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Understanding the significance of the ozone layer depletion is crucial in today's world.

To grasp the
gravity of this environmental issue, a comprehensive review of related literature becomes imperative.
However, crafting such a review is no easy feat. It demands extensive research, critical analysis, and
coherent synthesis of existing literature.

The complexity of the ozone layer depletion topic requires a meticulous approach to gather relevant
studies, reports, and scholarly articles. Moreover, synthesizing these sources into a cohesive narrative
necessitates not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also strong analytical skills to
identify patterns, gaps, and contradictions within the literature.

Navigating through a multitude of scientific jargon and complex theories further adds to the
challenge of writing a literature review on ozone layer depletion. It requires the writer to translate
technical information into accessible language without oversimplifying or distorting the scientific

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Fighting for the planet frequently gets sidelined by the two parties different political agendas. But in
attempting to further analyze the composition of the atmosphere, researchers at the turn of the
century faced a major stumbling block: virtually all gases, except for molecular nitrogen and oxygen,
exist in such minute concentrations that available equipment could not detect them. The troposphere,
the layer closest to the earth, contains “evil” ozone. Flavonoids and lig- nin present in gymnosperms
and angiosperms (but absent in algae) are the major products of this metabolism. Besides
morphological variations in response to UV-B, anatomical changes in plants such as injury or death
of epidermal cells have also been reported. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone
Layer, 16 September, is now celebrated on the day the Montreal Protocol was agreed upon. In fact,
this process began at a time when the predictions from the models gave gradually decreasing forecast
of the expected ozone loss. As a result the ozone layer becomes incapable of absorbing UV
radiations which enter the earth’s surface and affect various living organisms. The CFCs have been
phased out in both developed and developing countries since 1996 and 2010, respectively. The
atmospheric release of ODSs such as halocar- bons including chloro. This has reduced the risk of
further ozone depletion. Dutton alleges an 'armada' has set sail for Australia, while Labor braces for
another border war Analysis by Brett Worthington As Richard Marles plugs defence black holes, and
Peter Dutton plays politics over a boat of foreign nationals arriving on Western Australia’s remote
coast, the plight of Julian Assange offers a rare moment of unity, writes Brett Worthington. Em
physema, bronchitis, asthma and even obstruction of lungs may be caused on exposure of UV light
to human beings. Published in Nature, a research paper heralds a rare achievement in repairing
environmental damage and shows that concerted global action can make a difference. Analysis
analysis: A generation of NRL players are close to the end, so who will be the final player standing
from the noughties. Sixty years ago, people lost their minds as the Beatles landed in Sydney.
Detectors today routinely measure compounds at concentrations below one part per trillion, and
some can record gases that occur in concentrations one-thousandth as great at that. The following
article, adapted from an account by Dr. F. Sherwood Rowland, a pioneering researcher in the field
who shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work, attempts to answer these and other
questions. The onus for reduction was more on developed countries, but to encourage developing
countries for join- ing the protocol it was incentivized through favorable trade benefits. Due to the
separation of light charges and its bent geometry, it has polarity and is considered a polar molecular.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been found to be the main cause of ozone depletion and have
many health impacts. Schonbein in the year 1840 confirmed its existence and Jacques-Louis Soret
rooted the chemical formula of ozone as O 3 and proved that ozone is an allotropic form of Oxygen.
Today’s slight improvements are the legacy of those efforts. The worldwide ban of the
chlorofluorocarbon ( CFC) propellants that were destroying the ozone was a brilliant public policy
success, as the problem was effectively halted at the source. During the 1920s, G.M.B. Dobson
managed to measure the ratio of UV-A to UV-B in incoming sunlight. By the 1950s, researchers had
identified 14 atmospheric chemical constituents. Modifications of that treaty called for a complete
ban on CFCs which began in January 1996. As a result of that chain reaction, a single chlorine atom
can remove as many as 100,000 molecules of ozone. The large seasonal depletions in the polar
regions are likely to continue over the next decade but are expected to subside over the next few
decades. These changes have important implica- tions for plant competitive balance, herbivory, plant
dis- eases, and biogeochemical cycl es. It is a story written by many: scientists, technologists,
economists, legal experts, and policymakers.
