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Title: Crafting a Comprehensive Literature Review on Attrition Rate

Welcome to our guide on crafting a literature review focused on attrition rate. As scholars and
researchers delve into the complexities of attrition within various domains, the need for a thorough
understanding of existing literature becomes paramount. However, writing a literature review on
attrition rate is no easy task. It demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and adept synthesis of
diverse sources. Here's why:

1. Vastness of Literature: Attrition rate is a multifaceted phenomenon studied across

disciplines such as sociology, psychology, economics, and management. Navigating through
this extensive body of literature requires time, patience, and expertise.
2. Diverse Perspectives: Scholars approach the topic of attrition rate from various angles,
including employee turnover, customer churn, student dropout, and more. Synthesizing these
diverse perspectives into a coherent narrative requires careful consideration and analytical
3. Complexity of Data: Literature on attrition rate often includes complex statistical analyses,
longitudinal studies, and qualitative research findings. Interpreting and integrating these data
sets into a cohesive review requires a nuanced understanding of research methodologies.
4. Updating Knowledge: The landscape of attrition research is continually evolving with new
theories, methodologies, and empirical findings. Keeping abreast of the latest developments
and incorporating them into a literature review requires ongoing effort and vigilance.

Given the challenges associated with crafting a literature review on attrition rate, we understand the
need for expert assistance. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our team of experienced
writers specializes in conducting comprehensive literature reviews tailored to your specific

Why Choose ⇒ ⇔?

1. Expertise: Our writers have in-depth knowledge and expertise in diverse academic
disciplines, enabling them to navigate complex literature on attrition rate with ease.
2. Thorough Research: We conduct exhaustive research to identify relevant scholarly sources,
ensuring that your literature review is comprehensive and up-to-date.
3. Analytical Insight: Our writers critically analyze the literature, highlighting key themes,
theoretical frameworks, and empirical findings to provide valuable insights into attrition rate
4. Customized Approach: We understand that every literature review is unique. That's why we
tailor our writing process to meet your specific requirements and academic standards.

