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Sales Beginning Net Ending Cost of Gross Operating Net

Inventory Purchases Inventor Goods Profit Expenses Income

Sold (Net Loss)

1 P350,000.- 300,000- P170,000.- P120,000.- 350,000- P180,000.- 56,000- P124,000.-

2 536,000- P124,000.- 328,000- 136,000.- P316,000- 220,000.- 80,000.- 140,000.-

3 280,000.- 72,000.- 217,000.- 100,000- 189,000- 100,000.- 49,000- 51,000.-

4 880,000.- 180,000.- 220,000- 220,000.- 180,000- 700,000- 340,000.- 180,000.-

Beginning Inventory = Sales (COGS) + Ending Inventory - Purchases (inventory added to
A - (350,000+120,000-170,000) = 300,000-

Cost of Goods Sold = Beginning Inventory + Purchased Inventory - Ending Inventory. OR

Net Income - Gross Profit

B- (300,000+170,000-120,000) = 350,000-

G- (72,000+217,000−100,000) = 189,000-

J- (880,000−700,000)= 180,000-

Operating Expense = Gross Profit - Net Income

C- (180,000-124,000) = 56,000-

H- (100,000-51,000) = 49,000-

Sales = COGS + Gross Profit

D- (316,000+220,000) = 536,000

Net Purchases = COGS + Ending Inventory - Beginning Inventory

E- (316,000+136,000-124,000) = 328,000-

I- Since Gross Profit is not directly given, let's find it using the Net Income:

Gross Profit=Sales−Net Income

Gross Profit=(880,000−180,000)= 700,000-

Now, we can use Gross Profit to find COGS:

COGS=Sales−Gross Profit

COGS=(880,000−700,000)= 180,000-

Finally, use COGS to find Net Purchases:

Net Purchases=COGS+Ending Inventory−Beginning Inventory

Net Purchases=(180,000+220,000−180,000)= 220,000-

Ending Inventory = Beginning inventory + net purchases – COGS

F- (72,000+217,000-189,000) = 100,000-

Gross Profit = Net Sales - COGS

K- (880,000−180,000)= 700,000-

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