However, Lovelock also detected CFC-11 from air samples. For the first time the CFCs were identi-
fied as a major culprit and CFCs-11, 12, 13, 114 and 115 and Halons-1211, 1301 and 2402 were
targeted for re- duction. The solar UV radiations stimulate the enzymes such as PAL (Phenylalanine
Ammonium Lyase) and CHS (Chalcone Synthase) that catalyses transformation of phenylalanine to
trans -cinnamic acid. Lovelock correctly concluded that the gas was carried by large-scale wind
motions. The fungal diseases on plants have receding ef- fects due to the inhibition of sporulation
caused by expo- sure to UV radiation. Taylor Swift is the only artist to match the hysteria. The
mechanism involved for the induction of these cancers by UV light includes absorption of UV-B
radia- tion causes the pyrimidine bases in the DNA molecule to form dimers, resulting in
transcriptional errors during DNA replication. In 2019, the smallest ozone hole since 1982 was
recorded over the Antarctica. This region, called the stratosphere, is more than 10 kilometers (6
miles) above Earth's surface. These potential changes would contribute to the biosphere-atmosphere
feedbacks that attenuate or reinforce the atmospheric build-up of these gases. They are usually used
as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners used in cars etc. While concentrations of these gases
in the atmosphere are minuscule (measured in parts per trillion), in order to get ahead of the curve,
the member nations of the Montreal Protocol have also decided to start reducing HFC emissions.
Depletion of stratospheric ozone increases the concentration of terres- trial ozone, which is
considered harmful for health. Sherwood Rowland took a critical turn when he heard a lecture
describing Lovelock's work. Basal and squamous cell carcinomas are the most com- mon type of
cancers in humans due to excess UV expo- sure. This results in the formation of complex phenolic
compounds such as flavonoids, lignins and tannins. Keywords: Ozone Depletion; Ultra-Violet
Radiation; Chlorofluorocarbons; Plants; Ecosystem 1. The solar UV radiations stimulate the enzymes
such as PAL (Phenylalanine Ammonium Lyase) and CHS (Chalcone Synthase) that catalyses
transformation of phenylalanine to trans -cinnamic acid. The ozone depletion resulted in secondary
production of an ozone layer near the ground (terrestrial ozone layer), which is responsible for
adverse effects on plants, humans and environment with increased number of bronchial diseases in
humans. Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) were once commonly used compounds that we all knew and
loved, because CFCs were used in refrigerators and air conditioners. It's a roller coaster commodity:
peaks that can draw prime ministers and billionaires to town, but troughs that could make your
stomach drop. The ROS so formed can actually lead to oxidative damage of DNA by the formation
of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2’-deoxyguano- sine and thymidine glycol, lipid peroxidation, and by cross-
linking of proteins such as collagen. The resulting increase in ultraviolet radiation at Earth's surface
can increase the incidences of skin cancer and eye cataracts. This has introduced ambiguity to overall
perception of UV radiation as a stimulus for the plant development. The sunspot cycle leads to an
increase in UV-B influxes during its various stages, which causes stratospheric temperature
fluctuations. These do not bind to soil strongly and thus they can easily leach to the groundwater.
The couple wanted to keep the home's character while turning it into an energy-efficient home.
Introduction Some 2 billion years ago, rising atmospheric oxygen con- centrations helped Earth’s
atmosphere to build up ozone and gradually led to the formation of the stratosphere. It turns out the
answer lies in atmospheric circulations. In plants, UV radiations resulted in reduced plant height,
fresh-weight, dry-weight, seed ger- mination and seedling growth.
