yang Kai immediately heaved a sigh of relief. He couldn’t

help but rejoice after having escaped this disaster. In any case, Fan Wu
was a Divine Venerable, so since he had said it, he would definitely not
regret it.

“However…” Fan Wu switched the topic, making the relieved Yang Kai
nervous again, “This King also has a condition.”

Yang Kai’s face turned ugly as he hesitatingly asked, “What’s the


“This bell…” Fan Wu pointed at the Mountains and Rivers Bell and stated
in a firm voice, “Needs to stay here.”

The Mountains and Rivers Bell was too dangerous. The Divine
Venerables were unable to conquer it, and once it fell into the hands of
the outsiders, it was also a threat to them. Yang Kai with just a First-
Order Emperor Realm cultivation was able to suppress Shi Huo.

If it was a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master, it wouldn’t be impossible

for all four of them to be suppressed under the Mountains and Rivers
Bell. So, no matter what, the Mountains and Rivers Bell must remain
here. If they couldn’t subdue it, they didn’t want others to have it either.

Yang Kai’s eyes widened as he stated, gritting his teeth, “Sir, isn’t this
request too domineering?”

Fan Wu coldly snorted and stated, “You lot have committed a capital
offence by trespassing the Blood Gate Restricted Area. This King has left
you way out where you keep your lives and your freedom. You should be
grateful for that and not try to bargain again.”

Luan Feng also added, “At the end of the day, an artifact is an external
thing that’s not connected to your body. Kid, don’t you think leaving it in
exchange for a dozen lives is worthwhile?”

Cang Guo also slightly smiled and stepped in too, “Not to mention, this
bell belongs to the Ancient Lands. Now, it’s simply returning to its original

“That is the truth!” Fan Wu agreed with a slight nod.

Yang Kai almost crushed his teeth while grinding them in anger. No one
knew the power of Mountains and Rivers Bell better than him; after all,
he had spent more than a year in the Shattered Star Sea to subdue this
Ancient Exotic Artifact. If he were to hand it over just like that, it would be
equivalent to wasting that year’s worth of time and also losing an
important trump card. It was a very big loss.

But Luan Feng was also right. Ultimately, artifacts were external aides
and not part of his body. Compared with his own life and the Stone Spirit
Clan’s future, it was really nothing.

The most important thing was… he couldn’t twist his arms and thighs
now. If he didn’t agree, Shi Huo would be unable to get out of his trap,
but it would be disastrous for him too, and the Stone Spirit Clan’s future
would also be fraught with worries.

“Alright,” Yang Kai muttered, his voice filled with reluctance, “I can leave
the Mountains and Rivers Bell here, and allow you to manage it. But
sooner or later, this Young Master will personally come and retrieve it.”

Cang Guo sneered and disdainfully rebuked, “Shamelessly boasting!”

He didn’t deny that Yang Kai’s aptitude was pretty good and he had a
great chance of becoming a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master in the
future, but if they could get the Mountains and Rivers Bell in their hands,
then in order to face them all, Yang Kai would first have to become a
Great Emperor.

Fan Wu also shook his head with a smile, obviously not taking Yang
Kai’s words to his heart, “Since you have agreed, remove your Soul
Imprint from this bell. Don’t try to play any tricks, this King will personally
monitor you and if he finds something wrong, don’t blame this King for
being merciless.

“Sir, you must be joking!” Yang Kai immediately shouted, “If I release my
Soul Brand now, wouldn’t Shi Huo try to take my life after he comes

Luan Feng couldn’t help but smile as she assured, “You are quite
careful, but don’t worry, with us here, Shi Huo won’t treat you like that.”

Yang Kai shook his head and stated, “I won’t believe it unless you make
him swear.”

Fang Wu and the others’ faces immediately blackened, secretly feeling

like Yang Kai wasn’t playing by the rules. With their identity and status,
they would keep their words, but to their surprise, this brat was declining
with all sorts of excuses, which was infuriating them.

Immediately, Shi Huo’s furious shout came from inside the Mountains
and Rivers Bell, “Bold! Little brat, what right do you have to make this
King swear!”
Yang Kai stated with a straight face, “If you don’t have any ill intention,
what’s the harm in swearing? Is it that Sir Shi Huo will really try to take
my life once you come out? If that’s the case, then Sir, be prepared to be
suppressed inside forever. Suppressing you for a lifetime in exchange for
this Junior’s life is a small price to pay.”
Chapter 2594 - Going Back On One’s Word

“You are angering this King!” Shi Huo roared menacingly from inside the
Mountains and Rivers Bell, pounding and shaking it as he shouted, “Little
Brat, you’d best not let this King out, otherwise, the first thing I will do is
kill you!”

As soon as he said this, Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo’s faces
turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

Just now, Yang Kai said that he was afraid that Shi Huo would trouble
him after coming out, and now, Shi Huo actually said just that.
Furthermore, judging by his tone, he wouldn’t rest until he had taken care
of Yang Kai. Only someone totally ignorant would say such things in this

“Shi Huo, enough with the nonsense!” Luan Feng couldn’t help but shout,
lest Shi Huo say something beyond irredeemable.

Yang Kai pointed at the Mountains and Rivers Bell with a look of horror
and added, “Sirs and Madam, did you hear him? How could I dare to lift
my Soul Imprint from the Mountains and Rivers Bell!? Although this
Junior’s life may not be worth much, I don’t want to die in vain either!”

Fan Wu gazed at Yang Kai and replied, maintaining a stoic face, “Shi
Huo has a very stubborn temperament. It’s impossible to make him
swear. You can forget about this; however, I can promise you that he
won’t trouble you after coming out.”

Yang Kai snorted and stated, “You are you, and he is he, how can you
tell what’s on his mind?”

Fan Wu looked at the Mountains and Rivers Bell and shouted, “Shi Huo,
tell him.”

The Mountains and Rivers Bell sunk into silence before Shi Huo’s
reluctant voice resounded, “Alright, this King isn’t going to argue with a
little brat.”

“Good enough?” Fan Wu looked at Yang Kai again.

Yang Kai forced a smile and stated, “It’s just a word, a play with words,
nothing more, nothing less. I still don’t feel safe. Why not let me take the
Stone Spirit Clan a few thousand kilometres away first…”

“That’s absolutely impossible!” Fan Wu looked impatiently, “If you feel

that you can’t accept this King’s condition, then we can only let Shi Huo
be suppressed, and you… will stay here forever as well.”

Yang Kai was proficient in the Dao of Space, so if he was really allowed
to withdraw a few thousand kilometres, Fan Wu wasn’t sure he could
stop him from fleeing, so how could he agree to this condition?

Yang Kai’s face turned ugly as he asked, “Is there no room for

Fan Wu slightly raised his hand and stated, “I will give you three breaths
to consider. After three breaths, this King will kill you. Think quickly!”

Yang Kai grit his teeth as a look of humiliation appeared on his face. He
was rarely forced to this degree, but today, he was really pushed into

Fan Wu continued to raise his hand, his aura growing more and more

Seeing that he was about to make a move, Yang Kai heaved a sigh and
finally relented, “I agree.”

Fan Wu lightly nodded, not the least bit surprised; after all, no one
wanted to play with their life. He then stoically said, “Let Shi Huo out

Yang Kai made a hand seal and stretched his hand out. Immediately, the
enormous Mountains and Rivers Bell rose with a thrum, revealing Shi
Huo’s figure. Shi Huo’s entire body was covered in blazing black flames,
and his eyes were filled with incomparable anger.

Yang Kai was as vigilant as he could be. Once he noticed Shi Huo
having any ill intentions, he would immediately suppress him again.
Suppressing him before was just a fluke. Now that Shi Hou was
prepared, he had little chance of success.

Fortunately, Shi Huo just glared at him and let out a cold snort, not
making any moves.

“Remove your Soul Imprint,” Fan Wu urged.

Yang Kai took the Mountains and Rivers Bell back, looked at it for a
while, before his Divine Sense surged as he erased his Soul Imprint on
the Mountains and Rivers Bell.

The small Mountains and Rivers Bell burst with a flash of light before it
became incomparably quaint.

Yang Kai casually threw it towards Fan Wu.

Fan Wu flicked his wrist to receive the Mountains and Rivers Bell, but the
instant he tried to take it into his sleeve, a tremendous force emanated
from the bell, making him unable to catch it.

With a bang, the Mountains and Rivers Bell fell to the ground, quaking
the ground for a moment. It then remained completely still, as if it had
taken a root there.

“The Ancient Exotic Artifact has a well-deserved reputation!” Fan Wu’s

eyes flickered with shock. Even if the Mountains and Rivers Bell was
ownerless, he couldn’t pick it up. In this world, perhaps only the one who
was acknowledged as its Master could control it at will.

Suddenly, violent energy fluctuations originated from somewhere.

“Shi Huo, what are you doing!” Luan Feng exclaimed at the same time.

Fan Wu’s face slightly changed as he looked up. To his surprise, Shi
Huo was charging at Yang Kai with a ferocious grin on his lips. His fist
covered in blazing pitch-black flames smashed down at Yang Kai as he
shouted, “Little Brat, surrender your life!”
Yang Kai’s face drastically changed. Although he had been paying
attention to Shi Huo, he hadn’t expected a Divine Spirit to go back on his
word so shamelessly. After seeing Yang Kai’s Soul Imprint on the
Mountains and Rivers Bell removed, he actually didn’t hesitate to attack

Caught by surprise, Yang Kai didn’t even have the time to dodge.

The scorching energy radiating from the fist seemed to be able to melt
anything within several meters of it and the power behind it seemed
capable of cracking the world.


As the punch came down, Yang Kai grunted before he was smashed
straight into the ground, his figure completely disappearing from sight.


The Stone Spirits angrily roared, their eyes turning red with rage,
especially the Embodiment. Watching Yang Kai smashed into the
ground, the energy in their enormous bodies immediately surged, but
they were restrained by many Monster Kings at the moment so they were
unable to break free.

“Shi Huo! Do you know what you are doing!?” Luan Feng shouted,
grinding her teeth, her pretty face colder than the ice.

Fan Wu and Cang Guo’s faces were also extremely ugly.

They had just sworn that they would let Yang Kai leave alive, but they
hadn’t expected Shi Huo to renege on their promise. He was blinded by
anger and ignored their credibility.

Once the word of this spread, how would the Monster Kings under them
view them? How would they stand tall in the Ancient Lands in the future?
The people with the highest combat power were gathered in the Ancient
Lands here, and several dozen pairs of eyes were currently fixed on
“It’s over, it’s over…”

The nearby Xie Wu Wei’s face turned pale. He almost went limp and
slumped down on the ground.

Even if he was a Monster King comparable to a Third-Order Emperor

Realm Master, he couldn’t help falling into despair at the sight of this
scene. Although he had been far behind the four Divine Venerables, he
had arrived here quite a while ago and had constantly been on edge
about Yang Kai’s safety. He was secretly rejoicing for having escaped
the catastrophe, seeing Yang Kai reach an agreement with the Divine
Venerables, but who would have thought that Shi Huo would go back on
his word and sneak attack a First-Order Emperor Realm boy!

Xie Wu Wei was Yang Kai’s Soul Slave, so his life and death was tied to
Yang Kai’s. Once Yang Kai died, he would have to part with his life too.

[It’s really over! I’ve been killed by that brat Yang Kai!] Xie Wu Wei
looked sad and angry. [If I knew this would happen, I would have rather
chosen to die in the Ten Thousands Spirits Tomb. At least I would get to
die in the final resting place of all the Ancient Lands residents. I wouldn’t
be lonely after death!]

[It couldn’t be any worse! I’m going to die here for no reason and won’t
even get a proper burial.]

But very soon, Xie Wu Wei noticed that something wasn’t right.

Because he wasn’t dead. He touched his body in disbelief and could

clearly feel his heart beating. Suddenly, his pupils contracted as if he had
realized something and he hurriedly looked towards the enormous pit.

[If I’m alive, then Yang Kai is alive too.]

[But how is that possible? How is he still alive after being sneak-attacked
by a Divine Venerable?]

“Shi Huo!” Fan Wu shouted, word by word, grinding his teeth, “He had
already agreed to remove the Soul Imprint from the Mountains and
Rivers Bell. Why did you kill him!? Can’t you be a little tolerant?”
“Tolerant?” Shi Hou coldly snorted. The scorching flames over his body
receded as he stated, “This King only knows an eye for an eye, and tooth
for tooth. That brat dared to suppress this King with the Mountains and
Rivers Bell. His death isn’t worth pitying!”

He turned his head and asked, suddenly turning his gaze at the three
Divine Venerables, “Why, are you going to fight with this King for that
brat? Give me a break, that brat is dead, and the dead are worthless.”

Although his words were offensive, they were undeniably true. What
value did a dead person hold? What was the point of falling out with Shi
Huo for a dead human boy?

“You shouldn’t have done this!” Fan Wu stated in a calm and composed
manner. He wasn’t sorry about Yang Kai’s death, but was angry about
Shi Huo discrediting them. When one’s status and strength had reached
to their level, their word became more important than their lives.

“Alright, alright!” Cang Guo immediately intervened to mediate, “Since

things have already happened, it’s pointless to blame him. We were
wrong in this matter. Let’s bury… this human with honour.”

It seemed that giving Yang Kai a burial was the highest honour they
could offer …

Luan Feng lightly nodded before sighing and proposing, “This kid should
be a peerless genius. This Queen will take care of this. He will definitely
not be treated poorly.”

Fan Wu nodded, fiercely glaring at Shi Huo. Whereas Shi Huo just stood
there with an indifferent expression on his face. Rather he smiled and
stated, “I got my revenge, it feels good!”

At this moment, the several Divine Venerables seemed to have sensed

something as they looked towards a certain direction together.

Immediately, they saw a figure rushing over. Judging by the figure, it

belonged to a woman, only, her cultivation wasn’t that strong, only Third-
Order Dao Source Realm.
And closely following behind her was another figure with the cultivation of
Second-Order Emperor Realm.

Two figures, one ahead and one behind, were quickly approaching, with
the woman in the lead looking extremely anxious.

The group of Monster Race Masters in the outer ring tried to stop them,
but they were knocked down by the Second-Order Emperor.

In a flash, the two figures had rushed over.

*Shua shua…*

Both of them abruptly came to stand still in the air. The woman in the
lead looked at the enormous pit below with a look of disbelief. All of
sudden, she started crying as tears rolled down her cheeks and fell down
to the ground like pearls.

The woman in the rear was unkempt, messy, and wearing tattered and
dirty clothes.

These two had rushed into the place where the Monster Race was
gathered, rushed to the front of the four Divine Venerables. Their suicidal
act had left many Monster Race members in surprise.

“Ruo Xi…” Embodiment, looking at the figure in the air, sighed with an
astringent look on its face.

No doubt, Ruo Xi had suddenly rushed over after seeing Yang Kai
sneak-attacked by Shi Huo, throwing all caution to the wind.

And the one, who came with her, was undoubtedly the Ice Heart Valley’s
Third Elder.

The Third Disciple stood behind Ruo Xi with a ferocious look hanging on
her face, making weird noises. She looked as if she was a beast
defending its territory, warning others not to approach.

However, when Fan Wu glanced at her just once, the Third Disciple
trembled as she shrank into a ball.
Chapter 2595 - Alive

Before everyone’s eyes, Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly rushed to the bottom of

the enormous pit, knelt down and desperately started digging through the
mud with her hands, tears kept rolling down her cheeks as she kept
whimpering, “Sir, Sir…”

She was so aggrieved that she kept choking on her words. She seemed
to have lost her mind, not even using her Source Qi. She was just using
her hands to dig as mud kept flying around her.

In the blink of an eye, her soft and tender fingers had turned bloody, but
it seemed as if she could not feel any pain as she kept desperately

Her sadness and desperation had reached a new extreme. They seemed
to have turned tangible and slowly spread into the surroundings,
affecting many Monster Race Masters and the restrained Stone Spirit
Clan. Her tears had a faint redness in them, as if she wasn’t shedding
pure tears but a mixture of blood and tears.

“Don’t leave Ruo Xi, Sir, don’t leave…”

Her blood and tears had blurred her vision. Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t see at
all, but her hands never stopped moving, trying to rescue Yang Kai from
the ground.

“This little girl…” Fan Wu narrowed his eyes and frowned, staring at the
back of kneeling Zhang Ruo Xi. Feeling quite complicated.

“I guess she has a very deep relationship with that kid, but her strength is
pretty low,” Luan Feng also heaved a sigh. What could a Third-Order
Dao Source Realm do here? The weakest Monster King here had the
cultivation of Mid Twelfth-Order, and Peak Eleventh-Order Monster
Commanders were just about everywhere.

“Hmph!” Shi Huo, glancing at Zhang Ruo Xi, suddenly coldly snorted as
he stretched his hand out to grab her.
He had gone back on his word and killed Yang Kai by sneak attack, but
now, a Human woman had suddenly appeared where Yang Kai was
buried and was doing as she wished. Wasn’t this tantamount to insulting

Ruo Xi was completely unprepared and was directly pinched by that

enormous palm.

Shi Huo, who was twenty meters tall, was pinching Zhang Ruo Xi as if he
was pinching a doll.

As she was pulled further and further from Yang Kai, Zhang Ruo Xi
suddenly came to her senses. She looked up, staring at Shi Huo with her
pretty red eyes, who was sizing her up. She struggled hard, kicking and
punching the arm as she shouted, “Let me go, I beg you, let me go. I
want to save Sir, Sir is still alive, I want to save him!”

But her strength couldn’t be compared with Shi Huo’s. No matter how
much she struggled, she couldn’t even shake him.

Shi Huo rebuked with a sneer, “You so-called Sir has died without a
burial, your efforts are meaningless.”

Ruo Xi shook his head, shedding tears like rain, “I don’t believe it, I don’t
believe it! Sir is still alive, Sir surely has not died!”

Shi Huo angrily shouted, “Little girl, you keep this up and this King will
pinch you to death!”

Ruo Xi grit her teeth and suddenly raised her hand. Immediately, a
square seal appeared out of thin air.

Ten Thousand Beasts Seal!

Suddenly, wisps of jet-black energy shot out of the seal as dense Yin Qi
permeated into the surroundings. Ghastly cries and wails soon followed
as those jet-black wisps transformed into Monster Beasts of different
shapes and sizes.
“Beast Souls!” Shi Huo raised his brow, looking at the seemingly illusory
Monster Beasts in surprise.

With his insight, he could naturally tell that these things were Beast

Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo’s brows slowly rose as well. They
were Divine Venerables of the Ancient Lands, so everyone from the
Monster Race was their subordinate. As such, so many Beast Souls
popping out from Zhang Ruo Xi’s Ten Thousand Beasts Seals made
them a little angry; after all, every Monster Race Master served them,
and even if they died, their Beast Souls should not be blasphemed by
being sealed inside a Human artifact.

This was an artifact that the Ancient Lands Monster Race could definitely
not tolerate.

In the brief moment the Four Divine Venerables were distracted though,
tens of thousands of Beast Souls had poured out of the Ten Thousands
Beasts Souls. Furthermore, their number was still increasing and the
energy fluctuations from each and every Beast Soul were quite
astonishing, so even comparable to Monster Kings present here.

“Where did so many Beast Souls come from!?” Shi Huo’s face finally

If the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal only had a few hundred Beast Souls, it
was nothing to fret over. It could be interpreted as a result of her sealing
Beast Souls after killing Monster Beasts for many years. But among
these tens of thousands of Beast Souls, there were many Twelfth-Order
Monster Beast Souls…

This was a bit shocking. Furthermore, by the looks of it, there were still
many Beast Souls sealed inside the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.

“Little girl, you didn’t venture into the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb, did
you?” Shi Huo had a whimsical thought.
While speaking, he slapped the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal as the power
of a Divine Spirit burst forth. Struck so, the Ten Thousands Beasts Seal
crazily flashed as its spirituality was greatly damaged.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of Beast Souls that had flown
out of the seal also returned, unable to unleash any of their might.

The gap in their strength was too wide. Even if Ruo Xi had resorted to
the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal, she didn’t pose any threat to Shi Huo.