Don't let the daunting task of writing a literature review on attrition rate overwhelm you. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to deliver a high-quality, meticulously crafted review that meets your academic
goals and exceeds your expectations. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we
can assist you in your research journey.
Organizational Commitment was measured by using Meyer and Allen's (1991) scale. Charlotte Kuh
National Research Council. Apologies. We are late—a big data job—from design to collection to
analysis Also, it took time to explain the methodology A Guide to the Methodology of the NRC
Assessment of Research Doctoral Programs. Intelligent employers always realize the importance of
retaining the best talent. However, if an organization fails to provide one, employees will witness
stagnation in their careers. Similarly, CT is good in terms of accuracy but has serious shortcomings
when evaluated by F-score. They might think you are biased against them due to their age. Visit our
dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. A variety of machine learning approaches
are used for this purpose, starting with Principal Component Analysis (PCA), k -NN, Random
Forests (RF), and Logistic Regression (LR). The various factors stressed in the study are the
compensation, work environment, and welfare measures. Some of the reasons behind this move
could be to seek career development opportunities and restructuring within the organization. Until
and unless you figure it out, you won't be able to understand the pattern that haunts your company.
Conducting periodic feedback sessions and recognizing or appreciating the employees' work are the
basic steps to ensure engagement. The Present study evaluates variables of talent retention,
organizational commitment and involvement and job satisfaction among the employee of the
insurance industry. Among the life insurers, Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is the sole public
sector company. There have been several instances of lay-off throughout the years. Expand 2 PDF 1
Excerpt Save Retaining Faculty in Academic Medicine: The Impact of Career Development
Programs for Women. Swartz Medicine Journal of neurosurgery 2023 TLDR It is demonstrated that
midcareer neurosurgeons may benefit from targeted retention efforts, and should focus on
maximizing professional satisfaction and financial independence, while decreasing the regulatory
burden associated with certification and insurance authorization. Saurabh Singh National Head
Pearson Talent Assessment. The auto-generated report helps understand the pain points related to
employee exits with granular insights that can be drilled down to the resignation count in a region by
function. Image representing the experimental workflow implemented in our paper. Barplots and
ROC curves for the selected models on test set. This study provides a guideline for necessary work-
life balance requires improving employee performance in Insurance sector. Results reported as mean
and standard deviation on 5-fold cross validation. A Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches
for Predicting Employee Attrition. And there is no replacement for those employees leaving the
company. The results showed that some of the retention variables are highly influencing attrition.
Strategies to Promote Diversity Darimiscotta, ME March 12, 2007. It is an empirical method based
on both primary and secondary data. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this
manuscript. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the
Allen Institute for AI.
Work-life balance refers to various attributes of an individual?s perspective. In terms of Indian
context, the concern over work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk. And there is no
replacement for those employees leaving the company. In terms of Indian context, the concern over
work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk. Such employee retention is induced by
many factors, which change from individual to individual depending upon various reasons. RF is an
improvement of the bagging technique for classification trees and have been proved to be extremely
successful in several tasks. In this paper, we propose a preliminary exploratory analysis of the
application of machine learning methodologies for employee attrition prediction. Download Free
PDF View PDF Factors Prompting Employees to Seek an Alternative Employment with special
Reference to Gender Diversity in Indian IT Industry Interal Res journa Managt Sci Tech Rapid
growth in Indian IT industry with new innovations and new market increased the demand and
competition for skilled and talented employees. Multiple requests from the same IP address are
counted as one view. So, for this purpose, this study has tried to identify the factors influencing the
retention of 250 employees working in different manufacturing firms in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. However, the steps used during the interview process do not guarantee the
success of the choice made. The study shows that the factors which are responsible for employee
retention are job satisfaction, welfare measures by organization, safety measures by organization,
working environment of organization etc. Start by exploring our auto-generated business analytics
and create a report effortlessly in a matter of minutes. Expand 89 PDF 2 Excerpts Save Why do
surgeons consider leaving practice? T. These statistics provide insights for what concerns the
importance of the recruitment process and retention of the right employees within the company. With
the support of SPSS, Co-relation and regression analysis was conducted to generate results. You also
have the option to dive into causal and logical analyses for a specific Supervisor. It is desirable to
have an estimate of the people who are exiting a few years ahead. Data were analyzed using a
multiple linear regression method. The retention problem is highly persisted in IT industry. For more
information on the journal statistics, click here. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. The results showed that some of the retention variables are highly influencing attrition.
Criteria: KISS Dampening effect parameter, ?, is close to 0. This motivates the necessary
employment of data-driven decision support systems as a crucial factor in the company’s structured
growth. They will search for a different organization that facilitates training opportunities. Employee
retention matters, as organizational issues such as training time and investment, lost knowledge,
insecure employees, and a costly candidate search are involved. The predictions of our voting
ensemble model are the majority vote of contributing models. Other stakeholders in Indian Insurance
market include agents (individual and corporate), brokers, surveyors and third party administrators
servicing health insurance claims. The job nature of insurance employees is very impatience as it
involves long working hours, inappropriate reward system, and lack of job independence, insufficient
facilities and role of ambiguity.
Becky Milam EP 525 Final Project Presentation Summer 2010. This study concluded that while both
demographic and voluntary factors were important, th. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
(ADEA) protects employees above the age of 40 against possible discrimination. For more
information on the journal statistics, click here. The importance of job satisfaction is fairly evident
from a description of the importance of maintaining moral in any industry. But having gone through
the types and reasons, you can consider yourself sound enough to take some steps that will allow
you to tackle the situation by reducing them. In addition to these, there is sole national re-insurer,
namely, General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re). To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Findings of the
study indicate that there were significant differences in the responses of male and female IT
professionals. Apart from that, among the non-life insurers there are six public sector insurers.
Funding This research received no external funding. Implications for student selection mechanisms,
course advice and the contextualisation of retention rates will be discussed. Improving quality of
work life is central to organizations seeking to stay competitive. The variables with higher values of
mean decrease are the ones that impact the most the performance of the Random Forest model. The
variables with higher values of mean decrease are the ones that impact the most the performance of
the Random Forest model. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. It
comprises an investigation into the prominent student attrition models, such as the Undergraduate
Dropout Process Model presented by Spady, and Tinto’s Model of Institutional Departure. There are
many factors which influence retention and it is required to understand employee expectations. Panel