Ozone, a variant of oxygen is a poi- sonous gas; and its formation and destruction is a conti- nuous
phenomenon. Other human sources of chlorine (like water that evaporates from swimming pools)
largely don't make it to the stratosphere because, while CFCs don't dissolve in water, pure chlorine
does. Almost 8,000 trainee doctors in South Korea have walked off the job in protest against the
government's recent plan to recruit more students to medical schools. They write new content and
verify and edit content received from contributors. Some natural variations in ozone concentrations
do exist (ozone levels vary by a couple of percent in connection with solar cycles, for example);
however, human emissions have changed that approximate balance and led to a gradual decline in
ozone. The plants also showed mutant formation that alters the growth properties which are
detrimental to optimal utilisation of the plant prod- ucts. Even so, major chemical companies planned
ahead and started working on replacement chemicals for CFCs just in case, and by 1986, some
replacements, called hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) were ready. For the first time the CFCs
were identi- fied as a major culprit and CFCs-11, 12, 13, 114 and 115 and Halons-1211, 1301 and
2402 were targeted for re- duction. There have been a significant number of studies till date which
have described negative implications of UV re- sponse for plant development. Here's why they're
happening and whether there's support for them. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone
Layer, 16 September, is now celebrated on the day the Montreal Protocol was agreed upon. The
questions address the nature of atmospheric ozone, the chemicals that cause ozone depletion, how
global and polar ozone depletion occur, and what could lie ahead for the ozone layer. Email address
Subscribe Editorial Policies Read about our editorial guiding principles and the standards ABC
journalists and content makers follow. CFCs are also found to have health effects which in- clude
short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) effects. But, it became a trading house of carbon credits,
which allow- ed developed countries to pass off their commitments on- to the less developed
countries, which had low emissions due to low development. There are two distinct layers of ozone
present in the Earth’s atmosphere. Eyre Highway to remain closed into the weekend as bushfire
continues to burn DFES says limited truck escorts will take place tonight, with the key freight link
set to remain closed into Saturday. Sherwood Rowland and Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen discovered
that human-produced CFCs could be a major source of chlorine in the stratosphere. Throughout this
period, computer models were predicting that continued release of CFCs would damage the ozone
layer, but until 1985 there was no hard evidence that there had been any loss. This gave the EPA
authority to ban the use of HFCs without approval by the Senate, and in 2015 the EPA began
requiring companies to use alternative gasses as refrigerants instead of HFCs. The Antarctic hole now
measures about 9 million square miles, nearly the size of North America. In the presence of
ultraviolet rays, they are broken down to form chlorine radicals. Some natural sources of chlorine
also exist (like volcanic eruptions), but it's not enough to explain the amounts of chlorine observed in
the stratosphere. The following article, adapted from an account by Dr. F. Sherwood Rowland, a
pioneering researcher in the field who shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work,
attempts to answer these and other questions. Alerted to this clear and present danger, the United
States, Canada, Norway, and Sweden in the late 1970s banned the use of CFCs in aerosol sprays.
Listed above are some of the serious hazards or problems associated. O 2. The Cl is now available to
react again with other. The first warning signs of a bigger crisis did not appear until the late 1970s,
but the studies that uncovered these findings had their roots in research dating back nearly a century.
Stratospheric ozone depletion leads to the formation of a secondary ozone layer near ground called
terrestrial ozone. Therefore, one has to take the larger argument of the pr otective role of ozone layer
along with its phytogenic response.
Two months later, its adoption by the Bri- tish scientists announced the presence of Ozone hole over
Antarctic triggering concern about human safety. A dynamic equilibrium is maintained between the
formation and decomposition of ozone. The most severe and most surprising ozone loss was
discovered to be over Antarctica. Terrestrial ozone acts as a green-house gas and leads to global
warming by the absorption of so- lar UV-B radiations. 4. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully
acknowledge Dr. P. Hemalatha Reddy, Principal (Sri Venkateswara College) University of Delhi for
providing institutional support. The 1990 London Amendment brought other ODSs into ambit for a
total phase-out by 2000, viz., Carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethane. Your information is being
handled in accordance with the ABC Privacy Collection Statement. Alerted to this clear and present
danger, the United States, Canada, Norway, and Sweden in the late 1970s banned the use of CFCs
in aerosol sprays. According to this article, compared to carbon dioxide, HFCs are 1,000-12,000
times as potent of a greenhouse gas. The ultra-violet (UV) rays emitted from sun are captured by
ozone and thereby provide a stable ontological structure in the biosphere. Quotes displayed in real-
time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. CFCs are also found to have health effects which in- clude
short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) effects. Ozone occurs at two levels, the stra- tospheric
ozone and the tropospheric ozone. The quantitative balance of CFCs and its products eliminates the
possibility that chlorine from volcanic eruptions or other natural sources created the ozone hole. The
solar maxima of the sun-spot cycle are responsible for increased UV-C radiation whic h stimulates
the formation of stratospheric ozone. More rapidly than normally produced, ozone can be lost.