Shi Huo flicked his arm, throwing Zhang Ruo Xi away as he stated, “This
little girl’s artifact is strange, I’m going to check it.”

Luan Feng lightly nodded before stretching her hand out, drawing Zhang
Ruo Xi over to her and restraining her so she couldn’t move.

Meanwhile, Shi Huo fiddled with the Ten Thousands Beasts Soul,
pouring his Divine Sense into it to investigate. Suddenly, his face
changed as he cried in shock, “Millions of Beast Souls!”

“What!?” Fan Wu and the others’ looked shocked as well.

Much to their surprise, millions of Beast Souls were inside the Ten
Thousand Beasts Soul, but where did these millions of Beast Souls
come from? Everyone was instantly aware of the problem here. In the
entire Star Boundary, apart from the Ancient Wild Lands, there was no
other place that could provide millions of Beast Souls, and even in the
Ancient Wild Lands, there was only one place where there were millions
of Beast Souls.

Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb!

Did this little girl really enter the Ten Thousand Spirits Tomb? Was Shi
Huo’s random guess actually correct?

“Little girl, what’s your name?” Luan Feng, looking at the struggling
Zhang Ruo Xi, asked in surprise.
Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t answer her, rather she was still trying to escape
back to the pit. But before Luan Feng, how could she leave? Even
moving her limbs was an extravagant hope.


Suddenly, a strange noise drew everyone’s attention. The next moment,

they saw a bloody hand emerge from the pit. That hand looked as if it
had stretched straight out from Hell and it was radiating a dark and cold

Shi Huo’s eyes instantly bulged.

Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo also looked in that direction in

Many Monster Kings and the group of Stone Spirits were also

“I knew you were alive, I knew it,” Xie Wu Wei murmured. At this
moment, his emotions were rising up and down like a roller coaster,
alternating between nervousness and excitement.

But very soon, Xie Wu Wei slapped his thigh in annoyance. He couldn’t
help but curse in his heart, “Stupid, since you were alive while everyone
thought you were dead, why didn’t you stay hidden? Why do you have to
reveal yourself? Such foolishness is killing me! Why is this King’s life so

“He’s still alive!?” Shi Huo stood gawking at the hand that emerged from
the mud, dumbfounded. He couldn’t wait to pluck his eyes out and
stretch them forward to get a clearer picture.

“What is this kid?” Luan Feng was also dumbfounded. She was shocked
by Yang Kai’s tenacious vitality.

A First-Order Emperor Realm Human was sneak-attacked and punched

straight into the ground by Shi Huo, yet he was still alive and kicking.
In front of everyone’s eyes, the emerged hand suddenly retracted before
a deafening explosion occurred. The mud covering the pit blew up as a
figure staggered out from the pit. The figure broke into a violent fit of
coughing as blood dripped from all over it.

The figure was none other than Yang Kai.

The weeping beauty, Zhang Ruo Xi, stared ahead in a daze with her
reddened eyes. She went limp and collapsed on the ground, tightly
covering her mouth as she uncontrollably choked, her soft and tender
shoulders violently shaking.

She didn’t dare to cry, fearing that her cries would affect Yang Kai.

“Shi Huo!” Yang Kai clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles went
white. He grit his teeth, staring at the barbed stone giant, his eyes
burning with flames of fury.

If he hadn’t used his Nihility Secret Technique and exiled himself into the
Void at the critical moment, not even a shred of his skin might have been
left after taking that punch.

Even using Nihility hadn’t completely negated the effects of Shi Huo’s
attack. That fearsome blow had even affected the local space, and
before the remainder of this wild energy could be dispersed, Yang Kai’s
Nihility Secret Technique was disrupted, resulting in the remaining
energy from Shi Huo’s attack injuring him.

A dignified Divine Spirit going back on his word was still barely
acceptable, but actually using a sneak attack on a foe many times
weaker than himself had greatly angered Yang Kai.

“Little brat, you’re pretty tenacious! You are the first one to survive after
taking a blow from this King!” Shi Huo stood there, not looking the least
bit guilty or ashamed of sneak-attacking Yang Kai. Instead, he just
played with the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal as he contemptuously stared
at Yang Kai.

Seeing the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal, Yang Kai couldn’t help but be
startled. He looked around and very soon found Zhang Ruo Xi.
He had no idea what Ruo Xi was doing here, but he was hit by vertigo
when he faintly heard Ruo Xi’s cries.

At this moment, Ruo Xi was on her knees, her delicate hands covering
her mouth, her tender body constantly trembling, shedding a stream of
joyful and anxious tears.

She must have been deeply shocked by what just happened.

Yang Kai took a deep breath as the hostility and the anger in his eyes
gradually dissipated. His clenched fists also loosened up as he then
turned his gaze in Fan Wu’s direction before speaking, “Shi Huo has
gone back on his words and sneak-attacked me, but I’m not arguing with
him over this. According to our agreement, I have removed my Soul
Imprint from the Mountains and Rivers Bell. Now, I need to take my
friends away. Divine Venerables, you don’t have any objections, right?”

Fan Wu’s eyes flashed as he agreed with a nod, “No objections!”

Although his tone was plain, some appreciation could be found in his
eyes. Just now, he too had noticed the thick murderous intent in Yang
Kai’s eyes. Anyone who was sneak-attacked and almost lost his life
would probably be blinded by rage.

Not everyone could suppress such wild anger and adapt to

circumstances so quickly.

The fact that Yang Kai could stifle his emotions and choose the optimal
solution in this situation showed his incredible mental fortitude.

This was the wisest and only choice available to him here. If Yang Kai let
his anger rule him at this moment, it would be tantamount to trying to
break a stone with an egg. Only he would suffer in the end.
Chapter 2596 - A Dead End

Upon getting Fan Wu’s reply, Yang Kai nodded slightly. Just when he
was about to beckon to Zhang Ruo Xi though, Shi Huo said coldly, “You
can leave with the others, but this little girl must stay.” He pointed at
Zhang Ruo Xi and spoke in an unquestionable tone.

Yang Kai’s expression changed as he glowered at him and snarled,

“Why should we listen to you?”

Shi Huo tossed the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal in his hand up and
uttered in an aloof manner, “It’s because of this. She was brazen enough
to seal millions of Beast Souls from our Ancient Lands inside, so she
must explain herself to the Monster Race and be held accountable for
this crime.”

Upon hearing what he said, most Monster Kings at the scene agreed
with him. Nobody wanted their Soul to be refined into an artifact by a
Human and to be used as a mindless weapon. Apparently, Zhang Ruo
Xi’s Ten Thousand Beasts Seal had caused public outrage.

Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo frowned. Although they knew that
Shi Huo was basically finding fault with Yang Kai, what he had just said
was also sensible. As members of the Monster Race themselves, they
were not in any position to refute him.

It seemed that this issue couldn’t be resolved easily on this day.

Apparently, Shi Huo was set on killing Yang Kai. They knew that Shi Huo
was someone who would seek revenge for the slightest grievance, but
they didn’t expect that he would be so petty. The reason he was harping
on this issue was simply that Yang Kai had suppressed him using
Mountains and Rivers Bell previously.

He couldn’t kill Yang Kai in the previous sneak attack, and no matter how
thick-skinned he was, he couldn’t possibly lose all face by launching
another sneak attack. However, the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal’s
appearance had given him one more chance to achieve his goal.
“How do you want to punish her?” Yang Kai’s gaze turned cold. It was an
extremely difficult decision for him to give in to Shi Huo. He would have
to ignore the fact that Shi Huo had oppressed him as someone much
stronger and older by shamelessly launching a sneak-attack on him. If it
wasn’t obvious he could not triumph in this situation, given Yang Kai’s
temperament, he would have battled it out with Shi Huo even if it meant
losing his life.

However, Zhang Ruo Xi, the Stone Spirit Clan members, and the Third
Disciple were all here. If he really confronted Shi Huo, all of them would
die, which was why he could swallow down his grievances. However, he
didn’t expect that Shi Huo would still not be willing to let them off.

Just then, Shi Huo snorted, “Whoever dares to commit such blasphemy
against the Monster Race in our Ancient Lands must die!”

“She must die!”

“Don’t let her off!”

“Kill her!”

All the Monster Kings started roaring as they appeared utterly incensed.
It was as though Zhang Ruo Xi had done something that deserved the
harshest condemnation.

The blood on Yang Kai’s face hadn’t dried up yet as he swept a cold
glance over all the Monster Kings and eventually stared fixedly at Fan

In a dispassionate manner, Fan Wu added, “This little girl isn’t part of the
promise. Since she has violated our taboo, she has to stay in the Ancient

Although he despised Shi Huo for his contemptible behaviour, he was a

Divine Venerable of the Ancient Lands in the end, so he wasn’t willing to
disappoint the other Monster Kings.

“Haha…” Yang Kai suddenly laughed hysterically as he sneered at all

the Monster Kings and spoke in a cold voice, “Truly wonderful! Several
dozen peak Twelfth-Order Masters and Four Great Divine Spirits are all
ganging up to kill a young girl barely twenty years of age! Many thanks
for showing me the true colours of the Monster Race living in the Ancient

Upon hearing his mockery, some members of the Monster Race flared
up and snarled, “What did you say?”

The expressions of Fan Wu and the others were dark; however, just like
what Yang Kai had said, if the news that so many Masters were using
their authority and strength to punish a young girl was to spread out, it
would be a great embarrassment to them.

“Sir, please ignore me! Please just leave me here!” Zhang Ruo Xi
suddenly shouted, her gaze filled with anxiety, “Leave this place

Upon realizing the problem, she felt extremely regretful and thought that
she had dragged Yang Kai into this mess. If she didn’t summon the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal, such an incident wouldn’t have happened.

Yang Kai turned to look at her and shook his head slowly.

Zhang Ruo Xi started bawling and spoke in a choking voice, “Sir, it has
been Ruo Xi’s greatest honour to have been raised by you! Ruo Xi could
not have been happier being able to serve you for so many years. The
only regret Ruo Xi has is that she has always held you back instead of
helping you. Ruo Xi cannot accompany you by your side anymore, so
you must take good care of yourself!”

Yang Kai’s expression changed drastically as he exclaimed, “Ruo Xi,

what are you trying to do!?”

Without replying to him, Zhang Ruo Xi swept a glance over Shi Huo and
the other Monster Kings before eventually staring fixedly at Fan Wu, her
gaze, which was drenched in tears, suddenly turning cold as she spoke
in a grim and resolute voice, “Since I’ve violated the Ancient Lands’s
taboo, I’ll atone for my crime with my life. I hope that will settle the wrath
in all of your hearts; however, if you still make things difficult for Sir after
my death, I’ll transform into the most horrible ghost and retaliate against
all of you! I swear I shall haunt you all for the rest of your lives and take
every chance to curse you to death!”

The expressions of all the Monster Kings changed when they heard this
and even Fan Wu and the other Divine Venerables were shocked. It was
apparent to them that Zhang Ruo Xi was trying to ensure Yang Kai’s
safety by sacrificing herself, which went to show how steadfast her
determination was.

She was willing to make such a pledge before her death, and if her wish
wasn’t granted, she would really turn into a horrible ghost and harass all
of them. At that instant, all the Monster Kings felt a sense of coldness
down their backs.

Zhang Ruo Xi turned her head and looked dazedly at Yang Kai, her tears
slipping down her face as the light of longing and reluctance shone within
them. In a choking voice, she uttered, “Sir, if there is an afterlife, Ruo Xi
would still be willing to serve you!”

As soon as she finished her words, she raised her hand and circulated
her Source Qi on her palm before palming towards the top of her skull. If
she managed to hit herself with her palm, she would definitely lose her

“Damn it!” Yang Kai widened his eyes in shock as he made a move and
disappeared from the spot.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Shi Huo sneered and stepped
forward before he struck the Void with his dark flaming fist.

With a loud boom, Yang Kai’s figure appeared again, his bones cracking
as his vitality churned chaotically. After spitting a mouthful of blood, he
roared uncontrollably as he was gripped by a sense of excruciating pain.
Before he even landed on the ground, he disappeared in mid-air again.

Shi Huo snorted, “Your Space Divine Ability is indeed elusive, but I can
still see some leftover traces with my eyes!”
Upon finishing his words, he threw a kick in the air, upon which Yang Kai
appeared again as he fell to the ground, rolling in the dirt.

“Shi Huo!” Yang Kai bellowed as he stopped himself from tumbling and
leaped to his feet. With bloodshot eyes, he glowered at Shi Huo as his
fury permeated the air. He just wanted to save Zhang Ruo Xi, but such a
simple wish couldn’t be granted as Shi Huo blocked his teleportation

After Yang Kai finished speaking, Shi Huo suddenly appeared above
Yang Kai’s head and knocked him down with a punch. Following that, he
pressed his foot against Yang Kai as though he was stepping on an ant.


Upon being stepped on, Yang Kai sprayed out a mouthful of golden
blood. With difficulty, he turned his head to look at Zhang Ruo Xi in
despair. After he was stopped by Shi Huo several times, he had already
missed the best chance to save her and was extremely worried that she
had already lost her life.

The excruciating pain he felt in his body was unbearable, but it was
nothing compared to the pain he felt in his heart. It was as though
countless knives were jabbed into his chest at the same time, causing
him to suffocate.

Zhang Ruo Xi was a soft-spoken, shy, and obedient young girl who was
extremely loyal to him. She left the Zhang Family in Maplewood City with
him and ventured into this beautiful yet dangerous world, but before she
could truly experience its magnificence, she lost her life here in this

At that moment, Yang Kai hated himself for being weak. At the same
time, he regretted the fact that he allowed the young girl to tag along and
let her experience all the dangers of this world. She should have stayed
in the Zhang Family and looked for a husband. After that, she would
raise her own children and spend the rest of her life with her family in
Warm liquid slid down from the corner of his eyes as his vision blurred.
Yang Kai could still see that Zhang Ruo Xi was facing him on her knees,
and her hand was now right above the top of her head; however, her
wrist had been grabbed by another hand.

“Hahaha!” Yang Kai was startled for a moment before he started

laughing hysterically. It was as though he was over the moon, his joyful
laugh in stark contrast with the perilous situation he was in.

Shi Huo’s expression darkened as he exerted more force with his leg,
upon which Yang Kai stopped laughing and sprayed out more golden
blood. Still, through clenched teeth he shouted, “Senior Luan Feng, I owe
you a favour!”

The person who had stopped Zhang Ruo Xi from killing herself was Luan
Feng, who was standing right behind her. Given Luan Feng’s power,
Zhang Ruo Xi would never be able to kill herself without Luan Feng’s

With a conflicted expression, Luan Feng scolded, “Mind your own


Yang Kai was about to be killed soon, but he still told Luan Feng that he
owed her a favour, which was basically useless. Even if he managed to
survive, such a favour was probably worthless.

Luan Feng was simply moved by Zhang Ruo Xi’s determination and
didn’t have the heart to watch such a tragedy happen. After all, she was
a woman too, despite being a Divine Spirit, she still had a sentimental

“Let me go!” Zhang Ruo Xi obstinately raised her head and glowered at
Luan Feng, who was so powerful that even cultivators in the Third-Order
Emperor Realm had to back down when confronted by her. However, at
that moment, Zhang Ruo Xi appeared utterly incensed, her lips bleeding
as she tried to struggle out of her grip as she snarled, “You evil woman!
Let go!”
Luan Feng dispassionately uttered, “Even if you kill yourself, your Sir
won’t be able to leave alive, so what point is there in sacrificing

She had figured out that Shi Huo had never intended to let Yang Kai off,
as he was someone who would seek revenge for the slightest grievance.

Zhang Ruo Xi was startled for a moment before she seemed to

comprehend her situation and pleaded in a choking voice, “Senior,
please have mercy and save Sir. I will do anything for you in exchange,
just please save him…”

Of all the people at the scene, only the remaining three Divine
Venerables had the capability to stop Shi Huo. Zhang Ruo Xi had figured
this out, which was why she decided to plead with Luan Feng now.

Luan Feng looked down at her and uttered impassively, “Didn’t you just
say I’m an evil woman?”

Upon hearing that, Zhang Ruo Xi immediately raised her other hand and
slapped herself forcefully as she replied, “I should have minded my
language. Senior, please have mercy and forgive me ignorance. Please
save Sir…”

The sound of Zhang Ruo Xi slapping herself was loud as she didn’t go
easy on herself. After a few slaps, her cheek had swollen, and the corner
of her mouth was drenched in blood; however, she exerted more force
every time she slapped herself, as though she couldn’t feel pain. While
the faces of the Monster Kings watching twitched while the Stone Spirit
Clan growled but were powerless to help her.
Chapter 2597 - Bloodline Awakening

Zhang Ruo Xi could even sacrifice her life for Yang Kai, so it was nothing
for her to slap herself.

“What are you doing?” Luan Feng frowned and reached out her free
hand to bind Zhang Ruo Xi on the spot. Her cultivation far exceeded
Third-Order Emperor Realm Human, so it was easy for her to restrict
Zhang Ruo Xi’s movements.

Having been completely suppressed, Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t even move

a muscle, let alone utter a word. Her hand was still up in the air, and her
tears had stopped streaming down her face.

“Hey you, can you be considered a man at all? A young girl has to beg
and slap herself for your sake! You’re indeed just an ant, how laughable!”
Shi Huo snorted as he stepped harder on Yang Kai, as though he was
enjoying a marvellous show.


The sound of bones breaking could be heard again as Yang Kai grit his
teeth and suppressed the excruciating pain. Upon choking down the
blood in his mouth, he glared at the stone giant before his eyes and
bellowed, “Shi Huo, if you want my life, you take it, but you must let Ruo
Xi and the other Stone Spirit Clan members leave first. After that, you
can do whatever you want to me!”

“Does an ant have the right to negotiate with me?” Shi Huo snorted and
landed a kick on Yang Kai’s ribs, sending him flying.


With his figure battered all over, Yang Kai fell to the ground with a thud.

Having been bound to the spot, Zhang Ruo Xi tried her hardest to look in
Yang Kai’s direction with a gaze that was filled with despair and sorrow.
With her tears all drained, her eyes were slowly turning bloodshot. The
redness in her eyes seemed to contain a special power that was silently
permeating this place.
However, at this moment, everyone’s attention was on Yang Kai and Shi
Huo, so no one noticed the odd transformation in Zhang Ruo Xi. Even
Zhang Ruo Xi herself had failed to notice it as her heart was slowly filled
with resentment and the blood in her veins started boiling.

“What?” Shi Huo frowned and extended his hand, upon which Yang Kai,
who was rolling on the ground, was sucked towards him. With his head
tilted, Shi Huo took a look at Yang Kai and uttered in amazement,
“There’s something strange about your body…”

A mere First-Order Emperor Human should have lost his life by now after
being tortured by Shi Huo in such a way; however, Yang Kai was still
alive and kicking. Although his aura had diminished a little, his vitality
was still ample.

“Shi Huo, don’t force me!” Yang Kai growled like an enraged beast.

Shi Huo arched his brow and laughed, “So, what if I want to force you?
Do you think you can kill me?”

As Shi Huo spoke, he brandished his huge fist and punched Yang Kai’s
body repeatedly.

*Peng, Peng, Peng…*

Each of Shi Huo’s punches carried the weight of a mountain, and the
sound of Yang Kai’s bones cracking could be heard clearly as it swung
violently in mid-air. Nevertheless, having been restricted by Shi Huo,
Yang Kai couldn’t even struggle out of his grip, so he had no choice but
to receive this beating passively.

The corners of Yang Kai’s eyes had split open and blood started
streaming down his head. His handsome face had completely swollen,
so it was hard to recognize that he was even human. His hair was in a
mess, and his entire body was soaked in blood because of Shi Huo’s
assault. At that moment, he was battered and in an utterly sorry state,
which he had never experienced before since he embarked on his
cultivation journey.