Discussion. Career Development: Tool for Employee Engagement. Introduction. The attrition rate for
Korean language classes at BYU from beginning (101) through intermediate (202) is high.. What and
Why?. What is the attrition rate among Korean classes at BYU. When acquisitions and mergers
occur, employees are bound to develop feelings of uncertainty concerning their future employment
and may decide to make a shift. Presenting yourself as a scholar A scholar is what a scholar writes.
This will send mixed messages to your employees regarding their roles and job duties. These
statistics provide insights for what concerns the importance of the recruitment process and retention
of the right employees within the company. Download Free PDF View PDF Organisational
Commitment and Turnover Intention (A Quantitative Analysis of a Sri Lankan Apperal Firm Waruni
Thiranagama Employee turnover has been developed as a painful challenge in any industry. In order
to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. NB, while having the best F-score, has a very
low accuracy. For what concerns the knowledge contribution brought to the community through our
study is therefore manifold. Ask them where they want to see their career move and whether the
company is doing enough to satisfy their professional hunger. It also provides diagnostic insights on
anomalies, if any, observed in the resignations within your organization.
Number players in both private and public sectors are competing with one another to sustain and
facilitate growth in the business. When acquisitions and mergers occur, employees are bound to
develop feelings of uncertainty concerning their future employment and may decide to make a shift.
Getting the perfect fit for your company is a great way to reduce the attrition rate and improve your
company's work environment. The researcher had developed the five point rating scale consisted a
few variables under the factors pertaining to work-life balance. Presented by Steve Kelly, Ph.D.
Kathleen D. Sanz Ph.D. Cohort Studies of Arts Participation and Academic Performance. 2007-2008
Cohort Study included 188,859 12 th Grade Students 2010-2011 Cohort Study included. Doctoral
knowledge is emergent Our language is unique Pace Yourself (even after residency) Identify and
build relationships with study partners that offer support Communicate with others—Do NOT isolate
yourself. But no literature exists on study of these factors among shipping company employees in
Kutch. It is worth noting that the ensemble method suffers greatly in terms of F-score, so we
exclude it from our analysis. It comprises an investigation into the prominent student attrition
models, such as the Undergraduate Dropout Process Model presented by Spady, and Tinto’s Model
of Institutional Departure. For these reasons, it is not unusual for employees to find themselves in
conflict with the company that hired them. The findings of the study revealed that all the three
dimensions of organizational commitment (affective commitment, continuous commitment, and
normative commitment) had a significant negative effect on turn over intention thus the study
concludes organizational commitment reduce the turnover intention of the direct employees.
Programme Committee Magnus Agren (Sweden) Lucas Bordeaux (UK) Sebastian Brand (Australia)
Andrei Bulatov (Canada). However, in a critical context such as that of human resources, it is also
important to analyze the reasons why employees quit. A favourable work environment results in
better quality of work life and vice-versa. This is the area in which the human resource department
should be very critical and cautious in dealing with it. Variable importance by mean decrease in
accuracy and Gini index for the Random Forest Model. But having gone through the types and
reasons, you can consider yourself sound enough to take some steps that will allow you to tackle the
situation by reducing them. Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD). As a result, the
employees would like to stick to the organization for the long run. While enrollment in the College
of Business and the College of Information Science and Technology predicted attrition likelihood in
the first model, college of enrollment was fully mediated in the third (last) model. They might think
you are biased against them due to their age. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI).
Companies could in fact decide to take actions for presenting new working opportunities as well as
modifying negative working conditions, towards the idea of reducing employees’ turnovers.
Estimating the initial attrition rate and the dampening (or progression) rate. The NB classifier is a
probabilistic classification model based on the Bayes’ Theorem, that explicitly computes the posterior
probability. In this scenario, there is a higher chance for the organization to tilt toward attrition. The
sampling technique used is the simple random sampling in which each member. Journal of
Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). Jella Vishal R. Patel T. Cwalina J. Schmidt Ericka
Lawler H. For more information on the journal statistics, click here.
But having gone through the types and reasons, you can consider yourself sound enough to take
some steps that will allow you to tackle the situation by reducing them. Until and unless you figure it
out, you won't be able to understand the pattern that haunts your company. There might be a rise in
cost savings concerning the salaries and benefits when the high-salaried employees leave. A
favourable work environment results in better quality of work life and vice-versa. The study also
examines the relationship between employee and the employer and how the relationship helps in
motivating employees, and improving the individual as well as organisational performance.
Dr. P Vijaya Lakshmi Associate Professor(MBA) Introduction: The insurance industry of India
consists of 53 insurance companies of which 24 are in life insurance business and 29 are non-life
CENTRAL RAILWAY- A STUDY Interal Res journa Managt Sci Tech The present study undertaken
on Employee job satisfaction of employees of South Central railway has made an attempt to
understand the various factors responsible for satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees on their
job. Kevin Eagan, Ph.D. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Workshop Association of
American Universities May 22, 2012. A random sampling technique was adopted to select the sample
respondents. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript. Employee
Retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to be with the organization for the
maximum time. Conducting periodic feedback sessions and recognizing or appreciating the
employees' work are the basic steps to ensure engagement. The IT industries are facing the critical
challenges of recruiting and retaining the best talents. A variety of machine learning approaches are
used for this purpose, starting with Principal Component Analysis (PCA), k -NN, Random Forests
(RF), and Logistic Regression (LR). Factors such as terminations, lay-offs, and restructuring that
lead to the decision are beyond employees' control. This study provides a guideline for necessary
work-life balance requires improving employee performance in Insurance sector. Talented employees
and their commitment and involvement are imperative for the development and sustainability of the
insurance company. The various factors stressed in the study are the compensation, work
environment, and welfare measures. Now, this scenario can be termed as employee attrition.
Previous Article in Journal Formal Matters on the Topic of Risk Mitigation: A Mathematical
Perspective. It is an empirical method based on both primary and secondary data. While enrollment in
the College of Business and the College of Information Science and Technology predicted attrition
likelihood in the first model, college of enrollment was fully mediated in the third (last) model. When
acquisitions and mergers occur, employees are bound to develop feelings of uncertainty concerning
their future employment and may decide to make a shift. It is more cost effective to strive to retain
the students we enrol than to recruit new students and ultimately more beneficial for both the
university community as a whole and for our students. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
(TropicalMed). Institutional Review Board Statement Not applicable. Rapid competition in apparel
industry pushes organization to minimize the turnover in order to save the cost. CT is one of the most
widely used machine learning method because of its ease of use, computational speed, robustness to
outliers and, most importantly, explainability of results. A Comparison of Machine Learning
Approaches for Predicting Employee Attrition. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 267.

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