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Your Ticket to Your Journey

Financial Starts Now

By following the advice in this brochure,
A good credit score opens doors you'll be well on your way to
to: maintaining a healthy credit score.
Remember, it's not just a number; it's
1. Lower Interest Rates: Save your financial passport to a brighter
money on loans and credit cards. future.
2. Better Housing: Secure that For personalized guidance and
dream home or apartment. assistance, reach out to our expert team
3. Enhanced Job Prospects: at :
Some employers check credit Maintaining
email id:
reports. a healthy
4. Higher Credit Limits: More
financial flexibility.
Ph : (248) 434-5508
5. Financial Peace of Mind:
Stress-free money management. score
Unlocking Financial Freedom:
Artistry of Prosperity


The Building The Key Your Roadmap
Block of Your Influencers to Success
Health 1. Pay Bills on Time: Set
reminders to ensure punctual
Your credit score is a three-digit 1. Payment History: Timely payments.
number that reflects your payments are crucial. 2. Keep Credit Balances Low:
2. Credit Utilization: Don't max Aim to use less than 30% of your
creditworthiness. It's based on
out your credit cards. available credit.
your credit history and financial 3. Maintain a Mix of Credit:
3. Length of Credit History:
behavior. Lenders, landlords, Consider different types like credit
Longer is better.
and even employers use it to cards, loans, and mortgages.
4. Types of Credit: A diverse mix 4. Monitor Your Credit Report:
evaluate your financial is favourable. Check it regularly for errors and
responsibility. 5. New Credit: Don't open too identity theft.
many accounts at once. 5. Limit New Credit Inquiries:
Apply for credit only when

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