Shi Huo landed another fist on Yang Kai, causing the bones in his legs to
break. Yang Kai fell on his knees, but his back remained as straight as a

The other Monster Kings looked at Yang Kai with conflicted expressions.
Although there were many present, it was so quiet that one could hear a
pin drop. Even though they were from different races, and that Yang Kai
had caused them a lot of trouble, these Monster Kings were still moved
by Yang Kai’s resoluteness in the face of such torture. They thought that
he was indeed a real man.

In comparison, Shi Huo appeared petty and arrogant due to his

shameless behaviour. He could have killed Yang Kai without much effort,
so what was the point of him torturing this young man in such a way?

Nevertheless, Shi Huo was one of the Four Great Divine Venerables.
Although the Monster Kings were not pleased with him, they didn’t have
the guts to express dissent here. Hence, they could only glance at Yang
Kai with respect and sympathy. Even though Xie Wu Wei wanted to
plead for leniency on Yang Kai’s behalf, he knew that he would be
dragged into this as well if he dared to step forward.

“Shi Huo, enough!” Fan Wu yelled with a dark expression.

“There is no glory or honour in torturing an opponent who is so much

weaker than you are,” Fan Wu snorted as he couldn’t tolerate Shi Huo’s
behaviour anymore, “If you want to kill him, just end it quickly, stop doing
such pointless things.”

Hearing this, Shi Huo scoffed. Although he appeared reluctant, he still

grasped Yang Kai’s hair and lifted his head.

At this moment, Yang Kai’s entire face was swollen and drenched in
blood, so it was hard to identify his eyes and nose. There were two slits
on the places where his eyes were supposed to be, out of which a faint
light could be seen.

Glancing over at Zhang Ruo Xi, Yang Kai somehow managed to put on a
grin. At that instant, Zhang Ruo Xi felt her entire body trembling as her
blood transformed into tears and streamed down from her eyes. The
tears on her cheeks looked like two traces of blood, which was utterly

She had served Yang Kai for many years, so she knew full well what
powers and trump cards he possessed. In fact, he wasn’t powerless to
resist. He had the sealed power of an Ancient Demon, the power of the
Sealed World Bead, as well as his Golden Divine Dragon Source.

She believed that if he utilized all these powers, even if he couldn’t

defeat Shi Huo, he could still flee from this place; however, while he was
being tortured by Shi Huo, he didn’t even try to use those powers at all.
Even when his life was hanging by a thread, he still didn’t bring out his
trump cards.

In fact, she knew that it was all because of her. Once Yang Kai fled from
this place, the other members of the Monster Race would not let her off.
[So, I’ve dragged Sir into a mess once again. Over the years, I’ve always
been a burden to him. Why can’t I help him in any meaningful way?]

The resentment she felt was enough to make the sea boil, and the fury
that was rising within her seemed capable of destroying the Heavens
and shattering the Earth. A sense of ferocity flushed out of her tender
body as she transformed from an obedient girl into someone completely
different in that instant.

“Hm?” Sensing this odd transformation in Zhang Ruo Xi’s aura, Luan
Feng scowled and took a glance at her. Upon seeing her bloodied tears,
she couldn’t help but heave a sigh. If possible, she wanted to save Yang
Kai; however, by doing so, she was bound to offend Shi Huo. After some
deliberation, she knew which option was the wiser.

“Release Ruo Xi and the other Stone Spirits. I won’t resist!” Despite the
fact that Yang Kai’s hair was grabbed by Shi Huo, he raised his head as
his swollen eyes beamed with a cold glare. He was making the last
attempt. As long as Zhang Ruo Xi and the other Stone Spirit people
could leave first, he would have nothing to worry about, thus enabling
him to fight with Shi Huo with his full strength.
Exasperated, Shi Huo sneered, “Do you still think you can fight back?
Don’t worry, after I kill you, I’ll also send that girl to Hell to keep you

Upon finishing his words, Shi Huo sent his fist to Yang Kai’s face. He
didn’t hold back his power with this strike, as he had intended to end
Yang Kai’s life. Having tortured Yang Kai for so long, he had managed to
see the despair and resentment behind Yang Kai’s gaze, so his fury had
subsided significantly. Paired with Fan Wu’s warning, he realized that it
was time to send Yang Kai off, so he wasted no more time.

Yang Kai’s heart sank when he was faced with the attack. Just when he
was about to use his Dragon Transformation Secret Technique, he heard
someone shrieking on the other side.

“No!” The voice was filled with unbearable despair and panic, paired with
a sense of unparalleled fury and murderous intent.

“What?” Luan Feng was shocked as she looked down at Zhang Ruo Xi.
The young girl was supposed to be under her complete control, not able
to speak or even move a finger; however, just now, she somehow
managed to shout.

[How is that possible?]


An invisible seal suddenly broke apart at that instant. The restriction

Luan Feng had placed on Zhang Ruo Xi was destroyed, causing the
former’s entire body to tremble.

At the same time, Zhang Ruo Xi, who was kneeling on the ground, could
feel an indescribable force awakening from her bloodline as her hair flew
up into the air despite the fact that it was a windless day. Like the waking
of a Dragon that had slumbered for aeons, she opened her eyes slowly
and an aura gushed out of her body that sent shockwaves across all
Four Great Divine Venerables, causing them to stare at her in

“What’s going on with her?” Fan Wu exclaimed.

Shi Huo’s hand stopped in mid-air as he stared fixedly at Zhang Ruo Xi
with his flaming eyes. For some reason, an instinctive fear seemed to be
rising within him. It was as though he had come across a natural
predator, just like how a mouse would react when it saw a cat.

In the end, he failed in his attempt to strike Yang Kai with his fist.

Yang Kai was also dumbfounded as he tried very hard to widen his
swollen eyes to take a glance at Zhang Ruo Xi. He wondered just what
was going on with her.

“AAHH!” Zhang Ruo Xi looked up at the sky and shouted. It was as

though she couldn’t control the turbulent force in her body anymore as
her clothes flailed madly.

The expression on Luan Feng’s alluring face changed as she hurriedly

flew away from the young girl, gripped by a sense of anxiety as she
stared fixedly at her.


The entire world seemed to tremble as a humming sound echoed

through the air. Suddenly, two drops of blood streamed out of Zhang Ruo
Xi’s eyes, but they didn’t drop to the ground. Instead, they flew in a
particular direction as though they had been guided by some mysterious

Everyone was attracted to the two drops of blood as they looked dazedly
at them. Right before their eyes, the two drops of blood flew at lightning
speed towards a certain spot.

When looking in the direction the two drops flew, Fan Wu narrowed his
eyes and exclaimed, “The Blood Gate!”

Unexpectedly, the two drops of blood were flying towards the Blood
Gate. No one knew when it began, but the Blood Gate, which had
remained still for aeons, was now boiling as bubbles of different sizes
were formed on its surface.
“Does this girl have something to do with the Blood Gate?” Cang Guo
asked in shock.

Fan Wu shook his head slowly. Despite his experience and knowledge,
he couldn’t figure out what was going on.


The two drops of blood accelerated and shot into the Blood Gate, thus
disappearing from everyone’s sight.


All of a sudden, a beam of scarlet light shot out of the Blood Gate and
penetrated Zhang Ruo Xi’s body, causing her to shudder uncontrollably.
At the same time, she stopped growling as her long hair fell back down.
Still on her knees, she hung her head low and remained unmoving, as
though she was a dead person.

Shocked, Yang Kai hurriedly scanned her body with Divine Sense, only
to find that her vitality was raging. However, at this moment, Yang Kai
almost couldn’t recognize her, as her aura was completely different now,
as though she had transformed into an entirely different person.
Chapter 2598 - Heaven’s Order Sword

“What’s going on? This is…”

“Oh, no! The Blood Gate’s restrictive power has been reactivated!”

“Sirs, we’d best leave now! There might be unforeseen dangers!”

All the Monster Kings started exclaiming. In the past, they could never
have gotten so close to the Blood Gate, always staying more than ten
kilometres away from it. Only recently had the Blood Gate’s mysterious
suppressive field disappeared, allowing them to approach it.

However, the mysterious power seemed to have returned, causing all the
Monster Kings to feel suppressed in an instant, and as time passed, the
suppressive power was growing increasingly stronger.

Obviously the Divine Venerables had noticed this as well. Their

cultivations were much more powerful than the peak Twelfth-Order
Monster Kings present, but in just a short period of time, they felt their
strength suppressed to just that of a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master.

In other words, at this moment, any Third-Order Emperor Realm Human

Master would be just as powerful as they were.

Over the years, they had come near the Blood Gate several times to
study it, so they knew how horrible this suppressive power could be, so
they were well aware that this was just the beginning. When the
suppressive force reached peak intensity, it could suppress their strength
to a point where it was lower than the Emperor Realm.

“All of you, leave first!” Fan Wu waved his hand and ordered.

Although the Monster Kings were fairly powerful, they were still no match
for the Four Great Divine Venerables. If they stayed there any longer,
their lives would be at risk. Upon receiving the order, the Monster Kings
and the Great Kings hurriedly fled this place as though they had been
pardoned for their sins. Before they left, they also made sure to bring the
subdued Stone Spirit Clan members with them.
In just a short moment, only the Four Great Divine Venerables, Yang Kai,
Zhang Ruo Xi, and the Third Disciple were left. The cultivations of the
Four Great Divine Venerables were exceptional, so although they had
been suppressed by the Blood Gate’s power, they weren’t in danger at
the moment. On the other hand, Yang Kai, Zhang Ruo Xi, and the Third
Disciple were not from the Ancient Lands, nor were they members of the
Monster Race, which was why they were unaffected by the restrictive

At this moment, everyone’s attention was on Zhang Ruo Xi. The young
girl still remained on her knees with her head hung low, though her
violent aura had subsided. However, a force that was awakening in her
petite figure caused the Four Great Divine Venerables to be frightened.

“Bloodline Power!” Yang Kai’s gaze brightened as he had figured out

what was going on. Zhang Ruo Xi’s Bloodline Power had always been a
mystery, one Yang Kai had wanted to help her unravel eventually, but
had not been able to find any clues about.

Previously, when he came across the Bustling World Great Emperor,

Duan Hong Chen, the latter seemed to have figured out something, but
the old man insisted on acting mysterious and didn’t share any
information with Yang Kai. This caused the latter to be on tenterhooks.
Although Yang Kai was frustrated at the time, there was nothing he could
do about it.

However, Yang Kai had never expected that Zhang Ruo Xi’s Bloodline
Power would awaken one day because of him when she experienced
extreme anger and despair, causing her to crave for absolute power.

“What are you muttering about?” Shi Huo lowered his head and glared at
Yang Kai. He could faintly hear Yang Kai speaking, but he didn’t hear it
clearly because all his focus was on Zhang Ruo Xi.

“None of your damn business,” Yang Kai shot him a disdainful glance
and sneered.

“Little Brat, you must be sick of living!” Shi Huo bellowed.

“Don’t make things even more complicated now!” Fan Wu suddenly
yelled with a furious expression. The extraordinary transformation Zhang
Ruo Xi was going through caused him to feel uneasy as he knew that it
was caused by what happened to Yang Kai. If Yang Kai were to die now,
they couldn’t predict what kind of transformation this young girl would

Whatever secrets were held in her body, Fan Wu couldn’t take it lightly
since the Blood Gate was involved.

Shi Huo shook his head with displeasure, but he didn’t dare to find fault
with Yang Kai again.

Yang Kai also didn’t want to keep provoking Shi Huo. To him, if Shi Huo
still wouldn’t let him off, he would just have to fight him. The reason he
continued to bear with it just now was that he wanted Zhang Ruo Xi and
the Stone Spirit Clan to evacuate first.

Turning his head, Yang Kai focused on the current situation and called
out gently, “Ruo Xi… Ruo Xi…”

Despite Yang Kai calling out to her more than a dozen times, she
remained unmoving, which caused him to frown.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Cang Guo gulped as he appeared

extremely wary. With his strength, he wouldn’t show any fear even if a
Great Emperor had personally arrived. Even if he couldn’t defeat a Great
Emperor, he was confident he could still flee; however, gazing at the
seemingly delicate young girl who was on her knees in front of him now,
he found himself to be instinctually terrified.

Luan Feng and Fan Wu traded glances as they could see the shock and
anxiety in their eyes. In an impatient manner, Shi Huo uttered, “I have to
kill her. I don’t like this feeling…”

As he spoke, he stepped towards Zhang Ruo Xi. However, after he took

only two steps forward, Zhang Ruo Xi, who had remained silent this
entire time, suddenly said in a low voice, “I understand now.”

“Hm?” The Four Great Divine Venerables stared at her in confusion.

Zhang Ruo Xi slowly raised her head with an icy cold expression on her
pretty face, her bloodshot eyes sending a chill down the Four Great
Divine Venerables’ spines.

“Ruo Xi…” Yang Kai was dumbstruck. He had spent many years with
Zhang Ruo Xi, but he had never seen her looking like this before. Was
she still the Zhang Ruo Xi he knew, even in this state?

The young girl let out a gentle breath as she got to her feet in an elegant
manner and flicked the dust on her clothes away. Then, she turned
around to stare at Shi Huo coldly and parted her red lips to confirm, “You
lump of stone, did you just say you want to kill me?”

Shi Huo stiffened upon meeting her dispassionate gaze as his entire
body was gripped by a sense of coldness. However, ten kilometres
away, those Monster Kings were still looking in their direction, so he grit
his teeth and snapped back, “So what if I did?”

Zhang Ruo Xi nodded and stopped talking before shifting her attention to
Yang Kai. As their gazes met, Yang Kai frowned because he was
worried about her; however, before he could ask any questions, Zhang
Ruo Xi looked away, as though she didn’t even recognize him.

Yang Kai’s heart sank when he saw this as he didn’t understand what
transformation she had gone through. At that instant, he found her to be
unfamiliar, but at the same time, he felt utterly sorry for her.

Zhang Ruo Xi raised her hand suddenly, summoning something into her
palm. It was a translucent and beautiful jade sphere that was radiating
some faint traces of Space Principles.

“The Space Spirit Jade!” Yang Kai frowned as he didn’t understand why
Zhang Ruo Xi would suddenly take out the Space Spirit Jade at this
point. It was a Zhang Family heirloom that Yang Kai had kept for a long
time. He only passed it back to Zhang Ruo Xi just before entering the
Ancient Lands because he felt she was powerful enough to explore the
mysteries hidden within the Space Spirit Jade now. By doing so, perhaps
she could unravel the secret behind her bloodline.
However, she hadn’t been able to discover anything, so he didn’t expect
that she would take it out at this moment. While Yang Kai was gazing at
her curiously, Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly flicked her wrist, upon which, the
Space Spirit Jade transformed into a beam of light and shot towards the
Blood Gate. In an instant, the beam of light integrated with the Blood
Gate and added a layer of white to its red surface.

The next moment, images that depicted a paradise kept flashing in the
air above the Space Spirit Jade. The flashing of these images was
accompanied by a deafening creaking.

It was like a door that had been shut for a very long time was slowly
being opened, and a wave of horrifying aura began wafting out from
behind it.

“The Blood Gate’s key! It’s the Blood Gate’s key!” After Fan Wu
observed the sight for some time with a frown, his expression changed
drastically as he exclaimed in shock and stared at Zhang Ruo Xi with
widened eyes as he yelled, “Why do you have the Blood Gate’s key?”

Luan Feng couldn’t help but cover her mouth as she looked dazedly at
the Blood Gate and muttered, “The Blood Gate is opening…”

*Hong Long Long…*

Finally, the sound of the door opening was heard. Behind the Blood
Gate, a translucent and beautiful sight could faintly be seen. It was as
though a palace had been erected there, but the sight was so surreal
that it left all bewildered.

“The Blood Gate’s key?” Yang Kai was amazed as a myriad of

expressions came over him. He had studied the Space Spirit Jade for
quite some time, but he had never expected that it was actually a key
that could unlock the Blood Gate.

Taking this new information into consideration though, the beautiful

images that kept flashing in the air above the Space Spirit Jade they saw
just now were likely the landscape beyond the Blood Gate, and that
palace was the legendary Divine Spirit Palace.
“Why do you think I have the Blood Gate’s key?” Zhang Ruo Xi uttered in
a dispassionate and flat tone. However, Fan Wu couldn’t help but take a
few steps back and turn pale, as though he had just heard the devil’s

Zhang Ruo Xi raised her hand towards the Blood Gate, as though she
was summoning something from it.


A beam of light shot out of the Blood Gate, one which Zhang Ruo Xi
grabbed as it arrived at her hand.


The sound of a sword humming was heard. It was then that everyone
came to the realization that it was a beautifully crafted sword that had
shot out of the Blood Gate. The blade was polished and reflective, with a
hilt that was carved with Dragons and Phoenixes. At the end of the hilt
was a red tassel that waved about as if it was alive.

With the sword in her hand, Zhang Ruo Xi’s aura suddenly surged, her
aura now as imposing as a peak Third-Order Emperor.


All of a sudden, a lifelike illusory phantom emerged behind Zhang Ruo


Yang Kai widened his eyes as he stared dazedly at this illusory phantom.
Although he had seen this image many times before, he was still
astounded every time he laid eyes upon it.

It was an illusory phantom of a gigantic woman whose long hair

cascaded down her. With her head raised slightly, she appeared
impassive. This woman looked somewhat similar to Zhang Ruo Xi. With
a huge sheathed sword in her hands, she was standing quietly behind
Zhang Ruo Xi, as though she was her elongated shadow.
“Heaven’s Order Sword!” Unable to hold it in anymore, Fan Wu
exclaimed as the colour drained from his face.

“You’re a descendent of Heaven’s Order?” Luan Feng’s alluring face

turned ashen as she felt a bitter taste in her mouth.

On the other hand, Cang Guo was trembling uncontrollably and almost
couldn’t support his own weight. Shi Huo’s mind turned blank as he
almost collapsed to the ground.

As Divine Spirits, they had inherited their ancestors’ Source Strength as

well as their memories, so they knew better than anyone how terrifying
Heaven’s Order was.

In the era when Heaven’s Order existed, it was the most trying time for
all Divine Spirits. Ninety percent of them were killed by her, and
countless Divine Spirit Sources had been sealed inside the Divine Spirit
Palace that was behind the Blood Gate, never to see the light of day
again. This was why all Divine Spirits feared Heaven’s Order, always
worried about their own safety.
Chapter 2599 - Kneel Down

In fact, against Divine Spirits, Heaven’s Order was more powerful than
even Great Emperors. Though, this was limited to Divine Spirits, which
made her their natural enemy.

Both Phoenixes and Dragons were no exception, as she had killed many
Dragons in her lifetime.

Although the Four Great Divine Venerables in the Ancient Lands were
Divine Spirits as well, they were still much weaker than True Dragons.
Even the Dragons were no match for Heaven’s Order, let alone these
Divine Venerables. That was why, when they realized that Zhang Ruo Xi
was Heaven’s Order’s descendant, they turned completely pale in fright,
as though the end of the world had arrived.

“Fan Wu… don’t go spouting nonsense…” Cang Guo gulped as he

looked dazedly at Zhang Ruo Xi, who had transformed into a completely
different person. In a trembling voice, he uttered, “Are you sure she is a
descendant of Heaven’s Order?”

Fan Wu forced a smile and replied in a bitter voice, “You’ve also inherited
your ancestors’ memories, so don’t you recognize that sword?”

Cang Guo was rendered speechless, as Heaven’s Order Sword was

exactly what Heaven’s Order used as her primary weapon. From the
memories they had inherited, they knew that the sword had been sealed
behind the Blood Gate. The reason they cordoned off this area and
never allowed anyone to come close to this place wasn’t that they were
worried about Monster Race members obtaining Source Strength and
being reborn as Divine Spirits.

No, their worry was that the Heaven’s Order Sword would re-emerge in
this world. Now, their biggest worry had become reality.

It wasn’t that someone had barged into the Blood Gate and brought the
Heaven’s Order Sword out, but it was summoned by a Human girl in her
early twenties. Only Heaven’s Order and her descendants were capable
of wielding the Heaven’s Order Sword. With that sword in her hand,
Zhang Ruo Xi’s identity could not be clearer.