Although there are still inconc lusive observations of UV induced photo-morphogenesis particularly
with regard to signal transduction and other early stage responses. The tropo- spheric (ground) ozone
varies with the daylight varia- tions. Monitoring stations showed that the abundances of the ozone-
depleting chemicals were steadily increasing in the atmosphere. About 100,000 ozone molecules will
be killed by one chlorine atom before it is eliminated from the stratosphere. It addressed the im-
portance of conservation of Ozone layer and established global mechanism for research, monitoring
and exchange of information. See other similar resources ?4.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. UV-B radiations inhibit the radical elongation
but shoot growth is not affected by these radiations which indicate that roots are more sensitive to
UV light. Well, as you can see in the following figure, ozone protects Earth from UV light. Basal
and squamous cell carcinomas are the most com- mon type of cancers in humans due to excess UV
expo- sure. Nearly 60 plus countries met at Montreal in 1987 to come up with a protocol on curbing
the Ozone Depleting Sub- stances (ODSs). It is a story written by many: scientists, technologists,
economists, legal experts, and policymakers. There are two distinct layers of ozone present in the
Earth’s atmosphere. Stratospheric Ozone Layer Destruction. Ozone. O 3 a gas composed of three
atoms of oxygen bluish gas that is harmful to breathe Nearly 90% of the Earth's ozone is in the
stratosphere and is referred to as the ozone layer. At high concentrations, inhala- tion of CFCs affects
the central nervous system (CNS) with symptoms of alcohol-like intoxication, reduced co-
ordination, light headedness, headaches and convulsions. Analysis analysis: A generation of NRL
players are close to the end, so who will be the final player standing from the noughties.
Earlier studies report the loss of 50% crop plants in European countries due to UV-radiations that
enter the earth’s surface. A newly published study notes that the ozone layer is continuing to heal and
could recover completely, thanks to the global actions from the 1987 Montreal Protocol. Therefore,
one has to take the larger argument of the pr otective role of ozone layer along with its phytogenic
response. Skeptics have largely dismissed fears over man’s impact on global warming, saying climate
change has been going on since the beginning of time. Keywords: Ozone Depletion; Ultra-Violet
Radiation; Chlorofluorocarbons; Plants; Ecosystem 1. Most seve re effects are decreased re-
productive capacity and impaired larval development. The most severe and most surprising ozone
loss was discovered to be over Antarctica. Lowest concentrations of ozone (measured in Dobson
Units) are marked by blue and purple areas. When proof came in 1985, the damage was very
different from any of the predictions. From the bull ant to the irukandji, these are Australia's most
painful creatures What to do when the 'great November disease' lingers into the New Year Why is an
Australian tomato more expensive than a can flown around the world. All the while, surprised by the
discovery of the ozone hole, government agencies scurried to better understand ozone depletion, and
organized the National Ozone Experiment (NOZE) in 1986. The Protocol addressed CFCs, halons,
carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform, all of which could deplete the ozone layer under the
right conditions. Follow-up meetings throughout the 1990s and early 2000s produced amendments
aimed at limiting, reducing, and eliminating hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs), methyl bromide,
carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs), and other ODCs. The large seasonal depletions in the polar regions are likely to continue
over the next decade but are expected to subside over the next few decades. Depletion of
stratospheric ozone increases the concentration of terres- trial ozone, which is considered harmful for
health. The quantitative balance of CFCs and its products eliminates the possibility that chlorine
from volcanic eruptions or other natural sources created the ozone hole. Two months later, its
adoption by the Bri- tish scientists announced the presence of Ozone hole over Antarctic triggering
concern about human safety. Two months later, its adoption by the Bri- tish scientists announced the
presence of Ozone hole over Antarctic triggering concern about human safety. Honeywell expressed
desire to do so, which is promising. After eight weeks, the hole leaves Antarctica, only to pass over
more populated areas, including New Zealand and Australia. Between 20 and 50 kilometers above
the Earth’s surface. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that
make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Yet it has dramatically
different effects depending upon its location. Community mounts 'mega search' for missing
Victorian woman Samantha Murphy Police say they have added highly experienced detectives from
multiple policing divisions to the weeks-long search for missing Ballarat mum Samantha Murphy.