“It’s all over…” Cang Guo muttered. Their biggest worry had come true.
Heaven’s Order Sword had reappeared, and the bloodline of Heaven’s
Order’s descendant had awakened. From now on, there wouldn’t be a
single peaceful day for any Divine Spirits anymore. The people who
would face her wrath first were undoubtedly the Four Great Divine
Venerables at the scene.

“Heaven’s Order’s descendant…” Yang Kai was dumbstruck, as he had

never expected that Zhang Ruo Xi was the descendant of the legendary
Heaven’s Order, who was the natural enemy of all the Divine Spirits.

The revelation was so shocking that he still couldn’t come to his senses
after some time. Soon though, he thought of something. After they
entered the Flowing Time Temple in the Four Season Land, Zhang Ruo
Xi suddenly disappeared for some time. When she appeared again, she
was clad in the Pink Clouds Phoenix Robe, a priceless defensive
Emperor Artifact.

Zhang Ruo Xi told him that it was a guy called Qiong Qi who gifted it to
her. Qiong Qi was one of the most ferocious among the Ancient Divine
Spirits, so Yang Kai had never understood why such a powerful creature
would give Zhang Ruo Xi such a precious artifact. Now, he realized that
Qiong Qi must have sensed her Bloodline Power, which was why the
beast hadn’t dared to make things difficult for her. He must have also
realized that her bloodline would awaken if she was pushed into a crisis,
and when that happened, Qiong Qi would find himself in a perilous

On the other hand, Duan Hong Chen must have figured it out as well, but
he wouldn’t dare to reveal such an important secret. All the signs
suggested that Zhang Ruo Xi was undoubtedly a descendant of
Heaven’s Order.

“I see…” Yang Kai put on a bitter smile. Things had developed to a point
that had exceeded his imagination, as he had never expected that he
would be so flabbergasted after Zhang Ruo Xi’s Bloodline Power

“You!” Zhang Ruo Xi shot Shi Huo a glare and spoke in a cold voice,
“Tell me, how do you want to die?”

Shi Huo shuddered as his face warped in fear. The flickering flames in
his eyes suggested that he was extremely anxious. Just some time ago,
he had no regard for Zhang Ruo Xi whatsoever, as he could easily kill a
Human girl in the Third-Order Dao Source Realm with a snort; however,
the girl before his eyes now was able to make him feel uneasy and fill his
heart with despair.

He had revealed his intention of killing Zhang Ruo Xi just now, and he
had tortured Yang Kai for a very long time, so he was certain that she
must completely resent him now. The Monster Race members and the
other Divine Venerables might be able to survive this calamity, but he
was certain he had no future.

Upon realizing this, Shi Huo threw all caution to the wind and decided to
double down, pushing his dark flames madly as he shouted, “So what if
you’re a descendant of Heaven’s Order!? I am the descendant of an
Ancient Divine Spirit, how are you able to kill me before you even grow

After he barked at Zhang Ruo Xi, he turned to look at Fan Wu and the
others as he uttered, “My fellow Divine Venerables, Heaven’s Order is
the common enemy of all the Divine Spirits, and her power is capable of
suppressing all of us. If all of you still want to rest easy at night, why
don’t you join me and nip her descendant in the bud before she becomes

Yang Kai’s expression darkened when he heard that as he sized up the

other three Divine Venerables anxiously.

Just like what Shi Huo had said, the Bloodline Power within Zhang Ruo
Xi had just awakened, so it wasn’t certain how powerful she was.
However, the powers of these Divine Venerables were unquestionable.
Once they joined forces, Zhang Ruo Xi might not be able to counter

Cang Guo appeared tempted, apparently swayed by what Shi Huo had
said. On the other hand, Fan Wu and Luan Feng didn’t give any reaction,
so it wasn’t certain what was on their minds. Their reactions were not
missed by Cang Guo as well, and after giving it a thought with a frown,
he shook his head slightly and suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Shi Huo’s heart sank when he saw that and snarled, “Are you really
willing to give her time to grow? Don’t you understand that when she
becomes stronger, all Divine Spirits in the world will live a life that is
worse than Hell?”

Naturally, Fan Wu and the others understood that as well. When

Heaven’s Order walked the world in the past, all Divine Spirits hid in fear
from her, worried she would find them and take their Sources before
killing them.

It wasn’t until Heaven’s Order suddenly went missing hundreds of

thousands of years ago that these Divine Spirits slowly emerged again.
Shi Huo’s words were indeed sensible, but Fan Wu and the others didn’t
have the guts to confront Zhang Ruo Xi.

Faced with someone with Heaven’s Order’s bloodline, they were

instinctively wary and terrified. Even if they wanted to deal with Zhang
Ruo Xi, they didn’t have the courage to do so.

Fan Wu directly closed his eyes and stayed clear from this. Apparently,
he wasn’t willing to offend Zhang Ruo Xi.

On the other hand, his intention was to let Shi Huo test the waters first. If
Zhang Ruo Xi, as Heaven’s Order’s descendant, turned out to be less
powerful than she appeared to be, it wouldn’t be too late for them to
make a move. However, if she had inherited all of Heaven’s Order’s
abilities, then Shi Huo would be the best guinea pig.
“Fine then!” Shi Huo snorted and swept a mocking glance over Fan Wu
and the others before he uttered loudly, “Since that’s the case, I’ll end
her life on my own. You don’t have to thank me afterwards!”

Upon finishing his words, he growled as his already gigantic figure

seemed to expand once more, growing twice as large as before. His
entire body was engulfed in dark flames, and his eyes were burning with
rage. The ground seemed to have melted because of the heat, and the
atmosphere around that place turned scorching hot.

*Deng, Deng, Deng…*

Shi Huo charged forward and reached Zhang Ruo Xi in just three steps.
He raised his right arm as he was aiming to strike her with his
humongous fist.

“From today onward, there won’t be any more descendants of Heaven’s

Order!” Shi Huo grinned as his aura turned violent. He had never been
kind-hearted; otherwise, he wouldn’t have slaughtered all of those from
the Black Tortoise Sect twenty thousand years ago. It all happened
because when one of their disciples was travelling around the world, he
came across Shi Huo and offended him because he didn’t know who the
latter was. Nevertheless, in retaliation, Shi Huo went to the Black
Tortoise Sect and killed all ten thousand members of that Sect.

Judging from how he tortured Yang Kai on this day, it was apparent that
he was a ruthless individual that was worse than the infamous ominous
beast, Qiong Qi. As his gargantuan fist flew towards Zhang Ruo Xi, the
wind pressure that came with his attack caused her hair and clothes to fly
out behind her.

Fan Wu widened his eyes in that instant and stared fixedly at them,
wanting to determine whether this Heaven’s Order descendant was as
powerful as she appeared to be. Luan Feng and Cang Guo held their
breaths as well.

The Third Disciple exclaimed and covered her eyes, as though she didn’t
dare toover time watch what would happen next. At the same time, Yang
Kai shouted, “Ruo Xi, watch out!”
Under everyone’s gazes though, Zhang Ruo Xi just stood there without
showing any intention of making a move. She didn’t try to evade the
attack, nor did she attempt to defend herself. Faced with the strike that
was powerful enough to shatter worlds, she appeared unfazed as her
expression was completely calm. Standing in front of the gigantic Shi
Huo, she looked as small as an ant, which was a stark contrast to the

Shi Huo was elated that she remained unmoving, exerting more force
with his fist as he sneered, “Weak!”

He could already envision the sight of Zhang Ruo Xi being crushed to

death by him. If he could kill her, all the Divine Spirits in this world would
owe him a favour, a huge favour. By then, everyone in the Ancient
Lands, including Fan Wu and the other Divine Venerables, wouldn’t dare
to disobey him.

“Kneel down!” Just as the huge fist was about to hit her, Zhang Ruo Xi
suddenly tucked her hair behind her ear and parted her lips to utter these
two words lightly.

“What?” Fan Wu was startled. Luan Feng and Cang Guo were also
rooted to the spot as they glanced at each other, thinking to themselves,
[Did we hear that right? Did this little girl just demand that Shi Huo kneel
down? Even if she’s really Heaven’s Order’s descendant, and her
bloodline has awakened, she’s still just a little girl. Was she originally this
haughty? Her enemy is Divine Spirit, Shi Huo.]


Just then, the Blood Gate started humming as a mysterious force flooded
out from it. Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Guo grunted as their
expressions changed drastically. Under this strange force’s suppression,
the Divine Spirit Sources in their bodies shook violently and their minds
filled with soul-wrenching fear. They almost fell to their knees right then
and there, as though they couldn’t even support their own weight.

Fortunately, they managed to stabilize their figures and not embarrass

themselves at the last moment; however, the actual target of the
mysterious force, Shi Huo, wasn’t so lucky. His colossal fist stopped just
a palm length from Zhang Ruo Xi, his flames almost burning her hair.
Nevertheless, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t advance his fist
even the slightest bit further.

His expression changed from stunned to shocked, and his legs turned to
jelly as he fell on his knees in front of Zhang Ruo Xi.

“Ahh…” Fan Wu and the others gasped in utter astonishment.

They could feel that this force that had suppressed Shi Huo didn’t come
from Zhang Ruo Xi, but rather from the Blood Gate. Still, it was obvious
that this force was being controlled by this young girl before their eyes.

She was able to force a Divine Spirit, Shi Huo, to kneel down on the
ground with ease. In other words, it wouldn’t take her much effort to
suppress the other three Divine Venerables.
Chapter 2600 - Seizing Source

At that instant, Fan Wu and the other Divine Venerables were drenched
in cold sweat. Cang Gou was especially glad that he didn’t agree to Shi
Huo’s request and join forces with him, for if he had, he would also have
been humiliated and forced to his knees right now.

“He really knelt down…” The Monster Kings ten kilometres away
widened their eyes as their jaws dropped. On the other hand, the Stone
Spirits, who had been subdued by them, appeared excited and gleeful.

The Embodiment suddenly grinned and demanded, “Release us

immediately if you don’t want to die; otherwise, all of you will suffer a
horrible death!”

The Monster Kings and the Eight Great Kings were shocked upon
hearing this threat, and after trading glances, they hurriedly backed away
from the Stone Spirits as they didn’t dare to go hard on them anymore.

Even someone as powerful as Shi Huo was forced to kneel down in front
of Zhang Ruo Xi, which was why these Monster Kings didn’t dare to be
haughty anymore. They were extremely worried because they didn’t
know what punishments awaited them.

After that, the Stone Spirit Clan and Embodiment cracked their limbs and
got to their feet before they turned attentively to the sight that was ten
kilometres away from them.

On the other side, Shi Huo, who was still on his knees, couldn’t believe
what had just happened. The dark flames in his eyes flickered as he was
on the brink of a breakdown.

He was a Divine Spirit as well as one of the Four Great Divine

Venerables of the Ancient Lands, but now, he was forced to kneel down
with a single command from a young girl. This kind of humiliation was
intolerable for him.

He roared hysterically as he tried to get to his feet; however, a glowing

red layer suddenly engulfed his entire body and suppressed all his
strength, causing him to be unable to move a muscle.

Zhang Ruo Xi pointed her Heaven’s Order Sword at Shi Huo’s chest.
Following her movement, the clouds in the sky seemed to have turned
turbulent as the huge female illusory phantom behind her made a move.

The illusory phantom suddenly unsheathed her huge sword and pointed
it in Shi Huo’s direction, her alluring face completely dispassionate.

“World Force!” Fan Wu paled as he looked up at the sky and felt a bitter
taste in his mouth. If he still doubted how much of Heaven’s Order’s
power Zhang Ruo Xi had inherited and to what extent he could resist just
now, such ideas were completely snuffed out by this sight. The only thing
he needed to consider now was how to survive under Zhang Ruo Xi’s

World Force fluctuated after the sword was unsheathed, which went to
show that Heaven’s Order’s bloodline in Zhang Ruo Xi had completely
awakened. Given enough time, she would become the new Heaven’s
Order, the worst nightmare for all the Divine Spirits.

“W-What are you doing?” Shi Huo’s expression changed drastically as he

exclaimed. Realizing just how massive the difference between their
powers was, he couldn’t stay calm anymore. His flaming eyes appeared
uneasy and fearful as he yelled, “I’m Divine Spirit Shi Huo, don’t you
even think about killing me!”

“Divine Spirit Shi Huo, you are indeed a powerful being, but you are also
cruel and revel in slaughter and death. As Heaven’s Order’s descendant,
I’ll now take your Divine Spirit Source and seize your Divine Spirit Power.
I hope all the Divine Spirits in this World will learn from this lesson,”
Zhang Ruo Xi uttered impassively with an emotionless expression.

“What?” Shi Huo widened his eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice, “You
want to seize my Divine Spirit Source?”

Without replying to him, Zhang Ruo Xi slowly pushed out her Heaven’s
Order Sword. At the same time, the huge illusory phantom mirrored her
actions and stabbed her gigantic sword into Shi Huo’s body.
Shi Huo’s figure was extremely sturdy, so even other Divine Spirits like
Fan Wu and Luan Feng couldn’t harm him easily if they made a move
against him. His body was even tougher than those of the Stone Spirit

Despite that, his figure now looked as frail as a piece of tofu when faced
with the Heaven’s Order Sword. Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t seem to have
exerted any real force with her thrust, but her sword easily pierced right
into Shi Huo’s chest.

“No!” Shi Huo wailed as he stared at his own chest with widened eyes.
Flustered, he yelled, “No! You can’t take away my Source! I’m Divine
Spirit Shi Huo, I refuse to accept this!”

*Chi, Chi, Chi…*

The sound of Heaven’s Order Sword piercing Shi Huo echoed clearly,
causing Fan Wu and the others to turn pale. By just listening to the
sound, it was as though they could feel the same excruciating pain of
that sword piercing their bodies.

Luan Feng trembled uncontrollably as her back was soaked in cold


“No, no! Madam, I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance to correct
my ways! I’ll never do evil things again!” Seeing that he couldn’t stop his
Source Strength from leaking out of his body, Shi Huo hurriedly begged
for mercy.

He was a Divine Spirit with extreme pride in himself. If it weren’t because

he was left with no choice, he wouldn’t have yielded. The sight made Fan
Wu and the others feel distressed.

However, Zhang Ruo Xi was unfazed as she continued pushing her

Heaven’s Order Sword into Shi Huo’s body until only the hilt was shown.

“It’s no use regretting now. You crossed a line you never should have,” a
ferocious glint flashed across Zhang Ruo Xi’s gaze as she clenched the

A booming sound was heard as Shi Huo’s chest and back exploded,
forming a long hole through his body. Shi Huo shook violently as he lost
all that was left of his imposing manner.

When Zhang Ruo Xi pulled back her Heaven’s Order Sword, something
that looked like a heart was also drawn out. The heart was still beating
vigorously, making thudding sounds, seemingly containing immense

“It’s Shi Huo’s Source.” Fan Wu turned completely pale as he staggered.

A single glance was all it took to recognize that the thing in Zhang Ruo
Xi’s hand was Shi Huo’s Source. Without it, Shi Huo would regress from
a Divine Spirit to just an ordinary Monster Beast.

Luan Feng and Cang Gou were so shocked that they could hardly
breathe as their chests felt incredibly heavy.

Through the memories they had inherited from their ancestors, they had
already learned that Heaven’s Order was capable of seizing a Divine
Spirit’s Source; however, those were just memories in the end,
incomparable to witnessing such a feat with their own eyes.

Besides Heaven’s Order and her descendants, no one else in this world
could easily take away a Divine Spirit’s Source.

Shi Huo’s life was basically over. Even if he managed to survive without
his Source, he would become a cripple. At that moment, he could be
seen kneeling on the ground in a dazed state, the hole in his chest
looked hideous as the dark flames around his body had been completely
extinguished. His aura appeared weak, as his cultivation had now
probably dropped below the Twelfth-Order.

Then, Zhang Ruo Xi wielded her sword, which flashed in the sunlight,
whereupon Shi Huo’s tremendous figure collapsed to the ground and
broke into countless pieces of rock. With his vitality all gone, he no
longer existed in this world.
After that, Zhang Ruo Xi shot a glance at Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang
Gou, causing their hearts to leap to their throats. With horrified
expressions, they couldn’t help stepping backwards. Now, they were
most afraid that Zhang Ruo Xi would make a move against them.

Judging from what happened to Shi Huo, if Zhang Ruo Xi wanted to kill
them, they wouldn’t even stand a chance of escaping. The restrictive
power coming from the Blood Gate was horrifying, and they were
powerless to resist it. Perhaps the suppressive power only targeted
Divine Spirits though as Yang Kai and the Third Disciple didn’t seem
affected at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Ruo Xi only shot them a cold glance before she put
the sword back into the sheath. All of a sudden, Heaven’s Order Sword
and the huge illusory phantom behind her disappeared at the same time.

Fan Wu and the others heaved a sigh of relief. Although they didn’t know
what Zhang Ruo Xi’s intention was, her actions suggested that they were
safe for now.

Following that, Zhang Ruo Xi turned to look at Yang Kai. At this moment,
Yang Kai appeared utterly battered. This was probably the biggest loss
he had suffered in his life. His clothes were caked with dried blood, and
his face was so swollen that he could barely open his eyes. Golden
blood was still streaming down from his head, and the bones in both of
his legs had been shattered. Unable to get to his feet, he could only sit
on the ground, completely paralyzed.

When their gazes met, Yang Kai flashed a bitter smile at her. He wasn’t
certain whether Zhang Ruo Xi’s transformation was a good or bad thing.
In comparison, he preferred the soft-spoken and obedient Zhang Ruo Xi
of the past. The Heaven’s Order’s descendant before his eyes now
appeared unfeeling; moreover, her gaze and temperament were utterly
foreign to Yang Kai.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Ruo Xi raised her hand again, upon
which a beam of light shot out of the Blood Gate. Fan Wu and the others
turned pale again and stared in that direction.
The last time Zhang Ruo Xi raised her hand, the Heaven’s Order Sword
flew out of the Blood Gate. What would it be this time?

To their surprise, what Zhang Ruo Xi obtained wasn’t any weapon, but
rather a delicious-looking scarlet spirit fruit that a rich aroma wafted from,
involuntarily inducing hunger in all who smelt its scent.

Then, Zhang Ruo Xi flickered towards Yang Kai before she crouched
down and passed the spirit fruit to him.

Without taking it, Yang Kai looked dazedly at her for a moment before
asking, “Are you Ruo Xi?”

Zhang Ruo Xi nodded slightly as she replied gently, “Sir, it’s me. Eat this
first. It can help you recover faster.”

“You…” Yang Kai appeared shocked.

“Sir, I’m still Ruo Xi, and this fact will never change,” as she spoke, the
coldness and indifference in her eyes melted and was replaced by the
kind of warm light Yang Kai was familiar with.

“Hahaha!” Yang Kai started laughing as he could finally set his mind at
ease. Only then did he take the spirit fruit from Zhang Ruo Xi and
examine it, a moment later exclaiming in shock, “A ten-thousand-year-old
Phoenix Blood Fruit!”

He didn’t expect that the spirit fruit Zhang Ruo Xi had summoned out of
the Blood Gate was a ten-thousand-year-old Phoenix Blood Fruit. This
was one of the rarest spirit fruits in the world because the blood of a
Divine Spirit Phoenix was required to cultivate the tree it grew from. The
Phoenix Clan was at the top of the hierarchy among all Divine Spirits, so
hardly anyone in the world could challenge them, let alone kill them and
take their blood.

It took all the Blood Essence of a Divine Spirit Phoenix to cultivate a

Phoenix Blood Fruit Tree, after which it would then take ten thousand
years for the tree to flower, then another ten thousand years for fruits to
ripen from those flowers. In terms of the level of rarity, it was even more
precious than the Extraordinary Treasure Lotus Yang Kai had come
across in the Four Season Land.

Unexpectedly, now, a Phoenix Blood Fruit was right before his eyes, and
it was Zhang Ruo Xi who nonchalantly summoned it out of the Blood
Gate. Apparently, there must be a Phoenix Blood Fruit Tree behind the
Blood Gate that was cultivated by Heaven’s Order after she killed a
Phoenix Clan member and harvested their blood.
Chapter 2601 - A New Divine Spirit

A Phoenix Blood Fruit had no other uses besides being an exceptional

healing tonic. As long as the injured person was still breathing, this fruit
could certainly save their life. In this sense, its use was quite similar to
the Immortal Source Liquid.

Fan Wu and the others widened their eyes in disbelief. Although they
were aloof Divine Spirits, they had never seen anything as precious as
the Phoenix Blood Fruit before, leaving them flabbergasted.

But soon, the faces of these three Divine Venerables fell. Luan Feng’s
pretty face was especially filled with regret and anxiety.

Judging from the situation they were in, although the bloodline of this
Heavens Order’s descendant had awakened completely, she still
regarded Yang Kai as someone precious to her. If this wasn’t the case,
she wouldn’t have drawn out a Phoenix Blood Fruit from the Blood Gate
to help him heal his injuries as this act was quite an extravagant waste.

Earlier, when Yang Kai was tortured and humiliated by Shi Huo, all three
of them just watched from the side and did nothing, which led to Yang
Kai becoming so battered. They wondered if this Heavens Order’s
descendant would next settle the score with them.

Luan Feng was especially worried because Zhang Ruo Xi had slapped
herself and begged her to help Yang Kai, but she remained unfazed, and
she didn’t have any intention of stopping Zhang Ruo Xi, which led to the
young girl slapping herself continuously until her cheeks were completely
swollen. The blood at the corner of Zhang Ruo Xi’s mouth hadn’t even
dried up yet.

If Luan Feng had known this would be the outcome, she would’ve done
her a favour and saved Yang Kai, thereby making the young girl owe her
one. However, she wasn’t willing to do that earlier because she didn’t
want to offend Shi Huo. Looking back now, it was obvious whose favour
was more important.
Now that Shi Huo was dead and his Source Strength had been taken
away, Luan Feng’s previous worries looked laughable and had put her
into a tight spot. It was the first time she felt so regretful in her life, and
her mouth was filled with bitterness. Given a second chance, she would
definitely choose to go against Shi Huo.

“Sir, heal your wounds first,” Seeing that Yang Kai remained unmoving
with the Phoenix Blood Fruit in his hand, Zhang Ruo Xi couldn’t help but
urge him to eat it. She had travelled together with Yang Kai for many
years, but this was the first time she saw him looking so battered. While
she was feeling sorry for him, her heart was also filled with resentment.
Although she had killed the main culprit, Shi Huo, the other three present
who did nothing but stood by were equally to blame in her mind.

After a nod, Yang Kai put the Phoenix Blood Fruit into his mouth and
gulped it down. Although the fruit was rare and precious, he wouldn’t turn
down Zhang Ruo Xi’s good intention. In an instant, the fresh and sweet
juice permeated in his mouth. Following that, a warm stream in his
stomach began flowing towards all his organs, filling his entire body and
bones as it rapidly healed his wounds.

Yang Kai was shocked. Although he had known that Phoenix Blood Fruit
was the best fruit for healing, he only realized how incredible the spirit
fruit was after tasting it. It was said that as long as the injured person
was still breathing, one piece of Phoenix Blood Fruit was enough to fully
restore that person. Now, it seemed that these rumours weren’t

“Sir, how should we deal with them?” Zhang Ruo Xi spoke to Yang Kai
via Divine Sense while turning her eyes to look at Fan Wu and the
others, who dared not move a muscle.

The chests of Fan Wu and the others tightened when they saw her
turning to gaze at them and they subconsciously gulped. Her cold gaze
sent chills down their spines as they wondered what this Heavens
Order’s descendant was thinking.

“How do you want to deal with them?” Yang Kai asked her the same
question instead of answering it.
“I want to kill them all!” Zhang Ruo Xi’s gaze turned cold.

Yang Kai put on a bitter smile as he knew that she must be resentful of
them. There was no way she would let them off.

“But, I’ll listen to you,” Zhang Ruo Xi added. “I’ll kill them if you want them

After giving it a thought, Yang Kai replied, “You don’t own the power that
you used to kill Shi Huo, right?”

Zhang Ruo Xi nodded slightly and uttered, “I borrowed the power my

ancestors left behind inside the Blood Gate. My own power isn’t enough
to go up against them yet.”

“What are the downsides of using that power?” Yang Kai asked. He
knew that borrowing such strength was no easy task; after all, Zhang
Ruo Xi was still just a Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator, so it was
impossible that there were no consequences for her using a power great
enough to kill a Divine Spirit.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Ruo Xi replied honestly, “There’ll be

some slight burden on my body.”

“Forget it then,” Yang Kai smiled faintly.

“But, Sir…” Zhang Ruo Xi didn’t seem happy to let them off.

Yang Kai uttered, “Although they didn’t offer to help us, it doesn’t mean
they should be killed. What they did was what most people would do in
that situation. At the end of the day, they didn’t harm me one bit. It’s
good enough that Shi Huo is dead. Moreover, Luan Feng stopped you
from killing yourself, so I owe her a favour.”

Zhang Ruo Xi bit her lip and nodded almost imperceptibly, which
suggested that she agreed with Yang Kai, “Since you’ve said so, I won’t
kill them, then. But, we still have to teach them a lesson, otherwise,
they’ll think that we’re pushovers!” After a snort, she stood up in front of
Yang Kai and shot a cold glare at Fan Wu and the others.
Yang Kai shook his head with a helpless smile. Zhang Ruo Xi’s
temperament had changed drastically after her Bloodline Power
awakened. She was now so domineering that Yang Kai couldn’t get used
to it. With that said, he still felt her transformation was a good thing
overall because timid and obedient people would only be bullied in this

It was the first time Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Gou felt so
apprehensive in their lives. As they watched Zhang Ruo Xi and Yang Kai
communicating with each other secretly, they felt like they were sitting on
pins and needles. Seeing that Zhang Ruo Xi stood up and turned to face
them, they felt a crawling sensation on their scalps, and they instinctively
wanted to flee. However, Shi Huo’s death served as a lesson for them,
so they didn’t dare to make any rash move lest they be killed on the spot.

“Madam, is there anything we can do for you?” Fan Wu grit his teeth and
cupped his fists before asking. Luan Feng and Cang Gou looked
apprehensively at them with their faces stiffened.

Zhang Ruo Xi snorted and uttered coldly, “Listen well. All of you helped
Shi Huo oppress the weak and made things difficult for Sir. Even if I
slaughtered you all, it wouldn’t begin to calm the fury in my heart!”

The expressions of Fan Wu and the others changed drastically when

they heard this, and they almost wanted to run for their lives. However,
they forced themselves to remain on the spot because they were too
frightened of Zhang Ruo Xi.

“But…” Zhang Ruo Xi suddenly changed her tone, “Sir is a kind-hearted

man, so he doesn’t want to kill others unless it’s necessary. Since the
culprit is dead, he won’t pursue the matter.”

In an instant, Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Gou felt ecstatic as they
shifted their attention to Yang Kai at the same time, directing grateful
expressions at him as if he was their saviour.

“Although I won’t kill you, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any
punishments. Take this lesson and learn from your foolish mistakes. If
you dare to use your strength as Divine Spirit to oppress the weak again,
your end will be the same as Shi Huo’s!” As soon as Zhang Ruo Xi
finished speaking, she pushed out her palm at them.

The Blood Gate buzzed again, upon which two beams of red light shot
out of it and struck Fan Wu and Cang Gou. Unable to resist these
strikes, the two Divine Verenables were sent flying as they coughed up
blood mid-air.

Luan Feng was rooted to the spot as her eyelashes fluttered. A moment
later, she finally realized that she wasn’t attacked. She was an intelligent
woman, so she knew why Fan Wu and Cang Gou were harmed, but not
her. It was all because she had saved this Heavens Order’s descendant
earlier. At that instant, she was glad she had at least done that much.

On the other hand, Fan Wu and Cang Gou fell to the ground. Although
they appeared quite miserable, they dared not utter any complaint.
Instead, they heaved a sigh of relief and got to their feet before cupping
their fists and bowing, “Many thanks for sparing our lives.”

They understood that since Zhang Ruo Xi had made such a move, it
meant that this matter was settled and they were safe, for now.

Zhang Ruo Xi snorted as her pretty face turned slightly red. It seemed
that her body was now feeling the burden of borrowing the power from
the Blood Gate. Remaining on the spot, she looked into the distance and
beckoned, “Uncle Stone, Xiao Xiao, come here!”

The Uncle Stone she was referring to was undoubtedly the Embodiment.
They had lived together in the Sealed World Bead for many years, so
they were on good terms.

Upon hearing this call, the Embodiment and Xiao Xiao, who were just ten
kilometres away, hurriedly ran over and reached Zhang Ruo Xi a
moment later.

Zhang Ruo Xi turned to look at Fan Wu without uttering a word.

Understanding her hint, Fan Wu immediately removed the seals on the
Embodiment and Xiao Xiao, restoring their freedom.
“Uncle Stone, this is for you.” As Zhang Ruo Xi spoke, she flicked Shi
Huo’s Source, which she had been holding in her hand all this while,
towards the Embodiment. The heart-like thing spun and hovered around
the Embodiment’s chest.

“For me?” Embodiment’s gaze brightened. He had seen how Zhang Ruo
Xi killed Shi Huo, so he knew what this thing was. This was Shi Huo’s
Source. If any suitable person could obtain it, refine it, and inherit its
Source Strength, they would become the next Shi Huo.

After a nod, Zhang Ruo Xi drew out her Heavens Order Sword again and
pointed it gently at Embodiment as she uttered, “The Stone Spirit Clan
and Shi Huo are somewhat related, so your body structure and nature
are quite similar to his. Therefore, I believe that a Stone Spirit Clan
member like you can inherit Shi Huo’s power.”

The tip of Heavens Order Sword, which was pointed at Embodiment,

suddenly shone brightly and carved a strange pattern on his chest. The
pattern seemed to have a power of attraction, and with a blow, it pulled
Shi Huo’s Source into it, causing it to disappear from everyone’s sight.

The Embodiment grunted as his body started burning with dark flames,
and his face instantly contorted in pain.

Zhang Ruo Xi lowered the sword and quickly performed a hand seal with
both her hands, upon which, a series of abstruse seals shot into the
Embodiment. With every seal penetrating his body, the dark flames
would be suppressed significantly. After a quarter of an hour, all the
flames finally disappeared.

At the same time, the Embodiment fell silent and sat down cross-legged
on the spot, as though he had fallen into the state of enlightenment.

“This Stone Spirit has now become one of the most powerful individuals
in the world,” Fan Wu suddenly uttered as he looked at them from
With a bitter smile, Luan Feng said, “I heard that not only could Heavens
Order take away a Divine Spirit’s Source, she could also bequeath them
to others to create new Divine Spirits. Now we know this is true.”

Cang Gou appeared envious as he said, “If this Stone Spirit were to try
to inherit Shi Huo’s Source on his own, the success rate would only be
about ten percent; however, with the help of Heavens Order’s
descendant, there are basically no drawbacks. After he refines Shi Huo’s
Source, this world will have a new Divine Spirit.”
Chapter 2602 - Eating Soft Rice

After Zhang Ruo Xi sealed the Source inside the Embodiment, her face
suddenly turned pale.

Although she appeared nonchalant, it obviously took her a lot of strength

to do all this. After looking around, she raised her hand again, upon
which the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal, which was taken away by Shi
Huo, whooshed towards her and fell into her hand.

“Sir, I’ll keep this gift that you’ve given me,” she clenched the Ten
Thousand Beasts Seal as her eyes were filled with sorrow.

“Where are you going?” Yang Kai was shocked as he could hear the
hidden meaning in her words.

Zhang Ruo Xi pressed her lips together and replied, “My Bloodline Power
has awakened, so I have to inherit my ancestor’s power.”

Hearing that, Yang Kai turned to look at the Blood Gate.

Zhang Ruo Xi put on a smile as the coldness on her face melted in an

instant. In a soft voice, she said, “Sir, once I can come out of the Blood
Gate, I’ll be able to help you, and I won’t hold you back anymore. We’ll
never go through incidents like what happened today again.”

Yang Kai parted his lips to say something, but in the end sighed, “It’s not
your fault. It was me who couldn’t protect you.”

Zhang Ruo Xi shook her head, “It’s not Sir’s fault. It’s me who was too

Without dwelling on the subject, Yang Kai stared at her and asked, “Must
you go?”

With a determined expression, Zhang Ruo Xi nodded.

After that nod, Yang Kai went on to say, “Go then. It’s your ancestor’s
power, so you can’t ignore it; however, you must be careful.”
“I will,” Zhang Ruo Xi said with slightly teary eyes. Then, she took a look
at Xiao Xiao, “Sir, I’ll take Xiao Xiao with me. I’ll make sure that he
inherits the power of Tai Yue. Please tell the Stone Spirit Clan members
about it later.”

“Good,” Yang Kai nodded.

All the Stone Spirit Clan members came out this time because they
wanted to send Xiao Xiao into the Blood Gate to inherit the power of
Divine Spirit Tai Yue; however, things turned out to be the opposite of
their expectations. Since Zhang Ruo Xi would bring Xiao Xiao with her
now, there wouldn’t be any problem.

“Xiao Xiao, after you enter the Blood Gate, you must listen to Ruo Xi and
must not cause her any trouble,” Yang Kai reminded Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao kept nodding and grunting, as though he was telling Yang Kai
that he would be obedient.

“Don’t worry, Sir. Since Uncle Stone can inherit Shi Huo’s Source, I’m
sure Xiao Xiao will be able to inherit Tai Yue’s Source as well,” Zhang
Ruo Xi reassured him.

Then, she turned to look at Fan Wu and the others. In an instant, her
expression turned cold as she said sternly, “If anything happens to Sir in
the Ancient Lands, I’ll kill you all after I return from the Blood Gate!”

She made no attempt to be polite with her speech. If anyone spoke to

Fan Wu and the other Divine Venerables in such a manner, they
would’ve pounced on that person; however, since it was Zhang Ruo Xi
who was speaking, they all appeared meek now.

In an anxious manner, Fan Wu cupped his fists and uttered, “Don’t worry,
Madam. As long as I’m alive, I’ll make sure nothing will happen to your

Luan Feng and Cang Gou nodded sternly. Judging from the current
situation, they thought that if they wanted to live their lives peacefully,
they had to strike up a good relationship with Yang Kai. If they were on
favourable terms with Yang Kai, then this Heavens Order’s descendant
would probably stop finding fault with them.

At that instant, Yang Kai looked like a golden treasure in their eyes.

“Sir…” Zhang Ruo Xi turned to look at Yang Kai with a gaze that was
filled with grief. Pressing her lips together, she said, “I’ll take my leave

Yang Kai remained seated on the ground with a dejected expression, but
he still forced a smile and replied, “It’s not like one of us is heading to the
next life. We’ll meet again one day. I’ll wait for you to come out of the
Blood Gate.”

Zhang Ruo Xi hung her head low as her face started blushing. In a
nervous manner, she uttered, “Sir, before I go, can you grant a wish of

She appeared diffident when she said that as she stole a glance at Yang
Kai. Apparently, she was feeling guilty.

With a smile, Yang Kai replied, “Good, even if you have a hundred
wishes, I’ll grant all of them. As long as I can do it, I’ll do it for you.”

“Then… close your eyes…” Zhang Ruo Xi clenched her teeth and
mustered all her courage. Upon finishing her words, she felt her face

Fan Wu and the others looked dazedly at them with meaningful

expressions on their faces. It was then they came to the realization that
they had underestimated the relationship between Yang Kai and this
Heavens Order’s descendant. They thought that they were just good
friends, possibly even Master and Disciple, but it turned out that Zhang
Ruo Xi harboured stronger feelings than that.

If that was the case, they had to do more than just maintain a good
rapport with Yang Kai. In fact, they had to obey all his orders. Just like
what Yang Kai had said, life was full of uncertainties, and they might
need to ask for his help one day.
Although Yang Kai was referring to the Stone Spirit Clan when he said
that, and Fan Wu had refused to accept it at that time, Yang Kai was now
proven right.

Yang Kai was shocked upon hearing this request. He was no longer an
inexperienced young man, so he could figure out her intentions through
her demeanour and tone. Then, he sighed secretly and thought about
how he had never dared to flirt with any woman since he came to Star
Boundary; after all, he was far away from his homeland. More
importantly, Su Yan, Xia Ning Chang, Shan Qing Luo, and Xue Yue were
waiting for him.

Although he had ventured into Star Boundary for many years, he had
always remained disciplined in his everyday life, as he had never been
intimate with any woman; however, he was still a man with physical
needs. After giving it a brief thought, he still closed his eyes.

Zhang Ruo Xi bit her lip as her heart pounded against her chest. Her
heartbeat was as intense as that of someone thumping against a war
drum, and her face became scorching hot.

She approached Yang Kai slowly and crouched down before cupping his
face with trembling hands. Then, as her eyelashes fluttered, she closed
her eyes anxiously and pressed her lips forward.

Soon, Yang Kai felt a warm sensation on his forehead, and he got a whiff
of an intoxicating scent that was wafting from her. At the same time, he
felt ticklish as her hair whisked across his face.

That moment seemed very short, but it also seemed to have lasted for a
thousand years. Like a terrified rabbit, Zhang Ruo Xi jumped away as her
vision became blurred. With her ears turning completely red, she said
anxiously, “S-Sir, I really have to go now. Please take good care of

Upon finishing her words, she charged towards the Blood Gate, as
though she didn’t dare to stay there any longer. All of a sudden, her legs
turned to jelly, and she almost tripped over a stone on the ground.

Cang Gou almost couldn’t suppress his urge to laugh out loud.

Feeling ashamed, Zhang Ruo Xi immediately glowered at Cang Gou,

whose smile froze and his forehead beaded with cold sweat.

“Take care of my Sir. Otherwise, all of you will pay the price!” After Zhang
Ruo Xi finished speaking, she dashed into the Blood Gate and
disappeared from everyone’s sight. Standing in front of Yang Kai, Xiao
Xiao kept whimpering as though he was bidding him farewell. Then, he
waved his hand at the Stone Spirit Clan members, who were still waiting
in the distance, before he sprinted towards the Blood Gate as well.

Soon after, a crashing sound could be heard, upon which the Blood Gate
Restricted Area, which had resided in the Ancient Wild Lands for
countless years, disappeared all of a sudden, as though it had never
existed before.

After the Blood Gate disappeared, the suppressive power that had been
filling the air vanished as well.

Fan Wu and the others heaved a sigh of relief as they were glad that
they had managed to survive in the end. At the same time, they felt
fortunate that Zhang Ruo Xi was finally gone. If she stayed there any
longer, they would have had a hard time breathing.

After trading glances, they sprinted forward and reached Yang Kai before
cupping their fists, “Sir Yang, congratulations!”

At that moment, they didn’t dare to be haughty in front of Yang Kai

anymore and all appeared humble. It was as though they were worried
that Yang Kai might be displeased at their behaviour, which would lead
him to making a complaint to the Heavens Order’s descendant in the

Yang Kai was still reminiscing about the kiss as he touched his own
forehead. Upon hearing what they had said, he looked up at them and
asked in an exasperated manner, “What’s there to congratulate me for?”
Certainly, he knew why they congratulated him. Anyone who managed to
gain the favour of the Heavens Order’s descendant could literally walk
sideways in Star Boundary, and even the Great Emperors had to show
that person some respect.

“Did you congratulate me because I can now eat soft rice for the rest of
my life?” Yang Kai grunted in an unhappy tone and shot a glance at
them, “Do I look like a little white face to you?”

At that instant, Fan Wu and the others were lost for words as they didn’t
know what was on Yang Kai’s mind. Rooted to the spot, they all
remained silent and appeared embarrassed.

“You can leave. I still have something to do.” Yang Kai waved his hands,
then he thought of something, “Let the Stone Spirit Clan members stay.”

“Yes!” Fan Wu and the others hurriedly cupped their fists and respectfully
left the place.

After they were gone, Yang Kai looked up at the sky and saw Bing Yun’s
Third Disciple was frowning, standing on the clouds, appearing
displeased, pouting as she stared fixedly in the direction where the Blood
Gate used to exist.