Did You Miss? This is the magic income set to win the biggest percentage tax cut from the revised
plan Nurse, teacher, surgeon — is your job likely to win from the revised tax cuts. With the rising
and sinking air motions in the troposphere, inevitably, some CFCs get mixed up into the stratosphere
(a fact which wasn't discovered until 1974), where it turns out, they're not so benign. These larger
losses have been avoided because basic research in the atmospheric sciences had already advanced to
a level where it was able to explain the chemical reactions occurring in the ozone layer. This region,
called the stratosphere, is more than 10 kilometers (6 miles) above Earth's surface. Writing in the
American Statistician in 1982, R.S. Stolarski explains how computer models demonstrated the link
between CFCs and thinning ozone at a time when direct measurements were hard to come by. To
help Teachoo create more content, and view the ad-free version of Teachooo.
At one time many countries were considering building fleets of. Throughout the 1980s and early
1990s, observations and measurements from satellites and other instruments showed that this “hole”
over Antarctica was growing larger year after year, that a similar hole had opened over the Arctic,
and that stratospheric ozone coverage worldwide had dropped 5% between 1970 and the mid-1990s,
with little change afterward. Sixty years ago, people lost their minds as the Beatles landed in
Sydney. With the rising and sinking air motions in the troposphere, inevitably, some CFCs get mixed
up into the stratosphere (a fact which wasn't discovered until 1974), where it turns out, they're not so
benign. These reports and the answers provided here were all prepared and reviewed by a large
international group of scientists 1. Bacteria are sensitive to ultraviolet ra- diations and hence are
killed instantly in the presence of UV light. When chlorine and ozone react, they form the free
radical chlorine oxide, which in turn becomes part of a chain reaction. They are usually used as a
coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners used in cars etc. Two months later, its adoption by the
Bri- tish scientists announced the presence of Ozone hole over Antarctic triggering concern about
human safety. Measurements in the laboratory and the atmosphere characterized the chemical
reactions that were involved in ozone destruction. When even low-energy ultraviolet radiation is
absorbed by an ozone molecule, it breaks into an ordinary oxygen molecule and a free atom of
oxygen. Honeywell, a U.S. HFC manufacturer, supported the EPA’s actions, declaring that
regulations would decrease their production of the most harmful HFCs by 50% by 2020. What is
Ozone? Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. What is the function of the ozone layer.
We would be more vulnerable to skin cancer, cataracts and compromised immune systems if this
protection were reduced. At high concentrations, inhala- tion of CFCs affects the central nervous
system (CNS) with symptoms of alcohol-like intoxication, reduced co- ordination, light headedness,
headaches and convulsions. The Antarctic hole now measures about 9 million square miles, nearly
the size of North America. Ground ozone concentration is lower in Polar and equatorial regions. The
UV rays are of shorter wavelengths ranging from 100 - 280 nm (UV-C), 280 - 315 nm (UV-B) to
315 - 400 nm (UV-A). The answers are based on the information presented in the 2002 and earlier
Assessment reports. The layers which occupy the lower part of the atmosphere removes the
unwanted pollutants from the earth’s surface. It has been inferred that plant cells receive da- mage
from exposure to UV-B as it induces change in the proteins and nuclear DNA. Besides producing vi-
tamin D, UV-B radiation itself is correlated with skin cancer, photoaging, immuno-suppression and
cataracts, to mention just a few of the harmful effects. This gave the EPA authority to ban the use of
HFCs without approval by the Senate, and in 2015 the EPA began requiring companies to use
alternative gasses as refrigerants instead of HFCs. As a result of that chain reaction, a single chlorine
atom can remove as many as 100,000 molecules of ozone. Some of the lone oxygen atoms bond with
other lone oxygen atoms to create oxygen gas again, but some of the lone atoms actually bond with
existing oxygen gas molecules to form ozone (O 3 ). The ozone destruction process re8uires
conditions cold enough ?or stratospheric clouds to ?orm. Although there are still inconc lusive
observations of UV induced photo-morphogenesis particularly with regard to signal transduction and
other early stage responses. A newly published study notes that the ozone layer is continuing to heal
and could recover completely, thanks to the global actions from the 1987 Montreal Protocol. All of
the compounds detected possessed an even number of electrons, a characteristic which typically
gives chemical stability. More rapidly than normally produced, ozone can be lost.

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