She had come to this place with Zhang Ruo Xi, but now that her friend
was gone, she was left alone here. Having lost her mind, she couldn’t
understand what was going on at the moment.

“Third Disciple!” Yang Kai called out to her.

Hearing his voice, Third Disciple immediately looked in his direction.

Upon making out his face, she became cheerful and uttered, “Come
catch me! Come catch me!”

Upon finishing her words, she seemed ready to flee from this place to
continue the game of hide-and-seek with Yang Kai.

“Third Disciple, stop playing around! Don’t you want to meet Senior Bing
Yun, An Ruo Yun, Sun Yun Xiu and Zhang Sun Ying?” After what
happened to Zhang Ruo Xi, Yang Kai wasn’t in the mood to play with the
Third Disciple anymore, so he directly dropped the names of those she
cared about.

As expected, the Third Disciple seemed to have been impacted as she

stopped running away. Then, she slowly turned around, and her eyes
could be seen trembling, which suggested that her thoughts were in

Yang Kai was worried that something would happen to her, but to his
surprise, in just a short moment, her eyes seemed to have cleared up,
and she asked through clenched teeth, “You know my Honoured

She looked just like a healthy person when she spoke, almost like she
had regained her sanity.

“Yes,” Yang Kai nodded.

“She…” The Third Disciple became agitated all of a sudden as she

stared nervously at Yang Kai, “Is she still alive?”

With a solemn expression, Yang Kai replied, “Senior Bing Yun has
returned to Ice Heart Valley. Your Senior Sisters and Junior Sisters are
worried about you, and they have not stopped looking for you all this
Chapter 2603 - Insane Third Disciple

“Honoured Master is still alive…” The Third Disciple stumbled as she

showed a relieved smile and then began to laugh out loud, “Honoured
Master… Honoured Master, Honoured Master, where are you?”

As she spoke, the Third Disciple actually began to cry in a pitiful manner
as if she was lost and couldn’t find her way back home.

Yang Kai’s expression instantly darkened, realizing that the Third

Disciple’s condition was rather unstable and her emotions were prone to
wild swings.


The Third Disciple suddenly flashed and arrived behind Yang Kai. Tears
were still on her face, but she suddenly laughed, “Honoured Master! So,
this is where you were! Disciple shall brush your hair!”

As she spoke, she grabbed Yang Kai’s messy hair with her hand and
began to carefully comb it.

[What’s going on!?] Yang Kai used his Divine Sense to inspect the Third
Disciple, quickly discovering that even though her consciousness was in
utter chaos, her expression had calmed down as she helped him comb
his hair. She was serious and meticulous about combing each and every

Has she mistaken him for Senior Bing Yun?

However, his figure wasn’t anywhere similar to Bing Yun’s. He wasn’t

even the same gender! Wouldn’t it be impossible for any slightly normal
person to mistake him for Bing Yun? It seemed the chaos in the Third
Disciple’s consciousness was quite severe.

Yang Kai suddenly had a flash of inspiration as he frowned and quickly

said, “Unfilial Disciple, do you know your wrongs!?”

After he said this, the Third Disciple standing behind him actually
trembled with fear covering her face. She hurriedly came out from behind
his back and faced Yang Kai while kneeling on the ground with her head
lowered, saying in a shaking voice, “Honoured Master, please enlighten

She really was treating him as Senior Bing Yun.

Yang Kai was secretly happy about this, but he acted with a severe
expression as he scolded, “Your Master has safely returned to Ice Heart
Valley, so why have you continued wandering about? Could it be that the
colourful outside world has disturbed your Martial Heart and caused you
to forget about returning?”

The Third Disciple answered in a shaky voice, “Disciple wouldn’t dare.

This disciple was outside… This disciple was outside because…”

She was unable to explain what she was doing even after quite a while.
It seemed as if she had forgotten what the whole purpose of leaving Ice
Heart Valley was and a look of confusion gradually arose on her dirty

Yang Kai secretly felt that things had taken a turn for the worse. If he
allowed her to continue thinking about it, perhaps things would become
troublesome, so he immediately shouted, “Since you don’t dare, then
come back with your Master to Ice Heart Valley, and serve by my side.
You’re forbidden from going outside again unless you receive my

The confusion on the Third Disciple’s face instantly disappeared as she

respectfully answered, “Yes, Disciple understands!”

Yang Kai gently nodded, “Very good. Get up!”

“Many thanks, Honoured Master!”

“Stand over there to the side. Your Master needs to cultivate to heal…
her injuries. During this time, do not permit anyone to approach!” Yang
Kai tried to give another command.
The Third Disciple obediently listened and immediately stood to the side
with a vigilant expression in her beautiful eyes. She scanned the
surroundings, as if she really was standing guard for Yang Kai.

Seeing her like this, Yang Kai couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
He wasn’t trying to intentionally take advantage of the Third Disciple, but
if left to her own devices, she would always appear and disappear like a
ghost. If he really let her escape again, it wasn’t certain if he could find
her once more. It was a good thing that he could stabilize her with this
method for now.

Yang Kai secretly observed the Third Disciple for a while and saw that
she didn’t show any signs of going insane. Only then did Yang Kai
silently begin cultivating to help his body absorb the medicinal efficacies
of the Phoenix Blood Fruit.

He was quite seriously injured this time. Without even mentioning his torn
flesh, more than ten of his bones were broken. It was even worse in his
legs, as both of them had been shattered by Shi Huo’s attacks. His five
viscera and six organs were also filled with blood and his insides were in
terrible shape.

Luckily, Yang Kai had a strong constitution, and his Golden Blood had
extremely powerful restorative properties. An otherwise-normal person
with such injuries would either have died already or been on the verge of

Emperor Qi flowed through his body as he gradually absorbed the

medicinal efficacies of the Phoenix Blood Fruit. His shattered bones
gradually mended, and his injured and swollen face restored itself.

The Phoenix Blood Fruit truly was a wondrous healing medicine. Yang
Kai already felt that there were no major problems anymore before he
even fully absorbed the spirit fruit’s medicinal efficacies.

However, his newly mended bones would require several days to set
before they would be fully restored like new.
One hour later, Yang Kai opened his eyes and glanced over towards the
Third Disciple. He saw that she was still standing there in order to stand
guard for his sake.

Ten kilometres away, with the three Divine Venerables as their leaders,
many Monster Kings and Great Kings, and even the Stone Spirit Clan
were all silently looking in this direction. Everyone had different
expressions and complex feelings in their hearts.

It was even more so for Xie Wu Wei. He had previously been filled with
unhappiness when Yang Kai forced him to become his Soul Slave. He
felt that Yang Kai was far too shameless and underhanded. If it wasn’t
for Yang Kai adding insult to injury, threatening to refine his Soul after he
died, he never would have been willing to hand over his Soul Brand.

However, Xie Wu Wei no longer dared to think like this.

The three Divine Venerables were so respectful in front of Yang Kai. As

Yang Kai healed himself, the three Divine Venerables didn’t even dare to
disturb him, and even issued the command for all Monster Kings and
Great Kings to memorise Yang Kai’s appearance and to treat him like a
Divine Venerable if they saw him in the future.

Even the Divine Venerables didn’t dare to act arrogantly in front of Yang
Kai. A Monster King like Xie Wu Wei was nothing in comparison!

Xie Wu Wei was impressed, truly impressed. He was also filled with
incredible regret. If only he had known earlier that the little girl next to
Yang Kai was the Heaven’s Order descendant, he would have tried to
build a good relationship with Yang Kai.

If he had done a good job, perhaps when that Heaven’s Order

descendant from earlier entered the Blood Gate, she would even be
generous enough to bring him inside as well. But now, the Heaven’s
Order descendant had entered the Blood Gate already and only brought
a single Stone Spirit in to inherit Tai Yue’s power, while all he could do
was be jealous.
Xie Wu Wei felt so much regret that his heart hurt when he thought of

“Third Disciple, call over the three Divine Venerables and Stone Spirit
Elder.” Yang Kai suddenly issued a command.

The Third Disciple bowed and then headed towards the location ten
kilometres away. Yang Kai went by himself to the Mountains and Rivers
Bell on the ground and inspected it, as if he wanted to see a flower on
this bell.

He was forced to dispel the Soul Imprint on the Mountains and Rivers
Bell, so this Ancient Exotic Artifact had once again become a Masterless
object. Nobody had touched it ever since it landed here.

Ten kilometres away, the Third Disciple had just arrived by flying over.
Upon a glance, it was clear how tattered her clothing was and how dirty
her pretty face was. It was almost impossible to tell what her original
appearance was.

Everyone looked at her with curiosity, not knowing who she was.

Xie Wu Wei did know that Yang Kai had been searching for the Third
Disciple all this time, and he had also seen the Third Disciple’s
appearance before, but now wasn’t a convenient time for him to say

“My Honoured Master commanded me to invite the three Divine

Venerables and Stone Spirit Elder over for a discussion!” The Third
Disciple glanced at Fan Wu and the others and spoke in a light tone.

“Honoured Master…” Fan Wu and the others had astonished

expressions when they heard this. They had no idea what had

They knew quite clearly that Yang Kai’s cultivation was only in the First-
Order Emperor Realm, while this dirty woman before them was in the
Second-Order Emperor Realm.

Why would she address him as Honoured Master?

However, judging from this woman’s tone and attitude, it didn’t seem like
she was joking.

Fan Wu was filled with questions, but he couldn’t exactly ask them out
loud, so he just smiled and nodded, “Please lead the way.”

After he said that, he was about to head over, but then it seemed like he
quickly thought of something as he turned towards Stone Spirit Elder and
extended his hand, “Elder, please go ahead first!”

Elder chuckled and knew what Fan Wu was worried about, so he also
made an inviting gesture and went forward with the three Divine
Venerables all in unison.

Not long after, the four arrived at the earlier battlefield under the Third
Disciple’s lead.

“Honoured Master!” Third Disciple shouted to indicate to Yang Kai that

she had already brought who he wanted over. She then respectfully
stood to the side.

Yang Kai nodded and walked forward to greet them.

“Sir Yang!” Fan Wu, Luan Feng, and Cang Gou all immediately cupped
their fists in greeting and forced slight smiles.

However, Yang Kai didn’t even glance at them as he directly walked over
to the Stone Spirit Elder and smiled in greeting, “Elder!”

Fan Wu and the others all felt rather awkward, but they couldn’t really
say anything, so they could only step back embarrassedly.

“Sir Yang!” Elder didn’t dare to be rude. Even if it was just taking Yang
Kai’s intimate relationship with the Heaven’s Order descendant into
consideration, not a single living being in the entire Ancient Lands would
dare to behave arrogantly in front of Yang Kai.

Yang Kai pushed down Elder’s cupped fists and sighed, “Elder also saw
that while things today may have had their ups and downs, in the end,
fortunately I did not fail my mission. Xiao Xiao has now entered the Blood
Gate, and Ruo Xi is taking care of him, so he’ll definitely be able to
inherit the power of Tai Yue soon.”

Even though Elder had already learned of what happened from Fan Wu
and the others, he was still really excited to hear Yang Kai personally
saying this. His body slightly trembled as he said, “Sir Yang’s great
favour is something that my Stone Spirit Clan shall remember for

“Elder is being too polite!” Yang Kai smiled, “Although Xiao Xiao is a
member of the Stone Spirit Clan, I also raised him myself, so of course I
hope to see him doing well. Elder, we’re all one family, so don’t act as if
we’re strangers.”

Elder’s eyes lit up, “It is Shi Jiu’s greatest fortune in life that he was able
to follow Sir Yang, as well as the greatest fortune of my Stone Spirit

Yang Kai told him, “Elder, please rest assured, the Stone Spirit Clan
shall never be bothered again in this Ancient Lands, nor will anyone
force you to do anything that you don’t want to do…” After saying this,
Yang Kai glanced sideways at Fan Wu and the other Divine Venerables
and chuckled, “Sirs and Madam, what do you think?”

Fan Wu hurriedly stated, “Sir Yang is correct. The Stone Spirit Clan
absolutely won’t be bothered ever again. We will warn our subordinates
today that with the Stone Spirit Clan’s current territory as the centre, all
the land within a radius of a hundred thousand kilometres shall eternally
belong to the Stone Spirit Clan. Anyone who dares to enter without
permission will be executed without mercy!”

Luan Feng and Cang Gou also nodded, making it evident that they had
no objections to this decision.

Yang Kai didn’t say anything more to them. He simply glanced at Elder
instead, “Elder, are you satisfied with this? If this isn’t enough, we can
discuss it again. The Three Divine Venerables are all easy to talk to, so
please ask them if you have any requests at all.”
Fan Wu hurriedly exclaimed, “Yes, yes. If Elder still has any requests,
feel free to say them directly. We three will definitely satisfy you as long
as it is within our ability to.”

Elder chuckled, “That’s enough, that’s enough. My Stone Spirit Clan has
few clansmen to begin with. A radius of one hundred thousand
kilometres is more than enough for us to use.”

He had a very happy expression and was evidently highly satisfied with
this result. Of course, he also knew that Fan Wu was only being so
generous in order to give face to Yang Kai. Otherwise, forget about a
hundred thousand kilometres, even a radius of ten thousand kilometres
would be difficult to ask for.

Elder really couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart. Before he came here
today, he had resolved to sacrifice himself if things didn’t succeed. He
never expected that there would be such a wonderful ending.

Not only did the Stone Spirit Clan have someone so powerful to rely on
now, even Shi Jiu would soon become a Divine Spirit, Tai Yue.

The Stone Spirit Clan and the intimately connected Wood Spirit Clan
were able to reap incredible benefits today. Being able to live without any
worries was a life that Elder had wanted for so many years but never
obtained before.

But now, Yang Kai had resolved everything with just a few words.
Chapter 2604 - Give You Some Face

Fan Wu smiled, “This King’s palace isn’t far away from Elder’s land. In
the future, Elder must come visit me more often.”

Elder politely responded, “Since Sir Divine Venerable has offered such
an intention, this Elder might come bother you in the future. I hope you
don’t mind, Sir Divine Venerable.”

Yang Kai didn’t need to be polite with Fan Wu, but Elder still needed to
worry about such things. The Stone Spirit Clan’s level of strength as a
whole was still lower than Fan Wu’s before Xiao Xiao became Tai Yue,
and it was also impossible for Yang Kai to remain in the Ancient Lands
forever to protect them.

It wasn’t necessary to have an extremely close relationship with Fan Wu,

but they couldn’t afford to have a bad relationship with him. Having a
friendly relationship would be a good thing for the Stone Spirit Clan.

Fan Wu chuckled loudly, “Elder, you’re being too serious. If Elder has
free time in the future, you must spend some time at this King’s palace.”

Luan Feng also covered her mouth and smiled, “This Queen welcomes
Elder as well.”

Cang Gou gave them a sidelong glance and snorted, “You act as if this
King is trying to reject all visitors.” He then turned and smiled at Elder,
“Elder, although my palace is a bit far from the Stone Spirit Clan’s
territory, I’ve always heard that the Wood Spirit Clan’s wine is
incomparably delicious. If I come visit you someday, I hope that Elder will
offer his hospitality.”

“Of course, of course. If Sir Divine Venerable wants to visit, my clan

would naturally welcome you with all our hearts!” Elder couldn’t help but
smile wryly. Since when has he become so attractive? The three great
Divine Venerables of the Ancient Lands were all trying to establish a
relationship with him. Naturally, this was all because of Yang Kai. Elder
wasn’t the type to be hypocritical, since he felt that continuing to chat
with the three Divine Venerables would result in him being strong in will
but weak in strength, he hurriedly said to Yang Kai, “Sir Yang, since
things are resolved here, then this Elder shall return with his clansmen.
As for Sir Yang…”

Yang Kai smiled and replied, “I won’t be going with Elder. I came to the
Ancient Lands this time to find Xiao Xiao. Since Xiao Xiao has gone into
the Blood Gate already, then I’m done with what I came for and will be
leaving the Ancient Lands soon.”

When Elder heard this, he had a regretful expression, but he still nodded,
“I hope you will have a pleasant journey then, Sir Yang. If you ever visit
the Ancient Lands again, please come to my Stone Spirit Clan’s territory.
This Elder will definitely welcome you!”

“Elder, have a safe trip, forgive me for not seeing you off,” Yang Kai
cupped his fists.

Elder cupped his fists in response and said goodbye to Fan Wu and the
others before he finally turned around and left.

Soon, the Stone Spirit Clan followed Elder and vanished from everyone’s

Fan Wu and the others stood behind Yang Kai and looked at each other
for a while, feeling somewhat anxious inside. In the end, Fan Wu lightly
coughed and tried to ask, “Sir Yang, what do you intend to do next?”

Yang Kai tilted his head and chuckled while looking at him, “What is it,
Sir Fan Wu? Are you in a hurry to see me leave the Ancient Lands?”

Fan Wu’s expression changed as he exclaimed in fear, “I would never

dare! It’s the Ancient Lands’ good fortune that Sir Yang has arrived. This
Fan Wu would never dare to think in such a way.”

“You really wouldn’t dare? Just say whatever it is that you’re thinking. A
trivial First-Order Emperor Realm like me can’t do anything to you
anyways,” Yang Kai chuckled coldly in a strange manner.

[You can’t do anything to me, but that Heaven’s Order descendant can!]
Fan Wu kept thinking that as he forced himself to smile, “Sir Yang is
overthinking things. From today onwards, Sir Yang is our Ancient Lands’
Honoured Guest. We truly welcome you if you wish to stay here.”

Yang Kai reached out and patted Fan Wu on the shoulder while laughing
out loud, “I never thought that Sir Fan Wu would be such a generous
host. Since that’s the case, then this Young Master must give you some
face. This Young Master shall stay in the Ancient Lands for a while.”

Fan Wu’s expression darkened as he really wanted to slap himself in the


Luan Feng and Cang Gou also glanced at him with complaining
expressions as they thought, [Why did you have to talk this much!?
Being mute would have been better!]

Yang Kai pointed and asked, “Do you three still want this or not?”

Fan Wu and the others regained their senses and saw that Yang Kai was
pointing at the Mountains and Rivers Bell that was on the ground. Their
hearts instantly jumped as they answered in a panic, “This belongs to Sir
Yang, so it should go with its rightful owner. We would never dare to
have any designs for it.”

Yang Kai snorted, “Who told me before that this originally belonged to
the Ancient Lands?”

Cang Gou instantly smiled, “Treasures belong to those who obtain them.
This bell has existed in the Ancient Lands for countless years, but
nobody has ever been able to tame it before. Since Sir Yang is capable
of making it acknowledge you as its Master, it should belong with you.”

Cang Gou, who was the one who previously said that sentence, was
afraid that Yang Kai would hold a grudge against him for it, so he
hurriedly denied any knowledge of his previous words.

“I couldn’t tell that even though Sir Cang Gou is the aloof type, he
actually has such a way with words,” Yang Kai glanced at him teasingly.

Cang Gou’s face reddened and he couldn’t wait to find a hole to crawl
into. He had lost a lot of face today, but luckily, nobody else was here
apart from Fan Wu and Luan Feng. The Monster Kings and Great Kings
were all ten kilometres away; otherwise, if word of what happened today
spread, he would no longer have any authority to command his
subordinates with.

“You really don’t want it?” Yang Kai had a serious expression, “Don’t say
that this Young Master didn’t give you a chance. This is an Ancient
Exotic Artifact, a bell that can suppress the mountains and rivers. You’ll
be filled with courage when holding it, and you can even go and slap the
Dragon Clan several times in the face if you meet them. You won’t have
this opportunity again if you miss it, so you better not regret letting this

Fan Wu could only keep smiling bitterly, “Sir Yang, please stop joking
around with us.”

He had an expression of being unable to take much more, almost to the

extent of pleading with Yang Kai to immediately take the Mountains and
River Bell away with him.

Luan Feng also pleaded, “Sir Yang, we were in the wrong before, but Shi
Huo has died already, so we hope that Sir Yang will calm his anger.”

Yang Kai glanced at her and stated in a light tone, “Since Lady Feng has
said so much, this Young Master shall give you face.”

Although Luan Feng had also been watching from the sidelines before,
at least she helped stop Ruo Xi from committing suicide. Yang Kai was
somewhat grateful to her even if just for that alone.

Luan Feng was somewhat surprised when she heard this, while Fan Wu
and Cang Gou both hurriedly glanced at her and seemingly realized

Yang Kai walked forward and patted the Mountains and River Bell,
pouring his Emperor Qi and Spiritual Energy into it somewhat anxiously.

Back in the Shattered Star Sea, he had spent one year in order to tame
the Mountains and Rivers Bell. The difficult process would be
unimaginable to outsiders. Today, he had been forced to remove his
Soul Imprint, so he didn’t know if he could make it recognize him as its
Master again. Even if he could make it recognize him as its Master, he
didn’t know how long it would take.

Yang Kai would be really depressed if it took another year.

Fortunately, his Spiritual Energy and Emperor Qi easily entered the

Mountains and River Bell, bringing a smile to his face as he knew this
Ancient Exotic Artifact wasn’t rejecting him. Immediately, Yang Kai
focused on leaving his Soul Imprint on the bell again.


The ancient Mountains and River Bell flashed and shrunk as Yang Kai
slightly arched his eyebrows. He reached out and picked it up as he
tossed it around, playing with it in his hands.

“This…” Fan Wu had an astonished expression.

Fan Wu had also tried to take the Mountains and River Bell earlier, but
even with his cultivation, it wasn’t possible for him to even pick it up, so
he could only allow it to remain on the ground. Since Yang Kai was able
to pick it up now, this was obvious evidence that he had already received
its acknowledgement.

“So quick!” Cang Gou couldn’t help but exclaim out loud.

A strange light flashed in Luan Feng’s beautiful eyes as she reassessed

Yang Kai, as if she wanted to see what was hidden in his body.
Comparisons really would make a person frustrated. The three of them
had tried many times before, but they were completely unable to get their
strength to enter the Mountains and Rivers Bell, yet when it came to
Yang Kai, he made it look as easy as breathing.

“A bout of good luck indeed!” Yang Kai grinned meaningfully, “This

treasure seems like it’s still willing to recognize me as its Master.”

As he spoke, Yang Kai immediately absorbed the Mountains and Rivers

Bell into himself before he turned around, sat down cross-legged, and
glanced at the Embodiment on the ground.
Ever since Ruo Xi sealed Shi Hou’s Source into the Embodiment, the
Embodiment appeared to have gone into a strange deep sleep.
According to Yang Kai’s senses, his Soul Clone within the Embodiment
had also fallen silent.

However, there was no danger even though the Embodiment was in a

deep slumber. As long as the Embodiment could successfully refine Shi
Huo’s Source, then a new Divine Spirit Shi Huo would awaken

“Sir Yang, this Stone Spirit… How should we deal with him? Do you
need me to have several Monster Kings remain here to stand guard for
him?” Luan Feng hurriedly asked as she saw the concern in Yang Kai’s

If there really was a biggest winner from today, then it would doubtlessly
be the Stone Spirit Clan.

A Stone Spirit clansman was brought into the Blood Gate by the
Heaven’s Order descendant in order to inherit the Divine Spirit Tai Yue’s
Source, while another clansman had obtained Shi Huo’s Source.

This one clan was about to give rise to two Divine Spirits!

The entire Stone Spirit Clan didn’t even have many clansmen.

Just this fact alone meant the Stone Spirit Clan couldn’t be
underestimated in the future.

Yang Kai shook his head when he heard Luan Feng’s question, “No

[No need?] Luan Feng paused in surprise and couldn’t help but worry a
little. Although her subordinate Monster Kings and Great Kings all knew
about what happened today and would definitely wouldn’t try to bother
this Stone Spirit, who was about to rise to become a Divine Spirit, Shi
Huo, underlings were sometimes harder to deal with than powerful
leaders. Maybe some weak Monster Race member with no eyes would
come here and accidentally disturb this Stone Spirit. Who could possibly
take responsibility then?
Luan Feng had her worries and was about to try and convince Yang Kai
again when she suddenly saw him weave a few hand seals. He moved
his body around in a crazy manner as if he couldn’t control himself,
making others feel afraid that he would break his own bones as he kept
muttering something.

His actions were incomprehensible.

The three Divine Venerables were all stunned at the sight and had no
clue what Yang Kai was trying to do.

As they watched, Yang Kai suddenly reached over to pat his



The Embodiment mysteriously vanished in the next instant.

The Three Great Divine Venerables were astonished as their

expressions greatly changed.

Fan Wu called out in a low voice, “What happened? Where did he go?”

Luan Feng and Cang Gou also had confused expressions as they slowly
shook their heads.

The Three Great Divine Venerables were the strongest here and had the
most experience and vision, but what happened just a moment ago
made them feel that something inconceivable had occurred right before
their eyes, so of course they would be astonished.

“There’s nothing to be surprised about,” Yang Kai clapped his hands and
flicked away some imaginary dust from his sleeve while giving the three
a sidelong glance, “This Young Master just used his World Shifting
Technique to transport him to a safe location.”

“World Shifting Technique!” Fan Wu had a shocked expression.

Still, he soon had an expression of understanding, since Yang Kai had

shown how proficient he was with the Dao of Space before. In Fan Wu’s
mind, this World Shifting Technique he had never heard of before was
obviously just another way of using Space Principles.

Since Yang Kai was capable of instantly teleporting himself, then it made
sense he could teleport others as well…

However, Fan Wu didn’t know that Yang Kai was just bluffing about
teleporting the Embodiment while, in fact, he had secretly stashed him
away in the Sealed World Bead. Otherwise, with their cultivation, they
would definitely be able to detect signs of the teleportation, while this
method would leave no traces at all.
Chapter 2605 - Extortion

“Sir Yang’s Divine Ability is truly wondrous and inscrutable. I’ve truly
learned much today,” Fan Wu praised, and not just as a means of
flattery, as he truly did feel this way.

It was impossible to not be impressed with how Yang Kai had made such
a large Stone Spirit vanish with apparently such little effort.

Fan Wu felt that he personally had no such ability.

The three Divine Venerables were astonished by Yang Kai just from this

They thought about it some more and figured that with Yang Kai already
having such astonishing cultivation at his young age, and being highly
skilled in the Dao of Space Force, it was possible he might even become
a Great Emperor in the future. Even if he couldn’t become a Great
Emperor, becoming a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master would
definitely not be a problem for him at all. What was a Third-Order
Emperor Realm Master who was a Master in the Dao of Space? Even if
such a person wasn’t a Great Emperor, he would still be one of the top
Masters within the Emperor Realm. Yang Kai also had the Mountains
and Rivers Bell, and the Heaven’s Order descendant was deeply
attached to him…

The three Divine Venerables reassessed Yang Kai at this moment and
discovered that this youth secretly contained enormous and
unimaginable potential, which helped to open up their way of thinking.

Fan Wu cupped his fists, “Sir Yang, now that things are finished here,
how about you come to my place to rest for a while?”

After Fan Wu realized the potential within Yang Kai, he no longer disliked
the idea of Yang Kai staying in the Ancient Lands. Instead, he even
started acting as a warm and welcoming host.

Cang Gou and Luan Feng had evidently noticed this as well, so right
after Fan Wu finished speaking, Cang Gou added, “This one’s palace
also welcomes Sir Yang. If Sir Yang doesn’t mind…”
Luan Feng immediately interrupted him, “This Queen would also like to
invite Sir Yang to her palace. I’m just afraid that Sir Yang won’t agree.”

Cang Gou felt really aggrieved because he didn’t get to finish his
sentence. He couldn’t help but glare at Luan Feng as an obviously
depressed expression appeared on his face.

Yang Kai was all smiles as he looked at the three, he clearly knew what
they were thinking. He secretly chuckled coldly in his mind while
wondering if they would still be so passionate if they learned about his
true intentions in a bit. He pondered for a bit before saying, “Since all
three of you are inviting me so warmly, this Young Master would appear
impolite if he refused. I wonder which of your three palaces is the closest
to this location?”

He didn’t have much of a relationship with any of these three Divine

Venerables. The only one that was easier on his eyes was Luan Feng,
since she was a woman who had some natural advantages in this area.
Yang Kai also had a slightly better opinion of her compared to the other
two because of Ruo Xi’s matter.

Still, it didn’t matter where he went right now, as the important part was
after he went.

Luan Feng’s pretty eyes lit up, “The closest location is this Queen’s

Cang Gou instantly became unhappy, “It’s just around a hundred

thousand kilometres closer than this King’s palace. You call that close!?”

Yang Kai waved his hand, “Since we’re closest to Lady Feng’s palace,
then this Young Master shall go rest at her palace. Cough cough… my
injuries haven’t healed yet, so it’s not convenient for me to travel long
distances.” As he spoke, he actually began to cough violently as he spat
Golden Blood everywhere like it was rain.

The three Divine Venerables were astonished as Luan Feng exclaimed,

“Sir Yang, what’s wrong!?”
The Third Disciple’s beautiful face changed expressions as she was also
standing nearby. She hurriedly went over to support Yang Kai as she
concernedly muttered, “Honoured Master…”

Yang Kai held his chest as he made an expression that it was difficult for
him to speak, “Shi Huo attacked me too viciously, so this Young Master
was seriously injured and likely won’t recover within a short period of

Fan Wu and the others were really surprised as they thought in unison,
[Didn’t that Heaven’s Order descendant give you a ten-thousand-year-
old Phoenix Blood Fruit? With such a supreme healing medicine, what
type of injury would possibly be unrestorable? Additionally, you were
clearly fine earlier, so why would you suddenly be spitting blood?] They
all had strange expressions because they didn’t know what Yang Kai
was trying to do.

*Cough cough…*

Yang Kai had a pale expression as he panted, “I hear that the Ancient
Lands contain a lot of spirit medicines with long medicinal ages. If I can
obtain some to consume, they’ll definitely help this Young Master’s
injuries. Sigh, it’s such a pity that this Young Master is currently injured
and doesn’t have the strength to go search.”

Fan Wu’s expression darkened as he instantly understood what Yang

Kai wanted. His mouth slightly twitched as he said, “Sir Yang, rest
assured, this King will have his subordinate Monster Kings search for
those spirit medicines so that I can personally present them to you. I
hope that Sir Yang can hold on for a while longer.”

After Fan Wu said this, he surreptitiously glared at Cang Gou and

transmitted a secret message.

Cang Gou instantly realized what was going on, so he hurriedly added,
“This King will naturally work his hardest for Sir Yang’s sake.”

“That’s good, that’s good,” Yang Kai wiped away the fresh blood at the
corner of his mouth. He leaned half his body on the Third Disciple as he
said, “Apart from these spirit medicine and spirit fruits, if there are also
some High-Rank Source Crystals or rare treasures… This Young
Master’s injuries will probably be restored even quicker.”

[What do Source Crystals and rare treasures have to do with your

injuries?] Fan Wu and the others really wanted to ask this out loud to
Yang Kai. How was this not blatant extortion?

“You three can rest assured, once this Young Master’s injuries are fully
healed, he shall leave the Ancient Lands. I won’t trouble you for too
long,” Yang Kai forced himself to smile harmlessly as he spoke with an
expression filled with weakness.

Fan Wu’s eyes twitched violently as he said insincerely, “Sir Yang is

being too polite. With Sir Yang’s status, it’s alright no matter how long
you stay in the Ancient Lands.”

“Ah, right,” Yang Kai acted as if he suddenly thought about something as

he said, “Since Shi Huo is dead, all the treasures he plundered over the
years are obviously useless to him now. I need to trouble you three to go
to his palace, carefully make an inventory of everything, and then bring it
over to me. By rights, all of that should belong to Ruo Xi. I will temporarily
hold onto it and pass it to her after she comes out of the Blood Gate.”

After he said this, Fan Wu and the others felt as if blood was dripping
from their hearts; however, they didn’t dare to say anything against this
since Yang Kai brought the Heaven’s Order descendant into the matter.

Fan Wu answered, “Sir Yang is correct. Shi Huo indeed plundered many
good things over the years. This King shall soon bring people over to
make an inventory of those items before delivering everything to Sir.”
After he said this, he glanced at Luan Feng and said, “Lady Feng, please
take good care of Sir Yang.”

Luan Feng nodded, “I understand.” She then turned to look at Yang Kai,
“Sir Yang, this Queen shall take you back to her palace now.”

Yang Kai nodded in agreement.

Luan Feng immediately circulated her Qi to envelop Yang Kai and the
Third Disciple before flying off.

Before they left, Yang Kai even waved towards Fan Wu and Cang Gou,
“This Young Master shall be waiting for good news from you two. Please
do your best regarding this matter.”

Fan Wu and Cang Gou currently had smiles that looked even worse than
if they were crying as they cupped their fists in unison as a respectful

Once Yang Kai and the others completely vanished from their vision, Fan
Wu’s expression suddenly collapsed as he shook his head and smiled
bitterly, “It’s easy to invite a Deity, but difficult to make one leave.”

Cang Gou glanced at him and commented, “Shi Huo’s belongings… Are
we really going to give everything to him? Shi Huo collected a significant
amount of wealth over the years.”

Fan Wu glanced at him dispassionately while asking, “Is treasure more

important, or is your life more important?”

Cang Gou answered, “It’s not like he knows how much wealth Shi Huo
has collected. He’s a First-Order Emperor Realm, so he’ll probably laugh
his teeth off if we give him just a little. Can he really handle that many
good things?”

Fan Wu coldly snorted, “He might not know, but you think Lady Feng
wouldn’t know? All he has to do is ask her. What if Lady Feng leaks the
information to him? How are you and I going to explain?”

Cang Gou frowned, “Lady Feng isn’t the type to say that much, is she?”

Fan Wu sighed, “He keeps pressuring us with that Heaven’s Order

descendant. He’s asking for Shi Huo’s legacy by using the Heaven’s
Order descendant’s name. It’s likely that Lady Feng won’t dare to
deceive him.”

Cang Gou also heavily sighed when he heard this as pain filled his

Tall mountains loomed as clouds spread across a realm that seemed

straight out of a fairy tale. At the peak of a certain mountain was a grand
and magnificent palace around which mythical beasts and birds frolicked,
making it appear like a paradise.

This was Luan Feng’s palace.

As the palace of one of the Four Great Divine Venerables, this place
naturally possessed a Peak-Rank Earth Vein, making the ambient World
Energy astonishingly rich.

Luan Feng softly landed together with Yang Kai and the Third Disciple,
after which Yang Kai’s eyes flashed with surprise as he looked all around
and secretly exclaimed to himself.

When they landed, a few beautiful women in maidservant attire

immediately came up to greet them. There were two rows and eight
maidservants in total, and they all possessed dense Monster Qi, making
it evident that they were powerful members of the Monster Race.

Yang Kai scanned them with his Divine Sense and found that the eight
maidservants were surprisingly all Low-Rank Twelfth-Order, equivalent to
First-Order Emperors.

The maidservants came forward and bowed in unison, “Greetings,


Luan Feng waved her hand and had them rise. She then pointed to Yang
Kai, “This Sir Yang is this Queen’s Honoured Guest who will be staying
at my Phoenix Nest Palace for some time. Tell the others that if you see
Sir Yang, it is as if you’re seeing this Queen. No one is to show him the
slightest disrespect.”

When the eight maidservants heard this, they all had looks of
astonishment on their faces, but they still responded quickly and in
unison, after which they secretly began to observe Yang Kai.
Their beautiful eyes glanced over and found that Yang Kai was actually a
Human, which gave them quite the shock. They wondered just who he
could be that their Divine Venerable would value him so greatly.

Seeing him was like seeing the Divine Venerable. This was an incredible

As they spoke, a precocious little girl of about seven or eight suddenly

appeared behind them. This little girl had a pink and perfect appearance
and somewhat resembled Luan Feng. She had two cute braids, and she
immediately rushed over to pounce into Luan Feng’s arms. She kept
pushing her little head around, which caused Luan Feng’s voluptuous
peaks to distort and change shape.

Yang Kai couldn’t help but gulp when he saw this.

Luan Feng’s face became bright red due to her chest being pushed
around like this. She noticed Yang Kai’s strange gaze as well, so she
hurriedly held the little girl in her arms and angrily scolded, “Ling’er, stop
playing around. I have a guest today, so I’ll play with you later.”

She smiled apologetically to Yang Kai after she said this, “My daughter is
a little spoiled. I hope Sir Yang doesn’t mind.”

“I don’t mind. I don’t mind at all.” Yang Kai swept his eyes over this girl
named Ling’er and exclaimed in realization, “Lady Feng, is she your
daughter that I previously met on Clear Jade Mountain?”

“Indeed!” Lady Feng put Ling’er down and patted her head with obvious

Yang Kai couldn’t help but exclaim how wondrous things were.

Yang Kai had met this girl named Ling’er before back at Clear Jade
Mountain when the little Luan Feng revealed itself. He never expected
that she would actually be able to take Human form after only a few
years and that her cultivation would be this high, reaching the Mid-Rank
However, this Ling’er was the descendant of a Divine Spirit, so it wasn’t
strange that she would have such an astonishing growth rate.

Yang Kai suddenly became rather curious as he looked at the little girl.

[Giving birth obviously required a man and a woman, so how had Luan
Feng given birth to her daughter? There probably wasn’t a male Luan
Feng in this world, right?]

[Could it be… That she got together with one of her subordinate Monster
Kings?] Yang Kai’s expression instantly became strange when he
thought about this.
Chapter 2606 - Urgent

The little girl named Ling’er tilted her head as her eyes flashed while she
curiously looked at Yang Kai.

However, it was evident that she no longer remembered Yang Kai. Even
though she had met him more than ten years ago on Clear Jade
Mountain, Ling’er had just awakened her sentience then, so there were
many things that she couldn’t remember clearly. She could only sense
that this person in front of her seemed faintly familiar.

Yang Kai smiled harmlessly at her.

Luan Feng’s heart suddenly skipped a beat, afraid that Yang Kai would
become enamoured with her daughter and try to steal Ling’er away, so
she hurriedly gestured at a nearby maidservant, “Take her away. Let’s
not bother Sir Yang.”

The maidservant hurriedly answered, “Yes!”

She then immediately took Ling’er by the hand, excused herself, and
slowly left.

Luan Feng heaved a slight sigh of relief as she watched Ling’er vanish
from her sight. She secretly resolved to absolutely not let Ling’er meet
Yang Kai again while he was staying in her palace for this period of time.

A Divine Spirit’s descendant would be tremendously attractive to any

Human. No matter if the descendant was any help or not when brought
outside, just the status of being a Divine Spirit’s descendant would awe
many people. If Yang Kai really stole Ling’er away, Luan Feng wouldn’t
even know who to cry to. Not only that, Ling’er really loved to play and
was difficult to keep an eye on.

“Sir Yang, please come this way!” Luan Feng gestured with her hand.

Yang Kai nodded as he and the Third Disciple followed Luan Feng into
the Phoenix Nest Palace.
The palace had been constructed on a grand scale, and its interior was
decorated with amazing beauty. It could be seen that Luan Feng really
knew how to enjoy herself in this manner.

There was an inner pavilion with a flying dragon and phoenix sculpture
that only emphasized the grandeur of this abode.

Luan Feng finally spoke up after she led Yang Kai all the way to a
courtyard deep inside, “Sir Yang, does this place suit your tastes? If
you’re not satisfied, we can change it to a different location.”

Yang Kai glanced around and found nothing to be dissatisfied with, so he

nodded in affirmation, “This is fine!”

Luan Feng heaved a sigh of relief. She glanced back at the other seven
maidservants following her and ordered them, “All of you shall stay here
to serve Sir Yang during this time. If Sir Yang has any requests, any at
all, you must satisfy them, otherwise, this Queen absolutely won’t forgive

The seven Low-Rank Twelfth-Order maidservants hurriedly answered,


They couldn’t help but secretly worry. Their Divine Venerable said to
satisfy all of Sir Yang’s requests, but what if he was lustful and wanted
them to do this or that… What should they do then? Men were all the
same, no matter if they were Human or Monster.

But since the Divine Venerable had already made this declaration, they
didn’t dare to disobey.

“Sir Yang, if there’s nothing else, this Queen shall take her leave. Feel
free to give them orders if there’s anything that you need,” Luan Feng
smiled as she looked at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai nodded, “Lady Feng, go ahead and do what you need to. En,
as for those spirit flowers and so on, please pay attention to those as
well, Lady Feng.”
Luan Feng could only bitterly smile to herself as she realized she couldn’t
escape from this tribulation; however, outwardly she could only respond,
“Sir may rest assured, this Queen shall deal with it right away.”

After that, she then politely took her leave.

Yang Kai stepped forward after she left and began looking around. He
pointed at a building to the left and said, “Third Disciple, will it be fine if
you live there for the time being?”

The Third Disciple glanced at the building and then answered, “Will
Honoured Master also be living here?”

Yang Kai smiled, “I’ll be living there.”

He pointed at a nearby building.

Third Disciple instantly had an expression of ‘this was difficult for her to
accept,’ “But this Disciple wants to serve next to Honoured Master…”

“It’s not far away, so it’s fine,” Yang Kai waved his hand. He didn’t wait
for the Third Disciple to say anything else as he looked at one of the
maids and asked, “What’s your name?”

The maidservant bowed, “Reporting to Sir, this servant is Tian Long!”

Yang Kai nodded, “Please take her over there and bathe her, then find
some clean clothes for her to change into.”

The Third Disciple’s current appearance wasn’t really convenient for

meeting others right now. Her Ice Heart Valley attire hadn’t been
changed for an unknown number of years, her hair was messy, her face
was filthy, and there was a strange smell on her body that somewhat
resembled a pungent fruit.

But now that things had calmed down for the time being, Yang Kai
naturally wanted to have her clean herself first, as otherwise it really
would be difficult to keep looking at her.
“Yes!” Tian Long took the Third Disciple’s arm as she spoke and pulled
her away.

The Third Disciple seemed to panic, so Yang Kai hurriedly consoled her
by saying, “Come see me again after you’re clean!”

Yang Kai’s words were quite effective on Third Disciple now, so his
command immediately calmed Third Disciple down.

After the maidservant named Tian Long took Third Disciple away, Yang
Kai waved at the other six maidservants, “You can go do whatever you
need to do. I don’t need you to serve me.”

The six maidservants all showed their delight when they heard this.
Without saying anything, they all bowed and took their leave.

They had been really afraid that Yang Kai would make some obscene
request that they wouldn’t be able to resist due to the Divine Venerable’s
command from earlier. However, this Human seemed quite easy to get
along with, so they now felt a lot more reassured.

After Yang Kai made everyone leave, he walked into the building by
himself and went straight up to the second floor.

The second floor was spacious and had everything needed to live in.
Yang Kai walked over to a table, sat down, and slightly sighed.

This trip to the Ancient Lands was truly filled with so many twists and

When facing the Four Great Divine Venerables, Yang Kai truly
experienced what it was to feel strong in will but weak in strength, a
feeling he hadn’t had in a long time. His Space Divine Abilities which he
relied on so much were basically worthless in front of the Four Great
Divine Venerables. Things likely would have been bad if it wasn’t for Ruo
Xi’s bloodline suddenly awakening at the last moment.

Yang Kai was also truly astonished that Ruo Xi was actually Heavens
Order’s descendant.
Still, since her bloodline had awakened already and she was now in the
Blood Gate, she would definitely be able to inherit her ancestor’s
strength as long as she could emerge from the gate. As for Xiao Xiao,
who had gone in together with her, he would also transform into the
Divine Spirit Tai Yue.

Even his Embodiment had obtained Shi Huo’s Source and was likely to
become the next Divine Spirit Shi Huo.

Overall, although this trip was a bit dangerous, Yang Kai had gained an
incomparably large harvest. This wasn’t even counting the treasure that
he was extorting or the million Monster Cores he obtained in the Ten
Thousand Spirits Tomb. He also didn’t know how much treasure Shi Huo
had left behind, nor did he know how many good things the other three
Divine Venerables would give to him.

Without mentioning the current and future benefits though, what Yang
Kai truly felt the strongest about right now was his own desire for greater

This time, the danger had only been resolved because Ruo Xi had
awakened her bloodline, but what about the next time? How should he
deal with things if he met another Divine Spirit or Master on the level of a
Great Emperor? It wasn’t like he could always have such good luck,

In terms of methods, he had countless techniques and Divine Abilities

that wouldn’t be fewer than anyone’s. He had his Dao of Space
techniques, the Time Flies Seal, his Golden Divine Dragon Source, and
the power of that Ancient Demon. Any of these techniques and means
would be astonishing all on their own.

As for artifacts, he possessed the Mountains and Rivers Bell. Just this
one artifact alone would be more than enough for anyone to be in awe.

The only thing he lacked was cultivation!

With his First-Order Emperor Realm cultivation, he was neither weak nor
strong. It was an awkward realm to be in.
Yang Kai still needed to cultivate; he needed to work even harder at

When he thought of this, Yang Kai was no longer in the mood to keep
thinking random things, so he waved his hand and brought his Black
Jade Furnace before him. He sent his Divine Sense searching through
his Space Ring and Small Sealed World to look for suitable resources.

He was now an Emperor Grade Alchemist, so he had plenty of herbs on

hand to refine Emperor Grade Spirit Pills.

With the assistance of Emperor Grade Spirit Pills, he would be able to

achieve twice the result and half the effort in his cultivation.

That was why he intended to first refine some Spirit Pills, which would
also be useful for improving his Alchemy proficiency, in preparation for
refining the Flesh Incarnation Fruit in the future.

Yang Kai took out numerous Emperor Grade spirit medicines and
Monster Cores and placed them in front of himself. Various pill recipes
flashed through his mind before he finally decided upon making several
Spirit Pills that would assist in his cultivation based on the current
resources he had on hand.

Yang Kai poured his Emperor Qi into the Black Jade Furnace, which
caused flames to immediately start burning. This raised the temperature
of the room by several degrees.

However, before Yang Kai could put the spirit medicine before him into
the Alchemy Furnace, his expression suddenly changed as he raised his
head and glanced outside.

The maidservant named Tian Long was running over in a panic with an
anxious expression on her face, as if something major had happened.

“Sir Yang!” Tian Long immediately raised her head and shouted when
she approached the building.

“What is it?” Yang Kai furrowed his brow as he replied.

“Sir Yang, you should hurry and go take a look! I don’t know what
happened to your Disciple, but she suddenly went crazy and won’t
cooperate with us bathing her!” Tian Long answered anxiously.

Yang Kai’s expression darkened as he secretly thought to himself, [This

is bad!]

The Third Disciple’s mental state was extremely unstable, and judging
from Tian Long’s words, it seemed her consciousness had become
chaotic again.

Yang Kai flashed and immediately appeared next to Tian Long as he

quickly said, “Lead the way!”

Tian Long was slightly surprised as she didn’t know how Yang Kai had
come out, but she didn’t dare to ask as she hurriedly led the way.

Not long after, the two of them arrived at a secluded hall that seemed to
be for bathing. There was a large pool in the centre of the hall which was
covered with flowers of different colours that emanated a gentle
fragrance that spread everywhere in a wondrous manner.

At this moment, the other six maidservants were also in this hall, trying to
anxiously search for the Third Disciple.

When they saw Yang Kai arriving, the six maidservants hurried over and
kneeled on the floor while trembling.

Yang Kai glanced at them and asked in surprise, “Where is she?”

Tian Long hurriedly answered, “We don’t know…”

Yang Kai frowned, “What happened exactly?”

Tian Long answered, “Everything was fine at first, but when we prepared
to wash your Disciple, it seemed as if she suddenly became someone
else. We tried to catch her, but she disappeared before any of us could
even blink.”
There was something else that Tian Long didn’t dare to directly say,
which was that the Third Disciple had previously acted like a completely
unreasonable maniac.

Yang Kai slapped himself on the forehead and thought to himself that he
had been overconfident.

He waved his hand, “It’s not your fault. All of you can rise.”

“Many thanks, Sir!” The six maidservants who were kneeling all heaved
sighs of relief.

Yang Kai looked around and saw that there was only one exit in this hall,
while everywhere else was completely sealed off, so he immediately
asked, “Did any of you see her leaving this place?”

The six maidservants exchanged glances and all shook their heads,
indicating that they hadn’t seen her leave; however, that made things
even stranger. They had searched the entire hall already without finding
her, so if she hadn’t left, just where could she be?

When Yang Kai heard this, he secretly had an idea as he looked all
around and coldly snorted, “Third Disciple, if you still don’t come out,
your Master is going to get angry! I’ll give you three breaths of time to
obediently come out by yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be punished according
to the Sect’s Laws!”
Chapter 2607 - Ji Yao

As Yang Kai’s shout echoed in the hall, Tian Long and the other six
maidservants all looked at each other and thought that this was useless
because his Disciple had likely gone insane…

But to their surprise, a small sound suddenly came from behind a pillar
right after Yang Kai finished speaking. This was followed by a dirty head
peeking out from behind. The eyes were the only part that shone on this
woman’s face.

“Honoured Master, what are you doing here?” It seemed as if the Third
Disciple had been spooked as she hurriedly ran out from behind the

Yang Kai glared at her coldly and acted authoritatively, but soon he
couldn’t help but avert his eyes as he didn’t even know where to look.

From what he saw, the Third Disciple had actually been stripped
completely naked. The white parts and black patch on her body were
really attention-grabbing. It had been hard to tell when she was wearing
her tattered clothes, but now that she was naked, the Third Disciple’s
curvaceous figure was fully exposed for him to see. Some parts of her
white skin almost blinded Yang Kai’s eyes!

However, the Third Disciple didn’t feel anything was wrong at all and
directly came over and stood right in front of Yang Kai with an anxious
expression on her face.

“Um…” Yang Kai scratched his chin and glanced up at the ceiling as he
spoke with an awkward tone, “I heard that you were playing pranks
again, so your Master came to take a look.”

The Third Disciple nervously replied, “Honoured Master, don’t be angry. I

was just playing with them.”

“Ha…” Yang Kai hurriedly waved his hand, “Since you’ve had your fun
now, hurry and go wash up.”
“Yes!” The Third Disciple answered as her tender body flashed and
landed in the giant pool, sending water splashing everywhere.

Yang Kai secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Third
Disciple’s consciousness still recognized him as her Honoured Master,
which saved him a lot of trouble.

Tian Long and the other maidservants all stood to the side with strange
expressions. They didn’t know what was going on between this strange
Master and Disciple pairing. Since they were Master and Disciple, why
was this disciple completely naked in front of her Master? Was there
some type of unspeakable relationship between the two of them?

That would be against all common morality! The maidservants all felt
their hearts jump as they thought about this.

“Hurry and go wash her, I’ll wait outside!” Yang Kai felt so awkward that
he couldn’t even maintain his expression and immediately tried to run
outside this place of controversy after he spoke.

However, Tian Long hurriedly interceded, “Sir Yang, what should we do if

your Disciple becomes like that again after you leave?”

This was the same situation as before. Everything was fine when the
maidservants took the Third Disciple from Yang Kai, but then the Third
Disciple instantly went insane, followed by her being restored to normal
when Yang Kai arrived.

Tian Long was really afraid of this happening again. The Third Disciple
was a woman, after all. It wasn’t a big deal if her Master saw her body,
but what if she ran outside and someone else saw her naked? That
would make it hard for her to live.

Yang Kai furrowed his brow slightly as he asked helplessly, “What should
we do then?”

Tian Long smiled, “Your Disciple seems to be very respectful of you. Sir
Yang, how about you wait here? I doubt that your Disciple will raise a
fuss again with Sir Yang present.”
Yang Kai fell silent for a while. Although he knew this wasn’t exactly for
the best, he didn’t have any better ideas. He could only nod and tell Tian
Long and the other maidservants to be as quick as possible.

Yang Kai sat down cross-legged with his back facing the pool, taking out
two High-Rank Source Crystals as he focused on cultivating.

He soon heard the sounds of water from behind his back, along with the
Third Disciple’s giggling. He couldn’t help but imagine and fantasize
about various things.

It was one hour later when Yang Kai was finally woken up by the sound
of ‘Honoured Master.’ He opened his eyes and saw an attractive woman
standing before him. She had a brow that seemed straight out of a
painting, cascading black hair, red lips, and pearl white teeth. She had
incredible beauty, and perhaps because she had just bathed, her white
face even contained a hint of redness that gave off an alluring light.

Her light green dress fit her perfectly and accentuated her curves
exquisitely. A faint pleasant fragrance wafted in his direction.

She appeared somewhere in her late twenties, as if she was a young

woman; however, this definitely wasn’t her real age. It was simply that
Ice Heart Valley’s Secret Arts focused on purity and helped maintain
one’s youthful appearance.

“Third Disciple?” Yang Kai arched his brow and felt truly surprised. He
never expected that the Third Disciple would be so pleasing to look at
after some slight clean up. Her previous dirty appearance couldn’t be
seen at all.

“Honoured Master!” The Third Disciple bowed respectfully to him.

“En,” Yang Kai nodded lightly and stood up from the ground as he waved
his sleeve, “Follow me.”

The Third Disciple obediently followed after him without saying a word.

Due to the previous incident, Yang Kai no longer dared to allow the Third
Disciple to be alone anywhere, as he was afraid that her consciousness
would become chaotic again. As long as he was in front of her to help
suppress things, she would at least maintain lucidity.

Yang Kai took the Third Disciple with him back to the building he was
living in. He then went to the second floor and told her to cultivate by
herself before he took out the Black Jade Furnace and the various herbs
he gathered previously.

He used his Emperor Qi to warm the Black Jade Furnace as his Spiritual
Energy flowed in alongside it. He made use of his Conflagrated
Knowledge Sea to help adjust the flames’ strength.

Yang Kai then tossed numerous herbs into the flames in an orderly
fashion in order to refine medicinal liquid.

The Third Disciple kept watching blankly from the side, her mind filled
with questions, but she didn’t dare to ask for fear of bothering Yang Kai.

After about an hour passed, Yang Kai suddenly made a seal with his

Moments later, he slapped the Black Jade Furnace, causing the lid to fly
up along with several Spirit Pills. Yang Kai caught the Spirit Pills in a jade
bottle that he had previously prepared.

Yang Kai frowned slightly when he saw the quality of the Spirit Pills that
he refined.

This furnace of Spirit Pills had only produced five pills. Not only were
there no Pill Veins, but even the overall quality wasn’t that good.

For Yang Kai, even though he had successfully refined a furnace of Spirit
Pills, this was far from the results that he desired.

Still, Yang Kai quickly understood. These were Emperor Grade Spirit
Pills, after all. Although he had risen to become an Emperor Grade
Alchemist long ago, he had been running around back and forth for the
past several years with no time at all to quietly focus on refining pills.
This made his Alchemy techniques somewhat rusty.
As long as he had enough resources to practice with, Yang Kai was
confident that he was capable of creating good quality Spirit Pills.

Yang Kai put away the five Spirit Pills, cleaned out the burnt residue from
the Black Jade Furnace, and began refining a new batch of pills.

Half a day later, when Yang Kai received another six Emperor Grade
Spirit Pills, the Third Disciple could no longer bear just watching from the
side as she asked with astonishment in her voice, “Honoured Master,
when did you learn Alchemy?”

Her expression was filled with confusion and surprise, since, from what
she could recall, her Honoured Master had never come into contact with
the Alchemic Dao before. But, judging from the current situation, not only
did her Honoured Master know Alchemy, all the pills her Master created
were Emperor Grade Spirit Pills!

In other words, her Honoured Master was actually an Emperor Grade


How many Emperor Grade Alchemists would there even be in the entire
Star Boundary? Every single Emperor Alchemist would be an incredibly
venerated existence. Only the top Sects and forces would be lucky
enough to have one under their patronage.

Ice Heart Valley had previously invited an Emperor Alchemist to become

their Sect’s Foreign Elder and spent many resources every year to keep
them. Ice Heart Valley would satisfy all of that Foreign Elder’s requests.

But ever since her Honoured Master suddenly vanished, Ice Heart Valley
weakened, and that Foreign Elder left for a better position elsewhere.

This meant that if Ice Heart Valley wanted Emperor Grade Spirit pills
now, they would have to either spend a large amount of Source Crystals
to purchase them, or find another Sect’s Emperor Grade Alchemist to
refine pills for them. Not only was this extremely inconvenient, but the
expenses were tremendous.

However, her Honoured Master was actually now an Emperor Alchemist!

The Third Disciple was naturally astounded.
Hearing this, Yang Kai smiled slightly as he explained “Your Master had
some opportunities during the years outside.”

“Oh,” the Third Disciple believed him as she nodded silently.

Yang Kai tossed more herbs into the pill furnace as he told her, “Third
Disciple, properly focus on your cultivation. Your Master shall give you
some pills when they’re done.”

“Many thanks, Honoured Master,” the Third Disciple hurriedly replied, but
then furrowed her eyebrows as she inquired, “Honoured Master, why do
you keep calling me Third Disciple?”

Yang Kai paused in his movements for a second, but soon he restored
himself to normal, “You are my Third Disciple, so what else would I call
you apart from Third Disciple?”

Yang Kai thought, [I don’t even know your name, so what else am I
supposed to call you?]

The Third Disciple pouted, “Honoured Master, you always called me

Yao’er before; after all, Disciple’s full name is Ji Yao.”

Yang Kai chuckled dryly, “Perhaps your Master hasn’t seen you for so
long that I forgot how I used to address you. I’ll just call you Yao’er from
now on then.”

Third Disciple giggled, “Honoured Master really knows how to joke


“Alright, continue cultivating. Your Master is still busy, so don’t bother



After saying that, she really did obediently close her eyes, sit down, and
begin to cultivate.
Yang Kai secretly glanced at her and inwardly sighed. It was unknown
when this Ji Yao would be restored to normal, or if she would want to
take revenge on him when she remembered what happened today.

Pretending to be Bing Yun and taking advantage of her was still fine,
since there was a reason for it, but it likely wouldn’t be that easy to deal
with the matter of seeing her completely naked, since this was about a
woman’s honour.

Yang Kai felt a chill despite not being cold as he thought about what the
future held, but he hurriedly focused again and continued with his

Time passed.

Yang Kai stayed in the Phoenix Nest Palace for about ten days, during
which time he was almost always immersed in Alchemy.

Just as he previously expected, as he invested a large number of

resources into practising, the Emperor Grade Spirit Pills he refined
continued to improve in quality and quantity. During this time, he even
produced about six Spirit Pills with Pill Veins, which was a pleasant
surprise for him.

He had excellent amplitude for Alchemy, and had also once caused the
advent of the Grand Alchemic Dao Tone back at Heng Luo Chamber of
Commerce’s Water Moon Star. He received the teachings of Alchemy
from the Heavenly Way itself and was able to catch a glimpse of the
Grand Alchemic Dao.

He had a Heaven-sent advantage in Alchemy talent at this current point.

When it came to this profession, only Little Senior Sister Xia Ning
Chang’s Sacred Spirit Medicine Body was comparable.

He refined a large number of Spirit Pills of various types over the past ten
days, but a large majority of them were auxiliaries for cultivation.

Yang Kai gave some pills to Ji Yao, secretly hoping when her sanity was
fully restored in the future she would be willing to make big things small
and make small things nothing out of consideration for this gift.
Ji Yao was naturally overjoyed to be ‘rewarded’ and kept thanking Yang
Kai so much that he felt quite guilty, but he didn’t dare to show his
feelings on his face at all.

Another five days passed. Yang Kai’s pill success rate for Emperor
Grade Spirit Pills was almost perfected by this point and almost every
time that he refined a batch, he would receive nine pills with their quality
near the peak possible. There was also a great increase in the number of
Spirit Pills that were refined with Pill Veins.

With such technique and familiarity, creating the Flesh Incarnation Pill
would no longer be a problem.

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